jervative patriot everywhere! Aud 'ouM tliey Il0t "a'B tht, to uij Lope "'j .irit, they appear to indioato ! 'Uj etIUa repeat these propositions, and add ,'heiii a few others' upon gHucrul politico, W which I tLiult all C'on.stitutioii loviojr "'. cu uuite, a ij J lut us nee if they do not "nt i body of priuciplca that will secure I' unport of all men opposed to n otional sad t direful aud inevitable tendeo- ' 1. Nw Slate shall la admitted into the -ion without regard to whether they nd :i or reject slavery iu their oouatitulioiie. " ' In ad act of Congress hereafter or iTiz'ii" Territorial Uoiwntnciits there shall ff inserted a provision that no liiws ahull l pi-He I hy the Legislature of aueb Terri ,'rcs prohibitiufe or t r f I i with the ri '.i. uce of slavery iu them, thus leaving the tu adopt or reject it, as it may pieuee I jit in 'll'n ''"J l"e,t together to form a a!0 COIialllUtlUll. :i The pre-eut legislation of Congress ou jl,.- .uljcet of slavery to remain unaltered. I Tiie entire suljeot of slavery, ricpt iuvolved in the lorrjroiiig propo-itiuun, , , ie wholly witbJrawn from th arena to politic, and where it belongs,, o ,,:0 control aud jurisdiction of the fcople ,,nf ahoni it exi-H. .V An eefiTnical sJmiuistraiion of the ..ii.ial tiovei nuieiit, not merely in name, I ( j reality ; to he elL-clid by limiting tho fi'cue of priming to the sclual uecsi j,t.' of the (iovermiient, by uholi-hing ll.e :tiiiiiig privilege, aud "epaislinij elloett ,r ihe eonireet -of the ti overuiueiil fioiu i rrupt po'iiical influence. ti I he presert ation of the iutegrity of in iiioual Legislature hy rJieoiit!teiiiio- i ill' appointment of l. inhere of Con .'t.r u office; ly coudt'iiiiiiii the iuil.a . .ii.ate ue of the Kieoutiie veto; by l t . M!'t f'J" force liii treaty tusking po r ij Ihe Senate, and rcservibjr the control i,:' liia purse aud the power of declaring war , ,.ra it ftuw reeO, in Congress. 7. So inttrlVrenee wilb the rhts and p.i-p.ritj i f tf'o S'talcei by btiiiRiuir within i, control of Federal I,aw aad (he Fede- ii. J.i'lu.iry lie entire currency and time- I. eu IscuUtlbe i( the iudebleduiss of the i - A jt aud in a nl jr adu.iuiatri.tiou of ibe ' ' ff puliry of lb lioverLiiiciil ; protrct ... a:il itliiij: thn right ol the tjovetu- ; ..ii.i m.'l of it tu wLetLir Lathe or ! i'ui4 :t d, against fureiu agression from , ij'jarlrr. t Atoid anJ vigorous ei.foice itient of' ;. lass ssinsl Territorial injbotilinaliou. ti tK ctiactiiicnt ot aduilio iai otii if in. ' i.e aproininieot to cflu e of faithful ,ui pitrioiic nun. and not ot rurre parti - j f. a l.o for Jjr pa-t bae, ti lb ilia- i tr. ' lit of lh" liatM U, fci-rd thu li ot prou.i : - l pUrfi bulb at Louie and ahiuad II II pret r Jtum of the :..i fir, I) the fui 6 mi' nt of ail national utii - t .1 :!, and jat and 'li deatii.jj witli ti; tr (JonernturnU V. Itii aueb or fiuu'ar priiiripii it ouid be ..:r.lril under what leadership, the par' ;i lAi,ti thflii would march to aaiurrd i.i rr Without the aacriuee of a tub-j .: .'.. .ilau:g. thr S-.uili c.nild yield il ; :: or upoael lijiht to the poilire inter- 1 i:.i. in "! I oiijtrrM iii behalf ol alarery iu the I-f r it"i , i J ieata the detrlopinc nt and 1 uf tint itiatituiion t" t'ie energy of ita ;'.r nl m ou tiihtirnl adfama'ei i.i.t the !-r'i..l) of thenoii and the prru ,ti ;! eiiiuale make it de.irahie. ThaNrlh, : , i:tiple act of eij'ial n l riaet jiiatico, t . i ('ant aitlhat n a.hi'i for III the prrpo i. I litta aubmuicd T hi", or any oth- j i k-i of t I'll llirnt one agreed ou, and i i . i. a 1 h rvd tu, (and the man w ho would . iiii il hovtld t e n corded a a public i I tbare wuld be tinthin; to interrupt : t Liuoiiy or arret the pruTn-a of the : ..;jii. Airsady one of the ti i at l'.ji-r on i e 'V'.r, ttie liepublie lieeda tut uniou at I. n.e and pcaea ahroid ti breoin the j of wbitb hi.tory ha any neord. i TUB RIVAL UOPK-WALKERS. Wed neH Jay was another great day at Gcn eeen Falls, aud Niagara. Do Lare'a perfor itiaiicca are thin deocribed by the Uovhcstnr Deuoorat : Do Lave appeared at 4 o'clock precisely, having strapped on hia back a chair and a salver, upon which were a lot of email cakes, which we'e to ere an hie lunch. Lie immediately took up bia pole aud started lout. When about the middle of the chusin I lie Mopped and ant down. Taking tha chair from hi beck, ha adjusted it ou tha rope, aoutid hiniHcIf iu it, and couipO'iedly ate up the cakea from lha aulver, which lay iu bin lap during the operation, j llavinjf concluded bia meal, he threw overboard bia chair and ealfcr, and proceed ed to the west aide of the river, Mopping once or twice to lie down, Maud on one foot, ele. After a delay of ten uiir.utt", he stnrted ajjain, till he got over the blink of the FalU, and then he cariied out bia pioinUe to lower . himself dow u to I he tibect of water and dip a draught from the flood, fie tieJ hi bal ance pule to the tope, lidtd down and look . a drink, aud then returned to the rope, above with !t'cat rase. 'J be rcht of the perform ances n of the uaual character. Many ; did not btoy lo i.ce the tLiug through. Jilondin, tint to be excelled, aatonished the natives by taking a tiiht walk, which ia thus dehcribed by thu l'uffalo Courier : I liloudiu drenaid biiuaclf iu a litieu suit, .with bia frock he baa o often worn, armed biuiarlf with bin balancing pole, to which he bad attached aoi' brilnai light of varioiu colora, aud theti aending foitb a Ticket, which pierced far ur inta thu dtrp blue, he pioeCLunl repidly dowu the rupe, and waa 1 fli.'-tiiicily tiihle upon either aide I'nl'or lunatily the liht upon dim end of tim pole became dct'icbed aud Irll imo thu river. . The right w aa not so pretty an it would have beru bad not tnia oceuried. When about midway he lock a Mat to rest, or p. r hi pi eet a better view ol the t-cene. Nut a:iti-li d with l.f li.u1 iii thiiij."! above an I around hiiu, he liually invmted and lo duaii inlu the water. It m 0 duik, we think, he did not iee Uiuoh. St u nil mi ou hi- bead at infill on a rope over the cl-ain cf Niag ara uiU't be eporl. Arisinphe pHaed on .-'ouli after the other iiflit leli fioiu hi- pile, ai d lilondiu in left in impenetrable dark beat. .b nc. aiojlid, benralh, all was drk. No'Lini; more was heard or seen cf him until a ahout from the oppnsite ahore an liou-ic d that he I, I sif. lv i icn-ed the flood. And a litl'.c after, he stalled nu hi return, aurroulidcd with brrwothn, ron-iaiing of Ko man eandle, which gave a pleasing afprar anee. He w aa literally enveloped iu a biaiiv When about liiialway, be laid down bis pole and stood up erect inverted. Theti he eusi ended biinsflf below the ro e by the brci, ana! tlieit be remained druinmiii on bia ciirt ULti! lii can. p bre were all ex-tinp'ui-hed. 'I h. re he wa bit ja before, in jltrr daikr.eaa. A ii e Yankee, who wa -tai.iliii; ly, e .i l he wouutred if be would " atay thele altera " A about on the announced hi safe arrital home. Itna em'ed M. jhondiu'a liigLt Tin I'ext Klectoral CorxEciE. If Kansas be admittod next winter, the num ber of votes to be cast in the Presidential election will jivo the folloniug proportion : Ms Michigan Iudiaiia Illinois Iowa WiiiconMti I ,'alifornia Minnesota Oregon Kaunas New Hauipliire 5 Vermont 0 Massachusetts l.'i Hhodu Ialnud 4 Conneciicut 0 New York 35 New Jersey . 7 I'eiiiiaylvaiiia 27 Ohio -M Total The Slave Slatea as follows : Virginia 15 Louisiana Delaware I Arkansas Maryialid A j Tentipaaca Nonh (arolinv 10 j Kentucky South Carolina 8 Mis.-ouii Georgia 1(1 Floiida Alabama 9 Texas Mississippi 'iutul u 4 6 4 4 3 i eo ( o 41 1-J 12 j J a1 4 iaoJ Spftial Sotlcn uiii oxv;knateu bitteiis. N turn, in her (freut lalimtury, Ii:., ,tr,d ,lC remedy hI"iI'"'I I" every tlieao niueli " lluih is heir to." lut ilnqinria the and naeiireh of ihs (ihilooilier to dieuver ami i;ily Una remedy. Sucli research .mil ini-lii;.ilioii hua ui:i. eiii d in discnveriiiK a reniei.y (or uiual hfllietiva ilisiiiisiituiii, the UYSI'EI'MA! With hU ita leaser and niunrruua evils ; and it may bo aiifely asserted tlmt until lli i'eari iire uf the Oxigriiatrd Ililtera a eiinenf Dyspepalii, was a r.ire eaier:cnee In iim.licnl practice, i'.iw un. dcr the influence of the Ililtera the rule is lu run, thu i ncejiliou, tiiiUre t eure. Head the fnlliiwinifi winch Hie nili.eriher re. queats ua In pub!iah NT the be n e ti t nt' liie a I' ll icl.-ii : A Cat Cdnqueked bv Fpariiows. The vioHrage of l'eestou, near Nottiiighatn, waa viiiied by imiiieroua spariowa, which inoress. t d daily. The cat of the bouse has been ob served w atching the arrival of ibe birds, aod . pouueiu upon them at every opportunity.! A day or two ago ibe cat was at the foot of' a tree liMetiiug to the chatter nf the sparrows when iu it few tninutes the birds descended in i.misr. l'uy at first made a spring at them, but the attack uf the sparrows was so fierce, following their cnpiny up, and hem ming her in ou every sidu that she waa at last glad to spring thiough a window for. piotectioo. .So ferocious in the encounter that many of the spuriow. struck themselves againit the kitchen wall with great fores in pursuing their enemy. ; AMI K.I) a go..H Mi cii ( OW. Knquire at the Wing i.fliee. r-fJl rn I i.e mi inbera ol ll.e lcch. ?Tff& Aerieul.unil S.,?e. inursu.y, nif -'ii tnsi.ini, h a bei n i:... tur clear. Hi i. If thr N K W V A I K (.KuLMl; and it la ei.-xele.l all li.i cm, e'll aenJ helj., Willi ana. .lid ill I Uie k a eal ly ill Hie iiiuming. JNO. A. Y( iL'NfJ, Climrni'it lit. Com. S,Pt. I I, lejll. TIIK SAME OLD S()N(J, 1 Ul'T TO A NEW TUNE! i wry lat'je utni hcautiful An Obdurale and Iiiulrrale Caxe cf DYSi'El'M UKLD BY TUE OXYIiKS.iTEU HITTERS. Tlie luiloiviiig friim a ,'eiilleiiinii well known in the region in which he livea uu;ln tu aatisfy all Ihuse uf little Taiih : Ws TK a town i N. y., July 9H, lnjsj. 8. W. Fow i.a i t o., Balnn. Aira .Nine yera mcc 1 waa ulUckeu by tiil curau f all ilmuiii, yaiHlta, which no aflVcted ine aa In e.iuae 0iireaalun, lillneaa. and bloatinj nt Ihe UnweU mi. niciiulely after eating, uccomnanird witli tirnbie piiwia in the stomach, nften iceaainiuiir iidiii.ea. idity, and lieaduche, thcr with i are pnrli STO I' A X 1) It R A 1) TH IS I GOOD NEWS AT rilAHLOTTE, i. (M! AVall. TItr.LO Alt MA just iieni'd a large and extensive NKW STIM-K ..f DItUGS AM) MEDICINES.' i;t r. K;tcai, and Leather, French and American Cull-Skiiis, mid all knius uf Shoe Maker's Findinga. ALSO, A he i nt i I n I Stock "I' the latest and mual r..ahinli able styles of Ci A LS- s E, Nye Hutchison & Co., i it ', li.icct.o rrs:, .V. Wholesale and Retail Sealers in F)Iti:i(.N AM) DO.nF-STIC Drugs, Medicines Clieiiiiciils g 4 F. ricciung Iresh The tlnrlaflK. CORRECTED Br OAIW H WILLIAMS. UlAKLOTTJi, BEF'JE.VmtK 13, lfe59. J; iti : t)A K FOU )'a lllT. eiith intns Cener-tl fielniiiy and auui.rig, aiLgcllur render ing 1 1 lo a After having trieJ every knoan remedy with, nut eft", i.-l, and deat'siring of ever regaining my lust heuilii, I was inducau to make ue ut IheOxy. geiiated H.tterSi Ihe g'Mid el!'.eta nf winrli w, re iiiiiiieiliatt'ly visihle un tny hrjith ihiI nyatein. Before uatng a whule VKIIe I wnaentireiv eiin-i ; and I feel a pleauru in inducing alj like null, r ers aa myself In luaks uie nf Una rem.irk.iuie remedy. TWO), t Al.UW Ki.I,. Prepare.! by 8 W. KlW .I. .t t 0., I'o.Tos, and fur .ale by K. .Nye, llutelna.ii &. i u., t na rh.tle , X. C. til All Styles anil Grades, f, enwn lu the C..: ill W .My sliieriur Muck nl I ... (J le a hue t lira SKW 1.1) HOilT-t. SIJOKSAM) ., iti.Nuh i.-js i; v I'I'KUS. '-MiS-t are I-, he surjiassed bv any. Tiny v.'ere pur. ciina' d Irnm the inn n u tai-t nr ra aud the very best li.i.l au.l Mine mil ers in Ihe l nin.1 Stale.. r .irtners, Mli ehanls and the ntlbite ei-nerally irly ir.viii d in eali ami examine my iK:ge .r thimseiver, aa I am deli r. an:! mined l.i seil I.OH .NISTItl if He alt- yn (.... U- Ine M .ii'm. I nne duur below h I V I Oil A II t tin- right II. UC just I Grain!- ! .a Sl C'..-i,'. W.M. A.. 16, ;,'.). I 'hii !niir Sinre. TKKLUAK. i.i i aaVs)awCil fmm the New Yi.rk M ket. wlneh nave been nur j ehhsed iipun aueh lerma a tn hs auld Inw tnr cah We wnuld resrssc'fully eal! the attention of the Public In nur atnek !' Pure Wlnle Lend. Sn,,w Wlutr ine. Ciirnme Yel. , lew, ( hr. iiie tir-rn. Han. (.re-en. Hurnt L'mber, Haw I'.nlier, I!e-I Lead, lllnek Lead. I.itln.rge, i Sumish llrnwn, Vemtiau lied. Lump lllnek, Iln.u I H W tilling. B jeqj g VC.waia i F.nglisb Fu.isliiiig, Furniture, t'upal, Piclnre, Da. , im.r, (in ciau. 1 .D Ik C . j llmn il and III., ok. H E tST ,? qL-.. I 1 J.inaee.!. TmniT'i, Train, Lard, Machinery, Lu. ! hrieatnig, Kernauie. Sea K.lenhaiit, Pure Sinsriu, i Castor. Swe. t, (liive, l'..d, Iturninir Fluid, i : Turneiiiine, Ale..ln,l, Pure French Brnndv. Old i ' Madeira VV uie. Pnrt and Sherrv. Lnnd.m Pnrt.r.l ; Fresh ( oneres. Water, ( iirale Maguraia, Ice S. ids Water, Canton Tea, Hiker's (hoc dale. For. eipn Perfumery, Sulphate Q BACON, Ham " Sides, ........ Hog rouno, " Shuuldrra, ., Bagging, liiinny, Ueet Butter Beeswax, Beuna Brandy, Apple " Peaeli Coltuii Co (Tue, K.u 41 Java ., ,,.,., lb , ... vd .'lb ..bushel, lb.... lb..., lb.... indies. Adamantine., lb... " Suerui , lb... Tiillaw,... t Corn , Chickens ; (,-loth,('npper,.... I " I.indaey, F-fK Ion r Feather., Lard Million Maekereli Mulnaacs, N.U lb ...buahel., ....each... .. . y j rd ... yard... ....dozen .. 13 (,,, .... U (. II 10 (? i i IS1 ......00 uj I" j 'H ut, -SO tm as g a H ....'J5 (a, 7il (ii, 15 ( I2J (".' (t, OA bhl 4J fa, b.g. fJi (a, lb :tU (.t, lb Ii, ; II 5 fri, ,...bbi.rf i is 14 m ij ou J"i 8 15 3D OU GO ISO II U IU) 33 SO 00 TU I' 475 'ii w ..Kilt... -Hal M.i ...31 silel. Mullf ts( W 1 1 nil ng loll) ...bill Nails. Northern lb. " Southern,. Oat Pork ....'t(lO (n, 3fn OB (.,. 10 On Cd to i.... T..b. ( A. llllllr, Jul, , Ac.. &r 4, IfjU. , Opium, SuufT, 14tf P. r-oiia . IrliOed will, the Fever and Ague ahuuid nol ajiare either,l-niliie er exitic, to renr UK. IIOftTK 1 I KKS t Kl.tBH A'l Kt? IHT't'KKS, wim.e b. lu,f,elenll'.-cauM.ll Ihe hn in I. ay.u-iii llaa b-en clearly piaved to those w lio have been stricken ouv n hi a short apace of by this Ureaulu! curac, whoaechet ka are Wall ami meagre, and wl.uae night, are slt-eph aa -l.u real less, and whose eyesore dim and aunki n, will, death llieoi in the laee, Una compound mual prove a blessing ; aiMitcliing them as it were fiom !i.e v ry niouiii of the grafe. N ine can know lis tru-. Value until they bate (rated it. When all oil.."- have f.,ih-u, the Hitlers have reab. red ine aulTrrers lu proline lieaitli. Tiieir popularity in ail toe ami Siulhcrn pari. liT'TTI1 TTMTniST! A H( II MitLLT AIlOVi: I Hiltl), PHILADEI PHIA. LP J t'.S S. NEWl llMLIt, l'10.rictar. I ea , fali'. undersigned l.aviuir iiu ,i...7 JL sen I '. a-sV-fiiH ll'.lel, would call the attention the puhlic In its ncuivelili nee lor timae visiting I'hna. ! detptits, eitiier on liuainess or pleasure. ' lis Situation t.'lhg hut a few at.-pa from the principal SV.' trade, ..If. ra innUCCtll. Ills lo lilo.e on tiu.i.ii .c ; while In those in searell of p. ensure, ll.e constantly paaalng and reuiasllg1 lost- j.r-ximilv. i t! .r.l . ni.minal .u I half inter. Kvaua, ,, all the Iti- l.l I In ..I! p. inl.t ll.e. llH Id l.y all druggists iluteluxin A Co. Chatlolle. N ('. ..I bv E. ! (27 all I..- kept kith about ll.e eln hat " T!.r Tu' K are rere St.K k Of 1 1 rM ax A'UV Com mod ore ('has Stewart, the senior capiaiu of the Amciiean navy, ami one of ibe tuo-t i',i'i-triou of ita com tiun.iers, h return. . 1 fi.iui his ln roju a u tvur Ihe venerable captain, with al; the weilil of rijhty i-ars unu his brow says, the I'll ii.lel !ia l'reas, looks as sieiue auJ as brave as when he trod the dtcks of the old Coti-titution, nearly fifty jeara sl'o, a terror to her Hrili-h foes. He is the la-l of the gallant band of heroic men who have made lb. ir nimes aud their country 's "lory luimortal. Treble, leeatur, I'ale, Hun bridge, I'rustoti, lluli, Lawrence, t-'uuhiick, I'oucar, I'urry, ami the rest, all hata ped away. Lot tit a jr " 'Id Irouaides " live to recetie in p.-rsoti the grsteful homs which a narioij ajrs lo the j;lorioui services of hiuieif and bis brjve compinioua .'unlit Cuiuliniitn. .'Ia-sai tit stria I'i'LiTi. a A Urpmea I of lue Americana of lijaton in n. ..I at Inui enJt tics Mall on '1 bur. lay ' H i).', wl.eii it was dctetuiiued to i-uo a (.. fir a. 'state roiiveiiiion, lo asseu.ilu in vt.iber. tu uouiuata a toverunr and ether Me oCieers. A series of resoiulioua were f.'t- d, to the tffett that the National Am r.. a i.s would uuite with their brethren ia the .uih in the Uelt l'reaidenlial elerttou 'n-l the IViuocr alio aud Kej.ub ieau true, (tu aecouut of the lateness of the i-ur tlie resolutions were laid cu the table soli, Kridav, the lnb iut. ' A I.tll FLt. l'ltttil' THI) A j;cti: ii in, aha it somethii of an amateur n.itu- a. .1, and has fr )eats taken t;"' d. ',i;hl i'i stuihiiig tha habits of imrota, biids, (.', , infutwa the la. -i-ur, of that .i.e that be baa noticed fur several jeara ' t that the martir.s invariably leave ua on J t:.e lh, Hth and lOtb of August. Thi 1 yir ihey remaiuev! uutil thu of August 1 lie predicts, from this, tb t we wi.l have a la's fall; and that fanners nee 1 n .t be f-ai l the frost will boit th ir coru. Anx-j i'i. ( la ) bUcihttirtr. Vai.g t ir TH .S BIPTL Kl.s - As the beau tj of ihe worlJ is st oil by a graceful vari etj, ao is il iu the Scripture. '1 here are auh lime tru'ha, that the most a-piiing teas n of nun cannot overst-p ; snd ther are mole piaiu and easy truth-, on which the weakest rapacity tny ootivftno i h 'Vlipbl and sal isfac'iou No il ofluiided with his gar (i. u fir baviii' a shady thicket in it; tin more should we be o II ndeil with (he wold of (ioil, (hat amon so many fair and oj.eo walks aa here and there sieet with a thicket hat the eye of liuium reason eaiiU'jt look 1 through. litihop llipUiff. I'liltiAV f Amirican lllTultr Kridajr i supposed to be au unlucky day, because it s " banttiaii'a day" that having been auctioned by eutom for the execution of erniiinals convicted of aetioua clleneea. It' i'ii.!!j superstition, however. It was on! Friday that 1'bristnpber Columbus sailed on Lu firt voyspe cf diacotr-ry ; on F'rtday b I trit ditcoverrd land ; on Krid ay he returus to ' i"j.iiii: on Friday, Ike Mn Itnirr, with the 1'ilpiiu-, lauded at Plymouth Uock ; ou riniay IJforga Waabingion was boruj on rdy, occurred the surrender of Saratoga ; b I riJsv , occurtd the sui rcudi-rof oik tou. A licksmitU io Frank fort-on the-Main ' n1 hit upon iho ingenious idea of cousiruo j a strong bog without any keyhole al all, j which even the owner biius.lf !l, ,i InsiJa is a clockwuik, the baud of "liich tha aw tier placea at the hour an. I ' "inm mhta be asin want to have access 1 la the box. The elockwork bc"ius tu in jve m Hon (, t, jj j, ,(,uli opens the lock . j'n the insidt at the uioimtut wiieu the j ""d indicates. I TaI.I. CiiTTiiN Pt K1MI Some tall Ot tun picking haa been dune iu JefT-ri in coun ty, Miss. The litniHe says that two boys on the pUaiaimn of .Mr. Ilairi-nn, near rsy elte, the I Ot b int , pick, d I'M ) p muds in one day ; cne of them gutheriu f Oil.") pounds, the oiIit 7 411 pounds. 'I bis, for bill plan tation, in tbt mouth of August, or iud.ed ai.p month, ia i xti aotdinary work The 1,'rvriUe ssys il has never knowu cotlon lo open so rapidly as il has thu preseut aeasou. A Missouri Sol. m nit James Ifirham, ou the Missouri roll of the Pension tllh'S, was born ia Southampton ciunty, Va , and entered the aerviee in 171 as a substitute; was iu the severely eo,.rctfd eiiaf meiil at Petersburg with the Itiilish, and at the siege of Yorktown and surrender of Lird Cornwallis. After the close of the sir be moved into, and resided in, Noitb Carolina until 1""IM; then iu Loiu, Calloway, aud 1 'co eu"1'0"! Kj. FA I. Is AM) VI .T i: K mm. of all kinds and prices. We will n .t alle-rpt to enumerate iii an an vMiaement wh'.t we I.:, re. Il la auiti'-.i. nt tn aa f v. e Ii-. vr- everv Ihmg In he found in a h al class llr y (, Il-n:are and II k.I and Store, and we intend lo sell our l.lKJl'S aa low aa the lowest, and all that ia neccaaary In be e -ii v.'.eed nf that fact, la tn eall aud si e our (;..o'ia and bear our pries. Come one, cuine all and are lor yourselves. Lll'riV.V A ST ITT. S 13, IK',". UK i For Sale, A Li IT OF HlNKCK ( lURLOITF. STOCK ,' al Una elfiee. . .v.-(. I, le.'.J. i'lf i Mecklenburg Co. JJmds, j ajlillO-O'. hnrmg Coupon Bonds of Meeklelu! Ja, bug euullly. Ill the W . I . & l( K.Co , c.n bsvr Ine sanie pud by calling on the un.Jers.gner' al I... e!l,.:e,oiir ih-.r (....- the ll.i.K nf the Slate. J. M. lll'rClllSON.fifls. j S,pt. 13, le'.ll. IJS Carolina IVmale College. ' fasill!. t irr.'.a.s ..I Ibis 1 ...Ululinn M. w nl e r.-uined on th, a,; Wed. ' iho oS.:nli.r, assiale.l by a com pet. i.i i l aeu'iv, be having in au arrange. mi lit illi I I.e 'irusle. s which wnl enahle him tn lor. i. all Tuition and ltiald nil tiru.a sallslaclory lo Pair. lis. 'll.e ioi..sinj are Ine rates, ii: i U i.rd snu Tuition ill ( ollegule Classes, per j ae.-n.ns nt SO weeks flirt Oil M ..I.: l. Plane, 1U (I.I r.niniij Ij HO Killer K.n.isul Paililiur Ill HO F.i. iroi.i. ry 5 HO N i euart'S for and (.reek Languages. 'Ihe locality is lieslthfnl. and every facility ia l!.'!c.I, uy whicii a sound Ilducaliou may be ac. qillied. T. II. WALSH, I rrti'lnit. Sr;.l ij. 1SJ3. f.".l i.i i.i i r in i i n y,i. ii . j BRYAN'S ! I'LL MOXIC W .1 ILRS. j I'ht most mt'tin and pttlu rrmiiltj sr.r JisntrtttJ i Jui all Uutntt nf thr ( h'il .?.. ,.., ( o.-ffU, Coldt. A rlli ma. ( OTiii.mrriot. Itrowlnlir, IiiJiuruia.H'mrrthirt, Lhjlimi llik. tng. bote Trwt, &fc , ky. IIKrE W AFKUSen. .. .malihst .n! mroiii and pert, el r. lief, au.l n, a ) urvntil with i!i.ig tn nireciions. m er la.t lo eiVucl rapiu I slid laating cure. Thousands liave heeu rvatored J lo pirlect health vthn hale In .1 li. r in. ana in ; V illi. To all classes an 1 ail c iuat.t they an j equally a blessing and a eure mat m ed .ieaj.air, ' l.o matter how lol g the disease liSiy have exiated, j or however severe it may be, provkiec the organic 1 alructure ol the vital org .us is tut hopeii ai v lie ' cayed. Kvery nne afflicted s.'.uuid give them an impartial trial. To Vocalists and Pcblic ?n taeas, these Wa. 1 fere are peculiarly valu.h,. ; 1'.. j in one day remove the most severe oee .somai a- j and their regular Use lor a tew .lava will, at all ttlli.-s, Hi ereaae ine power and ti. xibilily ia1' tin voice, wreat ly improving its lone, cuip... and clearness, fur wb.cii purpose they are rigulasiy used by many ptolt VOCalisla. . JOU MOlLS, Sols- rrnpeisx n .hcter, X. Y. : Price 'Jo cents p. r box. For aie by all reapecla. iile druggists and V. SCAUR, f 'mrlotie, N. C. I.'See the s.lverlisenianl of S .iiciford's Invigu raU.r, in another column. North Carolina p . ti nlK ge. Term. l 5( p. rd .v. L HI UN S NKWCi i Mi; It, i Ann ml !G, lo.ill. 'i.1-ly 1'kohi iho. , .STATE OF -NORTII-CAKOLLNA, , ME. k I.E Mi I'll (J roUTY. I Stijici ior Con it ot Jmu-, Spring Term, 1 -")!). Amelia II. W hile 1 I M-... JWhitt.MW'W' W ,. J. W lni.', J tX this case, it appearing by the i. sr. ri.. v it of J. It. Kerr, that the il. I. nilaal. M. M W lute and W. J. W bite, do I,.. I r. ,.' within Ihe limits nf tin. St .te, Outniil. Ti al publication be made six w-eks in the N.C. Whig, a Mwapap.-r pub. Ilahed in Charlotte, iinlifving ai.ui ilef. liriants, that unless tbey upi.ear tit .mr t nurt of Kijiiity to be In nl for said c untv, altiu Court II. uae in l lur lotie, on the lltn .Monday afi.-r the 4th Mummy 111 August next, liieli ami there to ali?er er de- Peas Puliiloes, Irish, 41 Sweet, Ric Sugar. Iiaf, Brown, ralons.Wsre, Suit, 'Pes ...9 ... 5 ... S ...40 ... 7 ..S'l lb.., ... buahi lb... ...huahel ...bushel ...bushel IU la, ...bushel tt I, if lb 14 (.., lb S fa, 8 'n, ...sack S)ltO (a OU 7 "lA 73 00 5 16 II 9 17 I i no n lb 5 Wheat. while bushel 85 " re. I bushel US W hi.kiy , North. r gal 45 iu, .ii " N. Csr.ilinu,...gii,. 55 fir. 6') W.,ol,(;ergia) wa.hed 2" (. -'t " " ' nnwnshed 'I'i fa 23 V i.rn ha I) H'O HHMARhS. ( O'I'TON. None in since last rjuoUtiona. COI.'X on a atmd. W Mi: 'P 85 tn $1. Fi.oL ii u tt Charlotte Female Iiistimte, II tltl.o r 1 1 ; .V . Kit. R. HIT. WEIL, l':iiiriml. Ji!. I!. Ill KW ELL. A. AmMuiiI I'rinripal. ( oLI .MIIlA MAItKKT. CoLl-lisis, September II, I8.-.9. COTTON'. The colloii market has been rather liuli ami nr. a. pmg .Hiring the pn.t weea,nad there baa been a decline of lull ,c. since our last week. Iv report. 3Hil b.l.-s were s.ld al from fj tn lie. There h.s been 14 bales of new col ton sold, st IU! to 1 1 1 i. 6c. U.M CN.ii (OlIN, . PF.AS dTS FLOLli.. .ground, -II I x..) .85 (a. H5 oV .Bft I?l 90 3 .f-.T ill cm of the ulinve in-li. inence nn the 1 4 II. The scholastic year I lei ins nf iweltiy the first commencing the second on the ll'lil nl Feb. vacation oi two weeks st MIK next tution i ol S. ptc nl i. n i i .it .1 i n t v. eks . acli : t 1 ftt ol Sept. nib. r ; ll.e sc r u n r v . Th Christmas. 'I F.H.MS : Ilo .rd ami Tuili. n in Knglish Branches, ) for I. rm of 2U weeks Ni'ell qualified Instructors iu M uaic, French, Painin g, A..-., will be employ. . I. iu. ... ..i. ...... U.;... .. I. r.l l...i ,. ?5 (ill CiURLKSTlOf MARKET. ! Cliaai.asTon, Sei.l. U, IS59. COT TON' The receipts fool op 'J3I6 bales 1 he sale, in s -me time f..t so 150-1 bales al prie. a ranging f" in K in I J rents. There ha. been a de. eline of J lo lu on the prices current some weeks and hcal.i ex pa rd'. Witness. ! K. Oiinl quity, at ife e in l;y ord. r, I) It. PUN LAP, c. & m Printer's fee Lb .. clerk ar.rl n.n.ler iu K. lie, this i"j in July. IBjLI. ! iirni It is lighten (; biitl.n t, and iii Wii F..r Catalogue e.i el. fat. .1 p .tt nl the to H. furnished with rooms for is wanned bv a turi.aie. nulling lull particulars, ad. tur Mrs. M. H. Carson July 5, lnj?. 1!ev. K. M'inVELL, ( ItVTilittf. A. C. a SCHOOL al her n the fir-t .Monday I'trms made knuw ii .MI 11-AT WANTKI). July M, IS. UI aJa. HIT" See ihe sdvertiaement of W- , Hair I)y To Fiiiiiicrs and Couiilry MiTchnuts. .1. V. lilt . i: eV t o.. A I.' I', now orl. riiig to li e puhli.' ll.e la. gr.t and , U b.-.l aswiiin.ciit ol G ( It 1 ci. r I III IU U 11 U LI UaUIU V X-U1JU I 1 bro.. l.l lo Ih.s market, si-ting . .... . ... i Cum:!., !l '(JAU. MOLASSES MA) JjUUlKb! Y I I Nd'TU.X ISIS A XI I. Second Store belowMess.T.H.3rem& Go. KAiiNWi'iTu; & liiur. f IlUllit ftiU'CUs. ,1 thr aurrttund. btf (iie bounce I'BATII or A l'llVlil.fTl.llV COU'IIII -Willi am Ua uejf, ot .S jj;haniitou Cauniy, a., died a few days since, aeil lilll ;ais ami five uioutba. He was elia-eii iu tlie Lsitlu of wine, anJ also at l'eterabur, a. The old soldur had acver taltu medieiiie iu Ins Iile, aud iu Lis last illness positively refused lo have it administered. Ad La. ir is wanted for the Sherburne e-tate, tlie scat cf wlneli family was Stuney hur.,t iu Kuland. It ia valued al from leu to taeu ty millions Sti rling. It is an entailed prop erty, djsreudiu to au oldest sou. The fam ily left Kulauil during tlio year l UOO. Temperance Celebration. C IIOPL'VF.LL DIVISION nf S..n. f Temper. Q k'aner will hold a M SS MFE TINti.-.l their Hall. Ill milea North of Charlotte, on W ednesday, ll.e Until i, .st . nt. A iiumlKr uf pr.-iiiiuenl Sous cf Temperance l.ava been invited to be present, end several Address will be deliv. red. The pub lie generally srvinviied In be present, but the Sons of 'Pen. pi-ranee of this and the sdjoimng are c.peeisiif inviled lo attend. A Public Inner will lo provided. Speaking lu commence at IU u'c.ock, A. M. THK COMMITTKK. Sip. fi, m;,9. OCrlUvMOVAL, I'V-fUa L'F.MOVFI) toUfvf satai airaTSatrasj Uie old .1 end of Springs as2bWiiassaxa V M.Tnd, curlier ol Cuihge and Trynn Streets, and i.hw receiving a Splendid Slock nf I LSPKCTFIT.I.Y infoim I. MM. tnn.era ol t HAIiLOn i: ing c.iunlrv, thai tbey are selim of their stock uf (Va,fSlIS) ,-sv: Fancy and Staple Dry (Joods, rerr.aioa lltaiUj .JIath- 1 I.i.llZt.XC, ; r&i iiOOls, stIOI, II A Is, srar , r hi: cais, j For Gents', Youth snd Boy'a we..r. 1' I II ll l.s aud a full supply of risisas ii, saa A' a slarw; ! t.iaasiMS Saaasasa) M C'vWsVij Itonneta, Finis A. Hats, floiuirt K.l txine Sl French ' Flowers, all uf which will be arid .1 re.iuce.l price, i together wilb a larga aud brvuli'ui rssortfueiit ot ; ; Laee Poii.ts, B. reje and Linen iLisUra, an ot ll.e ' l.lest sty ie. Tllfc BIST KIM! er HAOGlN(.. HOI'tland TWINE. ALSO, I S.OOO p. goor. oounlrv cu-ed B.coii, lO.OOO - " Tennessee Sides. iK.ajO.) L.rri, all wi.ich w ill be sold lo for CASH or foul try Pro ' ui e, "('nine and See, we don't ch.rgc for loekil g l them. July 26. ly .m ti.M ioA, l AKiir..:! nmunity will Hike notice their W henl Crop will be nu'chosed at the Ciiuriolte Steal. i Untiring Mill, at market prices. Those bavn g W In at for ale tie.y find it lu llieir SdVillU-e to call al the Mill before .-losing h sale. JUI1X WILKKS k CO. July''. 1 .".. 2 tf j.t:. wii.kixxx ft)., SEALERS lit a-c WATCHES, JSWELRV, rSIH EB iind FUTEU tt ARL'.ilil AND No. o.tiranilc Range, opHisite the Mansion House, CHARLOTTK. N. 0. ' AMenlinn given lullepuiring Watches A: lewclry. Junt 7. IS..9. V '.'.1 I. II i.m.i r. p. ct.ully snii'; to the T Citizens nl Charlotte and surrounding country, that he still cntiunes the above busi. nee in Charlotte. Were be is prepared to lur iii. h IIOORS. KLINDS AND SASJf, to the pub. lie nn the most re.sui.aLie terms, autl on Use short, est notice. ivmg n great ni.nv small claims for work duo.., -ciiieri'i: all nv.-r ll.e country, he is deter miiied to i.ia uietiHtd of duing buameaa Qitd hrrraHti vili it'uiie C.MI BBS, lor all work done in his Machine Shop, before re moval. Dir. 7. H.'iH. 39 6.n Notice. are liertbv cat ting w ill. gui eklc, or in atoii: MA(iIC PLOW irr.s, nl ,f coiiibiiiinj; lOl li ' laid Fl V K limes ai times wiibnul the tae. , (Pattntid by J P. ti,) ii .... Ibe silvan. Pi ows in om:. it ! sharjiened TW FI.VH s Ul K kMii Ih. It tail lands, .is tl forced lig il n witiioul any aduiiumal For sale at the CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY. Ja'.y IU, f5J. lit-t! be u expe The a bore named f. first of i must be i 'i make re . (i out by the FALL STOCK. The beet and largest a-aortment of I... in s' snd .Misses trailers, Ii ails aru Sn.a-s, Trunks, Valisea, Carpel, Sil. lie's, . .id Uonnet lloxea. AtUiitn u IS calied tn the Urge Sleek of lC-aij- tot tuts, tl being n.aue u' in toe n I s.i,-t-ritial ntanner. nd ia equal o that sold by any oibir house in Uie j ou,h side, Plulauc.,1 The World's Exh bition Priiu Mtdal Awarded to C. MEYER, FOR IS TWO PIANOS. LuN ION O1' I'OliF.U lith, I s.1 1. M KY F.R, re.pi etiuily informs his friends ami I li c public general.)- In. st.llllv nil Han ; I I V.X'J-.e.lllal tnu he received tl , rec.-iv MF.KAl.S th, llll l.istllule. it- I..w- iu mic It curt will bv riijial v en. Juurl, ),). 1 3111 YaJAsU- - ''Vf7 ! ii r mi m 1 III vi il KAi TU"AI.MARKT K I I TTKR. nrtful ltizr Mnlui in I,o do il during Ine Usif.'te.i it uny other maker Iron isu. r list prcu.i in year re York and B - It..,, id to, and great i iiaekllig Ihe s.iuil tV .r. r.s .na. N All order, pre are taken in lite e Frank ton Nes V attend t.oll an. I'nioo i cliotea awe taslilou.ble stock. July I a ch street, bc'ow K ghto la'ciilw' I'lii-iiishiii " l.'iiuth I I i ul every style and variety, i Tina is positively s closing sale, as every nrlicle mual be suid by the lir.l uf O. t .bet. Mercuant. .and o I hers are nque.lid tu call and examine be.; , for making purchases, as II. ey will find it to Licit ( interest lo no a... Thev can buy from 2d lo oil per cent cheatter than al anv ether House. Iv inform, the 31 Altii I.I. VAUI) itr the Mansion Hotel, where I.e is prenared allordrrs ill. de-pitcb (or MONT .MFN I S, llki.ll STO.NF-V. I'ABI.L TOPS, and all kinds r'"- j nf W. rk in ll.e Marble .of either IMPORT-hichli-ii i t al i ax , AMF.1MCAN MAKPI.K. Having made irraugrn.ei.ts by which he can procure the ismitkb llali. i. Ma'rl.le, st reduced prices, he can fill ail orders for .Monuments, 4c, at reasonable ratts. lie would be happy lo hive all desirous nf deal, ing in ins line. In ca'il and see specuuena of Mar bie, bear prices snd jnefe fur themselves. Having bsd 23 year's experience in the bn-i. ness, I.e will give bis personal attention lo pul tintr un Moil nt..' A c. .Vju'i.iV. Muy 3. I Coll. It' W. id ll.e beat and cheapest ti cab pi V. 1 ILI.I U. IMIII.lODI.I'ril A llll ll-l- S.I I'tM V a(laV ratuYs, 111: A I is. and ( ONFKt I lONLRS AR X Til I T, I'll na I .lis, R .el. Vas.s, Tel e H tt-, In.s w nil Figure.. Ji w. l i.nd Card Re reivers. Klagere, Ac. Latest styles o p. tons cii.t ilillv rteeived an FAMILY 6R0CERES No. i-l iitli F. .'. i il l i:u irlll Street. Phllaiielpli IaASrAsTKH, l'A , Aug. 10. 'h Ballooi Mail. 1 u letter bag ex-I'r-'.ea bj the rosiiua.tor of Lifajetto, nii proof of Wise 'a departure, was ilroppe.l 'row the clouds over Crawfordsville, aud r"eil through bere la-day en mute for New 1(f iu go,.,j oider. (JONSIUNKK-S PI rUARLUTTC AM' H O. HAH. HOAII, I'RU.M Till 'HI TO Tile. I-TII Kl.IT. I;roiiebar((er it V. 17 paekagos, J. Fro nrbarer .V Co. IU pk.ts, J. 1'. llillerdraud pkes, Sftxer V U. pk.a, C.W .V C. J. Ilsuiiuerskold H pkjjes, Kauisuur, 1'. Si Co. 4J pkes, J. lUtpcr it .S. 2 pkg.uj, W. II. Mlcbal 1 pkga. ! J ! win cd will be void Inw tur (ASM ml holcnak ur rt'lail, t L I'K ASTKR. D. A. Mi LKOD. i Ctarl.Jtr, A, iunt 30 IP.VI, 25 ..Lu I Hats, Hals, Huts, Hats! j t M K to Ihe Clothing; Liuporium and buy you : J a nice faslilun able I I a .1 nl air, ;i ', r. In addition tn Ihe shove wseapcel lo epch s v ry Jalge aasortlt.ti.l ol AIM. 1. IN T.KV (.')(IS. DAVID KAIIN HKILKU. DAMLL kaiinwlilkr. JACOB KA1I.WVKILKK. Auguit 30, Itui). J SJBY the Cl'.ir X i ( OOI t.l.S. Al.... ,,0O0O Feel uf Oak j lines,!! Hi. H.s wide. thaluttr, July !C, IP59. v v ri:iJ, nrlottc H II Ii F.I. COMPANY, nppo .(JUL HAY.LVl I.OTTEliY. The next ordinary drawing of Ibe Royal Hs ia ie. Loll, rv conducted by thcSpanishtloverniiient, under Ihe supervision nf the Capta ill General of Cuba, will take plsee at Havana on SATU K 1'AY, October him S336,COO. SORTFO NLMFKO 621 ilRliINARIO, ri r L I'isizi: ?ioo,oo! I prixtol IOO.OOO I " 50.OIIO 1 iiil.OOO I I0.OOO I " 10.OO0 4 A. .pros AT MONROL, NORTH CAROLINA. ffltlK subscriber being uesirous g In. bu.M'.s. ot- l.MO Hi). Poplar PL AN K, IS-lf R iiAT or CAP. Umsh r KuLT1 Cab.iI.InA Tlie State 1 ou'u Carolina ii taking a census, aud iu " btseu parishes there ia a decrease of " " -.' wbiua aiuc. l:, wbil Uv. larl, iucr.asoJ. St.i. ti, 1 8." Wanted aw TINNi:i!S al th. I lie.ter T.a (Sjjv Shop. C....hI wages will be giv. ; en uiid einph.v.ueiii. M. AI.P'JIiTL I i UJ We are receiving liirge clue ul tlie ibuvv gooUi nt rxieciunif I v low prin p. iT'LLINijS, f 1'KINUS A CO. Auguti an, t:.:, "iif Ma.nic Oil, Ma-io Oil. SRFSII MI'PLY. just received snd f..r sale, ' bv K.. NVK IM ICIIIsoN A CO.'-:", ikv. 810 Jiewanl, H ANAWAY troiii tl Qk i.. (TL MWAS. v. ST1 I Ns k' l",ue' I sfSfj il.irk eoiiipl.xi.iu ' I -jyv on h.s laee When Sou apprelu ndlll). Salli IhiV I I jail, or delivering bun to in subs. I Hill nf June I ..I aidb-.y i. a K..e.d Ih. bout j net id in cu I about IlO lbs. Hi Tur Sale. ' -a I .'ft l.elio.r.well a plii'..M.rn, .'aL ltd haa a pleasant all spoken lu. Any nd lodging In. ii in s ill the . bov ; nu-re. t.'ousi . ksniitii i nearly new, b.. lugu, tears. Tbe la . is ul a 1 Sell.., I of a biS ml iile Vantage lo the lilt.ei. Iboiinn. Iter Cftit. I li VAI CAHI.i: TOW N LOT , ed h.r carrv- ........ h..;B f Ibe public Hotel tur S:ile, ONROL, NORTH I fUlIK allbsc, tASfi. 8- of.b...,cin r'!l'?i ter. f r sale, lb This House is situated in the tlin Monroe. N C-, coiiv. nicnl to the bu-iurss p-rli ..I t..e T..w ii. si.u w itbin a Hon I ..i.e bu no red of tile Iraca el ll.e W. C. A. R. Kulroa.1. It IS ne.riv lit, eol.l.uns en riMuns. will fin ins... .1, ilbf Fiiriiilure bcinc olV. rid for wtn the House, a .ee to i very room, a l-o. cl.e. no i.l out Stables, Ac. Also, One Hun dred Acies ol Land enjoining. li s .ee ti-uaiifns It i its lor longer pui.lic Iile, he Hill ihcr. tore sell low , Kivintf any reisouable Inn.- .-r payment. For further inform .lion app.y lo loi .uh.eriber, ur in y trieim, Ito.F. A Lem- JA.MKS DU'KKT. t. prises of .0OO li " I.OOSJ 74 ftOO 143 " 40t iQ Apr'aim'a .00 IH'I',1 t.o$tiOO iscl.,- 4 ol , Call. den, Sw. C. .V.iv '-'4.1S.MI. ,,1,1 r i' v iibttut 3 or 4 11. e and a .Male .UflMI If, If Of II Ii. MOM'KIITI. ; Any one de.ll ; by atiurcssini; set 1 1 lie fro I II. of (.00 bun.ired .1 ji'Lirs a. .it.- -.'J, is;:1. dmif To Hunters, lOTTON (.INS, of Ihe qua I Slate al ti pel .ira for it. e t litem 1ULA. t.s i Apu KM-' ! i r Premium (.member IS.if Fo,- p.r'.icuiar. J. M. KLLIOT. W msboro', S. C. (iif at Hi' .ii I I'll I r J. M K. 4 of i'ii In ,..",i'l.": 4 of f inn to tJO.l'ill : ,nu to l.; 4 ol t.. f lO.filli. W hole Tickets -'U; llalvestll); CJu..rters5 Prllcs cashed al slpht al 5 per erst, discount. Pills on ali solvent H.uks taken al par. A urawuiir wili be lorwarded assooa as the re suit known. C inu.ncati,..,. a.l.iressed to I'ON liOUKI n of (;i'f,i(l.arri1i'i'ii( p,.st, Cuarlestoii, C.) uw. til the 1 ol tlpi.lwr Will be allel.Ue.l so. Persons mil. 'I icketa w ill please a rils then loin.ts p.d.n aim j;:v lucir post otiiei , county a Hal .t-.le. ... . . .- Wm. A Owens, .-I TTOHSE V A T 1. A IV, 1 1, tit LOT r la, X.C., a a'll.l, pmeiice in the Courts of Mecklenburg Y o n .1 the .ui rounding counties. 9 ; (ti. e nearly opposite the Post Otlire. J... Sh. 1S59. " ! (.1..U- Stevenson, Riwen sV Nesmilb) have asaocis. ' ted wttli in em I DANIKL m ! t,rlv of Lmeolnioii, V C. an.i resnoved lo tha ! I. rir.- store No. jA N"rtn 3rd sl.. between Market I inu Arcii. w here tbey will continue lbs wholes. I. ' (.oops i,rsi.Kss nth 10 .1 I.a... Y" '