gunban grating. AX KLOQUENT CONTRAST. Tlie Btv. II G rattan Guinness, recently preached tin-course, entitled", " Pictures of ihc Prrtfrt at,d l uiure, ' from tbe words I found in Vet. xxxi, 4. "For the former I thiuce are passed iij."' Of liis sty le some I idea linj le found in the following rxtrscl : 1 or lo declare to you tliere shall W no more dealh there Here rnps tbe d. iroycr, IVstu liis name, armed enp-a pie, as ttipy lay. from lend to foot, wiib deadly wespons. lie has arrows that can rcacb every bcart. lie carries wiib hint plapuc,, faoiine, sickness, fire, to slay lud destroy.. He plucks yoiinij flowers, and cuts down tlie old beuilock. V.e blasts the aped oak wiib a Sash of iigbtniD-r. and be tears down the little creeper. Death spares none. leath V'iia or take away tlie life of all ruark that. Hut there death nha:'i be ui known. Why, tbia world is a world of death beds. You do not bear t h m, many of yoa. Many of you do not yo to fee the dying, but we do see many death beds, ar.J we kuow tbe world is a world of death beds. And what a variety if death If d! At r.o d i.-t fit part from ou, on a paili t four inches from the ground, i iiea'one wl o is dying; his check :s pallid, : bis eyes glassy, and his band trern ilous.- ! 3 . h . J - v. There, in that little cradle, is pojr weak , thiue, oreatning omits mn gp. i m-ic, , in that banimoek on the ditant Tale, i one who is yielding up bis soul to God. There, in tbat grand palace, amid these curtains and carpets tread aoftly you will o one who was ouce strong, who now is weak once mighty, D?w helpless. Here lies one, a pa rent : ihe icr banJ of death is upon bitu Here lies anctber; death lays his bouy fin gers upon bcr hearutiingi. It is a world of fjne'sls, too; everywhere, from that white ecffiu covered with a white pall, borne ly pale n.ourncra, to that black one covered with a black pall, carried tothedaik tomb. Go round tbe world, jou will 6ud fuuerals every where. Just lock nt tbat vessel Boating ever the calm sea; the wind rises and be (.teals ber way a'otg. Look at that solemn scene on deck ! Tl.ey are reading ; do you hear the kui,hed Bii:rmur of prayer! Tbcre, on that grating, sewn up in bis hammock, lies one who was once alive. Now the burial ser vice is over; the body is thrown out; there ii a in tbe water, and the vcs?el wicgi her way like a thing of life over the billows. She ia gone, and where is the cad! The world is a vast graveyard, for in it lie the bct.ea of all. From the Hust of Adam, lpng sice-.' scattered to the winds, to tbe dust of tLe lat ssint or sinner who bas ju-t expired from the lleedirjg bones of tie martyrs that lie in tbe eaves and eav erna of the Pieuaiontere, to the skulls of thoae that lie in the catacombs of Paris from tbe dust of those who bave tuoldered in tie vast pjraaidi of Egypt, to the body of bim that .ies in tbe last made grave from tbe mound of grass to the moque of pjld '. Hut in tbat world death ahail be unknown. Transport yourselves thither; lo:k np. lock around. V.'ho are these about vouT Living beict. Shall tbry ever die ? So. Fade! No. Wither! No! Droop! No. I there change! I'o. Sorro! No. Wbo is tbat who bas wif-ed away tbe trace ef tbe last tear from the iat aaiut! That i Jeus, the rii.fle of life. And niarir. you, be giveib to them the gift of life ; f jr ail these- somws, these changes, these Ta bor, tbee sufferings, these sins, these death scene, " are parsed away ' among " the for iLtr tilings," which ebaU be but reuietubered. HELP THAT NEEDY ONE. V?e are a. ways, sble to help the needy as long aa we are able to belp ourselves, if we are en!y willing. If all professed Cbrii-tians would act ujiou this principle, many widow and orphans, Low inUerabU-, would be in a state of trar.quiiity. Mr readers, lock around von and sec if yoa can behold any who need your help. Yes, asys ooe, there is a widow Dertitute ) lives !! ar tne, but she is wicked, and never ! gte to church, courquebtly, I do not feel I under any obligations to beip ber. If I I thought the was a Christian, I woulJ belp ! bcr. but as it is, she must belp herself. Now, if ehe baa a foul, and the salvation I of ifca: soul would add to the honor of a crucified Redes rucr, it is your duty, firt to j admitirter to her wans, relieve ber suffer-( it.?s. thus p.iiiir.g an it.e.ietiee over ber ; eld it to the salvaiion of bT soul ddinir on to tte number ot the t.leed at.ove, fffl'dtng boner upon yourself and upon the cause cf CLii't. EPARE THE SINNER. ' Away yonder," be exc'iainied, " down iu the deep, dstk (len, gathered around the coid rocks, under the : belter of the wild precipice, are Scotland's perseeuu-d fatbirs i:b tLeir faniilies, to beer the word of life Ettry man bears bis pun, and Ihe aword is ly Lis i-ide. A stalwart sentinel keeps bia eye to the hill tops, and down to where the (.mu wiuds into unseen ravine. Elevating Lis arm, the iotimttibn if expected djrifr'-r is given. A sipnal from the out pott cci.firuis it. 'J he worsLippiri- bat.d gather closely toodber. (d eatue tbe or presors with their pleanjin arn,s and Lloodchot eyca. TLe srifeisccar. Then, standing on aneleva ted rock, the Vi ncrabie paftor spreads bis bands to heaven, and with rj iivering voice, but dauntless heart, eic,nj 'Ofiod. .paretbe green (.inner) and take the ripe." 'T is tlus I too would piesd to-day, as death'tv our rsnks, burryin? us to the juHptueLt i L at the sinner may be spared till be bas aecrpttd the ranm effend by bis I'.eCfftier. ar.d the ri; be taken ret away. lir. (julhrie. A SINNER CANNOT RE iiAPIT No outward condition however desirable I nr exalted fn the eatiniation of tLe world, car, male a sinfjl creature happy. 1 Lis fact is illustrated and cot.firnjed in the case of our fjr.t parents, who weie itx x ressedly L.!f, even in 1'ars'ji.e. Tbat garden cf dciigl.ii Is-! iiot altered; it lovelint.-i w a. rot ).t Lii'liU'd by the cur.e ; it scene ry w as mil a. beautiful ; its air as soft and Ji;ratt; il.e o,Jf, cf birds as blithe and "ty, ar.J tv.ijt!.iiz a, full of God, is when man, fresh from the band of his Crea- or w a, pi,c J ,i.r, .. to dr( t, it liA 0 keep it i" yet i . once bspty occupant were : tu tLe iai-t d.-tee miirabie. h availed 1 them liothiti tuat they dwelt in Eden llmt ! the Lor J Gud sti.! wsii.-d iu tl. g,Jen j ll e cool (if the day K.verr path Le-y trod, ; ery tree and C'.w.r n ibeui. t;gl i j rcscoce ohly Cilcd n. re, wiib di.mav. 'J la ere is a Fr ieu-I tLat slicketb cloair tlko a IrotLer. M A Card. AV1XG sold my DRVG and CHEMICAL 1 1 EST A I L1SH M EN T to Messrs. K. lNye Hutchison Sl Co., 1 heartily commend them my successors In the confidence and patronage o, a generous publie, for whose kind anil liberal sup-1 tnu:lU poil at iycll rmwerio, I t hi ana eueu u II. M. PIUTCIIARD. Charlotte, Otlolrr 19, If 58. NEW FIERI. Pr. E. X)c Ilutcliiscn & Co., iCk E H'AVI M purchased of. 7Y M.M- Ir. II. M.rritchnrd.his entirestnek ..f DUl i.S.l lir;. MICAI.S. OILS, FAINTS, .. Acresncctliillv call thealit nlion ol In ; pub-, lie lo the fuel, that Ihry will ciry on a Wholesale & l.elail Iiu2 business. Ir iii "a Ce-rncr, here they are icceiving in ud. diiion to iheir "p'coenl otoek, a large assortment of and genuine Q9D E. ELT a Ktlief for Kl-tumuCnn. .11 AG I C OIIm Suld inl by Nye Ilutcliiaon A Co. OILS. Fprrm, Wlu.le, Llrpnant, Lamp, I-rd na .V.-thincry, T..uncr's Oil, l.inse iiui'.ctunr'a pric. ARN!Ilr-, No. 1 and 2. 1m. r. nitu'f. t opal, titra. No 1 and 2 lnlhtr, I icturt. J, Ciia Jllplll, bUck nd DroWB. PA 1. NTS. rurc White LEAD in Oil, by the lb or Ion. Snow while Zn.c, I brume Urnw, I'brciiw Yt I. low. Pan Greene, burnt and raw t'uibir. Paint Bruaiiea, Ac Ac. WINDOW CLASS. Large "rtinent of Eiench ami American, fruni 8 x 1(1 tn Jtl by U, Soitv in cans. Pure Burnn.g Hu'ri, A:e,.hol and Spta Turpentine, by gallon w barrel, French, Engliah and (ie.-iiion PEKFLMEIkV, Tuil.t C. inla aim llrui-hea and Genuine Tnligne. and Sureieal INSTRUMENTS, Pure WINES and liRANDY, (French) Or medi cal purputit, Fnh I'm.ifin Tiuter bj tl.- butik or bns. Pure Kerosene and largr variety rf Kerosene, lor aale by E Nye Ilutchiaon fc Co. A LSO Churchill's pri paratir n "I ihc II; pphof phitea (:: the cure of lONSC.MPTK'N. February I, 4'tC Mecklenburg Ponds, fi;YK t rent. r hi, iii'i". fB1UF.?E PONDS are unaouott illy the aafr.t JL inreatiiient that can te made, and are really preferable lo any Stale IJtinifa. The county cannot repuaialc. TneT bear aerea per cent irttreat payable semi, aiinualiy. Willi L'ouoiia for the ran. They re of the delioinilMtloli Ol' $100, wliieh will make Hit in more current and uxeltil lor do mestic purpoaea. Tne cou(khi4 will prove a convenient medium for paying county tnxea. The citizens nf'the county should poaseaa them, and they are new ntftred to them. Proposala le at nlher Bnk in Charlotte or with Captain John W alker will r. ceive prciuipt atleiili'.n. II. W. GL'ION. i'r. W. C. if H. R. K. C: Srft.iS, 1658. ayif PA PER CO 31 31 1 aiS 1 0 N W A II VM O LSI.. AND PRINTERS' DEPOT, For the sale of JUfiiiiia, fiiioa, bjJope, COLORED PAl'EKS, CARDS, AND PIUN TINO 3IATi:i:iAIsS CF ALL KINDS. Agent for L. JOHKSON it CO., Type Founders, R. KOE 6i CO., And other Printing Preas makers. ICI'sTI(ii nit, tl ii;iltly, ;tl 1I;iiiiiI;u lilt I'ricrs. The Subscriber be?s to eall attention to bis HiGu"fUCK Of . , D . Wntlll?; & VjIBJQTilliZ FoLDer !.,,,., , . , , .,, ,, . . . roa casu, or short credit on Urge sums. JOSEPH WALKER. 120 Meeting , Charle$ton. S. C. Dee. 21. le.'.fl 41tf CLOTHING EMPORIUM. i.nroitT at 3t r. 2EIT KNOWN general'v t't we are a-. Jr hug offourSiora of K E A D Y M A DE LO. Ilil.NG, H ItNI.MIINti OOtJUS, ic, st cor an!, r-iiily REUl't I . Ls RATES in order V prepare for tuc Spring snd Sumintr Trade ; so our FIMK.VIJS VVil! come forward and avail themselves of the rare opportunity of supplying their wants cut of our s;.,emiid aiock ol I i.iir, t'aaior baver, llnd. aon li-iv Fur, Trecnt Casainiere and Seal. sK in O ver acks, and i reeks ; slao, all graoes of galtiiM-l snd ( aas.uier Buaimaa tcala, at less prices than you PAY At any tin r I!iue in the St iU. Our tdvanU for getting (.HJlS f:l k'tping Up tl.e Krck re ut-v-qutiii', it i t;iI-kfiOii tttroujlioul ihe c oi.trj, I.rnre e dfftn it uiinerMiry to r. hesire tli'-iu, but wiii iMure jou Juu wul find it lu YOUR Ii, teres! tn c II and HJiini.e our stock before bay- You will quite an elle find at the Clothing Ei of all qualities Uiatk and Fancy CasMinerc Pauty, Itl.ii U illa aiul nlin Vealw, lanry I iril titMHiint re a o.; a i -so t or ITUMMIIX. t.OOfiS, oliil trti LMit Tt ttitLn. ilisi or pft Jt4fH, ttiMi ami lior? snd rnnj thti i-o t-fi.-ti tn Uke n A COUNT t.f. tniat ire laj found in Uetits' t 'uriiikliifig ur ir.crre ftiriki to our frrucm fu i bod istroiic- l'OU 1S5S, by alttniiott to bu.ii.ess and ke.-p Hid cheapest to. ol LLOTIIINt tlieif kmuur And we hfjM mv tl.e iM-tt te, to merit a coi.linuance of the saun lor I .). H'LLINGS, SPRINGS A. CO. January Ut, IcJ'J. 40' f Wanted 1,000 : !Uty.,b'j'i. OKIW OE" TAN-RARK, for lio.l. Hi. ca.b W'l! h. pll.l. M. B. TAYLOR. I'jtf SCARR & CO. CHEMISTS ASD PItUG GISTS, cii aki.o i ti:. n. c. ESPKrTlTLLY eall, the? attcn. lion of Phyaiciuna, Plan tura.Cnun try MiTchinla, Ac, lo U i ir l rt and carefully aelecUd Stock of Dlil tiS. TO PHYSICIANS, Dr. CliurcliiH'a New Remedies fur conauuiption lyrm)ihoaphitea ol Soda Jl PoUah. A WO Compound Sjrup of tlie Hypophoapliitea. Uooil's llaii Krulornlirr. A freah uniil of Ihia Taluable preparation for the Hair. I.INSEED OIL TKAIN OH. SPEUM Oil. W INTER LARD OIL. ALbU No I Cpul VAKMsli a ., 3 .. Fine Damar Coach ' Japan ' Leather " e. i. .Mii:i: i ii'm ,m-:iv cr.or GARDEN SEEDS. All the choice varieties of Garden Steda. Peaa, Bcana, Biela, t abba je, Paraiiipa, i.c. Asparagus tclf, Itliubnrb or Tie rinul. WITII CLOVMt, HI. I E GltASS, OItt II Alt'); &:. Jan. 4, teiJ. 43tf iTiTdiVvs Fluid Extracts. SCARR Si. CO. eall the atlenlion of the Medical Priifenainn lo tlieae elegant preparations an admi rably sin led fur Iho rateiupuraneoua preparation nl Tinctures, Syrups, W mea, Ac, at caring the de. sirabie object of umforinity of strength. No J'hyicinn should he without them. For sale at SCAHK k CO.'S DRUG STOKE, Charlotte. Window Glass, l'lillv, U liilin;, C hall., Ac, Low for eah, at SCARR & CO.'S, Drvggittt. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANGS Of PR0PHIKT0rt8 ) I3KOAD SI It KKT NEWHERX, N. C JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. rivIIE I'ndersigned respectfully announces to M. the travtlling public, that lie has taken charge of this old a nu popular establishment, and i now prepared lo accommodate travelers snd pri . ite families Willi board by the day or mouth, on the most accommodating tfrsiia. His TABLE will always be furnished with the bt st provisions thai home and foreign markets Cau afford. Toe Wu'llilisloil has large rwiins, ia newer the depot, the court house, and the business streets than any other in the city. An Omnibus will always be ; t Ihe depot and lanmng, on tne arrival of the ears and a learn boo I, lo convey passengers to the Hctel frte of charge. By stopping at this JJulei, pansengcra will have ample tune to obtain uicais. Having also a large and commodious vlab!e, smi an neel'icnl Oaller, he is fully prepared to board huraea by Ihe uay, week or month at the most reasonable raits. JOHN. F. JONES. .Vard I, 169. illf CIIAKLOT'J'E HOTEL, . . BY XEs JHLJISsieEla CIIAitLOITh, . C. fHE Proprietor of this Hotel is JL still at his post reauy lo ful- ''1 fit Ihe duties of uulic host to lbs ss travelling public and ethers who may eall on him. and he A.l'.era himself that as comfortab'e quarters can be found with linn as any where in Ihia vicinity. Being aitualtd near, ly in the centre of Charlotte, Business Men w ill fiud this Hotel a most convenient and nesirable location. He haa been engaged in the business al this stand nearly eighteen jeara, and in thai tune he haa made several additions to his former lioue, and it has been greatly enlarged and irn-pr'iv-d. preaentwf in fr-'it a two tory VERANDA 100 ;tt t in length by 12 feet in width, handsomely siiaded by trees on the side-walk, affording a plei. prnmenatie at all hours of the day. Tne House has been thoroughly furnished thro', out, and in every part of it creature comforts sre abundant ind tangible. especially in the DINING ROOM, where the "inner tnu" is "rntu" day by day. Connected with this H .tel srr Stables affording room for 100 horses, sbundantly fnrnished with grain and provender, attended by faithful and o. ui igmg hostlers. The Prnprielor feels confident that with hieSng experience and many new advantagre added to his desire tii ple.i.e, he ia urenared to off, r his friends snd tiie rest of mankind," as many enm forts and as much gnod cheer ss will be found anywlier perhspa a little more so. IT At say rate Tr the Charlotte Hotel. J. Ii. KERR. Oc'ier 19. 18:8. 3lf CAXUY FACT0UV. Fresh Confectioneries, Fruits, Ac, Ac. tibcrihf?r reipctrul!y infnrme the citi. ML ipii ot ( lir.oti9 end eurroundnt country, timt he ha on hand and i coniUntljr receiving Iron i Skw York, Confectioneries, Fruits, I'ANCY (s' 1 1 IS, C l(a' A its TO II A CCO, S.M.'FF. TO VS. fIitmir:il liihlriiiiiciil, i nn: nuHs, iioititr iiohsi, l iM i a, lYilotv lYunn, lialra, u k-l H lil., rV Itird C iigra of every variety. J. L. PALMER. Aoeesnlrr 9, luZ9. 4Ui( Also, he intend, to manufaetureCANblES fl all kinds, free ,'rom poisonous coloring unlike the New York Sieani R. fined Candy, ( ail and see. Notice. A LL persons indebted to us for the last nuar. :1 t. r need i.'.t eijoel to bay f.ootis from us any long, r on a credit. We intend to do a Mree mouh iiu.uirss ; therefore, if you sre indebted lo u h,r a ..i,ger peri.Kl.eal, snd p.y.for on the 1st .lay of April your credit will stop. We poii,v, ly mi. ml lo enforce Ihe above even with our best friends, and hope no offence will be (take Ij'AI! Acee.onts dne for last year that are not paid by the 1st ol April, will be handed out for eolltction. II. V. WILLIAM3 & CO. Aril i, lfc.'9. 4 tt SITRPENAS for sal. sit tiii. office. , . Gas Works, npHE respectfully inform the pub. JL lie, llmt they aia prepared to, erect tiaa Worka for lixhlint Citicf, Towns, Villhgia, Col. rfvt and lurpe llotuls. Thiy hate ert-eli d worka in Charlotte and Kaliiph, N.C. which haae (rirn en lira uiial'uclinn to the eilin na of lhne plaeca. Aa to qualifications, pioinpincaa und aluhly to perform all con I men entered into, lliey refer to the following Kenlleii'cn t .'. II. C.raoii, Pn . Char, fiaa Worka, Char. N.C. Wm.Johnat Prea.Char. S.O.K. R. " " Dr.T.D ll..s, I'rca. Ral. ia. Aaa. Raleigh, " Col. G. II. Voui p, Waetlv, Miaa. A. G.Slmy, rr...t:a Woika, Little Falls, N. Y. K. T. Sloiy. Supt. tina Works. WaUrlown. N. Y. W.S. ScKoener Si Co.,i!21 Pearl St., New Yrk. Addreai li e tuWrribcri- l linli iph. N C. WATKKIIOUSK k l!OWK8. Srpt. 14, 1WB. 27lf TO EE SOafiB, A LARGE and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT .'V of Plain and Japaned at Wheltsale er Retail, lower than etrer, st S. T. WUISTON S 'I in ami btote $hnj. A FEW of thos superior Planiched Tea and Bl Coffee POTS, k iale ! S. T. WRISTON. T VOILE T SETS, a superior article, fur sale 8. T.WU1STON S. rf--ASH, Deed, Spice snd Dressing BOXES for sale by S. T. TVRISTON. RITTASIA TEA SFT, for t .le at S. T.WRISTON'-S. T AT;B COOLERS, a fir.t role article, for II sale by S. T. WRISTON. ffJIABLE Cl'TLEK Y, Cimk's Ladles, Spoons, JL Flesh Forks, ate. ror sale at S. T.WRISTON'S. ill ASSER'S Pnlenl IceCresm FREEZERS.the best Freeaera now in use, for sale y S. T. WRISTON. mm VRTHFR'S Self Sesling FRITT CANS, with directions how tn ue ther.i,at S. T. WRISTON S. j fcJAD IRONS, the heat in this market, for sale i 3 by ! S. T. WRISTON. i tONSTANTI.Y on hand a food s.sortioentof COOK STOVES which csnnol be eieeiied in perfrnsnee, by sny other Stoves in the msrkct, for sale at tne Tin and Sluvc Shop, 2 ci.ora East of Springs' corner, b7 S. T. WRISTON. ChmrlM'.Junt Zl. 16. 15lf FOR PIRIFVIVG THE EL00IL THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, irKRYWIIKtllC CKIKBUA MU K(Jl: THE REMOVAL AN"i I'RIiMAXKNT t't hn Of 4I.L IM-iKAK-l ::l-.Nii ll"M AS IVII'l Kal sTATK l'K Ttl K BI.'Mitl, III! llAUIf ll I IIK yvrtM. tw ti f.r.t tntrniii. .aj I'.la M.'.lirin.. null,, ro is ,-onrt.l l:...i. ii. 1 Bse.aTwiil.k lu I. onii.rful eurt lfrtr.1 t.jr Ilia Use of thii Preparation. fc-rsnparllts h ft. -no an iii.p-.'l'.tit f.s-t n tloB. II I". ll" .SO.' Il.l... . ...,....-!...!. .1 . of e-r.t t.w. r. si..l II U on ..01 1.1 .-I. I p-.n.l. Other i-. SIOl ..r.e.r I'kf till.. ... f..l"d ... O'.'r Slirl. fr.-ne. i',l-u. sq.1 la in-.sii.!: rf..a-. ..f .,..! ...-. o.t Vo u. '., otl.rr I...I to si ..... .i.'.i .-. I to lo. 'ktico, rioto tl.e lonr h.t of - Ufa it . .-ll.Ttt-.l. MIDICAL TESTIK0H7. I'saaFtia.i. Ml .lot Hav.air f)ntlnn . M l.i'i. r. -..a So . lose time with p..l.-l .i l r.t.a .rr oil..! W,"k sC.; )oiirs, J-I...I.I r.f A. H. H.INT. t l. Si lS, V . I. r.-.n-r of lillall o I.J lr.,criu s.'i.-rs r- II. V. l EEUV'S Dll. VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT," FOR AVOUCH. f'nk- v.;:';1" pi.). ianVJ.X.L'.r,,os'i." tar. In r.rii. i.ll,t :f... - ly ...!..! - I. .,'.- II i.. ..., ...,, ,a irss: tV.' rf'sl ii. ..I, ..!,! V., I kai. la-.n ...ri V.ry r.sp".tfinlv. J'Ul.V VA.Vi KV , A ll. tMn, W !.,l,.,:. E. NYE HUTCHI.-f'N k CO., Aor..,r 3'), 'iH. lawm'st mm,, BLANK LEEDS for al at this nffica. i pi 'CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND mac him; works. f aw I ) K undrrkigued htgs leave to cull the alten. JL lion of ihe public to the fact that lie ia now ready lu fill any urilera lor making Hydraulic COTTON Presses, and every deaeriptimi of Machinery. All kinda of, CASTINGS, ' in Iron and Uruss or oilier metiils niaiie at short notice snd reduird prices. lT Parliculur atttnlion given lo the making una1 repairing nl" Thrashing Machines, Horse Turn, ers. Col Ion tuna. Mill Work, and Agricultural works of all kinda. BLACKSMITH I NG, JOBBING W ORK, H A GON WORK and IIUKSK SlltlEING, with aiapatch. OLD IR'rN SMI IlliSs I AM I.Mta oougn, ot the Foundry, or taken in exchange fi.r Job Work. Wood mid Provisimis of all kinds taken in jchango for lilncksmithing. tT ALL WORK miiat be paid for when dcliv. ertd, as CASH has lo be paid ou fur eery thing necessary lo esrry on tne t lain,, nun at, lT ALL ORDERS FOR WORK most he spe. cifud in writing, so that the work and specifics, lions may agree. I j- This is the only foundry in the State that casts daily. HIT All cnrtraels connected wilh Ilia concern mut be made wilh the undersigned alone. IT A supply of ANTHRACITE I OAL con- sluntlv on iianii lor a.eia. i ilr'j. M. HOWIE. Praclieal Eneineer. will give I is constant sllenlion to the business. All htursm loniirss will be directed to ' Charlotte Foundry. J. A. FOX, froprietor. Charlotte. , C. Aoermier 311, IcSS. 38lf 53s IU;JIOVAL,.-2I . JE Confectionery and Family Grocery Store i of MOC")Y A. MS BET hna been removed te thr stand npposile tin FfTsiyteinnthivreh, where lliey are reeeivmg niiee. nun. .-tw ""li" ddtliuns to their stock of CO N V VX T IONIUM V. S, r,r mii.v (.not At. Among ;heii slock may bo lodnd everything uu. ally a slorc of this kind. A good asaort mini of Cake Trimming., W illow W are, Jtc , al. ways nn hand. They have in thrir employ an i aeelttnt BA KEIt.and are prepared to furnish Familirs and Parties withCakes of all kind, at short noiire. ,lt.lUIJI & in lit. I.. November 16, 1P58. We have also opened a branch of oar store at Liiieolnton. where Mr. Mnodv will superinttnd the business, snd hopes to secure a share of the j public palroiuge 111 timt seeMrn. MOODY & NISI5KT. j S'av. 16. 19:. 3iilf AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (CJAn fOATLD.J ana mill ti CL7!AH!5 TFT PL00D ASD C0EE THZ SICK. IsivMltl., Kaih..., Slolh.... I'li, rblla..tttroi.ta, t.anl ,hrlr l-.lT.c,., siud Ju tlx. of their VIrlHes. fn tiik ccuk or llendnrhe, Siek Ilemluehe, Fonl stomach. I'll r-iu.kij. I'-, i I. isa. fin. J. r. .trie. Sir: I ha,- u.n I -'! e.irM "T Hi- . ..I In-vb I . si J l-'r !" n tl -m m lu ol ,.-ii- 1 11... it --.. t oin.n a tool ttommh. mhu-h thM .l-ii .1 .- It III- v atil cui. btlist. m Utrjf 4a l,th. wl ! lh iii-mii j. V'.in .ill t rc-l, :n W, T . Hr I Uilious I)iorJer Htitl Liver I oin.lninls. i ...v. s. U C, J ts I ilU Iu nif K-nnal t laUl 1. llM-fli. M 1 .-af.uot to Sia- I hue. iihI ... UV'V ... Um Uvt ealh i. It,dl. I wl.a'tn ftaiuH . . i.j .a,nii,l. Iliat It tt.i Mui raiit 1 . uT l.i' . siaurnail? laos. MI L N t'. Syiw. iff If- IftTHM Ikj. j', rrentrry, KpIhi, nnd Woran.. Parr in. -r, I, .... lav a.. Hirn., . I. IS.ts, llfc. Avaa: V .,.r I'.o. ll" Ja-.l-a tfc st..ah t.'- ..I I lis ! l-al i aist . irt.- ll t b t't. ! In. k vnm riiiwl hi It .i"-ihi e laiw-. Mul, d,riil.e. em,., aai,blf.l,' it aiv ail. .iiml loin i li t ol " ItlW. !.. c'l.aisar'ina.1 in .l .'r - I" l.ol. k ,ir J.,n, tails, si.., Ut miiel. In,... a ln row, .niif.l ee il,r. M(b, a.mi.. I... I'm... w Uhrfa m artnai. I h-Ntest, tt ill a I I..I-. . i;UIFI1. fm.'tr Indiee.tinn Hnd Impiiiily ot Ihe Itlixxl r,.m lt J r. ll.m,M, !.... q '-.-. f- i. P. ST..' 1 h... owl V-ir I'.Hs ilh . . tr..r,lii.,; ll. .ll, I ,,,. i,hi. I I,, a .... swt 1 can r.a.(i olij mtaisWii It.' to ij fr.ola. l.a.s, i. V. UlMrS. re,. .... w lom.o ro v v. m. !t. isv t.. Vis - I am mu ... I I i. I. In mi pv II... .ii.l S.i.1 lh.-. SI. tri,nl sr I" ettHM ll s.tMii ami purilj Ihc lo,t.i..,.,i. rt li IA..A, Jiill.H ii. M K-At II AM. St. D Krysietrs Scrofuln, Kirn:'. Evil, Teller, 'I'umnr., nnd Snll ItU.mrt Trim s U-rr .M ;J -.. ,. -S. t. ts.'S. Ha. A Tea : V....r l"M. it. iW .i....r, .4 mil ihat is r ! ia ,i!lrin. Thv l. l .r lilll. t..nlil ot nininkn. "of off in lr l...ils o-i tti, h..iii.oH h.'omi.k (". -... Il-r mollis .d lo Urn. i,..i. I. .nil. 11 will, I.L.Irh .i,S ,.lmp!s on hrr .Km ..J la h.-r lisir. Aft- .air M eurr.1. alia also toos Pom, and ll.-j b.i. cm.. I h-.. A 'A Mlllo . I I IK. r. llh(fumiit,am, N':urnluiH, nnd Gnat i0i the hn. lr. Ill Mr,, o tptt tlturrh. Pn. -SI Huh. .... (U..I.I.. . I U.. h.I.I l ui.tisirful I'. i ll.-.rii.I jnut II lla. I ochl I .M n..l rM-.l . 1.1.1 l,. .1 t liotbs himI laiail.t ... . l.lrk .UO-.I 10 rbli-O'V i 1 I... III. h.t -t ,l,,,. lll.i I., I.' lit II" Sottt Bit.. Rftca, !.., E t..-, ts.'S. fis. Ariar I ha. 1.0 .,.t.r..l. mr hv I'llls i4 tl..uhi.llr Ouul apuolol d..-. Il .r . to. . IM KAT hi ll.ll l. I nr lrnrMiy, I'lelhnrn, nr kindred l orn- Kin in l a, ( I.I .ril, I or t n.fivrn'ss nr Constipation, nnd aa a IHaiirr I'lll, Hi. ai. .,..1 .1.,. ',.,1 I- Suppression, I'Hrnlysia, Inflnmmn. lion, an.l r... Ueornrsa, o.l furiosi llllnd. ..... ... b rutnl hj llor SlOisl.e .tlN.u e lltrw Vo I of ll.. MIU h ...1 1 -I r.0.1. .S 1.110,1,0. r-O'r.1, In .l.lll i.'k ( .ii rt, iii. d.ewtr.ii 1 a Vrrra.jr . hi. Ii. .1. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL tint tiik HAi'in ( i ns; i.r Cl .ll, III t)M, IIOAItSt. !K, IMII. .N.t, llliO.M Mills, A IKKlflNu tOU. II, I Hot P, AslllSIA, I'l. I iritAT I l,t Sip-I lo, sail rVa '- .lo-r iT e iison j ll.s slwlils tn aH.ani.l k, r. o, II,. .1 i.e.... n. I t .pall to Hi. ... S I , ,1 ,,I,.,,. r:....,nlo,iil et.ry I...H, .ilo.l .,., ho.1.1 ,J tlw I . f. , . in. . t S ir1mtil ' I - wt ems voar e.1.1. ,!.. s.e U-.l II,' Oil I,-, I. ,.,... .1.1,1 ..I. 1. - !- fia.l.-l od II - H.l. ..I I ll... ... I f.i. ... .1 II.. y .... I... li,. , ,,t 1 1., a ,...,. , n.N.i tt. . .... Ho ..ii i II llw I.-I . i,l . I.i.l,.. r .kill ,i. lu'oi-l, lor ih'l, rUKPA RED BT DR. J. r. ATE 1. Practical and Analyticr.l Cbrniat, Lewell, Mass a a u f old h r HUTCHISON k tilBBON, Charlotte. IIAVIL ANU.STKVENSON & CO., ('h irlrtlnn, S. f. A LARGE HL'PPLY OF ("oiiritahlc; Warrants JU5T PRINTED. j WAIT FOR rm m im: tvb 'm .m. -m. a ic .. lis r-i,P, ,, .yes his S'JV VtS from the M itmlueiurers, A.A.S.JI. TAYLOR WoolH ressa etfully announce lo the ii hi hilm l- Iron, their Old Mnu, to No. I , Granite Ri w, In North, one of the most ealcnsie aaaortnirtits of BEQ) Ever offered in Ni.rlh. Carolina, among which will w hich hns gainei! such a fsnwus reputation in I This Stove he warrants superior tn any I wking rto ( Pon,unv,, ,., and lines more work in a givt n tin , pu, up one bed, ,UT 0,, r Sieve r.f tlie sue in j W(() ,n , timt fc, w ,;eil the prneoill.e the belter one. ALSO, AIA. PaiLHIiOR & BOX STOVES. He haa, ami constantly keep on hand, an extensile ami varied stork of TIX AM) SIIHI'.T IKOX, If.SV lit TTE. is, t.tsr ttiv.y It I If SI I. tits, HAT HACKS, CliADLKS, &(.,&(,, All of whirl, will In-aolrt. U ll ! H Its In 1 1. Its n i llinaksi ni r brt-ii i. Her, d in lhi irliul), I would return my thsnks t my fuenda and r.i.i. ioers for ll c very i.l.r..: p. it. t. ,. : , ., bestowed UfKin us, and they may rest assure.!, thai I shall, by close all. i i . i . together with a determination to plense, to Irv at i i. nl s riiolinii.'iie. i.r the sib... im mmn "piti mn t. urni. hum Ladies and (irnllrinrn arc jiailifiilari) iiitiln! lo mil i id I i-:: N. II. I will leil youwhyll.eud ny n! rt i.. . i i " W aiv ns t us W .. , , . we have lUre wak-gous constantly travellil g 'hi. g' the e..ui tr j ill Si. i s. W ,111 orthrn trill br lailhl itlht unit jinmiilli allt mUtl In & A...N..M.TAYI.(il:. VkmrliXtr, Junt I fi, 17 . For Florida Eirect. Ti'auek It Va'!. in 3d lUnrt. ncd la iuairs Iaa Time tSun i.y say othrt its. TIIE I Ml MAI IS MAIL I THUS. frCK I IS, (DM.MAMH II. JKAVEw I HAItI.E.TON,S ( fe.ery Tl IS. I J liAV AE1EI..M'N, al 3 .W, l.rk, i..r I I. j ! I.ATKA, EI.A .v r 1.1; N A. Mil N A, JM KSti.V. j VII I.E. PI tt AIA and Ihe usual tailin g, n j lha St John's River. I Sua eoltn.el., goif'g an. I retureiet. W.ll, II. e i I l:...:ri-..l al Km. in. I".. and w.lli ril .g.s .1 ll.a I j auyve named plaees I.r A I ifslor, Or- ia, .Men . . py, Tallhase. St. Angu.tmr, 'lam,., st . lb. I I r low it a in toe interior ol 1 ion. la ; at I Imr lesion, I : w.lh li e New York Si. am. hits ai d the Northern ' and We. tern Ril'road trams on lutsnays and; S-ilnrdaye. j .M.rciianifi, s,e., to tins Agi r.f y, wilt h. fi.rwar.ieJ ER EE OE ( IIARi.E. E.r freight or pasange, app's n II L . niliLM, Southern Wharf, t h.rh str.n. S C. ! WHI-AT WAXTKD. rajlllK sub.enN-r having pnr. ha.rd the Steam jji Eli.uring Mill in this, is preparrd to buy W heat, . r wl icli he will gne II.: highest iit.ra.-t price in e..h. Elour. Bran and Meal for sale at Ihe Mill, or delivered wherever .leaned tn town. JOHN WILKES. I kflMte, Aug. 3. I".'... Slif JAMES M. I.DM'.V, Cf tMSUSSlOS Mi:i! ( HAS T, I 17 t II A rill Hit K'l It I IT, . l . LYS and forwarrla ev.rv ki.dof imrcli n dire for Ul fee tent t ismmsston. lUlers t, l.ova. Swain ami M .r.i.ea.l. S. W. Uimlfin, J. W It.borne, C. I'. l. r.,:enhall, A M llmmoi, I .... and Rev. C. E. Dieii s, l.,u. W. A. (, sntl olhrre. lUaler n. i'laio... V,i.,,i., ti.gins. Mirps, luitars, S. wiog Mseinma, Iron Sales, I'uinp., (t.rden El.ifii"". it. A nrinlril list of all ti e ditf' rent make.s, kn.ris snd prices tent fiee. I'ul.lisher of an rlrgant lithograph ol " llirkorj Sui Vp," N.C. (!,) snd the" il I'liTditH!,; oa, Ionian l.i ios to lUii.tll " Tin. invaluable !, atfriser snouic be in every house. It Ireals ol a. I, has m copious glossary and prescribe the ren.i.'i.a iron, nature'a bounteous stores, .. r all our infirmities snd mis fortunes. It IS punted on tine while paper, bond, somely bound fourth edition, 3(t p- k'S, and ia mailed free f,r one dollar. New Id. .cm. oil Pianos, IoO. teh. 16. I?j8. ly S, Al, IIOWKLL, Saddle & lTarnefs JTaiiufactui r, Tiinrx boortHKrii'Tii fifinr manrih.s iiochc, 1 11 A ttl. n 1 1; -,. . I TAIIki liorle.t in ml. of fuddle .tire. and Harness mndr alll.e I III PAIRING prtn i ll, e, J,n. 1I. H.'.d 1K. II. .11. 4 Olllt I be plea.rd to receive f're.f. ssi. i a mhi;ei!Y. is ma v be found a t York ,..tnel h. Fell. 12. IHAf, is prolesni.n. i reaidenre, Ei rt Mill )ept. I tf Cash Paid for Hides, BfY K M. HOWELL, 3 dm.r. K.,1.11, ( ,)e I Mm Mansioo Mouse. ' f'aarrlmfs, Apnl 6. IfSH Stf l S.H. RANSOM. U.C&. )raA 4& 'tMNV ) THE iV All el t 1111(111 h i1 vu iriij i u r rt he I ns in w on ahtbilion, Mist nn ; WE-B be found Ihe celebrated the 5nn in rii Country for the f i e. i in w in u It is nn ii '. II i. any ..tin r M, , ,,, . ll e I nitti. fiaits, ami it n i Mull , and quit st II I c am: KI;M)sN or P. SACKS, tit liili I iiinl Htuialtr. III. ftiriir h I .I'l r.. .i. !.. ..r Publie H mi-s. I' i Id V.'..a. I' el.. huii c n..oi,i..' ,m in 3.1 s lory of Ai. a. . . v.r I h ns M II. I Orroer Vb, If-H Sill I 11.4 t Is 4. I I t nttur.l lifts Irifu-isrt Cid;i-J ! .. HM.l it. I: i 1 till i 11 . .Mutual I I ll " ' r.,r.,k. I'!. o It! II. -J ! f ii f ii in. st .i i ' 1 1 I, II.! fiv y. sis, lo, tw. All I. are la. u.r, pl.o.1 ia pi . nli MMi'li'l.s. CI ir... E. Join son, Mm. I' J.,'s.: II. .1.:. i.. M . I .o k., J. .. W r... h 11.1. le.,. On..-:.. Il.l.h.e. I' I I .Vi II. M. k.., k. I'. Hatlir, I i..r... b I. ' ' laali . litli's 11. il.ti.t. Of HI! I!S Iir. Ch.rl. s 1.. J..l.n..,.., I'r... W. W. Ilolurn, V,.e I ris,, .1.1 l(. It. Il .llie. rular). Miliums II. J.,..., lr,..ur.r. II. M . AMwsii. Ir. M,. II. Mekee. Sl.e.e.i I "' Lietutire i .... I. . - Vi. I u. ".. " Kce. t 11. lies ll. I.ojI. . Med,t,t Hrd C...r..'.'o s - !,! " '. Johnson, .M. U.. M,:i n Ii .V.h". ' Id, l.'.l II Hay, M. Ir li.iti er 11 r. J lo the pimplil o..,y he Alt., mill or any of lis Age t ' 111 1111 iri. I it I ilorn... It. ii. HA'l H I , V; temper h, Ir., Ian, si'ssj iivtr V AllaM.VMA ,UI.H':'' l.Ogh, ( i.l. ., lull ol the k 101 t s ., t.l. el, li e M I All. t.on.nrli olui 1 ll cent, a 1., I 11 Sa. ; (.old Aline 1 I or liy s tn Hilt, Iter 'I ill ! A letter f,..m J Ii .liu.. ' ,N. t .. oale.; Aug. 14, in; : j Ir. J. khul 1'ear lr : Y I gm ii - ii lire s..lisl. in n i" I liv. 'I he Ahvssuiia Mi'ur H r. '! I'm,'. Iv alil.rovtiiol. It hi I ,rl I., at I to ll s lis last, II pply the de gt supply i ALU"-, J. K.". .ill! A A til NTS Win. W sn T. Loi-g, kite I i lei I''' T.J. liolion aim lr J f 1 A Hill ond J. II. Enniss.tS ry,Lexinglon . ,.i"trt n iill PR IN IIN ! i