V aMSaasasjcCT?l?2Wiasajiilii JjmwwWBCJiMm'f li'-Ai Jiiu.'t,'i Itl-Jlftnt'.ylML' Wl.llt'.m L Hhb i, ui.ii-Hvin..i..LaiSiil lliiJJijii-Jill.liUlli.jJl.JaB fcal'SJll SlW'att'S'naMnHaS 'III WI'MI ll.ai Masmsisw;ais. INSTINCT Of niESENTlMKN T. . In Scliubcrli Spirgel tier Tiutur (M-rror ef Nature) the auilior relates in his chapter ou instiuct tbu foUowin' fuels as jiioofs of a certain divine iaipulso in nieu A gentleman, an acquaintance of tic cclo Lratcd French authoress, Mnie. ljesuliifjd, mi about rusting a iilcusure trip ou tlie river with a party of friiuds, Ktrrjlbitij; n ready, nd lie was just filtering the Vont, wben hi sinter a deaf mute, coino suddenly and most anxiously running along, and stizing ber brother's arm and coat and tried to keep bim back J but Suding tbis un available she threw herself, at bin feet, and taking bold of his knees expressed, by the most imploring ge-turcs, her vrisb that he should deal1. from going on the water. Touched by the painful, entreating expres sion iu the face slid posture of tbe (leaf inula, several persons joined in the jirsjcr of the poor unfortunate girl, and her broth er Gnally yielded to their wishes. It was fortunate lie did so, for t bo loin bad gone but a short di-taiies on the rier when a sudden gmt of wind made it capsize. Seve ral of the company ftiuud a watery grave, and he, who could not even swim, would, no doubt, have met with tbe aauio fate if bis sister by some divine presentiment, had not prevented his going. " Once on an evciiin.' a riuh and benign farmer full by some secret impulse, impell ed to seud at a late Lour soiuo articles of food to a poor family in the neighborhood. ' Wherefore so late j cannot this be done as we I to morrow : said those arounu nun. i I No ' replied he, it must be douo now.'' While insisting the worthy farmer did not know what a blesMng bis beueroUnt actiou waij'j-t thon to tbo tenant of tbe poor hut, lor there the fatter be who bad to Hour isb and sustain tbe fsuiily had fullen sick the mother was ir.fiiui already and tLe ehi'.dieu bad been crying for bread for more than toodiys the, younge-t of whom was puarly dead fron. hunger. Thus their nio-t pressing wsnts aro at once removed ond perhaps some lives saved. "Another pehtluniau, living nesr some coal mines iu Silesia, awoke one night from bis sleep itli au irresistible impulse to go down in bis garden. He rose, an 1 went don ; tie same impulse led bim out of the Lack gate ol His garoco imo V ,! 1 where lie arrived H. lime w se .r., ,B ul a miner, iiu, iu clnutniig up a ladder, miss ed his footing aud fell down the shaft into a coal tub, which bis son was at that time winding up, but by the increased Height ji unable to do so now aloue. ' A venerable clergyman in Kngland once fell, likewise, au unexpected desire to pay, late at iiight, a i - it to a friend of his, whom he knew to be of a very melancholy turn of mind. 'I hough extremely tired by the cares aud labor of the day, and .though th.i dis tance to his fri.nd's house was very great, the venerable gentleman osuld tut resist his secret impulse, to he went, an I strange to say, arrived there jut in lime to prevent his friend from tiking his own life. Tho nightly viit and friendly exhortations had such a wrr'.ccuic effect on tbo depressed spiri'.sol his fr.rr-d, that he never a.'ain at tempted to commit luiride. ' I'rof H tehiipr, at Mathurgh, being one iu very p.. a-ant r iinpany, felt a strong de sire to co home and remove bis bid from its old plsce to another eirtipr of his bed room. lid yielded to th.i iuipul-e. Hating done so, felt again at eae, an-t went hack to his friends. H iring the night a Urge portiou of the ceiliuu in the room, j 1st at the spot where his Led formerly stood, crumbled down, an I wnnM no dil't bavo crushed hiru t death u. i it not been removed from ther.." Finrts Fines to tiii Mit..-Since tho con.j.leli V F.astern iixj liriea 1.... ; .. . 11 rifu as to lb Jitiie n-ions of all 1 . , . .. ... -u v A .1 the larpe snips in mo worm. "Ti list of fiftepn minatprs of (lie deep ttiat, with-1 out bowf.tit, wouM cover a space one niile ! , iu lenjth, were thejr .l:ccJ inline; j Vessels. 1 Grcnt Kastcrn, Adriatic, Ni a ira, 1 lima I ay a, Puke of Wellington, tietitral Ailiniral, ( Irlatido I'crsia, Atrslo, Itoval Cliarte j (ircat kenulilic, IVnnsjflvania, Araliis, lircat ltrii.iiti, A-ia, Total, r Tonnage. 1(1,000 ' alniut .J.-'il'l' . 4,',"-i 'i.iiihi : .',4(10 ' li.OIKl 3, II'MI j 3,470 j -',720 I a,:i.")iis 3.-241 I S.403! 3,.'i(HI I 2 ,2 -JO ; 0-i nlly l.itlnelied for tbe Hnl r-l. ,N:,v Inside (i'l.iays " Ironi l.iVerpwl Hallimoie AmtiimH. " What's in a Nam !" CVininr up the rtTiT a few Uays since, an original Irish man was on board the sluainer one of those witty jncnisl fellows who are m-er at ease only when they are keeping those srouml tbcit iu the best of humor aud amony; tho many rich notes he passed current, was one which will "do to publish." I'ur whilom Vorick liml inquired tho name of ecry plsco slonj; up, aud had passed his judg ment, iu bis own peoulinr way, to the in lift ilo delight of those around him, on the scenery and prospects of the country, often cnmpsriiiL them with places in and about Tyrone, Iteutry, Cork, Jlrolicll, Ac, " at home," informing them by the way, that ho was a member of the great O'lUgsn family, and descended from a long linn of illustrious " aunl'a sisters," when, ou ncar iiiT Albany, the steamer Oregon hove iu iht. lns'tautly he excliiiined, "O-r-o-g o n, O Jterjati ; oh, be jabers I not four week iu the 30untry, and a stuambost christened after me !" It is needless to say what followed. 17 ruy Tvnrs August M. Death or as Old I'hintek Colonel Samuel (Irecli, believed to bo the oldest printer in the I'nion, died at Hartford, (lonii., on tho Gth inst., in the Olid year of I, is a"i lie served liis time nt me prin tini business in New Loudon, Conn. The jlepster, which f-r inany jsurs was known as (ireon's lieister, was commenced by his father, Tiracthy (Jrceu, in 17sJ.i. In H'-JU his sou was assoc'utcd with him, and it was publMieJ by " T. Creen A Son." llp iD the death of his fuller, lie continued Its publication until lW, hen lie retired from busiucss on account of advauccd ajjo. A Xburo Kats Ninktv 1'rAi -nn.-Jas. Itcyuo'ds, colored man, and by profession a white-washer, swallowed ninety larje ps aches at Cleveland last woek, on a wager. Ilo was fifteen minute: doinj; the jdb, und pockeicd S'Jjl V exploit. Interesting Kelicb i-rom a Sunken FrxM'ii Fkmjatb in Hilton II au hoii. TLe schooner Sarah Young, of Cohnssett, ' Capt. Luring Hutrs, arrived at this port on Monday, Sill insf., viilb a quantity of iron,!lbie recently came to our knol;dj.e which copper, lead and many small but interesting 1 relics secured in a kulmnrme expedition to the fpot where, iicurly fl) jturs ago, during our revolutionary war, one of the French Squadron ori'ier Count d'Fstung, (a irigato l.omed sfte) the Count,) was run ashore and ' lost. 1 he place is Uoi. as "Man of War i ,! 1 ,,. , , . . , i i , lint, Lovell a Island, hostou Harbor, and the fact that there still remained be-' low tbe surface portions of tbo vessel indue-J cd Capt. Hates, witu tbe aid of Mr. Falcon, an experienced diver to proceed to I tie spot on tbe Cth of June, ?n the above nau.id i r i ? . J once fine vessel of war which bns been sub- be became quite a wealthy and promineut tlierged there for so lou a period as to ' man, ap! 'led the office of County lleeord have t'Uliitly passed from tho memory of er, a life appointment, at Uuclpb. There ho the people ol tins country. 1 hey found at the bottom wliBt remained of the hull, which was uloutlO feet long and toil's feet wide. Kemoviiig with considerable labor all inese neavy iwiiners nicuior many years i have impeded navigation of the harbor at this point, they obtuiued several tons of copper, also several tons of ballad iron, . -iii e i i ii-i and a considerable amount of lead. 1 be most curious article obtained was a pint glass bottle wiih a ground glass stopper. : This bottle was found under the ceiling ! plank, and contained a mopt powerful acid,' which, l aving, leeu examined by coinpc- tent person, as rironounctu as sfoii'' as it was eighty years ago. 'J here was also a thirty-two pound shot which seemed to Lavo lost but little weight from the rust of so long a period. Also, chain shot, nails, brass knuckles, one or two old swords, a number cf coin and compoiitiou nails, iu a good state j of prescrvaliou. ' lu one ease a cask cf these nail had np, ' oarentlv burst ooeti ami become strou-lv welded together, lonniiig with tbe rust a solid nlSs. A few of these relies can he seen at the counting loom of the Traveler. The labors of Capt. jiates and' bis asre ciaie, Mr. Falcon, bavo not ouly beeu re warded in obtaiu'u the t-ippur, lead, o , of the wreck, but has been the means of hein fitting ths harbor. K, id-nee w a found . ,u , struck these sunken timbers, the forefoot of one v3;cl having bieii ill-ow led, slid thu icuioval, it is stated, has deepened thu wa ter some two ii cl.es for a considerable dix tsl.ee. In this view of the cu.-e they are worthy of some substantial reward Loin our city government whoshoulJ u it basic, to notice and remunerate any lal.ur tending to thu improvement of our hulbor, upon which the prosperity of tho city greatly depends. Jjintun 'JiuttUr. SlIIKI.Ds, Tlie JfMViR. 1H0WNM).-Phicld.-, j who was advertised to jump oil the bank at ; Ni igara Falls, on Friday, was drowned this' morning, lie went diwu to the water to try f it by swimming at the plaou he pr .po-ed to jump, and a drawn undir Kater by the . suction of a whirlpool. His body has not been recoverud. 'i bis is c premature cf g t'ooish i nterpri-e. Hujfulo .l.l rrtiser, consii;nkks i fgll l IIAM.OTTB AND . C. RAIL M."A1, I KOM TIIK ITII TO TI4K 1 ln ft s.pT. U iiud.lrr k S r' pneliigp. it W I J llaiiiiiicrskol.l 1 1 fV", t'rsig , . pkgeSi ' i'-W-Jrkr' I! IU J k;;r I'roiicl. i rg.- L-r A; Co J.kgcs. j AM Hll i the Wl,., ....I .M.lcl. I (W. Hi Sportsmen Take Notice! M 1IIAT all persons entermir ii-w.n lov I.in.ii Tl'IIAT wlll, ,, them, In M ,,r' anil ).i;s, nr eitSM-r o i.r any oilier II tintn.i:. w ,11 b. Kith the full rijjor o ihe lw ill uci nd prodded. N. li TAYLOH. (.10 S I I. L ll VIIIIH I A T I cii.i:i.oni:. , Saturday, Seplemier 24th, ILTlbmrs open at 1 slid 7 o'clock, I'. M. VAN AM BURGH'S EQUESTRIAN COMPANY. i.4 1 ; i 1 iiru'-s:r- i.f. IHE BEST rESFOSitllKG In the World, TIPI'O'J aAI B i THE ONLY PAIS OF Royal Bengal Tigers! I'viftiPitiitia! in . nli AND miUXl TIGERS! A CIRCUS OF STAR ARTISTS l'.,ni I ul s lull I ore (.( EQUEST1UENNE3, Equestrians, Gymnasts, ACROBATS, &.C. HIV. .1. I- TltAVfli ill Intt.-bieo bla (JDADUDPilD WOEDEHS. TH K ACTINH HULKS, Ti'M n., 1 JI.I.IIV. r r -t a t ... .4 lrr..asa si, I PrvsoaMSXrw, r. l'l,l..ri.lH, mm.1,1 l'...;v A - ,1c Two Pftiforiatvacrs Pallv! Q. h. WUEELEH. Aion!. i 'n A Ctmovs Lovk Stgky. Says tbe Ea-. son (l's.) Argus : "First love the world generally admits, is always the most sin-1 cere. Au instance illustrating the truth of. 1 worth repeating. J orty five years ago, a young man Lamed i uterson, served ml appremitesbip at the printing btisiness, in the Office of Christian Jacob lion- ter of this place. M'l.ilst in his employ lie becamo interested in a young lady of our i toau, and proposed marriage. Ho was ac-! . i i . .1 i -, i cepteil, hut the mother of the girl c-fipohcU j the match end broke it off. After fiuisbing bis tra le, be went to cue of the Southern StateB, and married a sister of the Hon. I John M, Clayton, former U. States Sena-! tor from Delaware. After having two cbil- II-, ,L .1 ..j. v!.V ' i. married a secotiu time, and bc'amo a seoond time a widower. Last Summer ho passed through ha son on Ins road to Wilmington, hsro hia H.iiiilit.T ma f.l kplmnl uiul whilst hero madn inrtoiry after the sweet-! iii-aii oi uia juuiiger uoja. sceriaining that sho was a widow,aud re.-ided iu I'hila- delpl.ia, he called upon ber, renewed his acquaintance and after forty years separa - i- i i j tion, again proposed marriage to ber, and was accepted. lie was to have come on here this very week to be married, but was taken suddenly tick, about ten days ago, ilb an attack of pleurisy and died aft.-r a short illness. A low days before bis death, ' us wrote to tbfl otlect ot Ins urst aflections, telliu" her that he was douhtloss on his d v-. ing bed and never expected to see her nain on earth. . i .. , , i (S ll!IC(lj af,' yJ TINNKKS at the t heater T:n e:i! S Miop. (ioo.l wages will be it 9 "S&tW en.ndsie.ulyen.pl; .VI. Al.DR 1(11. Ti.e members of thp M. .'.-1 aaaatrj .grieii.turai r. ty arc h.r'l.y notified Ilia I 'i'-iursday, the 2Jd instaiil, has be, I, sppoiiile.l lor de .r. ing oir the n i; W I A I K It is i xpecteil lh..t all wlm w.Ili ax. sand iu..ll..cks eai ly in -l!OLNUi si. will semi htlf the morning. JNO. A. YOUNG, (Jh iirnin Ex. Com. Srpt. Lt, I .":. Til I SAMi Old som;, m to a m:v tunk : ' i: ..re receivieg a v. ry larpe unu h.auliful atoes. of FA l.li AM) WINTl'. U all kinds nnd prices. t'p will not ntlcnpt to in.erale in an advrrliNfinelit what we have. Il lldieltnlto say Wl ll.ive ev ry tiling o be found li l class Pry ;.i..d, ll.iiow ne ..u.l II .olai.il ',n- v. and inlen.1 lo our t.llOltS necessary to I and see our jne, come ali the I.. id all 1 1 -. t niced of lli.ll far n. hear our prie V"urMlts. liKtnYN & ST ITT s-.ii. is, iti..n. For Sale. t or inns or -u a n i.i.tt r. i .l.oi.re 1.1 tlua ..llice. -J. I -.-,.. 27if -s.( M fckli'iiburg' Co. Womb. aiMliosr. holuirie C.)ti...n ll.inds of M, ekl.-ti. a.nlv. 111 the W ,C. A. li l(. i;.t-.... Can 'lip .id by cidinf n.i lb- titiil. r.n ri. d one e-ir above the II, of t',e St..tc. J. M. IlL'TClllSuN.ylrr-;.. ;r. 1.1, 18.: 3. fit Carolina Female Ctlkpe ! f falIH: Kx.raM.of this lr..l,iu.,..n '" JL win no re lsrj- rr-i n, .day in l.:tob. VVSV1 Ihe MibcrilH.r, a tS laruilv, bs h.,i on the J.I , under the e. H.lii.l of; tsti'd by li c..n,a tent i nh the Truslei , sli 'rnitiun and IJ j Ii ic li w ill enable hiru lo ! I ou terms satisfactory : . l'..tr, The tin rates, V'Z : !)..ar, Tu.ln.n ill ( t-llefiate Cl i of 20 week 1'iann . M , , h . 'O II' I li l,ei ': I'ml.i i No I 'I'h ill ii ' quire Si nu 15 till g iu nu 'iff:,. hltiiii I'linti "h'ry . -lures fur l.at - loe.tlity IS he il, by wiurli a 5 on l and (irerk 1. 1 hptiacrs. .lllllll. and every ; .und Mdueati. "'--'" , T. It. WALSH, PrrsUmt. '-! j sri. 13, is.".:i. Temperance Celebration. IE' orilWlrll.I, DIVISION- of Sons of 'IVn.p. r. I 3 E "..nee I I'l nn I the '-'fib n I el T.-ioper, II b.-ld a .M.SS V KK I I Nli, .t their ' irth of t'harlott'. on We.iins.iay, ,i.t. A r f prominent Sons e linve been invited to be present end sivrril A,-.ires will be delivered. The pob. i lie penrrally are invited lo be present, (nit llie Sons I of T.-itiper.inrr of this and the udji.ii.ini. counties re especially invited to stlind. A I'ul.lic Pinner I will Ire proTided I o'clock, A. M. pcoliini; In commence ul 10 I TIIK COMMITTKH S'pl, fi, 10.", I.K.M0VA1 rr tnbirm fin tint li K.MDVllD llie old sl illdol .".print i. .Mel.en,l, corner ot I. and sre now receiving a S.letntid Sloek of FAMILY GROCERES, I wliich will be old low for CASH Ht wIioIpkhIo or retail, ! L. I'KASTl'.U. K. A. M LKl.ll). J Ckarlollt, Auc'ft 30 I .'.!. -J5 Xn Ilats, Ilats, Ilats, Hats! 1IMF. tu Ihe Clotti g Miuporium and buy ju H IiLlNt.., Sl-sMNfisS CU Ausutl 3d, I ;.:. i'iif )(' Oil, j)l;iic Oil. t'S.KHSII .! TI'I.Y. ju.t r.-. i'v.,l ..! f, .a!. 1 hv K. NYK III Ti 11 ISDN .V C(. June U8, 180V. i AVit. (i, h.V). OUT saB T Triv .rasa rvon Streets. HAT or CM'. s 1 W.. nre ...eeivinir a l;,r-. sl.,.,1, ..f ll,. .(..- i. ' CtXti . .. ........... .- : - i Mi Srcial No.icrs. 'III K (IV 1 ;!. A 1 1 II HI'I '1 lilts. Nature, in her gmtl Uiiraiury, has stored uuapted i t very disease w nil ll '-H. ah is ' Tut u riquires lite inv.-siinai.oit iml i of ilie plulusophcr to uiseover iml ' p t y hen thi. ren.n iSucfi rescureii anu in vt titprn tiun has iiserifcring a rtlneuy lor Uui most succeeded in '.filiciivc di.piusuiioii, the. DVM'tl'MA 1 w't "H lesscrui.d numerous rvils ; ami it nmy J'" "niy ",ul until tlie appi-rencc id the Uriiriiultd liilleii a cnscul Uys psla cnn-il, was u r"c c prrn-i co iu infticl prc.ut:r. Now un. ,icr i he n.flui nee of these Hitlers the rule is to riie, the rare xcej.tion, failure to cure. Head the fulluwing, w hich Hr nlierilirr " quests us to publish for the benefit of the sf. fliclcd : '"'An Obilumtc and Iiivrtrralt ('bn; of UVSrEI'Sli ITHL'D 11V IIIK l)XVUK..Tl I) B1TTEKX. Tin- following from 'enlleinan wpll known tn tile region in Wh-cii he livi-s unght to sulipfr nil thupe of fret I, f.'lli 1 W'atetuwm, N. Y., July 3K, tu. S. W. Kowi a &. Co., Dostoii, Sun Nine years since I 1 1taekcd h v ill' I t ur u ol all ill "y'W". ''' s. lo c.nso great , lnedldtl.y a)u.r c.tinir, .ccompanieu Willi t. rrmle pains in the stomach, often occasioning n.tjsea, vnniitunr, aciditr, and heailaehe, tlur with , R",n""1 u.-huity and .ufllring, aliugaiur rtn.itr I ii'lf I'te a hurtln-n. "Au,r ,liivjne pr(J eV(.ry knuWll rcn,,ly wi,,, (out H!'. ( t, aim ucspainnir of 'ever regaining my . hen Hi.. I induced to in ike use o! tiicdiy. .Ben.ipri Mitiers.il. VA eff. tt i-f winch w,-,e I ";!',; "' , . ''" "Zil. ! 'L'TZ l pleasure in inducing all lil.e suHVr. era as inyselt to make uc c.l tina remarkable remedy. 'illKt.' I Al.inVr.l.L. Prepared by S. W. HM l.K ('!., Bos for sale by K. Nye, Hutchison &. t. o., Ci M. C. (- in, arid rlotle, Pirolis i.lllicicd Willi Ihc IVver ami Ague phollld liol apare either llioi', trouble er expense, to proeurc I'lt. IKJ.STK T'l'KU'.S I'LLKIIIt A'I'KU BPITKItS, whoso henplicipntctrcclsup.nl the hu man system has been clearly piovcd to those who have been strieaen down III a horl space of time by this dreaiil'ul curm:, whose ehe.-ks ure wan and meagre, and wIiom: nights i.ru sleepless snu rest. Icsn, and wh.ntc ryes ..re iliui und sunken, with 1,1 stsnog then, n. the lace, this compound i from loo v-ry moult, of the prase. None can ' know lis true value nn'.il thry l.atc fuled it. ; N .en all oiiir have tailed, Uie Bi tiers have , resi .red the autl'. ri r to pristine health, 'i'heir j popularity in all the Vtestirn at:u 5uu.licrn parts I should introduce tli. m to ail families. ! S .ld l y all druggists iu the world, and by t). ye tlulclilsnn it l o, t llallotle, ft. I.. Kf 1(1 I II 1 L 'II N 1IM II. BRYARi'S ! lT la 31 O I C W A V I. II S . 1'he mtwt mtuin atttt tperrfy renmly evr difrotcrtd jot all Vueuifu of the Chmtumi LuniCottghn, Cultln. Anthma ( uuf u in i 't ion, Ihmthxtxs, 1tflut W2i. ilmtt.cnfns, thftrult Jiiruih. inLr -Sole 'J'htoat, ijjc., yc. Ii 1K W AFK1.S t;i ve Uu- tuol iurt.nlutu oun faiifj ptrficl n -lit I", ii lid wUlii ftcvcfi'd vilti a cent-thru; lo oirtrtK-in", luv.r la rl u tict-t u r.ipiti and instill curt. 'i'iH.inJiiui iuve luxn rct.t'rcd lo (.. r! 't lu uillt whu li-svc In d otln-r iik mhh iu v .in. Tu alt dhHsca an 1 Mil i'mtitutin titty un hjii iD v u lilfMttnjf mud a cure none a tit-tmi , iki nutttr liovv lnp the iiiicue timy loie txiotcu, or li'iwt vtr h v. rc it m.iy 'iuv,nct: the ranc ftrnt lure o. li.u ormx in nut liuptlt only tie. M Vcu. Kv ry nu .illhtUii el.ui.lii give tlifiu an iui j n Ua 1 ti 'I u Vucai.its ;nu! rim.ic PpKAhr.Rf, ihvtu; Wa. t' tf t re pi i iili.. rly v t lu -isle ; tin y .11 in one day tiicir n gul.ir un- tor n it d n i ill.ut u II tum-f ,m. ' t rf.siti- tin- miwi r and tt' Xibiliiy ul Uu m ire, gruut. IT im.rt.Tii,f Hi. t.,ii, u.,ir.. 4 ti niusirm-M., Iii iii.-li iurjiae tiny urc xtyui.tn. U"tiJ y nuny allrts. JUU .VllSJl.S, Sole I'l I'ncc Hi eenla per ti.'X. ...Chester, X. V. by all re.-pecta. F. .SCAKU, Cliart.Me, X. C. t-nt of 8ai dford's Invieo. ' ralor. 1 ST Her the adverlis-i 1 uiiol'.cr culuiiiu. enl pf Wood's Hair Ove. n-, 1 M M lj ft L) Ul bilLlllI' ltjllliil! m GOODS! Wlla31l.J l () JMi VMir, Second Store below Wess.T.H EremSi Co. KAILNWKlTiTTi & DUO'S. n KSl'FCTFL'I.I.Y in Turin theiriuiriicrouscus- lug country, that they are selling cfl' the balance of their stock of a knwaraaBaa W Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, s-.rr.sios IlcaiUj .IT title I.UTlll.yti, lKMIIS, SIKIIvS, n i, . AI'S, Vox Uenla', Youth und Uoy'a wear. 'I' r ll ll h and a full supply cf ItolillclK, Klals A. ilats, li. miK't Kibbona trench 1' luwtrf, nil nt' wIhlIi will be aHildnt reiiuct-d price, tnirtlhcr with i little unu bcuulilul tMior tun nt ol Js ice I'l.ii.U. Hcrtge and iiiicn luU-rn, nil of liit amed (I t I eli. to oil's must be eloseri out by the r, to iniiKe rooii, lor our VA l.lal STOC K. Tu. h, tl nnd , orlinent of I.i. . a' und Kiloea, Truirrv- allse;, 1 llonnrl 11,, .d.'. Miu. t U..tteri-. H K t. I nriM t 11..I.S, S,.lehti Atteiilii u is Coll.(, lu ll.r Lret Ktoek cl :'al-TI;itIr Itilliiu, it keinp mane up in tbe most siiltunlisi iii.mi, r, stid is tititil 111 Hint sold by ,,u v oil,, r boilre III Ihc I'mou, iiiul is a clioiee and l.istniii.i bit st ick. - tt ' l iiriiiltiii iio(N of every style and variety. T'nf iff poMliTi ly a cluKin positively a elosiiip s.ile.aa eiery article -t bf u u by ihi: ul O. tot ttiul utlit r an- rtquratt ii to uimi rx uiunc bt. . tor iiiukni I'Urcuuft.'.H, lin y wiJ? tutd it t tin jr interest to ilo no. 'I'lif v "iin buy tfom to .)U per , ct nt ciifajnr than at uny nilx r Hoj-f, , We aUay kt-rp mi Uuj llie b-.pl and chcipct I uiitortini ut at' EBnrriu arc, nl;u V;)iT, A.c. In addition tu Hit' above wttxprct la (jk n a ve ry lari' epfcortint'iil ut .MILLI .V KKV (,(KI)S. PAV11) KA1INWKILEK. DAX1KL KA1INVKILKU. JACOB lvAUXWKILLK. AfivU 30. Itj'J. aitf $10 JJeward. A.N AWAY from the Mjkscnber a. bout Hie llltli ol iiiui last. Ins hoy fxN by ira.le, ulioul j I, el 111 il.el.e. Inch, 1 weleha un -111 i ,j lo.. lie is oi a k eiimp.i a.mi "l.u baa a ,,easai, smile b.s liee when spoken Id. Any per. son apprehend. IIR s .lil boy Slid loiln g llllu iu any j.nl, or delivering him lo me, wi,l ntnn the a. bovc rt ward. li 13 MONTKinr. J;u. 10. lSol). til. 111 MM' MIL .tlar.'irn, nn Hip lAtn mi tant. si tnc r-siilrnep ni lvCi XJ!:;itZ: Mar.-i. H, nn thp l.lth n.i taut. l the r-sii! STOl' AMt liF.AI) 'I f I IS ! GOOlTXI-WS AT CIlAliLOTI'i:. N. ('.!! HJI. 'I'KI J.OIIJ AS jiiM np. nrd a large and rxte STIX K nf itoo rs. al siioi'. r.eih.r. Vr..,.pl, ...d A, ,n I I r.Si ,.. and .11 kinds ol Shoe. Maker's findings. At,S(J, A l-r itiliTiil ."tork of the latest and must f..shitrfr. aide st vies ul' All ftvlessnd Knu n to tne C.l . fn.in OAKFUKD'! EET, M simerior Slock af Ladies' and fiend, men's fine exlra .-i-;vi;u i.o."j's, Mil IKS AMI Pr cu.Nt;ii kss ; A I'l Dlis, ?r-4a afe nnl to he surpassed by any. Tti. y were ptir. ei.asrd from the n.aiiuiMet.jrer. and the very beat H.e.t an. I Ml. i niakera in the t'lilled SMutes. l''arn.ers, Merch.nls und tlie ptiMic generally are particularly irviten to r. nd iiidi-e for lliumse deter. inin-d to Mil l.OW AM) STIC ItTLV Olt C AMI. (I V Hire yuti chM at I lit- riglit I ju-tr.j. pontic tiii) ,n.infsfn tl'u-e, at .to. , 4r a nilv ISittr, one door fcclow Klidi A. t 'nhrnf Cl'itUtiifj Sltirf , VM. TlvKJiUAH. Aug. G, I8.Vt. i.'ii "THE UNION," aim ii si iii:i;i' aiiom; i mm), PHILADELPHIA. l l'TD.N S. NKWfdMI:!!, l'iop,i,l,r. FJjlllh unuersicmd hatinr; puteha. e.i u.c iniereai ol Ii. s luriner parll.er. Kt.ill l.van, in the ahoSd Hold, would call III.- ..tu.ilr.n of Die public to its cons, rnene for (Ix.sr tilling I'litia. dclphis. titlu r on hut-'tt. i r pi. .-.sure. lis sill:. Ip. n h.i. i; hnl a few j.k fr..m the prineial avenues ol trade, o!en me nee no nl to Ihc.so .-n bupllev ; w hile to then,, in sr-.irrli of pleasnre, the rontantiy p.Lhsjnjj IK rep:.iiif' rail. way cars and thoht- in close prmity, i.ff'.rd a pleasant ride for the mere nominal .inn of half s dime to all plar.es ot interest in r ahoitt the m v. The. Proprietor riea nshuranee that ' Tin- Lili an " shall he kept will, sneh character will meet puhlic approbation, and Stoll.'il ri;i. ct I "illy solicit North Carolina patronage. Terms 1 JiO per at i v. L'I'TUX'.S M-:YC(MEK, Aucusl 1 C, lHJ'j. !?r!-ly 1'sorniF.ros. .sta'J'J-: of .oiri n-e.i;)U.A, MEi KI.tMlLHU (Ol.M'i. Super tor Coll i t 0 1mw .j)itng Ti'it'i, 1 -551. Amelia II. While 1 (V,.l..vit of J. M M White .ml Ur'"' Win. J. While, J IN 11. .s r..m, ll appi.-irn.rr l.y li.e I!. Kerr.lh.it the d. I. uaanli- M..M. While and thi. Stale, ( i. U,tln,d. 'Ilial publican.,,, be made sil weeks 11. llie N. C. W l.lf. new. p. per pub. Il.hed II. harl-.tte, nolitviog aald del. inputs, lhat , ,, . 7 .. 1.- . . i uni. is Ihey ui'pear .tour lustlol l.iuily lull lie:,l lor said C Ulltv. .11 the C.lirl ll..ue 1.1 I bar loll.-, on ihe I ltd ,M..nd..y nit. r the -lib M. nn.iy in Aueust m il, then sn.i Ihere lo answer or il.'. llillr to a.nd bill, the hill w.ll he taken pro culilessu alio main ex pari t.v, at . Hi e in ( harlotte, t hip ii'Uli July, lHo'J. y"r'1'' D lt m'Ll' CAME r. lln OUI ' .,.-...' Frititi r s h e to. To Farmers and Country Mcrrhaats. J. V. IJIC , 11 A t ;.. A Hi: now oll'eriiisr lo the fir lie tin.- I.i.fe.t and bet iissorlnietit of li li ' II It 1 1 . ever broulit lo Una market, consisting nf COr f HK, M'CAR, MOI.ASSKf, SALT, &c. Tilt BKST KIM) or ha(.(;i.N(; itorKmid twine. ALSO, 1 5.001) pounds jroi.d country ciki d li .ct.it, i 10MK " TeiiliesseeS.de., I ii,Xl " " IjHrri, all of Inch will lie sold loss for CASH or Coun. I trr Traduce, Come und ?ee, wc don't chirrs for looking at : them. Juy Ui ly vnn.Miov, r. ic iii-:is. ! aHi: MAGIC I'UHV, (Patented ty .t. T. .irri", of Misisipii,'l (losm sses tl.e nnv.in. Uge t,f e,n:l,.i,ii,g Mll'Ii I I.OWS IN OM-1. Il Ciin lie lit il I'lVK limes and sharpened Til KLVK tunes wilhoul the mil of a III.i. k-i:,ith. Il emi he umiI the whole seimon w itiioiit uny additional ispeiiM!. for s.tle at tlie CHAKLOTTK FOUNDRY. J.iii 13, if-vi. i y if Th9 World's Exhibition Prize Cledal j Awaided to C. WICYER, i KOR IS TWO riAMlS.I.O.MiON OCTOMHR l "nh, iri. Cl MKYKIS, resieetnil!j iniortns his friends I m and the .ubuc (;e:ier.iiiy IIimI he has ruil- stantly oi hi.nd TI AM IS, iul loiliose tor Inch ; heriiened the 'ins Mrdal in l.und-n, in ltf.il. ; has rc:ieii i:urug ine b.i li riei u years more IjvUIU.M.S iiiannnj oilier maker from tne Kri.nk Ilia l:iiinite, also, Tir.i iretiiiiii!is in ihl.n Ni vr I Yori. ..oil il.illiinore. Ail orileri. firoin)'Cj atlend. j ed 1 ti l urenl cure ukiti in the seietlmn and I Ur ,MH Hie s.iine. I W ,i. -rooms, Nj. 7-."J Arc!;. street, below Hil,lb, soiitn sole, 1 hll...: Iploit. July 1J P I'M v i n. I. in:, rfiii. ii:!.iiii . Inii. I. r l T IM V ;i)l!". rglliYS. THAI.S.anu ( i..M Hi TIONIIIIS AK A Til l. K, China Hl, Klell V.aes. Toll, I lttt!e., Inns illi Kicures. J,-el slid Cai.i lie. ce.v. rs, Klajri-re Arli. les, Ac. I.atesl .lyles i j;.,o.la eollsl..,l1y reeeiveu alld sol. I .. t Hie ,'rv lo . '.t l-.ish ,nee. . 'TM.I.Mlj, No. '.' I south Fourth Sin el, Tinl.,.1. l.hi,v July I'J lli-fj U'..M'i:i, JY the Charlotte IIAIIKUL COM l'A. Y, 6 ' II (OlU'KslS. ,,(M)O0 l ilt of lines, U mi nes wide Ckarlnllr. Ju'.y Vi, 1 id I'oular TLA.NK, lr1t For Sale. ' v.M i Ai.i.i: thwn r.oi tfr ailJOlaim I.ei.i.r.welliirr 11 arraiifi .1 lor en utile To. ii, i s-, b. h2 I iisc-i. m. n,e Oil 1 , b. iiij, Tor'f the e .rm I ,. l.u pu in u eniil ro'ii.s aud sHli., , I..,. ; been ln!l only shout .'I o . The I I ol a i poll Kern a I, r.,er wii I, p.-elsol e , nr, I a Male an .,,l,ai u.l. ee lo the pros peel. . . tl,.: roll ir.' i nt. I w ill lake li : It- sr iiiotr. .1 lor i Aii v one ili-.i rm n Iui tne r p.. r 1 1, u .r, c.n ei t tl y midrts.,:,e li.e subscriber. .if Lies a. in; la U eir, Cuiitr-iJ cu., t. S.'t, IfjJ. I'Ja iDHUCS AMUOICLNES. . t i n n - E yc Hutchison a Co, Wholfisal8 and Retail Healers Jn i .ki:h. am oi.tni ic Dniffs.-Mcdicincts ! Clicniieals. ' s ' ' " A KK rereiTinir frt-.h . fffT '!- m. n gt ntiinc iter ni t,,4 rnsire Nf'.W; ;tj4, from the New York M .r.KS.j;,- , i ket.whieliliaveb. Piiporfcvjj 'p I j4'r. ' f,e,l .ip.in s.iel, t.-rmsP-r..; , . to be s.ild lnW f..I IN ty4 u w.iul.'l respee'fnlli P,."! e.il! Ihe attention of the , HubllC n,,t "" "r ffl-. K .-OS '.M ; Pur'- U':,llt 1-ead.Snow White Z.ne.t l.rrme Vel. j low, ( lin.iiip !r..n, I'aris tlreen, llumt t'nibi r, Kaw t ml., r, K.'.l l.eid, Hl.iek l.eail, J.itharge, Spsnipli llrown, Y. intinn (led, Lamp lllack, Ur.iti B aek, Uhilu.g. ' M Bl EVHB B:w Kngh.h Fmihliiiig, furnitore, Copal, Picture. !'s. 1 JVk. B "TaV..."' Ms I Dn.p. n ,hmI lll.irli j a m Q r t.insee.l. Tanner's, Train, f.ard, Maeli iliefy, l.u. hrienliliB, K'eri.Kine, fi.-n Kiephanl, f'nre Sperm, Castor. Sweet, Olive, Cod l.iver. lttirii.i.K Hind, TlirMllline, A'e,.hl, Tnrr f-rel.eh ftran.lv, Uld M .d. ira Win.-, Tori and Mierre . I.0111I..11 J'ort. r, Kr. l. Cl.l'rcss W:.ter, I irrale Marlie.ia, Ire So. da Water. Clinton Teas, li .l.er' I hop. dale. Kor. pie'l I'i rfnnierv, Sulphate il ill ilie, ( tpl u in ; 'i oh.eeo. Si. .."rs, Are.. A c. ( hulottf, June 14, IH.i.'l. I4'.f wit SnuiT, (li il ot te rtiiiale luslitule, SI III MiT'l I I C. nn. i;. m;Vii:Li riiiifiimi. JMI. Ft. l!l l!U;i.l.. A. J!., AiMiuil rrinripal. V e above tiiKti. e on the 1 1th ehi.l.iMio v. ar Tatr-i.' yj " ,,,v""' "' iKV"J u3.r week e..eh i the IiikI Coii.tiieticini.. Ihe , ol S. nli tuber : Ihc si end 011 the 1 li I h ol Kt h- 1 lib ol S, pli m rnarv. This allows a vacation o, two wees, at Chrlelh.ah. , 'i hums 1 loaril and Tiiiib.ri in Kuglisli Ilranches, fri ((( I loi t. rm 1.1 tf.l weeks, i Well quniilied Inatruelors 111 Music, Irench, r..iiil.i.(. A. ., will '.e ciiiidovid. .11,,. i.,,.,...,.,, 1,1.1, ;. n.eions nnd iI.-pihi ,s Vt' is V IMeVw .'th (Ja','. fii'ri.Jh'i'd 'ill' r'la.n l!,'r bi,,i, nil, , rvarmid t.v a lurnaee. ...... . , ,, ' , , l"or t aluloaiio e.ontt.iiuns lull ie..rle.Tl od si "" - I'lv. H. YY. Ii I'.J.ii, ( 'hiirintte, A. C. July 5, IPjS. 'i; J J J' , j )f , Ml; plant, liSr,..i,,iinitv will takeri-.tiee lb, i Js their Wheal Crop w.M he pnrehsd at ll Charlotte Steiini I'lniinni; .Mill, . I market I'fiei , 'I Iiom limine I'e-t I'.r sale nuj- find it to tin ir ,ut"" nsmiKTo J,,hj, S.1!I. son- .1. (.'. WII.Ki.m C O., litALKHS IK 0 WATJS J1VLLR7, S I L V L I! ii ml r L A T E I) A R 1' , r;J AND No. 5,(;rani!e I! .i..m ,. urn., site tin M on II ' i ('lI.UtLUTTK, N. C AMention jfiven to I., pairine Watches Al Jewelry, Jnns 7, l.J.'.;i I3tf I.f. per are herehv eatlti.-l illtioned a? . in Kt I , or fishing with ill, puim or d r in anv ii spi!.aitijj upon . Hill he riK.lyer. tr. iKiitir'. litA l'AKKS. IHtf WJR.VTICAF, M a I! 1.1. K l I TTKli. retipft fnl Jj ly liitoriitK llir pubiif, liti't In- ban uiM.'1'fd ;l opposite the .M.iiisiim Hotel, li, re be is prepared lo fill i. II orders Willi despi.teh ll.r Ml I.N I'M KN'I S, IH'Al) STUMI.V, I Aill.ll 'ft ilS. and all kini s of vrk in toe M.irl-lr I. tne, of either I M I'OKT 111) ITALIAN or A.MIIIMCAN l hl.I ll, lliivini; nia.l- iirMio-eiiiei,!-. by vhi. l, he e.,P procure the imi-osth. lt'.li ,n M irl.i.-, at iiduei d prices, he can fill all or,!, rs I .r ,M,,l,iii,euls, A l'., at reas.in.ihle ratis. lie w.mld be h..p.V I:, h.-.ve .ill rleMP.ns of deal, inir in Ins line, lo c..ll i.rd se, s(.. em., lis ol .M.ir- t ble, hear pri. is .-.ltd jueffe f..r lln -ins. 1 vi s. ! Il.ii!ir hud il.-i year's exoeni-nee in the lutsi. neas, he will ouchis pi iM,n.,l nllMition lo j . ii . tin.' up M i Ik. A e. Viis.i,r, .W.,i; 11, ,-:,ll. Mf i Hotel InrSal AT MOMJi'M, No!! I II C.MK I.N.I. j Mlfl iih?' r.'.ir 1.,-nn; eestrous r.-:r I!-: t,- r.. Tl'l. Il .ll-e is sllu.-.lid I'l Ihe thru t,L. Town ol Monroe. N C, i H,n ,.l lo the till- ll.ess portion ol loe Town, nr. ii within ., o. iit one lumor. .1 y .ros ot the lr.,ek ..I Ho U . C. .V li . It. ell , ' , ',, . the Mouse) a lire.pl .ce lo i v. nieot out ii.ni.. s, M.ibn s, tired Aen s ol I. in. I a.:j..ioil,i II:. ..ee iM,u..i, li.. him I l.uiKi r pu! 1 rv'Hv:'- i.-i.i.u, liu.H. A. I., ii f VM11S r.H'KKT. Vlli '.M.Is.Mt. To Thiniers g lOTTON I.IN. ol t.,eb,slno 1 ; 1(, ,aw,, ,.,.r. r..l t li J. M. KI.l.InT. ; iii, I-.-, ' U. Tr inns Suvi.lu'.,vr 15..5. Ii- I'i.i J. .M 11. lor l...kl I llllies,l. tl'l I ll IV III Miell C. ' r.ireeil sir st eserv one so mi llllHIl V Y IHI ! ilLU Jl .HULL I Vmi. II.C,.AiALClO, ! Tito IJatUfl. .;tRRE''TKU 1IY OATES & WILLIAMS. i.HAUi.ori K, M.i'i i;.Mi;i.i: 1:1, i-5'j. I5ACON , II mi ...ib ...Hi ....lb lb .. vn ...'lb ....lb ...lb ..bushel, ,...gl.... ...gal.,... ...13 (., .. 1 1 (..; ...II ('.., ...in (.., ... 1 7 i I;, ... o, ...15 ,., ...it) ...m ( ...M (,", ...i (., Sale I.,.r : , ft' tKW.I X I li,.,,,,, lieulis. lira mi v , A pple. " ' 1'cach ( itl..li. t.'i.m r, Id. ., Cnn.lli s, Ailam, inline 150 li 14 ....lb 1 -5 ....lb 1-4 ....lb 'Jll (i. -.45 ( -.'j I; Talln t'nru. ...hltshel 1. ......aeh I, ' ilh llup'perii ! i.in.lp.-y Kgs. i Imir, ....... . " It ...yaru CJJ I.. .. ..vard... .... . 'J.'i 3U ....dosrii H 1 1 10 hM m; i- r, ....be i Mi..., .311 In 3.1 Ih I'J 13 lb.,.,,., 5 (.1. I .Mil. So I, .. f "Hi .,.Kitts f:tn() (... 3:,( ...,,'al oil (Ml , Keathri. I.i,rd M..'io, -Mackerel Moli-sscs, N.O .. W.I.,,. Mullet.. ( U ili, nn, NaiU. .Northern,. " Si.nliiern,. 0. .', l'ork t'eas r,.l.,t.,e., In .I,,.. " Swe.1,. 1. 'iet,'.... Sl'r,laf,...... " llr..n ptrtn.Vsrc, , ,. 5nlt Tea Win at, while ff.l. iVliialifv, .North. ' is.ri.-r ... !, 'he,l te. ...al I.-ikIicI.. ..I.I.I ..t) (.. 411 ...til (. 5 1(1 . lb. ..b.l.be! .11 I ..bushel I'd (. ..hr.sMr-1 ,.t4 (.. lb 11 (. lb !t ( --If" I H "' ..PSei...,.lon Ill u ..liusliel i It ..hti.hel !)() (" - S'tl " ..-Ifii' fiS " iiattsd, 37 f-' nlMiahed 23 . hnl I HO (" II K M I1KS. COTTON'. a b i.a new Cotton sold at 1 1 In I 1 i n u .lit v fnd i?ilo.li::;f. t Oi;.--N..ne 1. 1 rii.ii..i, would readily cun. malm ei'llts. W III1AT While fl, ,cd Till cents nnd in (.'.nd demali.l Kl.tll'l! Htr.1 in hag" S.'S i supelhlK S-; ready ...It, t 'il l MltlA MAI.'KKT. c.i t hbi, Septemher IS. IH. a COTTCV 'I'i.i tne week amolli.t.d (r) Sfi I tnl -, il 1 nn iiies (1 to II cents. I'rine.p.l s.,n ,.l M'i ITIiH. I!.. IIN,ho.rr,.ii 11? (I,; I'.'J i"K I'U I- U, I'MAS rHft 0, !"l OA'IS 711 (. 7ft n.oi It : cr viu.i.sTo.N m a n H nr. 1 r.Tes, Ifej.t. If, l.i!l. pi since cur l..nt re.'i 11 CI iT) --fl, V'J.'H hall ami t! linis h. ; U-en r..nfii. a t. Kh'U b-lf, si prices r.MSing it. 1 5,1 ,-;,.,, 1 ' ' . I ' 1. 1 in " ft voeel.llllv .mii'ili. ce to thfl of Clmriolle and surroiindmir Mil. try, Ho.t he still continues Hip above husi. . .m. in l'l..,rl.,li,-. Were lie ,. (irnwreil lo (nr. ih iiDi'h'S, UI.IMis AMI SAS, to the pub. e on tin- most re,iei,u.., l terms, and on the short st notiee. v rrr.t nmnv amall claims for v.,rk ..I ail our tin? country, h i deter. . . m SBSgt a 1 for all work .1 in his .Miichine Slioji, before re- inoval. Urc. 7. lAIS. 10AL HAVANA I.OTTEIiY. The nnl or.iini.ry rl-.nin "f tlie Kny.il lln i s nt Lottery noiui lined bv tlieSpaftisli'SoVerniiienl, tir.di r Ihe sitpervisioli of the Captain H.-nersI nf Cuba, n i!! take place l IHvlina on lATi:i;ilA V, October USj?. $336,000. f-..)llTHt NTMlll'o Vil OlililNAIHti, ( A i'l i a 1. ri.izx: 1 .; o I 1 prize ol I UO.iHKt I I, prizesof s!i IKIO I " SO.OOU I I.i " l, 1 Ho.lMlO I 71 " AIM I " le.ooo m " iot I " lU.OHW) Jll Apr'il.i.-sN.Ol. 4 Approximations to the J It I'.ll 0 $t',tn ei.i I j 4 -il In" t-, .i'.,im.i : -I of 1 1 1 11 to :h',t HI : J ol Ji'Mi !,.- S ! 6l'ti -lot Inn la Slll.miti. V, l,..'. Tiel.tt tl.lv. Jill; y.,it.rs.- T.I7- s ei..li. .i at .--ht at 5 Mi r cent, dise uut. li. 'Is oo ali ...!ve.t ll.nk.Us. ll at p.r. .ill: ss.-d i.. I'i'N III 'I I; I . Cnarlett S. C.) un. ne ullt i.iie.i iu :.. (e.ire of C,H T. ,e I.I ol tl- lai-'r w rs,,.,.-.ler.-,rT,r .,1 oilic. .eolllllv .1 , te. Win, A Owens, A T T( i: : ) J T L A 4 II t It I I I II. N. .. T1. . A A il.te Sm i , ..n A. N. sou DAN I Kb M. ZIMMKiiMAV. )K V (itKIDS IHM Mlss I I