?into Stating. THE I'aNGKU OF DELAY. Tbe following sketch from tbe CbriflisD Jt.u-J r ccr, poetesses more thn local in terest sn.l contains ruorl which the halt fr; should everjwbf re regard. "Tbe next r jinmuiiioti " io menv of our churches will lorn arrive. Iu .cuie, tbe coining Sablalh will witness ii cb,ertaLe, and iu the m-xt . . , mi i i few weeks not .11 of tn.m .,11 eelcLr.U this sacred service. ILcu a iew epportu- iiy will Is iflV-ided frr professing I'b.ist ; Ibeo tlx Lour for snother deci.-ion will ccnie, then tbe question will orjee more le nettled whether religioL with its infinite claimr of duty ai..l interrs-l tball be deferred again, or be sought t'ju foucd at last, (lb! tbat the serious, tbe "almost per- ' suadi-d," aruonp our readers would give this matter their earnest and honest attention, sat I to be pained ly de-lay, and by test- f2 the forbearance cftjoJ ! ' Long enough 1 .1 . . j .1 . 1 l l.ae they rjrg.ected that which secures . 6 their bight n bstp,Lcs and involve their first cuts. TLe time pat should suffice for impcLitetce : what is l.ft of life is not too ......I, 1 11 .1 1 ' Buucb to give to Ucd. lie justly claims our ail. rroeratinatir g reader, what is jonr eiy . ad f.rmera slowly yielded their long deeifion in ic cf the " next communios V cherished belief thst the black portions of A". C. J'rrshi.tcrian. Xi.T TILL IU XrXT CoMMCMON. "I Ihii.k I rannot come and make a pub lic profesr-iou oi' religion. I mut not be in a hurry. I dj not like to do such solemn tSiogs in a buiry." So sail a poor niau who hoped that Clod bsd long since bad rnf rcy on biro, to a good mii.iorjary iu out- cf our loer w ards. to this iluty by th( He bad beeu urged j awsy. Air ncccssari'y entered, and cbemi good man. "Weill!"' ch""?0" oecurred ; the surfs.ee of tbe whm an you coming? ' said the mi-sionarv. "Not till ibe next corumucioD, answered tk- reluctant man 1 . . .. .-u ... . 1 f . , I,u! . ou told Die iut so before the last communion. J Las I ur?ed vou tnen to the j-. t , . ' j !uu of publicly acknuaiedgiiis; your obii gations to Chri-t. (uj.-ht job to uei : Are jou ure cf another epportunity so fa t irat.le as ibe pre seat ! Do you not believe :t t be a d u'y T " " Oh ! crl4:W I clieve it to be a duty 1 beiiers I l.ave ber n laid under evcr!attir,B o'rligatiors to the Lord Jesus for what be has done fjr rue.'' ' Why not, then, male a public cocfes ficn of u or ob!;cation to him.'' "I kfcjw Iou-Lt. Put 1 do not like to K- ;t; a L-jrry I know it U months nay year ii.ee I hoped iu bi urcy. I have no cot.U en tins fcore. Vet I think I must wait till trie next eominiiiiion." This Pcr man lited most of hi, time in ! Wail street, lie bad so cMce clo-e by bis ?, fl"P l0a', v ,, ' 7 haumsofbu-it,... Three commuuion. had :bf'1.0"ly 'P'"-- .llow-rooted Crops , 1 l j 1 "u""aulul" "JU ; eould be crown. All this wss heard of by ' ::;, '?011 ' S"Na,tbe American farmer long before he was i 1 the ceit cotr.Knn-.on. ' I , . . .- . b i an"tb( r was aj proachinj our naission- try brother, who looks after tbe nglected, ati-l tho bo nepleet thcmielves, in thee lower wards, thought be would call in at ti.. cff.ee of this broker, and a'k him to le rea.iy at the approaching eomrnuuion, to r.tey Chri.l's ccuirii.juil "This de in re n.eribrancc of n.e." So walking into bis rilice, be m.pited where is Mr. C . " Oh 1 we have elesred biin out," sou.e ne aofwtred iu a rough, brutal voice. ' Wi at do yo i n;ean ? " said ibe n:i-sion-ary " Clear, d bltt out ? 1 low : i lut 1 " 'OhI'yoa see, he died .he other day, ju-t ri-bt ii-rs and we cleared him out, aa l turned b m ot.-r to Greenwooti." '." Not ti.l tUe wit eonimuLton" Lai been stid one time too often. nd tbe ir;ao went Io bii last arcouM in a l...rrv ti.ou-h be did net l-ke to Le :n a Lurry to publicly rrcfess CLri-t before eo. Poor procra-.iii.srLg man '. Such are niaay even uf tboe wi.& Lave ben converted in these I'entsrorTal limes of lr5j and ISO!). ' N t t .i tnc nsxt con.uiunion " is the li'ijware of tiar-y heart. THE ntriT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVK. !r, c.e f tbe ir.iil ile j'tates, many years a l it e ')'j.liai. girl about rune wi go- in? a.o:,e. !-. .e:,o,l 0I.e ,,l0riiii.2 Ilaviie to er-.i. a b-i le of considerable lennh aL, saw at the n i of it a tall Io-iiarf of the 'rirj tnla. i. ri. uch fri-Ltcoed, and bsj:-- i Cat id her niiud what she n.jj'.d do. At length she thoujl.t of thoe l .aiitifjl wcr.ls, When thy fsth.rerid thy suother forsake tLee, then the Lord will lase thee up. Oo these nweet words her little hesrt was stsyed, and she proceeded oo ber way, mid b"pe, and fear, for sbe was a timid ebild. They bad Dear! crossed the bridge io op posite dirc:ioos, wbeo the tall Indian, wirb b a arms folded serosa bis breast, called to her in Iriiten Koe.Ub. Almost paralysed w ith terror, little il ary turned herself about and atool like a statue of marble, while the tars faced hid approached Ler, when be said to her. io soft aid tender tona, Are )ou the little girl that praya ? '' Vei, tir," waa lbs rady reply ; I pray every bight so l morniny ' aid be, - Will yo teach Sue to rraiT" "Tea ur " ... ii,. response; aid little Mary related aloaly j the J.ord s tTsyer, tbe iud-aso revtarini? it i after her. " I there ao Hiore" said be ' Nu," said the l.ule or,e, -exept, 'ow I lay n.e down to sie.p'' This also bell. said in a similar niim.fr, the Mil Indian b.essed (be child, and with j'ou are a sjood litile pil," bade Ltr go.4 bye, and went on bis way. elia looked long afier him, and fron that tine little Mery'i fear of the red man was turned into lot. Kuter thow into thy loet, and eheo thou hast abut ihy door. ' to tl.y Father wbirb is iu secret; and j) F tiier V. h aceth iu aectat shall reward tbet tpeu'y " Ksirn i rsitb wi I t iu the a v r.a Have faith io God ' s.ered even bv 1qos o'iis. if e ;i,o fi anward : if we look ! 5Jwar.. laiih wnl tiot be aiagirercd everj gy iraeee-ni. e iin.untaiiia stritclniig aeros. wed olistrueui.,. af t ar. i,.lv ourotward pro g-r.-s " U- ra.nl," .', ,,c u,(e U,jUl hi aeen; snu (a.ih ol.etin?, Cndi t Us Kaolin - "a - I" '" " Hat .a lia:l,. ",.,. wnb I -," is the we'ebword of our warfare, the ,ii.l ef tur slrel.glb, the security of out i h. " If i hwai eaast believe, a,j tLirij.. a rosfiblf. lo l.im tbat believcth " Iloa . faith i- when s. are i.j.t fresh from i. ( u .ir'u of redee.iii'if love ' A good i rie.er, .ed ibeu faifh wul do all things I ji .i s ,n Its v. ry nature such aa lo let toii . a a i . n.ay say that it is rnosl act-n WI ii ii is n . at naaaive. aud that it wean,.. 1. a t s,,g .1 ujt Uioat wefk Ilwton I jricnllural. SUBSOIL PLOWING. liefora commencing spring work it willj te well to eopsider wbicb lands should, od wbich should Dot, be subsoiled. From tbe days of Jetliro Tull until with in tie last twenty-tire or thirty years, the 'farmers of England were content, io com- B,on i,h of 0,1'V lcouu"i"'' ! M'r i the immediate surface of f lie soil, end were ( , preor dfp,h of disturb. j ,IlCe woua produce larger md better ; result. Indeed, it wi penerally believed j J"- ,lie "no,e matter wbich went to fcrtil- lie plants belonged to me uuincaiaii nur- face, or tbat portion known ai loom name given, until very recently, to tbe dis- turbed portion only which, by tbe coin- j bined influences of too, air, and decay of, vegetation, changes its color. Tbe fact that the components of tbe soil beneath these points were all to be found as part of the integrant of plants was scarcely known, and Mill less so tbat they could not be al-1 "rhfd them, and tbu go to make up their structure, until acted on by a aeries , - j v : of uflueiices caused by atmospheric cou-; ,,ct ltlj the presence of humidity ; not the result of stagnant v.ater. Lit big first tx- posed tbe true vslue of the inorganic sob htaocea of the aoil, or those psris which stances 01 tnc sou, or loose puns auici . . , .i.,, j. i the soil alone could make plants. Ibese n w docti ines gae r:se to the use of a sub oil plow, wbich, without elevating tbe sub- -oil to the surface, disturbed it in places, and perni'tted a free circulation of atroos I hero between the particle. Tbe deep cuts ma.le by tbe plow also acted iu decree as und r-drain, and permitted, under some special conditio:! of surface sucb as the slope of bill", etc. redundant w ater to pass particles of the subsoil were toon eond I tiooed so as to sa'tsio root", and they passed I into it to greater depth than had been be- ! j- 1 n-L . -i 1 1 t lore laosn. 1 r.ee, 111 taru, ,w.t nu . . . . . tbe subsoil larger qnsntities ot inorganic n atter, rendered soluble by chemical chang es consequent upon moisture and air. The contiiuent!wcre taken into the plants above, and portions not marketable as crops, decay in the upper soil, adding to tbe greasy, unc tuous, organic matter new portions of inor canie food for future crops. Plants bad ioncer roots as well as a creater number of I 1 fibers, and larger crops was the eouserjuence. I be decay of these roota in the soil lcflj , . , 1 , i.. ij lubes to p.e.t leptbs ; the atmosphere could j ; c.-.n.e iu laden with gafes, resultin; from : vegetable decomposition rcquind by plant.; j j riin- and dew, which wa the n.trogenousj ' exla.aiicn of all or-an;e nature from tbe , i","'' 1 , " "lf U ?"nu"J r.."" V " awasenea io acuou , auu e.eu u-, -uru every truly practical farmer owns a aoubot! p'iO , he cau tell you of some neighbor W bo triMted tbat tbe deep dieturbance of his soil would let all the manure filler dowu- ward; that, if thi re true, every well would be the recei ..-le of the teaulu of , -ii. . decay, every spring 's-oula be a cesspool, and every rivulet hut au organic charnel-Vul. boue. Nature, ill the wisdom of bcr laws, baa retidered tbe carbon and aiuiuiua ofi the soil, a'tsr proper exposure to atmos pheric ir fiueueer, capable of receiving and rrtaiiinz a:l the results of ducayj and tlx ; ue cf a farm tnu-t depend upon the , dep.h to which iu surface by Uarb.ne. """'"" "P"" u' l"r,"""""b I euuar function. I Thoroughly subsoil plowed lands sood bemnie capal le of deeper surface plowing, ! without injuring the crops; and if under-j drained, whieh is but the perfection of the ) very principles presented iu the theory of j susoil plowing, then all the mechanical conditio!. necessary for maximum result are secured. And when theso exist, lb i chemical coudiiioiis follow as a natural "ou- t rjuence. i Aujon; the adrantages ariaing from au.b- 1 soil piowiug may be en'uiueratefl the follow-I in2 : Tbe value of l.od for agricultural V - .e. D,uur r"lul"d. compared with tl.e ,u,ou"V?f produce, ltsceued ; the farm is poses is no a I. lea ; toe relative auioum oi , vbtiaily protected lrotu tne ertccis ol drought ; all future labor of the farm is ma terially Usi-ened, aud thus tbe expeuse of teams, tbe wear and tear of agricultural iu.p'enienis, are ail decreased, while the quality of crops, aud their .luantity, are so auu.en'ed that, per lu-hl or per pound, they take a preference io every market. It bat been said, and probably with truth, tbat if tbe subsoil plows aud under drains of Kngland bad not beeo introduced op to this time, tbe area of land under cul tivatioo could Dot have austuihed ber popu lation. Fifteen years ago there was not io tbe .State of , as many subsoil plows a there are oow foundries for easting theoi ; and whro a friend of tl.s wriier first iulro duced the subsoil plow he bad not a neigh bor who bad seen one We suppose this .ay be said of some farmers iu every coun ty in lbs L' 11 ted St a tea witliiu tbe last 1,eLtJ ' 6' years liorjtT t H'tckly. Ci Ll L'UK OF TIJK CA1JI5AGK. (Jreeu. .- some form, comprise the priu cij.ai of cur vegetable diet. And h-D it la aa easy to bare the Under blanched eab bege as the toub green cabbage, why not have it! it is thought by many that the cab-tai-e beta's better fr beiu trau-plauled. 'J Lis i. owii if to tbe loss of the tan root. Io i wr.aw.pl.nti.. the cabb.e, carefully eut the 1 i tap root. It will throw out numerous aide . roots, wl.icb will cause it to bead bniier. ' lbs; cabbage is a great feeder, therefore to Lave lar--e, rl. h. rota-h is its rpecia! food, and tbe piaut ui a y be fed iu iu growing state with potash la irsbsplubtitig the ctbege, no matter bow tbe stem, it should be inserted iu ,n tu "P lo tkt br,t le,t" 'Una cause It to throw owl More root, thereby giving it a hitler chance to head. 'J be soil around the cabbage eau hardly be stirred loo frequently. 1 he roots peue-ti aiin deep Iv, ate boi as liable lo be cut with ti.u hoe, si tt.any other garden crops. Tbe great ear;, ny to tbe ealbage tribe is the greeu aorisi, coi.iie.only calleal the cabbage worm. The Uitlier that lays the eg;;, whieb prrx!uce;a this worm, may be seen flittiiij about, before n; ,!, through tbie and t:a leit ...oiiiu Kach Uiiiler (ieslr'.yed, Snvea botu j etiUf and corr), for the eauhage and j r.ri, a.r:., sr l.,-il. t ..r. .1 I, a .!.. asm. I " - ' " J u.ii ie r. I'.res bu.lt i jst brfore riiht it. tlie- I garden, wiH eiili'n the luillera into the ' 4IJ "i"""? SCARR & CO, CHEMISTS ASD DRUG GISTS, c . I it i.o i i i:, m. v.. ESPECTFl'Ll.Y call ihe'aiteu- tioniirPbvsiciune, Planters. Cuun tr Merchants. Ate., tu tlieir lre and carefully selected Stuck of Dlil'GS. TO PHYSICIANS, Pr. Churchill's Nrw Remedies li.r consumption Ilypophusphiles ul Sona & Potash. MJSO Compound Syrup uf the llypoplin,philrs. Hold' llnir IUIii nlivr. " A fresh supply of this valuable preparation fur tlie Hair. LINSEKD OIL TRAIN Oil. srEUM OIL INTER LARD OIL. AtKO No I Copal VARNISH .. j .. 3 Kim P-mxr " KA.Mi:i;i ir ai av chop GARDIN SEEES. All Ibe ehoice arirtirs nf fiarden Sit s. Peaa, Brans, Beats, Cukbaje, faranipa. Ac. Arparagus n'-t, I Ii iilam la or Pit- Plan., WITIl CI.OVI It, IILI K t.UASS, OltCIIARD ., Af. Jan. 4. tN.9. 43lf TIlsDM.N'S F 1 u i (1 K x t r a c t s . SCAR It & (O.e.ill the attention r.( the Medical Profession tu lli. se elegant preuirations anarinii nhly suited for tho extemporaneous preptration of Tinciurca, Syrups. ines, &c., seeunny the de sirable object oi uniforiiiitr of strength. Nu I'hysicisii aiould be without I la ill. K.ir sale at SCAltK & CO.'S DRUG STORE, CUiirlnttt. Piidv, 1 hilintr. t halls, Ac, Low for enh, at 5CARR & CO.'S, Vrvggists. Atlantic HUTUAL and FIRE Insurance Company, ('a, :ii C M, . '.. iearparttd A mm Art ." the Lrpulatiit of Aora ( msJixs. ... " , ... F VMS ( ompany being duly organized, is now J tUcJluu, ul jnM)f. ,I1CJ. ,, EUILDIKGS, I3ERCHAKLISE, F, ,,,.,., niut v,Iltl:,.,r,.., hnps A) .,,MK AU;oES land most ki. lis of property, at remuntralire rates of pfm.a..,. " '" ""'f,S' iu orC.niMii.. of ibi. Co.op.. ny to n,.ke . safe n f..r lfle,,.y and l'r..teclion to the asu-id in ease ot Lues. An honorable and up.irbt curse of dr.l.,.(, and a faithful lulfilmsi.t of its tontract.. will at all tnoea cll, ,,, r,.u,lllt.. r..n.p..ny. Applieations for li.aurai.ee m y be mane at the je.ln uf ti.eCumpany. ur to its authorised Agents. IjIKECToRS. 'John A. Parrot, Levi T. khby, JJ- ";5"r,"'1' t vol s. Jones, (;ej jjj Th... J. lilakclcy Luke Blacman, H ilium S Long, David W 1 eil, a. n. cioipi.., S iihu. I I-rTrra, J.k-I II. U.via, ll. A i.'argett, t. Mati.lt. J ihn A. rarrott. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Aiton.ey. Lev- T Ogl.sby, , I.ng, , E. A. Thmi.paon, U Chaui.i, Secretary. -. ) KXD rrlVE COMMITTER. T).,d W. Well. .l'.rf I... If 59. 6rn-t5S WASHINGTON HOTEL, (I IIANOK Of PUOPIUCTOU8 ) IdtO A I) S t IlK.l.T A LWI1MIX, A. l JOHN F. JOPJES, Prtiprletor. 'WV.Hi; L'miersigned respectfully announces to IraVellmK punlie thai l.e b take of tins old an.l popular eatahlihmeiit, and o.ired to accommodate travel, ra an.l pri- V:,lc ,;. with b.iaru by ibe day or n.oiitn.on the m.mi acrnmiiiooati..); i rnis. U s TA HI E will alwaya be furnished with the '"',u' ' ""'t" m"k' ,,cn" vn.,inStf.ii lll-l h.-,a l.r,e w i .. the bus...... iei.rcr the oei.t, llic curl housr, and streets loan any other in the City. An Um-utium will alwaya m at the depot and lanoioir, oo llie arrival oi th cars and alean.buat, lo ronv. y p-iss.-nera to the Hotel free of el.arce. liy sioupii f at Una II. .lei, p.iasengera will have anipie tune lo ootaiu meats. Ilariog alsi. a laree and commodiooa Stibie, snd an ei-. Ii. nl Ostler, he is fully prepared tu t th! board iiur.r. ik day, week or monln most reaaouablv ratea. JOHN. F. JONES. March I. IR-,9. 51 If CUAliLOTTi: I10TH, . . k ssav tc'-z mtz.mr.rn, ciiAitMin i-; a. C. , fflllK Proprietor uf this HotH is wJaJftmt st hia post rerly to l. fCAiViWi fil the duties of "mine host " tth Vaa"ClSAsS travelling public and ..there wh may e.all on him, and l. Aattera hitiiaell that eo.nlorlauar quarters can tee lound Willi Inn. is any where io tins vicinity, b-tng sttuatrd near. 1 ly in the centre of Charlotte, Buainees Men will ' fioa Ibis Hot. I a nMat convenient and o. airablej location. He has b-en engaged in tlie buaineaa I at this stand nearly eighteen yeara, and it. that J lin.v Imi haa made several ad.iitiona to hia furmer : house, and it haa been greatiy enlarged and i.n- proved, pr seiiimg in front a two story V LH A.N'DA ,,. ,.:K, uj , ,r , siau mipmirij sharled by trcea n the ii-wjlk, affording a plea. 1 ant prom. ..site at all boors uf the day. I Tee House haa be..ti...,.ughly furmslied thro'. ! ot. and in flrif pari of .1 urealnrr r'Hol'Tls are I 1::: s.esu. ei..lly ih the bl.MM laiirr man" .a "renewed' y by dsy. . 'o.ineclrd i 'unnected ill. tins Hotel are Sublea affording '""' horses, abundantly turn. si oi ling hoeil. rs Tr Sr..rieior feels eonfiilent that with hia long . ap'-neaef and nr.ay new ndvanlag-a added to hia .I'aiee las pkr.se, he .a prepared t utT. r his frie.nl aed lbs rsttnf mankind," " aa warty eomforta and-, .11 ba found anywhere,' as oiueh giiU ela-er aa uer hapa m liltle more an lAt any rale tst the ("barb t Hotl. ;. is kkuk. Ocinl.tr 19. 3-jtf S. I.t fsrrwN.a i.idehted tu ua lur the last qnar. V t. r usi d .tot esue.-t Sf. buy tsuos Iron, si r t y lonso'V arr.lil. Vi e inlrnd to do a thru eA' bosilirss ; titer, fofr, .! y.tu are Hid. bird lo 1 lor a h.nf. r prrmd.cal. aud .ay, lur on tl.e 1st ; V of A.ril yi.i.r ere.li. Wi.l stop. We r-.-ilis.ly inlrnd . f t.-'oree lw abovr even iii. of w-sl Iriends, and liope no offvnee w.ii be , ui, 01)f u ITAII ow.ita dde f..r l.sl year tint are r 1st uf April, wi.l b handed out I i.y ti. II. IJ. WILLIAMS Si CO. ut s- lias Works, ranllE aubicribtra roin tfullr inform the pub. J. lie, that they are prrparrd to erect Jm Wiirks lor lichlii r t.'itiea. Ttiwna, ViIIi.jis, Col. ereaandl.,K.H..t.J. Tl.ry have . reel, d ,k. Inl liarimie antl Kaliidii.K.i ., which nac pitrrn entire aatiafuclinn to ihe rilrrm of thnhe places. As to quniificiitiona, prwiipimas and ability to perlorm all eontrseu tntertd into, th.y r.f.r to therollow.ngo,.,r,rI.: - ..H.Crnn,Prea.Clir.e..WnrKs.Cliar.rJ.C. Wm. Johnston, Tre. t hr. . H. 11. A S C. II. I! ir. 1 . iv 1 ri s. 11 Col. G. II. Younif, V.i A. (i. Sinrv, I'rts. (Jas r. t. storV. tui.t. (;... .as Ass. lii.leien, 1' "1" 1 V 11 TC V ks, I '""- rails, P.. r. k, . v a eri.. 11. n. 1 V. 8. Schoencr & Cn.,SSl 1'earl St., N York. Address Ibe .nl.M r.ler. si li.1l.1rl.. N. C. WATElUiOl'SE & LOWES. Srpt. 14, 1H5B. 2711 TO BS (SOIiD, A I.AIfCEa I rnvi'I I'Tt ASSOIITM i'NT of Plain anil Japanrd t W holctte or Ketml, lower than evrr, at S. T. W RISTON 8 2ij ati-i tne .hop. A FEW ..f those .uperior Planished Tia and 11 Coffee TOTS, Io .ale by S. T. WRISTON. FJt'OlLET SETS, a superior article, f..r sale S. T.WR1ST0X S. C1ASII. Deed, Spice and Dressing LUXtS lm aaleby S. T. WRISTON. ISniTTAMA TKA SUTs". for sale ut S. T. WRISTUN'S. m I ' ATJR ( OOLEIiS, a first rale nrtich ft .ale by for S. T. WRISTON. 1ABLK CUTLERY, Cook's Ladies, Spoona, . Eleah Furks, Ac. I or sale at 3. T. WRISTO' S. EASSER SPnle.it leeCreain EllEEZEKS.the beat Ereexcr now in ose, fur sale by 8. T. WRISTON. I RTIIER'S Self Pealing I HUIT CANS, with directions low tu use them. at I S. T. WRISTON S. A D IUONS, the beat in this market, fur sale , kJr I S. T. WRISTON. i ,eT-6 it j IIOK NTOV US winch cannot be ejreh.d in rhrn'anre, by an oilier Siovea in l!' murk.t. f.n ale at the Ti d Siove Shop, il 'ioors Kast ol Sprmga' corns T. WI.ISTON. I5lf Ci,mrlvtU.Jumt il. I H.'.H. r- FOR riRIFlIM!. the m.oo. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, K VKft TWUEItK CM.KtM.i TKIt FOl: THK KKMoTAL AND I'KKMASHNT ! ltr. OF ALL I.laKAMKS AUI-INU Fat'.M AN IMI'I KK STATK OF TDK. I1LIS.I.. oil IIAHII' l IF TIIK aV--rk.M. 1st lr.l-'hiMl..ri ..f tl U M.- li-ir... nnti.sr...ls leiilAll.. r Int.. .nil. K. tln.il sss -rf whla has l.-n uronly llrll,u Kl.lif wvo.b-rfi.1 curas rll--r.l U U.- Use of this Preparation. Whlls S-s.H;!a h.a.l Krr..s an ii,,r-..i ji.I e..M,h;t.a.l.n. it Is. ml 11. -sf.i l.ins. r,.,i,. srr vr. u ! reni. .M .r r" l t--r. sr. n-ollsr vm.Mn-..oB sad stnllli nisi.. r -.f . tual i -nA. nt t,nflpr ilk tl.is. sr. i is..- fs. n-s sxi.... sn.l in n.aki-af oiw .l. MIDICAt TESTIMOX T t yi..iH.. M.I . ia-l s. itlm: O a f. in.n M) hltie rfs..t, . K. s !. I n r . itn H-...I s.,. Ki - .rU'.an. .Js Tv ',v"r.l.l I" r. '11. lo'r I I wM 11. -n,. .. I ra s..MI.I-.''' .r-r...n-- u. ai. .. I,. r. ss il ... ... -r.L.:..-d m sm . .i. smimi ; -n "'-" - !.ae a-d ... 'o.sr... " I' " ' K - :f. ilv sours. I 1 I'M NT. M I. l. M.S, Niw mk. rV.IJ k.SVS t,f lf lgjf ! ft-iiri , f I U. llTiTl KKUV'S VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT, I'OH WOlfVI". or In.- ta- m.mi ,i,r,.,ir.... s... i l.. f. ' .' " "f""' ' "i',,'1.'." 'f',' Jo, I S T Uf. kV M Ii II. H X rw, " ' i. ...,. N V K IJLTCHI?f'N A CO., 3'l. '.'.. Ihsin'.feai 1(1, AN K LiKKLta for sale at this ofheo. I R -wt J 1ST:- tar'ff- .i i 1 J MORE TO RE ADMIRED THAN THE KIC1IKST DIADEM KVKH 11: n. iVKlllffS fil KlIlnfTOrS. 1 -j ""-Q- 1 Vi'hat? Why a Beautiful Head of Ialr. j( .( ,,,,., CtH him.tlf jnntiJtd I li all our r...-r. lie,..!.,, ulll.,.uvh tl. tU . ,()m t,,.r i,.,iy ln .lie r...ii.i. elieeK, II e ' vt he evrrsn apnrl. line, the leclh be those i.f pearls. , ,; , .. ....,. il. I. snarled anil shnveleii, A. . d diy, or worse sliM, , ,-H,,rali k lt-ai with gray lure will lore wore than . Mi n.f f ,urM. w ,., ,lir i r t..r li vs-. - it used lo or three I11111 s a week, will restore mid p.-rilln.teltlly seeure til all sueh an ur.la mel.t. Head Hie t'ullotvi.iir, s.i.l ju.l;e. I'he wril. r ol tho hrst u iitt celchrtiitd y.usis, Th tliuig : na.Woon: . New York, April 19, 18..8. Vrar zir,- Permit .oe tot a.resa in yoi. the ob li lions 1 am uialer for the entire restoration uf .11 v hair Iu its original eolor ; ab. ut Ibe time of my airir.il ill the I'ulU'.l States It was rnplilly heeoin. ingwray, hut uik.ii the applie .t.oa of your, ll.ur It. si..r .live " it soon recovered its original hue. I consoler your liestorntive as a very wo.:erful ilivenllon, quite . tliiN.e.oUa as well un r. sal.le. I am, dear sir, yours truly, !!. THAI.IIKRti. " Orjch a'r Uwvl.. riydrl." Welsh Newst...m r I flies, I 3 Na.sall .1., April 13. I'aor. t). J. Wooo: irur lr, Some iiin.i.h or six wi-. ksii(0 I iee. ived a litile ..f yoor Hair hV. storativc and ..ve It o my. wife ho concludrd Io try it on her hair, little liiinkinr at the til.ia lli-.l it would restore the guy hair to its original col- i or, but to her as wtli as my surprise, atier a h-w weeks' trial it has perlormed that wood, rlul rtf. et i by turiii.ii all the eray hairs I a dark hr 1 lie a.ne lime lauin. ii.e; nun loieKei.ui ine hair. I slrmif!y r eoiiiioeiid the atove liestora. ' live Io all pera.jnp in want nf aueh a rhnnve of i ti.eir hair. II Alil.ES CAHKEW, I Niw Yosa, July S!.i, I8.i7. Taor O. J. Woon: Willi cm fideucs- do I re. I enoiinend your llsir liestoralive, n b -inir the ui.xt i ttie.icious aritele I oversaw. S.nre u-.ii.ir your j Hair Itestora.ive my hair and whiskers uhieh were I almost while havo .raiiui.lly frown dark; and I I feel confi.l. nl that a lew more applications will re. ' store lli. oi Io their natural color, ll also has re. ! lleved me of all tiunrirufVand unpleassnt ileliiiig ,su I common among persona who jn-rspire fr.-rly J. (. Ml. IT Ps'.r. Woon Alioiit two yenra a my hair eomi.ie.iced f..llm! otf .nil liiriunp gray : 1 wsa fast Iweoininj1; hrtU, ami h id tried many ll.-me.lies to effi-ct. 1 eoinmi m-f-d usine your llrvtora. tive in January last. A few apn'iealiona taatrn. ed my hair firmly. . be-jan to fll up. grow out, no. I turned back io its torinrr col... (nlaek.) At this time it is fully restored t" its original color, henlth. aid aior-irance, and I ehes'loMv rr.uu. mend na us" .11. 3. D. IIOKS. Cnicijo, 111.. May I, 18.-.7. The R.sl.ir.tive is (ut up in vtiilra of 3 siie". v.i : large, medium, rod small ; lo sim.ll holds a pml.aiid r. tails lor m.e d.ll ir m r bolt :. ; the no:, diuiii bsl.'s at l-aat, lw lily per ctut more in pro. portion ll an tlie small, retails fat two dollars per botile; the large holds a qu rt. 40 (cr cent, mere in pri.H.rt..n. and retail for $3. , (I. J MXJUA III., Proprietors, 44 1 Dros.lway, New York, and 114 M irket Si. .St. .....is. M-. aod aold be all good Pruge sla.n.l K.orv (i.ls lieal eis, and nit hsrioiic by .S. AI!R A ('. AYEIl'S . Cathartic Tills l co.i l l.n.j M il l! TU CLEANSE TEE TLOOD AT.D CORE THE 8ICX. liivwliils. Ka.hera, .Vlolhera, ll.ralrlns, l'lallit..l.rO,l.a, rrn.l ll.vlr l'.IT-tls( an.l Jo.lg of ll.rlr VI. n.. loll TllK LTI1K Of IIcndHchr. Sj.-U llen.lm l.e, I'oi.l Stomi.eS. I'lTM J. C A . I.... t-n ve. pi.r.iit.K. Illlioiis Disord, rs hiiJ Liver C..n.iliiint .; I...:. I. I lis. ra.eteaily yoi Dysentory, Po.USH, I II, ST lis. Ales. V .u. .'. rs, SI'iSll lul l. M t Itrlai, unil tt ornis. .l.li Ir n. . h..l II I I... I, .ll- nlT sal- ,.1 ll.s.I, S..II I - .i..l W. i,i. . j. t.Kisrtv. rwis. Indicest.on nml Impo.ity uf the lll.sod. f u J I Ihmrt. fnttr f '. H. It a.m. lie set I I.. I'.'la I ll. I.-.,. IO fiMI.M I'll tSt. .1 ( I J"lll Kryslpeli.s, M-rnf.iln, s'ins r il. Teller, T.....O.S. and .ll Ithei.i.i. Fr,.m a S'-a ...' Jrr,... :j . I i. , I, 1. tsfA ... tl sll 11. i. I..- I l.-r I ii WOIK. HI U.S. ami t.out. It I.e.... ml n. f.imt U XT Ih. lli.i. 1..K I l.J ll.' i lUilnainrs. In . Il.v ... t Na-., I'M. fill, nf cOuol a ll U.S. SlSlr Wrjnirs I M . NT Sl.l llf.l.l. l or lrosay, rtelborsi, or kindred f'nm- plalitta. irsjoo lex an sons ..ip. Uimj sissa-t.sl Ul ir....... l or ( nslivenrss or f nnstipntinn, nnd wa ..Inner I'lll, .Wj . K a I , n-i.i.l I Ha, M.ii rtoen, I'Hrnlva.a, Inflnmmna tin..,. i.J llfs.nr.s, -u.it l'si..l lll.nd- aiess, lt rtos 1.) ..m: sll. rau.s s. IKjt. .4 in. !.-. ,4 ll.s Mils s..ouln ..,.rjr. .1.1. I. s). t. ...... I..I..I.. I. ..l,,r,t .....1 r. x,-,m.-. II,.. tun tiik mi-id (t:nr. or oi i ol.im, .u.AKss M.s, yrt.x. ..(, llllllM Mi l Is, II.M.I-INta mi i.n, ttmip, asthma, i ieii-vr usai sip-. n..sj. , ,J r i Hi- irli. I ,4 e. i.M..i,..is s.U-iiii lu sdisarsd , uf Hi- .1...-. ll.s I ol Ur r.r Its a. r,, lo,l ..f ..1.. ,., ; liii P'.KLii i;y mi. j. r. athk. f radical sad Aaalytieal Cbooiist, Lowell, Mass a u .s r. . ; r IIUTCIII.SON k CIIilJON, Cknrl.dfe. HAVILANP.srKVKNSON & CO , (. irlrittnn S , ( C;i.!i P.iid for Hides, I BY K. l. IIOWI I.I., .1 d....ra South of lbs H M ...S...S II.. use. urlmtt, Aynl 6, lb.',K .Vf j WAIT FOR w- -1 v . it J -rss m'aw 19 Mm r.m" ,H "s" J-s sella St.,.,. , f ? -J,,caus he buyes hisS7U rtA-fru.ii the M .ui.laeiurers. U I. II. Would respectfully ani.i t nee I. Il inhabitaMs fro... their Old Slsnc, In No. I. (Jranile II. w, w In North, una of the a.ost elli na.te assortmrnis ef :Ks I. lie inl abitLM. vo. I, Cri.nile II. w, w I., na.te assortai.rriis ef IQJWEji ilina. among which will he found the celebraUd Ever offered In Norlh.Carol.na,ai..onr which m m t d -av whieh has gained such a faniuus reputation in the Poulhern C.mntry for the lasl eighteen wi.,i Tina Stove he warrants superior l .. nk ing Move n. w in us. .I is sin .lr in us .,r, ,, roi.snmea less furl, an.l doe more an; a in a given time, tl an any other Si, v. now in u, t ( put upunc l.e s uie any other finer of the s c ait. in lie I nil..! Hst. a, an.l if il does n.-l it work in a given lime, he will forfeit the priee nf llie Move, and quit arlln.g and gn his drill, (M Ilia betler one. . ALSO, ALL KIM) 8 OT FiiHSiOR & BOX STOVSS, lie has, and coii.tanlly keep on hand, an . itensite and va.ied strk rf Tix AM) siii:i:t iko ;;;.! n v ; ri.i s, ti r inv.y m tts i i .ut., HAT HACKS, niADLKS, &c, lie, Allot wlittli will be aol.l, lnl !' l It . I si il. Ii. ii-r IIiiiiiIihi errr ba-e-n ttflt-ra d its l It i Vis-lull. I would return my thanks tr my friends and customers for the very liUral ps.r. h.r. II i. bestowed up- us, r.nd they may rest assured, that I shall endeavor, by elos allo t. Io n !. k'.nr.M together wit. i a u. tern, inn Hon to pleaae, tu try .u meril a so.itinuatie. of the same. HIZ wm 2 ".WI iAIi5 -i M.!:ll limn." Liidiis and tli'iillrnun arc parlicularlj invilrrf lo rail rid r Xa. iiii: Li Mori. AISSISDS 02 JOB FOilE ASaSH'SL 10 VilEvlVittts, N. II. I will tell you why I head a.y adtrtis. io. M " W aiv t.a tsi sa a," il is 1. 1 a wr hate three a(g.i.s eonsianlly Irat.lliog ' I. r.-ug I. the cuui try will, f tatra. r .III m-tl r trill be fa lilt I tilt y nml in.tnilly ollt mUil lo C. !.(, 16,1857. CANDY JFACTOllY. Fresh Confectioneries, Fruil Ac, Ac K.u'i. her rssua'etrol'y inTorma the e.!.. 1 lens ol t'harlolta and surrounding counrry. tl. .1 he has on hand and is cuitlantly feciting from A'.w V..rs, Confectioneries. Fruits TO HA (CO, S.M'IT. TOYS. I Tl f -: I tilr.....t-til, I run: vsi:i4, iiomiv uoit.i:,j t l-M .1. s, , Ill.tU U jlgnsi, j ST Iiit Ira, tV, l4-.i ixls, A III i tl C 1. a of cit ry variety. J J. I). I'AI.MMK. Aarsmlrr 9. I-..8. 4Jlf i Aia.i.l.e intenns to main. rr I nr. I'A.M.I KS of all kinds, frr-e from )N.inous eob.ri.ir untiaa the , Nrw York .Sir no Ii. line. I I ai.' ly. t all and ar. ; WIIKAT WAMi:i). ! raiilKauhserir-rr having parebased the Ste.ii. M. Kh ring Mill in line place, is prepared tu buy Wheat, for which he will give tlie highest m-.k. t .ri..e in cash. Klour.il-an and M.al fur sale al tha Mill, or delivered wherever a.sired in town. JUHN WILKK8. I hmUltt. Aug. 9, lfcr.S. 93i JAiMllS M. r.D.M'.Y. COMMISSION MKltCHAST, 117 C IIA.VIIII HH Ml 111 IT, K. V. ll I.'YS and lorwards every lnod of no rohsn- due for V 4 per ces.1. vmffiisj.ua.. I(es. tu ' I... a., iawaiu and Mur.l.r.d. N. VV . U,.aSo. J. W. ' j Osborne, t:. P. Mrn.ienl.all. A. M Jon..an. Ksqs. and llev. V. V. D.eiiis, ln. W. A.lrahai. d others, 'rater in I'luii.-r. Mrhalrnna, Uresna, I Harps, Cuilars. Music, f. w ii.g Ma. Iur.es, avua j Si.lra, 1'iin.pa, tiar.ien Ki.gii.es, A e, A printed! list nf all tne differ, nt lio-k. is, kmns and pr.t. s sent res. I'ulilishsr of an elajnnt 1 1 1 h r. ( r a p Ii ,,f Htrkmj ftut Gap," X V. (!. and ti. f an. i art l iiisii ras ; na, l-miai l.viix to lli.na " i I n.a ii.taluable ami. y aafntsrr abould be in every I ; house, it Iresla of sll diseases, haa eopo.ua glossary and preaur.lu' I he rrmediia Iron, lialure'a , bnnnteous stores, for all our ... firo.it. aa and mis. i fortunes. It la punted nn fine wbitr paper, hand. ; leoniely hound fouril. edition, 3HU pagts, aad ts msurtf yrre rnr ana a-ai.ar. New Itosewnud Pianos, lljfl. .. 16. I8..8. y sa tia a. tV Saddle k Earnees manufacturer, THAU DOOR BOUTII TIJ MANHION llf.Um, c ii A it i.e. 'i 1 1: . rAllkindsorSsd.lleean.l 11 .linrlest notice. ores made al the J I M I AIKINf. p 7-a. I. IH.'.H I'llj rare ul. H S7lf I'll. It. 4 (l ; It - aw T I I.I. be pleas. .1 I., r. et.t. I rf. omit C,, V? in the ! nart air site nf M )l I N K and "I l.l.r.K T . I'nleaa pro mav be found al n.arsMi. York liisl-iet K. . frb. 12. IrtJC al.nt. he .1 Mill Ihpot, ta-u I if II S. H.RANSOM. tf.CS- "'(s THE AY AdliOV. TAYLOR ul ( HA P H 11 K rt l.e l.ns new on ul ( I! V It 1 1 K si ? vii rt l.e l.ns new on rih.hil .id vi.ii lit. ll at Ir bs.r,a jh.hiti. I , just r. iin.o (in, will he found the celebrated mm-'.m A.A.X. M.LWI.OI!. ! 53- It HMJIIiyA 1. 2TA I JL nl NHXU'Y NHKT hiiUru riR.wiit ih- ntsshil fifssii tit iri" i hntria, H iLfft dUilHn to Ihrir tisr n( ! O.M'IK TIO.M:itlf . i t nn.i (.i:im l ie 1 1 , A.-. Among ihei. si.k may be fnuod evrtyli ;r. as. ally kept in a afore ( this tiud. A f"" a., nl ..I Caks 1 r.nihi.i gs, tt M.e.w Vs tit, it... ways r... il....d. 'I'll, y base in ti.tir emplay .n riif;'ii!f:A KKII.snd ar p..p.rvd , for"h F.ioii-s s Parties Wllilt ak.s ut sll kll.ds si lUll ...,(,.. MUODY i sMRl.hr. Nown.lsrr Ifi. Isjrs. W . b.s, .1 pr... loeuiol.in, where M II. blisleiss, all.: b... pnbiie pslro'isge in t .V.. Ifi. IH.-.sj. r. sSAi iis, A I liil I JUKI Ullltllt , " ':.!. fiirn.sl. Designs. Fli.s snii Ii.jt t ..r 1'ukl.r rtu.iailt.gs, I'lltal, ,...i. and Villas. I'.rtiruUi sti. ..io n ailiUio" b...l. n,t Ih urn.g .Milia.l ... M.l's, Ac. iu 3d sioiy ol Ai.i.r.uei's lluti.-.eg, Kent r (iter t hllia Hall. ' Jetifi iti, I8..8 . 3311 .Mi H I l. - A It'll. 1 1A Kutual Life IrmraDce Ccnm- Ol t K L. Ii A L 1. 1 1 It . A f. f till! ( !. sur. a Ite lives o! u ' a I. rni ul y. ars, or lf h" on the .Slut u.l rtii.riple, tl tie.patu.f iu the proti.a ul l-oiieiee granted lor the wl.en the pr. Hi-urn t'.enlo hi.tr rim be 1,'iven f.T one. I h I IHt I"'- tun. I-e i ' '' an... nets n 1 II ti-t sn.".'iii ' ' premium, Wa.u. ll.telrsl at pf c. 1- diMA g..ur..niy. 'ibe prompt wiaiiner in hi. sll b b. en paid by II. is c.H.paiiy , la g. toe. rales u .. i.iiui... pr. a. nt trial tin,. .11. lb. ! n ine's le sin Ii aa ara uism.s. tl tu msu.e. Alalia sis lusu.sd for s Uim ol I'' 6 ve y srs, lur t it. I lotus li.cr ma. . All h.sa.a are paid aithil. !U cays si factor pruul .a prasa nleu. ilatKi1Kw. Ch.rl. s K. Jolinst m, V m. II aWe. Ilolden, W. 1 tu,.kr,;. t.. W.iiin-' Ilusieu, 4u. l.tii.c linsbir, I'. r. I "' II. M. b.e, K. I'. Haiti., I b.rl.s I' I" fowl., Uuh'd ll. 11-His. OH H ERS. Ir. f b.rlrs t.. Johnson, Presid.nl W. W . Ilol.trii, Vise Presiueut. K. II. llnllla.S. Crela.y . tV .ll.suia II. ioors, Tressarsr. II II. W. ila.ud, Attsi.ney. Ur. Wu.. II. Mekee, M d .1 f. Ii iseulias I Mn as. Ilea U. !u V.. II Ker, t'l.wrles H. Itu..l. , ' M'dit.,1 Utd mf Cswsalrsl.sa --( l a"' y Johnson, M. !., Wilhsn. H- Mtt, Kieh'd II. llayw.Kid, M. ll-, fi( K.ir further infurnislion, the publ e is f r.d la the pamplilets.and h.rms ol H'"1 ,,, Biay be obtained at the Office of B"'f a, a ny nf lis Agenei. a. , , ,. f i.iunitationa she.ld be .ddiesa.il, ll B,")10' .. , .... It. II. J5AI Jiaa, Srylimln 8, If.',. a-. e sSa. ' ' ' . ,T.sssenrs-'" ,i. wnl ha " H I KIN I I N(. l all k.r r.l n. ' SUU'KS AS for sale s-t tbu. nlee- J