gbto Xfabing. the vniAT Lovnn the lord. One of ihe cures'. ee.idcriee of renewed l.r.irt i the di-j rwitiun 10 speak of t lie love liness of lli Lord Jesus, and nmcuify dim s die prm-bus r.i rii ni'T of III pi-cple. j ni of (In abundant'i' of the benrt ihe j no'ili !p"ik-tb, mi'l if the eve of faith to fjul on Chri-t and (In-re be pr-ncc and joy in (lie heart, the l!p ill rt Kie hi, marvel- i eus Ofniiiif v illi the soul mid acrihe praise to I lliii whoe wotk il i. On the. centrair, to Lo continually dwelling on (be sinfulm-Vs of (lie heart iir.d le wilinr ita j corruption, to the cxc'u.'on of those expres- ! eious of adii.tration, love nn 1 devotion liicli lire iio natural in those lio bave communim ith him, is conclusive evidence tint there it but little pracc in tlic heart and that but little progress hat been made in the divine ; life. There i no more prevalent habit than ', for christians, alien tbqp meet and converse : ebotit tl.eir fpirituil condition, to deplore . their sinfulness. Now we do not believe that such conversation is meant by the pro-1 rhet where le savs, "they that loved the; Lord spoe often ooe to another." The de- j aeription piven of them foi bids tbe supposi- . ticn. T he J aic described as thej that lortd (he Lord, their iffjClion fir the Saviour is ' the characteristic by which fhev ire known, j Where such love exist", it will be made known more by the pleasure manifested in speaking cf J:'tn as precious and beloved, than by lamenting hardness cf heart and want of it.terisl in whs.t mtccrw tbe soul. : Sucb conversation is i.evhinj; more than re Lgious ejn:i-m; it is rot a conversation a'.iut I'Lrl.-t ami Hi poodnesa. but otin in which each speaker begins snd ends with I. It is r.clhii'g to the praise of God that lie be.irt is f-o de'pfrate'y wiclied, but hen Ilia goodness u related in forgiving tie sinner and in rntblit g kiiu to overcome 1 is evil habit' and dispositions, then tt is lhat ti e vtry depths of eonuption Irom j which tbe sinner hsa been plucked makes! llis love aiid goodness the more marvelous, j Tie christian will speak often and feelingly; e f tie co'dness cf Lis love lo bis Saviour,! for hi sense cf the gratitude be oa,-!,t to feei i overwhelming, and jet it will be i u.anifet, even in such confessions that Li j heart burns wi:h love to Him. He will freak of his depravity rud bewail tbo pow- I c r of sin over him, yet be wlil praise God! tint He ba given grace to overcome many aitit and ,;ke tuut advances in tbo chris-. tin life. Tbey that love the Lord whenj tbev apeak O'.e to another, tell what He has; don for their sou's, bow He has broken thej bars of ir.n, cpe ntd the prison doors and, set the captive free ; they who only speak r,f their infa'ness do b'lt sneak cf man's; fail and Satan's triutnpli Mwige. j TI1K UNKNOWN FOOn. I cat lu il liit ve snow not of." Vben WisVy was fning to ficirg'a, be-j f:re befourd Cl.ii-t ly faitu. I.e wassur-' pfied at tl.c petftct (rarq'iiiiity, during a .iolrct .torin. cf the Moravians nith whom' b 1 ' h mif was greatly alarmed, t the tboogbt of dyin'. lJut be learr.H . alterwarda laat tbis devoted people derived 1 their t'i)h from a simple faith, by which tbey were able lo do and suffrr the whole wiil cf God. It ws the inward, bidden; fuod ly which they were prepared for eery duty and dancer. This was ibsr-j'ient!y tue secret or, at Ira-t. aa important part if the secret of Wesiry'a ability lo do ihe' soil assigned him. Mad he fed cn the I ii-k- of a worldly ambition, be would tave Llf:fd. I Cbti-t say, My rnat ia to do the wi',1 ef bim that sent rx,e, ar.d to Sui.-h bis work." Through (bis he was enabled loendure bun-. per, ftij-. th's bitternrs of persecetion acd tbe anguirh of dr:b. ILo-e of his ii-c'ples who follow bim fully in lLi respret, ar partakers of an inward strength cf wbieh others are ignorant. The Christian Bf rchanl who lives to do tbe w ill of God, is calm amid the vexations of ordinary ba r.ceis ; rd when " bard litres " aLd " fail ures " srfep away bouses and lands aLd atceks, I'jing uidsrved imputations n;oo a good name, le i peaceful and e'n Lappy. Tt.e C'r.ri-tian mother ho tLiiS !ivc, ainid-t pressing responsibili ties and nmliitu i iiious cares, worn do Wo in bodv and rt! au-ted in mind, baj sweet rest cf soul. TLaLk God, there are a crtat acd '. it.ere:rg among Gid's people cf evert nsn.e, to Lora the ahs-rbing in tiret cf ihe aoai, io the vi.lcf Gad, it not tn ULitoan fioi. G'hIcjV. ORKAT MERCY. Had we no sin but lie Ils of cor cLIM brid, or the n'ns of riper yesrs, or tbe si'.s of our tongues, or the sins of fur hearts, cr tie siu cf cur Sallatls, or tbe sins aain-t car parrie, or ihe sins fitt voias, or sins cf oniiion, cr se er t aina, l, at niercy would be retired ii ihelr forgi 'enes! Hut hen God fjr girea all these and all other offenses, epe eiriiy sins af icra'i ude for go'jel krae, l o cannot see that Lis n:trcy is jret, renchitij uatothe beavem! V. 4 I it n lu oaard. tSo'jaarid lonuf-a, i Nl ru el.-uld silent .- ; ' Il'd 1 in. ii.'.u...i, t... uar,d bear!., 1 I'u lit r uu iu 1 u.t. j u;ns OF AITLICTION. Art-or. a.t rs have teieseopea which rn iU in i. acs r.f star uueeo before; but wbeo a man took throub a tear in Lis can fr, list i a ici.a which epena and yearhea ,u :! ; .;' , ati, acd reveal oi'rs wiicn Iio tele'ecpe, however skilfully con firm ted, can tlo ; I, ay, which brings to s iew ewn ll.e ibrone of (iod, and pierce list I el -ilora Hi-taere wlere are rh? et' Vi til. tain al.irru true life coBeiet. ronstnt.iit.e de Ilenoeviils, was eleven sars an it,u.ate of the )-a"'i!e. In prison! be " rad slid re read the Near Testament! wi'h ali the rerrject and attention so holy I1 look dtstrt's" He t-sy", " Aa I rtad I' fvid hi'luen iLstitja whmb redoo ; lies tie Linger the u.ore of it is eat I I 'ieov..-nd tbo-e iii.'s wliieli are! I nideo froi,. lie)esif tiie world. . . LJ I",' the t-t tiiot.tb of n.y io,r ri-or.iin:. I tc ed the ii- ; of the N. w 1 eeia'ietit line ' tunes, and the lvt t me I lead ir, it al ;iih -or avidity tbau ti e ol." I I Hi' itv i.-.l' r you are at the door cf et-rr.i I I r. and l ave gt'.er work to do than to tr.f.r I l'j t m; ' Uo-e hours wnich y ou -,J n. the !'! n o: of , ) Our , smI w. I y-tr Let sve I !. urs. srtlcat IlCj. lc I t'i'r iLo-i tit t.ot a 0 J I lis bat b pleasure J inai.kedLe't: licit be r-'ai! evil dwell ailLj tLce j Agricultural; USES OF LIME IN GARDENING. Of all the mineral and earthly subnianccs employ-.! in agriculture and gardening,' tin re is no ore, probably, about which there ii,ts, in the minds of moat persons, wn , , , . . , i doult ...d unceuainty a. to it. real value and action, than in respect totbe simple r- tide lime. Some farmers and gardener think very highly of it. and use it constant-' ly, others use it rarely, or discard it alto- gether. The most elaborate paper on the use of lime, (such as Ibat in Johnston's Chemistry, for instance,) fail to enlighten the most intelligent readers as to the true nature and action of it upon soil and plants j and the most contradictory statements are constantly being published, in Azricultura! journals, lo the practical effiCtJ of limiug land. Tbe truth is, ihal while some of tbe mot important uses oi niuo are ovenooseu, ioo Terj troublesome customers lo the tuber much is expected of it, by many who em- mell , u0 niTe 00i r,ason to fear a con- ploy if. J-armere and gardeners are nearly all apt lo look too much lo one eubatanoe a a fertiliser. One thinks be ean do eve- rv tbinif with lime ; . another bases all his i c i , . . .i .-'i bones of success upon plaster ; a third witl have nothing but totted sod, while . fourth thiuks . grand panacea is to be found in guano. No error is more f.ul to .uecef j than th's one idea notion. inmortaiit auxiliary to other manure. It ia in more ways than one a real fertiliser, and it produces, sets free and organile fer tilising qualities in other matters; but it ia by r.o niesns a universal manure or fertilizer. To wake a long story short, I propoee to set down, in series of paragraphs, the most etidmi and important uses of lime in gardening, and lo call attention especially to to actions which it possesses, which are i v- ii r ..k z. r I. Li mo is an alkaline earth, (a sort of sail) and its Ert and nio.-t evident use is to sweeten our soils. 2. Lime furni.-bcsj a substance which is present in considerable quantities n the ah of nearly all our cultivated plants and fruits. For this reason, partly, lime is specially use ful to potatoes. The tuber of the polsto shows but a trace of lime iu a ton, and thai lime in not essential iu this j ercp. JJut look at the analysis of the straw or tops; there you will Cud near!, three bunded pounds ,n the product of an .ere. 'J. l'rehly stained, or caustio lime, acts at a powerful deccr.. posing agent, when in cor' not with masses of eartb or vegetable mutter, setting free many substances which before existed io forms insoluble iu water, and causing ibe natural decay of organio bodies to he hastened. 4 Lime causes eold, dense soil, to be- ' eonio more open ana porou. ion reoaerai iibt sandy .oil. n,or. e.o.e .. ,b.t podu-d .,. mal.Jy 1 more adhesive. 1 bese last are facts very , , r . , ., f ii j.j 'ijeterday afternoon, about three o clock, generally undertood. I , . , ' .... . . o , irben entering the house ths lad was eeifi1 5. ei-ntahle matter (that is, loam, sods, i sf.Lle manure and Mr.-) .. the food of ,. ,, , . .i . r. mi, 'j .... ... i.v.1- most liters. Iy be 3id lo eat op vegetable j i i. a- .... ii. j ses and drive, vegetable matter and manure o..r e.f th. a,,!! ih.n In th. the results of decomposition tOKoluble ia water. This is an important point. We Lave not 'free to elucidate it. But we state the fact, that lime not only decotnpo. ri , .1 ... t: . Davis, and be is about ten years of ?o. Luke Itiacauiao, llenro, when there is It'tle loam, there lime IT , ,, , , , r, , . . , i lie has no recollection of tbe lime tbe fro? f viT Zt ?, "Is.,, ..Ve'-" taken into th,,:cmaCl., Ut his father, A Parrot.. C Not on!, lioie de eomp. r.-et at.e Moflti bi, Uat : l ev, T ses, it renders soluble vegetable'sr, bat CBEaJino T M. Vincent msintains that in excess, it renaers tbe result of deoompo- the w iters of tbe globe ire gradually de sit'on ino'ub!e. .." " 'creasing', foaoditig bis opinion on the faet 7- Lime, in close proximity with decaying that vast desert, of Rand, mixed ap with the nitrogenous matters in tbe .oil, (as borne salt and remain of marine animals, of which tBinijra, hair, leather, etc ) lecotne a real tbe surface of the globe ia partly composed, amtronia producing agect; as it i. a well- were formerly inland sea w Inch have in known fact, that iime and titrogto, under sensibly become dry. According to M. such circumstances, unite to form nitrate of Vincent, the Caspian, (he Dead ea, Ac, lime, fully erjnsl to ammonia s a fertilifing will become dry in tbeir turn, also aben aeent. while pota-h .nd nitros;eu fjrm ni- their beds will be sandy deserts; and the trate of potah, (salt tetre) th" motiey-val- ue of which as manure needs no explanation 9 Lime, when it haa been burned and slack d, and again becoreea mild, tor is charged into the form of carbonate) is then a storehouse of crbot.ate acid for the ose i i j j i of plants, and io a certain degree, has tbe same action oon vegetation a. carbonate sine anion uon vepaiaiion aa earuonaie fid evolveJ from decaying vejretahle mat- ter. You -pa all ak, bow is this carbonate acid set free? 1 ansirer, in one instance, by tbe action of carbonate of lime upon sili- . ca or stnn, wbioh is cui-Ey an acid, cili- cic aci'l is liberated, which in i's turo act j uiiin the earbona'e cf linie at.d larre 0'isn-I ies of carbonic acid are let loose. Other ! cbanpe cf a r-i ruilar chsrscter, take place in the soil, caused ty the actions aud reactions of acid aiid alkalies which result in the liberation cf carbonate aeid, held in oniLi- . , , . nation by imr, and thus It serve, to a ma- 1 . ' , , in ira rela:i"n to plants. Ti . i. . : . 1 1 c ... .1.... ' i i , Fr"'7"-V' " to which I wi-b to d:rert the sttention of tbe reader, as they describe the (east known acd mol iu.portaut use of lime. wy ru e , to use i.n.e, iu toe g.rcen. ... j, .j :. . i k.:. i. and any sloaly rottiig nitro-renous matter; , , . .7 - . . arid thus I secure tj or three iwportaut pcinl in "terra culture. HOW TO FATTEN LA MRS. A corre'pou'lent of th Mnint f 'urmer ., . .! .-, , i.- ... ... , . , says, ti.a i .'ir j-.,i.t,a .Toaper, .jnann, has . for fed grain to bis kh.ep, for the purpo.e of forwarding lambs, but received tut little leneEl therefrom. lie at Ust thonj.-ht there tiiilit be a be'ter way, so be ' tri- d the tkreritnefit of feeding bis lambs I with oata iu a trough made by naiiine two ' boards lordlier, covering the ends, ,,d :t .... .i . f. .. il.flr. II...... Irenes from the fl-.or. lie put. iu the oaf., and leave t belli until ibe latiibs earn to e,t hi.:b, Le say., ihey a ill do ' when about tl ree weeks old. lie leave a paesajje for tbe !au.Ls so aiuail that bis rlitif Cdiii.-t trouble thini, both in his bare and in a yard made fur the purpose, after goir.g to pasture, ai.d eoMinuea le feed un til Le soils, w bleb i in June, tie bas laiat s tea week old that wiii drei-e fftteu pouuda ptr rj.jarler. KAIilN'i 01 K OWN TEA. It is stated, from War'sjinflon, that the Arrieuiiursl department til tare, by lb. a.iiuinn, i hina tea piauts enou'b lor six (y acres of ground. 'Ihey are to be distriuu- ted aa,org (-entleiReB bo are wi.ling to tbeir eu.iiv.tiou a fair trial. , Jlcfcrni rliclcsr Death fkom a Stingray. A vluab1e negro man belonging to James S. Garrison, Esq , of Princes Anne, while hauling the stiue on Lynnhaven beach, about ten days ago, waa pierced in Ibe leg by the sting ot tbe fish called tbe stingray, the sting being &lirn Itaeherl bono ni-narino unrler the Ion ui, of ,', fi.h ll)0ut the lelu of . BaD', ore finger. Tbe wound it indicted tu painful and dangerous, and although thi medical skill and attention was be stowed upon it unremittingly, the poor (el w M Saurd,y n,0fcrmng ,at. Tb, iuiniortal Capt. John i-mith, while explorini the ahorea of the Chesapeake, lost one of hir eotnpanions by the aamo ntixbap ; end Ibe piace here ,i happened (at the mouth of ,i,e Kappabannock) goes by the name of "Stingray Point" to this diy. Noroik ('a.) lUrald. The stingray attains quite a. large eiae, weig,jng perhspi eight to ten pounds, and measuring twelve to eighteen inches wide loros. .i.e back, and from one to two iucbes tlticlc. A very large one was caught not I l0Dg ago in tbe Eastern Branch, a short djtanoo above (he Draw Bridge. They are Uot j,h po fornjjd.ble an enemy. Norfolk j ya j Jrgut. n ... ., "Tin Olo Pbintjb. We were guilty i i l of CrTe oumn Ust w'' "Llcb . J''" mucb-w. omitted lo ment.on tUt e bA T,sl v' i"' T. Singletary, one of tbe oldest printers in tbe United States, and, perhaps, the most indefatigable pedestrian in ihe world. As far as constant travelling is coneered, he is the "Old Mortality " of printers. Ue nev er stops longer than a few days in oue place I he will not stop longer aud is the guest of the e- lit wherever ue sojourns, lie bis traveled through nearly every State in the Union perhaps all of them and mostly on foot. He was in' Cababa in 1651 and and since then has lost n eye, which ' . . . .' he lost iu Iooiatia or Illinois. He is a na tive of South Carolina, and is G? years old. We believe he bas kept a journal of bis wandering, and if ihe old man should die before us (and long may he live !) we would like to be bis literary eiecutor. In lS3ti or '37, Professor Henry Junius N'ott, of Sjuth Carolina, a rule and a oik , cailed tue " Adventures of 1 hemas Oingu- of hifn Mr- Singletary was tbe ber The "oJ nl1B Uft 1 t loniaj week ! for (AU) CtZ'lie, 10(A A Froo in tui Stomach. A son of Mr. Charles Davis, in Gould's Court, leading from Montgomery, near Light street, has caused the family great uneasiness for three years past in consequence of his being sub- , '"j,""", " -i 5n.i!.i!n. to re. ., , " , , ,. ?,,hrlh' ?'am of ,"4 tt"Jc " tt Of relchlLIJ. threw cron the DOOr lire 'ro(?. rout two inches in 'Dptb. 1 he frojj , ., .... c -i , hopped gaily about tbe floor uotil secured b ,I'e "".'J-. "' TtM ""? nCe1 ,he "a His name is William inree jeara ago, wnen ne waa urat aiuicten 1 with ttu. JJatltmore Sun. ! I ARI TFII ATER8 OF TUX Gl.f B D-1 inland seas whether they bave only one outlet, as the Mediterranean, the Red Sea,' the ISaliic, A.C.. or whether tbev have sevc rel, as ibe Gulf of Mex:co, the seas of 0'-! Kotab, Japan, China, will at some future ' time eeae to communicate with the erat v -ii i 1 basins of the ocesn. They will bf -.ome in- v win ucomo iu- land seas true Caspian iann seas true varians ana in aue time will become likewije dry. On all aides, the waters of rirers are seen to carry forward ; in their course the soil of the continent. : Vincent maintain that there is no actual dioitnutton of liquid matter. ' j - t i. ' Narbow Escape or Napoleon Tn his ri-it to tbe 6eld of battle at Montebello, the Emperor Napoleon narrowly escaped being made prisoner. lie had putbed on as far. .i . t .i l . scope the movement of tbe enemy between ; r.. ., , , . , , c' ,, liarbiancilo and ihe Vortteo del Stella upon the Po, when suddenly a detachment of A as- j trians presented themselves before him, only 'two hundred paces di.tant . . . . bether they ' bad lost their was, or whether they had advanced thus far from mere hardihood, cannot 1 told, but it is probable that tbe ' ,ur,poition eor,, ct, in,.mUcl, a. the advanced poM. of the Austrian, are ... "' .i p Tj-' i. I ' the r ranco carditnans. Ihrecily, bow- ,, .. . ! color, threw away bis seear, drove the spur, . ', . I it' into the Lor-e a fla in, enu g.,ipeu vi. to Vophera at apace which would have'..ntpr done honor to the winner of (he Derby. ; I.',nil nr,l.-,a l.a. fai.'.t. it moat I, ..I - - - t ' ," - ,T ""t,td ! but hil of w.nlomy eipo.i.n b.s PeMon ,0 ,U Dtmy """"l certainly be i them. Lomon Times. - Oln on .a e. " Insects generally most t., j :.t i:r. 'll,;, i, u,, , , , . ' y, ' vm, :...,., , f."r"r" snd many new advantage. ...ded t--. hi. fe Imagine a palace 01 ijp.ra to uleaae, lie re prepared to cft.,r Ins frieuiia i,r,rv or tarl. ailb of silver and can- .d.i..-, r m...k n,l "....,.. e .....ii italaof pold, all .- xhaling aacb B perfume ,r0M rom U11, CU)er. FriCT again lb fun o:' tuc'aiiij! youraelf tip for the night in the fold of a rose, rocked lo sleep by the gertle sighs of a summer' air; and t.oiLir.g lo do wbrn you wake hut lo wab yourself ir. a dew drop aud fail to and eat your bed clothes !'' A Novgi, ExpgniMtv " ( )h, dear '." ' excUijied Henrietta, herself iulo ., ,. , .. i ii . .t . I sue rocking Cbair, I ll never goto tuai, I'ost Office again, to b looked out of eoun- ; leninee bv all those men on Ihe corner. Its so provoking I W bat can I do, barab Jane, to stop Ibos awful men lariti(r tu so in th face!'' ' Do at I do," replied Sarah. Jane, - rub ly look, "tbow your aakle." SCARR & CO, CHEMISTS ASP DRUGGISTS, ciiMitMiTTi:, m. c, , ft ESPECTI'L'LLV call, the. tun. tmn of Phji.iciana.I'lanUira.O'Un. try Merchmim. ic.. In tneir lrea u1 carefullj aeleclcd Stuck of DKUGS. TO PHYSICIANS. ir.Churrhill'a New Rrmedirs f.r eon.uinitii.i II jpi.tioiiliitc ul' Sons &. I'otsah. A 1.80 Compound Syrup uf the llypoplmephilea. WnmlV I!;m'i I? rli nli vr. A fre.h supply of this v.lucUe prepnralion for .ha Uuir. LINSEED OJL TRAIN Oil. stekm on. WINTER LARD OIL. ALSO No I Copal VARNISH "9 "3 - Fine Dmsr " " Coach " Japan " I.rnther &e. i. vnitriii ' m-w crop GARDEN SEEES. All Ihe choice varieties nf GnrHen Seed. Paaa, Drsna, Btcts, Ctbufc, Psrsnips. e. Asparagtis ttlr, Itlitib.'ti or I'to IMniitt, VITU CLOVER., BM K GltASS, OIICII ARD Ult tM Ac. Jam 4. 65D. 43tf Fluid Extracts. SCARR ft CO. call the attention nf the Mediesl Profusion to ihrae elegant prepuraliona so adnii. rshly suitrd for tho eatemporsnenus prrpsrstinn nfl'mctares. Syrups, W mes, &e.. rcuring the tie iirbi ohjcci ot uiufurmity ot stremin. i Physician almuld be without tliim. inr sale st SCAKU k CO.'S DRUG STORE, Cluirlotte. Window Glass, Fully, hiliiis, (. U.ilL, Ac, Low for eiV it SCARR & CO.'S, Drvfgistt. Atlantic ELUTUAL and FIRE Insurance CcrLpiuy, Cnrotiiia Iti, !v C, intaTpaTm,,d b, An cf ,h, . .ViriA t... u'Tu!, ....,, i. r" ;p1.Tteiw .Ppl.e.f..n. for i.a.r- ance upon BUILDINGS, HERCHAKDISE, Fiiriiilnre, Til Mn tmlm-liric, 'SHIPS ASI TI1WK CAIIGOLS nd most kinds of property, at reinuin-r:Ji';e rates of premium. It is aimed, in Ihe orgsn'iatmn of tins ( nnips. make a sate simi fur liidrn'Mtj and case ot Li honorable and ornight e.ur of dealing, and .1 Mnt of .eontr.e....l ...U characierixe the business ot the I am puny. i, -,. t, i,,,,nre be at the Appheions fur Insurance n.ayoe in., le a u i.. i .... .rimiitu Uiud Arm u. j, . - . DIREt'TOKS. J ,lm A Tarrot. illiar. " Lone, Ivi I.UgUsor, w it f:r,.i J lr,,,. llVKl VV le.l, (ieo. W. D.ll D ivid S. Junce, l. Th..a. J. Blakeler OFFICERS. y 'I hoinpaon a. B. Chapm, I W. II. tJrjiit, I iW. . Ixir r. SF.XETl TIVE COMMITTEE. D .id W. Bell. Mare Ii, lj9. eni-1158 WASHINGTON HOTEL (CHANOE OF PliOI'RlETOHS ) DROAD 'l Ili:i T K Lt:ifV, N.C., JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. rMl!K t'nderrigned reaocetfully siin.unce. to M. Ihe travelling potdie, that Li ha lake.. charjeof thia old .n.i ononis r e.taU,.,me..t. and w prepares lo accoo.niooaie irceeieraano pri. le families with board hy the day or month, on the moei .e-o,nn.o.i,.ting i. rni.. 1 A,J ',,r dfo,.n market. atT.rd. Tue Wtihitslti Hold hns large room., i netrer the drp t, the court l oue, and the buame.a streets than an An Ommoug will al-avs i,nuill(!i the arriral ol ih tie at the deiml and .... .... ..i it.. Ihe caia and steamboat, , meonvev passengers to ll.e Hotel tree of eharga. By sioptm.g at thia lloi.l, pjaaengers will have '" ,""'iJo J l"r"'t",n ,nJ'BnfIce?, n (j'u'r.'hi nd eommodtou. Ptib'e, foilv orenured to board horses by the day, week or iik.oiii at the most reasonable rati JOHN. F.J0NE3. March I. 1859. ClIAliLOTTi; 110'iTl,j .B gEa JESK JB iBK EC e, t IIAltLOl 1 1 Is. C. ft' VIIF, Proprietor of this IMcl is JL still at hia poat ready I, fil the duties of ' mine hoi " to the travelling public end others who I r rail on bun, end he H itters Inn aeli mat a. coll,ri,rl,be .airt tan be found with h sny wliere in tkia vicinity. Heir g situat'd near ,1'1" 'he centre t l.lianotie, 11 ness iiien will 'o ii... i ..ui a moat convenient .,,u oe.,,..,. loe.ition. Ile baa been eneueed in tue buaint-aa i " 00,rlr 'hlccn years, and ti,,,e he has made .evera .Uoiliona to im . . . j ., u. .... ,.. .. A former j pros.d, prea. i.ttng n. fronla,, VKIIA.NDA !IM feet in le, etli b 13 f. l in width. Iiandaomely m , . . L. Wee. nntl,.. .J-.w. Ik . ff..rdmir . i.l... ade at all hours ol tue dey. is ha. been thoroughly inroiali ii thro'. est re part of it creituie comfnrta ara i Ho .buodnnt.nd tangible, in the M.M.M K(J(jMt xX tmitV m.,," ,. -renewed' d.y hyA,j tkmnecte, ted with this Il'ilel arc Stable aft", rd room for lull lioreea. abond.mly luriuahr-d witii grain and pr..vender, alieimed by faill.lul .ml o. I aiigmg liotlere. j The Prnprieior ft rls confident ths I with I s mochgord cheer aa will b. f.oiid anywhere, perhaps a l.ule more i IT At any rat Tv the On rlolte ll- til. J. i KERtl. Oci.-W IS. Ifl.lS. Notice. A LI. pera.n.e iiiilfl-ted to lia for (he I it e(nar. Via tir need not espeet lo buy (.orNa from us any l-.nger on a ercml, W intend lo da . tltrrt month nuameas ; lliereffe. il y.o are,i i " '"' "nrT P"""-''" Ihe I.t dav of April your credit will at..p. -..msell, m'end lo enlnre. the aboee er-n bert friends, and hope n offence will be Use I f A'l Aeeonnie doe for hai year that .re not paid by th 1.1 l April, will b hauded rut far Collection. H. D. WILLIAM3 t CO. April i, IH1 f IOIMII CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE, yrv CliniotH', W. C. lu'Tr-vHEi:rrcicsoribia Instiluta will uS M. eoiiiiiiunce on the lt OsH'tofi r'A'"L'I TY ELECT: Maj. O. II. IIH.L, Supcrint. ii.leut. LiruT l'.. C I.KE, (liiiuiiiiindant, C. P. ESTILL, A. M , Principal of Primnry 1i iorIin nl. Course nf Studivi : In Ihe Trinisry I). pi.rln i nl, such as tn qualify a Mludrnl In rnl r anv ('..llrf. In the elelltlfio tt psrlinrnt Ihe Wt Point Curriiuluin will lie cloudy Inlinwrd. It will tw im of Die Profnriora to mske Surveyors, 1'ngi. nerra. Chemists, a nd men lit for the practical busi. ners of life. In sdrtition to lh usnsl Ettrriitt at .Military ScliioU, the months of Angus! ami aVptemlxr will he snei't in I ainpairiuni throueli Ilia moun. Inins of N.Tlli Carolina. 'I lie Academic Ytar will eimmne. on the 1st dsv of Oi, anil will enihrse Iwolt innnlln. A furlough ol two months (Aug. end icpl ) will be aiven In Cadets al Ihacnd ol their second ver Pjriicii'sr nlui.ti. li will he given to the moral and uligiov$ kc ien ol LjuiU. rXTENSFS : Ths Iostitiite will provide Hoard, Fuel, Llfhls. Wishinc. Anne, Equipments and L'nilnrms. snd nil clothing exrrpt under eloihrs, for t30 I I It A H' M. one hslf pursble in advance ; the biliiiee in su months. JSnrlf thoifri. No n niisMoii i.l'elisigta to those ho leave uniea on Ilia score of health. TEK.VS OF A PVlSSrOX: Noons will he udoulleil into Ihe I'amsav Pa rSTM."r unoer Twelve years of ge; nr mlo lue rciiNTiric UaraaTMBSiT under Kilien nor over Twenty -"lie ) ears ol age. All connected Willi the Scientific Ii ariineut will be itqvurd In board in ll.e lostiiuie; in the Primsry Ih porlmeut o: ty do bo il tbey clnsiee. REPIARKS: The Institute Umlnii'f are t'ia largest, mot ehesnt ami coininodiou lor the accommodation ol Cuotta in the Southern Country ; and Ihe O-wrdot'! Ihrcctors Irnat tln.1 under the iiMDjrrn.tnl ol Ilia i sjijjieriiiteniient and Cominsndant, (ja of arAam 1 are Urjcuatrs of West Point and ol long enre in the Army, and in the buaineaa nl ineliue. t on. the InMituie will he eaUblnhrd on a true . MiiHarj basis aid rmiducied on true Military lirineipies. The board will further aay. that Mr. t'.i'l ILI. ia a Uradu ile of the Virginia l oivi raity . nd an eiperieneed Claaaieal lescher. Tliey anuld funhcr alate iliat it la their intention to increase Inc nunioer of trschrra both Orsrt. menta aa tue iMlronuee of Ihe atubiic mil require This Institute waa grmted a liberal Chatter by the legislature of North Carolina, wilh Ihe power ot conferring Deercte own llmee who con-.plete the preaenhed t'ourae of Studies. U" Afiplieationa for aMiiiaaion will be received until Ihe lt of Sei'timher, end must be directed lo Pr. C. . Koi, President of Ihe Board, Char lolte, '.C. C J. F"X. 1 JAS P 1KWI.V, , -3 II. LaF. ALKXANDER. I 5 JAS. II. CAILStJN, Tlit'S II. LIIK.M, S M. LI. A IK. DAVID I'AHK?, J rlotlt. May III, iHO. tf TAXI-IS. T 1IIF. Tia Liata for Hie year )8i8sre now in y liaooa for inspection. 1'lioee liable to pay Tun will please e. n.e forwird snd aetl'e. E. C. CUIEI1, SheiiiT. oriiM, leS3. Ctf (; IV I , U l VI K ; . - r-J F. suhsrribers re.peclfuliy miorm tt e pub ' E 1 . r 3 . . r jj lic ,hu, ,hiy ,IC ,,, i,r0 to erect , Work, fo, l,,M,st ( ,,.. T. wn.. V,ll..g... f. leuea end Urge Hotels. I he bale erected WOl i.l. 1 ks in I hnrloilr snfl K Ii .gh. N t'., wli.rh h.te g'ven i A. B. Chapin, entire s-itisrarticn lo ihe eitir ri of il-'oVe p'ae.a. 1 S.n.o-l Lffera, ; As to qitlifiriitione, pronipinepa and ahilirr to 1 J,l II. D.vis, , perform all e ntrari. rr.iered n to, rhey refer to ' 1. A Ilargelt, the follown g : . Mail IL 'j,.. H.ferson, Pn s Char.r,,,a Worka.Char.N.C. j m Johnston, I'n a. 1'Iili A S.C.B. H. rresident.iDr.T.D IL rc. Tree Ral (.as Aaa. naltith, ' Viee Presi.ient, ,V! (; II. Y. urg. Wai.rly. M a. Treasurer, ' A. O. Plorv, Pre. Cn. Work., I.illle Falls. N. Y. : K. T. Story Pupl. li-s VV on. a, Wateriow n. N. Y. becreurv. I W. w. Sclmencr i Co.. 531 Pe.r! !?t.. New Y-rk. Aildreae he at Riirigh. N. P WATKHIIOl'SK k JlOWKS. Sfft. 14, IWS8. STif MURK TO LE ADMIED Til AN TIIK 1UC1IEST DIADEM EVER Wcrn by Kings or Emperors. " , Whit? Why a BeaUtlf t I f I CI Half. Cera use la Ihe ornament Ood !' framdm for all our rare. Keaiier, .lihougli the bloom eeef ao Lngl.lly mi ihe gi. wing cheek, the eye he rur .. iiiHini, ll.e leetn be those l' pearl. llie beau bereft ol ite eneermg, or Ihe hair he nar'e.i and "hrneleO, end diy.or wr.e aiili, if siirmklio gr.y. niure will iie nnre In. Il I.t r ibmn. l'r..C. Wi'i ILir lle.t..rat.. if ued to or three l.ioea week, will restore and perninnenity cure lo l soeh an ornament IJead and ioilee. The writ.r ot the firat ',. r,i,hr..'eJ 'la-.ul. Tk ill.u,?: iJa.Wooo: Ni w York, Arnl I9,I8". i'ritr 1-ir, Ptrniit me t.i tares lo you !ie ob lig tiona t am under for ll.e entire roloration of ni v barr lo its .r. filial color I lOt-at the time of i.y arrival lo ll.e t'lnleit St-le it n r;nul hen l;i mg gray, tut utM.o tlic apfiliciftion of your, Ileal'" it "n recovered iti ongoial hue. I y.'Ur fet..rati. a a very wonrerful invcnlion, quite i riicacim.1 ai well aa ;,preeahle. 1 am, dear air, yours truly, 8 1'i. ' Drch 'r (w eliedtdel." Welsh Newsonner ifhee. i.i Na.'a.u .1., April 12 I'bo. O. J. oon : 'eor ir, Sr,ii,c tnooili or su wrrksiigo 1 rrr. n.d a b . tile of your Hair I'e Storatire and gafe ll loniy.w ife wbor-i'iclmied fo t, w ( I r.n her hi.le. Iillte litn.k.t, Ml Ihe Ii'm u,, fc,,0, th, r0, ,, , e. or. I.ul to her aa well as my sururire. slier a few weeks trial it Ii performed th.l w Irrml i IT el by turning all ll gr.y haira lo . d irk brown, al autilving nnd llurkiMiir th tue same irnnr!y reommeiid th alroae lie.lor.. live t their I ii persona in wan, n,.,, en a eii-nj. ni v ""e---" nni.r.r.. iaw rose. July a.,, lb.,7. faor O. J. Wood: With confidence do I re. commend Tnur Hair Kest , us being tin most yoor rm'-scious sriicle I er saw. rince using ymr lUir lira tora lis my hair and whiskers w Inch were aini'ivl while ham gr.iduilly grown dhr; and I f. .1 e-r- f. nl that . few o. ore a .licationp will re store them to their natural color, it alao haa re lieve me of all dandrufTand nnpleaaant con.M.on ainorg persons who perppire freelv J. d KII.BY Tsr.. Wood AU. nt two years sgo my hair commenced filling off .rid turning gray r I was I fat heer-mihg bald, and had tried many Remedies g I tO riO ( fl i t. 1 C.IMIII.I-Iir, ( lla,9 l.ur Ural,.... t,T, , J,n,y j..t. A lew smi'iclmn. la. ten. ,rt mv hair firmlv. It heiran to fill nn. .row ,nij iPnrd back to its furmrr color, (black ) At tin. Imie il i. lull re.torcd to it. original i health, and apoearsnce, and I cheerfuily reenm. mend us use to all. J. 1.1. flol .i , 111., May I, IU;,7. The Kestor itive is put up ill hnttlcs of S silrs, it: ltfe, n.sdiuni, nd ma!l ; tl,. am.ll hn,. j a pint. and retails fur one dollar per bottle ; llie me dium le!.:s nt I'-nsI, twenty (rr etnt more in pro. f.orli.,11 ll,i,n Hie in..,il. r . I .. i . fi ., ,,,l,, p. r n-illle; the large holds a qu rl, i'l per cent, more in proportion, and f, r t. i). J MX HI i I I) , 'r. pro lore, I tlrni,!y, N'iw Y' I I 4 M-rlei Si ,S ,n,, M. ,, .old liy.ll good Dioggtslsand l aoey ( ;,, l)e.. I. era, and 111 t llarlotte by .Si AUK &.(). 'ash raid fcr Hide?, ,vi . iii in j.i.t,, j rs Houlli of thi J ts M m..r. ll. u.e rfe, Aptil t. It-.'.. Slf WITNESS TICKETS, for the r;unty and Stperior Court, for sale here. ' " i " ""Sp ""1 J fMr R , I ir ' 51 I $.H.RANS0M.O.E8. fttiV I I WAIT FOR THE W A (1(101. Ii Y is it yv. yWk. m-Xm I'-fCT- r Hecaase he bujes IfSTOVtS from A. A. I. II. Would respeetfully ennoonee to l.r ii I sl ilsMs cf f I' A I I ( 11 F sri vieiriy.ll-ei Yr t,, ,,flt fmni their (lid Mi.o, to a, I. (.ramie (! w, w here he has mw on est il iliol., jutl riftme ft, n im North, on of the n.oel ralensiv la of Ever offered In North. Carolint, among which will which haa gsined such a famous reputation in the Thie Stove he warrants superior to any l ooking eonsumes leas fuel, and doe more work in a given put ue one beanie any other pinee ni mr nsn work ia a given tmi', ha will forfeit the price ALSO, ALT. KINDS OF PimiiQB. & BOX STOVES, I He haa.and eonetanlly keep on hand, an eatensi TIN AM) eSHKI.T IK OX ;..: ki;tti,is, cist : m isti,id, . HAT HACKS, CTiADLKS, &c., &c, Al of veil is-li III be an I it. tV Iio1vs!e ransl Itsliall rlnnffr llinr. iiai ever bre-n ll rrl Ih I Ilia Tlrlitll . I would return mv tlurlis to mv friends and eoton' rs for the very literal pirmrl tl, bestowed upon us, and Ihey may reat aaeur'd, together with a uelenumaiion In p!eaee, to try and ! LadU-s and (irntlcmin arc pariimlarl; N. B. I will te!l you why I head my sdiritin n-e i.t W air soa Tn V ico, a," ,1 i i.m we have three wag gm'ia eoniUnl'y Iravriiii-g ihroogl Ihe country with Moiea. rsr ,m m ttrr trill br faithfully otul ju i hij tly utUm ul to A.A.N. JI.TAil.0l!. CHarUfe, 16. IS5T. 3,r VP CAXDYJKACTOIiV. Fresh Confectioneries, Fruits, Ar., Ae. I 1 Esuerliir re.oeeiiui' y infor-e the eiti. fena ol I harotte and aurmunilmg eouniry.l ha nn hand and is enr.sisntiy reeeiting from .New York. Confectioneries, Fruits, I'am y (;itoc:i:in ! s,rin.u ! TOHACCO. S.M'IT, TOYS. II iiwi-;i I I iialrmiK tils, rim; vtnii, nointv iiowki:. V lrls l s, t Itln w Wttfrntis, j riialrs, U wik.liiii1,aV ItlrU Cugcs, ot eseiy sarirly. I J. I). PALMER. S.t.m'tr S. !;. i-'if A!.o. he intends to mannf-etnre f ANIflKR of all kind, free from poisv.nnu e..h.ring nOUae the ! New York Slo. fti no. d I ariiy. t all end sw. ! TiilvF TaxM)." ! f s.11 r. subaeriher having purcli tied Ibe Steam JL flooring .Mill in Una place, is prepared v buy ...r, .,. ..a f. r.Hb,th,.i ninrK.t IA ea.h. K.our. Br.n and Meal for..!, st the Mill. or delivered whe-eee,'l in l. w n JOHN WILKES. V.IIK eubseribrr having nurcli ned the Steam 1 ( rWieflr. Aug. 9. 1j8. Uatf .ia.m i;s m. i:i)M, COM MI SSI OX Ml.H CI I AST, 1 17 C II A III 1CH SI HI I J, f Y. t'YS and forwards eery kind of mrrchan. riiae for Us per cent. sMiasei. I(el' r ta.Swaio .no Morel, nil. N. . Wmmfin. J. W. ' ok,,,,, I . Y. M-imrhl. A. M. tiorni.n. Kaqa. ,H e.. C. K. Ueem., linn. W. A. (iraham, sod I ..n,.,. ti,l l-.n., M,:,., ,.. n,,,.. : H.rp,, t.uilars. Wu-lc. hewing Ma. Lines, Iron ,Safea, uu.s, tir.!en t.i gine., Ae. A pnnte f all ll.e d.lTcrei.l n '. .r airs, sums ano prices elegant of fl.) ar.d the " nrso. ,,, fr of . i ihcktry AVI .'," N.( ; srr. I'Hrsiciasi ; os, I nine l.uins to lliar.TM " I i bis iiireluah'e ami. sdriser shoule be in every 1 house. It lre I. of all di.eaaea, has a C"pi"a j gloa.ary snd preserihe tlic renirdo s from nature's -bouiiteoos .rr. ree, for sllour iiifiro.ittes snd mis. ; fortunes. It is printed on fine white paper, band- , anno ly Imund fmirili edition, 3UU i.ges, and ia ! mailtJ fitt far mnr dollar. N"W Kosewood I'lJiins, IIJO. I heh. 16. IH.-.H. ly S, M. HOWELL, -aHi.eyks'i' Saddle U Han ess Manufacturer, TIIHH poo ft BfitTII or Till MAMtlfiN Ili.tjSr., II A It I l '1 1 e y.v. I TAIIkinilsnf Faddleasnd ll rtn ee nude a t the ahorteat notice, irlJI I'All.'IKf; prn i tl earenlee!. 7m. III.IH5H. 37lf lS022..SI02Ti,CASS. nn. it. .ti. ( diiii "W J I I.L ha pleased to ree ite I'rofe C 1 1, Vf in ths lienorin rnis of M K.DIt INK arid Ft'H'iF.U Y. I niess nmli aaienall v bn r,t, I, nisv be found st lusreaidenec, Fort Mill lJ. pot. York Dietriel ft. . . i a. ih:.. t if sella Ptoses c ,b, j TAIL OR 1 be found the celebrated fouthern Country for the last eighteen aP1., Hole now iu Il sm plr n. u mi.i lin.e. Il an any other Slue it in j.t t nrr m n e i r, ,nr. u 0c nt lt,,n of ll.e Hove, aid quit veiling snd jo hie , and vwitil slock of that 1 II en-'caeor, by c.iaa n lc u,n enntinuafice of Ihe same. inviiid lo rail .mi! mniii.f l$w K3T-Ki:3SOVAL.I d ulIK Cenfeet . ,r. ai..l Tan ' A of MfNU;Y l Nihil IT I.. Ih- sl.ri px.l'. Ihr I're.i.yle Ihey are eel lire. (S. Vera (t aooilioiis to II" ir ela.ea ol co.fih;tio.m:i. I I Ml 1.1 (.f:H l.l.'ll w. Ar. Among Iheir atoek snay be foand ee-Ti f ti ally kr't in a store nf tbia kind. A t mrnl ol I k. Trimpiii ga, n.i si VV.r.4(,il fi on hand. Tteylif.f. in their ewploy an i'" 'lB It Ml, sea! r prep. fed In for. ..h F ' it Part.. a wiihl ekre el nil ln. at ii. p' MOULY A Ni.M.I f., ,btr I . I .'.fi. ,; nr,,B,4 , .n, -f r5- .i-o -i Ln.ri.lMon. where Mr. M.w') .ll .-' toe huaireas. sr.4 fi. ail In oru'l ir.'i''ls pablie palionige ia aae'ioe. MUUDY A .Mf IW. .VeSJ. IC, ISwS. -' V. SACKS, A ll liilrrl nm! IlniMrr. S S II-L frmah' T-f - t'-' fl l..r, a. 1'i.t.i' ant Villa. TarOohf all.M .r " Luih ur g f l'.nring Mihs.lnrn Mil's. f iu 3.: ai' iy f A.t aai.ier's liur. iri, ri r i,.-r ( Lin. II ,li. OcleAer U6, l'.8 illlt l !- nv.ncl life In:utrte Ctn :arj u Hi t: KALI. it.!-- A ; ' , ., . .t..'i( 's ;' ; : - M ('". "' 'I ?. '" ' '"-' 1 ",r,i '" ', ' '. 0 ., .. I l.cipali. g in in pr"" ' " ' ' H"'" ""t" u' . t. ' this utt nuuni ll note may be given f r on. pt n.iuin, g ii.lre gjar-aiy. 'i I.. ..ffi.rnbt wtanaer is Uall tar allsl kirk all I-""1"" been pain ly thi co.p.iiy.l'rl' ' 1 I ini.ucn"u ratca ot pie IniUln, p am h e are lo inauie. M.vea .reH.ureil l-r I""1 riyr, tor two llufel Ii ' r Ail luiMi sre paid aitbia i-"." fat lory proof is ureaenUu. DlhM 'l)'(Ji , I...!.. F J..l....l..n. v.... II J llolde. . I) ( '. i U. Will.'"' ' .. . . i... r. r. "" ii usieo, voenuc - . ( II. McKre. k. V. Hall.. -'-" " ' towle, Kich'e II. llatlit. Ot-tlrr-ns. Pr. ( harle. L. J.-linaoa. rr.i"'' W. W. Ilohten. Vice l-rrsid.nt. K. II. H.llle,r!.rrel.ry. W.lli.n.s II. Jonealrv-s'irer. II. W. Iln.leii.'7. . . ir. Win, II. Mi KecV.-'i"-'1 " n Jli l irtvttn ( eeamiler W. " Ke, fli irles H. Knot, f ..srles Mrdual iaorel f "- " . v.,. Jollu.ili, M. i'-t Kirl.'el ll. Haywood, M. I'-. Kor fuilhrr information, I r.rf in the .,,n.. I.lels.s l.ll loins" f.' I may be eMail e.l al the Oth"1 or .ny ofila Agencies bnnld bs ,;rra"-. I liiunic al pairl) Ui It.lI.RATTLK,:" SrTtrml.rr . I l y. -, -" LatVJii tfs- JOB T.J Z.Jn OB PBINTIM; nf all B.r'j ,,." el iiwo'iiii" J """ r ,,, ft l,if llfl.e . .- i lISECCTolSaC'll"' " C" .-. "TV' jr, the Msnnlacturers. I 13 'I er I CI,.,