I'nm lit Amrrtren Mettenptr. DON'T liKKAK TIIK SAIWATII. ; TL sbbsili wjs piveo to be day of: rest nnH linllowi rl pence, and is a delij-bt to God's re. 'pie. . Hal by many it is desecrated I lo the. ort cf purpose. Instead of wor-j sliitin;; God among bin people, jr renting i.d nifditatinp upon bis word, tbev are; found luutinp io tbe aoods, fishing in the waters, or loitering about tbi taverns or! other places of resort, rcsrdless cf llio i command, ' Iteiueuiber tbe Sabbath day to j lep it holy." ! juhn r was a young man who bad j Wen raised in I'liiladelpliia In early life 1 be was deprived of a father's care, and aa I he grew up he became impatient of bis mo- j iner's restraint. He bejjan tcHoiter about j tbe " engine houses,' aud run with tbe ;oiu- : pnnies to fires. Hetrradually acquired hab- ; it which acre leading him to ruin. All this bis mother jaw, and saw with paiu. l ..-lie wan not a Christiatj ; Jt tbe uroim at"- j feotiou of a mother's heart led her to look j with intent ai.aietv on tbe downward pro- ! press of Ifr sod. She reiuonstrated and entreated, but it was in vain. He seemed : to become more and more recabsa, and was ' spendii.;: much of tbe time iu idleness, w hich ought to have been fully oocujied. ; Aa a last resort, the obtained a situation i for bim iu tbe country, hoping tuat by be in" removed from the influence of bis com panions, be miht refoim. liut it w a truth (bat "one sinner destrpyeth much jrood.'j He came to tbe village ahere I was labor- ( h. in tha ministry. fry -ooa t,e uaa .'atbercd around bim all the idle and aban doned iu the community, and became a lender iu all kinds of fro.ickiu. 1 lie Sab- j l-atu-dav epicia!!y was devoted to dissi- i jation. i One Sabbath be and two others went oat : with t b-ir dogs and puns a huritiug, and were arrested tbe following day on coui-j j l.i' nt of a law-abiding citizen, and fined. When the next Sabbath can.e, he went, ont fishinc aloue. lie supplied himself with j vm, srd taking a boat, went out upon the j Tf. p-vul. He was seen by tbos returning j fr-ni the l.ouf-e rf prayer sitting in the boat j S liT ? He did not return in tbe evening to bis boarditif ue, but as th.it noth- !! ; ut)u-'i:il, no ariiety was f. It. On M m- j d-y working early one of tbe villagers was j I'.iivirtj by. and observed the boat in the i r.i id'e of tbe pond cap-iz-?d. lie it once , rave tbe alarm, and search was made, when , ! wis found with one arm thrown aca ! ,.. b. -'i-ii rf the boat, is tbcujh he had . 'iu fjiri'id himself till be perished. It : i relieved bit he dmnk till uu was intoxi .. si;1, in ti.-it c-ui'lirion fell overboard. : J'h j- be w.i called to the j idment in tbe .-v ait :( tr..nskT.'-ioo. It is a solemn t 'ir jt-j die nt, itr any circuoi-tatiCcs, but . tn appear in the ju-jiBce of 'JoJ with a :fa' jui't on our conscience must be ti read tut in .eed. Tt.us died a disibedieut sr.! dir-nj S ii rath-breaker, John S r. I'ear jo-.:.-; reader, avoid tbe company rf th-i-e tv't.o .'peak di-para'njly of (iod, n.'itinn. er the 5abbitb ; depend upon it, ' Kail cm-nunicatiaris corrupt good man i ts." Nra-.l of old was commanded ti " -tone the ?abbitli-b'lter till b died." Ani it hei-ou.es the far.sitesi.or to reflect t v aaboatn is a sacred now as then. .. , ' Tcintm-'er the Sabbuth J-iy to l."p i-..Juf J. T. , From L:.t Am'iiean tf'Ssenjr. II'J.V tLVXKRS ARK SAVED. TLt men iieed fi'vation, Goi's word a'jUj'Iantiy dec'area. 'J he cooscieoccs of L.3! lata aree wi'.h Scripture, and st limes i.ii, ' '.Vbit m:it I do to be saved!" To t..a j.eti-n tr.e iJliie gives one uniform aiiiwel. j'-iivaiion is bv C'jrist alone. "L.s.iu.s on tee Lord Jus Cbrit, aud C. u ('nil 1 fnve 4 '' 'lhi faith in Chri-t rnut sincere, not ftiT.eJ. N-yii.ia L; pociltlcal is accepted cf (JoJ. li ii.'i-t be wore tl.au assent ot tne u.itiJ to tus truth of the g'-pel. It l.rc. ssari'j inciudes the cocaett of '- U'art. T'je faliii receives sni rets upon Christ. 1 ir- on be saving f ait Li without tj-urauce of uor per-onii ssivstion; tut there ca-j he no saving fa.tb aithout reiiauce ou Christ a rue fa!i'u ta Curi-it " works bj Sore," not y terror, cot by a servile spirit. "The I-ae of '.'ori-t eoostraina " the conduct cf ivtij oiit s!,i trij'.y Islievei in the Lord Jesas. j t-d ljvt a niii.ng ptcp'.e, a chesr fii se-riie'.. lie acci-pts no other. Saving faitL p i-rl2-. the heart.'' It begets au iiiviucibie ha tred to sin, and an noq jencbahle de-sire af ter Laiinetj. It hai.es cverj faUe way. It bates vain thoughts. It baits the "liiugtit of fjoii-btie'i " lucre than uutelief hales tbe tuA at faa.i. u:.r.s. t-ivinj faith aUs " over Catxes tUe w on J.' Neither the riches, hon e's, oor pleasures of the world p '- t,y cha: in- to the believer, compared itb things Cii.i.e mid h. jvetily. He may beannojed a;, i t'.tnr'- l l y them, as I-mei in Cauaau s.l Irojb'.rJ t.j tb'.- beatbeO left srnot) t ..-t.: I at i.e is tit u toaisge as I-.rael a to the Ki'Tp'ism. Tf.'s savin,, faith reli-s on f'uri-t l.isn f f. It 3-)cs indeed re'j oo ti wrd, i. protid. nee, sod t.i au'borit?. it it It i- mi tii iti'if. lit is H Prophet, Priest, ar.d Kii'j. It ts'.es him for a Couri-elor, ly :e, Sypport, slid litfuie. Tra faitb arc u ai d glorie in C'Lrisi in all his cfSccs l 1 cLiractcrs. It is (.-'ad st ti,e reini-m-Iftr-.e of hi humiliation and of hi exaita t It KM ', h :i. s ' t:.e Sin of rnan," and V'l it ciei, " .M Lord, and mj t,.l ' He who w.;': a jt r- Ceive t't,rit s a teaeh r, will r. j-rt hiin s a ruler. A, 'id Le lo rejfctts bis a ,rd sod his power, mil n ,t tru )y wee'pt hi- fr.ce. Savin,' fniih always .ss an eve To the er .-s. To sii .-it,i:erj 'uo aie Dot bi'U I, the l io i sLs-dd:n of the I'.e- .-nj.rN n.-j.t pr' c' jj. !!e is tie Lmu.b ct iy .J, tske:h asj li e sio rf thu wrl !. L:obs rever iu ant a,- tools aay ''i, nu tjpici.ilj', bJt bj diiig as victiius i ; touiu and sli ad of tbe tiiibers for v.! iu thejr at re offered. In., .iiiLer, believe iu Christ, belie e with s i li y Lean, believe hoar. This may be t ) ia.t ca'l to Jif.- and tslta'ioD Hear !m- ea l t f ii,r'-v Low, Jest 10U soon ut'er the cry of d.sp-.'r Vi'. S P. l".;K f;F S'.'i'jprri'.i: LANGUAGE. lljld up j;ur iaci.n.j br.ti.re for ihe tru'.L and . mpliL.tr of the iiiLis J;e uot asbaiurd .f its phraseology It u toe liLt iutruil.ent to i.alidls iu the jrcat w.ri ot Caiiitg a liuiiian soul out of dsikoess into tbe uiarve.oj- i,.ht of the gospr; Stan-I Crui and secure od tbe iuipreguab e priuci. pie, that ibis is tbe word of (sod, an j that a,l taste ai.d imai:. uion and science mart kik tit 1 slire in ovtrbearing autbonty V. a . )B ILf fv'OUtrpa of TOUT SaTiOur(iu ibe tao fold efSce of carina for tbo diseases of tbel body, and administering to the wants of the soul; andtbooghyou ma, fail in the for- ner, though tbe patient may never ns. and 1 1 . v..l, ki,.wn.nr iieaven. IDS lal-' ... ... - , . , ot'tecl may le pameu. uu -oui lightened of its anxieties, tbe right direction may te impressed upon u, wi.icu it iorward lo a happy eteruity. Cnuhiten. fi'rirnlfiir'il. Fr. in ti e I'.. ! n u tin li r. GOD BLESS THE PLOUGH. T UVIMI S WIC.TOX. ' Who nre t'e uuly creal ? M'li'oim of I'omli Hod otale. Who ihe knee bow ! (iive us har,1 loimls nod free, 1 iilinrrr ol fiiKi i.nd trr.-, tjod save the plough !" Mi t. Siguurnry. Ti en I', the fichU ye brave .' You's be the word to sum From our Lile foe ; Wnnl with its rutble's tr:itn Fliep from tbe euUund plain; Tuil ye, with might and nmin God bles 1'if plough ! i.ow lay Ihe furrow ,1,-ep. On vale or lull. side sleep In hope ye sow. Tru- tiiig ihul mother enrth (J.vi- to Ihe seed Us birth, Sing ye, in strains cf nurth, liuu uiets the plough ! Thin when the harvest cmncs, I'ienty tlironnll our li ved llolnrs, J.,y sh.ill Ks'ow : Loud sl.rut ti e reaper-train, Wl.i'e o'er the fi rtile plain, Ru-h wnves the goloen gruin, (d bless the plough ! Wruilis f.,r jour yeomanry, Gucn s the Victor's be 1'nil rrowns their brow, Theirs is tbe noblest deed, Theirs be the brightest men), tii;e they tlmr calling lit-c.i G- d bless the plough ! M AN URIN'J IN THE HILL Foil CORN. The questiou ot appl)itJ5 the uual ilo-oe.-tic or barn manures to corn, in tbe bill at planting, or over tbe whole surface be fore that time, is one which we have Lot e.-n particularly discussed in our agricultu ral journal, though often mentioned aa practiced or vire versi, in accounts ef ibe culture of this grain. From observation on this point, we conclude it mere common iu .ew-tlau p.-titre man eiseauere, anere iu- : deed it was learned from tbe aboriginal ; corn-erowers. tie have teretoiore, iron) ; resuiia in our experience, reeommeuded ma- I During in the bill, in addition to a' od dressing over the whole field, as productive of an CM'eLtial improveme ot iu the crop giving an earlier and stronger start, which iUrt advance it. keeps through the "bole period of jrow th. Some experiment in cnrn-eroBing, com paring hill manuring with over the whole surface, are liaker, of Oak Hill, in a recent -V. E, Fur mer and thinking it ill interest, we eon dense the same for our readers. Five plots of an acre each, were planted the last of Miy. On the firt. twenty loads of lens manure a as spread aud plowed under eight j inches deep. On th second, ten loads of fine barn yard manure were spread ou the surface after plosin:, and tbfguhly bar-! rowe.l before marking. Ibe third acre was - manured iu the bills two quarts of very fine stable manure to each. J be fourth reil"c'',"" ceived in the bill, ouu quart of compost two parts nine, two pans manure, nn-j ; one part each of lime aud a.-bes. Tbe Dflh acre, for the tiuroo'e of comparison, re- ' ceived Da manure. The kind of corn plant cu was me jenow nuui or reu niaae, me iernal of which is Ure and fiat, and 'he ear good siz. MaVin no account of the soft corn, it produced as follows: No. 1, M bu-hels of ears; No 2. !' bushels; N . j 3, busb-U; No 4, 03 h j-bei ; No. 5. OS bu.b'la. From these results be eouclud-.d ! t' that for present profit, manurin in the bi'.U ' is the best, and decomposed bam manure Larrows. in, proouces more tnecl than , green dung flawed uuder at least ou the I (ir-t crr-n Mo-it commercial manures, n rruano, a- LtrpiK puates, poudret'e, elf! , have been applied id he but exclusively, so we have no means of compiri-on of the eff rt of the same broidci-t. Of fertilizers of do u.estic production, hen manure Jias n.ore generally been applied in the bill for corn than soy o'her material. It i plentiful, of a concen trated character, and readily prepared and at plied, wHile th-re can be no qiestiou as to tbe profit ari-in from its judicious use. As hinted before, this manure and others, of like character, give the joun shoots an I esrljr Hart, and enable it tb.j sooner to j strengthen it-elf, by extending i:$ roots and j The ff-ct of Trianuri,. in the hill cxclu- sively, would seem to be lcs calculated to bt tieli: the aho'.e ground , i houh the active or thorou 'hly decjinpostd character of the f.rt.l j -rs'tinis w,ulJ leave hnle benefit to tbe ) les'ion with our reader", simply re-1 usarki'ig, that while we would coiuuieod j pltntif j broadcast manuring in ail n-s., I se mill also ad i ie the sfplicatiouof son, . C'jiieeulrated fertinz-r iu tne bill, believing It lii 10 ardinj iu caes trove prohtai.li' by for nd increinin? toe erop. Indian corn cannot well be surfeited by bi'h feed ing and above most grains, u-es ar:1 re pays a plentiful supply J'tuirie I'unntr. ! WIIKAT AND C'OJl.V. ! An iiitere'tin fact, vs the Philadelphia Press, was developed at the late meeting of the Agricultural .""ociety. lr Klwyn called ! the attention of the members to Ibe fact that the wheat crops of this country were fast j diuiihi-bin,', far as the nuuiher of buh- i els rsised lo the acre was conrerncd. lie slattd that in Ohio, a f-tite but litrlr over fifiy jears old, the crop had fallen off from . forty to toe acre to about sixteen, mi.ile in the best portions of New York, here tiiirtj burbeis ued to be eonridersd a fair crop, only twlv bohels are now raided. '1 he,fallirir,fl iu other Stales bad been rr. ially muted ; but while this was the fail aiih tbe wheat crops, he was glad ta know that the amour t of corn produced , to tie acre bad largely increased, and was it.. I iuciLkaiaB tnorujously.. RfiARR & CO. . v) nil lyG GISTS. CiIWJJ I - ViVrr m,;; h.- .tten. the' atten tiaiOT mm - - ----- w- mi In n otTliyKiciaiis, r'luntera.Cuun Irv Merchants, A.C;, lu ineir i.reo curtlullj BiltctiU St.wk ol'lUilCiS. ndl TO PHYSICIANS. nr.Cliu.-eliili's New Rcinrdies li.r toiikUinition lly pnuliatpidu-a t t-'iM'a i 1'olabli. ALSO Compound Sjrupwf (lie II ypopliOipl.iUs. W m tV Hair IJclor.iliTf. A t'rt h supply of lliia vulujblt- prtparulln for the 11. ir. LINSEED OH. I TRAIN Oil. , SPERM OIL ! W INTER LAKU OIL. AI0 No I (.'opal VARNlSU " 3 Fine !' Japan Leather GARDEN SEEDS. m All the choice varieties of Garden Seeds. Peas, Dealis, Beets, I sbbage, Parsnips, Asparagus ((tf, i: lilt kii b or Tif l'laitl, WITH I I. t It, Hit li (.ItASS, ORt'lIARD .UA Ac. Jan. 4, tt?59. e3tf iliaDt: vs F 1 u i tl E xtracts. SCARR &. CO. call the attention ol the .Medical ;Vof ion to these clrgant preparations so siiiiii. ably suited for tho t it, io.raiieoiis preparation l Tinctures, Syrups, W iocs, jte., s -curing the de. lirnble ol.jeet of uinforinity of strength. Nu I'll yuci.ui shouid be m.thoul them. SCAlIl" Jk CO.-S I'KUG STOIIE, Char lot te. Window Glass, I'ully, hilins:. I hall., Ac, Low for cash, at SCAKU .t CO.N, I)nSi.-ts. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (tUANOB Ulf I'KOPBIKTORS ) liltO Al) S I It r IT N LW II 1. !,.., JOHN F. JOKES. Proprietor. rPIIIK Iniiersigocd respectfully si.nouncs I M. n.e travelling public, that he baa take charge of tins old mil popular talabli-hmei.t, an l lioW prepared lo accoiolliodate travelers an. I pro I vale lamiii.s wiln board by ihe oay or uioniii, on ; the most aceniuo.oo. ting lI'MII. II a TAlil E will always be furnished with the best provisions that l--.inc anuofe.gu markets can . e-tford. ! The U liahiirstoil Hold has Urge r'uns, is ne. rer the dep. t, the court house, and j thp business streets than anv of -r in the city. . .,.,, ,i,. u. t the nd landing, on the arrival of the cars and ate boat. to convey passengers io u-c imifi nee ? slopping 'l th. Hotel, passenger f eliarce. t this Hotel, pasaencrs will have iple time to ootaiu meals. Having also a large and commodious Stable, id an ejceilent Ostler, be is fully prepared lo ard horses by Ihe Uuy, week or u.onlh at the ust reasonable rates. JOHN. F.JONES. M-trrh I, lrCiD. 5 1 If StiiCIlAULOTTK 110TKI, EtkB-aBcflKs t llAHLOTTIU . C. riMUK. Proprietor of this Hotel is j H slill at his post ready lo ful- I hi tite duties of mirie host " to the j travelling pobiic and others who ' call on hno, and he Hatters bill, self that as ' I'ortnbie rjinrlers can be found with bun sa i wiiere hi this vieimtv. Being situalso near, i jy in ,iie Pcotie of Charlotte, Business M tiod this lintel a most convenient and a. i will I rable ! been engaged in tiie buatu.-ss J ly eighteen years, nd in trial i several aonilioi.a to his lormer ; (,. ;ind lt h proved, present i IdO li t in lei.t been greatly enlarged and im- in front a two story VLHAN DA by la1 feet in width, handsomely shao.i by 'rces on Ihe side-walk, siTuru.ng a plea. saot pri.inenaoe at all hours of the day , j ( 'out. House b.is been thoroughly furnished thro. nd in every part of it creature comforts are abuooaotand tangible. especially in the JJJ1NC It'iO.M, viiere the "inner man " is 'renewed" day by day. I'oiitirctfd witi, 'bis !?olel are Stables affording h.r 1 i 10 horaea, ..buti.ianily furnished wan nu provender, b'.dsii by faitbiul aad oiitring hostlers. rroprieior n els t.n.ieni mat with nia :or g u,.,rt to pie,,,, ,e , prepared to otT-r bia fro nds and tne " real of mankind," a mony comforla and Hm oiucli good cheer aa will be found anvwliere. perlisps a little more so. IJT At any rale Txr the Charlotte ' T-, 1. 1 . J. B. KKRIi. Oelol.tr 19, 1?.'.R. 3Jtf CANDY VI Fl'CSll ('OJlft'Ct iOnCl'iCP, Fi'llitS, j A.e., 4c. ! r B ' K " ubsenher resetrully informs the citi. !, n. ot Charlotte and .urrooadirt. eo a !. t be has on hand snd i Irom .Sew York, Confectioneries, Fruits, i ' rANCYc;i(H;KHii:s,c;if;AiiS, ! TOII AI I ). S.V V V I 'I ( ) V S. j lliiwit-al liilriiin'iil, il'Ilta. WOKKw, noiiUl 1 1 H wins, j Yt lo.'i pi 1 a, t ilovs7 IVh(hii, Imlrs, U rk.wiulis, A. Ill lei Cn.ri ! of every variety. J. D. PALM Kit. j A'arrmW S, 13). tf j Aiso.be intends to maniifaelure CANIilKS of : sll kuifis, fr e trout ;K.isonous coloring utiiika the -New York Ste.ru Itefined I at.dy. ( all and ale. ' Notice. A l.L rTi''ii iM'Ir-'it'ii to ua for tl I ft. ir uf-H nt f ipett to buy i auy I ng-r uu erpon. inuntj la tin month' $ buif,iai ; Iherrfoff, if jrou f inrlt l.l. tj It, of April rouf credit wilt Vp. W! -stliVt ly till ml to tnOifrtj the M fvr ev-fi itii uur Lh-iI lfi;i', nd hi4i !iojftn'-e i b: t-tv. n. J rAW rfonr,!i iu- tut Umi year tii,.t are nl p-titl ry tne lmt uf April, wiii U h-itihd out for roll' ciion. II. B. WILLIAMS Jt CO. Apnt 5, I byj. itf fl'lll KNA.S for sale at this ofiice. Gas Works, f Htl E subscribers respec tfully inform the pub. I M. lie. that Ituy are prepared lo ereel l.ua Works for lightiinc Cit, Tuwni, Villi'g.s, Col. leires and lurve Hotels. They ' ended works in Charlotte and Kaltich, N. C. which h.ve R.ven entire salisfnction lo ll'c cilum ol those piuoes. As lo quuhficulion., proinpliie.s snd kbil.ly lo perform all contrneU entered into, lliev reiir to il... followini, i.hi.iIp.,.. n : .'tt. II. I'ur.on, Tr. . Char.l.u. orks,iiir. Win. Johnsloii, I'n . I hr. A S. C l. R. " " i Pr.Y.n llo:f.l,r..l!.il.; As. Raleigh, " f..l. (i. II. Y. nnc, Wu.rly. Miss. A. C. Slory, I'ren. Works, I.Ullr Fulls, N . Y. K. T. Story. Supt. tins Works, Waterlown. N. . W. S. Sehociicr i Co.,i-'l 'e"rl New York, t A,l,!r, . Il,r ihrrs 1J Is i C t'. N. (' WATKIUIUI'SK i UOWES. AVjil. 14, I8i8. A LARGE and CO.MI LF.TE ASSORTMENT flL of I'lain and Jupaned at Wholesale or Retail, tower than ever, at 6. T. Will ETON'S lin and btove .ltoj. A FEW of those suptiior I'lauiaUd Tea and CoH'ee I'UTS, lu- a!t by S. T. WRISTON. T lOlLKT SETS, s suptrior article, for sal aupirior article, lor s. S. T.W1USTON S. 1ASH. Pec sale by t and Pressing LCXLt. for S. T. AYR I STUN. RITTAMA TKA PKTS, for tale al S. T. YVUISTUN 8. ATSR COOLEKS, a first rate artiele, for W W sale by S. T. YVltlSTON. fJM.U'.LK II1I.FRY, Cook's Ladles, Spoons, I lesh I'orks, &c. l-or sale at S. T. 'VRISTON'S. A SPLITS Patent IreCream HiKKZIKS.the best I'reesers now in use, tor sale by S. T. WKI3T0N. ...a Mm. Sri A nTIIF.U'S Self Pealing KRITT CANS villi CmV directions how to uss Ibeui.iil S. T. YVRISTON'S. IAD IKONS, the beat in this market, for .an ?9 by S..T. YVKIiTON. a" sONSTANTLY on hand, s r""'l "ssortinesl of ; j ftJOi; S'MIVHS j which cannot be rieelird in performance, by any ; other Stoves in tbe market, f.r sale st tbe Tin ; snd Stove S'lop, 3 doors Last ot Springs' corner, , b' S. T. WIUSTON. ! Charlotte. Junt ii. I:8. lilf i . .- a.- I' ' ' rf. FOR PIRIKIIM. TIIE BLOOD. i THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, j Kvr.nYi,F.i.F: i t:i. Kit ha Ten I Fr.It THU RKM.lVVt. .IXh IKIIM VNI'ST I f RF. OF i ALL il-KAS:a tl'.MM) K ,M AS IMI'l'UK eT Al K "I' Tile. I'.!.. .'.!. i: tif" VII K V-l KM It IIAliir Use of this Preparation. rsaoartlla l!-.' !:, -.n ! .-.rta.nl , Uia'loLa II A ;t .'.ir.-, ,t .... rll. -ts-.TT MEDICAL TE3TIM0NY Ml .-nf'.. I - si v il.-n.l , I rU.? Pret-v-H -ui-1 -M l.r.l. If. A P. IMI W...I, sis I..,.- .... N. d -iil..i -....,r.,l .,.,iti .New t ..rs. S .! I.) Llratu,... t. ,,'l.,,. i)!:.ii. v. i LLia s VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT,' inn wonns. ry r.-sK- if-. -iv. n. faMiw, ..!. i 'Iff l, lain. .',. w I ... E. N YE I1UTCIIIF0N i CO , A e t.r 311. '3H. Iswio's (oasts. llLANK DELL'S for sale at tbis office. TO BE I F.? Vj? Svl "aJ.i 1 CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND maciiim: woi:ks. f HMIK omlersigned beg. lelUe lo cull thu ttltell. JL Hon of the ptti.lic lo the factjli-t In now reuiiy lu fill uoy or.icrs lor m..mg ii)-araSMorn)ifite and every dceription of M icliioery. All kinds ol CASTINGS, in Iron and l!russ or other tnls ma ile at abort j no lue and iedu.-eU pri II I- P .rli.-nhll BUM m illion given to the uiuking u,,.l r,.n,r,i,o i.l 'I iinisliiiis Machines, I lorse 1' ers, l otion Gins, Mill Work, and Agrieuilural works of nil kiiios. HLAl'KS.M ITU l.NG, JtUlltlNli WORK, H A. i:nM Wdl.Kao.i IIOKSK Slll)EIM, uooe with idispnlrll. ,. j ul.U IRON AND IHiASS CAS'.'iNGS bought 'at the Foundry, r taken in i xch ngn lor J.,h I Work. Wood and I'roviHi'iis "1 "II kinds la ! i n I iu exchange for llhieksmiihing. i lJ' ALL Hlllik uiu.l be pi.ui lor when deliv. iered, as CASH hs lo be paid out lor every ti.mg neeesanrv lo carry on Ihe otahlishim nl. IT A I.L Oltl'ERS FOR MURK must I spc. eifiid in writing, so that the work and spciriia. to. ns m.iv agree. , IU" Tois is the only f. umiry in U Stale lliut cusls daily. IT Ail eoelrnels eonneeieil III. Ih. concern 1 oiii.l Ih- made Willi the undi rained alone. I iLi' A supply of AN TIIR A 1TE tOAl. con. siaoilv on bund for sale. ! i J. M. HOW IE. rrnetiral Enpineir, will ! give I is constant ultenlion lo the business. All I, tiers on business will be directed lo Chariot!. I Foundry. I J. A. FOX, I'rojiriclor. ! Chai'.oitr. .. C. jWrmlrr jU, ltoi. 3oif $3.-IlE3U)VAE. III: Confietii nery and hamily l.r.srrry Mors nd Family I of .MOODY .V ISM'. I has biro removed to 111-: stand opposite the i'res-. V ten. T I liil'i II. Wlierr I her are receiving nine! from ic J ork large adu'ilions to their stock of ( onfi:(TKxi:kii:s, j FAim.Y ai:M e r:ii, Vr. : Among iheit stoek lo-.y be tound every thing usii. '. ally kipllll a store of lhi kind. A g-ajd assort. . Ilielit oi Cake Triuiniiogs, W liloW Ware, & e , al. I -,. rs on bund. 'i'hey bsve in Iheir employ an iarr!!ei.l CA-j KKK.and are prepi.red I.. tiiri.ish KjiuiIiis and, l'arlies witllCakis of all kinds nt short n e. MOODY & M.-DMT. ; November 16, ltjtJ. We have also opened a branch of our store at ' I Linrolnton, where Mr. Moody will superum nd ; toe bllsiorsa. and hopss to srrure a shale of the ' ' public patronage in lb "t seellon. ! .MOODY A NlSl'.KT. i ...e. 16. 1 !.". A YtR'S CHERRY PECTORAL, nu tiik nu'iti ci' uu or 4'oltK. 'mi;lis, mid llorirsoiiH. nl.:iL. M i-s ami IX, lii. 3(.'f I.s-J . Intii suiiuiiiils. Kill, i mi. ii r t. n. " A I! Ml.gT l.l-V. IjHl , ( I sl ,..lr IV'-'ir.d aiswlf a , .1 inre,,. I it. a., I la-l..,' ilv sfij iil.e o-Htlr- Croup, Whouping ( ouch, Influenm. nu. im oivKi.ii. i n .vrrarr. U4 i ii. .uu.n.. ls.A: i- i.e., si.i. I, , i.H ,,.1 :. in , rs I. , ,.i:. ,. -1 ll.a a.i.. ia u, U.r.xl I..-I ; la. li.si ' h..ir Ilia !..! s.alr in. n.mJ.I,l, .,,1. . ur -l.-li. ...-a Sr. ih. U I I ma u lla- I s.. b,i-. sn.l e . -n.u .a ist..,, itel ...a, reaa-l.'-s, as tha ,"-f nmi (,i. i..l." Asthmu or Phthisic, nnd llrnnrhitis. ... M.s.s.-oa. I-.. ..!. i. Iial. ..ae.rll-SlS , In n. -n ll.li.. Mi. -! fn . w I'l.ll,. In.i Sa Ilia Ilk.SKI L IUKK.S, .1 A. A. RtMsitr. VI U. Sin ua-i . psfM-uls, ut 'anna; Wa fnutit s,I4 volnn.a rJt e.i tan's, not fh. Bloat sot sineint pr...f r t th rolutsf II. j .-ii,l s (..ui.J In It tff-eta upD ltu.1- f'onsnmpllnn. prnbsLlT ." t.m.lv ha. r lrn ki.- ws hl tarH , m...v an.1 .n. li .hi..-r, u. ia sa tl.... ?.-m s homsrt si-l rsn rsiw-li: lt r.ea tw th-ss. ttst 0tri lclia-al s.T.a.l rsl.-f SI..I f-anT. ,t. Actosi II a.a. i-v V..al r.Tr Vl.r. li , !".. tl-a-rna Alt !. I I Lal it a Iii't s.i.l i .i's.m t. inMn Jim S.1...I .-.rtr ''trri -'Iti-nt hs I ..m- t 1-,-n n, r Il.r lan- J., npo n.m, .1. kin.lneu. aa , i. --alia iM-rMI i is. 1, .11. Ul.l. IMnj .-III. 1. 01, or SiilL-.T'lLIS nr.tunf' ' . li- t .hapair till ...a hser trM Art.'s I'liEKSr I'm r-.s,e. 1 1 I a,.!,- l..r "tie ..I in. I..t in. IS l 111. ii.i-tl HfliU '4 0. .irliw. 7''.,'.,J'.l,.i .js-e. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. 'I'lIK se.-nr ' 1 tai-l Hi-. r I, "try S..S Vt.-lirlns lists .1. la-.t, ai-t , I" I luni.m.r.l.n, If.-rs Sr. San.n dot tta- I'l imri m. ,1,-n.-.. ami thai II, -T li. no t tha tatM-tn or all awn. Tlwvsr.s.a. e.!lt HI-. I to usa. l-ut f..w.-rr,i1 to rare. Tl.'lr Is a .rtH-pslin.ilUN tlis.lt.,la.Ilvit..sr tl.r t.-tr. r pr'.- ltiafli.iM of iu .Maaa. i.ry tltt l.h-.l, Th. ) pur,:. .a,t Ih. (.ail liuinurs l.kh ., di.tsi,,r. lii,,l.,te ihu-..l. ot di- d.-reSK2an. .1,0, tl-lr batorsj s.ti.-ti.sod migutrt tM-slltiy I. ,ii suit, sir.r.th tn th sl.-.l. -t.tem. N4 only -, th y eiirs II, t sier.-lay eotnpl.li.t. of ritrj Is.lr. hut sl-i l.aisl.Ul U- a.al 1.niiu, il,rm that ha. a ln.fVt.-rf II, . I-.I of ImiM.n .hill. While Ih.-T pn.lnea -,,ill ettwta, tha. are at tt wms tiia, Ih rtiotlt ,t-h. d .!.. Il.a aast a. ..I lst ih..e Hi, I rat. Is: 1 ' ; S)iSIL hll.lr-t,. Il-i.ii .u,sr.le., 1 1.- 7 ar- ...l to I f- r Irarall ..lal.tr, ars fraa leai. a,.r ri.k ot liailn. f Bras lit,. ja-rt H's.le whirl, ...rAM fa-ls-f .-ta Ila- n.4 .ue tsF.tiat'- l.j a,' a ,,r su a exatu-J laalis simI ehsraetrr as bi 0 r . ..1 lha .,i..l. i,, ol m,lr..ili. Many rti.n.st.1 rlercTas-.i snd j lir.r. iaia.1,.,. I. nl their ti.ni.e. In rrrtlfy t,. tlw ptihtie His rrllal.llil. 4 In. rrn nls-s. ah.ls oll-ra hs.a sr.1 ins ths aaaiirains f II.. it -"I.M.IS n that b.y lH.rsrl'4.. e,lrllots immetiM Is lo Uaa l.llef of B.y ..I. s(Vri r t, II... Tb Air-ni la-fcw it M pl.-ase.! to rornoh arslst aiy onint .l.r.a ti,aa, (.. Ih-ir nss ami , Hi, I, Hii,r i.,i.,.u.,iii. -oinlsinu. Illisnmsll.i.., Ihopty, i.ii.l r.,.m a S ol H.ai.arh. S... nl ll.e II. , ..I l i.l lll.l, ..4 l-f (..it ..tf l.y iin,i -.era Tl.a slea I au4 U.ay sti'aiH l.a the I- Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEH, Practical anl Anslyticsl Cbstniit. Lowell, Itaia l-aica H.1 trs. r.a (t-.t. I:ri ji, tint $ I. aut.b li v j IILTCIILSON At ;iIiIJ().V, (JhurUtt. HAVIL AN D,.STK VENMON & CO., j ( 'k irrtton, S. (? A LAIK5E FHPl'I.Y OK ! (oiistabh; AVurrants l JUST I'RINTED. ii. i, N. Y..m..: -I hs. .1 in a,, to.olr ..... .In-- II Ilia I --.I sIWOim f.,r II I..-I r. l-1 I .1. l.l O..UI a ait..- Ul It.-, rj S.H. RANSOM. UCS. "trm WAIT F 0 11 TlinVAIlGIIS. i.Yisit ,..B.'a'; w " II, csu-e be buies his A IX) MX from Hie .Maiinluetun rs. LI J.M. TAILOR Would rispietlnllv mneniice to ibe inhal -iui i .., ll i. Old M...,. lo No. I, (.rarnlc If. w, eVorlb, one ot the uioal extenaive aasorinirnis oi F.ver oflireu in North-l aroln B KsV "tt- , uuioog w liieh ,r a rjn-cr: bl'.h has gained surli a fam Tina Stove be warrants sium l-pi,luli..l to SHI t I eoiiauinrs less fuel. Slid does more ami in s put up one beside any other Stove of il.r s work in a riven time, be will forfeit li.e pi ' "'"' ALSO, ALL KINDS OF & BOX STOTfES, lie has, and constantly keep on hand, atcii.ive sod varied stock of TIN AND SIIKUT IKON, HAT HACKS, CHADLIaS, &c, &c, .l ol m liirli will b al, lKil.au.- itual IE -lis 1 1. 1 In n -r llinubui rrer been s.l On l lis I lii iiill) . I would rrlnrn my tbanks lo my friend, .nd r,i. rs f. r li,. vet, liberal palea-,, ii ,, beatnwed ui-.n ua. and Ihev may rest assured, that 1 shall eiioravoi , ly -lost stl.i.l.i i, u m.,.o together with a o. lern.iliat'ion lo please, to Irv and in. nt coolil.Uanrt ..f Il.r asm. . Lsidit' and (li-nlli men nre parliruiarl) it, hid lu fflll uA iumii;rti.V, zmTDt 02 job WjSZ .i.F."S;y t.o TfriizViwiiii. N. B. I will tell you why I bead u.v aovrrtis. i... il " sit r mi v .o. it .. i we have three w.gg..us constantly Irav.l.ii g H.ron.1 Il.r eoui.lry will. Moves. rr .in orittin trill be faithfully ami in.inilh ultmvul lot CtarsTIf, Junt IC, lBa For Floridi Ilrfct. tueh t 'i.-'t.. is IU Ihmt.mnd ta 31 fs lleurt lsn 'Itmr Ikait ttf so) Usr Hu"tt. 1IIK I M1I.II K1AII S MAIL THUS. 5( lii IS. I liV.MA.M f li. fFAVKS CIIARLLMUN.S.C.. eterj Tl'KS al IiaV Ani liN'X'N. t 3 o'tia-s.i.a- VI I. A Ik A, H.A , via H:i;AMiI.NA. JAI hM-.N VII.I.K. fit Ol ATA .nd the usual unuings Ml Ihe M. John's L.ver. S..S eoolierla, gong s I.d leturoir.g, ailh I be II. ..lr.".d al r'ernsat.'ni, a. d wltn St. g. t ltr als.ve named places for Aliifst.,.. Oeala, l rst.o m. Tsliahaaaec. l. Ausu.lins. 'I smea. ami old. ir lowtis in ll.e in I.-riot ol t li.r.oa ; al I b-rl.slon, i " with Hit Niw York Steamships aid the Northern I I and UlIiiii Kailioad trains on Tueaoavs sod I 1 S.lnrd.ya. ' ' M. rciiandise, sr., ri.na.gnrd lo Ibis AgeBey.'n will U f..rwarou I'HKK III II IIU.K. , 1 For frriaht or oaassrs. soo'v I., ', L II L, t lilSOLM, Kuthern Hharl.l i...rh sie.i. I aNtrsre 4. i.'.. 4j-3in WIIKAT WANJi:i). f sjvllK suhs. riler ha BL Ll 'Uriiiir Mill in huy V he.t, for which market price in cash. flour. Bran lnl Me iie.i.tred abereverties f.l .re, is prej.-.rrd mil give II. a higbc il for tale st the V.il.o. Juil.S WILKKS. l imlolit, Aue- 'J, l"3(. :ttf M31KS 31. HIIVIlV. fOMMIS.SWS MKIICIUS T, 117 III a Tl III. KM hi It I. I'l', V l . Ft I YS and (orwards evert lur.dof mereh, I B 9 one for 2J ptr rtnl ( e.miaio. del. t t.. I I Is. .vs. Mwaill an.l .Mori lies. i. . W .a lin, J U . Osborne, t . I'. Al. noenbaii. A. M (.0,1 l.-... j.r.d Uev. C. V. Ih eo.s, II. o W A , I . r s I, 1, , 11 i-.l I I t.lbera. I'eotrr tn l'ia M.i. ....,., Il.. lis. I jllaros. (.Ultars. AIUMC. SII K .Vaeo.ll.s. Ir.,, - ales, I'limi'S, iMrot n f..Ue, &e. A pritil.o! jlist of all ll.e diffeteot hotliers, klliMS Blid prirts! , trl j,te. Publisher ol so rlerslil III l.oe r.i ib ol I " yieaory A'rrl Uap," N.C. l,) .ml tl. ( 11. so ai l iiv.iei.s ; os, Im.I'K I.i m to IIssltii." I ! This loviilushlr Jumi y ,,rrtsrr shr.ole l-e in t ry 'house. It irt-alaof ail iitrrases, ba s copious 1 J f haary and t,riserile the rrn-rfti, s lr..tn nsture'a ' ilHiuiil.oua slorra, for all our ii.firo,itia and niia. j I fortunes. It ia i mled on fito nhite p.per, hr.d. j jaon.ely bound fourth rdilion, 'J'm p,.j, snd ia 1 mailrj frre for snr duller . 1 I Ni w Ho., wood Pianos, 13i. ! Ith, 16, 1838. y 1 S. M. HOW ELL, - -vnia ussy' Saddle tt Harriets, Planutactatr, TIIRIIK JJOflltH HIlfTII r THE MANIIION IHU'rlE, I'll 1 IC l.O 'I 'I 1; . . 1 rAIUmdsof Had.lle.sr,.lll,r,.,.,ie ,iihr shortest 11., tier. 1 1 llr TAIKINC; promptly etriultd. atj. 19. Irt.'.rt 37tf IH. It. .11. 4 Oil II -d to reeeivr I' rolessoa-s I I alts ritoeni. of Mr I'll IN. and sa prnlrssii nsll hI.s.m. I r ia rsai 'tenee, Kort Mill I .-.,'.(.. I If 'aid lor Hides, j SI KUKKY. may be four YorK Dist.it Irk. li. Is Cash UVHM. lliiWKI.I., Minium lions. C'SsrsMIe, April 6, 1851 3 Moor Sstnth t, tf I 11 t I ( TI I I M l - be l.ks lii i ll I al-it ltl n, h. . FT T to nl be found Ihv c.-lebruUio i Si uU. I 111 C g Mot i li. ..nnlry fol in ts' 1 1 r Ust i n-hl- i h i II plr II. Mtf ns ii Si, IH ill IIM . sue in I bi I lilt. 1 ol tl" Stove, al d fti.li i li. il it noes I,, liil.g Slid ku Ins A.A.N. 31. TAYI.O;. I "b r. sAius, An liil. tl mtil IJt.ililt r, 1 II.I. tortus). Iles.tta. I'lanssrt I) . . 1. Iles.tt s. I la bit is. I. l..r l i.l .... r.ii.. .. Kb rir M orv ol A.. . in.'. II. II. i it. IB. B .r I I X.lt I ll-f Alit)l.l t Hutu al Hie Ir.iurance Ccz; UHIt l..KAl.t.it.l, , ( I j i I f'lll! tl r h OO IL S Jt.tti. It eg in ti.epl.ti's ol II. I. ,t lis ' Itm lot I l-r he r in Hie pr.n.i'iiii Ib.i.n r si... m 1 note o, aV L- ilia lot tia bslt in. . (..itiiuli , bs.til g ll ltrtsl st t el ;."" , . The r..irptnis ur in wtn-n ! hern paiu h II is t.u t. l .t. 1. 1.. 'rsi.sol p.. ii. mi... pi. s M it-.lii' I .ava ate insnrtu .-r a i.itt. . f,e je.rs, lor two Ih.ros tl . n tan All l...sra are .a,o willi.la bU ' fucU.ry prool la pie s S It I DIIIM'IO'. 1 Ch.rle. K. J. i..,. II 11 .1,1.1,. w . I t ... i.. . J. 1.. Wo Ilosieo. Uoei.iii.e I........! r II. Al' Ke., K. I'. ii-Hle-, l-l.' oi., It.el.'u II. ll.U.e. t)l HrHK Ir. i b.rl.s -..J .hii I'r W . W. Ilohiet,, V..C l l.ai.- B. II. liatll. er.l r) III. slot II. J. ot., I rea.ur II. V . liu.t..!. AUoii.i y. In. U ii. II. .Mi h 1. .M.nii'i litmlirt I iinsnoirt U- I " Kte.Cli.il.. Il lio' t- Mrduui r.u,U 0) f.r.sri.'HI J. I ., Al. IL, W ..li 10 li- Kl.1,',1 l. liats.Hlt!, Al. I'-. ..r luitotf 11. loin .1 me b. ! W II ' , tin 1,1,1 , at tl.. i.-y ol it. j to. K. II. i;.TILK, Srjlrmlti f. I"... is. ts. ,p''S c MaaWsi asvaas. W as A 111 M AM A .vll. 1 1 LI. or Coughs, 1 1 i..s, I n Ho. 1. is. ' "''"",",, All. .11. .i s ol lit hiol..)S .1. '" t.ii. riiin a, t. it rl, H e V "-' ' uthel rental ., pi . 1 1. 1 . I'r"' I" tent, aim tl a. Gold .Mine UjiNui'? or I)yt . pin Hill.it . ( 1 inrtt-f A leller f.om J.li.C.llui... 1'" N.C..d..i. ti A"(. 14, 1 -C. : n. J kl.ul Dear t-n Vt ur " Ih' ( try. 'I be Abya.iliis ftl 1 ; ly approvetl III. Itbssliei ease It arils so fast, that ! supply lb. .i.niati. i ' 1 large supply ol il ss soon J-ALI'IS', ..' ' ',, J. u.r A'-r-.v i p. t. - . ,T. !.... rkinl..i.. I 1 .T.J. Ilohoii sn.i I'r J. I.t'i.i'"' & Mill and J. II. Unnis. i ry ,l,ei.iij;tor . . .. . . . t, VI ... V K,.e a i" )M PKIN I IMi ol all iiittt.iis.y 1V.,. i i

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