THE AMIES II THE FIELDS OF ITALY. hPs to Psri-, but what is strength aod Tbe following eketcbos of the material i weight without momentum T A mallet shell j orgioiiiioti of th armies uow en- of 2m' PounK lying in 1 arsenal, al ... u Ln.ubardv .re la tho mnin t,n,h J ',,ouPb u '.oct of wonder, ia iuuocenti g"fc I ful. They form part or tho Italian cor re.-pondeuce of the New York Express t TDK SARDINIANS. Permit ins still to add a faw further re mark partly basad on tho CHmsao oorrj noiideuce of the Pari " Illustration," aa i ..J L -.. ..I -I m. corroborated by actual observation. Tbe I otlierwiite styled Uersa'aeri, are likuwi.e , Tcryfiu. It i true that their head.drea i t la Kotiin dN Uoi (UjIuo Hood llati) it 1 l . . i: t i ' . 1 lomewu.w ........... .. .., w ,roio-e cUl. j but if they base the Hklll of the funod mark. s Dit-n of the Tyrol, no one ban tbe rij-bt to , no one ban tbe nijut to I find fault with the resemhlano.. 't Th. Surdinicn ..u.lsri.l ia .,, and Kan inian armv to the Crimea was a mas. V.ur... : ,i:r....... ..... -r ' .i i ii i i .......... "' iu "iuhiiiv jkiii vi me use of the Oxygenated Hitlers, D,Rceul.orOB)kU.u,eu.rr!IU.r..o1y nana. 1x tua 20tll of May-that been found to prove an ,r..ll,hlc reme (), and neat, b.r1B tulves r,Sh. wm b,OOIreceif. I m.LWo. lilii eny. r Boston Jul' Their battalions of Chasseurs (Riflemen) ed in (Jalveston on the -3d of May. Prom. K w ..... ..' ,' S j Biutinad in the highest condition for ttr- t tic. Tha field piece and traiu which I lior-ed aud supplied. The Sardinun Artillery U truly a model teniae. Un every battle fluid likuouroo in Mexico, they did their whole duty to tbe J miration of their follow soldiers, and a toui-bnient of the Austrian. The latter irs said to have adopted as ruodela for tbe i new battene, bo Surdinisn pices eaptured Ichenlhe reaerve park was cut eff on the 1 'o at Pafia and I'laociiti. D the battle glda few of nu-ih tropbiea f. J I into the cne mv'a hand, but the ternfio diaaafi-r of the limn anuy led to tht uu-avoidiMe sacrifice of the aplendid rend park the result of I (he iuiBiiieiiCT. treachery, apathy ami cow- i irdico of th people. Charles Albert per-; i A Uim in lil.erl. in el,..l. ai.J 1 ..led his thrown to liberty, o elos.te, ...J , r,r worthy of the r.-llow.liip of his own ! j (he iui'fliete npy, treachery, apathy and cow I r',,uu lu" ",lu ' ' Attn evidence of their superior bravery md r. liability, tbe Piedinonteae Dtiui brig- i ie, in the f ruucu aeevice, uouf r iKinapane, s hi from that great commander the glori-! (a...ibriT.t)of hi Pans, p.r- ' i l . tJjt uia-ter key, t.eeau.e no poa.t.on wa in- I'na.ibla to their determined valor; aud M.e ler, aa old mldier of "la lirand Armee," tiironjkoul hi. Kccl.irci.rmenta Kevelaliona, ... i , , .r i . 1 3 or rattier, hluoidstiona ol the events of ISJt I J bears witness to the gallsnt- rj of tb "Intrepid voy Hiij-ade. re- cruiU'd in tba duchy of tbat name aoo'.bsr grind divi-ieo of tbe Sardiuiau States. Throughout the Au tro Sardinian cam- tv-fi. si exuberant in laurels, so barren lof Iruita, the Savoyards added leaf after li-if in ihe ebsplet of their renosn ; aud eve-i . u i , I ttr antcr aca nowleie their clam to the i, . f ,he of .he brave - J AKJ.mbolo. near Mon.ara, V!lsl M.rch. ?!-tJ. afu r prodi,ies of valor, hen tbe.e 1. roe, we,e t,p, lied, br the mvia force if own officer-, not tbe en-inf. to fail 1 u-k : " my Captain," a soldier said to the ' , , , , , j ,.e of Dino, Aid de to the Kin; of ew,J of ,h hoel' t"l 'oJ P t-.rJ,i., and;: l.i-tori,n of the tale P1, ,lorse ort.l eye. cv- f .r be wi.nes.ed and participated in, " louk, l1 i'on Ll'"P'n2 rfo"' l" P''n ,,, C.ptain. why do they not let u, lake '"!D "'r'1' ,be 'T" """'"i? ' k.mholor" " Friend," replied tbo young : ii'liinan. "because basin,f no supports! " Here, John, give my hor-e some water." !r.., rvea). it woulJ not do to ri-k th.; lives 1 " -Sir V said Jobn with a look of asion ! 'U-li brave men a, you. " " What ! did ishmeut. fnoy sver need suoh support or aa iatiic? !'e my hor.e some wster tbuuder- lia il, indignsiit leply-- reply which ;oi.i tolurues. for every eo'iibst bore eor t. r'ive te'timony to the ioi xiinuisbable ctotioD of her cbiUrcn. THE UKM. II. A French army beateu is like dtintgr. 1 J red granite. Tht which was the hr l- t atone brcotu- tbe looet aand It is it waul of enrage, however, which ocoe- !an tb.,. hut a w.nt of moral f .rce of sta- iity, wbieh was lo-t to hrsnee when she, Irnre out her l'roletatit element. The fol- o in testimony aitti regara to rreuan Jiurags, sp. ken three eenturies since, aubae- iot facts hsve stereotyped : "The French i the death a, if eertain of rising, the next fy " The writer never admired ths Frsneb va'ry. neither men nor horses, but the 1 ountrd Miiiisry Police or Gendarmerie , nd ea .n.t. oreaniastions are dorious to look upon. Ths Krsnch Soisntifio Corps Ire BJMt likely superior to sny in the world, - J..,m tbe war iutendency snd admiuts- Jr,t 31 ; I A. to the Freaeh sery much re- th S,rdiian in its ino.t eff. ctive r,nel,es, mat is. in it. artill-ry, lijji.t troops pod infantry. A, ti the infantry, they are i-l what one of their own officer, aaid of :-. "not handsome, but oh! how good." j-.,,,, , , 1 4 mo rrenen idoi are J . I'sn Ihe best marchers in hurope 4 ua ne Italian, a most uiuainuu iiuteous i'r,rral of the XV 1 1 century, recorded an 1 trillion wiih regard lo his countrymen,; A young " buck," nowadsys, is eurtou, t.o.e (ruth every day confirm Ui .max- , eoIupoullded . ue , Uavrr on his J-ii. a, a (ienorsl. re.pect.nn the trench ((,ad u g,t fe j,,, c,inf Inipa, were, that thi.y should a way be hllldi on bis le-s (snd rkiu alao), f iced by their eoin.iisr.der, tu sueb nun- j( . n,, u ,ooked u . I r that they might be.m an eng.geme.,1. Lj ( (j , jw f Ii fsut mettre les prsncois en csiet frap- j -r le, premier, " " I know well," said he, dsy, "the dispo!iio.i oi tne r; i;"jr are incapable of maintaiotiig, fool by 'il. any advanlsge li.ey .nay ua.. tim I'er iheir enemies; they should always be j V pt in a poaiure of attack, and not of de- ( nee. The q nck and impeiuous character j ineliiies them rs.her to set thsn to suffer, M to advance rather than U wait the it- lack of ihcir enemies." I . j I THE AC-TMASt, I J Th. Auatrian army. a whole in appear- j !:o. i,d organitiliou, i, unexcelled, but it j m limti shown a deficiency in those j -lit.-, which sr. tb. moat strikin ch.r- a'-erinics ol its present opponents, energy, 'srpriae snd mobility. A, su Segregate II :"snd rpf eifiirii of bunmiilty, tlie re I no W I ".i'3i .pecinu us of il, it ia a, iu f ior to lb I'lodii.onleso and French, iu it, 'terisl, as it personel wa c'f'i I io t'P'arnce to the firat and superior to the 'ond, ,ia the l.ore were auperior in ry attribute to any military draft horse f" writer has ever seen. The engineer rP' i rapidly imnrovimr. and must be ex- '""t, if instruction can prepire men for JPr acticej and rirsnliee makaa nerfenf ainoa 1 Pffienee ia ihe best of master. 'be Comniisaarist alao is moat alii ar. JnSd and administered, and, theoretically, ' b'sdieal aervioo. Sold and hospital, but 5 14 doubtful if it i eq'ial to th Kreneh, "Jugh ino,t likely tar superior lo the a)"d.nontese. llf the Au-t isn rmy had so mnch alao- and fir as it ha, recuperative force and wCIDllLi!- it en, ,1,1 - U ... T..: 1 it. the wnrid 1 list can compare will) it. Ih Ao.lsi.e. t..f r,ero.e ia ill ss re ni S . iTST'eVl W ' 1 ' , i - i ; - -r - 7lrWr,T esislmg betwtin Mrs. Haw. ht, the csvslry superb, the riflemen e.iial , tf la.jAi i.svsnd Mrs. Winvlk. is llnsoay J s""' rrenrli, ami, like- Itie utter, I lie in- lTj, "iJJ mutually uissoiveu. r.acn join fn'ry i not, handsimie, but serviceable LS A m tenner. ng lo Hie ladie.ol Char , 1' - 'he Arttllerv. if tb. better!.-, in Italy. ! VX&J :'f.,m.,,.,J'!,.r. ! . mortar against an opposing object, and it in annihilation itself. .,. LOTION. The blooming of cotton Ibis year, says !.. V. t.1 tt . i i & as unusually early. We lear J that there - iiini; espeetntions of a icood vield are faror- ,d, though it is altogether premature to coo- ., . ,. ... . " of tbe reaulta. We are, boweer. nUmtri ,,.-.,- , ..,.. .r : j , nir;,4 ,t.. ,nj ,i n,.r.. j 1 .1 ' - . j , ' -r 'i . a 1 " ror '"u " M,or oroP " ma P h? Mb,w"'" ,n Pr,M : Tbe following statement abowa the bloom ing and firt frot for Sfteen years ; liurl it from a Ycura. Dhmnia. E irly Frost, lets M y 3D On. 12 IMS Jon 0 Oi l. 19 1 8 17 Miy3(J N-.r. 19 11 Jui.a I N . -JO 1 8 111 J'liia G N... H I HSU Juna W4 cl. US 1 H ' I June ii N". R Jims 3 N ir.7 h ,3 Jim. ID O.-t. 35 I -St June Not. S IHj.i ,M..y 3J Oct 2." IH..6 Jii.r4 Oct. 16 ! IK ".7 Jnc at N..r. 10 M y il'.l Nut. G JL 7 i i;-'j Uy as a.i47.miil 3,'.'7.'inil S'Jt'.OuO 3,ll3,iiUil 3,7S'J.UUU A vt ft L Cbimix LIT V Within a period . , . . ,, , . . ! 15 . ' ,P " . ' ,lr """i ' n,.rntlf? ,d B;fci htve ,0tl ehlUirr0 s), of Uom mrf9 fijuu j oj hejr ff turn after a short abaence from home. Tbe pi lt , found dead in the yard about two weeks since, aged about t no yeara The others were founil dead tu the aaine loca- tion, all youotr. A negro pirl, nlave, about l i ,e.r. of age, named Bather, who ws. . ...... hired by Mr. Herring, la now in jml, having been arrealed on auapicioo of being guilty 0f the crime. It is said that a little boy ,bout five or sil vears of slt, doaonbed 10 . f i j , . . ... fi,er and mother the manner Hi ahicb ,he wirl choked the children to death. Coroner J. M 1 hompaou, hi Id an inq'ieft over the body of the lat cbild on Satur- day, and tbe verdict of the jury was (bat it came lo its death hy the nau Ir of the girl Ktbr. C'o!i!oio Tnbui.t. . , ,. . ., TAltlkR Titix. A ludicrous mcidvut oc- , ... ,, ur,eJ "'', ' ood u on tbo U ;""' ' '"'-;' of that P'"r?' " o'uted -ul, an;r, ahose " '." " ","' V"' u " "urJ. -nue .wru.y or ii.iriy ian d 'I'0 stranger " Vour borne !" ijaculated J ihn, still mare surprised tbe Yes, you fool, my bora !" and stranger looked savagely at him, and coin me need di a a ing tbe lash of Lia whip through hi band. Julio alked ton ards bitn as though be wouJ demand ao explanation, aud bad ta l;rn l,out sii steps, when be suddenly stop. ,,cd like one surpri-ed beyond ripresaioti. ivfi my soul!" as), be," I ax your pardon, sir ; but your baniiual waa a stan- din 00 alius wnb that ere kitcbiug poet, tnr I did ut see him!" T,e owner of the spectral beast tried to frown, but a roar from the balcony mad biui change bis mind. JrrMON Ttt RULES. Xever pot off tiji to morrow what you can do to day ver troume snoiner tor wnasyou can 00 ever.pena jour money p...... you hsve it .Never ouy wnai you io not beeau.e it is cheap Pride coat u, orethan buo-er. tbn,t aud cold. We se. 4 'P" of hav.nK eateu too little. Noth- i"? troublesome that we do williu-ly Haw much pun, ami evil have coal .Inch bare never happen Take everytb.n4.l- way by the smooth handle. hen augry fount ten before you speak j if very aOijry , buudredf r A young florist being ssked bv bis " Ms- ry Aim" what flower he was most partial 0, pressca ner to nis vest, ana excisuneu, ' '(Jise me lliee, Polly Ann, thus 1" (the poly, luthti, ) She was soon trsnspianted to his . er flower patch ah! Louivile Cornier. - CONSIGXKKS Pi" ( MARLOTTE AND B. C. HAIL RoA0, .ROM T... I ' " J C W Si J II llammerskold I llox, S II. Withers Si Co. 1 Hoi. L Litr.eberger 1! H.x, 8 Winchester 1 1 Bote, It II Abcr- j u.mj . ao. " . , - - -n ' " - II E partnership heretofore The Iniaineaa will Willi bs .lucied by Mrs. II AW LEY. t the house Ule. ly occupied by Dr J. H Ws vt, nest to W ris.o.i s T... E.i.iblishmenl. where .Millinery and mess 771 Making willbstaecutedwilJieveryerTortlopleaae.. (n,,lllf Mondiy of Court ) The I r. A. II A v l.r. i V. WINDLK. ;as 39. 149. I7tf SeliinsOlTatCost! ar w AIINWI. I.r.ll 01 llliw.-a. inmrm ins ,. WML Ell A BROS, inform the public i g, generally, thai they are selling offtlieir SUJIMKK (500DS at eoat. Alan Ladies Dress tiunds and Gentle- men'a r urnishuig G, ,1s. Call and eiannm. our , "r.h.;"d?..r IZfZZm i.e Ladies w. I k... ,M.t reeved a new susplv f Indies Tra. veiling Triinlis, Uonlitl isses, sac., e 17lf Sprrlnl Nolitet. to dyspltticn And nil ha sufl..r the tnitures which Ihi dieas. inflicts in out form nr another of ill many ph. ses, cnri! yourselves pernu'Di nlly mid pec-Uily by using Th Clitf'-unt.'sl Hlltt-i. I Tim " Weekly Nuvelletle " 18, says I I I, .,..; ; ...ii;... j: our country This is owing both to climate and the almost ontvcrsol habit of eating our meals loo " ' rapidly tnadmit of proper digestion, Bui in i pile ' these edverae circumstances, this d.seasc, even When It nun become chronic, disappears rupidly by which have dy. d Mignzint. uly I, I Hi8. have In km thru bottle, of tiio Oxydi o i toil Bitters, and lia tu derived great benefit iroiu their use. 1 hsve been much doubled Willi Dyspepsia tor several year', nd found nothing lust attorned me snyrclivt un , I 0wd the U.ller.. 1 mnat c checi lull r mend th.m t.. .11 who .ffl.cte eted wtlh this Irua LUm nd imWun c-iniiint. JA.MK.S lt)lil..O.V, of the " Sluilant uiiii Mchnulnialc.' from tit "i. A. ('. Dodge, ur Miuiatcr to Spain. WaaHisoTos, D. C, M iy 18. n. f:.,. n r:.. D... air ti,. t. ' , ifd liiU'j with Willi Ii yuu were so kind a to 3.MHI.IHI0 lurmah me, have had a iiit a .luUry el'f'cel u. my 1.77.1100 cie. I waa troudlad with Oyap. ai fur l. ur 9'U yi.ara, durmir which lime I Irnd many remedies, 3.7'Jrt,IHIII hut nevor met with any an will aa yuur Uil'ra. 3. In 5 IMIO am uw in the t'lijuyiiici.l of (Hkd hallh. and 1 3 3.i.0H Imp, and balirvn, lliul all who ue Hie Oiyjrwi 3.11 1 A .110(1 ud Kiffris.will hud then, as airrioeubio aa i bate 3 ..1-;,II00 louud Ihrin S.S.W.tHiO ! hieh reaped your obt. aereanl, A. r. DOIKJE. None ftnuine unlras aifnrd I. HIITS mi (he Prepared S. W. FOVVLKar i O , U -a. id 'ild by k.. Jl, llulcliiaun it o., tliar. ..tle,.N. C. t)3 Niu'ii is Tin oar.AT mvncu. Thia ia now i""lUr0 bT " '""'-' pr..irinn, aa a lunda ' principle of healing science. Il is wiselj iprovid.d by the human economy, thai whc-irrn r tl- f, , , c., ,(() I o, biM)r lirough, lo rxp.1 Hie iMaeaae. The great aim, therefore. "I" k"", j'li pt in vii w he the akiillnll compounders ol UK. tills I KTTKR'S KIT I Kits. Inch ooi.ri.le In pive vitality lo all H. organs of iiic imy. Toe ' a"-rt "' "" ""e-ticine up-n tin- stomach, ihe liv. r "f kidnrys, are prompt ,d dec, The patient wlm ia wimi rnnngh to quit drugging, and th. Birrras, n t.el. ..If he Tia.en a new le of lii'e, mid aa he cnninmr. the uxor the srucle, he is oretj-.yed io rinJ the nre.uns of 'V'"' c',ur,,"" H'rough hia frame. Let all lro.,, hoae cheek Ihe bloom h.s Ceimrlcd, give Ur 1. ,teiier. Celt bra ted Bitters i trial K, ;lle by !;.,.,,,,.e,ally.e. y wh. re, um bj K. Nye MuUln.oi. i. I o., Char. loiie. X. t:. It F.LI I I' IX TEN JMMTIS. ERYAi.'S I'1'I..M O I CV A F K US. The mu$t rntmn and uptrdy remedy t r d$cottrtd fit ntt lhtttt uf lU ( h.Mtnnd LurJ 9gt. I uid. Atthwa, CottMvmfttion, litonchtttt, Ihflufnza, Unnfii, Dijfirult Ittfvtk. r,i.., . , wijlESE w aFF.IIS give the nio.l in.tanlnneoo and fierfect relief, anil when (Krrsi vired Willi aecording to direclmns. never fail to rfTt-ct s rapid snd hinting cure. Tlioussmis have been restored to prrleel health who have lri;d other means 111 v illi. Tu all Chiracs an I all I utions they ale tqually a bleaamg and a cure none need de.pair. 110 matti r how long Ihe disease may have exiated, or however severe it may be, provided the organic structure of the vital nrram is not hopelessly de. c.yed. Every one afflicted should give them an inifarti:il trial. To Voi M.ISTS and I'ibi.ic Srrikisa, Ihese Wa. firs are peculiarly valu blc ; they w.ll in one day remove Ihe most severe nceaaiunul horcli! s. ; and their reg u Is r use lor sfrwdayawill.atfill limes. III. creaae Die power and fit zibility of the voice, great, 'y improving tla lone, tompass snd clearness, for which purpose tliey are n jul.irly used ly many prof .alolisl vocllta. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Roehe.ter, X. V. Price 34 cents p r Imi. For sale by all re.pecta. ble druggists and jj-Ses the .dvertisen.enl of Saiidturd'. Invigo ra'or, in another column. 3T See the ac'verliaciiicnt of Wood's Ilaii Dye 1 aiiothir column. niu: wmsKEEs:: hocstubes:: rl'se my I'sgeeat, ana you can have a beeuti. ful pair of HAutni, and .VsusfarS'S, fnirt sut ud Ututiaml, sitlun Sif, arse p,,,e fitly rants par botlle senl to any parlol the iu.,. - " JOHN M. SAL'XDKKS. lf.i Third Slrttl, Xw York City. March 2i Iej9 S ilJ J $25 I.eward. oN.,: ligbtol I'n 39th of June last, our Mill, about 3 1 lea essl nl I n.rloltr, waa snd 13 bus of No. I FLOCK and one l .rge bag ,.1 Meal was t .ken iherelr...... Tl.e b,g. II hranoed " P.rka W.,llis, Mickhu'iurg county. X. C." 'Fhe rogue was tracked int.. (.'bar lolte. The above reward Will lie paid lo any one lor luforniatinn that will lead to toe apprehension sud conviction of lite tbief. PARKS Si WALUS. Ju.'v 4, ld.,9. US Great Sacrifice at Morrow's Tuux-our. tllE Subscribers resmctfully inform tlie peo- pi. the .urroumnng c-untry, that ti.ey have rcouccd the prices of their slock, consist. nf f GuOCrtJ-S Rf iltl V-Mi'.tlt! ( lolllill". J ,.,', ,,.., . I HVi.S, sn.l . great variety of other Goods, which will b. sold regardless to cosl. C(jUNTRy pKfjljUCE taken in exchange. ,,,, Dr... Wuflb ri rJ M Shawls worth 4 00 at 3 00 Manl.tlas wortli A 00 at 8 40 rioo.T.'swor.h 3 40 "., 34 East c.l'd Prims worth 14 st Id Ble.cb.d snd unbleached Domestics .1 New York r'Ct, "" kejtt in St nr., utd in rriis-ir- tiuu In Itit abtive pnnn. 1 1 1 A M M KKSLAfl i M KXDA I.LS. u'ya, IS.i9. 17if jjiVotifc. Y virtue of a IVcre in Cabarrus Court of iquity, 1 will expose tu punlic sale at Ihe C.iurt. , th. a.i M,,n.l.. July a be. longing to Ihe heir (I law uf Wilson Blackwel. j drr, deo'd. I.i wit : A Valuable Tract of 472 acres of Land, j on Irish Buffalo Creek, enjoining the lands of Nn. ah Blackwe liter, P. S. Martin and others. This i Isnd ia wall improved, kss a eon. tori:, hie two sin. ry dwelling hou e a nd Ihe necessary out-buihlin.s. ALSO One other Tract of 117 acres of Lasd, nn Irish Buffalo Creek, adjoining Ihe Isnds of Dr. J. F. Gilmer and ethers, known ss Ihe long place. '" wnicn mere is two .... mic .... ... "A eied.l o,?.3 monlb. w.ll he giv.n. Bond snd ,scurity r quired R W. ALLISON... &M Ce'wrnn e., Jua 29, 1849. Priuler'a fee 3. 1 In tliia county, nn the 27th u.t., nf truhnid fe. Vtr, Mr. JAMKS BELL, in the "7lh rear of hia Inaving a wife and many frunda and rrla. tivca to niwrn hia rlvuth. Mr. Del I wua a ui.iat re. Iinmble citiscu and a number of the eVcedcr church. In KUtoville, on the 23d tilt., Mr: V. AM AN. I)A PH ARK. wife of r. W, VV. pharr, Ta.U.r of the Fri-ahy ti riun church in that jiUce, Alao, in Alriander county, on the 10th ullimo. at the r aii'rnoft nf i)r. a.,ae V il.oq, Mia M tit. 1 UK ALBERT1NE SUMPTKR, ugtd 37 rt..,'r. Charlotte Female Institute, ticLOTTiri .. c. Brv. R. BLRWEl I, Priiifipnl. Jl). B. BLEW ELL, A. JJ-, iiMalant Trinripnl. rplIE neXtMi sainn of the above in-ti. I lutmn will eouinienca on the, 1 4 tit day of September. Ti e ichoUatic year is divided into two terms of twenty araki tlilh ! the Ural coinii.-oei.. 1 1. I4lli ol rV uli mher : Ihs second on tin. luihof V. I,- ruary. This allows a vacatwu of two ctk. at Chriatmus. T Kit MS t Board ami Tuition in English Bratishus, ) t . for term of Si) week f ,Sj 00 Well qualified fnlructnrs in Music, French, Painting, 4.C., will bs rmphiyed. Tho huiluing. which is fp.icluu. mil etrgant, is iluated in a retired and elevalm p.irtof the town. It ia lighted w th lias, furnished with rooms for bathing, and ill Winter is warmed by a furnace. Fir Catalogue contjiniiig full prlieulara, ad dress Kiv. It. M'RWELL, Ltittrotlr, A'. C. 5, Ie59. i35 Magic Oil, Magic Oil. 11RESII M FPI.Y. juat rreeiveil nn.l f,.r siilr, 1 by E. NVB I1LTCH1SON A. CO. June 38. I 9 . "s7T7wmsfox KEEPS constantly on hand, whnlrsnle and re. tail, a full and complete assortment of jVlaAIN AM) JAIANNi:i Iiich will he sold WW. ClOUNTEIt SCALES. Enameled S.ure snd Stew P.n, ti.uc Pols, Wadle I ona, Slc, for sale by S. T. WRISTOX. 1 IOILF.T SETS, s superior arhtlt, for sale S. T. WIUSTO.VS. 1ASH, Deed, Spite and Dreasing BOXES for si's by S. T. WRISTOX. j ru 1; its tv vi:i.i;tahli:s. t STONE & Co.'s Screw Top GLASS J ARS e for preserving Fruits, Vegetables, tVc, the heal article flow .11 use, for sale by S. T. WRISTOX. cooKixci siovr.s. 1 imumie; A FILL ASSORTMEXT ..f im.1 J. ether STOVES, will he constantly on hand, ami sold as low as tin J can be -fTorii. d in tins market, by j S. T. WRISTOX. I CkarlM:. Jam 14. IS59. Hlf TY laiftt. t 'HE Town Tax List i made out. and Is mw I in my hands, for collection. Il 11 ihsoluU. ly necessary that Tax Payers saltle inimtdiatcly, as money is neeoed. S A. HARRIS, Tax CoUtetor. Junr 7. IK"-D. I3lf j JUKTH, 185ST J T. II. Hi em&Co. ! A RE tTiring liberal inducements to persons X wtsiiii g lo buy Nu.. 'W w W j and parlicularlv the Ladiea. 1 Tin y arc selling their entire slock of Printed Organdie, , Jacum t and Swiss Muslins, J Piinltd llerages. Grenadines and rhallies, at Ni w York cost. j Tl.ey are selling Iheir entire stock nf I talic Mtrctis MAv, j at New York Coat. I 'lliea ..... 01111,1. iheirenllraatoel. nf Silk. Crs oe. '. Chip, Straw, Z.rghoii and lN'eaK.iitaii BOXXETS. at New Y'ork eoal. They are selling their entire stock of I. :. r.'iiiiu w, riinlai alinuU, al New York cost. They ar. sellinj their enlire stock of Ribbons and liiiniiiiiigs, at rreat'y redtieod prices. Tney are ottering th. ir entire stock of 'V. ii. i nn ir. 1 1:1:, hats. ,uoi:s, AND .. k ra at greatly reduced nricea. 'l'bey are detcrmiued tu reduce their stock much lower than Usual. They invite you to esamine ind price thcii Goods. JUNE, 1859. J. G. W I LK I N M C O., DrA-EKS IN p VATCHliS, J-WSLR7, rj No. 5, Granite Range, opposite the Mansion House CHARLOTTE. N. C. Attention given lo Repairing Watches & Jewelry. June 7, 1849. 3lf Sv.NTKIM 600 Iti-itd l Hi-s-f V H I LL! ftOO Ik nil ol all i: f. fllllE subscnlier will pay ihe highest CASH M- P'i'es for UEETES snd falltSCP. Those having Beef faille or Sharp fur sale, would do well lo inform m. in person or by hrilir, as earl, ss possible. J. L. STOUT, Tout Butcher. Clarlottt. Junt 14. IP49. S4lf DRUGS AND MEDICINES, E, Nye Hutchison & Co., IKWIVft 4 lti:i. cii.iiu or 1 i , .v. c, Whc'e3ale and r eeleia in MKM; AM) IMMi:sl lt Drugs, Medicines 5 Clieniicals. RE receiving f l and genuine kui.-iaiix rronl t,t Tor : 'j 1 ket, which h'lveht npu chased upon such leriiisp, a to be sold low force. '. I tve would nap. c' ai.. ' fa!! the attention of tne Puhiie In our stock of '.'W.Wia-'ja-'Wa Pure W'iili- Irml.Snow i low, I'lm.tiie Ureen, Puns tirrep. ftiirnt Lniber, Raw I'm her, Red lev!, Letd, Litharge, Spnniah Brown, Veiiitinn lted, Lump Black, Uroo B.aek, " "Wx" k. EftlW jaiiSS'aT.Qf 9 Engiiah I iiiiahir. i uiuiiuie, Ckjii I, Picture, ta. mar, f.recian. .O TJV E- .Tia. m eKis Urn a ii ai d llhitk. ! Linseed, Tanner's, Train, Lard, M .chinery, Lu. j brit-ating. Kerosene. Sea Elephant, Pure Sjierni, j Cntor. Sweet, Olive, Cod I.M'er, Burning fluid, j Turpentine, Alcohol, Pore French Urumly. Uhl Madeira W inn, Port ami Sherry. London Porter, I Freah Congress W ater, t ilrate M-gliesia, Ice So. j da Water, Canton Tt.ia. Biker's I hnenUte, For. eign Perfumery, Sulphate luiiuiie, Ojnuui Sou If, fntjiicio, ra. gars, iSfcC, & c. Lhailmlc, Jum !4, if.iil. ' 14lf .Not i ire. A f T. fHTumniifL hrrt'Kv rnntit.nid i met hun. at. tn.p wvitli rum r ilnpK, .r 4: UHi; witli n t or uckic, nr in jwiv lrew(,iuiiii(f ii)hm niy lfiinfa,u the law hi mcli cii- will he rjh.iy en. forurJ trry unc o rflVm int. ut A PA1IKS. Jnt 7, 1659. 1 3it" ! A Great Dattlc to beTuiaht ! I II E suhfrcnbt rs inform the citifens nf Char loltc and viciniiv. thst tin v have nn hand and arc constantly rneninr, a superb sssurtmtiil nl Elegant FUHNITURE, snprrior to nn) th ig that has ever been offered in this seclion. Tnrir sbca coiisiaU in part uf the following articlci. : Sofi.s, TeU Teles ami Un-:ins, Cane Bot'om RocV ing Chain., .Maliogany and Cane Seat Parlor Chairs and Rui-h llollnni Chairs, Mahogany and Cane Botlnin Rocking Chairs, Waritrnliea and Bureau", .Mar Me and Wood Top Centre Tables, Marble Waah Slauda and Sinks, Card and Work Tanies, Mahngsny and Walnut Extensirn Tables. M-ihog.inv, French and EliialH-tli Blllteads, W hat Notaand Purhr leaks, looking Gi.. -sea from 4 lo 7) a Pair. Sell'.Rotkmg Crndles and Ittclining Chairs, Tucker's Patent Spring Bottom l;.i;.ti.n, Canopies with Lee Nelling, and M"-n,ueto Bars, Collate Furniture hy ihe si t. In 11 and Wood II .1 Rack, Gilt Mi uliimg of all ii.ra iijr making Giaas and picture Framea. ALSti Every Vini of materials for sale genera II v used by Caiiinel Mnkera, such as Glue. Locka knobs. Hingis. Walnut, Maltoany, c, &.C. And lust, thoi'gh not leaa., we keep always on hand s supply ol Fink's Meliillic 1'uriiil Caijcs. J. M. SAXI'ERS & CO. rj,;f(e, .Vav 3i, lfj9. lltf STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, I NUrKLENBUfta COCMlf. j Sv pel -ior Cote i to!' Lnu-, privg Term, i ORDERED by Court that a Snecisl Term of! this Coi rt be held pb the Snd Monday o; Juiy licit. Test. i. li. KERR, C.'rrk. I Mot 16, 1659. 101) JJ"Sui!ors ard Witness in civil cases will take ' notice and attend. ! Clothing Emporium. ' OWE MORK, fririnfii auu patrnnn, n infill : )ou f( vim llit Kii.Kirium .'.mi t-g-iiuiue tin i liirCft, bint niMiir, hikJ iht-lllt i-tork of J !.U3I3ii:k i lothim: i CTtr offerctJ in WtKlrrn ( amlinn. We nr.y tlif : lla pc-wf, btCJtune vsc jrt-t cur (fondi d;flVicnt. ' y frt.m any otlur hmitt'. We buy the nioUTiain j fruin the intMr tern mul johbt rn and iitiiiiutiirUirt' the clit(ni)j nnri-tfVf , tui-rrbr .vinjf th- ncnu. . ficturtr' profit. Ail we can wt-h t' the tii'f ia In frive ua trinl, tiU vc tire cintiiU-iit e '4ii XV I , VAHUAT ! every article to customers, and will make good sny uehViency that may occur iu material or ma- I king. We sr. now receiving 104 Black Cloth Coals all gra.hs. j 34(1 " FrciicliEng.Pr,.pd'LteFroi'ksi.Sicks 130 lk Alpacca aim Q.ieeu'a do do 1 74 Fancy Ca.aimereM'ITS. 1 51) Pi.iu i Fancy Marseilles .lo 300 Spanish Linen 4 I mm Duck Sacks u SackleiTS. I'lllllllia, SM'ig a Co. ' May 17. lSr9. I Oil j Jnwl lti't-i nl, jO-l Pairs Black Cassiineru Pants, J 45 ' Fancy !i0 Pisin a Fancv Linen . Marseilles P ints 1 at FL'LLINGS, SPRINGS A: CO. ! itl LLIXGS, SPRINGS i CO. , 1 have received , !iOO Black Salin and fig'ti. OrcnaUine Silk Vtista, ' !.- Fancy Csssimcre " I at 40 " snd Plain Linen snd Marseilles AT Al l. rniCES. Furnihit: Goods! l;uniiliins (io(i!! dot. f.ncy a white linen n:ar'les bosom Siiirts, 50 Tyron, standing and Picolunilbi Coiiars. ALSO liloves, Hosiery, Slocks, Cr., 1. ta, Silk Lace Ties, Silk snd Linen Handkerchiefs, of all qualities snd pries. FILLINGS. SPRINGS k CO. ti l l IXCS.SrRINGS I O. have a large Siock .,1, Silk and I.. horn II. lis. b..iw lii of the manufacturers by the case. ALfcO S" S'-)"S"T A large sl.k of Genla' and Ladiea' r.TETA TKl AAS. from 'JJ to r I Vali. a il 111 I .rs snd Carpel B ga. JJ-Notice. A LL rsons are hereby cautioned against hun. ting w ith guna nr dogs, or fishing with net or luckle. or in any wise trespassing upon my lands, as Ihe law in sue!' eases will be rigidly en. forced against everv one offending A. WtEVARD DAVIDSON. Xiy 10, lb.,9. 9 3 in WITNESS TICKETS, for th County and Superior Court, far sale here. 1 ! i II J M I'tfslfwoi'lli IVmntn aeiiiiiini', irast.sbrw 3. C v. PHillE nineteenth annual session nf R. tins Institution w'tll coniineiico on tna .ini o Auguat, in;i. I or ci'uiK oi p.n.ijr i . "Hfi vnietniilic, einhraciu iverytmng ne cess irv lo a eoimili.t.', solid snd ediiea. Ii The BCfLDINUSaresoiirriingedastocaim hrtie the enmfnrl of .1 111 with tin: ailvuntage. of a C II OOI In-tiorlers of Hie highest qua lifications are empleyeil lit each of Ihe Depart ineiita. TERM'?: BoBril, iiirlniling waahing, lights and fuel per aer aion ol five nionlhs,... ffi' in Tuition in the regular closes 30 UU f otilogiies cnntaiiiipg alt neceaa.iry inforiiiatioii resp. ctin the coiirae of Inairnetion, Ti rnis, cV-c, will lie forwured on apniiction lo KIPHAKP S IKUL1NG, Principal. fret'ni.tioroiiyh, N.C 7t;.v V. l.'.y. t31r I l is 1 1 ;il w. sfBjfJV a" S Motiihv tlio' J July n.l, tieini; tne aapyMaw monday of our County JL Conrt.'l l!l sell ol the Curt riouse in Charlotte "ie following lanns, vi : 272 ncre' formerly owned liyl .i'd Blair, on Recuy Creek, jmning Aiutrt Wallace, II. W. Hous ton nntt others. 350 acres formerly nwti'J by Henry A. Sloan, juinn g E. B. V. S.uau, Jaoic, llendi.rson and other.. 2ftO acrea on the waters of Reedy Cieek, j.itn ing Joseph Taylor, John Nrwe'l, Isaac liner, the Uower I.. lids of Esther Caldwell and otliera. Si unimproved iols formeriy owneri by the Rev. I rrna J ihnaton, in Clmr.otte knowr. by Xos. HiS, Sl'6, t37, anil !, in Honnrc No. 71. The utHiVe lands will also be sold on a creihl of 13 months. B"iw!s and seeortiv required by. Ii. K. LUNLAP, c. m. 1. Jim, 01 IM9. tl9 L 111 II, C.MALCOLM, fR.V"Mt'AL MARBLE CLTTEK. rcs-etfiil ly in onus the puhhr, Ihut he lias opened a 31 a u m. 1: VAitn opponlc Ihe M insion Hotel, where he is prepared lo fill 1. II orders wuii de.p.teh lot MOXl'MENTS, IIEAIt STOMA'. TABLE TOPS, and all kinds of Work ill 111. Marble Line, of eilhi-r IMPORT- i ED ITAI.I VN or A.MEliK AN M A Ii I LE, I Having inai'e arraneenieliN hy v hiel. he can procure Ibc IMFoa Tf u llnll-ll Marble, at reiluced prices, he can fill all orders for .Monuint uts, At, at reas. ni.hle ri.tes. He would be h.p.y lo have a'l ilcairou n',le.i. ing in his line. In c.iil and see specimens of M'ir-1 ble, hear pries nnd jmige for tliems.lvi s. j lliiving had 3S year's e.Tm-rienee in Ihe hui-1 m, he s ill give his pcisonul alienlion lo put-1 linir uo Mono men 1.'. cVc. Snliil.uri, M,y 3. I 5. tf I iii f Irr 1'i lt. r v ll llc:il. j f B yIE subscriber is niannfacrurirg snd keeps! Hl cons. ai. liy on linini, Soap for Teller, Scald ! Head or Ringworm, and to wnsh wilh fori any other skill disease. It will -ilsotaxe stains j out of any kind ol Clothing. If any perann de sirei lo have 11 lo sell 1. g can be bad st re. j c'uecd price. The Soap line bei n tried by respnn-' sible persons n ml is s.iid lo be s certain cure. I he Soap cm be had at Dr. E. X. Hutchison C o.'s Drug Slore anil from Ihe subscriber. j CIIAS. T. KUKRHAKD. .Vay 31. Ife.i!! . lltf Land for Sale. rS'iiK aHituprirwr, b-in- iirirnua to rrmovf I from the cnuniry, utTt-a f.r f..le the tiition on nhithahe nw r ii, Iviff 4 in i !- fruin C!nr!i.t, .-n rh- V-t.rn Hlnnk Km.... mn tsiniitfr Ol) rcre. Tne km. in ut' ynnd qunhiy f ur purticnlira, enquire of th, t uaii ..-r un th. preinii. Mrs. A. W. STEVENSON. April 12, io.".9. Slf Hotel fur Sale. AT MONROE, XORTH-f AROLIXA. (Ol 1 r.IIE auhscriber being desirous s .J . H . .- tCV'SaV m ni en.iligilig ins nuai.isss, 01 S.?ft!P i-rs for sale li-c I MUX IIO- ',1U9P TEL." Tins House is situated ill tlie thriving Town of Monroe, X C, convenient to the business portion of the Town. and within ibout one hundred yurda of the Irack of toe W. C. , K. Railroad. It is 10..1W new, contains siventfiu rooms, well fur nished, (the Furniture heiiij olVcrtd for sale wtii the ll"Usi ) a tire pi ee In i vi ry room, also, convc. mel t out In ii-i s, M ihli-s, 4xc. Also, One liun. dred Aerea o' Lino sojoiiiing. H i age ui-qualifics hun for Inngrr public life, he will therefore sell low, giving any reasonable iim- for payment For tuMbi r inform it'oii apply In tne siibserioer. or my friend, Ki.v. E. A. Lein niond, Caiuuen, So. Ca. JAMES 15ICKKT. .V 34.IS49. H4 .Meal. F. Iisve PEA MEAL for s,e at tlie mill, W for feeding rows aiiJ other stock. Fimi'v Flour Warrai tiJ, Eitra, Superfine, and coarse alw: Va on hand, also Corn Meal and Grits. JOHN WILKE A CO. April 19. Ie5!. Cif To Planters. ClOTTOX GIXS, of the hist quality, with 10 imh saw., red at any niailroad Liu. dmg III the M.. It. at 3 per saw. Fur particulars aduress. J. M. ELLIOT. W uisburn', S. C. Apiil 19, IS59. 6-f li" Prtmiuii.s awarded at the Mill.- rir, Xovsmbcr 1S48. J. M. E. ritt SH AKKIVAL i)V COXFECTi0XAI.IES. IIOl STON V TS.I! M AS just received a fresh supply of AX Ml kinds, also Citron, Currants, Uaisms, Figs, and a vsrn tv of Nuts. Call st HOUSTON & HUNTER'S, I Door East uf the Caiurl House. Chirlottt, Oct. 26. I808. 33tf !TI,Yi:Mn sV IIOU I, (.late Slevenson, Bowin X.smilh) have aaaocia ted with tbvm DANIKh .M. Zl MM Kit MAN, formirlv of Lincolnton, X. C, snd removed to the large atore No 43 North 3rd si., between Markil and Arch, where they will continue Ihe wholesale 1)11 v coons I.L'Sl.NKSS with an inereaeed atoek. PHlaJriph. F,b. 7. 1849. tlS-fimr Ei'ECUTToNS for the S. Court for sale. I i !. I Sjsf, v' The W.irU-ffej. CORRECTED BY OATES ft Wlt.LIAMH. CHARLOTTE. JLNE 37, 11s lb.... II 1059. R.Afl IN . Hi 9 "1 a lb.. .. II Hog rou, Shoulders tagging, tinnny, . Icef. , lb.... ... vo.... ....'lb.... -"'1 to & 00 f..J ou ... S faj a ld 15 (" 35 , 00 tin, CO (a, 00 iiiller, Leswai cans .runil) , Apple Peach Cotton Collee, Un ' Java, Candlos, Adamantine Sperm., ' Tallow Com ChicKcna, Cloth.Coppernn, ' Lmdaey, El- ...I2J ...33 ....()() ....Oil ....00 huahll,. -..a-al , lb lb lb lb lb -I2J ao ..3S ij (- l M 00 (a) 33 (a, b (., IHI lb 14 ...bushel ) ....each.. ...yard.. .....yard.. ..rtoren . bbl... m 14 ( 30 (?) '21 fes CI Q, nu ( as Co, 13 Oi, S x 00 ....10 ... ...3 ....:) 11 ....1 3J .... 4 ..16 ..;inO ... f.o ...31 ....rS ....9 .... 4 .... 5 ....44 .... 7 ....711 ....14 .... 9 .... H"- .'ih ....UU Kinur b g Fcalhera Ih r.arrt, lb Mutton 'b M.ickcrel hhl.No 1.. " Kilt Mola.aea.N.O gal W.I gal Mea hiihhel... Mullets (Wilmington) ...I.I.I (a, 40 t-i, 90 (,.,. i:j ("j 00 6 (i 00 Naila, Northern,.. lb. Southern,... Oal Pork Peas Potatoes, Irish,.... " Sweet.... Hies Sut'sr.l.0.1; ' Brown frtnne.Wa re Suit Tea W Ilea l, v. Inle lb ... bushel. .. II. ...bushel... ...bushel... ...bushel... ...bustic I.... lb lb ....gnl ...jack ...Jh ....bllahel.. ...himhcl.. Whiskey, N rlherii, gnl N.C Wool, ; beat Or ) washed'.. .. li 11 va sheii. hai ....27 ....S3 .. I ( (A 33 fa, hO REMARKS. rOTToX. There hash, co a few bales sold the last e,k at ranging from fa, lie. COKX hut little otli ring and sales a:e made in a siio.ll way at Mic. FLOl I! Our market is 0 shade lower with light a.ilea prices ranging from $i (i 6. WHEAT deeliuii.g with am.,i rectipts. We now ijiioie IUU lor Red, 111) (J, 115 for wiute. tOl.l Mill A MARKET. Coi.uttsia, J.;'-. 3, IB 9. C0TT0X Th sin, .1101 ., 35 I, 11 cents. in les ol cotton tor Ihe neck , al prices ranging from 9 to H A ON, hog round 11 f.i. .Hies $1 (,r PEAS e.5 u. I1J no 90 OATS CI) i.i. 64 U.Oti; 3 (a i I II AIil.ESToN MARKET. Char. est. n. Juiy 3, 1b.'i9. ( (TTOX Tiie recL-ip.a ot tin. weca reach soma lb'J3 b.lea.anu lllc amount soiti may be put Gown at 3,469 b.laa, al prices ranging troni d fa, 13 c. Three Ladie wl TfllMll) have had some 1 1 ;ent lice as Teach. II era, empioyiitnt tor I h.j9 . Tiny will (each Ihe E.'glisl. IJr.iliehis, and Music on the Piano t-orie. Enquire al the Whin CHice. Jn. 4. Ir.V.I. 4:i -ut Mlil'Ll) llioel r. spcetlili.y a oii-.n ,rc In the TV ('likens I'harlottc anil surroun-ling; S' Utitry. thai lie st'll e.o.iliuiiea the above busi. nesa ml narlotle. Wire he la nrenand to lur. Iiiish DOORS. BLIXys AXD SAS7, lo the puh. I lie nn the rea su.iahlc terms, and on the snort. ' est notice. ' y ving a great many small claims for work j done, scattered all nv.-r Ihe country, he is deter. I mined to clutigi h nictnod uf buaiiua ' and htrraftir will rtquut X. 9 IS ay k done in his Machine Shop, before re- 39 Km l0M HAVANA LOTTERY. Tie next ordinary drawing ofthe Royal Haia ni Lottery coridueteil by the Simnish Goverinnen t. irHcr the' supervision of the Captain Gent rsl of Cuba, w ill taku place at Havana on SATURDAY, July 16, 155!). $336,000. SORTEO Xl.MERO 620 ORD1N ARIO, a I'll' v 1. ruiza: si 1 pnteol H)0.tD I t pniis of n-i.ttOO I SV.IM'v I I " I.O04J 1 :t 1 oott 1 :t " 5. I ' I (I. otIO 143 " 40U I IO,tiU j Apr'xim's 4 Anoroxi tiolislo the $H'U,' : h l,i,0 each; 4 of el "i to S.'ih.l'l'ii: 4 oi nu !, 3n.liu0 ; 4 ut 4 . , L, t,, Ih.nnti; 4 ol t U0 1-' $ll,ilill. Whole Ticset.a.'U; Halves 0; QuaiterstS I'r im s cashed at sight at 4 per cent, discount. Hills on nil si'ivelit B inks taken al put. A tir.iwit'g w ill be lorwsrded ss soon as the re su.l llecoinua known. Coinounieaiiona sdi.'ressed to DON noriil GI EZ, ii ars ol City Post, Charleston, S. C.) un. til Ihe Iblh Ol July Will be atlunncd w Pi raons urn. ring Tickets will picas, rite lhi.11 names pialli sou give their post urtict, Couu ty ails' state. Wm. A. Owens, .1 TT(11. E Y A T LA IV, c 11 tui or 1 :, . ( .. x ILL pr 1. -nee in the Courts ..f Mecklenburg nu th. siirri uiHUng rouuties. il Otfue nearly opmisite the rust Otfiee. Jh. ih. I4. 4'-lf Sl'HPENAS fur sale .i this cftee.. for all wor D,c. 7. IrtSU I II It'J 30 eo 16 il 9 00 i r:0 130 54 6) . , -.,. aisiua tu utiu iuu per- July , 9SJ

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