-a aJ TiF-ar-griCTriJ1'-11' an ssij it.T M , -- m .-" 1 j--- Jkntoi) Renting. Fur tlx American Meesengor. ' NO MAN CAKED FOR MY SOUL." This despairing lamentation was uttered I j DaviJ when he win forsaken of frieuds aud persecuted ) jr enemies. It if cnllid by the tratit-latois, " Tlr prsjrr d Ia vid when lie was hid in the cave." 1 he significance and necessity of such prajrr is nnuifest, for iu God only "could he Hurt : " 1 looked on iny rijlt hind, and It held, I ut there was no uian that would know tut: refuse failed me ; do ruan eared for my foul.'' The aauie cemplaint is supposed to le applicable to tiutirra when thiir Miration it neglected by Cliiisliats. II a py for them, wbrn human refuye fail, if they are driven to the flock of ages. Hut why should unlelievers eversurpose that the church ia not interested fu their salvalion ? Thia iniprrsion eomn from the fact that ao uaoy profaaaing Cbriatiana, with -bom they have, daily intercourse, do not apeak to them personally upon the eonoeros of the soul. IU.-crt-tion and the spirit of comr.aion are indeed neocatary in the performe of thia work of lore ; but tbe entire omission of the duty is inconsistent with a profession of faitb in Chrit. It implies timidity and a fee Ururss. of failb ur justifiable, because the admonition, " lie ye steadfast, uuuovsl.le, always abounding in ike wotk of tbe Lord," rests upon thia film assuranre : "for as much aa ye know that ycur later is Lot in Tain in the Lord.'' An oppressive conviction of hit own im perfections, with the fear of repulse aud re proach, makes the Christian rtlurtant to ad sionisli the wicked, or to exprefs his vivid sense of the guilt and final ruin of as im penitent life. Hut such fears and grounds ef heaitalion often provo to be imaginary, and, moreover, are uot to be regrritd iu questions of duty or benevolence. Men of the world, reckless at they tnty teem to be of theeonsnjuenccs of tratigresf ion have pe riods of solemn reflection, when tbey would willingly converse with a Cbriatiao friend, and privately ask a remembrance in hi.-, prayer, liut they arc strangely reluctant it U one evil of the fail to make known their feelings, lory carry the heavy bur den of conictioo in secret, putting them selves iu tbe wsy of receiving Christian couu sel, and earnest'y hoping that the suljeet of personal religion will le introduced liut the social interview ia occupied by oth er topica, and the oue thing needful is omit ted. No wonder if tbey despairingly cuui plain that Christians feel oo concern nor compassion fur tLem. Iu the hidden depth of their own wounded spirit, they aay, and with !om rea'oa too, " Either these profea sing Cl,ri.liDi do cot le'ieve their own creed, or they are religious only in lame. 'J Ley sympathise with uf, aud are kind in our Uiuporal .filiations i. tLtl are sJive to peril and su ficring pertaining to tbe present life ; but they are silent in regard to the eternal misery which, a they profess, awa.ts as in unbelief. Thia is to ua incouiprthen sible. How ia it possible to reconcile such indifference with a religion whose very essence is saiJ to le love ?'' Every thing real, or even appareut iu the character of professing Christian, which) load to such rt Si ctioos, is inconsistent with their heavenly calling, and very injurious in its it,ueuc upon uoregeneraie wen. Tbey eiiect Christians to be " living epis tles, teen and read of all meu." And thia tbe gopel requires. I'aul had " great hea viness and continual sorrow io his heart " on account of hia Jewish brethren. Ilia " Lart's deaire and prayer to God for tLem was, that they might be tared." Some de gree of earnest aud manifest desire for the salvation of aiunere ia e.seutial to Christian character, and the good Lope tbrough grace. The moat almdoued aiuner ah.uld never have reason to say, "IS'o niau cared for mj soul." L'ut there is an error much worse) than neglect of duty, for which some profeiing Christians need to be admonished. It is that of standing aloof from wicked meu, and speaking openly, indiscreetly, ecvercly, aud perhaps extravagantly, of their vices aud character. Thia ia a tnanifost violation of the Christian precepts which direct as "to speak evil of no man," but to be " gentle, meek, and patient towards all men." We ruuat needs infer that tLey wbo so diaohey the precepts of the gospel, do not kindly waru and entreat the erring, nor pray for tbeui ; but avoid their presence. Is this "in meekness intlruvting those who oppose tbeuifiiWes !"' Have we ao learned Chri.t ! A member of the church says, fur instance, '' Mf. U is a tutu of wealth and talents, j but he is the vilest man in town, a perfect nuisance." This estimate of his character becomes known to Mr. U , and what can be the effeol but to piovoke retaliation, and iwtitter Lis spirit tbe more againat the time aud profession of Christianity! No; "in patience possess ye jour souls." Let us pity the poor lost man, and setk his sal ration, liy kindness and earnest prayer, and the labors of lore, bo may lecoine a burning and a shining light io the church of Christ. I le a vile sinner ? " Such were som5 of you ; but je ate warhed ; tut y are sanctified ; but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jer.n and by tbe Spirit of our God." 1 Cor. C ; 10, U. county," llefore he left them, ho atdted them if ha might pray with them they reluctant ly consented, but would not rise to iog or kneel to pray Tim faithful minister arose from his devotions to behold the mother and oil her children sitting, ss careless as though they were destitute of fouls that must en dure forever. With sad feelings be exhor ted thini to ek the 1 pearl of great price,' atftirirg ilini tint rv ty knre shall low ai'd etery luetic crtiftss to Gcd.' They would iiot jiild. Tie nun of Gcd left tlum, Jut tit liclj Fpitit rtnisiutd to seal conviction tnu tl.tir hearts. At lis next ej t oii.iniibt this preacher bad lad the pleasure of sriitg thia whole family, except a rrn, at lie altar cf jrsjtr, and iu few fl oit wmIs ririt-iirtd their nanus on tho claralotk as pre hutietii is. A few days fines 1 brptiii (I tL( Ui, st.ci rrci it t d llit m iu full fellowship iu the Cbutib. How Hue ia tLe language of the ott, " Thou tin wi ! not li h Il.rit. 1 lie lute oi early a w u (ircr kirpa the ritlcu frrwi alie, Wluiibiid wherever itriwu." JV.bVS SHALL REIGN VICTORK US. 1 do not fear snythiig that mj happen while other fields failed to a great extent, and many whoRe lands were not limed, fail ed in making a crop sufficient for their own wants. This system of liming is repeated every fourth year by uioft of the farmers aud lands hare let n brought up tlree aud four hundred per cent, above their original qual ity. This, however, is not accomplished in a few years, but is gradually carried on, frcm year to year. These, Mr. Editor, are fuels which I hate witnessed for tbe last twinty yearn, and 1 believe w ith similar ef fotta the old worn lands of Georgia can be made productive aud valuable. The far--tcr w.ut not lock so much to the immedi ate interest derived as to the increase of bis rapital. Capital, iu lands mude rich, will lot (ail to prtdure a profitable interest, ai d will induetry, irFettrance aud pa tience, ihctc results will be realised. little fellows jumped in for frolic, and sunk almost a it in water. Jneir bodies were found standing straight up, and hats on. K S. T. WINSTON KKI't i.sluiillv mi I'jimI, wliuti a.ile nnA re. lull, a full and complete ussortiiient of 1I,AIN AM J AtM.Vi:i TIN-WAR,:, which will he anlil LOW. f- lOl'N'I'KIt Kt AI.Kl, Kunmeleit P,.uee un.1 y Slew Jm, (ilne Pots, Wullle Iionn, A.C., fur aule by S. T. WKISTON. 1(II.KT SKTi. a aujierinr article, ..r a.ile S. T.WRISTON'S. re and .Oreasiug Iid.Xf.S Tor S. T. WRISTON. Vith au earnest wish for the success of TI J'S V V I il IVVA IMA )S. your journal, I truiaiu Yours, Ac, II. BEST. The above letter troni Hev. Mr. Rest, wbo ia a grntli man of great practical good sense ai d rkill, aa auccestlul farmer, ia auotb er strong tvidenee ot the value of lime aa a manure, and an additional proof of tbe po- T C1ASII, !e aiile t jr o.ne ....... on.r, e.u.e. - - w. we are taking iu this journal, that cause I r number jmt one puosagt "inie mau alter He bad .f.eud fci.e sacrifice for i i-crease in the price of laud, follawa -in-tins, fneer' ctr loitttr! kvidiug no 1 proved agriculture. rrpelitiot i.i r xhausitd in ii fi.caet ; i . S. Cff .ntiiyman. the blood strn.ii.ir p out iu all its rich criui- j son still ! "sat ilcwn exj. cling bin enemits to be made hi footsiool V Vu, the aub- ALTERNATE FEEDING UN DRV AND limiiy of that imperial quiet 1 1 he lea- GKEEN FODDER, then rage ; the people imagine avail, ihinj:; 'Jlaer, iu Lis " Principles of Ag.icul the kitiL'B of the earth '' poor iu.-eeta : .. . ,. . , , , , , I, it' ture, favB : ' A ternale feedins on dry league tl uifclvkt and make unholy allien- ' ' 1 ces ; and llercd and Pilate a truce of friend- fodder U always agreeable aud ship with each other, agaitiat the Lord aud bent filial to cattle. Some cullivatoia bare bia Anoiuled. Tbey move lliui not, they do f.J their cattle for the wbol summer on not briii? a rtfile ou the brow of the Mcdi- . , ,, . ,. . , , , , ,b . , . . . ... dry fodder, chiefly on clover, and speak ator '. ihey do not disturb for a moment the ,. ,, , extctatiou of tbe Ju liiment of bia purpose ery highly of the method. Rut, in the divine. Agitato j ourselves ye people, w i itbe first place, it ia very difficult to prot ids a anil siiunk in your tius-t. lie aitaexp.ct- aupply of hay which ahall auff.ee till fre.h ing until hi. tnemies be made hi. foot.tool '." u Vilvu lie is not alaimcd, why ahould his , , e ... , . . peopl.be! When " llu aits ixpectit.g until ",,,r U doM throughly Li enuniea be made bia footstool," wby drj)i nd tecoodly, th iay making is at- should we uot regard all the destructive tended with much greater outlay and risk, thing Leaped and toared in .trange confu- ,htn consumption in the green state. The sioD aa shaken only that tbe things which . ., , . ... ill.. i ; mnuou iu qiotioo also appears tome to be attended with great difficulties, on ae- j count of the magnitude which m'lM be giv- ' UI1V ART THIA' CXSl DUWN ! ta to tbe sheds for preserving so large a1 Y.s, Chri-lian, wherefore? Does not each uantiiv of Lai: iu del it ia ro...r ' promise stil. stand up, an unscathed pillar, .... ! ' ., ... ,r- . , ., ' first to consume thewboe of lastvtars upon the fumn.it of which shines the pure soft ...... light of beaveu? Are not God's strong win- produce Lastly, it is vary probable that ged angela still all, ay , all ministering spirits as the fodJer dries, not only the watery, of the l.eir. of salvation. Doa not Jeaus still nortioLf but also i crski n..i,i u..f..l r..; .' ve, aud does be wot bear your name upon . , . . '. j hi. heart a. he ...ak.th in.rree.f ion I. h. not rr' m ' "1 evaporanon, , Curious. Two little boysdrowncd them-( OUT 12 VA IfOLI selves in a boat load of wheat, lying at a lyTTT TTA'OV T TJCITTTTTTP wharf in Milwaukie last Saturday. The ITllLiI 1 UA I UtU 11 A U ill ( hin lolK'. C. 4y'" rl' IlKKai (tins nf tins Institute 'U' commence mi llic 1 1 Ue,lbi' Lr .''t. t'At l'l.TY l-.I.KCTi Mj. I). II. UK.!., SiiMTii.n inlet. l.irrT. ' '. l.t.K, t'iiiiiniiiiiil.nit, I . I". hIH.I., A.M. I'rnn:iil l Primary l-)trrtllM lit. Course if yiiulitt : In the I'r i im. r Ui purln.i nl, such ua tn qunliJjr a MuiKnl i.m i.I. r i.nv ('ulli'i;.'. In Hie htiinlilic i.tpjilii.ri.l tlie West Pnt.it t urrieiilimi will tie cli.si ly li.Mowril. It will be i. in. of tlie Professors Ui mulii' Surveyors, Kna;i iifi ra.t'lieiiiists.mid mi n tit li.r the ii.ieliej tins., m-ia ot I.I. . In uiliniii.n n tin USI...I yfirir ai Al.ht.r Si li. h.Ik, the iiiimllia nf Aiiust un.1 . pi. u.li. r Mill lie s i.t in t'uiniii;Miiij tliruiigli tlie ii.i.uii. tains ot N. rtli t urnliiia. 'I'm- Aiadrmit Ymr w ill c.uiin.eiiee, mi the 1st day of tli nilier, aliU w .11 m UrMCe Itteite iminilia. A I... I .t iw.i ....... (An... and S. lit. will 1 be eiven to ('uilela ut tin-end ..I llinir seennd ye..r. Particular lli i. li.. n w ill be iiv'ii tu tbe mnrul and irheaut ii.sCi ue'lui "I t ju. U. KXI'KNSKS: The Institute will provide ll.nr.l, Fuel, Lights, Wasbiti; , Arms, Kquipnirnta and I iiilurms. und nit clnthll.s; eaeepl under cl.illles, tor tt'100 I' Lit A I .'I. one ball' p ruble in sde.nce j lbs liilamr in sis muntha. Aa nit tkaigri. So ti 1111S.1..11 ..I ci... ii a to llmsc l.o Kvt unless tin tin: acme ul beullb. TERMS (E A AMISSION: N.i i n.' will be mmiitud into ti e Pamav I'a rmisisr under Twelve ycuraul r"r into Hie Seiic.NTirii' )rrSTHNT under K.Men nor over Twenty .ul e eaia ol All connected w itb tbe Seirnlilic 1m srunri.t will Im- ttuuii to Losrd in tlie luslitiiir; tt...si- in tlie ri.ii.-i;' U. . .itimi.t lluy Ou mtt il tlii-j cll".iu. REMARK!:: Tbe In. I. lute Huil.lii.s ..re tbe largest, iiinst eb ii t u n.i e. 'ii.iii.ii. mi ii a t.r ll e uccoiitniod.' lion id t 'Hdets in the s-utt.. rn I'oiintrjr ; and Ibe li..ard nt' J I'lrn ti.ra ini.t tn.l timlrr llic m maai ment nl Hi So, a., saw!- ' mnrTrfrST j S.H.RANWM.tf.efc. "4 "sali AC! ANY MM mm A. STONE & Co.V H-rrw Top C.I,ASS JARS fur prrt;rtMif f'uiu, Vriiilisl.li , tie., tltr t rti le hw iu nt', lor Ir by S. T. WKISTON. (ookimj s'iovi:s. WAIT T II Ii (i I) ll'HVis If. cu use he bu) t :,HTV'ES iri.rn tb ' ,-a. -' Br.Ket .MniiiLivlurrri. A.A.I.3U.TA1L0II Would re. p. etfully i,ii..nriee In tie ...In. bill.. Is if ( I'AUl '11 K ri; :i.r fri.ni their Uiu S!..'i.iit to No. I, Granite Hew, w l. . I.e has now on tilub.tn . North, oue of tbe m. .at i it. i.sivc assortnn tits ol I E ffl W E S ,amoii,' whieb will be found the celebrated ro in N..rlli-lt rutins , amoiif w h Tb i Ii has gaineo sued s famous reputation in tbe Snull.. i Stnee he warrnnla superior tii snv I mt mjr Mni oi k iu a c ii n 1 1 in i . i,f tbe e.in.r siv in II ntry f..r tl e! lui ll is i, y . tl r Hi. ti i M. I. s. : I . u uo.l.eii,.., H I f, AsisnKT.MKNT of ( OOA .Vr; an j ether riOVM. will tn- cnistantly on ban. land ..Id as l w aa lliry can be affiruid in tin I inarai I, by . T. WRISTdN. ( kjiLllr.Junr 14. Hll und I VIIH tut It 'I a.n subarrilier, being desir ..uiiliy, urT. reiiinve e I'lan. 4 f.,r sal. Ii she ii fr.iin t 'barbate. the Mt.l.in l iana li.iad, cnii t .uiu. g iu rr ri a. Ttie land ia of f,ol quality r'or p..rtieoLra, t uqu.re ol tbe auuaer.bcr on tbe pre Mm. a. V. STEVKNSON. jlnJ 12. 5tl" Atlutic nUTUAL and FILE Inturance l. nil. m ami I ..n.m-i..l..nl, (Iniik of uhom , eouaiiii.es lesa mi l, mil oo. more i ....,i....r Ui I' I ..I n.n.T emi ri. put up one lieaine an v oll.t r Slove . eme mi tlie Army, and in tilt l.u.in. sa ..I insiiuc. wirk in a riven tunc, be will forfeit tin jiriee ol" I In Stove t. mi, i be liisiituiewillbeeslalilislndi.il a true tbe hi Iter one. M,:,.ary I,,.,, aid ...,.! i.r.i true M,l.t..ry ; 4 T 0 A I - I K I l 1)S () V pr.nripie,. Tb, h-ard will fortbe, auy. that .Mr. ' AlioU .Jla. JVIilJn fl KS TII.I. is t.r idu l.- of tbe Virginia University and an experienced t'lassl:al teacher. Tbey onuld fnrilu r sl.te il.ut it ia llair loU'iiImn to incriase (he noi.it,er l tiael.ers in both Lp..rt. in. nla as i i.e patronage, ul tlie puhltc may require. 'I l.ia Institute waa granted a liberal i i.arlir by ti e I., j; alatuie of rWlh fan.iinj. milb tbe pnwer ul ei'liltrrin I). ;rei a upon i.e who compiele the pri aertiH-d ( ourse ul htuiii. . Ii A ppiica.i.'iia l..r a. I. nea.. .i ill Im ri ....! until ll.t 1st i.f i t. n.l'i r. ..n.l n.ll.l be directed tn llf. ( . J. ful, I'lisi'ivl.t of tbe Ibird, ( bar. lottv, N . U. C.J.V'X. "j JAS. T. IRWI.V, I s- II. I.aK ALKXA.NDEl JAS. II. cK)N, THUS II. RKEM, S M DLAIK, DAVID I'Al'KS, ( aa.n.Ifr, Muy IU, ih.'.ll. 9tf Company, ( u.:i.iii t hi, . '., vntatid Ik Aft ., tiit l.tt!utult Nbttk tnU, .n,r,il!.rii. friei.il ' And doaa not uu the several subatancea containe.l in it ..... Uod reign '. bhall net the Judge of all the enter into new combinations. We are not ' f a vj 1 1 1 s I'.m.pa.y ben.j duly aramvi d, ia m.w earth do riht, I there not a home cf sweet j0 posafaion of any comp arative eiperi-i r preu a iree.te t'p.ieaii.i.s .,r msur aiiiles' re.l where the battling soldiers of the ' . . . . ,i : ,i- . , , , "I1"" ero-s shall by-and b, be crowned: T b.n I U'r"1 " ,"' ,U ''" ' 'tle fcf EUlLDiraQS , KERCANLISE, why ca.tdown? Rignt shall yet triumph . tur"' J -ullu ov.iraoie. out euiy Pry up your tears. Look up, up. God reigns. ( of a few scattered oLser rations : these, bow There is enough iu these two words fr faith 'ver, point to the coueiuaiori that a gireu to fa-ten upon, tov-ie a present and t.er- ' ;.uaoiii t of f.dde r. w h.'U consumed as r,reeu TA X I :n. ffllli: Tji l.ista for It.e year I ".Ib are now i M. my li.n.n . r in.. li. n. I l..e liable I pay Taaea will pic.se mine ..r . f.l an. I sellle. E. C. OKIKl!, tiff. ApU 13, Iri'J. til Paa&HJLOEl & BOX STQYm He has, and n-iiatun lly keep on hand, an exln.site ami varied tu 1. ot' TIN AM) slIi:i;T IBaOX, llt:.iS Mtl.'i'li.lS I. ST fif .l ;.; v HAT HACKS, (HAI)LF, &c, At of ta liis-li wi I ! wltl, W Issstt !! iiixl Iteliiil rlx upir i:, , . ! ll slt-r il ill llii Vu iiulv. I would return my thanks tn rny friends and ciian-mers for the vt rt lib. ri ! ..,t,-. .. ... , tseatuweii upon ua. and thev may real asaured, llii.t I shall enoiav. r.ht rit-si aii. ii , , ,, J, i togi tber w lib a .1. . tenu.na n t.' pleaai, to try and mint a cuutinuamt of In i.n.i . Ladies ami (Iciillciiieii arc pmlirulcrK ii.ilttl Io rail n.d a;.ii Ik-;, AIItSIHl'S 02 T03 WOUE i.n-lf l3il WW&zYirs:s';s I!. I will lil ate tbrt e w ae: you wny I head hiy a(!terltst m.i i.i mis consianlly trarellii g l.rnnk' I tb. i.lrt tt ill. Sum s. V . oi-itnti trill be fuilhfttlly tmtl jutntj Hi altu.ih tl to A. A. aN. JI.LWl.nl!. Cimrlvttt.Junt 16, by tru.tiuir iu hit... lh ch.ldr.u of l""'' ' "-S""'. F-rt,cul.r,y , Ziou be joyful iu their King.'' cows, than wher. dried. It ia evident that Agricultural. I', It tor la I ME ON LAND. irullt C'uunliyman :" DltAR Silt Vou wih me to give you, for the South Countryman, a few facts upon the method and reaulu of liming, in Mary laud, aa far as it has come under my oh servaticu. Liming was introduced iu Dal tin. ore. couuty, by a Mr. LUwley, between 3(J and 40 ytara ago, anJ it has been ex tensively carried ott ia that and the sur rounding counties, especially Hartford, for the last twenty five years wiib abuudant success. Many hundred acres of old worn laud, have Lcen brought up from poverty aud are now in a high state of eultivatioo, yielding as large crops of wheat, rye, corn, timothy aud clotsr iay, as laud of the best (juaiity elsewhere. I saw a farm of 3tiU acres, which the gentlem.'u limed at a great rspense and labor, Laving to buy the limestone, haul it thitteen miles, and yet he informed me that be bad received I'm Mil lire, ,tH:, .Vlniililitrloi it a, HUT lilt i III IK t AIM.nl and ui.'sl sn. .s ol prup. rly,at rcn.unerat.vt ralea of premium. ll is imed. in tbe or fsimalinn of this (u. pa nt, to inaae a sate nnuium lur li.oen. inly and I'rMteii.'ii to ll.a ssaured in e.sr t Il,ss. An .... .....I.I. ....I ....... 1.1 r..... ,.l dra'.n.r a n .1 fjdder plabis in drying, lose a great part , Uituiul inibinsni ot ii t.u.iraeta, ill .1 an i.n.is of their leaves, flowers, and io eeneral, all e'"'"""" '' b-'.'f" ' the t ..,p.,,y. ' 6 ' Appln aiiuna l.r Insurance may U m.d at tbe their mott dviicate and aubstantial pirts, ' i.tti- oi I umpany. or to .ta aotl.unat d Ai ..ia. which either remain on the ground or ar! I'lRKC TuHS. loal on tb. rn.,1 .bar... it tl,. t,. ! J"hn A. Tarmt. ucr be gathered sud consumed as green f ltllK a I I. K ru nt are I . ling ith rui.a . May 10. I I . Oj.le.by, Will II meat, the loaa is quite iuconaiilarahle. I . 1 .. ,"JJr"' have made, aud likewise luduced my friends '!. Ttma J HI certain comparative eiperimcnts. for dete ruiiuing the advantage of eomuming , j fodder in the green rather than in the dry , 1 state, and have always found a difference ..ley DU It KltS. in S lyuttg, id I ell, A. U. I b.pio. S..H.UI I Ullera, J.ai II. IJatia, 1) A .'iarf It. K. Mail. II. bacriU ra resfwi tl'ully in lor. 11 tbe pub. I lie. tie a. 1 il., y tre jr. p..nd . nut t.aa Works (or liebtu.f; t itiea. ns. Villi gea, '... I I. (.. alio I.. rL'e II. .His. 'I In y bate red d trnrks 1 111 t inn me una dnii.,n.i ai....i 11.11 sinj(,r taekle. or 111 anv wn entire an i.aia t l.i.n lo ll.t ni.i. nt i.f ll.oae place.. , ao,, ., (,e uw m'.uch A. .0 ijuai.t.t-li. ns. prompiiiits and ability lo , iurced again.l everv peri.-rin an C'liwatia t.ii.rtu 11.10, iuey rettr 10 the Inl.uW 1 1 r f nl.. II 1 .. : i ... It. I'.rsun, I'm t ( bar.r.a. U . rks.Char.N.C. W in. Jol.nsi1.11. I'r... I b-r A s.l . It Ii. Vt I.D If .gg. Ires lill ;.. As.. Kalelfb. il. (. II. Y'.utig, Watirlt. Miss. A. Ii. Mom . I'r.t. I. i. W.ir'kl, I. till. Fall.. N. Y. K. T. Story Supl. (.aa W ur fc a. Walerlnw n. N. Y. W. S. S- Iioiiur 4. fo.,aVI I'e.rl St., New York. A'Jdres.lbe snl.-er.U r- l It ..it ;gb. N. .'. A i Ei'.IlOl E k 1() WES. Sf,t 14. le.'.H. iTu otiee. ly eaulini.e.: agai di.ga, or fistm.g S3.-It KM OVA L. -i;. I l,. I nllfecl.. l.i re 1. 1 l. I ol .Vi'Ul A .Mflil. l g uioii 1 flglOi. IVIIlg a. dki:vai;d davidscjn. 'J 3 in r,e.i.i..,t. cr I'reaiUr lit, 'I reaturer, Altiiruey. h. iretary. in A. rarmtl, .. T t.gU.by, i. I i. A. Tliniiipaoli, of one fifth in favor of the former; that it A " t'bapiu. to ssy if Idulbs. of green clover were , w, s. ll"g. ' i KXKi I TIVK l O.MMI I "I KK. sufttieut to keep a cow, l '.'.'i lbs. of tl.s same ',"J w , ... . , , .arf 1 j. Ifvit. ' 6.1.-1 1 j.S clover would be required for tuat purpose iu the dry state. 'J bese experiments have never lecu made with the accuracy which I look for iu an experiment wbo-e results are to be considered decisive ; but they have bevu sufficiently multiplied io varioas pla ces, and by various perse as, lo give their results a high degree of probability." I'ttiah Train. SALT A UMVKKSAL IIKMKDV. I bad just finished reading l'rof John atou'e remarks eu Mr. Cleveland a theory of aall an a " mttierial eipuumltr" and a " untvrnal tnieJy," when over went my lusaiauu upon a beautiful light drab table cover, to tuy creat couateruatiau. i n.u -il" bek every cent of eipeuie, and a good per had often cautioobd me against thia very et-Lt. for bis labor. This gcullemau L wa t-iug- I ru.sbed for the sui cellar and emp now a rich farm. I .aw his corn erop for i lie? the black ma,a of ink, , -it 1 t .mi 1 i aid IB five tmoutcs the at -.in bad wholly dia. tha ,.. -tt yuldcd abou IU barrel,, or , appe.rea , , doubted Mr. Cleveland s'tbco ..0 bushels per acre, which be informed me ry before, but ought I to doubt il auy longer? was an average trop. lie has also rained J T'bore ia cue point, however, iu which wy wheat and greases, with equal success, aud '1P,ri",c differ a from Mr. Clevolaud s this is ouly one out of aiintlar tffo.l.. ! '.'J-1 ""'I" n-tr and uj,on , . ... I the ink, and it ilrtc-nUtU mto the cloth aud The li...e.toue of that country yields . affected -he deaired object. frota 4H to f.O per cent, of lime, and most j Oue tbtug in certaiu, whether salt be a of the stoue will average Ctrto 00 or 70 universal remedy or not, via : UuMuirc 'Ut V "J'l'lU'i tiinitrmuttty, intend ini. I'ASTi'KAL VISITATION. A correspondent of the Haiti mora Advo cate y " Her. Mr. 0 , of the V.'e-terti Virginia conference, tails of Jesus and the consecrated 010.0 with every t.jiily b visits, thus sowing seed that niutt bring forth fruil t tbe glory of (iod. Seme lime k.ncu be vi-ited a pr a j 1 family in this per cent. Tbe quantity in general use by the prin cipal termers, ia OU bualiels lo the acre, broad east, on fallow. 1 c w or none pat auiix. Country (ititttemun. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (( II A.SuK Of I'lUil'KUK.Hb ) IIIKIAII VI lil. IT M M III , . ( ., JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. fllUt-; t'rnii r.ignvd n ajiei tl ully ...iiounee. to 1. the lr.. lung pul.iu , that be baa taken clurge ul' this old and popular eatabllsbiiient, aud a now prepared to aceotiuunuatr tra feii ra and prt sate laliiilus w ith board by the day ur Uiulith, on the nil. si are. 1. 1. 11. elating Irrma. III. TAHiJ. will afway. he (urni.biu with the b'.i provi.iui.a U.al hu.ue and torcign .na. keia can alfird. The WltahlllliMI lltiltl baa large rHiu., ia ne..rer tl'; dep.il, 11, e e,,urt-buuse, auq the business .ini la Ibaii any other in the eity. An OmmltM will uiway. be at the depot and landing, oil the arr.val ul the ear. and steamboat, to eoittey ..s4'riK r. In tne Ih.lel Ircc ot ebarge, Ity atupping at tin. H.,ti., paaaengtra will bate a-nple tn.iv t.i ot.Ui.i iiiual.. Having alma a Urge and cniiiii.dn.ii. Stable, and mi i tis-iieiil Oatier, be ia fully preparid to board bor.ia by Ine day, tteik ur liionll. at the uio.t reaautiabic ralit. John. f. jdnks. .Ware I. Ibj'J. Jill ClIAniaOTI'K IIOTKU mm. m, t IIAItl.OI I I, f l!l-:rroprict.ir..f this ll.,t. 1 1. .ML still at Ilia post r.ady Iu I ul. S. oLitixj Km v im A small, clean pot- tn IS 111. thu en, I nt ,.U I.. . ou their laud ; the reason ia, that lime ia Illcdiuui for apnUirvr Lirk .l,.t i k,.!.. .keepiuisit about the ri.-lit uiuisinra -hit..' , , , , " . -".ima n.ia 11. thejuioe of the potato arista iu removing loe.t,un. il aia.ua iiouj tue aurlace. e can get a bet- "" '! nearly ter poiisn Ly this inethoJ th.'ij by any other we have triud, aud with less labor. heavier thau tbe soil, aud sinks too deep. Lime is not considered as a manure, iu itself, but acta as a decomposer of vegeta ble matter, und in this way produces a val uable aud lasting manure. Tha efTuel of iieua .a now aeeu for tha fir.t and second years, only iu tho dark grueu I .J'""1" ." '"v i-Anr.-Yesterday - , , , , , lfte".ouu Miaa Mary J. l'allersou, of No. appearance of the w boat and coru but the ( -J. Mouruc ,(ri.cl .ururi.j , hfr third year, the effect ia not ouly visible, but apartment, who was bu.ily engaged iu pauk- in most cases profitable, and theae lauds, I 'ub,' UP 0"" ''k dres.es and othur weariug for years after, with proper culture, are ca- ' "I'l'""'- "'ueu i'ired of the ,, . . , '""' bat be was doing there, when he star- pubUof a much greater y.eld thau they u.u t0 ruu ,v 'Jht young woman pre- were beforo liming. '1 he best vegetable ! vented him, however, and ahuttius the front suhstauco for ducomposure and improve,- ,loor, kept hiai prisoner. Tha burglar made ment is clover. vera attempt, to knock M i.e Dattorsou 1 have witueas.d a fact that ou -hi L. r. . -1 7. f . "'", 'U Je to be staled, viz : that cotu will stand drought two weeks longer than the same lauda without liu.e aud the year I witness ed this fact, the com 011 lime lauda matur ed iu that lime, and yielded a ged erop, utes. He finally succeeded iu pushing hor aido, and escaped tu the street. The brave girl followed, aud called "watch, watch." Utlicer Moral., of the aoveuth precinct, res ponded, and after a abort race captured the lellow. A. '. iiiuri, 37. fil the dutica of mine lint I " lo tbe travelling public and others wbo y call on bun, aud be llaltera hin.aih thai aa uisiHlnrlabla qu.rlera can be tnund wilb bun as ny where in line vicinity. Ib ing ailuat d near ly II. tha IX 11 1 r. ut t'liarlolte, liuaine.a Men will t.na li.ia Unti l iiin.i i..i.. e.i. nl and m-1.11 ia. been engaged 1.) the blla gbleiu ytara, and In that baa made several auuitioua tn bia furu.er buuae.aud ll baa been grealiy enlarged and nil. pmved, preset. lie y in front a two story Kli AM A illti le. I in lei.gtn by U Ii el in Wldlli, banuanmely bailed by Uvea ul. the .i.le-walk, arl'.irdiiig a plea sant pri.menade. at all In. nr. ol the li.iv. The II .use I... a been tlmmugbly liirmsbi d Ibru'. out, and iu every pari ul it tre .tui comh.rta are abillid.int arid tangible, especially 11. the PIMMi Ui.t.M. where tbe inner uian M is "ntuatil" day by day. t'onnci t. cf with lius Hotel are St.. ble slli.r.linj r.n.ni l.ir lull borae., abunil..nily Imiiishid with gram and pruvi-iioi r, aliuuuid by lailbiul undo. bliHiug h.i.llera. 'llu Proprietor fi els run full n I tin. t w ith ln.!i.i.g eipern ncr and maiiv new advantages added tn bis deaire to please, be i. prepari d to ott. r bia Irieuils and the' restol iminkind,' a. many coiul.irla and a. ii.ui'h good direr as will be found anywhere pcrloipa a I. lib more so. J.ttatij rule TSV the ti.arloltn II. .1. I. Ml. KKKU. j Ottol.er 'J, lrt.18. 3ill' I W1TNKSS TICKKTS, for the County and! Superior Court, for .ale hutc. J MUKK TO LL ADM1HLD THAN TIIK l.inil-ST DIADEM IVt.it Worn In Kings or Emperors. What? Why a BnaUliful Heatlof Hdr Ibeauar it is the vrnanu til iihii kimtllf icieurj tor all our race. Ki...:er, alilmugli the ro.e may tiiB.iii ever so bnchtiy in tiie gmwu. elntk, Hit t-)e be ever o apaiaiing, Ine 1. 1 it. be ttiose of pearls, i: the bead ia Urell . its euvermg. or tbe hair be snarled and shrm-lefi, am.', nani di y, or w ..r.i .till, if spriiikleii ta iih g lay , nature '-ill lose n.oie than b .ll her ibarn... I'mf. Wood, 'la r Kesloralur, .1 l.i u lao ur three Line, a wn k, will restnrr and p r ma in nliy see u re to sll sue It an ur n..mt lit. It end the follow -i.ig. and ju.lge. The writer ol tbe fir. I . tht rrltti.ud r,jn,,l, Jutlbuig: Da Wikiii N. w York, April 19. Id 8. Drur Sir, I'trnttl ma to iipresa l.i y.m the nb lig.tntn. 1 am Uliocr for tbe entile ri ti.r..ti..u ul ll. hair In Its original color abnul li e tune nl l,.y aiiieal in tin I I. .1. 0 Mates It waa rapiul) b. in n it. a gray, bul UH n tiie a i.i.l ica l ma of lour, II. u lit stt.ral.ve " il suon recurred Ita oriirtnal hue. I ivii.ii.rr your liistoiaiive aa a very ui..:.rlul inn i.tii.n, ou.te itl.eaeiuo. a a well a a ag r. e.. Lie. 1 am, dear air, j oura truly , St. Til Al.ltt.KU. I'rjch a r tiwyludydcl." Welsh Newspaper other, li.Na.sau .1., April la Tai r. I). J. Ha.,ii:J,tr in, S,,, mon.li or s.l wnk.ago 1 tec. l.i u a bollic of your It air lie. lorativeanu gate tl tomv.wile wboconcludeu to liy it on her l.air, luile thinking at Ibe lime thai il would r. sloia the gray lu.tr tu lla original col. or, bul to bir a. will a. my suipn.i, all. r a few week.' trial it b ia pcr:..ru.id lual w onilerlul ell. el by turning all tbe gray baira In a dark blown, al the aalnc lime beautifying nud thickening the bair. 1 airotit ly t. ...nn.ii.i i,d ti abue healora. live li. ail piraona in waul of sii. h a change ol tbtir hair. t IIAItl.i:-? CAUDl.W. Naw Yoaa, July ii j. ISj". 1'snr t) J Wooo: Willi eoiifi.itnee do I re. ciiiiniud your Hair liesloraitte.ae being tbe n.i.at i lb. sen.ua article I etcr aaw. lln u.iug your I lair Keainralive my hair and w biski ra w bicli were aim.i.t t b.ie bate graoually grown darkj and I Oil conh.ieul that a lew niorcaiiiiliealti.ua will ru. lure ll.eui to their natural color. It alau baa re lieved me ul all Uaudrutt and Ulipleaa.nl ltebini;,.o cuuiuuiu au.w.ig pclmiie who perspire freely J.U.KII.UY raoe. Woes About two yeara agu my hair t. .mini need tailing oil' and luriiiug gray : 1 laal beeoimug balu, aud bad tried many ii.u.iilii. to noetl'iet. 1 toiiiuiLiici d uamg yuur Ki.nua. live in January l.al. A fiw app'icaltona t.ist.n. ed my hair firmly. It l.egau to fill up, gmw out, and turned back lo its loin. i r culm. 'black.) Al tin. lime it i. fully restored I., it. original color, health, and appearance, and 1 llnerlullr reeom. mend lla use Ul sll. J. 1, llOKS t mcago. 111., May 1, I8J7. 'I be lie.l,.r..l.e i. put up in bi.ltUa of 3 am a. Via : large, turumm, ami ......il ; nv .mall bnliia J a pint, and rctaila lor one Hollar pi r bot;la ; the uie. I diuui Il.I.i. at least, twenty per euit more in pro. portion than lite email, retail, lur two miliars n, r l..rc In. I.I. a i,ii-rt, 411 ncr cent propui t.i.ii. and relaila li.r 3. tl. J S ( M ill A I t.., I'mprietors, 44-1 llro.il way, rw York, and 114 Market St., Si. Ihiui., Mo, ami i Id by nil good Ditipglal.tnil I-aliey (.uoot h.-al. tie, ami in C It., i lot to by M Al.lt 1. lit, (O.M'KITKIM'I v.n.Y .jrc; t :r im i r ll.t ir sloi k in. i I t : 11 t ..be 'I rim i Ti.ey 1 Kl.K.an. I'..ru.s Kill ill III are pi. p-, Mt.'i iDV A .V CANDV JACTOUV. frtsh Conlh'lioiicries, Fruits, Ar , Ac. 'SI ii ber . bt r respect fully inforina the titi- at sens ol I l.arintte and surn.unr.ing Cutinlrv,! mat nr n.. on hand and (a constant.) rccrtting iroui New York, Confectioneries, Fruits, r. WY .' KOCKIt II S, C'lf." A 11 'I'UIIAtC'O, S.M I F. TOYS, Tliiwical liiwli'iiiiiriitw, i iiti: utsickw, iitiititv iioitwi., V I'l.M'ipi des, V illtitt V tititiit., 1 han a, tn k-Mai.il, X lii l lit Ufa ul nil varn ty. J. D. PALMER. ".'er !. If. '.H. 41'lf N.,1. iuIm r If. ilvH tL..t a:,o,.,a,.., I.iniulnli.n. w in It .Ml li.r busini ut, arid li public patronage -i AVe. 16. le.'.S. pis t ... I. t e-.MUt'l' N A I..., be , ll kinds, free Irmn New York Sleam i ti .ids to uisnorneture CAMjIIIS t. ni.i.s eolinrg unlike H i d I alidy. t all and nr. .lA.m.s 3i. i:d.m:v, commissi ox mj:i; a lis t, 117 lIIAMlll.llii M It 1.1.1, N. . ttl Yd and loiwarde every kind of niercli..n MV uiu lor VI tti cttit. ( ett.tniMitM. ken t l.u..tam .no .Morci. eau, .V . ot.i.liii. J. W ((.borne, I . I'. .V. lim i, l.i. II, A. M. Uolinan, V... and lii v.C. f . Uten ., Hon. W. A. t.rali.m, and nlbtis. i'eu.'rr ta Flam... Mt'ltnieuns, Oralis, ll.rps, t.uilurs, AIu.ic, ewlll Matbuif., Iron .'.ill a. Tumps, (.ar.ii u J.i,j,ii.c., &c. A print.d list of all tne tiillt-teul uii.k. rs, kino, and prices trmt fin. rubli.beri.f tli t ai.l li.hi.graph of "HtrUry Aal i.ap," N.C. (tl.) and the Hiao. I'iusichn; oa, Im.u Li ma io lltaeTH." Thia tutnluable Jumt.y siTei.rr sl.t nlo be in cm ry bouse. l trials i t all iliaeasts, baa a cnpiolia glossary and prescribe the rem. ilna Iroui nature'a bamiUnua aiores, tor all our iiitirmiliea and mis. l.ir linn a. Iti. punted mi fine white paper, band, aniiii ly Uiuiid lourlb ruilitm. Slid pag, and .a mailed frrt far tsi JnlUr. New Ko.cwnuu 1'ia.ioa, (loll. I eh. ISj8. y A i t'll ilci l ;iikI lttii!.;i II I. furnish In s,, t s.l" ! lor Fuklir llmioii e,, I : .i ,. I. and Villas. I'artieiii..r :.tt.l . t buibjtug 1 louring .Mil.s. t oi i. M.. s. A iu 3d r.im y ot Ait x .!... t '.- I-.. . . 1.1.1 I'h.tia 11.11. OrfnwrSC. IS.'.S Xslt i li- Altdl t rititual Life I.sarajco C. .; Ul 'EH t. li Hl.ii.h S i T IIIS I. r . on ll.t .Vol ll.. I I lil " lictpalil.g III I..C l pone it a y l.. n tin In w i.eli lite pri Ii.iiiiii oole may be pliu I. premium, biant.g u gu..t..nt. 'I he prompt mam. be 1 1. puiu b) tni c. .. rati ot II Jf. S.M. HOW ELL, fyv hi. ttli Ht.QVfi Saddle k Harness Hanulactttrer, thru noons bolth or tux mansioh house Cll Ald l.'l ' i; .;. CrAllkiuii.nf siuuUli sant) II. luirtest noliee. 8 ri; V.y.K I Kl.(. p,,,,,,. ,j, r Jan. !. Iti5t. to i .ui n a a are u is post i. tu . i. s rlbVt. art- llisurti. I. r j 1.H J..ll, Ill tUl-II.H r t All lo.sia ate paio with. t faclory pruol ts piettnlii. i IM 1(1.1 'I l.'h..r!cs K. J. l.i.sl. n. V lloliit u, W . ll. ... s. . J. (. lluBieu, Qui lit. i.e hi.'i.i. I 11. AKhec, K. I . liatl.i, t -i l-owie, hlcb'o 11. It.lt i . UH Ur h lr. t In. r ii s K. J. I.t.s.m, I' W . VV. lloi.it ii, I'rt.M K. il. ll,tl!i,S.cnt-rv. H, II, II. J,..,' n.M II. W. I.'usted. Alton ' I'r. Win. 11. Milne. M Zecutire ( i.isimillir. W K.-f. t'batles ll. Knot. .I.eiileili iwrid at ( "" Jol.llami, M. 1., Willi -n. Ii hll li'o 11. lliiy woo.:, M. 1'.. lur luilbir inluiin..i.i iu t..c I rid to the pi.n.phlcls, uhi! Imu s.-t may be oblaii.i d i.t li e I ti . . . ' or any of it. genets. I'oii.iiiuiiicatiul.. aiinuiil rt ... pan:) lo. K. II.LATTI.l'., C'sisli Taid lur Hides, KV S. M.ll)WKl.l., 3 d,H.r. Mouii. ' U,t. Mails. ON House. ( Itarlmte , Aptil ti, lf'ih. Si( DLA.NK DI'.KDS for sale at tl.a offioe. mess n k.ii i at tin 3-lf Ilt. If. III. uhi; fll.I. he pn aaed to ri 1 1 m l'r..l. ssim.a in the uei.artiiii n SI'liUKHY. I'nlesa pi, may be found at Ini. re. n York Kistiiet S. . Elk. li, bJt. I u V' p eV'y f iVll- Kit INK mm ... t r, 11 v nhM-nl. he . KoriM.ll I,p.,t. 'f tli IUI.M IM fcl'l'l'MNAd for salt- t tli.

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