Snmto Crating. From .'ir Avimcnn Mmtenir SAVIOL'U VOU NEED. prcji ii M himself as your atonin Saviour, the Saviour who bore your sins hi the tws, and it ready to heal you with the droppings of Lis blood. All he n-k, thiil yoi r-b ould believe iu l.iui, an J i-li"Of h;in as the Sovereign of your heart. 11c offers himself as an uhir lyiour ; telling you thut Lt it the God who is, ani was, and ! to come llit Almighty ; aud thai ht cau uplift you frciu the lowest depth of your guilt, lie offer bim.e!f a an itl-$flcifht Saviour; that though you bo dead, he can make you alive; thut though you be Miud, l.e can make you cec ; thoUL'h your eins be ri d like ,-e it ! our frieuds may esteem on j but destitute of 'vital Christianity, loeated in the beart, we J I are unhappy. Hut with Christ enshrined iu i ; the heart in nfllictiou we are happy. 1 Agricultural. Ilcfcrrci Articles, SartJiiiiii. ADBBKsS TO THE TUOOPS. The King of Sardinia has issued the fol- Clothing Emporium. ONCE MORE, friends and patrons, we invito you tu visit the Emporium and examine Ihe largest, best. made, mid Muck of SU3I3IKK t'lsOTI. I .'. ever offered in Western Carolina. Wc pv tlie f'lli'H M-,I, because, we get our nods ililli ifiit ly Ironi uny other house. We buy the materials from the importers unit jobbers and iiiiitiiilac lure the clothing ourselves, thereby saving the noniu. f.ictiircr'a prufit. All we run well ( the people it a triul. umi we me confident we cm II. Wi: WAKK-WT very nrticln tu cn-L iio . and will imike gocd OIMII CAKO.IA MILITARY INSTITUTE, ( lia roll', .V t . lowing order of the day to his troops : "Soldiers! In the space of two mouths of warfare you have had nil uninterrupted course of victory from the Sci and the To j """ S,vo triul, and we to the batiks of La Uarda and the Miueio. In the itinerary which you Lave performed iu company with our eeucroua 6!)d power-1 aliy Uefi-iencv tln.t m..v occur in material ful ally you Lave everywhere given the I king. Wa are imw rcci mug iiio.-t Lrilliaut proofs of discipline and hero- ' 105 Black Cloth Coats nil grades. , ism. The nation is proud of you : all Italy,! 250 " Kreiiclifcl.'iig.lirapii'EieFrockea If a nun does uot know how much land rajkji appauJ, TOur bravery and your ex it Inn n uek Sa.-ka L Sucktii ho ran make thorn as that part with which he is unacquainted, ; aud confidence iu her future detitiies. To-j riilliu::, i iiii!" A 4 cll'-rs himself as a in'l. , ,. , i ,i,, ya ,a .-- ,.,) ' day a new and great victory has been pain- M"J Itt3. l"tf From tt Amtiirttn Aiirultnritf. ENLAIWINO A FARM WITHOUT HIT- ISO LAND. I'iO " Alpacca aim Wuer i.i Fancy Caasimctc MTTS. .it) Piiim A, Fancy Marseilles du w hite a .-now, 11 i "i; ai ir ; tellin; you that rou are wel- . , . . . . . .... . ; ed. You bavt again bhed your blood, tri-i r-'u.. t,. th. r.uii of his d.atu, bis a-cen- la toU ll0W 10 u'e bJ w not umphin? over a numerous encny protected fi.n, and I i- iuttree?-ion ; and saying to l-nt to the purchase of mori acres? l''ar- j by tli. strongest pOMtious. (.-n the now cele-1 ) on in oriU whioh ouht t o nu I: your soul, met are cfteu baard to exclaim : " Oh that , brated day of Solferino and San M;irtino, lkhol,l,l -land ut the door audkuock: I were rich euoucb to buv a little more land, jou, h'itinc from break of day until night, ; iv Tuan hoar my voice, and open tho , T ,., . . . and headed by your intrepid chiefs, rcpell- M. coiiiiiieiice ui jf neit. of thin i the 1 Inxtitiitu will l t .! I i(rt P.iir lihick ra.-.-imete runt'. I.'t " I'lincy " 4 SO " t'iuin u Finev f.inrn i Marseilles Pants nt FULLING, srWNGS i CO. ed the repeated assaults of the enemy, and ; forced tbem to recross the Miucio, leaving JMI U-1NC.S, si'Kl.NGS A. CO. ;re. in your hands and on the field of battle ni , . , , ''I11' " , ' J j ,, . ., SfO( Hlack Satin mil flj-'J. t.r. luilinc tdy ; man, armf aud cannon. Ou their side, the ,so y c,.MI,re " .,., r I mil e ii, I,. l,m, .,,,,1 s,in ni: I. him, and he wnh me." fouM carry more grain to market Tbis is ti e f-iviour you need. Do tou No, to sucb men, at lead to some of there i ol know it : Po vou uit feel it ; believe we beg leave to ay, your farms are already ;u Li:a, cc pt biiu a our Frieud, and ho larger than you suppose. ou eeem to French efforts have been crowned with equal i-hall be jour tverUstiug li.-ht, and the t'uu.k that your ownership extends only six glory, furnishing further proof of that iu of ) iur mourniiig i-ha'S be ended. inches deep iutD the ea:lh ; but this is a comparable valour which, for aes pn.t, When voi are weak, he will make you nii!fprebenioD. Ii is nol very Mrangr, ' has alicited the admiratiou of the whole siruii.-: and rchrn tc; vre poor, he will Lowever, aiucc all the former owners of the world. The victory has eo.-t terius sncri uiake you l ich : when yo i are sorrow ful, he s jil Lad the same idea, and the Indians from fid s, but by thai noble blood unsparingly will make you to rej 'ice ; and when you are , whom your ai.cestjrs bought or stole the spiit for tho mo Ft sacred of causes Europe vrk if fc-ul, he mil minUte- to you. and land, Were content with only the surface, i will learn that Italy is worthy of taking her le-t i e vou t7 s; irit'i.-.! hca::h. fie will be juit enough to hunt upon and to grub a few place among nations. Soldiers, iu former ti V"ii ' ni.-'iom, and rijhteoutf$t and roots out of. lint t.;ii is ail a mistake, as battles 1 have often had occa-ion to men- satiet .fieation, and rtdriuption. As long as you will see on rcflectiou. rxaunue the ti- tioa tue names of many among you in the yo i live, he wii! be your shield, and your tie deeds to your land aud see if there is ( order of the day ; this time I put the whole i wr-rre-. i.l Lr'p. an l your considerate and any to your rights in a downward di- army on the order of the day. Min'a:i.;z'L Friend. When your last hour rcction. Yuu will not find any j we kujw "From my bea 1 ijuarters at Rivoltella, rmes. aud the throes of dissolution are on you won't. j JuDe 5, 1""0'J. victoit EMMANUfX. ) ju. he will ;ipprtrt your fainting head, and Now, therefore, do not fear to go at once wipe tue deaib-dew from your brow. He an 1 take po?ics-ioa of the rest of your farm. I'opur.AB Nomknclature The follow- w;.l watch over your uuat as it lies in the It is virgin soicoverea over wttn only a ; mg will afiord informauonto many: tomb : r. cti.ii, pr 'ii o.i 2.)t) alley V aar.imre and Plain f.infn bi.,1 Mi AT Al l. I'ltlt I S. ui.ii jui wur uiiai as ii lies iu me t im bjiv-oisj vs. wmj ,iug win auuru imurma.ioDio many: I..: wi!l waku you ta a joyful resur- few inches of partly worn land ; aud it will j Zouaves. The latest edition of Vebter's , ; aud at the day of judgment, he will return you Sue crops if you will only lay it quarto dictionary gives the following deli- cj ,.d you a uu itli - of approval, open to the suu aud air, or mix it with the , nition : " The name of an active icd hardv everlastiii' crown, soil you Lave long cultivated. Perhaps it , body of soldiers in the French service, ori i- wi:! not be we for you to try to u-e it all I naiiy Arabs, but now Frenchmen who wear the fiist year: u?e a little moJera'.iou in ' the Arab dress." It is derived from the W. C. 1. Furnisliins Gcods! Furiiihins l.'oods! SO iloi. fancy wliif laien iiiar'Ii .honuii Shirt, SO " Pyrmi, ttaiiiUiig u."d I'iculuiiiii.i t'oliara. A I. .SO ."!.rcn, II,.lerv, ?Iocr. Cravats, Silk l.ier Tie, S.Ik and Lioin tlaiid;.en I... IV., ot all i:i..hti. an.i irici-s. FULLING.-'. tfrillNGS i CO i r.r.iNi.s.srru.v.s at ( O. hive a large . T i. 1'as-irmrr. Silk und I '-hnrn Iliiln. buuiitol' tl manufacturers by the cave. ALSO A lrtre stock of Gents' d h iii Kt AAV, Ir.un to nd Carpet I! jY Id- ptrsorisare her by cautioned n;ninfi liun 1 isV lintr with L'linaor nopn. or fi.-ii;iiv with tot enuring upou your new property, for your j Arabic word Zouaoua, a confederacy of the nr t..c-kT-. or m any e ire-pu-ioc upon n j o vu sake and f-ir the farm s sake. Here is I Arabic trite who live ou tho mouutaim : ,"'"1' Uw ufh '"' - what some wiiler has on the subject-j back of Algiers." ,urced g"',t "'VaKDD not strictly correct perhaps, but LigLly sug- j Mi-i, us is the name of a people who in 1 ylly ;0 g-T, V .3,, gertivt : At the present tiuie, the average tLc niLth century invaded and overrun llun- ' J ' crop of wheat iu Ureal H.iUiu. ou a sjiligary, previously settled by the Huns. The cultivated for ciuturies, is about double that Maeyurs are stiil the dominant race in IIuo produced on the comparatively new soil of 'gary. Ohio. Wliv is thia! Siiiinlv because thu I C'iVnr Tn.tlr nr k',.11 ; . tT;,t..- reel hi:n tryii.g to cotceal ihe emotion i..,,iln., ;,;.: t, f-ripr (a.,J m j .0.1 ,1' ii '. tl.. l-.... and a,' ply to ir woik wisely. They pay ' peaus ia China have adopted it to designate iaca, vo vue tiuu uii ucj uonow irom .mnese uay laborers. 1 lie term ;s tljere 1 imn W Amtii TO-MuRi:-)V. nt'i nmn went once to a meeting held n-i.-l horbood. whre for some time hid been a revival of rjijiou. His a truly pious lady, accon panii d hiui, ever,il times -'uring the Services, she s f t r r.irj! 1 n ' (jr u:t-ranee. Aft- r a auu iu.. .e-nve :i-cjure on the dao I.17. ai iiivitir cn ss- given ti any e-.rc-i -peeul prayer to be made for 'r to be b-trMttid co'ctrn'mg the f sa'.vati it, to re"iaD sfu r the con :nu .-Inula b i!iiiii-scl. .lany re- 1 ; b at this gi-ntlei.iai, tlt,l tiijt though 'i- wife urged Liiu to do so, and of lifner to remain w::h him or ro ou -me f.-ict.d who lived in their iiniue- i'ili irhood. No," said be very de uni: suhscrihci lie rniintr t ation 011 which s,.e 1 from Cliarl.ittr, t-iioie? rcre r v.r. A Iron lor Sale. ir the Hlnn .e now r nice-, Ivji e - tmU 1 the Wr-lrrn I'l trk !(n,a,l, Cnn Tlif Uni m of pnmi quality -i;fuirc of the uhrrtlirr no th Mrs. A. V. gTK'KN?(X. Ap,il l-J, l:.)t. ."if AtlntionUTUALand FIRE Insurance Comply, i " r'- I,,,,- ..- , be Vtr- Ue,' gold bid in the et.-tb ; but if they LWiey during curl week. Ik I "' - ' U 'S.t.tng ewl , would set about the work of digging in ear- j ,nd U said he would have the y.-.r . .ydown hi-cee.-, so, I cannot Ivt Uet, ever, man would find bis crock of gold 10aey out of the Jud-e. Ill I,- -- k;,w that . .,u cctcerned about my wjlbou, lh(j aid 0f dreams or divination." Judge was ou hi circuit (on for im-ur- aga.i.s the r ) and d bat we will come a-ain to morrow, n l.e will not be bre. and then I will forward to be instructed, and beseech prayr 'lud's people. I km I i i to do it no, but I c-vntiot." .-.:.,g him resolute, tho wife said no . and they kit the h.iiie together. t :.- .t wis very dark, the gentleman's - r-:net rv. aud . f re tLy had gone i'e fmn tie c'iUrli, I.- was thron vio to the ground, striking Lis head ee o! iif n none tbat lay in uej--ion of the train followed, a few minutes. His !at word- nd . mv.t io m. r ; my ,oul -l, OM '"- j .ort be name of which he has forgotten, , Ibeir a'rocaracce The ;, to-nor,, tuut bu, ' that they were grown ,0 a Led in ' eold and shivering. Ho '"V"-'- An 1 tureing a look of quetch.e... j0,. ,or ut lr,H six f.HdttV. WLvdid TOU ,, K- ., f r.r , is Li I jtiJiy-telovei wi'e, Li ilut fiital to-morrow ! ."-inner, :' 1-5 morro may be tr.o late ! F. :,. U Lv ii;:Aii in.-; voice," The words which Jus spoke in per-on l.ilti he w as on earth, he now speaks by his j k it ; and Ls aJdre-res them unto a., 'a;,ing, " Repent ye, aud believe the g --p- !.'' And the voice of the Saviour is a vo ce to vb!fta too oa '.'.t to rive earnest ' t r. Kor part h -r ; they endeavor by every means iu their ' fore applied to the day laborers both of In- premises. power to c'lncu tin-1 r ground, ana iu returu Ju juj China. 11 enriches iu in. If Auiericau farmers, iu- Srpoy (Hindoo Sfpah-ii) means a na'ive stead of UVering to double the number of of India employed iu the military service of thiir acre-, m d endeavor to double their ' a Europoan power, crops, they would find it a saving of time 1 . amr ton, aui au increase ol prnt. A Junes. "oh Harper, who- ;i r..'inu e i I j . K. C, .Mauy men never think of digging ten inches ; liTe,l on Kittle Creek, in Wiikea couniy, lnrtyati l-y An t tht LeWNtt of ,Yrrt into the soil, unless they have dreamed of a ' (Borgia, was fined five dollars by Jud-e ''"'" liob was a wa;. e worth of Lis happened the I on horsHhak in ! We once beard of some remarkable straw- those uavs.) and Dasin bv Rob's ho.i.e on ' terries rai-cd in a neighboring town, aud the creek, which was swollen by a heavy, calle! the " Washington Excelsior " uraw- j r,in, ha wanted to know it lha creek was uerij. it'iuiur "iu ium lac luirs wec iwiniUilOg. large, vividly green all Summer, the fruit 1 I reckon it is," laid Rob, " you will get larg- an I abundant for a long time, and not a cold bath if you trv it." , in dimiu'-hed by the ever-t drouths. The "In ,tr!p and make my horse swim it if tlaLts were sold ut half a dollar apiece, inl j yri will go up the creek and bring my " were ouM-Uied cheap at that pric. At- , clothes over," said the jidge. ! tractel by these wonderful stories of the'. Off his no'.Ler ctMiients sol over new fruit, we w.nt to se it aud learn all went the Judge, his horse not ,oing over,"1' about it. TV p'.ann were indeed bautifu! Lis knees the creek bein- broad but aud the fruit v-ry fii.e. Rjt our eyes were i-ballow. As the jud -e ot over several opened when Mr. Smith, the owner, told us rcr-oiis Were enmiti- theCfin from a store ':' frankly, that the p'ants were some commoo piazza, neither Hob nor bis clothes making ,) Jbe Judge was wrathy, u b was stul on the awled out. " Judce. letp. Why did . Tou can have vour breeches for five not this account for the persi-tcnt verdun? i doMara." of the foliage and the size and abundaLCC i Rring thm over," said tbJode; "I'm of the fruit! V. t the superior beany of',0ld ; you may fight at the next Vaurt all :hc plants ar.l berrus bad attracted much 'the week, aid i ll not fine you at all." attenti-s" in the neighborhood and seemed to call f.r aibi.h-.ou..dif,.r nan.,; and so j A writer in the Leavenworth Times Mr .-ui -tu d ut oed tnem a-i.ington; tL? fj:l9.iD- ailtcd,te cf Mr. (jreeky : f - 'iU7' m?U Mrhv"3, hi Whoa the- party had mouthed their ani- i, et..ur.'e'a witiiout fencing :'j more Ion t. -, frlI, rt , ... ,r 1,. iv .. .1 I A( VLTY HI KCT: M.J.D. II. II 1 1. 1., Superintendent. I.iki-t. C. C. I.KI1, t'oinniaiidiint, C. P. KST1I.I., A. M , Prineipal of Piinury it-pariiiti nt. Course of Zltulits: In the rrinmry llepnrlnn nt, such na to qualify a StU'tint toenter any tnllec. In the Peientifio Department the West Point ( urrrrtiliim will he elus-ly lolluwcd. It will be iiiin cf the I'mlrssora to mnke Surveyors, Kiisj 1. iieers.Clieiiiisls.aiid men fit for the practical bun neia of life. In addition to tin- usual l'.itrcitf at Military hools, tin; mentis of Anoint and feptrmber will he snei.t in Caiiipiiigniiig through the 11101111. tiling of i, rlh Carolina. The .4rJimit nr will coniiiiencr, on the 1st ilav of llet.iber, and will embrace twclo monlha. , A furlough of two Mionilis (Anf. and S. pi.) will ; be civen to Cailets nt the end ol their second year. I P.irliculur llltelitioll will be (l veil to tl.c MISI11I and tritjiotit inatiucttim o ( adi U. EXPENSES : i The Institute will f.-ovida Hoard, Fuel, I.iBlila. i Washiiii-. Arm, F:(Uipmenls nn.l t'liiiorms, and jail elotiiin? nerpt under eloihea,for :100 ' I'lilt .4 M .M, one-half payable in advunce ; 'the balance in hi ninntha. An ia(ia cUmiir: ,Vi r, !oislotl ol ' eh-irj to thou who leave uuleaa on tin. arore of health. ' TI.HVS OF ADVIXStDX: Sit one v.i.1 be aoinitiid lino II, e Paisiisr Pr- j riHTiiru iifnier Twelve yi-sra ot" agi j nor into the ."-i-ifNTiric PrrRTKT under 1 nun nor ever , , Twrnlv-oni- Jl .ra nt'age. A'l eolinicted with tin ; Seirnt.tic Ur arum i.t will be rr;trrU lo board in j the l,..liti:le ; Ihoae in Hie i'lllll.ll lh partmi 11 1 ( ( ' liny do .o if tiiry ete-oc. j ' i R f I A S S S : I I The Institute Ituildius ore the largest, most !rh-r.,nt ami coni inortioos for the .iceoniinodi'lioii of I ,. beta in th Southern Country ; and the Boaro of Pirrciors tiu.-t to. t unih-r the in-oageinent ol the ' Supi rintendeiil and ("nn.niandant, ('aar raoin lure tjriidustea of West Point and of long rieri. enre in Die Army, and in the tiuainms ol intnie. lion, the Iiii-titule will tie ralsblislird on a true , Miliinry baia at d eoiuluilril on true Military' prinrinies. The board will further sny. that Mr. j KS1 11,1. is a Cr u'iiate of the Virginia ( nivcraity and an txper:t nerd t lan-i.l teacher. They world further f-lot. t!.nt it is tlx ir inti to increase the niimi 1 r ef tenrhrra 111 K th depart. 1111 i.ta Ht the palrong'i of the public may require. This lmtitulc w.i t-r.interi a liberal I i.mlrr by the I.i :-! iture ol N.,rlh Caro'ins, ,th the power 01 cui.t. rntif !. rr upon th..e who eoiop 1 ic Ine pri-wrtbrd ( ourse ol'Slu.lira. Jl Applicallella for ne!lii!"H will be Irctivtu nnnl the 1st of Sept-iolit r. and innt br dir. ct. I to Dr. c. J. Eos, President of the Hoard, I liar, li lU, V C. C. J. F"X, ") JAS. I'. IRWIN, a 11. LaF. ALEXANDER, j 5 JAS. II. CARSON, Ji THcnS H. LRE.M, ? S M F.LAI R, ? IAVU I'ARKS, ) '4. low, .V.,v I 'I, l-;3. J'f '" -7" V '.i lTVi Tnii i. a - rii"s 1 S.fl. RANSOM. Jk 1 1 A lit A MY. WAIT II V 1 1 Hi cause lie bu j ca hi foii the wmoi his a'f( X'ha from the ManuUi lurora. 11. TAYLOR lis Htove,, Would rcapri lfully iinotincf to tin- inhabitants of t IIAI. I O'l 1 E and virimn . from tnnr Mil Maud, to No. 1 , Granite K( w, w lirre be lias now on i ilnl ilion, jh Nurtli,one ol the niot intensive assortments ol tn I) Una, anions a hieh will he found the eolcbralrd Ever offi n d in North. Carolina, anions wli m ac v. m ''' whir Ii hna k lined aueli famous reputation in the Sotithi in Country foi Tins Stove he warrants superii-t to any I ooaiug ! row in in III ronaumra le.s lucl, and doi- more worl in a j;ncn tinr, any nthir put up one beside any other Stove of the same al?e in the I nil t', Mali work i a ajfivii time, lie will forfeit the pries of llir Stove, sod quit i the better one.,., " " tli - rlli.C TAX I.N. f jsm: A in Tax I. H r ban.!. S.. 1J. I -.. I. E. C. t.RIER, MienU. On III IS 1'omw'iny bririf iluly ortsni: prepareil to receive appuealton! EUlLDiriGS, HERCnANEISE, I'm iiiltii)'. TIii:, vj:itiiil;n loi Ic, MIIPS AMI I III lit Altt.OI S nd mol kinds of pr" rt j, it ri muni rativc raits p rem u in. It is aimed, in tht ore ili'T.itirn of this Corupa- to make a safe no ,:iu:u for Inn. nmity otrelion to the a-.urro in esse ol la s. and uj-' ji t emir e of, at t.itul fultilmrn! ol .! contract., ii. ..! i.i ti siaettr te t!;e bus in "I toe I oitip.i-y. Xpahclions for Insurance in -iv he made at i--e of I. 'ollip ui v. or in it. a MKI.I IlJl.S hn . P.rr .t, T Work lef-.S lllK rlerm (i as V o rks, u'isr nia rs reiM-etful'y inform tie puh tt: it ll.i y are preparid to r rei t l..i ir llhlil.r Cities, I'oWlis, Villa(i-s, C.d larer Mollis. Tin y i-iitlrd works lit and Hah ich. N t'., w hu h h-e g'.cn li.lartloli to the eitlltna of li.i-rc lilacrs. nhfiestions, promplmss and ability to a 1 cor.lMct, cntartd into, th'y refi r tu ALSO, ALU KINDsS OF PAELOK & BOX STOVES. He has, aiij i.iiialiintly krrp on hand, an satcnsiir and varied stuck of TIN AM) SIIKirr Il.OaV, isi:.ts Hi.tri.r.s, r..vr moA ni:i i HAT HACKS, ('ILU)LES, &c, &e., .11 l br lil, v lil-n!- u ml Kt-lall i Imijicr tlnmkai rvrr be en nlliri l in lhl Via-lnlly. I would ri tern my thanks to any frisnda and riiatnnicf a for the very libers! pair, i,.r, ii ., lo-.towcd upon na. ai.d thrj may rest arid, that I shall endeavor, by eloat atti i n. i ,, together w i tn a de Irrin trial ion to pleaae, to try and merit continuance of the as me . I,ni!ics and (Irnllcini n arc arliriihirly imilcil lo fall ard fxaminr hifi N.K-I will e you hy I head my iMitcrliai m.s-M W iy intnr Wnain,".,,,,,,., - have Ihr. c ;fcona rna-laallj Its vein i,e l),n ngl. the enuntr V, it!. Sloies. .ill ortltr trill br fa illifiillf tifil ; ii, 7 alii mt il lo & A. A. X. 3L TAYI.oi:. rh.Ultr. June IC, I P-,7. 3( I'- J...H. i ..,, Fr. Wm Joi.ii.ti ii, I r. i l)r I H-irsr. Pre I ..I. I. II. Young. 1 A. . Slur v. I'r.s. I, r . T. Story, W. S. S.-ho.-ner A liar. f. . t bur. A leal. I.J . C . K i: i. (tai .l.itlle ra . VV at, rlo ..ll M., .S. .1 A ' II T. (tale If. (Jr .i t ll.v.ll S. J.mes, Geo. W. 1), I. c:. T!,os. j. ii:..u:. v I. Use tl.-i e s ma n, OKKi EH. John A. Pirrott, Levi T. Oglesby, W. . Long, I'.. A. Thoiiipsnn, A. Ii. ! !ia( W. II. f.ra w. s. i...n;r. ; ex in i tiw: iii.i w. ; ii. v Mirrh I j. K-.".. ml W I e ! I! In u.l Eerier, I II. OiVis a ;:ariit E. M.iletl Pr.. .... nt Vice l'n siiieiit Trea.urir Attorney S- irutary COMMITTEE. (lii.-ilOS ; WATER IK iI'-K A. l'OW ES. ! apt. 1 1. !-.. MURE TU LE ADMihEI) TUAN THE , KICIIEST DIADK.M Worn ly King's ur KmptTors. What? Why a Beautiful Head cf Hair. Itieauae It n the ri aimnl -'d lnmlf piari..d 12 -a a,-.-: , CANDY JKACTOKV. sr., Ac ' Ki:lQVAIa. 1 Hi:i onf rlenrf and ' i -i v i of Mi ' r I V A Nl.kllET In ' lh- si .lid opposite tin I're.Sytsri nt - they are receiving Hireet lioni -i addition, to their stock of COM'F.I TldM I. It I I S. I ATilM .ltlM I. Hit .. Ar Aoort.g i heir sl.H k mi y be Ion ml i . -i i -; i allv a. ' t in a slurs if'tt-i. kind A c ' um oIo: I 'Iru, urn . .. Ui. VI. , 4;.. T..y h hl.l!. Piri. E lul'v aUi-n'.ion. Kverj consideration of duty and in the circulation of the Arrtcu'.turist, jive. "f ?rs'l",,'1r tA of. :TC'. !a'"J persuade j 0, mhM t can, teIt f0't , brief article, u to l.ia invitation, and not to l.arde.j jTir hearts. Ixt every other voice t e -i eut while Jeasls a! taka. J dumb, ye v -;e-. of eafure and of Luniness and of .".'v.ti'jt-, and 1(1 tie voice tf O'oi be h-arl. ') -a, n i. i-l.- ;, vjlc-es of our faBii- i. Jiii A .. .r co'atitry, sr.d give place to the ii.. Eicrnai. iVe would L ar what '"' I"' ' 'peak. " Kepei.tye, arid o ,i , in-. ss pel.'' L'vt-.-b to tint vuieo, : .-j vet ,t nil is the r-ouiod of mercy ' 'live L-ed t o it, whii it ia t:,e v ee lyf rdeine .iation ar. i of off- red par- 1 u. tu., wait not tid its silvery tone a are !e. to far ci,an-t'i to te Lar-ti ace. uts of juitice U'natioii, and wrath : ' I re-id-nt of the mining district, for the pur pose of treading the Lack track. Horace i r ..i i . i , One of the many friendly .uWrihc-r, who """" "J F.t;i,i'.;,i.r Uii.....i -n,.i , I lonj,' cared cnarpcr than lo tuduce hiui to move ouwaru. l tie wtiip ana spur prove!.; fwv.iiK toilers iRn.d i unequal to the task. Every forcible eipedi- j n,t. travelling pi eDt being exhausted, the rider finally re-tor- ttiarge of Una old ami p ted to ' moral persua-ioo." Mellow words P"V3't,s tn of kindufs and encouragement flowed WASHINGTON HOTEL. ,11, era,. lie t .elo lie tie. '' nee. or,v.or tiiat he Iiii on harm aud ia eonatantiv Mlin! in. in Vew York, Confectioneries, Fruits, r.wciv .Hoc nitii s,c TOHACt'O. SMTF. TOYS. Miiir;il liiwlrmtif lit, itki: nti. nonr.i f I it !. lo Ipi ill a, lllnw Hn I":.., . !t;ilra. U rn k.Mnnil,A lliral njjra j .! I I,!. Mnt il. V A M.-nr public p. (rotisge NVw. I fi. I "ir). jmoiii a M- SAI'US, 'J. Ir J. D. PALMEK. 4-Jlf Ufa. lor. ( AM IES ma eoh-rmg tin EAtJMEK WITil "NO TIME T' READ.' ('TlAMiK OP I H'il KIKTORS ) ItltOl M KELT MM lil ltv. . JOHrj F. JONES, Proprietor. , permanently hcui : t..e toilowi.ig. am: ; II th, ctlrhmUd V, The arnter ol lh ri- ad b liesl ..iful All our last year'a subscribers, c'.uii cf t.venty, have renewed, except one, who iid 'l.e could not find tkuo to mad.' Ar.d ttii ma", too, ha-i a family of childieo :riiii; up arooi.l h'.in, wl.-iu he in educa ting to the kuiit.':r,s of fariiiin." tlir i.-i r 'ovi rn -nt upon this t-xt -,h ill le I lii f. l-'irsthi. Tuere are labor -saving t-u-p nt'.i' -n u-h noticed each year in any rn-p'-ctahie ajric-jltur-il piper, to ve much rt.ore t-ian titne sufficient to read not o.'y a popt-r '.f this de:riplio:i, hot several boons b--ide "'r'y. If the b? are edoci- ny the proca ot ncinj kept y announces t he has lake r est-ihli.hlliei.t, a.l ,te traveler, and pn lies with boird by the day or month, o from his lip; but they availed Lothin;. The II , -1'A UI-E will always he furni-h' ,1 w,th th obatiii icy of the aniiual finilly seemed to ha-a i provision, thatii-aoc and fort, gn marsits eai ate fa. excite ice a'Jiuoii.ior, ana in a na; ! prnyin, ha. I threaleniu tone, he exclaimed, "Now,1 tnule, fjr iod a sake, dou't be a n.ulc !'' J iii. vigorous appeii wasprops.-ly responded to. The nou'e moved. 'i'oe Wllililll.loll IIoll'l haa large ,.)ili', ia i.e.rer t'-e i.-pot, loe; eon -I. I ,.ii,e, and ii: loi.iriens atreils ton any other .11 toe City. An Ornmhtin will a.waya be at the depot am! i tin irr- ,1 11.1 y i' i'A-r'o!tTj llKSL's-KD I'rivaie letters fro-n tl,c continent of Europe, intimate thut j the American ollicer", bo na'i been per- st it early and late, with no imere.l iu their n"lte'J lJ tbe L "ltei 't"S lo go to tb busin sseugera to the Hotel l. e ol ji at this llotit, pisM ngi-rs ' i obtain me t ia. r a larr.ii and c .riirr;'! '.u i.t (i.ii. r, l.e is fully pn by the il .y, we, k or inonl Dr. Woon: New York, April IS. 16..A. iear Air, Permit me l evpnas to you lbs ob. ligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its , n-inal color ; about tbe tin" of my arrival in the l on, ,j State, it waa rapidly beconi. in-, gray, hut in- ri the appiic ation of your, " lit slorative " rt soon in-meil Us original hoe. I con.uli r sour K.-storative " a very womlirful llivri.lion. fjij.te I li.e il ,.iu as ell aa agreeable. I .in, mar sir. yours truly, M.THAI.IiEliis. Prvei, a'r Ii n lo I'ydet." We'-I. Newspaper Otte. 13 .S is.a.l St.. April 12 Psos. O. J. Woon .Vir, S.ui.1- month or si I we, Us ago I rei, ,ve,l holl', of y.nir Hair He. slorative and gave it tome, Wile w hi, eonrl tided lo tit ll'.a h.-ir. little flunking at the liu.s tbat New York Sie.m Kefmed t ner. ll and see. W1IKAT WANJ'KD. f M 111 E siibseril sr having purrhaaed the Steam I JL flouring Mill in Una place, is prepired tn A rt liilri I nitil ItniMi r, 'll E furnish Designs. f r f ir Public bmioings. If k .no) Vilise. Part, rnl.r all. it . i. o,w ,, Eieiineg M:!'.. en. M.: ..A' u 3.1 .inn n! I-.i-hi; M'r": -see 11.11. tlrlv),,, II,, A It I IHH.I1 t Ilutual Life Innratte Con.ty or fit t: Kill it-'i buy Wheal, to m.raet price ,r Monr. (Iran leliv. r. d slur. h he will give I lie nights! cash. oil Mi el for sale at the Mill, or JOHN W1LKK.S. '.,8. 2itf CAmMife. Aug. 9. I1 .lA.MKS M. I1DN II V. C VMM! .v.v I ( .' Ml. !i ( II A A T, I 17 II t 1 111 It ft I It I IT, . Y. I'VS and loiwsr-'s everv kind of mere!, an. 11 1 -WIIIS ( . mpanv insures the hi or one year, a term ot ) tiial i rinciple, tin .',' ticipalii.g in the pr. tita of tbt I policne jrantid Ut the who.s when the premium iherrlor " note nisjr te given f.-r i pn , 1.. nly. prompt in' hy i.t p.. inium, is ale dis.oai .loiil I" I ut 6 p- ,,t gr Kef. h'c JOHN. F ion I Ii at tin JUNMS. ilurh I, W. 1 1. i.inens a.akeued by the facts and thoughts ." of war. ,! or'J,:r t0 S11" vmlitarj insight i the suh;ect, which such a journal pre- IQt0 war -ctic, by observation of the con r.N, some of thevj days, that maa will tending powers, have bc-t. refund pass- as-iciiAKLoni-: iiotki,; SEB; : ter and ,. 1 .. . , . ., u . . ' due for 4k t'fr rrnt. , but lo ii. r as w.-ii a a my su r pr ise, a t t.-r a tew j leova. nw am a no .vioreii. ati, . v iaoiin, j . vv . o e j . .. . Us' r.nal it I, is performed I! at wntideri'ul etl'i ct ' a borne, ( '. I'. n hall, A.M. tiornian, E.. j Ai. i s, th, gray hairs to a dark brown, at ""' Prenis, n. W. A. .raham, and raetory pr. : beautifying i,nd thickening the j "there. I'ralrr in Pianos. Mel.Miron.. (Ireatie.j nd the abnse hestora. i narpa, ..uuara, .viiisie. Mewing rttaeninra, iron t l.arles t..r y turning ail lie aamc fimi ,ir. I stroni iv lo all p r lo ir hair. i. LL ft- r-rrai-nt world S i; isuNK. a the L' he i, h; l'e ef rr.srj". ports to travel thither. I bey conseiierit- ly returned, to Eni'land, to await Th meu who trot 'il';oma,lc eoHMileration of the matter "i oi oi "ciions ; wnereas ine-e cuileu tales officers bad been enjoined, by the n to prepare f-jr r-f I'J pi!gr!U,a,-e. aii'i the world, l',oi Ivr iiia future ami tferi,ii home '11, ere LO time f r delay. 'J'iuie U exceaJinrrly precious It files, oh how swifi'yl I'p ;u its golden polhts ban ebtnifeies, realities. We ahou'd b up and actit.- wiib rejsrd to th, fut ir- world. A few more riMij"; and se..,r,jr sin-, a.jj thet the u Jit cf death wi:l .!-, " in upon us ; and w!i-n we ; down int , ti -,!. -,. i. of the (frate, a 1 opportuni ti. s wi". l ','T fjrer.-r. of caliiti upou 1 A 'iee-"! '.'.y f-j, par ion and a pr- para tion far il- iv ii a-,. btppine. " '.Viiat cver ti.v i.ur.i llr.i.ih to do, doit with thy want iis.p oo the farm, and his boys will be "sem:ii.' their f irtune " in some more invi ting,'. T'mriJhf livti,' by their wit-, at they call it, or in t-laitJ w ,r !-. live bv windliiif the i -rio. ratit. will u.e,t iikely tiu-i one Kood custoai- ' 'soverBinent, to remain atricily neutral aul i.i tut ri. i ,i, l .,,,1 , 1 ni'.rely to act as looker on. tioranee l.-n tiinca nu"h ai be ! U'd to exrcul f,r ii.f .rmatian. l'j-nk- I ' R'-'Sf.''i UIB .d li-ln.iII I'I ON "Wlr there's a wi.l there's a v." ' I-ol-il. We under-itand, from wh 1 a man eii Cud tini's far ariTtbimr whieh i"'','-r T'tirely reliable iource, that Moua. , "' he con-ideriof s'afiici-nt importance ; aud . MwKtt, who recently crossnd the Niagara ' a!.o "when ti.eru's i. trout there's a way," j r'Tl-'r on a ''e''1' fp8 has determined to ly and there caa be but little doubt that ' ttcmpt the more diflicult but len.-f dangerout , "can't find time " is another, prrharn eauer , u'at of walkm.v a rope to be stretched across in wint of audi a change of CHARLES CAKIEV. Nrw Ynaa, July 25, 18..7. fidenc, do I re. Safes, Pumps, (.nnl, n fiiiginrs Ac. A printed' Hold, list of all the different ninU. is, and priree I Husfed, (Jueolio. pn.b.r. sent fitt. Publisher of an rlegsnt lilhf of II. Mi ker, K. P. Ustllp, ' ' Hxrkory fiat limp," N C. (.) and the ( MSSo.i ro,, Itirb'd II. Hatl'r. re iih lr,,i... tl " a arc paid wittnn ' ol is presenti d. lii li Ei it t:s. s E Johnston, Mm " 5 '"' W . U t ke, J. '" r. r i -i.s h. li lt r CBe H BOItMs II A It I.I) I T I , . hair t while pave graeullie g w hisscrs w Inch were dark ; i nt t; and I ill re- rn IS. rgviin la-H-C-fK -M. a Train t u at we coo- ; irave t l ' Ii iveli't the dlip Ji.ti jrj. ix-i'iiMjr (j tiii: m:.v. A fiii'1,1 hr.i ji-t n'atcl the follawirj" m'L'ht ; knowle l;-e. ti er th'OU J'.st- the grave, w.,ith- ataas.n nicil-iit wbtct. f-jwl b'i'i in Lrooklyn, c-ptive powsr in the hc.i ly credited w itli. The f, occurred in hi: i bowing more per tha'i she iv u-u-,1- hen bouiii'' ine raiuproi is aLers. i ,s frsst iisi. an Jlc pi rformed, in nil probability, next fall or ! house, snd il h winter, arid ,t , biirlily probable that Mem J phis arill be the point chosen by Morn. IJ ; for this second great exploit of walking across a river on a tightrope. Mwj,i. HAITI' IN .,0 1. Kelil n inake) its p WOtld 1 'ii. the CX'i i, arise" to flie dvt,d I j, that life of ol difrii-e i -i -cer h; py iu ' te ! ' -s- j-.- wi, , !, "t. r A ('hri't foni O I'm j-1 U:c!i ia .-, ei'u. J.I.- y ret'lered Niihfj en "j;; of this We In ay p '). III J. i, d a ro ds, w- iltii may t'aih. r II it plcasjiei aud ad vautae f.-CRT lfn:;sr. Li,owm tl' AND IIobiieii. e.'-'s for breatfast found a cracked one in! ' ' the tnorni:; of t tie 1st, some t..e water, which ou cxamiiiaiion proved to j "coundrei ignited a keg of powder which hid l i-lad. It waa tr.ken to u-e fur a ti'-st e.-j, , prev.'yu-ly been piacel under the (jouit but a in n when about goin to lay, spied it, II J'l-c at I'ort 'iit,on, Miss, and about b ilf and lit or,'- with feet und till threw ilouttl'' bubJiri-r was blown to atoms. J'hthher u; on the floor, and proceeded to demolish 'f office adjoining wa also destroyed, and it ey prek.o and seratchitir, not eating it J his vault robbed of about SluYMO. The h iscicr. Mm then resutned brr place and i damage to the building ia e-timated at from s'l-r very earefuly lookiu over a ce w ! f I ''."O'l to?l'JHil. No clue has yrt bern , 'ae..-l i.i the ne-t, proceeded to bu-ifjcs dicovred as to the perpetrators of this hell oil ws fi, ca'kini' over h f success. I ah ant. lUE Proprietor of tins ih I. i is till at hia post ready to I ill- dunes of inine host " lo the lling puh, ic and oih.-ra who t!..tleis I, in, -ill that hi iilc rtai l'i ijii irtere cnn b- found with him as t where ii, toia vicinity. Pi "g silual-,1 near, in Hie c-i. Ire of Charlotte, liu-iii' es Aim will 1 tins Until a most conn mi nt ami :, tirahle ation. II, hna been engaged in H.r s. I nearly rightei ii years, anrl in that made several iide.ilions to ma 'miner been greal.y ti,I..rg ,1 and im. pr ved.p.-. ..i, ling in front a two .lory V ill AN lA :)0 feet in lei gth hy IS feet iu width, handsomely hided by tr'is on tn, side-. walk , adorning a plea. sunt pr,,,!,, na"- at nil hr.lira of the day. 'I m II , use has been thoroughly furnished thro', out, and in ev- ry pait of it i r- aluri; lomioiis are .0 n . ant and luigihie.e.piei V.y ,r, ihe I'l.NIM; K'l'itl. w-m-re ti.e "inner man" is "run wed " d.y by day. ; Cnneetei! wit'i tliis II .tel are St..!,'.-. sfTorHing . room .,r lo'l horsr s, ahund nl!y furnished willi 1 gram au i nrovi-nder, attrii.ied ny intnful and . , ,'iig eg ho-i:, ra. Th- Proprietor feels confi, lent thi.twiHi hls'ong ) e v p. rienr e ml many new adviiit-ig' s added to Ins ... -ire to pleJre, be ia preps red to uff. r Ins fri. iida . i I'd Ihe ' rest of mankind." ' mny eon,f..r!a ai d ia much go' .1 cheer lie Will be found Buys. I, ire, perhaps a lil-l, more so. J a-At any r .te Tav the h-irlolf. Hotel. J. IJ. hi Hilt ht..U, VI. !.,. .'Cut ral color. II also has re. Iieve.l me of all i u ff a nd unpleasant common amour, pereona who jnirspir, freely J. ;. hll.UY Paor. Wein About Iwi jeara ago my hair eon.mineeil fiilling on and turning gray : I waa fast becoming hn.i, and had tried many Itemedlea to no i fi". ct, 1 eoiniiieneed nanij; your Keatora. t,ve in January last. A few app'ieationa fasten ed my hair firmly. It began to fill up, grow out, and turned buck in Us former cohi, (bl.ek.) At tins lime it is fully restored to ita original color health, and apne-uanre, and menu Ma use to all. ( meg,,, 111., May I, Wi. 1 he Itesiur .tnc is put up art I'uv.ieias ; ot Inula I.i inr Tn IIiiith This invalll able ,wn.y aieier should he llirv.rj house. It treats of all diseases, has Copioin glossary snd prr-si.rihr the remeiin s from nalurc'i Ixiunteoiia alorea, lor allnur infirmitie. and nna fortilnra. It ia pi. nte, I on foe white p-per , ha nil hound fourth rdilion, 3111) pngr., snd n matlril frrr fur one dollar. New liosewood Pianos, tl.'iO. trh. Ifi, s,:,H. ly rfull y recom. J. It. HUES. lavtlle and rei st I. id, I of 3 sizes. ; the small bold. , per butt:, j the me. r.i nl more in pro. for two dollars per per cent, more portion lh: n the .mail, r. laiia Id boltl. ; the Inrpe holds a omrt. in pioport.on. sod r. tails h.r 1. I). 1 iKl)ti I'll., Propri, tors. lll Itioaili New York, and III Market St.. St l.ouis.Mo, sohl by all good Drnggistssiid Eanr y Cods I ers, and iu Charlotte by Si'AKIt A I II. S. M.IIOWK LL, rh iii 'p 9 lash Paid for Hides lY S. ,M. IIOWEI.1,,3 do Mansion House, rolle, April 6. S.', uuth of the 5lf WITNF.PS TICKETS!, for the f ounty iuJ l-upi rior ',, fur naie la-rt. Saddle tt Harness Hinufacturpr, THREE lotifiltsi hiiIJTII fir THF. M A NHION tlof nil, I'll aki.o'i ti; .c. I rAllUllMleofHsililleesli,: Ml, ihortesl riolire. cUIIEIf Hr. Cli.rle. E. Johnson, I'r'ii'1' "' AV. W. Ilohien, Vice Presid.nt II. II. try. Williaina II. Jon. s.Tressul. ' II. W. Ilnsled, A'lorii' V. ( I 'r. VS in. II , Alt Ki . , All ih'- -"v ltrrl,tr -U- I!"""'. Ke-, bath It. Hoot. . , ,,i I ,w,-ie( iiM,d f ruM"';"'""- M J,.i,.n. M. W'l V'K liicir.1 U. Ilaywomi, AI. I'., Eor further informnln n, 'I"- I'1""' .,, " nd to the pamphlets, and f.emsol p jii. may hti obtained at lh. I' ol l"1 or anv ofila Ager-eiea. . ,,!, Ii1' Coiiiinuiucalione .hould be ami P",d,0 lt.II.HATTLK,-;:r Stptrmlitr 8, IK.,7. t tn a li at the - A v TV f,'t '' 1 f liEI'AIIIINf; promptly excel,..!. Jan. I'l. IM.',H, 37tf i'aOi'SJSIOKAJivjAB). it . n. .ii. out: "V Ml.I.he pleased to receive Profes'ionn I falls f in the deparlmrnta of M KIUI ly. anH 1 SI NI.EKY. I nlres pr.,(, ss, ,.:,!,, ,;.e,,l, he ' nnv he fon nil at hia reaid'-nre, Kurt Ib pot, 1 York Hlslrirt H. . . I'J, IH.'.6. 1 tf 1 .1 JOB iii pr.jfs"HM; -f n .rn e,orillllllsly ,.eelllre IS Win, oUHrF.NAS fr k1 '

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