,i iii anil ii irnn ""-,itt 1,1 'thwi Wateuinaa nd other WLig paperi io the State requested to copy. Ou motion the Convention aJjournn.!, , J. A. YOUXU, I nudunt, q. V. Fits ton, J. J. IlltUXM, Srcretaiirs.' T. J. JJoL Tu.N, ) Tim Pokitiok Emji.and The Lon don Times on Lord Jerlry i $jert:h. The nntion will he reiiasuriid by that part of tho speech of Lord Derbj which we to-day re port, wherein be repudiates the interpreta tion jo universally put upon the Unhung ,e ofl in the Hoti-e of Lords on Monday and whicli had drawu forth an emphat ic protusl from Lord John KuskcII in one of liin addresses to the electors of London. All Kurnpe thought that in shadowing forth the aerica of (joining evcnli, not, aj ha t aid, ery iiupo.s-.iblo to predict by which Kiii hud would he drawn into action by her in terest in thu Adriaiio und the Moditerra Ik an, LoH 1 rby inteiidud to indicate a material support to Austria i i thu contin gency of tho Frcucii occupation of bur Ital ian provinces. Lord Derby hii now tiplained tint thi win not Liit meaning, lie think', a tiinety. nine otil of every hundrd Kiigjislifiieu think, that, whatever may Imp pen between the p .u.'M in dip lie, England must, while this caiiiiiu iiinl war is rajjin;;, rviuiiu perfectly iupartial, and u', fullered by obliu tiuiin or ly promi-ps, mid hu further ecbovt the uni venal etititiitiu( of hi countrymen when he denounce bn Austrian iiu'Iihc ue a hasty, precipitated, and uiijusttSitile atrp, but aa a oriiniti il act provocative of all thu horror.' of war. So any a'l. Every txpodieiit which was available to us an pe ice tnakera I,,, teen rxliait-itrd ; mm h i nothing inure to d) hut t) eta nil aloof, and to watch that the e 'jiillraii'M doe not reach our shores. AnaAltHA. Thia pl"co, the rendn i vim of the 8arliaii army, ia probably' dx-tiue l to p'y uu important part iu the coming war. It ia a fortified city uear the, fi-triu frontier of I'lediuont, whofl guli! lii-tic tuwarla the Auitriau territory. It; tianda iu the lu:dt of a ateriie pi tin. Il i l,u great atrotihold of I'iediiiont, and ia to! tun janliniati " lit Gibralter ia to the Lng- j lih, or Soba-lopol am to the K ja-Uua. i iriiiv' the reij.ii of the French iu Italy, iia f,r mi Jatlo fjrlilioaii uu luidj it one ol liu att iiiJa-t placea ill lvir'ipo, but tiieae were! t ib- qn n'y demoiinhej, leaving only the, citadel. Within the pat f year work men ban- lie e it buy iu recoualruntin; thcui, in at ticipation of the "Ml" ' " at hand., la liii aurrouii'i" ?" j a ", t '' "' !-it,, i, .""-' .t. v -u.etirat.d battle fiulJ of M-" rD,". ASeaudri ia (,-arri.ioneO withaeva-j fjl tho iiaud troop, and be in c niurcled . wit b Turin and licitoa by railway, any niimHer cau readily ba concentrated llirtoJ Tj capture it aould le a erowniu plory to the Awxti'iao tJtil, and to it a deep' butuiitliou ti ijar liu.j. I I.Mt.RMlTI'iN Va"TIII The Oxfjrd Lei- I jie Hour of lal et saj s : ' I in tl.H '.'"ilU ,f April last, a gehlleinan ' r.ine lo ti.ls place oil llie slae, put up at ll I lif.jrd ll jtel, and remains.) tiiere U'llil ItiD nnrninj; of the yd of May, when itinne-' diately after hre.'afi-t. he took k wa k in tbe d:ree:ii.o of St Jo'iu'a tloiiej;, aud ba LJt lie:i beard of since. lie ia a man of gruicl appearauce, with mjotache, upper, liout I e.ii out, aud very agreeable iu man 1 b.r and oonvrrsaiion. He entered his name on llie ri-gUler uf lh Hotel as J. T. Jack-j ou, fiom Virginia. Ai feara are enter u. .ni lor hia aafi ly, this publicity is ojven ; ia 1 any iulorui ation re-pectin him wiil be isiji.klu.ly received by D. A l'achall, bl.q , I'rop.-ielur of th Oxford lintel. A Navr Tirt Cur 'aiNO Ma. iiini A ne ttps couipoaitii; machine is in practical operation in the priming e-t.tiii-hnisii cf li adU-rry i K aus, leJnd jii. The letters are airuisd iu roas on a table, and by f-iura on a key th desired letter is made' li pin d.jwn a groove into a " eompo-ina-' inlk." The o pis fnit iu can couipoe and " j i-tify "' a " stick of matter " iu seventeen it. in ii tee, the time ordinarily employed to1 p-norni thai operation b-dhi; thirty miuulea ' Iito thousand letters could be s. t up in au bur. The oidinary rate of eompoaitiou by hau l, betiisr about .'.mill aa ho.ir. Oue ad tiutige cf the djachiue was that mi-takes its le liable to occur in selling up toe t;p tl.au by niabual cjuipo.iithiu. A Tiiol'aam) ArtttcAM N'KiH(ikit Want-! t. Au advettiseineiit appears io "The Nee," publish. at Kuterptise, Mississippi,' addrrssed to sirp owiiTs aud tiia-trra of oir m-resulile marine, offeiins S-'inO each; fur l.tlilll native Africans bnleen the ijes uf furi.'. ri and twenty, sound and healtby.l lo be delitrred within twelve mouths, at mrie point betaecu I'etisacoU, Flolida and ' Ijalve-t'in, Texas. 'J'b.t advertiseinenl isi ' tl'ied b) eihlfcu re-ponsihle eiiixens, w bo-e iiricti'r i vouched for by the editor of " The Newa." The young civil Etilperur, or Ty coon pf J 1 1 n n, waa crowned at Jaddo on the llih' of March. Ila ia a ynnlh of smue 6fteoi .tfrs. It will bo reincinbei ed that the old: K'i ..-r jr died on the lliih of A'i"ist last, it ll.e tune the treaty neoiialions were in; I'oress, and it was i..t until ilia 1.1 ill of ptembcr that the fuel became publicly ktnwo. A Sad Act inaNT John Menu, a boy of k-oul A.tceii, was drowned at the (rarduer Mine, iu this nnui.tr nil 1'ridav the lull in- ':t. He w aa employed at tbe time, iu a ji-vel, soiuj eij-hty feet below the sutface, li iin' the bucket, when hu lost his fool hold, tiid ,- twenty feel prrpendiculary, into a f '.Is containinjr fifty leet of water. (Iretns. I ""' y nun. f lt atii or A Uli II CoWHT A few ?fks sj."i a, man named Thomas Morgan, P altliy eituen of eott county, III., was to the penitentiary at Alton, for as fluting B nian ysitb iutcut lo kill. Last ''''' be died from excessive depression of : mu, caused by the disgrace of bis ailua "n- Hu at worth Si j.Olld. A Liuk Pixtor WiiMKr D. C. Dowry. I"r Uttering . sH1oko houio with a false key, siealui tberefruiu one pint of whiskey, 'elite ua. j tJ lu. Circuit Court of Cal ?'J" euu'i'y, U., to tbe peuitentiary lor lt Jeara. r ' 1 A hrtiMhiiarl of Tobacco made by j; Hicks, E , , of Granville county, N WM "id in l'etersbur,( on Thursday for I "'per hundred. The lutelligencer just j. thiuks it a " very handsome price." i Mkbtino or Railroad Pbisidsntt We learn from the Kalt'it'h Standard that a meeting of the I'residenla of the variotia l.ailroad in thia State wax held in that City on Tuesday last, la uu'geMed by the Hoard of Internal Improvements, to make suitable arrangements for the establishment of a ya tem of through freight. Among those pre wnt mere Mr. Ashe.'of the Wilmington and Weldoii lload, Mr. Whitford, of the Aliun de and North Carolina Koud, Mr. Fisher of tho N onh Carolina iload, and Mr. Pearsc-D of tho Weatcrti North Carolina Hoad. Hit Kicellenc; Gov. Kllia. President ex- officio ot the kouru of Internal Improve ments, waa ulao prcut. The Uuleigh Stand ard aaya ; " Wc learn that important ammoi-mcnta and regulations were agreed upon, after full consideration) and Unit the officers of the Koada evinced every di-po-ition to confortii to the aupgi-Ktioii of the Hoard of Internal 1 Improvements, and thua afford to tho p'jh-i lie and to business men all practicable ilia- ' piitch and coiivcniti.ee iu the ti asportation of articles." i Ghkat 1'i.ArE mu ('mi 1U KM. In Or ange, New Jersey, the pre at tin in her of chil dren in propoinon to the population i. re-' gardad aa a remarkable pheuoineiion. j "Go where I aiil," aya a correspondent of a New York paper, ' thvro ia a baby. j On Sunday IhM I altcuded church, aud the iniuihter bapliaed aevenlceii chiidrvu. How , many were bapliaed iu the other live church-' I aui not infoiiued ; but only tkink aeven- j tem babif't in one day I It ia no wonder' that all the b'iclielora hare left, thia vicini- ! ty.and we do not know of but one married couple who reside here and have no ciiil-' drrn, though they r.-aide but part of the year in Oraojja. . V.UVi ATIOH AM) FlOII IIMI. liy a Ijw of l'ruMa every child between the apea of ueu and tourteen ia required to go to achool and to learn to read and write. In ll' tliero were but two peraona in KM who could neither read nor write. U,3J-j,-OtiO child reo of the , 900,01)0 btaccn aevcQ aud foutteeti yeart altetided achool. In the dlaiiditij; army of r.'ti.HOO, but two aoldiera are in able to read. In caae of taking any part in the war, l'ru-iii can britij; into the Hi I I HO'J.OiX) nnMi, in one aenae the Lot educated military forc in the world. LoNO AD SimiiT Dajs At Berlin and Ludou, the lonje-t djy baa aixleen hours and a half; at tjckhoiin, the lonent day has "ii't en boiira, and the shortert seven; '! M !' ' ' ")!, the longest day h nine teen, and the .urirtc-t five hours; al Torneo, in Finland, the ione-l d ty has twenty one hours aud a half, and the ahortent two hour and a half; at Wsnderua, in Norway, the d4y Ul fruni the ' I -t uf M ty to the V!Jd of July, without interruption; and at Spit ieiiber;en, the lotigeat day is three luontha sui a ba.f A '1'ehhibi.k AkiM.miint. Alfred Hood, a..ed ihiily t e was rccetuiy imt to tbe in sane asylum, near Cincinnati, having breu crsa, d by rrinoroe on account of a former too great iuiiuiscy with the wife of another man. lie thought the Lu-bmd was pur-u-ino him to lake bis life. Ou the 4th, he fan cied that the hu-baiul waa about lo dra him to bell, and lhinkiii( hia life, would be au aloneineiit for what ho baa done, he sev ered his head almost entirely from hi body with a raior. A I'lllLO-ril'tlKR MaHKIXH A NlilKtMi. Ladislaus M")rr, a Hungarian, well eer sd in llie natural liislory of llraxil, in the hope of reaching the interior wilh more cer- . taiuly, has mariied the daughter of the j tiexro i'ii)i of liihe, in I (per tjuiuca. Hav- ! iiij; by this step become general iu chief of; the ariniea f hia father io law, he linked of his newly acq itrcd auihonly to U Cii tale hia reeuaichia. (I T We learn from the Memphis (Tenn ) Hullelit, Ibit Waller it. Leak, K-q . I'resi dent of the Lti.k of Wadesboro', X. C , died at the residence of hia btot'.cr, at Terry 'a L indium, Arkansas, on Thursday, the 'ilh in-l He waa vi-iliu' the above place on bu-ine-s, when he waa taken suddenly ill and expired iu the course of a few hours. FlttsT Cakud. The fir-t carro of irnu for thd Wilminron, Charlotte and Kutber ford Hail Hoad, was received here yester day by Sthr Jo'uu Hoc fiotu Xer Yoik. A Nur for Law vims ro Chair A; eae of the foiloain kind en me up recently i.i I'cuii'ylvania : i A. H marsiud C. I) ' lister his wifo died. A ii. Ii. en married C. I) 'a daughter she did. O. Us wile died; C. D. uiir-j ried A V , and died. A. II then married ' C L) s widow, and had children by each ( wifo. What rela:irii-bip nista LetvtceO all' the chil lrcu of A U ! Til h. ClitsAI'IAkl A.VD Al.MK.M lllt.E Ca NAI.. A correspoudeiit nf the Kichinond Dispatch, writing from Norfolk on the ft b inst , says : " l lie first cro ol corn through the Chesapeake Canal, ai lived here Satur day inotDiu' from North Carolina, aud waa aold before touchiu the ahutf '' Wittv RkToitT A lady eailcd on a wil ly liiend who was not at home, aud finding the piano dusty, wrote upon it caltcrn The uext day they met, and thd lady aaid, "1 called ou you yesterday. 1 ' lea ; I saw your card ou the piano." Guano upon tu k Cotthm Ftu.nn uf tiKiinoiA. I lie Savannah Kepublicau aaya 1,1114 tons of puano have been Iran-ported to the interior of that tate, over the rail roads, for the four months ending oMst Mareh. The K. - blicuii aa the older portions of fleoruia are more thrifty aud productive at this time than tbey were tweuty years ago. Wnl'LO NOT tin. Thirty emancipated .Uvea from Western Virginia en route for Liberia, under tho control of the ageut of the Coloniintion Society, started for Norfoik by tho way of l'eten-burg. Only 'twelve arrived, the others escnp.m, prefer ring slavery to ficcdow. I'rternijuig (la.) liitetigemer. A'MoNfTKR. The largest mule ever pro duced in the world ia now in Cincinnati, Ohio. It i a mare mule, nineteen aud a half binds bi-h, and weighs eighteen hundred and thirty live pounds. This extraordinary animal is thd property of Charles Frost, of Wayne county, Indiana, and waa rcceully putohajoj near Liiu;jtou, Keuiuuky. Special Nolicci. DIJ. W IST. It'S II A l. AM OF T I I.I) CI! TK 1!Y. Bulhu't '! i( a 24A July nyt i lio.iliini; the true aeuae ol' renriiMLliiy alt.ieliing to tl.u K.lilur iif und I'iiIiIiIh r ii' a wiilelr circul .tert joutiiiil, w e aln ulu ill em it little I. tiiiiu u crime , to rrcmiiiitrni! miy meilicul fiHipnu.nl llie renl vir tue of w lint we cuulil not euiifuinti'iUMly tiMlurMe. Tliia bnlaiimie eiMiiniui,fi liia aee(ine n bonie fix lure; unil ull ieruii wlin rbff- r, unit Imve in vuin bttriiii.tr,! ,( eurr llien oi, VmHt. Iliuneliial ', or I'ttliiUHwry Lvmiiluintt, inuka ue ul' t)na uuo. iU.ill, d remeuy. 'i iit Jollmiut Ctrlifi'a'e from a dUtinzuukti ptnitimun ia ttfiuiily cuiiclHtitt I Fi.iiii liiv. Henry Vi,.hI, liirmerl v En i lor nl' llie t'tniuti piiiimiiil Jutiruiil. i'tinrnrit, N. IJ., murii re. eenlly American t' ul at Ileyruuf, fyri4, und iiuw t tujil., in in the N.ivy. CiiMjuan. N. II. March 'J. .Mexna. Situ W. Kum.K a (u .-Ctulltmrii .- Twi yenra n;ii, a auiiilen uml violent ntnick upon my l.uiia roulii.t il me to my lieii fur never.! wecNa, aeil when I reervereil, 1 waa to luliell ofprt. Kt'li by ihllieulty in breathing, tlinl I win ollen una ble tu aleeu or rcil I(kii u b tl hj Itilit. Tile auf. eriii- wja extreute, unit jiiilintf iroin li.a inellica. cy nl llie - I , f li a uaeli, 1 auunirt'J Hie iliaeaae in. curnlile. Itrinp iM-rnuuili-il to try n bottle ttt' W it. tur'i llnhtnu uf Wild i'itirt. witlimit conlt.leta-u in ita eflic my, I loiiiul tlia mlh.'iiliy almoat entire ly rcnmvrtl beliire una bi.tile win ned tip. hym. putliy w illi my ftllow aulferera induce me tuin.ilie tlita I'UDlio l..t. no nl. and recmniiicud llie a.-tick lu utliera aimi'arly ifllicti d. Willi rciecl, youra trnlv. HIM! Y WtJOU. None piniiii.H utili aa lnril I. IU T t'.H oo tl, wr ipper. I'repired .y S. IV. KDVVLK Si i O., tlua. t..l., and aold by E. Nye, llulclnaou St ".. Cnur lolli , N. I'. t!3 On or thr MoaT PaaviLrfiT, and at llie anme j lime troublesome and i.miiIiiI iliaeaara Hint ulleiij ine t'U in h ti ft, aii. ia the Itur and Ague, for it Untg time llie uicilir! world hnve been cotitinu il. ly brn.f me fortli nimieroua ai'ee.itira for ila per. n nl cure ; but all w illn.ut H'eut Dr. J. Una. Inter, an XH-nenced and celebr.ilrd pnynictin, baa aiietened in fuinianiiir it public wilb a va. luablu preiaralion lor the euro of Fever nnd Ague. 'I'lie aleaily ami l-ienaxllit; deniaml lately lie de for llie ' Itinera," anil Ine uoivi.rnl auecera all, ii. uini; ila in.!-, li.,ire inane for it k reputation unaur. pNaed by any apeeifie of tiie kind. For Ibt cure ol ine Fever und Ague, Dr. Iloatetler'a Celebrated Stoiu.ie.ti It.ltera miirt and abould claim a aupen. only over any oilier preparation extinl. I'oraile by Drueiataand dealers c nerally, ev. cry wbrre, and by K. Xye llulehiaon Si t o., ( Ii . r. lolte, X. f. TUB GHKAT ENGLISH HEMEUY. Mlt JA1II.S tl.tllltl.'S ri.i imc i i d ri;.vj ti.i; iii.i : Frearid lioin a pr pcription i !-ir j . i urae, m. !., Put siciau I.ilr.i ry b. Uuren. 'Plus well known uiedicioe I a sure and atie remedy tor Fen Ol.att uetions, from any c iute in iiiinriaitinu but . lliiriellltlesaiid half v, r ; and al. Inoiigli a pow.riiil reme.iy, tliey col.uui nutiuug hurllul tu the eufiatitutiou. Tit Mun i, d r.iiilit-a It ' peeuli .ily sililed. It will, in a short time, biia- on liie iii.n.lMy M-ruei w.tli regularity. 'I iit.se I'ii.i s UAvr.sr.vKs asax im. tu r.iiL w iiiakTiie Kias.t in.aa oa rui; 1'u nun ur raHi ii Lt r aas. w ki.l usaavi u. F..r lull parlicuiats, g t a pauiph'.tl, Irte, nf llie X. II Al end 6 po.tarc- stamps niel sulli'.rn .1 seenl, will insuru a I". tile. ed lo i over .'(! lulls by return mail. JOU Mi SKS, K.i. ihr.nr, X. Y.,(ieiietal Aiut lur the I'. Si ah a and I .anida. Sol. I in Chart. ile by SCAUR Sc t o , and ail its. peclabis Druggists. Hy'Srcthr fivcrtivmeiit of S..i.d(ird luvifo. aitor. in anolUt-r nduin. uux! win fcLKs : : iiolxtai ncs: : I'sr 11' V M pair i',l my I sffers, sud you cn have s hrauti i It , and .UMstetavs. tM soft ..JJ., i .,il,,n.v,, II. .X. -L... mi. t..fi.i. ut.d irt, J not statu er itimc Iht sii Pr.e- lilt, isi.i. p.r l.ii: SI.H..M ps. lot the I'liileii sjlsUs. Andrs-s joiix m. SAi:.Di:i:s. Ifil Third elrrtt, New Y. rk Cily. .Vrr 03, lej!l 2.11 J H'lL.lllXfiTOV 1M!A( II. iEVSl'0JK. K.!iNWi;iLi:i: & mw 2' hior from T. II. Drem tj- Co.'t Store. S R A VK nfwnrd au entire Xew Stuck ol Fancy l A aod Slapiu Dry (ioods and Millinery to wliicu they iuvile the sttrntion of the cit.z r of tins plare snd the surrounein? enuulry. tlur Stoek consists uf tvery varitty and of ll tall l Stvlrs. II,.-', e lres Silks, l;...i. o H.k Silks, lll'k snd c .I'd I) r es. Fr. ii. h J ic-io. I. an. 1 Or..n.lic., Jae'l and Orj'e It. .be. sn.l .1. . nl le J ii pes Pi nits nf various si vies .inn sll ou . lilies. li .1 oiialilv ot Kid C..,v,-s. p.cs.niek .Mm. ; cnu bikcttnn a. Silk uioves Hosiery, of all kinds, Iki.inels, .Miasss Sl Cbid'n Flats a Jock II, ... ..el Itibbons, l.are Points and M.ulilles, I.iniii snd Piigne Hualcrs, Table .iu...k i Cloths; P.mssk Napkins aud Doylies, K'Uhriudcrn-p, Pomp. s. dour snd Picdotnini Cellars a letts, SA-.ss Slid Cimbrie Collars, .M.llr-e ami Vslencis Sieeves, Muslin At I, tee SVi rri, new designs, Emh'.l l'..rk. t II. Ik!-, Mem Sli. bed and H.r'.l illifs. Can b'c sn.l Sw i a F. 'etnas snd Irs. rtii.s, C'anil.'c sn.l ll ui'ly II mils ami Flouncing, Lisle and F.rm h Th'd K, lyings a lusai lings, lll'k I. see F. li'.nys, lll'k L.cc Veils, Dress 'I'r, nun. nes, Fringes, llraid, Biittona, Slo. II,,. Skirls H ull kinds. Plaid snn StriM-d ItmiicsiMin. Drown Shirtings, snd Sheetings, Illea'd l.onif Cloth Sheetings, Cotton tlaiiahtirys, M .rs. illes Quilts, ami Al"", a rrssl variety nl fancy articles. W V efier our Stock st remarkably low prices, sud m i xsivtLV for CASH. In ailditinn In nur larfe stuck nf Dry Goods, we have nn hand the best stock uf Uficnor itetuiy .r.tutt i t.frriti.ro. Hoots, Mines, hats, cfZ"" CAPS, Trunks, P 'tilisc ij- 1 nrirt Hagr and s large sssortnient of r.i.wt, i a no i j:i:mi:4 AND ;ilills-r .nut I IminI .v;ire, at luw price. Aay 24, in; J- Iltf T rioteUSsiIe, AT MONROE. Null I'll CAROLINA. f O 1 1I r. subscriber benij? desirous s-rtJ&TlA nf Cl.a, III. fclisinsss. of. lers for sale thu "LMU.N HO- I HI.." House ia situated iii the thriving Tnwn nf Monroe, N. C, c.liveniriil to the bu. nl the Tuwu.uud will, in slsiul one I IK.rtinu Jy,.r,l of the truck uf the W, C. A. ll. Rnlroad. Il is nearly new, eoutaius sevenlitn riH.nis. well fur. lushed, (ihe Furniture being offered l..r sale w iii the House) a lire pi ice to every room, al-n, eonve. nicut oul houses, Mihlri, sVc. Alsu, Onu Hun dred Acres nl Laud siij,.iiliir- llia Bi'a disqualifies him for longer public life. he will ihcrclure sell luw, e,,ii,tr any reasonable tune for payment. Tor luitln r iiilorin 'lion apply to the sub.cnoer. or my friend. Rev. K. A. Ltmi- nioud, CsmiieM, hu. Ca. , . ,, JAMCS ItlCKKT. JMajSsi, ItlJJ. Hi ST A T Ii' til.' KCIU Tf T.r A rint tv Svperior Uowi tof Jiw, Spring Term, aC'J. '111"'"!.!) ny i u i ni I nmnl Term nf y ihit Ouurl be Htm oa me Xna Kumijy ut , July in it Test: J. 11. KKHR, Clrrk. Ma a 1(1, U.39. too IU"lSu itur mid wilntaa in civil cases will take li'. tier mid allrnd. , ,,..,,, 1 ' 1 " 1 " '' K- 1 'IMIE Memliera of the JMi cln.l.urg AKr ulln. 1 ml Society are rcqiirsteu to unci I'linrlolte on Saturday. H e 4tli i.f Jims, at !ti loek, A. M., fur Hie .fose f Inking into aidrruliiui It. port nf the Kxecutive I ouimtllie in 2rd l rtn.ivinrr H'C f '""Hod. A. i DAV1LS0N, 1'iisitlfht, .VV 24, 1 8.' 9. 9w Clolhing EmpcriLia. ir: . XI" E MO II K. rrirtnla an tri.na, we tnvile lurj;eai, iH-at made, and clieiipei-! i.o ii ,,f suI3Ii:k riaOTiii.xr. ever oliVted in We. tern Carolina. We a'.y the t'lK'll ! . t, bicaoao we grl our aiaida iiitl'uie oi ly fi f.iii in y ull.er home. We buy the tn.'terinle I run the iiiipi.rlera and jobtiera and mainnactiiie the eloihinir nuraelven, lucnhj a vii.j; the iiiauu. factun r'a pn tii. All we can w.-h of tiie people ia In ;ive ua a In.. 1, ami wa ate coi.fi.ient we on Wi: WAI.'IiAM' every ni lielu I toiuera. and will inalie good any uefie cy that may .cur in mateiial ur m. aiiijf. We are now receiving 105 Black Clo 111 Coals all grades. J5 ) " French Eui lrJ(, d'Kie Frocka fcSacka 110 ' Alp .cca auu CJ leeo'j lu du 7.. Fancy l:,.lmfreL lrs. .Ml I'.uin A Fuiire Maiaeillea i'.o 30USp .ni-h l.im-i.a. lni. n Duel, S.ek a Saekteera. i'tlliilllta, pl IHii A o. M.,y 17, 18t. lOif (Jiil i: ' iti tl, tjOo Pair lllu'rk Ca.ainiere Fattta, 4"i " Fancr " !iSl P.J.II. Fancy l,inciiA Marseilles Panta at 1TLL1N0S, tPHIN'GS CO. tlL'M.INOS.SPKIXGS .t CO. 1 ii ive ri ccued aort Riack Salin and hVd.t lik Ve aeillea ' ISO Fanry 2 AO " and Plain l.n.eii and M AT A 1.1- I'ltlt IX. riirniliiii (Itioils ! FuniUliii!" (ioods! " tall doi. fanes L whit- linen mai. 1, a. bosom Soirla. a ... itt,on. t.,u.;inir and Pico umiui Cu AI.KO-s- filoves. Hosiery, Stocks, Cravats, Silk l.are Ties, Snk and l.mtii liandkcretucfa, of all qu.. ntua ami pneca. FULLIN'GS. t'MUN'G.s i CO. m FVo1 ni casaui LI.I.IXGS, KPRINOS t Irre S.ock tinirre, uk and 1 i " horn II '!. bias ht ol the iiianulactutera by llie case. ALSO r-TSTT"! A lares st. ot nt-' si r! Li illtllAl, irolll J IO ITI'J i j tall. ses nnd Curpet H 'gs. IT II. C. MALCOLM, I JItAl TIC AI.MARI1I.EI ITTtli. respeelful IV inlt-ni. tlir put'lic, ttit hu ha oik- 1 a 3I AKI3LH YA il li linositc the Maaslou Hotel, where In ia prepared t (ill all ..niers w ith deni.teh for MONL'MfcXT. IIKAII M HMX. I AUI.K lUl'f. and all kun's w"rk " i,,r M-irW. l,i(n-,of euher IMPOKT- - H AI.IAJ, AMMl,fr MAitwr Hsvii.tr ii.siiH srraiiveiinta by which he can procure tne me. in in Itsli.n .Marble, at reflurrd prices, he can fill all urdirt for Mouuiutnls, A.C., at reus,, rial lo rates. lie would be happy l bse &'.! li."i.irons of deal, injr in ins hue, lo c.li snd see si.ecn-ieiis nt' Mar ble, liear priits inil jui're for themselves. 1 1 t . r. had 'J.i year's eir,.i,r, in llie husi. lirss, he will g.ve his petsoiiLl btnn!,in tu put. ling uu Monuments. &e. ffilthiry, May 3, I Sail. blf INoticc. i LU K rm'im art .cTi'hy caui'otirc 1111111,1 hun Ik I'i'g iilt gnnit tr d'j , r ti'liit'g itli t-t or tickle, or in uny wine trt i ('. n-g ujon 1117 l.niriB, n the Is-irj in nuch cari wtll be rinily rn-iV-fctd hgtiiiiat evrr v on tut nf)' ntinii; A. LKEVAUD UAV1DSOX. Vay 10, a 3,n MORE TO UK ADUIKED THAN THE ! KIC11EST DIADEM ! EVER' ".Worn by Kings or Emperors.! I I vthit? Why a Beautiful Head of Hair. , . , Itecsuse il is llie ornsiiieut Cud himtrlf niotidtd I for ail nur race. Iteadi r, altboiiali the rore uo.y l.l. h. in tn r an brifrhtly in ihe chteK, tne ev e he rvt r sosjiaikliiiir, the leetn be tln.se ,, pearls, I i: Ine head is Ix-re Hot its eoerii.L', or tiie hair be i snarled and shriveleo, aeisA and diy.or worse still, ; if srinkh-u willi prsy, nature wiit loe more than ' ball her lii.irms Pr',,1. Wcsmi's Hair li. sl .r..l.ve, if ustd to or liine limes a wees, wn! reNlore sud j periiiaiiruily secure to all such in uruament. Ilesd : Ine tollowi.tit, ami juiiee. 'I'lie writer ot the first ! is tht ttlrbrnttd i'leaist, TkaUmig : I Da. Woon : New York. April 19, 18'8. iitair .ir, Permit me In ex,.'fess lu you liie ub lijp.itiuns 1 sni under lor llie entne restoration ot' my hair lu its original eulor ; sua. a1 tl-c tone of my arrival in thu I uilee Males it Was rapidly Ik'coiii. mtf grsyt but ii,hiii the spptiorfiion of tour, " Hair Kesloralive " it soon recovered its original line. I com-uicr your Itestorative aa a very woniterlul invention, quite tliccious s well as :.ressble. 1 sm.uear air.yoiirs truly, S. TU ALUEKU. " U. jch n'r (ssryliedydct." Welsh NeW'spaH-r tuee, I'i jMsaaw at.. April 12. I'aur. l. J. Wood : I'tur Air, fsoine month or six weekssfo 1 received a bottle of your H.nr Re aturativc and gave ll lomy.wite whiscancluded tu tiy it mi her h.'ir. little tinnkinc al the time that it would restore the gray iiair to its original col or, hut lo tier aa well aa my surprise, alter a lew weeks' trial il has performed ll.st wonderful effect hy turning sll tne ray I, sirs lo a iiarfc brown, sl tiie same lime beuuiityntg und thickenm? the hair, I alroii!y r. commend the anove Keslora live lo all persons in want of such a change of tncir hair. t MAItl Kt CAKIUIW. Niw Voaa, July Uj, lb."i7. Paor. O. J. Wood: With confidence do I re commend your Hair l!esloraiive,ssbciiij the most eflicacious article I sver saw. Mnre usiuk your I Hair Iti sUiralive my hair and winskera which were j almost while loivr jra.iu .11) crown dark; aud 1, he! cm ri lent tnat a lew more application will re j ion- Ihci'i to their natural eu.or. It also has re. J In ved me of all dundiulVaml unpleasant itching, so j comm. iii anion ir pt.rsuu who perpire trecly J. ti. kll.BY j Pm.r. Wood Als.ut two Jfs.-s ajio my hair i coiiiiuenced falling otV and lur'ninf gray : I was: fast lieroiniuir halo, soil bad tried many Itemrdies, lu imetTecl. 1 coiiiuii ucsd using your Kcatora.j live in January last. A fsw application fasun. I ed inv hair hnniy. II nenan io uu up, gmw uui, sud tu.neil buck lo ila former cdsi, (black.) Al this lime it is fully restored ! its origins! color. health, and .nearaiice. and I clieerlully reeoiu. mend ila use lo ll. J. D. IRItS. Chick.,, 111., May I, Mil. The Keator alive is put up In rmtlle of 3 aiie. via : lartre, medium, and small ; tlw small hniua , a pint, and retails fur one d..!l"i perbollle ; the me diinii held nt leaal, twenty per cent mure in pro- portion than tn small, renins n "o uunsrs pr ,he u hlU , ... 40 per ceui. mure in r,m,tu,, 0IU retails lor :. 0 j H OOU Ja. I t) , Propnclors, 444 Brnsdwsy, New York, aud 1 14 Marks! Bi.,!H. Loon, Mo, sou K,ld by sll pood Di ugaistsaiol Fancy t;ood Deal. ei. and in Cluriulle by Sv Al. A. OO. J OIC I II LKOlMVt j ISllLll A AlX X INSTITUTE j CiiuilolM-, N. C. fHE Earrciaeanf llti Inatitute ill couiiiikiice y Jj uu ih 1-1 Ocli lx l next FAI'lM'y M.KCT itlaj D. II. II li t,, 8MpeiiDteileiit. LiruT C t'. I.KK, CmiiiiMHilKRl, V. V. KSTII.L, A. M., I'niieipiil of Priinury Dcuar'iui nl. Course f Sluu'ics : In the Pr i tun r y Depurlmenl, audi aa tu qualify a Niudwil to enti r anv t'olleu. In the cicnhfie Lrpirlmrnt the W.t Point Curriculum will be cloarly tidlntiu. It will be ,, ( u,c ,fllt'eora to m.ilii. Suroeynra, Kngi. ueera.('hetniala,aiid men fit lor tiie practical bui-i- Urn of life. In it dil 1 1 ion tu llit lima I l.ztirittt al .Military School, the iiinnllia of Aiif:unl and September will be fK-nt in ('aiiiiiiigunig thruujib llie inuuu. taina ofXorl'l fnnihfUI. Tiie Aradvmic Yttir will commence, on the tat day of Oeloher, ami will embraee lwele nimillia. A fiiilouvb ol two mnniha (Aue. und Sept.) wiil be given In t'aueta at tile I mi lit their aecolid ye-r. rartieutnr ntletition will be given tu thu mitral and ltHpiout insliuc-iion of t'aiieU. FXI'KNSKS: The IiiKtitule will proviee Hoard, Fuel, I.iirhtr, Vaahiujr, Anna, Kquipmi nla and IJllllbrilia. and all elollHhjr rteept Uliiler eiolhea, lor .'i(t li;iC M I, one half payable iu advance ; tiie balatiee in kix ti.ntitha. Att rxtia thatgrt. Xo ri llllaion ot'chaita to thnae who leave nniea I on Ine wore nl heiilth. Wv 1 F. II MS i i If A n V A in X MPv0 e ...n e, .dmitted imu the I'aiHARV Da. rATMll. nn,r Twelve yeara of net: nor into llie i-cititTiMC DxrawruENr uuiicr Filien nor over Twenty.onu years of kcc. All ennueeted wilh thr Scictitific Dot arinient will be levuittd to board in Hie luatiluie; tboae in Hm frituury Dt uarlmi nt ni y uu vo it tuey cltouae. R F. PI A R K S f Tiie IitBiitulP IJuiitiitip sr nr(ri.t, nmtt ti- gftnt and cii,tiMuiuuii tor the (tecum i.iil"trnn ot Cxieti in the .Siut.tt-rti ('nonlry ; niiO (lie IJunrtJ of Iirrrtur Iruct tliwt umitf tin: in.. ri-i t nn it ol' llie u(f rinti nieitl onti 1 fnniunrunit (both of wham tin- tirjiJiintc of Ytt l ottit unit ul luiitf tjip ri cin e in the Am y, nnd ut tin- tnifintMi ul iuli()c. tion, 1 l.c liir-litulc will tc ti-l-Ulii'lu'd uu a true Miiitmy han aid runduclfil mi true Mihtitry pr it.rt() s. J Itc board will fiirtlifr nuy, thut Mr. KSTILfj I Grauuutc tf the Virginih t nin rmt) and an -XicriMited 'Ju iiic;jf ic;cher. They would furiiitr iNte lli.it it ia tlirir inli-nlion to incrte thu iiuni: rr of ttachtrtt in both I H-p r t- nifrta ii t lie .tlT.tmie ol thu public nmy nijuirr. J itia liiitiiute wan gr-.nicil a hbf rt! ( iiarltr by tho Lfiiiliittii of Nnrih ti roiin.t , with thr iiwn nf tuiilcrniiK lUpret Umii tlni whu coinplrtc , r u smdns. a r Applications for aimirsion II be received ......I ,1 l. f .September, and mut be uirecteu to Dr. C. J. Fix, Presiucnl uf the Hoard, C har, luiic. N. C. a j. F x. i jas. r. law in, i e II. LK. ALEXAXIiElt, 5 JAS. II. CAKSON, " 'J IK hS. II. LKE.M, I ? S. M. LLAIll, I UAVID I'AIIKS, Chailuttc, May III, le.'. J 9lf J-iN'otice. V! Adininialraior of tiie I.stale of A J AN jr.n. irr iiec'ii, I will sell 111 the Town of Char lolte, on Saturday iilti May m The Plantation knuwn ss Clareuiunt 4 miles north ul Cbnrlotte, containing 2e() aires nf Und on which there is a goon '2 story llriek Ilwciluifr House and ull other iii ctM'ary buildings all in good repair also a well of poou water in the yard Terms msue known un that uay. DAN ALEXANDER May 2, ll-Sil. tlU l.cal EaielbrSnie." ON Tuenlav of the ensuing Superior Court 1 will sell to the hifihisl bimirr, the reuiniutiif (ur unsolo) portion ot the Ameiicun Hotel Luis. A credit of I and 2 years will be jiiten. Thj! sale will lake place al William's Corner be tween i and i P. M HLTUS BAUItlNfiER. May 2. 18.1:1. 110 r TAXKS. f BV1F. Tax Lists fur the year ISSff are now in m my hanns for insiH-ction. Those liable lo uiy 1'axia will piease come li.rwa rd snd settle. E. C. GKIEH, Sheriff. A,il U, Ibis. cif To Planters. Af 1UTTO.N GI.N'S, of the 1 st ijoalily, with 10 sL inch saws, ilel.vered ut any Railroad I.an. on.l. in the Slstu al 1 per saw. Fur particulars aunicss. J. M. ELLIOT. V insburn', 8. C. iliril ID, I.i9. fnf 1 Premiums awarded at Ihe Mtltl- l"iil. November It.irl. J. .M. F. E. L. KI.KKIet', HERMAN L. LEIDINO. Ki:itIMSO- lai:iDKG. l.MPORTF.ItS Foreign and Domestic Try Goods, WlIllLKSALK AND RETAIL, HaSEI. STSl.TT, OMt DUO MOM HSU, CII llil.l.VI'0, a. ', .4126, 859. 7-1 v Tin: MVi.r: Iii ORATOR! IS fKhl-AKKH il V lilt SNKI.KII, ( ompomitlfd rniirtl) from LOIS, I OSK UF TIIK BK.sT Ct Kli.ATIVK AMI l.IVKR If R. ! ds.lj ll. xial rsifiilllj. S.-inciusl reirulstoi Kr... Its runni itv ss.vtosa. iu i-l.s t-lver- bsiiisucsasw.lt., d .ss. ssrsl ISs I MmI ,ll n. ss ll lou HIS lll.M.ll. rs.s.1 iilt vs liat ls Srlrrl ut rsl.rvt Ihs ttSMSCb r,s.'ar si..l oi.o,.. i.n,i.. i-iossis ftlKht- t.ls rr In Slat rs hsa Iks bssrls s-.s llvri.r. llysrvrla a- Sjlck llrsils.hS. C kiulerw Jllneltus. snd s pr tas-ni.lv i ,,.,-,! lis SllertS . sl ( holrra r ibs I liroole Dlxl- loss el mm. Ueops', b sxritl!. lbs id Ml lVvrr "t Hit- s,iKis..,., , W7?r'"'.-V" It e kllvluif lllele aolmous usuiiionr in its snvur. kHii tiller lo IHr mollllt II h llir Just guintor. smd svislluw Iwlh louellis s. THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR IH A SrlKNTIr II' MMIII'AI. luw 111 K V. ami I , Ols.lll al SVlls'MS4 4l 1,1, fr. KAN HI Rll a ! . l-r,. ., wis MS B,a.uJ, Ns Tsik. Wholeswle s.ae.,1.1 RnoltPoI K.wVa.S T . I.I..H .s. PL.Udsl- .... ia s . Hts. . li-iw . n il li.varorr-.i..i; F. 8 A UK & CO., C hi-rUMtet sV. C. I i Tit KAS TRICK'S Of Fit K. WILMIX.iTON, II AUUITI F A lt( TIIFII I OKU HAII, HOAD. Wii.insoTo.N, Mav 7, Iri'.U. 5N CON FORM 1 1 Y wilh an aninr iif the Hoard uf llirenlurs, notice ia hereby jriven, that speciul meetini; of llie Hu.el, In. liters nf this Com pany, tn ennsnlrr ihe ainenilmi'iila innde lo its charter by Ihe General Assembly of North Caro lina at Us Inst session, will be held iu Rocking.' bam, Riclituuud county, on the tl'td day uf June DAVID S. COWAN, c-ecrrlsry uud Treasurer. May 17, Ita9. 115 Nblicc lo Ccnniion c'cliool Trarhrrs. A I L persons wisliinr; tn Irach Public .Schools, aX must apply for t erlific.ti s 1111 Ihe last fat nrday in June, the last Saturday in .S-pieuibfr the last Saturday in Di ci uiiier, nnd the last Sal. 11. day in M uch. Tina mlc will be -Irieliy ob served. Nunc need apply i.l anv other lunr. 51. 1) joiIK.STON. K. NYK IIUTClllsON, J. P. 1'sOSS, ( oiniiiiilic of ICjtaruiu.iliun. May 17, lf.r.9. Ui Piano and -Music Store, rpMIK Subscriber 1.ICI.H cotilinuiillr. on hand JL Pianos made hv Slemway . Co., Niinn's Jc t I rk and other msktrs.of Ni w Vork. W Inch he will sell al tin- lowest rstes for ( .t.NJf.or r-oi.,1 pa. t per. Alt-o, ihe luteal Music ou hand, sl No. 11,11, Main street helwei II the t'.ehaiiie. Ual.k sou the i American Hotel, I olumbis, S. C. j SAMUEL OAKDIXBU. ; Vuy lia lf-oH. if j Jlaiaiiisiirg'aiiis.Ijaiaiii.s ! 1 entire si.K-k of MI I.LIN FRY bllllH.S i of i osf, consisting of the 1st sl an best stile, uf EuiuirU. Huts Infant link Hoop Skirl. Hi Triimiiiii;, .1!iti., ) inrn H.;ui!krrrliirl, ("til In r. tit., Mrs. HAWLKY .t WIXI'LK, May 3. I .i!l. Hit' JAW Lcirlc!s" Mills, S, C, MLSSRS. OAT FS ic V 1LI.I A.MS are n.y a thnritcd agents lor the s.,lc uf luuii.. r t hurlolte, N. C All orders dUitercd to them r, meet Willi nroii'l.t attention. SOL. LOL'lUC. April 1-2, If 59. til Land tor Sale, 'W!K aubsenber, being msirous to r. move M from Ihe coutilry, otl'i rs for i-ale the Plan, tation on wlmh die now r. si.'-.s, l ine i miles from Charlotte, in ihe Western Piank Read, en. tsiuing 50 rcres. Tne l..nd is uf good quality For particulars, cmpiue ol the subscriber uu the premises. Mrs. A. W. STEVKNSoN. Apuiii, is;;. stf H ATH A WAV tV O , WlLMLNtnON, N. C, Offer lor sale: .100 Hilda. I I hoice New Crop Cardenas MO- i Pierce, i LASSFS. Biriels choice New Orleans Svrup. fsO Hhds. Fair. lo. choice N. O. Sugai 5tU liarre Isr.fieil Sugars. &0O Ilags R ... Li.gt st India, nnd Ja Coffee. 150 Barrels Miss snd Prime P..rk. 'lb III., Is. Western U... -on, (Siiiesnnd Shoulders.) a0 Barrels Yellow Plsnlilig Potatoes. .WereA -ii. I85K. Of' Pea aMeal. 7 P. have I'F.A MEAL lor sale at the mill. lor t'cedlliif cow and other slock. i Family Fiour Warranted, Fairs, SuHrtine, il coarse always uii hand, alsu Luru itleal and Grits. JOHN WILKES & CO. Apil 1!), Ir53. titt Atlantic KUTUAL and FIRE Insurance Company, Oiioliliu t il), . '., Juetiiyvraltd ly on Art Iht Lrgiatuteia nf Xartn (muiiriai. (TBtlllS Coinpsny being duly organixeii, is now t prriarid tu teeeive app'ucatiuns fur iusur. ancc upon BUILDINGS, KERCHAKDISE, I'll! lit I !!', .VI ills, itlllllllfUS'lsilisa, I1HS AMI Til Hit t Altt-OFS and most kiniia of property, at remunerative rait of premium. It is aimed, iu the organization of this Compa ny, lu make a safe medium for li.deiniuiy and i'rotectinn In the assured III case ol la.ss. All honorable and upngl.t ceurse of diulitig, and a f .itbl'ul fulfilnisui cf lis ion tracts, will a I a 1 1 tunc characterize Ihe busintss uf the Company. Applications for Insurance may be mane st the office of the Company, ur lo Us authorised Agents. DIRECTORS. John A. Parrot, W illism S Long, Levi T. Ogle.ly, W. It. Grant, D. vid S. Jones, Ge... W. Uill, ( ol. 1'hus. J. Illakeley Luke Biackuian, OFFK F.r.S. John A. Parrotl, lvi T Oglcsbj, W. S. Long, E. A. I'll pson, A. II. Cha( UaVld W A. B. Ciiaoin, Samuel L ffers, Joel II. Davis, I). A Hi.rselt. K. .Mailett. Presidcnl, ' Vice Presnlsnl, 1 Treasurer, ! Allorney, ISicietary. ( W. B. Or ant, 1 W. S. Long, LXKC ITIVE COMMIT! KF.. llavid W . Hell. S .H.iicA 15, ie.".a. 6111-U. 'iS rui sii uiuiv.ti, ov COXFECTUIXAKIES. I R AS just received Iresli supply of f A- H PI I Raisins, F 11 kiuus, alsu Cilrun, Currniits, s. ami a varittv of Nuts, t all al llOl'STOX Hl'NTKU S, I 1 sir Fast ot lb Court House. f karloltr, Oct. !iG. lee. 33if i i.vi:.! .v iiowi:, (lata Stcvciisain, How en Sl Nesmilh) have assueia. ted with tin in DANIEL M. ZIMMKI!M.N. formerly uf I.ineoliiton, N. C., and renins, d to the large store No. ii Notlh 3rd sl., between Market and Arch, where they w ill continue the wholeaali imv (.oons iusinkss with an increaseU sb.ek. Fiifeiirt, PA. 7. Iditf WJMn.r J. ?. "S.r't i,L The .flnrkVI. COnitSCTliD BT OATU A YVITXIAMA. CHARLO'ITi;, Al A V 23, lej'J. 11 ACON, llama, 16 1 1 1 (7r 12 Kntck lb. II (,; 13 ' Hog. ruunu lb In (; 1 1 " .Shoulder lb 10 Oji Oil B:igin(r, uiiny vn lid (iJ OU Heel, 'lh 5 (is 8 llutier lb lij Ot, Li Ceeswax lb '.'J (t) 'J5 11. i. lis bushel HO ( I'D Urandy, Apple gal.. 00 (ui 00 " Pesch i-nl jio f, (. Cn'tnli lb n (ir, tl Cotse, Riu, .lb 12 f,i) 14 " Java, Ih -.0 (In, thl I'aitiiles, Ailiiiiisiitiuu lb (. 3-1 ' Sperm lb J. Or, 511 " Tallow, lb -25 (i IMI Con bushc! !)tl k. SI Chickens each Oh L'll Clolli.Copi.eriis vard J (" lj " Limis)-, yard .'." .o. 30 K-ck uo.e 10 (.: I Hour bbl ir' (', " -B 3 (:- t Feathers U .Ill 'In, 2i l ard lb li' (a, 13 Multaii II 4 0; 6 Mackerel hhl.Nol tIG Oil " Kills ai)0 (o, 3,;0 Molasses, N.O gal till f . bll W.I g., 31 fi, 40 Mua bushel "3 (, 00 Mullets' Wilmington). ..Mil 3 ( ". Nails. Northern lb 5 (" 0 " isouthcrn, lb 5 () 6 Osl buahel 4;". f. C' i Pork lb 7 (, 7 j Peas hushal "(l (-i. "." PnlMtoes, Irish bushel tl. In. 175 I " Sweet,.... bushel 50 (..J. 60 I Riee bushel 4 In 0 I Sugar, Loaf, II, 4 ou 16 ' llruwu.. Ih M (', 11 Mont. Ware gal B 'J Salt ,sk I 50 (Vi, 1)0 Tea 'b Ot. l Wheal, w hile bushel 135 (a) Ul) " red bushel 1 15 (;0 13') W hiskey, Northern, gala 45 (. 55 " N. Cnrolinii,...aii 4'J C"' 4i S ....l,(l l i;,,,rKi i washed 27 (ill as nwashee (ni S3 : Van hul HO f. H5 RL.MAl.'KS. -Hut little cm-ring, prici a rungtii t OTTON iron. B to 111. tO 1. 1 Mil I A MARK FT. Cui.cuuia, May SI, Idifl. COTTON. Tin slill continura ery null and uiclinii.g. sy. liArON.lu.giuunil, (OR.N, I'LAS llATs i l.l U K bale aold ycster- ..11 Or, .51 (.i. jii (.., . 55 k -3J (o l-'I Ilia 95 t II Alii. I STUN MARKET. C'llSHI.KSTuN, May U, InS'J. OT' I tl. The transactions iu cultnn b.r U.e leek ending tin- 2t:ih, M..0 bales, at prices railg ig from e t,.l I j 1-ei.ls. Three Ladies HO haV. i hail sume experience aa Teach, i.t emph-ymtnt for 185!. liny Li'gliHii l;rutiuhs, and Music un . 1.1.1)11 lie al tut W hig Ulliec. 4.1 3.ii I I II I..CI res I'ltiz.lis uf I I. leiinry iits- (...celo the r'otie and su rroiinJuig infinite the hImivu liusi he is prsnared lo fur. AND SA, to the pub. ' teri-.s, i.nu un liie short. countrv. thai he still l I niss in Charh tfr. M , i j rush HOOKS. HI.INliS lie oil the Ill0l ri'ssollali J est notice. I f. vicg s great ni.inr small claims for woik j d,..u-. scattered ail over tne country, he is deter. I " cn-inge in. mcmou oi uumg nusinc. urtu' litrrujler trill rfqaii ..? . Vf gmg K) a for ill work done in his Machine Shop, bcfoi ll.oval. Pre. 7, lf!5. 39 fim ll().L HAVANA I.0TTEKY. The nest ordinary diawin; of the Rnyal Ha va in Lotti ry enudncttd hy t he S.a mal. ' ioveriitnen t, under Hie supervision of the Captain Geuers) tit" Cuba, will take plare nt Havana on TU I, Sli AY, June 7, 1339. $336,OOa SORTLO NlMLIiO CIS OltUINAPIO,- C iniAL I'KIZi: M0O,M)0! 1 1" ii fsioo.ooo woo tlti.OOO I tt.ooo 1O.000 Kpnaciof a.OOO li 1,000 "4 " ftOtt H:l " JO Jii Apr'lim's fc.SOO sl A pur.. atioli the 1 1 lih.hlili b0U each; 4 of Iihi to .'.", (Mil); 4 of i Kill to Ju.buO; a ul 4n0 to 10,l.nU( 4 ul 4UU ta lln.i ul'. W ti..ieTicKtisJCi HaUtsflU; tiuurlcra5 1'rir.l s cashed at sight st S per Cent, ducouul. Bills ull sll solvent Rmk taken at par. A crawing will he forwarued aa soon the ra suit b conns known. (, uuie.lnns ad.ltesaed to HON HOI'lil til F.Z. feure ol City P.l, Coarlestun, S. C) un til llie Till ol Juna will be ullenued w. Persons oiiieru n Ti.kela will please w rite then nuines plain ..nit g.vc llioir post unice, tounly anJ Wm. A. Owens, A T T O li S K Y A T L A , cu . it lotti:, v.. "n ; ILL practice in llie Courts nf Mecklenburg V w an the surrounding counties, li ) 'Office nearly opjiosile iii I'usl Oifiee. Jm. Sti. lSjB. -ten' A LAKGK l lFLl" OF (Niiistahlc Warrant.s JLSI jVKIMEJj. 1 mil leal I llie tus Piiii.i h..rle Jan. i, l-.,-J. ss- -"