fforfjf Carolina Ming. r. a cm .-. sir wi Ainiit rxirj .Jilte Unci icisii Tract Sod iy. Th 31th tinu! nieetimi of tbe Amari- ma Society as bold t tbe Academy of Music, in iln city, yesterday morning at v t, 'clock, Lict, opened with prayer by F.ct. Dr. Spring. I lia President, Chief Justice Williams, as in the Chair. About 8li0 Life Directors and Life Members were pre sent, and occupied tbe lower floor, admitted only by tickets. A very large audience oe cupied the galleries. lie. Dr De Witt, Chairman of tbe Ex ecutive Committee, made a few opening and touching remarks as to the entire baruiouy of the Committee for 24 years. Tbe election of President, Vice Presi dents, Secretaries, Ac, was then poue iulo, j li-t resulted in the re-election of the old j otbeers, with the addition of the Res. C. 0. Gadden, of Charleston, S. C, as a Director, an J Hnn, W. C Alexander, of New Jersey, as a Vice President. The Kxecutive Com mittee was theu re elected by a vote of -31 to 23 scattering. The election of this Com mittee is only by Life Directors. Tbe opponents of the Society, because it j will not approve, publish and scatter Tract ! senilis! slavery, present, were far less thau j last year. These few made a desperate, dy ine struggle to di-lurb the meeting by intra- ducing resolutions ami making speeches to .- .i... . . i.t;.i. i . ", , ' lunl.iy innrnini- we put in the hi.i.dsnfa member tracts against th slave trade, hvery teso- , . . a . . , ... . . nf the (utivextirji, a pacta?- rlireetcd to 'J. J. lutim was voted down by a call test vote ot i . . , . . Imiuu uiKjuritv, deciding that'1. ' ....... . . ,. nig, one muraeu lor me vv auisu.'ro A'gn. I he hia wh.r tin copy ii lint sent t" the Argnt, aa he pro. CHARLOTTE: Tuesday. May 31. 1359. FDR CONUItES.-i, THOMAS S. ASHE, OF ANSO. The Proceedings. We regret that I'tir friend of the Argv did not receive copy of the proceeding of ti'e Whig Oiriveiilmti in time fur hit lust iintiiher. He in well believe that we are not culp-.blc, fur on 8a. iDiiuu minority this and such sti! i ets do not bctontr to tl Saei. tr ,.J ah..,.!,! not eouie un for di-eus- K l' ,or "'' " MWiaw. can yth.p. ion. After votinsf down all these resolu- ! lions, for fear some might ceo-ure this s o """u u")- e did not .end . me by mail because dicided action as et.couraging the re open- j " P""' directly to Ine Harcim early ing of the Afiican slave-trade, which Chris- .Saturday morning we tlu.ueht wuuid obviate the tians north a ad south are opposed to, the : necessity and en-irc itsceruin reception in Wadra Societv passed a!iuo-t unauiuious'y the fol- ! burs', on Monday, lowing resolution, rrF-red by the venerable' I'r. Spiit.g. In ofiering it. Dr. Spring re marked, that he bud no sympathy with ibe spirit of opposition to this Society ; that be approred all the action of this meeting, and that with the treat majority of those pre sent he desired to put an end to the discus sion on slavery before this Sooie'y, as it was an improper time and place for such dis cussion The resolution is in these words: " lir&i'tit. That in lading ibe preceding I so!uiiaus on the table, the Society have iiot coti.e (o this cot'.c-iukti from any doubt in relation to tbe sin of the African slave trade a Mr. Ashe. We hud lb pleasure of sccir.g this gentleman IjsI we,k, sih! iltlioufh he hid ietei mined not t accept Ilia n' min: linn l ndered to him by li.c Whig Crnventicn Jil, afn-r coiivultutmn with friends at Concord he has consented to lei.ve the mailer open until his return from the North, where he will be gnnr some ten day", when he will de termine as to his future curc. Ouruwu opinion m, tft-'l Mr. Aslie will, at ihc uigcnt rtqiirtt, not ly of Inemia at huiiie, but abroad, accept tlie iioii.inatinn. We ihult keep Inn nmne at our uiast the great wickedness of re-open- j i,c' uuUl " h"r in" determination. ing that iniq liious traffic in any form." At this point the 30 or 4 eppoueuts left The Tjomcfs Nest Riflemen. the houe with ail iho wind taken out of !,.,,,,,, . . . . . . , . .... , . , , , r lrn Hi J t this cnuip-.nv hss bern invited tbs ir sniis the Society taking ine only sate . .. .. , ' . , .-, . , ' by (... h lm, l i jo to I!l ih to take part in the ground, mat it is neither anil slavery nor - f . ,. -. 0 F , , . . . . 11 reception of the rremfent of the linleii Sutea. I O.i S.turdar afli rnoin last svr'jL-ri. eiinpany held a ; nife tirg whi n Cipt. Bryce lud before it this invi. ; t 't.uii. 'i'lie coii.pany agreed lo accept the inti. I t.itmn, and left on the 1 o'clock train l.ial night lor Raleigh. bod s spirit and erne? wis wonderfuLy ruan fested it: ill.- frieuds of thi- caue ena llin' them to decide and tak so unanimous a stand on the ground m.'Si clearlv expound ed in the muting by Daniel Lord, K-q , i one of the ablest lawyers of this city, that j Stata Educational Convention, r ab-lract o testiott, s'lcb, as slavery, couil J This a..ci imo wi'l meet in New turn on the rig'iily be brought up by the Society, ail : erening of the lt-b of Jane ai 8 u'eloek. As the such bfttig entirely out of ibe Society ' con- I cii u-ns ucsim to make every arrangemevl for the titutiunal work, h ch is oulj to spread ; tccUiiiiimdaiion of Delegates who will attend, they uch Go-pl tru'li. as are agreed upon by ' ,., vwt circular to persons in differ. nt l.-cali- a 1 ersni;e,icai I lirisnans , ai,u liui nic i-u . , lo aiuir. er'a exploit have raised to recent notoriety, ar fu It sad faithfuIlT delineated. The snm is true of Cubs. Jamaica and the West India Islands. In sddition to this, the Keys, Banks, S.mnd- mas. Chsnnels, ( urrenta and routes of vessel In thoae waters sre all exhibited, and scientific data inserted, ma kinar a complete Mariner's Chart the West India Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Tha principal materials for this portion were airmailed by r. & W. Dlunt, chart publishers In reading ship ni si or naval writings, the ad. van'spe of such a May con hardly be prized too hlL'hly. With the same regard to accuracy and detail, sre given also, as far Nurlti ss settled the British Possessions of North Ameriea." Many of the most distinguished cilitens of the Lulled States, have given testimonials snd certi Meatus ol approval m its favor ; suiung them. Cits. W. Murse, Thomas R. Whitney , Gcorgs Bancroft, liuv. Moor v, of Alabama, Guv. Brown, of Ga., Gov, Fletcher, of Vt., Edmund Burke, Joseph Hull, Commissioner of Talents, M-'jor lOniory, U S. To pogriiphiCul Knginecrs, u.iJ hy K. Marks, M. U. and Job JohnaUm, ef South Carolina, Mr. Fiirclnlyyiiteiids cullin); uwn the citizens uf Charlotte ami the county of Mecklenburg gene rally, and we take pleasure in reeouiinennitig this M.ip to our frieuJs, believing fruin the copy exhi bited that it will be all that is promised for it, the iieisl accurate Map of the L'liHed Stales and Territories, as well aa Mi xico. Central America, the Canadas, slid the West Indies, ever before giv. en to the public. Every family should havs it, not only for the Mip ita.-lt, but fr the fund of tumble iiiformattun ituSords. Subscribe for it. Buchanan's Imported Editor. It ia a curious fact, saya the Knoxville IVAf'g, tnat the elilor of the Itemocraiiaj orgau at Wash ipgton, is an Knjrlish aristocrat, recently impor ted. Either no decent American could be found ti undertake this jb, or an Englishman, fresh from a nmnarchical government, was considered ss belter posted in American pilitics. Upon pla. cing an Englishman at the head of the Natioual Orgau, they changed its name lo thnt of the Com. ttilulien. Hiving got the British Queen lo sup p y the party with some superflous tahuta, it is presumed that they will say nothing more about M Biituh Federal IVais," being dangerous lo our liberties ! But there is greater merit in Buchanan having selected an E.iglishiuau, to edit his otfivial organ, thsn at first strikes the mind. Fiist, he will meet Jukm Milcliel't opposition to every thing Diiluih; and ntxl.hc will prepare the public mind fur a re duction of the w-igi-s of laborors, to the foreign Buchanan cask ttundord, of tkn ckmts pes bar I We arc auiuaed with the very prelmie of a tune played urou a harp of a tliousar.it strings ! "Blow your own umpet since no one elsewill." It is curious what iagenuity different men, or tompaniro of men, disply in practising this cine, trine. There are two metbds of doing it ; the one is SI. GILMR'S LETTER OP KCEfTiSCE. ua hit most olemn and affectionate warn ings. 1 am of the South, aod .hall alwaya act with the South when I couccivo he is ia the right, and acting for bor owu true ti- May 4, 1859.' To tiib Hon. JortN A. Gilmkr: Ueur Mr ; As the organ of the Conven- tcrests under the Cctistitu'ion tion of the 3d hislenl, assembled tti the town Should It be the pleasure of Graham to nominate a Whin candidate , citixens to dace me a -'"in iu repro UOstlOU ...uluH v nn ussillilk Hue Ol SUCH . 1 I ia all i-i"lUOtll 1C H I all Itlllllsrl .iiitfii your trumpet." ' I .:., to ,thcbai'i' a tiublio duty. it is a of tho boverimieiif. Whether the policy The former of thes.two is generally practiced ,,t,s(iljre as uot 0U j t.isoii with (he do- 0f ,ie present Adinini-traiion, of ptaacbiu,' by men of more van it than hrams men w In. re. , ' l.L. h.n . cmivevin.r 1 ' nehmeiit and reform, slid at II r thinking themsevs the flena tilral ol perlec. v' ., - j i "uu,j t - . f 11 . '"' "pprjachiiig collision U. of my f-1 on- Fr.,)ue aod Au,(rU h M-res, (luiie'ioss. I am , , . i.. , . . . u ""Hsh. h . i iui.ji.i',i.. u '" " -v - ' : itaii...r....... - r i uas oeco orouzui aoout in the Kr.i .1 I ., , , for the next Coiigrcfsionnl eleciion, it is our ll0i i,8eusible of the responsiDiiiiii-s oi menu, challenge .onladicti. n , the ether .. by . our dutJ ,;,. TllU 00ulltry. through bor rr m.ki. g the common plU.ne.s of your neighbor aiides8 , , h is , llonor I ;pIlUtiv0( lo d. le. n.ii.o ihe quo: appear . a voluntary, flurt by h.m, to " blow ; f fce A . un eUlha,e 0f BU,.b ,s ,0 , U , c.,Uo..,iol admiliistn ORIGIN OP.TIIK WAR IN EUROPE . AUSTRIAN IiULIilN ITALY. Frnin the Nuw'Yurk Tiiiirs. Like most other creat ii.ti.n,..,; . i r . s'-i'iini ugui about in tho Krst i by the operation of certain reciogni,..j J, es of which diplomacy can taku coB'nixtl " and which will omstitute tho ost(.,y ' ground of war J and in thu s,.00, i'" by tho loeici of a hi-lorical lieoessity,'",' thu less real that no minUcr will ' it, and no protocols discuss its benrin,,6 era,!,, j. tion, sod yci perc i'vetliem .elves uaappreciated, the uuauimous and enthusiastic expression ! tl,e name time, expi tiditig unitually more I(j t(e )t((r jlllinj0f 0 Qr teeis, tnst sti that is nccsnrv i.nuccess. is to of the entile Convention. A convention lu eighty millions ct uunara, i-.-um ! ; j. deHjr4t,a t,8 peop6 0f ,1 j m.k. that fact known l.Vallil.ew.rld and thereat , ; llull,lJt.rs every oounly in the Dis- I hUI y uo,e, borrowing millions, and " j eIOUld clearlv uuder-tand l.nth . '""""J tZ'llt X "WiHy',e,r ,M""' ' M -presented-remarkable for the otl f, coulry iu time of peace an Umnense foZ! " The latter is generaly praciieed hy men wilh 'age, and fixed solid character of lis mem- national debt, is to bo sauctioued uU ap- unlikely tbau that tho United Stat, . more rHnnuig than heiits, who hiving from or. bera with perlcCt utilty ot purpose ana nor- proved, w Uethnr the count ry, siiatt e i , j 0jr conin,ori., : .1 ., .' i f,,....,l . i,h, ila to stirecrit h ..:... I , .,i.l . I i 1 f ... I ni.a nf ilo urs 111 . ..... ' "lll tl.o1l,..,,t. tin- latter nf making comM yuu inOuenoo ffler erpettenn the fiirmcr me sing them s. bch nginglo tiiehirean species, ap. , which, e trust, will prevail with you to piar as his endorsement o. their eharsrier, tlieir acquiesce III tlieir neoi.-ion. i uey uavc in position in society, thei.real worth, and Mns '-blow urucled us to inform 0U that OUB namo tli-ir own tru,,,,u,inej n. ,,e else w.ll." , wai before them 'lor Congress-that But il a few of thistiafS imn together in the . , ' , . , ., . pur.u.t of the eominon ul Jof imtorieiy " or that name was received w ilh the most hearty rather "poie good " (for of mune the public good will and cheer that uot one desired must suffer from w ill n' the knnuhdpe, and a Knottier, but with a united Voice they pro ennscqu. nt uon.appreciati-n nf their talent..) ' cUiiticd John A. Gilmer as their Candidate, nrryTn pledging lo bin. their ready and constant namely, that of each .(dividual member of Ihe co-operation iu all the canvas, eompany M iwinf the oUern, and thus making ill Allow u iu btholf of the Convention, appear a. 6om Jidt prase, a vol Hilary apprrcia. L. j . ;utl, id uisl. to nsk 0 .r COUCUI rence in the action of ibe Convention. of tlieir kirk mmr h from an sninfrrrsrru' ad mirtr snd (Ave " blow ins A o n trurupel since no one else will." ' But is this right f'j-.'i ask, ' I il honest ?" "Is it giiitlrintnl v ?" S matter, my dear sir, they know that humhn wi.'l take" and Itiry consequently know that ley will gam t'.eirohject. Auw then, it seems, u lustier wleit yu nmy have previoualy mid or uss, itu mailer how dull Atrrmleis sou may here bii, ynu are certain of SUCCssa., if you fiilloaf tlH'se methods of " blow. ing your own Imnipit s leii nu out else will." Wiib high regsrd, l'our obedient sv'ts., JdKl'II S. TOTTKN. JAMKS 0. IIOLEMAN, H. Y. Mi'ADKS. JKSSK II. LINDSAY, .JK-.SK G IIINSUAW, N A. K AM. SAY, A H MtDtiN AI.D, S. II. CHRISTIAN. GnttssiioRii', May Cth, IS3J. GENTLt.MliN : The emotions; wilb. wbirh Fine Cherries. In Ihe hurry of other cngageinants, wc forgot in our last, lo acknowledge Ihe reception of a baa krl of elieiries from our friend E win Alcx inder. They were the finest we have seen tins season. He exhibited also to ui specimen of a o w kinJ of cln.rrits obtained from New York, which ex ceeds any thine, in Ihe cherry line that wc hue ever beheld. We have often heard it remarked tiiat you need not take -tw.j bites " at a cherry, bit with this m.w kind ynu can make two biles cusi. ly. We hope to hear fium him again. ed some hundreds of millions of dollars to htMmt ' a u, build a Railroad to the I'ao.Bo Ocean, fur- ., ' . , etUemel . ; or ho g PbHo plunderers addmona oppor- J P " , a ,h. tutm.e. 10 lleece ine peop,e--wu. .c. ni , fe M a- President is to be trusted with mil l.ou, to .j f be disposed of by hiiu.ell. without the pre- I flio( ' P , , , inns sanction of tbo neoplo a Renreseuta- .. . . . . . , 3 Per'i'itled us to nope tor ra.-i sti i perinaiiei " food i ' . .. . i i . t .1 i the litierty of uiatiktud. It has keen e , Cuba b whether the oorporationa of tbe i . . ' , , , muni cuoa tiiii .ueiuer p . moo with a Urge e ass of Eoa ih i,iur.,.i Stales sbs be p aced uuder the power of ,. . , . , '. "uh"" ) urn. , . .1 . .ep, lata to speak ol the disturbances of thu i the General Government whether the I re- , r . . . , ,"u '( mo "-"-; -'lew monilH as " prov ked bv tha r. , sideut shall be trusted with the power of , i.;.;.. V... . , re,t- .. i tl.. Am,, and Navv to exercise pro- -"'" t Uj , - -- j f wuellier soma more ssti-r.ictor v raus m. tectorates over other naiions, engaging to I . , ,. v -V"" e eao- ei.tanfl'iinir alliaucea aL'aiual the warninsrs of ; , , ...... .". . u.lb'e entangling alliance, .ga.u.i ue arning, o -, VV.,h...gton,-he.ber.heod Rule aha . fcj lM, (bi have anv share in the 1 uolie Lauds still i, ' . . ' , ' . . .... , ' ithe niL-re petulance aud persona Has.i.m ,r more thau one thou-aud un ions of aores, r f I " '"0 of or shall bf act of Congress be offered and i 'i l l P ' 10 B J or sua.i oj vv . ,. , lie found able toshakf hurnpe to it.ouv. given away to .11 the world unn.tun.Uod P foreigner, much entitled to take and keep , S J it-elfU r , t pre.s,o,,w..houtp.y as our own people-., co ' " . whether the country .hall be con iuu.lly d,s-. y J P traced by the agi.auoo of the, que.- L d ot),errer ( th, ZZ Hon. and whether lo tin. end the impr.el.. ) r(wd , v cable question of renewing the AfritMn S.ave ; ( P- 1 t lr.de, shall be mtrodueed and made it - subject of political .ect.ou.l .ilaiioo.-- ' fijlioM o t0J lJ New Goods. Mai Drown At Strtlhave just received s fresh supply of New Uooua They are cm atanl'y en deavoriiif lo aff.rd to ikeir custnmera the ereateat facilit; for supplijn, iliemswl'ea with the Uteat j rc.tireu through your kind ami coiupli New lioods frem the .N'urll:. "TOR TU NORTH CAROLINA WHIG. Tvuprrunrc Meeting and pic-Nie at rinnillr. 3a. KPIToll: Saturday !at was a tlaV ' company your very polite communication, j 0f levying taxes on the propeity of fur- wbeh will doubtless be long remembered impress me aith great humiiity aud thank- i riucrs, brought t ) this country for sale, to by uiauy of the Soua of Temperance iu ' fulness. raise the ui-ans of supporting the Govern-' Mtckleuburg County, on aceouut 0i' tbe fra- I While I most sincerely nur you of my rnent, or wb- th-r we shall adopt free trad, te'ual intercourse aud the pleasing associi- !pre:'erence not to be a candidate again, I am a jke world, let foteigoers bring and : tiins it will continue to call to mind. I frank to admit that the peculiar circuni'tan- ! sell amone us what they please without pay- wnetucr uiiiousieriuj;, p....v . - ,l rHrp, f , t',... I. si.... menlarv letter. Iho news of the unanimous ! i.... n.si.l armed bands of robbers iu : ... -' ei i;a " , , L " .. ' .. . i . i, tuat tuese negoiiaiious should coniiuue tn nomination of the touveultoti at draham, our midst to distract and plunier neighbor I , . , r ,, , , it i i i - . e . . i t . i i oe iti so utiiav jraitie a stste. i I, .? . .1 jean bo better imagined than explained by mg natious at peace with us, shall be tola- j , ,,.,.,; , ,,r.,Sc.a t,l me. tbe Iiiendly assurance ol your ow n , n,u.d iu this professed t.hn-tian . stiou, , t',rt,.. nn .' f '. i i i , - t i I r . . , . i ror Ij fVi-ry rxrnauge on tho (.utrinent ' personal regard and good wishes, which ao- vbether we shall maintain the present us- l ,. . ' . '" mean that .Napoleon III ss deallti,; cri. misly with the Italian qe-lion ; breau ,1 Kuropc knew, and for )ear baa knoau, t, borrow ihc language of the Lm.lou Tiu.f, itself, that there can ke 1.0 -table p. ice iu the world while Austria can defer s rtt!,.. r pretensions in Itiljr; anl 1. nety at lis an: ua! meetings Can oiiij elect j Its ouieers anti couimiiieea to carrv ouv ine work of a ch nity-tru-t. as the committee unsiiitnou-lv agree ; and that the society cau no more direct r instruct tne action ot tiiat committee, than Can the people iu-trucl ' f .' ci rt.nu it One of t ' qaeal any iicrson i i presrnt at tht meeting of U form us ss early as convei j The Virginia Election. j The election in this Stale, h.r t;..veri.or, Mem. I bcrs.of C onpreas and Mi n.ix-fii ... tl..- !., i.l..lurL- .me. whua.eeiiH-cted lollMk pUc. on Thursday last, luc SiStu i...l .hl. Wc we have reecid and re. ,1; te n,r(W . naBlbtr of lut ,nd Mf. arlolle, who tlact to be j c-m l,, -,.. ,:. ,., f ., x..-- is uue tiuiir certain, if .Mr. Gugirin has not b 4,11 e'ected Mr. Letcher carries the Slats by the " alnn I o( Ins let th," fur the latest report from Richmond , Xl the Je-lje th'V elect how he hall decide Ihe que-iion thst may come before bitu The whole matter is now clear, and wiih the strongest confi leiice in the committee which La proved it aeif eo conservative and firm f.r Biitiy years, and with tbe cotitin ued d;recno:i and Llessirg of God, we msy press on with grsatc-r succe-s iu reaching te pcor and needy at ti.-ir bomcs wi:b the ; r, tread of life. Yours tri'v. ir W. J. V. CROWDER, Gen. Agt of Am. Tr. Soe. f.n X. C. J Nl Yhk. May ri'.'ti, 1.Z1. P. S A meeting in hi half of the Amen j ean Tract S ictity. at li ston, was held this Uiiroing at Dr. Cheever's church. 1 bis So- 1 ciety bas heretofore been a trench of the OJCi:ty at cw loik Ujntig the past Vf ar, hoaeier, they begun to set as an in itidepeodt Bt S ciety, pabhsiiing tracts on alavery; aod encroacii ig ou the Deld cf the Sjc-iety at N-w Yor. Their metiii.g this uioiong toik a decidedly anti slavery ground aiid bit'eriy opposed the position of tbe Nation,) Soei ly. Their Secretary sta ted that btreafier they wauld publish a gainst aiavtry a a sjsum. It wiss Mated d.-cided;y that it withdrew al! eeiiosetion wit1: the Society at New York, and wsu'd be in'it pendent, wbicli course ieeide" tbe discern C'ioti entirely of that Society from the National Society here Ileury Ward liei-cher violently attacked the offieers and c .us tf the American Tract S eif ty, ridiculing its wotk, H publications : of ihe and in supporters. The Au.ericati Tract ", boc ety by tbn course will be free froo; ail tvisiiion, to in- us ss early as convenient, so that wj can the cutiiuitttre tune!? notice. And as the lili.r rui'llliiller haa 'ibllsht'd the pr-gram. f business ou Hie occisioi. we givo it bcluw : u sdiiress will he rfiiiitred by iiiviit of the A.ai,ei.li..n. On that day (the 2Sih iu..) a Temper- j ces in which tbe most malignant, virul. t.t, j,, anything for it, and come lo direct tax- j of , , , f. "J , . "' . r , 1 . ' . . , j "'cause Ibe I-rrhcli Kmperor has etah!i.!ie A ou uear .Morrow a iuin-Oot, aud it was my anxiety that the nomination, so enibu- I alrradv taxed to the utmost point of icodur. . , , '. . , oleasure. in eomrianv with a few other 111111. siasticalls made, msv be ratified and con ' . I,..il,..r wm shall keen un tbe rre- 1 . '. . . . ... ' '' ' Ibers of Mecklcnbura Iivisioo. to be iu at- i tiruied by my fellow-citixetis of the District, j ,,.. ftriti.-h Tsriff. which, bv rcaioo of tha i ,'e. '? '', ', 1,1,1 "''mi':' 1 .1. - 'ii e'- 11,1,1. 1 . . i.if m', .,. 1 1 -.1 'eel mi s ne never ue ca.iui f uiiucilci 1 " 1 Ul-"'UU' , . . ' ; ib "-. . I uc.iilica mat ir.uu. are pr.cu.eo up, of ,ilica! wofk b, .,. , b I'1 , , , , I .1 11 e . j - i piece Ot political worg, be will jniai illv c- tbe sitrroundiiig country and tbe members ! 'he u-oa! embarrassments or poverty aud fa,, to rase aiffieienl revedus lo support r ,. ... ' , , , I. .,- .. , 1 ,t . . r - a . , r , , , , , , , , . r. leouiphsn it lo the uttiruiO't ol bia sinm of tbu neighboring Ltvt-ions bczan to come tiic lack of ii.Ducntial friends, 1 have alway- i),c (iovernnietit. Kj makes tbe borrowing I .... r. . , . . it 1 1 1 1 . - i g . 1 - l i " "at then sre thf'se Aalinni pre!e:i-i .i,. iu at an eariy uour, auu soou a very re- : '""""t eu n a prime .11 e 1 . .it. 1 1 11 11. . .11 . . 1 ill 1 tai v, ac wr v is r r auce in e peolabie cooooure of people were asthered i 'ike ours, lairly and honorably to aspire lo . ,T rca,on 0f (ta beluif regulated by the ad 1 ,, . ' ' . , , iu iue vicniivy ui iuo ecuoot-nunie iu which ",ri' "u ""'' cuii" j- volorem ForetfO vstuation, nssa stiu.ng scaie , t j JccJ.je det'l with ' li ne v i i le Ltitision holds its ifccciius ,;t tti. 1 "ieo. Tbe experiments, however, of a sborl 1 l,ich !i le is always iu favor of the " n' 1 -,i ' terea about iu Qi tie re tit paf ts ot ihe ni.acfe ''. base taughl me that tor all those, lioi f reigiirr, and agaiutouron people, ssy About a o clock, the xneuabeisli'l l iucriKe l'aU ata.n.pt the ex-rciso of this privilege, n ti) the foreigners, w hen you hsve it mosl Divi-ioo, with a number of their v.sitiiag t'i"r sr to atore tnsnv cups of bitterness. ,', .01lr power to crush our own iudustrj, brethren, held a meeting for tho pjrpose of I " !" lfl dischare of my duties, as we j0ur facilities to da this the initialing Brw meuibers and arran;itj.' Leces-! 'he1 II ;fieutiitive of our Ilistriet in the I more eff-ctusliv, and to our own people ia-t Confess, t was, do-jbliess, o.teu iu cr J irn ibey most need the incidental protec- sary prcl.uil-iariea !:. G:. W: I':. Jas C Vitikiusou, of Cbsriottt, L,resiUiui. At the efjiial lo that of New York and Nt K:.i- land combined, and a population of t:t: j twenty five millions, occupies such t p m 1111:1 in Koropu that wire it unit'-d ui. .rr oue authority or lesgued in one i;it -rii. rjr. bat it was on all occasions my de-ire to tion which a Revenue Tariff ought to sffird, U',. c,rr' ",,a , "f c"-"'" '; On lii. I night R r t Citeg, Pi On Wm ih s 'ay an al:ress will be deliverer! by 1'rnl. I . M. iluub-rd, of Ihr I n versitj ; and om Ihe san. i- or the in at rij. there wtl. be a lecture by I!, v W, H. l, iicriy, Pie. ice, I u! Grahaui I t'ilife. tin- ti vlmer aiidrei sing hinnelf tspi-etallv I school teachi-rs, aim accompany ing his I itn n t. re s 1 1 1: c rip-rimsuts in Liu mis ! irv .no Nitnni Pii.lfcv pi y. I Tne.e will also l.e re;,ii Easr.y Oh Tin stu j Oie mil iiiiHienf conducting Fcin.ile Schnola " bv I M". II. Ila W. J ..n .N .re...i i hi.. e .tmiial stitisiies c.j the Mat.-, on the nnun st.il.-s that I.ctcher will be elected by about 3.C30 votes. Wise carried tiie state by over H'.OuO. The opposition appears lo h-ve had no caiuiiduiUa in the Congressional Districts, except perhapa one, they have made a number uf gains 111 the Lejisla, lure. In oui next we hope to be able lo jritc the result. Hurrah fur G. ggin and the opposition in Vn-giuia. Wn ..1 J the piensure of meeting with the llo lie urn t' U-Htculinri is eicl.,1 Ja :,fi.i uilX are i-;ochI Mat I, lii The 3d District. t Concord, on Wednesday last, it had . Jno. A (.it ga the must ehcermg accounts Iroiu 1. il! uu the North Carolina ur ( hia District. He has addressed tiic people at .cr . I eral pl.-ices, since the esnvass opened, ainj if he is tl.e principles of norunl I , , , , ., . , looia cr seh.ai! where V-r ' "eecivid he will be reelected by a greatly in. ucBied loether will b discussed ; ! c"ascd vote. Many lh mociata ha re r pressed r q.iesiioii. of irierest to tnc Oitnd. j tl,,ir oelermimtion lo support hi 111. We ah.ill icite o aril: be bruoi;lit tu the alia n ! ,i,:., .;... .. u; r . .u. i . r the Deni'icratic Press has bcu so outrageous lo. ward him Inst iUch a ult would be s rebuke tu them that they richly deserve. of gen lion of the Associ .tl Immediately aller the sojournment of the As. a malum, a. I the lielf tea and visitors, who de aire it will on taken 011 an exei.rsioii lo Ine ocean al Beaufort. Al M'lr-liead Pity, the tt rni ina tmn of the At. lanlic l oi.-oail, the ! -1.,1-r Caluwrll, with a d pupation of taCies and getltirm. 11 from Baslorl, will ncei.i ti,( cxcBrsM.nisis itwti Carry li.cin Li Yu Micoii, wiitre there wiil be a pic-raie or coi- clos ot this meeting tbe uia.bcrs of ti.e ' s'e P-pve tor wbeni I acteil the resgita you sLa.l have the very best aid and pro- i . ' . , ., several Diviann. asseu-bled near the tan- "T best conclu-ions, aficr the mo,t care- j t,cli..u posaih', ahether integrity and P'y l ern.atiy iu th. ',,n road lauding a-, the Turn-out, wl.ete they lul eiaminatiou. It was tin sincere purpose hones. y in making and completing Go- 1 ' lutepenn 1,1, 1.1 were cUled to otJ.r aad formed ia i'r by i to pursue, wiib all Ihe abiiity I could com- , rruril, ,,, contracts, shall be enforc-d. and ! 1 Wrr ""'l' .".""T " , ) y" Mr. K. C. Harris, ahe Marshal of ta '! v : 1 aud, that faithful and honorable eour Dlui.drrin iu hih and low places put down, ! a,e l" " , ,u'"1,a" 01 3 .ult,. in .a- aod from thence ibey nsar.bed to a suitable 1 that 1 conceived 11. v constitueuu would hate stand prepared for Ine oceasioa, iu a grove ! 0,a '", were ail the lights before thcui, ucar the school house Piucville, fiharon, "nd hey pfesent to advice. Steele Creek, Whitehall, l'ieasant Hill, ii.g 5Jr vote on the vexjd q ieation of Kansas Spring, Mallard Creek and Meckicbli'irg namely whether it was beat for ay section 'Divisions, and CharloUe oeciioa of Ca,dcts,aud Ihe Union, all thitigsconsidered. to Ion c bcinj represented. Here, nuhjugu At eu j she Lecomptun Conslitutiuti on the free p-o ty foliage of some of tbe tvees left thu seats ' T-? 'jt1- di-tracled Tu riiory, agaiosl lite somewhat exposed lo the rajs of the .un. "l'll knon wishes of an overx heltuiiiij m t i:ie,e are r..r ir..,. w. ... , ,.- ih, .rt Vam. , that 1' deration of ihe people. 1 might undertake th. acco.npli.h.uet.t ,f t rh.Lk.ng you again fenilcn.en, for tbe ,, of ..,, KvToptu , , kind.. of your letter, and tbe promts of , vour co oper.tton in Ihe c.nt.s., I beg f: . , of j. -m . o( to accept assurances of my high repaid ' . ' a:id Cs'.eetu. Yours Iru'r, J'UIN A. filLMKK ihe auditory seemed genet si.'y to anjoy thuiii jjority of her people,, was tne result of ma-i 'fo Messrs. JolepL S. Telle U and others, seivei very well while lis tern 11 to the ci I lul oeiioeraiioti. 1 veniy beiiev, rune cellent addresses delivered during the day. 'ell'hs of my feopl, without distincli io of fler au appropriate pra)er by the Rev.! F'ar,J. u'' lifjt b'J'r.rr them, would Mr. Datby, the lt'v. J C. Ctiaimers wn I have soled in the same way, and would have iutroduced to the audience by Dr Campbell, 1 considered it unwise ai d impolitic to have aud delivered an able, logical and argu- i-''ten '".V o'her vote. Horn and reared iu meutative address of considerable length, ' ''ie Souih, I Bitter mjseif that I possess in which he aliuded to the niauj evils ofpr,)Per degree of Southern pride; and, in ntcmperancc, and then proceeded to show : commou witu tna conservatives ct my own CoUiUiit'.ee. Din - o.tisuasc tir tiis Mail Aukni i UkTVVKKS I'liaisMotTII, V HU I.M A, A Il 11. f MiliTii Ve aa-e sorry and surprised to -what icl.eliu oslied tha from its victory over Nat-cleoii upon ihc Clnstl uelion of " p. iiicipaiuti s a:i! )' " it was felt to be imperatively iet i -H only that Italy should be p it L. M--. i t .c reach of sny of the partus lo the II' Ai liarce, but alo that she aiuiuid b.- pretfi;S ed from a-piur.g to any unity of her . t No ruler eo-ald tru-t bis br iih-r run-r a: -u In the i renin; the party w ill be carried to Bean fort, where ..leri-wn may be expected tr .m va nous gentlrioen. II:a Eaceiieiicy Gov. fcl i, n rx-.-eted to be preaint. IV .r.tn snd visitors will he carrin! to Beau fi.rt and relurn.d by the At'unt.e -nd N t:. Rail tin- ostiitl fire ; and all the railroadl will carry eehg itia to Ihe Associs Ihe regul r pin is. Johncn's Map. re shown last weik, ly Mr. E C. f Democratic Press. This is the name of a new Democratic paer, lately commenced in Raleigh, in the place of the .ice Ciiuffe. Tiie 5ur.uiri sterna to be very much afraid ol the I'rt and ihere'ora ea.la it a I.e. brand " and diaurgaoizer. He ;-lo suys s'une hard things of the Kditor ; bul the KuiLir of Ihe I'rtto saya the personal quarrel between Ihem has gone far enough, aod he will answ er the personal charg. es by the course of his paper, which ia to be s sound Stalea liight Democratic Juurnal. It p. pears that Ihe iO.ljd J.UUO bill la the Cause of li e quarrel, one bring iu favor ana the other oj.ponsi: La the measure. conneetiot. wtsn tbo-e who bcretolore nave I betti deterii.ius'd, if possible, to force it into puhltsbioi! on vexed subjects f Tru-ting iu God that the National Socie- I eh,ld- ' "".a"p; of Join, ""V S, a - ., , i io i i Ihe charge of coalition between Bucn-ini-n and a.utii, may continue to re oie.sea in its '""""" -"""'- has been olT red tu the public. At!. . ...... .. 1 t'Hs wis Li be iipected of Mi. buchanan's Koff. nbraees s larger eitenl of country , . . 3 "all Editor, who has been imported for the n. press purpose of bolatrnag opllie administration, Mlrf l,Tll, oiished this i learn of trie probable esrly di-cotiliiiuauce ; world," snd all the rui. rs w.re r-- of this very convenient agency, established . a i as t the Italian people aliual l nut) on the 'Jlh of .May H-'H, and which has af . Jt,lv , therefore, di.i ied , f ,.; .. bow the cititeu of our country nanitir and I aection, am impresscl with my proper share f-rded facilities that can n w but illy be dis- J tJt restored King of Naples es-g encourage ibis vice by their txampie, their ' jealousy and watchful anxiety for the po- : peu-ed with, to the people of Is ttesvtile. ut j his old realm, the Italian inherit n.ee "I opposition ."o the lempera'aae reform, or their ! "itiou nd fate of the Southern S.ales with ; tonsville, W'inlon, Miirfreesboro', Coteratae, jSpeitisi, llourbons I'pon an an a tr silence concerning it; by their couuteuau- 1 "ir iustilutioua in the I'uion I ihiijk l! Hartford, 11-mouth, IMrMoti, and in fsct,q,la ,0 t,al 0f New York, ibis surer ciug the custom of treating at clectious, and I fco aomc tbin alto of the Soolherii feel- ' "" 'ho whole coiiutry boraertug upon and ,, 0 ,la over leu miilions of sulj wiiiingly loleraling the legalixed traffic iu ' "'g ' Southern honor, and if I do, it i, ! contiguous lo Albemarle Sound and the Cbo- ( IM,1 tj,c ,o!c Sombcrn r. gin nf intoxicating liquors tud their aocounta- j tl,lt bile they calmly and sternly a.k and ' n I'ray, what do.stlie D. parimcut mean? uiusuU To the I'cpe s confi led iu bility therefor ; and in conclusion be urged demand all that is fairly due, they are the j It is but a beggarly and poor economy if j ,. i o tlasat of Marvlsnd and Mi-n bit bearers to do all ia their power to free : 10 " r0IIif under any eirenmatanes retrenchment be tbe plea for depnting as its, with .br- miiliona of pen- e, io tbe country from this great evil. j ' is uth it is ynt a ruaiiui that '' Hon- ' eonveiit, noe of such vital importance ; center of It ily, and sln-lching I of lb- Mr. li. C. Preaaley then add ressed the audience in a abort, bat eloquent aud ap propriate speech. the dinner hour hating arrived au in esty is the best policy." IJer own uood sense : to this enure, s. clion nn rely la 'Jlrrt Austtiaii ninec. f ih should tesch fcer. eMieeial'v as ah.. i rsrl 1 i 'fi'ifi ol e-OI). A pitiful and penurious i .rh nf ll.,.lnr. held Turanv. i:!l to millions of people ; and a fertile rr.i-a on the wesl, fuil as lr,;n as M ass icii is-f '. locked in npou its north eastern border ly the smaller .Slates of Parma and M ' .Iso ruled by piincrs of Au.-tiian eitrarti u and .lusnce, and wuli a ccinl ihi-n ( "h great wotk of carrying (jospcl truth to all,: I am I o;.ra truiy, , W. J. V. C . Atrt for N C. GO" EJitors of North Carolina will pleas; ( pubasL aa soon as p is.io'.a. ; be 1 sny Map lint hi. b-iaut-lui Oeell published aud It I ftsaael.t. Il iisa been i ill I ually falling into a minority, that any oilier i " reform " like this is indeed a uotealU il policy " tu ay return to plsue t.ie inven-1 lustration of straiuing at a gnat whether termissiou of oue hour was announced, and lor- ua,, 1" much confidence in South J ny camels are swallowed or not. It is an those present were invited to partake of a!"'" ' onor to suspect her for on-- moment of ! outrage upon all Kistcrn North Carolina, 1'ic nio dinner, which was soon in readiness;! disposition knowingly to profit by fraud ! "d will be resented by the people as such, and ever? one seemed tv rared to do am ' 'Jd violence. Anl. I tru-t the may never ; ' np indignation felt at this miser at. lo and pie justice to the good things so profusely j o fr misled as to forget that ia practice,! psltry aud manifestly hypocritical aud men j tj0B of about a million souls Northern I spread upon the tables. J he speechea were i loruearanee anu lair dealing are not with- j naciou preicuce ot Dscai pruo- nee aim ani -i , finally divided by Ihc liver I ic.n good, the music charming, and everything oul ihBiittce, even on tho-e inclined to do '01J" letiderncss for the Coffers of L'ucle atu, ; j J1(!0 Magiore between tSe lloU" ''f nlea-SLt and aureeahle hut i!, i;,,i,..r ... m barm, liot the slorv of Kansas .,,,1 I ' is universal and intense ! ... A 11,.1.,,,, , I,., f,,, ,er ss Kii-ts gton femtiivtion eharacterixes I ..,.,i,lt nr.. Uuut .iis.oii.. ...s. comnlon is too lanre to ha sialnaMil ... n,i. I We re.-ret furthermorn. the ore at iuinrw i ,.r '.. . ,,....,.l..u lo the the occasion. reply. Suffice it to ssy, that Congress fiual which this fatuous and drivelling procedure 1 West about as large as South Carolina. w-:a In tbe afternoon, the Be. O. A. D.irbv I h concluded that the bc-t way to settle the ' w'" ork lo the Di mocrsey of this District i . nonlatiou liema lr.e ss that of oeiiverea au able and iu.pray.ive ad'lrcis, j uuucu"y sl was in substance, what the, "J win tne iv asningion omoe noiuers per iu which be showed tbe eondttion of a com- "lerau Ciittenden, and those who acted with ! 'n ihroaing so many burthens upon the p.u:d from U.e Uust typarapbical asmiaatnma. Tlia prospectus Saya : hi muse no American waawiling lo unuerlake tht dirty job, so says friend Bros, nio w. MciBPfiT iLWOr W't Slid tbe folly in lb Uostou fo-t : ring " This work exhibits tha whole of North Alue.ri. i soul hoi the ioiii Fsr.l el ot L.titU'le enibra. n ti.e t iiHd.i, tne L'niurd Stilr. anu Teor.tu. I (..,.,. i.i,.i a.... - i.. ,-i Jiorptiy Las "jleniiiried to p ay ha more p.oarna.the We.t India I.l.oos. .New Bru.iawis, tlindfoidrd risirt! Mortihv is eon.ine to ' Nasi (seotia. sue pari .if o-iutn America. Ai.n' lioston 1 Morp hy is goinif to New Orleans ! : a superior Map of ine World. Il ia ou a scale r b!7 taring aloft our banner and Willi great acccp. 1 0 sea Morrill, ticket, of admission are sold IU " ."" ,h" '"i"1 Mjf ! lability lo Ins friends. It will be a source of sat. . s. v r-1 p; i i .( i j "I lie suns leiriu.ry ever poon.nvo. anu 13 ,i,i. by the N. . 'best Club . Morpby is de- , tlll .ci. !.,, than Mona'a or n.e M ,pf -Our liuieu wi-a u.s new corsv aueu . .'lorouv Vv.iiil.irj. liicupiea a sn-et U liy cu lurii The Mountain District. Irons reliable information received by the Ua. leigh Krgxtirr, it is thought Vance's majority in lhis District, will be al least 3.IXKI Vance is no. is still aea airk Tbs country telegraphs to lata"' 'ban Sherman A. Suiiin'. Mammoth Mjp know about Morpby ! He beats Herrio q iiex "f U" U t tt " ') covering .. . , J , Isittl 4 times aa muc of the la. Mil's surface as tli.iu ..-.r.,j -r ""Mli.ta'. 1 II l,OU soil .re mrhe I.. ..i.. Tl. s. - . Li... l . .. . w - ... ki .' ,,. .. e.e mii. a-. . u , ""i" -. ( niiii .. .nni ., m Jl.i.jniii ,n , llm r , everjbodf everywhere ele, and theu will ' S'of'anlucaldeiineati.jii of lo eouniries iicmora. beat himself as he is a siin'la man ! Mar I"' w.ln a accuracy and luilness of e. u,i . in. phy sp psttl a bis anlsgonist ! Jijt Morpby Ui soon be " plsyed out if the newaps ' pers do not let Liiu al ine. ether b.-yiiid n,e rea. h of any olhir Al ,D. I wo I n.tuaand l ou July isfaelion bi ihe Whigs of tins 8uw lo have tha Mountain District eoinpleieiy regeuerale.d. Tins is s pn piiioua tune, for the corruptions ol tha De. n.ocrstic p.rl. sre so great that a Candidate has ouly lo exp.ia- it t gam Ihe support of the hoo. sl yeomanry uf the country. muhity under ibe blighting and ruinous in- 'l'"J' proposed. lo ruir it lo hr trttlrd . v ' Prpsscs and speakers of the f)i-mocratio par- . Ihe jtr,p,e nj hutitut I lit m 3. iv,i ,- and the ' x1 fiuence of intemperance, and of a nei.'hhor- bood under tbe beuign and renovating ia .South, as I am happy to i the last ounce that breaks down Yo-k Ih. I.ll..r kiii.-s of le ml'- Yenetia, holding a region half s la Maine, with a population of about 6" lions. Ia these arrangements it pi e, is rapidly com- , b dromedary j and we re-pecifully sog- I Congress of Vienna to see a sure guarantee flue he of temperance, concluding with an ' ,0 favorable conciusiou. not only as to (f'1 to the Federal functionaries who have earnest appeal for united effort in behalf of! tuS idotn of tho course, but that the South j of late devised so magnificent a method tf tbe good cause. after ail, really had bad but little inter st in I stopping financial leaks lhal tho Democracy After the speaking, a meeting was beldi''" determination of that question, which i " outb, loyal and high hearted as it aud I was informed that sixteen persons ' l'ie agitation of extn mei.ts, bad be- cannot stand up under every thing, and were to be initiated aa Son. or Lady Visi-1 come so extreoiely sectional, that, if other- 'I"' ' c-'tidsncy in North Carolina ia uot tors. This is a gratifying result. wise derided, in the deliberate judgiiiunt ofj altogether indestructible. We hope tbe au- An interesting feature in the pleasures of, many thousands, c u ersant with the facts. lonrats of the General IVt Ofliee will reeon the day, was tha eiu'jllctit music of the Jiig I would have at ouci- destroyed the peaee of: aider this piece of folly and absurdity be Spring Hand. This band ia connected with ' tu country, and if not the very Union it- j furs ' ,0 lale. Murlm'toro' ViUttn. Hig Spiing Division, and i under the lea- j "i would inevitably have hrou -hl a con-' dership of Mr George Warren. n'ct. between Ihe people of Kansas and th of the impotence of Italy lo mcLaee m peace of the aorld. Kut the House of Napaburg hsd not fur gotten its auoieut motto, and a deti r mined not only to retain LombarJy, "hicb bad desesuded lo il from the inhuman" Cb.rle. V.and Venice, which had fatten into its bauds in tbt- ehauees of the last poleonio war, but also lo use Northern ha f as it lever for making all ihe lYnni'"' oap. It lost no tuna in beginning opers- UlCa newt from Tennessee is cheering. ljrown- in Ihe t niieii siutea and I erritor.es, each t is named aud Colored on tor face of tha .M Ol course It eon! .ins all ti.e U inroads (iwtll thi anialied sou tne bfiisnins) and, in the Moutne'i and VVe.tern Stales, neai I v . II tin- l(,,lr ,,l Sl. r.ia.lilr stall Ko-m v.UMIe. I lie a. serai i fujfctfd quir'carcliy among us one of these ' lineaitd. us: tno.e surveyed by ..ruer of ti.iigreaa llw I rnlral, - xiMWeal hy t ol. t leu.ool; IIm. Sot. th-rn, liirr.ogti MmiM-suta, N-'hrasa a mil Wish. iugon T'-rrin-ries ; and the M.,uthern, thro'Ts as aud Hie iesiila V.ilcy. '1 lart Kale on which the wort is orolecleu has el.ahl.-d us C l a u.uel, Uetur .n I was pleased lo see the Charlotte Cadets b.'- forces, if not a bloody commingling i well represented, about fifteeu bcinir tir e- ; - Northern and ijoutheru arms on therilnina .1.. . r .1 vi'...i. i. ... . I nf If. i.i r i. . . , ; r"""1"' j """"'i r vu,.?rj. u,m6eM,: ,ow - Democracy .r breaking - f-,, -,,.7. w Your' correspondent ... much graced 1 to .11 section.; the delight ,f ,bL. ZLT Ut o!"!,"'"" V I PP'- iuf Ih. recogmlion of HaVI WE aw Sir. ( 'Talk empi for titles ' If we do . not have erdcra of nobility, and an estab- ' li.bed dys, it will tiot be L eaa-e we have 00 food nes. for aueu senilis.. A co-opany of g. nth men fi om M issschusctU, calling them sei.es Kii'gb'.s Templars, are now paying a visit to H.ebuaoud aud Virginia, and il is foru ally annuu heed that the offiuers aceom I'.iiri.i; them are " fci.r Wiiliam 1'arkmao, hit J li.o S. Tyler, Sir i Adams Ames, air, J-iba A t'uuitoine;, Sir Ila-nj ainin Dean, ic Y, .r r. aYi i'wt Tiiiut. Late Foreign Dews. Ily the A. ia, we have aov.cca Iroin I,in-rp to the I lih instant. The cation market had opem-d at ! to lee so tnanv nf ih. l.Jii.a iu ait,.,l ,. i wh J desire to destrov I he I'm,,, an advance of but closed sljd. Flour, Wheat j to gladden and encourage tbe advooates of: I am fully aware of lha responsibility I sua Com had advanced. temperance by their presence aud their ' accepting the nomination which tho I n w.r news is very stirring. fcnIand has smiles. V.itu Ihcir oo-ooer atlon we inav ouvon!iou li d her neutrality. hope that a proi-pcrou. future awaits I'me- 'r,es fiosu which so many p oi-oiicd " '" anu ariiTca ii uenoa nu I " a'l.iaion, au j x teei assurim mat uee usnm i uic auu ail eornerva- tne 13th. On his arrival lie sddresujd a stirring ! 'H be cheerfully and kearlily givcu. Our: liv' ' lDI! 0l"b, are not Jet lowered. order. Ureal pr. piratioiis are being niaue by the j euo gool one ; atid, notwithstanding 1 A fu-ion of the w hole ci julh is demanded, belligerents and by the Beat arrival ws may ex peel an account uf a decis.ve battle. Til. (t'uiii suim. u T... Tl . tmn. Il I... ii..r r.i.nl to Iiroiecu them. Ihe most formidable engm Austriau influence have been the systems" jiiiclcs 'pecial itialance i " Xilently and by speechc, men are leav- tcdered to me. Ti.e bat-! " ,7 ' " ' un"g ' H' UHS-HCS H ,1 ,!., J,. I... I... U .,....'. . ....... 3 . . :. I.,n " f '," oeruggs, oi iiuiina tbo Kinrs of iNsnles lo "rule His "'" lennessee. made a telling rpctich in Jck.;i, i .ot.lsnes, with I ho tiuws of ih aon We know Scruggs well, and a yluiious j Austrian Gonrumctit " Five years l'er. -d her King lo e'" ; "Divine ltieht." and to kill Ih. bydrs.oi " liberty and law " throughout their M"" The ink was hardly dry on the CouveutiW of Paris, when in July IS. I ' I . ...... .ith Sanies, bin'- Austria then sppea ed -cli baa el.ahl. ,) ,la ,, j uf l.:s.e.. and Central A J Attention Kuw Furniture ed to the auvertiscmeut ol J. M some little .uperfluilie., tbe hiarts of the't.d none su clamorous for it, as tlio.enf! V . "' lvv" 00 of in l-.'tl, Naplea force l.d.s .r. !.... ;...t,. .:..,, ..... nr.. -th. Soi.ih.r,. I.. ".I. . .' , i Ci rcult Court for sever si year, tiast. and ' he . i ,... ,i ..il.. A look for their influence, and sre expect lo be j' 0' i precipitate the Souih imo disunion 1 f'.t '," ru!l,l- 119 ""'I it ibis secret treaty, and by virtue of it benefited by it. Our motto M Love, Purity L'k. begets like ; and when the disiiia;,. J r";!l'. '' 'o had voted for Uuchanan ' marched an army into " in.lepeud.nl " ' ana rid.lity ; and it require, but little of of tl" IWib and the South .hail h. ... . . . 'DB 118 "r",,l rry out pi,., suppressed the tJonaUluiion, "" " Ibe poet a f.ucy to see ia tbe fair dsughters , cured the division of the whole country in bis pledges to the country. He Ih, u went , uhli.hed thst Austrian Intcl.ge whieh h .1 .':, our c.ui.lrr. TiM uata from sSJIrli th. l. . i Sj.1 Jet. A. Co. It s,il k. n. . . ... .. i. . . 1 .. - un. i.i. sin n , . ,,. M, , ,i. e... ...a i in nn n.m.i s m.ii.l U....1 ..' . i .ev.ew ins loiai vioiauon. 01 a I n eil ....I,... .1 . k .1.. 1..;. I ;. .1 ol k ,t:Uult:ZrtlZTZilTJi h"" fir,MO,,Tt ' WUn h I iHstrio of that notia , J,. u. a .Nortb.ro united see.ionai B.m! ! tl' r...g.u.. and corruption, of his ' mo,.,b. iu INIS. ,.p to this time. I- 1 .,,.,..,, f. ,,. .,k. The re,..-.. t,u-r , . " uva,e in v haru.tte, wh, ; .,rt ij0d .ttd man ; IUrity in heart .ml they will b.ve tho peoplu of the.,' I, ' I """""""'on, ana calka upon those who Sardinia demanded a Constitution- "fr" TK" 'r-mgMl.i. a ... .riiah,. , )if, . Fidelit. to the ,,0 f ,ru,h and State, in th, very posiiioo .g.in.t .blob thi .1' 1 7" P?,,in '"-tbe Snrdiuin. likewise, Austria marched '" 1 We"""n' " "" - desideraiara. c.11 and hl. toet A &i)S. , FtUr of bia eountry hath bcqu.alt j Z ' P," UJ r.'M J uuJ' AW. ou, . secret treat,, and r.s.orrd da-p"' 1 lbut.aU. Aoltr--kUPM.tr.'