J i? w Ti ia ,.!., that Letcher owei l election to trc mendous voif he received iu the North ir.it in ihoe counties borrieriDj; on Ohio snd Pennsylvania, tin) iu which thrre re scaicely stiv slave?, and iu which thrre coii'rqnuiily exists strong snd predomi raiinj; t. r. ti slavery sentiment. We ire far ficm accusinc the preat body of the people in that section of the State of being Abo litintihts; tut the fart is perfectly demon urable that Jitr iniur notions re widely pcvslmt iu that entire region, and that the ,! of the citmena of a larj-e number of counties thera, have been long accustomed to look upon slavery social and peliti chI. if not moral, evil It is no wonder, therefor.', that firm and resolute pro-sla-yi-ry candidate for office should be pit-en the cold shoulder by persons who rrsrd the InoiiMilan r.f do:iie,.tic SisvetV ill tne li''ht we Lavu described. It i$ lid wouder that a candidate wiihnl'i-s!avi rv antecedents, like ; Mr. Letcher, should rrce'ive their cordial. and OVere be-ltuinc s tit-port. It is IIO wonder ! tl st Lt rclier, ihe lliimncipatioiiist, should have s.ipt (he I rcesoil counties of the N ite, j fier the mnun.r of s tornado, while Cio- j pin, i.o is himself large slaveholder and ' who ban neter fa'ttred on the great tid vi tal queston, should bate receded but a ti.esv . ., inm it t cf totri in the aavne eountie-a. I 1 he thing is perfectly natural, and the r.- u.t in the North-fleet uoe. Dot MtOlli.h UI , iDlhelf.at. We repeal that Letcher owes hia election ' .1 . . .. .iftr,i l. rpppteeJ in : the Nsrtb-weftern Freeil eouMtea, and Le ewes his tremendou nifjority tu thoe coun tie to hi ami slavery record to bia en dorsement of the wild M.d micbieTous Abet, iitiotifeiitinicnts and doetrinta of the Huff rr pau pblrt. We stand rot aloce in th:a r.ii,inn ai;J il ia belief. VTe have rroof at band from an authoritative sonrce. We baTo before u au infiuoti-il Freesoii prer, pub lished iu VirooLe county ic the 1'iuiiiian 6',, idi-irict of country lying between Perm- vlvania ai.d "bio The per is called the ! Weld-lur JIc:m.'J r.J ii. eJitor and pro- pri,.fc.r in .1 0 .Tac b N'.iw how die the . xiU account fr-r t'-e !ar.' gains of Let cl er in its on 0 sreti -Q f th State ? Hear w! t it ssja, in its bu f Fnday last, the Si tf June: ! Il ti e Wet," it ss;. " Goggio bard- ! Iv received the u?ul Whig and American) v'jte. tin J-uiJi,iKfiie. ht ftil r..wt'.r. ! i liy Ir'nifd fi tn l!tc .r..:ui.t ' t'Viul l.uhii.t-l ffus. In i cne of the We-lern : C-ur.Mes i ii 5i i is the Nrth-Wt-Mcrn; do there linear to have Leeti any ;a!r, indetJ the vat.) wi. richer a li.-ia one t'.'l over the Sl-te. (" --i" wis Vjfclu-nti',it '0 mmxy n IJ-ml iv.tin.-i ni the i'.itn 'J question, v ii i v'. iii i u i' u "iu hurt n I'O t-l him, t .,ir ol v i: 'U xolt-l jitr lje'ihrr, on li 'rt-z'.H nt uis or I ' Si'turt in 1-4, "' Juf e lilt III Jf 'll It!' U his CO i, V el hii tit'-UO'i, mi in- S' C- '!. t I k r-i iic.if, '-it muisft i. outtt itt it , t r;ir,i on : r t.i nl il ns l.'.w iftre, AND II1SI L L V. C T I N" JiFIN.J Til I" 3 yL'lVA- ! MAT TV ft.'MK Llviri'K AND IN KF-jp, ".-,iTTHt i.UCK UKITHLICAN TBI- lU I'MrU IN TI1K i'. ATK UF YlF.GISlA.j t'ther. tut njie for Letcher or j Crwin eiti.tr, stoat aioot to witness tti lb re. peop'e of Yiruini of all pirties, i the ra.' rea.'.m, and the ou'y rea-on why 1 -etcher r3n i:i the Freesoil counties of the No: tit-'Vest. iiaJ mammoth looiuotiee on a doen grade. There is tL rearou of his e'ecii-u lo iht- ci'Ticj of Governor of this Lither!. pr'.ud and glon'jjs old Common wea.ttt. " G Ju sis of jet lionalle to many cf l.'ueral Lot.ons on the slavery question," t.d th'-ref.-re cvu'.d it travel iu the Po ban !!e L 1 a'.', the; counties atjacent thereto. But Letcher was tot " o! jectionabic " on that core to 'Le lr msj-irity of tie citi x-ns of the North-We-t. 'n th erntrary. t'ey cLt-etful'y sid wi.lirglv s.j.i.u lorhiiu, ' ou the s'.'tngtii of hi A I -Oiition) opinion ia std for the sate of the moral ef- f-et cf Li- e'.. c;vb "thinking that l is tlce--B wou i he '' ffj'jiva'rr.t. In seine J.;;rts sad in eff-ct, "i a fiiaek H' puhi.cay triuoipa ir. tbe State of V irginia " i Gr-'-tt Heavens ; can it be p-'ii.le tLat .h ':r.-:ji. the '.aret !ve b-.-l-iicj S'ate in the (Jji.fu Jcr.fy and the ti.on renowned aud Lo-ioreJ of ti-e f'.r aisterhsol, fan came to ( ach a m-'.aneb'j!y pa ? Is it ere i ii U that ti.e man the has ja-t elected to tt.e honors t:ii ii.-n'.t:e of tue g jlernatorisl ofli.ie, , oes Li. t'.vcti-.'ti to tie votes of liUek Ke- -t pji.lie I Anl yt s.ich. per p e cf 'ir-; gin's, WL'gs and l'-.aocrata aii, is the la- c.estal'ie ani iT.cii-trov rtihlu fact. .cacb is the disracefitl fact, r'-opie of all tbe Slave boidini Stta, and in at.t.oijnc'rig it we low Gar heals in sLaine ul eot.fa-ion cf fsee. Never lef-.re i! Yir'.niaLs Leeu ea'.'ed tpru to llusb for Virginia. Ii ut the deed U dons. L tcher is lced arid (in'sJn i def-ated. Free soili m bs tr umphvd even b'r in Virginia, and what the en-1 ahs'i he no umi can Preset. The . I l . - ps' sntatii patrr.iie uppo-uiou loueo, n-ps;!i-t such a result wity unceasing eneryy and fal, f'ir three or four lonp months. ly the vcte tf Virginia and Virginians, William 1. (.ogi'in i. to dsy the Governor tleet rf a t-e la.e ty uito d thou'inda. Hit the" Vankeei-iu and B.ack 11 putliear.itii of the ; l'anhati'i.e strl ether portions of ti. North- ! -! hive carrd John lae-Uher into t' s gul crnatorla! otic ; and w congratulate e ti e K at'tn I'emoeraey upoo their Abo.i- e l.ou all. e, and up'n the buifui triumph ', t flty have achieved Thaik Heavrn, we h have to pat' nor lot in the responsibility for ti such s tri'jti p h. tlwb are clear. '1 be skins ot tbe Opposi : A FisT! Si' -UY. A getticu.sn lr n t pt nd t g; a few day. c-n tin i'exss, eetids the fo-iowlug ta th'j . I .o JItfui'i ss euthentic : "A lew r ' ee a lad sit s line out in the eii h a catfj-h : in xt Uiorniu he- ho has i Cibolo, an Anto eveuings cre k lo i-'ued hi. I t.e, when, vcuJetfal to re.ate, tus-re was an e l a' I lo large catfish ou it, ouu i Ighn g '." ai.-i ti e ..iht r i'3 pounds. 1 his prollein win t;,.is sfivad; I; sei iim thaj eel ti Crt Lutij on ti hook, theu ct(i-h No. 1 e .u..iv s. , . tg swa.liow.ij iLe eel, who a. lowed, and slipped thro . !t-i-'i'g Liin on tne line ; " riui! a'tjg and iikewi-e !, w bo again escaped Jonah g ''- -i. i, the gi t doing t l.eu ca 1 fi h ll 'hi" ! .n.or to me Mij-ry r. ulat of tac.-. This i" a true s ny, ai,u . au le tea iSed to i y rcrpoiiei: le aiieaea." I!"N. PitrtttiAhD CLrvts Muntr:,- 11 n H.i rrsr l Clemens, of Whei lleig ', (! e tame- g. itliruiwo Lo w is w ,., mii-.i m a t. .. by J. i.nins Wise, t m.r. l ed in th; sxh in.t , st the piHiitatiu cf li.. bii.u, iu Madison Pati-h, La , I'J Mia l'. 11 In li. I'ekSed s. Widow of Horace li u roves, . I ! jHstili Cara.ii.;. OclHg. I. .rC char loth:: Tups day. June 21. 7' " Hint rver " snd "Rover" were received loo late tor ihis week's paper. Another Great Battle ! ! We give in site. her column in account of anolli. jrcat bait t between the t n i i h in a Auslnm CT We oniitttd to cull alt. nlien I at we k to . me new aoverl at iiient. In the firnl place, our readrra ah..u!d rrenllert thnt T. H. Crrni i Co. ... . ir,,c n.ane ariirh a in fheir line ut New York 1111 . t". n v n.w,ne ,,.i.,.. afur the lal'""'? Ju, , , ,d ,e ,,.,CB1. ,d that Ja- fib . fceTe, aIlJ , fledlhepeo. u,e .ndlh.,uchl.Mnole..l,S.T.Vm.o,,h... ' ' . - ,r.,r!c of Fourth of July. We nolire in our eiehancra that prepare tn'n a are being made nisev. ial places for Ihe ceh brntion of our National Anniversary in a becoming man. ner. and eur Ritla company lnaJetn invited to P,M iu the ceh bratioo of tint day, by the Clllt'ns ot I onciiIO. wvi-r.il Oliirr v.iu K.,..,.. bsvu !o been invited to be preaenl on that ecca. aton. See the programme in another column. Tcu;pr6rice Anniversary. Thelenih Anmveraary uf Mecklei.bnig Pivi sii n No. 4s) of the Sra ot Ttmrterance will be ee l-.br.ited this evenir", .it their Hall in t'-rcon'i hut lime. The- I...uiee getlerallj are respectfully invited to be pteaent. Aodrea.-ea suitable for the occasion n.ay be elected. Edueaticr.al Convention. j is Contention met in New Item on Tuesday ng I'st. A large numl-er of pi r"na were j i.t. Ainoej the number wa Onv. ii'lia, F.x- j Swam, Kml. llut.b.rd, ic. W. V. II , h en- ' of R .tigh, was eleeteti Prendeiit. We will : Eo ive Hie proeeetli in full w hen we receive ttisiu. Fine Eain. On Thursday evening U.t. n.srl..tle.nd it. vi- - niiy were a m-st reireat.mg l.am. 11 ne tune, aa ihe grflen were j had been nte aerious' y jored by the drouth. Accompanying j r.in was n.e severe thunder and lightning. ! r.eret that the stable of M.- J. II. t iti atrues., but no serious dam.- ge waa dune Tl u.-.i7 we liave had several almwera a nd . ealiitr is ntiw 6oe and seaaouabii Large Cabbago. nesday morning last, wb.le at the Ou W, p..t, nur ir all. nliun was called lo a real ve-elabie :Iy it aa nothing more nor less lhau au enonnno r'.!i;a The k.o was a. large ss a per me. sure and with toe outaiee leaves snd roues would weigh near Z f pounds. This early, w.conaiucr it a v. getabie eurioiiy . It was, we letrn, from New hern and belongs n a gentteman in (.'oiumbu , a no was separated in Boms wsy from bis oli.er baggage and got aatray. Wheat Crop. We Ica-n that the whest crop in this section, ; wilh a few i xreptu.ns, are gesod. Toe curly wheat epeeiai;y ia g.ad. Siw farmers say they have b.tt. r eroi.a Una year than thee ever maee. we , . ., " . . j . . it cuttiti v erst .fiec at this, and so snou.c every man be that l.aa to till hi. proriiions. Sotnetl.ir.t5 New. . re st t'.ie !-p.,t on Fr:'i-y mormng lsst( w re pVast d ,t obaerving a lar;e mini ir .ii--'-rs, prin.ip.ll fn m Havana, who d pniog to the N-.rth over the C harlotte and an.i.i.a flail li-iads. We b-)e thatthla rn-r b-i'ier-tu li'sen by 'lie trivwi-r, f'r isry ah.iijr our rod is e-i.u l-.tfni tnu l'.ie i(. lii.na ere eo,nil to any oilier line. We " " r Ni w.il the ..... , ri(, , ,. t , ' " ci A fctiigvilar Keason. t'oi. II .)n., a r-iii iiaote t..r ('.mgrcss in Ten. M .see, aas'gnf I. -teher-'a ilgi.n-s a reas .n wl.y lie Liii li"1 r.et ive s iarger vote in tiie Isle slee. t:..o. Ill s iiiscusa.'-n at R ceravil.e, he aaya he i.itr.jcuee.i to hi iu t A j.ngl'.n ind found hlnl on; of ilie in - un i r'.pos' .sing mn in personal i; j-e.rai.e- tht he bad ever o.et with. He was s ! itte old round man, w.th a head ai.orne a a ainooth a. in in ev -r .'naves iii. f.ei-, except one little io'.a be kmc ; ii fae !o.ra .a if a toll diah fu.l of wheat bran had net n .i.ru-avn into it, and with cj- a u red n r:d flannel j in fact such a mn as if Tenne-ieans ha.i seen k m b f'.re hand, l.a wis verv sure they never would have bet on iiini. Soeb w s Ins na ture, ll tina was the tru ri .s..n, wlnt p ly he nol it. Ill h a.t the W rn e.. ve eiecteu t."gg n i. I.e., lb. n (junta Anna. infuiniilaou lr.,m JUinai sl-tes thai Ins I'-rir, f.a.iiiig toat the maaa of Hie M li il not aubnnt I., ua ru e, -and nnng already t:ie vain .ti mpte of oin. r ollicn. toe. tab. g .vtrnmei.t, have re.oiv.d unon recalling lilt Anna, and a d.-eree h... b- n ptsa.il to -a b.-n ptmil to n.k si.4 pay ss s , aa weil U'seiv rr,iw. i il hi r-l o! mil ma tilie If he reli; f his return A lrsmi w unit"! Willi ing or hia e-aoi l lli f.iurli. li flrjht . r C-JptlV try D"W ,, cili.er Irwin I le, U'U ipp.ie Itial tbe fn: 1 nes. of a pei. pic a. tr of Mo rn, n.S.l.ta A una ought to b Willi that "ilu never try hi. Iriuies siooi.g Dot h.s grtl love of oltiee will no ne his ct oic to aeeepl. And if he t -.tul in Hie eslaidi.'nnerit of a sta. il titan helelolorr. III ! thai n.bt rtetern.i nie g ivern on. mil., ne wnl be a wanoerer again. Hut ' . Ike aake ut Hie g'aj of i.uf race, w h'ip. be may .ueeecU in sl-1, i.h'.ii g a p.-niaoent goverimietil, erne- to .1 c.li w.l.iat.bU llt p. liy broi.a of every as,. .ring mi.it.ry .iutfliau. Sanguinary Hut ties. Tiie Kuropa Unrig. Ililorniatnm id ti Tne one on the 31.1 S.i vry.alif.l,ni ty five loou.aiid A.i.lr m. alii inpi.d falealru. Init wia re.iui.eil with a 1... Tweo. i r'tii.e of l '.no fna-ncra ai.d 1 cannon, and JoU A-J.lfiau. were iti..wnril ii, tlie einal dU'.ng I Hi fir1'1, when tn'y re dr.xn t.j.,.1 lh.. Tie. iio by tlie Mirriimana in I i- 24 mat. the Au.tnaos sttaehd tlie Kieui'h i.utii .sis. t'il after a a I. or; fieht tiiey it. iired, c.r'yiiiy wall n..u .tout to tlma.and w.tunded. An Awkward end to a Fibbing Tai ty . gentlemen from Hamburg piojeclcd iiif excursion to Ilia Euieto river few days since. Lines. Iinnks, Dait, ate., werecuiy provieteu jand l acked, with a reasonable alh.wanceof liquids ' in square bottle., tu wet I lie hnit, in a champagne :'husVt. N .thine; furgntlen and the. party ' looked furward Willi Hie must plessu'cable t ino. ' tirna tn the cicile-mcnl uf the i xcursiou, load, of Ifi.li anil a good time gvncrnlly. Without delay they alarleil on the Suutli Curolina K.iil Road, I nig enpecinl clmrj;' to 'be Iwirj'pe ninater with Inliience to the b.iaket in whieh wire ttored all their hupea for llie future. They urriT-.d aalely 1 at tin di put netirtat tin-ir di linaliun mid were bid. I den fan well wilh eti ry wih liir llieir aucci aa. 1 The precioua biakcl mi d puaili d tx lui.d a ear. riao in whieh tin pirty had I . ken p-.iamft to the , liver. The diatmiee wu nhorl, bul they wi re mine 'the l-M impatient, for the heat uf the uuy wna ap ' pruacliiug, anil thry lunged to prepare fur flailing bv Ualing the qu.ilily of ll eir alurea. The rivi r I in re tludiind e.irt-iu.'ly the bsktt uniuahtd j from the carriage, and i eleatt, groty pt, aliadi d ' by a magnificent tree, eiKrtcil lor tin- bi , The b.iaki t wna rprncd, anil O r.'liolilc diciu, no 1 tickle mi llun, no li(uii!e, nuiie uf their IrtS aurta, bul tne culd and uninviting bitily of a dead b .bv, and a negro baby ut that ! In their haste 1 they bad taken the wrong banket. What a diaup. ' poiiitnient to all their hopi nii, no iiqui.iw i i to quench their tliirat. All, all gone. Slowly b.ek lo Ihe dep.il. They de. l-'cu- the ba.k.t .n , their Pwr..,M. t.i h.r- ;'' "I"J re.urne.l to llmnburg. bul not on the ru.n they cam. c ; the, told no, the tale, bu, qn.et.y aenraL d eaeli M in. a-r.l quariera ked out uml ihe editor of th ( harleaion V irony haa published it to tnc world, a ayuoptia of which we bavu g-r:n to our reaiiera. Gas Company. We learn from the Feyelteville Otarrcer that on lh 9th inaUut a gaa company waa orgtnized in tli.it p! ci-, hy the adoption of articles of Associa tion, ;for the want of a charter which the Legis lature failed t.i piss.) and the election of an Flu. cull ve eer .unit' e, Ac. A contract was signed the next dy with MVsrs. Waterhouse Sl liowes tu ereet the woika and lay about four utila of pipe fur riJ.MiH). Ttrfy eipect tu complete tlie work and have the gas ligh.ted by the Kt of November lull. It is an object tu get the winter's iucuie. lie it. as ni gaa ia eouaunied then lhun in any otner aiSfeon of the yeur. Tiie eontructors have agreed lo rent the woras for five years, paying U' per cent, on the stock, ic. The Quickest Fassage on Kecord. The steamship Vmderbilt, saya Porter's Sjiiiit of iht Tim'$, in her late trip from Southampton to New York, baf performed the passage in the abort eat time on record The Baltic, iu lB.'i6, made toe trip iu 9 daya, IG hours and 33 minutes. Tne Pel. ai. in IS,:, made the trio in 9 dava and 3! houra. Tht B;iltie ,,t.d frulu ,,,rerD, ,11U- the Vandtrbiit Inmi the Needle, at tSouthamptun, greater iilaiic by 9U miles, than from I.iver- I, for which 6 hours must be dedueted, thus lfoe tjme 9 diiy. 3 hur id 36 m ulcs and the a ateiitnr r. ihorLeat paaasge svur p i lorniea Speedy Justice. Two men entereo thcalore of Mr. George Myera, in Wilmington, on the night of the Ititti instant, for the psip-ae of robbing it. They were diaco veted and ap irehenord. On the 17th, the County Court being in sr-esion, they were found guilty up on fite d. tie-rent indictments, and on each they were to r. ceive thirty nine Ltahea and be iinpri soned six months. The llnald thinks this a heavy judgment. Not so, ina.nuch aa llte-y attempted to kill the men cngtged in apprvlu-wdiug litem. They do nut get what they deserve. The Mountain Disitict The Rileigh SlauJuid in unking ... rkal r'lstivs to the tjcceaw uf .Mr. Coleman, the demo. cratic candidate for C'ongrtas in tins district, pub. j I isiien lie vote In iween t..lia ana .virK e, w iin the i i ,i . remark "that ihe people may aea w hat haa been people done, and whst may snd wnl be done 3gsin." Nd.-, this io.jl.s like whistling to keep y.ur ei.ursge up Ml. Standard. V;y old you not give the Vote betweer, Vsnce and Avery ? We llnnli that wifi be nearer the truHi than the one you have given. - Johnston's Map. learn that the -.gent f r tins Map has been iiieee.fu! in obtaining sob.eritter, in ihe p"s - of the county which he h.. vt.il d. He will this week or in a few days the n..ri!.ern sec. ti'.n of ti e county eoiiiinendei!. Ti,,. Mao eo,. e inirli!. r. Death of CT.ancc-ltOr Dargaa. learn iroitt our Columtoa rxchangc W ( h.i c Jr U-rgan. d(ed m that place, on tlie nght of th'i i2'.h in. taut, of p wa.a.ized laat fall. Thus lysis, with wl.ic:t he ! our sister Slate i one alter another, her di.tir.gu j Merchant's Bank of Newbern. This Bank deslareo s semi-annual dividend 4 per eenl, ou ita capital stock, on the Gih inatant' p-.y.ble en demand. ! State Stocks. ! N .rih Carolina Bond, were ...Id in New York I j en the 13th at 97; Virginia S7 I 1 e4 inE6; T'nne.aee Of j. t.ATFH II.OM tlltHFE. ARRIVAL OF THE ANGLO-SAXON. li rarr, J one 8. The Anglo.P.. m has arrived at Uu.bee. with I.iverrtrsoi On tea l u.e eth in.t. ut. I7.IHJ0 hales colloii were s.ild (or tlis tlirec daya previous lo the ileamer'a sailing, tue msrkel clo. ,nr aut) Sl1e rci,r( , ,rir,e ,- ll ia r. iirl. d that a bloody battle hurl been fought between tne Au.tr. am and ihe rrench. SECCSt. DI-SPATC'If. svimli rf:t urre-d near Vilsn the Iii t!,e hitt!. w-rr d. leated. with a i. .a of ii.'t IMiO k il. .1 and prisoners. Th Ir. neb I...I J J,. Au.lriana have evacuated Milan. Ti. The batlU 'ougiil ' ,t tn town of Msgenta. Na:a,ie.n's de.paich.. elan., deceive victory.! u d t j . ol)e , b -'inn ftl 't lit; tsst ste-Ve-II llslls:i,ij Ufl Ktllirfa it Jit i,, C pi. c..ii.i.f)i,0 in i ii.f4ia.Ud rr.iHfiiiin. Ti r. e ch. urpiu of iuor tbsn 80,f00 or Un liabil- nd tit ((ifi'(fdi wt-re cn'fi'H. He m.ilt ( hi own ! t tt 3,'MM). t it win rmi- .r- -I in 1 P-rid tbl Ut- Krwnch had lout from nine to twelve , ' i The force, eng.ped are r p'irled lo lie from InO, IHlU to leO llUD Austria.... and 1011.. Hill to 1:10,111111 1- r. licit. '1 lie Aiiairian aermnils Oilier, auo -pea of ll.s I. .tile w li vary ii ; sueoj wm .. 1 1 wa at! 1 ondeei.jeO oo I he h.sa. . on l illi ani inanoed tl.e A U.I lil ol Hie hn, of J-ji i are reported. i.n. I ana. and N.ttoleon th Kr i. en. fl i the re.-ipl ..f lie .V Haled. mnr. I.e.. 'Cap w.s Si'ied. t'anr Kive French Mm n.!rH. ts-n. M. .M I, sod il.iae M -t-niia ree,;e I t,v K..r. IV w. aitd t.'eli. . a b.en nd li.ra ,-r.al.d Mara guay ef'H 1 1 1 1.-. fi . .'.itrnfTiei-ra wee'-wiiuinli M.l.n revolted ,..ec:., la.or.i ti.e K.n. of ardinis. 'Ii.e Au.lri.os r.li.-ed Irom Mii.o, 'l'o'T'. u.'e. Z,Zt. reeh ..,., ..jd it i. U i. ve.1 ..ro-eala f pe.ee woul.l .iow entr.m. ot h. trenet. into .Milan. Too fans Jaourse is aclivu nd h- cCMMt'MCATin 4lll dl Jut)' Vrlt biulfon. At ieotinp of the ciiiien of Cabarrus, held in Concord on the 4th of June, in-tatt, it w rcolvd to coinui. morte, in an p- proprtai ..nt.tr, the ru.un.p r of Amciican lrjdcrcni'oiice. 10 una cnu the following perroun were appointed n ccui tnittce of irrn;rii,iM, iih full power in the premiFee: John M.Pouald, Ilulus Hxr rinjier, Tr, John L. II. i uer.-on, Jec-e II. llodjrii. J. L. Dundy. I'r Jas V. (iiltnorc, N. U. While, A. A. iniiUKul, T. J- B.tinu and K. K. Ilanis. This committee now beg lenrc to announce their report as follow: liUlUS DAHlllNCKll, Chi.irn.an. rrc-idont of the Day, Col lMii.l Coleman, lt Vice rreeidcnl, Col. John .Shimp :A " " . K. 1!. ad " Daniel IJooor. lib " " Dr June F. Ciluiore. Crater, Willitm M. t'oleman. Header of National Declaration, V. C Dar- riuircr. 1 Header of Mecklenburg Declaration, Ym. 8. Ilnrna. Chief Marthnl, Rufuii Darrinpcr. A.vsi.-tai,l.Mai-l, Mi. R- S. Young, Col Ceo. A. I'ropat, L.G.Ililei', I ii r n.. : i... i. it t...ll I ..iiu T.t.l, Tl. I K'...l,iitri ,V 1 1. l,!', J be dinner will be served ly .'laj u. y Foard, at the grove near tie Lutheran Church. Invited guests : DrigaJicr Gen. Walkup and Staff. The How in Artillery, TLe Hornet's Nest liifliii.cn, Rowan HifiV Guards, Iredell lilues. Cabarrus Guard, Soldiera of the War of 1 "Sl'J. in Cabarroi, The lie'ercnd ClercT, f Cabarru', The l'r..ideU of the N C . and N. C. W. Railroad, The Corps Editorial of Charlotte aud Salis bury. By ft resolution of the citixen", V1 places of business will be closed and ail business suspended in loan from the hour of 1 1 A. M . to 3 P. M.. on tbat dav." (. onttibutiona to defray expenses mil Le left at the store of J. 11. liodgtns i Bio, nbcrc tiel.ct.no the Pirncr can klso be had, excerit tbe itvjted guests, who will be fur- I l. M.-.L. I -.l f.- , At nie'ht. lo'ere will be. disnlarof Pvro- a display of ryro - , Ac , Ac, under ;,oi.er. in due time issue teenic, balloon ascension, the direction of Monsieur i ue ciliei eiarnuai will in uue time ntuc a prooTsmmeof the order o,' the day. Concord. K. C. June lOtb. ):. e fol - Set ii h -r si Pitmnloiral S h We direct especial attention to th hwimr in rctird to the next meelin? of the Southern Po-iiolcgical Society, which was;t0p,.nri iiot;s have a ay-tun of militaty organised iu Charlotte last Fall. And wo orgsn iilion by which "their citizens an- hope the press in thi-. State and South Car- compelled lo serve in the army by conscnp oliua, will co-nply with the request eontsiu- tj0, . in France, whete the duty is desig cd iu Col. W Shams' note: natedb lot, or by dialt, as iu Prussis, L'llARLOTTS June l.V l-.-,'J. TAil'rr of Jjrtu'j'.r'it : I send you for publication notice cf the approaching ' re - union'' of fbe Southern Pomolngical Seciety Please pubB.-h it, and request Editors friendly to tie Society, and interested in its success, to eopy the same, so that the third Thursday in Augu-t may le memorble in Mecklenburg for the first fruit (though not the best fruit) of our organisation. Yours, Ac , W. A. V.'lLLIAMS, Stc'y. Ju5e l.llh, 1S50. Tbe first Annual Meeting of the Se.nthera Pomologies! Society Will le held in Chsr lotte on tbe aro lburday ol Augus tnext It is highly desirable that it ninibcr., and all otbeii wko take an int. rest in fi -ait, iimaiiiit. ahould attend at tbat time, and as- i - : si-t iu tne proeiotion of this useful enterprise. , ,. . r , . j We live iu an age of progress ; sbd, hilt other States are movmir seiively on, it be- 1 comes ua ''to be up snd doing," and toenter 'the lists of honorsblo competition. It ia 'therefore earnestly requested of all to come ' nn tn the eonteninlated i-atherin.' in Amu-t. i aud bring itb tbcui lamplea of such Fruit j ss they niay poses. It ' is expected that ill good varieties of sppies. plant, peaches, ' grspes, wild and donu slicaled, Slid ether fruits will be exhibited, snd their excelleit - I cies liiltrjullu pointed out. In a short lime 1 ajaDV trulls will ne comiii" into Hie ripetiliii' j stage, and where specimens cannot be kept in me natural siaie, iv migni ne wen n pre- serve tbeni in some of the usual mo'ies (by sugar or spirits) that they may be had on .,l,!i:.:i. All net. .lln..r w.r;..iiea .ill , ' , . e . e,,. on the diseases, or other branch of Potuolu gy, are respectfully solicited. Western Carolina bss the proper noil ar.d climate for success iu this fcparitiiei.l of science. Kn- ergetie, united, pcreveriii(f effort is il that ;t Becessary to produce the happiest results. Actual ed by these considerations, it is hoped all will bear the importance of the meeting in uiintl, and aid in th promotion of its oh - j?ct by their presence, their eoun-el, and their fruits. V . 1. W i Lit., J rtt. I cour-e arise in Ihe ea-e of s natura'ixcu cit " iz n who remains ill the 1,'nited State. It Farmer's V.aK or N. C The Cashier, j, only when b voluniarily returns to hi of this liank at l reon-borough, .V. A. Ca!d- native countrr that ita local laws can be well. Ksq , be published a. statement of its ' enforced agaiust buu. I am. sir, your nbs eondiiiou en tbe 1st instant, from which we . dieut se rvant LKWTM tjAl.S. learn that its total liabilitii:., except to stock- ! . holders foe thsir eanltai slock, amount tn 1 Lst. iiisMo an r -l.l-l, Coo iir. t of notes iu circulation, and Sid.-NiO s.;i of deposites. Its assets are, Specie Jl.i.niii 1I.N C. and other 15 ink no'e. f 'J.'.O.i 5.1, Northern exchange S'sl.-ittl 50, Slate bonds atd due by banks ii-,r.i ', Roil e.tnte ",0tl.1, Uill. ,,d note diseoc tiled S.1J7,- 551 ftl. Making a total or asset, (not eounlinif the $ .16,34'J 41 d. fieieney r,f W. W. Onffin, former Cashier) of 3l:l7,V?rH iir,. ; 't-vj, .i 0. .r.und condition. .Sui.no.inir Itu.s In (ha s.,.t.l. a,.,) tn ita at . '. I. , , I . I r s The old is.ue is beinj; cancelled as re-, of il ; there are more cloud., end less rain;! Jltj,i I'oCOI.AS Ittl't'DfATIsO SuVKT decmed, ana t.otos will be i-sued fiom a ' more plains, snd e timber ; more ropos to 1 Ten goVKliEl'lMTY. The Mobile Utinttr new iUlt ruyetttvttle Obstner. j the horses, and yet more cstrays ; t poor 1 thus speak, of Judge Pouglas, who spent a ; country for farminc, snd yet the mott nro ; i j . -. ,.," !de.iv;: th. len.t work .ml il.. in '. dsys iii thut city. 1 he editor is a per FlVf;Cf.A!l CmruMSTANre Not lonij.j.,1,. tl9 or, ,r0 .d,,; aDj cat,,. j 1".,U of P1"'" , J'.of bi-S the fro-f have horns, and tkerubbita! IIo.li.ley.buv, I a., by some moan. ,..t, Uve ears like mule. ; the people are ittlel-. ,frnorcoru,n l,,s no,., un con,pi.i.,,,IJf of the pain, a phy-ican "; for. who u " la.uiia.iiwu, u u s ' m-eovi r the prsin. days after, wbi'e lh ctiild wss ly m down Jl r. J tuojjiht he saoj the ..r.in and i.mnfldi.telv cal'ed in th. .w h'"'"i " i.ihu.i...v.j i.. in pbysiciau who esme prepared with sn in- slrumetil to remove it. 'J he ehild refused U. "I"" -P?. but 1'!aU wef 10 ' "'' ,,T "Corous bIoinn ,e (.-ram pbysiciau who esme prepared with sn in " " wai uisigutcn, sua uu .mi ua it was found tojiave two tprout upon it. rr..: ;..'.;.. r..V'T1.5 iriltnn.l commenced it aumtuer term in tbu city on Mondnv lost I'renont, ('Lief Justice H. M l'enreoti, iind Jud(:e W. H. lJntllo nnd Thomm llnffin. There a clasi of tlnr ty ibno yi nth ni. n rxauiit.ed m to their '..,;-,.. ...: Mwuf D1 m- ; .. - Cout'.M'llors at I.uw in the County Courts of the t-'tat' all of v li r m t re (;rntitt d licenneH. 1 he following in n lit of the c!c : Macon T. Dujrgcr, Viitrniton i Ucorpo T. Moore, rituiculh; 11 W . Home, t'limherlanit ; 11 K Dnuthn, SulUbnry; J. S. l!aim , Wil- (li; V. K. Caiiimday, Crrnville co ; J. T Moreheait, ( icrneboro' ; J- W. (iiahinn, lli;l-boro"; Lee M. McAfee, Shelly ; John Y ltartioH, llalifns co j . A. Durlrnn, Slit 1- V .. . C M Kl.t.f.ieH Alnhmi.3: Kn-ll j'm T.ttb'oro'i John T. W.Ido, Hani- !uii: Charles II Thotnnj. l.ouii-bur! ; ui. K Hiiihani, Louiburp; French Strange, Cumberland; H . ISmgletary. 1'itt ro. ; It. U. Caldwill, Cbnrlotte ; J'et. IJrten, Yoraville, S, C j M m A. Ihlland, KinMon; Jesse Haryrave, Lexington; W . C. Lord, alii-lury; L. Mitchell, Slibury; V. II Young, iirat ville co ; 1'. H Hr u-ton. Ke t'Biville; (I N.iSnwt). M eklenbur ; J. Y . Sealr", Henry. Xa. ; Cbnrle M. ir haiii. Newleiu : Louix llilliard. Nskh Co.; D K. li. tmett, JJruii'Wiek CO ; W L Head, , i-'unbiiry, Catea; J. L. i'teaard, Chapel Ilili ;.,,,, A .rvis'rr I Ml., I . o tern alao ....:'. j Z.L.. :.. . I... S. I , W tn. t Noiment. Lumherlcti; li. li. lian is, Wilou j D. C. Alien, lhuiiswiek eo ; D J. I'evone, New Hanover co ; II T. l'.iown Wilkes co ; 1'. T Hay, Hocking- i to p. n i.h tbti ;el, our ptopie- will pro lam co ; ti. C. Woodh y, Kintou ; 8. S. ! bably be di'posed to rective it. Jaelifon, Chi pel Hill; It. JleNair, lttch- Il is not probable that there will le any mend co ; Geo. M. Duskin, irutige co ; change of ministers to Kngland, unleis Mr. Jehu M l'erry. Carteret ca ; II. H Short, ; Dallas should re.jucsl leave lo retire, ll'lvmouili; C. Kadger Harris, HtriJerscn ; j "" fit-o. W. liiocks. Haleigh; Sealon Galea, '"VKt Alexander Lincolnton; j Fobiion TkaTiE AT N. YoRK The ill.rnni.t w. Williams, arrenion : A. J I , , ,.v v.i. ,joJ u, ,!tl kit ghKu, co ; C. Do d, C.rtb.e.. Iturunlnnl liocn tnrt. t fiom ll I 'e ' ' ym tint it Jjijiiiin: tlie J.ii'i oj A"t- I toiztil CtHitns Aiiouii. ! The folloviiug important letter w... cn J Wednesday, communicated to A. V. Uufer, ol (.ifcciULtls, ny cefreiary l 's : I DtPAUi SlE.xT dr t-TATE, , W amiinctun, June H, In answer to your letter of the iih ;kt 1 liM,-t tn ..f..ri toll I , at ! I,riet' ' I. ttc'r from this 1. P.rttnetit to lich you1 ' letter lroui tins i' parimeni 10 wLiruyuu refer, dated the 17th of May last, and 1- di.s-cdto Mr. F.iix Inelerc, was iu rej.lv to fn iTt.lication lor iulormatioii, and w a.- to u m i-i iw - ', principally intended lo recommend cautiou i to our Aalu. anted i.-liow citaein, natives ol Fri.ee, iu returning to that country, as the operations or the French c.m.cripiion law were not precisely known h.te.and might ! bear iij'.tiously upon that rl-M of Am.-ii 1 en. elm r,a Mn,i af il.a (Yi.tinci.tal H where every person is reomred to take his ' turn si a soldier. , I The condition cf Amercan rstnraln.'d fitiicos returning to their native courtrj ; hero tbe ajstetn of compulsory service ' prevails, and who bad left before perform . mjr such service, baa fttq'iently been the I subject cf di.eus-inn wi'b some of tbe Kuro peau Powers. Q jite recenily it has arisen j between the United Stale, and Pnfeia, ami the representative cf tl.i coui.try at Ihe 'Court of Berlin has brought the matter lo i iho alteiition of the Prus-isn govn mnent. !ln the instr.ietiotis which were -eiil lo him, : dated May 'JJ, 1 -.'!, it was explicitly sta ; ted that llns government is opposed to the oocirine oi p.erpeniwi an.-giaoe-r, ..e. ,.,... tain, the right of expati laiion snd the right ' to form new political tie. ei-e w l.ere. I'poti : this eul ieel it i. ubserved, that iu this age , , : ol He orM tin: i.le'a el f.mro.iiug ti.e em- 1 xr n in the choice of a trine and I iiiomg him by a i-'re political th. ory to inhabit f.-r hi lifetime a coumry wiiii h he eoi,iai.t ly de-ires ti leave, cm hardly be enter taimd by any government I The position of the 1' listed States, as com- , munic-wied lo the Mit.i-tej at lWilin for th ( information of the Pi us.-iati gov. rt.mei.t, is 1 that titi'ivc b.i n Pr us -Litis IKturaht-d in the Fnlted St.iles and reKjrnibg m tbe 1 country of their birth, are m-t liable ti any 1 duties or penalties, except such is wero el i-titig at me pi-uuu 01 tn- h en.igri.n i. at that time they were in the army or artu . y e-i e.. .... a -u,..i e..e. i uraination lo n"t exempt mem irom nc legal penalty which ihey incurred by th.-tt desertion, hut this rifiiaitv In a T h? et forced ,.,.. ..i.-m whenever l'l,..v stiall Voi-nla ri!y place themselves within th lneal juti- didion of th, ir native country and shail be proceeded ega'ii-t according to Ivw. Kut ' w In n no present liabilities xi-i against them st the period of their emigration, the la 1 of nations, in tbe opinion of this government, i gives no light to any country to i'itrf'" ' w ith natur iln. d '.merirsn eitnens. and the i sl'empt to do so would he considered act ui jii-t in itself and unfriendly toward. ; Ihe United Male.. 1 hi- q.ie.tion cannot ol ; A flitiv .i!vtv Tl.o I!, Ill.linn Pu ree, of ihe Me-lhodi.-t Ilpiacopal Church, . .wouih, gives the following picture of the .Slate of Texas : ; "Texas is a curious coMhtry pa-adox.' Kverylhing is in the aupetlative, or contra- , dir tory or marvellous. It is be r. hest and the poorest has liie best land the meanest water ; is the hardest country to live in, and has the mo-t to live on ; the days are the hottest, and the Licbts lb coolest : here are ,ie mo,, ,;er, tu,l ,tc e,.t waler, . , t till I t ( trut road-, md tlie lowet travel ; the fjn-c hull, 111, ir material and the least lis,. i,,.,l w-ll0lll p.11(.t:i, Hucation-invent without l.ri,U t-i ky-r. fined, without in.nnerisiu rieh. mtlni.it mnne Im.-i.lia . y,. without houses bonl, generous and 1 l c,. 1 ,,,;.,.,,.:....,. . 1 b'"' hrTe ",,n "'I'"4 '" rI,,"t r,;oursc, IlUt tl ,,ie saMI,hi t.roee.i of t,r,iti()n. and yet de-iin.d (, poe)Ul,ion wrs , ,t,d poser There i i n ueli to . I ' , mi'", but li.ile to deplore ; msny thin,-, to eiichanl, but few 10 offend; and for the po- , ,,t.t,.li... II,..,. I U,IM fut'ire." I Correap. nd.mce of the Baltimore Sun ' Senator Mill) II AppniulcJ JliniNtfr la France Arqiiisillun of l"uba TrobabllUf of Surrm Jluiislcf lo tiigluml. -Wamii.nown. June 12 Senator KUiWl i ), l,en appointed Uiiuitter to Fi nnce, and hiiM accepted the ain-tou It nn nt;cu il. r-mnil for & toar or t0 tm'. Mini "f tSlidell rould at any time bur thi- po-t, il he would uccpt il. It oaniiol bo aaid that ihe poht ie tkkeu b a r tupo afior a political ,Uf.. for Mr. Sli.lrll waa stroni-lv and j P0,pU-iely utnitied iu bin poliiical cnurae tiy 1 lie IHMiiotrtiie rien .ev,.. Iv held ill liOui-tianu. Now for Cuba. Mr. Klidcll i the head and fiotit of the project for tbo acqni- nition of Cuba. Tbo author ni ado cute of the thirtT million Cuba till, h ear lira hii diiiluiuacy in hia baud, openly ui Stithcut dieguie. The bill of which he took cinrpe and for w hich he bad tbo alio 0f t niBjoritT in the Senate, must now be lift to foinc other niually Xe-alous atid adroit friend of lb caue. Mr. iSlidult bad given notice that be would call it up at the com tiienci inent of the next neaeion, and it waa not doubted that ha would carry it through (be Seuute. 1'rovidcd with ample funds, be aud our able ininUler at Madiid, may, with the co- operation ol the Jea, who control the power i o( .-tiu.iii, and will, before long, if the war I .nlinii.a IIP lial f tlf KlirODe UDller IllOlt- ! .. .,i J 1,.. .,.V.I.,.I In neimlial. . I re. I V j tor the cession of Cuba to the United Mules j before the expirntioo of the net Congresa. liy the time taben ipaio will be persuaded j ,b of M. VmouiaJd to liC fi.VJ til'i. beinL the largest amouut ever re I eei t id d u r inn the same period, and over j twelve m-lliou more lh jii d-iring Msyof lastj j year. Ti e in pcrtt dming the But fiv.i ! mo'.'h. of this year, ending with Miy.j , mounted to SIO.'tio.Du.'l. whith is more; reriod of lat year, but not q-nis so much j as it was iu s- 'I he duties paid on these goods amounted to $31 .:s5,3,0 lllCeiporiB V 1 liril e.u,....e, wu.iug May. amount to f IT.SU.v -.'.of which l,-, -1 wers iu specie i.iiiit I. s t han ' sL ppe. 10 Msy, I ui less - than .ii millicos shipped id !fc-7. The t ... goods exclu-i.e of specie exceed the figures of the previous year by nearly tw o u,i..ion. ; but they were over five mini Jt.s lea than in' . May, lT. During the five months of the 'year the totsl exports .mounted lo f.).',! Ml,-1 W'-', of SS.TUH.ULU were spr-.e, which t over two year, and five millions and a half lessthaa; ibe specie sent out iu 1N-J. The report, indicate that a large amount, of provisions have been exported lat u.outb, ; but the price of bread.tufls baa not been1 n.gu enoun u warrant any su.pmeo . t Tie advance in price has thetcfors bceu confined to the borne trade. Tne Ai-riiiivT to tiik F.dimii,bi Val- I I I F WaTKK TleillT COIPAHI VHMH II, la a fact woilhy of note, that although I be collision of the steamer K-liuburg with an ictberg ou Monday oeei rred one hundred and lighty miles east of St. John's, and twj of her compvrlnicuts were filled With water, the vessel was carried safely into port by keeping tbe water Oat ui ber other compartments. i he value of these water tight Lu.kheada : ,,00t mo higb'y appreciated by our Lip owi.ers, for by their use, unless a vessel is absolutely shattered fiom stem to Vein, she can be kept afloat till succor arrives or, a poit is t. acned. All of the t'unard steam ships were hin t with these humane precau tion', and mo-t of the steamers of the sn d. rhiit and C&'.iins lioi i.yve been al'ered s.) aa 1q cont..iri tbeir W ahould think that so simple and efficacious a u.ss.ir of s..f. tv ought to be universally adopted, not only for steamers, but fjr all sailing vessels in the passenger trade. There is every reaiou to believe that the iii fated Piest-, d.-nt, Aretie, Picifir, City of t.ia-agow, 3.m! Fisnciseo anil J'cmpes), wilh :Lit valuable'; itves and eargoe., might kv.e been saved, hud they bees profited with water-tight compartments and capit is ifbru-rs, such r,.cuM, ,,Jf y-liuiuti ,a hrr p,a,.e,,g.-rs , frolu , , ,,sr . ,,rsve A'lf l or, lletul.l . s . Vr..-.- . 1, , ..i,.. i ...t . ...!. .1 -i..i'.i 1. ,,), ,,r ,e,e juveniles seme life of pursuit' . lid, w i;l give th.m a sense of their use-' fu' 10-a and necessity lo the household. This f,.;,,, properly.in.-tilh d into their minds ' , ,nake tin m' tn. tubers of society ralua-' ytlt. 15,1,,,, happy in themselves. The t 'r,.ior, who makes nothing in vain, does LOt j ftju pi.n(j nulan ".e.;n.f into the wiurlJ iT ontj thej would find their places 1 atl,j ,Iltm j(1!e n,fn ,d womeu are ,ie bane of immunity. They are not jiely, but become scoli oses of its crime sud pov.i d extisvagilice. In plaio' siinp.ly do,1 er or late erty, its folly old Kligli.-h, every family iiioito should read: , "lie somehody ; do sonieihing ; bear your own load.'' I hill. Antriican. There ii sound po'sicv in the above. Put. ' there is yet another view of the subject hieh our contemporary might have expaita ' "1 "I'on. It u this ihe prsctical comfort brought into e household by giving even tl,,! most juvenile of juveniles some employ, "" 1,1 aim. .Muh of fretfuluess snd I'"1 "i'per on the part of even very young children might thus be prevented, however simple the employment or aim might be "oou cnl" ean observe or mint ui "'.twill be Ihe happier and better for something lo do. -V. )'. t'. Ad. I -- sonsl fi iend of Judge Dou-Us : "No public tn.n in this country is so much n,isder.too.l. and has been so misrenre- 1 set.ted st th South, in hi. poliiiriil position. a. the 8e.t,r from Illinois, lie is not the ! ...I ,.f ..........:.... i i i ev.-r ho pets fsir bearing at the .South, it 111 -i 111 . , universally ediniited by .11 e.nd.d , noil in tmni .1 tn. i. " 1 ' ' ' " i A pretty ,;irl and a aild horse .re li .bio ! t lo much liiichirf ; for thn one runs t sil I lb . f.il ow' hod, .lid th. ol hee runs .way with bis heart, Gtvrnmoiit rspriidliiirr,t The expenditures during the hit tug years of Mr. Pulls' Administration were at folio. s: - ' ' 'ei:"":'-'" W.fla.n,, UMx These heavy rxpendiiores were sccount,,! for by the frielidi. of tlie A(lniiiii,triion e referring to the expeo.ea incuiri d in ji( Mexicau r. Gen. Tujlor succeeded Mr. IolW, ni,.i yjt Fillmore succeeded General Taylor. I)uii" their adminU'ration of four yeirs, iht ti peiiditurci were aa fullows, exclusive of tbe puhlio debt i IH50, .Sl Isi.W Hj.'t 5,I'SJ .77.-Ji C-'Ii.isjl -is4.3t,l At the time these expenditures were hi. ourred the country ee as large as it ia how with tbe rxcepiion of the MessilU Vahey' a narrow strip of Territory about forty u.ilei wide. Petnocratio journals abu'e Mr. Fil!n)iT aud Uen. Taylor for their heavy np,-i;uj. turea. The Nashville Avirricnn, thro con. ducted by one of the present editors of ih Union und Amrruun, discoursed as ful. lows : Cost or W'ma f!ui. The Secretary f i;., Treasury eatiumle. Hie reiriuta uf Ilia prra. i, fiscal tear at l.S.tiOO.HOO, and the itprn.,, sbout "ajn.mm.tiuu a a a ll.,,,,,, (aovcrnuM nt managea toaieite more th.n ll..,u.o. mill a year l.i.tr, it . a niarval I" ua, m.ri, i, ,(, mot-ratte A.ii.noialration, in tune of aare. tt,r reached 3j miO.OliO, for .irOiu'sty j-nMili,,. Agsiu sfter sutntning up the. Cgurn showing the amount of expcidiiuiti fct tbe year 1S5?, it says t This i. Wing financiering, anH h.., ,, esp.bl.- our lug ruler, are le inai igr Ut f II. 0 ti.li..ii. In another place it seta forth, iu capita letters : Tiie average annual rso hiinitre.. ( iciu i t,,4 f aliilialt ) ot three year, of W.;j rule 1. a , liaetn.n of ihe avir.gu ainiu.i a.neim,,, tiiiring tb war. "'Ibis," eontinaes lbs Amoitttn, , mo-t iiisgnific-Bt management. Tie ,ig A Ja.inistraiioD asks lor fifty three u.i:.i-.r,i of dollars to administer ihe government a. e lime t-f profound peace. Whi.'s raiy 1 very nood lawyers, or doctors, or politic. ai but tbe hiiif lime which they have Let u 11 office, certainly jre-ves miserable busit.ci men " Not satisfied with this ge.erl deniinel,. tion of Mr. Fillmore, ihe Ammcun cipher ed it out iu the following attractive and iq. prcive style : Winn r!e.vias.ce. Tne fissscrs "r'Jtirst. Man Tt.e Whig adoiini. traih-w ol lien. .t.,.r -.I Mr. I iliiliule. I..s. coat tlie ti.ooli; ,a 1,1 ..f pri.f..ilod pe-ee, - With .11 li e tt.-ll.l . r.stt f iiiauStiHl." an.l w.ti.oul l lie pei.. .i, i , dilr n-r int'rnal in.pruvei.unt., Ine vnorn..,, .lint of . 4 J J aj LU KI ai.liaiu. ju.lii.. ,1 it, I' e sum I. : ) 6 J i a" ll . J per n.nnth ! I ,!.; .'Ill tr wees ! I rj 3. t 5i J pr tlay ! i,:l'J 43 f r hour ! lo i " I j fer mm ot ! I p'r see.i.d ! .Nearly Iw.i e.lrs sp.-wl st tsery lirS.sj . ti . loea I That I. m--.ee it.ney tn.il I lul a i i - men couhl count, if il were all in 0'i.ia", .ri. ing ten hours s dy. Farmers wi.il .w ; i st of it T If youwi.ii ll.e eltr.s.g.M rl.s-i t-.iii continued ete f..r eoil. The rijuhiii'iio i:-. isg ,M'. I' .ls's i.lniinistratMMl Hi Inn. - -... wre sjt.r"a7."16 il -' snwuiii. T'w Vi. f.-i peiided tn iB,a of pe.ee nearly ! imrj ni-rt. The Nahvi'! fmol wss Severe is a denunciations of Mr Fillmore, as :. Is seen by tbe following extract: It a very e.lriciiil for H. frssnrts lo oti.. it. preaenl A'l.tnitis trallon . ll ia an u,.! i I ... over. Ii fael a w.trae S I of rulei. It. .ti at S I .enl K. we have never h.d .ne. !:. :t- tn.n ot ihe g.tvernriierit Mr. I ioi.-i.rr, . retire, frnn. nrlie-e, Wlii Ukt wilh lino . .1 rt Uurei.. His A'I.oiw i .tr.H'.n has le.-a m ! tra vg ml lbs.) Ih t ol so J "f his pr. o. er... rs -He iiaa made way with bee-su l.ilTsnotr. milii'iiis .nnaM y, and y. t i! s c-.ontiy is . t teire li r all tin. va.i expa-fcililui'. We have not at eur band t!s eftVial i Cioiet.H, bul the Aa-'l 'Hill lutrlUnfer : plies us wi.h the following figures, siitJ will show the precie amount of th ns ditures of the tiovernmeiit for the ytrtzi jug Ilili'j June, IS-'jw. Tbe actual expeuiLturei of the J "if f as fall-awa : ( ,vil lit.rior. War Ny ,- 'I Has I I'dltmS. Dottoly I.. and Out IK W R.ie,..plmn at I'ol '.c bb I'r tl.n on Ihe .aroe Inter,.! .... foblic I. bt .... faymeiil of 'l're..tiry Nn .. .'f.:-: . H :'") 2 is J-l . I J.lTb.-a-.O a 30 I , 3.". ''" III) 1 1. .: 1 5 : j I,..-.' ".. IO.TH'w Ite.l r'llten.iiltl'e. t-t Ihs (ll.lj'il emi.ng 3oth June. - Tbisi. the manner in which iba "",c rm of Prmocr.cy '' .trel th.' sd'sncerf iho public expeeditures. The sum of a'! mil.iou. ... an "enormous" .ui"uiiilo' Whirf Admibi.tr.tiuo. Mr. JiuehsnaO sorely troubled for the future of the coun try. Nolbiug but the .iron rni of V' erscy eould prevent it reaching a "L,i' MIUlsl'iNa! Welt the ".1101 arm l ljj mocracy " w. interposed, end il" 1 .rreetine, ilbunied on the f.onvmicnlt. Luchausn hiiai-clfi-ih ' ho esrries the expenditures lo s f"'1"1 " litlle sbott of the pridieleJ lltM-B." Lioa. , To .ffnrd tbe re.der a Mr id' a ef enormous rxpeadituree of Mr. !' ' look at the following table : :i'J,a.tD.4St ssr year! l.fi'M.-Jli.'t pr omnlh ! I,"'J5.3I I per week ! ai..fc,47.1 r day ! Hiitts-rt iter ! ' , I7H n i-r tmniii'- tli6r" r '' ..j. Ne.rly thrri iriUt spcnl at evij ( ieg cf the clock! Th.t is 'oret,D: doien men eould eouni, ('f ' 0 dollar,) working ten hours s d' ' man eould tltrou auny muncj s fiovsrnuient spends it. Family Ph.atios-or .r ,,. KMPlR..tt.-Il is a faetblcb ' r" rally known, (ssys th. Cincinnati ; l.'V I ( that the Cxar of Husi and Ihe t-"Y ( France ere connected by nisrr.a-t iA of Kugene lieauh.rnais, who to tbe daughter of Iba KmR ' f married a si-trr of the pr'"'l '' . Alexander of Uusde. '"i;cnc i,i of the Kmpress Josephine, the I" k, Napoleon. (nc of her t", to present Kmperor of France ; "" ' f R hu-bsnd of the sister of ih r.ii'P"ror si a. On. of btr prsnd I; J,.,-- Pene, is the present QuteU ol Another prand son, who is . ' t,,rt tied the U'leeti of Portuosl. ( gr.rid daughter, by K ugene, is U f of llratil.