Simtom lUairintr TUK IVH.I KNCK OF A HOLY LIFE. li EC T. AIMING CLAY SOILS. U the reflect the of che sun, ! N"o "'.' " ko more to f0 H.e el.ur.-h ha lo the licit of the , Ura di-triet of our country than the re fcp,! upon the orI.I. Through the power ; claiming of clayey .ud other heavy .oil. -of lhe Holy vlhost. believers have been ! Among there we may name the red kell.s -pirituaHy iHwrninat.-l, ,nd they .nun, iu b-r p.n o.l, ferrugiooo. c,.,-., fcrro8to tbeir turn, he .He me.... of .pi.itual illutui- ! u" . . 10 TT0 SCARR & CO. CHEMISTS ASP Ml UG CISTS, iuki v i i t:, ,v :., KsrECTl- LT.LY enll. the ntten. notion to tin Gas Works, mniiiut'i) ni mini nHE.ub.ciber. respeeifully m firm the pub. ,.(. IlLol IJlllUUM MOKE TO HE ADMIRED THAN THE i i i :. ,1 .v : witn Rome o( tae others, we win uoi ne uis NoW,.1,u..,.Ml.e mole, in Inehth.s may . are , reclaimed, t'hey be soa,-ht, none i more efficacious than (he are s,uab; fhao htcr 8oiU. T,,e ,.,'ent elo.iu-nce of a holy life. Ail real, (, tuUin ,,, rcqliri,iji ail .etivity. ail, Inch is eoutr.- ; , . (0 r!)ise , aone a dirtc-l by the character ol those woo ,,,,.,,. in their favor. Their nbil- 1 'he 11 ...r. test ,t does icnul harm . n. t nr ...... - b of Cause. 11 CXPO-ei the individual UJ t"0 ! ;,.,, I,. ,! ,1,...., lanneral dn. : I INEID Oil. cause to Stability to .11 erep iusteml of Wios suited! Mod kunw very well that Christianity ; 01j1j. (0 pci,! crop, add materially -'to tlu-ir aims to secure a higher morality than the i Tjle. j principles of the wotl 1 can secure. World- , ajaJ gre ,1w,j. fuj char ?ed )v meu will n U f irect to see Christiau pro- , w;tlj ,.A inorpAuic constituents of plaits' fetors inferior to themselves iu character. , ,la ji,, 80,is . ,1 ,l.n 0.t.e- ju tia Many of them see that your principles aro : j,ropPI. lm.0V,.meal condition to avail of nt .up. ri .r to theirs. They look lor a coires- tu0..,,.,cr.,0 influence, inuriu higher t.iu pouJln,! superiority in your conduct. j per,turo ,,,,1 consequent ch-micai action to Mult.udes of men BjrrounJ us who r; 1 liherate phosphates, alkalies, etc ,they form Tnich more inSm-ncd in their judgment of 1 the profitable farms, line of th po-I'hti-ii.iiiity by what they see Chris-nans do, 1 euliar properties of clay is to receive and .ban by whnt they bear then, say, or know retniu ammonia, even .gaiust the effort of them to ptcfe-s. rhy transfer their opm- i nii.nin water lo remove it ; the formation ion ct Hie uu-u to tlie .Master. lie, tliat tluy ute prepared tu erect tiaa -.t- n; ...:.... .. ... T... Villi.... f..l. Hft KSI'F.rTKLI.LY e.,11, the ntten. lgl, .nrf h,rge 11..U I-.. The, hove ervclcu work. ()') II' K I !1 "'S ()!' lUllOCTOrSl S ti...l.ilPl1vicia...,riB.iU-r..Cun. , I'harlotte i,d .eh. N. wl.icl. have Riven IJUMI V IVlll-y VI llllt I Ul .-I tr, Mi-rchanlK.'ic, to t.inr l .rce and entire ulifi.clinii In tin- eil.zenin.f llinne plut-.n. ully Jelecl-d Mock ol Ullius, Aa to qu..lifir.,tn ns, j roiii (. i lit nun upnny " U 7 W tlV 0. tjedUi UU1 XiebU UI Ildli. pi r form all ci.ln.eK enl. red into, ll.i, refer lu n,.,.,,u,e ,K ,. ., c.od him.rlf y.ovidtd the lulUiwin? et'i.iu u. i. : .. .. .... u - ..i.i i. n.. .....v .'is. H.Curauii, I'm t ln,r. Cm. W-rl..Cl.i.r N.C. ,,',''" "v,.r ( hr,t,il v M! .he l..wii.,r ilieek. Hie ' Win. Jolnibt.iii. I'n s. lit i. A S. t . K. II. " " (-1 1 cV( r Klini, the t e!h be tln.M- l ', nr. I . i rlf!K, I n i. i.a i.'niie". TO PHYSICIANS. Pr. C'liiireliill'a Ni lieine.ilei. 1'xr eonsumptiun llypupliuFpliitea ol Suilu Ic 1'otash. ALSli roii.pmind Svrupuf llie llypnphofpliitn. or ll.'tir Krtttii :itit-. A freh auppl, of lliis Valuable prrpar.lion for llt.UN on. lil'EK.M OIL VS IN I tR LAIiD Oil. ALM N.i 1 O p..'. VAnxisu .. a ' 3 Fine 1. mur " i: ll.e he.ul i I'. r. It ni n ' i.r I lie I in i r In t ol. U. II. i. ,iii(!, iv.,i.iiv, .hi. .rl.u.iiiUlirn.l..i, A... in liiy.i'r w.-re aliH, A.(i..Siury,rr.e.-.- Wo, I.-, r J al .., N . V ,,,,,,,..,, ,.,,,..,, w.ll Ime .....ret t. V. Story. SMpl. . La. alerU.w li. N. Y. ( , )ir ,!,,,, .f. w ' li. t..n,tive. V. S. Schue.itr i fn.,'.'il iVrl St., New urk. . (. ij((J U ) ( r )irie ,Mnl wt., k w,( rpM.,rr u Addre.a ll.e ml.-.r.i ,t M .V C. '.VAIKKIIOL'K ev HOWES. Srpt. 14. ii.r,n. a7ir i.A.Min t irx. ai:av ri:or GARDEN SEEDS. Fe. All ll.e liiciire riet . ..f Garden Stciia of new cl.euiical compounds with tbediii- Brunt, iinln, (, Prmipa, ic. Your life, O Christian, must truly repre- , ded silicioui matters pervadin,; it in degree ent your principhs. You are the sons of j each pram surroun-led Ly alumina pre-. rents .1. IK fllMiir upuu iuu iii.n-n tuu- , traction of the clay by drainajro. No clay, soil is entirely without rand, and in s-ucli oils the i-and may be viewed s miniature rifC.'.s, generally of diver.-ifi-d kinds, eon- tainiii;: all the priiiuiies of nature; wbi'e iu sandy .oils the panicles ail arising from ! ihe same or Mini'.ar rocks, do not suppose God. aud vou n.u.-t uoi di-l.onor vour pa teinitv. TLe more you are like Je.u, the more will m. n be attracted to the religion of L- t i.Jl the spirit of the world creep over yo j. It is yours to breathe upon the wirl l 'r'f irii you have received fron. the I.i-r i Jius. 15. ware of auppo.-in tha: the io:iJi w!ckediifss, or the church's ieaJi.e.-, eic-xes in the leit decree your 1 werin the etaulir j of spiritual txceli. nee L r your-e'if. IIow many professors how many even real Cliri-tians tike their tone too n. icb Asparagus tt., I! itiibai h vr Vir I'l:uil, Willi I.OH:, UI.VF. .HAS-Oi:tI!AKD 4UA! Ac. Ja. 4, VsoU. -3tf ill? W'. "t II 4LIANY. h..l,r,i. t. It i ti e riillowi.ii.'. i'H'1 ju"L'"- 'I'1" writer ol liio lirt ' u tht ccUbfltd I taunt, urg .- Iia.Woor.: New York, April 1, 18. 8. I .vir, I'. rni.t inn t" eXire to you ll.e oil lil! I. on 1 a in umler lor the entire rel..n. lion ol j in v In. .r In ilK.T;:n. .1 euli.r i .iliout ll.e tunc ol' my I ai' in flu- I'm tu. M-i.i it w.i rii.i.!ly Intiuii. I miu ..t.,y,l.iil ui'oii the applie..t I' j our, 1 1 .ir" It Hii.ill recovered Itaurigi.ial line. I eoioi.ier your I,'. l..r..ti ve aa a very won.ierlul inv.' itlii iei u well 1 .im.dear ..r.yoita truly. S.TII.I.lltKU. IVnh ..'r,.l.-l." W. nl, X. WMi,.,,.'er .tli.-e. ..1 .Vi.K.iii at.. April 18. I'ao.. O. J. Woi.u :'( "ir. Some n,.. nil, or ix wee l. igi I rec.-ivt.l a bi i'f ol' your Hmr h'r. lor .t.veiiiiil t' .ve il lomv. wife wli.iei.iicluded lo l.y.lon ler li. ir, 1.1 tie lini.Liiii; al li e Inn llml it'wul.l r. i.l..r. tl. corny li-ir to H nrivinal e. or. l.ut t-. .,. w. Il . i..y ur(.rie, nll.r a li w j r. -p. rtl'iillv mi., lime to ll.i il.l ll .t... Is . I I" A I I ( '11 K n eii ill II , ,,,, w.eki.' li oil i. i,.-rf.,iiiie.i II,;, I w,,n.!i-r'ul i (T el ., . v, '.,,. , N. 1 (;r..nite Hi w . w l. re he lat In w uii txl.ilit.. i, inn iirild LARGK and CO.MI'I.KTE ASSORT M TNT '"'"'"i: '' Kr" l"l,r" '" "' , N..rili,one of ll.e nMtni. naive a.ortn,i of II Y i it j'TTki Xk. m llecaurc he buy ta In of I Uiu and Japaned Fluid Extracts. o Teat a variety of pabulum for plauts ; S.'ARIJ & CO. ell tlie atttnlinu ot theMi-dica! M.j,t clav. therefore, when iu admixture Tr. lis i to togai.t prep-raiioua ... .an,:. Ii.iir. 1 i.!r..iiL-'y r at Wbole.ale or Retail, lower thn ever, at S. T. WitlS ION S I 1 in urnl Xct'c shop. i A FEW of ilinre tuptrior I' Itaard' it. Coffn FUls, lo. .alt by j 8. T. XVUISTON. fflOILKT SETS, a superior article, !' r ..It' A at S. T. WUISTON S. I SASH. Deed, Spice and Ureas. ng IiCM.!S lor ; V uii by time to ..iili ! in g nn.l the il tlie al.uve Keilora. ,i,l of an. li a i lunrt of I,,,,. I'll Mil. US I'AIM'FW. K.w Yoaa, July !!."., It:.?. Faor O J Worn: V til. emilidener do I rr. .1, n,l .,r II ..r :.; ILe in"t !r..-:iei. na arliele I 'i.ri.w. Si...-.- u-,iij your ally I., t .I..I lllVI 11, u Inle !...." pe . ,f.,i nl s l'e urn I., tin , r ll ill lie of ill'. mil llnple WAIT FOR THE WAG GO I. v. m' ytmm 'w-.m. tfc- Bi .KB , )i ii S'I'U LS from tue M ninUeiurirs. . A. I i TAIL Oil m. t.. ll.e ii.l tl .t... it . I I'M 1 11 1 n o. 1 . (.i..n.te II. , I . ie be Lis In w nil tal.ilil i naive asaort.ii Ills of KvcrofTerea in North-t arolma , in.oi, wlneh will be found lb. eeiel.ralru in d.rk; and I ir..l...n Hill re. Il .il.o lii.a re. w , h hn ;ned aueli famous rcpuMo n t" Ibe Soull.. rn t nuntr j for ti e Lai t,ti,i,,,. ,,1-Bi mi in n,ng,o 'Jiii. Stove lie w airaii la au p. rior to .ijiw.ui m.n n am p e u. n, .,, up a soil, have a greater variety of tomtit- r ,bie objc-cl V unifriiiity'or sir.njilt. No l'liyio.un si.ouid lt n.l' Uviu. I .... i .i . . . . the atnte of thin.-a around them, in-1 , . . . ; . . v . - ..... ... i f , i ditiou requires autt'tidiiictit, however befura ,-te iJ r; UKin it simily fiom the word of , . , 1 , ., , , ,, , ,, , " . , .k ,i c.a .i their advantages can be availed ef C..-.J. We have nearJ sucb ueled the.r, ... , r, , , .. W by tue lames, they observe in the! nJ;r dr,n. thm ; be - re e- Pr ,f ssora w ,.h w ho... ,bey associate. ! "dundatit water beinrr parted wilb, the cay W never beard tl.e.n defend it Hv the word j contrasts and a acne, of , op. um.-s rT (.-,!, by th prit of the gtspe'., by ihj ex :ii p.o ot Jeau-, or tiyttieir otiiigaiions to Il s io-c. Th ir cond ict is that of t!.e I a ... j- of ll.av.ii ou.i be if they iu-f.-rrid from t tie worii s darkness the tx.'U s '.ene-s of bee j a tittle like it iitcad ! -I .ii.ii, j cn iu ibidience to the supteme couiiuand. If we wrjM "oliine as li 'hts io the wor'd,'' SCAliU Jt CO. S DKUG STOIIE, CUnrioltr. Window Glnss, I'till?, M hilii'i?, i h ill-, Ac, bCAl'.U .1 CO.'S, Prif-ists. ant occur; these permii a more tiioroiiL'uj j v circulation of atmosphere, w Inch iu turn r!i-I vides these lipis into lesser portions, like, broken and partially ground tobacco pipes ; ; Atlantic KUTUAL and FIRE In -UUIlCe the adhesive property of the clay is now j Ccmpsny, lessened, and sub soil plow ing amelioi ates ';ii:ii.n 4 ill .. materially. Fall plowing by ridoiug and Jnri):patuttd y on .1,1 r,f thi LtUlatait of .Viria back furrow ing. leaving the surface tike a. ( rei. auccis-iou ot iuverted letter , prrmitsj trt-ezm and ibawmL'S ot inter to line-: 'I"" - 1 .,i.,p..... . . .. g uU . .F S. T. WlilSTO.V. the U Iter mit. IS RITTA.MA TFA SKTS, for .!e at S. T. WKl.TON. ATR COOLEI1S, a fir.t r-ie article, foi aale by s. t. wr.m'ON". fHIAftl.E CT.TI.FRY, C.Hik'a I.i.dle.. Spo.,. JL Fieali Furaa, A.C For sale at S.T. WHISTON'S. W ASSF.R'S r.tcnl IccCreain r U VI ZHiS, t!. TM. bet Fierzcra now iu hm, kor aule by S. T. WKISTOX. cumuli an.t,iig pcrMii.a who p.r.for freelv roniuii. Iea fuel, anil ilo. nioie work in a f J. IJ kll.HY pui up one beaiilr any otlier Stovr i f li e a to, r..p. W.or Al nt two ye...-. (n mr bair ,k , , g,rl, t,nie, be will forfeit tt.c pri.: con. ins nrcl l..lline orr ou nirninj in : a j, lr. i o :,i.H I....I ti.ed in.i.v It .'iron . lo tin etl'.-el. I cnino-nrd uamtf y-oir I.i al..ra t,e in J .nimry l.iat. A f. w api.,.r,.i.,ii,i i.iaii n. ed my b.ur firmly. It Ui;aii I., fill u.., crn out, anil lur.-iril Ii4ck to ila loroi. r e.. m . ( ii!..,k .) At tins tune il . ful'v rralorr.l ... ilnr.(,n..l eo.r. I. c , 'I1., i.i, J, mi.! I i her. folly II. en.l Its uae to ..II. J. U. IIOL.S. 1-ik-.,k, III., M..y I, lf'.i7. 1 lie II. U..;of I. muI u; in l-.llln of 3 a-i. . y i: l..-f. n.r a ml il ; to .....I, I...I.I. J a on t. a ml re i. la lor 01 e doll . r pr r bn'l V : ll.e n.. , ., t si ni,. i tl i r in II i t . Si. i. i. ll.i M...e, and quit ae. il I 1. ent i I"' the I.. jtaUnas for wvcur- I we tl. 't-t be b'.iueiess, anu hann.e.s, the i- e..,.. . .,!;,;,,. i',,.uo' - I'" f son- of li.d. without rebuke iu the ' ,, , i ' ' ,i.,,t , ' ,., . i u"c up n cf aerK.k . l .,.. pervera, ntioa.-- Tru X 'Vl Vw Te . ' BU.LDXKGS, EERCHAKIISE, - k.nd.y ..oil.capibteof bi.n r u-ed even f ,r , Mill's . II 'I II I Jit CAlct.ol S . garoeu purposes, iaeusj uj.piwu . t. -J, V-t' I farmers suppose that s'.aj soils retain ma- f property ol pre t i i! rate Cnnn WOMAN AND TiiL FAMILY ALTAR.! Jc.u" ' uu . it .. ....... .n ih. or n of l J bey tow inow f.ta water tiean.y Uiiciif:! nv (l) , : t (iilt r,.1UM ur l0. i,i. How winy Christian women re hu,g: witb , !(lers iD aolutiec, if Bit. red r'r'.u r:-.'..,' ... u,e .,i ,u In ',.. of 1,., fr-m day to day because no family altar j , . cotit aininrr otiW one per evr.. h..rsbl ...u upi:Kl.t eti'. .l ueaime hi:.' bena'b roof. Yet how lew' , ,,e , i. ., ,i, ,. i'.u..Mi .;io9(.iu.wul ata.l liu.ea bate the coura-e to a.-eiuble Iheir bnii.. I . . J ' .. . f -ara.-t.-r.te ll.e bu. a.n na tit t .-(. !. ' A Mil mm VTUEWS Self SrlirK FRMT CA.Nitli ciirectioni Ik w tu llu ui.iil S. T. WL'.ST" N'S. ; bj.'ls, and iu t'ie pre-ei.ce of an irreligious companion cit-r thems uu evenin.' in,-. t.-e. Still, one thus ailua Ud should eoioi.ier priyerfjlly wbetbt ejth .s not her duty -aueiher ii I. not tli i-ai y crta. Jcaus aaka h.r to bear for Liui all the m before bel l iu oiu- ves tbe uioriiinj . , . . . , c , , -! aie rectneu auu iciii.iie.. ej t,.;., ao-., r 1 all v. or 'li t JUt. Pilil.fTuR3. therefore, manures decomposiiij. in clay soils Ju n A. I'.rr .t. Vi can ni-itber Oiler ilowuwara iu solution, or . rise into th-'se res: if ar the 1 tr'J Aeat. j AP IRONS, t'ne I. 3 ii ti.ia iioirk" t, lor S. T. WIUSTO.V. aniull, n t.iia I',.. u,i Soil. .a pr h-t.'. a qurt. 40 u.-r more ,,.... t . ii. .....I r,...u. f..r 1. O.J Wl.lllJ.V til , l'ropr,cl,.,4ll ITr...lw.v. Vm.,.w III M ,rnl Si .. I Mo. .l .1 l,v all pi,l DiUfL-.alaHl-l I ..,.'1 lin. Ll.i. .. nn.l l.i t h.irlolle by M- Af.'R tl I C. AYETR'S CILM11UY pi:ctoiial, r in tiik H.iriD ct iix r olN. 4wnt;li, ami llo;trsa-ii'i. . Is-. 1'.S. P J Hi. l.a- I I. lt I Iu . Illu VLSO, A I.I. KINDS OK PAHLOB. & BOX STOVES. lie b.a, and coii.unliy keep on hand, an ritn.aiar v. ri. d at.Hik of TIN AM) sSin:i:T ihox, ;:. nv hi it i.i r.isr u:u. hi tsit.u;, i HAT HACKS, CHADLES, c, iVc, ! All ol In. I. will ! '.ll. I. I ! "' It. l;.ll. . It. ii . i . . i !.- n ..It. . . l in .lis ii ii.ii; . I ! would rrllirn u,yt'o.nka t.. n.y flu-.ks an.: cu.l. le.ra t... lb.- . ry l.trr.l p lo -ilwal.iavru UK.n ul.unU tbey l.ia, re a I au r 0 , 1 1, t I 1. H . .:winl, If .out .11. I. together wit, i a ,1. lerM.ina.ioii ! pleas-, tn In am no nl a roi.lii.u l i of I'V .i. . j iivrw iz 4fjit: ziLVi will u-iUi:: Liiilifs iiml lirnlh nun .ire i;uli(u!i!) to rail i 1 1! ain. ii 1 lllZTfut 02 J0 Xv'OKE lliiyif SOXvIEMf'i'iit: ! N. II.- I wil.i.ll you w hy I head n y ao . 1 1 ,. ...ri.t W a it io ves W ... s,' - .; Ii.t. Ihrrt WKgona coli.tatilly trari iln c U... el ll.e i. uitrv Will, ... I rV . orttt is will bt faithfully ami intmiitltj nllt utiilto & ( katialle, Junt 16, I Pi". , the auno-pht re ij po's, md for W ' ll; ssous the ciay soils rituin misar?.. oe'j''V ' i' ' A n.ena ai-coverca wita pain, on ber f c. has such proper"., it has always , ,, T,,,,,. J. H'jU!. r .. r i.4 n, irr,a-e, that no prayer was of- , u ti tlsem, and d uriujf all time clayey soils Lu Il,.u.u.o, f-rol iu bcr new baaic Utr husband, hav been etori:.' up nature's tna-urc;; OFFICERS, th . JL'h a profei.-cr of religion, refu-ed to j,tt them iu j. r'.pe'r in, cbanical eonditiou to J-bn A. Ta-rott, M4i.!-b faaaiW worship Sue theu reo.Ted,' peiinit roots and atn.o-phere t percolate 'v" '( ,'cb5 ' w t'u ' r-jD-iut. to perform the duty her- ,hem. and tin y will furnish fooJ to pUi.U. i-..v 'ii.,y,'-,8on. S I it V..1 lV A. 11. 1 ..; n s .n.u. I Ifur. J...-I II O.v,. i. A i'.nrar II t. M mmtm .?,." a rJry fli'ol"'.. r"l'l.."'l.'.'t f ri.'r ifxi-t I.r ll.. I, -li..-,.t l''-m " ja s .a,u,'. Mlf.N KMI.IIT. M. I A II VMIITI.S.V. . ... . ..r I ,I W.lfc l,,l r. .11 ,,.. .. .... t, r... .1. lar (.rf UiU.a ll.a itu..ut It, ( roup, M h.Mipinj ("ouch, lnflnenxis. li- I .O.'.iTAN TI Y : r-. ....,t. , ((mi K s i jv i:s V ice Pnaidei.t, ; wi,,ci cannot I.r i x ..... e, lis oerso,. '1 n jfurer, j oilirr SloVra in lie Alton,. S. ereUrv. . KXfX t TlVt: OM MITTI.t. Cm-Ui.S f Her ti u u ii.i.-hters Wire cay and All the above remarks ar:i'vto ail the a l; (l,.ii f i i. i,ai.le ladies, ana ber liubm:l kinds of soi' name J lu the opening of th:s . o. ir..nt, i c 'tk wre lueu'-ieia of lh family. There .riioi- If d -letei i )u m a"ers are contained y--'S. .-r euriius -Ui ces bent upon ber during t;.mi, as iu the c-ppera c'.ay-, the ad- yura l.''lr'i) t: it brgt evernuir s dcrotioo ; but tier jjutitle mi-.iou of atiuoph re lenders these foreign tii.-rotv and rim; i tann sti.e s .-t; -.nv.Jall :i..t ,t,c -s tbe n.ore soluble, and while the 17 A CTJTTJPTflTM TTflTFT a;r-'fe; or tr (In.-, (treat as was hn ef- c,y all matters re-piired by plant", Vif a.-.tjlilil U 1 Ul IIUXXjaJj fjrt rcqiired, sue coi.t tued the praot ce, it freely parti witi, nich .oiutiot.s as are (t'llAViS Of I'aomi ETOH.i ) ci on th- b-p;i-.-t sjiriiu.l re-u its to un'rienj y to veo'l .tion. The red trellis II" ' A O SI li l.l.'J M.H;i:it N, . C., tr Lou-chiid rewa: J..d b-. r a L-itid.-ed -fj' i. su t - iU f ul to ti-ces as som as ui.d.-r- JOdii F. UKLS, Proprietor. Twj fi-l:T, Were or. ?e i. ut away t) a and -t! piiwcd, au-J iu djiu.' rgillf. I'.-.-u r. .p.-ci!u,ly annoiinert to (' n,l--r it to.riii..' -ci.o.i, at, I while, ah- so vild up pot .-h in abur, . A toe tr .v. ...i p puhi.e, that he b.. taker. t' .-a-r le-.r- -i that a' was We d wil sixty feet d.cp .-even yean ci.i.f. -t t ... -t puur ..tai,...b...ei.t, and . r .... .3 nur. ..lia. wa. 1 . ' . . ,' ,- , ' , ....... or. ... red I., n,oi...te Iravi-iera sod pn. in p' .'- tbe i:i-'.it niou. Il-qickiy .:o t'l.s r.-d kv..H seen.,.;.' to te so.i 1 sand- ,-.,;.,!r. w.u, i., m o-y w u.Ui,i..,cB C.-r . a n.e--. r..-..r I j M :i,, t in :. j-i.-, st .i.. v. .ieu ri;. .-. ' t c t:.i- , t .w nwi. t:n. l lu.a '. 1 il, , .1 I be f r ' l-n-d ai. i lit ( it .-i! to press ani u.i.le Il. l .iMl. ui.h it ; y i y the it, 2 ie:.-."" Th-y ea-ne. but a soil worthy ot U-in u-ed as a maiwire ou J-i- '.i'r. w it, ::...n; a nil iut-.-il of m .' y o'.h-r s (To. '. in lumrr. ti oljvn tl. ir f.-:.-r t-xpe---te-l t fittd, lu a tb tu j ii'H : tl.---rfi; an 1 hippy -e.l.y -ny rk.-l, o r si.le at the. Tin l .bt ol Springs' erne.', lu. Hi -I.U foi bed with the markel. cao and S'.uVC Shop, V by .S. T. WHISTON. Chmrlutte.Junfii. IS.'S. lilt' I more .r-rr a l. I e c -i.ti r of the enttn, and th : ii.o-l of it, an 1 I have , ai'O -iv-s n,e ano'.bir a. I- I I.r the i t .-r I ;n n.y farm. V.".' Y.ry so,., tt. ye-.n.-r-el with I.;.:, Vr.rA' ri.w . i.m.-i. n r... v y. b .-c, la'Ui.' hi u to s- ik tie 3vij .-, lama practical advocate of deep p'ow !', .ud to e-:it,.i h a fj u:!y altar. " What is I. a. in.' h- t . n.- i.o d fcr several year.- p-t tt.e u-eV hi .-ail. "I hire got al ,u.' v.-ry in d.epetii-.g my linn, and having f'.Ji.d it weli wiihoat fi'tr Nj. n.or? p'rStat.'.e to r.'ij to n.y land in ibis 1 e t. not be trj':. d i:h it Turv w-.y t'.sn by bojit-? more .erea. My d t'iet) a-k d p r:,if;Oi ti bar- prayers t.e.n nti. 'loan t J t!. e!re, wLi'-n w as granted, t:.- father iitt-e I n.-an to ti-.'.e,'i:. they woid have suiTi:o.i.t on 5 foatid that this d -LC-; The l. iur for r, titin ran , a.. I t ttto j'i'j:..' iadii, rith an in ard prayer L.ler my tiadt j 1 1 iij l I- .; t'.e-i. read a ', .p.'er, ki.e..i, ti j a ti, ot. of u.-iu off -red a !-r. i ,.!,.. .t t:'i ,n ! it I'Vi-t - pre-en"e a ,.i ;.ie--i..... U.rr h, r -t J ; out his (!:..' lit yj-A-- '.fi. b.s i...,-i-s bi,-a:i to t;. l a . i p:.- i.:iy be a:.ic on th- lur 1 ie t... .i. Wneii si.e hail ml. d . bt w,, r. a it .:.. rtieatjjii.' e e-, '' ', '., at ii, a-t 1 J. to '- -av.'l'" In i. f.-j d.)., . Le fit was r- ..'.-.:. iu bv..- f,r th t Sav.u-ir l.ililoll II. .1.1 b.a large ) oif.r.r the tie pot, tlie court house, diifl j t.-i i-..-. .trerts loan any oil er in the e.ty. j At. "m.iom will .!,'. be at the A' pot and : . '.,,-, on in e srr.v .1 ol ll.r c- ana l, IS. S' n -.1 th, II ,t.-l, pj.el.g,ra ,.; li.vrs m iiii , in rlo.rf,ill. rwtilv ,.m. r.t ..t It a . l-r Ilia ro i-t l.1i, - r-u;i. a.. I I ' --l.r.t ,.wm :l (lol.l.r... W. 7 In l. a S".,i. a.-i-r. -iata juur aUill, an4 Ji.trs-Iwa I" '" " , III It A U VONKUX, M D. . I.F.K K-. Miinaar. 1 . wrli. M Jn. 1VS: .. o.uil.l.'rl Hl. o il a. Il l"t -a I.., f a. . 11 r:KV I. I'AIIKS.,! S S. IHM-KV, VI i.. Aui.s. .,sa,. f . Iu wr lr.. S..' S fa.'.V " I!,,., rn, ( vi.. . ,.f mar, ,1 ,.,,.( W. n.i.-h. a.l l T....mM of ftilnra, lr,. .r.-.f r.f ll.a .lilud., tl,.. ram tlfreu ur.D llial. C'onsiim.tion. y I.. IciWa! .r ral.r I i.J la Ita m l,,.h M aa II, s,.iM ., lb. -a tla. '.errlr . V.r-I, S. 1',S II , otlt II SUrrt, 1, !-;,9. jou.n. f. Junes. I pii.ij in boil. at.'l v tt. t in .-a in 1 recx'in 1 ve at 1-a-t lii.rtv r..-r c--i.t. il. .re available ii-e that, f .rii.crl) ; at aoy ra'e my sevtn- j a tv doli-ira -r acre land won d now b.;n': in' i.iio ry itollar. b it I haven't .t to lie : bo't.rti t. vr top of it atad I iiaiaa Ij' s'ie'rt t- tl. I fi.-Wi r. : t,y exp-t.u.eiit that u i i.t lfi deeper tab -it i .i-.i. Ojt ;r..ii, ratLer tu-u KLu break for nitii viM; Ti:r. i:i-o:i. THE ORIGINAL Aa GENUi'sE ARTICLE, KYK::uhl:n Fi r.nnA :e; FOIt TUB KKM.-VAl. ASil I'M: VIA NK s r 1 i l:K i,f ALL HIS l-K-i Aitl-r.., Ki;.'M V. ,Mr, i.r. 1 AT,, i r I ill. Hl. "ill. io: !., I H - 1 r v '"fava, haa a..n ra.'-n rod-l.,rli no al.l r.-11-f SI.. -aa .1.1,1. la, . ... - h.r. S my Sr ciiAiiLorn: iiOTJ-itrrt.:." : Uao of th.. Prej,traua. nn. ! liml -f --iir iii-h. , no l ln m t -ut e-Oi. f..r tU retnter a p.,,t ( m tr'to a4 Ussr-tl U ft t .Ittuit- r. I r-g,4. v i.A.M j I IK I. lit, or IHKU(rtit rf r- t t.h v 0 laavi- Irtr-'l Arrt'i Ayer's Cathartic Pills. 'I'liK rtr,t ,.tn,r,.,ry Mi,.in. , I.n 1 li. l il, -l'.t Ir. i.o.Iik. ll.ia 1.1 n..4 .lt Inio IXa Sta. U-Z MK. ic,!l,O JTIi s. t. -ti an. I I ..f all ...ul If- r, I I .v T". tit th. If- Vt: a rKAni n. It. th ! i i o' ; 1, .. ... y I'Cdi.V ii aitijj it- t t tif.-.ia' -.bat lb" i . I- ti. an- MlNiN ; M ,-a , i i t t i f fl- ,i-L a..-r. I ii ii,--, . , tl, the p. ', which l.a i' b e ...I..' 'il; am '.-li.' f.. p. op'- ere fn te i, -ii. i prayed in i : ,!. tf li e w ,ra ..-.j u.i,-f,t b br.. .he LiiI.i.i..' soj-e.. of i.i.piet e in - in mkt . v u t.u.e an : i ..,e 'J I ,y hop. d I..- w , ,, iv aid lot in wrath ll.i r r- rraver, be t.kca bis In, of the c ii ; it,;,', hadera :n tl.e da r ' ti.'.itii au! i'l tbo- b'l-mess worid, arid w ... i were ai, b o'. h ra in la w, moved by io- in p !'.. i till:" I lo fat .a iron ti . ..' tiro.t. I ii. -,r ' ) - r. if p. I'.rn is a ari-tocratic, as yo.j in' !.t ':..-;' bv it- is.-.l. 1 bead, silk 'ov.;. at. l ion,; e .rs, an i iiate such .-iitry it m-i-t , have ooo l i.ui'si.:- lo the 1 ' .-n.l.;..,-, and the b t iv ;i,- t .:. I w ,.: an ,r i. Ii -ft. us i j t- '. it, n -ar the surface aiittc it e.:i ' tn 1 p. n't of lool, a, 1 where li.y cm (.e.jaj coiol ,ilat,'.y leal the w.r:u suifCe. I: yoj p'o deep enough fj lir;i tap lu-: Coil a ii-i I. ail i'i!. noil, iuj seed .itj'.ed al , the u'.n. deKth wi'.i g. ru. 1 1. -ate w... re ttj. y i.i .i I wi'ia a C -id r- e. I jli, e-pec.a.iy if tl..: sea-o'j be rt .Scarce h crop aitili.i l) n. ,re beio-Ci.-d by an eatly atait, or to i.c u. ate i.j .r.-d by a s,u painful groati. in ll.,; co 'i ii.enocu,eiit. 'Ihe vounj planta .cein t) Lo- d !-,. o,l, and not havii,. fjice tnou-'h to di oowu lu D'.d a jjooil lisir.' .bey are apt to ro upsiekiy. In cu tivttii. .,i, er j I have th.r. fjre .. .y b .i i.i pi ice i i up aii tne .oil, pain my . i.-t it o.-.z td wiit, j y0 ig UI, j ,,i ou the ao.i, au i iei ;lc corn S d b-l I '"..ijave the bii bi-i.vtlof the manure and ih -y c - d ; o:,e i,, ( crjttr Lic'.i were plowed under. The crop j. iov..Uci i i.t-u a- , f jiloaed i;b Oats, w iiieii cat. stand a wet .ii'l col'J soil better. i taell I ante ll.e p'o d o; er. ahoat au . neb, as r.-.-oin uen JeJ in your la-t number 'J La aoil, .-i.e.ioae l '.y the "tevijos hoed fiK. ihe oala a s-ood thai -je, and they bear tb- s-ii. -on v iit.ra un the top q iite well. '1 he f.hi -,. in nop with mo la .y- and s-tdej down, w.tu e o- er and timothy, trpeciaily the for mr. Na I oive the ;'; anoih.-r turn,' 1 brm up say another inch of suhoi, SIIK Proprietor uftlii. Hotel i. til .1 In. pt riaey to Hal iliea of mine hoal " to the .... i public and otl.era who , . e.ll.n him, .no . ll-lura Ih.lua ...uforldiiie if ,rl-rs en be loui.u frith bill, aa :'f i.y where lo tin. sieioily. V.i ,l. ..huto! near. ' in the eeotre of I lo. r lol te , l).ainea Men will II ,1.-1 a most con VLioent and eeairdhle i li. I..- ii .l, l .j..ied 111 l .c bua.lie.a , dii.l I r U'l.l.. II yrara. and in thai ii; o c ... erl .i.i.iili.oia to hn torn.t r rt ii n ,'i s been s-re.t y enlarged and mi. " e., i.l.ns. ii, f, ,.t . two alory VI'. IS A.N DA i. S l.-.t t.y 1 fi-el id w.dlli,,liieiy I- ' tree, on tt, .ide. walk, nrfi.u.i.g a pie.. ' '' ,.,.: ,, i I hour, ot toe ., v, i '.r u- I, :., u.-i n ti. ulily lunhshrd thro j o r rv j...rt ol it er.i..' i-om'ort. are -io! l.;,2i!e.r.;.ci,lly in the MMM; a ' reiiewtu " is. "K rr'1- 'll'" Win. uia ill,.., . ' .1 lh, 1IEDICAL lE'TlXO'T alo.b ...rM la St li,T -HI afl' 1 Tl.- , ...ait. r. Tl,.L-.-,. iilen.r ll.a I. .tr. .1.. ..laurel, .... f IU) -.rat... .,,fy th. W...I, a I ..,.1 -iwaa. 11,-, p.,,,..,, II,-1. ..I ,.,m..e. Ik 1.. .,-,l ai.,1 ar.-ar rti.iai. r . alia, .ilala a U.. a., .d ,ina Hit,, 1I..1. .. at a and Ua. ail bratllby I ... a.ll, .,-i,n,l, K, ll.a l,..l. u onlj io II.-, ll.a a. r.O,,.lta l.a,r Urf,. Sa.t a u, I- ri. Ui 1. a..a l..,(.ria .,aM ha.a lltl..! ti.a U.I .,1 l.u,..a.i Ik, il. VV'.i . il,., prolrv. .,anS,l ,rf. , t. tl,.y a.s.i I ... aahta tin... .1, , .UaMt. Ilia r i, 1 11,'r ..Iraaaul 10 , ai.,1 U-l,, 1 1, .'t-'.a. at. f. f. .... any ink ... harm, tui-a I,.,. I..n ii..... .l.i Ii .,!.,. I.ll-f .na Ib-r not .uls .'.,.,..,. -I I,, n.. ,.l au. I. rialtol -,o.,.- a.Ml cl,a, . l.-r aa n, . i ...a au...t.i ... tn.tiutli. Sliuty , l-,.,. n ,, 1 La. . I...1 ll,. i,a.r, btreillfy ., Hi. .!.l- II,. I.hl,lilr 'af It,; ,a,.,.l-a, alilld ..Irani CANI)VFACT0i:V. I"n's!i('uiii.'cii.iiic!'ii's, Frail5,'j"-';-;X'iy; - A.A.X. JI.LWI.0IL 3u I ri Ki:3H)'AL.2: t, UK C... f.M.. ,r . and r'.n., , JL .1 MiMiuy i Msbt.T - ' In- al .ou opi..lle Ho- I lia i tl -I M i- .1 lii.y are r.r.-tuij; . . et l.vui .N . . ..lll .ha to H.'.I l,,va of ( 4.rj.t i ii).i:i;i! . I a iiii.v umn i. i.ii vu, ,,... iloi. Miav In r'-i: -t k.,.l HI a alaa,S of'll,, I. A , a. - ill ol I te I i.i.,o,.i f, U 1... W . u Ar , Ae. H at he I Ol lial ,. on h. York. , , r i.iUi.i j rei. . Confectioneries, Fruits, U i i s. i amy (;iui( i:i:i k;.u;s TtllSAt ( t), S.M rr, TO vs. TI loic.-t I lllwll'IIIIM-lll-. riici: tinuitv iioitn. iniiisi s, lOf'l ll.a, M ilnH It'll go II a, ( IlilllS, tt I.I it llllll ( llji.'S of ..... .a,,..,. J. If r.M.MEIl. ,V.r.r 3, lk.'.. 4.'. I' Ala.., i.r nit, n, a Iii r. I'AMilf'S ... ,l a. n.l., (r. r ir ...a...,..u. r, .(,l,t 11 1,'i a 1 ll.e Sew Vork l- .'il r.1 I .. I. .1 y i ail an.) a... WIIKAT W.N'ii:i. ; i W.. base a I., or li bnai, , .a p..i.,,e ,'.,r in, Ic ,.i .r k here M'. M anil ,..,a. t.. are ... IK lh ' JlOtjI'V i ' v n- 1IIK r t-...t.r... e- M,,l M,...t. I... .1 I ,i, . ..),. 1 I,. nr. IL in .ir,.. M lot Me pup il y , h.r ... I pui ' I -I'll he all. ! for air a I ll.e M,,l, rjOllnYll.Kl..l A n .ill I iiml liii-i"'"- ' ll.i. I.iroi.h l-e. .. a I i - ' i ' lo. r.,i (.e I la'.l. ' Vilt ii. r-,t. n.-r . i'1 ' ' " ii. .E ri. ur.i.aj :... ..... y.,...' " i .1, ..., ... A .a.i.i's bv.. .. . .v.,. I.,,,; ii.ii. IK. S '' I l - AIM. I t nulu.l Mit. l:.:u5ut Cv-;.-; i,: t a ... u.n.i i 1 , Ann- 'J, si. 'a ll I n .i..i:s .ti. i:i) i;v. COMMISSIONS MI.liCIIAS T, 117 4 11 Void. lis hi l.i I I, . t . I , S dl.ll I..I a .r.l. e.,rv fcr .l ol I, , , 0- lor Vi 1 Ills t. Ul. p. o n,.i P.... I.) 1',.. c. i I-'1 I...- f.-i-a .11 I v t . II. A I). M V 11 1 Lie - i.ioer liMli this I! te' ri St., b e . i d. r, alte..d.-.l by fjit, i i tli. . I i... rlf r . II.. .r ii, lia-lj to Uaa i.liaf t,f tny lnM.d I..,.ab gratis mv ,l.ll.l. afford r.g i t.u. li. f. i .,:;. v VEnf'.ifiicE or "orD shot; in,. I'lllt Mt.uns. l,lir ('... . l...l I.. aii.n, f..m a k ill . Mil..... v.. I.... I,.,,, ..f II,. H... "'I H...l.-.... I-.. ,(,.,-! ..,,.a ah.,1. S. I..I..I. r Kl,,,. I..II II,., .1 ir At IHluU any r.-e it lbs fbarbdle 111. I. I. U K IJ '.It 3. -it f r fcii upon tbe CTo-n jnlry v - iv..- cewtre of ui,.,,l,,... d,. rel b f'-- .oeiiotat,ea,Lan iui ijod , ui.i; lu ,t. blow, but .tin .Ld J-i Arv;r; Jr - Notice. sk whL Lis r. .-.I ie. thdt. in I He lh it beii... is l ea, shall a i Id. VV. p i. a ; .,! hv an I that i.-oul Mo,' J v lh th'H .ol ll,e iye an-i lh.- c'our d. f -r their -and u.ioe m ct for le l .i ,..,. a t alialel hi btty (aoania (r.j, I,. rr.- ,n. Ua iiiMd i ,) j M,M ri. o.r i, a.i.l piy.foi on tht 1.1 ir ered-t wiii at'-p. t.ii lo li .... e V.r ..b-.v- i,, i, I.'i., ! I l."pe no oUen-.e Wiil be i,!a 'toe for I .1 j-ar li. ,1 re n,,i of Apr. I, U li-nw.d out U,i II. b V.T LLlAjJi A CO. . II. A I. VIV If , - 1 .. Il NYK liL iCill: t'N A ('(.., 30, 'jet. Iis,t.'il ,,,Mt i ITaANK MIoKI)? for aa'.e at this office. ... ( II.. .--!...., ..11, ,,. l ,1. l, ... I,., I...I m ...l ..ff l,y ll.,r.rlnrl,l..l . ,,,,.. ,..11 ib.y n.nk. m. post Aak 1. Ana. I hue t,S. ,, . .1-. N I,.r II,-y rai, r, Ja.-.a 11,. a,rk ,.! h. b.,.l .1,1 II,.,. Is um . . ai, l u. al.. i.l I,... II. rrcparod by Dr. J. C. AYT.R, Practical and Analytical tl.smiit, Lowell, lJaat ' 1-au.a HJ tra. ria Is.i li.a 1 1, , ; eui.t, nv i mrniiii.suN a v,VAus,auiue. I HAVIL AND.S liaVKNSUN A CO., Cii.i PaM fur Hides, 1 IkV S. M. Ill IVV I.I.I,, i . h.ull. of the a m ii .1.- I , .1;., li I,, l-. .',if nl I ,a.l,oi. be is lo . ,.-a.l. N. W. ..,.;li..t J W . f). O.b. ine. I . I'. . i, . nl. II, A ,M I.,,, n,a,,. I.r.,-. .li.ll;,.l.K I. ..lion A. (..!,., u. d ur ther.. ltuU, in l o, 'M, i a, l,,k t,.,, II, rp-, Ou.l.'ia, .Mo. li. Siii.) Inn - .1. d, I'li,.,,,., I. t.i. n 1,1(1.., U. A piii.t.d ii I ol nil ll.r n H, ,. nl M...H. Id, tll.oa ah, I pro. a rnl fr... I'lihli.iisr ol in r!. -hi, I ,ll.rrpli of "irk.,ry A i I ," N '. 11.) .no Ihe i m, ao. ksi I'll V I.'I a a. i ok, Imiia 1.1 I .... To HliMu" I hla HiVdiUiloe orril-y ..tisa-f ,1.. ...c be .1, iry to, li.e. 1 1 I....I. of .il .;,.,., ., I ... a l o po 11. Ifh.aa.ny a. nil pt. . r I'm ihe rein, ma . Iron, ... li ' ,,,, I. on, ,l,,r, ,, l,,r .11 ,,,f r., ,(,. ,,.! lor Inn. a. ll la pi int. d on line .,.! papt r, lo, i.u. .mely bound foiirlh eoilioi,, p.,.a, aim I. muii'rii ftrr fnt ,,s dit'inr. .Nets l(a, .Ol I'lai,..., l.,ll. hrh. Hi. iB.'.rt. ly it S. U HOWELL, Saddle ti Harneij Pltaulicturr, 1 IIHtl. liOOKh Sl.l 1 II . 1 nr. MANHIO.N I.OL'hK, li t III I I 'I I, .4 . IrAIHliiilarif Sdddl. .... II...I..- .hurt, at I liM-AILIM. pr.,i, pi.v i.iuin Jin. V.i. His ' 3, If Ilt. It. S. ultlt i a I tin . ,.rs, l. I tw.. tl . s i- I '- l'-"" 1 ) I""-1 .. I"'" "" M it M i i' li..,:,. i:. J..I....I I.. li i w . i, i II ,. . .!. (Jll- ,.11... I li. .M K , K. I'. I 1 lush, l.icl.'u II. It-it... HrHH I IT. i l.arl.a .. J-i..."-.' V . V . II. .1... n, V.i. I U' li. II. It. III. ,-'- W ii a il. J II. VV , ,,. i, , I. A .r M . II. .M' h I iti iilm I ni..'it, h... l l.-lo b. In . t ...!. .ll H.uaid nl ( J I l a, I,. M l , till' liieh',1 I,. iUyw.H,.:, ,M. l.-l (urloil ... for M - rul lo the l.sil I'h,. la.ul,, in. y be ool.iioi i I any ol Ha A. ll J i. vi III ,',... aul 'V bt ll at lo' t-i:. t""i,"' KH.IiATlU-i S.filrml.rr S), I H." to" a'a'.iT' 7 ' a..-"f'vV,.l...e,. lo,.,.,,. I' r I. a. ,. . a ' , . 1 1. ,K,Stl,M. o .I'- '"' t ... lbs .i....rii,. ol Ml Lit I.NKe f"H "" "' ,. ' sl ld.Klty. tine., pr.,1 n.llv ,l....,l.. ""J"". ' ,...v be found il, Ki.,1 .M.ll le,M,i. "' " . V.,rl I'l S. ; -" """ altli" fVe. lit. I Mil, 1 tq'i.i-KSAS ,,r