THE HULLS OF NEW YORK. X I'krp at Tdkm. Io iii city io (lie I'oiU'J States is the Sabbath day so dese arateil by putjlio amusements mi io New Voik. Auiusuumiit of (be vilest kind, nod intruded to decoy not only tbu youth from alb of principle and rectitude, but rn of maturer year, of slender meaiis, loo, who cannot reiiot temptation. I allude la Sunday evening concerts of a grossly j-cfllaneoui nature. Tbesa musical enter ' t:iipiuuta are given iu numberless place tl,ron"hOMt the oity, the most oonspiRuous of ,i,icli will l'e found iu the Bowery and rniiay. No attenpt of concnalineut as to ,,,.jr true character ia made, which plainly ,,owi that the City Government are fully ,iro of their exismuc. jww for the programme of perforuiancva ; ytrt, you pay au a'luiiiyu foe of trn conta, ,i, are uxhered into a large tall, iu which are placed numerous tables and chaira, all arranged the some aa at any fashionable restaurant, llicse are occupied cliieHy y vnuna men, varying iu a'e Irnm sixteen to I " ... .4 iwcidv two years. A Uree bill of fare of 1 Prenl. Hia palma are ,,litered and cal iwrn) . lt.J ...j i,...n. i.i.l ft... i,. ilrii kali', with the different prices attaoh td, W hung promiscuously upou the walls, u aa brandy, ten cents, is. sobers, teu c 'iiti j (n, aix ceuta ; rum grinders, six cent" ; champagne, two dollars; severs, aix crti'. Fine looking girls and women, are aotiatsDtly moving around with bewitching nilea and wink, and by making themselves vrry ngreeelle and oonvrraant add large quantities f rist to Ibe bar mill. A stage it erected in the rsarof the ball, upoa whirb ippvar several male and fatnsle singers. AIo a u orchestra of eight pieces. Thcee '.-rfor nianeea go on without any fJI of curtain until midniglit. The o-. hr-ira pel fornia polkas and qiicktt p. a: J the singers indulge in eomio sougs and rirnpt't, occasionally inti-rapersed with a Vi'Utu stich as " Tb!u art gone," or I would I wer a boy again " I'uring all t: .;, ilrivkiiig, milking, laughing, talking, juo Ji'i"' if are g"ig on among the au J,e:ice. W hen all ia eaded, young tten go ;. -,(,.,., after haviug spent, perhaps every rn.liti;' of their weekly or daily earuiuga ; r in the morning with feveri-h braiu aud .'fel sendee, na ajpetite for wholesome I'fa'iiVt, tnerely a cup of coffee rarried to t'.. if lipi with an unsteady band, the nerves I ii f tf c uie all unstrung from the pre r ; u- night's debauch. ( 'ortripnHfrm t of I r Jt'itn I'vit. AriPIIl Tu FLY TLe Madisnaj (In dubai Journal, relates the following inoi dei.l : Teo or three Weeks ainco, a man named Wlrting, livitu near .Sun I'raine, iu tLia r. uL'j, get religion o bad that l e was too prt for the prairie, and aecrr lingly at i ."i f led t eome to Madieon, or enwe other r!;-icu place. He was too pure to travel . ia s I. and, baaing faith that be rou '.d fly to bi d.-iii.atioo, be attempted i:e eiperimeut. He prneured an umbrella, ltd elnuled lo the tuimnil branehea of ' in the skiit of timber. Afu r hoial I A fluon Setter Heywood. a photo ;ig hu ombreila, he jumped from the tree, crsphi-t in ll.tnn, i proprietor of a piece I'll begin to Rick aiiU squabtle, ll.ercl y r.kii.g to rirnriel l,iinelf through lhe sir i . Mountain or Wis did not work bsrdrr taa eur her j, hut, ilss fir buiosn caieula t -r '. inatsatl of g inj ahead, bs quit-kit n..lel lo tho ground, holding ou ta the r. i a for dear life. Ile at last reached '."I firma ja a aom.J state, and has lion a . - up y,s m,.... ins. laim is a goou ,niBf . i at ahouid ti'A h taaeu in teo Urge doses j j I.TATHES Mi.SEY. Kvery one hsal.esij ' " leaihcr medala" The fact that Ifath money, which wou'J le literally monmu ' ni' and (peer mocev, haa hern iucii i this country ia not generally kuosn . r.s M axarbusaelts Colony , in 1 7 .'!', paase.l i to the following rff.ct : en Wbs'eis grsst Inconvenieace and did-i ri'ties hate ar. sen to 'hs Affairs and TraJe I of this 1'rnviore, for want of small n.oney ; for ! !'.ea..-Uj alereof : B it Knseted, Xe . That j . if e. t. rthwith Imprinted on rarrhsnent !', S-iia of 1'ite Hundred Pounds in l'eli I wo Peiirsa snd Three l'ences of the Iii, Figures aud Inaenptions, vis : ! Ciomatid and One Pennies to he I . -oind; went j I Uousatid luo I enccs, raur j u ..e, i ui.iein iiiouiiua inreo nunoreo Va! l!.;,t,Tlr., Pence, lo U -e, angul.r. of Vs.-Macs STAIt'Tra ed. 17. (1, folio 2U9. A geuilernan in thia city ha shown us a 'able carehnient penny of thia iaage 'r:n. dm 17".".' It is a rare eutioaity. Ih-t'oni Tini't. , A" ll'KSTAM.r Hl'vt Kltract from a ';er to the Fa;ettviiie tthsrrver dated al 1 Uhsel Moore County, N. C, Aug. '.'. A ro ro boy about IU years of age, be to Mr Alei l.lsek of thi neighbor l 'l.huh( himself accidentally 11 wotk. li.c hoy n.l some of Mr I'isck's children '-stplsyinaharn. The bo. taking hold ''. r.pefs'tened to a joi.t told the children j i-t ho would show tleui how persons were '"J He alsee.l the rope round his usck, fnjunipin from a poods hoi swung off. "! children alarmed rsn off to the bouse 'I infiTnied the family some of whom went !'.he place aud fouud the boy dead. 'ttlAW AND CnAt.rttl.D8 KAII.ROAn. l;'S Ktiineers of the ahove road reached neers of the above road reached after having ruo two efperiiiieutal1 der t.o r iicr. -", out on the Kaat sil. of the Tee Pee, thu nil... U' . -:J- a .1 . . . .,! c e l'.iter, theuoe on the Ksat side to the j ' Ti'lds st Ki-ypt. I'racticable routes have . "f found en l.oih linaa. That h the Weal is s luicilnnjf )ia longest. It will be ' n t iiree weeks Vief.r. they report to Mr. ".-, the Engineer in chief, after which " "hi make his report to the liorrd. Thee ' sre merely eiperiuietital, and at the y't time th. merits of the several routes he mors definitely determined. Chfatr rnsTT t-., Hr.TTtttN'ti-n Everett, I I'llpr paper of this week, cliaeunes! !'' 1'ieatim nbether l'riiice Meitcrnicb I ''Ottnl h. elaased with the illustrious desd , ,J The answer io brief is: Sf talent I 1 tm pecu',i,r y ocation, rank, pewer, and "'"It a nnre r 1'ytn man jwatly "illuatrious," then waa M"U"u;cu entitled lo that spaella- AM. c,,)p r Strawkirrim. The ,i"l'r"n (New Jersey) Guardian says th ist it, ,. . r""Br qiite plentifully bJ''eil with strawberriea, which re.sdily "i and eioht cents per basket. This -corjd or fall cro.. and th. h. eri... n -narkable for their, delicious T"rotltV oa.e i ... Blunilio nnd Drtuve OulJone A Roy crosses l he u'fiiewe ( Iimui at Night. The lloclie titer Union givue the following, wliiuh seem incredible, but aa it ia told in all eHi'ioutnea, we give it i " There wss au exhibition upon Ik'Lave's rope on Monday uight last, about 1 1 o'clock, which did not appear on the billa. Due of the press boya employed iu this office, James Jluckley, aged 10 years, proceeded quietly, with a companion, at the hour lucutioued, to the west end of the tope, at a saw mill, and boldly alerted for l''allf Field, without bal ancitii; pole or any other accompaniment. He was about half au hour in making the perilous journey, which it may be imagined, I was uccQiiipnaiieu nri uo nine uiiuuuity am langer. lie waa sometime astride of the rope, then leueatu it. travelling with his haiida and feet, then iu cro4io the guys was obliged to hang by hia bauds alone. When the size of the rope which he waa un able to span with his hands, ia taken into coiimileration, the extreme peril becomes a r loued, and it ia hardly probable that he ill soon enter upon such a foolish underta king again." Hidino on the f'ovr Catc h k. Since Willia's description of his cow catcher ex ploit on the lUltimore and Ohio railroad, many fool hardy passengers have solicited the conductors on that great tborouehfare to allow them to try the sensation. A day or two since a lady and gentleman insisted on taking a jaunt on the cow-catcher of a tram coming est Their reauet was ersnted at lad. and the train beitiir slicbtlv behind time they were esrried slong in this unpro- tected way at the rate of fifty-three miles eubour. When relieved from their position, they could not have been persuaded to try the asnsation a Kceoiid time, l he train bad Dot gone two miles further when the pilot, emirs: a cow ana si.ouioerea it. it the p sengi-rs had continued to occupy their sta tion they must have been killed. Whet I. h.lrllr. The Hair. Ao English writer bs recent ly SMerted that au undue proportion of lime in ihet-mithe caue of premature gray , i 'j i . ii . i i i hair, snd advices oil to avoid bard water, i either for drinking pure or when converted into tea, eoflee, or soup beeaue bard water j ii alwsj s strongly impregnsted w ith lime i Hani wster msi.y be softened by boiling it ; let it become cold, then u-e it aa a bever age It is sl'O stsled thst a liquid that will color the human ba!r black and not stain the skiu, may be made by taking one part of bay ruui, three parts el olive oil, snd one part of good brandy, by mrs'ure. Vhe hair mut be wahd aitb this mixture every morning, and in a sl.ort lime the use of it will make the Lair a beautiful llsck, without it jiiring it in the least. 'J he srticiea must i i i iii l. t i : . x and .il sts slakeu wall before being apeitea. ' or nog n-sn oi uno-uai sagaeuy. wne omrn- tog lait- week the dogs absence created some little alarm, it being feared that some rur t ail eauel liim to see the last of I dog Has. ISut eur frieiu! si so )n made gls.l by the a e of a phi! s M briroc seii'iaintsnee, lea'luig bia doi'hip into Lis . ii ... ...J . i... i - i 1 1 . ' , , i - ..,.1Uf. ,.,. .P,..r..uj .oo.. .o tne spot, with bead erect, poiutiug psrtina- , elou.lj ippoite Suspecting there ut fee game iu the vicinity, tie aosde antioua. search, sua in a lew momenta tliacoTered ne .ah the setter's snout, the sign of A 1-arl, . .. . ,, ' 6W, ''.,.' f, ', A I.l'N-WAT r.-ttst. Lead -lhe LoJ; of a deal negro was fouud in the hold moiijj lhe crg of the schr Neptune's !ude, from North Carolina. He w as' doubtless a runaa sjr. lhe shove vtaa.l lias not Leen to this port in six months, and there art few porta io tLe State that she esn enter Ler drsft of water leinj; foo groat. M a j be she wss from Soutk Carolina say Charlsaton or rer- froUi Sinh-as ah- traded at both , , . , P-tU.-.-i. What is a Khkni nj PlAfI r'(KTIMt' The tirnjectedl reduction of the French army ' an ! nevjr to a pasta fiotin, continue to oecup; the attention of tho pres bolh in France sud Kngland, and there was great. diveraitj of opinion as to what a peace foot- . in meant. The Gsietta de France says i that a peace footing ' mint he understood , to comprise the ability to have SDO.OllO men ; under arms at a inonth'a notice, and with a view lo an extension of coloni"' pisesion,'' a constant progress of developin-Tit in the I a... i :.i. .1 i. n.i. ...... a I' "p "'- j "o-" fjrC8 " t,,e I A tjl'lD I'ho Ju. Thero wss a wsg of a fellow, hy the name of Thornton, who one day ot up during service sml walked out of the church, Disking rather a prominent mspiaj or a gmu-ncaaea cane, i ne j' resell- er, a well known eccentric character, with a wooilea leg the result of his love for f,i Kiiintinie iiiiniprl I alvl a t.nnnneil nnnn l- .i- ?.. 1. I. 11 .'1 . r hint III this Wise : " I'll 1 that cane from un- " " 'M : 1 nil that cane troin un- your arm, my young friend, and throw it away, there are do pold-hcaded caoe inli.meen" Wlineennon II, nr., Ion lnroin.r around quickly, replied, " Pull that stick "f oo l out of your pants, toy old friend, and th raw it away, 77irr rt no trotxlrit A I'ivai, or Iii.osPiN. A few days siuce, accordingly the Columbia (1'eDni.jlvsfiisi ! ' Icnioerai,' Mr. Theodoro Mcl. I'rice waa' coaveyad to the i-land opposite Kspytown, in a bont, when he ascended a tree, to which the ferry wire waa attached, and walked the wire atirosa the Smij uehauna, a distsLeo of l,-0i) fVet, aud III) feet above the water, with a balance pole, perforin in.; th. feat in twelve niinutea, with the wind blowing a . strong gale, and the wire s waying to aud fro. ' A Stiikno JtikR The other day, an Irish man, late from Kriu's fair turf, while at work in a stone quarry near thia eity, found s skunk under a fiat atotio which he wss raising. Catching a glimpse of the auimal, he stop ped li'tin, called to a eoinpsniou to hold the stone while he cot the kitten, as he called out, and not kill the poor thing. Jamie came, held up the stone, while 1 strick got on his knrra, reached his hand under, aud pulled out the animal. Iluiiriliuj it a little too roucli for ordinary occasions, ho all of a suddcu let go, sprsu up, with oue band to his nose, and sang out " Y.wy mtticr of' urtii what that cat Uett euin Sli.'ic-iHktr -Vrsi. Am Entire Family Burned to Deatu. The Muucy (Pa.) Luminary, of Auguat 23, says: We have the particulars of a m-ail ter rible oalaiuity which occurred near Red liluff, on tho Sacramento Kiver, California, on the I2th of May last. The residence of Uol. l'j. A. Stevenson. late Iudiao Aireiit. waa set on nre by an Indian boy in nn employ, early in the morning, and the entire family of Col. Stevenson, consisting of bis wife and three children, together with the wife of a Mr. Krouk and two children, perished iu the flames. The boy waa instigated to the terrible deed by Gve Indiana, in the absence of tol. Stevenson. Mrs. btevt-nson was the j,' daughter of the late Jonathan Marcy. of I Wilkeabarre, and the niece of the Key. George C. Drake, of this borough. The Deep River Navigation. We are pleased to learn that there is now a cheer- iug prospect Put the necessary labor, for the prosecution of the work on the ('ape Fear and Deep River Navigation, will be promptly obtained at the rates offered by I the Couimissionera. W. sincerely trmt that; ., . , ... , . all interested will exert themselves to give! that present effort a fair chance. We feel assured that those having the work iu ehsree feel the deepest folicitede for its welfare, and will do the utmost tbey can to promote it. H'il. Jour. Extraordinary Prices ro Neoroeh. On Mouday last, at tbs Courthouse io Ab- ingdon, lays the Virginian, Mr. Preston's negroes were sold at prioes unprecedented, in this part of the country at least. One nrpro man, small io stature and delicate iu constitution, sold, vvith hie infsut, for $2, Another boy, a carpenter, sold for ?'-'.4"'0, another, a blacksmith, for 81,820. Some 33 negroes sold for $37,000. Hian Prickh rR Negroes. The Char- lottesville Jeffersooisn says: At the sale of the negroes belonging to the estate of Charles A. Smith, late of this county, msde on the 23d instant ; by BenOD & liro , for N. H. Masai, Commissioner, one negro boy, 10 years old, brought 514'J!), soother u ii t ,,r, 10 years old, sold for SUV); one negro, Igirl Jfi years old, sold for $I5h0 It slaves including some that wer old aud infirm, brought an average of 51 1 10 Napoleon's Fondness eor Aoriccl Tt'HE A Paris lettur ssys : Louis Napo leon's daily conversation is about agricul ture, horticulture, the system of irrigation practiced in Lombardy, and io the praises of which be is very enthusisstie, bis plsns for improving the condition of the agricul tural labors, Ao. The sword would seem to be rspidly undergoing trsnforinstion ; snd, sfter the ovation of the 15th, when 0,000 men i,l nas iu review before bis Majesty . .,,,. .. ... J ' it will be changed into atirkle. iV A hm days ago a bright little girl of , ,, J r l probably three or four summers, who recent- .- . ,- , , , I-f .tr Vi St the Jones Houe. and said : ' Mr. W l-e. won't von takt me up with joa in vour bal loon ?'' " Wbydoyoawsnttogornydear!'' replierl the Professor. " I wsnl to sea my rps," wss the touching response. A tear " 1 it risible in the aeronaut s ev ae be as- sured ber that it was impossible far him to w h f o 7J faveftf Jour(if ' . Av KviriNct or Hard Times One I(,jt ,n ,i)e rorllt,r. ,,one Df ,h, Lutb- rsn Church, on licsver (Veak, in this courj- ty wss removed, and the coin deposited therein st the time of the erection of this building, amounting to ninety cents, stolen. Tlli, bout the meanest theft that w. bav. ever been called upon to record, and gives indubitable evidence of herd times or great rsi-slity somewhere ( stmrn (MJ ) lleralrl. CONs'IGNEKS j TElt rHARI.dTTt AM S. C. HAH. R(AI, FROM Tlia illTH or A UO I ST TO Till firil SSI'T. L. Linebarger A Co., 1 package, II. 0. Hamilton 0 pkgea, M. L lisrring.r 3 pk-es, .V M :t3 pkges, Sttier A 11. 1 nkge. J. k II. Ilortou 1 pkge. ffj ' T1NX KRS at the Cheater Tin 49 Shop, tiuod wag. a will be giv. en snd atra.iy e.nplovuient. ,M. Al. PR It'll. Ao-pr. fi, 1 859. 'ij Toriiperniice Celebration. ( fc. nee will hold a MASS M KKTI N(!, al their ",,ll W nnr North of Charlotte, mi We.1iM S.ls3r, '-'M'' H'slanl. A number of prominent Sems ' r""Prance have been invited In be present, ...j i .., .. t .,i . -i'..- .. .J ld A,tllrr w, b dt.llvr.i. The ,.b ,e f.nerally are muled u. b present, but the Rons ol temperance of tins snd tlie adjoining counties a re eaxciallv in sited lo a ttend. A Public Dinner eaking to common. , at 10 TIIK COMMITTEE Sep, fi, I8.SD. v "MrK inf'rm our Jj t ? rri-nJ- thnt we lltr old lnni ol Sprinpf tV Mcl.eor, torner ot I'tilU and Tryon Street, lid irn ttuw rcreiviti a Sptt-mlni Stork nf FAMILY GROCERES, which will be sold low for CASH st wholeaale or retail, h FE ASTER. j E. A. M. LEOD CkarUte, Augutt 30 t5!. 9S-3.n Hats, Hals, Hats, Hats! af OMR t lh Clothing Kinporiuni and buy you a nice faaliionubl. tt rp HA 1 C.ll or Ma MM it s,Er fe- We sre receiving s large stock of the above good, a I exueedinglv low priere. FlJLLINGS, SPRINGS A CO. Auftitt Sti. 1b5'J. 95tl IwRKSII M'PPI.Y, i,.t rceei.erf and f..r .ale, i by F.. M K III IX IIISON A I tl. Ju . i!c', IfVJ. - . Jpftial iitlicfj. TUB niTTKRS. Nature, in her great labratorjr, has stored wmi remedy .duptfd lo every disease which loli in heir tu." But it r.quirea tlie investigation and research of tlin philosopher in discover anil apply this remedy. Such research and investigation has "receded - remedy i.,r mat moat flliclivo dispensation, the OY8PEPM J With all ita lesser snd iniioi Viin evils ; snd it may be safely asserted that until the appearenee of Hit Oxijiitnalrd littler t a caaeof cured, waa a rare experience in medical practice. Now un der Ihe influence of the." Utters I lie rule ia to cure, tlie rare exception, failure tu cure. Head tho following, wUieh the subscriber re. qu"u " 10 ,ubl,,h ll lhe l"cfit uf ll,e f' Hicted : All (llidurule ind Inveterate (-e of DYSPEPSIA HEED BY THE OXYIiEWED BITTERS. ','"e following i'e'-l""i well known in region in which he lives ought to a.ii.fy nil thou of little faith : ! WarsaTowa, N. Y., July id, 1858 8. w- Fowl a i Co.. Boetnn, .S'ira.- Nmeveara 1 wu """"en ny mai curae oi ail diaeaeea, "l''cl' " rt oireaion. (ulneaa. and olnating of lhe bowel, mi. ,edi.tely after eating, accompanied with terrible puia in the alomueh, often occa.iornng iiuusta. vomiting, acidity, and headache, u.vctlier with general debility and suffering, altogether render in? life a burthen. After hnifinj tried evwrjr known remedy with, out eflVct, end deapairirig of ever regaining my lost health, I waa induced to make uae ot tneOxy. genated Itinera, the good eft", eta of which were immediately siaiblo on njr health and ayateiu. before using a whole bottle I waa entirely cured ; and I feel a pleaaure in inducing all like suffer, era aa myself lo make uae of this remarkable remedy. Til EO. fAI.UW U.L. Prepared by S. W. FOWI.E . CO., Boston, and for a. ile by E. Nye, Hutchison aV. i o., 'iiriolte. N. C. t-7 Persnna ufllic'ed with tho Fever and Ague ahnuid not apare either lime, trouble er expense lo ir"eiire UK. HOSTKTTKR'S CKI.EMi Al EI) BI'I'TEtS, whose btnr ficient elFcctn upon the hu. man ayatem has been clearly proved to theae who I hve b.en stricken down in a short space of time areT" l""'"' ?' . c"?ek" ."' """ lrl.,k.j wl ,e. r. Zd iuohZ w'th I e.eath atarmg tlieni in the face, this compound ! nit,t prove a bleaamg j auatchmg them as it were 'rom "7 m"u'" ol ,"'e E"'c- '' know it true value until they have tested it w,,,n , , h folfd ,7lleM! " featured the auflerera to oriatnie he., Ill, Their popularity in all the Wetum I Southern Dana shoojd introduce thi in to all f.'ir.ihea. Sold by all drnggiats in the world, and by E. Nye liutehiaon Co., Charlotte, N. C tS" KFMi F IM 1 F.N 51 1 M 'I F. BRYAIM'S i Lr ia 3i o x i c w a r i ; u s . Tht moat eertain aa' piy rrmrdy ae-r durortird ufU Dueutrt the t hr$tnnd Aungs.CungAs, Votdi, Aitfima, Contumnttun, llionchitiM, Jnrlurnta, Aairarneaa, 'iirul lirraih. iwg. Uttie 7'Aioar, Afc.t iff. !IE.E H AKERSgi.ethc feiiU frriVcl fflief, nu u In n frsM vered wiMi rc.triiing lo (.irectmni, ncv,-r f.ul to i tfect a rapid ! aiitl I Htm cure. T hm f s ni hT Imcu rt.t(-rcfi r" hn b"l VT' "7'" ! ( Vain. I o all clataes n I aH eollatltullona they sic rnU4iy . s curenone need o. .',.sir.! 1 n ii . h - I tk a may have existed. ! " " seerre it may be, provide.; tne true lure of the viUl not liop-.-leaBl y de uld give tnem sn c-yed. Faery one afflicted Impartial trial. To Vocalists and Frai.ic Srr.aass I base Wa. ill one day nea 4 ; and 1 tluiee, in. nee, great. "" are peculiarly aluL.t they ' ; , , al llo Ih.-ir regular uae lor a few ev wul ereaae the power and fl. lilolit v of the l ly improving ita lone, eumeAta and el which purpuoe thay aro segurly astxj by many prufeaional vocaiiata. JOB MOKS, S.,le Proprietor, Rorhesler, X. Y. Price SIS eenla per box. For "ale hy ali rcpecta. die druggiata and F. FCAKR, Chnrlutit, X. C. I rSee the advertiaement of S indlord's Invigo. rator, in anulher column. ITSe the arivertii annihrr culumn. mem of Woou'a Hair Pyr 1 LI 1,1 Hi n O Hi Uabllil'llllilOn, .,.,, . . MA) JJUODsM WIIa3II.(.' tox in: A .XCII. Second Store below Wess.T.H Brem Co. kaiinwfjIliuv bugs. UKSPEt TFl'LLY inform t tie i r numcroiiacus turners ol CHAIi LOTTE -nd Ihe aurround. ing eouniry, that they are aelhng off tne balance el the i stuck of 6UsX.ffii2B Fancy and Staple Drj (iooils . scrcaioa Itratly .7 arte VIMTM.XU. SJjAl tlOOTS, SIIOKS, HATS, CAPS, Fur Genta', Youth and B y'a wear. 't' r 11 11 lata and it full supply of Honnela. Kials A. Hata, Bonnet liit.tiona French Kiowers.aii of winch win b sui.i t reduced price. iV,"r ri.",l'V w",,,;'uI f l.ace I 011, la, B, rege snd Linen 1 jatera, all of the latest style. in out by the far aur Tbs above. named Umida aiusi be ele firat ui Octulier, lo make ream FALL, STOCK. The beat and larreat of lad., .. 'g at aaaoriaieni oi i.ani. nd Mi.aca t.aitera, B..,f. Yna Shs Trunks Valiae. l'arirt Bij a. Satehela, and Iworiet B..xes. Allention is called la Ihe larfc slock ot SS a .. aa i . . sas .ssi j . ll.llll- s. lOIIIIII, it being made up in the nst substantia! manner. equal lo mat aold by any oilier house in the un, and ia a choice and tailiionablc atoek. 4a'ciif' I'iiiiiiliiii (.niiila of every slvle snd variety. This i . posiliTelv s closing ale, as ever? srticle must be ao;d by the hrat of Oeloher. Merchants and nlhera are nnuealed In call and eiannne he. for making purchaaes, as they will rind it tu their , interest to do ao. Thes can buv from Si to .ill oer ! cent cheaper than st any other House. V e always keep on hand the beat and chi aasorlnient of peat i a is tu i.iui.s, ll.-triltv.irr, ( rtl.-i r Whit, Xc. In addition to Ilia above we expect to open a ve. ry large aaaortnient .1 .M.LI. IN r. Y GOODS. DAVID K AHNWElLEll. DAMtL KAHNWE1LEK. JACOb KAUNVVE1LEK. Angutl 3D, 59. ii5f $10 JU'ward, A N AWAY from Ih. auhacnl-r a. ul lha 1 3 1 It of June laat, hie bos M.lo. Said boy ia a rood Illaekamilh by irade, about 5 fret 10 inches high, ! and weigha ats.ut l.J Ibe. He le ul a dark completion and has a pleasant amile ' nn hi. I when an., km Ia S n w I .,a k.,. ,,i if;n. n.. ... ... I i jail, or delivering hi.u to me, will reeeiee the ". to,. Ward. I K B MONT KITH. I 16. IK. Hi STOP ADKRAD THIS! GOOD NEWS ATClIAULOTTJVXsC.!! m.ij. Titrxo All HAS ju.t upriied s large snd extcnaivs NEW STOCK uf m HOOTS MIOI', and Leather, French and Ainer'.can ("ulf.Skina, and all kiuda of Shoe-Maker's Findings, AI.PO, A beiutifiil Stork of the la Inland moat fashion able atylea of All Styles and Grades from OAKFORD'S BKST, riwn to tlie Common Win la. My superior Stock ol Ladies' and (Jen tlimcn'a fine extra SEWED HOOTS. SHOES AND aef. COXOlt ESS (i A ITERS, -ii V are not to he iirjimnl by any. Th-y were pur- '! from thr i inulacturera anil lhe very beat rit and hn kera in the I niled ntiti a. r armera. Merchanla and tli publx lly are particularly mviled lo rail and rX'ilinlie my Slock and judge fur thuneelvea, aa 1 am deter mined to aell I.OH A.M STItltTI.Y FOH ( AMI. ID" Be sure you call at the right huuae jut o' pusite the Mansion Ilnue, at . 4, ranil; ltnv, one dour below Elias 6l Cohen's ('luitiing Siore. WM. TKELOAR. Aug 16, IP..!). iM THE UNION, ARCH NT It F. FT A HOY F I III It D, PHILADELPHIA. VP'ION 8. NKW( OMER, Proprietor. rilliE undersigned hafing purrha . sed the Hiti rett f ,ia former partner. Lvm Kvaus, in the above Hotel, would call tne attention of the public to ita convenience for thoae vimting Phila delphia, either on huimeaa or phagure. Iia situ, tion being but a few at. pa from the principal svenui-s ot Irade, nflVri. indueemciila to thnae on buainess ; while to thuau in aearch f pleasure, the cn:iaWntly parsing and repassing rail. way cars and Ihuae in clone proximity, afford a pleasant nrie tor the mere nominal aum ol half a dime to all p'ncea of interest in or about the eily. Tlie Proprietor girea asmirance Hint The I'm. ea " shall be ki pt with such chu racter aa will meet punlic approbation, and would renpectlully aulicit North Carolina patronage. 'leriim ! ftO r day. UHTON S.NKWCOMKR, Jaguar 16, lfcjfl. S3-ly I'soraiEToa. STATE OF NOIITII-CAKOLI.NA, MEi KLENKUKO COUNTY. Superior Covit of Lav, ,"ring Term, Amelia II. While 1 .ndj'-V( Me M Wl, 1TY i. J. W mte E X this, it appearing by the aiTnlavit of J. . H Kerr, thai Ihe defendaats M M. Whit W. J. White, do not reside with the limits of tint State, it Older, d. That publication he made aix weeks in the X. C. Whig, a newspaper pub lished in Charlotte, notifying said del. ndanls, that unlea tiiey appt ar at our I ourt of Kquity In be held fr aanl c. nntv, at the Court llou.e in ( har lotte, on the llth Monday aft.r the 4h Monday in August nrxl, (hen and there to mower nr de- i.iu. ... aiii. oni.ine uin win oe taacii procoineaao and heard ex p-irtf. iuii-p.a. i.f ii. i.uni i. ciers n mxirr in r. rjuiti. at tii -e in Cnarlaltr, Ihis -'Jill July. lej!l. fi i trder, I). K. DUNLAI', c. A m. . Printer'a f e 16. 16 Mrs, M. H. Carson ""i" a SCHOOL al her . f i reaiiienee, on the firi-l Monday oi ,iiciiiurr. a com Hiaur niiunn on application. July Xh, is .;i. u To Fiiimcrs and Country Mcrrliants. J. V. IIK i i: A .. 1 l!H now nlft-ring lo the pub'.e the l.ngrst - tln. nl ol SltrtS'l St II eve brought to .h,. market, consoling of IUFFFK, SltiAK. MoLASSKS, SALT, ic. TH E SSST KINO or BAUUIXt;. b'OPK.nd TWIXH. 15.000 pounds good eoiintrv cured Bacon, lO t'OO Tennessee Side., al.OOtf Lar. all of which will be told lew fur CASH or Coun- try Produce, t nine and See, we don't ch.rge for looking at them. July 26. ly jHE M CiU' rf.t)V, (P.lontr.l by J k, .irrifl, I.' ! LJeJ rl-l IHH.) taOsiSfMlfll t Hi UCc nf tomhunnij r'Ul R I'i UWS IN DNK. It be tuio 1 1 K tinien ami ih;upfnfd 1 KI. h timen without the atil of i Bi-tCHMinth. It ran m u .(.! the w holt pen.-.. n without any .dn it ion a! t'lpt iioe. For mli- t th CUAKLUTTK FOUNDRY. .Ai.y 19, I6.VJ. 19-if The World's Exhibition Pii79 Medal Awarded to C. PIEYER, r'OK HIS TWO PIANOS. I,ON PON OC I'OBKR 13th, l."il. g a MKYF.U, respectfully informs hia friends jt anu the public cenerallv that he haa c.u. alautlv on han. PI A.NOS,. qual to thoae lor inch be r. eeived the I'nie Mrdal in Lundun, in IS.'.I. e has recJifeil ilurnr the rath.'te.n yeara more M r I A 1 .S than any other maker irnm tne r r.. nk lata Inatilute, alas. I'iral premiums in boston New York and Baltimore. All ordera promptly attend, ed In, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same., No. 7'J Arch-street, below Kigl.t'ii, south sine, Piulaueiphi July la 19 131 w. i ii.i.i:k. iiiii.ii:i.imii a liiiporlf-rol IVntY .( I. ffOYs. BF.APS.and CONFKt I ION KI!S AR. JL TU I.I.S, l hiua Uilis, Vases, Toilet!e, loka with Fifurra. Jewel reivers, Ft.igere Articles, Ac. I. and Card Re. lest at vies ol : gootia const .nil j received aud sold al tne very low. I caah prices. W. 1 11. 1. 1.1!, No. H south Fourth Street, Piiihulelehia. July III 1-U'7 .va.''i:i, UY the Charlotte IiAKKF.1. COMPANY, 6 tlMH KIiS. A. so, ! nd Poplar PLAN K, I j IS-lf ,'.00 Feel of Oak I thick, !' men. s lue. kailflte, July Vi. 1859. For Sale. VVAH Alll.F TOW N LOT in Lenoir, nell arranged tor carry, ing oil s Iiuslneaa, being -itualed 01. the corner of the ptii-lie square. II. uae eiyht roouie and is nearly new, having been built only about .'I or 4 year.. tie IavcnM.rt female I oilege and a .l.aie School of a high order w ill be an additional ad vantage lo lha prospect, of selling from twelve lo fifteen thouaanu doliara' worth of tJ.xM.n, at a fair ner rent. I at ill take n:uan nunurco uonarator it. I ( -Gf9 Anj ..... deairmg further particul.ra Can ,rt them ' s.tdr.s.,ng lhe ai.baer.ber. Jl'LU'S . M'LA. ,se, .. re ..'-?-'. I ri:. tVS DRUGS ANIUIEDICINES. E. Nye Hutchison & Co., lltU l,a it iii:, ii.uu.OTTi:, .v. v., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOKF.KiN AND IM)5;FTIC Drugs, Medicines Cheniicjils, ' Kt. receiving frcnli fj aud crenun.a rKf i from the New York Mar H'ipr ket, which have been purti 5J" 3 aa tu he sold low Utr cuth We would ri-apec'fully call the attention of the Public to our stork of ; Pure White Lead, Snow White Zme. Chrome Vel. I low. Chrome (Jreen. Paris Green, Burnt I'mber, I!aw Lmbir, lied Lead, Klack lad. Litharge, Spanish Hit. jrn, Viontian lied, Lump Hlacs, Irou B ark, Whiting. . ehaR T - Kngliah Finiahing, Furniture, Copal, Picture, Da. mar, .B . C-.-a. Brown and Black. .ea .t. r. Linseed, Tanner's, Train, Lard, Machinery, Lu. brienling, lero ne. ?v-a roepliaitt, l ure Castor, Sw.el, Olive, taid Liver, Burning Fluid, I urnenline. Alroliol. fure rreneli Itranuv. O d I Madeira Wine, Port and Sherrv, Loudon Porter, Fresh fajrigreaa Watnr, Citrate M.tgneaia, jce Su. da Water, Canton Teas, Baker's Choenlale, For. eign I'erfumery, Sulphate Q Toharcn. Srgars, Ac, Ac. Chtlilotte, June '., Ih.lM. Opium, Snuff, Utf Charlotte Female Institute, II tlll.OT I i:; V V. Ilrv. R. BI RWEI L, rrincipnl. JMI. B. IH KWELL h. i.vsislanl Principal. yv f piIK m-xt Session of the above mti. TVJi. tolloli will tne I 4 111 fgf oay ot September. I lie scholastic year weekaeacii : ll.c Brt coinim-ncutg the 14th ot September j Ihe second on the 10th of K b. rua,v- allows s vacation o. two weeks ut terms: Board and Tuition in hngliah R for term of 2h weeks, Well qualified In'truclora m anche.J. pn Mu.ic, French, Painting, ic., will tie employed. The buiUiiug. w hich ia spacious and elegant, ia ,nut.d in a retired I, I, ,, I v..ted p rt of the town, niai.ed with rooms for nd in Winter la warmed by a furnace. For Catalogue containing lull particulars, ad. dreaa Kkv. K. hL'RWKLL, ( htiroUe, i. C. July 5, IPj!l. ti5 WIIKAT WANTI'I). hlj r. pialllll.g eotlini liniTV , JL tneir Wheal Crop will i tuae notice that pilrehaaed at the rlotte Steam Fiouring Mill, at market prices. Those having Wheal for Kale may Snd it lo their sdvaiilage to call at tlie Mill before chmng a ale. John wilkm & co. JuaS, lo9. SOtf J.f.'. WILKIXXJX ( ., SEALERS IM WATCHES. JEWELRY, p. iti SILVER and FLAT E II WIRE, AND No. 5,(iranite R.mce.o)roity the M.mnon Houne, CHAKLOTTK, N. C. A'tention given to Repairing Watches .V Jewelry. June 7, ln.i. I3tf IVotice. A prrson tirf h tlll Willi plH'H n by riiuli(ine(? ;ip n inul h un. iruoi, or fi rilling with n-1 wife trc.-pit'ninp upon m? jch ew mi! U- tiuy eii- IIIA PARKS. I3tf ! hifii:n, SEWIiARBLEYARD. II. C. MALCOLM, 1 fRArTICXla MARHM; t TIT:!., renprclful ly iiifurum tne putdic, in, a lie njn upencu a 31 A HULK VAIII) nnoofitc the Minaion Hotel, here Ii prepared to till allord. ra with despatch, tor Jtti.M .! h. I S, 1IKAD STONF..V. TAKI.F TOPS, and all kin.ta of Work in tne M irh'e I. inc. of nther IMPOKT. El) ITALIAN or AMF.IilCAN M KBI.K., llavinj; made arrant.'.. nents by which he can procure the iMPoaTKO Ituli .n M irhle, ot reduced prices, he csu rill all or. lira f .r .M iiu.ii. nla, Jtc, at reasonable rotes. He would be happy to have all ilciroua of deal, ins in hia line, lo cail and see specimens of M ir ble, hear priees and judge for themselves. Having had i' year's exKrunce in lhe bui neas, be will give his pcrr-onal attention to put. tlllg Up Mollllll.ellle, Ac. Nulis'i.rv. May 3. I roil. Htf Hotel for Sale, AT MONKOK. NOll I'll CAI.'OLINA. rsjv.HK sunseriber being desiroua Jw.J5:)t A ol 'changing Ills bn. SsSi-''" U fe sale Iiib " l .MON HO. W-aW TKL." Tina llouaeia siiu.ited 111 the thnv.iig T. v. 11 ot .Mo nr.. i.N C, convenient to the buainee fairtion it lhe Town. and within sIh.ui one yards of the track of to. . C. A. It. K .llroa.i. It is ne.irl v new, cont. iiia trn l.l. . 1. well fur 11. ah.. I. (lhe Furniture b.1111. otl'i red for !. otn the House) a lire pi ice to every room, ali-o. ceivt iiK I.I out hou-e, Mablea, Alc A!eo, One Hun. dred Acres ol Land adjoining. His age disqualifies him ..r long, r public lite. he ol therefore sell low, giving any ri .so.iao.. lime for p.ymei.t. For luilher iiii'orni..ii..n apply lo the aub.i rilu r. i.r my In. nil, l.'. v. F. A. L.111 molol, Canui. 1., JAMES PICKET. .VuV S4.te59. To rianters. II.'. i r i'ON tilNS. of Ihe beat q.ialiiy, witii lit ni b aawa, delivered at any Railroad La... lhe State at ti per sj . for particuiar J. M. ELLIOT. Winsborn', S Apr tr1- : 1 9, ls.V.I. Ifof. wltsla- I'nir. 1 M L l he Mni'LiI. CORRECTED BY OATES & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE, SLPTEM BLR 5, IWj. BACON, Hams, .... Side " Hog round " Shoulders, lb , lb ...Jb ... vd ...'lb lb ....In -bushel, ... ....If ul ...13 U ...II r,i, isj II fi ia ....10 t on i t 4 r, iri .... ft fi b 12 i fa, 15 ....-.'h fr, 311 .....ut! IK! ...15 U. GU (. 15() ....1(13 (..j II IWJ 0i, 14 in tm no .....i!H ( 33 ....45 ( 5U Ot on .-7 to ....!. (.u 1 1 4 ....l-.'J I.i ....ij fn, 3U 8 Or III ... 4J (.,, 175 ...:m oij Jj (... 13 .... 5 Or, S ..16 Or. IHI ..3110 (.,. 3i ....0 i "0 ....31 (... 40 ....75 0. 10 ....19 (-.. C. .... 5 0: 0(1 ....5 or. 6 ....40 fii. 0(1 .... 7 0 7, ....70 Or. 75 ....Hi Or, 75 ....0(1 Or. to ....t4 O, III ...14 0 lb' .... 9 tr, n ... 8 In 9 ..flfiO 0, 17 . ..7,5 5 ...!)0 Or 10 ...90 fo. SjO ...45 (o. 55 ...55 (a 6) ...i7 oi as ...22 Oi 23 .1(10 0i. I'O Bagging, ttuniiy , Bee I , Butter, Beeswax Beana , Brandy, Apple, Peach I 'otton, Cotlec, Rio, ' Java, Caudlea, Adamantine " Spi.-rm., Tallow Corn Chickens Cloth,'' upperus " l.indaey CK h'iour lb lb bushel... each yard yard lo7.ell ... bhl b.g. lb lb lb ....hhl.Nv Kltta gal l .... bushel.... J-"'" lb It bushel... II. , biiahel.... bushel... buahel... buehe!..., lb lb al aark lb bushel.... Feathers Lard .M ut toi Mackerel, Molasses, N.O. W.I MuMr Naila lK(Wi;,,gl(l Nnrihern Soutiiern Pea a Potatoea, Iriah, Rica Suga it,., wu,.. ftlone.Wa re,. . .. Salt, Tea Wheat, white red, Whiskey. .Northern.... .bllahel.... N.Carolim gn' Wool, (heat (Jiorgja) wssheil ' " " nnwaahed... yarn halt REMARKS. COTTO.N . We notice the salt of 11 bales at II e. nts. t'OI.'.N We hnve a gond supply of Corn with a limited demand, and we Ihi.k prices will continue to go lower. WHEAT. All the Wheat otTrrrdhaa been free, ly taken at quotations, say bo to tl. FLul It We have a limited supply with a brik demand lo till orders. CO I. I'M 111 A MARKET. i.umbu, pit-m her 3, I8.M). COTTt iN Tl ainounled . 3.VJ hales at to l ceat. One h ew crop brought ICj c. DACOX.hogroiind 11 J 1) tlK.N ju , 1'F.AS e.-, OATS, (.; H.OCK iij , le of the 3 ( IIAI.'I.KsTd.N MAKKKT. ('Haai.KsToN, Sept. 2, 1659. COTTON'. 'Piie recc.pia icul u.. 3MJ bales The ... iii .iiiic tune loot up 5(Jd halts at prices ranging from 8J Is IIJ eculn. JIM iiom rwt;ri,iilty jnn';. ct lf tlie ut ( fiurli'tte Hiid iirntiii-iiii? U"ijn try, td .t lie Ntill coiitiunt'- thr nhnve liusi- inns in ( Imrlfllc. Wvfv he (.rrjMr.d to lur. I)( M)KS. Uf. I MS AaM)SAS,loll.f ph. lie on flif nio.-t riM(jii.iL'c tirinn, anu un tUv tiiiort-t-Ht imtire. iviiijt a grcit intnv -m m U rl.tiin for work dom , ic.itft rt-. nil T;-r tne ciuntry , he in deter, niiririf to ciiiiiur hi nu tnoti oi' siuinjf butnrr tiuU hn rafter trili rnuitt Ui .Machine Shop, Ltcforr re 39 Hm 0M ..OTTER Y. The nxt ..rdinary Hrnvrine of the Royal !! nti laorti-rr connnrti'd hv Mir pannn tivrrnntenit r the aiiierv.Hion nf the Captain lieiieral of ''" . ,ke place a, H.ivan, on 11LSI., September 13. S336.QOO. SORTFO Nl.MFRO 2'l ORDINARK), ri i ai. im:izi. $100,000! 1 priieol 0.)OO I 1 " 50.000 I 1 ' 1 1 " Ifl.lMlol I " IU.OOO 4 Aonroilinutioiia .. I t nf Inn to $.'po,i.iiii : 4 1 b pr 1 sea of tdal.OOO 15 " l.0 74 AOO 1 4:t -lOO iili Apr'xmi'a W.fSOO nution. lo the i 1 lMi,nrtlf litlO eacl.; $.'po,i nii : 4 ot' t lull lo a.'hl.Otil - 4 ol Mill; 4 ol tlnn l.i JIU.U'O. ket--'l: II 0 ; Quart. r 5 -l"u to Hi Vl.;Ti Prtzea caal Hills on ali a.ghl at j per cent diacoum. nt Hanks taken at par. A drawing w ill be aull Income,, known Coii'iii.inicuti.'iK ' i;l..Z. (eare of CUV til lhe I 3ll. of S. plein 1', rr"ii ord. ring T i n a a the re er.saed lo I'ON LOl'RI, t'oarleaton, t".) an. r w ill be attended lu. kets will pleiite w rite thru th thcr, county ana l itc. VVm. A Owens I A T TOllSE Y A T J. A ', 4 II IKI.OTH:, v 4 .. ' ILL oractue III the Courts of .Meckh nto and tilt, aurrounding countien. :), n.urlj opuoaile the post Til er. 'ti. IniB. j ri. ...4i .v ioi:, I (late Stevenson, Dowi-n A N.-amilii) have aasoeia. ' led with them i DANIEL M. ZIMMKKM.V I former! V I rlnoiiilon, N. 1 . arm i lare al'orr Nu. oJ .Norlh ,'lrd -I . bt ia Ihe .M.rkit j .nd Arch, where ,li c u. the wliou I I) If 1 ..MIS II1M V lS i 1 . (or all work done in nioval. , the. 7. KiS. -1 j I'r"'es are b;h. 1 a.:- Ji

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