evaTarapiTajveaiaMiiaiaaiawaBjn ' - . '.'4' A!' vf-. . '-.fa . we mf fin : wmoitwx S: llrue lo 6oS.- to jeu. Boujiiiru, xyit) fo Hour &irjj.." OS3:L:t3LiO,,X,T3Sl9 '.NT. O., -A.TJG-XJS'X1 S, 1839, volume; s. THOMAS J. HOLT ON, Editor 4 Peoprictor. TEHMS: The North-Carolina Whig will be afforded toaub. h.re at TWO IIOl.LAMSin ndvai.cej TWO i'miI I.ARs1 ANU V CKNTS if payment be i ,rd lr inn- moi.ll.;...! TUUfcE IHUXAKS ', thr rn'l ,,ie J"""" ""P8"' be "':on' t ,iod until ill arrearage an- paid, except al Hi ',,, nofllic Editor. v,)v(.rll,,nii'nli-'edlt'fPlliirperiiur 1 6 line or IrM, tin '' y I) f" the ftml m'r. .,i andiJjceut. breach continuance. Court ad. ,.r"..i. r.l -hnrnedos per renl higtoer I 1 diducuuu of JJJ P cent. ie m-de !.., II" r. ful.r pr.cea.lor advertiser, by ym.r. Advertisement mauled monthly or hurierlv. t l Pr ir lor ch time. .m. ,,,"ntlilT4 cenUper.nuarefnreiiclilniM. PorennaVhen lending in thsir dverliaen.cnt niu.l mark the number of inaortiou deair.d or ,ly will be inaeitmt until foibiil aud charged no cnrdingly. tj-.'oetin.atere ere.utln.rnrd toaclai agent ""T. II. DHEM & CO., It liOl.l Al II A HIT All. DKAI.I IIS ts BRITISH, FRENCH & AMERICAN 1)I!V GOODS, ( A Ka"I'l , II AT, IIOI, AND HAitnw iitr. t II !.... CII.4IH.OTTi:, s. , C. J A Sui.. Ja, T I.rvtTE AuiM,. PICKLEDEPOT. ii o r r o aT ii r t i: k HAVE en hnd and f. r alr. P.cklea. P'e. arrvca. Jama, JeHira, ityrnpa, Jte., low for I i v J Iluor hl of it' I ")rt M o. HOUSTON k HUNTER. t W7, Ofl.'.'G. !Hi8. 33;f , At JWrIi'' 1'iicrt: AMI I'HII l: i inch. I .'i i t, per loot. ..Ij .17 . '21 " " ..6'i ..; J ' 4 p'.y ' I r sKaV.I.KSS BKLTS n.anuf.clutcd loord.r it lort .K.tice. I O.V.Vr.f T.VrV IIOSK of all . for w.ler r .l.jia pr,..oi',. Jrr.d .. raw. ! ,Waa urra rr. AUMJ j tf It IK. of .11 ye.criptmna at 5S cent J. H. V. ROONE. laif M,v 3'. 15". fc Hcmovnl. Hl; .nbrnhf intofB.a hi friend and the puhue frrlly, th.l In rruioved In Si .y i tuv old eU.ia ol Moor 4. Ilvtr.y, under I.. .. Wiiii.m.- Siore. en Trail iirert. where he prn.arrd lo .Hi lid lo ail orner. in hi. line. Ha .1,11 1 Irw article on lie ml auth a Golden Cock. Golden Star Planter's and Premium OOK STOVES, .,!..-, i.ly of i'.w.i.(u. .sTovi:is. A grH orlmrtii df iii.U llollow.aie, i MUf l.irU I ii: MllcUap Ut I AMI or ( oun 17 l'f'H.ce I. II. HYERLY. ..II.IHiH. iill $3 iSotice. fl'IIOSE 01 my fiirn.ia who ar wdrbted to me at by ?tuia or Account, will plra.e obarrve Ih.l 1 1-., re 'rtirro Iron, the Diuj lln.ine... at tine I'irr, and immrdulr a, (tmn i abtatultly n My lh.ka ar in lh b 1 lo no tt.ona cal. t-i nd. of Mr. J. r. Smith, 1, during my ' per, II. M. I'RITCHARD. 3.1tf f'aarfufir.Orf. 56, (jti NEW FIRM fpsllK underaignrd having entered into Cuparl Jl iirt.hip f..r the purpoa of carrying on Ihe CoiilVclioiiary.JJakcry, Fruit, AND Retail Grocery Business, H- lraie to call Ilm attention of Ihe citirna of I'liarlntia urid autrnundinf eonnlry lo lha.r New Si . I, J 1.11 I r.Oe SUrrl, Ih Iscii Hi !!' and Prank, eiilli.,;.',, i Sprnl A I.nirl'a old Sland, whrre thry woiid b pleaard lo ar. all their friend ana Kf'Jil.ill.LnrtH. MOODY it NISRET. f'Sroarj S, IP'S. 43-tf Notice A El, prr.ona, whoa Nolra and Acrnunle are aV cue.owuig lo lb undt-ra.gncd a Tiustve, rr rarnotly rrqutated to c.ll anil etltlr, aa it 1. important that the true fund b niarahalli-d at aa rly a day. mm por.ihlt , Krmenibcr, indulgcnr . ar girt. W. R. MYERS, Tru. tee of Lernv Spring. Ja, J'J Ifc.-.H. ' Ibtf HAWKS'S History of North-Carolina. 'tut. Jud vnln.ua i now puhli'.'cn. II en... M. biare the prriod nf the Proprietary Gov. Menienl, Iron, 1603 lo 1729. j It form a handaoiiie Hwi. vol 11 in of 59) pages. The aubacnplion price waa half a cent page; but the pflc, ,M, vnluin i lea, ay 'J 7.) in elolh binding, 3 in Library ahrep, and $.1 25 III ' oall calf. It will t notu om.v pna l as... , Owing to the difficulty of securing Agent in Many p4rta 0f la Slate, w will forward it y mail or otl.erwiae rr fMtugm, on receipt of the I" ii'; ur both volume, for tl cloth, M 50 herp, 1 or half calf. j A liberal di. count mad to Agent, or nthcr. liu buy lu .ell again. 1 K. J. IIALK Si SON. V"rtie, f.mw. lSiPj. 3atf-P tiECUTlONS for tbe S. Court far telo. I it XL Piano. and Music Store. T tK Subscriber k.-ep continually, on hand Hianr.a m.n:r hy .Sti-niwny &. Co., Nunii'a it Clark iidolher maker., f New York. Which ha will aril at thr Inn-eat rntra lor L'.i&lf.nr rood pa. per, Al"", In lateat Mmie on hand, at ro. IbU Mnin airrrt betwren the Exchange bank and the Abierimm Hotel, rnlunil'la, fi. C. , SAMUEL GARDINER. ' " May I0( IS58. It' E. L. KEURIHO.V, HERMAN L. LEIDI.NO. Kr.uinsoN v M:ii)ir;. iMioin eiis Foreign and Domestic Cry Goods, WIor.FSAI.E AM) l! ETA 1 1., luar.L ararrr, on boot raou kino, ( lltitl.l.MOM, .. . April", K,0. 7-1 r i Ii.ii lullr lliilual I'irc I ii ! in aurr iiii;iii). U HIS COM PAN V eoul.nuea to lake riaka a. asV jraint ioa by firr.on flouaia, Gocda, I'ro uure, eVc, at uruiil r'a. S.j Ollira at the 1'rug More of K. Nye ilulchi. aou K Co. crricERg. A. C. rSTKKLE. i rtttdrnt. C. OVERMAN. Yire I'rru.knt. K. NY E HUTCHISON, Secy. $ Treat'r. Mttr.i tmih. A. C. STEELE. J. L. Jir.OVVN, M. V,. TAYLOR, S. T. WRlisTON, C. OVERMAN. F. SOARR, tt'M. JOHNSTON. John L Rrow.n, F. Scarr aud 3. T. Wriston, I'.xeeutivt Committee. Ajnil 2G. Ib.',9. 7tf -';inn nnn Xn ?v Trees WESTBPOCKS U P1ENDENALL, ' Froprirtori of the Weft Cretn Xurteriet I arj liutilrnt.enr (JiremluTo, A". C, ! V I'UlM) pry o.pcclfully call tbc .tliution ' j of ti cit. am. of Ihe Southern Sutra to ) Ihrir vrry larfe .lock of nl:e and arrhmatrd 1 i Kr.iit Tru a, lor lb Kali and Winter 'I rie. j Tina l.rpe and h.ndaonie a.aoriinerit bna been . i p, up.. , ted lioin tnrilty btal.ng trera, arid work.1 td upon I lie lel arriving locka. hii h a aute ' gu.r.nl.e of !'rul:u!n mid longrtily , '2 prnmi. um I ch.ra'(rriat.ra in or Itarding wbich .iiould nol be overl.'oked by prraone wi.hing to pi. nt or. ' eh. rua titi.er t, r u.r k ln.g or tuimly ue. The atM-k ron.i.ia il the lolioa in; lier . : , j l.'.li.llf 0 A: tri-.a ; lOn.tOO Prar'n fca ; 10,. i iliOII Pnrtrrr.: 1 9 IHMI A or icut : IO.IU.0 Chrirv : .j yno fluin ; il lid .Nrrlnnoe ; IUf'1) Almond;, WM) Qu(lltt j 4ihjo Grape Vine. j Ilr.iiira a ,1 ry fine a .oitnirnt ol Curranta Str.wb.rr r-, llaahrrrira, (Aon brrrm, . tc, all of whirh w.il be ."loon v, ry rra.onable trrma for c.ii or approved pm-r. All pirk.fr. pnl up in iuprrior a'ylr, and coinpirle into. re .rot lo r.rii patr.in, and o ar- 1 r.nrd Hi. I tl e mv.nre will be the rrgi.t. r ol lbc orrh.rd ellrr the t.eta are trdii.pl.nli d, if tin V are tr.n.iU ptrd erh one apir.ra on the lial. Mr. T. J. Ilulton Kill ai l aa Crnl for Hit, for. ni.hl.ig of the pvoplr ol .Mi rklrnOlir; .lid l.rifli. Uring countii. wih t'.r !,. Kruit '1 rrr. and will uka plta.ure in forwarding oru.r. lor the !. 36 I VS. 31if. Dr. II. iM. rritehard 1 " i I'.I.I'I Nil In ihe aoiiciialirr. of i.i. nv In-i.e., rr.pectlul.y auuoiin. In tint rmili iluiii lo rr.uuir Ihe . iir 1 !,' Tlfttiriu.'. be con. nilcd nt In. . fli e. Ii"Thr m.or prrir,b.d lor Wlllioul charge. AKI SI. I a",,r nn: ii 1:1: n VliiO HA TOR! 1 I.H- Itll I' V I'R S K"I! !. (ompoundrd rulirrly from (.IMS, s . 1.1 K MUST l-l H.HTIJK I l V..I VK p.l-ll ,ng Ihf l.loofl, lllllnii. mini Urn " l'il r. .r,-..ot..l. i-. l.l.a, Invl.iiraliir. . In l.oll, . -l.il. . .. r . . ,., 1 hull. l.a.lrie. ii " .- Illnr- llria', h) rii-nin ,1. W .., ,M. e,;.,... ... mt '. loll. TVl"-. ll n,.l- ..1. .r.,u.m iu ihu-aua. j y, .lil llll) U, II. AM who use If p rr cla'lna; (heir a Imiia. tral.li..) lo Us luv.il. .rlltl o. r (tie mo.i.H a. , ( I .... Invl- pjuiittor. oo.l anll,. I....1, lute, lliri-. THC I.IVER INVIOORATOR la frttiMl'ir i Wi il. IKM-nvritv. ! S. l s.i.MiiRn a liolr.alr Ac F. SC ARR & CO., Ch'irlutir, aV. C. A LARGE SUFFLY OF (Nonstable M arrnnls JUST F HINTED W I L3I I X CiTOX IiRAlVCII. NEW STOKE, KAi.NWEII.Kl. 5f BRO'S. Ut (Ivor rota T, II. Brent J- Co.'s Store. a m AVE opened an entire New Stock nf Fancy JX.fi. and SUpi Dry Goods and Millinery to which they invite the atlenlioti of the citixen of llit place and the surrounding country. Our Slock conaiata of every variety and of the ; latest tyl Kieh cal'd Urea. 8,1k. Uc.l. d lilk Silaa, . Hl'k and col'ii Drmea, Pnnt of yarinua atyli n and all qualitita, lli .t quality ( Kid Oiuvra, i'lck.mck Milta.col it blk Cotton tSHk Glovea Ho.iery, of all kiud.. Bonnet., Mi, 4 Cliid'n Flata 4 Jockira Itcinnel Ribbona, I.acr Puiuta and M-'nllll i.. Linen and Pique Du.lcra, Tble Dm.a.k i Cloth.; n.ini.. k Napkin, and Doylii,, Ernhri'ii'eriea, Poinp.a-dour and Picuh-niin, Colh.ra A. Sctta, twia. and Cambric Cullara, Mnlieic ano Vltnrie rilecvea. Mil. Iin A: face 8lfrvra, new de.ign,, En.b'd Pocket lldkf., Ilrm St.ehedaml Bor'd likfa, Cainh'c and Swira lUit'lnj;. and In.rrtii ga, Cnnib'c and I It.aiit y ftnd.Hnd Kiounri,i., I.i.le and Krrlicu 1 li'i: Piityiii. 4 Iin-irln ji, Bl k I.jcb Kufingt, lli'k I.nce Vrilf, lire. Triinui.nc., Frincra, rlra.il, lluiioti., tic. ll,i Skirta ol all kiiul.. Pi. id and Strif-d Hotnr.oiir.p, in n Miirtiii,a, bnd Sht-r-tint.'., IDeaM Istng Cluih Slirelinga, Cottt'i, OftiutinrgM, .Mrcilli't Quilt., and A'.o, a g real varirty ol fan. v artirlr.. Wetfler our Stock at riu.urkably low price., nd racLunvai.y for CASH. In addition to our Urge .lock of Dry Good, we b.ve on hand Die brat alucL of Superior ICt athj iKeule I.U 'I lli.YU, "ools , is, )- C arHt Hug . and a larfe aa.orluitnl of f '..Ti. i a Hot ;:. v, AND ntil 1 y .mil limn! iv a rr, at luw price. . Way 24, le'J. II if Mecklenhirg Honds, M.i; r id. p, r u in. .11... riUIKSK UOM'S are undouhlruly the aafr.t JL ii,r,..t,iirnt that cuti l e :.iiue,.iiO are r. ally prrlrrahle to -py SUli Hii.il'.. 'J'hr county ctnnol rc,unirftc. Tory bear areri. per Cent ,ptrr:at payable aeffll. ant.uiiy. wni. I cupmu for the .ante. Thrt .re of the U1I1011111111 t.on of SIOO, whirl, will make thrm more current and u.elul lor do. nieuc purpose.. The coupon, w.'l prove a convrniritt medium for pay. ttk rountv laare. 'I he citizcna ol the i:uunly .hould po.arK, thrm, and Ihry are now ofi'-rrri u ll rm. I'ropo.nl. let) at nhrr iUnk in I h irlotte or with CnpUiti John .rr will n proU'Hl attention. II. W. (il loN. I'r. H . (. If H. R R. C. L".tf - nan e of West. Emigrating to 1 exas Iroiu murderous bm,,), w ho had marred forever 1 friends of the Whig, and Lynchburg tr V 1 , 'ortl1 Caroline, just previous to the Revo- ,be jppi,,,... of ,ha cold, stern man sitting 1 ginian, rs to the proper name for tbe great J.1UUCC lutioo by which Texas gamed Ler freedom, - n 1,; "hor.P. lookinr imnaasivelv on the ,( )rr,o,ition forces in 1 ",(. '1 hey contended r1IIK firm of lit- M)Ei:.-ON a AIIRKNjs wa. ... ... ................. . . eon. ml. JA. r. HKMHRMIN, will hereallrr rrv on the bus. nr.. on his owi. account. All t All rd and ..edup &' i.ona iuticbli-il will ph .isc come fi.rwa Itle at once, a. lue liuiu-s must be ch imcliaUlt. HENDERSON i AHRK January ItjJ. II .YIM1 ild mr enure intirot in Ihe fir Ihe hrill ol I!:MH;(su. AH HENS i Mr. J. r. HEN. 10 Mr. j. r ri main for .u,i PEItSfiN, I .li.l eapret o ri mam for .o,ue tune jet .1 the .tore and .hall be happy lo ail on I the store and shall be happy lo y trirnua and cu.lonu-ra, p.rtiL-ul.,rlv on thon vino would lork over the litiir change, due n.i and li.e c-.nccrn. F. . A II REN'S. January 4I-tf A.f.. IrVTTXTArVrKO. A TTOKNE' TTOKNEY and Counsellor at Ew, husta k. n an . fli , jointly with J. A. Knt. E.q upstair, nnt cW l.. the Court House, whrre he II be ...... ...... ,.M s-.i. in. I niude for liini.el ll, or for Mr. V. when he Janutiiy i, 1 8."1 tf Wanted aftaffc afk. ()RIS OK TAN HARK. f,.r JH. . t f9 which the c.h wil' be paid, 7 M 1! Ti Villi! t. i.taio u. ,Wy .71, Is.'h. liif 1 ! out fear 01 the eouseque nee. As must be en Jmcs River, near Jamestown. '1 'wo of 1 a cf ri.,i.ting the ligb-bauded ' expected, this uiauly couduct brought to him them. Charles and Thomas, had lare fauii- I -...,,:,., pf the Executive, and of re (j(.Il). A cubic inch or gold is worth ,1.M ,hre.ta of vpni.o.ncn from the vicious i;.,. llnrt,..l no ehiidren. 1 ho name ' , . 1 r .1,. .nr,.i m one huudred and forty-six dollars : a cubic f.,. I,p,l,,l .,.,1 Ifiv.iva thm.ann.1 . ., .... iwo nunurca am. eigniy eigui uo inra , cui-iu yaru, six millions eigni uunurcu anu eleven thousand seveu hundred and seven six uo.iars. j ne quauu.y 01 goiu now . ..s. .- ...... . - ... sand millions of dollars, which, welded iu to one mass, could be contained in a cube of twenty-three feet. An Kou Cookeo in tm Sun. Tbe ther mometer ranged as bigh as DO degrees in the shade duriug a part of yesterday. How bigh it waa in tbe ruu wo cannot say, but we . .-I 1.11 1...1 .. 1 1 in the sun Saul egg wa, placed upon tho! roofofourotT.ee. and remained exposed to: the direct rays of tbe suu above two houra. When we broke it we found it cooked too "hard'' for our liking even tho yolk being " bard," tievertbless we ato it for the novel ty of tho thing. yor'olk Day Book. A Sliuiit Mistake. What is fame T What is fortune! Nicholas Longworth tbe ,, . . . ... ' ! Croe.ua' of Cincinnati, worth in money from $3,000,000 to 50,000,000, while fitting! tho other day on the step of a house, with ' bis bat between bi knees, waitinir for a friend, was the recipieut of twenty five cents from a passing gentleman, who mistook biin'th,t beautiful province wrested from her or a beggar. K' jcf?"a'f "lf- I i, it r,A ,i . V,, ... . sr, . . , , . zation, all who ehared the common anitiment 1 :""".""r ,:. ' r ., p. ,,la " "'"rcn8nJ;o ' -P" ","",ejof ,ne , p,r coud enter without any ; , . J V,Ce " tr,0lllnTe ? ' "r frK-nd-,Muro ,C0,.,CCrt cf "C,UOn-"- aerific of c.-pecr, or the pride of cormi.' Z kSi3K ; ad, coHimeuiorattve of Au.er.cau prowena prcg our V1CKP on ,ue, ,h.ru now dt- j P F .ibyae. aud land. Here .itting op the bare ; vilie lbc COUIllry-eon,o!,dle our atrength , J forJtiol) 0f the "NATIONAL ,u v v LfJ , floor, m a party of Luntera, looking on t m1(J take ruch step! a" may be ncecsaary to .. . iiiTV" rroni the New Wk ledger J I ,hc Mral,Ee doinc to then. of their more : ,uB forn,inn of the meat " National IV i l.r'y. .... " Old General writer i;.,ii,.n r... ....I lh..,.M l..,.,, k,,l ... good .opgwriter.. To J" lo nl, good r,pt,one iha t will ,'"and that'th. rpU i ., , i ting, a nmn n.ut p a.caa thoae rare power, which , . , .i i ,, enable him lu pour furth h einoliona in mellow, ll.eiuu.ou. rcr.c iiiu.il.i me w.roiiog o. oirn.. In all tliia G ncral Murri rxrrl. He ha that indeacribable gift which enahlra ita posar.nor to throw a Imlo of beauty and aplendor aruiind the moat com nmn, everyduy thirga. King Cotton. r cKoat, p. Moan. Old Cotton ia kin,y, hy aha ! With In lock. n nmn.ivc and white '. He ahinia among king, like a tnr ! And In i the crptre f right, Ih.y, of right. And hi, i the sceptre of right ! II. ()itl ("otlnn, the k i n u , lim nn c rr, Mo qur nt ana mi nt-ir tu In? t r nt Nn courlicfp. i.it lriunihfj to -hurr, lie ruir In rimitiiiiono alone, Iti.yilonc! lie ruim hi a faOitiiiii.mil alone ! in. Oiil Cotton, the merry old boy Like einol.e from Hie pipe 111 111. 11101.1 Hi. years glide away in their jny. At hon.e, in the wunn aunoy aouth, Hoys, the n.uih, At home in the warm aunny aouth ' IV. Old Collon will pleasantly men Whin other kinp. painfully 1,11, And ever and evrr r'liinn. The mightif-.t rnotiHrrh of all, liov., of. I. The ntiglnii-.l iiirn. ctli of all Then here' to old Co, Inn, the king Hi. tru loyal aubjicla arc w ; We'll laugh and ve'll quaff and c' A jolly old Tcllow i. ne, Hoy., i. In , A jn!ly old Icllcw in In ! lisctllaiuous. THE TEXAN BRAVO. We find tbe following story in a North cm paper. As several of our cilizi us (says tbe Matagorda Gazette) witnessed the stir- rnr, ,t nf tht d.c .nnia of thpin may rcoileet the occurrence : .Many year ago,s.ys the story, there lived near San Antonio a faun y by the tbev had eooe throueh ail tbc trials inci- Qprji l0 iuai noruiy per.oi etormy period, aud were, by 1 -.... . 1 ... ,i, "-l-'"u'"o" """"" mong tbe brave. Shortly after the couolu - sion of the war, John West, the youngest of ,the three brothers retur.tdtoN.C. taking . "b bim on bis return to Texas, one of the most beautiful women of that State renow n- ed far and wide for her beauty. For some ..... . . t"r;e years ocdd nesi teems to nave real- ( lEeu that ideal ol happiness dwelt upon so mioh, yet ao aoldotn realized in this world. tits v.ue-cl.u cottage, bis humtue out noror- auie avocaiiou, ni awcci wuu anu miaiii. daughter were bis world, aud be sighed for no other. There can be no paradise on earth without the slime of tbe serpent being visible on its Bowers. anJ this one was no ! exception to tbe common lot. Th Rovolu- , . ' . " . , tiou bad indeed galueu lor I exas trcefiom from Mexican tyranny, but han ie.t her over- run itb 00urjdrel of every dye, w.10 revel- , r . t ,ia ..i,rVprI r t her . . T . . by Uk or that tiling stronger than law public opiuiop. Strong bands of these ' r ree toinpat.KS roamed Irom place to anus roamed Irom place to .g black ma-.l upon all who to pay it, unfre()'icutly com- aiol wanton murders. Among place, levying black mail upon all who were able milting ihe mo 'the few men who were opposed to these !ll 1: V L . i- . lawless procceiiings uonu es was i-vu- !picuous. denounciutf thr 111 openly with - spicuous, denouncing thr 111 openly with- ,;,. a i,ia .l.llin., Tbi...l ! . . .1 ... li could not 1011,7 rei'.aiu iuus amonir sucu mcn wtihout coming to a crisis, and one cold $torrn. ni ht a baud of men knocked at his door requcstiug admittance. Ills WHO on- -ecteA , pponin)J the door, but the son 01 esl never Knew .ear, am: i without know- in., in.lliiiu, nf ihe I'h.raptpr nf hi .mi., 11 r- .-h --j ......-.-...-.-.. . ,K,no Cotton !"-An .d.mrabl. ng, by civiUicd companion,. Suddenly all are . ion .. in l-iO Hball draw the I i'e tuougbl tuat t.,e .enne.e to .eeuon- Morria. who i ennfdly the heal ao,,C. hu.al.pd Mill .- death, for .he, in.tineti.elv '. . -... i,..!f au.l r. ! tuiD " dveloptd in the ftrure of I -Ol) nfhi. lin. .noalrar..ndl.nnM.:hl. di.. v I... . J...J .r 1.1..J -'j :J 1 ,, F '. .u. ' -.1 I placed tLe L Dion in jeopardy, and he ihed oat visitors, ne aunnnen mem. come ifuigyman ot the liaptist atno.nuis.uoii or twelve ruffians of the most repulsive stamp entered tbe room, aud with loud cries demanded liquor anu tooa. est, still not suspecting any tiling wrong, -i mmri mrui hat tbe house afforded, and while turning to go into tte ether apartment, was felled : senseless upon inenoor uv a now irom oe- ''nJ f immediate.- gagged and bound 1 be sickening scene whieh followed we shall 0 pt to depict. Ibe euu which had arisen but the morning before on a scene of primeval happiness, now lit up, wilt) nts ursl rays, smoldering ruins, blackened walls, two charred and grinning skeletons, sad memo rials of yesterday's hnppiues, two flowers breathed nnon by death ere tbev were faded or ioiled by the aimoons of a hot and pesti ,eDl "orl''- I eti years have flown by since that Licbt of horrors. 1 en years of sorrow, - of rtupeifdouiCn,nf;(i . in lu4t ,;,,, ,aT(, bec enacted some of the mot sublime dramas of time ; the loun star of If8 atill whines rngritiT m tfte nrma inent; bat ominous cloud seem to threaten it lirillai.pv. Mexici asserts her rii'ht to I grasp by tbe heroes of Sau Jacinto. Tbe tccain of war again resouud.i orer the rich wrairiesi and ever, whore the oecnle prairie.-; and eerwucre the people r eager to " w bip Mexico." Recruiting offi eea are eyerjwhero opened ; and into one of; j iioae let ns atop lor a ruoruetn, reauer, anu .1- , , r ni i.:.i,,r ' , i i . I . .. I. ..........J liar." aLouU , t,H commanding figure lo ii cowering and frightened man at Ilia feet, " you are one of .l 11.1 j , the vilnann who tmrnt tiiv houae, uiurflert d -r j in j i i j my w ife and child, and wouid have teryed inn loo .biiio wajru i u.u uvi juv "i . .1,...!.. . . ... f '.. I,,,. i : i :h ,,i: vv: : : i.. t;r -r l,:, i ,. :.!..... .uUr. ,UB .... . .. w- u. - eharice : your iiiusluiio i oood one : mount bini, and if you can get away you may have your life, but if I can catch you, no mercy, for your infernal pang allowed me and mine none, (jo, five minutes the Mart, and tbc Lord have mercy ot you if the muatang fails you " Tbe speaker turned, and walking up to the light, commcnCiQ putting fre.h cr.ps on I.!- .r !. I.i rn.a TV,.. .',,,,''' ,. " maDtowbon, ho had been .peaking arose West rushed precipitately from the room. " What do vou intthd to do with bini. Colonel ?'' asked a coiiiDou, portly individ- ual. coining up anil lauuj. nib nana laminar- i..i. .1 1.1... r it' " ?eua mm to n I, was tne instant re- piy, ii'. me largo .' snruna o.ca ..... ii.- . r dulatmi; sea, termiDating its waves of ver- , . ...j tbe wretch who was thus str angely offered chance for his life was now bastchiui' the crowd, for ail knew Ibe character ol ; thr jreat of n ets w Inch we r-LouXi ever nave Wcat, and tone cared to arouse him. With- ; in view-.he defeat cf the Democracy, aud J If m tbe opinion of tint great p.tnot and outs word to any one, he left the room, ' the lo.ma.io.i of a great National Union ! statesman, a nccesstiy exited in lfn. for and in a moment the furious beat of bia I I'ar.y for the adminis.r.tio.. of the gov -ucb a 1. 1.10.1 party h0W much greater h horse's hoofs told that the avenger wan on ' eminent upon the pure, simple and patriotic ! b necessity in I j J. In l-o", t.ie U iner the track of bis victim. For mile, and ! principles upon which it was orignally fouud- I was only anticipated. Now it i ail existing :i... .u 1 . 1:1,. ill 1. ..i.l ;..f ,U .r.tiv. nor.if"!. I" 1 -!, tho far sighted thy de- with frantic speed. 1 tial in a union possessing so many ai.d such It was a rtrauge race. The moon full ! cc.iflicting ii.tere.-ts. It would enable tho Op orbed rode high in the heavens, sl:edding a position in Virginia lo Fpeak author. tative flood of eilvery radiance on all subjects, ma- j ly for itseif, with calnmeas, dignity and firm kini? it almost as briubt as day. a stilluess I ness to the North, and in friendly adinooi- i profound as the grave ruigned around, bro- tion to the South appealing to each to lay ' keu cLly by the trump of the purued and a-ide all s. ctional divisions and strifes, cul , pursuer. Nearer aud nearer does he draw 1 tivatc harmony and cot. cord, and rally to tbe to the doomed wretch, and with a slniek of ' support of the preat " National I nion Far j despair does tbe hopeless man see that it is j ty," which in 1 l, will in all probability be : impossible for hi 111 to reach that place of the only party that will carry " the flig j refuge. Y.ven now the breath of bis eue- j and keep step to the music of ihe Union. ' uiy'a steed comes like fire into his fate, and i 8ueh a Conveniiou. besides exercising such with one more bound they are side by side a wholesome influence among the sisterhood "pare me ! O, for God'a sake, mercy !", of States, will unite and consolidate our pi.r- yelleJ the terror-stricken lugit.ve. 1 ne onu au9Ber wa, a inrp quick flash; a stunning report, and the fore that Ood whom be liirf crime ou curt). nnniiiifiiiitpti unrl with hi hit ft ttiati V face UDturBd to the sky. the red blood dabblini' ,be RSe(., wlli,e flower, tl,e la.t 0f that e rc ,t.. ,i,,i ,. ,i,;i.:n dreamily of ,he ,lC!ir home and its dearer iumate lost ... jo him 111 this world forever. , lU.-,der, this is no fancy sketch. John West is not the name of the man, one inci- dent of wh-e varied life we have endeav- orel, . rive . but Ha allia iaori,d i- l .1,. rni, .c ..., Shou'd ...r. , .1 r . t...... ll,ni.r l,.. cutl uiri. ll.cetu 11 a naai ......t-. ..v jn perliap. remember tbe night befoie, wais 0f Montery where be told thn : .,. ,. nl. .,.;. in4 . strinpliuu wfao formeil ooc 0f ,lje group 0f listeners. The Clay Family. ,., . -An old letter, writ- a ,, tn. Uf. i!o,. Porffr n,v - " - a - - . then preaching at Alien, II!.. gives the ' r ,, . .. r 1 .-.1 f .t. lonowing nets iu r.gaiu 10 mi o...u m ..10 Clay family : ! your wishes to know something about ,1.. i;.i. .1 ... (ll, ...M nni n iru . i ,uc ' " .' -. - ; within the limit of a letter. 1 he lol- lowing couetse accounts must suffice. In; the reitrn of Ouceu Eliiabetb, Sir Waiter; the reign of Quceu Mirabotb. Sir " llcp . Raleigh brought over to the Virginia plant- , tion. among others, three brothers, sons of tir John Clay, of Wales. England. lie gave . Raleigh brought over to the Virginia plant. ihem 510,0011 each, which was a very largp 1, . -I'l . jortune at mat lime. nieir names soic 1 I'harles. Thomas end Henry. Tbev settled Charles, Thomas end Henry. Henry bad no children. . . ' - 1.. w... 1 i.a Jw i V.,t, I . . . . - ... .. .... 1 i,raiiclies ot tbe lanmv Willi rreat it naciiv eTer gi,ieP. Cassius M. Clay is a descendant , I myself from 0f Charles Clay; Henry and myself from Thomas ('lav. liiu tlifl two proiucrs ai- ; ldPd to are the progenitors of all the Clays -. . - in the United States. M .. C.I.... .a cm. turn lipnr.l WS !k o'liT. , , j -, - He died iu early life, leaving seveu children four 80US aJ three daughters ; allof wbom j died without children, with ti e exception 01 Henry and myself. My mother was married -j. .,. department of the fcdcial govern- Linn Uu.n ( N CumikIESsionai. I.nter the secoud time, and raised a family of six j .,.,i(.v j1(i Lot sfl-,,ct the eqiiiiibriuiu em ion Hon Linn Foyd, who is the de- children, two of them are still living. Na thaniel W. AY at kin and Irauk atkiu. re- 1 siding in Missouri. My brother Henry bas had eleven children six daughters and five sons. The -laughters are all de-id, and one son, II. Clay, Jr.who was killed at battle of Kuena Vista bis wife laving pre viously died, leaving three children, who are with their mother's connections iu Louis ville. Three of my bro'lier's sons are set tled near him in the neighborhood of Lexing ton. Two of these, Thomas and James li. Cay, aro married an! doi. g well -one a lawyer, the other a farmer ; John, the youugest, whom you saw at Washington r.. with bis father at Ashland. Theodore, his eldest sou, is in the Lunatic Asylum at Lex in -tou, a confirmed lunatic. C With dandies tbe most linfashiona Vie clothes are thoso that are paid for. From the Petersburg Intcltig'ncer. re TIIK NATIONAL L N ION PART V 'I II K PRO. POfKU STATK ( ON VVM ION. W'l' liave already britfly noticed , ir,.i.y Bfien; no, a to hold an Opposition State Con- , pr0pOjiicn i ... " .h. r.e, i,h hieh they I le're d7i "bo nation .u honeM, pa- , ,rioiie and con titution1 adiniui.-tratiou of j aim vow mu..i . . I n.i.rniiipiit fc think it erv iitr'Orlant P",K'"u'i-"1- . , , , ' .. t,at ,iU0(j a Convention ahou d be held, ( (h.l 1,6 licld fdlUe 111110111 pii -ill no I . , ., , . .... . : ;M 1 av iv ? ... ... . .r't.r .1.. if t) aa GU.r y.,,,,.,, ,ll0 a ton; unit ue.. .u- i i: r ;n ,nlar aain.i. j e a"ree, too, that tbe Convention should j rjot j,,. a iaIj,e snd over prown assemblage, ; t,ut a toTi of reprcsentatiy body from the : rc,t mas of ilm Opposition patty in Vir- ' jV;,,;a , (.'onveniion of the wisest, most 'lis- crei t and eonservative nun iu tin; couiinon- ; wealth a Court . iou which nil! be able lo , ive exprrafioti to tbe calm and deliberate 1 . ... . f 1-.... lV..n,i.. , , atniiiueiiis oi irj,ii.ia ni,tk out our present counc as a party, 1 with tbe Ulioeramiinill" llla p 1.1 u mo: Fiesidentia contest commence, we will nave ancmer graun cou.ocaw.uo .e.. 1 whelming in numberii and alive with spirit ana entim.iasin-10 Prer.rc .0. ""-- !: ,.f , l.n p ,ti, ,,:... 11 It hppina ! to us mat men a couvem.o,. c..u..u uuv .r . u.-uruc.a. .000. , . - ' . e v .u . 1- ,.f ilm ,rn. Hon of t tie Northern people ol the true .. r, 1. c.i, n,l .luw dn iniieh to J bring about that 'spirit of mutual forbear- ; ance. conciliation nud coucension, so cssen- : ty trentn in I irgir.111, anu tureunoui m.. l iiiouwho-e perpetuity w ever claim its ' , . . , ... i- , .1 ....;,. l-.lmra of obtailiili ' jud 'Mir tit of f he people of the ie murderer stood be-I brst, bijrbest and most persistent labors. J " , , . ' , 1 ,e had ou.mged by 1 We repeat, then, let the proposed conven- ! bo,e coirteder.cj. L.or.,, e to tl.e.r view Gone 1 unannounced, ,ion be held early in September, and iu the but for the rurpe of .Hie,,,,,, tne breach his white ehastlv face j citv of Fetersburg. I 'ctw,-? ''-'"T' '"'J" nit c member that we have Our renders wi had oec.ision, recently to d:fft-r from our 1 fv,r th " ( rrositioti " and we for the " Un- ion " cognomen. Wc arc glad to sec, ho from th Wlow ing remarks of tho ever, lroni tli iuowing remuras . mm ' Whig, that there is no longer any difference 1 of opiuion between us. The Whig now , ; agrees with u that the National Union ' Vary " is the name under which we shull ,. . 1 . .1 : . . ..:., t r, 7 r.liV in l"i)ii .un .nunc a mnva. ..v.w; .i.M. ah-.ll restore the .-overu- ' . .- .,.1 .mv a n.-w 1 i mcnt to us pristine purity, and we a mw 1 ' lease of life to our glorious Union. The : Whi.. savs : j We LaT0 reaebed au intertstiug crisis 111 , 1 tbe bi-tory of our couutry. i tie d.s.aiegra- Ition of old par tit.- is Mguiucant of these c,ia llHe ,e..timmt. Far.ies are ,t, i.y .bicb exr.rrssiou aud effica- - -p.s --j . . , cy are given to public epiniou when they cease 0 represent lauiy me .,:.. aee to elbers thai ;..a hrol..,, ' wl" a ' rvthi.i- is at sea. The most sa- I "I" . ' 0 , r . ,.HC. ,,Us men are at a lo.-s 10 icriu ecu ; . , ..r,..,,.rp .s to the future. This ' , th- dunonstiates tbe necessity; j 0r uew oraiiixations., to r , ' of "Ljo j,,,,,;,,,., j ' r pa (,;3 uu Ji,;, ,'ic'ceity A e , ,;,:. ... rrrre.ent tht new 1 rruLlj f,.utimer.t. ual fencast, fore- eari v as 1 -. . ne 1 , ''e clared that tl.etitue was at uahd tor new 1 ra, tT formations j . . , II? referred to the tact that the Whig party had been formed for "onng tne e.,,nut.r.uu. -r- -...ibv reasserting the legitimate powers of - other departments. Ihe H tug party nan, . , - ., .,..., fulfilled its mission aud ac- in his juuginei 1 c, u iJh i-s creat work. The ri-'ht of . ;. ..;,,..,.. ,,, Corn-re: and to line r.ictuuii-. ....-p... j ' true tlle cdU,,itu.ion a the l're.-ideut 1 ,i,.Ptlll it. bad been successfully 1 resisted. I.. ts.-,n new issues snrang into exi.-lence, j out' of tue exteusiou of our terr'tto- fm "phesc issues bad but little to do with ; rf;ative powers of the executive and of the different departments, o muci as ,.,. -tiiiiliiv ai.d permanency of the whole iftiueture of our cotnplientt d sW. m. serving this state of tniii-, l.J ..'...,o .1... .o.p.s.itv of foniiing ra.'ie Ob- . for .1.. .,.00... nf vrarnlin-' with ib.se uew ov I I r . expressed au earnest desire that they should be speedily organized. As ' ..... 1 . 1... 1 1...1... ,1 ... the l'i moeratic aud party, as well the as Whigs, were devoted 10 the ( men. lie remarket ... . - " pert of s flail s. old paity deig nations au-1. divisions were hiiiiirani'es to tho proper .eiopmt iit 0.' tin. conservative seLtimeiit of the fouiitrv. W liig could notbe induced to eulist reidily under the lletuocrakic bau- .t. I.... llv .a 1 1... sin,Urd :? ;,r ancient adversa, ies the Wbigs-.L though the question, winch bad o,,e..,ally divided thiu had in a great measure pass- ed a way. 1'ride of opiuiuu aud 1 natural i regard for eousi'te ney retrained them for so donij. liencc the De-.ty lor a new priy, I formed of the couservutivc elemeols of the l. 013 oruumtaiiona, 01 acini: uiiuit uew ; .fi f fc wbicb j ; ,' r ... ..t. ..: ! poseii to aceniniiiirTi inm aueu y.'w orani- 10 "e PVfl"' "',0 ".. P' ! t0 su",!,in lbc 1 e.tabli.h the bal- ' "rc bt.'t . U" State anu .hc.Ueneral : OoveniiiiLiit to re.tore harmony to dm- i . ., , i tract ed country, lie was ot the ot-inion I . . ' ' 1 fT , ,. patriotic object, and he remarked that I '' i ... obv,o, Pr0?riety in ,,w ! party a assuming a name expre'sivu 0! in ! party a ; ro.,0.ed therefore to buriito I r" ' . r I .. ' as the " Sutioi.a! I'tiivn I'mty" as in dicative ff its anti .sectional policy, a'ld of iU deter iniii ilivn, nt all hazards, to main tain the I'liion as our father had framed it. WIi'il's cannot o'tjeet to this designation, for " the Cnion of the Whigs for the sake of the I nioti h;is ever hern a cherished sentiment with them. A iimriean, w ill nnt disseiit fron it, for it is eon-M-tent witii all -their patriotic purpohc. Couserrntiye lemo I J.,, li(.p,lbicai)S, , .1 ,..,.. .; ,.J ... i H . ,. - , .1 ttonal policy of the parlies with which they ,n operated, will ha.L have re-peetively co operated, with delight the opportunity thus afforded 1 f ,si ,are,x under ,he flan on : .' c . " . them, of again marching under the nan on which are emblazoned the stars and stripes , f uUj and of again keeping j sti P to th- music of the I nion. sen bed the dangers of seelional strifo in . - v ' tbe dun di-tnnce. Now, our ears arc stnn- jnedt.y the claiig of the present eoi.fiiet of sectional orgati.z-itiotis I ho stritc is upon us. The danger i-1 nt our doors. The lead er of the Northern portion has announced that there is an " irresponsible corflict '" be tween the North and the South aconfl'et which most continue to rage until the. w heat and rye fi ids of tbe N-i.tli are tilled by slave labor, or the cotton nad rice fi,-lila of the South are cultivated by the hands of white freemen ! lu i. is judgment, we en no longer lue in huruiony tnjuher as our fathers did before us ! On the either hand, the Cnp'ain of the fouthi-rn ho.-i.-are arraying iluir fcn.-s, not so much for a 01 fli't in ii'' 1'nfw, as to prepare the way lo rnt ot 1:. Henee we iee them con-tantly spi iugin new 1 icstions. nd presenting lie issues, not ii ii the hope '. faei.iutiit;: the rupture of the bood ot the I nion, an etj.-et wun n tuej have so much at beurt. It were iieeiilesj to point out the co:i.o fjuences of eueh a eonll.et. 'I hey are ob vious to the meanest ctpacity. 'ur duty is, if ro-silile, to avert such a calamity from our , country. 'I bis can only be done by prompt . , 1 i'r fthcient organiza ion ; by ea.lit.g 1 e-te,,re a " .N:.ti m,.,1 L n.or patty win "ui.er the lead ot i.i.-n of head and be. patriotism broad enough o en.tr, into icb, art. i tne UOie 1 lll"U, snail ap cai u nio vuu- . . servattve seut.mcnt of the country, seut.mcnt of the couutry, sna ' drawing recruits to its siinuari iroui 1110 g . ! good men of all part.es. shad secure for us j a glorious vieiury iu 1 -no. oo m i mo i 'of popular approval 011 the nohle s.ntiiiient I ,.r ... III..., .;-,,.. VVk.,,.r I li.orl. anil .. fjreve one sllJ jUBCpa. , , I . .. , . , , "T . ... 1 iw.-' : musi ve w agcu ut i ec u wie streuini 1 -e uiu- crat;Ci an(1 ,le fcotiorn Republican parties, : .,.i .1... ..;..,, t- .;,Uu;i Iim h.H 1,1 ' ' T , , ", lne 1 u,"' an" 10 ""''";'"' '"T1-" I fr" "J l,F V;" "ir la.uer- iu 1 lie oamoi nou..v. m.,t1iI, t. lir th I.met Dovle a , , ' , ' ., ...j .- .1 iu- .. ' . ' l,';,,.,,. ', ,,; ),i, f,jlnui,,,. pircnn,,".ees ,. ' ' , . .,,:e,, r,nrn i nn. as a r .-,,.,. , ..a ..on. ,,1. red hv bis ki , orVtur n a- possessing . r.-mrkible degree 1 .-.. !in,i t,,,i;iv - r, (, Thursday , lie workrMl ju ,i,e ,,op as usual until ,ix o'- when he went to surner in as good l.eaiih as Usual. After r-u; p.T Le com plained of extreme heat, and c mtinut'd to cou:p ain until twelve o'clock, when he we.:t lo bid. At three o'clock in the morning, bis room-mate awoke and found him breath ing bis last. A post mortem examination revealed no unusu:il appearance of the body, except a remarkable and unusual quantity of adipose matter. Hv overwork au I tho heal of the day he was literally mritrUttou n. ; -p. . 1 ,i,;. l, ,hA cau9e of hls i irsla'to't tlar. moeratitf candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky, in a letter, thus defines Lis position 011 the question of Congressional intervention : ' l!y tlu Legislation of Congress, ii h ' clearly the right and the duty of the IVrri- , tonal Legislatures to give adequate " '' . ti m to pt-raons and property ; -laves inci- .ltd) in Ihe territories ; au.i 1 be -j so j ertoruieu aa ttiat r. ' ane tor an spp'vi-. to t. on. e- "1 that ii!sppoiiit. 1 from b. I f the terri- , should be jtct. It. rowevrr. noo.n. - unlit iu this c.i'.tidcLi h.-pe. 1 faith on the pHrt i t lne ' 1 ' ,.,.!.. ll .- .i-'.ls .'i slavelu ;.li disreg.rdti.idoa,. fi- .... U f- de ' be long' th. p - ' pr.iu-'i"t.

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