Anecdotic? Gix. Twiaas. Tin New Orleans eorrespondeit of the New York Herald tells ibe folluwing anecdote of Gen. Tigi,"i There U but one irmtiiuce known, I believe, in ubiob b old vttorsn .s outgeneraled, ,U'i at M" u to J on- Gen. Twipga i triist dii-oipliiia. run and mete out the justice of army regit- t...;,m with but alicht lemnerini? of mri 4 - ...ra an a nri.t. f J ..,. ..I A few years ago a private or dragoons, Ui r j - pin. incurred a punishment provided for an ofiHiiee he had been guilty of, and vowed to reak hi pite upon the commander him- lelf. With a correct iueigbl into the Gene- ral'a eharaottr, he selected the tendered point for his thrust. One night he stole in- to Twigg's stables ith a rajor, and tbavud hie favorite eharger a clean as dreaiied leather. No signs of the rage this mean ao- tioo would naturally create were observable next day in the eouutenanoe of General TV'gR. but before night bo had discovered and clearly implicated tho guilty party. Arreting tbe soldier bimielf, he conveyrd Li in to the Hall from wbiuu the barbarously med animal bad been taken, and securely fateuod him with a halter to the rack, wbioh waa plentifully supplied with bay and oaia, but contained not a sersp ol army bis cuit or a drop of grog Fur two days the soldier subsisted upon this faro, until it might Lave been supposed be wss transmitted iuto a eentaur at leant, and the poor fellow waa the subject, of eudless esmp jokes and mer riment. On tbe third evening Gen Twiggs reentered the stall, and with his name stern iniiiiov.L'e egprcssiun cf features, qiictly ..rnlrsd mnd natteJ the tlioulJer. of ilm amateur barber, eicUiiniti., " boa, Char ley 1 there, Charley I stand still, sir !'' The .o.dier thought to himself this was" adding suiuier iiuuSu uiiu-i-i -auMiu inmii "'jury, kuiu ... aucu a capnai i would be uukiud in him not to aid ; ult tu injury," but it wss aucu a espitsi the vi-teran inker ia csrrvini it out. Sa 1 I peigbini and enoriin,, in true equine style, I be ro.oroenee.1 rn-king about and tbeo The deaths among the Africans in New , ' licked up behind," iu such a sudden sod , Vork are t.ioe as numerous as those cf tbe 1 vi,orou, manner on. of hi, h,.ls ... pl.nt-j . llit.s of the same ci.y. The number of td id the Generals abdomen, and the old ,be black population in the West India man bent over apeechI-8. As soon aa be!l.l,ud. is stesdily and rspidly decres-ing. eiuld recover breath, be called out, ' Ser. 'J be di.esse from which lbs rrcateal mortal- ...., afp..a)ar.t " aii.l aa hia nFflfrt Knina ' -. 1 gesnt, srrge.tit, and as bis or lerly came lf J prcc,rd. , pulmonary consumption, an- running in. lb. horseman trembled alth.,10 ,t baa been suggested, from tbe waut thoughts of wbsl might resu.t from his fri.k- 0f sdtq iale nutriment, iu the moat fertile inias. ' Serir'ant'' L-aLed the General, an-iioh of the world bit .i.irh il, Afrin.,. .,t this msa loose. Ile woulJ rather be a borae than a abite man." 1 Tnr tMjt FxmntTiiis nr tii Vt J III ANNUAL nXHIUITIliS Of Till fcT ..INT AfAOKMT. -I'b. eismin.tioo of tbe 1 ,,t 1'oit.t C.det.. which has been in prog- , i ress siuco isat juursuay, eoiiciaoeu on It I Tuesdty, with the aasrdiug of diplotuas lo I 1 tL. nieniLcra of th. nraduaLins- class Tl.eeonolu.lin eiereises ecb.meticed at o'e'ock Tuesday afieruoon, io the library buiiJiu?, Gen. Sett pre.-.ding. After tnunio Yt the Land, and an or...,in.. vir.v.r Sv il.e chaplain, Col. Delafield, Superintendrnt of the Military .School, anuouuoed tbe diplo- a... for the graduating cl..., the order of reuer.l merit being awarded a. announced a ih. Kut,. a few el,,. . .11 iue .laiea a lew iae .so. .Messrs Merrill, Lock -I. Collin, and Heese, ire recommended for st poiulment ic tbe n,i,.eer..topo?r.pic.l.usiDr.r..ordD.nee. ani i.rv. inf.ntrv dr. ,001... moun.eil rifl.a or cavalry, being ail the corps in the ser- ' of her bubsnd from the temple of jus , ;f, tice after Ibe l:rmiustion of the trial. As Me-,sra Vaner Iterkh.m ...r Wrinht in rrenmrfi.iiild f.r !1 f il.a .U. Arn. 1 . . r ' Itiespt the engineer. After ibe pretention of dip!oms, and, milu.ry mu-ie b, th. b.ud, the or.- rr ef tbe dsv. Hun. John Kerr, of North jl'arolina, was tntrodao.d by Col. Dulefield. Jlr Kerr appropriately addre.aed tbe rrad- A.'.n. w.rnine th. young graduate, f mu ih. dangers aoJ temptaiiotis to which iey eould be exposed, suggesting that thry ! tiuuld imitate the patriotio cenduet of tbe : jldi.r -ton, Ae. I JTbe addreteas' fren .ently interrupted ' J p.!aue. , In the evening, there was a pvroteehoio ' f pley. and io day the eadeu will go into f 'tup It is ..peeled that they i: be rs-1 eed hy G.n t'coll next week. I Of ih. newly sppoiatcd cadets, who must ! f-pnrt themtelres personslly before the 20th J: Jan.. ten are from IVnnvlvania, seven oruUhio, and Eve froa New' Yoik. . T Ngv IIoDSE Or IltPRSINTATIVI Tl... ti n e i .11 ' L ..... ' , da, .lib workmen some engaged .uviirw 111,1 rji lu-nrriRnill nei l III 1 11 tomb of Apu ibe jewels wbieb now form and laying masonry U , orniIue,lt of lh Kg,p,i.n Mu. ted bcal.tig rJ"IH",;,cum of tbe Louvre. The jewel, of Amo.i. puraiiona fur the auo- .... . .....m. r...... .1. : 1 a 1.1 piping lor lucreate M some tnaainj pre puraiiona j .-.iui, o, .01., ,ar me ariucusir. anu f'-ss heretofore ued by tl,. member. It J . ...rem,mt,rcu I ..I me I out. 01 iwep- f single chairs snd desks, sna suopt (ha I 'k'li-h narliamenlarv style of aJraticins lo laiile in the eeutre of lite room whenever oimber may need pen snd ink facilities 0f the Dallimore Clipper, writiug from New 'intio which it it .uppos.d will advance ' l0Bi JJJ I1V, t holt upright, snd stlend to the work1, lh. hour, in.te.d of ritins. letters, fr..,k.:r0 '. P"0" ?n p,"aJ- V V'6' 1 document, as heretofore. The arm-1 uton mar, Saturday. . Tin Luo.m or Till World. The Norlb lr ti-h lleiicw. ditcoursine on the doom of'J 4V orld, has the folloaing remarks: "What this change is e dare not even ,,-eture. hut we see iu the heavens them eJ'fi tome traces of destructive elements It I I- a -1 . 1 ni cation, or tucir s n. . aaji.oric atom-a upon our globe, the whirling ell wieldlnir iheir Inn., uitlontl at 'W solar surface, ibe volcanio eruptiou in W s satellite, the appearance of new and tho disappearance of others, are I fireshadow. of that impeuding convul- ' aliivh the world it doomed. Thut 'Jd 0 planet which is to be burned up V under heavens which are to pats away; residin,. .. i. ,1,. ...,.,;'. dwellin,, upou the mausoleums of for-! f wo'lds, let us learn tbe leatou of bumil 4a"J wisdom, if we have not already been "jrlhl in the rcl,0o 0f revelatiou." I N'tv, Dollar I'ikci W'a je.tcrday slU'i-0f iUtt dQtT just ,lruok ei ti 'tcd Suu lr,nch 'otb' tj , dleI wcr seutfroin Philadelphia, a'U. was done here. It is a beau 'i'T- "d lLs niilliu? prooe has been id " ' llPf'or msnoer. These , t e,S ""oui hundred and twelve and iZir f'mt' ",d r ctually worth one aVet. " faUf 1'rancitco .,r. and desk, not been sold, but I j7 ' ,1 cf ,, J """'(f i AM,, Heed. Kpie. and Dnasing KOXLS for L l -. II .1 1 . 1 pounds. She measures JO inches arouml 1 . M' bsen cosily piled away 10 the basement,) . . lu . . , , ,, , , Vytaleby tk .l 11 1 . 1 lus waist, lOinoliet arouuu llie cs f of the1 q T WRI'UV J .1 .0 c... .be proves unpal.ta- 9 .' S. T. RIS.0. - i the member', there .. nothing mors L , jg B.ltt,.,L bf,Uh. TK U ITS aVVUS IVIMIIU'IS. T aane inu oravr rruvuiiu. 1 DocToa Buchanan. Tbe, University ofl North Caroline, at iu late eoiomene went, conferred tbe honorary degree of LL. D.,1 on James liuob.nan Tbe.e initial. rce.D Doctor of Lttu; nud ,. n Tpropnat. H ,,al recently been doctoring tbe I ine uuiicn atalcn, assisted by llie Secntary of tbe Navy, ao aa to greatly improve tbe pecuniary health of certain Looofooo Naval lVi..,. I n.. ..) . j . j i . t. . . . , ... , . known as tbe " Lonsu ar and Dm loin. tin uui, auer siyie ioi enaoieq two political vagabonda, Grand Wycrff, to filch from the Treanury thou. audi of dollar! In tbe Latin, Docior moans a teacher of tho lawa, thut is to aay, how far it is proper to pilfer, and Buchanan haviW giren evidence that be unU'nlaiult the laws, has given evidence that be can teach them, and ia to all intents and purposes, Doctor I3ucbanau ! Knox- fi' Whig. Killed nr a Hattle Snaki A cor- respondent vomaiuncicates tbe following to the l!eaufort and Colleton uh: " N. It. Hushing, who was bitten by a rattle snake, about 12 o'otock, the 10th of June, inst., about one and a half miles from bis residence on Calf Pen, (near Gilli.on- villa C. II.) died at 8 o'clock that evenine. lie had s email sod with him, snd kept him Ulilil be wss in excruciating pain, when be wtil him for aaaistauoe. It was two or tbiee 1 hours before suy one came, nbcn be was too far gone for medicine to have much ef- feet. Iln was taken home, here he espired st 8 o'clock. He was a kind hubsnd and . , , i r r i affccnoiiate father has left a wife aud sov- ru email cuiiuivu, iuu a laign circle 01 rei- ! i!. ...1 M.ii in !,u,n 1.1. I... ! ItiAN itv AMONU Ncaauit. In Loni.i- 0e proportion or linane negroes is 1 iu j 177 . , Suutu Carolina, I iu 2,yj9; , iu fori v tbree : iu Maine, oua in fouru-en : 1 narii.n n.,nl.;sl. .1... fr..l. J .... .ilh ln African's ui.derst.udinc. j, loo ijdolent 10 cultivate. It i computed tl,t, at the preaeut rate of diminution a telitu part of tbe whole popuUtioc every fuur '" 'he nefcro race mil have almo-t 0 , i.-;, . , , .. C""C.d " """,a ,b hrll"b NV "'o"1". "'e termination of another KXI'LOIT or A Ktuikv v. The L""'r'" Journal relates a rich affair,'" which occurred some five miles above Lou- Uvilie. ".,u r"r rod. on l bursdsy eve n "If '". "bioh an iulerestiug aud refined '"""J whipped a husband ahom be W being present ,rUI ttforo J'' b P"o. -' "d'd " W ""biloh Ibe horse to the buggy in which ,. ,hu huebaad had come, ao as lo prevent his e,e?'. "d having gol hold of tbe whip of D-p Sheriff llile, without eiciling any suspicions as to ber mtrbtious, awaited the soon as be stepped out she commenced be laboring him unmercifully with tbe whip. He made good time tj the bupgj, pursued 11. ... . A . . .1.- I. j p n' r' tut lo u" found bis hor.e uuh.ict.ed. ao.l returning ,n pUr.ued by h,r' ' Pn be officere for prolee- Uoa - Sbe prolo.ted against any interfe- tl,ue'' r.aiaraiog that be bad a set of teeth i" hi. mouth thai paid for by ber, and C" DlSfOVHtlso or TU Tomb CF PlIAIlAOa AmoI A lutter from Cairo, io tbe Cousti- tulionelle, ss)s thai the genera! tul ject of eouveraation in that city it the discovery hich baa jul teen ti.sde by the well known archasalogwi, Mr. Marietta. He ha. found, Thcbea, alter long an difficult reteatchet, UR l0,"b, still intact, of Pharaoh Auioia. he king i lying iu a coffin, complete!. Co- r,"a mna P'a ' ' ntriy jewels 01 great ', "r " " tbe same coffin by the ''!a " '" hslohet of goiu ornamented wan large Laurel iu lupi. laiuie. dome years ago M. Marietie bad a simi- nr piece 01 gouu luriua., in uu.iiiif 11. tue o-ib of A Le -u 8ow ofm . : . ir. e 1 are still more valuable, from their number' ,ud , Tbj, di.covory of a roj.l tomb illUc7 j, ,ba U101 -mpMUvt one that M. M,ri L , n)iJe iu Evt.-lioUon tiMtltr, June lth. lUMAtiKABLt I.M'ANT. A correspondent .v . "','." """. w,. . ' 7 ' ' . lb. .n.t I... r r 1 i- 1 . " ... -,,,. . . derful specimen of humanity 1 The father is a resident of Auuaiuetsei, Somerset coun- ( "J llo' n.ed.uni sise, be.n very sparely built. It will be on cibibi- tiou iu your city, perhaps. Ma L'h eckk.nhiiiu i to uo i.n the U.tiTfD Statim Scnate. l'rivate accoutita from Kuucl(. repr..elll tllt lLtf euclion of Mr it ).. r it-:... 1 ., , 1 j .State. 1. si most positively certsin to ooour. I On the 4tb of M.ich, I fcO I , ti e aiugular ! spectaule will be witnessed of the Vice I'rts- I iduiit descending from the chair to tbe fljor j of tbe Suuate. A Larue Onion. Our friend, Tboa. C. Muore Ksii., of Middle 8ouud, presented us this luoruiug with an onion, grown on hia 1 plantation and tut It an onion. Ituieasures I three aiid a balf inches from top to bottom all union 11 nd thirteen aud a half incbus in eircuuiftrcDcn, and is highly flavored in proportion. W'a call ibis a large onion. Vh cau beat it. W'il. U'rulJ. A BlU UuTTEiirLY. Trof. Agassi has received from llrasil a butterfly that mea sures 10 feet from the lip of on aiujtothe other. Majdc Oil, Magic Oil. 1-V.RKSII SUPPLY, just rrceivod snd for .ale, 1 by K. NVK HUTCHISON eV CO. jM.3, is;d. CONSIGNEES pr,n charlotte and s. c. bail road, moM TUi 21TU TO Till J7tu jcm, Stewart, H. $t Co.. 13 package.. W. II. Wiohn, 2 pk-es, 0. VV. k C. J Hammer- Special polices. TO DYSPEPTICS And ill who tu ff.r the tin lure, w hieh tliia die... ;.,. r .. sua, euro yuur.elva. permanently nd .pecdily bj tifcfsiat-t BHIims. Ths " Weikly Novellatls " efbvpt. IS, say. : Dyspepsia ia one of the prevuilina of our country J lua ia owing both lu climate and the almoat uiiiveraol liubit of eating our nisala too rapidly tauiJiiiit of prouer diycatinn. Hut in ipile of tln:a advernu circuriialaiicca, Ibis d.aaaai', wliun it liaa elironic, diaappiwra rapidly by the uae of the Oxygenated Biiur, wlncli have betin I'uiiLii to pruv i.n mfaliibli remedy. From (As I'ubluhtr of a isidVv circulated M'guzine. BuaTuN, July I, lejlt. Msaass. 3. W. FuWLK II Co., I have takrn three buttlea of thti Oxyt'i oaUd llitura, and havu derived groat benefit frnui their uae. 1 have been much truubled with Dyapepai for aeveral yeara, and found nolhing thai atforued me anyrelicl un til I uned the Bittera. 1 in "at clieeilully rvcum. mend them lu all who are atllicled urilh tins truu. lilrauma and ttwbttorm cviuulaint. jAMhS UOUlNaON, of the " Student ami Schoolmate." I iota Ckn. A. C. Dodos, uur Mumlcr to Kpain. WaeiiiNOTDN, D. C, May 16. Pa. (;co. B. Ctr.ty, Vrar Sir: The Vx',geaa. .l' '' Willi winch yuu were so kind aa lo ' h"? ! '''' '" ,'" Icaae. I waa trouilled with Dyaurpeia. for lur )rmrtf ianng wlllcll tlm, , Ul mskry r.,r.lca. but never met Willi any ao auou aa your U.U. r I am now in the cnjriyi-icr.l of voud health, anil I hour, and belnrvi-, tliat all who uae the Oxygtnn. ltd liittrtt, will find lliei.. aa avMiceabiu aa 1 bare fuuud thrni. With bigh reaped your obt. arrvanl, A.t-. UODUE. Nuns -inuine unleaa ai;nrd I. BLTISou Ilia wrapper. Prepared bv 8. W. FoWI.E dt O., Una. '.,.,vd,'""i k' E" ' ' . Xlu'V:. n.entul principle of hl,nCac,rn. It ia Wi.cly provided by the human ttoimmy. that whvnev-r ,y"",T ' ,n phyaical ayatem. thr natural lurcea of the boilV are brought 10 hear lo , dl,c.. The ,, inf l,,tfote luVtren-ilien the natural p.,e,.. I hi. ha. been kept in m w bv the ekilliull e.iu.p..unilera of Dlt. J. HUSTE'l'TKIl'S B1TTKHS, which operate to f,'r ct'oi't.'.I nH-ii 0d the kidneys dieine ubi n the atmiianh, ih. liver kulneya,are pronipt and decieive. The i'ho ia wii-e cnou;h lo q-iil driivPin;, and p - t.ent ut th Bitts, aoo feel, aa if h. h.d taken . new lej.e of il, aud aa l.e eonllnuea ths uae ol ' ' article, he .. oe.noved to f.i.J th. alream. of ! haaiih cnuramr thruli In. frame. all from whoee cheek liie bhmni hua departed, five ir J. lloatetu ra (.'elebrated liittrn s trial. Fur ele by I)ru?'ate and dealera generally, if. erjwherr, anil by K. Ny. Ilutcbiaon SV Co., Char, lotle, N. C. THE CIlKAT ENGLISH REMLLY. Mil J AM I S I. A It K I 'S -" ' 't lZVh.Z i J ",','.c"n t'"'J' l" " '. T'"' )'""'n '".lc"..t " "';"" lu s sure and sale remedy loi r ciuale D.tTiculties and 0!,.i, uctions, from any c.u.e whatever; and .1. though a r. medy, they contain nuttiing huniul to th. con.iitut.o,,. To Marl Id l.n.lU It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short tune, bnns; on llie monthly period with regularity. J Pius hivk nzvis mi (howw to rait. m vhui the nisicrTiofis os trk ato raoa OS VSMrH- 111 WaXL os.savio. F.r full partieulara, get a pamphlet, free, of tin .- rn- ,hB,f. en,.,Bic ., iO nils by return mail. JOB MOSES, Ro. i che.t.r, X. Y . General Acut for the t'. Piati.j and . an,d. 1 Charlotte by 5CARR t Co.. and all res- uggitla. 1 IT?ee the sdvrrlisen enl of F.nJford's Invgc ralor. in another column. IT Fe. the adverlieemeot of Wood. Ilur Dye, 1 another column. nut! wim.TKs:: jjocstacoes: r ful psir of lt'Aufteia, and ,lleutte Aea, fAirl tuft end Z.xurt.itf, within 'tjr Itrrlt, uMete thtit rere natr titfmi end iri'i v4 ttutn or tiijuie the sita rrire fiirv cents per hntlie to anv oarlof the Cmud .state.. Addresi JOHN M. SAUNDKKS. lT.-J Thud i-lieit. Ni.w York City. Mmrk 2i. leia. 3 UJ S. T. U T.ISTON T EFTS rni.tiilly en lmnrf, wliol ule nd re. ir tn, t'ull iiitd ditiiplrl apforimciit uf 1M,A1N AM) JAIM.NM-I) T1X-WAHJ:; nich will be told LOW. C Ot,"VTKR SrAt.KS, rnameled Ssiir. and Sltw Pans, Glue I'ols, Wutile 1 ons, Ac, ' for sale by 8. T. WIUSTON'. ..,,,:, .,... r, X Vt ! S. T. wills 1 ON 0. a STONE a. Co.'s Screw Top lil.ASS JAliS for preserving Fruits, Vegetablce, A.C., the beat article now use, for sale by S. T. WIUSTON. COOKI. STOVHS. A FI LL ASSORTMENT of COOKIXtl and x. olher bl'OYKS. will be constantly on hand, and sold a. low .. they cam he afl'orded in tins market, by S. T. WRISTOK. CAarvMe.Jenc 14. 18.19. Utl T; Iaist. rBIIIETovra Tax List i. mud. out, and It now B in inv hnnda. tor eulleetion. It it absolute ly neceaeery that Tax Payer, .etlle in aiedialely as money is needed. S. A. HARRIS, Tax Collector. Jose 7, ltlo3. I3lf aatasMtaai InStateeville.on the 17th in-t., Uf, LIE BELL, C'nrihltr f Mr. W. S. snd Mrs. Sarah R. "n, ped about 3) Je ira. In livdell county, on the tt instnul, JAMV A., son ef J. J. and R. J. Micholaon, aged ycara 10 months and 23 dura. On the lath inat .'at Eutaw, Ala., EMMA C. AfER. consort of II. W. A jtr. J bine the comfort of a ho III- with the advantages rinimi a n'l-v n inxtm.-i.. of 1 M'IKMIL, Inatructera nf the lug best qua. DRUGS AIND jIEDICIiES..,ficv,on' re em,lo" iu '"h'r E,Nye Hutchiscn & Co., nnvn's council., t il.1ltt.OTTi:, .V ('., Wholesale and Retail realm in ron kh; n a i d io.v em ic Drugs, Medicines iCheniiealSj 4 RE reeeivinrr freab il and gKtiUine irom ne.ew 1 ors nj ..r CMl.Tfo-j."1 Krl, which ni Uitn purBt, chased upon such tb-rnieh1 t I a. to be a J We wuu "i Call th. I be sold low firc.jeA. uld ret-ptc'lully attention of tliu Public to aluck of h-ym. m m-r .. Ture While Lead, Snow White Zinc, l l.rmr Vel. low, I hronie (Jrrrn, Paris tJreen, llurnt Uinber, Itaw L'lnbcr, Red Lead, ICack Lead, Litharge. Spanish lirovn, V.iirtiou lied, Lamp lllack, Droit li.ack. Whitu.r. English Finishing, Furniture, C'op.,1, Picture, Da mar. Grecian. .BT.-SaVH-'VaK.m: fmim Drown and P-tck. SXK eaTew, .tfc.- Lins.eH, Tanner's, Trr:in, I. bric.tting, 8-a E! I'uslnr Ol. v. C,l I .rd. Machinery, Lu. ephai.t. Pure cnerin, .i..:r, Burning Fluid, French Un.i.dy, Uld erry, Loudon Porl.r, .te Magnesia, Ice So. iier'a ci.ocolale. For. uiui lie. Opium. Snutf, 14lf Turpenlioe., Aln.hol, Pure nine, rrl anil Mi Freeh ('oiigresa Wale-r, t itr: (ia Water, Cuiitcu Teaa. It.. P,f s.,i, .i,.i n Tobacco, Krgars, eV e., A-e. t Amlelle, June lliil. JUNELJ.859. T. II. Ilrcm &. Co. A HE nfTrfjiif Jiberftl iuiiucemcnta to prnn hL wuiiinj; to buy a S- U i and particularly the Ladies. Thi y sre telling their stock of Printed Organdie, Jaconet and Swiss M .i.lina, rriuted lieri.g.-s, (srenaoiiua and Cliallirs, at New York cost. They are selling their entire stock of I.tiiiim i: th .i7.. at New York c at. They ar. eelling their entire stock of fell k, Crape, Chip, Straw, Leghon and Neaiulitaii BOISXKTS, a I New York cost. They are telling their tntirc stock 01 I-:u ' .ll:iii(l s, liiitls Si .linn Is, at New York c.-t. Thry are selling their entin atoek of liibboi'.s and Trimming, t rrvitttf reduced pricra. 1 lie j -re vffrtivg tiit ir retire ituck of ii.iim iiu:i:, hats. st:oi;s, AND at greatly red Deed prices. j They ar. determined to reduce t'nctr stock much low.r than usual. I They 111 vile you to examine and price their : "'JUNE, 1859. I A Better Time Ctming!! j READ, PONDER AND ACT UPON IT. ' f MIE plsn hat often tugge.ted itselt to my mind 1 that it would De Caller for all parties, (the purchaser and the deeler.) to niak contract, lor CASH ONLY in exchange f..r n.ercliandne ; and in pursuance of lhat plan I will. on snd alter th. firtl oaiy of July next. M.LL FOR t .47 OM V. believing II. al st are equally 11, It r. te.l . it by tlial meant 1 will be enable lo se.l you Gcoue 111 my linr. HOOTS. SIIOKS, MtKOU.I.YS, h i: AT II KIl. A: 1. for It'ti nnty flin I cuultl poil-lT do nd have thrm go on account. It m to four inlerrst to make your urrlia fur cih, it will fife on e;ich pair vi iiliorii, ten, fitlrcn, and frt-qucntlv twcr.t. 6v cent, aiut voiitctitnei. (itj ctnia m tine at tot and ( i'iij;rv Gniu r ; and n ImmHb the aaving wih be attll Krptr Inrni fifty ctiua to one dullwr per pair. Kr theae rraanita 1 .ni rnalned to mik Hua ilcilucliuii id the price n Botita and Shot- Firat, in all kinoaof tuaintaa ht re credit ia giv. n tlitre are aoiuti bad utbtti(and many that are food do nit psiy up promptly, thrrrby creating a luaa in in Ureal, which will 'uin tip henvily where llura ia much buatnr; 'lie tru? thut many pay itv after a long tiinc, with nix per ctnt. u trrmt, but that dttvu riot anaw cr in trade here money ia wurtli ten percent.: The second, !a mp licence or t rfetfulneae on the jurt of the mm reliant or the clurk tu charge the gojda told 1 The third ia the nect enty ot' rm ploying eon.e one to write up the BHk and uut thr Accounta, which amounte to a lui (generally termed cxpciiae.) uf from five lo aiz hundred oolUra year. It tharefure bt cotm ute to lop up tfaf great drama from liie credit eyaUm, and atll yuu my ush1p, soots, sunns, crocus, llituek, ir., at the grcut aaviug lo you ot' itn or fifteen per cent, Merchanta will find it to their intrreil to nmke their purchate from mis, - 1 have all my got .da manufactured to order, and will aell gootie as they can be bought in Nn York, and wilt gna. (ante, lo DUPLICATE ANY OKPEKoh INVOICE purchased in New York, riulauelphia, Dallinior. or I liarleslon. It ia tOli C.iSlltx,i CASH OXLY. J. 1! F. 13O0NE. Jun. U, I6S9. 116 J. Ca. W I LK I X M eV C O., DFALEHS Ilf WATCHES, Ji2WLRY, SILVES and FLiTEB WAEK.rj AMD No. 5,Gr-iiile Range, oppo.ite toe .Mansion Ilouae' CIIARLOTTK, N 0. Attention given to Repairing Watches Jewelry, WAXTKD ! S0 livitd f llert CtnLli! foo in mi i I J6 i 1,11 E .ub.eriher will pay Ih. lugnest l AAll lands, a. Ih law in such case, win oo rigiiny en I nriee. for IIUIIT I. and Kll I forced kgaiu.t eeerv one so ntTi-nding. Those h.vmg IKf Cttle of Sheep for .-le.1 A. UREVAR1) DAVIPSOX. would do well lo inform uie in person of by lell.r, yi 10. lt59. !-3isi a. .arl a. possihle. J L STOUT. TV-ii Butcher. , . , tW.ill8. ' SURPKNAS for sale at this ottce. LilRt-worlh Female rnilnary, Or4'csaboro it. C; fMIIE nineteenth annuaf session of JL thia Inatitutioh will cuininencu on tho 3rd i.f Auguat, Ihi9. I'lie cnurs. of study is thornugh and systrnintic, einbracinir evrrythinir lie. ceaaary to s conipleti-. a. .lid and ornamental edur.t tion. The Bl'Il.DINCiii are so arraiiyed as to com. TERMS: Board, incluilinfr waaliing, lij-hta and fuel per at aiou of fire iiionlha, toll Utl Tuition in the regular cLtsea UU Cet'-:ouea eotitninier nil n.-rraaery tiiforin:ili..n rrKtl:nj f lie course of Inetrurtion, Terms, dec., -ili he f.-rwared on application to KICHARD STKULING, Principal, Orcfn.LKroti:li, N.C. Jvtit 7, lo9. tMlr iNulice to Contractors IJItOrOSALS for Building a Nf w f'lit.r.cii nl Providence, will be received until the S5b ol June next. A ptan and st.i eifiratious of the ( l urch enn lie seen at the, i Hii enftl. County Court Clerk, ulso ul the Providenre Po.t OtHer. Marked propusala may he umlreaacd to W..M..M.1I. thews, at Providence, IS. Fropoaula will be n.ciied at the Old C'hurrh. on the day above specified, at ID o'clock, A. Al. and eontrnct rnti red into. N. It. Hiddi.ra Hre infuriued thut there is two .S'leain Milla in successful operation, and that luin ber can be ontuiued in absudaiictt in llie imniedi. ate vicinity. N. M. STIIT, II. (JRIEK. Col J. A. DUNX. J. N. liOSS. J. S. KEID, J. K.SAMFLK, v. m. mattiip:ws, Building Committee, .Miy 3!, ira. IIS jNotice. A I L prrsonsHre hereby cautioned sgninst hun Jm. tiog with guns or doge, nr fishing with net or tackle, or in my woo trespassing upon my land., as the law in such cases will be rigidly en. forced ugain.t every one to offending. IK A PARKS. JuHt 7, 18511. I3if A Great Battle to be Fought! f V ' II E subseribi rs inform the cilisei.i of Char Intte and vicinity, that they line on hand and are cnnalanlly receiving, a superb lasortinent uf Elegant FUJ.NITURE, superior to any thing that hi. eer been offered in this section. Ti.cir stock conti&u in prt ol the following articlei: Sofas. T.-tu Tetet and Divnn. Cane Dotiotu Kocking Chairs. Mah-gaiiy and Cine Seat Parlor Chairs inri Rush Botlom Chairs, AUhngany and l ane botlom Rocking Chairs, Wardrobe, and Bureaus. Marhle and Wood Top Centre Tablci, Marble Wash Stand, and Smlie, Card and Work Tables, Mahogany and Walnut Ex'ensirn T-iMi.. Mth'g.n.v, French and Kiitalielh Deosteadi, What ota and Parlor Desks. Looking G I i.rses from 4 In $7(1 a I'.ir, Self.Roekiiig Cradle r.m! Ricliiiiog Chairs, Tucker's Patent Spring. Uoitom R,date..ria, Canopies with I.ace Netting, .nd Moequelo Dart. Cottage Furniture by tho tot. lr. n and Wood lUl Ri. kK, Gilt Moulding of all sixes for making Ulna and hieture Frames. AI-SO Kvery V ind of nialerials for sole generally used by Cabinet Makers, such as Glue, Loeka Knoue. Hinges. Walnut, Mahoifany, A,e., Ate. And last, though not least, we keep always on hand a supply of Fink's Metallic b'urial Cases. J. M. SANDKl'.S i CO. Charlotte, May 3i, Ie59. Iltf ; STATE OF MMtTH-CAKOLlNA, Mtt-KI.CNBUHU CtltlNTY. Superior Coictt o' Lav, Spring Tirm, 159. ORDER F.D hy Court that a Special Terra of tins Court be I. rh! co the Vrd Mondny of July next. Te.t : J. B. KERR, CUrk. .Vjo 16, Ifo'J. 100 1L7"Sii .tors and witness in civil esses will t.ike notice aud attend. Clothing Emporium, ONCE MOIaE, triemle and patrnne, we invitr you to vint the Emporium and examine the lurettt beat nmoe. and cheaeat clock uf SUM3IKK. fLOTIlIX'S erer olTcred in Wvetern Carolina. W any the rlK'et p'l, brcauae we get our gof-a. ditftrirnt. ly from ai.y other home. W'b buy the nitenali tnsni the iiiiportera and jobbrra and innnufuclure the clothing oureuWee, thereby eTitg the manu. facturer'a profit. Ail we can wuh nf the people ia In give ua 4 trial, and we are confident we can aell. WR WAUIiAM every article lo custoiuei-., and will ninke goe.d any ucfiriency thai may orcur in nisterial or ma king. We are now receiving 0.i Ol irk Cloth Coals nil grade.. USIJ " French Si Eng. Ilr.pd'Kle Frocks t.9acka WO " Alp:icca and tiierir. Co do 75 Fancy Cssaiiuere L'1T. .Ml Plain &. Fancy Marseilles do 3'JU Spanish Linen a. limn Duck Sack. Sacklecra. I'lillluy, sipriii. ,v Co. May 17, 18bD. lOtl jui n'iiv4i, at05 Taira Rlack Cas.iniere Pant., I5 " Faney jtSO " Plain a, Faney Linen k Marseille. Panta at FULLING S, SPRINGS Jt CO. SHI LLINGS, SPRINGS A CO. have received atllO Rlack Sitin and fig'd. Grenadine Cilik Vests, I .SO F'jnry Cassiniere 'atAO " and Plain Linen snd Marseilles AT Al l. I'lUCKS. Fiirniliiiis Goods! Funiisliinsli'oods! SO dni. f.nry a. white linen mara'les bosom Sliirlt, 50 " Fyron, stain nog and riculuiniui Collars. ALSO Gloves, Hosiery, Slock., Cravats, Silk Lace Tin, S :k and Lineu llanukerchiefs, of all qualitu s and pricia. FULLING S. STRINGS k CO. KILLINGS. SPRINGS t. 1 l O. have a la-ge Sioek ol Cassiineir, Sii k and Lee horn II. its. Kuirht of Hi. manufacturer, by the case. ALSO "JjTJ A Isrg.- st.a:k nf GenU aorf Ladies' I A L A RJ, irolll P a5 lo c? av . , i an tes and Cur;Kt B gt. LL persons are herchy c.iulioned ng.iinsl liun. a. ling "'th gunt or dogs, or fishing with net I 1 i N .VTondar thc25tr,.of Jr July next, beinj; the (TiTTj H.dav ef our I ..only SH4 Curt, ! will sell, at the Court Ih.uae in Charlotte, (he following hinrls, tii ; 2T3 acres formerly o'wnvd hy Lainl Bhiir, 011 lieeuy t'reek. joining Albert Wallace. (i. W. iloua. tun and others. !t.0 ucrca forim rly owned by Vury A. hlosn. joining E. B. t. bioaii, JjtiiL-a H'inderaon um others. tlQO arrea on the waters of Reedy f.'ietk, join ing Joseph Taylor, John Ncwe I, Isaac, th Vower land uf Esther Caldwell ami othera. 8 unimproved Iota formerly owned by ti.e !!.:. Cyru' Johiiatou, in Charlotte known bv Nos. bli, tl27. Bid, and -,LI, in Squar.- No'. 7t. 'I'll. bIhivv lands ariil also be void 011 a creiiit :.f ! mouths. and ai-eiiriiv required bv. I). K. DUN LA I', c. m. . JvneSI.1459. t!9 II. r.LVLCOLM, ijkA. TICAL MARHT.E CC'ITKK. reapectful ly iij.uri.isi the puhlic, thut he httt, opened u 31 A UK l K YARD opposite toe Mansion Hotel, w herp he is pretoireil lo fill nil ..rtl rs V ilh de.palch for MONUMENTS, HEAD STONL.V, TAIII.K TUPS, and all kind, of W..,k in 11 e M .rl.l.- either IMPORT. ED ITALIAN or AMERICAN MAli 11 LK, Having made arraiigi'iiieuls by which he can procure the iHroiTiD Italian Marhle, at reduced pricis, he can fill all order, for Monuments, Slc, al ralea. He would be In.ppy to have all desirous of clenl. ii.g in his line, lo c-il! and see specimens of .Mar. ble, hear print und judge for themselves. Having had year's experienee in the husi. nest, he will give Ins personul allintion to put. tine up Monument, c. Aui.iry. May 3. IB5. Si f 4'iiic lor Ti'ltrr k call II -: el. f THE suhai.rilcr it m.inxf.irriirii.g and keept JL, consiaittly on hand. Soap for Tetter, Scald Head or Ringworm, and good to wa.h with for any olln r si. in disease. It will also Isle slams out of in; Kindol Clothing. If any person de tires to have it to sell again, it c.n be had al a rc duecd price. The Soap ha. been tried by respon sible persons n.ui is said to ba a certain cure. The Soap c...i bt had at Dr. E. N. Hutchison A. Co.'s Diug Store ontl from tl-e sub.criher. ! CHAS. T. F.BKKIIAUL'. j .Vay 31. Iltf ' Bargiiii)SjLargaiiis.I)iiri''aiiis ! OIR enlire stork of M1I.I.1.NF I' Y GOOIiS is: tor tale t I ost, eoiis.stnig of the luteal and ' best . tj lei of Bunnrlk, Hals Infnnt llnU, Ilnup ckirls, Drc.. IriuiD.inf. Hill. 1 iff n lluiiiiktrcbufs, i CuIIhts. ir., j Mrs. IIAWLKV & WINT'I.E. ir..v 3. 1 t)lf Land for Sale. 1IIE .iihsi-riher. bring desirous to remove from the country, offers for salt Ih. Plan. t.tion on wiiieh sl.e now resides, lyirg 4 miles from Charlotte, ua the Wc-tern Plunk Rosd. con- t 'ininf 511 reres. The land i. of good quality For pt.rlicu.trs, enquire of the .uoscnber on the premises. pl Hi. A. W. STE ENPU. April 14. Ie59. 5tf Hotel for Sale, AT MuNKOE. NORTH CAROLINA. I MiE subscriber being n. JL. of chantring his hti fajilfl! TSJ f r. . -.1 ..I'VlilV 11(1 iXgtlt TEL." Tlii. House is .iiunted in the thriving Town of Monroe, N C, envenient to the business portion of the Tuv. n, sud within about 01, e htinurid y.rus f t!.e track of tii W. C. ii R. Railroad. It la neurly new, coiitiiins tevenleen rwHtii, well lur. In d, (the r iirnitiire being ottered tortile win the House) .1 lire .place lo every room, also, conic. 11 cut nut house., Stnhles, Ac. Also, One Hun dred Aires ot Land adjoining. II s age diqu.ilifi-a him for longer public life, !l e.-.-f. -e fl low. piling any reasonable lime for payment. F"or luriher inform.ition apply to the ritier. or my friend. Rev. E. A. 1. Lo mond, Csuidell, So. Ca. JAME3 BICKKT. .V.yS4.l59. U5 NEGKO FOR SALE. Ill n Order of the Court of I, I M9 ixpoke lo tale, at the Public Square mi liar. lotle, : Tueida v, t!.. vlst ol June next, a Likely Negro Wan, ;ood and trusty bund and . tolerable Blacksmith, lonire to thu eaiale of Aneri w ceased. Termi made known on Ih. day of sale. D. HENDERSON, AJm'r. .V3!,l?53. . t'4 Pea .Meal. 'B E have PEA MEAL for .ale al th. mill, V W for feeding cow. und other stock, v. .1. Fl..or Wurrauiid. Exira. SuoerSne. and coarau lwiy. on bind, also Corn Moal .ud rile. JOHN WILKES 4 CO. April 10, 1'59. 6tf To Planters. a-.nTTn.:iV .-.r Ik. V...I ,,allv will. ID 4 j inch aaws. de'uvered at any Railroad t an. dine 111 11, e blale l iX per taw. Fur particular! address. J. M. ELLIOT. i V in.soro', si C ! Afril 19, l5D. 611' ! 3Lf Pn iniiini. .warded at th. Slals PhIi , . November lbod. J- M K- I Fit KSII A KKIVAIa OF COXFECTI0XAHIES.: IH)VS T4N V IIlM I'It j AS just received a fresh supply of CAN K 1 II I K.S, ot all, iil.u Citron. Currants, It il.ios. Figs, and t.,ruty of Nu.s. Call.t i ilUI MU. A iiij. I r.n 3, I D.-jr East of the Court Houae. j CAr(e. Ort. -.'C. lS.SS. 33if I a itou Stevenson, B. ii St Nesinilh) have a.soeia- Ud with DAMl'LM- ZIMMKI5MAX, formiTiy i.t Lineoinion, N. C, und removed to the larne store .No. 53 North 3rd st., between Market and Arch, here they will continue the wlo.les.le drv coons ni'sii:ss with an increased aloes.. PliideIMf. . 7. I853. tlS-fime 1JLANK DEEDS for talc at this office. AEW MAUBLE YAHDJ The Wnrla'rf. CtiKRECTKD BY OATi & fflLMAMH. CUAULOTTE, JIMS 37, o49. BACON, Hams .-. Sidet Hug ruuuu, , Shoulders, .. Hanging, Ounny 'Urf. v tulle; Iri'swss. ........ ...... leans,, Apple,..- , " I'each, Cotton Coiree. U10 Java, Cm miles, A dnma n line Sperm Tallow Chickens, Cloth .Copperas, I.llldsey V.gz: Flour REMARKS. COTTON. None nrTrnip sinee our ls.t .nd thrrelore Iiavo no prices In quote. fl.i U li. Tnere nas beeu bat little doing and pn. L.w.r. Corn dn!l tti.j not n.neh reT-'tirg. COl l .VHIA MARKET. Nin. Hi, IM. corro.N Nothii g kct ti. Columbia. UAi liN.hogrnui.d (OI.W, PKA.S (I MS 1 I.Ol If in tho collon uiar. 14 if. Ill ....! fc, I hi .. 1)0 (-.) 95 ...55 (n fi'l 3 (o, ?1 CllARLlTt)iN MARKET. Ciuki e.T.'N, June -4, 1859. There was a complete on in tl. Cotton n.aru. t to ti,. y noi s uai.aaClion hsving ta ken pUec. Ihree Ladies, A'Iit) Iiaie hail some ilCrnino as Tesch. 9 era, want I, r Ifc5. Tin J ih lea. h llie Ei r'.ii. hi. iii in s. ui.d Music on ni 1'i.nio r'orte. Enquire ,il the n Ulrica. Jun. 4, Iej9. 43 dm "VAKill'LII n.osi reepeetlully sni.'.L..c. lo the T T Citii.ns of Charh tie and turrounuing country, th -t he stiM rontiune. liie above bii.i nesa in Charh tle. Were l e is prennred lo (ur ntsh IMIOKS, HLINDS AND SA. to the pub. lie nn toe 1110: t reatouab'.c Urine, a no on llie aliurt est i, lieu. a great manv tmsll claims for work done, scsitered all over I, country, be is deter mined to rhsnje hia method of doing businr.. mnd hereafter vxll ttquxie for til work done in I.i. Machine Shop, before re moval. Pee. 7. I"58. 33 Km 0AL HAVANA LOTTERY. The nevt ordinary rawinc ofthe Royal Hue ni Loftt-ry conducted by theSn. mat. Government, under the sui.ervi.iun of the Captain General ef Cuba, will take place at Havana on SATUUDAV, July 15, 1S59. 3330,000. PORTEO NUMERO C20 OREUNAIMO, A 1'ITAl. I'llIZi: SIUO,!0! I nril.ol KO.0O I t. prueaof Ml. OOO 1 " SO.OHO I 15 " l,lO0 I -Ji.i)t0 I 74 ' fiOO 1 i: i. u:i 0O 1 " 10, OilO I aO Apr'sim'a .,00 4 A opr. .nn. .111.111 to the MU,f ; 4 ol fllUI to tS.i.o'M: 4 of 4i'0 to tJo.l'UO; 4 ut tH'U to Sib, I. . Hi 4 ol l4l,U ta f ll'.l.l.U. Vl.o;.Tukil!.SJlli HaivestlHi Qu.rt.r.15 Trues cashed al sight al 5 !r cent, discount. illlla oil all SOI veil I lianas laacn at par. A t.rawiog w.H be loi warded aa .ouu .. th. re suit beCoo.l know U. Con.iodll.caliol.a a.nlressed In I l.N I OI KI l.l J.. (eare ot City Po.t. Cl.arlesti.n, S. C-) uo. I.i the lblhofJuiy will be allet.duil 10. Person, ordering Tirk.l. w ill please m tl en nsn.e. plain aud g. their .iii, couuly tnd Wm. A. Owens, AT TO USE Y A T LA Wt II . i it lot i r, v t., vh ILLprartiee in Ibe Court, of Mecklenburg If W ami Hi. .urr.'Uii.nng enmities. 1j iHue nearly opposite tl.u Post OtTice. Jan. lib. I5f- tf ESECrriUN'S for the S. Court for sxlr. ...II V, .. b...... ....... 1 fO 12 101 (o U 10 C ,. yo 20 (ai 00 'lb a (it, H ...It. 12J (W, 15 (i, 26 buthei 1)0 (a 09 OH 04 00 (a, 00 ....ib H M, )PJ lb 131 ( 14 !b SO (S 00 28 $. 33 ' tpcrii Ib 4o (fA 53 ii. i. -huahel SO Si ....esuli Id & V0 ...yard li (a, 14 yard -5 (n 3D loren 10 h UJ bbl 6 6 ....b-ir S3 ci, l.u 1 i Fu.ithers 3d (4 3i Lard. .' Ib lij Q 13 ' M utton Ih i K S Mi.rl.erei, 1.1.1 No) tin" 0(1 Kills .lh0 (. 350 Molasses, N.O .... (.al f.U (r Mi W.l gnl 31 40 Me. bushel rS ( M0 Mullet. ( Wilmington) ... t.r.S 9 U CJ Norther lb 5 f 00 Southern Ib 5 () 6 Ont 45 (a) 00 Pork lb 7 i) 71 Peaa, I.llhcl 70 t'n, 75 Pol.i tor,., trial biiahel $1 ('(. 17$ Sweet bushel -i0 (n, 60 Idee bnsliel 4 (i 0 Sl.irar,f.i.f, Ib 14 (.( IS " Rr.iwi U 9 (i, 11 8 9 Soli 1150 fi) 00 'IV. II. "J ifo l Wheat, white, I.iihIk-1 '55 ('0 re.i bushel 110 ( 10 Whialiey, .Nortl.eri gnl 45 0 55 N. Carolina, ...ga1 55 6J ',,l,(;crgia) ...lini S7 Q, 2S iii.wi.slo.-.- if Q S3 Van bah Iiid (, 10 I I J J