Firm the Amrriean Mr0$enger. GOV HULK I'll." Agricultural PLANTATION WORK FOIt JUNE. This, being tli first summer month, brings The j-tirti',e and! fah of God'i cLiM ren us fully into the plantation work of the sea- re trieJ by adversity. Many think the son.. The work in tbe corn is now ripidly Lord is for them, hi le they succeed ; but to be completed, that we nny gire our en quickly jutl-e that he In tarncd acainst . ,Uen.j0D t0 the cotton crop. Tbe corn thrm, whin their plans are lrustrated. , . , . . ... . ,, . 1 . . .. i . i crop of the planting Slates tbe importance j he y thua txp.ct Ooil 1? accept and ap-1 r 8 prove thrir way r.nd doing, rather than WHICH, to our success io me plantation ring thorn to his ; to make their earthly economy of the country, it is impossible) )ol on ol ouUard peace, romfort, am) liou-' pro,,erT t0 estimate -is tbit month to be or, rather than oi .Wipiit.o and trial -, dj ' of llf what tormed ,,,e H. nee tliev see i.o i(oodueM, receive no fa- 1 '. .,,.. ,or, as tbey think, except iu proportion as work of u '"SS "V- Tb.s n alwiyi a God speeils them in their wihes, and makes critical period to this very valuable crop, the wmld appiaud. from varioua causes, the aiost disastrous of If ihev are doturbed in their "rest. SCAUR & CO. CHEMISTS ASD DRUGGISTS, en t ki.o i ti;, m. ESPKl"l Tl'LLY call, the' atten. Urn. of Ph vaiciune, II, inters, Coun- Gas Works, rilHG subscribers respectfully inform the pen. M. tic, that they ore prepared lo erect Gas iMOltK TO 131! ADMIRED THAN THE HIGHEST DIADEM Works for liuht-n, Ciliea. l'uwna. VlMnprn. Col- 1 Worn liy Kings or Emperors. I try Merchants, Vc, lo their lrpe and entire satisfaction lo lhe riturns of those places, i - earttully elected Muck ol DKL'CiS. As lo qaaiiriculioni', promptness snd oMliiy lu J7hat? Why a CeaUliful Head of Half. erossed aud aiilicted, they ai e ready to mur mur, and a. ruo-t doubt liod's faitbfuluess ; and as they sec their foes it.creae, and evil doers lriuu;ph, they are tempted to say that (rod is not able to re-traio them, or that he is indifferent to the wronge and suffering! of I n veopie Iu the bitterness of their j'ritf, they exclaim. " Where arc thy mer ries to thy ftrvj:,t la there a God that J ' ' . . thee ia tin ltiesfinn Then, ia m freest fft In tin. taie ol wind, we are in danger of t . .1 . , , , , . . , ver.-tty of opinion among planters on this J " . ' . r . subject, many preferring to work their corn which, however,, i tbe work itself. Tour corn, on !nd that has keen properly pre pared and judiciously worked up to this time, is crowing thriftily and doing well, and ia beginning lo shade the land to a con siderable rxtent. It is now proper that you stir and puWerixe the surface soil, de stroying all young grass and weeds, and thus "lay it by." That this last working of corn is oft. a JcUied to too lute a period TO PHYSICIANS. Dr. Churchill's New Remedies for consumption Ilypopbosphit.s ol Sorts Sl Pol:.h. ALSO Compound Syrup of the II) nnptinsphitri. Yi'hmI' II ir Itt's-ttu A fresh supply of this valuable preparation for the ll . it. LINSEED OH, TRAIN OIL t-PEKM Oil. W INTER LARD OIL ALhO No I Copsl VAn.VlSH -a .. 3 Fine Damar Ctwch " Jspnn " Leather " Ac. form all cintrcli entered into, they ref( he fiillowinr; yi'iilleini 1. : J is. It. 0, Tres. Chn r. fin s WorV s, Chs r. N.C. Win. Jnhiiktoii, I'rt-s. t'hur. A - C. IJ. !' " " Dr.T.I) llogg.l'res liil.liii Aa. Ki-lrigli, " (':. ::. II. YfUI.(I, Wsverlv, Miss. A. (i. Slorv, Fres. Works, l.iltle Fulls. N. Y. F. T. Story. Fupl. lias Works, Wnteriown. N. Y. W. S. Sclminrr V Co.,S31 lVsrl St., New York. Aildress the rlcrilcr l Bsl iph. N. C. . WA'IKIIIIOUSK k 1JOWE8. I Srpt. 14, lB.'iri. 27lf I . . ' .' , i- ' m ' even after it has commenced silkiii ... . , , ill proper deference to th With Hi-t r wnrn my, wIjo protrss 10 t. ' 1 , ,. , this d good, or who huiJ houored stations, prsc ice an evil wors, ct ccntiue ajjsiu-t us, !;,) hfm to prosper. liut be not too ha'ty or unbeliesirj in your core iions; you caunoi uisceru the he '.t intnd of Oo'i. nor understand all that is in bis heart. You do not ertu under stand petitrtly your own uceMties and interests. Ood s iidou: surpases yours, and Le would bring you to follow it; hi urge a more econotuical and profitable prae tie iu the managemer.t of this ralusble crop. We have iusUtcd on it that the seed should not be planted until nature bis clearly indicated the cpeuing of Spring Thus secured against the contingency of se rious injury from frost, your corn grows off readily and rapidly, aud where it is proper ly cultirated, should be " layed by'1 early wits are more prf. rt than yours, and he "... ' , " j 1 1 .l to silk and ta.-cl. 1. v ...... t. r. 1 .1 11 d,s.n.o.t and bu-nMe vou. that he may i I'""" B"TJ p.r.w ne sur- j, -'.it. . 'face, dettror the young weeds and erass. LAMiitiri ir .-m'av ci:or GARDEN SEEDS. AH the choice ssrirties of Gnrden Seeds. Pcs, Brsna, Beetv, Cshh.ige, Parsnips, A c. Asparagus uu, niiitbai b tr I'ic Ilant, with, BI.VK. (.It ASS. 1KCIIARI GK4Ss Ai-. Jan. 4. teo'J. 43lf TILUKN'S ) F 1 11 i 1 K x t r a c t s . j 8CARR Al CO. cii 11 the itUi.tiun nf lite .Mt ilirnl ( Profmiiuti to tlictte rlt'pmt pirt.irution mo adnii. ! mbly luitrii fur tho t xtemnriiiieoua prrpurntuin n Tincturci. S vrunn. V inen. tfce. wrurnir the de- 1 tli worl MaOUiU te periormpd WltD lOl- ; irblr nbjecl ol amritrnuly ot utrenclh. . avoiding by ail rceana the euttins or man giiog the rcots. Vbatevtr may be your the ory and practice in " root pruning" duiing the early work in your corn, withhold your , pruning implement oi '. aa the functions of every root the stalk now has, are required , to 6 1 up and make plump the grain of corn. No Phvaiciiin should he without thtin. For sale it SCAKR i CO. '3 DRUG STORE, Cimrluttt. Window Glass, riillv, ftilinj. 1' I. , c, Low c..r e.-S,.t 8CAIIU k COS, Druggists. t.c to ro o jt and earn or1 . . , . ,, , . . . , , 1 . , ,1 ., . : tnot-t c.ear, that ail worn in tbe shape of I id wLst she could, prsred , , ... , ,, , r, . I , , o . r plowme, should te withheld after the fruit- : c;ou and Ljnor jou 10 the future. Our col 5 litres iu (od should uot be shaken, let wlat may occur. He rciBs supreme, as tr y in the cloud and Moral as in sun-si-, vt oer tre ccnluci Ci" the wicked, as ok r that cf tie goo i. There was true pirtT a' well as Christisn s-ff r rg (jr want of fyjd, snd Dear arv- . , ,. , , ... , . , f , ter estatliiihed than this, and it is therefore 1 uj a jj, ijo'j 10 nn tier ,ood. J;m( imrjious waira 1 . , , , , iti sea.'.on commences i"ta ter prayer, ilu moui-ni 10 play a trick upnn Lrr; o tby procured bread, and thrw it aon her chimney, and then watcl.ed to -e the 5rt. Mie ri-ceive J . nrct irom ij : u in anwer t) r''.if-r; and k n-eli::; do n, thstiked li m t:r g er I! jt tHey thereupon, ex- p-enrg o ejre wc! Ler p:rty, entered ... . , . .... . Mill's AM) '1 III III t.Mtt.of.S and t,,d that (her. snd not G id. bad " V "U, f"' ! .,4 w-t k.d. .1 ; prop.,,,. re,..un. rat... , se, t i er ,i,e bread ..v. riv " said she th' U. PUt1fd. 00 Uod 'P"'!7 ' , 0r,rr..m. ' ' , Ij ..!. ,,t ,ti.' , . eas are Quite as injurious to your corn as j .. , . ., .. ... r hi , nr it,, 1 jf ,j fit i.-rrit lirousnt it. u 1 It is aimed, in the nrfanuti n of tins Co. to ,t i. in .'I ;i wi'b - evil - a. .! as WU U 'm u,ou'" of wtf'd fro-l.y.t . sufe rnernnm for lofl.-.onily .,t i-rA ;i ti . i i'ES anions; it, but we submit to the injury I i'rotection to il.e niured in esse of Loss. a j .-... ,uU4 utained or trie eorn, in tbe beuebt " rf'' wUh fa; ottaiued b (he ftoek fr001 lhe p4M. to p.:us a,e .,1 fron, biu, though tbe' COTT.N.-Uo to this time the cotton baa received comparatively little attention be voud planting. It is troe the cotton gene rally has been " barred aud chopped out ; " but this work, entirely unnecessary to the ir.teret cr properity of toe oottcu pli'jt, Atlantic KUTUAL and FIRE Insurance Company, cxst-rniM t in. t. r.. On new U:id peas .,orrj a,. . ,a, -,. r, f .v,M may be som brsadeat at "Jaying by,"j Carotin. they iil do well and shade tho ground ear- ! j.i 1 y ; it is. however, a waste of seed on old ' 'l1'1 Company beine duly orE.,ru, d, is now "lexh.uate-i land; they should bave been' X prepare to iceeMe sppl.e.i.o,,. fo, in.ur- IT btnt nfUu'lJ. rt'.' BUILDINGS, mERCBAKLISE, tl... ., l v ,, ,u ,1 F.iri.llMr.-, viil!, i.iiliMlrlrs, A LARfTEaro f'OVI'I.ETE ASSORTMENT ,' of Plain sod Japaned rM? rXaa SSI st Wholesale or Retail, lower tlinn ever, at S T. WKISTON'S 7 in ami t-tcvt Shop, k FT"W of th.,.e superior P!..nislied T.a and i CorTee POTS, to wlc by S. T. WRISTON. fJiOILET SETS, a superior article, for sale S. T. WIUSTON'S. aplASH, P.ert, Spree and Dreaain LOSES fi V su:e Dy 9. T. WRTSTOX. RITTAMA TEA SETS, for sale st S. T.WKISTON S. I'AT'iR COOLEr.S, a first rate article, for V V sale by S. T. WRISTON. Spooas, fgiABLE Cl'TLEflY, Cook's I JL Fleah Forks, Ac. tor tale S. T.WRISTON S. f ASSER'S Patent Ice Cream FI.'EFZr e P1"' XTJa beat rrecsers now in use, tor sale by .S. T. WIUSTON. fart hWt-j----i l caui-e it it tltc tirtii.uipiit Hod himne -f p.orijrd fi-r hit our ran. Rv.itU rt lihnli Ik rom may : lilnnni rvrr m brightly in llie '"R chrrk, tlic I r r hr rrr ft njiar k liup, the tt-rtd be ihon. ui'vtl', 1 1: li'f liD.-ul ih tit n il itt itK rirvcrii, nr lhe Imif he iiiirlrtl Mini tlirit lnt, AnA and itiy, or wurir (it, : it' uprinMeu w illt rn j , nuturt; wilt ic mori tVi.iii h.ilf her cluirintf. Vti, WihuW Il-iir If rlnriiliv, ' i I u'd lo ur tltrto tiiiM wet k, w ill rn-d-rt' uml pfriiiniti'iiHy M'curc tu nil vurlt mi ornuiMLOt It' cud : ttin tbllowt.iif, uml jtn'ce. 'J'iie rit"r o' 1 Uu fir! i i the celebrated l'ianitt Ttmihtrg: l)n.Voon: New Vurk, April Il),!8.i9. i)rmr -Mr, Prrinil niu t eluruHH tu jou Ilia ob. lig .tion 1 am under Tor the ruttre rfftoratmn o( nif liuir Iu il nrigiiitii color ; ubtiut the time ot" my nrrival in Ititt t'liiltd .ttltn it w-tai rnonily (tuhi. rH gr' V, but (Kin the applicalinn f your," Hur HVattireitive it mnn rfrorered it ttngninl hue. I conriiier four Kot'tr ttivc i m very moh .crfui invcnlton, quilt! cri'ienri'tii n wi-lt h upr.e-iililr, I aiu.deur nir, your tftiiy, S. 'I ll ALLtl lVyrli a'r CJwli.dyi!et." We!nh NewapMr oflire, l3 Nia'.u pt., April 12. I'nor. O. J. Wood: Pear Mr, Sntno mnnih or ai wi-rki.'0 I received Ix.llle of your Huir Re. atom live and p.. ve it to tn V, hHu v Iio rnnclud'-H to liyiton her hxir, little tntnkihg at the tunr lliHt It wnuld restore the gray Imir In ila original col. j or, but to her aa well aa my aurprtFC, )Mer a few j vri eka nnl il ha perrbrnirti that wonWr?ut tlTcct by turning alt lite g ry hair ( (trk brown, at 1 the a.i m u tune beDtiltg' nnd tliiekeitinc the hair. atron!y rcniiociid the a bote Krutora five to all piraoi.f in t of Pitch rh.tiH' of i j thtir hair. niAHI KS ("AKHKW. Ntw Yoait. July 2.5, Ifc.'J. ror O. J. Wimp: U'nh eoofitlenre do I rt. ' j eonimtnd your Unir Restorative, b- inj; the init i f ffjrarKiua .Trtlt !s I Mrr m. F.nrt- unlit' 'Ur' II -sir Keetornli vt- rny htir and whrnkcra w Inch were ; jnlinnfil white have gradually grown dirk J and 1 ! iVel roiifi ii nt thut i more iippltrntiotia will re. j ' liuni l their rulurtl eotor. It aim ha re. l j Iievt-d me ofjll tisinilrutf tnd ''I jctirnnioii amonj per son a who pcrepirt free If roi j. c;. hirr.Y Fiioe. Wood About two year ajjo ntv lair j eoiiinieticed Jilting uti and lurking g"-v ; 1 wa I t'l bcct'tiiHtg btl.i.and had tried many llemtdica ' lo no rflVxt. 1 cutoinuni-eij unn; your Realnr. j live in January laal. A few apphcatitma (a ten. ' ! ed my hair nrmty. It bepnn to ti.I no, ernw out, I and turned back to ita former coUi, ( At I , this tune a it fully restored t. ita original vhr, : heaith, and apvvrii)ce( and I chrerfullv reefttn. ' mend iU uae to -.11. J. V, (IML.S. . I rniejgo. I!!., May I, 1457. ! The Rtat-Mtive pul up in hntlW-a of 1 9r, Itc, nx-linm, and imM ; the -it.i'l .r,,). , nd rtttil tiironed'dUr per U.u ; ttc in-. . liia nt least, lw ntv per mil in. re in pro. porto.n than the mull, retail fw turn ?filUr pr botlir; tbe large hold a qiprl, 40 per cent, umre in prnrnrton. nd rrtjila for 1. 1 (I.J U(M! CO , Prnpnrtora, 4M Drmdw v, 1 w Vora.and I 14 Mimtl Sl .Si. .inp, .hmo , fold bv Hit ffood )MlL'LMis,.il K-nrv ti ,..!f )c. era, and in L'lurlottc by S.'ABR & CO. . . - f ag'i'i ' ' i&r(N i I .i m f S.H.RAfJS0M.O.C6. "tA a- I I sttllNY. WAGGOI. II T is it j'aV VfaV aa V a.'B' H C rr lli eauar he Imyea liis Hit) I'.A from t lie Manufacturers. WAIT FOR THE lA.i.111. TAYLOR ee lo the iiihrhilsnis of ( HAT I 'II F i d vie . I, Crnnile Row, l rn l e hus no nn exliitmi aive sssorlmeiils of F.ser ofTerril in North. Carolina, among which will be found the eclebrslea ac x xx ava' ' i a a -."ei-n M M. h ha gainet. aurb a fjrrMua reputation in the Hou t hern t ountry for the lai tihrt Stove be warr:nl au per lor to inr ( ok tit Kl. m w ih um II i ni ..!, ... ,,. put up one beanie any oil i r Slove ot I tic amne mr n. tl e Iruti f St;- ft a, mw if ,t , Would reaneetftillv tmnntinee In the inhrbitant- e,f ( IT ATI T'l 1 V x A v.. I. .t tl-wt w. i iVnln lltaatas I II. I Kl.'nn ... N.. I I a SSL Iaa fn..a . . - 1. . I . I . . . .... '"'" North, one of the moat txtenuve aaaortmeiile of . ' Un better one. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF PARLOR So "BOX STOVES, haa, and cHitaully keep on band, an r ilmiof and v-rifd atork of' tin and shi:i;t ihon, lit.Ti z.i.s, cist n:v.y i:s n sn.i n HAT HACKS, CliADLES, ve., &c., til ol whirls will ! anlil , li til. sii !,i ts snl II a-1 it i I. s li ! ii r 1 1. ra st Una A RTIIEH'SSelf Pealire Ffil IT CANS, will. i directions hw to u-t thin., at or evii m'K s;iui to britj them. ' nn b wiiild in a stranee wrk, ht era pes 5i io-'.rjJijetjti, tut nserres b,s owa I" purer e- v'ee. if e are sono while uolnj a good w-rk if Larased and vexed even t-- f 'r.reuiioa ia the service of 'hri-t, let o sy if the affLt cf oar sffl ction, e i t r t tiy in s v t,j I ..ey rr. t - swori. t'.-e fc-od is ih ni-." auy. i hi: Te h; i ii i hi FULLNESS OF CHRIST. we derive from ercatur I-vi T. i)i;l. w. i;. Ur .oi, wi'h the litre consumed and labor expen- ''J!"u' ri'T'' ded. might easily have been ecooon.iaed and cui. Thus. J. lilakcley saved in tbe inipor'ant operitiou of plant- ' Luiit Ccaman, id ; whn, is e hive shown lrjvirii''!, I Otc ,icr the last twelve Tears, the planting "is 'J"nA. Parroit, th j perfomed, the cotton conies np a Pr- 'vTrJi.',')l''t''?' ; ftct stand, and each bill occupying the ex- E. A. "Thompson,. I set relaiire position on the bed or row that ' A. B. Clicanu, I k v- U. II 11. .., 1 tna si:0'i:i "aira or Dim luieaaea. .ior. od I An ' ble and uuiivlit course of dealtnr, sue a: faithful lulfilnmil of its contracts, will ai all times characterise the buain-as nf the Companv. 1 Aopli .lions for Insurance may be inaile st the j offt''e tit tlic Coinuany, or lo ita authorised Agents. ! D1RKCTURS. j John A. Parrot, William S Lonj, 8. T. WUISTON'3. ' AD IRON'S, tin iiert in this market, for sale . S. T. WKISTON. bv AYER'S 1 CIIKUUV Qv PKCTOItAUJa Hi: Tin: i: M'lD fi hk or old. Conulii. iiikI llua . ni'iii-w. ll.IMritLft. M-s.. Villi tv- . tV4. S't.T a-s-u ollen l In Ibi. Vis linls. I would return my (haiits to my friends ami eiir niris for li e sery tihersl i ,(, , ,, . bestowed Uon IH, aim they may real aaaun d, tiial I ahall emleasor, by elnae sllrl.l,i u tJM together witii a del, riiiinMiion to plea.e, to Iry and nient a continuance of lhe au,r mi wm n ikizi m&LL 'imw laiidirs and (Irnllciiirn are jiarlirularij imitdl lo rail zt i alii; in LNirj, iSIEIifi'! Oi JOS vTOBE AitKSj'XJj 10 V-IIE Zmi:.' X. II f w nl Cell hs 1 hsssl toy ad ti i lis. I e rl ' a iv res v- W oof a."-. ,i i, , wr haac three w a;-f ona enn.wally tia.IIn x tl '(! the f ui try sritb Ctutes. W .til ortlrrn trill br fitilklnlly tisttl ftmuifillt atltmiullo & A. JI.LYI.0li. f.aov ' riXf, Jwsie to, d W It. I I.. pin, u.l Offers. I II. LaV... tiarttlt. k.. Malum Preanlent, Vice Preaident, 'J'rcaaartr, Atuiruey, iservtry. I'" "; -t4--. . -. .; iifV -o'' tli I mit fnmi.v t-r !t. a. ii. ),.. it II In .-., . I t U: linumriil I KIIK KMI.II T M. I.TI.KV. Y.t.,l inn. I. .11... f, tvtUn II, J ! Ci-KIiMOVAL. W II IIV. ConfreieSiep and Far Ml. 'Oil A NIihT l. ti opui ailc Hit rris.ylr .N.r V -fN3TANTI Yon hand s 1 COOK SIOVI S Inch ennnnt oe eif other Stoves in th slid Slova Shop, 2 w. gsr f.rn.(Bt, it i, made np of re .vou 'u!'j1' ju ,hu' ?Uf?i ;; h. J 'f'S and ptche, ar.d is orth very a'ter i.l. Kit tt.e bies-e-?' --i fr-iu: tLe "ti.i.jr is siiv-.e smI . Io Li:n a., fuli.ess dwells il with et.-ry '.-riod. 1! is an rr ,i ri r e mr!ct i coeral firat, of tarring liowa, your beds; next, tbe time consurued in ttre labor of injury, and : asiri t!;e iu:positility of a perfect stand or j sdv reasonable approximation to it, tnvari- j r-al'e to bly produced by care!e hands chopping! after a ta.-x. It ij, bowever, row too late; to diseij-s this suV.j'Ct; the beds are now! e"t;iiiric:ni. So soon as the corn is pollen ! cfl of hand, the work in the cotton reay be : pree3ted vigorously aud uninterruptedly Ia the May number of this ;ourBil we have io-i.-tcd upon the importitjce of pre serving il.e roots uni rokn in all the euhse- ! q lent work in th cotton. J'he growth of tLe plant in the soil in its roof, is very n; j"b like hs growth above the surface io ' itt ; in, 1:1. Indeed, this rimilarily of growth titi'ier the aurface to tbat above the surface, is a very remarkable and striking feature h tbe cotton p'.ant. In the cultivation of i the plant, therefore, at this Demon 0f the ! n.y rort-.or. fort sir I ei,not Lf nrr.i.H J,"r n.ioa.e ot June when it com-j I esunot be f-i n,;!lsa. 1 cannot be poor, i toKi,c:& fruiting the exteut of the limbs is caunoi ue isar-a;, i cannot r sorrowful w.t. 'ih-.c 1: vid W . ik KXKCVT1VE COMMITTEE. CntrlAU. Jnn, U2. lftie. .:..B. lit is a physi?iji, to h-al, r to p.iad, a kin' to govern, a yrore'bii. a fatler to frovile 'iti -i to "U'tiin, a rort to ril: fi". to r. fresh He is t;.e ha i- iii-st, brni cf the r. t;. anrj of ri;-htouaueaa ; nil, .No rr-i!'jre can be a aubli n . r -it i.e ei'i fjr&'v ti.e tlace f seere cru'.ra Hr is 4.; my salvation, an', a.i m v :-.,r. ; rny L'pe, rry r-aee n-y r '-'r T. '' ' j W turn hate I ic Leaven but t!.t ' sr.i none upon earth that I de-ire be s. ies i':e Jit Esh it,d my heart faileth, but thou r the strength of rnv lM att. and every cot. a coun .' f-Htid ta II. is a f . tjle f T my ,tt..rr IS, le:.9, 6111-tliS WASHINGTON HOTEL, (( HANOI OF PUtlPRIETOHS ) UltDAL) S I HCr T t.S II Kit N, X. C., JOHN F. JOWES, Proprietor. 1HK fmii-raif tied re.peeifui.y announce t i,e tr-s. liinir fuhlir, that he has taken hjr-e ol tins old anil popular establtahnient, and I now preoan d lo accotoinndale travi It-re and pri. I ale lai ullea Willi board hi IImj day or month, on 1 lie moat aerninwiuiiarmj li riwa. I II a I AliLL wiU alwaya be furuished with the I tat or-iVtsioiis thathomc and foreign maikelscan 1 ff.fd. I Tue iiliinuton Hot I I.--.J. 1tC j tKiuii. ia ne-.ri.-r thv iirpl, tbe enu rt .bmine, - nl ; U! hu-iitcaa ptrttta tliao any uttier hi lUc city. j An Omnthu0 will aiwaya bo at !be drpot and j .n-iittg, vii tbe arrival of tbe eira and acinbt.-t, j ronvry p it ni:fr ! :he Hff i tr nf el-af-je. ( Cv at'iMii'tf tl tin. IIot I, pjsaenera wK r.a tr amp aortinent of s i prrfn-rn-aare, by anv L. J. r ilr at tbe Tin I oi trpriiijja corner, 2. T. WRISTO.V. 1 jn 1 Crunp, Uhonplna; Couch, Inrluenzn. m, 1, )a-. ai. :. nT'ir AtW I .id rlf(.,llj. crti' r lrt,,rt lilltAM CilNKI.IX. 11 n 1 t.r.t! i:o. M-.a-r.sfT. i. ..,it ,a.t j.r. . ism- ... mm im-.1i . ,il,,..,, ,,iu.f; Sii.'lr Asthmrt or Phthialr, nml Rmnrhifla, IIK.MHV !. riHK CAXDV jTACTORV. Fresh Coafci-tioncrics, Fruits.. sVc , At II S KV. V II l r,i Ila H 'xHiarn Jay . in-: i'h tr je auide as to the proximity the sweep 1 ev-. r atiou.a ajtf rr,cb ti e rVii, preersir,) your bed firtu and unbroken. Ou th'n part of the siali c, we have biaX few wore re- I marks to 11,2k 9. j Wo a-k every planter and manager to 1 time to oblum in ling amo a ..rCl ill eaeelli III O.llt horata hy thu di rtasullablc r.lia. and Cv r, hi a fully ,,r tk or uioi is fliblr, pired to Mnreh 1 , joiin. f. J'inx3. ill! C 11 A II LOTTi: HOTEL, i iZBM ' a n-tv a, (11.11(1.0111, X. II tl I i rmM'.K Proprietor J thi M. still at his uoat naily lo lul. fil tin-duties of host " to lhe a,, 1 travirlluiir public and otheis who j t-'1"' Nil T (? THE MINIS 'I Iii'. the c-'-1 rst-d (io''' H, rt-rt it o'b.i-1 a court . i r.d of h:s reso.ution to iu mii.d that ti.e eotton i,!am i ia .,.,,. snur into holy orders, be endeavored to jto bearing in the course of suuu tweive duaie tutu from it. as too mean an tu- or fifteen days; and though it be etnphati pnyioent, atd too much fce.ow hi. birth and tally a tap rooted plant, with the capacity ttie ne-lii-m sbi.ities and endowments of hia; 0ft3 0f dipping into the earth, iu ou.- ea ti..i.i 1 0 whou. H-ibeit rrplied, h hath sou, from four to six f.-tt, yet it is upon its l--u f-ru.erly judged that tbe ci, ne. tie ser- !cw;s and surface roots lusinly that it re- VkLts r.f li. K f ll. ... .1.1 l- .1 , , ., , , " it 01 tor me kjm mat a-.iB.ilaua iu tn. r cu., hi 111. and he tfatu-rs liuu-ll ih o-. u.o.r .arm. Aiii inough j too, seed aud lint. niib this fact distinct- I comfortahhs quarters can be h,d wits hi an aa tLe lunjuai -s of the iste Mows hre 10 aoe y ,rj n j0ur tuiod, an J the confident aa- j Ur" i this ncuuty. Buns ntu.i'il mr. eler;,M.,n meatly valued, and lb. sacred .ur.u.e that jour land ha. been thoroughly 1 ' '.".i"'" .T Ci'",utu-' u-"' " ' M.ti i.f r r..t .,i.v.r. w -;i a.. I m 1 l 1 .-.111 1 . sf t riNd tttia I a nioiit convtiiM nt an' It-airable n.u.e of pr e.tcoUten.ptib.e,,et I .1,1 i abor p p3red ,u the bedding and planting, is to ! location. Ik ha. b-en e,,:,ted in to u.l e it honor a.v.e V) eorerting ill ,UJ t,e mole of work lud implement with ! at thia ,un,l nc.riy eirlile..-i yiars, and in that 1. srt.ii f an i a . 01 poor abilities to ad vine ' w hir b it ia to Le performed, il would see in " " made several additions to lua rormer the p!or f that (, .J that pate tbini, know ,0 be pre.umpti'.u iu uie to detain vou iu 1 " " fre.Hy e..l-rfed snd ..... iliiI I can ii,f on t I . l ' .. ! 1 prosed, pri-aimtmir in front s two story V Kit AN IA I'.h I . , , . uaenuonmg. 1 here no greater error thao :(w J,m ,M,rtl, u , lMtU,tl It at lis.h cone so much for is. as lo mac.' that which supposes eottou hs but fe w sur- .haded by tr. on the .fford..c s plea. Be a hn -1 an And I will I a bur to be like fCe roots. 'J Ley are rapidly spreading iu- ! st pn nrte st sll houra of the day. in y Savioi.r. by uiasir. lwrely in to tbe n-eilow soil new, and if vou du not I ,l" en thoroughly turmahed thro', the y... of all tue.,, .nd hj,. the qi;ck'y plow iway. jou will iu.J u.;. i.u-ly !""V. .'"T,'' " "" nrrc. ul and tuttk Iirnt.. of m, u.uIl,v the chance. ' t . .or 'I i 1 " . 'J1; "'" ':'""?.'M ' l r j ; j -r- j "oi re mv -inner nisu js reiitweu light, fiat sweep ia the only instrument, aud day ny day. ' It run ss much less Ibsu a half inch la not- ! ti.ecta- Willi this lintel sre Stable. afTordins ..b,e: that .ul not injure the cotton after1'""'" "".""J '""'r tWm.h.d win. , . - irraiu ana pri'Te.iuer, aliemleo by laiiniul snd u- 'ST ".if ho.lln.. Oati 1 his crop will rerj.jire attention' 'I'"-Proprietor fe;. eonfnlml that with his !oi,e this ii.oi.tb. Cut so.n. for your horses .,! j 7"'r " "d';"r- ' -d ".. , i !i .ire tu pl'a. he i. pre,n d to 8' r his lr.ri.ns urn., ..y ivi.v mi; a'e'lll IO SUOW a .d l!,e - r -t of manklSil." ss ma n V eoioforl. Sll m for rrnimvt; the ni.oon. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, KrertTKiiKiiK i zr krka run FOlt TIIK KK rV.tL AM. I'r.l: '4 A M.N f I'KK OK A I.I. t.tsK sF-t n I ATK OK 11!! II W . nuclit . 1 I lima f,f ten-., Lit h. w- ln. ,i. iwin-f llii nil.ia.,,1 !, .i..l; ia t io, e(T-la up-n Ilia). Consumption. Pr'.lMj si an. rrmr.l; haa . lajan k!nn ra.l ai, imki l .iitN rtm mm aa ll.l. B li-.r-mft .-1 i s-, S-arh; l.-M t" Ih IL. ..rt- il .H. rHr and ffanf-irt. S II i ... . V .- Citt Va.-I. I Ii--i.sict lm i I (.-.1 li a ,1,1. ai,l 'II Ksi.S.,-.....f'-ii'y I n ti.e e.l. " Sena ol I iiarlolti- mil .uiroumll.,( rounry, thai he h'l. on hnsa) swd la C'ins.anlly rteiisilif I ro... N, York, I Confectioneries, Fruits, ! i 'A n v ; 1 1 o : i : i n i s, ( n . a 1 1 s : TOIIK U. SMI' I'. KlVS. j 1liii;il liiti-iiisit"iil, I i i in: uoitit, iHsiuiv noi:a, ViI.mIm d. s, X 1 1 low Uiieniis, hill is, us lt.l!itial. lliial C.iJ. of esrr; Sam's. j J. b A V.. hr ,1,1, n,ja to ti, 4, drill ( ori: TioM-i:ri:s. 1 .11111. V I.HIM I.nil.a.. .lo. Atfioeir iha.r stKk n,.y be Iku&iI rt.rj 'mh n ally kipl HI S .lolc of II I. Ini-l. in-lit vi I aks 1 riiu.ini ji, V j ,., rt..--,A., .ya .,1. I...,l. They t- in ll iir rn ! ? an n-r''. -f h Kit, and sre prepared to li-rei.h I n . r,rl..a with! ar. I il V,, ,-, , ., muoijv a Mur ; :a...mher t , !iS). W. h. "I- hr. rh ,.f . .Mr. ,.e.y , e liosir. , and nop. s to i nri . ihiie plroii.,(; in that urn. lU'.ti'V k Am. If.. 'h.'.S. S UJ Ait ltilt t I ;tiil Itmlilir. ! ! ' :!. Sll- hail l-n il.l.A Sl MIU.UV, e I a j. fntt ,(!, fiQ .11 SI , frr. I. V..rk It, fin.. I I PA I.MER. dJif r. (A. NM I S t'.lorinir u.ilUi- t :y . t ail snd an 'II I. fnrni.h I'., is. lor Pnb,1 ie iiuiUi.j a Ml ?i l... Part.. !-r .1.. . ml. in( lli.fe'i.r Mil s.l mi i, :.l .trv "I'. I . t hin.. M.i.. r I... 31: WIIKAT WA.NTKD. Kh.rd M. i l.t Aycr's Cathartic Pills ri'iiK 1 i ji ri i.l. 1 ,1 rnr- 1. l ( i t' TJe of this Preparation. I ll Kins ll.l nf curia it l.i. . ft, -1-.I. MKDICAL TKSri.rT'JNV i10-"...r. M'' , I-' ..!: M , Iiiti- ov,., i ll M-tirta la. r tbia .-at, o. p-il- t .-hi i,iati t. annn tu man. tnfintn-ratt- rr-,(S -l.wn Ih I'fLul li., tinn-a ahirli iaraa in Hl-li,-. th. ai li, lli-a .n.l that tli-T ln on-'-d-ii.dly n-io Ih. Mtm f .11 tn.n. Td-y ar. mIo ! pl-a-anl to ..ka. bn! fa wFrtyi lamri. Tli-lr p-m-lins pr'.i-f.i,.. .tiiiuilal. Umi fl'al rtn iliraof Ilia l,!y, um. Ilia (iliatiiw-ii. u. rrf iu fii:aii purify tha ta-.!, I al i Th-r sa.r(Fnl Hi. Sail huanotl !, h I an4 r. w,-r. Hniml.I. ih,uK,., or iti.t. S nt (Tun. lull, t ll -ll natiiMl I,,,,,, ,, uili tiaatl'lij a ,ib rtr-i.ill, to the !.,,. ayat-tn. N,S 1,1,17110 j ...a Hi. ..-rv.Ur e,aii!.ii,u af -hji ta-aw, .,tit , S.rn...l.l- and danr-moa wa tl,.l ha.. lBi-.t 1 iat r huin.ii ainti. m. ihi-y po.tiM.. ia,irii I. tlai an- a. th- miti- Hit,-, hi ,liiulni.h-. -1,.-.. th. al an t lal ( lh,t ran t m,,,, d,r r, n. .Hiar-iit-il. lin y .1. pi-aaaul to i,J Mug ..I, .-a-t.l.l.. f- Ir hb ant iMk , h.n. Cor-a ta li-ii mail- wlin li iur-a-a la.t-f w-ta rlia-y ms .lib-..l.t-il k, ni.B,i( ami, ,,.it,1 .,i.,n aiul eVaiarl-r nilh. l .h.. hi.l lli- .rrrlif, Jesws " 1 M!T. I. iMv, sou! f" d. ,f tl. '. I THE CONIUAST. ofi l.1 s:!or, in time of peril, commenced b-ariug. s ve my poor : e bere . Pr-t.-ir..! .1.. I l . II. a... firiieel... S.. txl N w Vi.rk. ;imi l.y li-.arlt- ai 1 r y. DU. II. F. I KKUVS VERtV.IFUGE OR "DTAD Flllt WOK lt. 1, Uu r!utf of Miy 1 ftirnt.rt emtla an? ,n. Iiir tli-lr tiaaaiid .11 roni,lIMl. ; wi.O I , luli.t 111 1 1 I T t.e r t (J c-: luliuile (." I ' r tin lo.e b. C 1 . t,t ti. I ' if.ctl.ej 'A.' " The f. arful, snJ u ti ibs'jle, sud whor. 1 -, snd idolaters, an , ,r ; sr in tbe Jski' and br.nnfone , ath " JJot, of Art e a j''nue icd beautiful slight ye tinge , um f.cU bellei, when , -1 on the ere of bst ! eured, than this. j ' 1,0'-,r '' V"' I 'f'A llo'JK. TLi. i, a trying time wii'h Logs I ti t't tbuu, iu tl ii.e j usually in this country. tjt th-iu into your j i:.. rty, f.jr.-t uie, a j 0,s pastures as soon as po.aible ; and if you I tue inteou-ras j 1,,., provided for it, give them pl-uty ofi eer, iu my frail ii. Lcs. and, one a week, fail not to five j them a mixture, iu troughs, of a.hes, salt, ; copperas aud eorn, filled in with wai r. F.iTAT'iM These will yet do well fiom ' the Ursa-. J'iant of these petty largely, a. eierj'b'n on the plantation loves th-m ; and is L.. in Ll, d by ti eio, siJ fsar articles,1 eir-ej t p-:as, fatten bogs faster. If you ' wou.d preserte your potsloes pood end j sweet, inJ free from strings, plant out a La'f sere in sines toward the close f this i ttiuLlh fur your seed. j perhaps a Hj At 1 n.ny e till be found ..le tsv lhe CI, any w here, fef.W 19. rv-,S. I .Ite lloti I. i. Ji. KKRK. 3-.'if I.I. per,, .alk i-r ... any iotiiM.r mvo.t's hu. l. lor a I t, iht of Apri ';'. and the r, and ,,rte. -h. 1 ve Lorii'-tb mil la tbe cnd ' 'll, v V (Notice. I-; e on tbt Lori Jcsu Christ, Ld J .L., v IITed.'' leht-d to us f.. I not espaet to buy ta.eiila t s en, lit. VVe inli-iid In dn .1 raa ; 1 1, ere fore, if yo it re unit li r period, call and pay, for on tl lour ert-dit wi.l stop. W ivi-l y lul-ntl lo i n'orce the ab iva r S' n with 'iur b.t i.ieutla. and hope no offline s.iil U l.a-n r.'AU A paid hy tii 'rotinla due for laat year 1st of April, ti.I bs ban Tsr. ) 101 us th, t "t are not d out fur , !oft"',"J.' E A'ssrM'v, II. U WILLIAMS A CO. Jti.lS VAM I V. M If. aV II. SltM.H. .. - ro- v .i ,..rt t 'A. ...1. S. 1 :,. ,,,,1 , NYE HUTCHISON A (), 3U. '68. lists'. I oasss. liLANK bKEDH for sle it this office ami tl,-) rii ail.l !... II. I'ropnrcd by Dr. J. C. AYEIl, Prseticsl snd Analytical Chemist, Lowtll, Mail I'M. 1 -4 ( ta. nt lin. 1Tt ts..ietu roa 1. a jhh If HUTCHISON A jIIiJ;UN,C,w,,r. II A VII. J),:S I E VKNSON A C )., ( I, nlnlun, ,S". f C;ls!i F.iid for Hides, HV S. f. IHIWKI.I.. 3 diior. hou Hi of tl,. Mi. II. u.e. torh:, .l.r.i 0, If.lK f,if IS.IIK auhi . Pl..uri. Whr.l, .'rk.t .r,.-e Klour. Ilr , ii v. n .1 w I. itrilief lu r .M il in tor which r,- pur. h.aed tin Slum ,la pi ier, is pri i,..ed to ,e ill (isc the bK inal f. r ...Ir .il l,e Mill, 01 nt 1 ii-c.4 itoi n nutual life Ccn.ra.'J VtHl t. H.l.l lt.l. a t id Mr. I f. r i-r draires in h m n. John wii.kks. f A..le. A-. 9, l"',8. K.'lif James 31. r.Di:v. COUMItsmS MUU IIAS T, 1 17 c 11 v. 11 Ml K h i 111 1 1, . . and wrj kii iiof lit. i' h.n. dun lor 'Ji par rrnl I oanniiaalina. Hi h I. lo I, iiv..Siiti a.... M ,..i,i.i,. N. . U.-,r.rl, 1 S . I I. 1,., 11, c, I . P. Mr inn lihull, , l liatl K-t,.. and li. . C. I. Kern.., I loll . W . A . 1. 1 a La in , a l.d i.l here. J'talrr la liaoos, .Mi im eons. Or);, If. Iltrpa, (.uiii.ra. Minn. S, ,i,y Mn htm., I ton .-"alia. Pun. pa, t.aidcll Knirine., aV.t. A p.inl.d li.l of all the inaki-ra, kino, ami prtai a sen! firt. Puhhaher of an i-li-j.u.t lil.mir.iph of '.rll.i.y Al fa'rl," S . C. ( l ,) and the "f nr... str. I uian t.i ; os, Luna I. t ins To Hcai.iH." Thia invaluable om.'y itfrurr should be in eairy houje l treats of all iliaeai-s, has s C'-piona irloaasry mid presenile the rentrdn s Irnm ni.ln.r's boutttioi.s .lore., lor all our i.ifirn-.t.ea and nis. fortiitira. Iti. ptinledon finenhiti paper, hand, sunn Ir hound I, tirlh edition, 3MI p.tgts. Slid is mini.U fit fr on. dol!i . N. w l.'oaewood Plan..., ll.'.U. rth If.. IH.18. ly f fjsllls 1 on p Mutual i III. a Ifl tl't -.1,1 it ,.. y , hi . I X II ll 1 at a t 6 J cu-i-my. 'I ha pi iinpl in h e .1 p 10 by tin. r.ti-. ptfiniuii aui h a. are iliap oner iii ei tup 11 y . n '. I ' 1 I ,atu tu lliru-' f.. f If , III! Jt, L. K- S, M.IIOWKI L7h.f waU - VsiSlW inVi' Saddle k Ilarnerg PTiniifacturer, TMIIXX DOORS SJdt'TII r Tilt M ANMti.N IKlLeX, li ici.t.'t 1 1. . . lis yrra, lor two thil Ail lo.ats ate pi. IO mlii li llU lavtol) p.ooi ia prtaibliu. Ill KM 'H'l;. Charles I.. J, 1,1,(1, 11. W .. II VS . I t ... Le, J. VI .Ih. II...,. .1 u ,. ..,1,.,. Ilo.hre. P. t- I II Mihee, h. P. lUlile, I l.rii. luwle, Kiil.'ll II. liallis. t'HIItK.-. Ir. ( liarli-a K. John.on, Pr. ai W . W . Hidden, Vice preanaM K. II. ll-llle,S.nelury. llllama ll. Jones. Treasurer. II. VV. Ilualed, A'torliev. l.r. Win. II. Wekrs-.M.oiesI r 1 I zrmnrs Csv.iM.IUS td. Huso... Ke . CI.. lie. ll. Hunt. JWerf.eoI iWJ ff .. 'tat.- I. l M ll u .11,.... It. M.h KkI.'iI II II, jwo'o..', M. I'.. Kor fuitUr U't ..'"'j ',.''. r.a 10 in. pan, pni. is.ano to may be i.l. t. until at the tiftie. or any of lis Agencies. I oii.tiiuoicati.iiis should be paid) to .. , ll in ' ior" 1 rAllVtnil.of v,,;, ihorli st nolier. l 1 1.1 PA II. I Mi pn .. fl. I Mf,M tu! Ilnrrtea. mad. slths "'I' ' ) 37tf I'll. It. iM. oil It H rll.l. he pieaed to reei ir Pmt. san,t,a 1 1'n l. V in lhe iiensrinun.. nl Ml ll INK and tly'ltf.KKY. I'nlesa arofr nails sh.ent.1,, nar b- found st hra raain-nn r.Kt JHi l. pol, f. -k lit. I tel K. . if-. 12. IH..6 I if It. H. BATTLK, ''" -. fr-:-,.,' .rrfisess-....-- 7 . ....taaaCaWaa.-a lh PKIN I'lMi of sll kiM rd ns ' 1 KlT.i'KNAS fr thU .111 br ' I

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