iafJgaWaauujauwJiilSMiiM MUl'IIMWi Sirntom 3Rcairraa. .... .ww-, Jk i TI!K H.LE SYS'JKM OF FAl'.MING. until it TcaavM the point were nuxiinmu crocs re produced t the least cxpeim. .Wife husbandry regard the farm simply as a machine for turning out crops. The ma- 'chine is the matter of first importance. This is always to bo kept in good running order, and its efficiently is to he increased by all economical method. Tbo man lio farms upon this system will never Moritico soil for a ureal crop. His aim is to have every crop Trjing to do too much, is a common cr- taken off, leaving the land in a. better con tor into Itch tic tiiinicr olwn talis. IJ'S ciliou man lie 10ur.11 n. uc r.iu" mi cny ... 1. : I.l..i.:il.;.,..r.;i. .Inntli ami ' treat esjemess in triv.ii to lie nru, is "l" I,,fc v " "'v' .,r '. i, , , , ... T, . 10 ndd to it more tltniei.ls of fertility than row t'f Xnc England Farmer. "UAI.LOWKD UK THY NAME." Tin re sre tr.cincnts when the soul casts ii.elf at ti e fonutool of Omnipotence, with fiHlr.p cf nttfr b 'pie fnics ai d cf ubase B tt. md trsl'rfs that its dec fct-t jesriiirps arc unci r?tocd, He crepest wants arc niniii- j fcfti that villi One, at least, poor l.tman arcecl. .vailcih not, Mice all is understood " c cllUfeo' " 'm' he removes in the crop., and to make the ari.hcutif ..dahcn.rcmola.ionccmrs,:11' d ""f,lie' "J to UV crop, not only pay for themselves, but to , , ., ., . rn a lnrie scale, too often, perhaps without pay for the improvement of the acref upon like scothii.g t.,m frcm Heaven, the hp. I tf- L gr0B. can frrtre ro o'her espirit.on tb.n, ! xl j w & 0 r J a large furn.er, wit li-' It is a comp-ra.ively ea.y thing for any lowed he Tbv ratne. ' , ., . , one, ho has uiouey, to improve the soil so Ave. hMlow.d.Krohcut.le.ide earth, cu -e or c..s.ce.,..g the true ..,,,,,,, proJuc0 fro,s for lLe . ,". . , . , 11 i 'n ti.tf tLat tctMitLte a lenl fun er. Jle , I 0r of eror, ire theiti, and the interest on .:). its ti.-ltv ceniiiicrts ai-d blocmir.1 fM(..(s lo lltl l. cf ,La. pK.fereiou, as ,wo or three huidrrd dollars .n acre. Stable i.-s,witb its cloud -reaching oioonian.s and j, ,,p cfUn the nti.ii.fii fnin.ate, to be in iiinmire t rough well plowed in will do this. I Us boundless, never -ending water; hallowed proportion to the t uti iei ci acres, not to jiut it is altogether mother matter to maKe a mom the trc-cnine ler that roll beyond ! av cultivated, but unbraced withiu the this imort fomeiit par for itself. Yet it it a the reecb cf man's sdventurous thought ; ; boundaries of his drmoin. 'I he fart is now pciLle thing to do this, and there are farm, lullcwed nharevrr Iran lives m,d suffers . being spread abroad, that a large fai ui does ,.rs k i 1 f ul enough to accomplish this result, srd enjevs. l it wii.d be ar it for their ; not make a man either rich, coi.tented, or i aLJ ti,i8 ne hold to he the true aim io the burden iJ their wi!dft flight, the sun pro-j happy, but on the contrary, the reverse of cutit ation of the soil. elaims it in every winged betm; the moon jail these, unless well tilltd, whin his labor The mau who will lay his plans wisely lo traces it along its stj j Lire way ; the birds i, rew aided by ample crops and fair succci-s ' improve his soil, making this his chief object, wtter it in forcst-trmplcs and wherever they in the vsiious departments in which he is ' a,4j wi0 judiciously ripend bis capital pause on thfir serial journevs, and tbe'engajed. No farmer can realire the full in the iir.provtmcnts wc have indicated, is in grateful heart echoes it at morn and noon ' btretits of his profession wishout adopting i a fair W8 to gain a competence. This kind If we would be safe an.id lLe turmoil, ' commensurate to his wishes, always depend J allj ve bclitre more aurely than any other lurry ar.d ten r tatirns of business, e niust cpon the manner in which he prepare hi i basioesK. lallow that cr at nsn:e, nr.d keep it as a grounds, plants his seed, mid rears his stock i tslismnn 9T.ir.st all evil. 'U'iih the golden! Neither cf these departments which may i .,: Gas Works. . : fTflHE .ub.cn!rsrepcclfully inform the pub. i lie, Uiat tlioy r.-pari:d lo ereel On Works lor ligl.linr Cities, 1'owrns, Vill?. , t-n. leges anil Mu ll..li-l- They hue errelnl worlis in I'hnrlollr anil li ..Uifrii, N. l, which huve gvi n entire ntinfiiclinn " the eilm ns i-f those pluer. As lo qualifications, prompiness nt at'ilHy lo perform all enntmcU enlereti into, tliej refer to the following jenllemfn : j It. Corson, Pre..Chnr.r.a. Works. Ch.r.N.C. j Wni. J..linlon.l r. . C"t...r. AS.C.It. IJ. " " I Dr. T. D llopf, Vrrs. R ' A. Ualeigh, " rol. G. II. Young, Wmrrly, Alms. ( A. G. Slorv. Trrs. Has Works, I -al lis- Falls. N. . i.- -i e. - V .. . i:... W,.,l-. W.li.rlnun. N. Y. ocner & t'n.,'1 '" M.r lorh. i Aiidrc.a the ul.- ril.. r Hnl.-igh. N. r. WATKHIIOUSK Ai liOWliS. Srj. 14. IHSH. 27i f W. CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY - ANI M A( HlXi: WOKKS. r B 1 1 1' umlersipneil lif-c" C1111 1,10 "" JL Hon of the puMic to llif l''t iliat lie i now resiiy lo fill any orilers ..r innliing Hydraulic rorr(KNlcfses,l lid evi tj descrijitimi of .M;ieluncrv. AH aiiul ol CASTINGS. i 1 W - Jl Bali SOIrB, Ollll uielsla insilu l short rrire of wenllb in the distance, surroutded , he ecnsiilercd the cardinal ores of his pro bv all i's advantages, burniug with a flame fession will take care of themselves. The so dazring that few can withstand its lute, (.oil may be rich, but it ncedsculture. His witLout that tame cr.sLriced in the besrt.lnfd may be fon, but it should be in due there is imminent dsrgerthat for its attain- - time, and always on sci! well pn pared and lur nt, a man may loe his own f cul. False- ! of a suitable qusiity for the production of a kood, dect it, felfisbiicss, rpen short paths j crop desired. stock must be constantly to the glitterirg treasure, but they ar rone ' cared for it derives its thrift frcm the soil, the less dark sins w hich stain the purity of and sends agaiu to that soil the sustenance the spirit, and shut from it the priceless 'it requires; but this is not done in a loo.-e botes that rather arour.d the Heaven of 'or Lap hazard wav. The farmer's care is "just men made psfvct. , ri quired, and all his better judgment must i for paying county taxis. Mecklenburg Bonds, j M",Vi; t mil. r iniiiiim. rfjUKSK UOM'S are ui d. u'uU-uly the rf. t l invt-stniLiil Ihat enn l-c niaiir.unil arrrculiy pretrrublc to ny Suit llunus. 'I'lie county c.:iinot repudi-ite. j 'l'liry bear term pe r ccnl inlrreal payable $emi. anruaily. Willi Coupons for llie sumv. Tl.i v are of tlx: id n.ininmlioii of $11)0, which mil make tiii iii more currenl and usclul for do. uo-yiic piirpost's. I'ne coUHins will prove a convenient medium ufht Jul! iii Iron and I'r notice and reuuerd prices. - JJ IVirliculnr ailfiilmn tt'ivin lo alias limkiiij am' repairinp of 'I Lrashing Machines, Horse Tow- i ra, I'otton tlins. Mill Work, i.n.l Agricultural n ori. of nil k Inils. III.A KSM I'I'IIINCJ, JOUHINU WORK, WA- tins Willi K and IIOKSK 5-llUKlM;. oone with 1disil-h. 1)1.0 IRON AND ItltAPS CASTINGS b at II. e Kounrtry.or t.ikin in rii-ltangB li. i Work. Wnud and Provisions of all kinda lakrn !in t-xclninei- l.r lllnckaimll in. I IT Al.l-.W'liK must be paid for when rltliv. 'end, as CASH bus lo bo paid out for every thing ; nrri'a-srv lis c;irrv on '' estalilihli nl. I lr Al.f. OlJpfcliS TDK WOltK must be ajw. ieifird in willing, so that the work and specifics. Ii. ps noiv igr:e. IT Tins is the onlv fonndry in llie Male lliul 'ca.ls i-ailv. I IT All essi-lmets eonnretrrl with the eoncrrn A r.AROf and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT o.o-l I.e mills wilh the un.lcra i;nrd alone. OL of Plaiaand Japaned If A supply f ANTIIHAt ITE COAL con. . , aliiollv on hnd l'..r slr. TSJEtltaaJRXL AS. JaUL.Bi 4 , J j. IIOWIK. Prartiesl Eocineer. will j fjivr I la constant nlo-Mion lo llie businr. Ail I I. tiers on l usini ss will bo directed lo "Clurlolle I Founilrv. S.H. RANSOM. O.C6. AL4NY. at Wl.olrititie or Ri'Utl, tnrner tlmn cvrr, t S. T. WitlSiON S Jin utid tirve zhop. j FEW of llipse tnperior Plnnislied Tea and I I'M. Ci fire THIS, to lale by S. T. WRISTON.. f BoiI.Et SETS, a superior article, I". r sale , JL at i S. T. WlllSTOX'S. ! 4f 1 ASH, Deed, Sp:r anil Pressing LOXESfor' V si.'e by S. T. WRISTUX Would rer elfull Irons lln ir lll St North, one of the r T. A Ft'X, I'roprietor. Chortottt. X. C. JNur-mW 3ll, 15. 3Mf offers a in N.-rili t BKSI 53 iii:;fiovAi,.2t:i it There is to rath of earthly dutv devoid lc exercised iu keepng up this avstem of of its snates. 'lhc politician is beset cu ev- reciprocal bii.eCts that n;ay be realized by ery hand with bribes, with jrcmises, wiih every iiitrllient ttd it.dustrious fanner, tfcreals, and his integrity must be the sacri-j Ihoicugh cultivntion nnd systematic at fee, if in bis htart he hallow not God's ' teution to all parts of his business h indis i.atjje. WIjcd he will say, "I cau lose cf- jpeusablc to a good degree of success. The t..-e, eoii'i.leration, worMly advantages, ra-' very ccmer-f tone to this whole system of tiitr thati do violence to my conscience,'' he 'farming, is to do what jou do thoroughly ; has airsviv Ufn hi brow the real of his 'nature will nt be cheated, and never gives acceptance with the Fathrr. 'full returns to the half way work that is The ju-go upon the bench, the juror with : practiced by many calling themselves far bis wc'Lii'y Iru-H, the leg's'ator with tlie'uurs. If the land has been worn, the cx-de-tiny cf a vast community more or less tent cf tLat exhaustion and the food re elcpeLdf i:t upon his conscientious decisions, quir d n u?t be 6rt considered. When as ail thee hare need of a Ajll gr. unr'ed cert;iiDcd, the full measure of these require principle, a Irfty iud pi-udeoce, Crrn de- mel t, must be given to bring out full returns fci oiinatinn 15 do riht ai.d leave results If the farmer has but a small stock, and wiih tjed. If such lut hallow li's great con quently but a sma'l amount cf manure ! iiiii- so thur htatts, ai d j;ve iu His mo-t to rej 'i-nisu hi Isi.d, it i obvious that but Lcij fear, t.ey will do much towards has-'s small furm con be supplied with it ; and tuning that iine which future gmerations good judgment at once dictates that to cul may see, wL'n men thall li.e up to God'a tivate properly a large farm, artificial fur T quirrmcDts, SLd the setpent ihall distp- 'tiliiers must be used if good crops are ob pr ar frcm the earth. .taineH. Ld so with the labor; two men .td may Cod's rarre be hal'owed whrr- cannot suitably tiil ore hundred acres of ever men shall gather together; atd every lat.d, when the labor of two men, and pcr :ol!e purpose stru.gtbt Led. Into His earth- hr.ps four, might be profitably employed on ly tm.p'.e let to man go with all his unre- sevcrty-five acres. pent, d sins, a fisrful p aicply, about him,' This is the great error in fara.ing. Two shuliitg out the guei Jon of forgiveness, and men strive to do what four cau hardly do, causing hiiu to meek with unspoken false- ar.d thus thousands cf acres are run over, bood the uiBjetty of Heaven. If there be half tilled, and producit:,: haif crops. The Che eher;.-hi-d sin that the heart yet clings land is run over till worn out, sustaining, to. there can be no prayer, no worship ; tut year afttr year the unnatural tax, tiil its wings of fail h are folded. ' ecerri.-s are entirely exhausted, and it fails HaHowtd be (jod's rime where hman to jielJ etbn a feeble crop, because its lifo Leans live and love, enjoy and sorrow to- is worn out. Much of the soil in North gftber; where around one hearth, parent Carolina, and other Southern States, is a and child, brother and sister, lover and tpe of this fticid, uLito in the same hopes and fears, entirely u-eless and exhausted, and will asjd share, in a measure, the same ten pta- ever remain so, till the tirst elimebt of its tioi.a . Here, whore exasj pie dues to much, power are returned to it. This procefs is here gtut'e words and deeds are a sol. mo fast going on in many of the Westers States. duty, whtre truth should mark every step, The ec:I is treated like and fcere aelhslme.-a la a grievous sin, here n ii.e ; the tuiers crying, give let God'i came be reverenced as it never tiil, iu a few year., it will have nothing to may be elscw here. giv- The boast of the West is, largn farms 'I bouiih co man staneth or filleth to and large fields of grain; plow, sow and himself a'or.e, y t virtu- is an individutl in- reap, is the business of the western farmers, terc'l, and the soul'a responsili.kies cannot diawing out the very life of tha soil, seni le shared. If in each heart there be rml iug away in the heavy exports that lie cju lo.c to joi and fear cf sin, then there is startiy goicg onward, without reluming to do virtue, ;r.d evil has r.o check ; but a hen the -oil '.he food it requires to make it pro the billowed name is iuseribed upon the duttive. heart, remi mlercd in tie Lcur cf ten. pta- ; The iiht that it hiinj spread abroad od lion, trasted in the season of sorrow, then this subject, i beginning to correct this man gotth on outo perfec'ion. p.mctice to some extent, but in most in- I'pou the gate of entrance to the ct'estial stances very little it returm'd to ihe soil to city, is there not io-cribed, "Hallowed is kc-p it alive, till, after several years of coo His name T-' There cherubim and seraphim timal cropping, it m:.if-.-ls sins of ex BLite with lhc host of car'.h't rtdceiLrd, to hau-tion, and uiiiiua'e barrenness. When acr:te to Il'io. glory and honor, and if we tillers of the soil understand their true in would j iu ihat oblation and eaeli its vol- terests, they aiil cultivate no more land than u-ue. we mu't con mence now the prep ara- they can do weil. l if:y acres of land :'r tion by purifying our motives, strt ugtheo- tillags", brought to a high state of cuitiva ing good resolutions, and "loving much," lien, pays bct'tr than one hundred run over through every phase of trial. in the way tht many do. J'J). Ihrmer. 1 here is a "peace that passcth under-j standing;" there is joy that hath no alky i -,,,.,.,,,,,-.-. ,. of misgiving; there is course of life that Clilhr AIM IX rAL.MIX.,. t-Lds tot iu stinging memories. Let us be ! There are many cultivators of the soil wise, cautious, prudent ; let us cherish no- whoseim to have no vc'l Ited purpose lie aims, and .ive daily as those who lock thiir husbandery. They have no plans for an immortality with Iiiin, wboe name 'laid far ahead, which they are seekicg to The e ill li ns of llie county ahould possess tlirni, ind In. y ore now ottered lo litem. Ps,.p..s.ils lett i.t i nlitr D.mk iu Cliorlolte or with CapUm John Walker will r. dive prompt aliemi'in. H. W. GUIOX. Pr. W. C. 4 K. R. R. C: 5..2tl. 1858. S9tf PAPER I I SrITTAMA TEA PETS, for sale st I S. T. WIUST(X S. j T AT.R COOLERS, a first rate article, fo , If sals by i S. T. WRISTOX. 'ffJsAriLK CUTLERY, Cook's Ladles, Spoom JL Klesh Porks, ic. furs!esl 3. T. WRISTOX 'S. ' ASSER'SPaleiil IcrCresm HfEPZEKS,!!. 1 i.f M. beat Kreticra l. oar in use, for sulr by I S. T. WRI3T0N. , UK rnnfv-rtii'iii r y am) I jmily Crncrry Mori oi MiKWl ol MUh I -i-f b'cn n ninvrd to Nls.iiU upKiiic liu- t rvnby Irtu n I imfrn, wnrre y arc ifriini(f tlin cl Irmii Ni w York Urge iitunif tu their t"ck of CO FI.( TI()M'.K!i:S, 1 A mii.v ;i:m i:i:ri, v. iinonit iheir stork nuy be lounil esrrylliinp u-u. i ally kept ill .lore of lln knnl. A e.d sasssrl. i iiie'nl ol lke Triifpiings, Willow W sr. , 4c , al. ways on hand. '1 iiry he in Iheir rirpley in eirtiiei.t It A ,K Kit. and are piepired to lurui.li Kalinins anj . P..rlus wilh takes of all kind. :it short lo.l.re. MOODY A XltflSKT. i NoviniKrr Ifi, I f-'.H. connssiox WAKEIIOUSF.! AND I PRIKTEHS' DEPOT, For the Hale of j Jii.;ilicf, rliiiog, Ei.bc.opc, ; AND ; 101.0T.E1 PAPERS, CAH1S, i AD I ii:i.vri' mati:iiiai.s CF ALL KINDS. I Agent for L. JOHNSON 6 CO., Type Founder, R. HOE CU., j Aud other Printing Press makers. j iii vri"M; nko, i i3oi in:iii), ; at Tlattulai t til er's rrit . I TO 31EUCIIANTS. The Subscriber begs to call attention to bis I..IKCI1 STOCK or Writing & Wrapping Paper c of all kinds, which be will sell very low Thousands of acres are lying1 for cash, or short credit on large funis v3tswl--Jtrj: wi Wchrte ' Iii.-ol.-lun, the htiaineas. pnlilic pnlroil lao opn-0 hraneh of our store at sllere Mr. Moos' j will suprrinl' nil , and hsM-s to as-rure a allure ol Ihe in tln.i seen. .Viw. IS. Ie5."i!. MOODY A XISIiKT. 3ur 51) AYER'S Callim-tic Pills, ut ciinrn,) .ilh s RTHFR'&9rlf :.-lif.r FRl'lT CANS dirt'ctmnj hjr to ute thtnt,at S. T. WKISTOX S. IAD IRONS, Ihe best in this msrket, for sale S. T. WRISTOX. CLEA3S3 THE PL00D A.?t D CCPE THE SICK. Invalid', Kullsrra. .Ilollicra, I'll alrlana, rhiloiilllsoplals, reoil tils Ir r m-rta, 1 Joilja of Iheir s. hlu. r..K tiik crim or lleHilir!io,ie( Ile.ulnrhr.f iml Sliim.ieh. ei.shi b... e . i s 1. Ia I.e. Asra. ?.s: 1 ! i. .u o r " i (I., ,.t.T I -..1 .lrrs, 1.., 1, I W.rl... WAIT FOR Til li Will cm, a-'sai Tn 'E5" rV.D.' a soil. m, , jia ln '7'U I i..V Ir.nii tlic M iliiil.iri nri rs. . lA.iVJI.TiVYLOli Pisounrr In Ihe inhshilsrls ol I II A l M it 1 V a I e si lo No. I , f.Ts. tuts- Hew, whin lie bi.s new on tal.il il t eatensisa ssanrihisnis of m bti2 f vj& m si a yi w m m ij; which will be fnund the ct Icbmtco m Iui h hns r.iinn: sut h a f iiiii.ua rs-pnlr lion in the Koutln m l eer. Iry for ll e ln nf ( This Stove he warranU snprrtor to any I i't k ni! t in uss .li ir am pli n, n, 4 roiismors less fuel, and doss n.ore nork m s fin i- l.ni . Il ei my olht r Fls-vt ira jn pill npone liesule any otl.i r Plove of li t a-n.r utr it, ll I'nii. . Sl-tia.imn if ii ,, work in i pi sen lime, he mil forfeit the prirr of Ihe Slovi, ai d ijnilaillutg and t , " the letter one. ALSO, ALL KINDS. OF PjS-RSiOB. & BOS STOVES. He has, fin. I e.matintly keep on hand, an eli-i.ne sn.l v-srird stork of i TIX ANO SIIICT Uli)X, nu.rss i i t n.i ., cist irtv.y n rii i.us, 1 HAT HACKS, CKADLHS, &c., . I ul w liirli will bis lil. liol-.:i Is. it as t Its In I, a lu-H ,s-i i. , vt-r hei ll kIh i i d I tt I III V i-l nil i . I wmilr! r. t-ifn n y l.nka lo my fti. n.ls oml ro-i. tos r, f,,t ! r ts rt ',her! .i v. e. r. t1., hfclnweo upon ua, and I hey may ret asaureo, II- -I 1 sits II rn.-svor, ty t li? .it, i,; ... u to-ethrr w Ilh a ik lerinina'ion to p!re. In Ir ai : m r I rr,tll.si.ii i s ,.f She . n r. Liidirs iiiul (ii iitli'iiini ;iir lunliriilai! it !o r;ill i iii lAi iiiii.i Ll- i.SIi IXS'u'l 0i' 5'03 tlTXi-y'tV H' V lit vimi N. B. I will I'll joul.ylhs j i,Mi;ii'i i i I" nt id tin ttns. ,' -n , k,,, we U-c tins e .ytita coo In. I. y Itoillii fc- iIii.iij. ll..- . ooi If i li- !us a. fif .III ortlrtM trill br lailhlnlly i ml p cwj lit ulU tn.'nl In & i A.A.X..M.TAYI.IH:. lr ih-j t -ll WMI. i;ti r. i-nrln.r. JOaKPII WALKblll. 1 20 Mtrling tt., Charlrtiun, H. C. . 41 if lONSTAN'TLY t.n lund a rood .....rti,irt of J C (l)!v M t)V KS I winch eannot be rxeri.rd in iwrtormsnce, by any , oilier Sioaes in thr mariii l. for sale al tha Tin j and Slose bhop, 'i ilonrs Kaat al Springs' eornsr, i 7 ?. T. M IUSTOX'. j Charlultf. Junr 12. ls-. 15lf llilious fsiusriter unit l.lvrr siinplnml- .iii.iTosi, 11 c... : r. i. i-k f lit: I t,r..l .. .it a.tl. o. ii t-i.-ou ... I 11. S...,.-. ..me a...r ll.'... ...Jr.m.l l.-ov. I tl..., l-. ,..!. IH'O UtO i ar!HI ..nth- 0'r ...Kl. and .U-. 10. .1. i.i.-ul ly ll,., i- .0 !,r-n.rlj r..r Arni.as. ul tl j won. I.. U.-.I. I 1m.. I.I. m f. a In sat ... ,....,.. tl .1 it .I..I not rs,u.t .H-M to Hi'W Irjl. ...ll . ar.. AlJ.NZH MS I.t SI D. JtfKHMH if W..., I.: .,. .1 Dysrntprv, Helm, wild Wmitia. ruTllTl. . II .fill tK l.l Hi.. l. .. I"'", l. ISf-.' I. lirar .ir ! as- In. l"i..rn i .... li. 1... T'.-i Ins.- ! ins .! f-l I ran II I iiCl.AItI.OTTK HOTEL,! BY m.z alC EC t 11 tui.nri 1, . . UK Proprietor of lina Hotel i, T ' 5 1 the dutlrs of we tats trulv hallowed, while recelvii,-. ' reaHi" in ibeir prse'ice. J her exist rather pvrha..s a Iml nuns: iioal " lo the travellinr public and others who i may eat! on him, and he lliilistrs hintselt Ihat as comfortable qurtera run be found wilh htm as any wiierc 111 this v r.inity. li' ing aitiufd near. ! ly in the eentrc of t'hnrlotle, Buamraa Men will j ftod this Hotel s moat convemrnt and in:air.'i!le lor.ition. He h.s len rnKagrd ln li,e huaitoaa nt tiiip. alnrid nr:.rly e!;hleen years, and in that 1 tune os: bus nidtle aeveral addilinfis to his former ! Ii'iu-f, and il has been greatly enlarged and in,, proved, presentinif in front a two atory V.ll A.N'DA I'I'l le. t in leotn by 12 feet in width, handsomely I ali.icul by trees on tiie .ide-Wdlk, H'..rding a pita. ' .m l ptoiio-n .oL- at all hours of tlis Ay. Toe Houae haa bsen 111. ,r..ji; lily furnished lliro'. ' out, iind in every p.irl ol' it crenture comforts arc ' iiiiiiil.. 1. 1 and taneiblp. rspeei.illy m the MINIM. : KotM. where llie "iimer im.hi " is ssrenewed"! dny by fljy. l.otiniH led will, !i,ia IL.tel are Stables atT..rilir. room lor 100 liorara, abuniialil.'y furniahed ilo' I'Minitiil pr..en.ier, stlended by failliful il.il u. bliijiny hoath ra. j The Proprietor fi ela confident tli-l with hia long ' exorrienes: and many new advant.-tjres sililed to his O-epire l.i pleaie, he is prcfi.tred to offer his friends ; and l!:e real of m itikind," as many comlV.rla and h (food cheir as will be found anywhere, m tell MU, an4 S's-I r..i .l' h 1 4,-t, a , I, ,., ( kari-ttr, Juut IS, r-.'.T. ! Tor ri.uid.t Llrtct. T'urtxgk It Vilmlim la 3D Jhmrt. mud la H It '.I, llnnii l.na 7 laas (Sua v " "'" H""l'. nit: I Mil l) klM 1.1 Mill. asa-yri'TrrJaU " . WaV B asai ) 11 H ."Sax . 7 J i.S. I 11 1 IS. ( V .M M A . L Ut . JKA l- s l ltAHI I i)N,s.f .. ,rj Tl J llV An i LNiKiS, al 3 .,V!.v. tor I I I. AI'KA, H.A .i.s H.IINA.MiINA. JA( K S V VII. I. K. I'V nl.A'l A i,. mml I..II.1H... n lli t. J .1 n's linrf. .Sua ronno-ii, oi. j r.t nl.ir. it, wilh ll r II. ilroad al K. torn,. in,., and w.M. Si . l lor above loinird plat.-s lr Al .f slor, fJru, M.rfi.o. py, I .11 ilus.ee, M, Augu-luic, 'l-uiia, uml lh. er l. n. in tl.e inlrriof ol I .otiiia ; al I barli ais.n, ai.:- tin New York S. .in.iuja ai d li e .V.m r.n a.-d W,-!ern Itni'luad Iran. a oil Tuisdass sod IS A rt It t tutil Ittiilt I I.t, fuiM.I. Iv.ne., I'i.i.. t, V for ftibhr lloileis.es, I'm 1. and V.':. r.ii.tii!i .ii.ai r.i. hull.., I. e ti..ur i,r Mills. I o, M ..J IU .1-1 lot v ol A . I . i.t. f a Lin.. 1 r. - I In II. ttloi.rr 1 1.. Jj i MiK'l li. It sir 1 1 Hatutl life It6uiai,ce Ccr. ;a:j lil IU I. H A 1. 1. 1 l.l,. l T IMS t I S . uuiirri. (Wi... Indit;eisin nrnl Iropnrily f the llloosl. f - Ht J V ll. r,,,, l-et. n( A ...( r-s,'A. li so. Pa. ti- I hkr. n nt.a 'is I 1 ...I l'v- I .m . I. II - .WO. . ,. 1. It. ...rv t-t s. ii.l. i-r.-lni! t. 11 FOR riKUVI(. THE Hl.00i. THE ORIGINAL A0 GENUINE ARTICLE, EVEH YWHKH F. I Kl.r.r.ttA TF.tt FOIl TIIK RKM.'Vtl. "Ml ITItWVNKNr ' ' tin (It ALL IIICK.W.S . ill-1 N.I KI:iM AN 1MII l;K eTATK "K tiik r. r.. m .1 11 v iii r l'l tiik vti:m. .,i... I., carai.n Ilia lyl4H al.'t l...lt llj. I.,..,i "4 o.r l.l-. J'lli.N IJ. Ml.i ll M. M. n .rtsjpelns, Srrofuln, Kinv's F.vll. Teller, I'nnior., nnd KhII llheum. rrm a ..Tr.u j av- . -' .. J 1st t. 4. I'S. I)a. A.nt- V.w'v M,l. ant l( sjMrattrm .if all ll..tl ts rt. ..t 10 n-aV-Hai 11.-. a... i-.ir.-l m. Iui .l..rri-f irf nt-r-u. taja tif liar b.'.d. ao.1 lel U.at l.a.l fi"4 Iiii.r,il4 l.r .Mrs. Ilr as'.tli li4 Imwsi I-mik f....na Ijr artlKtel m ..'i I M h. and ttttpl on hrr .Sin ant in h- linir. Aft-r ixir rhil.l wa ru.e.1. sU. Im. t-u-t roor Pill., and tl.-j b.r. enr-t h-r. ASA l. 1M.RI lal C IthPusnnliasii. rYeiirMluiii. nnd t.onl rsaalJM yirr. In. Il.,lu,f t M U.t,t ).u lrA. Pi 1. .11 ll.r ....... n. . Jan. . l"i. II .... Sir I .l,..... l .ir.iorl Il,-r.l.. josr kill I,... U. ii.l.l Or- .1 I J..I In I lr.t . rw O. imi. A r..:.l .rltir-l in 11,. Iintl and U'-oul.. en nritfirHt ii,tt In h w il.-..rr..lui M-rc!indi.r, A i-.. r-r.n..fttrd Is th,a Ar 1 h, f. .j rKfcK i.iK 1 IIAIil.H. II I. IIISf'LM, S- utl-ern W hart, t Mi!, .o n. S mt, 4, IrJn. 43-3n. WHKAT WA.VJKi). I 111 ) lli.UH. .. ..f ,,1 t ye. I, In MulUkl I il.r:ple, I, 1 g in the pr-i!s 1 f.l,t.u lot the li t pn fi.iuu. tlitr. io . Le (its a li t one J I. , ts.lil r to Is is .t i ti t l.l .I.K I- I I t,1 I fBIIIK,.. 1 Kh.ur buy V heat. n,..k.l pr.ee in Flour. Hr.i. . duitversid w here ( . I lllr III. I ( uli lnoil IhrMlraiu K Mill in tin. ,.!act, is prepared to lor winch lies, ui g,va the 1 1 j; 1 1 r l l- ,f.,ey. I.tl.ry pi inpl 10 ". on i. J !" I " . ....ui.., pi... .1 .- Bl.... U U' lUVI'f te loatfiro or a u lot two Union II, . a air pul a itliin I' pre. MKM 'tik. I.. l.oat.. W,. II J 1 t ,i.ll . b. k,l. Jull.N WILKKS. a.Ttf 'h'i f'" M. from hands life, love, bore and faiih in than live, ore li.-t!en in their eff.rts, an ) ef- t'brit, Iii croa Ling mercj to the f enrt-ra- et no hi m-facul changes in the soil the v at-tiv-ns of man. H J L. terui t to cultivate. Kvi rjtbihg about them 1 seats the a-Tctof deeay. The farm btiild- ' arc never repaired lii!e it is nosaihle RIGHT VIKW OF THK ATONEMKMT. to get alon. aiihout it. l'ou can see the It is ts-v to ete lLe ii.-etsi.itj of Lavinjr ' trapa in the roof where the winds have blown ir At any rule tst the fin Orltlfr 19. ";,6. rlotle Hot, I. ;. n. kkrk. 311 .rfi.l no ar it -..-.i l.t 1. . Use of this Preparation. .rvl-altlU l'-- t f ,-.,,. ,t 11 .j... la-it pa-t 11 tl.at 'I. i.l- n4 st. aar . I Hu m. I as. n., rnlK.ir S.... Cii.p.i. H.i a H... e,r. I , I tw.. 1SS. na tr: I bus. n enlr urr.l ... ,..ur l iU. of I! l.i. matte Uuu' a wn,ti,l Ut. m.- 11... I h I .reir.l mm .-at. IIM I.M HJlifl I. f'nr ltOv, I'll lhot, or kindretl Com ..iMiaila, tr41.11, ' a.u. r'.ise, Ibej aoaii.l.rl Fair ( llrrnra nt ( nnsllpnlinn, and ns aa llMtorr I'lll, 11..-) sir ,iwi 1. .i.u ,li..tul. I tl, K.iiprralin, rnrHlvis. InflnmniH- Is i't ' ... Ili.ln,... .,,.1 I'a.tlsl lllleirt- Mr.a, I.Ata ben, ruie.1 1 llw am .all., a. lart. 1,1 tl aar hill, Aug. 9, I MOP. .1 a .'tills .11. i:i).i;v. COMMISSIUS MIinCHAS T, 1 17 II A Mill HS IS l IU I T, f. V. nl V-S and forw-ros e.ery kn dof nie.eh.n Itltr tor VM rer err,! I gm.mil.lM. kcl.ta I. .1. . H . W.,ifio, J. W (,r.lio., t( ins, the, ll". Moloass. Iron , aVe. A print.d amos and pnrrt .ol lilii.-rr-i.l. ol I I... I II. borne, I . V. Mi and lirv. f . V. I. (olhrr.. irarr la I' i II .rpa, limiara. Mum j.'.ales, rumps, l,.r,itn L I li.l of nil ti.e il.fr. rent , Irnl J,rt. Till. i.h . II. A. M .. lion W . M, Ml i. KeW it.r ll .le; GAND.V FACT0Ity. Jhere is another cls., who Lave p irpo-e , pri'll ('(.llffCl i(WHi'i(l I'Vllil- d energy enouol,. lut it i not i-elj di- 1 - O.lll. L UOiiLl ltj 1 1 Ull 'v KauSacrih..r reauect fully infoi M. l n. ol f harlotte and aun correct m. nuLi.ities of the nature of the ofl iL ehiniiies, and the niissine boards and tenement it.elf. I bis ii. the life of the swinoin ciaboatds from the eides of the I'Lrii-uin s;,.tern. It is tt,e hfiril which building The fence are never reset, no, animates il ; and if our f preheii-ions and jetcnts are dug fir; in the tnoaiti). Eelda, and iu, re'ri i s al'.ul this ore ar-jn?, cur r- no druin" are made in the .trii,j-. and low itorj wiil be wrenz. In pr' portion to our lands. Thej simjilj contrive to jrt alon, error on this point will be our snhaji-ines . their land-t and thrumtlves growing jioortr lu tbri'tian expi H.-Lce. J.: we i.s rot ca'cu every je the true sp-int of tie doctrine of the atone I u. nt, we tlail not catch tLc true r!rit of at. C hnttian l.f.j : and if we lire at a I to . 1 .. r i -1 r.cted. 'J heir aim iu larnjin.- is to ''et the then, it i. I he a dirrased aLd rirklj life ; mo-t posi-ilile out of the soil, and . p u' the I i,l,iL!tekd of retftLbling tLoe who breathe . lcaft possible back i'l the shape of c ill .plan 1 the jure ktu.orhere lh-t rji'ckei.s a heir-, and fertiliiers. 'Iheir whole farn.in op en! t-xir!er.t.e, we thill resiiuble those who erations are based upon the theory that the Itea'i.e the p. ironed and e-liieiit vapors foil is a iivin well that will always K'ti'l t ui nuietiiii's float eveu over the rien forth its waters as long sslbtre is anybody! tt lit of lLe , tu of IJod. to draw. '1 Lej piii.t snd sow as long as I 'I he nt.- nt u et.t is lie believer's breath cf ih'j esn rtn.uheratue cro s, and then either I Jiff, lie ratitiot tale a alep, I.e cannot sell out, or resort lo cn-cntrated fertilizers,' r e ak a r . d , he caoi t feel au emotion in j hieh aliB.uiate the toil to pail wilh its !at ; rt'iiiott without it. h t. oipere all bis hope, j elements ol fcrtiiitj and leave it nearly bar-1 bio ! ar, hi-f .i h It jjov. i his hun.ililj, ' ren. 'J Ley are generally energetic men, I I. is peser, his love, h ti,i i,, Lis ri nile-' work bald. kLd ueL their Lelti as haul at I lf. hi? iisda. . ll lis lLe f.juLisin thev do their acres Thev ilant a verv lare bi'.sdih of land, and n a few years exhsu-t a ali'.lt firm. Thev do nr.l beiieve iu low it.: in eroj s, or in making toii,pot, ii cr in .aiiiif the table manures. 1 hoy can-j ii l ot .te nuy u'ili.y iu tartii.v dirt into ih.-i i Lath yard, and thru catling it out aain . ll looks i.ke waste of Ul.or. 'J he theory 1 f of il.e.e laimers is lo Kit erent crop at! t lh Ml. la i a hi. I. al. , ll.- Iery llrt . ui .-. il i.s. tl, . led. MEDICAL TESTIMONY nil lil. tt. In.. . il 4im.lf.il ii 1 krwr sisib in Sivr- t. II. A II, f r I.T N T. M It. t ll, e '... e-.T,. . ;l tt i.luti AUKS UIEBUV r ECTOR A L r..H tiik KAi ia rrsK or tin t.n, oi.ua, iiorisi- jissa, iksi i . r.7., MIUM II ii i, m nooristu Kit I. II, III. I I', A SI II. SIS, IN. , U'll- .M' t OS.MI ls'l I(K, .. ll.. ..;.i,i. I ,4.ai,r.4 lltrkorr ,V., (;i" N.f (til md lie ( nrao. arc I iit.ii i ; .,, I i.i a l.noi to II at m " Tit ip tuvaitiulile fswi-s; .tiiia.r sliotilt le in rvsry i In, .i.e. It ira i is i, I all l.i......... I.j. a copious ' (l..sry and prrsen'or ll.r trior . s ftnBi nalurr's l oountriius si..tes, ..r kllour in fir oulir a and mis. I fortunes. I( is p.itilrd on I ne white p. per, hand. ' aomely Ih iii.iI li.urlh edition, 30U p..s, sad is! mnilrd frrr fi.r irsir dollar. .N.-W 'K..srwna,tl I'lilili., tl.'O. f rh. 1, IK.-iH. y j ll,,i...l.. V.. .H.kl, J. I. II. i. i.O. IV". on l.r 1 ii.l,ie, ' I II. M. h.r. h. I'. Il.tiie. l .i i tot I. , (Si.ti.'s II. K.itlt. ! dill) I.BS. IV. Diaries V.. J..l.u . I'r ... nt VV . W. tM.ttn, nr fuse ...i ' K. II. li. II. r,!.c. slaty. ViHin,e II. Jo...., Irs.tutM II. W. Ilu.lrd, A'loti.t i. Hr. Wsta. II. M. h.. 31. .i.e.. f'i-'" li.ralitr l.asilli.'lj I u.. " Kee a.. lie. B ll. ol. .Iha,c.ll J'lM.d fuMullsli'S-' '' J. lit. 34. la., U l.la.la. II. M ' ll.rii'ai li. II. y w.uval. .M. I'., Kor lortlitf ia Iu 'Hialu.il, 'l r i.i fi" rso I., lor pufl.paiii Is.aliu Isimaatl p" - lliy l.r oLUittd st Ite t ii.is l of soy ol lis Atfsticirs. I i.i'.iiiiuMr.li. ni srottid be s. . ' pun) lo, , , K. II, 1'AT'ILK, Ar'frskArr A. IP.... " tft ly .1 ttStHi aa.a-.wS" - All MAMA IIIVlM''" , t oliia t ol tl" l 111 of Lis Its re It ir the a., j , te 0f tlie r0I, le sil!j!s And when he j.r.i'i. forth to d (i.rd, it turns .im frcu, lie lr-nk of th J..ilr and the I'riett, lo the I. ti.r p. a t f ihe (iiod t'alnarilnn I !) l.ur, Li- ' sad li wii.e. mlf tlis j . rt afi.n j.it.; t r, thelsfore, lecon.a a cei'ufleH, ( i- il parlaleof the taint. If tl. trull tha citi. aurroatidini. country , that he tua on hand and la conetnt.tlv receiving Confectioneries, Fruits, I 'i ta.( v (;i;(i( i:uii:s,( (.aks ! TdllACCO, SM I F. TOYS, j Tllai'.- llsll'llltll'llst, i f uti; oiii.s, iKiitnr iioitwi:w, X l i. d , t illiiw Wneims, j luiirs, MO i It litis. A. Ilirtl (( of every sanity. J. I). I'ALMKK. A'.ntrm.cr 9, t:.-,8. slif .... e.ild sl., I.y lr..Ki.v. r n. 1K. II. K. i i;i.i:vs VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SKOT," l.llr of It. .Otnee. aa.r I .S.l. l ,4 llm .f ..ii.r,.i, on,. Foil unntiH. -' '.'r7..7i.', it . Mral .-ravl..' ait.' s.i -tn.m a... he IMtrm, , mils, free lr.,m . V..r manuoirtiire f AMllKK of n poisonous coloru. unlike lhc J ll. fined n tidy, ( all mid see. ' Wanted . principle re ail !o-l. oraee !I in tie .cul, and the eoi.l will td vwrr, D. IJ. Mrs-; whatever eipense ti ll.e land. -t Le , Now, e believe i,c ah'.f aim in til good r ti. :. to Le the iu. i on lut ul cf the foil I ,V-y 31,1 1 (iUIH (iF TAN BARK, fur inrll ll.r e..h wil' lie paid. M. U. TAYLOIl. I2lf I :iT.:vJ: i .il:; T.txa'.r. m n. . II. A ll. SIMis, i,l...i, ).,..! K. NYK Ill'TCIIIPON A CO., A'.s,r nil, 'jfc. lawia'stossts. llI.A.NK IiKKIhS for sale at this ode,. s...,.1 , lulai.u ...mi ts". li... It In ... a.,.t tl- ii ...ii, .1. .i. i, 1 1,, in n...,-l. l. .1 -.,.'. II,- I'.rr.j !rtr,l " B. ai.n.p.M.ii. II stev.ut. tliati tool It . .... a.,. ,.ir. tat o ld. !., Il.. ai I.. ' .11.11. MIL II .. ,.M,, ..III .... Si. r.. .. th.t. fiuti,. II..IH.U.. SO hi,.,w tl.r rfr.-H.ir, I Ntnliu id lun It liie 1.1 -l.i h iir .1,11 ,a. N.,.,1-1. 1.4 Ih. 11 Lta. FERPUKD BT DR. J. P. ITER. Practical and Analytical Clsmist, Lowell, Kaas. A Ml KOI. Okr IIL'TCIIISON .V Gn.l.ON.CWorVe-. H A V II. A M), HT K X K S SON k CO., tf4 trlftlim, S. f7. A LAItr.K SUITLY op Constable Wnr rants JU.ST 1'KINTKD. S,.M.!!()ElsL, Ml Saddle ti Rarncfi ITantilactoer, TIIRM I.or.Ks Hf.fTII tF THE MA MUON IIOl'Dg, ii t Kl.sii-i i !;,.: . S rAIIkinil..,r8adillaaia.ii llt.ri.ras made a I the ahorteat Holier. J i Ut PAIMNt; promplh tjernt.d. i. Ifl. I58 37tf lilt. It. Oil It or l.'ottgl.a Arte. II. I. l.ol.orr hu ti, l.iia ulhrr t eli.iil.- I ! e.nl .I.d ti Sit . I Ii I' I. hot Cold .Mint or I'yspepttc Hitler. r Tm A Irilcr li. iit J- li.t'slj"" N. I .. ualiu Aug. M, leei 1 In J. Khut Ir-r fir : V vm n entire estielei tty. I he Any ly .pp... tlM ll in Hi .1. .a Miiui ll hstnr.rt l-i to taei.llisl I ns supply tl.t tteintiiis;. It !" Isri-s supply ol it as soon s yo" (' J. It. I A Ali KNT.-W.. W. .; T. I II. Iturhal.!..!..! ''" ,, T.J. llolUII l... III. J- A Hill snd J. II. Kim.st.lssiiai."-. ' ry,lrfatiistaia . I'.'.'-' M V.U V. may hat ti.in, Yotk 11 F'k. Vi, x:.(. itrn li, pa 111, t i" ft ofas. ai fulls "1 Mr I .It INf. and ami in, I la a l... .,t, ,e , Js.rtM.II e,l, I If r a, - I.. CjisIi Paid fir Hides, IY K M. IKiWIM,, i ,i,,r, r,(i f M.t.sio.1 M.s.r. Cktrlttlt, April fi, ISiiH U( ,-Jr- :w .':i.b rl'K si ....IIII..I.I.I ' 1G L fi I I. I r:

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