J,am Iht American 3iitngrr. SL'M.MKIl TliAVELlNO. "I am to disappointed," said Mr. Mullen to bcr husband, as they left the crowded d rtiing room of the Moor House, oa ft sultry tvcniuz of last summer, sit' retired to tbcir prime parlor. And what in tbe matter now? I not this a most delightful summer retreat? j n... nni inst nhat vou wished when 1 we planned the recreation of the season j " ..... i eoardirtc place in a quiet vi.laee wliere yi could enjoy the country air ana rural scene rv. and fresh fruits and vegeta fresh .run an vegetamcs, w.moui , ieprived of jour accustomed city ; .s, or exiling yourseif from society . j heing d romforts uav - e.wplainofsnylsckofcoM.fortsorluiuries;, mniicnit.i.'"v...- ... .-, I meant to S't si much cno.l this summer). from Clni.tian example and converse , Tfi i l .1 i. r f .i , - , , J J I week. Uu know we have been ao uti-et- , tied at home since our pastor was disused, ! and meetings and everything so irregular ; ( and I counted upon 6ndiis some congenial , pirits. some eminently puus fouls, laion,. , our fellow boarders, amt uuder ttie stimu.us t our leiiow oosiurie. in o "l,'"ul"1"' of such society making real progress in my I r. li,:iou.. .ours. Hut I cannot discover a j sincle profsi-or of religion in the bouse Mr. Mellen for a time ti silent snd thoughtful; then looking kindly at his trou- lied eompamoo, he said, very gently : -There is o,e coi.so.ation, dear; u you cannot gf, PbP joo can do gocL ,' said the youn? b.ushiogly; what eouU 1 do, to be of any use here ! There l o:ie cotisoation, dear; it you . Mary, do you remember our Saviour's -,-iary, uo ) ' .1, commendation of one of your s, x. Ho a fair Cild for you a house full cf board- j a houe full cf board- one ot tne.ni nrisiiaus. y 10 ..i.d of l.od amotifi them, my dear lite as a rhi wife, and see if you cannot win some of tbem to ti e av,o,ir. , ' I he ui -Iit; v nerp'.icns of tb: pious ccuple followed their erti-iLi- ta'k, atid they retired to rest. The early inorniu;: train bore the lij.bic.l hack to bis business in the city, an-1 left Mr.. Mclkn t3 think upon her aitu- ati matrl.ts duties Her companion s bt.ef t rr real the mjlit before had decplv impressed , l,.r; and wondering betber she had not possibly mistaken truth nou duty, in always s.ekinu to re-eire spiritual Hewing., tn-tcad vi et-ri.int. to .ucui, pug .5 vine direction and guidance ; nor sou-i.t in vain; for her sympathies were quickened iu behalf of Je:is' mission to a world of sinner, na i.cr near, yearne j to u ring new tropu.es tohisleet. ineoppoTiui.itieiorucceaslUi , effjrt in ber lledeemer's caue were not w an tin?, even to one so tiiuid and distrust ful as Mrs. Mellen Seated next her at the table was a Mrs. i rtodie, the young wife of . physician from ; lrtooie.wejoungwueoi.pnyMcian rom a c:ty in the aonny Boutti. sue naa neen Ttrj gs, . titumi: len naa eaagtit a gnmpe oi uer as sue -as tripping in tbe dance with . select P'ty ! l.ie uoirufrs. iwi alio wu.ts unc i mtr,ir and in ansaier ta Mrs. Mellen's in- - - - -- --- - -------- --- q nry if whe were ill rep.ied that her h- ! batdl had been recalled to tbeir home '. rpfteinic bad broken out u tneir city, val- 1 u-d trends were sict, .no the aoctor coot a , , ' ,, post. I penile sympathy of Mrs Mellen aooioeJttie -jerii.c heart o. Mrs. Lcrtodie, and arpicfc friend-hip sprang up between them, lhe onet of Mrs. Melien a room was more congeni ngenial to her feelings now than the '. Kveiv circle iu the ladies' parlor ; and when the Sabhath e- me, she was easily persuaded to go w.tu u.r aew trunu 10 me nous. 01, , , , , t, , , , hen twiiiiii.t had deepened the Sabbath bo'b, M - B.-rtodie s timid knock sit beard .11 M l- .'.J . " . l . 1 . j . ... at - ire .'letien a oour. -vu iue ladies irr 1 t, . t 1. ' i acmoLaar I diiu't care to go, and I've come to see how you atiiQe yourself alone here may I come in!'' She entered. Mrs. Mel len wu a little confused, but a glance at tbe opto B;Lle beside her recalled her Chris t:an courage. " I was reading," sho said j " this chapter eontaius the text of the ser mon we beard to day. Will yoa sit be-ide me, dear Mrs. Ceuodie, and we will loos at it loethtr.'' Mrs. Bertodie reidi'y took the offered f-at, and for a half hour read with her new friend tbe s.'crcd pije. Then carelessly opening a bytnn book which lay cpoo tie stand, she said, " Ub, hero i a vr re which my father used to sing to my brnbef El ward and me, wh'.n we were iV.li'.rao. He died when I was quite young. I have nscr seen tie nymo before.'' Mrs. Meilta it-eked at the page under her com patiion's band, snd aan: to tbe plaiutivs air cf Havlston the touching words, " Mr s'n, ancsr th- u tue Ird, T y l-ther'. ay ; r-erii h . p-uter'.mg care i.y n 'iit ILc guardian band e-y aay." Ibe sou was finished. .'lary i '.. 1. .. . . e i riarieed fr'siu the ODen bgi ii...,j. ...j -.-,:. i,,.. i.. ...i j , .. i :i. i. i.. .ne urea, iitr geutiy ut.iur ui-r upuu lii V... II. ....I.!. I,,.t .iih .1! h.r h.rl the craved for her fnend the Lies-inn of her fattier God ; and acta tuev ro-e from rrsytr tLo tjis ol ilrt. liertosiie g isteoeJ with p'.tittuce arjd hir-. Mary wire tic preciou suhscqjent in tervieoa betwevu ti.-t now deeply interest ed friil.d, OlVti they read and taog aud (.raytd ttilcr often 'hey walked or rod with lo;t.i. gritefai heait, enjoy ig the btau'.ns of nature and the blessin of grace. When the cool October tnorninj bade th( m tit jrn fic:u their eout try so joarn, and Mr. Mtilen came for his wife, the parting words cf Mrs. llertodie fell like music upon his ear: " I shall uevtr forget you, dear, dear Mrs. Melien yon have aunt me si miir.n cuvl. Which is best. or g'tting good ? Try the Gr.t, aad votl will knew the hi sa of l oth X M.lf. " CHARITY. My itlare th, there is tLe spirit of, Cl.ri-i ; Wbeie is tbat great law cf his thai La i(;e t f his fol.owers love one an' hr by ahich the 1'hrntians of the tf-t times astonished the pilaris about them? U hire thi. love is and abounds, it will banislt ail those di.s-n-X'iis aud bitterness. aud thoe fiitolnus Uiistakiiigt whicii are ao frriiuebt among most persons. It will teach wisely ii. J geotiy to ad mom. h one an other where it ia needful ; hot further than that, it will ,.as by many offneea und fail- ii j ; it wiii roller a mil litmft of tint, n J will very inueb sweeten society, rnaiiiri it tru!y r.ro8tat.e ; therefor the J'salmist ea.la it loth good and pli-asant, that breih'en Hwell together in unity ; il perfumes all the j ne u. oib:n.ti.t ufco the Ltad. Igricnltural. FARM WORK FOR AUGUST. A? we desire that our reader shall be reminded what is to be done in August, in i time to make their preparations accordingly, we pr0p0so always in the beg'nr.iug of tlu month, to set forth the nature of the work aecomp u.neu, auu uow, , .00orU,ee , wih our bumble opinion, it ta to be done in v u st mtnDCf. Iu ihas anucipatin;: the ; (of ub b , fortnight, we an-1 tU cV etioM ,Vlt have aomelinies : u . t(4inf e iU,U(ta.fi ,0 ucful in ' h ,ve. btlt WcUi ,s 0lU experience 1 t. l : .1 ,.t;...l. , v.. j.-.,,! ; ,rrenitiira.l D..n AiliealH issued 1 hvA himn Aci.iAn 1 tniintl tainnt nm tin ann !fU ! c,o . ,iiu0 hvD ,il4j,Jf, or CCU) lbs. of G work should be nerformed. to a. I nut ot do-! . , , ,..,.. f ohn-inin.. : Tl,e i "t"'"" r--, - - first thin ' to bo at ended to, if it has not m.. q f ALL tORXIPS. y r h IOth of An t turnips mM ha iucurritl, , cor. I d;n uf , a O0ll j , . , . ,. .... VB ' between, say "JOih July and H'th of August j he Ust b, koow, tlis, tbemore I . , the b(.,u.r n h ; .hcthtr M ft table vegetable or q j u h(eomes Uri uJ fibrous u . tWrefole u u gQKn g , ioJ ' . tM. ..-i.hl -or son, and with a late Fall, turnips sow u tvea dhould be moistened for ten or twelve hours wccfc u Jd wt, . fcut ukil)g onu;before ,0illgi aDfJ ,ben mixed with the oth- ,nolber bet time to sow is ; er seeds except the timothy in twice their , c ...... . " . .. -.....iU than it doe. , hen rain folia more frequently than it doe. during the elrly p. of somnier, which gen or.!!? ,r afiKr tho 1 ."nli of .Tu'v. As , . hundred nouuds of turtliJi P;ghtj six pounds of water, the ne- of frfq,lfDt rainS( durig th period of .,roth. br0Mon,ta the irrout.d should be it .. . , - , . ppareut; ami also that in that h'-ht, triable condition, which is as essential to the turuip to Indian corn I'r'pnralinit of lit Sotl. No crop will . V.o.l, nr ".,. i,rl-,in r..fnrn L.rlho h u l(je Urni Th e u d Qr HnJ .... , . .. 14 or a roUcn rock ioi. It should be ploard t? d the de ,.r tue better ; should te q sn J c,odj iq rhoM te bar. j rni..il em hurrnnred and ra led. until It u b,0b int0 ibe fiueot pa,,ibe Jith. 31 inurrs The land for this crop cannot be made too rich. New land will grow tur- Lm lucu tb , , ... , ...,: ...u .!. nil n.rr th. ir rd don. either of the fo. Ionium appli cation will suffice : No 1. Twenty two hors loads of well- b,r a ,Me manaTC 0Be half d jn iocbe. dwpf 1B(J 00e.U( ,0W()(, in ej h, iocbes deep, and one-half fo(jr iuch(,8 defp. D(J then , lop dreJ.in;, 'annlv: in bushels of bones. bushels oCveriied. - ef . wbjch mx tnJ h.rrow in. NoWi B0W the seed broadcast, i; ,t.,i .j ,n .v. .,...i 0. s. uj ins. Peruvian uuauo, uu 10s. M.sietr4 do , uxi-t ashes, i bushels isalt. 1 bushel nNster. which mix. harrow, , harrow riiht.'v.and roll as before. q 3 pr,p,re by beapinj; ,-? in bulk, a week before It la required, 5 two borse eart , of we.rolted1 tUlle 5 do. i ciw B, lu do. mirsh or river mud, ,,0(J &f IVruvUo Gu, 5o0 jb. of ! t: in i..lj. ,.f , C .',. , . ,.aL.i .e i.,.. 2 bushels of salt. J'rtpm afion nj tlie SetI, Soalt the seed ; . fi b o(, f,jr t9vuXy.onT bour,. draiD j, . ; dry it bv mixing it ith wood asbes, plaster, .f. i:.. ;.l. ;n .:,.;' I soot, or lime, either will answer, and it will be found to repel insects, aud germinate , lljjre irtely. After Culture. As soon as the plants) later, lime, come uo. dust them vtit.li ashes, blaster and salt, or either of them, while the dew 1 is on the leaves, and continue the d ustin i every mornina until the plants attain the . rough leaf. I When the plants bec-io n mke bulbs, ; run a barrow through tham, to eradicate! TliB KMi-Elum NaPOLEO.n's Mn.VC LLoi;g weeds, t thin the plants that staud too Es ai x Tha Emperor's miraculous escape thickly, and to open the soil. A week af- i'h the loss of his epaulette has bet, ex- ( terwards hoe t:.cm out to stand from six to '. plained. The shot which shattered (jene- . ei-hi iuciies apart; and about ten days'ral fuger's arm carried off his epaulette., subsequently, give them another aud fiual j 'I he General, btinjj brought to the rear, en-; workitiJ. ; countered the Emperor, who had a kind and! .-.cams " urv'K" have i.hji been more sur.ful in our experience by IUKIUIUIU lliuiuiaiu.u iu aui vmci - - -1 t - J.:u . -I l - I-: I . manner. i on 011,1. ibbi kn uu i feet eight inches apart, and either manure-, aherery creating him a general or divi.ion chjrge 0fthia old and popui.r e.t.bli...n,ent, and ' with well rotted stable manure, as if for po- I on the spot. Such is tlie version given of now prepared tarcoi.,rnodaU: tral-r.ant pn ' ta'.o-1, or dusted along, tbe drills with either I this extraordinary incident. 1 Ik- Emperor, v..te in,ilie. with bo.' . by the day or month, on 1 of the' abovu preparation--.. Throw two fur- j bein? seen riding ab-ut without one of his '' .m,'l 'Vfu"ni.l...! with the j rows together; flatten down the tops of the j " i"t'." supposed to have beer, de- 1 iH.'rnrl.l'll.' ot ,1ti ire,g,, markets cm , orui wita a roller, or toe naca oi iiik; i draw a iiL'bt furrow half an inch deen; sow 1 the seed, aud corer lightly. I he alter cul- ture in thia case, couoisls iu keepinij tLe in terta li 'tt and clean with the cuitivator, and iu b join the turnips in the rows. Du.t them wh.ie the dew is cn, as in broadcast- , ing, until they get into tiie rouh leaf. bfcEDI0 Of R E. The be.t time for sowiuj rye is daring the month of August, and not later than the j , - . , 2'Jth, pr.vided the ground ia in a good state at tnat time to receive it. ,1 , r u .' a .ii a r , . , ', . , , .,v , bushels unleaciiad asbes ; to be ciuiposted . , ' oi '1 J S.7.1i0 two-hors. load. wood, mold or marab muck, I5J ibs. Peruvian Guano, 1 bushel of Blaster mix, and plow iu the!, , . , . ' ' ,. , i j .! . i i i he had xi led sonic one, whea, not ficdine ahava. and ton dress witu tau busbala of:. ... ' ' leashed aahes. No 3. 2'JJ lbs of Mexican or any of the ' r. r in k,..t...i. ..t i..i. A iJJ.pua.it. j , v ' !;" -. plo-in l.rb.iy Dd harrow No. 4. two horse loads msr-li mud, iJilO lbs 'juaao, 1 bushel laater; plow iu lightly and harrow. J'r'jxtrution o Uro'in-i 1'iow deeply and pulse, iz? lha soil a much at posiole (Jauntily f Ht'4 Jier urt from one bushel to oce bushel aud a half. The lat ter quantity to be preferred. KXTTINO A T I MOTH V MBADOW. In a'l teuacioaa, tiring, ami moist soils, timothy is this most valuable grass that can he eulMvsle'l. it uoea noi turn ao wan on the uplands as in tba vaiieys ; but whr ever it may be proposed to aet eut a timo ny meadow, the land abould be perfeetly Ire tit weeds or brnare, au l sh'i j. J be i.!i)s)td deep, and if it could b sub-soiled the farmer would Cud the additional o-t ol dciug so, would be amply repaid b) the ad- j d.tional increase in toe wrop. After deep I p owtsg aa J a thorough pulverization of tbe j I foil, with, the harrow and tbe roller, sow ' tbo seed evenly at the rate of one and a half I pecks to tLe acre, barrow in lightly, end I thro top dress with ten bushels of uuleaohed 1 ashes per acre, lay off your water furrows and finish by rolling acroKS the furrows. This, however, presupposes that the soil is already comparatively rich. If it should not prove to be so, it should be given a dressing, lightly plowed in before seeding, of AO bushels of asbe., and 201) lbs of any (luano that is rich in phosphates. It would bo advisable, also, to renew the top dressing every second Fall, in the following propor tion : III bushels of unleachdd usLoa. !f lbs. Pho.-pbatio Guano; harrow the grass, re see., ,n.n piaces , ...... here the meadow is desieneit not much for tho productiou of clean timothy. for sale in market, as for a permanent pas- ture, a mixture of grasses is advisable. In either ease the .oil should be rich and clean, or should be made so before sued- it it ...J. .!. fn! ! a'?! n ..mi. I mrr It it. needs lie n. l ie 10 owiuir com- phates. !U bushels ot asties, ousneis oi 1 l.usbel of Master: mix the above. sow it broadcast, harrow the eround. and - -- , - . having rolled it, sow on each acre : 1 btih. ,- of Ore-hard Grass seed, J bushel of K.o- tucky Hue grass seed, i peck timothy seed, bushel perennial rye crsss seed, 1 buhel taU m,itW 0Bt fMjf 3 lbs. sweet rented TB., lss sced. The Orchard Grass seed ,. ,, mn ,n.j fnr .,. or .-elve bour ieir I bulk of ashes, arid so sown. Seed the timo-1 lightly and roll all in', top dress every se- j eond Tes UiJ down for ,;motby. in i pot rfiKS the soil well stirred between the rows; and ilia onrtli li.,l,t ilinnl ilia i.'jnH OHANABIKS. i-fore storin;; away your crop, have your rr a iii rii'.s well w ahed w i t h hot le v. a nd t hen whitewash them. Klsewbere we have i;iven Mr. Carmichael's plau for oleariug the gra- nary of the weevil. PoL'LTtiY iiotses. 1 requcutly renew the straw or bay m the ne.-ts, and whitewash the walls; put refuse tobacco m the Dcsts, to drive of vermin. FENCES'. Kxan.ine your fonees and keep them well repaired. FTfJillM riEI-DS. Where yon are short of pasture, assist ; the growth of herbage in your stubble fields bv top dressing each acre with: 10fl lbs. of, n;ixcd GuSii0 . hllfheU of Mhe 2 hMi of salt. 10 bushe s of woods earth. 1 bushel rli . , i t f of p'.aMer; m.x and spread broadcast. j SHEEP. At this tin.e kien tar in the boltoui of iU .....t, .1.. .1. .,!.! t. r,t..o.l ,.,l. prinkle salt, to protect your sheep from the fly that deposits its eg; in their nostrils. I.ATE CORN. K, ,nd j ep your cultivators busy in the corn, and do not lay then, by until the soil is pr- fcctIy frl.0 from w.eds, and thoroughly pul- MATTRIALS TOR MANURE. S"iic every available opportunity to pro care materials for formin;; compoit heaps. BKU.tiS AND WELIid. Root out, cjt up, and burn ail briers and wei-ds. whether in fence rows or oneu Geld fit HARDS. Look to your orchards, as advised last mouth WET LA.Nrm. Aa:u-t is the best month in the year for draining wet lsnds. FALUOV.I.NO FOR WDEAT. In falloaing for wheat, plow deep. The diif-nrr vitn r.'.tw and the finer condition in- to nhicb you get your Und, the batter pros- r - j 1 pu JOU La,e of a goc su.i.' ae&aon. Rural Lrga a od crap tbe en- WII1TK WA?II FOR FENCES. One oiiccc of white vitriol (sulphate of xinc) and three I'utices of camxon salt, to every three or four pouuds of good fresh lime, wiil render it durable ahere it is f x- posed to the weather. ..,11.,,, ,.w..,t ,u iu "i ' ' t" PW. - --- 1 -.. r,!r.P..(i it r.n C-neral ..n-i.e'a, at.l.lu, r -- ---c-- - -... rn" .uco.i-ciuj vi.n u.n, um had uch been the case, the winda-ie alone wouia have seriously n jurd h;uj. W From the New Orleans Picaynne we lesrc tbat on the l'lth intatit, a meian eho'y a'ci lent occurred near Uraadon, Miss. A Mrs Jackson bad occasion to jo during the night to tbe window of the room iu whioa, with her husband, she bad becu . vfi.;u ..m.a .i . bnJj ,,lU.ter th. blj;(,.nj wnUJ. ed bi pnn, supposing that some felonious i intruder was in tbe room. Mrs. Jackson advanced toward tbe bed, althooifh her : . i i , . i . . l bus- should fire, and he actually discharged his musket ! " fcir." u,1'h' " otcM ? tlL "b lVfMi ". I' "? b'., he PPt j her, the truth flash.. 1 upon him tbat be had ! shot his own vjifu. ri..., , . .... L'. . . j .. r , , , , , , . , .' lorugn joorcsis. orougtii x,j me Africa, an- nounee the death of Ooer, King of Hwe- d.-n. He was born July lib, I'lt'.t, and waa the son of liarnadotta, whom he succeeded , u , j , q . ai King of Sweden and Norway, on the 8th of March, 1844. He has been a flood and popular sovereign. His health and mental toners failed some Tears a-i. anil ,;.,. w .,..t i-.t L.t H,i ... .1 . . .-er.ternher, lr-j, be had not administertd ' ' . . Ihs snvamaiaiit h.aina lift it in I t..l. I F , ... .- ... U-.U... as married June IlJth, I ', to a D itch princess, by whom be has several children fT A book about tbe United ?tites has been publirbod iu Ueruiany, iu which the author mentions, anion? other equally inter- estmg facts, that thieves are so scarce in this eountry that a reward is often offered for the Jn ftrv of one. of Ins son I'rince Charles, who succeeded i UiH)M, where II e "inner man" ia renewed " htm under tbe titlt of King Cbarlc KY. '.a-r T ""J- ., . ,. ,. Uenew King was born May 3d. Ii2fl. and1 0 ,:H""h this Mote are Schle. .irrd.,g Pied or GniKF. A mnn who resided ini llton. OliJn ,.i,.rn.d on Saturday last.! from flm tZ. " ' wife, and coin? into his solitary homo, sut down upon a ohair and died within an hour. It is ;iid the poor fellow ' died of gri.-f ' (C7""A1I the crimes on the earth do not destroy so many of tho human race, nor alienate so muah propel ty as drunkenness." Clothing Emporium, rNt'E MORE, Irirmla anil patrone, we invite J you Ik Vint llie t.lM niul exmiit.e ilie lamest, beet liiiuie-. mid cluanesl stock ol SUMAIiat I I.OTMIN'i CVfT offered in Western Carolina. We my the lirrt prkl. kciutt wo E" our ponds ilim-ronl. ly fiom ni.y other house. W buy the materials from the tn por lera nut jobbers nnil ni inn I'm-In re the clotturitr mirsilve., thereby saving the tun nn. f-ictnrer's profit. All we rn wish the people is to irive u 4 trial, and we are confident we cm . .... t i . 1 IS 1 cn"U kmir. wearennw v t II? 1 0.'. Itt.cfc Cl.-tli C.ts all erml. S5'l Krcneh t Ke. lr..,.ri:tc Frck Sek. . .. l'2;l " Aluncca aim Q.ieni'i 7.i Funcy I'ussimrre s-l IT-". All Piain A Fjiii-v M irsiilhs Ho 3 )(ISiiinih Linen k linen Duck Sucka S.ickter. I'iilliii;s. ji in . C. Af.iy 17, lci?9. littl Ktorivcil, i Rl iek Cuaahuere Pants, F-incy " " Plain a Funcv Lineu M.irseillnsPanla FULLlNtiS, PIMtlNGS A CO. " t i.mm.s, "mT.INCS A. (O. h, r.s-eiveH 20O Black Sum and fiM. tirenadinc Silk v.;t., tl I'...,. i,. at und Hi ii ii Linen and M irsriilt AT ALL 1'UICLN. FurnUliiii" Hoocis! FuHlilins tlouds! ! d. fancy a whit, linen ui"r'l '50 ' L'vrun, stuiuiing unii Pito hnsolllShirla, GloT u.,ir, Su.tk ivivats. Silk m.ii, d I .1111-11 lljudLi-bai, 1.1 u ALSO I j. Tie., II qualities ' and prices. FI LLINGS. srilLNGS k CO. i:LI.IN(:s.SPIilNtiS a ( t). ud 1. 1 horri limits, t. -ighl of the inuNclurtra by tlie case. rVTsfX) Inrfe .t.ieli nr-t.t.-nla A I.. Hi .CLYjfcYi j JUL A AW, fr 'J to -i I; V ea and Carpel B-g .and fur Sale. ritME. aiinscriwr, oeii.ff nrnnmp ir,.... rom CuOIlUy, ,r,r, ,r u. n. i.lion on which aha now rraides, lime 4 mil from OmfL'tii-, on lw Wr.'ern Plank Kil, ro i.mmr 5(1 r.-n . The Imd is ot l'""! quality K..r p-irtici.Lr i, enruire ol Ihe auo.crib. r on I Mhs. A. W. STKVKNSON. premises. ,t,rt 13, 15.VI. Slf Atlntic KUTUAL and FIHS li.sarar.ee Cornratyi I'siroiiita 4 ill. V '. IntorpvralrU iy Art f tit .tavotoi r .Voi T yll IS Company being duly -ti"V' ' prepared to rtcene appiieaiiona lor in. BUiLDir:as, r:sRCHAi:r.:r,E, i I'.iriiilwr.', mil. Tlniinf.-Irl a, MIII'S A M Till lit AIK.OIS I ami most kirn.'.; pr.,i rty, it r. iiio:ur.tic ratei 1 of preitiiuitl. ! It is aimed, ia tlie nrgapiaation of thisOmp. f..i Ii i . n.nitv and j ,,r;itecU u, iiretl m r..l L.. An j honorable and up.if,'ht , f.ithtul foifilmaniol it. ol iinr. and a iintraeti of the .nil times ' ch iraeterixe the liii'in '"T- . Applicalinna for I t the i"c of tlie Company, or to its jutnoti MKLl TUKS. hn A. f..rrot, Willie nl Agent.. S I-,, .t W 1 1 Let I T. O, W. K. Isf-i I tid r:. J i' ' it. A. n.ci. S..n,u. - pm. J"'..'," 'j'm,, , " fju'-inun' J I II. I1VI.. D. A !!rgitt. K. Ma Hell. Ur I H I KS. j ,1 . Parroil, -lent, lel.l. Livi T Ogksby, Viee.Po Tr W. S. L'.nir, K. . Thompson, A. H. ( hapm. W. B. tin. lit, 1 W. si. I-.ng. D.tid w. lit-;.. N Stcr ury. OMMIUT K. Cin-ili EXLt I TI K .W.rrA 15. lej'J- WASHINGTON HOTEL tra . f.lf I'RI.r.l.lITIll'll 1 n,ioAI VI ItllT M.WItKH.N, -N.C., J03W F. JjNES, Proprietor. . 1 1 1 1 H t- tnrier. Iglied r. .per 1 1 y announces to m ... , ,.., ,,, c .i,.t I., h.a las aif..rri. The Vnlsittsten flol. l h . large a, i. ucrer me oep,,,, o,u.,.r, ... hw.it.eaa street than any other in the city. An fmaiAM wi.l lwaj. oc at the depot y. lw at the depot and laniime, on the arrienl ol the car. and steamboat, lo corvey piaaeayt-ra to tlie Hotel free of charge. By stoppii g at thia Hotel, paasengera will b.ve ample tune to obtain me.ila. Having also a UrK and conirnoiiii.il. Stable, and an eicelh nt Oalicr, he ia fully prepared to board horaoa by the mj, sttk or month st the rno.t reasonable raUs. JOHN. V. JONK.S. March I. I8.-.9. 5 1 if CIIAULOTTK IIOTJIi BY C!I!iMT'l 1 . '. T".5 too i,,e. . . w i... n i ia till al hie post ready to I ul - fil thedutieaof "inine ho.i" to the travelling public and others who may call on him, and he Hattrr. Iiini.i that aa comfortable nunrtera cm be found wr.li him a. snv where in this vicinity. Ih ing sitnufd near- I lv in the centre of Charlotte, ,M ,hl, llntri , c,,Ilt .,,d ne.irahl. location. He has been engaged in ti.e busir.e.. ' st this eland n.rly eighteen ye.ra, and in thul "nt he m") r""1 drt"'"',, u '""" house, and it haa been great. y enlarged (ikI mi. ir,ed urMllinl in frt two .u,,y V U AMU I ;w) fr.rt in length by 13 feet in widih. hnd...n.y sh.n!ej by trees em the aide-walk, attor.iing a pita, aant proniena.ie st all hour, ol ti. d.iy. I ne llouae ha. bn thoroughly lornishrd thro . I . . . ... u ........ . r .. . ; nut, and in eecry part ol it i rewl.ir. coniii.ri. are . . . . .. . . ., . ...... annno.-irii and l.nrtnro. es le.-.n.. . ln toe i;i.s i.si. i , gmin and provender, attemicd by lnU.ti.1 and o. II.giof hosllere. I Tlie Kropneior feela eonfidrnl tho w iih hia long i eioerience and mini new siivsnlngea ae.l. il to In. i n. .ire to puma, he is prepared lo clf.-r hi. fruniia i nd the " real ol m.nki .ny . im'.ir la and Hindi go,d e.hi-er aa will be lound any where, erh-siH. . hiiir more ao. if At an) .ale vav lhe harl-.tfe Hotel. ;. . ki;kr OcJtJ.et I'l. --'ll FX! I - !OKTII JA ItOLI -V T1.TTT TWA TiV" TIMOTTTTT-Tf 1 11111 1 X1A I UUiUili, . Cluirotlo, 1. C - i f fMit E Kxereises of tliia Institute, will 1 S .i. MH mi the 11 OUlulH'r JA('H.TV KI.KCT : , .M.w. D. M. IIII.li, Suwrinl mleii!." I.iKUT. I'. C. I KK.f.Miiiii hint. I'. P. KfTH.r, A. M , I'niicipsl of I'rimiry Ui-.uf Urn nl. Com st of Fhdirs : ' In the Primary Ih purtn i nl, suth na lu qualify a Sluilf lit in enter sny t'ullrgo. In the Scli ntilic U pufliiient the West Pi int i it mi- n him will be i-lnsflv rulhiwtd. It will be ..iln of Hie rrnfesiora to make Kurvevors, Knj-t. iimrs.Cliritiista.aiid men fit tir the prociic.il bui nrta nt luV. In in,. .Hi. .11 tutlia usual F.xtrritf at Mil'lary Sihi-.ls, llie inoiitlis of Auguet anil h pleniinr will he spi n! in t'liiiipuiguing through lh iimuii I ins uf N. rih t'urnlino. The Aradtmic Ytitr will oinnniene, on the 1st .1.. ii,.tbrr. niid will embrace Iwelte montlia. A furlough ol two itmnth (Aug. und !rpt.) will : he eiven to t'aurls at the end ol their neoond Jfer. Particular alt.iitii.il will br giviM to the m.,ut oij relifsinut intiueii. a ot C K.XPE.NSKS: The Institute will provide Hoard, 1'uel, Lights, Wuyhin, Arms, Kquipmrnts and I'nilorms. and all clothing exeept under clolhea, fur t:I0O 11. It on half payable in advance ; the. bul.inct in i inontha. Aa rztrm thatgt: No ri iiiisMon of churgra to tho.e wlio lee unlena on Hie arure ot henllli. TV.HMS OF ADMITS K): No one will be admitted nilo the Pai)iav Ix riiTirxT nmler Twelve ytwre of ngi ; nor into the ficiKNTinc PicraaTiii.MT nmirr Kitten unr oer Tttcnlv .mil' venri ot une, All connected with the i Scientific lV.riinml will be reauiirat to board in I the Jnlitutr; those in the Priu.sry Ii putnitnt ni ij do so if they clnaiso. R E n A P. K 8 : The Institute Duihiinga are the largest, most , i. tntan,rc..i..n,dioua f.,r the .fcoi.....ofl.t. o r.ueta ... the MiullnruLouiitry ; and it. ,d ol n.re. liir. trust that unoer '""f.-'""' Siinenhlnni rtlt nd I tllim nH II n t. ( ''Oik Of ttnom ?;:TziX ;ufi:f ... fc...i.. i.thc Institute will be est.ibh.lKd on a true j ' """'r on. .frr, v a T 1 em- MiliiBT biii ar.ii ci-ndurtnl on true Military The board will further sy, that Mr. Kss Tll.l. is a Grsdu .te of the Virginia I'niveraity and an fineriincrd Claaaieal teacher. Tht-y 1 woiilii t'nrihi-r state ihat it is their intention to ! li,. rinse the puis er of teachers ill both Depart . ini iita aa the patronage- of the puhlic may rriiiiiri-. Thia Institute was granted a liberal I tiarli r oy Ine legislature nl N.-rib Carolina, with Ihe powrr ol conii-rruig Decrees U"n lln.ae who complete .1... i ..: Simii.a. iJ Applicalinna tor ai rmssn n will he rrceiTfd I uniil the latof Septi mtwr, and must he directed . t.. Dr. t'. J. Km, hrrsioenl of the Uo-rd, t'li.f loll.-,.N.C. a j. f -x, "i JAS I' IKWIX, II LaF. ALKXANDKJI, JAS II. CAK.SON, Tllt'S. II. HHEM, S M IiL A IB. IAVll I'AltKS, (itair,.V. IMWD. 9tf J 5 i -rvxr.s. 1 1IIK T.,a Li.ta li.r the ve.r IMS are now in ' Ji. Hit hsl-ds I' r iHspa-ctiun. I Iiim liable ' piiy Taars will pieaae come forward and settle ble to E. V. iJKIKIt, Sheriff. C(f (J as V 0 r k s. rjlll T .iihsi riln r resinetfnlly inform the pub. jg. lie, that they are prepared to erect t;aa Works for l.ghtir.; Cities, r.,ten.. Village., lol trgce and Urgu II Ul". Tiny ha creel.d trka in CLsriotte ui.i! R..U igh. N C. tilth bxt given entire aatisf .rtn.n to the cil.sea.anf ihiea places. A. to q'ialificalin, prompints. and anility In perform all err.tr .ru entered into, thry reftr to Ihe fi llowil g gelitleu.ra : j .J. . ar , Pre ( har.Oa. Wnrk.,Ch.r.N.C Win Johnston, I'res. Char, at S C. K. N. " " Dr. T. L ll-.gg, Hrea.Kal.'iaa Asa. Kalelgh. " C.,1. (i. II. Young, W.wrlv, .Visa. A (i. flo.v. I rta. Ojs Work., Little Kalis, N. V. V. T. Storv. S'uiit (.'as Wort . Water town. N. Y. j w. fi. Schoener eV C..8SI Pearl New 1 ort ! A.ldre.a the .ul-rriler-al Kalneh. N. C. WAIKl.IK;l.E k Ji(E3. ) Sffi. 14. f;i. S7'f MdliK 'IU UK A DM I IF!) THAN THE MCllEST DIADEM ' ER i Worn by Kings or Emperors. ; What? V.hy a Beautiful Heed of Hair. Bee-au.e il i the ornament Cod hi.nnlf yiutvliA jf .ralloiir race. Ccder, alibougi. the r may j hloorn e'r so brif;lili in the g.i.irg eheis.the I eye tie eter sos;iailinj,ttie In 11. he those ol 'pearls, i: the head is l.erefl ot il. eoerrn.f , or the l.air U I i,r!e-l nnd .hnveled.lktfuA oarf diy.or w. r .till, j it .prinkhn wtli fray. nsture .H more than J huh her tl.arms I i' f. W.- n'e l..ir l!..t..ratne. j it u .rd to or thr.r tm.ea a etk, will re.lorsand ' pi roi.ii.i'iiily si ..uit 'u all u h an oriimiient. Head i the followi.if . ohd joi'ge. The nlr ol the drat 1 is tl.r tiMitnd V Miu, it, Tknlbuig: j Da. Wood: Nfw Vork, April 19. 18 8. I )eor .Sir. Permit me to nureaa to tou the oh i leJi,or), Jam under for Ihe entire restoration of f my hn ir lo its or ijr inn I color ; about lha time of my I arrival in Ihe I'llileil f-l .1. a it III rapidly be mm. ! in if eray, hut uiin the applictma of your, H.nr lit .lon'.ve " it .win reei.etred ita r.nf;iiil hue. : I consider 'our K.t..rlie as a eery onitertul ' in.enlM.n. iU.te f thrc."Ue a. sa bfrerable. ! 1 uni.ilisj eir.yoiira truly, S. Til ALHI.KU. 1 ' Drycli a'r Gwyliedyct." , ... , . .., ,1 Sul,a .... Annl 19. . (J jw., ooo .UttlT btr,.m.t month of . . nt,,.,4 . ,;. f .. I(. I(... j , , ,nil .. . me. lie who concluded lo ! try it nn her hair, little thinking at the tirre Ihat it woohl restore tlie fray hair to ita original col. I or, out lo her aa well at my surprise, alter a few , art eks' trial it ha. perlurini d thai wonderful elf. rt - t.y lurninj,' nil toe j; r.j j liair. to a dsrk hrown, at j Ine .aiiie lime oeauiiyuir nn. niickening tii nr'.i.K y r. c.iiin.n 0 me alwte heli,ra. all peiaon. in wantol audi atliange nt it l.air. CIIAKLLS CAUHLW. j ntw )s, July j, I0..7. I r.er O. J. Wood: With confidence do I r. ! commatiu vour ll.ir lit .tor.li. a, a. U..ig th. moat eil.t.i iuu. artn:la I tr aaw. Kinee uaiug your i i Hair liesluralite nit hair and whi.kera whicli were '.et while ha I .,., ,i,rm to iheir nstural color. It also has ra. : l,e..i .... ..I 1.11 .InnororTaod oonleaaant itrh.nv.ao ; Ct.n.uli,D aii.onir oersona who nt-rspire Ireelv J.(i. hILBY ' r.,r. Wood About twn ye.ra ago my hair ! ' cmim-ncrd falling ..If and turning gray : I waa I ; last hi . iiioii.g hnlu, and had tr.eii n,.oy Keinr.lii a I to iio.fl.rl. I ron nn need ua.inf foi r Br.tora. I ti ve m J.nnnry lot. A lew applications fa. len. i'l ' rd my hair firmly. It began to fill up, grow out. snd turned back lo its ronner emoi. (i.ieea.) At Una time il is fully reelored to ilaongmal eolur, health, and a pur ir.nce, and I cheerlully reemii. mend Us use to' .11. J. I. HOLS. Chicago, III., May I, r).".7. Ihe Rtaloritiva ia put up in bottles of 3 eisea. Via i large, niimoni, and .mall ; Hi. email hold. a in i.t. and retail, lor one dollar per bottle 1 the me dium t.ehie at It-sat, twenty per cent mora in pro. i 1 P" i L, I nl.on than lhe .mall, n t uls lr two dollar, wr bollle; the large hoo a oil rl, 40 per cent, more j j Vi t it 'l) A I , rmpnetiir. 4i4Rroadw I N.w York, and 114 M .ra. i si .stt Lome, M i j h,,, rt ,nr.-ist..nd r'anry (i.o.ia Hi - . . .... , ......... .. . a, si- e,. nI,o ln 1 niirlone oy ri n n it At 111. . Cash raid fer Hides, IlY st, M. I f a t W M,L, at ni.r. H.iulh of th ! M m M lh. .' t.rlc(e, ApilMi, l". I . WITNESS TICKKTK, fur the ( 'ounty sod j Superior Court, for salo here. " " " : -'"'"''"'"'lil ... m 1 S.fl. RANSOM. 0.56. N'aMv 1 1 MCtftNY. WAIT '.FOR. IIYiait-ft- JVkmJVKm-mnm'M imk.-T'WMW. arlla ft Iti cause he buyes his A'7t)l i'A' from the Manufacturers. ililiTAYLflll ... n r..u . i. il.. l.k.L:, u t Eter offered in TsYrth Carolina , among which ' olina, among which will n ouifl rrepecuuiiT eonouiiic .o m. ............ ...... i ...... . r . w . .. , . .,, .. r , ,tni . from thin Uld ijlind, In An. 1, Granite Br.w, where he hee now on r nl.il'ilii n, just rirt,,,c lt, a North, ot ot the ntoal rati nana aasortmenla of ' , , ...id sue h a famous reput.tn.D in the P-ulhern CoonUy for th 1..I ,i,,,, ( go,. w.rr,nU . ,frior u, ( king Hove ... In It is ..n ,. ...,;" j e..ow . fuel, and dn more work in a ,iv. n time, tl-.w any oti c, Pl.. , j. ' . .I.. Lt..i.. ... : , "11, PAHIiOH BOX STOVES. has, am! conelantly keep on hand, an aalena te and varied stock of TIN" AND .SIIKKT lKOX i:i:.is iAirni.i s, r.ixr iiwa lit ipsi i.itty HAT HACKS, CIIADLKS, &c, I Al ol tthlrh wll he aslil, MTiole'n! hhiI lt lull Ntp r lhHU kai "p rv r him oll.-r. et In Iii Vlrliill) . ' lwnuMrrtorn melhank. In m friend, and cu.ioitura fur tin very Sitrrulimtr.,....,, Jhestnoed upon us, and Ihi-y may rest aseurfd. o ' lorrther with a urter linal'ion to please, to try si2 izvmn "(put uivi & mm, mmi? Iiiiiics and llcnllfiiirn are p.irlifu!arly in.ilnllo rail n;d o;n;ii.r liS!cft. N- J ' .n"i we ne tarre waggons eonatanii j traieuu g W intlt r trill br faithfully tml prtmiilly ttltn flitltn & rarerre,7.e 16, pIr'iNotice. tf.f. p.rw.ii are hrthy eaulmned sipt hun litif nh ffttnt nt dug. r filni)j with l or tackle, or in tif win lr(MPir epn nt? Uim'p, Ihe law in anrh c-9 ba fjiri!T r. fiircpd tigt.ii.ft erf nr ff-nt''.iif . A. IlRKVAUI) IiAVIDHlN. Ufa 10, IF: 71. a .lot CAN)VTAGT01!V. Fresh Confectioneries, Fruits, rf K.ilS.rr.t,, m a. na ol h snoinjf country. thai he ha. on hand and i from .Sew Vork, cjnatantly receiving Confectioneries, Fruits, fancy v.iuh ::n II- S.( ICJ A It TOU A (TO. S.M I'l'. TOYS. 1liii-nl I it wl ri siie-ss I , inti: ivuiiK', iiomir iiouki v Velo lp d. a, lll Wi.gotis, tlm Irs, Uoi k-tluiwl-, cV lUitl ugra of esety sanely. J. V. PALMER. Sortmbtr 9. I B'.M. 4U'lf Al.o, he inl.ndato maim fa tare CASI'I K8 of .11 kind., free Iron, poieom as coloring utilise Ki New York Hleam Keti.-ed Candy, ( all and see. .iA3ii:s m. i:im;v. commissius mf.hciiast, 117 1IIAMHI n aim ii.n. v. mi ys .ud t. ( YS and forward, eiery kind of merihsn. M 9 diss for r-'r tent ( onisniii.i. lie I", Swam and Morulx ud. N to. J. D.borur, C. I'. Mea.ienh.il, A. M.t rnian, t.sqs. and Kee. C. V. II. en.a, Hon. W. A. Graham, and nlhrra, V'r.ler in I ........ MeliH'.eons, Urg.ns, Harps, (auilars, Music, hewing Maehmea, Ironi .-sHa, rumps, i.ar.ien r-i.gue, ate, a prn.iea Hal ol an tne umirt nl maaera, a inns aba prires !fsnl re. I'uhli.her of an elegant liihngn ph '."Jiieaory ti i.p, is.i . ivi.i anil in I nsso. . vsmi"S a, l-uiaa t.im.a To lla.rvw. : I invaluable m. .rfei.rr shoulu he in every house. II irealsol all diaca.ee, lias a copious gloasary and prear:be the ren.edu from nature's hoimtenne sior. s, for all our ii firnnties snd n ia fortunra. It ia printed nn fine white paper, hand, .omrly bound fourth edition, 310 psgea, and la maltraf i Irte lor ant dollar. New Ho.e,l l'uno.,1150. . IB. IM.'.S. Iy S. M.IKM KIX, Saddle & Harriets Manufacturer, f tub rin.n. .Aran r.m a-.ai t .. ...... I ""v"m, C II AIll V Tt .C. ITAIIkinr".nf Saddli .and Hsrn made a I tha horte.t rinliee, J llU'AIRINt; promptly eaeruteu. Jm. 19, lorr), 37if ii. :n. ouii r JLI. be plraaeil to r..'e.-ive Profi In Ihe 'iepannierite I MKHH LNK ,nd 1 - Kt.p.Ki. tnle.a prile.ai..riully abei.t, he niay be found at biareaidenir. Kort Mill ll.-oot. York Distui t R. . . 12. H.-,6. 1 if THE WIG BO I. n II 1 1. T M 1 t ..J ... :. i. .1 .. i . he found the celebrated .r ..... k..,;- that I .hall t ndeavor, hy clo.e .11. nl , R i.. u., ai d mrnl a ennlinoanre of the same. dtertisrni. nl VV sit n.a s i 'i.i". 7 A..A.N. Jl.TAUOt 3,f 53.-Ri:3IOVAL. 4 nr. r .nfert ret .... U1 of MfK.DY A MIILT h lit elalid oppoel le Hi. I If .Slti I nt i Iher are r.ceivini tsueel Irom N i.h of CO.NFK.lTIONKIiU.S. r.inii.1 i.itfn i lai -.Ar Amoeg their stork iV be loans eijtl. i( nt ally kept in alore ol .- kie l. n i .. i.t ol t .it Inn o.i. ra. W li... tt.o.ti.i I hand. "lr.iyh in thnr ewploy. eti'"Si kr lJ.and t iirlr. So lori.oh I .. ''i il ! I'.rlira with I M. ol ll kiniia .1 sen' '. ; Not.u.hrr If. Hi. I Wehaea !.. nned hri I L.i.eoln. her- Mr. V'y I Iii haaioe... and hi pea loam -I, .,f ; Luhhc Bstronev m th l All hilt ( I ;lil llMill!". -a. m ill i.,,...L Iv.,.1. I'laii. .h. I" I I j f ? lol Pbl.r lioil...i.es. r.. ' ""If and Villse. I'.rt.rBl'f It. r-f" 1 1 buil.'ing Klonr.ng IMiiia.Coin V . . S' In) Srlorvrtt Ahasno.r'. Hu.'i..r j; . ' i. r elites llll. Ortont WB, I - et yull I ll-CAHOl l nntiiil Life l.ijurance Crn.-rj on-in: k ai.u'.ii a t XIIIS I . n p.ny ir.s.ire. ine H" ' smi year, a term ot lie .Mat us I 1'tii.tpl. ' " '"" ' (! litlpal.t.g lit the pri.tiU ol tin polities grant u f.-r the l' '''"jr sun the prisniaai iherrhr ti note may be giem f-r one k.ll in '"' premium, bv..r.i.g iulart.1 .1 ' gaaroly. ,, i. The j.ropt manner in s..ci "f' i llf ,, been pio by this toniper-y.'1 1-'"'' 11M,i, ratea of pfe.lHUI... pr nt great "" ' to i eveh aa are disposed te . 1 W. . .. .o.u'eil l"l elerWM : ntt ,-rs, lor two-lhirtis li.ru , AH 1 nl ilnin factory pr ol is prrsciil.d. ;l UH TdHf. r. j.,h...ton. '"!':"". ,,r,m ji ,c t i.r. I. I., ni,.- of u,rt- qb,,i,i, Unal r r I. ,. b. .j j, rt . jt.il.e i..r liith'd II. IHti'e n,, i h.rie. k. J-h..so. V.W.H..I...,V.c. rrisi.-'"1 H. II. llttle,S-crrtsrv. Willnm. II. Jnnea. Treasurer. II. W . Iln.ted, Aitoriiey 1 1. U ... II M. kee. M" ii .jrn(.r .ir,i K.e, Ci.aile. II. Knot. a. n-.j .f fs''s"' Jnimeon. M. U.. Witli.n. H Kici.'U It. Ilaywoo.!, M- V: lor further inlorn.ati. n, " .V.hi red to the pamphli Is,"' lli.V be ohtsmed it th l ' fV ,. (,f.fe'.l ny ol lis Agenei... ,rre."3' r Mtunicslini.. aboailil ba d) lo K.H.l!ATTJ.K,;;f Srpl.uiUr 8. IK'h JOB rEHuii-- OR ritl.NTINt; "1 all I a.2 , mtioii.iy ' i r ,. ! 1 111 oa 1. f j -'" Sl'HI'KNASfor h: I 1 I'l l'(

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