jaaajajfajijpia J jjfc. g JBaSBaa I Till .1 J 'SPtyjy rn ir-in Aesarnger. WHO I BIT I KK THAN I N" I K SAMMY T Atiiorn l!:e csrly inhabitants of 1! , Wiuioni, wis our old, respected, ind much 1 beloved fi i t.J,l"i'c!e !rati.roj S . He I liv d an ex 'n j iii' y ti.or:ii life, and was of- ten engagi 1 in r-.i.-rwcrthy act. of benevo lence, liis .in u'i mice iio:i public ori-1iip was reular, an! he uas fn quenily pointed II by ji-fii'ts b. itij a jaoii at the (Jls rin tian. Kxnilingiy th,-j a oiitii ( xcliitn, " Sbor an a m.u among your church niMiiberi who leads a belter life thnn I'nr'e atnuij ; yes, or one who it a .xeniplary. He make no p.o-"e..M,.n of tf'i.iou. I drpic hypocrites. I would ra:hir t in Lucie Sammy's pljce, and run bin ri-k. thuti that cf any iik mber of tie f'tiiiff!..'' Truly it n a tci-tre or- . deal to have one's life, si! which the world gricnlfaral. glcfcrrA Articles, Clothing Emporium, OWE MORE, friends and patrons, we invite ou to visit Emporium and ciawiiie the largest, bent made, anil chranest stock ot ( LOTH I N. ever offered in Western Carolina. We any the rll.'ll p. s.1. because we gel nor good, dioVrcnl. ly from any oll.fr buiite. We buy the ni.itcriiils 1r-m the iiuporlt-ra ! jobbers mid maim lint lire the clothing ourselves, thereby saving the iii.mil. fi.cturer'w ptnfjl. AM we c.in with of llif people is t jive ua a trial, and we are confident wi- ea ., U. .... TL - .1 . . T7.U inau is astonishing tbe visitor ot Niagara ?3?iik$S Falls. On July 4ib ho crossed tbe rope in a sack. Tbe correspondent of the flow U'tlV IT mtniinjuvj; This crop has veverel enemies to eneotin. t . ,' , . .' 1 annesveit -.11 If A ttrnlinti aftireil III 1114 ter. There is now no excise for smut in ' ,uni 'jn.. costume. First bo went through heat, as infallible preventives arc in ccm- tlie various evolutions on a tivbt rope, which every article to cu.tnn.cra. and will imikc good men v. 'ike. lot r. n.edj for rust i, Exhibit, d more skill perhaps than ib.t die "'tK"1 " early .owing. Hut by early sowing .e in. Ti- J ' "Iking "ro .be mer At j , - . . V. 1 ' l,nty-ffVt U nniiutea alter 4 o flock M. , . . . i,.,,. .pv. Frnrlia tSurka cur d.ni!cr from the fly and lb, rrr.t.e , Wond0 wp ut pn ropo . phort di...f .. h" 7 Z tance baikwanl ami returned in a nnuiite: 7.i Fne (aaimirr IT. II. .1,.... ciirtrif fnr ihp othnr tide ' fi Plain &. Fnnrv Mraeillea do ..... ' , half. Uu lii journey be halted acoral j 1 ti.J entt'e. . , , J i v . ( ., , Afajl. ' ; uuies ami pel iui uirn u uumuci wi "imv.-i. :Lat of Cnclc Siibii:t. Time ro'.'e.l tsKe care crc rs a seasoa of n Obanbdis frets which are tisirinj j'1 viihout recard to ru!e. It is hoped by .ome farmers to or two a voi earlv sown wheat ailb Muep a;id iLus to cam double advanlsirc, the: When reached the mid.ile of the toDfl uc cf the wbct as pasturage aud the ci- h laid doD oo hia back, amid tbe cbeer' cape of tbwe formidable cnemiea. If both ' of llie rrod nJ,'bc "ut ution. of the Hie .Ul'l "J i"C ilisi, wiiieu nun tiuio- Jf at Seyll It is tl not: Til (MROIJVA MILITARY INSTITUTE yjy Cilia roll', 1. V. "I JTJ. raiilK Kxerciaeaof Ihia Institute will M. ciiniiiiuiicc nil llie ll teli'llcl neat. FACULTY ELECT; Mai. D. II. IIII.I-, Suiicrint. iid.-nt. Lift'! (?.!'. I.KK, t'nnilllalld.ilit, t:. P. ES TII.Ii, A. M , Priiinpnl f Primary Peartmi lit. Coirie of 7irrj. ; In (Qualify .-ssswag I I ' su5 ;sn iu'l-e of, placed iu the baUuce with ,A j , .' , .. ing ou the Hiver below, with large number lert in aToidine Srylla wa vet up- . ' , . ".. j1' i.i ...1...1 Jnl l.'t t t ivt 1 Rlaek Cusiiincrc I'jiiI", Kuncy " " Plain Knrr l.inrn ft Mnrncilirar.ini FULLINGS, SPRINGS A: CO. uruiial p.ri'uil in'erost is: tbi vill a of SI , mcriii'j f Tijer-iiicetitigs, and fcn.e itwts hoped lad already been itd to CLi i' . I ik !e Stumiy had rfteu beeD "ruited to uke part 'Tl these and other Bieet itiga. but the er! ei.oraily prrsiia, he cat-. forailr qi -.-I'l. rf. Ciu! Lttu'ifui n.c.rLaj; , it waa tie V-ltb of Jjdc, Is3I cf, ihjsc wiio p rv te-ed tn love the liil ie, jr.j to be iiiflu-ro. d Ky i'- ti-aLir);;, had a Hcn.Ut'i in c d acjoi-tuy of t!,e villai-e fi plead for ri.e rni tiiiued deseel-t of the ' li.ly t-i'-rl'. when tH 'loor opened and Uu- ' cle Snoniy eaii.e in. hi f-to beamiuj wi'h coiifh: ; a fnnj . aa opportunity off.-red, 1 with m-.r- than earthly joy he exclaimed, .. 1.: . 1. iis (,!: lu i',tj. tifiU P- -. 1: . V.-.i . t.. : J ... .:n k -k.,.l ren.-iou ot our . , i i. . k . 1 1i LM.M.s,.snil.i. fcii'. ine Vanaua aoorr, wuere uc w-j jiccicu h.nr n tnir.! i;b loud cheer by the excited tprctaioi. UOO Bluck Satin and 'g'd. Urtoadme Silk Vint. I r rancj 'wHNAiimre Jbi ' and riuiii l.inen and M-irHeillea be-t Agricultural authority that pa-tuiin .. . . . , ". . J Alier reniaitiitii: au hour on that aide he crop, liavm? heen infirnnu that town e , 8 .... , , . . h ., . atattt d to teturu. W heu he bad proceeded wheat i;h a view to wtMer pasfire a well . . ,- . 1 l i. j . 1 ki , ... ' . a abort distance be baited, aod put over bis a product of grain a urnctice canim!; , . , . . . , , , .. i,i, r .. - head a aack which catua don to hia ankles, jrouod in 1 enneasee, and mat some of our ., . . . , i: .... (,u , . . ,. , .1 10 holes were made (or hia anus, which Oeoraia farmera are thinkin jr of foaitig. , 1 1 ,. -, . , . , ,, - . r. Biitre ucccn.-'ary iu Usiul hia bjUticini; pole, very ear y nut fall for a similar pui po.-e, ., . . , . . t 1. f . . k . 1 . I bis pole was lorty Ue pound weight. w bnve locked info our rest Agricultural 1 ,, . ' , 111 i...i ...1 ;.is ueau auu uouy eie eouifiiricijr ujitm i. '1 lie desi-fut Irom the Cauada mJb Icing WAIT FOR i- y-ray"-.; thai''.--- could s a.-3-t to ; to have dn.fit ss beard by tbe ::h ."u-prise, aud joy, and . r:A. authorities and 6nd that there is reat uni fpTTnitj of rp'uinn anion? them against the prc':ep. Loudon in hi iuvaltiab'c oik, a;.. VVhtri wheat nppears too forward and luxjiuiit, it comrttnie eaten down wiih tkiLtji or et:i i:h here., but this re quires creat judgment t hetffected with out iijury to the crop.'- Pr. lb-are, in tbe New Eui.'iaud Farimr, uses the follow inj language : " Some farmers are apt to thiuk there is i:o inconvenie'ice in suff ring shct p to feed on tie youn,; plaiitsof witi.er v. AutuiLn or winter or even early iu the b'it 110 can rat.cuBl'y suppose AT Al l. I'ltK l. rapid, he cautiously felt hia way to the ecu tre of the rope iu six and a quarter minutes. Here be laiU down on his back in the aaok, and remained iu that reclining posture three quarters of a minute. M. Wlondin rose and ran up to the American aide in '-'i minutes. A j;ood deal of sensation and anxiety wcte manifested 'Liie. be was re-turuin-! in the sack aud a sort ot relict per vaded the crowd when he arrived, rale ami sound, lie was rtccived with great iclutt aod all the people pressed around to con- Furnish in? floods! Furnishing t'oods! !0 dm. fancy fc wliitr linen mars'ln bosom Siiirts, AO " Hyron, (.niiiiif mid Piriihiiniiii t'oliars. ALt Uibrra, Ilnsirry, Slock.. I 'mv it. Silk I.ace T.i', Silk and I.111111 ll.iniiki rehii -Is, nt all ju:litii and pnct-fl. FULLING S. SPRINGS A CO. Irn.iNGs.srRiNcs : 1 ( () he a Urn- Slock oi ('inire. Silk and horn llnlv touchlof tlie manuraclnrers by llie case. ALSO A l.iririi al.rf.lc 01 r.enU' and I SSl-TEHM Till .VA "V. from a Li I t ! Lurpvt B g. In the Trima-v I). iiirlii.ent, audi a Siudint to enter miv t'n Ilege. In the Scientific Hi p ittll.rnl the Wot Point Curriculum will he closely tollov.-e.l. It will he aim of the I'rnfeefor to make Surveyors, Kniji iicer. Chemists, .uni men lit for the ytucl eal bii-i. nets of Irfe. j In adiiuiiin to ti c usual I'.xerrite at Military 1 Seh..s, the montlia nl August slid SeptrniUr will he atK-iit in Campaigning through the niouii. li.in. nfN. rtli Carolina. The .urfrmic Yinr will commence, on the 1st j da r of Oi-n.hcr, aim will emhri.ee twcie iiiolllhs. A fuil.iiiKli ot two iiii.nihs (rtui;. anil Si pi ) will he ireii to Cartels u l the cud ot ti.eir second yr..r. Puriiciilnr otttntion will be given to the mril ami irlipwut imtnienuii ul Can. U. j rXPFNSF.P: j Tht In-tilute will provuie Hoard, Fuel, f,ifht, j Washing, Arms. F.ijiupnienls nml I'niinruis. and jail clolhinu except under clothes, for :I0 1 I'l.lt tM .'I. one half payable in advance; 'Ine balance in i nmnths. Ao rilro thaign. ! No reiiiiiin -f enure a to thm-e who h.,te unless Would rrsDrclfttPy annnnnce In tl r Mil 1 1 it! 1 t ua the score ol h-.ilth. I'r..m flu ir tllii S1..1.11, .. No, I , (.ri.liit Hi w, w I- ! TO ILS OF A milSSIVS: N"r"'' n' """"" No one will be niliuiltiil mio Hi I'aiMtar I'a j ? raTM..T noner Tele years of g. ; nor m Aj , the M-ia.NTiric lrrars.NT iinnef Fulfil nnr over j I'wei.lv.one it..is ol .ire. All c.l.ni cle.l with the Scientific iti ailment will b.- inmmd 10 !,oard in EvernlTercd in North. Carolina, among which w V7 S.H. RANSOM. O.C6 m.. ii ALI4NY. al(J THE Wild (ill. -m-iiY wo m'ss m r w Itecause he hiiyea his Mil VES from the .M.iiiur.iciiirera. 'alH. sells K,. , y.tl st I f v. jnn r.r,,. til. tiiuu- mi it tin-) cli REMARKS Primary lvi p..ilnient -j ..... 1, .nan liLs suceefj nerlur fr 6 r r ,.,. , T ct -rrn il,.-.i ),n tbat tDetiiadcs itn vnicn nature Has form cr comeliness in Chrit, ' u'"-bed tbe Pla!l,s r not cfu-e' t0 dra,f in u',.1 de -ire him t!.o-e Lo for- i nourisloieu from ibe air and dsns for the tncrea.-e 0: the rtaik ami the ear . Ju or der to be S3ti-Sed cf this, the above men poirt. H to our aert friend, tiov ' ' " - V' t. 1 a mr-de! of mora i 3! pel f-etir.ti 'I hey were led fcr ti voi.ij.r at the res'iit, and al 1.! ire itiat tile church of (ioJ waa ,., . sn l ot ann tW,. ' 't 8E(1 matico of so dantJi; au act. 'Ibe Kocheeter (N. Y.) Union, July , say,: $3 Notice. re lier.bT CHUtioned 3.tp. I tu.g with g.ins or d.-gs, i-r fi.-l.iri!: wl A young man at ; rercnt rcsiumg in this Uiwis, aa tne law in aoeb c.e will be ngi.ily t linn, til net my tiot.cd writer (Miller) cut off seme plants of ci,J clled UP0U us ,uis ""orniug to show a force neat altert.auly in tLe spring and a. a ays found the stalks of those plaLts much snia'!- hotter aud the jjrain pcorr-r, than letter addressed to M. xiiouuiu, acceptiu-j his i ti nation to carry some one across the: Niagara ou a rope. Tbe name of this per- ! ;-cn s for-.-.-ittn by Lis old ado.irer-1, a:r! Uncle San. my was rhujht of as a very ,-o-d man. but ti'-r-o tn,. i, tt'-r f?r bcinjr a ' haich-n-. r..br r Cjj; 1 tl.rjr, like the old n. .!:, birr t- . tlie j .- -..' pardoned sin. :i, : ke a ",y ci.-i-l. i . jhti to s-k for iljht, : i t 1 ;i. u w ill ' . iu cot.fu. :r i-r fo t'-itl of i.i- Ueivfi: ; Father ccn'.d JT have rxp.-ri.--np.-d t.o pence and jov 7, cu wiilid .-pin l.is-c-41 ts bis fait h laid S r, 7 !,o d li-xi's p:or..i-cs, perhaps tbey ii,d tare I. ii te tifcefsitv of such those of the intermediate plants nhose son is luury L x'oung, aud he inforuia M, I blades were not cji." j We have never pastured wheat and are therefore unable to i;ive tbe result of r xpe riei.ee aa to the practice. We have con stantly pastured llye and believe that the Train ta made mucii lighter by so doiajr I her" can be to doubt as to the propriety of pi-:urii; wheat, when aocideutaliy it is so far adtarced at an unusually ear;y pe hlortdiu that be is 1 years old, is live feel five inches high, weighs 1 J pouuds, ; and is ready to mount the back ot the in trepi ! walker aud be borne across tbe great cuaMu. st f vrrv one so etfrndii-e. A ISKKVAUD IA iISON. .vv 10. i?a. 'j 3m I, nml for Sale. Tl.tf In.litutc Btnl.iii.fs are l'ie largest, inn. 1.1 g-.ut .mil con. uiooioua lor t uc nccoiiiiooo tn.n 1 . Cuue is in the Southern Country ; and the Bird 1 flirt, tors trut th.it umler the management nl tli Siiperiiitenaeiil and t onmi iniiant, (riofA nf it.'im lure (r.idiial) a of Wet Point an. I ot Ion.; 1 l- ri. e:i'C in the Army, .nil in ll.e tutinesa ol uiatiuc. t-nn, tl.c 1 i.-t.lim will he (tUbl'tlitd on a true MiiiUry basis 1.1.1I c.liilii.-tri! on line Villi. ry iir-i.eiple The ho.-ird will furlSr s.iy. t''it Mr. !"'?'! f I. i ;r..ii .te of t..e Virgn.i. lni. f.i j sod sti ex riencr .1 Cla.ne tl le-rl-rr. Thry ( would furiher tutr il at .t is t!.. ir ii.t.i.tu.n I.i jiiur..i.e the i.uni.erot ti;.cl.er 111 koili l.-.'it. - n.euts ns Ine p.ttr-'n.ige ol tiie pul.lic n.ay rrflii re. Tins Institute w..s grantrd a libi rsl t'..rl.t by the I.- clnture ol North Oirnlina. Kilh Ii..! .. r ot con'irring V'-g re.- ii-.n. lime l. wmp'-lc ; i.c prrrrihe.l I ourse it' Stn.lit-. it 1" Aiipl.e.iii.-ns f 1 r n. nuts-i.n ill nccited until the l.t of September, 4id niu-l be direct.-.t Foa, I'riemcl.t of 111.: Hoard, tli .r. LA.. IM. TAILOR I e inli I Hi 1 1. o I I'.a I I ( 1 1 F 1 n v r:i 1. lute Hi w, w I-i rt he li.e ni en t In I ill. n ssoriint lit. ot 1 Oi W E i ong wliich ill Kr fuunti the cr!rbr'C0 I r B'C R R m - ft , ' "Sltft I Ir t 11, tl In 1. t - Hi ..tr. to )r. c. J. ; lolte, x. c. II K sulnacnhrr, bt in .(t-Mrou to rnnnvr tht- c..uulrr, irt m fur p;c tt p VUn. t.tlion on whtrh iiie mow rtmiife', lyii'e 4 iimIi ( from flmrli'lti, n ihc Wc-irru 1'Unk Ku(j, cmi t ining 50 rcro. Tut Umi i of pmnl quiiliijr Knr purlieu tarn, rnquirr ot the untmrr irwr on the i Mrs. A. W. STKVENSON. ! April li, ?;.!. 5tf fha, inf.". C. J. I "X. -) .IAS P. Ii;VIN , r II. LaF. AI.KXANDK.il, j i JAS. H. CAKSUN, THtiS II. HKKM, t S M. HL.iiK. I ' DAVID I'AI'.KS, j Mm in. leu'.i. a-.r whii h has gsitien such a famous rennlalinn in thr Sonlhrrn Country frr the la Tins Stoe be warrants superior to si-v t'w.Uing Stoi row in mi It ia am j ennaiiinra leas I'm-1, and does mcrr wot !. in a giw n liii.r. tl an any i tht r Sl. vi put up nne beside any other Sum- of the ssine s.xe in I he I'm lee St.. ft e. snn 1 1 il , , Pl work in a riven time, he will forfeit the prii e of the Mo e, and anil selling n n t (, , the better nne . ALSO, A LI- KINDS OF PARLOR &, SOX STOVES. He baa, and eonalanlly keep on hand, an eltena it am! y .ried -toek of TIN AND S1IKKT lON i:i:.i.ss .:- rt.i:, r.isr inv.y is t os t t . ins, HAT HACKS, n,AI)LES, &c..&i, r Hi ii n hiu hestoweii up together f talnrli will be M, hot -r ba a ll nit. -I Id return n tii.nks to in v friends si . and Ihrr n.s rest anaured, !!.! II lll ll.'lllil . lll lll I l III (III It. Illlt). Illl I rminstioti le pie , to try ATT'Mi'T to Poison Napoleon III TVc take the followinr; extract from the - f' riod as to eive strons probability that it letter of a correspondent of the 1'rovi- Atlantic F1UTUAL and f Ittiu Insurance pay 'l ux .ill be hurt by frost. We secure the val- dence Journal, dated Florence, June 1 1 tb. Ccmpany, ; Ciirtitins il?. . r., I Jnrrpnratrd ly en Art nf tht Isgiiletmt nf ;VsrfA el ir, ti;, ir own h-arts. j u of ,Be Ps're. But il is very question- Tbe H m b, rue or niaj DOXtt t f ',..1. .",,,. Uveri irnrs ths nsaenr. of ble wbelherit WOU Id be j ud ieiOUS 1 0 SOW . . . , , , . .aminy iivct 0 re tnn a rore m 1 . ,. event, it ail he new to oar readers, aud vears n k-f.iy to the coorines of God in . wbe4t an ""e""on ' pasture it. hx- . ..... . I Li c-,r.vr-ioM. a,,l to rf,ch the skeptical ' P-i'''- ' different latitudes i. however e give it for a hat it is worth : ) t.xi:s. 111.: T.x Lists tor the ye.-ir IH'.plsre now n i li r in.p-rti..n. Those liable to jile.se come ..rwj;il and sell!.. K. :. ijHIKK. Sheriff. Arril 12, IS59. Ctf Ceroia (i as o r ks Kadics ami (Ictilli men arc pnrlinilarlj iii.ilnl lo rail Mil f v, u.lw AUSIHl'v 01 JOB vOI! aillZiru 10 XvliE Hil's-Jur, X. H. 1 will lt-11 veu why I load ii df rli.. i... t i " V sit ns vi s W aiiu,' .i ,y..M we hate three sj;giin c..nl.. nl!y tra veil i g thr. ligi. llie i-.nn.tr y w it I. Slow a. W .1 nrilrm trill hr Ittillil ally ennl pit in flit ulli titUil to & A. A. N. Jl. TAYI.Oli. rrffs, .7tt );, ia.-.';. 3" optica tbf o'jtir! . ?iii.jct msy be vry good rr:e"or"y. a :: sti!! the be art not be t- ;.' '."d r. ii lirts the rstural heart e ehu:.."l iiii iu sf.etioiM directed . -. -ii ard, before it csn en-rcise that le v ii i-: ac"''tsMe to Him, aod can rejoice : t i.opc which i to the sou! "an an- both -are st,'! . tcj.'fsst."' H. Jane' r IC.T ,'.f A-ntr,cl1 3ei'i-sr -, a boy ef tvelve, ent in- :o '.lb l.ouse of a tiei.-hhor where sweet : .! e la; cut?. Tbe child was in eontul-t- cii". and the parents were weeping iu a;o ry li s t.-tider heart as melted i 'u tym-P"-t''j arid tear sr- te looked o nenth for the Sr- t time. hen be was kavinp the house, iis fiih'r o' '.'.erred thai he seemed anxious to '-.j foxelhlcp, taouf;h hia utterance was cooked ilh tears. ' What were going to s -r, Jsmes ! paid the father. "f'nly, ir, thit you ouirht It be very t!-akf-:! tht it is Kvs that' dying; for il. ! a J n u, i,nn coui I halt no h.'ijit Jur an. ii il, ti, I o j know Kva is safe " Johnny was Ka's I rofher. and of the IS':.? s.e rit'i .lan:e. : otio! pr-ons ap pear to won U r if ei.liorr n of that ae C'ri-tians Here rsi iin-s r A rrtr eo cmcer nere tei-s me rouowing j prepared tu Kcum srory. He says tt has not been printed iu ance upon Ibe r rencb journals andcertaiuly we bad seen no account but the fact is known fo the atruy, aud the story is true. Im Good Filrts if st tin nthi-r lime in the- rear all .njie.u nii.itBf.i-n,tii oui uejii mieu 0o(j Catholics partake of tbe communion, of wheat. A veey few lite will convey the (Jn tbat daTi the 2j.t day of Apru c..t, aa-i rrqinsae information. '1 Ifeae wdl be of lit- cor(iin t0 hi, Mr. tbe Emperor was to n; tie trouble to tbe writer and be of much recei,e ,be const .T.ted wafer in the Chapel service to his netjihbor. I of be TL,:,,r;e!. tfo.e gojng t0 ,he chapel, As po jthern Agriculture, in in distirte- j b, ,olri t;iat i, L0 eat the holy live feit.,res may ba said to be yet in its in- I p,r;icte ,bl, s t0 be off,.r0r l0 Lim, as it faeey. and as tbe seeds of our grains have , bad lerD prf parc,J j,b , labt!e and ma been brought from other climates, it mj j.,Dau: poisoti. for the purpose of di-troy-be a sutj.ctof lutereettotheerquring far- in,Li, ti;e. The informant was a party to mcr to a-eertaiD the method ot producing ! Uj diabolical s.cret, but horror of eon new varieties of wheat. quote frolli -:,. .,1 tnr .k. Fmnernr led tbe best instructor. 1 here has been much wheat pastured this year from tb for ard condition of the crop. Will our reader like notice of this mailer and heo their wheat cut, alvi-e tis of the result, that is, as to whether there has been any difference p-my being duly nrg-iiiised, is anw ppiicUiins lor iii.ur. T BUILDINGS, FIEHCHAWDISE, Fiirniltiri'. 'lll!, rta im(si-lrl -a, Mill's t Dill Hit CVItt.OKS id most kinds ol prop. rty,.t rcmaiierstiie rales Il ia aimed, in the crgan mtinn of ilns Compa. nv.tn atakii a safe me. mini for Indemnity and 'roteetion In the ss.iind in ease of L..ss. An In, nor aide and up.igl.t curse ol n. iln.g, and a f ..ithful lulfi'nisnl of its . ontricts, will st ail tiu" charscierne the bnsir'sa of the t'omp-.ny. Appliesticns for Insurance may be i.i.oe at the oiTi- c of the Company, or to .t. Tuiiioried Aent-.. LlRKCTORS. John A. Pjrrot, William . Long, Louciir. : oupposiug a i.rmer .as iu tr,e b,!u betri. ,he C0Urpir,cy. habit rf eultt.at.ug a very good variety, Lr fcIje. ,, the lItar 0uri,, which he wished to render aomewhat ear-ij;,, , eal tllC lrf.ad ner, let bim procure ti tbe blossoming tt son from early soil, some Fpikea of an eariy sort just coiuin.' into blossom, and let hi tu put the ends of thee in water and set tfV-m in tbe shade so as to retard tbeir fully b'o'-oruirig until the plstits he has dee'ined i T. Oglea-hy, Ii. Grant, U .rid S. Jones, 1 he htuper- lit.,. W. Mill, ring the mass, but c.il. Tbos. J. Blakelty When the occ - as , . finished, the officiating: priest was invited 1 ito the apartment of the Kmrren to par take e-f a collation, while the wtftr wa submitted to chemical examination It was found to contain, as ibe informant bad said, a concentrated poison. J..hn A. Parrott, I.esi T Ogk-.by, W. S. In.ntr, E. A. Thompson, A. It. Chapiit, H. Grant. tljsid W A. U I hnpiu, i S..HIU. 1 LetlVra, JW II. lav,r, U. A i:..rg- it, i t. Mall.tt. , President, Vice. Pre. idi-nt. ' Tre.iatin r, I Altnrney. ' S eretary. !'V'"r """M;n' v ""V V' , t. l.tcer. b, foe ,h,, Uve .dv.ue.d so far suit!1 brut ,bMr.er ; ty fr-m f.e i-ps of a boy r-r-ously ed- M to impregnate th. stigma; and having ! Fr. ' or Ku-land is u Iej9. nn,-ll.'.t cf Ja, i,L J C 1 o-.n. i rea-i id J . mtntil' V.'e tru-t that little i no " ea rryetb the 1 nt how wo'ild '; be rf tan pap'r of the ii r v, should f ev be tS od' M. W The Driest is HOW IrviMTii s .'niniM-Tri- to b. come the female come into flower , ln , fnPtr,,. : AKt.ri Tha soldiers avs ' ii.'.'.'i w ' u'.. it ' i nen lei mm cut out an ine male ori-ans or i ,l ,k. ... , ;,,., nt .he . U. .w,f i Italy, Austria, uot understood. So itory in: skki spiiiNGiNo ti'. cp .rte-.r in cc cf tbe Sojthrrn r r-, " lie ri,s of the people on eii, stiiT. b' ii I have labored for i-t li r-. jtiK, ..-ie oppo-ed to all ne urit en r .t--r,-, 'run I en now ste Sab ff juri'hi;ig anion? tbem. and 1 "f He li-iti g.-ncr afi';ii ager:y ki ai.-i Li.r.v:. -!.'. In to b.o-soBiin ears of the eariv or tuaie rarent The irnprecattd stalks must then be kept apart from other wheats that the progeny may te true. When the grain ripens, let bini sow the be;l; and from tl, produce when ripe !. el the ear!i.t aud Gue't spike for seed. Let l im sow the-e and re peat tbe choice ti.l be procure a hul.el or tec of seed. 11.ou.'h this operation nisy r n ckord too deii'-aie f ,r f.rn.er. in -n -ir;.,, be lo.ked on by the j bi'.o.ophi 1 eal Agrtc .-I'uri-t a. not tu: rot-ably K adin to roij.ts as rupjrtsM as tboe wh.cli have sttcn-Jed the practise in th- ca of e-ir-leti fruits and fljoers ' .youth Voun 1 1 yinmt. pit : at'Oli-poriion )n er ha fST The Wahioelon Constitution pub lishes the foiloaing information for Pot.t masters : Tu I'optmastfrs. Postmasters being re- c q.iired , by section forty six and sixty- ' eight of the recently published It. ulations , of the Post Off.-.-e L'. part merit, to enter in a separate column, of th ir transcripts of oiails h received tne aggregate number of letters " mailed or f-ceived at their respective ofS- r ce', v:t art uuO,n zr I and injuii'it lit s''e, for the information of postmaster.,! that the D- partmetit will regard as a sufh- ' cli tit compliance itb the above sections, if e icb po-lmas'er i!l enter in the appr f.ri - 4 i'e culurntis of his " mails sent" the a; gr : a'e number of letters mailed, omittli, a a;uii!ar statement of tho'e received. Thia'1' WASHINGTON HOTEL (CHAS-Oa- Or I'KOplitCT'.tKM ) I! It O A l S I ItFl.T M M lil ll, V. JOHN F. JOKES, Proprietor. fM'IIH Cndcrsigned r apee.tfully i,ninnees JL ll.e travel. nig u'-lie, thai he haa Uki Cli irge of Una old mil is.pul ite I. prepared lit sec . .ii.-. Willi !.. r ealatil. ate Have V !I K su'nat ribers re.jiceti'iilly inform the pub. he, lli.it llier sie prepared lo ert tl li .s Work. Inr lighting Cities, towns, V illi-g. a, I 'ol. lege, snn large llou-is. 'I hey have eri eit u wnrss in I h.irlotie ami Kali igh, X . C. Inch base given entire aal,,.r lull lo IM- tl.UfSt ol II.. .V plait.. As to qinlilie.tiions, prumpinisa and anitiiy to perform ail contracts en I. r at il'l", Ikiy felif lo lite following g.i iii a ei. : J ... ll.Carstiu, Pres ( bar. Gas Works. Char. N.C. Wn. J-.ln. Ion. I'rts.lli.r A SC.li.fi. Itr.T. I ll"g.Pirs R il.Gia Ass. (iale gb. " C..I. ti II. Young, Wa,.tl. M..s. A. (.. Slots. Pr... Hi. W on... I.ittl. Fa!!., X. Y. F. T. Story Sdj.t G .a Work.. W. left we. X. Y. W. S. sen-ener Sl Co ,-.'31 Pe.rl M., New York. A.. dress ti e til..erib, t- at Ii.:. igh. N. ( . WATKIMIOU5-K k JUiWK.o. Sff l. 14, I-..B. -'Ttl MUI1K TO bK AL'.Mlr-KD THAN TIIK lilCHKST DIADEM xvf-.R Worn by King's or Emperors. i Whit? Why a Beautiful Head of Hair. Ilecmae it t the r.rnnment Cod htmirlf in as-iaW for all our race. Meaner, slhi,;j. ll.e ro.e m.v I l.ln. in t er so brightly in ibe glowing rli.i k, u.r ' t J e ! e v. I so .pal k ling, the l.elh he til...' ..I pe irl.. j il the lead is here it ot its eoverii-f . .r Ihe hair lo snarled and .h r: v. tell, S,n A anil di f, ot wor.. .ti., 1 if sprinslen ilb gr.y. tiattite w Mi n..e im.rr lii.iii hail h. r (harms. I r.-I. S . 's M iir ;..l..r..li.r, j if li-trt to or Ihrte liltira a week, sti.' rr.lorf and permanrnll seeuie to all s.ieh an nrnimint. lira, I , ..e loliowi.ig. and illnge. Tlie writer Oi the first I , t. isr rsiWiraieW i.ai.r, lhU,utg : Ilia.Wcajo: N. w York. April 19. sV. ir .Ml, Permit me to t In.---., to soil Ihe nb lig.lion. lam il.i.lrt lor the rntitr r r . I ..... of ! in v hair lo its or-giii-l -nl.-r ; aU ut Ine time l wy j i air.val II. ill. I int.-- Mil. . it wa r.i'.l'lly h. cm ! i. g gr.. v. but .:, .n the appln .lion ol y. iir, " ll nr i .,r'V- -8afr t?JI CAXDV JVCTOKV. f rcsli Coiilk-lioncrics, Fruits, sr., Ac. S3.- Ki;3IOV.VI,vi I, III fepCeet i ,MIiii 11. ,1.! ,( e,.,.M..I ere aed ft n M IIK I hi I i.a'.yl. r t-. II,. II al-. . I'OM'IKTIUM'IIIIS I'AYtll.V 4.i:0( I KII VAr. k.yl i f Hi. W i m ( h.rlo ,11, if..ro,s the e.l.. aurrounninf c.-unity, i constantly ree.iving i I'lijrii.ve In Ibeir en-ploy aa 'i F hi It,. n I sir ptepaied to lont.i. K..... -i .-. l-atl.' a Willi t .1.1 til all ... n. .1 .1 en - ' MuoDY A M.-bLT Nov.mb. r 16. lf-:,f. from New York. Confectioneries, Fruits, l MY .'IM) i: IC I i- S.CH.AU Tl). CO. SM I T. TOYS. Itliiwicnl iiliiiitiril, riKi: noitiiv iioitm iiki. V .-lrli t. a, ,YIIm YViistnns, ! C Im Irs, Y si i h.w lit nrl. A Itii d 4'iigi-s ol' ert tf irie'y. ' J. I) I'AI.MKR. A'ert,;,r 1. IV.f. 4ilf he int. nd, to insntif.eHirefAXIHFS rf W e b.rs also I...... .11,1. n. whe Ihe buail.l ... all pUl.l.C pallOllKgr "pi IV. e Mr. 1 I.. , . rh ef . MiH'i.v fi ni-ti:' ,Vae If.. IKIfl. SAl'DS, Al l liili i I ami Iln.!''' Al. ill knnl., ft.e New York Slea II I. furl, f, r Puhl Vill... Pal bind ing Fl. ur n i.i 3.1 .lo,. ..I A hoi I i.. ... . II h. f.rf-et JS, IU. .h Ie. r ! .Ml .13 'f II. WIIHAT WAXTKIl. I Fl.., buy W be, nher hi .M.ll it pl,,e.l. , w ill give t ed tin Steam s e. p.irr.! I,, I t Ine In al void Ii. I hiil i" Kutuai Life Inuranre Cowvi OhlU r. H Al l.ll.ll A I l.e inosl aero, un, ooati II a TAlil.E will -'!' eal provisions that ti n tf-.r.l. '!'.'. MiSshillSl , in- is iie.rer the i al fl li.-to I II t. lil. II. I h court. I-t l.rgs Ifrjc street, t i i.i Na ui Air. s s i ii a i.iii. m;. -ydct." I'l. 'ntlt. Auc 0. Iv .1 for a.le ..t lie M,il, "'ji'iIIN U ILKHS. ft. aju An Umntlmt will i iio'tig, on the arnvnl i sefig. rs I.i spot allll If. 1.1 Iree o , p .ssengers ' -V la- i, , i lie yt n i sin I .r o' o r boo. I.1CU -'-e I- I, OS) ! 1st tbirat ' I..Ca th. tai. J. Il i, a re re I have cm lia',.': -ptiri' -p au I !'.''! - pie -tut a i x, ,u ml ts. u.oru re ' be p -ppiy IN'Kf'TS JN PLANTS, of tbe ;reinl annoy ances 1 rtsrHeri to com end with ia the ra v&i'ex of in l ut on voun.' plants. I have a remedy 'he " ' -ra iuut, bow.jver, ,.;h I ha'eajpl e-i for se. era! je.M, and . ' ' omitted. e never mown il to fail. 'lake three1 ts an -licked l ine or unlearned a-l..s,l ., ,. I P.INOMNX li J IKUMUM rtCCOriling t; M. Auiedee Aehnid, the ladies of iVd n.ont ate excessive in respect of crinoline. " Alessandria, " he says. " is a strong for- Ii hast..!.; I convey p II r s'l.ppii'g at Una llot. l n,,!e lime to ob'alii meal-. II .v ug al.o a largo Jin r, l an . Snellen! O.ll'-r, be la lully Mr. .are. ii r c. Im-.. a by llie ii y.we. u or iii-.ntii at oat reasonable rates. JOHN. F. JOS H.- Maitl. I. 13o9. ilif tt.ire the gt..y .g,..l c I Her 4 II tr iiitt! 1 1 .. t i .1. . n ,1 ia, pa.t ;es h in a K- II ,ry. ,' ;a-t. N'"K.'.L N JTIilN'. . l.e rar. ol I, in tb rei ur nei ...J done 1 . a i lio' jmo. or any oilier pi ici.tiM- of am- i .etl.er, ai.'i du-t wbtV tli" d's U upon them, and i ar'- r r .:n ; but care mu-t be taken i n,u.;l, i- nut u-ed at one time, or it aie a d .:! t- r , -,,i IT i;t up-tu the ; a :'.t U - j -: t is a 1 tuat is naces I not.c. d ti.e . )Ji ct mere particular- pn .. up in a patch of e.n,felop v'.-.e., wiiich liiey.l.ow l u's were eating; I du-ted about one half of ll.e patch ; next mnrbing thete w a- rot a bug to he i stt n on M,' p-.rtir.ri of it, uti! tl. y m-re litrrai'y devout. n ., other ; hut a dij-tiiig-1 cleaned ti. -n, a. 1 1 i i t.-n u.iii.ts s ef. j 'Vtlually that I si. not bothered saiu the ! oa..l,te of lle season. I have 1 valid il to bona ( ij aai'y good fur cabbage, ami other p.aiils. 1 do not kuow tne etfeet, ui.'t it is in tl.e ammonia being set free, which, 1 perhaps, is a little too strong for toeir o.lsc-l-ary L.-rves 1 1 n tt' ullur nt. ciiAiLiaOrri; iioti:i. lat.r fl J. Wo .o.i.i.-i.i: v-.ur II i ...,oi,.e,l ll,e e I,., I.. II w lit ..t oeh a el.. Hire ( IMM.hs. I AMlr AS Xrw Y i.sa, July -J '., H..7 i : V nh confidence tlo I I l-hori:. .I.J l.r II . treaa, :,cl tuu-f. I confess, be allowed tain priw eg", i but yet it appears to me ti, at in re-ject to steel petticoat, it sbij.es i's riiit. Never before in my lifd did 1 see n rese'.-as of sich gigantic duuen ims as arc to be found here. Citizen.' wives and countesses, chairwoman, scullery maids, in fact every oul among Kn'i daughter, wears skirls ao a.i pie, so expan-iive, that O'is is under a continual fear of a sudden gu-t of wind carrying off the wli'-ii lot mothers, sister, daughters, cousin and all. My on eyes have aeen little giil, who certainty were under n, wrapped in bal loons with which Mr. Ort-en would under take, to rise to the i-jj. of Chiiuborai.1' ,1s E j BY V. -Z EC Ce aa IIAIII til l t., X. ff .11 F. Proprietor i.r t,, 3. still at Ins post n fa I ihe duties of " mine In ii. t. i , bin 1 lo III, a iln. Is travelling pil iii ly call on t iiii. anil lierl .tl.ra hnnsel: that a. ilollifottahle nil .rll-rs Can b louilli Willi It i lit any where in Una vicinity, lit-ing .ilual-.: . ear. Ir .n mis eri.tre of Charlotte, llii. un a. M. u will In.'l this H i, I a most convenient ant; ni.irai.le lor... t on. p hs. been engaged in In, I,.imiii.. .1 ih-s stand nearly eighteen years, ami ... in.il lime ne Ii .a i.i.iil. .everal adoil s I.i in. tortii. r iio u-t , anil il has nec-l grest.y eniargetl aim in, pt-.ve.l.pr. .eoiiiig ill front s Iw.t.lt.ty V I liANUA ; I.IJ leet II. ling tl. by U feet m willlli, liali.'.o ,y I. .. leu by trees on the . ide. wal a , attorn ing a plea. .ai.l l.n.io. i.a.lo al all hour. .! tils day. 'I i.e II -iui. lia. lo el. thoroughly llirui.hed li.rn'. out, and in every purl of it creatine, t-o...t,,ri. are It- I : in y I . Woor, Al.nn nce.l l.ll.iig t .fl' anil wl Lilly g .r son ,M P. Al. n -,.(... in. l,ulr, is Guitar.. ,M Satis, I'uinpa, (.,.r h.l nf all ll.e lliflei I s.nf free. I'uhi i -In !' Ihikn Af l.nv. ng Ihe most an I'nv.i. is ; t.a. u.iug your I'l.ia invalual. Il in y and p ,l.ll;s Al. I.l r.Y. I IT II .11 II I I. X Mi 111 I I, X. X . I YS .ml forward, ev.rv Vnd.f mercli.n line f I Ills I-" .i. llie M.itu.i I l ,. ..y Le .in.., b. .. n t y . uner in i .,n.p-i,y. i.,J. tv. ... Frr,.. Ju vn dark ; snd I lealioiis will ra il si... ha. rs. ISatlt II. Il ll--..., -I Of ,. . leg., " N C rl.) . Isiiiasj t.i in II y et.nn I all in..M-. if. Ihe ten . .1 vs.miaa.tin. Iff X. VV . W,,e A. M. Gotn, . V, . A Gr.i. .1.,, . ,! .Mel Kifins. sing Ma, Inn... Iron ii, e., eVc. A prtutiU ml pr.tes .graph ol - f HI so. SI.HI." il. tvity J. ill .1 lulu tilet.i t ho p. r.pire fr. t Is k 11.11 Y V ha. I w , lor Inn. ., Ilia p. ml. , aomely hound t, .nil, ei mailed ftte fnr one ijitl'ai X. w llo.ewo.,.l I". h.l, fi, 1 ss.-.H. fine While e, llol,, 3(1(1 p.l I..,.. I..H. S, MiMOW i:i ig g...y : ,1 h. eon, u.). h.l, i, anil hail trie,! many ll. lii.-.l... I no . H el. I eoiiiiin need uaing your li.-at,.ra. ire in January l.al. A f. w app'ieatiol.a la. ten. mv hair firmly. Il began to fill up, grow out, nl inn,. .1 u.n-K lo ns loimer eol.i. (Iih.ck.) At! is lime il is fully re. Ion tl t.. its original color. 1 H.U.. ,1,(1 a.ot ..ral.ee, ami I therrtully rer 1 .'in I 11. ll.e I-. all. J. II. Uf.S j ...C...J... 111., .May I, 1S-.-.7. i 'I he l!ist..r. t v. ia ut up in b..tllea of 3 s i. s, : : large, ii.r.lii.m, ami .mall j toe i,o,ll holu. ) pit, I. a ml r. la. I. lor f.ueili.lial p. ( la. Hi, ; l,e Inc. I om I tli. la at l.-asl, IW. I.I i t I c. 1.1 luo,e III l.rn. I portion limn the small, ri tans lot two Collar, par Tllftr.R DOfiBI" HfHITH OfTlir MANSION HOUR. large lo.i.i s tu ri. ij per cent. Ml. I i I t haries F. Jol.i.ai lll, i.. W . 1 1 I -llo.l.o. Uu. i in v I II M b.i, h P. Il.tin. i -r"' ' 1 .. . I. , 11.. h'u II. II. in. Ollll fir, f hail, a II. John., n. W W II..!. V.ee Pr 1 K. II l..llle.. et. I VV.il,,,,.,. II. J ..iieaaurtr. II. . Ilii.l.i i, AU..-," lit. .. i.i. II. AL K. . ...-r- ' Itm.Urt I si. lit. U I ' h.e I I, -tie. l t. ,lt.hrl .c-id of C.sss'f'"" Johns, t.. M . I W ,11 - ' ' 1.1, h'u II llai ,.,:, M. I'., I..r lutllsr i n lor rv rid lo tin pain phi. la si lo., V be ol,!,,-, t tl p., I .I its Ai faddle k Harness nntifactarer, pun) it,, (ifhc. ..t if l" al.ould be siltires"" IMLIIATILK,.;"- ,d tl r w' at I. bs l J i' e n .. ! ,-. ye..' s ,id !.-, " ..nd f,iit,ei in! I -..' he oul 1, for tb.- ! thst CUIe.sUll .laU f.jts ..a!i luc !i.t;cy -ILVh!'. A N Jj .VILVKK PLATKf AK 'IIULKS. 1 !. res.li.-t niode of '. earing flit ar i,c es i. io w pe theiu on r wi'li a weaa so uti'.ii o Injiid ariisioma. J his readny removes the ,j;phid.-, and no rubbing, or -csieely eny is r- q iited Ihe sau.s agent s.'l l.e f.ui.rj ufu, iu K.ialilli "oil! cha.Ls Ct.sTOM JIi.tK RtMOVAI.ll AT New'" t-rid langiM. e.teially Mi , i ,i .u . i " ' n. woi re. Ihu "inner m-.n n 1 OHK In accordance with the retrench- ll,jy,.Jj iit-nl views of the J-tcr.-tary of tbe Trea.j- i ,ri,y w,ii, ihia Hotel sreSla ry , Colli cl- r ."-chc!!, of N; i'ork, on Wed r....m tor luu horses, abundantly fu ii. lay, notified Lin. ty five cf the cu-toin grain an i pt. v. nu. r, alttuid. .) hy I. MXIXG .Hording l,.,lll. :i (, J WIMHIA ,Prop,,.to,.,4liriro.lwsy,l . w York, ami 114 M .r.el Si .M la. ma. Mo, suit I .Id by all g.a.d I, llggl.tsand l-at.ey (i .;. ' a, ..ml iii I'll irlotu- by S- All II A, ( . a ll t II I Ol 1 i: .'. I aH.il jee;ry hou-ij employees that their aervic-s were no ; 1 inner ri quired. The victims are entry t-ieik. measurer and nssi ta.it weigher-., I and tbe agregaie anioiiol paid fh'tn arirni ! ally is about clOUOIJO. At the same time I I he ("ol eetor luc-eased ll.e aalaries of five t-le(ks f:)ii.i each, and appointed V. " ' L'rvjsake, of Virg nia, aa euuy isicig. : Propne n.r fi i no not i, to plea.e, lis r,f II, ;th In y new sflvantsgea a.i, la prepared to offer In iikin.l," . many e., r as will be louinl a. II J" At any rale tsv ihe Clu Oili ,t 13, M,',S loll. Hotel. J. JJ. K V. V, 3.'.f C;ih Paid for Hides, SY S. M. HOW F.I. I., 3 Honrs Soulh of tin t Al .ll.ioi, llou.e. ( ,r.6,te. April K. e.',H rtif WITNKSS TICKKTi', for ibe f.-ounty and tiuptnuf Court, for .ale btre. I rAHkind.nrs.iddl hnrte.t ntiliee. I rrtFPAIIMXG itron ptiy eaeeulets. Jn. IHf.H. J7if 21,017, s.I02fit3,(;iil.3. Hit. It. M. i llltlt m rll.I.be plea. -il t" net He P fo I. ......... C t in lbs tienarimeiil. of ,M I. Ml I Ml SCfif.F.RV. Col. .. nr. I. lonnlii sl... nl msv l.e founds! insrs.li.ne.. Furl Mill 1 1, York r.. ,el K, . Feh. 12. H.',f. 1 If .1 Oil PAINTING o, sl.' k't' M.r.PKNAS f.r sal' n 1 1 I 1

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