r;iAV run all that a he in au thor my. The npon'e an niade that i'iiii,p and: rail. die tiii.ciirr, tlii.t, Firt of all, Hip- ) r. icsiici,. I Tay-rs, inter. fMot:, and gnuig of that k, I ( ms-Hc- fe-t ;i : for kings, and foi all lint tne ii' Tu in." i. tre ) i have oui do. tin il In mi, hnuty. i : J ike oil. elf, they i i.i :al stHtlOh or I'l- V:.e v.pi air i re ci N u tr im; una i in lr sou:s ti c H..I I of tied cur ?ariour, " ho wi.l h jf 'n " lu fvt-.l, and to roiiic unlo the knowledge of the Iruili." A Vino does iiot cease to I e a uiin. A rresi- dent, a c:nior a his trials and lempta- lion, vaic J he.-t burden. I lir v all; in a bow cf I o er at.d tiI J iocs?, and t hey , is t'tie e 1 1 or t . I or liili .tpxthb. they p-1 a tical rc:icli .blest rr1,f,.s-or feel it. " Vanity of vatinn ri ery M those iu emied p tr iife, aii J for bumim r yearn. Il is a nil. line a:,i of Cbii.iiaidtv ):-rt it- I.u r ev to !-piriiu! '!iow-iip i:b them, Lt-ars tbeir bur , and fee-ie and pray-for tl.eni as men of Iiiir j a ir-ti aitu hinflf and f rr hi'",,; i.t'i'iriMi ii'e. Palaces sre f (miliar fii'b ;jb. The pillow ot crooned h aJ-ni.btU'u fairs lhat would move a p sjci trar?. i nroul) soeui oicers ani rdinatl.i:., an -ant lor hum.in govern ni -nl. th a ron si. J t-uiiive cable of bu K: r. I; . put i,ic ahould run. Tne ether raon f- rsueh prayer appeal lcs to chjiliy ihau e!f-ii.tere"t " That n.ii hi a quiet an) peaceable li in ti ;o m.-s at"' bu.ftv. Fr the faults ai a i .i i - f ; j r-;u r . '.-tii 'iitn I t..' in the rovil council or tin c.L.rii t i ft -1 1 v re a-h t. tor c"?d or for eii ..ii i vrhlc and fi cotni nry c'i'es may lii from view and lot in coiupiictiot.. r jf eo.nui: t, n n t. aches that foorif r ot Ik'er li.e J rtae'h erery one. There i.u! bi i.ip., c thee in authority, aiid they till k anri i-r.eak not for t? en;'-e!ve alone. '1 L. Ii'iu-M'st c 'ij-ti is tot o iseVed but tliat th ties-ire- of hi- i iiet snd p-a..va!.'e life. n that which i rrini-iive cf god.iiiess !.;--.:--tT. u iv Ij a : do. a e ar. ; w ar. a .1 ll.-llal'O hi r.T of p- r ns'fy -riT..-ip of men. :ir: :-"n fr-r fit . J .,-rh or L Trait or F.... p.m. Nap- .t of ihem. Wh .,5 an! cabinet us: -jo m:t cc-'iu ,!: -r Tr. n orali-t fl vvi cf ir.'.j lily a; .-u:.':ie and iii.:ivid'u'. ar. io-i. and ti.-.-.r of u; . A uc -i j paisn tutr.iy. 1 he idei of tins, i ! :ickard, 'ike e.l-il many a es -,jon it. i' ne-i c rt-trainla : : .a-l r v au- i rc t is bti'sed. i:.-t- 31 c. 1 tj-hin bro;Lrr-rio:u t t aba :-.- np-ju l if a'? t t ire.i 1 ft t:.e.r Lome fj ;a and fvt per- Tt'.i"- ! T.'V WPl.l rnsrul 'I 1. ' 'a f f !:. msi'i-is wbo hsve l :.j and distant cam tiiers know Lo to raise good corn, but they i .f b I'tie, low few wii: are not always able to pat iu practice inl and how many never . prove i u.-thids of c-il-ivation. Many, bow :bc parting ; think of ever, n.l.l.; do better, than they do. The ri of luo'.htri "i-l wive-; country is in an embarrasse 1 cond.lion. li:eu, ho wi I cry for Willing banda cannot Bud labor. liooi eta-e a fp aiuhitious crops alone can save us from still preater :-.!o their nea-i to re- tovgrtv and auffcrini;. One good harvest 1 ..a of be' ( less c Ircai ; a-i a.! t Ltl. L. ; UK D il c L-'-u l li n.1,1 c( E-irope I d . sry line I.prt iu-toad of tbers ! Got rce meets ami sits for wteks Of on a vo cj Ibe new paper report and tele-- .u.i ir.- retJ by n..!li'ns as though they i ao r. o c'.DC'rD in the is-ue. I're.i.ien: a : .ui net, crvernors and councillor of .. i-r regarded as carrying on a n. ltt...r j t betu-elves. What is that to u- Out !' and n.eT1 ai. i .-e ; our achool an". eh-ircbes vri , ft. on; our fami'ie. our t: .ureti. and ouree.v.s ate Dit Ij le toucb- a t v tie doings of tho-e io authority! 'rat D ,stiie. Smaller t'nitz and L'.iu- ir person, Dearer home and mwo imitie-ci.i-e y eiMiected with person;! welfare, are eouf ed not ut worthy ur jc: of prayer, thai L'iiine itS ience and puidance may be vo.jeba''cd So 0'1,-ht iho-c in authority, bi tutit. r 'I w t it p-rty. t be rein -mi tr.;d iu c. it p r 1 1 at- ail e-p-c.s. ,ly o ir pjblie dt-v-.-' t.s, ar ) ti n! inc te ir of G 1 miht i e bt the.r cj- , and a c-.i.-?'.-i cf djty ; that i be wi-Jiit. Llcb -Ic-Cubietb f:-.i.j a i --.. ai'i i- r V l " to r!ir st, may guide their -i.l.r.nat -t, ; and ti.il ev .t, the self- i-hiie-' in i r.-h f rru: :,cd. d 0 1 s..y !. Jl.s-') ."' nhoiity," er I'bat t f. it are in su-.-tanti.: L'.L' C e OLT aji.l, and ani qu.cica apir.l. anich, n-iituvoti-, is tlut-d by in- ..J ti tle thai reviling ly under repubiion i j .,. ij la-" a ..ci. not j i tiy oi I I r.-tianny. It w . J l.e'p t:,o-e rho W-tl help, in liitinj; themei va of weighty re-pou-i-1 t.itiK ou etr.h, an i saving in. :r ojjls in Lc en. ' hiiat died for the.ll uisO. ll ao.iid be a salutary ree-v.'iiition of ti.a I-', i i n y o v.. mm 'M. t over the ajnri of met;. i.y a., tl.e c. caitiiy, Go-i is a prajer J.ear.0' t'fA. it tj -I wi" in- hlf-i-i.-s if !! -n wpoa ar eoji.try SnUet it (.' OM.T l.r.J.'. 1-. r eanie : d it t I d'.i bfok nd huii. I nit G , ' . Cs, .) sDed 1 tu Inii' I sh. Lul Lied bv in- n-wn Ihr n b to my irMvti. y fiut. i.eiaii.a totl.aa an 1. I l!,e a afer. of rt J CLta ,1 ,b l.af LK!;l UK. Is Iki i . (T'LTIVaTK N OF INWAXCOKN. Cf ibe imj ortai.ee cf Indian corn to tbi An erican laimir, liCi king Deed be said. It is of mere li:e ( ten. in a national point of view, than wheat. A'o rcreal cultivate!! in temperate lnl:fu.1r affords per acte so much nutritious food for man and beast. lu one sense, too, it is a " fallow crow,'' aK it affords an opportunitv of elraainc the lanii by t he u.-e o! li.e horschoe while grow Id tbi" rich, new lands of the West. c n apply 10 corn what lias been well fail of the turnip iu Great Uritain " It i. ll.e sheet anchor of our acriculturo." We fear, however, that i', diiivrs from the titrijip in one vrrv in roitant re-rect. Its rroth doestK.tmtr.rmpamou.Ho. .ii.reuor, I:ind innd that is too rich, too low, and too looc for heat. It will flourish on the best beat Ian 1 ; but beat will uot succeed well ou tl.e b'-l com land. Jo grow corn on land that will produce pood wheat, i not, as a general ruie 10 oe comme wieu. We have tuid that corn will succeed on Hud too low for wheat. Ibis is true; but corn rroni.'es x dry soil, it is a mistake to suppose that all hijrh land is dry and all low land wet. M r. Swnn. near Oenevs, N. V, wuo tins ii mover n,.y u...s o. u,.,i, on Lis farm, found that the highest part of i.U Tartu ri qi.ired t mueh am tiraiuitij! s the Io'-r r.ottioa5 On low Una, a few .... .v l",,v" -r . ir open duti es art often sufbv.ent to carry off ttiewaur: lul ou a springy niii-siue, iborouib untierdraiiiiiip is Lrecsary or torn n.u-i ce ary "cot- ,ect w.ik.ng throoyh magintjccnt fi-ld or enru on the thoroughly utiderdraltied farm of our fiiend John Johti?ton. Out of the , , , j i i uniivrurama was choked up, and there the , .. ., , ,. . , crop was a taiiure. lorn aeiij;uis id a loo-e, dry, warm soil. It" it is surcharged with r iiai i!.cy aater, all the sun-bine of our hottest sum mers cmtiot make it warm, and all the :.v the T'. i! : manure that c id be put on it will, sot make ir j:rc. are tlie corn yield a malimum r-op lo pasninir i-e a-inie- a!tjj the vario-is railroads, we have often .r.-c'iption- 1 bft ti saddened to ice tbou-ands of acrca of wiio tit ver land nhnted to corn, which, by a little tin- , or 1 Hcrdraining, would have produced n:ac-niii-)jr. cent crops of this crande-t of cereal", but wrur.'i presehte miserable spectacle of .... r . , d, haif starved plants, vel.o-v. si. .sly, stunte atru'.in for very ntc. V e have ccr been willing to ap-'loii" for the abort coiuiuis of Aniertcau t inners. e know tbe dimcul- , I . . U e t'j believe them to be, as a whole, " in- ., , . . . . , teili -rni and cnterpri-.in'. Hut these sick- iv com f,t,;d are well calculated to create a very u.rTereiit impression. We Lave fre 1 lently to repeat the German proverb fo kuo is nt to be able." These far- uu'il set t'ne wheels of trade aud mnuufac tiring indu-try in moiion, st.-d u-her in a p!ad-o;i." irijdof nati'.ua' pr -p.r iy. Hot ii i vam to hop-j for jjocd f:rop3 without good eu tivation. Fanner know bow to raise pood cor:: know how to plant and cultivate. We can do little ic-r.t to uree upon theiu a. a rstriotic itv. t e necea.-iiy of putting Lrth their be-i if :la the coming aeasou. Our cities ami ii i-g' s are thronged with idle bands; nor. ,To bow bis ahrewri (jtiiekness in re set tii. in lo work I'.i bat you can toward ply, the following anecdote is related : tiraiuiii,' the land. Flow ii well, and pre- " 3ome year, since, tbe deacon was oui- p-re a good seed bed. Mark out the laud toti a)s. so as to plint in airaigbt rc-v. an 1 thi u u-e the cultivator freely. Do uot , . . , e i.Ser a w-ed to grow aud rob the con, of food tn d tnoiture. Con-tant stirring of tbe oil d-composes its organic matter aud reU- A-,. ...;; I.-. nn. !,;..;. ;. . it r rjahie- it lo attract ammouia and to con- der.se nioi-ture Irom tne Mmo-phere. while C furiiisuei a loose aud w irui bed for tbe ret to i;row iu. We hive spout cori'iJ rttil tune and L. jn-y iu eip.-rimi niit with the virio-is frrt,..j,-ts for Indian corn. Wc k-ow tbe iuiportauce of the .uk-ject. hut e are sat-, ieii d that, for tbi country at iarj, wl J."ttt. proper ftrpuruUotx oj ie '. , tuii'j jitiniii'f. ut v'jo-j. ,;rui moronn , u" i.vltatf, are of far yre.iu.-r importance, Tiirouhoul the va.-t tora growiqg of Amer- ica, if c can remove atanatit water, pre- , paie the ia.ui! properly, plant in good aeasoti, and use the lorse-boe frely, ti e oil I J the , it . r 'j of eve i- rie.li erio.j-.-h to pr ..' .-- fair and remunerative crop of s.ra. Still, ui,r.e ur.i uiuct nut... it n uiipos-i- bl. to make ...ui.oiinl. f.r corn; it , tbould he borne iu mind lb t it co-ts i o tn.r. top'. nt and cultivate a crop or eru that .l. yield .ut, bushels per acre, tLaa one that yi. 1 1 ouiy thirty ia-beli. 1 f coarae, th. mo-t profit able .and for eoro li . that which i. naiaraliy rieb-wa ric-i for b-at; i u', ID lb .N.rt EiU'laii-J t'li.lts, j iKe wheat at l otbel eirea.a. it is nnpos-t- ver-, nroutab. : eropa are ra.Sed oti poor soil k y ti e ai-i of h.-aty mnn-jrin;. L vi Bart ; i.tt .a;. : -'l,'! tiiti; -Se er ips ol Indiaii I j com ctlered fr premium in Masaaehuie'ts, ( i tne iiti;. pioht -jter aii eip-n-ei rceed- s-J sot p. r acre. It ;s tne opimo-i o: u.a ny too. i irii.er, thai iniiio'e i more prof nan y app-ie.l to e irti thin to any other crop .'tu txceilent farmer iu ti.i o-ib-b-iriiood tbii k tit! ci.eayeat way to ra.se corn is on civer .od 11,- lets the ciuver oa lis lohjf a pcs-ii le io tb.; spr ly, and Men win- it uhi. r j.-t before piantmu' the e r:.. 'J be clover toriiii,fi, n.a..u;r, and tie say - I h oru. a al-0 teeii on i: anti scidom i jur the coin. A iialiOiui ol f.ia-ter S'.-al i -r- S on t'.e bill before the tor.l hoeiiijj is :'H;fu: y eoti-i'Jt re i proStable lu tin eee Win (.rrie LutiHtr, I Til E 1'EACII WOK.M i The i;reat :-t et etnv to tbe pe.eh tree i ! the borer or n.io ;i an, lUal n.fesla tbe root IHik-er, an 1 on Lnfers ami lliuinha an a near ibe u' lace of ll.e .-round. Wuh a lit- i"r;'il of set ei.ty -eveu foet and six indies, tie ti.'tte.v labor, a e t.ave Uefer suffered an v I his shows that nature intended ih il man ! uiaiena! it.jory froiu tin lu-ecl ,iu in i -(.fiion tit-e every year oecupyin a few Loirs, suee to r 0 over an vicii.ro ot a M,j...ired iree, aud feUiove etery worm I Ul Ii' It petttcli W.lll li' a .. .r a (.eat inert ue it cot 1 .-ot, v .n.p'.y a "jr ieiier 11 ; ; ,1 ni. - nil fc very tl.e lii al ly laen rt W ll.le-li d. I ::'. Lot a in,''e m o rtn , .-li - uii'ui.laka : ii.'i.i of it prt'-ei.ce by tne n't-u an I ia ilo-t ..i.e ier.-in:l,t mixed llli it that l.-j-a fro ,, lhe wouod.'l b..ik With ll.e irosel remove the ea'lb a 0 inch or lav be-i.-. tnt so' I tie, and m tl a rh. ilu .,t -( way l-e Ueid b.ik viiile iii'viy appetri and after little experience no one need lai! to discover ibe enemy in every iuatance. The aorui in very tender and readily killed. TLi examination should be attended to nrly in tba Spring. The ejrga are deposit d iu June, aud if an taiiiiumion is made il October the young worm may be found .ear the out.i.le of the baik, and may be testroyed by ai-.np'y tubbing the freshly aten spots ou the balk ou the outside. Vulhy J'artiirr. ilffcrrcb Slrtirk Who I'laiuidJ and Won llir llalile of .llasnila. The Persia's news b as been epread broad- cast over the lnnd ; and there no longer ex- isti a doubt as lo ll.e character of the Hut ; lie of M aet.ta. All parties arc couipclktd to concede now, that it was liot only a great . batiii, la i j:reat victory; and what is; more, a victory on by the Kmperor Napo- eon 111, bo not only commanded in per- w o pUnned ,he bM,,c aDd tlie ! movements n hicb preceded it ; and has thus proved himself as able iu the field as he is ' iu the cabinet. Even the Tribune, iu its j coinmeiit iry upon the battle yesterday, says: j It is a standing rule of strategy to avoid a J flank march within reach of the enemy i Louis Napoleon, relying upon his masses, j deliberately violated this rule. lie march- j ed towards Novarro and Ticino, without heeding, apparently, the Au-iriauti oubisj flank. This is all very true ; but ho ct the same . . j.:,,,......,. re,o!vej t0 rrntect the , , f ,. ..,, i ,..,,,. I bunk of his army r.y Iu personal presence with hi- Guards .' and it is no matter of his tory, that m so doin", he for a h.n liaie Ure cf (e ao(ioDi uili, Ne, auJ , ., i,.j i:, from the fearful odds with which he was eolltt.riJin , - ituout 0,l,er aiJ than hisGuard Zou M- TheM 0 acejncutill ,H . . ., ., . . f . , V . . , . " . ,. . . uan.'era ae encouuureu iu iuis nana move .... i . . , . i ...., i Uipnt; but deleruiiueu to nicet anj over come them if possible, by bi per30uul presj enee with bis Guards and Zouaves. And herein cousists the great merit of bis strate gelical movement. He foresaw results and prepared to meet thvtu by freely eipo-in him-elf to tbe only danger it involved. lie veil knew, tbatiu his presence and with their Emperor leading them, tbe Guards or the Zouaves would never falu-r or give way j and therefore it was, that with them he ).t,n.. ...i ,1.., .JS..,i r .,.,1 i, ,i ; , ', it.'. u ' - e cheek, an absolutely overwbe.uiuij: lorce of lf,,.nn to his relief. Any other corps, differently commanded, miht have faltered : and if o, defeat instead of victory weuld have been the cou-euuence. Did he not do nobly, then. . . . . ' , iu tnus nersouallv mPetinj and Iriunipiuiio . ' , . , . , . over the obstacles which bis niovemeut in volved ! Aud is not Napoleon III, iu every seD-e of tbe word, tbo Hero of M i -enla? We have said there was no accident iu all this; and in support of tbi. declaration, we have now lyinj b- fore us, in matiucript, the copy of a di-patch from the Emperor 10 Far'il. dated Friday, Juue ad. tibieh i as , ,, ,,. ' ., . , , . ... 1 We are mystifying tbe Austrian. W e are deceiving theuj respecting our line of niarch. We are crossiru tbe Ticiuo, and al out to advance upon .MiiaD. Wc shall, therefore, be able to choo-e our own field of battle. Prepare for a triumph, and our eutry in'o the capital nf Lomb.irdy." 'J hese faets dctuon-itrate who it was that pianuedand won tbe great bailie of Magenta, i . A G.xibltErLr. A native deacon, r.imed IU-rop, ha now the chsroe of lb. I rolcstarit Armeai-n. Ubureh at Trcbiiond. in Asia Mi ploy 2 by an Euglish mercantile house in ' San'um, and wa required to work on the Sabbath. Tbi he ateadily refused to do. j II l JUL - -. . Hi employer used all hi ingenuity to con- j viuce him tbat it was necessary and rieht to do so then. " What said he one day,! ' if . n f-tl i.nn s r.it nn b. S.i.K.tb H..' does not the Savior say thai it is rioht to .... pull turn out : "Certainly, repiieil lla?op, " but ,ti the as ban , tabit of goinu every SaOoin ant laiimp into the same pit, theo hi o uer ouul to till up the pit or tell the ass'.'' Satan's MaUK.s I.n Thk Swinb A few since, on yoinif into mv btck vard. v. here a freshly killed pi bad just been u bung up, a man who knew 1 was curious in such matu-rs, laid, " there, now, thres the mark as rtaian made in the herd of swine before be ran down the cliff- into the aea.'' poinilug to five dark marks on tbe skin of the iu-ide of each fore leg. On my 'j'le- tionin l.iin, be assur,.-.! n.e be bad net r ,eeu a t.i,.witliout t'n in : ll bare sine lnV. ti at bit: aud the? bad t ia-ne -.1 anrl I. eu at u.e aufi iriey nan inr sa'tie il rtnd he said the tradition wa. that all s.ine bad them ever since the casting out of the d- viU.hiel, destroyed the herd iu the sea.-; My queue .r. doe tbi mark ,!.,. i-t T How da anatotnists ac-ouH for it: Aoifi J Qurriei. . Vhisi i METTER.MtH. While E iron is keenly alive to the war which threatens to ot literate in blood the " treaty of Vienna," and tbe parchment fetters which a-tute Austrian diplomacy has tor years labored at, c ar.- informed of tbe death of the v. leran dipiuiiiatist, M. tternich, who was the Cre-iuei.t at tht; Gotn;res of 'ierin and the leading pr;t of A'lstrian diploma i v f.r ba.f a century. Hu was born in lii.). I'U) l.i,; au.i was ciit'eifiPlitly lu hie f7i(, im, A sum. nary biography even would ii.vol.e a'ino-: a history of the wars and treaties of luur ipe .inei il,e operjin-r of tin.' century. (Jhui Is ttnn Courier. Fa is Woktii Km.iwi.mi It U as-erteil that man's linger hails trrow tb.-ir com plete In.g'h iu fur months and a half. A ui.ti living- aeveury )rara, renews his nails 'all's hundred ami eighty limes. Allowing each nail an inch Ion, he has grown seven b et and nine iucb.-a ol fitiirer nail, on f uel, should " stTaieli for a living A ("".ob It KIM. Y H iring a trial ii, the ate "Superior lloort behi f.r tiiii county, a . ry; in i,le-t and 'ood lookine; youn laid) la. tailed to theslatid 11 a witne-s .She po.: of vi-miiif a ho'j.e in the tieibhor ,'xi'l on ti c '-!."itb day of the moii'b. Tlie wj-r, who are notorious fur a-k in many I101l.il fjiestion-, asked bow she knew it ' as the Uoih of the month! 'll.e la.1 1 , r roti pt y r.-n.i, d , - l, eau'e the day before I wa- ttit Jltb."' Eyciir'.jj Uu-n...) K,lU.' fos ilv. and the wiitaa wn duuiisaed I ','j.r Qdy limtt reW;i.;tor!BraJTARY- INSTITUTE CIl.tKI.O l Ti:. .V c. ESPKCTFl'I.I.Y pall, the mien. M wi turn nl IMi vieiiHK, Pin iitera, l i.un. Ir Merchant. &e-. I" "eir I'iree and Ctrtluflj aelcctru Mock ui DUl'US. ' TO PHYSICIANS, lr. t'liun-liiir, N HT"i'liopliitm i Rrmrdira i.r conaiiiiiptii.il ,.. ii k I'otiah. ALSO Coin pound Syrup uf the llyp-p! r liitea. WikiiPs Il:ir irrxtt'rnli''. A lr h topply of llii ..!ii:.blf ).rrpurtn.n fcr I lhe lL, . I.:NSRF.I Oil TRAIN OH. SPEUM Oil, IM t:R LARD Oil- W1 No I Copal VARNiSli .. a .. 3 Fine l-ininr " Coach J.i pa ll " Leather " ae. n IiA.mii:i:i iv yvxv vkov GARDEN SEEDS. All theehoiee vari.-lirs of burden sice.l. Pe. t-uiis, BcelvA'nhbvcv, Pdrni.a. Sc. 'Asparagus tdf, i:inib:ii,h or I'ii- IMaut, WITH txovmt, ra.i t: uu, tuun uto Uitass A;. TILIKS F I ii i (1 E xtracts. STARR t ( O.enll lh atti ntin ot the Mrtlical Pr..lei..n to Hum eier.i.l prcaraiou.. m .on,.. 1 rabiy M ti.r tho exle.pnr..oeu. prep.ral.on of 1 mciure, Syrups, me, etc., aecurinj; tne oe. '"i nnjeei m aau mn) " No Physician ibould bewittitiul tb SCAUHA CO.'S DUL'G STOKE, L'haihtt'. Window f-lniss, I'liily, W liilini.'. li tlb, Ac. I.nw for p-ih, at SCAKU & CO.'S, Druggists ' Atlantic MUTUAL and FIRE Insurance Ccmpany, i Ciirii.'iiiii ( ill, .'., Ir.corjioratnl ' an Art nf lit l.rg iaiiin T lfU.S C'oiinwny btinj; duly orpu a nee upnn BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, Fur ni I lira, ,Mil!, .vn niifsii-lorii , Mill's AU llll llt CAItCtiFs id most kiutiiot properly, -t remunerative raiea 01 r ( n,,, ZX wZ'Tto llJy'c 'rt,.ctitin to lbs .asureti in e.. of I..... An hmwraMe and atniebl coarae ot dealm-;, nn.l fmnful fulfilmsni of it. eontr .ci., ill -i .il u.ina cb.it iclerue tl.e bnailiin .! ti e . ..nip my. Aoiiitenlioni f.r Ii.aurai ce may be u.a.le at the ffi,, ,- u, uuiay, r la it. uion- A;, mi. DltthCTOR-j. j,,nn A. P rr. t William S F...nr, Levi T. i any , W. ii. (jr .i.t, ,"JJ" U..i" 'I i.i.a J R'aliclcy I.uic :,ciuan, i OFFICERS. J-il.n A. P.irrt.ll, ll. Till W led, A. U Ci.upin, f.uiiD- I I., ti- r., J.l II I) .,.. u. a ;: .r tt, t .M.ii.n. Pnai.ii nt. I'res.i.et.l, Tr.-a.urel. Aii..rt.ey, S- frf fury. T. UtUaUy, I h. A. I Ik. inl ton, B Cbaple W. It. lir-ilit, W.M. l.or ?. I 0id W. Hell, l FX Ei I 1 1 E l 'J.MMITT EE. ck I.?. leo9. ' " YASHING T ON HOTEL . ., ,,-..,,..,.,,. (CUANOE OF I'lKJl'llltltKB ; Mill'ltN y c ' fj,.pt,'p ' ' JOHN F. JJlaEb, Proprietor. t II K L'odcr.iirii" d r. a,,. ifulit mii.ui.ri a "" ''''"-'"'"S I'uoi.i , ""'J 'j" eharee ol loia olu ami ;mi.ui ir taialiliai lair ii t, i lid iu"w d to actumim-tatc tratel. raond pri te familir with boar i ny the dy nr im, nth. tbe most aer!.tiuiio....i iiK a. Hi TABLE wi I always be furnish' .1 with tne ru st pr..viiii t'lathemc .nd foreign maikna cm am.rd. Tlie M allillalH lloll l has Isrce r.Kims, ia nei.ref the oeji .t, the cntt rt l-misp, and tl.e liu-lnea street llian any oilier in tne eily. An Ooiaiil Will a:t)a ri at IliC dc.t ai.d nuili, ol' lie arriv..i 01 me cat. ami iierf iiumm. t. rut. v. y ps.tcliit ra t.i li.e II. .UI Ir. e .'.I , l..irM . Ky alppiiK at Una II .1- I, pjaaeng. ra wnl bate ipie time to nbUni fnel-. Having o1- l.rje and couiriiotlir.ua Stable, board b tin un ei 1 1 eni "'I'-r. ne ia luny prpvo io hy llle OJy, wtek nr ill. ri. i nt lhe mu'l reasonable ' JOHN F. JONES, oiii ; -M"' ' '"s'- . i efj . a . a , .m t i t . . .i t i i ("If A () I ' , Tfl t 1 f -av'ii. . I f wf 9 MIMl J.' I I E, . t . fBlllE Pr.f. wr ..f Una I lute I is ! i jflfft... X .nil si iui ready t ' ' ftTf ! J ! M l the nun. . , ..niii Imai " to lhe traveling puliliu ill .in bun, and hell-ll. i. i.iu.aeii ln.t table quarter cm be louno wi.h mm a. irre in Una v.einily. Ib-mg il,..t. o near. U ceulra f Ciiarlulic, Ku.il.ti Men will any tii.o Una Hon I a n 'l convenient -oil n. .ir.il.l. loe.lion. He has been tliaj...! in the bus. to a. al Una at in. I nearly eie I'le. n years, an. I in I in. I tune be li.ta main several aiiuitioti. t.i ma fnrin. r bouae, snd il tu. bsen greatly eularrd "ti't no pr.v. .1, pre.,.i,. in froiil a two -tuty VEIt AN DA inn ie- rti. by la! l-et in w ly . .in.'. i by Ire " """ ". 1 " on In .ide-walk, alii, r.ni.o i pie 1. .1 all lio.ir. ol ll.e tlay. l i.e II oi.e i,.,. been tnoroUt'hly torui.bi d thro' out. .ui. I in every p.rt of It ere.. tore ton ' rl ir. bun .i.ii.l n. l..l,gin!e.e..o,..,.,l,y ni l',,- llN.S(, KDtlM. b. re the "inner nun" is "r.new.u" l .y by .i .y. i;..i,ii.el.; ttilll this Hotel re .St.. Idea a rTor.l ir, g rrein lor 1HU borer, nbundali'ly fui niah'ii wiln t-r .in ami provenot r, atieinle.l bylailoiul and o. niitriiif oo.ib ra. Tl.e Pri.prielof fceleeonfiilent ll.etwitb hi long np- riei.i -.. ni,,: (lui.y new i,i:vnU;. anil, n t.,hia nr.ire to please, be ia pr'-sr.-d tu orb r b.a in. tin i.d lhe " real ! in inKin.i," a. many enn.iri. and aa mu'b .Miod ebeer will tie found aiiyitbcre, pt rliaiia a liltie more ao Jj'Atanj rale T v ilia Chu r loiie II. f. I ;. Id. K Fa It it. Oriultr I'J. H.'.S. 3iif jJ'-f-Xolice. l.iehle.l In Ibe lit not eapeel I. , ereiJil. Wi . ; tlie ff..ie. boy ts.,e I mi. n.i tu no ..nt;. r . a lh,rt l.t.d 1.1 7" r a l.ner peri.sn, eali uil )'J,lf n tbe ist li A;itd v.nir credit will too. u , , ia. ...i.c the .. .... will, ur b-. lueo.ia, and bo.e no ..tT. :.ee wi.i U laa-n. --A'l Apoiio due for l-.i yer tl, I.l ..f Ai.nl, will be I, Ut lo II. li WILLIAMS A CO 11 iXLjUr'BinF. Ki-rrif of tin Iiistitulu will Jt couiiuuiice ou the 11 OclelM'l' nct. FAf I'LI'Y ELECT: .XT Mm I. Jl. IIM.I., .uennt, ii.u.i.1. l.invr (' C. I.KE. Coiiiiiiiiiiiliiiit, C. P. FSTII.r., A. M , I'rineipil l Primary l'lpafinuin. L'oui st nf .tuditS ; In lhe riinmrj Ilepartnii til, mcK aa to ua!ify a Minimi l rnli r unv 'ollei.'e. In tht feiriititie Ji-i.rln.enl Hie West Point Curriculum will be closely l..llna-, u. Il will be aim ol the rrnli's'' I" nmae lirveynrs, a .nat f -mi r.Chriiiits,aiid iikii fit li.r the practical busi. tier ol In iiililitinn to tlie iisuh! t'ttrriMrt ut Mililiry Sei Is. lliu iiioiilli of A must or. I Si i.tt ii l. r will hi- iu-nt in Cainpiiiuiiinj; lliruitgli the luiiun tuina of N.. rili ( urnlinn. The Atadrmit Vmr will ei.iiin.enep, n the I at Any of t)it..l.er, anu will embrace twcle nimillia. A I'urli.HjIi nl Iw ..iitln (Am;. anUN.pt.) will bt- iiven to Cauda ui the end i.l tlu-ir curt fi r Piriienlar ll.i.li..ii will br ivim lu Hie mural and ifiitwvt iasti ucttvn ul Cjih 1. IXPKNSHS: The Inatilule will proviue ll..i.r.l, Fuel, Mhta, Waliint, Anna, Kquipiii' iil" aad I'nilnr tit and nil rl.itbmjr earept unSrr eli.ihea,--fiir ISitO'i I'Hlt . M 'I. one batf pnrulilr m adv .nre ; the b . lui.ee in all ninnlh. Aa rxin raaiirra. No ri u.iasiiui i.l ciii.rvtk to lhnwlio li-uvv unless on tuts score ul bvalth TERMS OT AIM1SSM): N i ..us will be siiiuillid mi., tl.ti 1'aiM.tat Ia. r.Tm.T ui.mr Tele yrar nf t," ; n..r ml" li. llk1lu: Ir...(r.T miner Fiiirn iir mil Tw f my. i. lie )tari i.l ..i;t. AH o.i.lirftad with the Scientific IVi ar'mri.t wiil bp mpiittj to board in the Institute; th..e in tne Primary lb p.rlin. nt niaj ilu f-0 II UieV cliiH .t. R E PI A R K : The Ii.titiile liuihunfa are lie lariat, mual ..ui . .int.tluiua t..i- arco il ti Ctirta III tne .--outlu in toiiltlry Uireeturi trust tlul un.ur the n anil ll.e II"- ntt!1 ntsnl il It Supt rinieitilenl and t i.iiot.tinuri arc (Jr.iiiliuli a iif "l.t f 'HI.l anil pin t; in tie Ariity. anU in lhe l. us t.ort. tin' Institute will bo t-stiOi Mili'a') linos ai.e cnuiielttl im itrii.t-inifa. The bnnrtl will lurlh (uoii tf ithm i.l imik; ripen. it-pa ill mall uc. .ii. l ..n a Hue true M.liUry r aiy. Ilul Mr. KS riI.I. i a Granu le of lb j ui.ti .'in tapcrx nc-il CUssi ! wouli.' furil.c. tl il. (but it incrmse t Ii u tiuin.ir of tf-c ni nta aa I lie p.ilr.'llrfve of t.i Virt .1 ii ll... j, I'nivrraily I. sr. Thty . r. in tx.lli lie public iiu j tt t I Tin ll.e I, Institute wua ar nltu a literal I narur by I..IUK- iif .V.. rib '.. d .i 1 1... . with the .ew. r t nt cult rritu,- I.- t e ms-ri tin.ac aim coii.p't Ic llip prernb.il I our.c ..I Stu.li. a. ' l l A..lirali..na t. r i. ii .-si,.u ill h,- rer. v.d until tlie I -t of S. .. U.S. r. -i .l n.'l.l Im- .liri rtr.l ir c. j Fox, pn.t.ni t of u. iburu, i n.r. b.ll. , .N . t . C. J. F X, 1 JAS I' IKUT.V, i II I.aF. Al.K..MF!t, i J AS. II. C7.llUN, ; ' 'I IK in- II. EliE.M, : S M. M.Allt. ' lAYIU FAllKS, J Cl.ailntlr, Man .1), I .'.!! . !T' tai:.s. f11IK Ta I.i. la li.r lue tear I "j .r now i JL niy li-.p.ia b-r in .ta-eli..n. '1 Im.sv !...o.c I pay T..a-a will p ease route lorWr1 and a, llle. E. C. GI'.IKH, .-hrr.rT. April 1-1, 1"59. h'.f (i as V (i I k s. T" W,.ra I. te. . : l-rct lli.lt I.. 'I iii y b. .iu i no K .it ipii. .N r., Aa lo iu.iiirtC'.lioii, pri.ii.pi i. II fill., ; ii.li. II rar...... Pna.t h. in J ..I -I. I.. I'rra. I I. .T.I li..(r.Frs t. .( .K. U . Km.. K.l, I. ( II y. ut.. Water... .M.. Slo'V, I'r.s (. . V- .,... I.,llle I T. M'.ry Mil lit. Wurss. W at. ,t . .:!.... lit r A ' P. ... M., ii . .1 K WAI HI(lll'( K A J.llWKS. ;,(. ! t. -.,a). J7if MUlIE IU HE AlOltfEI 1 II AN THE j UirilKST IJIADKM ! I KVKIl W orn by Kings or KmpcrorsJ U hdt? WLy a Ileaullful UMd uf Hdir. i j BtTBUMf il in th nrrmmt nf Umi cm' ft m tiirti j t r.tf all oor r-irtr. lOxii r, J'h"U n tu ro re lis . bnjrMIt in l.i. slmL.,ll.. hereti i.i ill .ritrl. i.( rbet k, Ilia I ever ll.e be.d l rivrt .tm . t.eln br ll,... f.v. r.i.K, t.r I if aprinklni with ; b-iii bt r cuiiroia. : if u.i il lao ..r tin periniiiriilly .tea ll... .'nl!.wi..p. an ; la Ihr celrhmlrd I II, Pi..l. . Il .ir II. jU.lwr. '-, mmtt, Ik'iOm aritrr oi lhe tt. W win : New V Vrar Air, Permit loe In , i i lif-titiria I sin unoer n.r liie rlt. April ia. ih: irr.a 1 1 im in -ulna n l,.i.li'i , i.tv baio ita original c.ior ; an--ut ihc time ul n-y I arrival in. lhe l.ntieii .,l4Mt w- raonjjy Itn-m ( inj e-rsy, put ii,oii the a,p,.Ni..jl nf your, - Hir ; Fl. -i..r ..l,e .tl ...li r.e.vei:u 1 oreni..! l..ie 1 I c.iti-i.l. r your l. -n.r.live aa a very wtii.ipr)wl ' - r. I 1 S ." 1 W i i S w" 'f ' ff'e'" In"0'"' a i-j i V7' W i-lv,, A,V.ll!4',.e inl'.l, ,,, !,.,,,...,, I ,er.. , bo.tle f y..r M.. (e. . tlt ,u t., riude.n.. "X '' "" '' ,",!r '""k"llt ' " ' I'H.e ib.i .Tut u.'w.-''. we'li'a'CtMnX If.'r ' ,',.,. trj n , rinT11,.,f, u, ,i .". r'ttl Tir'n .in.- rfi. mi . if. pi ry V it r r,irif all ll.e tfr-y I., rk l.r.. ,.e ll.e I ll.-al.ira. 1 Ho p. raot.a i ut , t ell a I br. nf I II A It I. ES I AKIiKW. Nlw Vo. July -J.,, S!.,7. W ul, c,l,li.l. i.er no I r. I.', sloraiiir, aa i.i.iiij. ll.e mot Paor I) J ! J-"' lt.L.eio.1. srl I . I Ifraloral, I,,... I Willie I el C'.lifi.l. Ill I ii J b. e gr. tr which ..I I rc ..pol all. me will rr. ' 'or.- in. ii, l. ih. ir natural e .... .r . It al... t.aa re. ' v. . I ll.e of ill Oali.lril'l .11,1 Ul.pleae.0l III III II , e.l oii.n.oii si i.ioiig persiine '.I..1 par.pire Ir.-elv ' - J.i. Ml.liY Paor. Wnoii AiMtut Iw-i yesre .,. ,,,, n,,r J on, in. i. f . o I , linn; t.fl and liiri,in jr-.y : I wae ' .1 i., , on. n.(. b.io.snd , tr.eif n..,i,y K. ',, , , no . fl. el. I tii.l.et il uanij. your lf.al..r.. ' se III J .lill iry last. A ll W Spp'ieatiiina ll.lin it my bair firmly. It betaii to fill up, (row ul, ml liirii. d back 'o il. I .i.u. r e.,fi , ( ,li V .5 1.1a I. me It ia fully real.ired to lla original i..,r. ealtn, and m0..ral.ti , and t cluefl, illy fee,, m. 1 enu ita ,.e to all. J. . IIOKM. I l.lCag.., 1,1., May I, fV,7. l he li. atoralive ia pui up in boll!. ,,f 3 ,,,, laree, ll.eoiniii, and .mail ; ll.e .mail ,.,ju. 1 I pint. Mini I, nd r. laila h.r. per bu't.r ; lb mi at lea el. It limn the emal Ibe laree hold ty ptr or m Im la.i re (r """"i rtn ri. 4i per c I in pr..l,..r.oi. HI..1 retails tin l I O.J MlNliA I O.,,roprieuira,4llllr..a.lwy, I New or a, end 114 Mart el si I .Ml. iaona, Mn, ,(' old livell fiKKI )rueKialeen,t 1-anr.y l..siue Lal. i eie, anil lit I hafli.lle Uv .Si A lilt tin. Vih raid lor Hides, UV k M.IIOWEEE,. c,,r. .,ulll of V ,tl-.. lloa.r. I oil .sale, al.f tl ft, !rt5t. WlTNK.Sfi T1CKKTB, for the C , unty and Superior Court, for sale bur . I j j j iL ft i&!M jf S.B.RAWSOM.UCt "!ni l AtlAMY. Will II Y ii ii rieeauae lii Would reap y a sni nnrr lo il l il I i .ti. fr..m (a. ir tln M.nn I" .N". I.f.n ailr B w, North, one ot lhe un.t I ran naite iriii.i i.ia F.var off. rt (t iii Nt.rll1 .t nroltna . amoni; w neb ami h hit (iinrii mi h i Uni..tis isput.it in II TlnaSti.ve be warrapia aoprrior I- uin t . I i po"''ip '" 'url. a,.i .1. . . n...rc .is in a it pill lip Ml rI.IP at V nmcr sn-xr ... i.i r p.. in, i work in a risi, liiiei.lis uill furlei! Ilu pntt tba b. lltr i.l. . ALSO, JiA. KliM)S OF PAR-LOB. & BOX STOVES Hit ha, and r.tMlanlly keep on band. a- rjlrl.f f ' r:; v u-rf' re-lt nf Tl. AMD sur.rr lKO, iti:.t .s ui. i 7 .... .ist ii:v. m itsn ,im, hat iiAri;s,(:i!Ai)Li:s, to.. ti nt Inrll V ill ! ai'lil, Iil-i! t iiikI Ittlllll lien r I Im u (,., , iter bt ill oil' 1 1 l In I lit lieiiill). I ..ul. I --turn ii v Ii i i- I. try '" U ui.' i u.l. n .ra f..i ll e very iib-r..' p.tr i. ,. , b. .I.tteii ll-sni, na. Hil irtrv '-V I r'al t.'lf. d . Ib I I ahail e.tt .v.-f . -) t lar attri I ,. ,,,, lt.etll.rr ailn ii- I iiMiiiaiKii I. p i I.. Iry at r 1 1 a r ....lit. u.nt e .,( Ih.....,r 4 l ,;iilirs mn! (ii-illi mi n hit ii;ilirii!;ir! inilid iu rail i n! a: v. uc l.i.v...i N. Il. I will le I T..I, .. 1 l ea.l U 0trl... I... I I - W all !'. Vl. W auo a, - 1 . e ii. t lurt c w. ;..!.. c ..ii-i.i I y I., i. IU. 'I. ui, . I ll r . uiin .It. St..t t a V . o.-rirf it til br Ittil hi ally tuul fn t mi. Ill til It I i.i tl In jx A. A. .N. 31. TA Vlnl;. ktrlattt. Jilt k. I S SI w :li CANDY n(T()l!V. riTshl'uiiH'cIinficrics Ynilb ..lis a tl I i i.d ano tun n y Confecticncries, Fruits, r v c.ihh i:i:i i s.cii.au 'i uii v c . sm i r. i oi . VIWI- lllwll llllll ll, liltf. vil(l4. IMHIIIt IIOItl, Vt lot itt .It a. it lllt.va fiity , t linn, ui k.li liil, aV ! Ittft-f , ll ..tit n.ty. i ' J.I CALM Kit. Aa.sai.s. 5. Iil.s. 4 : I f Ala... ha int. ii I. In iiiaiiuiTiurr I AM'lhs i.f ail ftiii. Is, fr.a !rt. .H.....ri..ua r,t,ng on.is. tl.e WilKAT WAXIKI). rjtllF. .tib.rt.l.r Fl. atiA .'Ell d lb. SI. M, prep.rrd to ll.e lug lit el li e M il, ... JOII.v WILKES. ' A ails. .v4 ' J A 31 UN .!. l-.V. I L M !.'! 1 V M I IU' 'I i T ! ' " j III 1 IM .villi. Kk al III II, . . ( , , w., k ,, .1 ,,f ro'rt h j " J ' ." ' '",-' ' ' " f 1 11 II, v I.I It . II. Mn i.p-. I.i , li.l ol all II. j fis. Pun I. I.. ' .1 a ,' Ihrkmj S:l l!ar.;' N I' , an I'MTaiuiaa, oa. Iswiai I 1. is nitaiuai.il yutai y hi Im ute ll If... I. . I .11 1 L'b.s.ar y end ,f tea n've II, r el... l.) ' ' I1.1.1 i.tewile all. ' birliii.e. 1 1 1 ., n.r mi our tu , lll'O p , .tail. .4 (rr S. . Si.m.iiow i:u " ae.atta.areV! 1 Saddle IL I!arrit-fi Pl tittf irturer Tltart U(Kll HllUTII ff Tl! I .IA MrtllM lllll.Ht, ru tin n'l 1 1. .i . 1 rAHkindiol Pino. irtrst n.ilirl . I II EPA HUM. pri III. IMS.. aest ll. i.aat ell be ,wpliy . nl.t i l,2iO:.;,cJs,;i.v3), 1 l'.aa. 11. Fl. t llllll I TH E b. pieneetl ti, f, . . i.r -fle.e,, a Mft Ml- HU IM s.ie av.liv h.e,,,. , F..rt .M il I. p.,t. I if sJCKtiEII V. ' I nl. .. or n,av be f.inni.at btereeitj y;k i, .,, ,r, M. . y., u. mi, FOH THE Will a. m "w I: ' ax k' .a n. en,r., ,M, ti Ins.v't'l t:.S In. n. the M iiiiuaeiiiriira. . M II. T A 1 L I) II Ir i.M I' I I 't 'I F . l ( vi i wa H M) . if-, lbt1li.lt, JUI I 'U,.f,c "lt.l I,,, II, hui In I-a n. on ubibii of wiilk. tt.unu ll.e eaiabraUti - ca st c. l.lry li.r ti t u.l US' 1 1 la am It i) i l. i r r Ii .i i.i . i- Stall f an, i I"1 i III 115! IK AIL 'iAii:' ur:! ova l. -ri ll at: i . 1 1 M- IU I M'nt-i ioi:i. u. I l till. (.Kill I K II V At 7 k Fit. ..ii i into i id, Jrje Ml II ll V A V'l t." .f.e. IK. le.iS. aSAl'IIS, Art - la i ft - I timi llnil.l' r. II I l.,rn..k lt..,l a P ... " !' lot Puklie Pai'.l.l ,a. I ' ' I ' P-ri,.,,!.. it.M . - a 1 H. urn.i.. al.i.a.l . ... M 1 III, Orr l..H villi I 11-4 IIIKI lt Mutual File Innirar.te C n tr Of HI I- H til v 1 I'J Mils . .,,..., ,1. I-. ..... yea im .l.ili, .1 I in i e pan pit. ill.. Mi ll l"l J. kl.el. l., VI I. l I ,...-. J ' I li......'. I , P. It. III.. I I U II Hal' - II. ,1.1. II M I... I. ll. OrHM-KS. Ilr. ( ham e fc. J'-l ' '' tt lb. I... II, V ,1. I'l.ai I; II Hall, , r ' 1 " 1'.' W uli ,, . II, J..,.. . II Vt liu.lt h. AH.-ri" Hr VS 1... II. VI. Kit. i laamlirr I nil" - W K. e. Ij. 1 1 .iifl l)lU of ' ' J..!.i,.. . M I' . 'I'- " In. i.'u H H.yw :, M. I . F.. luitnrr nil.irii.aii-" Iiu. I. i,sO. . U I., ill. (.. .1 ll.l l ib.. '." ,. .Iii.lii.i b "' H. liATTI.K, ,sb" 1: Krrl,ml.,t H, is j 1 , Tr ,1 ,.-f yJ.-'V 'll" fliH PRIM t IN' " ""!", - ue.y.ia '" Ic it. thi. F-.li'HCKNA! ' b 1 1