A PRiutrrrut Programme. The Buff.-1 t that Monsieur Bloudin Dro. il'DUUM" r . to ru-ko n a.ccnsioo on light ropei f''-. - W .' J iiwi.ii.e; ,(' 10 w . . f ilbt werk. fetvvtil cli.cra wire severely ni,e Can.d. Uore lo a point on llie , ,1R.riciiu side $iicct!y ever tbe, Niagara,! ,1, hj strotubiug rope from llie Cana- ,;,) to Dit on thin ioV The .seen- u js to be mode uiglit aiidit fire woikf. I if tiDie person propose, to make, auring ( un mcr, ievrrl bccumodh ; in oue of ; jc;, it id hi intention o oer in ack, 1 b nothing but bin ertue and feet eipoaed. Uo propose, lo wlier! snute gentleman . aheelheirow, provided he can find aouio .iii"ui.ked individual with uervo enough would like the i ijujuimt if trip t-, ,. tho frightful chasm on a tijiht rope, in ; lie Diet minfc " ,v m i. run tr ))MUR,y tiuWs, make use ul tint une rc iulenexliti and frightfully terrifio, be quailed remedy. I crrf a man ou bid back and wheel j Th olluuine Ctrtifi'ai from di.tingui.ktd I nln-r it the a me time, provided two ee Irnun pfrnona van be found who like to in I e in that kind of sport. k '.Vuoubm Canmn. J. C. of tbe Salis- ir. Liauuer, relate a revolutionary iuci- JL.,i. which will be read with lutoreat, i ,rh we btve beard of fuch thine" be- i-t: "In the Involution, the bouae of. Caaev. of Ieiineton, S. C. waa in! J ws.ion of a atuall Uritiab parriaon, and j Iv. f.r off the Amerieane at me lame nine . if i ,. , . 4-VaJed rude fort. In bt. de.cent frotu i, up country, Gun Urri n determioed to 2,18 the Uriliall Iroiu the boua I apeak A I ut having uo field piece, and being full 3Dcdicut, be conatructed eannon of . f "" i j .i j. e 0(ji with which be atnken the enemy, I 5, uft'f a few .hots, aurreu'lered to the ' irricab.. I ue uuiv? jo lue oouae, toroun ii ch tl.e pine lojr e innoo abot the bail i..CD irlUiencu uv umiieu iiiv pvuuiij' ia, itiil exirle. r ? K pti.r ('orTo.N. The Mcmplia Bu!le f I We wire IU receipt, ou r t 0 ay lb rough I nianrni cure ; but all without tticl. Ur. J . Ilua. I K K Johnaon.of a atlk of eotloo from 'elu'r-"B P""''- " eel. braird pi.,.,c.,.,, I ' i. i . .ii- ti u;ciied in furnoliinir the puJhc with a vj ! nliniatioD of Dr. a.hir.glou, at InJiau , i,.i.i. ...... ut,,f K. r . ...( An. ( v M iuroe County, Ark anrsa. 1 he plant I Tu, ,i..llf ,nd mct,.,u,g demui.d Uu-ly m dr i i-uiei over Iweniy-one incbea in height, for ihe Itittrra," and inr mnvere.il ,ucc... ..tit n. ..run a healthful, i-oroua atpearauce, ! ""'a " u.e. have m..o. l..r it reputation u.irur. P . , i i ataad hv auv apeeific of tne kinu. ror the cure ,1 .re tufom.e.1, a, fair .ample of , ,hj rrrf inlJ A.,1)c r , Ur,., ttllbr.Uli I j .irc ls of acroa 10 a .miliar foreard Con- (tinmarh Mitl. r. mu.t ,.ni .im.ui.I claim a lups-n-!.jn in ihe While Hirer County, from j oni v otvr mr ..tn.r preparation i xu.nl. ' 4 .count., the pro.peet fur a bountiful For .Me b) l)iui;iri.t. and de.in. generally, ev. S".. , ., , ' ii . ,i . ery where, and bv t. .Nya llutehiaon A. I'u., tn.r. ! 4 .1 of the ttaple, iu all aertion ol i ullB t i..n trowing vepion, wi acarcny ever , : flittering at thia period of the aeaauu. Jliio lucre,, of the Freucll loan of 00(1,. I ,nlHI liauci waa very great, lialipnani ; I '"."'. of ,:"u u.t ay.:-"lhe f ail of ,!', II llvairou of U lire t ihtllg tO i i- ban of .M'O million continue lo he! iter than ever, l'e.terday, befure the I of ii oi rimJ, ilia line of perou waitine 7 . ' , ... ' , . i ;.e Miu.alrj vt I, nance, m.oy of whoiu , 1 ttnu there all nibt, eitendtd cum- a) :.'y round the building. Additional of- I k . have been ourned in the old barrack A-iuu rtioii, ami at the 1 1 tail Ma- r, iu the l'lace endoiue." Av America KsoiMfH is tiir Ave-, th as .-anvii.. It i. wll known that Aai- . 'uj. ha. of late year, beau atreiiglheuiag k)V firtificaiioB in her Italian poa.eaioii. i in doinj io baa hon preeilioa of al ii laleut. Une of ihe u.oi t important her Iia'i.o fotiucatioua baa baeu con- Ji.ii riiti, Mr. Hamilton K Tole, who. pif. l'Jttrd at I.awreuce J'cieniifiu S-oboo!, Wm Heeled tth tl.e Harvard L nivervity, and a rui te'jirniiy t iiipinyeo on in govern y .it eorki at Ilou.ae Futtit. Ihiton J'oit, T;ic Nrw Kirt.tD Fhix h (Uino.i. a crtat atiuvU ht-twten the French aod fitinan arinie. will he, it ia aaid, for the " t .Mutt of Milan. For this purpoae the, at r-r.r d n.utt croaa, tne 10, ou tne 'eit nans S akic'u the Auatrian. took a to.iti u from t i-li tiiey cere di.loled by Ihe French t Veleiiaa hr a few dintiharoet of eauuou J in a Jinlaiice of il.OUIt luciret. It i to )remucd that the gun. thu UVciive at 1:luce of nearly 2,tH)U yard wtra the, French rifled cannon which have thua ' IfD employed for Ihe firal time again. t an ; wty. j Tiir. 1 Lr Mr. II. D. Whitcotub,! .if er.itifcr of the Central Railroad, iu- nu u thnt the. Welrrn alone of lb Hiue 1 I ie LtioweovereJ with n.ili.ou uf locu.ta. Jey appeared firvt near ihe top of the, I 'Uhtiin, about teo week, ago, and vein j he moving; in a Weaterly direction. Uj .I be rrcoliecU'd that Dr. CMiiiib, of Haiti- t, piedicled the appearaucu of tbt-.e 10- i "l iu tii valley during tliii month. None i'e vol been een in the viuinity of Ulaun-! .1 -SUunlon ( a ) Ka,Uor. I j S'.IUW T l tt tSTARd AND StBITM The cretary of thd '1'reaaury hits prepared a ("-ular to the Collector of Cu.toma, of ii. i h th following i. the .ubstaiice : " The immunity of our merchant vencla I' ra front ictiure, aparch, detention or it, iu time of peace, by tbe ves.clv of war hi any foreign nation being now admit M by ali tho iiiaratiin power, of the rld, it ia very duairahle that the batioo i 'V ofour vra.al ahould alwayi be prompt- I, in -l at., I ... lb. nf . al.ln of war i'.e Secretary of the 'J'reaaury ia directed 1 lv ilm I'remleiit to instruct tJollrctor. ofi t iUoiiii to rciricat the eantaina in the uier-! a .. . ' . ' ... . ' . .1 i I:"' "TTIC, " ""P""" "" : T'3" "i.piay llic-.r ooiota a promptly a '""i Lie, w henevcr they meet upon the ocvau i I" ariiied cruiaor of any uatiou." I " I. it Dtit.'' A man went to the pout ,,ri', ami puttina; hi. mouth close up to the livery hoi, et 'od out " Louder 1" The i ik, mppoaitiu; the man to be deaf, and f ' ha waa in.Lii.,f a renueat of him to " louder, ao that be could hear, a.ked '"" m a very loud loue, the name of the '"'on for whom ho wanted the letter. " I.nnltf!" cried ihe man. "What name!" yelled the clerk. " I.oudtr!'1 a'oiii bawled the Uiau, bo uPp.rd the clerk to be deaf. Jha cletk took lonji brealb, and with 1 1 hi. n.i'lit agaiu bellowed out in the man'. " tne lama qucatiou. " What name ?" ''i ii duim iu iu loud t tci.e, that the ho nemitd to return from tbe far off bill. 'he than started baek iu alarm, shouting ' th ,,p 0f uil t,, UBJ f ., l,,mJert ;ri ou.lcr I I told you Louder mj name i. "thin,, tl.e;. ' ' " ah ! (I, Lo 1" aaid tbe clerk, " your "'0 II Luuiler. eh 1 I)..lu't f... mnmont V'pnJf r Hat j bare', jour Kilter, Mr. Lou- lern (rem tie. Iluth- ou of Dr. Notl, of I T: . - , ... , . iurt) olJ ttM ,,(nUa t0 recovcr, Tho Enquirer Mjiilr. Noil waa ou i.iiuiublc jouig umu. . j ' . j ttiai sUj(cl. . 1)V. V ISTAIl'.S UAIsAM ( I WII.B IIIFH IIV. Buliou't Vitlorlal uj S4A Julyty I Realiiing Ihc true sens of respon.ihility atlurhir.g in l lie Kditor uf and Publish r of a widely circulated journal, v. .hiuld litem it lillle lias tlii.li crime tu recommend any medical compound the real sir- tuet.fwl " Inch we could not conscientiously indorse. Iiumic compound ha. become a linmc f.x- f (fiiltiruii if royalty evneluiivt Frum Kef. Henry Wood, IViimcrly Ki'ili.r of the ( oiiiie(;iili.iiil Juiirnul. ( imi'Mrd, N. H , more re. centlr Aincrirmi t oi..ul at lliyrout, Kyrie, end now ( In .l.iin in the Nvy. ( ohcoud, N. II. Mureh 3. Mir. PuTM W. Fowl.. l' ,Utulhmtn : Two y.n nii, uililtn and rmltnt alUck uwn my Lmi( con lined me In my bed for eerl weeka, Ml when 1 reenvcred, I wa o much CireM'd by Hiflirully in breathing, that 1 wa olten una. kle to alcvuor reat upon a bed by niht. lie uC ftririj' waa HUainr, ana liinlli ir.nu in uienica. ey uf the i i diet uaed, 1 iinpoavU llie di-:e in. , " . Br Uwn if ilJ ( htn , Without eonhdi nee 't ,und ,ht .l,n..e.t.... ly ,.m,r,t bci.Te one bottle - o-ed up. Kim. p - lliy with my fellow eurTercra inducea nu U n..ke t"ie i-ublio atatrmani. and recoi toother. ...nilarl, kftl,el.d. Witti rpecl, your, r ' n None grnuins unh a" Mliinelia llie a.-jel Irulf, IIKNR Y Vt UDI. I BLTTSoi. the wrapper .hi. end I'rrparrd by S. VV. K(S I.taiiU, Uoa. Id by I' Nye, IluUlnaon At ' ., Clnar. 113 On or Tin MmT I'atvat.r.NT, and at the ne me truubleom and painful diaeua. that alltnj ha huin-.il Heah, ia tlia Fever and Ague, for a Intiv tuns tile meuiral world b.ve beru continual. ly t'ri'if ni. f"Mh numeroiia .peeific. tor ila p It LI. 1 1 F IN I F.N MINI '1 I S. BRYAN'S i riajiox it; v a i-'i-.us. JV), MMl,li,jwv.i,r w.J j .11 IHttut- i ll III, '. amf Ln?l, I "..!.. ,lii, naemrfien. i er.riia, Ilar.ia,l.iiar, Vjrcuii Itrtarh- . . .. ... ? f I. V. A PLUS tm- tl.e UH..I le.tant-'inroua 1 r x Urla.t pr.rwft- ,, j , crr,i,Bg i .1. rem., n.. ..nrr fait to t fleet a iapid 1 and laatii. k eurr. Tiioti.ann. have In-ru retired I to r!r.t he.itn h.i have injd ..ii.tr mean, in' equally a bie,.lng and a cure .none need de.pair, Ho matter bnw lung lha di.ra.a may hate ex., Iff, i ur however larvere It may be, piovill u the or'.'aluc ' trweture of tne tiUl organ, i. not h.Ht-lt..iy ne. eayed. Fvery ona ktllicU.il .huuid eite ti.rm an : iiopitil tiwl. l.W-.u.t..i. Tt ...,c rt.aaa. ih. W . ! vc tne nioal veie taceaaiuii.l lK.re'a ; and iueirr.ula cre.e ih . u.e lor a lew ear. will..! all timt a, in ' war l.d U' xibilny of the voice, great. ! prt.vmg ita toi anu ,rly .d by ,.m..f. Jon VOSKH. S..lr Pn.ri tor, ..rhr.ter, N. Y. by ail rep:cla. Pr.ce 2i cent p.rbt.1. Foi u,e uiaggi.t.ano f. scauu, chuiottr, y. c. J rsr, 4 wr, in rriirriornt of S .ndlwd-. In I V fee the a.lVerln lia.r I'ye ihtr c.u.im. mi! fluiskr.es:: siuistk tics: : j far my I ngarat, and you can hava 1 aenwli. fml pair of U .n.,., and iUuttuthf, (kick .ot af fexara(, within .Siar lliril, irarie tin, e-rrr ear. fc.ai md trill ' ttutn m nyoie l t.m Pnr. filiy etnt. ptr b. Itlc .ml to any p.rlol the Fulled Mali. Add.... JOHN M. SAl'NPKRS. Id Third Stietl, New Y fk Cily. I Mure '2i IfiS. 8-UJ J ' S. T. WINSTON la" fcF.I'H cot.alanily on hand, whol. a.le and re. -" '" "i -l'"ct ...ort,..v it ..r IPIi.1I. A I J.UMAAI.II TIV-W' PI' 1 1 t 1 1 i 1 1 I a K,irh will b.. ...Id LOW. g ujL'N I Fll SrALLS, Finmrlrd S..ure ami Slew Pan., Oiue Poit, WalHo I. una, 1c, fr aal. by ,,.,,,0... RISTON. T vjOII.KT SETS, a lupennr article, for aalr S. T.WRISTON S. C1ASH, Dred, Sp'ee and Dre.aing IIOXFSfur aale by S. T. WRKSTON. riuiT.siV vi..i:t.iili:s. a S' STONE A Co.'. S-rew Top CLASS JARS , a for prr.ernr Fruila, Vrgrf.bl... Ac, II, rll(.,, now ln u,( for , by S. T. WRISTON. COOKIX. STOVliS. 15. miliar A FFI.I. ASSORTMENT of VOKIJ nd Melancholy We Ktquiier that ether S TOV F.S, will be coi..tai.Uy un hand, and aold .a low aa liny can be afforded in Una mJ'kc,,h' S. T. WRISTON. (iirUl'.J.M M.lBj9. Mlf 600 iivMti Bra-1 1" '"' I.I. ' 600 hrnd ol wlli:i l rfflllK iiih.rriber will pay the liitrhttt (ASH J prire. for II I-!!; ' rMll.ll. ho, having HeefC.ule or Sheep for a.le. would di well lo inform in i pvr.ou or by Idler, aa aarlf aa Bawtflbl. J. L. STOU r, 7' Dutchtt. C,..... Jv II, IP-1- iv-f HYMENEAL. M..r;itil, in ihia p, , on the Clh in.' nt, by Mr. Phil. t pi, Mr. T. C. AlXK-ON bud AI... AlARY A. 1KV IN. In lliTi place, nu tl 3.1 iiinlnnl, LOUISA VIK. (.IMA. daughter of .Mr. limininler mid Alie. S. f. l ullcy, gea I yenr 9 montlm and 24 i:y. llr luo k beyoml Ihe brunde f lime, hen whut wu in w doiire, Sli .ll ri-e ii. lull, iminortul prune, And LI . 'i. in tu luue no muie. ae, thru, I ind n. tu e, rea.e thy tear.; The Saviour dwell on high : There everlaatiiifr priiig up.era, There joya ahull never (lie. In thi. county, about the In. I of May, JAMES rURT Fit, F.,q.. ill the P5lh year ol hi aje ber of year., yet hi. liie waa extended Imvoird the criiumon lot nf man. He Iciivea aeveral aona be. eiileaiuanr relative and frit nil. to mourn In lu.a. Died, in thia town, nn the evening of the lllh in. Unit. l the reaidtnea i.f her ami. in l.w,''pt. VV. A Lueua. in lha 74th year uf her age, Mra. ANN 1IAKI.M WILLIAMS, widow of the lute W'u. Hugh Willi; nd only daughlrr .f the lale Jiae Fotu. (formerly of Fuyetlevillr,) hia fir, I wile Ann ( h.irlra, ol Virginia. Our h..e ia her gain, for we have every confiiieuae, .he .lied in Ihe nop. of a bleed iminortulny. L. The Fayetleville paera are reiueatcd lo copy. DRUGS ANIUIEDICIiVES. E.Nye Hutchison & Co., ltVIV COUKCSC, IJ.tiCLOTTi', .V. v., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOHFH.N AM) DO.llKSTIC Drugs, Medicines a Chemicals, l lit recetvtitjf ire a i the New York M whieh h .ve huen p fi . chaaed upon biirh lernt,ef a. to bt ...Id h.w f.,rc.. fc;. J We would rr.pec'fullyL; H i. c i i! the altentn-u of tiicS- 1 rutilic to our at I ! I'urr White I.e.. t low, I hn uie (.' . Sm.w Whin Zinc. Chrome Yel. rrn, Paria (Jreen, Uurul I'mbtr, j .1 Lend, lllark lasad. Litharge. V'cnitiau lftu, Lauip niMck, Drou . ri,.lM.r, lii I .".pini.h llrown. j li.ack, W hitn.g.- I aV'.xv BR tJV V ! M CWa j ; Fnglt.h F.uihiri, Furnilurv, Copal, Picture, Da. i mar, Grecian. j .0 E" .m. Taa. a j j II nr II ai.d ll. .t k. I ti a .. r. ! L.ii.trd, Tanner', Train, Lar.l, Machinery, Lu. ! hrit.iting, rieio.ine. S. a Klephanl, Pure Siierin, ' ; Ca,tt.r, Sweet, Olive, Co.l Liter, liurniug Hu'il, Tur . nlli.i , A cliol. Pure Ircneli Hr.ndv. Old ; M .ui lr. Wiur, Port .nd Sherry. L01..I..11 Port, r, ' Fr.ah Conerca. Waer,t itrnia .M.'t'nt Ice S.. j da Water, Canton Tea., liaker'a t hocolatr. For. i ngn Perfunitry, Sui.haie Huiini.r, Opiuui; Snufi', I Tob.eco. S. gar., Ac., Ae. I CU.toltt, June 14, leJ". Mlf 1 JUSJl.859. T. II. Kreiii & Co. A RK .flVr'ii; litx-rI inJiittPienli. to ptrioiia) w miiii tu buy J2 w w w w and pcrticularl v the Ladle.. Tin y arc aelimg tin. ir t ntir aloek of Pruilcd Organ.lir, J.i coot I tntl Swim Mii.Iiii., Printed Iterniie., (trcnauin. a and Clt.l it-,, at New York eo-t. They are ailling th. ir entire .lock ( t.ndif s Ifrctis iA, at New York cut. Ti.ey are at lln.g iheir entire rtoek of Si! k. (, C'ii p, Straw, I.eghon and Nuiipolilm at N 'II York eo.t. their tnlire itoi k of j ,:i,' ,Tl:inlU . I'itiiilt Ii:wI, at New York eo.t. : Tl.ty are r.llilig Iheir entire aloek of liiiibuiis ;;i:d 'iiiiiiiuin, at (.rrutly rriillird pner.. j Tin y re ellering liieir enure Heek of ii.ii; n xwuti , 11 ats. sttor.fs, ' ASH at treally reduced orien. Thev are delerniined lo reduee tower than u.ual. They invite you to txamine their .tm I. n.ucli I aod price their JUNE, 1859. A better Time Ctmiiig!! j UK AD, lXiNDKU AND ACT UPON IT.! ri'II L plan hua often .ii; grled it.ell to my mind 1 that it would be bttier for all purlir., (ii purehiner and llie ..aler.) to make contract, lor CASH ONLY in exchange for mercliandiar ; and , ,,r.ii;inee of that ulan I will. on and alter I It Finr f.-y of July n.xl. M Ll I OH CASH OM Y, belie Hint my I that we are equally interested, a. Iy ill be enabled to .i ll you Ouodi in HOO TS.SIIOKS I.KATII KILiif. for h .a money than I could po..ib!y do and have It. em go on at count. It la In your in Inn at to male your pur. tla.ea lor tii.h, a. -it will .are ou eurii pair of alioea, ten, lilleru, and I'nqiientlv twen'j. live cent,, and ...inetime. Ally eelila In fine .Intra a...l C.n.rr. .a Cilera: UUll Oil llool. I,U a..IIIL' w( bp , r ,, fiOy eenl. to one dollar La wv n i Py.irn'SK I fr ft? X k. i i -Ji ' ' M-r pair. For the.r rea.oni I am rnublrd to nnike I tin. deduction iu tin- prm of Hoot and Shoe. Fir.t. in all kind, of huiim win re credit n giv. cn there are ouiv bad debla, und many thai arr good do nit pay up promptly, thereby creating a lo.i in inlerr.t, winch will ,uni up hrivily where there i. much bii.nie..; 'ti true that many pay nu after a long tune, with ix per cent, ii tereat, hut that doe a not uu.wir in trade where money ia ! worth ten per cent. : The arrnnil, la nigligrn.-r or I forgelfulne.. on the pari of the in. reliant or the I cluk In charge the good aold t The third ii llie nccr.aity uf tinploying .nine une lo write up the I Hook. and in ike out the A. Coiint.. w hu h ainounta 1 to a loa. arnerally It rnird expen.e,) of frum livti lo .ix hundred dollar, i year. It there ..re become, me lo .lop up Ihe.e grrat drama from llie credit .y.tem, and aell you my BOUTS. SlintS, BRIICINS. LEATI1C11, ir, at Ihe great aaving to you of lell or lillecll pi r cent. Menhanta will find it lo Iheir intere.l lo make their iiurehana fiom ma, aa I hive all my gooiia maliularlurcd to older, and will .ell gooua a. Ihey can bo bought in New Yotk, ami will gua taut, e to Dl'PMCATi: ANY ORPKlion INVOICE pr,., 1 in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore or ( liarle.tou. Il i. tUU CASH ud C4A7 OS I. V. J. ii. V. ROOXK. JM, lt?j9. 'o J. G. WILKIN SOX S CO., DEALER JW ' n WATOHES. Jjr.VEI RY. , JK ,.,... Ej AND Nu. S.Grunite Rane,apioite the M irinti llue ClfAKLOTTK, N. C. A'tmlii.n fivrn loliciring Wutchve & Jewelry. June 7, IB.r.a. 1 3it" 1st X 1 1I K To n Tax Fiat i made eiil.vi.il i. now ''I in inv luinili, lor eolltjclion. Hit anaolulo. ly uvctuHTy tl.ul Tax T J wttl. ifiirucdiululy, oi iiioiicv it nt'ideri S. A. IIAHKIS, Tax CoUctor. Jut,, 7. IciU. '3if l.tlRf uorllt IViusile M-iuhiarj, (jir.-fii.biir.i', .V. yrv fB IIE nineteenth annual l L thia ln.litution will coi nun of J-rT Hit 3rd of Aujf u.t. IH.9. VPa The courao of Uidy la lli..roti n?h and Va2a ay,leiiiutie, euibr.eing tvervilung ne. cea.arv l a r.iin!rti',eolii! and urniinienl.,1 rduea. lion. The iI.'ll.lINiS are o arruiif mi n. loconi- bine lha comfort ul a llnflK- with Hie r r'agu of a M IIOOI.. In.trueura of the l.ig he. I qu hlieatn.il arc employed iu each of ll.c ll. p.il. meulH. TEIIMS: board, including waahiug, lighta and furl p.ir ae.. ion of five mouth ull Tuition in the regular cla.ee. - ,...90 00 Catalog aea eonlaemur all neary MrlweMlMia rr.pectmg ihe enur.e of Inriruclioa, Ttruia, Vc.. will be forwurrd nn application to lUCHARD STUlLING.rriocipal. GrtrtHrugli, N. C. Jtne 7, If 59. A iev Arrangement! ' F. have jui rrcivrd a general Slock o V kiuiia uf New and dr.irabiu SUMMER GOODS. ('nil anu our new ty le. of I.:..lll. DMSS GOODS, Lace Point., Bnin.cl., Hoop Skirl., lim. broidere.l. Shell lionnrl Pin,, ainellung entirely new. 1 In. Mock in uoon. ore nevi , anu navine. hueu purcha.ed late in the aca.'.a ' greatly reduced price., .nu Kill b rah than tne mie quality and n tin. Intlc village. We rr offer ii. ol our Si.iiiuirr Good, at r O&T. lil'.UWN i STITT. Muu 31, Iej.tr 113 A Crcat Battle to be Fiaialit ! 1 1 K aubairribrra inf.- n tlie lotto atnii viciniiy, t ho t tin :.H7fri nf ( l.nr. y luve on ha d yfl upwurtnttfit and :i ul Ki constantly rccctiti, a FUHNITURE offered pint of ,,. I uiornir to any thing that I1.1 vrr been ti.i.lj ill in line eeclloii. 1 iieir alociicon.it the lolluw ing arliclei : Sofia, Telo Teiea and I) v. Cane Bollolii Rucking Chair,, .Mal.og Sei.t Parlor Chair, and ituih Hull 1 Chair., Mahogany and ( tl.e U.,11.. 111 hoiking Chain, Wardrohr. and Bureau., Marble and Wood Top Centre Table., .M.ri.lo Willi Stand, and Sina,, Card and W.,rk Table., Mahogany and Walnut Fxlrmir n Table. Ml In "any, Fr nrh und Fluabeth Beualcius, What Not und Parlor Ile.k. t. iokii.g Ola.,e. from ti lo IT" I P .ir. Srll-Kt eking Cridlei and Ueelliil"g Cliuir., TurUer', Patent Sprinar-Hultom Bed.te.iua. Cani ii. wilii I...ne Netting, and Mo.euilo liar., (oil..? Furniture by the .rU Ircn and W.B..1 It it lt .e.v., Gill .M'.u'i.iiig of all ri7.e fur making CUn 11 11 J picture Frimci. ALSO tvrrr vinl nfmalrrial for .ale irrn.rJK u.ed by Cai.111. t Vlaker., luch a. Glut, L". Ilinee.. W'..lnut, Mal ns-any, c., At. Anu I... I, though not lea. I, wu ktrp hand a up:! v of Knob., ) :iV ih tiiilic Uiiriii! Cases J. M. SANUEHs .t CO. f aii.r, M.iy 3 , lrj'J. 11 If ( m r Itir 'l lit I' & S-;ili) llc.iil. T tliF .uti,eribtT I. mann liter u r ing and krepi -tail!) on hand, Soup for I etler, Scald Head or King w orm, and good to wianwilli tor al.yidlur rl.lll dl.eaac. Il Will til,o ta ae llaihl out of "i i liiuii ot t lothing. If uny pir.i.n ue. aire, to li.'ve ll to aell again.it Call be Had at a It- duecd price. 'I he Soap ha beer, tncu by re.p.ni aible pi r son i and in aa ia ' o be a err la in cure. The S .ap ran be had at Dr. E. N. II nichuon & Co.', Diug Store ami from the aubcriber. ChAS. T. E13KRIIARD. May 31. Iea9. Ml" Y 1 1 . M I . ( J TO DIC A C I ! . ISlaW STORE. KAIKNWEILIilUc URO'S. 'id duor Jrom T. 11. Brtin - Co. l Stoie. UAVF opened an entire New Slock of Fancy anu Staple Dry Goods and Millinery to wliicn I lie j invite the attention of the riticen. of tin. place, and lha aurrounoii'g cuuntry. Our Stork coiisi.la uf every vurnly unu of the lale.t atyli. Uich col'd lire. a Silaa, llolied liik Silk., Ill'k and col'd B.r.igea, French Jaconet, and Organ.lie., Jae't and Org'c liohe. und doubl Jupet, Punt, nf v.rioua atylc. and ali qualities, Beat quality ut Kid Glove., Pica. nick Mitt,, eoi a. bl. Collon . SUk Glove, llovirry, ol all kino.. Bonnet., Mi.aea A t'lnu'n Flat a Joe Lie. Bonnet Ribbon., Face Point, ami M .nulla.. Linen and Pique Du.trr., Table D ll ..k &L Cluth ; Dimn.U N.ipkinaaud Doyhe,, Fiuliroiderte, I'oiiip. dour and Picoh.iiiiniColl.ira a Se.lt., Su !. and Camhrii- I nil n, M .lietc and Valrncic Slcevca, .Mu.lin tV Lace Sle, vea, new deaigua, Finh'u Pocket lldkl., Hem Sin hen .u l Bor'd Ilkl"., Camb'c and Swi.a Fdgingi mid In.ertinga, Canih'u and Dunily it., ntfa a ml Flouncing., Li.le and French I h'u Lining, a. I nm liugi, ill'k Lac Facing., lll'k Lace Veil., Pre.. Trunin. nr, Frinje, P.raid, llulloii., A.c. Hoop Skirta of ull kind., 1'Uid and Striptd Home. nun.. Brown Shirting., and Sheeting, llie.'u Look Cluth Sliietinga, Cotton O.nuhurg., Mar.t illei Qi.ul,, and Al.o, a great variety ul fancy arlielea. W e offi r our Slock at remarkably luw price, and nini.il ki.v lor CASH. In addition to our large .lock nf Dry Cooda, we have on hand Ilia beat stock of Superioa. MUiuhj .Untie 4 ,77fl.V(., ral litMI'IS, S1IOIS, 11 VIS, ?,'7J? f tv i .rs, and a lurge aa.urlincnt of .r.r. r awn r.isii.s, AND w .iilil l i v .nm llai ttw.irr, at low pricer. May 2i, ie9- Iltf Notice. A I.T. peraon.are hereby eaulii.ned .gutti.! hun. afsL tu. willi gnua or doyr, nr Hhiue wiln net or tiiekli , or in uny wl,e tre.pii.Hiii), upon my l;niil.,ii. Ihe law in Mich ca.ra will be rigidly en. forced ng liu.t every ouo u oITi niinir. IUA I'ARKS. June 7, 18.59. Utf Notice to Contractors. i:o'03ALS fur tJniliiir.tr a N'kw CiroacH at JL rruriilci.ee, will be received until the ii.ith of June next. A plan und anrcifiunlinii. of the ( hurch can lie aeen at the i.fliue ol' ti e County r.inrt C'l.-rk, al.o ut the Frovidencu Po,t Office. Murktd pr.'piwulB my n.itlrriscij to W.Ai.M-it. .. ul Providence, N. ('. Fropo.iila will he opened at the Old Diureh. on : lha day above apoeifieti, itl IU o'clock, A. M. and ' contract ent.-rcd into. i N. II. Bidder are in f.iriiit il that there ia two Steam Mill, in .ucce.al'ul opemtmn, and thai luin. ! her can lie obtained iu ubuudaiiee in the immcui. ale vicinity. N. M. ST11T, It. (ililKK. Col J.A.DUNN. ' J. N. 1U).-.S, J. S. KKID, J. K. 8AMPLK, W. 51. MAT1HKWS, Ituiltiiny Committee. . - tM .Ui 3!, Is. MMM Il (MCOI.I VI MILITARY INSTITUTE, Clnti !(-. .. C. T K Fxrrri.e of lhi Inatitute will conunence the l Oi lt.lnT next. FAC I LTY EI.KCT: Mi. t II. HILL, Superintendent. Liri'T C C. I.KE. oinnmndnnl, C. P. tSTlLI., A. M , Princ .mil of Primary iXpartinent. Course nf Stiaits : In the Prirnurj D. parlmeiit, uch a. to qualify a Sliinenl l enter any College. In the Scientific Oep-.rtiiicnt tlie Weet Point (urricu I uin will he elnarly followed. It will b. aim of the Profe.for. to make Surveyor,, Kngi neera.Ciiemi.l.,aiid men fit fur the practical buri al obtained al j In aiidilion to t lit uam.1 :rri. at Military auld at lower , Sch.a.U, the month, of Auu.t and Stptemher I can be had ill ; w, ,., i.t in l-aiiipairuu,. thiougli the uioun ; a great ninny (jn, of fi,ih Carolina. The Afadtmie Ytur will conimencr, on the lat (lay of October, and will embrace twelve inonti.a. A furlough nt two month. (Aue-. and S. pi ) will be Enen to Cadet, at the end ol their iee.nd j e-r Particular attention will begivm to the mural and uhgiuut iMttfuoion ol I'auiU. FXPFNSLS: The lurtitiite will piovnie Board, Fuel, Light.. W'a.hinj, Arm., FqaipmenU und Luiloriii,. and all vloiiiin? except under clothe., for fctfOV 11111 A V. y. one half payable in advance; the balance in .ix monlha. txlia ihatpei. Nu n mi. ,1011 of cliargt to llio.e w iiu leave jiiit,. ou II. t arore of health. TKH.VS iF A DMISSIO: No one will be noiiiitttd inio the Pbim.hv L'x Fakthknt under Tmelvr year, ol age; nor int.. the Scientific ParaaTAii-NT under Filien nor nver Twenty. one jeara of age. A II coi. ut rted with tin sclcf)t,nc Depariiiienl will be 1,'juiied to board in ,,e luitnute- th.,,. in the Piiuiary Dt parliiitnt ir-iy do .0 it they choo.e. REMARKS: The In.tilule Ituiluintre are l!ie large, t, mn.t ehgant and comuu.diou. for tl.e nceninuiodation nf f aula in the Southern Country ; anu I Ik Board ol Dirt etur. truat that under the njnn. fi mint of I In Superiiiiemlt nt and Coiiiiii.iuuant, (toth itf uiom air Or.. m.ati ol t e,t Point and of lul. expt r. cine iu the Army, anu in the hu.ii.cM of in.tiuc to n. tlie Inaliliile will be erl.,hli,hi u on a true Military bh.i, ai.d eouuueied nn true Military prineipha. The hoard will further a..y, that Mr. laSTTI.I. ia a Gruduatu of the Virginia Univeraity and an experienced Cla.aical teaciier. Tlley would further elate that it ia their intention to increuae the nuiuorr ol' teacher, in both Depart. lent mm llaa Halr..nare ol the politic ma y Tl f 11 ire. Thia In.tilutc wa, granted a liberal Charter by the Lei'i.lalure of Norlh Carolina, with Ihe power ot conferring Degree, uiajn Ihore who complete the pre.crihed Cour.c of Studie.. IT Aiiiilit-.iliona tor a.imiraion will he received until llie lat of Sei.trmher, and mu.l he directed to Dr. C. J. Vox, lit. lull. t of tne Uoa id, Char. lutte.N.C. a j. f x, i JAS. J IRWIN, I f II. I.aK. ALKXANDKU, JAS. II. CAK.SDN, I 5 THUS. II. liREM, S. M liLAIH, " DAVID I'ARKS, J Cljilotle, My III, lh.19. 9lf JjTATK OF .NOUTH-CAKOLINA, MCCKI.KNDL'ItU COUNTY. Sujjei ior t ' .. it of J4tv, ?jrig Term, 1?59. ORDEKKD by Court that a Special Term of tin. Court "be held ou the kua Monday o" Ju.y next. Test : J. B. KERR, Cl-rk. May 16, 18j'J. IU0 ILT'Suitora uud witness in civil caiea will take notice and attend. Clothing Emporium. ONCE MORE, irii-nda and patroi.a, e invitc you to vint the Kinporiuut utui tx uniiic Uu lurckl, brat-iniit'. unti ciirapei-t ilock of SU3I3IEK. t I.OTIil.f; evtr offerrd in WeM. rn Curolinn. We any thr lM';i tl, bt-cauae we t ur food ililTercnt ly fiom of.y otlirr buiue. W'k buy Ihe m-vteriitiV tr'Mii the iiitpurtera and jotibrr and in.iiiur. clurt- tliu clothing uurnii.Tt'ft, thereby aivin the inunu. frtclurir a prutii. All we cm wth ot the peol ia In give Ui trial, and we are confident wc c.iii aell. every article, to customer, and will make good any ucficiency that may orcur iu material or ma king. We are now receiving IDS Black Clolh Cn.la all grade.. IhJ " French . Eoir. Iirapd'Fte Frncki i Sacka 120 " Alp icc and Quern'a ' do do 7.". F..n.v C.-.imere Sl'ITS. All Pi.ui' A. Fancy Mar.eille. do 300 Sp nii.h Linrn a. linen Duck Sack. a. Sacktecrs. I"tillilii, srtMi Ar Co. .Vny 17, 18?9. 1 Utt jui i;ivii, 20.t Pairs Black Ca..imere P.nla, 45 ' Fancy a?i " Plain k Fane. Lin. n i. Mai.ii!!.. Pal. at FI LLINGS, SPRINGS A CO. I KI LLINGS, SI'MM CO. ve received at0 Bl i I .NO F .i i.NO k Satin ud tig'd. Grenadine Silk Vi 'y d Plain Linen ami Mir.- ille AT Al l. I'll K FS. Furnishing (icods! Funiishing (louds! 40 d'l. fanry l. while linrn m.ir.'irs bo.om Siiirt., 5t " Ilyron, standing and Picolouuni Collar.. ALSO Glove.. Ilo.it-ry. Slock., Cravat., Silk I, ne Tit., Silk and Linen llaudkeichli (,, ol all qua III.. and prtcea. IT'LLINGS. SPRINGS i CO. lFI.I.I.NGS.SPRINGS 1 I O. have u lurga Siock I Ca.Himire, Silk and I,tg. Hill, bought of the manufacturer by the ca.e. ALSO urn A Inrrr .lock of Grnta and I.adje 7 it .VA S, from lo aja I j V.I ea and Carpel U- gi. Notice. VLL neron are hereby eaulioned afain.t hun ting w nil gun. or dog", or (i.hing with net or tackle, or in anv wire irr.pua.inir upon my laud, a th law ih urh case will be rigidly en forced .rain.! everv our so oft. ndmir. A. BREVARD DAVIDSON. May 10, ISJ9. 9 3u if liiiuui II. C. 3LALCJLM, i PRACTICAL MARP.LE ft' ITER, reanectful ly iiH'oriii thi oublic, llmt he l.a. opened a 31 A It D la H YAKIJ oppn.itc the M .ii.ioii lintel, where he i. pr.-nnn. to fill all ordrra with dr. much for MUM'll F.N'I HF.tU ST NKA. TAHf.K TOPS, and H kin.1 of Work in tho Marble. Linr.i.f either IHPOIt'l F.D ITALIAN or AMKUIC'AN M A R HLF., Ifaviiig mailt arraiu'iineiila by which he Cin procure the lejmaTra Itnlnin Mm priuta, lie can till all urdtra for M at redured Ac at i I.I.I.- lie uolild he hiippv to h .all i irou. of ireal nriia of M.iT. ,-lvi,. in Ihe hu-i. n ii. .11 to put. inn line, to call r. ml .ee .p ble, htar priee. ami jm'ife fur th Having had 25 year'. exHri ne, h- will give hi. per.t.n.il . tine un Monnntrnla. &e. .Voi.aury, Mmj 3, I bolt. mm. wmm.$k. CI. TKKASL'KFU'S OI Fl 'K. W II.MI.NrJTON. II A It I.O'i TK.V Itl "I'll Kit I OKI) HAIL HO.VO. . VllIMiTO, May 7. lrt.'S. IN CONFORMITY wilh uu order of ll.o Board c.f Director., notice ia hereby given, that a .peciai nirt tiPs;or Itir AMLi.rao.f tin. Coin panv, to cnn.ider the oniinunienta u.aee to It. charter by the General AwivLly of North Ciiro lina at ita la.t ,e..ioli, will b h.-ld in R -.i.-h i n jf -ham, Kichinond county, on th add uayuJur.e nut. DAVID S. COWAN, Ktcrelary .nd Tiea.nn r. May 17, !o"9. US Tin no and .Music Store. flOIK Suh.rribi r kerp. contiiiuuliv, on hand S Piano, made bv Steinway A Co., Nnnn'. St Clark aiidoll.c. mulier., of N. w York. Which hu I mil aril at tiir lnwe,l r..t. a for C.t.v,iir irooil pa. j p.r. Al.o, the lute.i Mu.ic on hand, at No. IMI Mnin.trert httwein the Kjih.ige Bank and the American Hotel, t ol SAMUEL GARDINER. May (lh IPoH. " Durgains,Barg'ains,Biirgaii;s!j OCR cntirr iimk of MIJ.I.IM.I; Y GOODS i.J for n.le at f f, cui'iftinj.' ot the Ultat and be.l atjlci of Bmiiifit, Flats Infnnt Huts Tlonp Skirls, Brits' Trimmii!?. .Hills. 1 inrn lliiiidkrrthiffs I fulliirs, AT., Mr. II AW LEV k WINl'LE. May 3, 169. til j "AW'OS Land lor Sale. T HE auhacriher, bun? ile.iroua In n move from lha country, oiitr. lor .ule tl.eejeian. tation on which .lie now rt nut ,, lying 4 mile from Charlotte, cn ihe Wctcrn Plank lload, con. taining 50 rcrc. Tne laud ia of good quality For particular., enquire ol the aua.cribir on the premise.. Mkh. A. W. STEVENSON. April 10, IS.'.". 5tf Hotel lbr Sale AT MONiJOE. NORTH CAROLINA. .. , f 1'HF. subscriber l ing e.i wYb. B of ela.iipil.p i M'Mfrr for aale tne "L'.MU.N UO. TLX." Ilouae i. siluatcd in the thriving Town ot , N C., conri niciit to the buaiur.. portion of the Town, and within about one hundred y.-rd of the track of the W. C. A K. Railroad. It u nearlv new, contain. ,eienf.in room., well fur ip.hed, (the Furuiliire biing offered furs ilc win thr llou.i ) a fire pi 'ce to ti.ry room, uhn, conve n in. t out hou.ts. Stables, Ac. Al.o, One Hun dred Acre.nl Land adjoining. Ilia age di.qualiliea tt i ut f..r longer public life, he will therefore .ell luw, giving any reii.on.ible lime for payment, ror fuither lnlorm.itinn apply to Hit subscriber, or my friend, Kev. L Leui. ir. nd, C.amatu, So. C JAMES UlCKET. May 24,1 e5D. Ha " NECJio nm "sale. BJV.n Order nf" the Court of l'quily. I will M P txpn-e to .air, ut tiie Public Square n.Chur lotle, un Tuesday, the iUl of June next, a Likely Negro Man, a good and tru.ty hand ami a tolerable IllackMnitli, belonging lo the e.latr of Andriw lit uiitraon.de cta.td. Tirma made know n on the day of aale. D. HENDERSON, Aim'r. Mya 31. lt).",D. IU Vn aMeal. 'E hive PFA MKAL fm at the mill, V for feeding cow. and other .lock. Family Fiour Warranted, Fxira, Superfin and coarse always on hand, al,o Corn Meal ai Grita. JOHN WILKES & CO. .tri 13, D-53. 6tf TAXI.S. fHlIIE Tux Li.ta lor llie year IHS.rt imw in, J. ,,i v hai.ua for inspection. Tlnmt liable to' uav Tax'ea will pUa.e ron.c forward and .etllr. J E. C. GRIER, Slictiff. ! A,rii 12, KV,D. htt To -f 1OTT0N GINS. Mantel's. f the b. .1 quality, ' V' null aws, lielivered ad La dini; in Ihe State at !-'-' per Fur particular. ( J. M. ELLIoT. W iinboro', S. C. A to il 19. l?o3. Uj- priminma . November lo.iS. Male l iilr. J . M. E. FIJI SU A K K 1 Y A I. OF c ox i;i:ni on HOI N'l .v llt'NTr.I. yAS u.t received a fresh supply of t'AN DII-.S, ot ull hind., also Citron, I urranl., Raiainv, Figs, and a varutv of Nots. Call at HOl'STON tV HUNTER'S. I Dour Ea.tof the Court llou.e. CkarUlt.Oci. So. lo.".H. 33tl vi' i:.o v iuvr:, (Ule Slevcnsoii, llowt-n Jk Ne.uiilh) haic a....cia. It d with Un in D.ANIFJi M. ZIMMUIJMAN, formerly of I.ininlnion, N. C.. umi r. inonV to the large .tore No 53 North 3i J St., between Market and Anh, where they will continue the wholeaule IJItV GOODS ursiM.ss with an increased Block. JM4d!Ni, Feb. 7, 1859. US-f.u.F XBW3IARBLBYARDJ- I Th I Mom "Tim TlarUolaj. i t.RRECTkD HI OATftS It WILI.IAMU. UUAtiLOTTK, JLNB 13, 105. BACON, llama, . ' Side., .. ...lb.. ,..lb ...ill ii .. II f.i) 12 ....HU If ... 10 (-, no ..211 t"7 ... i ( ...It In; J ...J-a 4 ! ....I'D i'lj B ....On (. 0( ....UO hi) ,...n () H ...I2J (.., 14 ,.Xl 9 .-"Hi Oi, 33 ...t5 f' 50 ...-.'j (" 0 . .r Ii f.V li ... I H (n. W ...I'.'i fa, 15 ...:. o.j 30 ..ID (... 12J ...fl 64 ...31 fo, 3lii ...3D fo i- ...li'i (.,, 13 S (-. 6 ..I6 On ,.$3llU (... 3i0 .. (.0 (y bt ...3't (.., 4U ...!)o 0-j 1 f.r f.tl .... 5 -0 00 .. i f e, ...45 (, CO ... 7 f.r 71 ...711 (, 7.v ....! (n. 175 .....in fi. 6(1 ...4 f.r' (J ...14 (; 1 ... St It ... 8 '.'. 9 ..lit) (. HU Iu, l .ISU (.i LOT ...10 (.. 10 ...4." (. 55 ...41 (' 45 ...i7 f... "Jrl ...rJ .I'jU fl- If5 How i Shoulders, 'tagging, Gunny, . tcef - lutfr tee. wax, - tc'jns iranilv, Apple " ' Peaol Coltoli Co lire . Ido ' Java, 'a mile.. Adiiuiiiutii " Sperm., .... " Tullow ...lb., lb....... lb. ...... lb ...hual.ei, , Sl lb lb .... lb .- ib.,... Hi IL ....oil. he! . ... ..each ... . ...ynri ... y are ... ...df'7on . hbl.. he.... II Ih II...... ...hhl No I Kill.... If l k'-l ... bil.liel. Cnickmi Clnt!i.C"i;.fra Lind.cy I K.a. ' Flour Feather. ; Lar.l 1 Million , Mackerel Molaa.ea, N O W.I Me Mullet, (Wiiiiiitigtu .saiia. rS'irtherll, ...... Southeri Out Pork.- Pea.,...., Pol.. loi, Iri.h, " Swrcl !tic. Suifar, Loaf', ,)... 1,1.1. . -IW.... ...hualie'... ...'.ti.hrl... ...hil.hrl... ...huahrl... Ib lb Ih. ....... rlolltt-'are. Salt, Tr Wheal, villi. W hi .liey.Nortli. N.Car l,(hr,l(;c, It.. I.. unwn.h'ji .... halt.... Yum, i; lm auks. N. culti.n ,el!ii (;. toi. I MilA AiARKLT. lit im.ia, June 13, 18. 5. C'OTMlN There lua htm lilt or no eottoft I'criiig in the . ml ki t lor tie pa, I wnk quota .... ..rt cut: a. i ,n n 1 1 y oti.iliid. IJ oi l!.l I. N lioj.-ojnd, i oi;: , PKAi oats J i.wi. i; r. ii i hi lm a, yj hi, (; til) ...j3 ( Hai;i.i.sT(.:i maRkFT. I iiari r.rein. June 10, Isi?. tOTTCV Tl.flt- .. a quiet im.rktt to-ouy, tile i,t, l.-ling t't in llli.illU to 241 ball., at 11 . iii ui,i. Three Ladies, ! I.f) e.r. w..cr tn th I Iu. Ila tinalng d buei. i try. Dial he Mi'l 11..1I1 ii, I I. arlo tie. W.-rc In preoari d to lur. H, lo the pub. unt, ou the short- DOORS, LI.INDS AND ! :i the imi.t re..Mitiak:e lerim .mail claim, for work the country, he i. delor. i-tiiud of uumg buaiiita .1 tn md hrifitptr tctU rr.uiir e .-VaV B B a, I (ot Wlirk dons in his Machine Shop, before re moval. Ptc.T, t?oJ. 39 6m lt)M HAVANA I.OTTIallY. 1 . e next ..r.linnry .Ira wine of llie Royal Ilua ni Lottery coiidiicte'd hv the Spa ni.h 'ioyertiiuer.t. under the .iipervi.ion of the Captain General of Cui, ill tuko .lace at II. trail a oil TU I'M) A V, June 2$, IS50. 3330,000- SORTED NL'MERO 60 OKPINAR10. AI ITAI. IMilXi: !liO,0! ul 6I00.4IOO I I . prir..aolVl,000 .NO.OUO j I j 1,10J i.O0O 1 74 " AOQ IC.O00 I 143 " -101 lO.ODt) I Apr'xiiu'. .!0t i.xiiuiitiona to tl.e a 1 i-U.ct I' uU0 escl.; 4AimroMi, 4 oi 4',m to 1 S -400 to I !h. I ! Wln.il Tiel I -,i.,a.U I Hill, on a. I i Attrawine in, i" il: 4 ..I' It'll l" SjII.OUO; 4 ot I'; 4 il tf-at'ii ia .lli.bfli. lr.'ii, II ,.w.$l"; U( a. rim 13 it S per e k, t.ikcu li'.td ai i 0. .count. ir. n a the r : It., til tl.e 'r-lli ol Jund Kill be allelilltd to. Pi r.oiis nrd. ring Tiekt ta will ploa.e u n't then nanus piaiu and gut then poat cliice, counly aiij Vim, A. Owens, .4 TTOIISE Y al T 1. A JV . 1 II AItl.O C I F. . C. ? ILI.pl.iHue in tne Courts oi Mecklenburg V J anil Ihe urrouiii:mi: eo.iiilu,. UJ Oftiec nearly uppo,l llie Po.l Otfirr. Ju. ili. IS5. 4Mf WITNESS HCKETS, for the lountj aud Superior Court, for la'.e bcr,. i " III) ha.el....l a.ioc .p. r.in.e as leach V tr,, waul tu pli.i in i.t lor .tiolt. Thty will teach the Kicl.-n III an. I.. . mm Mum on lm I'l. lio lortc. l.i.qui.i ul ti c W Ii. u t.ilhie. Ju. i, . 'J. 4.1.3m U V til I.f) i:.(.l rrrpeelfnlly ilu.na nt ( iiari.it.- ii H I