IV-in ilif X. C. Tn lf ferian. Ml A V I'Oii MK. I AM UNWORTHY MYSELF.' How oft n hove tbe wordi above, or oth er equivalent, ""lit a thrill of stror.g emo tion through trip hurl of the christian cal-1 tig forth the deepest, bnliest sympathies! of the soul. " l'ray for tne," the peuitnt, j th. hnmi.lp. tie oi,e of "broken and cod-; trite heart." " v t ' . fio.ing tear, often re-ponds, surely for " the acrifioer cf God are a broken spirit a bro- . .. , .. ... T ,- -i. not despise, sureij, tor int t,oru is uigc unto them that ars of a broken heart ; and savtb such as he of a coLtrite Fpirit, To .j itpatLii. with the sorrewful, to aid the dressed, to -weep with them that weep," to hind up the br-ken hearted," and to com- fort all that mourn," is the glory and d- light of the true christian. It is to hate the spirit of Christ, who went about doing ' good. The poor weeping penitent may' thenfore le tut of a wiiibg, hearty com- pli.nce with the request " pray for me," on the pan of everyone who is Kk.--i.W with Chnst. And we would, by no rnesns, discourage tie Lroleu learted, in seeking the fjmpatbin and p.syers of God1 peo- i v . ... Tl,. ctnal fenent nrv. rle; bee.u,e, The eff.ctu.l fervent pray er of a rigbtvaus man availetb much. Hut, potr aiuner, hy seek earthly aid? Why tarn to a fe!low..orm whose breath ia in hs (justriis , , . . I ny trust in man, sna thus ii cur the curse prounced in the 5tL aud Oth of the 17th of Jert miali T Why not trust in the Lord and secure the lies ing prcn.ised iu the "tb snd "th of the auie chapter? Also, the 'J:h vers gives the roasrn. Why seek con. tort from an ta::L!) fiiend ? Is not there a heavenly Mra-i a "Jiirnd thai stiikttb closer than a IrolLer "' Has net lie siLner's friend a.adc like unto his brethren; that ', i' Slight he a Bureiful and faithful Lij:h iciest iu things nertaiuibine to G od. to make ; t,e3Le;iiation for the sins of the reonle."- I Abd " in tbi'. he himself hath suffered be iL' tempted," is he not able "to succor thim tit are ten.rtcd Wbv theu seek ai j other mediator any other intercessor fr ton have net a liL'b I'ritst which . L 11 :.v t : t - ULUU9.U: was in a, poiu u n, ted l ie ai vou are, yet without in V i Hi.'., u v..-j: ...k-.1 rf grace, that you may obtain mercy and''' iui crre to Leip iu time of need ? Wbv " " . dt'.st ' WLy go anywhere else? His color, with a crisp harsh tooch, destroys its li jj ' c.eanretb from all sin." " Jle is ' peculiar native golden or cream hoe. Tbe ab.e to .ave to tbe n:termot aU that come planter or manager shoa'.d use ail proper u"o 0 ,d throuth him." Aad he says, eare, in gathering his cotton to avoid gath " t.i u tLat cometh tj me I will iu bo wise e'ing ith it too much leaf. Considerable en-: cut." Nay more, docs he not invite lee f, bow.ver, in a fat.ey, rich, cream col . :u to corce to him Does he oat sst. Lvit unto me. and be ye saved, all the i lolc t!e ?'' And apain, " Come uk;o me ill t that labor and aro heavy laden, and I ! I -ive yoa rest.'' Again " Ask nod it sha I le fjlren yoa, se.k and ye shall CuJ, ic " i I am-.i Eg lose and ecndeseeuaio, Ccn he "i t to you poor guilty condemn ed sinner. JitinJd I i!unj at the doort nnd kuty '. : i' ai'y mun hear my Vjiic nnd o pen te iw, ui'l come in to hint, uivi u-i!n hxra an.l he ici' ; rue he l jt iu i:Lta ? Let l'a-. crown of thorns, i.t Lis ac-;ny in the garden, let the blood fijw'r.g fruj hii ha:;Js, Lis feet, Lis aide .tl Lli aud Litter cry ' My God. my -., why lat thoa forsaken me V attest L. sarne-tii;f. Ia he able aud willing to tivt ' Let the asawcr ti the prayer of the tL.if lj. l the cro-, " Lr 1 r'cu.ea.bcr iun wt.cn thju con,et into tl, kingdjm" de Ej .rtraie. both Lis potter sl.I ariliii, 'eriiy I ssy unto thee, to day acilt th.j ! ,on' for it clearly set out. The dimensions Is wi;h n. in paradi-e." Deluded sinner, j recommended as moat convenient are i while you are saying to a djiiig man, " pray i inches iu the length of the hale, and -1 incu f.,r me," Jesus the evtiUvinj Saviour says in tho LreaJth. tj to,.. " Ye ui'l ni'. come to rne that tje I" this connection at this time, we recoai hive hje. J-.u.s. Imcnl to our plau inj; friends the use of the I'.KLI jIU.V. jOelxve lo ii.iividual cn earth, wi. tcila TOu that relu ju is a rloon.v tl,,n;' and tbat its poe.rnebs Uni.to Hie! ancholy . ; i. ja' J j ok at a lious tversji. and no- i . r . , . tlV a .,.,;e i t;.,U up, mi coiiiutitner, tl.,1 , a-p, i u-A th.t it is re.iSin iLiat daraeos the tf t... feature,; it sober, the viul, I at does ,ot .our ii Ite j-ioa tulbtena - . (, . , l.yLt wLich ahouid alwava he a to iu the , , ,, . . vu.t-.. u. ,c. ii iut.il itt .ii'j uiiiiu c ptore, ia compare 1 to tne ' traci :. A tl.'rLs nti'ler a pot ; but it iLfne a c i.ttrfu.neaj to the heart, which w.li csu-e the face to ahiue. it gives nula- lcm, i CJu placeLev to ti. fteliii-a, which , , , , , i cceaaioti gentle, cueerim iiaautitre. Jt ere-1 tin a,u p .e.ty of character, so beautiful, so attractit iu youth, and products that ct-u, li.tj heartedn.as, and beuevoltLt frieooli- - , , , . , , ... h.;.- .,f demeanor ro lote'y in all ar,. Me a-l rtcyllccl that ditiue grace, although , , , e ' , . ..o-. "; ..ee.eu. mi . , hai.oe tbe eoia.- itulion of our, fioui defects, iu which n.el- ai.' holy at J ;'o.i; fl . 'j lent i V a i i.e, a ,11 Le produce-! j S,U i, atefjl to Lie i ti trial atii tle. ioua thuracters, u'je-J. darkness uJ if but le.iiou makes every lie aiaure-l, in eve cf l:f.-, t'n.t it u re- I .Man ouly tba'. tin nafe you happy, atjd that can ivejju clerfalnesa cf heart I I -j I itiraa is a soher feelin.' of the mm J L n', J neier. then, pcrurt an idea ibnt tLc .'reavl lad la a Mien-, gloomy belli", w I ,o d. liLt' in n.ist-ry, but Lai itual.'y tLii.k 1 cl Hm a. tt.. kindest friend .e Late, wLo a Jt. .its u. to cou.irre with II in. T.t, the t:. at JtL.rsL JeligLtj to to the pra). era of 11 Hit children ; from the mouth of " bibes and sucklings " be can perfect praise. He attends to all oor wants. Let os, then, go to Him with bumble confldenoe, and rr.y that H. would be the guide of our youth, the atrength of our mauhood, and the hope of old ace i and that be would give o that wisdom which alone comes from aoo.e. ana wnin 01 itsen suaicieus tu take ut " vis uato salvatioa." THAYER KNOWLEDGE. Id the divine life, we learn nothing tffeo- "' " iB'r'"""" r--J in r, .......... .r..j I.:., I deletions to God in broken Chinese, to fa- ttti,liMon nf ,h. l.nfiUSg, ia which he Iejiged to declare the un.esrcba-! tvne of evert true tdet of the eouni-elsof '.,.- n, ..,. jtriP)1. ,hj h in lL'8ir pinUlal utte,.nce eom-titute i " the Uugusge of the ctlei-liai Canaan," j can becot. knowledge to us, until it ba. . VeYu,S:r rrjs,;an trulh jBto p'ryer,in order to learn ! ;t rtght, aud that which is not learned aright, is it karmd .'Ex. i j AN" EARNEST WORLD. ' This is no world for trifl.s. We live in an earnest universe. We are surrounded pati, ,roUBd the SUb. The sun is in earnest ag be pours abroad his tide of everlasting1 d.y. The stars are iu earnest asthey.bine doo in snch still intensity opon a slutuber- J .J h puue tucir high miaL-tratious. Devils themselves, are iu earnest, in terrible, red- hot earnest, as they setk to counteract the , u nr .In, i:,.l l.nrl , in rn. 11 t"''" wl est, as ce carries on ois woumuus yiaua. igricnltnral. From the American Cotton I hatter. PLANTATION" WORK. FOR SEPTEM BER. Cotton Pit KING -The regular plants- tinn work of this month is cotton rjitkin?. ' c'eu hould be vigorously prosecuted withiphur. well puifenieo say to one nunareu !1 ,Le fjrc o( lbe P1 pressed into it. Now is the time to gather j a .o. 1 fair article, i be earner cotton is oathnri - fi after Aneninir the better If it for man, day, after op.inS, in the boll, eipoeed to the dens of night, and the j l.riht ahir.in sun of unr aiituoiml data 1 undergoes a bleaching process which, while it imparts to the staple a dead a hue r r ored .'amnle will not to much sff, ct its val ! ue iu m.,r.ct u wiii tL. i.U -Lite C01;I of . I. , ... , Habds ihou'.d not l e allowed to pull the bolls frcui the limbs in pickidg while it re-! lards the picking it is quite ao injury to lha ' , , ., Leo . : giuaiuu at. uurnig ioe ujuniu ut ceptem-- her. The t rcduetireness of the cotton olant i la ireq ietitiy it jured in early p iking I y the ; careiesc.-s of bands in bending over it and nrsrMnir the litubs tOL-etLer. bv wbich thet are broken and otheraise mangled; these ibiuries are irreparable by the plant thus : , . , , r , late in toe seasoa, and the couacjuebt loss is fr-cntly cobsiidtrahle. j BaiImj Cotton "oa Market. Under this SeaJ, Sejtember, 1.:6, in our article ' of " Work for the Mntb," we endeavored to ingress upon oir readers the importance of packing up their Cottoa for market iu bales or packages of uuforiuity io length and t it a i ih of bales to the planter and shipper, were stron-ly argued, and the rca- ,, t 'p- , . lrou lie in lua place of hemp rope, as ! , r ! jbotb eLeaper and more secure iu baliu,; up these seat aud uniform packages ; aud as a strong argument which ahouid prompt us tl ' u, ,L ltL Xl Uu (,&' Diatenal &re. proauctiou oi our own ouu- , ' .. ' , ' , . ' , , , M ---P" ouce by the plan- country will set up iu.u.eaiatly wa uuaiucaa iu our uiiuat, auicu w tit fttl- , trset U it taucb labor, that toibt other wisa t .. j ;. .i 'a n .. , be tu-aged iu ILe proouetion of Lettou. i , ' 1 Lis, l.e ... improvements, wi.i nave to e n-! ' , ' .. ; u'jtaaei u. vjrfjjiiiuu u. naoio .iiv uia- . niary iuieiceta may prompt theiu to op- ' po, it. Wa ad.iio all cotton planters lo . ,, , f , , i , ' In the iirat blaee, it makes a neater pack- : r 1 in lbe Ural ..ace, il maxes a beater paea- : . , . . . . , I r.cciLd.y, it i. luore secure undti .ccjou.jr, n ia uoia secur. uuuer rou h aud careless haiidiiL ', also iu ease of -.1 .,,.i.:i..- ... :. i... ..: .. 1 ', j , a. " rope IU the warehOuae; and, Vhirdiy, It IS y ' ' ; , ''i' -i J h-ra at hon., : a new and large bu.iuesi., w bicu favors your .-..... -,v . r r J ( COUN AND rULLhI j Mr. Ueor,: Seaborn, late Editor of the r . . i i- . . i , I'aiuaer and 1 tauter, baa beeu inaking an axperiuisut to aacerlain " what loss ,, , . . , . corn would su-tais from being deprived of K. blades at the usual lniaw of taking fed- dtr: aud. al.o whether cutting; tbe corn at the rwote, after the blade. Leccuic dry to ,, ... , , , ' j ' j Twelve short rows, aa near equal iu ap- pearanee aa could be f-jut.d in the held, P' f-f experimeut. Cf the twtlve roas, nos. ouu, four, seven and ten ' . wete left aith the blades n ubtil tla. y were j generally dry to tU ear, and on loan stalks even to the, top, then out up at tho roots j aD(j ...j,., on .J,, fidd until the other , ..i . .mi " g'ered, then hauled to and ebucked from the atalk. Noa. two, five, ' eight aud eleven were left with the blades . 0J) ,D)j nos three, six, uinw and twelve were stripped of their blades as late as is usual with us. Now for the result: Nos. fee, four, seven SDd teu, when shell ed, measured four perks, one gallon, two quarts and one pint, and weighed seventy and a half its. Nos. two, five eight and eleven, measur- ed foB. one OD Ua ,nd ... . u.ir : .1 u..,.,l,.I ....ni. 0De uo " 0,11 IDS- os. three, six. Lino snd twelte me as - nred fcor peeks, half tint aud weighed fif- jve j, ,hat t,ken fr(m Le jafi carefully cured and kept to itself, and weighed feihteeu pounds, which, ,JJtf J to the cors from which it was taken, ,1Il0unteJ ta ,etenty-tbee pounds, but oue B(j , j,,jf p0ur,c,, more than the corn alone, front which no blades were taken, aud two a(j(j baif p0tnji moj, tfcaB that out Thj proTe, my mind, what I long he- listed, that by polling fodJer wa deprive ,jje corI) 0f t(, weigbt, or Tery nearly so, foJder wlfB eilred And furljer mor.. that we would t. better employed in making hay than is taking fodder from our corD- neglected to mention in its BUce. thai tho coru was ail ell r t i and equally dried beforo being measured ' aud weighed rorn the Cotton Planter and Soil. INSECTS OX STOCK A REMEDY FOR IT. Dr. Cut i Dear Sir : I see in the June number of tb Cotton Planter that Mr. J. A. W. P., wants some of your mauy readers to inform him what uill kill lice on hogs, , , 11 j 1 . and if the aanio remedy will do to apply to .cattle. I gave my remedy a lair aua im partial trial this spring, and applied the I same reuieuj m uuga, uviw, m'u" 'tie. To bogs (alf sites and ages) I ive' oni tea-rjoonful of CODDeraa and two of su!- ! nesa ; 1 pui iu.s iu o uai. f o. uritil ell )jxerjt 1U,1 giTe jt. s0 that all will nipi inu uiihB m 111.4 wti iaik mu bhi ii get some and give tbis twice a wets tor toree weeks, if very lousy. I give tne same Clf i for n0,, The lice killed a great . f . thi. anrimr. and weirs.l b-d that they eat all the hair off of some, 1 ul uu , " , ,s , 3 hova or cattle, and the are ail cettiuir fat. ; If you think this worthy of notice you can trive it lo your niatit reaJers. Ueipectluliy, W. Louisiana, lbo'J. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS Of the many methods of preserving feooe rO--ts irom oeeay, none i, peruap. .oor. an,- jtle and eheij than the one of aoakuig them in blue titriol. At a recent meetiae of tho Farmcr'a Club, in Hudson, N. V., one of the members exhibited a post whioh, pretious to beibg placed iu the ground bad been soaked in a solution of blue vitriol one pound of ..... , t -i v . i i. .1 -. iut yJi. i yiur, auu ucu f - as sound aa when brat put down, eight years since. Tbia solution is good for ali kinds of f V ' gles, states, bean poles, Xc. , , . , , , , . . ,. PiSaine are often troulleJ with a de (,0 d(.no!Ilinilt(;J Lj reterin.rians.) tbe kidney-wotm." Cora soaked in very strong lye, mad of wood aihe, is said to be an '"f-"1 remedy, ijait and brimstone, in Muau u,J3UtitieB m jii c t,:uii , c, o, iii'i.tu, the only one known. Comfortable quarters and cood food are of really more importafce io tue succe'ful management of these ani mals than mauy are inclined to suppose, and should never ou any account be nrg- lected. tiiitut aitr.t.1-. ; Take our i jart of whi-kcv and two isnce't Tello snoB, mix and wanai to blood heat. '. t I .1 I I v ".an UOIU mo ror.p, ai, . " "o ' tita'e a fuiail syringe ui.charge about a tea spoonful of the mixture into each nostril. It ia a ceruau cure. laiitir luni aim uuw , . a , . . . . 1 , a loss in his floct h tried this remedy, founa it tatufactory , aud never lo.t another sheep. a .T,oVt Mobt or Tba KLINO A month ago a compaoy ot eleven lames aim genne tartaj upou a pl.aaure trip to the .South, taking a novel niode of traveling. '1 hey hate a large coach I ike ou.g.ibus., ia which they trarcl, and! carry aitb tbeto a. tent sufEciebtly Urge to i iccuiiiuiuuaii too vutue fjiupauy, nuu uaiup out I"ocn fttr lu fbon tbougb in j betur style. They arrived near IJladenbotg , j l j t a uar ui iwv ivq, iq'i lhcbgu lutir icui near liie tM.ttt. Mond.. .DA Tue.dar la,t.l tne toll-gate. aMontlay ant J ue.day lait, were spent in vittung me p'iLiio nuuaings and seeing the sights in the metropolis. It in lhe. I'I8 of tbe e""'Py P"'1 ten months iu this trip, and tbey design to winter at some point on the gulf coast. a! some point on the gulf coast ' " . M.NOCI.Att tXCLHRINCX. .Vjtr.e weeks a - r-'0, lr- .alter, of hioatabur'., J.ocklaod , eouutv. New York, killed a larire rattleanake. ! which he earefuiiy skinned. Some days af- i , . It -j . . , i . - i 1 terwarda he sccidentslly cut Ui tb-imb with ; tus same knife that be bad osed in the skin-I ning, snd bis band and arm began to swell, and in spite of medical aid be eresr wor,e , . ... , i,rr. .;. i death, bein' covered with livid spots. The j virus of the ruske has always been suppoaed i , 10 te tnhnned to tl.e ian-js, and that auppon- . tiun makes this case the u.ore sii-L'uiar. j e . - , ft.fTHBNS7AMSIllI'BuiLMMJ. Acor- rtffauut of tb, Mouil, TriloMa Uiroi fr.ua iboee ho have made the estimate, 'that the new war steamer I'eriHacoIs, i-j-t "tA at the Warrington Navy Yard, ' will coat about 1 ';.0,ilOU less than any one of the other tive vessels of ber cla.a auj ordered at lbs same Inn., but which were built at tbe North. This appears, at firal 'i"" Er" oinereoce, put wneo we take . , . .;, ... , ,, . . 1 Y huiluuiug on 'he spot where tb. timber is grown, it is by no tneaus jmpr-abal-le. Hobsis roa the Soom AtthnCincin nati horse market, a few days ago, turee'iyrTT TPA"RV TMSTTTTTTF, hundred and eighty-three horses were ,ol I jiUlljlliln I 11-OllX U i. Jjj The aggregate sales amounted to SJU.400. The; were sold for the southern market, in eluding Kentucky and Tenneessee. S. T. WRISTON KEEPS cnr.iUnTn hunt, wholesale and re. lull, a full and complete assortment uf rii.ii. and jaivvm:i tin-waki:, which will he inlet tuW. sfMl'NTr.R SCALE. Enameled S.iure and U'B " S T W HI STOW imtt'T line ,.,... fr l fl ' ; t WTMSTnvs. . asit s,.;,. .'i i)'r. ..i.,. HoXEsV.,, ( pule by I S. T. WRISTON. FKU !TS A MXi 1 VIA II IMS A STONE & Co.'s Srrrw Tr.p GLASS JARS for prrMTviiig Fruita, Veirlablvs, ate., lue bunt article now in uae, fur rule by S. T. WRISTON. cooki.m; stovi:s. A KI LL ASSORTMENT of COOK1SG and other STOVES, will be eonatmily on b and sold as low aa tbty can be afforded in Ih . "'' b ....,.. l- l"fl(UA C kaiUttt.JmHt 14. Il9. 11" Lund for Sale. J IIE auhacriber, being deairnua to rrinovt from the Coun Ir 1, otl'rra for aale the Plan. taliou on winch aim now reamrs, li n. 4 miln I'liniiV 4U rere'a. Tti. land is of g"!od quality. 1 Kof pJrtlcuUr., enqulte 01 tiic .uu.cr,U:r on the ... Mrs. A. W. STEVENSON. April vz, ie.,ii. i: AilntlC EUTUAL .nd FIAE lusura.ee j OOinpany, Cts I : aaal t II . . '., Incur ritttti ly an Art of ike Lrgti'.atatt nf .VorlA t.r.a. T 11 IS Company being duly organm d, ia now prrpared Iu r.cei.e app.icUor.a .or inaur. " "I"0 EUILDirJGS , PIERCAKLISLI, Fin ni l hit, .1 an it In e- lm I. , Mil PS AU III Hit CAItt.t S a.-- ti'iat kinaa oi property, at remunerative ra tea of preuiium. It ia aimed, in the org ,n xation of ihia Compa ny, to ui.iae a a-le io.oiuiii for I oC ioniiy anu 'roteclion to the aaaurrd in caa of L.aa. An bonoraole and k(Hig..l e,rae ol liraling, and a I", i tii. 01 lallilinant of tla uulract-, ill at ail lime. cl,.r.clTile lbe buaineo ol ti e Cotup.,liy. A pplicliona for Ii ai.rji.ee m.,j bv nuue at ihe oSi- e of the Company, or io it auli.oriaru A nta. Ulltht IOCS. J.,hn A. Parrot, VV Mliam S Long, J,l Levi T. ttglesby U.id W t e-il, A. B. t liapm, S.n.u, I L BVra, J M l II U.K., il. A !.'rg. ll, t:. M-iit-tt. W. It. Ur.mt, D.v d S. Jonea, Oeo. W. lJ.il. Col. Thoa. J. ISialelcy Luae Biacitinan, ! OtHtLI'S. J .hn A. Parrntt, ln T Uglc.by, W. S. Long, K. A. 'I'bouipaon, A It. Ciiupio, Prranirnt Prc.ulrnl 1 rearer W. U. Gr ii.t, 1 W. a. I.ng. SfcXEi LTIVK t (J.MMI'I ILL U.vid W. Hell, S JI-reA 15. 1B59. Gm-lliH WASHINGTON HOTEL (( UA.NOKOlf H'.l I'KtaTuKn ) ItKUAU si It I.I.I M.W Lt.lt , . I JOHN F. J3NES, Proprietor. c.-s to laae,. f V,HK L'niJtraigiieU iipecirully si jl lh! lfilu charge of this olu an.! p.pu i I, and lid pri i. In, on I .-now prepared to acco,,,ooi,te traveler. U! 'a'"11'1 oo'11 y l" uy or no i ,ie m, , -C'.IIIII.O.I.i t r.g I r III II.. '1 Al'-LK will Dc fiitmah. d with tl' e beat proVtaiolia llialb art .r.l. oj toreln loarSctacan Toe VVHliiiii;lMi II .III large , and rooioa, ia nearer tl.e depot. Hie court Im Hi. bo"lliea alreeta tl...n any oilier in ll e.ty 1 Aa Omnibus will imji oe at the : -j.-j I and J I m'iii.g, on tbe arrival of tl.e e na and al'umboat, I to convey paaai ugera lo :.e llolel fr. e of i Large. I By sl'ppiog at Una Hotel, paaatngcr. will bate ! amp;e time lo obtain n.eaia. I ll.v.nif al-o a ut:-v and cmrnodiona Sl,,l,!e. and au i icell. lit U,l.. r. be ia In I , v or. oared to bo..rd bora, a by ti.e d ,y, week or ii.onli. tl luot reaaorwb: Mn. , JuILV JUW. I I I It I ,11 I I ' ! j I 11 I' I , 1 V "VA1li ' ClIAKI.On I . . t . i rfj'IKFroprietorof ZkittJL atill at his po.t flb.a Hotel i. ready lo lul. liHrVMjKIul ti.edutie.of mine boat " li. the Wi' iativsa travelling public and ot Wiyantivtaw trav. may call on turn, and be natura Ihu.mii i,.at aa ,:oi..fort.Ue nu .rics e.n b f 111 him aa .cinltr. I'd ..ear. Men will deairahle iy m the centra of Cbarktie l'u ihia Iloua a moat eont H ha. b.-rn engaged .n n.e bu.me,. at tin. aland nearly eighteen jeara, and III fjal Jie nmJe tcls4, add....,,,, to i. forme, bou.e. and ill,;., be.n gr.stly e,.l.rg.-ri and . proved, prcacoi.ng n IVoot a twu atory V Lll AN DA i"J f.-n in ie,.etn by Ii f".t m ,dt h, b.n.i mely I l p;ea. ah:..:, d by trcca on tl.e aide-waik, aUormng The ilouae baa beeotimrougliiy foro'ialiei! tbro". out, and in every part uf it creature coml..it. are al)ii,.l.,i,l and Ungibl. capecia.iy ... tne i.i.M.l. ft'oK .v . where the "inner niun " ia "reinwiu" y by day. Connecl. ! w.ll. this ll- ti I are Hi . Lira affording ..... lor Dill hor.. a, abundantly Inrni.teii mm., .in and provender, attended by laitmul ai.u o- iging h.eatler.. penrncr and ,..:i.iy llW aliva ma ge alin.d Mi lua " ; ('"' "". '"'V' I.e .. prepared to olt-r In. frirnoa mank rd.' aa mittiy com lor la and murli good chter a. will ba found iijilurf, perl.a,a a little more ... IJ" At anj rule T lb. Cbarb.tte llolel, J. 15. KKP.R Ocivt,er 19. ".:.$. WITNTaS.S TKIKKTH, for the County and Superior Court, for sale bure. - , !OISTI3 Ii 0 1,1 VI Cli.irlolii, C. rmy iiFtrr. of tliir Institute wi the 11 Oclube !s-.J Ml coiiiiiieiice fejr next. IWC I LTY El.fcl.vn MJ. D. tl. HII. I., Sutrint. micnt. I.iKtT. C C. I. EE, t'.iiiiiitiiHtNiit, C. P. ESl II I., A. M , I'ruiuipl ol Primary Di'l'urllm III. Course of' Stuti'S : In the Primary Iruartinriit, uch as to qualify a Stuil.nl In enter nn Culler ... .... u n. ii,. v...t p.,n.t .....i ,n h i..l!.,.d It will be ,,, llle pro-u,(ora to make. Surveyor., Kngi. " u""'f'ft t''""1 ' " i ....I.. Fr.rtier, at Mil.tarv I Schools, the months of Augu.l uml ii iteiiilr will bo .prut in fanipnigiiiiig through ilia muun. t.ina of S..rih farolma. ,V'r T'e..l'.ZZ '""17711, A furlough ni two montl.a (Aug. andH. pt.) will j h;;;'dJ Z'Z'lZl S .ZyZTVJu. EXPENSES s j Thu In.-titule will proviiie Board. Futl, I.ighU, 1 Waaliing, Arnia, luipnu-nla and I nnonn. ad jail rliilliing ranpt miUrr cluiht-a, for UOO li:U , y I' .H. one luMp-ivable in advance j Ihr b.Uiicrin ail inciatha. Ao ttlim chaigt: No n in . it.n hi ciinrgta to tboai- w ho li-4 uule-a ion tnc acore of linilth. TEH MS Of AVMIsMO: No nnn will be admiiud into the Pain tat I riamavT nniter Tlv T" f "' 'the cir-NTtrin IiraT!iT ondrr Eillen nor orr '!' ri,l.ipf jt-il of A.I coii m ctcil with tnc .Scientific Dciir'nuiit will b,' rrijuititl la board in i tlie liiKliluIr; Ibuac in P(in.rj Utpurlniiiit I m iy du ao il tliry cbousa. REMARKS: I The Iiialilule Builuinga are fie lar(rat, moit 1 1 1 g .. n t 6 nil c,n. no 'o 1 out lor I ue a c com 11 ion 1 ion 01 ! CaJe!. in the Southern Country ; and Ih. Board of lliirei tors trust that under thamanarement of the !suirii.lcnuei,l and t omiiumiaiil, balk of icom I are Or.dtMU. of Wr.l Point and ol long eiperi. rn.e in the Army, and in the bo. inc.. ol in.tiuc- tion. Ihe In.tilute will b eaUbliahcd on a tru. Mii.i.r, baai. ar.d eon.10r.ed on Iru. Military nrinriiiiia. The ooara will nrrrer sny, mai int.. ESTILL ia a Grauu.ti! nf the Virginia I'mvera.ly ami an eifiertencrd Claaici Icacorr. 7'hvy i ,,.,.! I'.iilli.r ilali, ibal It ia 1 il i r iliU'lillOO to! incrraae Ihe numir of teachrra 111 both Deuai t- '1 lua lii.taut. waa granted a liberal Charter by j the lgialatur. ol N'orih Carolina, with Ih. powrr ol contcrring Dcgreea UM.n thoa. who complete the pre.cnUd t our., ol wjir.. iLy Ap!icatina iul at,miMn.n will be r.c.v. d j onul the l-lof S'ot. nilwr, ami niual be di ret. ted to Dr ('. J. ti, l ici. tul of lha Uuard, Char lotte, N C. ? J. F'X. 1 I JAS P. IRWIN, ci II. Lar. ALEXANDER, S JAS. II. f.'AKSt N, ! I in 'n ii. litit.'t, 8 M BLAIR. DAVID PARKS, CJbj.fotlt, .V 10. IbS'J. 9tf t.xi:n. V.IIE T,i I. lorli.ejrar lrj(i,ranow my baooa fi-r in. paction. '1 boa. liable pj Taaca will p!caae ron.e forward and riile. I E. CO R1ER, Sheriff. Atili.rM. 6lf . i ii s oik . T 111 E auba. rilra rr-i tl'ully itiform ll . pub. c, that liny ut prepared lo erect t.4. V r a a tor ligiilirg I it., a. Uai,i, ilUgra, t ol- Irirr. inn Utrr ll"ii i. I io y nafe rreciaa wuraa in I barlotie ano I: I. ig Ii. N C, whuh hue gv.n en tire a iliairtn n W the eiin. a of Iboa. pUere. IO gi.iinoui'np, prouip, iivf. y 1 1.. i i.ntracia ilcr. into, Ibiy refer lo Hi nti J.a.H.Caraon. Pr Char Wni JoiKalon. Pit l b Dr.1. U H.gg.Prra It.l (... Vr. ( . , S C . K It Ii.. A... It.l ar.N.C gn. " ( i.I. Ii II Young. W "rli, M,aa A. ;. Stor. l'it..;-. Wuraa, Little Kalla, N. Y. K. T. lory upt. tia t ork . Water town. N- V. W. S. Elliot lie r & lu ,WI learl M.. .New Vora. AUttfeaa ll.r .sl.-e'iNr. at li.U'gi,. N. C. WA'lLl'.HOLi-K A J.UVtKJi. Stpt. 14. ItiH. 37t I' MOI'.K TO LE AL.MILLL THAN Till: HUllKST DIAIJEM t IK ""riU'nrn hvk'inirs nr KniDcrors. ' " o 1 - What? Why a Beautiful Head of Ualr. ft, rum. it ia lbe ornament fW kimttlf ptoridrd t'.r all our race. Iie..r. aiih.'Ogli the ro. uiy ' io.. iii I'T.r so brig-.tlj in lii gN.wirg cli.ek. In. t ie he eerr a :.!. a ill.?, tne teetli be tlioae of oearle. ) , .:' the l.eud ia n rrtt ot ita eoernitg, or Ihe I, air bt ' aoarie.1 and al.rivi lr., km th nnd di y, or w.trae atitl. it apruial.il with gr y , natorr will Iom more tl..., ' butt ba r clurma. I'r, t. Wiki. Ila.r K. rW.rli', if od tao or three tiui.a a we k, will restore and permanently aeeure to all auch an ornament. Keao t'" toln.wi.ig. arm j'o.'ge. The wr.ter si the firal i the celebrated i'luoul, ThuLlurg t Da. Woua: N,a York, April 19. 18 8. lleor ir, Pernut me to ispreaa 0. yr-tt th. ob 1 -g .l.ona I am and. r for lbe entire reel. .ration ol toy hair to ita original color ; about Hie tun. of my ar.-ital in the I luted M.. le. it wa. ra.nll j In cm too vrt r. but uoon tb. ai.nlieuM,a of four. " ll.iir H,-o.ral'e " il aoi.n rectererl ita nngnial h.a. I eonaiuer tour Itcntorati. aa a very non.icrlul inv til ion, rjlllle eltiracioua aa well ha -agr. eal.le. 1 am, our air, jours Uu.y, S. I HAl.hLKU. " Drtii ar (1 llflrdydcl., We'. n .N.w.piiper . fiice. ljSna at., April 13. t.i). i. (o:leur oir. Son,, month or ix et.l") I received a U.ll.e u I your Hair He. tt..r.ili e and gate it lomy.wi'e olioroncluded lo ' ' " " .oinai..! at c lime iui It wool.i n ature tl,. gray hair lo Ita original eol- .... .1 . r or, but lo her aa wi II aa my aurpriae, alter a few week." trial .1 ha. per lor .-, . d tb. I wonder, u I efT.et by turning. II il,.kr.y h.. I .dark brown, at, the .... '.,.. be.ku1y,g nnd llii.kenmg ih. hr. I .troogly ,. conimend lb. .f.. keilwa. . loail pcJo.in want of .neh .chang. nf the,, l.a.r. CIIAKI.M CAHDKW. N.w Yo. July 114, W7. ,. , . ... , ' ' ' laor. () J. W ooo t V .tl. rooCdenc. do I ,.. e..o,u,enuyour Ila.r l.i.lorali.e. aa Ik mg II n..t efl.eae.ou. arl.cle I a.er mw. M.e. u.n.g your llair It. alor.l.te my ban and . b.akira wbieli were t wmienate gra.iu.li)- grown dark; ..id I fi el confolinl thai i or. application, will re- lo their natural coior. It alto baa ra- l.eved rn. of all oendrutl'jtid unplraaant .! lung.tHi ! cljn,n,on au.oiig peraona who perapire freely H, Kli.HY Paor. Wood AU. ut two ye.r. ago my hair coioioeoced lalling on" and turning gray t I wa. foal heron, mg kiu, and bad tried many K. mrdiea lo nottl-ci. 1 commeiiced u.mg you, Ke.tora lit. in January la.t. A lew application, fa. irn. rd my hair firmly. Il began to fa , I up, grow out, and lurned back to il. lo, u.er coloi. (black .) At tin. time .1 .a lolly re.torrd to ita original color, health, and aj pearanee, and 1 cheerfully rer-,m. .... I.U It. uae to all. J. D. IKJtS. nicugc, III., May I, l be Itialor-itiva is pul up in bottle, of 3 an,,, viz : I -r sr , medium, and a..i..l! ; the ..hall l.oida a p.i.l.and retail, loronr dollar per bolllr the me. mum I ohia al lea.t, iw.i.ty per eetii more , Mro. portion than to. small, r. la. I. for two dollar, p. , tH.tt.. ; the large bohia a ou rl. 40 per cent, more in proportion, m.d retail, lor il. IJ. J VWKD dt t , Proprietors, 4 H flroadw.y. aold hy all good Ul ugglal. and taiicy Goods Di 1 eia, aud lit Charlotte by K( AUU it U. t ' . 1 IV. ! I f in i i JiM i or ii (les s lY K. M.IIOWM.L.3 u.K,r. butiir. of the 0 Mans, in ll- U.e. t l.urle.ile, Apnl 6, l.'iH f- DLAMt DLKUS f.,r sale at this ol,c. WAIT FOR fjreauar he bu) hia F'W t.S Irum A.A.I.JI.TAYL0II Would r-apfell"iilly annoiiiicc to tl inhabitai t from their Olo Mkho, to Nn, l,Gri,nt Ri , win North, ona ef lbs aioat ratrnait jrtD i 1.1a of ETtroffcrra ia North. Carolina, aiming whieh avm.' ' at - zm 1 ... .1 u .1 i- t .1 1 , I whi. h ha. g.meu auch a Uu.ou. reputation .n the Southnii I r-unlry for tl l.al r,r.t llllM Tins Stove be warraata sopenur t any t m.kmg Heir in ... 1 1 is am .) ,1,.,,.,,., ! ronaumaa Ir.a furl, and doe. more work in a gin n tiloe. tf..r, . n olht r M. v. 1,. w );i put up nn. bvald. in; other Stove of the aan.r six t. t' 1 nitre M.H.. nr if ,1 r, , , M work in a rven lime, he will forfeit tb. price of thr Slokc,..ii null ,,d t h.. th batter on.. j 4 T C() 1 J 1 FAHSiOSl & je nMi aait conalunlly keep on hand, an 1 atenane ami v . rid alork of Y12S AMI mi.iss mil lis, cist it:t:.y m nsit .:,, HAT HACKS, CKADI.KS, &c, M at t Inr h v tl ! aolil, U liwI-aM'.-in.l It. tall li. i.. i tliuuh,,, ever brfii 1 1 -r at Hi I til V id aa i 1 1 . 1 would return rry thanks to my ftit nla anr! cu.i'.mirt for ll.e . lit . -ral pa Ir, i.. r, ii , , ,,,( beatowed upon in, and they may real aorrd, that I al.ail rn.iraaor, by . loae alt. i,l., i. to t,J, ,, togrtlwr wHh a drlcrnunsiion In plraar.to Iry i l merit a roi lu,nr.r of tb i.tn, Liidii'santl linitlrmi n arc particularly iniiid lo rail rn! uin.iif l,iMtf; AM EISli 02 JOB W01SE IVtlSHu SOilEHI.riUr. .N. B. I wili t ' ! I j-u w Ii y I lnd my aon rl... h. ni W a it .-s vi. W ., ,i ., wa hafc liir. a t- ".-g-na Couataliliy Ira.u.n g 'l'-Vi' 11 e .oul.tr I It, Slot. a. far .1 ant i r trill be faithfully it ml utfthf ut limit il to A.A.N. Ji.TAYI.O!. C.roe,yune f, Ifi:. 3, fcj- Notice. A I I. pera, tu g ! rn r Itcrrhjr . or .jci i Irrwp-ftfifi dlla as iha I. w in ng.oly .n. ; lorcad ag UflKVAIII) I)AViri?O.V. 9 n x in, :p:d. CANDY FACT0i:V. Fresh ronlt'ctiontrk-s, Fruits, 4c. Ac I 1 itiOsjrr'S-f fpp?cif'ui-f ininiii iUm nti. irti ol I harlodr and uff'unfitf; j cunuj, that he bacon haliti and IV ol.Uttii rrct(fif l'.n. tw Vfk, Confectioneries, Fruits, FANCY (.HOC HUM S,( If.'AK TUIIAt CO. S I FF. 'lOVS, Vliiir:il lnl t nun iil, I lKi: uoitu, iioituv noiti:, Ti ln iil Ii a, tl IIIiimt H ll(an, Ihitlrs, UMilfWliiiMla, Y IJlid (ugri of en ry aaridy. J. D. 1'ALMKK. A.--.er , l.H. riif Alan, h. inten.ia to ma at farlura CA M I I"J ( all k.hila. Ire Irom p. m.lloua Coloring un.lk. li e New York Sle. m II, fined I army, t ail and ae. JA.tiF.s i. i:i.m;v. CVMM1SX1US MKJU UAS T. 1 1? ( ii a. mints hi him, x. . I Vtt 1 8 and forwarda etrrt kird of piercb ' ol J) one for 2a oar e ( .rarniaoa. liaii ra . ,,..-- Mi,j ft ifii. J , . , p i. . , .. , i ""borne, I . r. M. nm nhall, A. M (.ormsn, r ..na. ! . . .. a- ,, .. ' , .. . ' I ' " ,,' , ' "', .' '"''" ' '" 1 ""'J' U"'n"'- "," !"""" V ' Mb,nea. Ir. n I "j 'T' ""-. A ' '"'"f ''' f ""Ct ..ker., kmc. and price, I'"' a".",:,''""1 '" r""'"T C.," N. . ''.) "id to. " t '" i asa rHVaiciiR j o.. latitat t.enia to IIeii.tsi. . Tl, .....luableawmy aafr..er ai.oulu be m rt. ry 1 ,a... It Ire. I. of ail ui.eaaea, ha. eop.ou. u,.j ,d pra.er.be lhe re, from n.tur.'a , Uiunteou. More., (or all our ii.fir.mtir. ...d m.a. fMu,. i i, ,,.,,) tin. wk.tr naner. I.a.d. .e..l. hH r.. ...... i,, a ' -,ud ) l,.r J..IU. ' ' .New Itoee wi ,d IV ..lloO. . 16, ifj.-.a. S.M.H(mELL, 9k . sa).cl, Saddle tt Harr.en danulacturer, THREE POORS BOCTH Of THE MAMMON pr-CUE, Cli Altl.Kti ii; .t. I TAIUmdrof Kadd',, ,.,,,1 II, hnrteat notice. 'nessm.dr atthe 9 rRKPAIKIM; promplh car. nt.rl. Jam. 19. IH58, 37f int. ii. n. oni; WILL b. p.raaed to reel III I' rol. eiol.s 1 1 ' in lb. dep.rlmeni. of ,U DM IMi HCHfiKKY. I i.I, may be found at h York Diatr.cl 8. . VS. Ii. aa prol. aai. n.llt .heM, he irsii-iinrt, Kort Mill l.,Kit. 1 If 1 S.H.RANSOM.tteft. tk THE WAG (10 1. 'v t' m aHO. i it l lie MdiHimcmrtf . Hie Maiiniaci nrera. .! ( I' l I t Tl t r be has in w on . ' ' rn.,( JI M riei.ua n. n u , wili ! found Ilia ceirbraWa aa at a yva, I R I IN J ) S ( ) I BOX lllii'l ut.. I IIY. I . ,nrrl I,. 'V.ard Kan,. , 1 ..I MiMilit A M'lif.l na. r-.. ... . .i lo elol.d .pp..ile lu l'i t a:' J t ft- i i.' a IMy aie .4,i,.i, i,ict H u. . a i.ui to ti e r a ,." (ovi'iii i kni:km s. r. sAiits, .lis lulu 1 ;inil U'.nltNt'. ILL lyrr.i.1. Iiea.,r..l'i.r . a I " ' r.uiioi , o'.l a Ml., I .. I r. 1,1'. n n Mi' bu.l. mt r i .. r bin. IUM (Vlo'.vr vfi, Irt- it i i;-t a tt ti i i Eutaal Life Iasurance Comp- Of 71 t. ut i.t. n-it s rillh l . pi. maor.a li . i- ' JL ... l-r oi.. ,e.r, a ton, ,.l ,-'." : ' .... lhe .Mulu-I I rihriple. It e ...ul. I ' ticipaliig in lb. prollt. ol tl e I -n , ' .' p.iltl ie. gral.UU l.-r tl-r . I-'"C 1 when li.epr.miun, tl.tni-r ... , i-i note toy b. git. ii I, , one bail lm "" " '" ,'lni'ioii', bean, g ml. n l I k " " 1 ' guar .nty. fi 'I I.e pron.pl manner in hub been paid by Una company . log " " m'"' " ',j ralea ol pr. IliiUll., p.as. I.I ".1 'I"-"'"" ui ii a. air diapoai G to iliauir. Slat., are inauied I-, a 1. 1 in "f '" "' ' 6t y. art, lor Iwo th.l.la ll ' "' (il All ..s.r. are paid within ill .' -1 " f. I. ry plool ia first ! c DlhLncliS- Chariea II. Jol.p.b.n. ' J - II..I... n A . ll. t i.-ke. J. " 111 lloai..!. Wu l in e bu.ler, P ' II. M. h.e. k. I". Il.tllr, t h.l... Ii. I.. I, '' toir, kllll'd II. Hatl'e. ciHrHi'- Dr. ( I'.rl.s K. J'.hi."n, r"" W . W. Holder, Vie. l'reaio" K. II. llollir.tMciclary. V illiau.a II. Jonea, 'I rrasurel II. W, llij.lid, Atlor.iej. Dr. W i... II. Mi kee. Meoic .1 I I Jiarerutire fummttiee M- U " ," kee, t h.rlrs II. Koot. Jfealla-.l JiMial ,f l..o'ls".- J-,hi,..n, M. D., W.ll i'- "h ll.rl.'d II. Ilaywoo.!, M. D . r.., further inform. In n, lbe C"i h' H ,.i i rid lo the nm 1,1,1. Is "I'd h rn ' 1 I vrj ma V be oblmm d at lb. I'll l I "I' or any of ll. Agel.lir.. j. ;, C nuiiiestions al.ould bs an- t"")"" K.II.IATT1.K,.'- ystt Sr),),ml,e rl, IH.'iT. . - r-r-r. . . - r r-.i till l it IM IM ,. all kinds r aasewiee a' rsned!ll r .I'si wa.r rut.. I 'IH.I ai:OI I KM V i I Among their Sim k ff. lal.'iiiiiliT.'i:. I al.J k.pl in a al.oe ,. f i.I. a. i,,. A , I n..nl I At 1 rion.o (,.. W n .. W . ... 4 I .... . I, Sal.d. ! 'I i.i j I..." ii.. ir . ii 1. 1, j ii i iRLk.and arapi.pMtil lo h.ri.ien I - " I l-arl.. t Uli I as. a i.t a. I k. e. t .. i .. I MtiobV A MH t i ' V t. mb. r 16. eH. I W. hat. mi-, oftn a l.f:.r.rh ..I .i.-i I L.e,,i.in. wt.tr. Mr. M. ... y w... ll.r Lv.ii-i rr. and beo a W- a, or h..e : pubi.e palron-ge in !lit aeett. n. ! J.UOl'Y M-l ' "' A. It. licit. 3' I i rL'Ll't.VAd U aU 3 c. 1 11 1 It o i, f ti, f -1, I

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