f ! Smelllne I Snnppfr. .. 11. Not m )?ttU .muH., eciton.nt look PUe f,. dy i,ice l tt,e fi"h tXlni at Seeond j pllS tn , Philadelphia, owing to lh " cnt rt f'""J. though painful, foet.e 'courred there, between atupid kiud ".. . on. I a U.laware Miaiiner f I o.e name i Frill afier making I'"U I'.i- ,,,.rkl home finall arrived . tour of the maraet nf.ue, uueiiy ,ll rtin.1 at'.re.aid, and halted. He had j ' . .,,! ,..l.p i ,.,rd of Hlinpper., -..-HK--' 'K' but be had never teeti ,,) of ' "'P". ,r9 than the eni'll 01 an ur....u. i...u. i",t of the uiar.by fctn of the ailvery D.-.U- J." ,h dem tha linj;a Tat yo'l eallachnap Kriia to a i'ill di-petler of p,.rf : ui'h 1 i,.ul.ir looking a npliiliiou-' creature, nlied the aelleri "would you J t one! Ye.' he i .. y'. if they l-l. goot Ton, an., you 1 i, i;..,'been for oup for mine ahildren." ( nun n. , , . "Oh tliej r I!00", repueo ine ueaier, : , i,,,,, time pickinu up a clever aned ' L liia H'uinpy tuil, " freab tbi nioniiuif ""xcoib nt order, and the cheapen kind of .,al They II lil iH- yu tatter luau ia,ier nd fir more wholeaomo t I n oaot if d.T achnartDe'a ;m.k" " ... V j ; !, belier. vy I tk-- votl Ml. vat you a-K , .l.ini'' Here frill eit.'U.le.l hi ri.-l.t .!,n.l, an.J h.-l'i up ip u..p - I ' a 1 iil I ......... n&.i.ra. ' I !:;:s;;. ...... ,: nr.!er.id notbinp; lb. by.t.nder. th. p.-..-,? even,, counted j" ...id atnod iu ailitit admiration of Myn- ' ..a .ml. atnod iu ' i,r ...lliol "nappina turtle lie p d liia r.0 lo the alien, am men 10 .11. . , ,ri na men cieainii m c.u..r 11 I ' 1 1 . I !.. ' li' for aoup, i.ro.i.....v i..' .. ' ' ...... .u. 1.... iK.r.f. In a mo. ; 'ii 1 lie anapper etbibited hi natural pro- ' pn.itie'. nd poor Fii'i'a noe wa Brmly I niched within l' 'trou aud willing jaw, j t bafny and eharp beak of a anapping ' '. -tie ia the only ihitig it ha for purpoea . A. fi,ee and in thi inatatiee, a n.irbl b,t eiDeeted, it held on like death to ; earraaa of a d.cea-ed on of Ktbiopia. 'hr, danced around, and performed auo- gyration that wouia hate tuaae ine altler bide their bead, U it lor tim d d i t 0 take him avay 1 bility. be ued no in lu .king the coiitetti l.im cfl mj no-e i bit mil the dt- 1 puled repair. .in.htiit vat.t drr aoup." ' ll.trhera, buck-ler., dealer, truok.ter. . G!N v4M,,nTOn h lr.lTtAD -We i , A people generally, congregate.! aroun.J if,.d Dutchman. Home laughed. ,ue roared,. ome ahook all over with mer- ,tn(,cr tlllt. 0f tia-av I'ri.laj. the bed ,..i,t. A jolly. " pot .;uiied " dealer "'; fU.,d, 0n which Gen. VVa.Lingtoti died. Il ,rk and ham, overeo.ne with emoiion. of u t r . Uij tH f . )e f )1 q mi .mi de.ijjl.1, t.ir y rolle.1 on ue pave- p .-, i .. . .. :t. .1 i wit : even an ancient V taaer iaoj ...i.hm I i Knal:r. a atout Hibernian, who couldn't J ... p e'tij-.-yitiJ hearty Iauj;b, to the ' -.r te of the pain atricken, terrtSud Ujtch- i I : '" ! er of the late ,lr. Cu-ti. U j.bera, men, the bte mua' eoiue i 'im the fellow'a noe ; give me yet kuife li I I II cut the I laguard i bead off '' M 1 1 I T It V AI.LI i-r IaAILWAV. I hit Si you don t," aail the dealer; " pry !'" n paper, rspre their .tontehiitetit I,. '. open take your finger. " j at the omi-ion of the Auatrian to l.-ar up ! - It. not th like, ov me a will put mv railroad tn.-k, and o dealroy the mi i :f.nH.-r, nary one to the er.fir a mouth." ry " 'icli the French have o mil ) tih ter diflu ler digi -he i-h Lite j The Vienna I're.ae, in.provine the ;t.rt, r-ui. barter-t.kt xou Mchiek and ! K-pie. potnt. out tl.e f ,ct that tbe French '. .. . .. ki. n.n.iih " j.oldier brought out. from Ihe reerve at I T.ni.g now became very aeriou. and il 'a., a waiiar of lotue d-ubt whether tbe 1 I .i . r ; j .'.jrtui.ai man wouiu not iuo pi : i proho-ci Tbe dealer however came to i'l'.e ri-eue. and by well-directed tffrta, r..ed the anapper in.peclor of bi naaal ap- j 'r -nlaa to the eotiro aatiafacjun of Mju- ; i r , i 1 i.e crowd aoou aeparated, and it may be ( :-. I. eaa to y that th l'Hclimao bail De-j Street", aanetuma, and in all place where n- ao entirely ati6d with the napper, litata wr vi.-ible, gnat prevailed. Kye, i n il b did not think it nece.aary at a.l to . c,ri niuuiba were eipo.ed to the annoy I t'.t the q talily of auapper aoup. He, with anee. Kverybody traiiied at a gnat, i' jf'i hand over hi wounded noe and the .they didn't awallow a eamel What gnat jo'Ker holding hi beiket, made bee-line j nrait.t will explain the pbenotucuou? ' f..r hi home not far di.lant, to runiinate i IoutsviU Journal. I 9r hia unexpected and fuaiuful a J venture ; i ,a"fi!",a' ,n'PP"' j 0.,s;,ux. Til. KnMV FRriM A I!.lU,r,i , me a Im ..im W'.itji a 4 Did niroRK ' Nil -atkIi In Milwaukie, laal week, a j . ly. returning from a tuormu dttve, en : praaeliin lb rotn u-ually occupied by ti r.eif an I husband, heard voica. She nipp-d, li-tened. placed ber eye to the key ll-l, and taw lo her horror, a woman ' i Hiding on the floor, and ber huaband in . lU .am room, tun a hawl over her i .lio-ilder. Kurajred at the inti lelily of ber ' Li-Kand, the went lo th hall, took down Jaded ahot j;un, returned, oocked ihe gun epened auddenly the door, and deliberately the manufacture of the above oil o.i an ex rliM the .trance woman in the bark. Hr ! Irii.ive acalo. lie lia abowii Ihe Editor of 'oi-h.nd .creamed, when the eicit-d and ( lb Ub.erver a piece of ooko from which ihe iieJ wif. f.iuled On bavin.' returned ( oil bm been extracted, and ay it ia worth l on.ciouaue.e, h learned that tbe wo- '"ore to iron manufacturer tluu thu coal ami wbo had aunolanted ber in th aflee- I I'.iia of Mr. , on of thoae frame Lr exhibiting hai and niantillaa on, " lie Ii be that morning, had brought up 'tim the tore to have re-trimmed by hi. x ! in her uaual ta-ty alyla. Not 6uilmg Li. wife i.i, he waa looking at the 6jrtt il 6iing il up a a aurpriae fir her, when lor .iidJeu jealouy like to have eo.t him Li. iile. A NtlHAfrE. The Ne York paper are cn tain-l an exotie tree eallrd the Allan Hon winch, according to their aceount, i n.ikin aotno part of that city almoat unin I. .hi.ahle, on account of it-i naueou and UT,ie.iy odor, when iu bloom. The ame 'I ie.tat.lu true ha been introdueetl in tuaiiy local ti, a here, a a ahade tree, f ir which firp.j.e it rroomun.id Itaelf by it q lick prianh and foliage, but w wili venture to J tint no ono ha ever planted one with "t repenting 0f it it ia not only abo.nina t e nu account of it od jr, but liaa Ihe moat tr -ibleaoiuu habit ol apreadiiig by tucker 'I -le.-da. We warn lina who are eek fr .hade tree, to av n l the Ailaulbua. -l"Bjij iJisji'thlt. 'i'lNt Ovg rits Kam. A man named t '"Han or I', i..eau ia auppm.-d to have gone ' tr Niagara Kail on iitiirdy aftt-rnnoii ' He lived il Chippewa, and had been over I '"Schlo.er iu boat. Ju-H belore the gal e"utueui!,.i blowing ue alarted to return. but ia believed never I.i have reached the j J'lier hore. I'ieee of a boat id to be I "it were found at a late hour on the hor j f Uoat laletid, leading lo the belief that he I ei,t nfrT tllJ jj.mj. Fall. Syracuse j tilllriurrl. ""lbe Washington Statea aay tbat a '""or c,)rUH, ,,, 0(ier (ije of he w t" ,h,t"' Hon Charle Sumner i about . 10 hymetiinl ter an aneoinpli-h-f'1 nd rib widow of dowuri.'ht Biaok IU-r-K.icat, ptocinjiia,. Th Bayonet Kxcunsic i thi U. & i Armt Au order ha tit-en iued by com- ,., of LielU. Geiera, Soolti in wlli(.h he ,1. l-ide to llio ri-pori of t ti- Inapector General, a evidence tbt.t, the Hiilj.-ot of bayonet ex- rrcine and target practice lor mull arm haa been alino.l entirely neglected by the troop, especially the bnyotiet nTcie, and be direct tbat hereafter the troop be rej- ' ularly and aj Mernnticall intruded it. the 3 i . lull um of tbe ttrer.l weapon placed ia their hand. Inspector General are llao directed to report particularly on tbe merit and defect r .1 1 1 t .' of the eeveral article of new invention or nniitrivanen nn in inn ne mliieli mit her. after be introdured, in any department, arm, 1 ri'iipllienta, (Vc , 4c . and ill itietr reapecuve report, neme 51- iiijj .neir 011 opinion, they will et forth, a fur a .po - il.le. what they may under-tand to be 1 ' . r A- . .... j .... ...r. B , between the principle and tbe mere eon- .. , f ,1... i .l.. ,u. I r. ... ..... .,. u..ir, ..... merit in tl.e former may not be ut.ju-tly aaerifioed becue of defect, which ean be remedied iu tbe latter. Knomhii ObDiTiM. Tha other evening ; .... . r " K"r,"'"K ul a cup 111 one u. .no l'on 0,1 chp home. I heard a gentleman gj( fof $ ,. q (,r4nd , , .... - f . - . ' regular entry of rate, foilow 1 ' ' R;i i-iiu. One chilling. Sii pence. Si x pi-noe. Three pence. A uo'' ot -Liaky A h.lf r of wh.-kv, The ame rate of mei meaauremet.t am alao given for wine and fin. I ruppoae, from .uo ....r. ...... "' ku. - """"""" .7 i j , ..... il..,V .n,.,. ...r.m.. r. ,.iru ...,,r. I . - - r -1 , for a " tro " than other- do (."urrtsnoneitce ! of U iUimnre Amrniun. M"UM "gtt Mi.-Tiie Alexandria Cuirtte aay : The Home, mil Tomb of W.-iliioton wiil aoon p. into the poaeaion of the Ladie' .Mount Vernon A.'cition. V'ariou repair of tin preiniaea will be coiuinuncep to day, under the mperintetnleiice of t'ol. Charle, S IV.oe. of ,b place The c,r- peuiera tooi impott.-Q iron. Mii-lewl r,y tX-.Geli.ral Washilifton (liiriiii; III. lifetime, jbave been preaerved, and will iu all proba ,0 tl .ru fl.(or it had been eent for rep iir.) aya the Al.-i- n,netnj ,lOU, f00, hoard, and the bead- pota of jeatnore, with popular head board. The j,o-l are alight, and ibe rail inserted low. Tbia iiilereating relio ia the property of Col Lee, who married a dauti- Woutebello. approached eo near the acelie of cfu ibe liaiu, that they counuencei hrinr belcr. ILev ell.emhar kr.l o j A terrible atorm of nat prevailed here tythu,e plaoet of iiiiu'cmeDt were rendered unbearable, 'i hey were mowed on th botel table until the chandelier had t0 ,t put out ,J Jjhta placed at a di-tance. The Krrucli Knipt-ror employed the broth- cr Godard to take an observation from a balloon of the it xition ol ihe enemy at Ca telnedola. M lio.lard roaa lo a height of from .r).ni to 7tMI yard., .topped fur a min ute or ao, and lin n de-.etn.ud a.ain, with aa much regularity a he had .hown in awoeii.luij. It ja be.ieved that th balloon will be a useful auxiliary in the war. CnAt. OlL We Icitrn from lite Fayelte- le Ub-erver that our friend ll-orv K. C-ilton, K-q . intend aborily lo engage in I'elore 111 oil wa ntractcl wi.h Mr. rollou the utnio-t euoceaa in hia im uudertakin Witm igtun 1tiulJ. OAMni.ivn ix niCADSTTt'F, The Mil-, waukie Menimol aay. that aoinc idea may be formed nf the extent lo which wheat gam bling i carried on, when it I kuoanlhat! for ame week pt the reported ale have ! generally ranged from 4H,nnO to 80,000 bunhel per day, while the receipt seldom exeeeded 15,00(1 buhel. Some of the lar- ; gei operator uevcr iu reality own a buabel of wheat. What is a Lut. Tindhi! The fol lowinjj are Ihe iiroriinn of tbe United State law preaoribing " lcjjal tender :" . (iol.l coin aud ailver dollar for all iutn. ; half dollar and .mailer ailver coin for uini nut over S ; and three cent piece for auni not over 3) ceut. No provision i made fjr cent. Th3 World's Exhibition Viizi Iledal Awudsrl to C. PIEYriR, FOR fflCltt'tl PIANOS LONPoNotMOBEU lith, IHul. Ci MEYER, reapecllnlly inform hi friend. J and Ibe public generally tlial lie baa . on .sail II y nu b io.: 11 AN IS. n i . I lo thoae lor hu ll her.i.iv.u the I'tttr Mrdul ut ,..Ju, in lf.il. I... a r.-C'iivid during lliv l.iai fi'teeit yaara ...ore MEIt.Al.H than -my oilier maker from toe Fi mk In. I. lam, it.-, a, a... I-ir.l pre ii.iu.i.a in Do.lo.i N.w Yor and lliltiiin.te. All ..nl. t. p-on.plly alien 1. I'd to, and great care taken III the e lei lion and paea.n the mil...-. W .rero..ina, N .. 7 JI Arch-.treet, below Eigbtii, ou.h .ide, Philadelphia. Jul it 111 1J t31 w. -i n.i.i:it. imiii. tii:i.i'in t, l.ii...rl.-r i.l PlrV 4 4ila, rfOYs. HE PS, and I ON FEl HON EKS A R . I. ' ! I.E.-, Chin iK.da.. Kiih V .... . T -t It .itle-. Ink. witti Figure.. Jewel .nd t ard Ke. C.v.r., Elagere Article., flte. Lite at alyle. nl t..od.con.l.,nlly received .nd ...1.1. 1 ih, very low. "l ""'s.'il'io Kuiirtl. S:rii,'pinl...ei',.b... .'.iu lU-lJ? Special Mint. TO DYM'KPI ICH And nil who auff r tile Im tiirea win eh tbir rtienae 1 ihfl'rt in one Inrm or iinolh. r of lit mniy pl"i ! ac. ruro yot.r.cive pimmm nlly nu .peeniiy oy ' uaing 'I'll.' Bltlci". Tim " Weekly Nuve.llette " ol Sept. I, -iy: Ov.pcp.ii. ia one of the prevailing tiiaraw of "ur c try Thi. i. own g bo.h to climate and u,a,. , lh.,bii i.l eating mir meal ,. .,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,., tim.. B..ti...it. .1, ....... k..i:.r... . vi m I" ilirau anvrr circuniati.iicf a. lhi d.a wnrn it liua liecune vhrunic, lmi'cur rni)ly by ' ua- i.t tin- Oayneu .l.d B.tu-ra, al.ich ha. bi-eii li'Uud t nri.ve hit mi .llilile n-inedy. ""-"""" t" From Iht I'uhlithn of a tcid'lv rircubitrd Mipntinr. Bot..n. Ji.:y I. Mvaaaa S. W. F. Vl.lt OL 0 I ,. ' h,,..t.',,r u,c ii,vi. 11 .tin U Itera. and Imvc ,rrl1,.a gtr,i hi,., hi imm tin ir ue. 1 n much troubled witli l)yapi-pi 1 h.raiviral ycar, and ru,,.i n...b,.,K t'.ut i;rt..r..ed . -ny .t. ..... ' uai-d the II itrra. - I nn-st chee. Lilly rrenn.- m(,ml lh(.m , ull bltaoinc ,u 'W. 11.1 11.. are 1 Hl.etcd with tl.ia Iruu. 'n cr.iilih.iul. JA.vIKS l.'UUl.NSOX. ..f Iba I " Slu. .t ill am. Stl.unlmale." 1 ttma Ckh. A.('. Ionoi!. our Min.alcr l Spain. iWiaHiMOTuN, I). M .y IH. Pa. (lao. B. fiarr!.. Umr Hit The Ui'g'na. ltd tUlt-i. with whuli vuu were u km.l ..a to !""" '-" '"f ";' V'V.'?, cue. I w. trouilld with liyaprpai. lor Imr yt.ur,) during wl.icli nine 1 In. J ii..njr rn.oua. hut never met Willi uny gud .. y..ur B'lUra. , , w , lhe ,,mlIll ( ia,l .nu I hnpr, and hcliew, nut ll who u.c the Uxyermi IrJ thiln.. ill find thtn. u. .irticeable 1 tuunu ih..... With liijli reaped yoor nbt. at-rvanl, A. f. UOUGE. None ffrnnine unlraa icnrd I. HI TI'S on the wr .pper. P.epared y S. W . KOWI.K it . O , ll .a. ti.n, ai.d .old by K. Nit, II ulchieuii &. Char. lotu-.N. C. H3 al,mr l,y the i.,e.nc-l prole.-....., n. . tunda. mrnljl prineipie 01 ne.nn .:i. nce. 11 i. wiaciy A k. I...... ... ., u ll,l m l 7 .... ..... . mythinc i wrong in the phyir,l ayat. the n t ur .l lorcea of the b-niy are broul't to bear to rxpcl the dieae. The great aim, llier. f..rt, ia to atd-iiKlhe.. the natural p.i.-r. Thl liaa b-.-n krpl 111 u h ihe altillliill eoinpounrirr. ot UK. J. IIO.- I'KTTKR'S BITTKRS, winch operate to give i.lalitr all Hie (irC..i,a of the b'.'ty. Tim . If. tl l Una ii.eiiiciue up-n. toe atinnarh, "he l.v.-r mid lh kidneva. are iiri.int and d.-ciaive. The patn nl who wi.c i-nnugl. to nmt dr.i;g.i.g, and ". ,hr Birrr., -0011 reel a. il he ha.i Uhtn a t ZZ ".Hs ,,... throui-h In. ir e. Let all lr whoae chetk the blo-m h..a departed, give I)r J. II -.teller. Celebrated Biltera a trial. For a .le by Druggiat nod .n-ulera g-nerally, ev. r) wner. , a.iu by K.Nye lljU-h.M.n 4. Co., Char, luiu . N. :. Itl.I.IM- li 1IIX .Ml M TIN. BRYrV3 r i; ia m o i c w a i" i . it s . V'r m l e.it'.tii anil rfdtj rrmrdy eer dirrorered Jul all HmraB't . tht I A. (. .anfl.t o..a, t'nid. A.tfima, Contni'tioN, Bionctiitu, ..furniB. U-mi.'nmi. IhfficuU lliraih. li.,.. ,V..ie Tti oat, Ac , A-c. IIKr-K W AFEH.Sgiveihen.oai inat.i.tanenua 0 nerf. cl relief, and wbon neiai vired will. K In rlirecln.na, never fail In i fleet a r.ipn, v. e. cure. Tl.nnaanrta huve Ueli r. at, -r.il a.lii la riret h'.lllt who have tri.-d ...her n r.i.. n. . T all cUaaea an I all con.t I ouno. liny are II V a bleaa.ngand i run none n.-e.i ii-.p.nr, laltiT how I'.ng Ihe in.eaae mil have Cli.lert, iw.-vvr ai Vi-r,- It mV p.ovme.t the ..reanic atruelure .tu i,. ia no I hnpeleeaiv de. e. ye.l. Kv.-r, i,ne arlliete.l .houid g:te fit ... an linti.li In, I trial. To VoeaiifT and fiii.ic Seiiaeaa, llicac Wa f, r. .re peculiarly 'lu blr ; tin y w.ll in one day remove the ni...l .cvt-re m-caainnal H.irarneaa; and their regular u.e lor a 'ew . will. at all limi a, in. cre.ae the power ai '. ni.pr...,ng it. t nd fl. 'lib, I, lv ol the voice, gnat. P. an elei-rri - ' " r they ' e4-ularly uaed by maay prole. I . .!,. I.. JOB MlliES, Sole Propriet. Pr.cn 2 -.! p r box. F..r ale druggiat. and , Roebe.ter.N Y. le by all re.peeta. F SCARR. Chaiol'r, . ii'Se. the advi-rtiae peril of SaniiJurei' Iovigo- ratur iiotner cului lJ"Si the anvrrtiaemeut of Wooii. II. ir Pye n another column. (.HAM) )IVIMi) SO.S OF Ti Mri it tci;. MEETINO of ihe Orjnd Pi.i.mn ..f the ; Sen. of Teninerinea n" N -rth C.rolina, t'kea place at WMTE ALL PIVISION KH)M, nu Ihe '.'tltb mat ml ; and on Ihe 2 a' a .le. mn.tratie.n will l .ka nl .ee e.-n.iali.iv nf SI't F.CH ES and a PI N'.N Ell, to winch the nuulic are in. ' j JU't .'.I IM-ll l a i i i .vi mm, i ikui:i;! M c;ic PLOW rr,a,..f M,a, (P. tented by , no..eaaea the any P. i tae nf i Call be I. ; tlioea w . .n.hinitig Fll li PLOWS IN ONE. It r laid HVK iiinea and ah.irp. neil TW LLVE w il, out the aid ol a lllaek.milli. It can .-.I the w hole iea. hi without any additional ue. Fur foilc at ihe CHARLOTTE FOUNPY. y ID, Ib53. I9-i( i liarfollr ytnlv v:tlriny T HIE n.ii -non of niy S.luail will be com. .Monday m il, the IHih nf July. M. D. JUIINS I'ON. I s- it menccd July l . Ipjli. ri:oioMi. M' ILL be received by tbe Ejreul, Com ttee of the M.-rklenhuri; Ae-rictiltura! Socieir, ror ENi LOSIM; THE NEW FAIK l:l'N OS and Erecting Sl l I ABI.E llOCShS, tberei Saturday of the July Court. Hid. mu.t .II be plana, A.C.. apply I by noon of that dy. Gen. JNO A. YOUNG, or Pr C. J. FOX, of tht l.ieculwe i'.mmMtit. le-Jt July li iVA.M'I'll, 1Y the ri.arlotte HARK EI. COMPANY M (i HOI'EliS ftO.OOO Feet of Oak and P, tinea. niche, wide, t hnriultr. July Vi, ItJjJ. PLANK, lie Olil Aoi lli a:ilc, 'ni-vT. i; IMIK HER E, Fli I EN PS. and fellow ei'n-n. ill vou bnv tbe noble S'I'ATK OF NORTH I AKOI.INA r If ao. aend In the .uiMurihera, or nub-cribe to llie County Age.il, lor tin. New, l.tirf :ihI U.iMifiii'iil tl.ip. And you will get tbe w Imltt Slate, with her Rivera, Hillrolila, ti" I.l, Ci.ppet. la-ad. Iron aii.i Ca Mine., and all Ihe Ciln., Town, .no V . 1 1 . k r -. brr ii.ihl. Mountain, and S,.riiiga, and her Field. a Flower.. ll you want Una GOI.PEN PRIZE, i.nw i. the lime. Map. even leel by five. II rdi r vn-wa nf the Slate II oiae, In.ane lu.n, Chupol Hill M ile and Female Coliegea. Sec . A.C, on of the cheuprti and hetl M ipa ever uuhlla bed. PEaKCE REST, IlilKboro' N. C StK TerinainiTLAni " I a,.,, io ,- i CllMI sacu In thia nl.ee. in tl.e 1 . in..,.. .rw a brief l.uiwv.re . Ill . ib n, El.fZ t BET B . th. wife i.l Krward . Hrtf r. q . r.niio. nl Hi llmly . Hlltlin. I a native nf Cl.arl.-aWn, rj ('.,"f'd. 4 1 year, and ix month, j thia omniy. mi tl.e 2d nit.. Mm. MART 1 J. R EA, wilt of Mr. J K. H.i, in the Setii yeur nf her age. L. . 31 A II. i-I .N I-'. TY Tit. I vi.i.i.ris. fWOfl.II infnrm the public tk.t I h..ve mn. IrarlMl III! the lllllil line Irmn 1 1 1 ! Ir linrmifr ll t'i I h...i-l Hill. In run rt.. tlT 'nil uiirr li.a I.l J i. I ly. Mini Hint I Imve jin-l Sited i .ral ! lav t'n with gm-d teH.na, .hi wil rnn to '..rrili. cm I with the M ail train, in. it..- -,ril ua l.' iilr. n.l. K.at and Weal. I will al.o h..ve Muck. r. a.ly l toe Depot me.-tii.r with the t'.x. pr.-aa trail.a, to tarty peraoll to any a they may Ueeiennie. My ooueh.- a.e !... nn-1 ti.-w, witli careful and iper..iiced nnvir, ami hy a prmiipt att. utinn tn th, eo. V. niene. ..r the public, 1 hone to m.-nt goed .hare of iiair-itiiipe. Siie . fti-ei Orange Hotel, II 1 ilnin.ro ; fJuth. ne'a I loli I, Chanel Hill. JAMKS 11 GATTIS, Cuntrnrtor. Julv lii, li.9. IB-lw Charlotte Female Institute, II lltl.OTTi:; c. Brv. R DI B WEI L, Priiirip.il. J0. B El RWELL. A Akitnnt Prinripal. fCf FIF. nut Si.aion of the .ikit in.ti. Ur lution will eon nee on the Mill 'u. jTyji. ti.yot September. Tl.e aeho.ilir year 1 jp&J i divided into two t.rm. uf twenty j 15 wi-e'l. enfii : the fir. t Colin lencuig Ihe j Mlh i.l' September J the ec..inl on the Hue ol F. b. I loary. Thia aliowa a vacatiou oi' twi, week. .1 I Cbri.tniaa. 'IT H VN t Bourd and Tuitirui in Kngliah Branch. ., U) fur Itrni ul' 2U wti-a. Well qi.alined lu.tructi Pointing, &.C., will be no,. The builoini;. whi.-h aitu .'ed in a retired ai.d eh It la lighted w th Uaa. t..r in M uaic, Frrncli, 'e.l. nulla and elepnnt, il lei. p irt of the tnwn. alien w ill, rooma for irinci by a furnace. Milling, ...il in Winl. r .a warn For C.l.lejue eoi.iaining Iu particular., ad- drea. liEv. K H UW'ELL, km lot U, .V. C. Juy 5, lb5'J. i!i.i (ireut Saerilice at Morrow's1 TlllNOl'T. : 'HE S.ll.a;rib-ra r pie ol tue anno iTtr'ullv inform the pen. ,n; enunli y . that they of ilicr alotk, culiaial. rive rcouc.d toe pro i.g of I )ry (J oonds, Ufiidj-Mi'de Clotliing, itIHtTs, Mini s. nd a great vnru tv of nintr (jno.'., wl.ich will be .old gardl. a. t' Coat. COUNTRY PROltUCK taken in exchange. It ..he Pre.. ,.rh .i nil at ti SO 4 tin ..t o no :. nu -t a .-in i o at :t .id "J .',H Hi i -j.. irth 1 j at Id Miawi. Ma, .till. rib votth Itolioeta worth li mp Sk.ria worth Fiat coi'o I'rnil. w Illea. lied ana unol.arheil t Price., and all t. aal. a, pt ii eal.c. t New York lore, .old in prop-.r. lion to me l.ve prie... II A MM KKSL AG i. M K.N DA LL-S Julv i. !69. I"tf Y virtne of Pier-. TJ li. Jk in l .batr.i. l uurl ol iTs.-J B v, ...l,. I will e,po.e to in C.bafrua ( otirl , puniic .a,e at t'11 I . tirl. nei.nl, on ti.t 3 .M.m.l.i nel, (heme M ,y ol Court ( The A W I .all tt.aek dr. dee'd. l wil : A Valuable Tract cf 472 acres cf I.ard, on Iri-ii I) off lie Creek, a.ijon.ii-. t ,e laBd. ot No ah Bnickw. Ider, P. S. M.it.n ai... otmra. Ti... land i. well unproved, ha. c.a rt..t- e two .lo ry uweiiing tiou e .no ihe ntri-...r) ..ul-uuiici ALSn One other Tract of 117 seres cf Land, en Inah Buffalo Creek, adjoin :lig I n land, of Pr. J. F (Jilim i id other., know n ... th. lonz pi mi wh'rh tin re. ia a two .lory ea.l n g iiooae nd 1 the n. i o.iibuildtng A credit .,1 ll muiitha will b cuen. Bond nd aecutity r. q utred K W. ALLIstiN'.c. a m Juki 10, lej'J. Ttititer a let J3J. -. ii . .'.. :i Maicic Oil, Ma.sic Oil. '11ESII M PPI.Y. J...I reci ni i and f.-r aalc, I1 hv E. NYE Ul l IIISON A; CO. jun. as, iwy. S. T. WIIISTOX F.EI'S -nr..tant!v on hind, wbol.aa! K 1'JaAI.N AM) JAIlM:i) TIX-WAIM', wind, will he aold LOW. lOCNTER SA I.E.. Enarceb d Sauce and Stew Pan., Glue Put. W i'.lc I on, it Put., W i'.l f"r by S. T. WRISTON. a ebperior article, for .l S. T. WRISTON'S. a and Prt.-mg IIOXF.S for S. T. WRISTON. T lOILF.T SETS. -CASII, Peed, S,, aula by Fit u i ts tv v i M i vr a it i a i:s. STONE it Co.'. S-r. w Top CLASS J.AIJS pre.ervil.e Fruit., Veget.blea, ate., the be. I article now in urn-, to, .ale hy S. T. WRISTON. cookim. srovi:.s. FtT.L ASSORTMENT of COOA.YC .nd ethei STOVES, will he eou.tai.tly on band, aold aa low Ibey can be .fl'urd.d in tin. n.alket. hy T. WRISTON. Uif Ckarlvtte.June li. 1P..0. I;t I. it.. 'KlIIE Tnwn T.i Liat i made nut, i nd I. now : V hand., tor collection. It la at-aolute. i ! ly necciiry tnat Tai Payer, .ettle immediileiy, a lliuttey i. needed. I 8. A. HARRIS, Tax Coilretor. June 7, IK.-.9. I3tf I WITNESS TICKETS, for tbe ( 'ounty aud Snm-rinr lluutl. for a. l..ir Superior Court, for aio Lure. fill llnuae in t 1 t'-IIE p irtnera'.ip heretofore I iating h,-tw 11 Mr.. Haw. . l.ir.iml Mr. Wisni K, ia Ihia cl iy iiiuiiiilly iiiMilvi'ii. I'..iuh j nn 111 Icn-iering l.illli- I i.)ii..)f I'hiir h.tte nri'l m-iiiiiy. tin-lr Uifnli-t llnnka tir Hm'h h i.-r.i i imii. are The l.i.inei.R will alfll lr enndnctrd tir Mf. HaVV(,KY(Uj i,r li..ui- I , ie. ly neriipinl hv Or . It W.n l. im i t.i W rian.ii'. f"T fM.il.ii-lt.i.enl. wi.e.e M.ll...r h.i.I Hnn. M.ikiii ill lii rir.culeil wi'l. i v. r ff rl ! n!i- ac. i: A IIAWLKY. V. WISDLK I7if DHUGS AM) Mi;i)lCiiKS. E.Wye Hutchison & Co., IKU !'.. oitti:u. t II.SItl.OTTI., .V. ".. Whofpnale and B'lall Tfrlers In roRr:i; AM) ixviiTir Drugs, tdicine H'iieniicalsJ "1 nilrf cre-ltUlllrl fV, Sri5J. frmn llie New V.ifk M ir ki I. whii n have tn eil pur Choeefl U..ni aoch teroi. ... h.. .,,1,1 li.ui r..re,.vA S J Wo w-Hi.d r. n. e'iu'iy ear the atti-lition or tl.e- Public to our atnrk .if Tore Wiite Lend. Sn.-w W'o.. Z nr.i brme T-l low, I hr. u.e Crnn. P.-ri. tirei n. Htir.it L'mb. f.nh. r, li... I,e I.llilfje, h Hr. n. V. ii.tiai. lied, Lii p Bi-ick. Ur.it. B nrk. W bit, i . Engli.h Fi. inar, Greciu lung. Furniture, ( opal, Ticturc, Dj, ' B -r-. Ik. - 1 llrowu and Iliat-k. ! B L.r. ; Lin.eed. Tannei'a, Train, I.ar.l, M .ehine'T, I.n. brieatine, Keroaio.-. Si a Kieph.nt, I'ure Sia t.ii. Caator, wcet, (Jlive, CimI I.l'er, Burninr; Fluid, I'llri.. mine, A c. In. I, Fore I r.-i rli Br .in, y. Oi,i M ideira Win.-. I'ort unit fherrv. London Potter, Jri ah C..t,r.-.a Water, I ilrnte M gnena. Ice S... da Wtrr, C-.nti.ii Ten a. II . I.erM hncol, t. , For. I rien l'i rliiin. r v , Siiiphnti Quiniiit, tjouin Snuff, Ti.b.ern. S. g.'r.. Ae.. Ac. I hulattt. June 14. Ie-5'l. Utf JUHE,.859. T. II. Hrcm& Co. VTtE i ff rinp IiIk ral mouctuitnts to pcr0R itun.g lo buy and partii ul irly the l.an,ra. They are aelnng liie.r entire alock of Print. d Organdie, JaCul-lt.llid Swia. Mu-lina, I'rinled Beraeea, Cireiiuctn' a and Cballiei, at New York cot. They are at liii.j; lin ir entire atnek nf S.attirs IIicsh tlhs, at New Ynra c-.t. Thev .n a. Ming ilitvrrnlire .tock of Silk . Crape. Chip, Straw, Leg him and Neapolitan l3 J'.ONM'T. M the I. .Ml- ll.llilUa, riilll i li:t.Vl,j ut N.w York c,.t. ' They ,e .,-ll..r lli.tr enure slock of ll illinium ttt-il 'I e! tn nti una Tliey arc offering tin ir entire atock of ! II. I It II ll'.l If T. II ATS, SHOTS. AM) j .IHI'ICJI'Wa j at greatly rtcuet-o oncra. I 'i'bi y ure oelerinined U- re.lucc tbdr atock n.ue't, ! lower than n-u.,1. j 'I hey inv.te you to eianiine and price the i i I (iooda. , JUNE, 1859. J. G. H ILKI0 & CO., DCALFhS IN WATJHES, JifiWELRV, 5ILTER and PHTCll WAGE, . Nu. 6, Gr.iiiile Rtiter.oppotitf ttm Ma.ni'iuti Uiue,i CHARLOTTE. N 0. : A'tmtmn g IVeti lu Kepallipg Walche A Jeweirr June 7. 1.-59. 13ii' Notice. A f -L prrionevfirr hereby ciiutio d "ign it,,.- tu.(j w ila gun r ooj;, or hl W ltd Lt tackle, or in any wi.e treipa lan.'a, a. Ibe taw in .ticb caae. - oiclVen - forced aoainat evt-rv one iff- iiren. IRA PARKS. June 7. I6..9. ,3l- A Great Battle to be Fdiiffht ! 'I1E aubaeri'nc,-. inf.. nu the rmi-riaf Chr lolte and vieiuitv, that they Imr on bald nd .re eon.laiilly reen I Elegant l.e, a auperb aa.urt'nent ' FUI.NITURE i any thu g that ha. n.-r 1 .tip' -tT-reo., all eif iu 11. i. .relioii. I i e.r .lock the lolioAing article. : Sofa., T. le Tet.a and P van., I'.ne Bnl'inll it-1 king Chair., M g . 1. 1 and Cln Seat I'arioi I hot. and lill.lt Hull. mi ( bur.. .M..li"gnv and Cai.e H"tl lioeking I'lialta, Warilloln-. l-lld Hlir.au., Marble am, U n..d Tup Centre Table, .Marine H oil Stand, and S,l.f, t .ml I Work Taflea. M moeanv und W.mut Exl. nan ll Table.. Mah.-jal.v.'Fr. n. I. and Fill bi ll. Bccte.C, V li il il and Parlor P. k. Look, nt t;,...a. . I'r ft to tf Til n Pur. S- It. II ..eking Cra ll.a am. U.elini.ie Cb.nr., Tin ker'. Pal. i.t Si.nng Holt. . in lt,.i.ie...i.. Cinojiiea iih Lice N-miig, and Mo.quetu Hat, t .iMage F.irnitlire bv I In- a. t. r. ii and W.h.iI (I .t K ok-, (ilit Moo ii n g ol all am lor .n..king G.a.e an 1 le-li.r.- Fr AI.SU Everv .in I of" l.,..er,l. for aa!e feneral!e uo- by Cnhincl V ,k. -a, audi a. Cine. I. n-ka kl , ng. a. -Iniil. Mai ogam. Ac. Ae. Ami ia.l. t-...l.gi. net ieaal, wt keep aiw.y.o ii.il l'ik's MiLillic Hiirial Cases, .1 M. SANPKRS A CO. r.7o(tr. .u.v L-.i3. IU' A LAKC.K SlTl'LY OF ('onsinl)le Warraiits U "J"n Selling OIT at Cost! K AllNWElLE i A IKlOi. ,nl..rm lb- ,SL'3IMi:i! GOODS ( ..la and Oenlle. il nd exuo..n our . the f r1,. . thai we I. -I.e. Tr... A ie ITlf Fu , ai .ek ml ' I" " ' - jn-t ' vellma Ti Jtihj !, If .VI. I.. I'M 01 III I t lini r ! jiiii;ii y , Ci -! r.i'. V . II K nineteenth .. .e.vl-.ri f I III,. I- alit.ill- ,, .:, ..,...-..,.n r Ai-i-i-t ;-. 'i. d iZir ar.i. in . tic, . mhraeiii;; tie. ..Illll lion. Tne Hi ll IHN';. -re a..r ,r. . n him- the e.nnl.-ri ..I ,i II Ilia- Kith lei I-..' ... iiriinnl I ii.o.i.t.r. ..." li... I ':, .inn lift oi I on, a ir.- iinph.je.i in men ol the Uep.rt. ,,,,,,,, it4,.,.,. nienl 1 aioo nl five no -nil.., no IHI Tuitl.l. in th.- r. tular eil. - all C luler; oi a r.i.iti. in lot' - I ' ln-eeaaa r v u. I'orui i 'ion reap-. -tine tin-.-..nr.e ,, I n.irur t mn. 'IVruia, A:c. Ill) firHlLiNG. lrinci :.!. (!r.-i n.Onroucli, X . ( ' ). VI r f lilt :ilf. 'J??- NMn(nl,eS,.h.or .W Joly n. lt. bemg li.e ImT 2Tl" -nay . t.url I : Co" l...lae II, Cln.rli.tle t inert hy L.ini Bmr. ., i It. j.nnii.g Aih. ri VS.iil.c. .(.. . H,.ii 850 arrea formerly iiwne.l by ll.-ory A. S joinng K. li P. Siu.ni, J .lin'a Hi n.li nn Ibe Jt ncrea on tiie water, of li-.My Ci irg Joa. pl, 'lavlor. J- ln. N. we I. Na n: Power l-.una of K.iher 'Cn idw. II and oil,, r 5 iiniinprnved lot. tormerly f.enril by t ( vrua J , l,n. Ion, in t harlnlte known bv N t-J6, e-.'7. f.'n. an. I e'.VI. in Sqinr. No. 71 'I he of inolilh.. Iloinia ftn-l a-rnnlv ririil i Ji iV II. C, MALCOLM, H M TK'Al. MARBLE t L lTLIt. n-apeeif, ly inhiroia tot- puoiic, tlmt he na uj-. nril 3I AIUJLI: YAK I) ..p;io..te the MaD.loll llot.-l, I.l I lo rill ..li..r.ii ra no o.--p.'Ln lo. 'Nl ML.N I S, HEAP STn.NF.A. TABLE TOPS, and i.li k - . nl' ..rk ,n the Mirhl, Line, I . illii r IMTOIi T. EP I I'AI.IAN or AMEBIC'AN MMil LII, Having n.ail.- arratteetlielil. by wllllh lie Can procure the im.-oii ii It. li n M .. r I...-, t ri.iiic. d .:ii-, be can hll all order, lor .M ininn tit., .V e , at reH.o,..hle r:.tea. .. oi,l.l be happy to Iwiveall .le.iroua of deal, inw in hi. line, to call and .oe apt ciini-n. ot Mar ble, bear pro. a and jll.lge for t..l-maeiv... Ilaiing had 2.r. tf-.'. ixpi-rit-nee i. the bui. ne... be will PH.- hi. .. I.., I.l I u til , t loll to jo,'. tinu tin .M , ii ii im nta. Ac. Sali$tUTtj. Mov 3, iBjlt. ft f ( nrr or 'IV H I A. r:i III IIc.'mI. f HR anb.criher la matinfaeriirii g and k.-epa I v on hn'id. Soap for T. II Head or Kino a orm. and pnoil In Waal, Willi lor mi oit.r .km e,n 1 1 w.ll .I.oi-ki .i.in. a ont of any km.) ol t loll. , f. I: any peraoti "re. to h-ve it to .-11 - ga in . 1 1 cn be !,.. at a rc rd pure. I h .. n ha. ft'--n tneo tn Ii-.iioii- -01. per.. ...a in I S.a.p r .11 be li Drue Siore an. rtam . lire. 'M i pr F. N II iiicl.ix.it 4. Co. CHA? '!'. Lid'IlllARD. .Ma 31. ' e ' r V V 'i tf. iiiilel for Sale. AT y.O;ROE. NOK'I H CAlilil.lNA. I f IIE ubicrib. r b.-inj deir. -JwiV .-l-.h-ingmg in. M riltV f ' '' -le toe "I'MUN II ' we.wnvv I hi. I Tin. II- uae i aito -I. d .n the torivng I own ot Mo.-r.... N C l,. tile tiu-i ..ul on- I, Ji K. K. IN.rtion .. 'it .. l o' I!- Town. i "I t ' v o. c.nt ii.-M-.-n ro. , . I, ...... , t oe r 111.11. ore ,,,n .,- ,ei, (the lloua. ) a lire place l.n Very r-ion I r.icnl nut boll", e, Stable., Ac. Ala ' t .... i B v.,11 tlu-relnre nil low.gmog ii'.v ri ,.on..nie d Aire, ol L.nd . I, me fur p-,yiini,i. For I j, in.-r in i.,rin-,ti..ti 1 ; ' lo tue .ub.eriii. r. or mv tr.t nii, Ke. E A. I.i Can.d. n. So. Ci , oi.i.'.n. JAMKS RICK KT. t.i Pea Meal. ' E have TEA MEAL to Fitu'y Four Watr :. JOHN WI1.KE- CO. .Intil 111. ls.",3. To Haulers tOTION t. INS. of le b. at qual h ll La... J. M. ELLIOT. .4p..: ID. I? X. I'm.,.,, wti.t. I'tiir. J. m i: rithSU ARRIVAL 411' CONFKCTIOhAIIIKS. iiors'i'( v nr vrr.i AS r.,-,,ve.- a !...!. .uiv ' CN. II IMt-.S. ol kin.-., ai... Cit on. t. Hal-ill-. Fie., - ml a v.ri.tv I , at lU'CSTON A Iil N 1 11' I II ...r E..I ..I l- i . .o r. II- u.e. Cnar'.olte.On -b l "' I I A I .it) :. j (Inle S , H... x N- lMi:i. M ZI.M'M-'IIM.W. 't , in L.o ..'ot.-e. N ' . -e. t-miil, t.tb, ,rXe .n-re No -. N-no t,o letw.u M.rae ml A'l'-i, w 'n ti- lia II ci'.t i o- I lie wiiuli-!! )U attll I 11 A I'.IH w.l" a-i i oi r- . ., .: tW, ldt.1. liS I : J-W... r i iill"'-M ,'('"i l jrliiil. j " S'" th"-'".' KJ6, e-.'7. !".'. an. I e'.VI. in Sqinre No. 71. 'Ihe above lann. will al.nbe aold no a rti'iit' i of fj i, ii, oil, a. Itoinia nn.l a-rnriit- r.riiireit bv.i KUMAR Ik 11 1,1'VI I ll .. i u. it. ijv. .i la.-i i . i . .i . c t-rt -r-riv v.. . . if.M IMS. t.'J j ti.,- F.ef... .re takme .11 ti... t onm. in. We quote - ' - - i i i i . . IIEWfllllBLn'IIOXilT" - . t,, loti, . la.u.j" l.i tl", i hn-l'i i.t. .hide abote The TJ:irUr. 1 OKRE(.'TKI BV OAT KM A CIIAIil.Ol TI. JuLi RACD.N . lU.ua . ,v - n..trir ii- It, e: Hiiii Beew- Ht-l-r Bran.lv. A...... ...lb.... ....ib...., ' I1'""" ,. Java, . -a. V .1 1. . . ..a e h ......... ... rt r. th.'op(icrn. - r.l.io.ey. .... vr.. id i ..... lit ,..-i-.ei in hbl Aj ,...h c d JVf1-'' Ib n 5, as ... it ia, 6 U lb 5 (,., 6 . bhl No I ! (a, fh'l ' M "' ' Vf .i r . jo 3. 0 . fU (, I 0 ..3 1 fii id ..r5 ft, 30 ..$9 ft- ' u d U'l.l M I'l A MAIikhl. a t o I t,-m. ia, J.ilv 16. IP'S. UiriiiN-Tii, .i.. -. r I Ii. v., .k Lueuniin .'(in b,.. 1 i.t ti... ;. . .,,g ,n ,m.m,u. d ' W-are .c.r.-!y .-inc t.. g e quntatmne. nel- command .. Hie li A i I ). , Imj; roll ii, I, i DBS, I'LA t).i H.OLIi ..IIJ '7. 12 . MM :.t, IIC on (,;, e.s .r.u (e. h.S i3 ii t IIAKI.I.S'I ti. MAl.'kl.T. .Joy Irt.'.J. i r.-i Ti- .tOo : jj.ilf Ir el ti IJ , ' IblSd Ld-dlCS Ti"IH l.ave Ii x,er.ei,ie oe Tcneii. r,l ti r iBcV- I to J Id ? J its, w-.nl the I I Wi !L'I.P ii.o-t r.-peet'iillv an t.,u..ee to tha f Charlotte nnrt aurr.iun.nng c-'Utilr v. t ii.. t nit Mi. f . the above but- in Charlotte. .-r Le ,. prenared to lur- .h pDORS. HI.I.NDS AND S AS, to the pub. on the moat reaaonabic ttrin. anci uu the .nort- notice. ivmg a gr.at rnanv .mail claim, for work ne, -c-.it. red all nv- r the country, he ia ni ter. n,.d to rbuit.e hi. met.iud ul" aoing bualllta. d hrtefjftct xrxll require Simp, before re- liin.AI. II.W.WA .OTTE'IV. .1 II... i.eral of ti e Capl s.Tl'i;i.v( . n-ust i is:!). S8S6,000. SOKTEO Nl Mi'iltt C'il .Hi PIN Al. 10, V I'l I II. I'lllZI sillMI.CCO! ni no iiiio ' o. t. I ;.. nn , I li.llOO lU.lb.U , pr.U.ul fj VVt l I.Ot.tJ "I " iOt i.J 4UU .'" A,..'...,.'. .oO , t , ..(i,i i i jit.i.u ,,,1 . I 4t.U t-. tJf.UIA f ul ih I-. il.,l 1,1). wl", yu.rur.'JJ I j ll etui ilieenunt. k- ta hi II al p;-r. aioei. a. ,aul, a. li.e t 4 a . v , .1 I... Pvt.. Wn. A, OTrs, i, : t ) .i n ii. i .' l,,i... 'n, nu ', 1 t & 1-5 t -'5 " Z I'O ' ' $ '0 n q, nO H ( II, i, ( U ..(1 (Z no 33 .15 ( 60 .!.-. & no A U eTJ IH U -M) i-'j a I i Km , M .la.aea. Jt (.' 2! I W el '- Mullet. ' W,li,f...n) ...I hi. 1 Naila. Northern Ih 0 (-i, '10 " Southern ih S A 'la i.ual el 4" ft 00 I'irtk. In. . 1 I. 71 I I'.-aa bit. he I To 7.S " i " ll-ov. :, h 0 G " "!i, .wr. .... i n n. f !..! ' '...'."c'Z'jlM ISO T... tS -.: cl H I Wli- ut. w h.le li 'i . U.S.?, 1.1 , ,' " i bn.t.ei inn fy I 5 r,.V ii.e;,TWk,-y-N','ri L"i ,s 55 N. I ar-i!. ....... i.i (') bl ,'t ,.,.,,'!,"' at t..rf.,a .,.(.,-, -27 fa i!g . :,"'. one-. ..I,,, i-i fa 33 ,r ail worii dour in ...a .Mad :ne V