eS'iE rw si .nita grating. Fu. fie jlairitren tJrtirngrr. 1 UK TIMKI.T VISIT. .' Purine; a ministry of almost I quarter of erntary, t tie writer never wituessed re tfl cf religion in which the sovereignty led fn eness of divine jjrncr wi re so clrsrly manifested, as that in which his cbureh us iu shsre in t lie early part cf i be ever dm movable ")rir of grace, 1 56.'' For to cr ikrce weeks immediately suc ceeding the sclin.n services etjoyed on the first dt el lie -irsr, rueetincs were held liigl.llj rw ear hi.nble bssrn.eDl romi e tritic of t) e imj 01 tanre cl j rtiotml Inor of tbe Spirit, she tn brouelt to that state quite run out. Neither will be much more of B.ind in which she tould truthfully say. tbaB worth cutting; and for fall feed, cons that are conaeuiuoa to u wm givn in- tie milk ud le butter; tod if tic; bare . pluck, will be ept to break fviicc md reck I better fare, especially those on O'a premises, where the fences cannot be expected to be ' ever mid shove pood. We suppose our readers bate noticed that poor feueesgene ' Ju.t oa 1 am, thcaKh los.ed about, W ilh many mi fliet, ni.ny i "bt, W itr. fears within aim w nr. itlu.ui, I) ol't.'od, I mine. '"Jet e. I tin tl'J I"" niilnitra) llu broken vi ry birrier dt n K't w p he tl.ii e. ym. Ihme aline, () Lamb ol 0, - : eallai Wp fn'i!tinliv ailli .h.llnt. culture, i n org ti e o.,bi,rm en tie felt S.b-1 f,ed crD ,b'e ei ,e lhat .. yirils , b.tb were n i ti Icth hitby o t tr, with flock ',... I bstpy Let. .id WtD.ii ftc, rJ;''f , linie ,he r(fi ef B. and Cl iD.he.irrll,rc, of.brV.1cwleeoKl;mi! uli.jon mjU M-mo thlin htf Jeus ihe.r Lord, ai d with "id. I inuch of A U A te(urn wi , MTturidinc cihris to ctB.c to Jesus ma It I . .. . j. i ,. j .i ... . v.. : ... Ml said. Iii ibis narrative we bate another ilius A pretty eirl attended a ball out West recently, decked off iu short dress and pants. The other ladies were i-hocked I She quiet ly remarked that if tbey would pull up their dreshes about the neck as they ought to bo, their skkts would be as short as bersl To tell our own sccrcii. is folly ; to dirulfe the secrets ef ot hers is treachery. iilace hallowed in the crafeful memory of f.r ,i ,u.idu of siLiiera. The ladi w ha very nauy as (l.e t.utl piaet cl u.eir aouia. l ie sttrrdsrirt w large, and lh meetings roUoin, but lie spiritual emrpies of the thurch teemed to be psUiid, ar.d a death like stupor aflic'ed s)l. 1 he patter In tori d urdpr preal t n barran:rtt, leelirg thai l.e '" like one mrrcurded ly a irax.n wall, liUl) l)lC je(.D paig thicugh life I Dave wore iuau ucui uu fciiuna. wt la iuih all. A land has now a deeper, richer tnrl jthan theirs i in far belter eoudition for aiiothi r round of crops. i w. i A I. . . .1.. ti.. ii. inr . uiji .... r nisiintii; six 5ear. but His uuneec.5ary. cbildbocd le.n su .ttft.dai.1 open the 'io-;Ulr tl Ju ulldl.lstilllll thnt if ;v.rTof.he ord,butthe.n,rre1oiu,.delii aud Q cn ti e tal s.h wrre for ai of proper at- ' cr9b ; 0 in ,uir rMpecti wavg t0 tcbiirn otilHtrstea t y u.e cares o. f ibo end of ten years, there would be a wide or'd biferi anothir fattarb came, and , a . . ... .... .... r , . difference lu the valuti of their acres for af Clothing Empcriim, . ONCE MORK, I'nriiiia and patmiip, we inviti ymi vinit the Hnip'.rinm nd enniiiiie tlie lurucft, iwi.tfiiiUr. and eiieii.t lock of . iSUMMKU .J-OTIIIX. er otTurcd in Wwtern t'nruliua. Wo any tiiu rllcn p'il, beeaiiro we fl "ur fond aitfurnil. iy frm any other Imune. We buy I he nmteriala ir-m tlie imporirr aim johtiera and iiiuiiiifaelum tha aumelvri, llienhy snvme th n.aiiu. fuclurer'a n.til. All we eun wirh nf tha puple la give ua 4 trial, und we are eonriuvut we cuu aell. WK U'AKMAST every article lu cul"ir, and will mnJe good y uebrirney thai nur ii'-cur in iimteriHt ar ma- aokii: l'ICOI.SA rEILITARY INSTITUTE, C Inn IHs 1. C. ' J- rml)E Kavrciaeaofthii Iiiatitiite will J JL cmnuioMCB on the ll Oltt tilier itr UiiMiuuii. V'B ibu viuuiu uo uituv kuibT. ire now rccrifinK u:ciZZ.TZrt Bum., in UU T T't , A i .horoughly worn out; IU would be ditto;' mm. Cloth II r,.de.. He couid weept the largunye of Uunj sn in , hf r tced,llri Ud not lie ipirit of bod d ,d fc d , t fc 25(l .. r k h .llripd.Ele Krock.aSaek. refernce to La, f,el1(:. at one period c f k,s ?rD, cfie f ;, t0 t firc?ide t0 A ou d rca i,,," 1 - Alpace,,!'. du da niniMrr : "I weut myelf iu chsns (o rt(,,rll ...prntscce towards God, aud faith "e" " e Bf,gn- l " D01 A , 75 Fancy v.i.mre M ITS. , K i il.. in ,.;,.; ,d r.rri.d ih.t ?' . V P, , .'. .V. ' " been better paid for what be has done and 5 fAw, M.r.e.l e, do irrnn to be aware of. i ie w ord rrescte d f,, ii..j ,1,. of the wifa. did not sppfir to prrfit th.m tint beard it, lut lfr ...Veniiig and deci.-ion were the ar.d the I, .it cf tha preacher Ircarte much ! ulUl.r Godi of ,Uf Cor.verfion cf ber diicouraptd as be locked upon the inlley cf . ijU,p,L(ii tlJd FUbf( queutly alo of two oih viMci. and .at 1,0 iin ot sLakmf sn,cng j,r DirUlLrTS cf ,it ,milv : a b-suiiful ex ile dry Icnu. The burdm on Lis p,n en t-HEcation of the pass'sce . " He that co- follow lhat it is cheaper to eubance the pro duciireneKS ot land than to diuiiui.-h it? Lottie will ray it is all talk ; there U noth ing practical iu it; let him try it, and he will fiud farming onu thing and writing about it another. L'ut our reply is, that we know the truthfulness of all tbi by actual w.tneut ar.y special it.aicsucn 01 uou pre- MlJfcniji doubtless ccme acam with re-1 1f ...t .L. 1 -:. -m -1 tatiou. II 50U cheat the land it will cheat you. " As a uiau soweth, so shall he reap." lu a higher sne we bare indubitable au- the frcuii.e of God; the cloud which had o ionj frerhadoed us brcks with bless ii c our heads, and the Spirit from ou Kifli in poured out iu copious ffuMon ; eerry lanier was swept away before its most successful farmers, if it is not so. Ill follows that the farmer wants less land or j more labor. The latter is our remedy ! senre. until tie weight bteame ,0 great lhat joiripg, biinpitip hi i-beares with bim." be f. 't that be could not lie un!es be saw T,ie time L Ci U18 ,he chuteh must me wort ci m j,ora r.vivea in me enurcn ftel bfr t0 Iillor for lou,f not rtprr. srr wl.irh tie IlolvC. hot bad n, ade hi in .... (.. v . 11.. i ' OTwmrj . ..Mj-.Lru.T,:,,. soil culture, we appeal to the very best and overeer. must rreach and labor in the sphere where , t. .t Ji ncib the hieMng on.e, agreeable to hi, )o c,.t tni :J tVfTy niesri, ,0 win souN to Chri.-t. Unit you a friend or relatiTe who is not a Cbrixtian, do not be sati'ticd with the ordinary means go .0 n, .urow .e ar,.,. . .ueei.u. e profitably rnniirl him ith tender worda and tearful : . . . , ' ' , . power, aud pastor and people were r, ,eu tilD of tis danger, and entreat branphl into lha olrtroua likertc nf alio rhil. . - - t . .. 11 r. , . b j - - liini to come 10 jetuv 1 raj lor niiu, pray ..,,,, , . i,.- r. ,1,. I try ; for you thereby afford eticouragerr.eut to men to escape from the filth and wretch Udnes; of our cities, aud to seek an employ ment more favorable to whatever is virtu ouh, elevatioi:, and patriotic I It would be too much to a.-k the farmer . to employ men to keep them out of idlenesi ; and vice, without a reasonable prospect of J remuneration. liut wheu such a propuct is presented, the farmer who reject the op Iportutiity sins sgainst bis own interest, and tails of being a benefactor where he might le oue. aooSpunUh Linen a linen Puck Saeka a S;iektcer. riillius. rii! .V (a, .W.iy 17. 1 83. ltUt neitl. 1'AC l'LTY ELECT 1 Maj. P. II. IIII.Ii, tfuwriiiteMileiil. J.ih t '.(.' I.KE, l iiHiiiiuiiiiaiit, C. F. EtnilX, A.M., Fnuoiiwl i.l Priinury , Dipar 11111 nl. ' Vwrse ff f-'tnilirt t In the i'rimary P,'iurtii.t nl, audi as to qualify a Muilinl lorntir hiiv CiilU yi'. In tho Scientific Dim eat the 'e.l I'oint I will b climelr I..II..W.U. It will he aim of the Hrnle.,ura In make SuiveyorF, I'.uki neria.t'lieuii.lii.aud mcu lit lur the bu.-l- oea cit Mr. In addition In the Banal ExtrtitrM at Military SHiuol. the niuiiiha of Auaual and a-eulriiihci- will be upriil in Cainpuijimij through th. iiinun. tail of Ni rlh t'arnlina. Tha Aradtmie War will enimnenee, 1111 the tut da nf Ui.t.ilier. aud will enitirnce Uiln iiixiiina. ' a. r...l..u..h .i iwn mofiilia (Auv. and Si 1)1 ) will ' be given to Cadets al llu end "I ltr ennd ye .r. Particular all.iiln.ii will ne Kivn ui 111. mfirw ad religious iciioii of Cam U. EXPENSES: The Institute will prnvida Board, Fuel, EikIiU. Vaihui(, Arma, E)Uiiiiieiit and l ailorin'. and all clothing riceni antler elolftea, lor 11) It A I .11. oue half uayabh) in advanee i I l.e balanre 111 111 inonlha. io tatfr: , , uni ,.t elmrgta to thuae who leaf ui,le, tm In wore of health. 1 S.H.RANSOM.Uefc. - taA WAIT FOR THE WA(1(1(). H. I.Ll.NGS, SPK1.NGS Jt CO. J. have rterived 409 Rlark Satin and fiij'd. tirenadine Silk Vr.ta, thorit. for thin. In our annliaaiion of it to' "u rjn"T ' '.".'"" , . , . i 1 '- TERMS OF ADMlssiOS: Jllt ISrrt'iVI'fl, N one will be adiiutltd niiu the Hamaat I't- mi . ,).- ' PiaTMk.NT Ulinrr 1 w ri,r tmn ..i bi , - t rt - P .7 " " ! 'h' fc.iT,nc Prr.aT.xV under Ei.leo no, over " Pir-a aF.ney Linea a Marseille, r.nt. Twenty.o,.. , eai. ol at. Ail eonneel.d with the . ,V. , , ,,....,, . :Scienlilie l),,ariinei.l will bo ..ii.d lo board in at ULLIMj?, trUIMiO I". j the lo.iituie ; the in tnu J'rimary U. i-rta at m.y do au il they chuuac. REMARKS: The IiKtitute Duildinfs ara tlie l.irje.t, moat j s b 11 v i. it m. ' ai ' n - ,a, w W f liccaaae he buyca iiiSlV VKH Irom the M iniiluciurer A.A.A.M. TAVLO II -. B E Qi W If; F,t r off-red id Marlli-Caroliaa.aniouf which will ha fouad the oalebraUa s. tx a, ttm' - an -t m m. h mn-num j Would reapeetfally aamaare lo the iulialilant, i.l t I'All (TIF l d vieinily.ilai ,., .t) (roi'i llieir Dlu Slano, lo No. ), l.raqita It. w, w l.i '1 lit In. a ni w nn eal.ibiln ii, jul i, ( North, oue ol the oioat tilt naie aaaurtim nta of eW , 1 .U r aney .aa.iin. re : rl. aaut aim cou.uioaiuua lor the acconiiiiod. t.l . , . - . " and Plain Liren and Marseille. - , ,i,r Soullru Country ; anu III. B.-ld ol , C'"" ucb a famous repul. l.nn 11. tbe Foolh. rn Toanlryf.., th, I.m ,,,!,,, AT A I.L IMtlCI-S. 1 Ihreclor. tru.l that under the ol the ' 1 " Ke w.:i. al. ...eric " not .sa Mm, . 1. . J I. . aln , !. , , ., ; iSniH-rinlemienl and (, -r of srAe 'an.ow.ea lea. fuel, and d.. m,r Sr ,n s c.vea e. " .U r H, ,m , 6B. 11 1" r. Ill- ! . , I 1 i..J lir,,,!,,,.!,. w,,t I'..,,,! and ol h nt eaia-ri- Put P beaide any ather Hlov. of the ..i..e aur in the leilea Ml. an H M dt. ,, .j, ruri:ihiii?ncods! I: n I n i h ins ( . tir.Js! 1 ;:;relV.r u" Ari.i.l. .-X "1.- of I - - . t.-... for.v,th. ur.ce.f rkef.i..,....,. ,.itHii,..a .t. ,; i, do not be T,ie farnitr u reiB- ,0 M bou,d notSpkj.O d,.,., a whit, linen m.,.'l....b...on. Shirt.. "9, I"-"5 bow little help be can Mm with, but 50 " --.... "d I ic0.u..-. I oi.-. of sffection , , r T, 1 also nrinilftinl urcnoM.od. .;,!, i.; ,,i it,,,,, .1,,!, .in hu Never befrrc did the writer feel such a DAVII3 film crat'on to the work of the niiui.-lry a. he did then under this onrtio;: from the II ty ()tif," thia bap?im of the Spirit ; nev 'T before did be fei.1 so deeply bis entire ' i!p!et t to do any thing efficiently for! rl.e rieoe. ry of the lot , std never so will-1 i z '0 b any thing, lo '. anv tiling:, to "" ui tj , that God might be glori-1 hi d in the n'.vaiioii of f't.ners. It was un- j tier the it. 9 cf this sene cf conecra- I ion tj ti. "rrvite of God. that be was ena- j lied to .!-tern,ine. by Gods grace, that LI .-S LAM) OR MORE LAT.OR WII It'll ? "hM-neTfr w rli-arly iluty ba would We are not one of thoe who ii.dif crimi perform ii, !.oever t.'f .! nyii.g. Strength-: attT rtCoiuirnd saiall farms. We fear i n'.i py ii.:, o ily i-rrinie eaj. ero-es oc cine ii.'l.t. and lit er toianie tileiaiit A the trade 5J Ch.ri .. II -..rrT. Fl.K;k. Cravat.. Silk Laee Tiea. Ahi remember, farmer, that the more s, Ik and Linen Haud.ereliRt'a, uf all qujlitita help you can employ, and yet secure a fair land nrice.. fCL.lal.MjS, M UI.M.3 A v.w. Ill LI INGS.SFRIMJS. 11). hate a tar- Smck ot Capaimere, ilk and Ij-jj-hora llu la. bought ot tov manufaeturera by the caee. - ALSO VV) 1 V) l.rfa atnek of intu and I. fc.rrrt;t TMLk from t-2 lo "J I ; elki I IT VI Mt tiA t arpet U. ga. laUiul for Sale. fBIIE .llhacrilirr, beinf de.irnu. to M. Iron, tl.e c uulry, oricr. fur rale the Plan. ! t.lion on winch abe now rrsiiira, lying 4 unli t I from hirh tir, nn the Weaiern Plank Koad, e..u tuniiig 50 r-re. The land cf jtnid quality. , Ki.r, enquire ot the auoaurilirr on the. Mbs. A. W. STEVENSON'. .4pi.U3.lea9. in' I ALSO, AM. KIM).S OF j Vah-I -! ! e j .inn, the Intitule will be etaklihd on a troo oeurr one. Miliiary baaia ai.d n. on tiue Military orineinla. The board will further sir. h' Mr. Pim&OB. & BOX STORES would further .late lhat it ia their intention lo ! inrreaaa the numuer of teaehrrn in both hnart- ' It. haa, and cnuataiitry teep OA hand,, an ratanaiv. ad varwd a lot: a al" un-1. la aa Hie patronage at the public may require. I a ma. l'IWW a I t - 'I I, .a Inaliiute wanyranlid a libiral l hi.rttr by the Iajilluie of North Carolina, wild Ihe pow.-r ot eonlt rni, Iit grcta Unn Ihoae whu coiuplt ta the prrnefihed I'uuriie ol hlut:o-a. XT Applieatnn. lor .1 nnasun will be rtct.vrd until the 1st of September, and niut t. direeted to Dr. C. i. Eos, Pnaioelil of lh Ii.Mird, t hai, lolte, VC. C.J. F"X. 1 JA.S. IV IK WIN, II. Lab. ALEXANDER, JA.S. II. CAUSON, THUS. II. LKE.M, S. M. liLAIK, DAVID I'AltK?, Caaitoe. Mo 10. 1(.',9. 9tf Camupatis ab am Emtob Fujutino. i there i. . tend.-ncy in snnll farms to make w . ho arrenton work en.n.le.1. marv '1"""" raen ! e he idea that ! v v- jt th. tm-.eM. f..tiin, of .-ieu:naeneent(eoii.a to the house olUod toe larnicr is to do a man o t-e louaea Mei,. Sntw ,na Smith h.i leen diaaeree w ho wi re not accustomed to .it beneath the down upon by men in other callings. 1 here , , .. . ,-,r ppin.-. of ibe sanctuary. Amor," other ' has been enough of that h the hi-tory of ably interrupted by a penontl confl.ct. We t.e- face, that were noticed from evening -this world, and we want to see the tables:" mfoimed that at a io I er .. . . . ... - j x -.i , . .-. i j v . l ... niiiman. eauntv. Mr. in 1 1 h . in rrt.Uiri!' to to ftniin;, i, ititol lady we! known turnea. .xevermeiesa u woum va uener to -i 7 J , . . r ' .,r,.r.f,J hu i m 4rt t.f iht Li.htait uf ortk i,. -i e e,...nit;.y. Her solemn countenance t Ml of a living from a hundred. T rt'n,,rks ,f Vt' &hl'w ' " Pre.r,0M , h"r'Ui ' " 5 ,.A ,.,..f it... .1,. ... ... In another n!ae we hata intimated that discussion, made some derogatory in-inua- bear'er. Of her Tc1iiom state1 it i. chejpar to make land more productive against Dr. Snaw to the effect "the ounng -a, known, but it evident to than to wear it out, ss the is; ,DJ " gentUnan, tl he is a jen&m, upon . . ..... . . l :: : : , lhieh I)e Shaw trni-It him. when thev , nn iioiirrrt i . t Lee nurirt w. inai II we nnrovrrii-n ii. it io:roTerines - ci'epiy exercised iu reference ta apiritoa AlPASl AMI!) ILiJilllTAiniUA XAU, ' ;. s.v ;nx.A. t ast intr. msi hmi.ih I HAT liACKS, CI. DLKS, &c., ! Al ol whirl! II bo oM. M balrH!.i ml II. lull Iii-ii . r t ta i. ta ka, j ever bi't-ss t.flirl In llti Vtr lull). I I would return air thanka In my fraead. aad tu.i.-mer. for the 1,1 y liUm! prii. rt, , Ull beatoaed apon na, aud tbey may real a.a red, lh t I shall eadravor, by eloae tu i tn t. k,', I together w HIi a Ueli rn.inaimn to plae, lo try a.ioier.. enntinaaef Ihe.anie. ! sis imvra n 44 nmt mm i mm, wzin 'Indies and (leullcniin are pa rlir nfarl ib.ilil lo rail rid uni Atlntlc EiUTUALand FIRE Injurance l Company, 1 ( Hrelinii il). S. C, taxi:s. Li.ta for lha year l.'it" are now in , N. B. I will I. II you why t head n,v adiettimo. nl " W jiv aa val Wo, ua it.r iniiertii.n. Thoae l.aMa In we have Ihre ainmi. ettanlly lr.flii, 'hri.ul the toui Irj With Mutes, pay Tali a will .ieae eo.i.e ti rwad and aellle. j E. V. (JKItll, Sheriff. 13, le.-.9. bit T UK T. y (j as W o r k s T HI IS Couipanv being duly organii.o, la now preparetl to receive appliealiona for inaur. ihinj. ?he sn not sfokc-nto nersonaliv I t ai y one, for a oow s' the services e oaed she wou'd hrfsten from the hou-e, as if to nid ecnrf ration. !ut the pastor b. etuie deeply iu presed in rcu-rence to li- duty toward tLiii new attendat.t npon Li n.iui.try. He bad never been invited to ca'l uson the family, and as ber social acre outride cf the cbureh wbieh he Served, tat (I'lcstton arose, whether he ought ta go UfhuUim to ber houe, and personally c:ove'e a'itb ber, or whether be should rt t atif-d with baviog, from the pu'.pit, piaii.'j ar J fa'ly preached to Ler Jesus and Him rruirificd, aa ti e power of (Jod unto s a'valion Divine direction wa sought; and be went, ' doul.tiiij nothing :" choosing for his viit nn anfasi.icnalMe hour of the day, when be hoped to bud Mrs. without con psty. Ilu was r'Ctivrd wi;h the frecloni and kindb'ss f an o'd friend, end weieouicd to b r boje with charaeteriatic openness snd t-r.roiti ce of manner: all embarrassment was removed ; he fe't that 'JoJ bad pre p.rtd tie way for bis vi-it, and would ' make bi journey pro'perons." At oaee tha purpose of bis call was sta ted, a i.d. tl.e reasons which bad led to it f BV.IIE mini ribrra resptt tlully inform the pub. Jj. he. lh..t tin y in, pr. pr.d lo erert l.a. Worka for lil.tu r Citiea, TownH Villajra. C... h diio larn ll,.u-!a. Th. y have ertclr.d worka in t harl'itto mu1 U-i' iifh. N. C-. ahirh hava r.irn sm... , fi-i nniff.rt.ns weinn I SIV ICn I rt-.. . .n.nn.n.iiAB r ,1,:, CIllicnfT ana roncn cu ine piatiorin. l nev Dll luum no, uunwuniiiiju, rnlire iuiih cii ih.i ino would gratify .on,, of our readers. This separated without se.ious damage to. r..r..ilnre.. VIIIS, Irl a, S'ltjnfc u -. w.atiemV ; and what we h,v. to aay T. ! SHIPS AND Til I I K C-.4Itl.OM ; ZZZTvZVuT ' .ball be in close connection with our tuotto, i A gentleman jut from Edenton informs ,n. mo.t kind. of proper, at reu.anerat.v. rate. , r,rsi)Ili , , har r,a, w,k..Ch.r.N C. Lfss Un.l or mure labor ,,,at -Xlr- rOHer, Editor of the Murfrees-1 of premium. , w ,. Joi.n.t.,n. Pre., t har. A M. c. K . " That it is cLeabcr to raio a farm to a 1 bor0' Citiam, was attacked by Mr. Smith j It is aimed, ib the orj-ni.tioo of lhi Cuu pa. Dr x. I) ll"C, Pre. H.l.l.a. A. a. kalrijj ri. -biAer than to silk i t, . o-er product ve i for aome remark, msde in a speech at Mur- J. -"- f'" o.. ... II. , vv.. V... higher than to sina tl to a lower prouuctive-I i r rt,.clluB to ihe a.unti in ca.- ..f !.. .. An ; a. ti. ftury. Pro. Ca. Wnrk., Little F.IU, N. Y. noss is our proposition ; and what we mean freeb0To. I Lere was some hard bitting, : hnnor1le ,nt u igt,t e..ur.e of dealmj. and a , k t. Story. Sunt. G. Work.. W.iriit.wii. N. Y. bv it is not that it cost, more labor to di- ,,ut we learn the parties were not seriously , f,,iniul fulfilment of it ...i.tract.,w ill at ail tune. , v. is. j)ehoen r . Co., 221 Ptarl St., Nr York. w. nijure.i, it. oeiiij; a uauouu i w. i ti.,..uv,, ... - Diatrict. V . riln trill if faithfully nml prtwitly tit I, mini la A. A.N. 31. TA Villi!. OartWre, 7a H, I Pi. 3lt A I. It frna kre hrrrhy eftHltonri Mf ain! hen- 4 tine I -in tr lnf. cf ft.luhf with rt-l a4 nf MVi h IiT I - kic. ur in anjr ( trrpatriig upm utj tlit ttid rrrthjlrr tr-' ll lttw in tuch ejtilt hit ttvuAr rti. fl.ry art tvrrwwg niirfl in in M SSRli310'AIi. i i lit. I na I . r, snd I aim i. fercd af ainst rrrrv nor so nff. .dii,f A. KUKVAKD DA VID."Oy. JV.y I . I ei:. 9 3m mini.h tlun to iticrae the productive poi er of the ol, but thnt it docs require wore ui'ji-n I 1 il or to wear out a soii by a ten )ears cultivation than to enhance it pro ductiveness in the same time. ! To simplify as much ss mny be. we will suppose i.ete are three acre, arable land, now iu turf, and of a fair quality, to be cul tivated re-pectivtly by A, U, aud 0, for the next ten years. A i a eaieulatinj, think ing fanner, iu no way extravagant, but will- to expend money and labor where l.e ees a reasou.ble prosfiect of a return with ntract,i i, I' tlie ft ici- ma. hr ni-nl- at Ihe i f,.e of tc Company, or lo ita authorised Agents. : DIKLCToliS. ' 1 A.idre.a the au!..eriher. .1 L'.lnvh, .V . 'ATKi;iI(jtSK A. L0V.K.S. Srpl. 14, I BiH. !(7tf i John A. P. rrnt, I l.i-vi T. Ugl.-.hy, W. It. Grant, l.vid S. Jo W SlNfjULARCoiSf idence Amons; the eab in pass,eti9irs o.' the unfortunate ship Po mona, wreckeil on the lno coast,-there Geo. W. Kill. were a Mrs. Paxton. Master Thomas Fax- Col. Tho. 3. BUkeley ton, and tbe Misses Harriet and Linie Pax-. Lak ' ton. lhese all perished in the 1 onion-,, but their bodies were afterwards washed ahore, aud ef coar interred re'prctablr, a lare i!'i;,i Lnrp, P.ti.1 W I ni, A. P Cha.ln,i s.mti. I U flrra, ' Joel II. b...s. j I). A Harfrlt. J L. .M j.ii u. .mniii.l t.f Knn.f hiiai,' iwn foin.d nn I ha rrcfit. h is a esrefu! sou , w i nig to labor, . , ... T, . ., . ., r , , ,, ' ' body of Mr. I'axton. Mrs. raxtorj was the but as shv of ai other exienses for crop ss ; J , " . . c , . , - , i 1 . -., :w;fe of ( aptain I'axton, ef the bavaunah of the iltb. C takes it easv, aud wt.l reap .. , .. j .v. ..a l . r ,.,,.. '. ship (.ooawattee, and she and her family what bis Isnd will give without gtving it r . -T, n ,i in J,,hn A. P.rrott, In-ei T. Oeteaby W.S. Lorlit, . K. A. A B ( hapi,.. W. H (irant. Preairleril, e-l'rr.M)ent. Treaaurrr, A 1 tor lie y, .Vcrelary. (irant, J Un;, SKXEi i riK OMMITTLL. W. H-ll. N " , "'uru " c""r' " I'axton ; but tbe morning that b. held tha Indian corn, we will surrose to t c the : , V .i v. 3 .i t . r i . ' . ' , ,; wreck of tbe I omon and the fats of Mrs. crop me arsr. year. A ruroa oeer me urt j,eid Mirrh 15. IsOS. 6n.-t in Noven.ber to a good depth; barrows in Iri.Sv rtbeared. As the osstor snoke of fifty loads of cornpo-t in tbe 'priii-', tnad L.s earnest desire to lead ber 10 Chrivt and 'it may be, of twenty load of barn manure, happine, tears !ltd tbe eyes and rol'ed'and thirty loads of something which hii in dciao the cheeks of bis new friend, and with i da-try a:id ii.tegriiy have gathered up at a t!.ip, en.oriiti she confessed here'.f to be a cheap rale for the purpose; plants the best poor lo-t nn'r in the siht of God, and variety of corn that be can get any certain m.crrely s!esit to know what she raut knowlde of, about the middle of March; tioi to be saved. She stated tb-t from her lends tbe crop well, and pets eighty bushels I'axton and ber family, uhered to the day on which Captain Paxton died. His ship was lying at Calcutta, and he died there tha s.nie day that bis wife and family perished off Wexford. Thus one entire family the head of which was iu India, the remainder in Ireland died on the same diy. 1 Vtor .Mr, I er r. .p. etiuny announce, to ' ,lltn, IBI utdie, lhat he l.aa taken ; li)lf lt,ofl eata Vishment, and ; -rltva ,n I. n VASHIKGTON HOTEL, (PHAKGK OF fRdfRlITOHH.) nito aii .ti m:i.T im ntit, . JOHrj F. J3NES, Proprietor fllllK Undersigned r. JL lha Ira ve lima; u charrs of this old and I" "i i now prepared lo accn..inKioaie iravpin . anti pri- ; -tle fsimlie. Willi board by the day or iminth, on tin; most iiCeamniodatu.K 1. rill. I lha TABLK will ilwiii be famished with the ' brft (irovmoiia that home and foreign market, can 1 aff..'d. The 4ValllWs!oil II at-1 ha. large ! room, i. nearer the dr-put, the court homo-, and the liii-ines. .treet. tli m any other in the city. I An (Jmmbin will !; tie at the drpot and ! Am Ai ( UiATIO AD APoLlKi"- A cler- hiidh'Kid she had been the uLj cl of deep to the acre. g)mati preaelied a sermon some shirt time eoiivietiots for in, and eapeeiaiiy ever since li wants a.l bis manure for other cmps, a?i, in well, 'tis no matter where, and st.a bad t econi a mother bad tm felt the and thiiiks the tirf laud will do pretty well which one of h-s auditors commended. "ii n re'T jnaibility of brinio up ber without manitre. He plows iu Marcn, five1 " Yeit," said a geti'letuan to whom it was e; ' d'eo ia tbe nurture and admonition of or six inches ducp, but very nicely. His inet.tioued, " it was a jeod serman, but be tie l.jrd a duty for tbe proper t.isehare Isjui is not strong enou.'h to p.ow nnjcn ' stole tt 1 ' : Undiu;, on tna arrival ul tlia aara and teamNi.t, ef abicbsbe felt that fhe was utterly on- deeper; and as for pyin for extra tesm t This beinj tolJ tbe preacher, be relented ! ' env.-y p...neers t-. ihe H"'r pr ,arcd. bor j ears the importance of re- won and manure lo warm tl.e deep soil it, and called on tbe gentleman to retract ! Xe"onim ut't! r"'Mr'Krr Wl "" 1 ,i'ii) had been impressed upon hrl ixiud, tbst would be plowed up, he cannot think what be said. lllemj al.o a l.rse and emmodions Ptable, and abe bad wiahed lhat soma Christian cf it. Fartiiina, in bis opinion, is not a j " I am not," replied tb agzressor, " very and an eseellent, he i fuily pr. fun- ,1 to fties.d would speak to her ou tbe su't j"Ct. inets to spend money iu, but to get money apt to retraet my word, but in this instance j board horsea by the day, s or .mm 1,1 at the J.nt though for yesr. surrumded by and by. be plants in good season, tends I will; I said you bad stolen tha sermon; , ""' reaaonaoia ran; wiib (I . ri -1 is. ca, thia was the first the corn well a!l summer, and jets thirty I find I was wrong: for on returning home j itrci, js-j Tim. tne nan ee.r iien perssaai.j uu-neia. an 1 referring 10 ma nooa wnence 1 inoagnil iu ntereic- 10 oLhgation to love snd C takes it eisy ; plows when it is ino.t it was tauen, i found it stnl there, ' re tj id eon ve tie tt ; plai.n and b"es when nothing! Ihe cu'y rif iu.nied,i,. er,l entre sub- hinder; uoe. the work shalbiiy, accorumg tmssioo to (jod w. prc-sed upon her heart to his wont; aud more by providential fa-! snJ witu j;ral earnestness ; with vor, than by his sknl or industry. ;i-n six itai. was .Le er. treated to go to Jesus Ui-n busheis as sl.s was. and cim r.r bers.lf unon ihe in" tun. u.if; of Ijod, cry, " I j .ti J, I yienl, I can Now Ii has done more votk tLaa C ; A tiOiiltit noiunn." 1 be croia, ill atained ha expanded n.ora labor than tcitbar, be- with ba.lo.ed Hood," was uplifed before aides costly manTrin;' ; an 1 if the race end- ber syea. and sle wa directed to look and ed here tuey taighl not ciuie out so very live belteie ar:d be saved uneijjaKy. '1 Le word of truth aaa read and ext lained. Jut sutxose all ti ree to follow the corn M0I1K TO UK AI'MUKD THAN TIIK IllfllKST DI:I)E.M j Worn by Kings or Emperors. j Whit? Why a Eeautiful Head of Hair. j bixiiiH il is the ornniurnl f.'od ktmttlf pmultd 1 IL. all our tare. If. rti r, although tlit ro-e may j blonn. ev.r .0 brtghliy In ih (l.,mf ehrek. Ilia ' eye be er .0 sfsarklinir, the Uclli be those ol prar la, 1: the head 1.- Ixrrfl ot it. rovt rii.f , or the hair be i ana r I. it nd rhrivrlrd, Aaisl tnJ iiy, or worse, ' if .r.ns li u with p'y, n.ture w ill lose n.ore than cl.jrii.a. I'n.f. Wood'. Hair hisUirnli.', 1 if used loo or thn e l.nn . a wet k, will restore and i periiiansnily ac-euie lo all aurh an aenuniriit. lirad ! Ihr foilowi.ijs, anrt yn.lpe . 1 ha wribr 01 the first i. Mr cUkfltd w-.i.t, nlkwrg! ! Us. Wood: N. w York, April 19, 18 8. iVnr Air, Permit me In n press in ynu the ob an nndr-r for the entire restoration ot oriyinal eolor ; about lha time of my ited Ms It a it was rapidly ut emo. i"tf ery, tut u,n 11 ti e npplicdtion of your, Hjii Itrsii.r.tive it aoor. r.-coferfd ita onynial hue. I eniisiiirr your Ittstnraliee aa . very wnnoerful invfn..on, ouile erlieaciou. as wtl a. !.greuble. I a. ear air, yonra truly, H. TilALIiLKG. Krych .'r (;;lirdy'et." Wslsh Nrarspanrr other, 13 .1., April 19. I'sr.r. (). J. Wood : Vtir .Sir, Some moiiih or .is weeka ago I retn.rd anlil. of your " ur Re. atorattveand gave it to my. wile wliocuncluded to Uy it 011 hsir, littl. thinking at the time tlmt it would restore th .tt'WJ "a-. CANDY JVCTORV. Fresh rnnfcclionoric?, Fruits,1 Ae , Ac. j TBI ..Ssrr.lsr raawreiral'y inf irm. tUa aili. m. arn. ol Charlotte .ad aurrnnnuirif e.iuniry, 1 that he has r.n lurid and 1. ri..lnlly , t'roin New York. : Confecticncries, Fruits, I FAX 'Yf.'ltdC r.KII S.C IfMIt ! TDIIAt'Cd. S I IT. TOYS, tliiair.'il litaf riimrtila, ruci: uoiiKi, noiinr noitwi. Vs-lorlps-dra, tt 1 1 le. it Wngean., I C lialra, Waal k-ln aid.. A lliirl 1. g-a j of et. ry sari, ty. J. D. I'AUIKR. .V.ra.ier 9. a'tf Alan, he intends to n.annfaetarr ( AM IIS nl all kintta, fre. from poiaonoua euloriar saiia. lha New York leam Rrfined Tandy, t all and e. .ia.mi.s yt. r.n.M.v. CUMMli10S MEllCllA T, II? ( II t Mill lt HI K KI T. !t. . 4ltlo,.lu tlx .a nl (II.M'r.CMO.NFKlIS, I 1)11.1 ,IMM I.Ifll.W, AT. A'.w nf itsris s6.k wi.y b te-:r i n ally k. pi . iiua ol li.ial.nd. 1 a ,i rn. nl ef .ke .,W..n . .. t , jya en l ed. They Inn In tkeii ranVy i !l KM!, and araprrered l f. r. nk f -s I'arlna ill. I ski. .1 .11 knel .1 MOOLY A M.-LKI. N.,..a.l.r IS, IH$. W'eh.te s'so ni--.,..) a hr.nrb nf a- wr il L.i.roi.,1.,.. ahere Sr. W. ww all tl.e .id kiaii loaiu.r . o f ' public patronage 1a th-t asins. MOCtl'V h MM.KT. Ar. 18. liV.'ilt. 3" V., An hiln I nml ltuil- f- ILL fnrslsh Ie..tna.ri- f. r Pi, 1.1, ar.l Vilr... a..rlieai.f "l"-" witan bu.h mg Hoaring W.i...tra M ...'. una iu Jiisloiynl ilsa...r' llu. It itf, !" t ;" , ,., t h a. 11.11. fVr.ef S, l'B " Mini ij. inn n t Hulnal Life Injuiante Ccfffi- Ut tii h. HALt.lUH A I. in. .1 J' , the ... m fJMlIM l on psnv il .1. . r one je.r. mi the Mutual rrne ale impaling in the pr.-ni. ol the l,mr".'( poliesr. gr.l.ted Sol the al.s'c It if ' al.ea the on initial llier.tor amrui.ia la I- note aiay be g.vra aov oae.b.K Ine premium, bearing mlneal al i aa.i (ja.r.aiy. The prompt manner in l..eri brut p. in l.y Un. company. ft'1 rales vl prrailUB., fseeas nl grrsl IUI . '. yiapoera lo m.uir. t)s. .le masreo fnf .Itrn. JOHN. F. J0NK3. illl L'YH ud foiaard. eery kind of mereh.n- rl.fs fi.f ttl u, e.a I ...,.. Helera In V hair ti ita ori.ia.l eol. . ...... M....,.a s. v uu.ic 1 w . u . . ... r..t .urn. it or, bat lo ber aa well aa my, sll. r a few 1 l,, C. I'. Mrndenba I!, A. M. Carman, 1 sqa. five ; ar., fi.f two llnroa nr wee..' trial it ha. performed that woiitlrrml effret 1 ,d (tI. (J. '. brems, Hon. W . A. Crah.m, and j Ail loaar. are paid wilhm !rl .' by turniiig all the gray l.aira lo a d irk brown, at ' mhera. Wrr in Piano., MiMrona, tlrg.n., faelory praol la arearalra. li.c .ame tun. btaulilyug i.nd the ! Cuilara, S,n.. Maehmra. Iron 1 I.IUHinKS. I strong. y r.couiu,end tha sbo. ht.lora. , s.lea, Piiaip., ti.r.len Kngine.. A e. A printed fu,i . Jl,..,.n. n p., II. h K of . list .f all INe diflere.t inaKf ,., kmn. and price. t u 1 Jj. ( ooke.J. w ''' HnsKe, r fPSi.Bl ,! lr..f. ki'S , ,te tt. h.r.naM B tenl frit. Cuhlisher of n th gant l.llit r.pli ofi ui,ai y, "ie.ry A'.l f.'aa," N.:. (!, and tl,. " f arse. ' iuj, ji, k. r. II. tile, t bail's l.-.s- l.l.i't CIIAKLOITE nOli:L. :i 11.. .al as 0B aBWBCt8 BtS m, ( IIAItLOaTK, . ( . th stroi crviriir and tears, t rsrvrs crop with ry, and seed with clover, herds wne (fjered unto Man who d.iii;httb to eraea and redtop in April. It is not unrea V.r.i .ai.ctu.ry were opened, .he was Death cr tux Ci.eiik or tub House IlnutBtTAii vm A diptch from of deceut corn and p'lenty of ; v-'ir,gton snys that Wm U. l opping, j 1 Knj;ross!t,j Clark of the Iljo-ie of llepre- I sitfiies, resident at that city fnr many. 1 years, died in Haltiinore on Thureday. 11a j : was a brother of Mrs. Meiinda Jones, tho 1 ; popular American tragedienne, so utiiver-! sally esteemed by Suulhern Cou 'resiftau. I eoiufortahla qiurter. eun be Inund v,!h h I II 'llminglon Herald. any where in Una .leir.ily. Ii.'.ng sit'll tl, I fsr, ij call 1 fHVlF. Proprietor of ttn. Hotel ia t .till at hia poat ready to lul fil thedulie. of " mine boat " to the Iraae.iinff public and other, who eomine ii. ni, ..nil he llu It", a himself that a. f"'t be im aa lu all person, in want of .well 1 Urir I 1 1 A K L KM CAR IlLW I Ntw Ytisa. Jul; Ui, It)i7. I r.i n. J.WM, '.Villi eonfldrnee do I nJlrr Hb.iiiiii: si lbi l.mi.... Il.nis" . . ... Ii.i.i. commend your Hair Uealorallve, a. being the moat ' Thia in valuable arniiy til tint should le in every j ' ... . .to a: serous arliela I ever a-iw. hinee using your ; hou.e. It treata r.f all diaea.e., h.. a I , , Hair Iti Blurs lire my hair and whisker, which wera gloa.ary nd are.aribe the rrmedit. Irom net are', j Pr.CKarle. K. Jnhuton, I rrsi almost ahit. graeunlly grown dark; and 1 , bountiou. .tore., for .11 our inbrmities nil nil.. ' W. W, llolden, Viee le I ennn.i. 1 Ii. ninreapplieelions will ra. ; lor I ultra, it 1. printed on line white a per. hand. St. n. hall '," c" "'y aii.ri' tl.t m to thru natural rnli.r. It also haa ra. ,i.mely ho 11 ml fourth edition, 31.11 a, and 1. lie. .1 ii, of all dandruH ind anpleaaant ilthing ,aq matltd frrt for mt datar. e, , 11.11. ou among person. ho rK-rapire freely 1 New Rn.eanod Piano., 1150. I a-.U hll.DY ft. 18. It!i8. 7 Woon Almnt two year, .go my hair!. .' . . I 6 Willi. ma II. Joi.,Tiurr. II. W. Ilnst.d, AHorney. need falling off anrt turning gray 1 I wa. itng bato, and had tried many tten.ediea to no.fTi'Cl. 1 commenced uaiiig your Reatora. ntar- " j " Mi n will Fl' 'ny hair flrmly. II li eaa lo till up, grow out, . II CI.ii'" find llu. H i, l a must eonvt nn nt ami .1. sirahle ! turned hues 10 11. lornier eolot. (hlni-k.) At (i . ft -1 l"''1""'- He ha. been engaged in tl.e hiieui... , hi tmie it i. fully re.lored lo it. original eolnr. .... . . . 1 .1 ... 1 1. ........... 1 ... I - ;il ,.... "--"" ai ini. an nil nearly eig niern years, 11 n 11 111 ina l , " - - -rr- - 7 "' " ' u,e "e f " k " 3 , lan ''U!l;e, When one IS mil ol rritimee and ! time he haa made several additions to I. is former out of money; when bis wi! trlU him ,he hou. and it h.ia been gre.tly enlari?..! and found a- five b'isi.e'.. IS will have nomine to dm Ui'jt the orski per. a weeping penitent: plain fat U l.e gets Iill-eu DU-lielS. II t jrets not once rJurnj; the service did sl.e lift ber Uiore then ten b.) ouht lj Le ibaukfiil. liit e vi a ; ui.i I.e. ed, tha tears roiird down ber these crops co-t one no more that, the other. eheiaa until portions of ber raiawent were And now A is fairly abend has been bet J. Ii. IIOKK. is o.UoJ sugar one dsy, out of eoJce the W'T'" r, ", " . J . ,h. . ' . r a , iOO leel in length by IS lee in Wldtl nest, o,d of tea the nut, e of 51ir the tutf rA h lro . Jhe .idcw.ik, .t) uexi, ai.u i.naiiy oj spin!.. 1 tic woros ..nt niie at all ho d It. U.e to all. Chicago. III., May I, l.r,7. The Ili ator.), i. put up in hottlt . nf 3 aiiea. s : Inrgr , n.t, and small ; the small hold. ) pinl.and ri tails It.r one tlollar per bottle ; the me. I, nl. la at ieaai, iw.nly pi 1 c; ..I rc 111 pro. , story VKKANHA 1 width, haniiei.mely a plea. 1 of trie da y. b-di -wi'd wiib '' drr pa of rrrief " A inii.bty ter raid for bis outlay, liut this la only the : ... ,,i.u .,t nf T r . t' . . i out. and in eaerv Drt of rt erei.ture comforts are - 11., t.,.. I.. .id.'. ,...i in . ...!!. s-ru?r;!. was going 00 w Ler soul : the j.o.olrv ho'0.1.. and a .if, out of T.?,""' T" lnih'c' aapeciolly in tl.e PIN INtl j , t , r 1 , ). 1 ... 1. . .mi relaila hr 111. iaih of t.od was sr.rivii,.. with ber mi -bli- 'Ihe third year A eel. two and a ball..,..- . ' . . 0 ' ' I t.l "inner man 1. -renewed j o. J. VI INipeV CO., Pt...,.. i,.ra, 4 ii Broad ly, aooini; btr to J.aus, whispering in bar tons of bay ; 11 one and three fourths, an' l.r.rt, ""inner, eoiue ; and th. enemy (J not more than one ana a ha. I al heat ; he- ! mom lr l')0 Kor.e. S, M. HOWELL, f' f all ii);liteouri.esa was asssaltirij her with sides that. A s acre will pasture a cow well i fif J'rof Footr, of the Medical (,'oilege 1 Hotel re 8lah'ea tT-.rfliv.j hnndsnily will leHiMaiinL,. ol the fasl.;ona. tl.e riches, from the ruiddie of July to winter, wher and tbe pleasures of the world. -r aoul tl.e feed on J! a and (J . is ol bat little worth was driaeu t and fro, lark tiA f rth los.ed by tbe surges of the .tortn w.tbm '1 be eoi.dcl was l.arfiil. I"'or ae.eial day nl, at Cincinnati, has recently obtained from thisft'tais two rattlesnakes, to bull snakss. Neil year the disparity tiiil be still creator, i, rnrt-adinz adder one black raeer, and ,i.,ir it all three acres are kenlto grsxe without ' on'; j jint nmKe. These snakes are said to , "id fie " r. si of mankind," a. many comfort, ar.d lurih-r uiarmre. A s acre will produce ' be tine si rciiiiena. 'J bey are to la Bw,l muei' ' Iner a. will be fnnnd any aher. n and nrnrrndrr, aliended bytailhliil nf hostler.. ne I'ri.pri.ior frela confident that with bl.'nng rn rien arid many new sdea r.l.ior . smied l.i hi. to ple e, he ia prepared to off' r hi. fro nd. York, lis Market fl. .St. L.uia. Mo. and Mild by all good P,U0jfisl. ami t ant j Cood. Ileal rs, and in ( hi.rlotte by 61 AUK V ( O, Cash Paid for Hide? ;Y S. M. lloW ULL, 3 door, sw.uth of th. I 9 M.ilialntl II, Us.. f krlUr. Ap'll 6. If.",'' f,lf l er tiiettess of niind was very "rent. Mie mora value, though perlispa less ij iautity , ' to tt newly di-covered remedies for tht rmil, I not understand Im a amij.r h r I oih of bay and laii Iced, rhsa ibe previous j bin r.f v. noinous serpents, W'itmmiQn ..aid Is sswd, uutsl, tLiouh the toacLni ;e.r. L s jraas wiil bate urarly, and) J s J Jlria.'d. r.erhaua a i.ti niore . iJ" Al any rait tev the Churhilte lint. I. I ...ITV ,.c . TtrK v-jo r . ,1 . ,. J. D. KKitlt. illM-sH ILM. IS, for the ( ounty tod Ori.'ier 19, li?. rftf I "Superior Court, for sale here. ' Saddle k Harnegs Jlannfacturer, THREE DOORS ROUTII (if TIIK MANrilON H0U8E, cn All l.ii 'i 'i 1; .;. t rAllkindanfP.ddloe.nrl Harness medr . I ,'l.e shortest nr.tie.. - J I RLTAIRINn prnmrtyee( Bt, ri. J. I. 1858, 2H( int. it. yi. nt mi T ILL h pleased to mil.. Prnfi.sion. I f.Ils in the department, nf MLbl. iNL and MIIHUIV. I .ilea. prni. a.11 nslly ahMnt.he iitay be found at hi. reai'lent . . l i.rlM.ll Iirpi.t, Y'.rk Pi. met H. . fh. u. in;.vi 1 tr ,. v. ... a. u,k... Urdira. 1 ' Jixrral.r. t oaaaiille.. W. Buah., Kte. ( harlea B. Knot. a.-j.., B I '.aulf.f.aa M'. P.. iV.ilian. II- '' llirh'd Ii., M. P., i.r... o lhr link'"' rid lolhepamphli t.,.nd """"'"''.'. ua..J may b, o.,t,.,ed .1 the Off." " ' or any uf ita Agent ie.. . (l- (' .ht.nld h atnr f"")U'- IMLHATILK, .Srrltml tr 8. I nil. , v r.; . 1 OK I'Klft I lN 1,0.1. ij - Wh.g r.leiea! of all kl 'S h f" SL'IIPKNAS for l L! 'flic

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