MINISTERIAL FKARLESSX KSS. f rrr since the encirnt prophet frirWfj j. d in the ear of the iuin(( king ' Thou art niKti. loiatict in me Biiermce oi unwelroi.e truth b counianded the horn-I tpr of nin. No psssH'e in the history of j Agricultural. F.SSATOV KARMINP, cur Lord's it Carlisle life is more thrilling , ,,,, rmlt .V r (ban the rerotd of bis tctrit le denunciations i ii,r t,i, .. l'.i ...:...,i.r.r.,r,.n( , .f, rt.ii ru the -" j - rrince of preachers, rejoice., in hi farewell j address to his Fjhrsinti freids, that be lad our EXTRAORDINARY EXHIBITION A i MAN OF LEATHER. I An exhibition of a very remarkable and 'unnatural character, attracted a small, but highly respectable, audience, at the Melo deoo, on Thursday evenii'g last. A young ii au by the name of Sttvi ns had advertise, that he would do many wonderful things in tbe way of cutting himself up with knives, nailing his feet, arm and lops, to chairs, to tie nail, &e , which astounding exploits he .1.... 1. ..t.:V; .1 .I.. r.r.,.;.t.J he.... I l riuiL h . .. ,f ' . jance more, imn OCrRev. Mr .an eccentric preach-1 iOISTI3 lICOI.3 VI ;r in Michigan, was holding forth not long lyjTT Tip a y TlYJGTTTTTTr sinoo iu Detroit. A youu,? man arose to go j llllljl J. Xl.l X U if out when the, rriachir said t 1 ouhir man Vv ' CliartilM'. a. . if vou'd rather co to hull thiu hear ma preach, you may go !' The aiuner stopped aud refleoted a moment, and saying re pectfully, well, I beliuve I would,' went on.' Clothing Emporium.- ,, .. . , , . ' in the presence ol a nun.per oi piiyioians i tl i , , ilM1 ( :!,, Mr. rusMBBNT :-(..ii,g to Wm of celebrilj, including members of the Medi- ,'i, lni,u,. nd rhU,.t stock of ' r last meeting, T was not prepared to give Cnl Faculty of Transylvania University, and i MJailMKla CLOTH IXe not huiihfrt l flrcisre me wnoie cuuiihi oi ; D1, rma ,B r(.ard to Farming. i Other learned protestors, who were invucu eTf, 0ffttr4 j wi.m Carolina. He ay tl.r God during tbe threr er of his ministry j ... j or ,0 j0 g0 ow aDd n ill ' 10 ,ne M9D1. "'at they iiiiuht detect any j ,-Ihmi .l, bec.u.o we jl mi, jr"i d.tlrpni. anion, tbem; and lince Tsui's day not a I ', fraud or deception, if practiced. He began l.v "m any oil.rr house. We buy the ni.tsnul. few ha.ep.ined an undying name on earth, l'ko no apolocy for b driinB a handful of pius, up to tbe 'n,1,he "' rbrr. and n...n,,faci.,r. and the martyr's crown in heaven, by their to a puhieet of so much importance. We fcca,l iuto lis loirs, then drove an awl'. , . r, ' . f ,.. ,!, i a '1 ," K'"e,"l'"" "" Inalitulewi JL c.Hiinitiioo the It -lle next. FACl'LTY M.ECT: Maj. D. II. II1I.L, Piin riiit. in!ii.t. I.ikit l .C I.KK, ('..niniiiiiUai.i, V. y. KSTII I., A. M , Prini-ipul of Primary l)i pur I II). lit. Course if i'tmirM : In tlir Priinnrj Di purliixi.t, rucli to qualify a Mum n. I"' rut" r i.liy t'nllrjjf. - In ilie M-iuitifiu Ui purtii riil tl.e W'vt I'oint ('omruluiii will be eo.i-ly lullnwid. It will he aim uf the PnitV-enora tu ni.iku 8urvi ytir, Kugi. n.-. r.('l.iiiU,u.l men fit lor the practioul bui. Iirre uf I. If. In addition tit the uauul Eztrcint at Military Schoola, the inoiitlii of Auuil umi IS. plriiibtr will he tin lit in l'auiiai:i'iij thruugli the u.nun. luina ol Nnrili Carolina. The) Aradrmic Ytar will coninirncr, on the let cliiv f Ut'lobrr. end will iinbrace Iwelte mnntlie. fnries uttiriirjee ff needed truth. know there but a few men who can do through tbe middle of lis wrist, iuto a ie t give u trial, and are confident we curi aeen'in its loweM form o'f 'brute bravery up- I' ' f-'i n "7 aonuthing about V ,, paoSiBg Uro' the middle of the 1 7 ;,icl'' to cu-'"""-"- Dmi wi" m."'; . A I, ot two mouth. (Aug end S. pt.) w,ll c, the b.l-BelH. .ecures the pUnd-ls of but to s.y something that will .d the J ,nd .J P,kc5 about the sUge ; cut '-y,' " U"al or I .r:," " w,I. V- u 0." the multitude. In its rarer forms of mental JDterest of the farmer, is no easy task, for his drxtcr finger through the fleeby part, ex- ,0-Cit(;l( (.u(li Cj j)U!lll )(,, anj ,igiuut i,,$ti ue-ion ui I'nii u. and moral fe.rles-nos it is wormy oi ' eTer-plie j,tt lis epinioni : aotne r vrrotie, biLiting the nafced Done ; ana concluded oy 05,) .. Krencb . Km? . lruid'Ktr Frntk. 4 S;u ke KtNSi.8t ninen aannraiicn. " ni' . ' profound rrverrnpe for God, and an intense l.,r fnr lhe souls of Lis creatures. Thst bid., based in the f.-ar of tiod, , coucen.ra.10n p. -e c.u eJ 0 drj,e , kmfo tlirollj;h each ez ,d ft sr of man, aud from a aense . - . c , hancr himself from the wall, which the au -"VSSr k. --a-T .- lit. T" . rj l-awaaari -4s eT-jwer-LXii.i-! W S.B.RANSOM. UCt. ALBANY. every cue has his opinions; some are wrong, nihitmg the nased Done ; ana eonciuuea Dy 050 French . t:e. lr(.d'Kte Fr , a . ,. -., , ' psssins a knife through bia cheek, the blade 120 " Alu.cce m' (J nm's Me and some are right. The 101. v way w. e.n I fn)m ,0 thi j 75 Kene, 0..,,f re .1 'ITS. hlt come to a correct method of ,s a I lit,ie blood was drawn. He also oer-! ," t,funty ? '"n'" k. -j .concentration of lueas such as we can . ' , . , , , . . Jiusjinnih a lim-n liuca ick orcome of dutv uiiifoiu.W sp aks tbe truth in love, ertbUs its possessor to encounter danger, difficulty, fcorn. ai d ridicule, without or hrii kit e. Thi ne rved Di.iel to brave ems. . wm ouw org,u vm v --...jj - mttcifMj rICBa him from doinp. conceive to be mark, of a good farmer. w 1st, be bauds and ketps a uood fence,; , B , , , , , , , . .' , , , , 1 . j . . 1 whatever he proposed. About the whole which shows be not only intends to take, , ,tr . 1 1 t. ... . . ... - nrocedure. there was no fort of butubui.'. as tLe w rath of the kinp. ana John tbe IJsptist I'M Il k the eyes of divera gentlemen, who were up toretreve Ilerod. 1 l is fuMauita ine rc- , , iI.p .in truths of a ditebwg wi T . .i, ..,,;,,, r,f m Ion do quiu F 1 , a il n li.i.irv of onr d.tclnni our wet land wc lake eff the sur- arnttsie cltrch. A1.0 the n.miairy 01 onr . , ii r.isi . r. fsc water, wbtch causes onr land to become n utter titms need it as well, to rc.-i-t a rt- t.rm.torv rr,,y claiming to be there- rmer' ",? consequently .mounts ,0 . 1L -ion of 'n,.it. A far braver heart is re. jbange cf camate. It certainly adds to the q,i!red to .drere ut.e simple, trite, but vi- "hh of our frn).to off sU tLe 8taf t.l truths of God. relvin2 upon ,h. m. preyed nant waters By d.tchmg out oar pond, .ton the eonscence'.iti. e.meM and per- and low UnJ, and particularly those little ,h g T. r, f , r. .. dV ,he UD1- '". steadily fixed upon him, at FULLlNLiS, SPUINGS X CO utfa u:ost of our farmers, as doe- , .. ,. . ., . ' , .,, , , ,, ' and any " unbelieving I bom as bad an op. u.nme in chills and fevers. Ly J t0 tourh ,Le klllre blade on the ! LUNGS, critlNG ( . k Sucltrera. riiihnus. sih iim Co. The Institute will provide Hoard, fuel, l.i(flii, WaKhiHK, Anna, K11 ui in'iit and L'nii'orina-aiid all r.lotbiii; eieepl undir cioihra, lor :0O 11. It A I .'I, our liU p.. yabie 111 aiivanie j lircau.t bf bujte bi'hlWKS (com ine MaunUclurrrs. 3hy 17, 19f9. Jiiwl i:-t-iv'r, !i5 Pvira lilack Caaaiinere P.inta, I5ti " F..ncy " " iSO " Plain k Funcv Mnrn a NT .r- lUll oppoMie M. e o iUal iulv, iu ao0 Black Satin and riu'd. frilk Vc.l., thrust, of the leg, wnt, or band. Ho used ,so f4ncj Vu..,111rB a few galranid rings about bis person, which ' 4.10 " an.! Pl.m Linen and M.iraiiJrs were, probably, mors for show than any-j AT A I.I. l'KK'KS. thing else, as they could effect nothing.' Mr. Stevens looks to be not more . than j umisllillg GC0(Is ! FumMlillj? ('00(ls! iweniv or iweiiiT-on t" " a- i'iio 1 WAIT FOR THE Willi (101. 1.1 1: II. TAYLOR tin in 1KB VI E s,anio.i which will be found the eel a.' ' ' at m. inlha. A re-lre) rearirr.. I I ct.r)(r lu llioei who ttsve unieae ' Would reaper tl'ully announce In the iiihahitarl nl f II A I.I (T 1 I from their Olu S.-nu, lu ?ii. 1, t.rknite K..W, w I North, one of the moat il naic of it) .it n. I ,'iiii i ,jiiei rit:,. u F.ver offered In North.Caroliiia.anio.iJ which will be found the celebrated r.ent real, to save the ,ndm. n. an, the r , . coAng he proposed to operate tn a stm.lar so .. .,, ,mi rui,uullni nation, than is abown in tiur.inj agan.-t I nianncr, upoo anyone of the audience, a-1 .so rposrr, .be fiercest invective, that ever but e ge. e e. r of that dreadful croaking . 'Vorf.u'gi ,(.00 if he inflicted pain. ' R InTea. H.,.ierv, 5tka. rv:.t., P,!k l.acc Tie., eame from ths lips of seelected reformer., and song of the frogs conttnua ly in ! Sa,. BraJentl, declined ' and Line',, H.u.dkerchi.1.. of ail qualme. in any M.. u m I Hileo Hale., no il it il, M.c,ai.. and en V. saw this man of leather, early yester- ,nd Pr,c day morning, looking as frcth aud whole as though knife or nail bad never penetra ted lis elastio body. Ltxii'tan (Ky ) htytrtcr. To do the latter needs neither humility, our ears qiaune, quinine; ana to cap tbe nodeet v. charity, nor bravery. ,u, fc,ng. or "" " True heroi-m" require, tie speaking the calomc,, c ornel, calomel ri-kt trtth at the rkbt time, lovingly ut- A "e'fd tnauures, there are so many tc'ed and tru-tlnv watch, d until it pro- different kinds, and th. manner of applying duees rr. f-ait. -Vkilt lack nothing that " ,0 is no easy task tod.. ... t r, Uul'.t uno too." sss I'.nl. True cldt whlch ls kMt. but 1 "Lil tak D7 t cura-t Hces net imply the w'ant of common s!aud H imported manures, l.t, Insolinck PcMsnin. Ou Thursday eve-1 s.i,-e That which was probtsble to tin i-'e-ue lur) viryu.ieu i.u 10 py eciuai ; nin? a?t) a gentleman named Ueorge La-biel, ' Tff liii'e in-tiueted Jews of Jerusalem mi-ht co" 5 ,!jeJ tuay do in some instances as a j 0f Memphis, Tenn , who is stopping at the1 JT - . . , ., j am.eifie hot eiant a normaneril niannee f II.I V.-V-.l. Wa I I Tint (,e rrotllable to IhO pbllOSOpUIG ana - - .... 1 ..icui.runuu uuici, ...a iuia,aecuiii)iuicu id-il-worahipirg Greeks on Mars' Hill. And nuchas we a. I have around us. We are , by a gentleman named Nelson, and his I'aal's Ma.-ter, presented truth as men were ,olJ bJ "a'e of our farmers that it will not , daughter, also of Memphis. Tenn . attended abe to bear it Fear of God, and lore for P"? a ihey rfc'ue 10 P'u" our mules all 'the performance of the Ravel Troupe, at sou s led him to dee!ar j-i't those truths, pr!jr aua summer, ana men can tnera tnNlos 1 beatre. While Djoyinj the per t a riven time, wl.irh. in wur mini an uio time, auu uo an sons oi jcautt Jt Co., was seated Dear elson, work ; and sir, oid you ever know moderate I ,d it is alleged that Parish landed tbe work tp itjure a negro! It never did ; nor, young lady a eard, which she iudiji 'y mule or hore either. I am clear for treat- east upon the fioor. The same thing was inz teams we'll, and keeping tbem st work ; reneated -with th n, rr.ult when Mina but if I had to choose between two evila, j Nelson immediately informed Mr Dashiel FULLING S. SPRINGS & CO. -anl'I.Ll.NGS.SrRINGS a A1 ( y). bme a larije Siock ot i'aaaiinrrr, Silk and I.. e hoin II, ilk, bvuuhl of tne manufacturere by ll.c cei.e. A!.M A lnrie atoek of tienta" and l.adire' TUL'NKS, from t'i to (.'J I ; Vali. res and I erpt-t II gs. t.od wou:d h'.ft. Tbe hihe-t fearlessness in the ru lit to day demands this ssme die- una lor fSHK auncriher. biitiff de M. from tic c.'Uiitry, oilers th. exercise of the fail, will soon kill them. I ask all such, formances, young man named Charles ,,t,on .on wy,th ""w Pls- to believe if uiu!, re bet,er bn our negroes ! We pri.,b, clerk in tbe .stablisbment of Cstlio, J", C 5u ""'i" r", ,u i. viroua to remove fr jie the Plan, ea, Ivio; 4 nnlra lein I'Unk idw.l, con. of pood fUuhtv For particulars, enquire ol the auosenb. r on the .on llic aeere ot health. TERMS OF ADMlsMOSt I No one will be admitted iiiiu the t'siauav D. rimm under Twelve jreara ol (rej nor into the s-ciaxTiric l'rraiilT unuer Fnun nor orr : Twe i.iy-oiir ! ol uge. All conmcled Willi the IScici.lific l. t artmri.t will be tripitred lo board in the luatituir; thoae in tl.e PiuiuJ ). our do so H they chooae. ! REMARK?: ( I The Imtilule Buildinpa are the largeat, moat t'. eunt and c.'in.nouioua tor toe uccom mod.-lion ol , . . r , . , !! W 'u in lb. South, mtuuntry : and the B-rdof win. h ha. (.iarci euch a f-moua re-ut.l.or, the houtherw t ountry to, the la.,,,,!,,, r, .. ,, , ,i. . i., n,,. ,...M,i,ni ol iln 1 tin .otv he warranta aurn nor to any oi a ui( run. r. a. ... n am it in 1 Super, ntendenl and Comrnnolant, (tot of ariem rmneuwe- lea 'oel, and d.e n.ore work in a e.vcn l.m. arc U rati lie tie of et Point and uf Ioul' eaperi. pui up Jni oeam- en j nm " " " fine in the Armv. and in the buaii.taa ol inaliue- 'a n a joru .mr,... t...n. the Imtilute will he e.Ubliahed on Irue the btlter one. - -sr - O y a Military beaia a l.U clul url, u on Irue Military; XSl I d I . IlIlAIiT III' Drii.eioiee. 1 lie board will further sir. that Mr. I ilJu.U) .Uil. ' 'B. KSTII.I. is a t;radu..le of the Virginia L'niveraity j and an experienced t laaticl Ic.eher. They A f.,rt!...r lMj, iIimI it ib thciS intention In mcreaae the number of Uachrra in botii Drparl. IU has, and conalaully keep on hand, an ralrneive and varied atof I of a u p.iror.age oi me puuiic ..s". , ,.... Swsris, I 1 i . 11 ai 19 lll'jl'l JAIPAil All!) UJUli'AiinJA 17AUi, lUZ.ISS Kl.TTI.S.Si LIST l.'fM i 'I I .,,, . HAT" HACKS, Clll)LES,&c.,&c, Al ol te liirli v il l.e-sol.l. lol. .!. nud It. ImiI h-i r tiiHiilmi ever ba rn otlrra d In lUla U tlilli. I would return mi thanks to mv friend, and eueion.rre for the very literal pair. -j he wee! upon lie, and they my real assure.!, thai I toreiner wnn a ueit ruunaiiun pieaae.m ry i PAElEiOH STORES. Tin Institutr waa rrinled a liberal t'narln by the I. ji.loture of North Carolina, with the powrr t coniirrinr IVpreea uiKin tho.e who le : me preached t ourae ol Studi. a. j if Alplieatnna for artrnsaitn will be receiv.d ; until ll.e let of September, end m.l be directed l Dr. f. i. Fox, President of llic Hoard, . Ii.r- h.ite.N C. C. J. F' 'X, 1 JAX. V. IIIW I.N, I C II. LaF. AI.KXANavK.n, JAS. H. CAUS'X, THOS II lil'.I'M, S M. liLAIU. DAVID PAHKS, J ( Aroe, .Vj 10. lb.. Slf all endeavor, by i lrat atui tl. of ll.e eame. and manner s own mortid or malignant "hut them up in a barren pasture and.0f the alleged iusult. The lady wis tbeo , er. tion a to tne tiu;e, mai if ;re tcliri Nor dos i:i-.ral iirrepi.lity e.-n-i-t in lauucl.ini aiinst ct'uers fiery anathemas, thoufbts'and feelings lo b. the thoughts perish them to death, or work them to death. ' escorted to' the vestibule, and Dahil re- i aLd frtiirps of th- Altt'iibtj One. "I 1 should pursue tbe latter course, because : turned and collared Parish and adminis- J ui ced hit t dvcla'. uti'a you all the I should get some profit. I have been no- tered a severe castigation with a liht .witch c-ui1el of iod," was Paul's claim uot ths ticin? ome farmers who have bought their ' ease. A great erowd immediately assem- elamorw or opinions of men. but the counsrl m.ourei for several years, and I have seen j bled, who generally commended Dasliel for Mrs. A W. STEVENSON. A jnil 1 2, !Pi9. Atlntic mUTUALand FIRE Insurance Company, ;ir:in;i ily, . "., Incorporated tjr ea Art of tkt Ltxt'atatt r A'vrli Ctfiei'.e. taxi-:s. rp Y. Tn I.'-te for l'ie yrar IsSI a.e now i M. niv haeea f.r tnapaeiion. Thoae liable I p-.y Taa'te will please e..n.e f.-rwitre: and ae.ile. E. C. GIUEK, fheriff. i Ajntl 12, Isi!). Uf das Works Ladii'nand lipntlcait u arc jiarlirularlj imiliil lo rail nit! i-ii.n;iiir l.iMui ! til ZlTut 02 J03 VT03E'KD 20 Vf HE i'iit r, 1 N. B. I willl. !! tow why I head' a.) ao.trlnni r M " W aiv r. l tin VI - i y,.. we have ihree wafgi.iie cnM.nlly Iran llii-c 'hroujl. the enwtry w ill. hti.x a. i IV .III or tit it uill be hiithlully innl ;u .;, nlUmli it lo A. A. X. 3I.TAVI.oi:. j Caerwr, 1(S, lpi7. 3,1 Ti.. ,. ranee cf the'e coun'tls nortnern war pork" m Mom. o wonder, , bis conduct iu their simpiieitv, and in the pirit of Him lceu. ,ueJ crJ agaiu-t nauung; lor it is . him into eu'tody, and h. was detained at wi oisljve, with an alining faith in tUir reasonable to suppose those who buy their j the Fourteenth Ward Statiomhoiue, and E.-aey, rotwirblndiug tie' pretu.-'toue of Vor buy their corn. Now, my best ' compUint made against bira by Pariah of a fcutueiailarian go-pel nailing itself in the "r"""","' Juur KUH "nu 1 aQ- asaault ana taller verv ten- ule '( God. nri'iire. and exhibits a .ee no.iona, ana mate ycurseives maep.n. f nylll C o-pany beini; duly nrcsi preparru to le.ei.e appiitai.or Vtrv ten" pie rt UOO, ri q iirei inn riumin " , , . ' rrc'-ounrier beroi-m th.n that po-sessed by . i J,ur support, attend to your th. noi.iest reformer of tbe ae. He alone tcIu. fee'1 "rk "ell and right, and A police officer, however, took ance BUILLiriGS, ncaCHAWPISE, rn ui tun-, .TJ ilN, .T a ii ii fiic I o 1 1 s, MiiPa ami nil ik s and moat kiaile of prop, rt) , -t r. ratea ol" preuiiuui, n-i I I. ia aniifd. in the orran istirn of thia fon.pi. 1 he. 11! K, itire aai t lo qua Slave IIoi.heim, Look at it!- nv. to make a eate uirc rer.ces the law cf God more thunifT 'rd for , uf.-i-J will crown your P,0" f lbe Plie committe. submitted to ,,;,,., to ,i who Le fears the scorn of men, who loves tbe auis cf tbe perishin? mere than be de-irea tte praise of the populace, will calmly, sieadiiy, and persi.-tetitiy confine his teach ings to tbe counsel of God, ncr eialt the viraries of bNown brain to a level witL the rev-lations of tbe Most ITi jli A.-it'ri Ctrl Mrtf" Z'r. tor j ..... . e.c ot I CUMING TO CHISIST. A visnj nan r'.a in one of the New Toik pray-r n.eetings thi said, thst he had a prating mother ad a praying ftther. Hii fa:ber bed labored for fitly years in tb mi-sonsry fi"ld. and then went to bis rest Much prayer be knew bai been of fered for hi'Ji. Ail Lis friends wsr. pray itg for lim, ai.d be knew that many re niemtered hiai at a throne of grace. He Lad "been iu a atite of great religiou anxi ety, and it was ot.!y a week ago that Lc hJ found a Saviour. Mi&ialers tell o, be continue:!, in their artriori bow eay is this coming to Christ Christians tell ai how easy it is, snd yet we n.nm notlio one to ffmt.a. ; Council on Monday afternoon, showed 'il huuurat.le and opught tuui. oi ... i mentioned, we a'.I lave good ma-'e of negroes imprisoned for drunken- ( fsitnful fuihlu..... nt .i.contract. nures witnia our reach, and all w. have to ' e- Where re tending, and what ,e- , c '""ISnr do is to sr pi) them. We have ashes, marl curlty " tber 10 our property? Miilioos oSt,. , ,.,e lBmp. v, ur : ,i. au't and mud in the greatest ibundanee. Now, of dollars we have invested in this species . D1KU Tuk. put such manures on your lands, and you f Property, and its value is being depre- y1)hn A Jtrt, Vl will get well paid, not only you, but your C'ed every day by horde, of white men Ij-i T. i i-ln'.y, children ifter you. I here mention the "J women, too mean to enjoy the privi- W. B. .r..ut, l:tr - :- -: !J -r r e.ti. t l.i nri.i!i..,l ...l.l. ..t ...1 .it l vid s. J-.iiea, uiucieuce lu luc yiei'l Ol DDI ni my ueius. I .-fe;- - ' '"i - - - - - jje(J Dill, rtoted out a part : tbe balance I cultivated , supinely aown, ana see tin. wore oi ae-, (.u, ,,, j . .,.ke!ey myelf. The whole of it did not produce , trnctioa going on. Can no law be devised Luke BUckmaw, over sixty barrels of corn. It is true, it was 10 b,a tui vil doggeries of tbe off not a favorable year, but bad it been, I ! city are to rule, and destroy our property, A. Parroit, efL. ra reane. il'ully inform li e pub n. I II, y are (.rrpar.U to errel liaa ( it.. . I . w n, Vil'o a; a, I -d-rpe II. .! la. Tiny hu r.. ten worka m. Kii .fh. .N I'., at I... h ftrn larliM. lo the cil'l. r.s ol plecea. il', prll-..i. as ai.U at.i.iljr lo cntr iela enlrr.u il l", thi ri ! r lo ihe foiii w ii.j K.i. lien-., i. : J.B. ll.rare.rn. Pr. i ( hir T... Worka. C I". W m Johnat. I., Pree. htr AS Dr.T.U H..K if . I'r. - R.I I... A. Ileleijh. ..; G. II. V. U. . W av.rly. .M.a.. A. (i. Story, I'm.- "-a. Wo.ka. L.llle Fell,, N . Y. f T. M..ry Supl. I.ii W ,rka. Wsier'owr. N. Y. W. S. S-ho.ntr A. ( "t..,JI Pear. M., New Y -rk. A.-drSB III aul -er.lir. l HJnjl. N r. WAT Ell 111 -l'E 1-OWKS. ' .Ver 14. s.,m. 7if liiiani S Lor g, ' " " Ij.voiw ie.i. jjoi'.K to hK AD.VU KD THAN THE ;!l!lB' lliCHKST DIADKM Wdrn by Kings or Lriipcrors, Notice. A I.I. trre..nare hereby eeul oned af atnal bun. t l.rj will, guoai.r ii"ja, er firl.inf Willi e I or tie. ;e. or In I l.miie, aa Ihe law f .reed e A .w io, lil'.KVAlU) DAVIDSON. J 3in it the ed A. J? -'-'T"'' . T - Var rjff vU rs-IIK.MOVAId.T?:i . IIV a. -A n, I. - I i ol Miml'l A M! KT m I-" ' i l!.- I.M ..pp.,eilc lb. I'lea'-ylrfi. nl . . .. a . Il.y are.,!)f r.iiict l Ut .N.a i r. ... t.. IU ir ai. rk ..I" ri.( hm:i:m k. , I'Atlll.V .nM I Cll vAr. .i.,e Ibrir atock ma I he l..und e. t ' t krpl I I .11 ( 'I llll'l nf u I.H,.;. I .nd ai -1 K m.'d ha., m.. .;!... 'l k r,..... the sooner we awste to the fact the better. ,-CTI t-i'ineswj . .... -6 ' 1 .. .(.. if. v.. W.S.I... the same bcid lay out. ll.e next year I . -""" (lJU) -,"'-manured it with mud, rnarl and cotton seed, ani on the aw. held 1 made twenty-five TV-r-rnv. Ilr.r Smivn fariue fin. ' lent, fel.l. true ot cotton, averaging 4, o lb.. La.tyear 0f ,be eo,p!inU against th ordinary sew (1 -.!!) I made a Very fine cmp of corn on ing njcbioes is, that they will not sew but the same field, nd accommodated several - totl holci lrj(l uco work . ,nd ,e cfre. of my Dianure-buying friends wuu corn ' fu bousewif. who possesses one of the aids to This year it lay. out, and th. growth of ; household economy, has still to do this por weeds bog weed, and butter weeds clear-'tiou 0f th, work hj hsn(j. Mer,. K. A. ly ahow the d:iTenee from what it waa Goode, trj(I K L yyM of Pennsylvania, when I first commenced mananng. Tb. b,re inTer,ted and patented a machine w hich about it. 1 was anxious to t'""lu u poverty grs-e, forml t .t.tcb of novel character, suitable 1 re.olv.d npon doing much 0T . " 14 aomeuiues ca.ieo, tue o.a mar. for w-,rkiog button boles, eyelet holes, over I 11. A. Thompson, A. B.I ha pin, B, 1 S. lama. I K-i W. Heil, N Ui,th 15. 19. r V,ee P I Alt.nej s..cretary tXEtl'TlVE (OMMITTfcE. 6n.-lliS sesnntirs, and lor other kinds ot worn in j wmgn it ib ueuessBrj or ueeirauie l'ir tuc . . t., ,i ...,' I I mu-tsiy, i-i one'.i-ion, to my manure I eW.d lav out luuw'n tu.t I would do;1''"-' "eua. u,at " 001 tb 0,V stiches to pass over an ed2e. This machine ti r-.ui'h tbe day. At tjiabt, when iokii.- b' ld- 1 ' m"i cq-ially ai much if wi1 UVtJ mept tll, objection stated above over the dav. l' found that I had don. ab-jI,rit1 B'lr'' tA ,doue h1 mud, marl cieilUj,,- Amrri: an. acutely r.oth.n2. I -as no neaee, e-m.r 't,,:'. ni composting, and instead of . ,i ' i ' , ..t j r j an .inn in y team tbev ar. sieea and fat. lovuri-t itimior ano.r oy, , w.n..w . - . ... F,.vr,,n Vw t..e. ,Ke,.b Mr V Tne WsialilHUKMI I a. I I . , . , - .. t I bav aaid more than I auiicipata-d, but ' rllSDlHU. learn tnroun .ir. . IS. ,., j, ..crer the dep.,t, the e-aurthou..-. .mi re. upon uy .;; i y .. . j;.-e the (,.jeB cf Sbeba, "the ba!f baa not Allen the condact.i on th. Express train ' the b.iame.e etreele than any other in ihe city. tVt!, that 1 tad g .iue-l "'.'urn,'. ltf,.u o;d .. JOSHUA TAVIaOl. ; last night, that about half a mile thi. side A" Omnitj.. will .U-y. t at the ... pot and wearied n,)se;l wuu my tff.rts; .! the 'uo'11'1 I f fc . c. . r t. I' . lanmnr, on the arrival ol Ihe cars and at. imhoat, tiu... a, I s ir posed. ,r, :Jt erne to Chri .t, i f Cbrrt Comty, , lrte of eh.,,.. x i " : iome oriknown iiUiD ihot t the engiDcer, u- nxtmz t tin llniel, p.Mrn;r will imve V.'hat? Why a Beautiful ITesd of Hair. B. eanae it ib the ornament ('id timi'ij p.unJai for all our race. R.-ai,, alii gii ll.e ro.e mj i v r so b,'K.Hy 'he e ier ehu k . llic u In- eti r .eapai Sniij;, tl.e t" ti. be ui pearia, if the head la b-rrlloi ita rmcii.r. or the he annrl. d j.roi ahnv. I. .;, ktttth end di y, or worae eliil, ifaprinkK-o with a;ray, nature will ioae more than hall h. r rharina Pro!. W is .l'a Hair l(e.l..,alie, if um d two or Ihre l.rnea a wnk, will reaiorr and p.-rnianeniiy aicuie to all aurh an ornament. Head the loliowi.lj. ano judfe. The writer ol Ihe firet l. thr rtlrlii'iltd I uioirr, 'lkiitbmg: fie. Wouu: New York. April 19, 18 H. Didt .Mr, Permit me to i inr.aa to you tl.e oh d r. aoeetl'ully ar,rinni,cta to lip:tione I am onde, for the er.tire , aioraiion ot l.aa lake.. . me hair to ita original color ; about tue lin.e nl my iiirol, and arrival in the I rule. I Mi.ti s il was rainUly b. eom. ii v L.ray,hut UM.n the explication of your, " Hal, Heatorali.e " It aooo recovered lla oriental hue. I eoiiaioe, your aa a very woio.erlul inveiitH.n. quite etLccioua ua it,l aa af r. table. 1 ani,i:. .ir air, youra truly, H TIIAI.I Ui(.. " Dryeh a", tiwylietvcet." WASHINGTON HOTEL (CUA.NOE Ot PKUWUtTOKS ) iiitoAU si m i t m w iimt.i, . ., JOUW F. JOiVES, Proprietor. f 11 UK L'nrlrr M. Ihe traaellma; public, thai I elnrge of line old anil p..p.iur eatabli -inrol, and now pra-j.ared to accoii.looiistp traveler, and pri vate tamiliea With boar.! bv the day or nionlh,on toe moat accommodating l.'rilla. Ida 1 Alil-K wi.l be furmahrd w.lh the ba-st provieiui.s Ibat home .uii fore'u marktte can CAXl)VrACTOl!V. j Fresli CunlVcliofK ries, Fruits,' Ac, Ac. ' I rM, re. p..eii"ui'y in'orma the eit.. j A Sena ol t'hartoltc and eurroon. ir.f cuniry, 1 lhal he haa on hand end le eonetantly reeeivii.e I trout New York, I Ccnfecticneries, Fruits, I FAX V (.'IKK I'.KUS.ddAK i TOIIAtC'O. S.M I T, TCIVS, t -:. I liialriiiniiil, i iki: woiiks noititv noiti. V. lu-iM'd a, lllW Vlluolla, j hit Us, Wall k will lids, A. Itll.l lifc-ca of every aa.irly, ( J. 1) rAI.MKR. TJlf lannfi.eliir, CAMIKS ol r.noua eoh.rinf oniil. Ihs d 1 an.:y. t ail and ere. I 'll ryh'.e Ihei, ,li ph ? an 'i hi. II, and are prrpalrd la lursi.ii I i P.rli.aWlthl akaaol all a.i..i. Mwi I MUOlV a n: 1 No r If. IsiS -ii,; V . tie public. pt re Mr .. hop. in th Mt.tliV 1 M-ri.: r. saij is, lr hil. i t mill Uiiilili r, II t Ilr..W..n-i.a a...' f. , PeUir lnilil.., I'l'V'tr I.. an ai.j Vi.laa, Pa 1 1 n I - r a 1 1. l I e. wil l I" bu.h ,.( .Vi,..,( om M.He. Ae. I in l.ia.i.ryrt Anaanurr'a Huiltir j , :r. r t over I bllia ll-.ll. trl'r '.'6, 16.. rj J.ltf A'or.niie, 9. I KM. Alao, he inli-nde to r ill kinda, free from p.n Sew York Mem. Rtfir bat r"o abojt a week I ra er, ai d lo i hue ir r vr.i r.. i s i .-s r ;'ii rv : - unP.i,,.d ii.A ii ...i.. ;i I went lo Christ in , ... , . w . i! 4. it . i ail about it I ai.J,' i i .1 a a i jo. a - Ud 1 Lord Jeeus I a:n de.viate. lean Abounww- years ago, we nr-i mnitonea - . r 6 T- ' du,... I com, to thee to do ail. I "bat we have since seen tried and proved "hlb ca0' Tel7.near '.' '0IU J''; . . .... ....... . ..- . . .l- Look un the villains aid five I hem th. full lo c iiii to i'.ee, j.j-t I sn. 1 w aM an in tereat io thine atotj n blord. I want to be waed it jm a.! aiu 1 wat.t t j be t -. It n into thy I wait to U wholly tLii.e 1 devote ti to thte." I til.t.'.t exerts. ';at a jr.y c'a'ne iot-j n.y bean, iu t tie eou-fioj-i.tse mat I bad real'y now been ac C 'led of bun. I had reaiiy f.ji.d bun. I 1 und I no when I did i.otui l g tise but con.'j ti I. m ja-t a- I w.a. It now senna ea-y to c ui to turn e 0iut il'i tiOt!.in hut come 'lie said li st p'aiers that b w'ie awaariieJ il.iijcrs in the ruoui. lie killing of lit, by the mother an nunatural. n 01 u'e Uw nothing short ol a good though by no tuaaDi uuu.uil proceeding on ,led rope. LharMte liulrtin. tbe pari of some sows. Tb. matter was' aaui brought i our mind by a communi- S a KE CoUlTY Tobato -Oranvillc, Cas eation (rim E. j. Buxt jn, of Varrnouth, well, I'eraon, and .11 the other Tobacco rais who says there ha been an unusual Ions of ing coui.tio, mast look to their laurels, else pigi in his neighborhood witiiiu a few week old Wsk. will bear them off in triumph. p.t, and recommend., as th. ea-iest snd U'e learn that Major Kusk, of this couuty. aure-t preventive, to give the so about sold bis entire crop of Tobacco in Kicbtnoud, baif a pint of good run. or gin, which soju Va , eti Wednesday Ut. at an aversg. of,' prouuee. iniDxicauon, anu in. arunrien mo- Vi .j cU. per cwt.. which tn tbe hwbest By atoppi at line lintel, p.. ample tunc to otitaiu meiia. Il.aiej alao a large and con.modi.ue Slab'e, and n escellenl Oatle,, he ib fuliy pr. -pared lo board horaea by Ihe diy, week or month at Ihe moat reason . bit rati a. JOHN. F. JUNES. .Virr 1. IP59. ilit ciE 1 1 JaOrjjTHo 1 1 ; i I'll A X 1.1) IT I . N. "Hr Welab Newaoapt, ot!ie.-, 3 N.a. a. I .t., April 13 Par r. O i. Wood : itfttr Air, Some moutti or a I -i ka..go I raceiv.-o a bottle ol your tl . r Hi -atoraiivc and gave it tn niy, wi'e w horoncluiii d tu try it on her hair, little thinkm; at the tune lhal it would rt .lore the t"S hair t. Ha oriinl col or, hut to her a a wet. aa my .lirpriae., all. , le w a.L.i trial it hria periormi .1 that wot.e.r'ul tf. el by turiiinr' all tl.r jfrey l.aira to e dark brown, at die i. ini- tune beautifying II nd Ihickeliini; tha hair. 1 .tronly r commend the above lieatore. riae pt.aoiia in ...... oi anen rnange nr , , , tl.eir llair. I IIArtf.r.'S I AUHI-.vv N'aw , July 1S.V7 JAalll-aS .M. ED.NEV. COMMlsaiU. MLHCJUt T. I I? t II ATI UI th hi III IT, . Y. I Y'd and fi.rwarda every kind of nierrhan. M JV due fo, trll per real I'aaimiiiuii. Ileh-ra t .... tswain and, N. .V . W.mlf.n, J. W. t. borne, I '. P. MMiurnhall, A. M. (iormen, t.aa. end Krv.l . P. lltln.a, ll .n. W. A. (.raoaui, end others. PraUr in Pianoa. ,Mcii.eoi llarpe, l.uilara. Muaie, t-.ii( Ma. Sal. a, Pumpa, (ar.ien llpeines, Ar. A printed all tne did. rent u.ak. re, kuma aud prirea ttnt frrt. Puhliahernt an eliganl lilhngrapb of ii lory Leo," t . (!,) and tl.e " ( H. T".t he could perceive from the t",-r. uniik. som. human mothers, beco.ii.s a;rt)f, p,IC9 elitained that day for any mil E'1" """ ' been made, ii,st ibere etiiireiy harmleas towards her young, and Tobacco sol i, and tbe breaks on that day. -'0,"f"rU,'le l""' H..U 1 1. ; till at hie puat r. auy lo liil. 111 Ihe duties of mine host " lo Ihe ravrllinr public and otnrra and he Haiti rlera can be lound wi: i Imn aa . - . ;i. ,!... .-.-...t . - . . anvwiiereiniinaviciaiiy. .'rirauuai'.ini-ar. .IUI.I.JI.K v ... nou ..j .ii too, were the Largest of any on. during , centre of Cl.arlotie. Bu.un l, n will w ai.t. d to k. .1 tbem that comiLg to Cbri.l beat advantage or her pigs, and on her re- il,e Jear. lialtigh JUgiiter. j fini) thie Hotel a n.oat eonveini m and .irahie a. easy when we would do nothing ! eovery from her " beoier, she beeomea so ' : Im.'.tion. (le ha. b-en tngfi in the hii.m.s, 1 i,i c .i ru,t now at the nresetit n.ucii civil.xed iu her di-poaitiou, as to erad- , , at this eland nearly eihteen ye. ra, nd ,n thai c.n,. nt.i rune now a. tue pre eu. . , hr FaJAI. ftf'b'RKM E Mrs. Knowles, onu lime be h .e mi aever.l lo I... lormer .in- i ner- ... , rou.lllg iu re-o,vinS w e ( ,he ,,,! aI,t. in lb !.a.ll. Aa.l.im1 houar. and II ha. been treatly e..Ii,r,.d and l.u ..'., ail. a... I. s!i.a l ... l..l..a. .f al". Bt IMaUOtOII iik m e.ii,,!,... lie iiaJ setn lib own mis- r( . ..- . , fecuon .it know of thia remedv he- ' I'anr O. J, Woon: With confidence do I re. era I'manni; oa, li.u (.tint to IIhi.ih." M me ml Hair It' atoratite, aa b- ii i the moat , 1 hie invaluable .imi.y adetae, al.oulii he in en ry Riraeiiiua arli. le I rveraatv. hmee u.i.ik your hnuee. Il trcata of all tli.eaee., haa a copious I nr lir.ioraiive my hair and win. si r. w Inch were vlo.aary and pri Ihe r. nn .In a Irmn nature', ii'. 'I wh'lrha.e j;r ji uall fr.wn dark; and I , boui.ti oua .Ion ., for all our infiroiliea and n.ia. ti N nl a lew more ..ppliralione will re- j fortune.. It .a printed on fine while p. per, hand, ore il.. in In ih'-ir eulor. It also h.a re. aon.ely hnnnd fourib rdilion, Jlih pajia, and ib i v. me of all riantir ii II in.i unpleaa ,nt itching, ao moiled free fur ant dollar. "l V ""1 taki a, am il) Uclblti -1 th. rin to e theirs and u 1 evtue to him now. ll.'Kiini AT NuTHIN i. If our ihs are reparab.e, it is unt' ; if rrmedilrae, it is vain. Uut a t i,r;-t,an h'i ids bi f ir'itqd. on a better f ij. !at nu than stoieisui : he is rontent with ev. rytnii. t - ia Lj p. ns, i.eeati'e he kii w t.t it u a) i,vt i.a( pi n unle it first p!eaed (', id, i at lea.t to permit it It bat pen,; ani thiat e h rh ples-ve blui Itn.l l e be-l. IU i a- jr. d li st no new thm ; can ' t fa 1 1 bi n and l! il Le ia m the band, cf a ! athrr who wii! rove I. ;iu with m stil einiu which realgna I cu faun, t i jrt Ih - ..' ('i.w ing trie! by a neighbor of ours but a few days since, and proving entirdy effectual, not only overcoming thi-positioii of tu. aow lo kill ber pi.'., but making her a. careful of the in as could be de-ired. tlii,t Vrnnr. eLdanU in the Lunatic Aiylun ", "in h tin teen jreauy e..j.irr.n aim no- ... V., was killed on Friday l.-t. j ?'" fr;' , !r" mr A' , '. , ... , Ih'l fei t in l.iielo by I -l f et iu width, hn;a..oe t ihe patients, who -truck hr w itb ( ,n, ,,.rt ,,y , ti...i,e.wlk, arToruu.-; . vcl a heavy brush on the head, causing her death shortly after. She was formerly of I'.jckbridge county, Va. What ia a Fi.ikt' A young lady of more be..ty than sense: more scnornri iah- iiiei,t than ic iriiin; more ct arin of person c .... ir ....j a n i : than grace of mind ; more adiniree. than S' rit.'HIMI IS MV ts A small, Lots- , . , , , ' . , , . . a Irieuds : more 1'iols than wi-e men for att.:n t w:;h the end cut off, is a very eonvem. . ' , , ,, . , , . . j . . l uants. JMK-Itl'ijw. eul mr d:iim of applying hrua dust to guive. - j e. pin- it about the right rnoitur, while the juice of potato a.i-ts in removing fSr" Hon. Jeff Tson Davia is lying very ji stains frou. the surface. We rau get a bet- at 'Jraftoii, S', I'r. Htone, of Waabiiigtori. t. r polish ly ibis method than by any other it i stated, has gone on to render medical we bare tried aud with lc lavhur. I as-iitatji?e. nt promenade at all lioura ol the Hay Th.- Ilouae hi. h.-en1h..ron.;lily form-l ed thro', nut, and in ev-ry part nl it re .lute eomb rta are abueifint and t ingihle. eaneein II v in the MM Mi UU'lVI. where the "inne, man" ia reneweo" dny by diy. o..n-el, d w.lh Ihia Hotel a,e Rtnhlea rT'.r.'ir,r for i r'l h.rai a, ibundani'y fnrni.b'd wnn imn aiirl provend. ,, alteiidru by f.illi ul anno, hi jf-itii; ho.i r.. I ne Proprietor f, el. eonfident lhal with hi.'oi.f spenenei- aaii many new ailvaiit.iea aCri. e In hi. .:. aire to ph-aae, he ib prrpan d to nth , hia In. ml. .lid Ihe " ,at of tn nikiuil," aa no. n y l-.rl. ami aa much gm,iS, aa wi:l be found anywh. ,e. Ireely j. t; hii.ny Paor. Woon Al.ont two yeare iieo niy hair who rnn,m' need f.lhri? off arid turriinr fray : I was himself lhal a. . ' u i. i.o.iit.. woo ......... u u. .iij tive in J .nnary laal A f w applications laateri. .it n.y hair firmly. It 1,'c.. n lo fill up, grow out, and turned bne lo ita former color. (I.lacl .) Al Una lime it la fully restored to lla original color, heitlih, and Btn.'ararico, and I theerfull v r.eom. mend Ha one to ..II. J. V. .'lOI-.S. t.nieiig... III., .M..y I, ln.".7. The Re.t..ratie ia pul np in hollies of 3 a ?-a, via: I irk.-, n,..!.l,oi. and .ui.,11 ; the small .,,,t. , a , i.t, HI..I r. i.i i. t..r or e dolliii p. r hoftle ; the me. el i il l.i l elo. al lea. I, per ei III more in pro portion than the email, r. t. il. for two dollara per bottle; Ihe laree Indrle a o,.i rl. 4U srr cent, more in p.r....rl.on. and lor 1 1 (I J VMiUf) A I ( , IV. pm lor., 4 14 flronilway. New York, and 114 Marl, t Si .St. 1 .,,,. Mo, and ...III I y nil good llll(.f.el..n.l K. I. ey (;,;, H. er., and in I iiarlolle hy ISi All II Ai I II. New Ko.e frU. IC, A.'.H. ...d Pnilio., S ill. OU I ll-CAKOI I 'A Kutaal life Insurance Compny oft it t: h i l. hit. ii A ' f V II I.- 1.1. p-.n V it. at. I. a II I i.x 1 ' 1 ' JS. ai. If o..e e.l, e lull, ll e-la." "; on li.e. .lutual Priae ple, ll.e a.n..i I- r 1 liiipelii'I m ll.epf.i.ia ol tl.r poliriee flantetl lot Ihe whole 1. rn whin the pren.iuiii ' note may be five n f. r ene hall Ih" 1 pi'iniuiii, blaring mtrrial al C i '," The prompt manner in wluh a.i been psm by Una cumpaii J . t. ( H ' lin nl.. nl piaai.iuii. ini.u.ii.' au. n aa are Uiapoaea to uiauie. f M.v.a an n.auree for a I. rm I I'' ' f.vr yara. fo, lwo.ll irda ll.e .r ve.ue. Ail loaae are Wlini" : - pri aeuUO. Illlll.l 'I III t harlea P.. JohneloB, Vv m H . ' Iioi.i.n. w. to-ke. J. i.. v.;.. w llu.leil. Qn. nl.i.e Uu.l.r, P ''., II. M. kre. k. P. It. Hie, I ha, ha h. " lowle, ICirb'ii II. Battle. (illllUs. Dr. f harlr. F. Johnai n, Preain. nt W. W. Iloiuon. Vice Ple.i.inil K. II. Battle, Vyillism. II. Jones, lie. surer II. W. Ilii.teil, AHorney. lr. V II. M kee. Jlediea. irnafiH '. 'emmilrf. U- l,u" t.rgana, fneU.ry proi l.inra. Iron 1 If N S, M. HOWELL, TI e -I I. -f kee, barlea II. u... i I J ..I i onaulaii. Jo'hn...n, M. 11., Will I' "'"' It.i h'd II. lla,......:, M. It . i !(, For further, the r"1,1"'" ., red lo tliepanipl.l. Is, and l-m-a ot F" '" may be ot tim ed et Ihs Other el I" , ,,,, lomniuiiic. lions should be sditrer , V U It ATTLK. rri,"r1i Kryttmlrr H, IK.. SHf Saddle h Harneii nnnfacturer, THREE IKii-iRK HOUTH f'f TU E M AVHtl llfil'HI, i' ii A li l.svi ii; . md llarnes. mailt atthe TrAllkinrl.nfftaiidl, orte.l notice. 1 r KPPAIRINf: pr. Jew. 19. IHgM, mptlj eiei nli il. 37tf Cnsli raid H.r Hides, tV H. M. IIOVVKI.Ii, S don,. S.,uih of M Mi.n.ioa M'.uee i harlultr. April . I -.'. f,, f 5rs. r. v4i . r'.'rSf. " a ,, I llttil 1 r At any rale Tr th : ( hi.rl. tte If, f. I. ;. 15 K Kit II. 3Jtl jWITNKSS TK KKT.S, for the County sod I Superior f'oiirt, f..r sale here. mi. it. yi. i!t: d ton ei m Prote.n. I a'l'.ll rm. mi. of Ml hll IM;..i, MI:i;Ki:Y. tnl... nroieaai. mil, .h..nt. he 1. ,!,..' y t. roundel hi. reeinrnee, rortMiil IIbih.i, i , - " I if ' H I!ri.NA8 for talc at thi' pie II I the .t York Di.wiel H i a. luit. , '- . 1 -- . y J , -' -.s. fV-aWaaV. Jl-X..5j. v. -'"'- - tM'l'. PRIM IN, "f all f""" l IT.ce

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