A NYhth Carolina Revolctionahy Sot PlEl. Aniotigtbe revolutionary pensioners ; now living iti lieorgta is .'iicaiati nrook-s, i sr., born in Chatham county. North Carolt- j a. As in orphan boy, he wan bound out j to a widow. At the cge of II ye:trs, while! om mi errand to Ransom's Mill, met with and wan iufTicticed to accompany, 20 to 30 j others, then on their way to Wilkes, now j Wsrrr-o county, Georgia. W actively j emt'lnjed as a scout sgainsf the tories, and on one e-ecs-ion a body of "f)0 or PIMI tortus j was discovered. Although a tr.uch larger j force, they were pursued, and, under cover , of the night, attacked by Col. Elijah Clark ; and defeated at the junction of Kettle Creek j aad Little Hirers. He was .lso in South j Carolina under General Greene; with Gene- j ral Fickeim ia his march through tba Cbe-1 rokee country to and down the Tennessee J liver. At the siege of Augusta, then in; possession of the British, commanded by ! Gen. Greeson, ssw that officer shot in a b.l-, cony by Jnmes Alexander, a w'uijr in dis- , guie. M. a so states mat wnt-n .iujumi surrendered, the liritish left the lories in the hand of the whf;., and were slaughter ed by tbeni without mercy. sY"jsr awtr-l Si .ffisf CHARLOTTE: Tflfsdar, Angnsl 30. 135D. . Hi. ILrThe Senior F.ditor of the Bri.i.rriM has our is fur the following items of foreign New which reached ua as wo were going to Pros : I. VTF.lt FRU3I t I KOPK. 1 AKRIVAl. OK ma citt OK WASHINGTON. Ssckvii.i.ic. Aug. 27. Tlic atcaniahip Citt or WaaHisuron from Liver- waa boarded off Cape Ujc this morning erpool dates to the llth were received. I'mrM. Tlie market rh.aed dull on thedav the ashing ton sailed arid tbe su Messrs. Pcarce and Buchanan. Mnny of our readers will renolleet what pledges the Drmocrntie. lead.ra winds, to gull the Whigs into their ranks, before the two last rreaidential elections. Among tlicm wera the promise that Messrs Pearce and Buchanan would be true to the South. They will recollect thut tlie jr weie recreant to their promiiea when they appointed free soil men to be governors of Kansas, and kept thrin in office, but they will he astonished to learn that these appointments were made after Mr ptttttd itmonntmncct of Southern mimtrrt ef Can grmt. This fact ia atsted hy tho Augusta CArerii. re, in some coimiieiita on Senator I vcrson's speech rrcerlly delivered in Georgia. After this, can the Southern opposition trust such a party. Bound ingethrr by the Cohesive p.-,iver nf public plunder they will do anything to enable them to hold to tin" loaves and fishes." ihere were a pleny more i the tuna thia bollwas pullt beat Ihia f Living Head ox a Dead Uody. The Nawriurir Index fires the following curious I ut melancholy particulars of a respectable " farnucr iu that neit-'uborbood, wbo was once , ,n,i '' a residsnt of that city ' Mr. Archibald Campbell, a respectable farmer in the township of Camden, Ka.t, ""' while engaged in finishing a new dwe!!in2 ' Hasans-Tcrr. and P..t,-...n. -on his nren.ia.s the seaffjld .; kit. an"i i f-'ii-N commanded 9 .J. be was precipitated head foremost to tbe j Politk The eoi ground and dislocated his neck, but scry comparatively nothing frrtunateiy ntid rny tiriouly did not kill , him. " be n his head was brought to its proper position, tbe vetehni; of his Deck returned to their p!-.ce with a dull, but di tiict M.ap. The whole body is parahled aud iat: from the t rek dowuwards. IU is not capable of nioviug a muscle or expe riencing the slightest pain Fortunately, the nerves supp'jinir the muscles used ia respira tion, vrere tint paralyztid, an 1 ha can breathe and live. Hd tbe ii jjry of tba spitul cord been a little birjher l.e would hare died iru niediatelv. The senses of e-i ht, heariu;. What Nest? The resnlt of the rUrti.ni in North Carolina haa to Ukrn the Democratic P.r.ra aback, that ihey re making various rxcusea for the result Tlie SluuJuitl of the Qtth inst.int, making a calcu lation from the 41 unpolled IVnincritic vote" s-ya that IVmeeracy haa nothing to fear in the late elrctiona in thia State, Kentucky, Tennesaes or Tex-is, or to diaeoursge or depress them Aa far as tins Stite ia coneerned, we ditfir from the Xfan. dard DeiiM-eraey haa ea use to be di prvvned for in every district where a full canvass haa t-.kcn : place, the result hua been ngainat that patty, ev.. j crpl the 8th, and when the St.ite ia thoroughly I gone over by an Opposition candidate, and the In tn day'i ; orrn;it,niii and czUavjgnicea of the government j Blondin' featnl'c j uliioited to the people. Democracy will be swept j river on hie b'.ck ferencc at i jrieh had done i'emocraey is ueau in uieol.1 ...rlii Male, be to take a cool, ' Mi. Slantlfit i, miiiii that ! or we are deceived. ted to oni v Woll Done, Texas. Gen. Sam, Ilouaton haa no doubt been elected I Origin of the rnlawba Crape Xnrvland or Jiorlli Cnrolinn. Frmn the Fuyettevillo Obaerver. GEN. FRANCIS NASH. I considered by Lis ootemporsriei a Governor ofTcaaa But what ..,on,...e. ... be. M ,B N(J pf Qor ,. At the corautenoement o, ,ua n..o..s o.,. . , . "ty lit,, yond mea.u,. ,, lM the S.C. S,M a.l,. M9 , b, .SW.er Cultivnlor, 1 ar, War, Franc. N.sh, .f,.-lj -eu u a that it is probatl. that rrank l.ubbock. the a letter from Mr. Mcl'oatill, a pomolojjist of sud amco dint lUgutrilit? ill North UiolitiB.i sorJ( u,d j ,(i on tl ' l""cr'1" rmocraticeadid.tefrLieule,.i.iitGov.rn..rhaa .Mlloon q0 $ C ( t Ool. Wtu. ' Murray, of and who had acquired n pi.lation f..r him- j ; ,, t ' ."" '""t'oral:, Ixen defeaud by td. t'iark. oppnion, hy a lew CatnHft Springs, C.a., which accords to that .self as a Captain iu h. t known as , , u'n.don ,1'"""0r"b,J u-t hundred majority. .-ei.tlrnjan the onidit of tinditig nnd iutro- 1 tbe Rcpulator' War, f P"'""-' J'" K ' "",uu,fUi. ducin- into cultivation the famous Cataw-I tenant Colonel in one .f th. reim.-i.t "" I A Pesi ENIt mt of Us A!!1 a tf Lato Foreign News. ba grape. VVs make tbe following extract 'd iu North Carolina for the Conliiif nial , Cahoi.ina hbiTcH. Tim Cli,,,tcti ,. 1 Hr the arrival l..f the .te.m.hi,,. Antaica fr0m tbo letter Iser.iee. In February, 1777, l, wss com ; nor. eopytii.r from tha. tlb.erv.r tU , and Etjc we hav ' inlelligimco from I.iver!H.l Cot. Wjf. MuRllAT Dtar Sir : I sup- ' nusstOliaU 'j t ?'is a n. iohui. r l.em rai i. r i.om wrr nmor. putl,l.cr 0I , to tho 13th i,ut. 8.,,. ,.i the week4.ri.UUbate.at. po.e ibt you are awaro that to you U ao- 'inthe Contitiej.tal Army. II. wna ordered f 1 .U tiiMant, adds . (bat General N'. decline of I I fid. .de- of the I'.h 7,WHt bale..- corded the honor of finding am! introducing ! to thB Nottb, t the lUnleof the lira... ( a d.uubler, ho died at an advancer! Igr The cof..cc at unci, was still setting but none 'into cultivation tbo bt't native "rape in.Hy.ine on the lllh of . pteinber, 1 177, ; tbw city, leatllig f.u.ily, ono of.l,,,, of the oroce.uir.galuJ transpired. tlx Luituil Stales, vix : thu ' Lttt'iwthi, i8ljt , aim was amen me imnt v, w, - I to have been sent by you to Major Adlum j on)ctober 4tb of tbe sbiiio year. died, Th First Cotton. i of the Distiict of Columbia. 1 have been nud hi reinaius are yet ri-ating, far from Mr. S. S. K.lluigli. of Cabarm. County, sent called on by some scietilifio peniletnou to bis home, in - strange and, but not .nun u., .n Tueada, . boll of Cotton .pa-nrd ..,d furnish them with the full and true history j friendly on. The people of tbo Noith bare full blown ..aaj.f Jul,. II. inforin. u. that 'of that orape, sud particularly to state the j cared for hii meteor, and that of other Jew Cotton. The WinaWo aid Cl 'i- erpiiK-ra st:it bale of new eottot had been received at each thone pUcea. Tlii bale ut Cheater waa recr ived mi the jOth inatart; and tlrat at Winslxiro wa received on tlua U.'itt, waa of uiiddliug fair (juliiy and sold for 911 'o ; er ca t. ' Taring Feat. pV. per we give an account in .n. Irrving a man across iue .i-itrsra It ia Mid, his neat 1 1-.. I i l nrr alovr out on the rope and prepare food for the passtagirs of lie ate.uo. cr Ma.'d uf the Mill. y. II. llili.rina ua Ilia t ui pipr, I'"' V .-- - a of the e ...r, left. ., prcci-o locality in which you fouud the; brave North Carolinians who lo. thc.r led. Can Mecklenburg oti'i ial vino groaiuc and also your reason , lives on tbe same battle field 10 Utfence of . for uaniing it Catawbn. I nave jut re- j llieira ann our nueriy. turned from a visit to the place of your Tbe particulars of bis death, th mess. 1 former re-idei.ce in lluncombe Co., N. Chores taken to protect hi. remaiu. and per--and on strict inquiry in rejard to here 1 pelualc his memory, are touchingly related tone . . .. I, ,r . . t f f.lt..i !... r... tauiUaa of , tou round tlnx spieuum nauva grape, I waa in iua ic. h - a--; informed that you touivi it on your oao utinui., n -- -- ,iouiiiI.h on the plantation you tdiice aold to been already made acquainted, to a jteutlo Mr Daniel Hiake, on Ciu t'reek." iman iu this place. Wo need scarcely add It is bot of course with the slightest dis. lour hope that the State will adopt the wri ! position to deprive Col. Murray of the ! ter's suggestion and honor itself by bouor credit due to hi hi iu th premises, that we J ing tbe memory of an illustrious member make tbe statemiut of rival claim on the I of a family distinguished by its s.rvloes In part of stiother venerable subscriber, living ! the field, iu tbe council aud oa lb. beucb. iu Wasbiiifto'i. j GgitMANTOVVN, Augu.t 31, 19. This ceiiileman states that tbe vine which Jlfv lJrnr : lu accordauee with the Unionville (S. U.J Times, nt,H fotll editor of a pnper iu Spartanburg. " TDK LATE ELEt TM1S. Tbe result of tba lute elections , more favorable to tba Whigs than a 1 '"a in our last, for tb. oflinial Kentucky show a gain of thne ...p. ....."l.. f iv . "I "" voogir, as tltea l last week. Sj tb result of the . election, may be tumuiad up aa fulijs' ' NORTH CAROLINA; The Congreai.jnal l'alrgation from tl , State iu tbe next Congre-s will bef,,u ' divided. We republish tbu astuet ot 'i member elect : u' Jj-R. ?!. Wakefield, Kij ,of lo-noir, haa ton. nenlial to act. and is our authorised ageul. He will reei-ive orriers for the Wuio, blanks or aaver tiM men's, and receipt for the same. Any peraoim aubscrihing who pay to bun within tiiree months will receive the Wh:o for two dollars. Washington Monument. Ir. K. M. K sa haa placed in the Po.t OiTice in th. a place, a bo for toe purpose of receiving the In. notary conlnbuliona nf the Clt It III low.rds j What Congress Costs the Country. Tne Washington Conttituliott has been publiah. ' ing a alateiiK nt to inform the people relative to 1 what Congres coata the country. Kroi.i ila cal. : culatinia it sums up the whole as follows via: I Pv. mi'V'rye and cnnUhgtHtiu of 3ue j inr.r.Wr. .f 3,i?3,5S5 j Col of fr. inking privilege lothe Post j Office. Dcpartinei.t IOO.OUO 1 ' Pa:fl. E. Sioklcj. Krom some in fuaii.i 1 i t j in theili cl.on uf the Hon. D.in'l. K. Sickleslhe will not uttempt to take his seat in the n-xt (ti.grese. IU ia going to g ive up being a politician; and turn llrnier, navmg pur- chaaed a laiiluli itU that vr w. Democrats. 3. Thomas RiiQin. 3 Warren Winslow. 4 I.. ( II Branch. 7. Rjrtin Craige. ft J A. (iiiu,vr. 0 J M Lsscb. Z K. Vance. Tbe IViuooratio loss iu this Huu ;. ... members. KENTUCKY. Cbntribtition. $j,tie.').js.i I A Communicaon signed "tVusTra" waa According to this statement each nlMir! eeived too Ule fortbi. iasue, bulsh.II appeal nuei iriif Ac , are uona il, and his intellect t Uuimpaire J. Wa Ol t'ollgre at an average osta tlbUta N'rajm Cr.NsriKAcv in "inoiiiA The Clarksburg (V ) .Vi-is'rr, July loth, sys : re.-ro won. an btlnginj to Mr. M J. N ra. ef this ciur 'y, ;vs i'jfortnation, on Wii-diy Ut. that there was a combina tion arnonr; tb negroes of tin' rjci;;hborhood of Shiniiston, for the pn-po-e of runiiitig off st. ! 1 fendin; themselves in so doing Fbe s:i. a that some of the nsgoes about (TIarks- I llK tr,, burj are eiii.aL""i with them ; that they are ' we!! supp!:d with 5'ea-iii-, Ac. Ten of the ' i!re- i-p ete 1 w?re arre-ie l on Wednes nir, anl are U3W in j-iil. She fr:hr st ifes lr '"'nd that the iiegrf er s'lpolied with pot ",ml"!l,S l!l on. which wa- i:-tri n. d a in on g them at a PS " cotivettion '.f th' in. ' t ' l at Sh nn-t on, not ' 'earn lt Iti'l' at l th-st t'iir inti-utioB was to ufe from f i?cn their cjasictf' famii;t. noble Ulrcerlakiltg tion ot a .Monument e..mnn need at : ur. f; receives about 4.0ii0 ix r veur- Ina pay ! Washinjlon to the memory ..f;.orge Washington, i fl,r , ye. .boot 3.0MI, caelusive of! FtOlIt W Hah i n 1 0 D. , the Father of h:s country, t ome frienss, aid in ' , fJ,lkl', , privilege. We .marine lh otoule ! WaSIIINUTOI. Ane. 32. Tie Aduiinis- will tlunk Mat quite a nice sum ibr a member to ; tration has bivttowed npon the suljctt of receive. This ill mate .Mr. Craiee's u y ..t the ' tne A ft icao slave trade its cartirst atten long session, 7 iiioiitlm, or 2MI days, v;t s day and a fr-ciron ; nd ibr the short se-mun ut Ta oais, $.'.3j per v, won h will come within a fr .clion !' being f IU per day, and should the Jong session Fire on the Charlotte Rail Road. We lean, that the wraxi eorueU at the pilil.pl and a h..f llli'es south of Winil-ls.ro. w.s fired the io..rinnj of the Stith Hist ml, from a spark fr one oi' toe i ignes passing. A largo rjnaiitity of i be shorter than 7 niutilhs it will bs over fid per ir.d was consumed sod ab-ul twenty vards ol j day for each day he ma j -nva. sirov.-d. Crt brought tbe Colaaba into notice, waa j D,y promise, I send you some particulars re planted by biinelf iu Georgetown, D. C , luting to Ueneral Nash, derived from Mr. and that it was grown from a cutting ob- j John F. Watson, the Annalist of Fbiladel tained from a vine in the garden of tlie Iua t,his ; and who resides in my vioinage. I at Clarksburg, Montgomery eour.ty, Md , a ; coy from Mr. Watsou's tuemorauda bis owu i We learn from the official rettr.m it t village on tbe tun.pike Dctwccn ashing. , words, as loilows : i .'ir rttiueraon is ciecteri to t;.,n.r..., f,. tou and Frederick, Md. That be marie j "Gen. Nash, of X. C, at tbo Uittle of I tbe fourth district of Keniueky-. ),,, tl known tbe quality of the grape to Msj. Ad- fi, rmantown, formed with Generals Sterling I bring 7,'-'(' I, and that for Mr Chriimvi h Iliu of Gforgetoan, who look a carriag Bud Maxwell, a Corps of Reserve. When I cottipetitor, bciug 7,"UI , giving tU f,,. (atid servant and paid a isit to Clarksburg ih, battle began al Chew's House, Gen. j a majority of three votes, 'i I'm.,, i for tlie p'irpoe ot procuring cuttings for ' Js'arh w as out upon the main street opposite . .ional ts .gallon from tbo 3liie ail! tu r, ' propsgatien. The Mjor g it permission to j , Lutheran Church. As be sat upoo his i ftr be ecpially divided, aa foi;u,: 'go into tbe garden and help lnmx-lf, which borse, with his aid aicsr him, tbero came a! Jtrmncnitt ' I j-,u n-,,,, be did so freely, that he had some troi. hie j p,nt ball, bounding along tbe street, which I l.H ('. Il irn- tt 3 Frai.ei ',n,:;, ! in (juieting tbe itdigiialion of the landlady ' nru(..k a stone and bounded oblirpn ly so as j J S (I l'ytou. 4 U) At, r): by the assuratce that her viae would be a. I t0 strike and break bis thigh, and then Id i , 5. J. Voutig Urow o. 9. lir 'ii A ivn ' tbe better for tbe " irimBiiog." Thus, our p. from him to bis Aid, young Major I h. Win K Simms. 7. Robert Mi1! ,.T ' itifiriiiaiit tells us, originated the famous , Withcrspoon. soo of I'residtUl Withrrspoon, 1 It J. W Stevenson 0 1,-iban T. Mi '-, "Catasba" grape. of I'liuceton College, killing l.ioa on tbe j Tbe above shows a l-itiocratie ) Tin re is evidently an error in one case or pot. three memhera, and tb seat ac.-oid. i il. f.rl... r . wa sro eritir.lv satisfied that iu I lln st waa eonvevad ailh our re- ! Mr Siuinis in the ri 'hth ili.'.i-r ,. . .. .. tion, and with a view of suppress ig , far liei,Lfr , ,iiere dc,g0 to eUim an D- treating army back to its former rj lart.rs. d by John M. Harlan, tbe .3 r t,'"'""";i """"" u'c uue ctedit. We sut mil nil ail (lelsreuce (l S nrDack. lberehe ana Itiree oMier didste. tbe question, which we do rot undertake to j cflioers are burird, sido by side, and ii" tho I TKNNESSKIv decide, lhd the Clawbaoriginate with tbe grave of Gen Nsab stsnds marble rooiiu- ; jn Tennessee the Democrats lv, , i.i.il.min ahn vnoka for M ont .'c mer v i ... nr R f-.i Aui havioo- inscribed 'e r i -r , . at .i-c . r.i s- ii si i p v -. iiur airuirjrn oi i oner ess. li.el..ja arranged by tbo; Secretary of the Navy, will ' cou ut w , M J., or with the gentleman who ! .hereon, tbt name, of tbe whole. It is iu s ,h, of h, n,v,,r, ,. i our next. ures uvore efficirnt aud extensive than ever before for that viurpose. j tie tquaoros tor u.o coisi oi jurtei, as , rt'tlTIxO Al.tvi A ropt-tit eomniunici tion to tho Iii'ii.vti effir-e from tbe S lOrrinten drnt of Indian Affair at 5sn l'raneisco, reports a stranje bat shoekin; custom that prevails among alniost ail tho I'lJaio nfCa-i-r.-iri.ia. This is that of burying aiive When a widow dies and leaves youno; rbi! dreo, ratber than trouble th'tnselves with tl.eir support the tribe to which she belonr ed iii bury tbe orpbsna siive. The ?i;per ir.tcridetit state that be wi l ne all bis ef forts to r ut an end to this cruel practice, ; but it baa beeo impossible to prevent it en ! !C,T' tirely as yet, eves on tbe Governrr.ent re- j absent Death of Col. Davenport. We Irani Iroru a letter from I.enoir, that Col. Davenporl ,s iira.l. He died on the l"lh instant. tie was ll. the fll'lll year of hi sg.-. II of tlie olecst and most innuenlial cit2.n well county, and contributed largely towards the erection of Pnenporl Keinsle College, which will be a lastii g moniimer.t to his goou name. He on theihii Juiy. lFI5fi, and nn the 13th Aajnil, , ""'"""J "e"1" "m- lie Was afler a nrotrac'ted r-jseossioo, it was nass-e to ei.lleman of lib. ral feeling rnlarfe.! views and yeas to I . n.va, botb .S.n.tor. from North Csvoli. ! 1,1 ympuhy '"-r sli. Th- p..,ple of Cald ua (Mea.ra. Bisgaand KeeJe.) voUoe for it. In i l'"e ,u r'tr" "- '' the llau-e, on the loth Augu.l, on the lnol.on of; ';,,,"n- Increase of Pay. ..f ti e Waueslmro -Irflia h is le- n ir.eririion of the bnl to loerr.isr- the rs ot Congress, and from his article it was a tooroutfii Drmoeratic meae. irin.ir to end. It waa unreduced in 'the I'.S. Seiiatc by Mr. Uu tier of rf uth Carolina, consist of tbe f iionitig-named vcels : The steamers Myitis', Suu pter, 8ao Jacinto, sud Mohican, and tbe sloops of war I'omteiia tioa, (the flag ibip,) lVrtsinouth. Marion, and ii.ci lines. Tbe mest efficient cflieers was n ,re d.tioned to their command. Those of of (.'aid. lue ateauiers Myitic and Suujpter arc, re spectively, Lieut. W. K. LeKy and Lieut. J. F Armstrong. These grttlrmin were. rjiruks Foa Luiuomlc ? Am. I'iriner. ' the very rural gtave of the Mmiioiiilrt I in T oa anien-itig township, Montgomery Tut LriMn.N Times On lr K Mr Slorv. atj miles frotu 1'biUde'libia Tbe mouu- sou of one of lbs rr'trietors of the R it mm rut (i J. II. Tboina. 7. John V. Wiiebt meet was purensseu oy a uivriiuu oi ia v- t .Mr. Orr, of C the rules were suspended to take i up this b..1. He off red a substitute, the main I DitltreSSing ACCldCHt. feiturts of vrhien were to f x the con. ,-nsa lion i j We learn that on Wednesday last, 1 wo black 1,l'"0, an i the ituie-g- ws. to be f.ar t o sessions i boys enageil in b'asting rock in the Ruuisr'l of t'm.jresa. He acvjcaiedthc bill with some 1 M . ue, near town, wa a naerioualr in's red t!il elleral rrmarka. 'I'he ill as a mend, ri passed hj they will entirely lose their eyea, Tne acri(int liei yeas to nay n ef the North Carolina dele. - occurred in thia way. Tliy w. re prefiaring a Z "" agan.st it, an. ..i.g liiein, Mr. Pur-; charge, ,nd bad got it ready, and w. re in the act UtiB. with io.tructions to rsimts thai si at their own rtqurst, ordered t, this service, d ,liifriU of ,be t.ul,,,b fbetr ves.elsbc.sg of light drift, can pene- iuVmVu.h bc s(.r.0,5pilJlf prof irate waters toe snsitow ior those wnicti have heretofore keen on tbit toast, besides having tbe advantage of steam. Hence slavers will be more closely pursued. The joint treaty with Knglind requires that the United States shall keep there a force of eighty guus, but by tne r-eenl ar raugeinent on tbe part of tbs Adiuiiaieir tion, tbe Dumber of guns will be one hun dred snl sixteen. Mr. Rirney, who succeeds Mr. Morse as naval storekeeper, went out in the Con-til chrster L'emccrat, titta to that paper an oi.e dollar eseb, of equal contributors from account of bis visit to tbe office of the ( persons dwelling in Ueruiatitowa and Nor London Times. We copy a portion of li.is riatown Giti. Nab survived long enough narrative : ' to reach that viciuily and then died of pro- One of the most interesting and novel .fuse bleeding. Congress ordered a mnnii- u.r nt is that ; ment to bis taeoiory, but it was never eal.cd reotjping process i earned p for fulfillment by any person interested on. 1 ju know, perhaps, airysrly, that cv-ry therein number of tbe Times is print, d from stereo- j Tbst tba spot Avery. ()j,ritiu., I T. A ll Nr . n 'si. lioraee Maunr I 3. lire.. I! lir;. ; I W m 15 St, .,. S Robi tt Ililtnn . J an-cs M u ii -. U. Kmers u K:. 'i. '; ALAHAM A. Tbe etrtir Delegation froiL Aisbiti ssrvaUoo. ; Messrs. r .ine and (.ilmer, N h.gs, , f withdrawing the rod, but not crmmg out eai. ya depot for the African squad rou from wil' be seen from this, that toe Demo- I they liajit a lianiin.-r to knock it out, when the l'orto 1'rava to Sn Paul de Leati'lo. w bicb IphatJe.l. One belongs to Ii , cr.ts coui i have defeated the bili very eaai'y, but1 charge S. I sent W: , eul anil ITnMC How toaerjnjly besatifj! are the rtHtiocs of boms ! Tbre each is bi'ind by aa tb-e'ric clain tbat setiis t i -i to all hearts in tbe farr?i'y group, so tb Jt one ran "S" not er-jov that which is not participated in : "rn tiiees.tnig I y all. If ate heart i oppressed, sll syurpa- : another Democratic measure for si)mn. tl'te ; if Otis is exalted, all mi't share the ; dtru.g tiie puui.e money. bat riness It is in the aecla-ioo of hom-? ' t b n.t a D.-.ooc-..(ie niessrire they aid not op. ssrs. Cm n.er ana Paine, the b. s ir..m this Slate had brcn pres nst it. there is very little doubt ! was a JVmocrat, would h.rve r ,te in Its fav-r. Su we sr t this Pharr and the other lu P. A. Cahiwel!, K tbst tb ac;.i.i; heart is otb'rJ where the crr'tsse-l are r. iisved, the outenst reclaim-' c i. tbe eitk healed, or, fsiiit-g, tbe tear of sitisere roirow dr-p from tbe mourner'. eys when the bved oris are gathered to their fathers 'IJw it ever vt Lutj.ble, t':, are's no j.'.ate '..se borne.' ' Union Indispensable.' ,'sim of the 2fi!i. iust..ni, in ft .ut'i to ooite. poi.tion Party, atuilify ..urselv tiou. Mr. Cai P.rly w il prel Itrgth, He Kr i. tin r II trse (riendi ouiniou ti" V are lis istani, hi a .e u!er of irgrs u;ioii t-- people of the pe-l-lly Cat's Ui"n the Up on, we co-lid n ver so far U be e.ulit in th.t situs, opinion of the IVmaeraUc i from coalrse.r.r; with it ide,-s nn.gine that they are to the country, whra in r-ur orst enemy. Kr..m the days rii to the present tune they Melancholy Accident. If.-nry Rayner, eldest son of the Hon. Kenneth Kayusr aeciner 'ally shot hiuierlf on the Sth in. Ut.L It appears he. was out running nesr his father's house and it ia supposed he was stanritrg with hisgua between bia lege with the muzxie onoer ins chin, when he accidentally touehed the trigger wh"n the whole load waa discharged un. der h is left jr. w coniii.g out at the fop of hia head killing ina. iii.ineuiaie'y . His little brother was with 'urn at the tin.e. The shuck waa so severe to I. is psrn la that they have been sick ever ii.ee. .e mvnsgefl, with bui a fr rxeepti TrvSmVitEX CosaRISsIOS AL I'EI I'JATI in. TLe Nashville liantirr, of Au;;ul &tii, savi oa State in tbe 1'uiou can boast of an abler dle2tion in Congress than composes oI- J ,i,y i,Ur y An ths; otie -boseo ty tbe CJppoattion. ' son, j, , Wiynara ani uraosoa in ti e fcast, ftuxes, hou of ,he t0we,Kt and to keep it by ioiiu. Greenway.m the p..:,tatir,n on llatf: sod Ij iarles from Middle Tenn see, a,p,ne the po'.-ie m.ey. and from tl.e xpenu.- of lo-noii. Ca.-iaell (VJOnty, nov an 1 l-.triena.-e Irom the v. est, constitute a tare u, ,,,,, ,. . rr,t tU,r in ln(.r.rd it host of gsllsiit patriots whos. pres.-i.ee in , Vlwn MJ -no .jU.Uf.O.nmt. We unite w.li. h. Natton.l Council may we.l give heart ,ucil . p,r,T,n we Ju . ri,h. ,.,u ' atd brp, n tb- patnet Tenners .. proud ( ,tc f.sou;n ,.. ,:uimu,?. We 110UP our fnrne. of tbe in. arid they wn, justify at, I the bigb: , ., . ,, ..,.. i.. , .,, is three bundred snd thiity six niiles south ' , . , ot me longo rtvtr, or about menty nve bundred miles di.-tint from Porto I'r.ya This new depot will consequently, be much nearer thau the former to tbe principal points of trsflio en the eoaal, sn.l will, in a measure, obviate the ncc.s-ity of long cruises. On our ewn eoaM. too, there is to be sn efficient naval force, composed of the rMenm ers Crusader, Leut Maflit; tl.e Mohawk, Lieut. Craven ; the Wyandotte, Lieut Stan ley; and tbe Fulton, Commander G. G. Williamson. They are to cruise in tbe neighborhood of Cuba, for tbe purpose of espturing any slavers which may, by their upertness, escape tbs vigilsucn of our na val police on tbe African cosst. Tbeae arrangements will soon go into Meet "t)!d: fall operation, and tbe Secretary of this N ' That tba spot is marked, even thus bum-i '" Congress. Here are the o tvre i.lales. tbjs lavuiir a ereal Hart of tbe i hit which hi, Ids all that coulJ din of the ,'" members elect 1 wear snd tear ol the t pe. Tbe steteot) pe ! gallant North Carolinian, is owing, solely to ; . Jaa A. St all worth plate is f is k r t from the ' form ' in three ! tbe Ihoogbful leal of rny friend and n.vigh- t 'anies L . I'ugh. mn.u'es rvan.w r r. ci-.. ii.si nud bv a'l.or Me Wit. on who is di-liiii-uiabrd iu 3. DaviJ Cioplon. Si.s and knon ct.iy to bim. A thin 'ennyl vsaia, as tbe industrious anoaiiai of : - Sydenbam Muo-e. layer of -ofisnd dan p pup'er mvehe fir-t I'bila lelphia, and re-pee'ed as man of 10 TKXAS. receitrs tbe imptession ot ti e typ, and af irlligrtice and character. J Tj1 ,jf ;C!,, fraln J,,,, ;,. , ter it bss beeo bsrdei.ed by tbe application. The co-l of tbe mouu'iient be proposed j . urB, ff0IB t, eouHt; j j of beat, the melted lead is poured on, w bicb ' er.ct was tote only il, a humble aSsir. rsturns sbo majority for i..r, r.! is Irj form the stcraotyp. plate Tbe psj ier IU aisbed to raise this i:ui by subscripiions , 01J,0B fir (J0y, ru ,r f s. nun ur,., mache has the poster of resi-ticg tbe aoMoo . as be has state 1 of one dollar each, aad Kuunels, lite regular dr serai.e ei-.-i of the melted lead, and oon.es out of tbelawire of try pruth't'il ftr revolutionary ; jn ,i w,t(iI (.uB ,reMj0Iilj d,,.riPi hery trial uhii jursd. and simo-t un-cnrcheit. nieu snd events, lie considerately tovitei m : I wruit'on iiiden.nd.-nt den. crat iv r bates are r melted every day after the , when a very young wjan, to be one of the I .om tS l i.lsri. ,1.,,,,,,, ,, , i-euo of tbe day is printed fr-nn ti.vui, aad cr-blributors. I complied with pleaa.ire and ,1,, r,UP, Qf jjf, (ttr fl, tn .-e- la the wa-tc of t;.pe metal from day to day is'aiaeiity. It was be who dj.l tins govi j ;, o( fsvur of I b. r e r S. rjeo S ILi.v 6 W. K. W. C,;i 7. J. L M C-jrr; "Old Whitey!" Many of our readers, n doubt r. Whiiey." the horse Uen. Taylor rode at the bat- 1 vy is now hurrying tbe preparation of such tie of B ienna ViaU. While at Lenoir, a ft w days ol the vessels as are Jet in pe rt, for thin tin ago, a gentleman informed us that that ctitbra portant .ervioe. to gel; led horae was 'eiled the property of Col. Win. . very slight l.y ll is preer ol nu. tiply ;ng tbe funis from uhivh the sane side ol tbe psrercan te firii.trd, the Times can use ti.rer or foul piees at once, and thus print it- ;"!i i copies, on sn emergency, in two bout- i nn.. Tl.e Times employs in its e.-t..l ii-l ll.el.t sdll.e per-OB. It has eighteen npurters at the Mouses of l'ariia meiis, and lor tl.es.-, as well tbe Inajirity of its compositor, tl.e aorkin; hours ara the iiij;bl hours nclu-ively It owtit four Cabs, which arc employed solely in carry tug reporters and reports at night to and fro betaeen i'rtntitig llou-e Spaar? and the I'ali.c at We-tniiti-ter The reporters re lieve each other at the Ilo.ica every q'lar ter hour, and thii thui'.'b the debate in mrk ; ' An.l ll- ,ed I . ore j of in.rai Saiu ll vastou ti trie I, . j ate The "pposilion candidates kK j be eleclid Bomber twenty. Ami led oh' v on mto day." j Uu', as C'Jti-cas h not discbarge its duty and uerer will, permit tne to sug-1 thai North C irnlins sh.nil J r.o longer remain ; neglectful of ber's. TLa t,egis!ature should ; reclaim bia i-o-.n, an! bury them, with all (JI. ITX A MrtTAKI A reeerfh n ir- ; yr-utig n.tj in Cit.cn.uati got ii: .i.c .' -i : a wine par'y, and in that atatc aei.t i, n to bis wife.. As soon s b ifp'nrl leaned Ir. rn the sofa, on a bicb she l.iJ b. r bouors. and mlb solemn ceremonial, at j b,;f ttc' nB, ,,! growing her a'sU-ft loc , .p,... ui iu , iia s-rcis ""Istnn ehijull.is neck, itq ii re d , " A r i -J them mrinnment worthy of htm who o dcarPt f What ails you' Yj'aJai. ' nobiy, and at so high m-i, illustrated the 'fw rt,jours, !f ' Well, the f.-f-principles of your, O'intt, Mecklenburg luth ., that-thai -tint I er t to n- lieclsration of Independenee. Up with a si si ek brother, b. Im.-i: ; : Tske your pen. my dear -ir, an ! give it ' our-tur our M-w, you see, ,, : ' no rest nntii tne - win .onn .-tate, wttn; ,,, ,,. t. li-.l.e :i.e,e. went out. ...: -the dori .r hid fr b' pei whieb s;.e bas of tbi-ir future career. A sIfU LA Pi' IT -The New York Times rl -r;s tbs particulars of a singa'ar law suit iv-titu'ed ly a youny lady to ompel her guiriiau to d;aciose to ber tiis nnn.ea i f her panels tut ot'rur particulars of !.r -jarly l:f-r Uy bsr story it appears that s'.s, hs been brou,-Lt up by a g-r;leman of wealth ai d respf i la! i.ity, under the impressiou that aba sas ei,i.t:ed to s'aine properly ; but, tow, she being ta'taeteeo years of see, be bts LOtiSei! her t'a.t al.e uiuit proiile for btr-rlf, arid refu-ed to give ber any infor mation as to h-r parettaje, anu d i.e bas sty propefy. ty p'omis-d on the ehelisn of Mr. By; how thi-re promiaea have been violated. Inch the village lands, about the year Is3l,nd was taken by John Tueser to I) ar!. y county, Tenn. at tbe i. en-lee statior. and nod to tj. n. Winfieid fcott for tJHO, for the use ot the C H. Army, and then he bcc.-na.e the pr"pr-rty of (ien. Taylor, tho Commons la.t till four o'clock in the mornint.. the iim.s eives it iu foil b v 1 Ch.rseleristie tHelity ami libera. Ity, shall) :,. I.:... i,r1(, . sunrise, though it cover two whole page, of rerognixe ber whole duty in regard to one i r.r,,rnt ,., . JJ ltl.t hxt mini-!' ;oi tier puresi an.i non..s sons, wno.e mar- j ,ll,.uVlt ,n,.f,k in tbe dadars. -' jtyr-blood cements the earliest found sttoos ttli llken ,h ,,,, ,.,., ( .bi-wl-.rs i i -"- i r-snoul I st.oui. I ha bnve ti st.u " " ' HKATII FRii.M TIIX lilTE Of A Tl'BTI.X Lnul she does while I live the sa- i ,, rr... A .... 'll.i. ; jourii; New Omtivs, Augu-t 21. Later from Cai. i?miima and Mixhn -Tbe steamship Ihvuna i. below, with i "Eatii r...M Til a iwte i'F a iubti.e-; l-iiu sue ones -while i Mvr -the I mj friet.il, ,o.ec,n,, dear" dntts from California to Aiifu-t ". Tbe 1 niMi 10 the J.idil.ecoro ) listette, Y pniriunsin u. nation was very satisfactory, emc t.t : -..... m.s .. ,. UVo """ ' the bustand, wbo sat d rspr ;.t ') J'lhn L. Ulrvtiit and Orttuha li ft Sen ' ll ins last i Visited A JbAT PtVitNsTilATIOH 1 I'ARH 'J be natioiaal l''e of A jgu't 1-1, in honor ef the Virgin Mary and Iispoleoo, whose ycr Is i- on tbe same day, is to b marked bv a ii. i tary j n.-aiit of tio eomrnou splendor in I'aris. Ih-taebnients from every corps that tok art in tbe late war ar to matt) tl.e.r sole-en trttrre into I'aris Tbs Km per ir, who hai oot y-t f peared in public in Ce capital, wiii take this f.pporturr.ty of t.owii.g . mat if to bis beloved subjects. Hibriten. In tbe not.ee ,f our trip la the M- lint wees, we iorvot to ni. ntn-n that weagai ll.br.icn. Ti.e r.'nve is Uuious and my wife who ec.oapanieM me wsa faiigoed bei'ore we reached 4te top. Col. lynoir baa bsnrle at.ii working en tbe roads, and .a eets-rnnne-t te make it a plare of attraction to ths eiiixenasnd visitors. Wt ea.uid have dr. veu to t"h top and baek. bat we ware i.ot iv.re of that fact until we had uohiu-h. s that ed the borse ws wtre driving. The morn Closes aim n.isty m i ilid ..ol art-.rda g v.ew. Mirgsr.to-i, on a clear d.y. csn he assn .'r-.iu this M .mita n, m'i a ir 'i-.ugl. a bla-ik boy w,.o was a.'ol.g said l.e could see the ptae . . yet sr-.-cou'il n..t. tVe c u.U sa-e ri.our.Uiiis beyond, however, lower, log up in ih .iistai.ee. Wei did ths Psa In.ist re. o.ara, " the w-.rka ol ilie Lard are sough! out of I .em that have p'easure therein." But how many there t-rt liviog in li.al r-gion wi o hive BO o'e-si.rs ,n l'-e ssrm of tbe I.rd. It would ue s sourcs of ptssuie to us ts visit the Ta ills l(.k, raiiol.t'.ef ai.J the other l.-gh p-s ol tl.e U ue Ridge, an i .f se live w wiil have the pi. .sure !' V.Bilif.g li.aiu. Untveriiity Magazine. Wt hive received the Au just No. of this p. eal, h. iug the first number of the 9!h volur It is now published by JC'esrs. Neatherly &. Jones and prtnt.-d r.r. new type .t maU.-a a very neat ipnearanee. This namber Contains s hse. ness of Rev. Joseph Caidw. II, the first Pr-si. d.-nt of liie t'n. vera ity, engraved espee..! !y for I lie .'nt'eerf i'y M-jgaztne. Kranciaeo on that dale, with over $l,(i0, j O'itt in specie, snd one tbou-and patnsr. j Duaine-t in Hu Frauci-co was dull, and i prices generally had a downward tetnlen H ey. Candles were firmer. Choice Or- ; leans Sugar 10 a If ja. l'iour, S-t, and tbe l ; market easy. Horace Grcel.y, of the Tiihuttt, has ar rived, aud ia everywhere lionized. Ho es timates tbe number of emigrants 'n route overland, at 30, 000. Tbs lmvana blings. MinatilUn date to f.iliowing ststemc t.t " We ciirotiicli d last week the death of a : boy in I'hmptoti, in eoneq.icnee of the bite ! of a turtle. VVe have since learned aome of , the circumstances of tbe ease. It seems ball not want a faithful guardian. down on L a hat 1 seel of Anabaptists. j The rtuhlieatinn in the Observer nf lha. ith inst . of a Inter from Germantown. pf rr IT tnat the ippo.inon j rima - KII.e.-p. ' WTbe New Yotk Herald say. '.V, f ir Georgia. if this St. te has been reduced to C) cts. st.on Una being thought autTkier.l li.nual Tax of (JTj.ljr.O r. quired by fi'ir tion of one per cent, ia no ineon. M.ons of tax. The tax ? : on ;M) va 'c- to raise ih, 1,1 ''"s law. The " " aiderat.le item on the hu.i.ireris of nn o.e properly. lbs increase of lx tor this year ovrr last is ahoiit inly millions r,f '.ollars. Ti e Railroads in tieorgia are aiding the late very mati riahy. Hurrah lor Georgia. That's Right Ti: JJiW.'eriB, of t:.s2:rl, in.t.i that the lad brought from . pond of w.t.r ;ot:Uii U p,rlic,lUr, of ,e d(.,th of g-'-s .re en.niraously .eeom...... '' ' '; near ny a number of these lurt,, to play ,Jf St9h l ht y9 foomi of the Jticbmend Whig.f.r a lj'', n','; with, and while engaged ,n this sport one of from Ju n (so(n tion of the.r party, on tl.e ,th of tbeni bit bt finger. .Not long after he bo-. ' tie I st Ilicbniond for the purpose of an i''P',," gau ii be sick, and ws believe became fe- tl.l.NTO.t, Aoj 17, I3.i. tion for Tfe-id. ntial cimp lii.-n I'",J'! terish. Tbe pby slcian ii.q-iired if the linger ' I see in tl.e lsH (Jbserver a letter from i esn ib Convention, as propo-i '1. l wassore.snd he always ii.-i-ud that the gentleman in Gerinantow n, n-specting the ( bold, and it may be turned to a Ireim n' ",J'' ...... ,T .. , - pain was iu ins teg in nnger was at .nana .n.u.i i.u was sine.i aceounl ir tbe work ol brmgng no tbe 1 1 tb August. Ier -mail, and f.-aen-, ,,., UuCfi 1 lnser discharged , t bs battle of G.riuentowo on tbe 4th of I and powerful national conservative F '"'J g-r. were rubbed by 1 atricioe the ... IK,, spot, .ppe.rsd on bis other band, Octubsr 1777, st itiug that the particulars f0, U,, .uccr-saioo " and there were itnlication of aoiuc virus 1 relating to en. rsash were derived from , rankling in his system. j Mr. Jouu F. Wstson, tbe Auali-t of Pbila is.... t-.. . i, i n ('nrrs - n e . ii ij.trt;. .i.. i a . . A Shark Kii.t.r.n at A'Q 1 He finally wsnt into psroxysms and be- 1 oelpbis, that he copiu.l lioni W atsou a ; . ... f Sts H it"' c "i1'"- gn to snap and bite bis bd clothes and ! meuioranda his own words, Aa. Hut I ''jvi' rrturn - f (.""ill Ar'iiiit !"1'h" everything coming in bis way, after tbe man- ot r read in that letur words spoken .' ' tJr,"u! r'"D ' , ' i . ,i,,r not r i ... , - . I i . vti- o e. i ... lauding last week, encountered i'J"" ncr of a turtle. I be physician, fearing the : by (en. N ash l.itn-eif after he received his , n i h low the " II P". result., charged tbos, w bo bad th- care of mortal w vund and lay bleeding on tb. i , . "I ' P'' ". ' :JU , ,,h an ' -him to avoid by all means . hit, from bim. ground ; tbe, ar. these s l-Ut on , "b,cli succeeded ,., kin.i.g i t .i .1 ru j - i .i ; I.tm, U... . tl.. aa... s'a .. e. i 1 1 as a ft m sio an d me asu red or. r i " Loi r, i r UiMa 'i l.e following is a list rf ret'.dutiotar-y sol ii. rs supp-j-ed to be lM-gsr.d p.-r.-r-r.er. , tie r j: 1 of tbe Statu of Michigan, with their age, in 1 .: t sticis L Lou, Vsn lijr.-n' eojntv, I JU yeas; iloopcr Liebup, lanlaud eoutity, ji tins pr. yean; Al.ira Hrooks, fet. Jjm Ii couutv, but we !'' yeses ; Howard Brooks, Marvii.b comj'T ''' ' - yesrs ; Giles Gorton, Livingsta eju'-ty, i'lour is rspidly failing under tae promise ef the nt w ciop Muist kii.da Can now le bought in .Nf York at turns dollars a bar r i ebsap.-r than dai.?. the first week is sip... Oppomtion Convention. The Baleigtl ff-gislrr surgests.l a f-or days ago, that (lis 0,ire.s.l..sn Party f.o.u s Sutsl -..,sr.,lin 4.1 sn t:iy ilsy in Heeen.ber. By some mesas lotioti sf tlie it.g-wer eee,.pd our not.ee, respond to it most eheerfuily. Tl.e S r. Afjut and Weldoo Vali-.td have rss..ded, the latter of which suggests tnat the t'onverttisn in.-. I st Kaieigh, on toe 1st Wedn's tsy .f Tit. ess.t-sr nexi. 'J'r.sl tt.fis w .11 be very Ojip-tr' uue. ! lor froiM how unt.l the 1st Wednesday m Ih Q Mi- -bsr. Courts W.l be hcj-:i is every caaunly, snd will - ah .rdatiiis sp;eirlufiily fsr liia appointment of ; Iisiegates. so that every county may be r.pre. states , s ya that if ti.e Cliariest.in Convent. on does not nonnnate a candidate acceptable to ll, after examining the character and qnal ficstiooa of I lis nominee of the wppos t.oo, if th. y are entirely acceptable it will sastain hun. (oid. being eut open six miles from the to an of Teliuantapee, on their way acro.s tbe Is t ii III u. Miramoo bas dissolved bis Cabinet. Marquesa bad revolted against Mira mon, but the Liberals were beeieiing bim property to i uad elaj nr.. Ibe Archbishop of SItxico bai formally excommunicated tbe Liberal party. Gen. Woll has been defeated ia T.mauli pas, losing ail bis artillery, (ien. L.:Gal lado bas assumed tbe command of tlie Libe ral army, and promises to take the City af Mexico by October, tie aaks for .'l,0nO, OIHJ and 111,110(1 ueu. The decree agaiust the Church property is being executed. Bonds of tbe matured debt have arisen ten per cent in const 'piuuc. In this way tbe poor fellow died, anoarentlv '"'tve hoii ; Ike ifrn t. our owns du,itrt-. , , , . , ,, ...i.d rnuuls from turtiephob.a. " i movnnf, Ut me remuu, on the grmu.l." J '? " "f'l" "" , bit" nf rurseqiientiy to tnis event, in tne pon.l at i ma i nave always consiuereu s noble . ' . . . b that b Fine Apple. Mr. E. W. I.iles exhibited to us an .itur.!ay last, a very fin apple, a seedling, and supposed to be a cross of the Buckingham and M .yflower IM-.-.ra 1( insssiired pear I Ii inches in circumfer. eiice and weighed 10 uuneri. Opposition Party in Ooorgia. We sre pleased to h.srrt that the Opposition Tar- tv in ( FlNUl'f.AR Sl'RUICAf. Cahe Ir. Laos down, of Greenville Ohio, publishes the i facta of a esse, of young loan, recently trea- ' ted by bim. Tbe patient was alUicted with a " toariug noise in the head." Dr. L. pro- i eecded at once to dilaln tbe ear, And make an .xatnioalioa into tb. cause, when be dn A (hifu-t ism (ii in- Ciit'EI TV A rir- m1 ugrapb has been going tbe rounds cf lb' I fc pcrs, stating that getaleman of NcW f ; "'jbad provided an iron csg" f'r hl4"' ',j .k ..!,... tf 1.. - a i. r j..... ., i, ....... .a 1I..1 s.....u...l k. r swimming about in ss.reh of food, and one " I".'t give up tbe ship and for aught l ! 'V?4 !h "" "i''"!' Slh'U of tbeni putting his bead under water, was , may have given ristsj to it, a. did the j "" ldu,t -- '," "'" noticed in a sad, atruffgling plight, appa- .'Iccklenburg Declaration of Independence renlly conDned iu a very uneoHiforlab'e 10 the National. Condition. Some nun going to extricate You, of couras, will want to know it drew out large turtle also. 'I'he vr. j .utbonly j which 1 wilt give, as I ooo t....t .." .... s" ;" ,r . . i l ;..r .r..::ii.-.i....i ... :. r . r.:r: . r . -7 M pw "?" -.:::., ,a oe..a. ... .... ... i.e.,. ... ..en. oi. ii"-; "7 mavneri wi.iou mane a wic. ,(,, WM confined during "V- vies., o that both came from tbe pond to- j " impression on my mind) that she bad j ni. p,rtniiled to com out st night ; ye' gfithcr J tbe turtle alive ; the duck dead " , bro'.her (Curtis Iv.y) who wis at Ibe list- I lt ,0 eonuruotci that she could not i tie of Germantown ; that be informed ber j down i(J it. Tu, tlpl.uxtion of tb' ""!' 'J , t.'")e -rds were ottered hy Gen. Na-h uu- ca u IOv,Wis, i bicu ' Spi.NTANr.lJHl lMIH-sini.s. fttOM IiUMTV dcr the oireunistsr.eea that I I. ,...U-. . "" ' I..N.-Mr. Marsh, .ie cbemtst. found ed. I f.r.,.1. f.. . i,. W "'"" P"'0" -v...- - oa...u.. o- -o.ss; w.irui., in-v .mi. rrnj uo.. r r w ... r, w r.en run uoa to . Hi' tie of lirarlywine also; be wa. au Adju- ahout an eighth of.n inch in longtb, (coui- powder, iovariahly becomes rid hot, and ig-' Unt in tliu Army. eal shaped,) passing I'J au fro in the or.lice, niles any thing it touches. A general knowl- My molbeir related mstiv eircmu-tances with great rapidity. He inserted an inslru- edge vl this is in. portant, ai.d it accounts I about th I!,-v,,l,.ii..o rl..r .'b. U... I t " "" "' " "" "" " toe ear, au'i anr a aoninwnat tor many sponiatieous are.. A iico of ber brother, and none ss.tb uiaia -m..u.a.- . . ' -. . ...i v. Mn Ut. I eooimg tieet..,,,.. A convention has been halo ; pretracted effort, .uceeded in taking out rusly old irou, brought in contact with a than the sr,r..,.ion ...eJ I,. II. n vi.1. i mei in ivinuin uu ' j l',.t.ita and ac.n.idau fo, Gov.,,, .....inated. Kc. mnetyjuo of tliM which gv. at,. , Cotton bale 10 a -.rehouse or on shipboard, Her brother died iu Sampson eouDy hav. I Tk.W. In , ifc. '1 bcoloeicl 6nin'J ' 1 twe WJ -" Property. ; tog ucrv.d during tbe war, aud cv.r IWl " Ky , f MiJi ni1 Vv l.lr.l.-nr W. L Ilr.cke.ri.lg'.'1 was elected hy tbe ld Mool '''""'l seml.lv ..f ibe Tie-by terisn ( - . , met iu Kichinoud, V a , in .'iy 1 sor of Church Grtverntnent J