1 i frqe io Sod, fo jjoqtj 6omihj jo ijoi, )qf)t.M voiiTx:ivdC3: Q. CHARLiOTTE, rtf. C, 83ITE5IiflnB3E33a 27, 1G59. INTXJMSER. 29. THOMAS J. HOLTON, Editor & I'kopbiitok. TEl.MS: , o ,1. (Vlfolin NVhij willbea!Tori)ed loinh. 'n' t TWO HOLLARS in advance ) TWO ';",".'l"i AND FIFTY CKNTS if payment be L" three inont!. ; a nd THK FK DOLLARS ' ".'lid ol' the yer- PaPr '' diacon. until ji' arrearages tr paid, except at I he ' ..I ll-- F.dit-.r. ' ' ,-l ,c iiit ntx i ni-erttid mt IJoUa r T qure ,, this sited tyr)K-rh first mecr '" ' ) .1-, c,.iitn for each continuaiew. Court d. ' '".?'.',.,.'i'.'n! nd Sheriff's Sales charg-ed ilA per " , n 'i f : " deduction ol"33J per e"t.iU , L. friiui tLe regular pricca, lor adeertisi . "J jr. Advertisement inserted mon La'lV. ' P" "iu'e breach ' . - itu i-r a-jawfer eac I nse. .Advertisement inserted monthly nr Semi. rat. when aehding in their advertisements , t'ie mi in Nt ut insertions dcairod or I i,e inserted until lullnd and charged ac- V ' j -iCmuelcr. are a utlinriter! to ac I a e agents T. II. P.REM & CO., vuioi i alk a kktail df.ai.fks IM BRITISH FRENCH & AHERICAN J1!Y GOODS, ciuri:i, ii at, mioi, AND IIAIiim'AKF. ; h pr, II. t ItLOT'l I", HI. C. I v Sam .a, Ja., I I mime Al rxasnr.a. lil t fltHf. li.r Teller k :iM llrml. i..rr'lnr ia mnnnfaerurirp and keene nunt n hid. Soap for Tetter, Scald I, n -wurm, and good to wash with lor r ..in i . ie. It will alto like elaii.a i i k n.l i.l C 'lothing. If any erson lie. i .-r it 1 1 m II aain, il cm he hjd at a re ., r The Soap hoe been tried by rrnin. ik ind laanid to be a cert.un cure. Tne . inil nt Dr. K. N. Hutclilaiiu A. C'o.'a it anu ff"m the pub.criber. CIIA3. T.EBCIinARD. l.l.-.3. H'f PICKLEDEPOT. uoi s i aV ill .mi: i: UWi: on lurid and for ile, Picklea. I're rt. Jama, JrMiea. Sjrupa, Ac, low lor i iH 1 Door J'.j-i of the ( i.urt ll"U-. HOUSTON Si lll'NTKR. ( . j ..;:. V't if.. If-i-. 311' hi lts: iiklts:: n 1:11 s: :: 1 roin I he Itooloil Ilrll ('oinpuii), At .W-j'..ir(urer' ri-: f AMI Fltl( lt I 2 ,. I'.'l fU. per fool. I . li r w - ii " i MI.KSS Br.LTS inaiiuf-clured to order '".Wfi 11SC l!SF.,f ill anea, f..r waUr . i ., , mure, Jritd iind i l MXi of aii di .cnplions at 55 ecnta J. 11. F. ROONE. 12tf .V,v 3'. 1-5-!. Hcinovnl. ftl!K ir.'erihiT iriforma his friende and the I ;.,t j.-ni rally," that he hie removed hie x:-r "d .land of Moore A Byeriy, under I. Wiiiian.s' Store, on Trade street, where he ..--. r-.: .tttioi to all orderain lin line. He .'. i a f w articiea on hand such aa Golden Cook. Golden Star.Plantei'B and Fremium i oiik stovi:, ......r.yr I'VKLOi: STOVI'.N. A '. a gc.u Saaortll.cnt of I m ;iikI IIollovu:irc, A.v. A : .,f whirl. I ll aeil cheap for CASH or Coun D. II. LYERLY. J" il, in.'.i. 'oticc. riemie w ho are in S or Account, "ill pleaae obaerae thl ; tired from the llrog llioii.ee., at l!,:a i i tmmnlialt tHtltmrnU it nU-itultly re. '.w.ka aro in the lianda of Mr. J. P. Smith, in peraons can cal1, during my abaence, II. M. ruiTCIIAP.D. ' . (ut 2f,, 31tf rNKW FiltM. .r -..jned baaing entered into Copart. 'op fr t'ie purpoae of rarryinf on the Ciiii!Vetii)i;ary,I;ikcry, Fruit, AND Retail Grocery Business, t'-t to call the i.ttei.tion of theeiliiena of 1 Na'..,iu.r,d aiirruuniiing eoonlry to their New . 1 S:,e. t, ft. tw. en Brem'a and Frank. ' ', .t S,.rat A Damcl'a old Ktand, where ' T 'u!d he plmaerl to ace all tfieif irieoos ar 'I ll.l.tane.a. MOODY k MS BET. 4tlf IIAWKS'S History of North Carolina. 'IVIK Sii.1 olum ia now pnl.liel.ed. It em. i '.r.c a l:.e pei.nd of the Proprietary Gov. M. fr -ro H.1,3 lo I7."J. I' ' .-.na a hamsaoioe 8o. volume rf pair's. T'.e il,.rriii.n price waa half a eent p-fT" i at t1 e .r.r.e of thia e .l.nne ia kaa. say l 7j in 'ii. i. ri,r.f . 3 m Library .beep, and 3 23 ut : ' .if. I r n l. tl aoi d oai t r. a I a ;H. It tl.e dwheu!ty of' securing Agen's in " ' fi.r'a of the Stale, we will forward it by tn 'ii '.r aherw.ac ft ft f potta?. on ree.e., t of the 1 ' " . '.t t.i.tn ..iiiiaee for tl elerth.lt M) sheep, .If. . .iianurit mads U Agenta.or others. E. J. HALE k SON. '.,er,,,i;.. A,,, jj.;,,. 3.',tf-f ' 'l--.:ilON for tl.e J. Court for ssle. inOC ff .... Piano and Music Store, rflllE Subscriber kecpe continually, on liand M. rinnna made by Steinway A. fo., Nunn'e 4 v n.rs ana oilier mser, ot ew York. Which he will aril at the lowest rati l'..r VASH,or good pa. ', per. Alao, the luteal Music cn hand, at No. 1G0 , Main street between the Laohangu Bank and the , American Hotel, Columbia, S. ( SAMUEL GARDINER. I .V If 13K. 5 ,f Kr.i:inso 4v i.i:ii)n., i.MI'OKTEKS Foreign and romeatic Dry Goods, V 1K LF.5ALK AND I.'KTAII., IiaaLL eTBKTT, t imh. rioa in, II lltl SiO.X, f. April 8C, iW9. 7-1 r 4 liarlollr Tlitlti.tl l ire lniW ant'e oiii ;:i hi. .MlHS COMPANY contiiiuta to take r'aka a. Jt gaint loaa by tire, on tlouaea, (footin, i'ro. luce, Ac, at uaunl rulea. IT Office at the Drug 8lore oft'. Njc lluteln. aon A Co. orririRS. A. C. STKELK, l'rtiultnt. V. OVERMAN, Vtre J'rrtvtt,l. E. NYE lil'TCllISON, te'y.ij- Treat'r. rillK Tt'RH. A. C. STEELE, J. L. LHOW N, 31. B. TAYLOR, 8. T. WRISTO.V, C. OVERMAN, F. SCARR, W.M. JOHNSTON. Joiiv L Hhown, V. J'-AHR and S. T. WRlsTtiN, Kittutivt Committer. April V!6, If.VJ. 7tf OT).0()0 io. 1 Fruit Trees j'oic saij:. WESTEhCCKS Si PIEIMDENALL, Vrcj-i iclors of the Weil C'rrrn XuTtrries and G'arUrns,tiear Greensboro, C, " 'Ol I.D eery rtepeellutly call the attention T of tlie otizelia of I lie Siuthern lea to Iheir very large aim k of uat.te aod iiccltniateil flit Tr.'ea, tor th I ail and W int. r Trm'e. j Tliia lnrjri un.l hnaoiiie :i..rlriii nt haa been prop.'; ,t-o front thrtity heating trera, and work, ed uiK'tt the let aee'Ming atocka, which ia a aure guirtntec of Iruiuulin and lor.gr ity, '2 oronu. unit ehar ir.ai.ea in i reii.irnu u whn li ahould not be o?er)-ked he (wraona wialiin to plant or. . rhkrda either for ftiretine or iMihuy u. 1'be ! atin:k eonaiata of the fo!iu iii tret-a : 15.el0 An 'e tre. a ; iOO.I.C'J Tear), Iteee i I1'.- I Will Pear Iter.; I'.'.dlMI Apne.ita; Itl.liOOl herry ; I'lun. ; StiOO Necunoc j 1'KiO Almun'u j lUDU Quirce; 4'"0 lirape Vmea. fieaniea a aery fine a.mitimnt of Curtanta , Strw her r.', Kaabrrnea, t.iwilfnn, le., all of which will le eold mi erry 'riioml.t trrma for eiah or approeed pao:r. All pacaagee put up in autiermr atjie, and a complete invoice, aetit o each patron, and ao ar. ranged that the niToiee will be the njiiur of the orchard alter the treea are tranplniil. if tr.ejr are tranenlanted aa each one Pl on tl Ii. Mr. T. i. Iloiton sill act aa niahi.ig of the penpli; il Meek I bering counlna w.ih ihe it.ee will lake plraeurc in h wan. ame. Orl. 26 lelH. ace. i for the fu nhorg and m ig n-1-ruil Tree. ...d r.af orurt lor the Dr. II. yi Mellaril Cat T iFLIIN(.ltheaolieiniior.ofma S""' ny frieii.i. reap, etiully ann nii ail c' deierminalioii lo r i a ii ii tie Zi-ai, rnrltr-ol .T-ll-ii'. Il may be conanited at hiaoli.ee. It TThe poor preaenled for Without el rge. Aigutl 31. I "A S3tf Tin: livi i: S V 1 ! 0 R A T 0 it ! riiKI'AKKo "V I'd a .'" His ( ompoNnde4 at i rely from M MS r,v,: 'r Til K Ntf.iT P! 1 Vll I.IVKH UK It- A plain., e. i i aaa . -.. H. ...M,I7I. , .1. ....If. I.. Ihe l.l.i It.l.laa. ...... .nor, .r. .. .leer I .. lur. I.. ...... r.hm I. Sr.-ni v. ..I..,. th atooiaek oiirm,. a...'..!ia .lhl- r.irH. I'K-wa (ha b-w.ai ttaei.eaa. maal. il ..... llyape tola .-'. a.... ,' Mirk lleadaek .1-.. ....11. , .hO. .... .... I... (holer r I...I. r. r ' 'tw I rm !- hj avwHUnf fh pw.,.,,!... (-rvrr att.l Aur. (hill t-nrr, cl ftil Fve-r -f lill- loll- Tvpf. Il of" t.ihsttwtatir.l swef lKitWti,.l y t..a Ui iMIjf It tU Afl who isiaf" it nrtr clvlnc thrlr nnanlmnni UitJii.oMr Im Hi In s.i. -.MIi Wnlrr tn thr month wlfh thr Invl gftrttlwr, s lid at v r v huth tit r. THE LIVER INVIGOHATOR l a a. iciTinr nmi. il. Iii.i'ovkrt. ai u u j I. I... ... . n ... H..-l I. .... itloawH l.lver. ail vt whirl. ..a o. a.f. roun a i ...... r. Maw T ..a Whnlna'r Aijenlai R.a.r. a r. ava; - - Hn j-... i. r... i PMi. l.l I a..M..rf; F. PrARR k CO., C'lirhtrt, N- C. A LARGE SUPPLY OF Constable; Warrants JUST HINTE'J, FIl F.SII A II RIVAL OF COiM'J'C'riONAlilKS. . iioi stox 4.v JUT.vmit n" iiiat reteived a freah enpply of CAN. ilKS, of al! kimla, alao Citron, Curran la, Kuiaiua, and a Tariet of Nula. ('all al HOUSTON & HUNTER'S, I Door Knatof the Court llouao. Ckmrlollr, Oct. i.U. HsjS. 33tf A Great Battle to be Fous.it! f J'ilt; antaeribera inform ton cililenaof Char. A lotto and i ii ily, that they ie on band and arc conalaully rtciimn, a euperb teaortinent of Elegant FUJiNITURE, uprrior to eny thing thai baa ever been offered in thia u etion, 1'1-rir atock coiiaiata in part of the fol lo mg ailiclca i Sofaa, Tele Tetea and Ditana, Cane Itot'oni hocking ( heir, M ahegatty and Cant heal Parlor t haira and Ruah Doll. .in Cl,4ira, Mahogany and Cane Hi.lu.in kocku.g Chaira, Wardrohi a and ftim-an, Marble ami Wood Top Centre Tjblea, Martle W aah Standa and Kmka, Card and VSork Tablea, Mahogaiij nd Walnut Kiiennon Tubh a. Mill-gnT, r.'rnrh and Klizahath Reiiatraoa, V hat No'a and Parlor le.ka, IMiking Glaaaea Sni it to "0 a Pair, Sell lin king Cradlca and heelming f l.aira, Tuckrr'a l atent Spring Ui U'.tn lb ilitraila. Caimpiea ilh Lace Netting, and MuMjueto liara, t oltage rnrniture by the act. Inn and Wcml Dal ll.ek., Gilt Moulding of all aura for makirg Glae aid I iclure rramea.J ALSO Tver e Hn of ma leriala for a!e f nrr!)? lined he Cabinet Makera, eueh a l.lue. I. k, hlitl.t. Hinge. Walnut, Mahogany, Ac, Ac. And laat, thongh not !!, we keep alwa ye on hand a eupply of FiLV Metallic I mi rial Cases. J. M. RANTERS A CO. llmtl'itlt, Wij 3i, IN'iP. lltf Great Sacrifice at Morrow' TIUNOUT. It I Iieacon (Joodnin was the very Irat tnao ,h..,,bcr. rep.oafu,ly inform th. pen. I fc , j , lftjll Lj4 frit B4, toe aurrooniimg country, that linji'" ' . ' . hnae r i mg of hi li.e priiea of tbeir .fjik, ti.Btnl -, Dry Cuoods, Kwdj.Jlade Clothinfi. IIUOTS, Silt US, nH i Tari-l)T of other tJvMt.iw, whirh will oId f-mTiiltmm l (nil. COUNTRY 1'RODUCE taken in eiobange. KU Dre.ua worth t'l 00 it tl 10 Shawla worth 4 0' al 3 I'D Mantillaa wo'lh b f U al II M li..iuii. ...mii 1 1 t a .Mi Hoop Sairt. "rih B .10 at 1C. l aat eni'd Pru ' wnfth 15 al 10 11'eaeh. d and unbl. ached I m at. re at New York i i ricea, ana an a.ooce arpi in nore.eo.o in pr. .r- iron o. ar e aimee prire.. II A.l.lLiiLAlJ A .li..L'.I.I.?i Juit 6. 1S.-.9. i;n 'I lie H(I Aoilh Malr, In re nr. m (Kih IIKKL. miLNDS, and fr l.iw erlirena, K MiK'JH MJ will yoa hay the ble STAl I l AlfLINA ? Il.o.aend lo ll.e eunarribe: a. a rtib.eril a i. the County A'rnt, for Il ia .. w, Liirc ;iiiI ."I. cm lit nil "l;i. And you will gel tl.e nnoie .""Uie, wnn ner liivera, i K-iiiroatja. a...i.l. I pier. i-ao. iron and I I at"! .h .ii. i T,.,,..,,iv, ii"". i.J i..,l.:e Moua'.ains and Spring., and her F.elda K..aera. Il want this HOI.DFN I RIZF. r.ow ii the time. Mp .even feet bv fi v- . It-.rner aieaa. ol (he State II..U..., In. .he Aarlo.n.t haptl 1 1 . I Ma!r and Female ( ..II. gee, &r , Ac, one ol th thrupftt and .ear Map. er pubiohed. J'KAIiCKA lir.5 I , ilillsboro , N. C A(.c is w AM mi lor ee,y eoumj, ,n the 18 Cm .Meekleubius Fonds. i:l X'.y 't c.'iil. r ii n.t .mi. t V II FS K IHjNIiS are imCulledly the eaf. I II, e lit that Can I really to any Stale II.. n. The coni.iy cannot n pin; They bear scree per cent inlere at piyable eewti- am. ii.. iy. w.ui t unpen. "r ine an.c. Tl.ey .re of the oero'iomation of lloO. which will make Ihem nr re eurrent and uaelul lor do. inealic pi.rp..M. The coupon will proTe a convenient nie.liun. for piying eonnty las a. Tliecitisena ol the roiiniy alio. .Id poaaraa Ihem, and tin y are now otli r. d n. them. Prop..aaU lefl at eiiher Link in ( harlotle or with I aplain John Walker will r.cene prompt attention. II W. (.UION. 'r. IV. ( . if It. H It. I t. firpt. 28, IfejH. 2Utt f'IIF. firm of IIF-NDFIISON A AIII.'F.YS wn. 1 dia...lv.. on ihe .l of Ja.niarv. he ... .. I uh! conaent. JAS. p. IIF.Mlr liSdN, will bereailer j carry on tl.e bnainr-ea on n.a own account. All per.nne indebted will pleaae come h.rward and tellie at once, aa Ihe hu.llteta n.uet be cio.ed up iiiii.cdiatcly. HENDERSON k AFIRKNS. Junuury Jf-.g. IIAVTN'i r.td niv entire u,t, real in Ihe fi.rn of IIFSDFKSdN A AllbFNS to Mr. 1. P. IIK.N. Dl.liSO.N, 1 atill ripe, t o remain fol aome lime yet al the aVore and aliall I... happy to ail on iny friends and cualnmrra, particularly oa those who would fork over the little change, due me and the concern. F. W. AURF.NS. January US'iS. 44-tf A.C. "WILLIA23S05, tTTOUNF.V and Comiaellor at I aw, ha. fa ken an ofliee, jointly wilt. J. A. Fos, Fq upatairs neat door to the Court House, where he will1..' conataiiilypreae.il lo attend to nil cn I la ,,n prr.fr a-i. nal husii.i'Ha made for biniaelf, or tor Mr. Fox, when ha ia abaenl. Janviry 4. I ".!). " Wanted. COKim OF TAN-MARK, for w I. .ch Hie cash will be paid. M. H. TAYLOR. I'.'tf ,W,.y3l,l'.lj. Smt',:ig May. Rniilirg Mnjr, d n in play, Making oil I h :. t'reah and gay I r'roin the hu, some ye all ;" ' Time the !l..- eail. Kragraui ia twjowery ale, fpaiklea now dew briglu dale, Miii fl..r. .i'H m tea, Kruau v tryjn't tlirouU. Aa we atray, bri r.ea piay, Thrmaii Hie freth groea'a rich array ; All bright, In the eight, AfVr winter' nighl, Slttoowa, now in quitciing glnnrt. (VI the ailvrr fountain dane. ; In.ecia bright, .ail in light, f harming to the light. IMorry Muy. Ilark ! the vilhgs belle are rinr'nf, liingmg round with merry gl Hark ! I lie prny biida are ainging, Singing aweel ra every Iret; 'Ti the Hieiry, ineiry month of My Hark ! Ihe lark now ainga hia lolly la Now the morning dew ia cKngir-g, Clinging to the ftathei'd apray Now the diamond dropa are awingmg, Swingiog in tbo tunny ray. "l ie the merry, merry montii of May, Now April ahoHcra are paaa'd away. .V.iw the pretty f"'re are aprieging. Springing t.i tkw op'mng day ; y.t'ry halroy breeee la flinging, iiinging tragranee tvery way. Tie the merry, u.erry inohin My, In aranglrd robe of green a i g y. 8ee the merry peaeanl bringing, llringii1! garianoa for their uutcn, Sic th.m o&iieiiig now and aioiog Ifuund tha May pole on ll.e gre. n. '1 ia ihe merry, merry month of M -v. I.! aa laugb att wmlry care away. 2ilisccll;uumi5. tin: I)i:acoxs di.m:k I' A It T V. ""n wiifi"""-! and for rnrviys be bad probably not one in Te U:, a sort of afolofet.e pre.lsce to something . like the foiloan g - " L'ut then be Lss such queer ootiocs j be-is so nt.liks anybody slee, I pr0Tfd . , widow, amL utioily alone that e hardly k5ow what to make of bim."jjn wor, . ,Uut the aapply of whoae Perhaps tbetf, aorlhy pvopU were obiiviuus wtnU ,he I),.eon probably kn more than of tit fact that io order to be tc-y good.it tIiy ollltr 1U4D A, ,., ,, is often a psinfuf meant; to bs different 0;j ni,n B0)(ien tll at. ia 1 a b'.iud from o s neigLbora. I msu. alio as strontlv tuafected to bate We cannot better illustrate I'cacon flood win s peculiarities than by deacrit.ing a . r tert ai Dmetit eivcn b V h'tu at Lis COUB- lr T "C St ftol .Ollg aa! D. 1 Of t ll 0 Dl" aCOH, 1 1 fa try seat notion,! agj. I or tbe Deacon, with a.l l.ia utiwormy goconeaa, a pro-pcrou. now ,Mrt f0 snj port bini-elf ati l f.itni'y I merchant iu New i'ork, and the worr tJT j Tha-r" er wmnen, too, u itb wan faces,! perfectly fair meant) nol only of a bron- ,tlo .r,m(i,i fo lirr fIlj0ycd i,0 free j stone frott in tbs city, bat sf a charming I ,.om ,;,, j ;t..,...i ftir, ai.d j itiy el.il- I suburbsa residence. Tbe Ieaeou s wife, ; l!r, ,. ,il;r tTUltt w,c Leavy eyes 1 riyht though a very gory! woman in her way, was rririi , t!l, ,;i.u of pr,,rn fTn ,, wavi,ifc, a far leas peculiar perjoeags than latr bus- trfc4 The ol-Ur f er pi; t-ri tn rested I band. She fell ipiii.. gracefully ii.to an amis-i ; t) fl iiielJ)0 (r n) ( U&aa, w the ble conformity wiik the wae of the world, Clljj,r,.ri ur,l,.r the convoy of Mm Ellen, in(i j, nr)l bs f.istintinahed from toe . t i thousands of good wemeu of the wca.thy Class wi.o tuiong our city ciiurcue,. .uoi two daughters. M... Ad.laid. sod Mi.a El- len bad just left Its restraints of tbeir lava- iouable school, and enjoysd tbe p rospeot of cen.iir' not " another inter, as full tied ed o.euibera of society. " Husband," said Mrs. Ieacon ene May morning, soon after tue family migration to Dot give that dinner that we were propo'ing lsil Winter ; what do you ssy to baring it here instead. We are so convenient to tho city that they can eatily come in coachea." 1 ou gave a large party, did you not, which included all that should havt been 1 jour dinner ruetta." " I'car me, veil but that was quite a different thing Now at tbia little allair 1 1 , V ,. ' I most p.rtieulsr friends ,, J want only our . . ' ..' rejoiued the warm hearted Doeccn Hot why not ark tl.em to pa.s a week with us!" " Ask whom ?" " Well, your brolr John' family Heal j the children woul'f enjoy it and Iben " "Oh! you don't nnderstsnd me at all ! I mean only a few of the beat families, who acquaintance it is most desirable to culti vate." " Really, it does not cem rjuite honorable to invite guests for our own u!fih purposes. lean sell hardware with a good conscience, but the bocpit alities of iny houe " " Who wants to sell the hospita'iiti of your house T No, no, iny dear that is one of your odd notions. Everybody in society does jiot as I am proposing. And after all, this inviting is only doing aa we would be done by." "True, true," said the Peaeon, with a merry laugh, " but why net do this favor to some one who will sbIuh it i to whom it will be a real kindness? There are hundreds, now, whom I could name, to whom a day spent among thoee green tress, in tbe fresh, sweel air of the country, would be au event to remember for a year." "Ob, if you mean a charitable hit, that is very good in its place, but very iliflerent from tho matter I have in band. For our children's sake, my dear, it really U a duty to bold our plane in good society." The lhjaeon waa always accessible to eon siderationa of duty. lie merely said : " Well, name your day, aud givo me the list. I will have the iavitatioui sent from my office." "A capital thought ; your accountant there is suob a splendid pennman ; aud tc the iismes, you know the families to whom we are under tbe greatest obligations. 1 would have the comptny sulcct aa posai- Me, itd I will rj to tnnke the wholn nffdir fi off fiueljy saitl tbn werthy U'ly, beam- inir alresd v with smiublo coninlaeencv unon her pronpectiTe quests. 'J bo expected day arrived. Mr. Good- in and daujlitcra, their elegant toilets st. lat pcrfecterJ, were seated in the draw- in room, whone long window looked across a cool verandah, and coiiiuiaiided the wav of spproaob from tbe city. Though the Cn- con (Joodwin, and, uufortuantely , very dif fers wereoooupied with lipht fatiey work, fcreul from all the rest of the world. eipoctnLt 4yes were planciog coutinually Iiwd the road to meet tbe firt arrival. , " No one will eouie for aa bour yet, yoa may be suro," said Mr. (1. " Your father has such a horror of late hours, that be wanted us to bo dreasud and waiiiog by foy.ro clock."- . 1 """"fc " " "S b ' V' I never, aw an omnibus on (Lis road followii g mrilltng; stwrrwtiv. ... .. before, '' said Klleu as one of those piibian h appears that on Friday morning Au vehicles made its at pearsuce over the brow cui 12. a liusaian cciitleiiian, u niied Edourd of tbe Lill. "Chartered for some special purposr,' aaid her niothtr absently as ibe Miued upon lb dinner. There is another," said Adelaide. And another, added Kilen There ia quite a procesaion of them," said the mother. on the part of the landlord to supply bitu " And the firat one is rtotping at our j . ii L. one. gale," exclaimed Ellen. " fc started with two Zermit guides ; snd " What in the world can ail tbc-e foiiorn, I aafely crofsed the Weissthor and Montn looking ertstures n ant here ?' cried Ade- I0ro pas-es, arriving in the evening at Mat laiJe in cototcrnatinri. I mark, a valley of Haas. He appeared to be " Io go and seud ihem away before our (very cot.Gdetit in hia own physical powers, company comes," said Mrs .(joodwin. snd to bo inclined to dipoe tbe difficulties " 1 l ave sec;, some of th m at the Iinltl.- j and danrers rjccasionally u.ct with in tbo trial School,'' said Ellen, with a sudden i ,j,er regions of the Alps, gleam of merriment; "can thia be me of j ()n u,)(i.-mortlir,2 ie left Matmsrk father's curioo tricks ?" " It certainly ia," replied Adelaide, " for there he comes lim-elf out of tlio 1 ait Om bibua " And in fact the pood IUaeon wsa now seen making bis wny through the ernwel of poor pecple who stood humbly wailing near the gate, and offering l.ia arm to a withered old lady in ruaty t ombmirie, v. bo had been snaong tbe 6rsl ".rrivsls. He prcaented her mid ll.e foreumat of tus goeats to bia lady, who stood ail in a ruatir of astonishment and stiff brocade on the verandah Mips, and to bis elegant daughters who were half way bet seen lauhinL' and erjing at the tioveltyof the scene before them. Mrs. (ioodwin fortunntily bsd tl.s good sense or .bilo-o by to perreiv." li st a Hate of things a,l,i. h was manif. ally not to he cured bad better be eodured sutli tbe brat gracs poa.iblu ; snd i.t re innnorcnt gui .tr, thoob somew I. at awe ttru k at auch on dreamed of magLiCeinco of apparel, viere all uucr.cioua of ihe flrugg.e and tri un.f b, too of gtace that wat g'..ipg on le Death the studied Loei:a'.ity ilh w hih she received I lu lu. There waa ihe 1ai.lv in 1 lari. u ho lien seen at the w aide li-i.'ii'hg, until lit-7011l benevolent indidvi.lna! tistne uti- t l upplird biui with a l i-ket of ,a;rs,le ,r,icl,.,. bT ,oanof which l.c a. ,Iit-r, L,.,rf i'w Inf.. tl.e er.irit of the ! 0Pr,,in. scattered al out iu nu rry rttiias on the green lawn. Never was audi plsyi' u ., P ,, ,;,,, i. If i, ,J J. , t),e l)it! LtrI never sutig so sweetlv, nor 1 the freh fuintiicr air breathed so .oftlv. and never was it so delightful to have a h'inio in the country as r-n this very day. The eotnpsry once cli.pneed of, a tuWr ,..,! thouebt occuT'eH lo the lady hoste more distrcating douhtlesa than Ihe fir-t , , , , ,1 An appeaurp o.. oroo;ri.i tier nu- ..no ,o ; bt r " What in the worl 1 am I to d said. " I bavo inl half proviiioa enough for them lo cal." That ii all right," replied the peaeon. p0jl!titl!, t0 msrke t wagon which was just niiloadms: st the kilclmn gate. "Jhereia aliiiti'lfir Co for tbem all, and I bav- given directions to the r-uli." Anxiety wsa needless ; every arrmgenient bsd been completelv mad,-; and the enter. If.i.i.ra ileenteil tl.iinseU.S "nin to the gu.ats. Happily puasej the hours of the golden afternoon. Tbe Is. lies of the fami V recovered speedily from tL shock ol ft i a pniiitinrt.t and could not b' Ip in iti n rr that they bad never so thoroughly enjoyed a company before. It. was only because the real delight of social life, tout of rou ferring happiness on utiurs had never been so fu'.lv wilbitl their reach. It was a lesson worth the learning. At six the company were assembled around the long tables, which, by the Iea- icons, had been spread upon tho shady lawn ; and never, probably, 'hd puents more heart ily unite in tLarik ).'. vino: fir the bounties of Providence. Ik-fore they rose from the baniiict, there was a gorgeous sunset, all iu full view, to be enjoyed by many who, with in their narrow waiN, were almost effectually excluded from God a free picture gsliery it. the heavens, as from man's ariMovratiu onea on earth. At the same lime, the full moon was risiuit in the east and there was a delightful evening, wi b tlw glancing lira lime amoiii; the grass, ami tho cool brcexes lli.it never dreamed of brick walls and healed pave ment and by nine o'clock the whole party departed in tbeir train cf ejovey ancus for homo. The lady hostess waa loo tired or too thoughtful lo demaud explanations now Wben the children and servants had ai lently assembled iu the si. tin; room at the hour of prayer, tho worthy father of tbo family read from the great Rihle the great story of a feast given of old at the bouse of a chief Pharisee ; and his voice lingered with special einpham eu the following words: " When thou makest a dinner or supper, call not tby friends nor thy brethern, neitb- i er tby kinamu nor thy rich neighbors j lest tliej ule bid hoo ngmn, and a recompense bo mad tliee. liut wben thou nmkost a fcai-t, call ibo poor, tb manned, tbo lame, Lo blind ( and thou sbalt be blessed j fnr tliey canDot n.componetlies for tbou shall be recompensed at the resurrection 01 tne tbo juat." lie was certain!? a ftrango man that Pea- F.arfnl irridtut in Swilzrrlapd Brmarknble Druih nf a Traveler in lie Chflcn. A corrc.'pondcut of tbo London Times, .:.:-. ' .a A....... 1H ll.a I ale I-'rotte, left the RitT-lberg Hotel to cross ' the t of tbe Vi'eisi-tbor. He was a very fil)F pontrfiil man, shout nix fect thraa hes bich, and had a somewhat wild and ut. settled loek on Lis fncc. He had no Al Lrnstock, (ubieb was iudi'rensable for such ' as eineditiou ) and abernly rclued an offer with l.is two e-uides (still without an Al pentock, and eerryitig only a walking stick in hand.) He retraced his steps of tbo preious day a fur the top of the Wcisathor Paas; from there, inttuad of turning to tbe 1. ft and descending by tbe uausl route along the (Jorver tj lacier lo the Riffciberg, he de teeiiUed by tbe Fmdelen (jlacier, which slopes from the pa-adntctly ioto llie valley of Z. rniatt, and affords a ebortcr, though a much more perilous routa la the to u than the (jorver Glacier. "'Ihe three were fastened together by a rope ; the traveller being in the middle ; the rope was lied around his body, but waa not, as it should have been, tied rouud I lias puides also ; il waa only held on tho lef; arm of each by a larjie loon hoop. In this way they pa'Sed saf iy ou r the greatest part of the glacier, and mere within a few iniunt -s c,f 1. aving it altogether ben they rmo to a lark-e patc'a of snow, which the guides ac cording to their own accotilt, prcpoed to pa.a rourul, but which the traveller insi-itud on ero'ing. Aecording'y, tbe fir.t g'lj li er-.c l it in safetv. Tbe trtvclT.'r then f ;'..rd him, tut when hu bad ieavb..d tl.i. , fut iu circumference. U is eelcjlated that middle the anow way undtr his feet, and tie j tli propeller, which is placed in the l ow of tal k into a hii.dtn crevuss" Having no the boat, will enable the ii-rouaut to rai.e or Alpcn-lnck, be could not break Lis fall in;)onortbe balloon al pleasure, ami to keep the usual way, by boi ling it across tho j ttecrae ay on it. The balloou will cou chasm, and so bis whole weight waa thrown tain 70(1,111)0 cubic feet of ga, and will with a sudden jerk upon the rope, which w. 'eh, wtih the car, I. oat, and their contents, I roke instantly on both sides of the crrtvwe, don whirh tho uufortuuate man eonse- quently ft II. His voice waa soon heard calling for as- sistanee which the guides were not ckiUful enough lo render; the r,rie aas a pecu- War one, being narrow at the lop, and widen- j ej.g downwards for some distance, a ter v. hicb it narrowed s;niu till its sidus met a ; depth of about -')0 feet. j This circumstance rendered it impossible j to reach biiu without a rope ; he appeared! to In about sixty feet from tbo top, wed jt'd between tl.eei lc. of the crevasse ; and they 1 bad none ixcept.ng tbe two ends that had remained with them, of about a yard each, i , . . . ' . , . , , - , " 'rmir-e-I hat one o. tl.eu, shou.d L - ' I . . . I he idea of trying to make a rope, by etit'ing up their routs a i'l ticks, and espe rially ib'-ir leather kniipiieka, seems most unaccountably never t have occurred re .1 1L..'.l...rl...lil.M do I'mtU. .' . . , , . .. ,. riccivcd no es-istance for four hours, ou- , frpn..,.tlv ,r,pw.trt tho ruide above j he a, lie sat. I, in a sloping pnniion with l.is head lower than bis b et, with bis ri:'M arm free, but he was constantly sink ing lower. Aftr three hours Ilia 8ow of blood to his bead and the intense cold had vcrv nmeb weakened him j bo spoke seldom, say only that ho was being froien to death . , , ., .i i . .... i At last, after 4 hours, the guide returned with as.ist.inee, the rope was lowered, but was found 1'.' feet too ahor". to reach him. Now, it will scarcely be credited, but it is a fact, that when the ropd was found to be too short notbinc more was done, but men were sent for more ropes to .erm.nt, Ji tanoe of four hours, so, that the unhappy man waa condeinneil ny I'm iieipicse ciowtis above bitn to pass eioht hours more in his icy prison. He 1 endured the most dreadful auonv for at first the warmth of hi body difsoiviiiu the ie next him, caed him to sink lower. Rut s the vital heart depart- ed. the cold gradually retrained its Hiipcriort ty, so that be was froren in tightly between the wall of ice. which, as their wetted eur faces congealed, and slightly expanded to wards cachother, crushed him between them with irresi.siihlo force. "About the end of the fifth hour tho poor tunii died, lie bad fallen in between noon and one 1". M. ami he died about five P. M. Al midnight more rop-s c itne from .. ruiatt, and bis cot pse was pui'.ed up ; it was found at the depth of seventy two feet. It ws handed over to the auth irili"S, by whom an inquest was held and an examina tion instituted." MimisMirpi Ck"iihai. Railroad The work on thia road is tlll pnyrcs-ing, with a f .ir pro.pert of having tl.e gap filled nml the roa I completed before Christmas. Tbe work is going on rapidly fio'n both ends of the road, snd no wUh them God speed in their effort to eotiiploto it by or belore tbe fir.t of December. Tens of, thousands of bales of cotlon will be shipped directly to New Orleans, even from this country, whrn the mad is finisheJ, and the directors ahould .! all in their power o aid the contractors to completo the road at the time agreed up u ll,,lhj Sirii) llfralil, ritrmlir m A LlVINO NonTH-CAROMNA Rbvolu TIONAR Y SoiiMKR. A correspondent of the Charleston Mercury, writing from Doaver'a Spriog, N. C, says : We Save here an old revolutionary sol dier, a survivor cf the battle of King's Mountain Mr. Henry. He is nenrly D5 years old, and still reads without spectacles ( he was a mere boy at the time of the battle, but stood hisgrouod when Ferguson's troops charged with the bayonet, und iu conse quence had a thurst through the hand and into tbe th'gh. His rifle, which he bad just loaded was discharged at the moment he re ceived thethru.1t this killed bis antagonist, and after the British had retired up tbe mountain, Mr. Henry was fouud lying by a log with tbe musket bunging by its bayo net to his thigb. He afterwards became a distinguished criminal lawyer, aod is said to Lave defended more desperate criminal oases than any other man in the .Statu. Ho basin uianu-cript an atcount of the battle, prepared by hiiuaelf witii the aid of Vanoe, another of the participators in that battli. He says that Sumter's original name was not the " Game Cock," but " Tuck." That he was so called by one Gilinore, who own ed a blue ben famous for her game chickons. 1 bst a coiebralcd tighter named "luck waa one of this blue hen's chickens, and in compliment to Sumter's pUck Gilmore gave hi in the cognomen " 1 uck, whiuh waa after wardi changed into the " Game Cock." There are many other it. (treating matters in bis manuscript but, for the present, I defer tbem. Ilvi,r.e)os Vovaik to Ki'Rf.pi -A mon'ter balloon, for Prof. T. S. C. Lowe, baa ju-t been eompletuj iu New York, at the coit of twenty five thousand dollars. It is intended for a voyage to Kurope. in October, and will cirry li paas.-njjers, besides a Utter and uewspapur mail. A description of it, says : vir six thousand ysrds of the best ma terial have been tiaed, snd seventeen sewing uisehir.es have been employed on tho work, and, it is estimated, have done tbe work that would have le.yiired 201) girls to per form in tho Fame t.mc. ihe a."ouaut does not claim to have invented any new system of ballooning, but lie bas been enabled, by tbe aHi-Citico of friends, to construct a ma chine in which be is determined to test the practicability of a transatlantic voyage. The entire luij'nt of the balloon, from the bot tom of the boat lo tho top, is -40 fott, and its tl i am. t. r i '-'!. T he boat is a life boat, 45 feet in length, i feet beam and 4 deep, and will contain a calorie engine for tho purpose of working a propel!, r on tbe screw principle. Th" s- of lh" cr or ba-ket ia 3 ) about three tons, auJ will possess a lifting i power of "J'-'J tone. It is expected to make i tho voyago to Europe iu two days." As Ah.4 IiI(,s ( i,. j ,ia.ik. It is known I .. f , , y.mM, Ar,Peal. that Col. J. M. Hi:I, of tmt city, with hn family, spent the jjreaf r p . rt of tho past summer at the North. His fvnily were ao companied by a likely negro girl in tho ca pacity of a servant, and her pro'enco a mong tho " shrieker.,"' of course excited their jealousy, and, with it, tbe disposition to eteal something. While the family were sojourning tit Saratoga Springs reeeully, the girl was persuaded or stolen away from her .. .. i. .:... M m ri:ii I ..-. jnothingof tier whereabouts. It is a re- niarkable fact that tue same efl was stolen f Co, b Al,olilioiil,l9 of 1Juffl. lo about five years since. Alter the sever- est suturing aba made bur way to her mas ter again, and, for her own sake, it is to be regretted that she bai again fallen into tbe clutches of tba Norttieru negro thiaves. florp Fish iv the Potomac. gen tleman.in passing over tho Lonj bridge, on Wednesday last informs the editor of the Alexandria (iazrtte (hat be saw a araall shoal of about one hundred Gold Fi.shin the Potomac, near the bridge. They wero of different sires, some ouite larce, aod the j . .1 . t locution is, how came they in our river f It has been suggested that the spawn from tbe pool at tbe Cr.jiito! in Washington, bas pasted into the Potomac, and that they were thus propagated, (!) Carryino Tiia Mail ax Foot. Tbo con tractor for carrying the mail between Som erset and Williamsburg, in this State, a dis- I lance of fifty miles, promptly and satisfac- Itorily fulfils his contract by packing hi I mail on foot. The mail is semi-weekly, and .the trip ta always made in schedule time. The contractor mut certainly be a man of great physical endurance, aud it would be well for railroad, steamboat, and other con veyances to emulate his promptness, regu latity, and dispatch in carrying the mail. Kentucky pujier. A MtsTKiiv or Crime. Miehaol Lowe, a German ba-ket maker, while cutting wil lows a lew days HjiO near Chicago, Illinois, found in a clump of willows a human head. He d.'senbed it as that rf a to an, about o .ear. of age, having black hair, cut elo-o behind, and a black moustache, and it look ed as if rccuiitly sevciod from tho trunk. Picking up nonn retnnaulg of clothing that lay close by it, ho informed tho police, who, accompanied by the Coroner and other offi cials, ti.ited the spot next morning, but al though tho exact tpot was found, the head was gone!1""" " W. II. Farber, an F.n-l'oh lawyer, who, some years ag-a, wis traioporte 1 for forgery, publicly whipped and kept in chain., was recently proved to have been the victim of a conspiracy, paidoned and awarded S'J.1, 000, although hi legal expenses for his da feuce in the l'lig'i-b "'urt were nearly do t-bb- that sum.