Important Enropran Inltlligenre. TuRinnti Kxri.osio oh the Crsat Kaptikn . On the afternoon of (be 9th, .n the Crest Eastern w off Htminps, a fd nine casino in tbe'forward funnel, whieh been introduced on tbo ground of economy in he' aod to kerp the heat of iho fulitiel iroiu me cauin, expioueti witu terrific force, blowing the funnel into the ,ir and tearinp to piree the grand saloon ,nd lower deck eabina, through which the funnel pained, and othc-rwine doing great diniafe tlie internal fitting. ('treat consternation prevailed on board, but prompt effort were made to get at the uiifort'inate men in the engineering depart nieiit, " wcr0 ''lnt'r buried 'D the rubbish r prostrated by the steam. Three firemen wero found In a dying ,fk, ,nd doou eipired, while eipht other wt.reV iurerf.two of whom subsequently died, (inn lirer.ian was lost overboard, baring either fallen into the water or jumped into it to esoape Kflding. The injured men were generally prepress. jn.r favorably, although two or three of them we're in precariou condition. Tin numerous guest on board bad only ,1'iitt'd the grand aaloon through which the tunnel paed, aod in which they bad been ditiin', a few minute before the eiplosi'n took plaee. Ht 'or tlitu, the consequence weuld have been most seriou. The extdosion ia stated to have probably j f, 0f the moat terrifia which a Vessel baa r,i,ed. and which none iu the world eo'ild have "I'hstooo; avo a structure ol inch marvellous alreogth as the (Jruat Kat frn. She not only resisted it her frame nj'taitiii'C n0 'njry whatever but it made .- little differenco in tho movements of tbe ,,..,1 that the -jnginea were never once .t.;pfd till ahe reached Portland. ihe eoroner'a iuqiK'.t was commenced at U'rymouth on the 1-lh, and the evidence e:early showed the cause of the eiplo-ion t-i h : Firlly, the supply of tbe boiler tiirouph the water jacket of the funnel waa ,tnt ned be?a'ise of a failure in the auxili- .". ..inj sower Jecondlv. a stand ! which aew a safctv valve.'had in it a ! when the easing w ojurauuciii j iP, led, and that tap was turned, apparently tr.t'-e-tioiially, so that the pipe wa ul;. n, inq'iet waa adjourned till the 17th. Fr:or to the accident tbe performance of ,r ve'l was mot satisfactory, and she j i. a!inot without nntioo, while large ve is ber vicinity were pitch and tossed j stormy sea. i., the ves.el had beon held. , i-l estimates sent into forthwith to repair ' .... . ' dimage at a eot of not more than i' ii."i, the injury being far lea cou.-idera- tbu waa at first supposed. Imp 'HTAnt fbom Ciiiia. Tbe London T.-.,e saja : " lenccfo-t)i negotiations r i ' a carried ou at l'ckin, where no one -a li'iutt Kutopeans will toon be as much at i x and as sale aa at Far. It eoneuiudes " article with the following uneomplimenta- n r 1-ctiona on the American Ambassador American Ambaseador, without force I f artus, it said to have been admitted atDlj. from Mr. Crawford, in whst is known !.' ( tf e-.-trse be had a peculiar claim j is Cedar Kidge. The snake was tlrvrn fr,t 'I teicfptional privilege, on aecountof tbe j n f.-A, and its body wa over a foot in . !t,c civen t trie Chinese mandarine circumference. It was in ruruil of a young- ie pri ve uof tbe jit frunoof the late auce i . Wk'.l... . ll.i. nr .nn. r... -.-in war, i, uii jui ueiiiwuir noise, pectin ar o in ia wcrpeni, in of the asm character, rendered him: when it waa shot. Its teeth were au inch -s suiuissaoie mu nii--.e uo ua-t uj.o.. M wit to him. does not vet at pear. If the I- "I'- j i ph-xis, Ut lhni il ; but thus far thsy 1" ! ( n t eller i:e to ne.p iultosi ves man 10 J'l 'i f'r the world at large." 1 n I.atbvT- Ihe V Lm tutu baa ar- blinking eomplets) accounts of Fiiho . -, resulted io ''i' l'frat ol th: lint- i, "i, u ith iio I'ti than Jin gun lxyili i a 'tmt An' nf the t'jrce engtifinl. ni-"jth of the r'ver was etfccfjally r-i by iron stakea and booms. This - laked by the fire of the newlr coo- u-d frt on tbo other side of the river, r vniting ,i neatly one hundred guns. A l.n.rsl Hope a appearance id the firt iii- s sit uun.iatskably pacific; a solitary j i.i '.f war boat carried in his firat message, ' iry and two gun boats being left out- I -'.i.c bar, a hue the re'lof the squadron i )it' thirty niiiea off. Tbo ambasaa. J finding no proper offieera to receive i'. drilled io remove the bar and ps : :t, river. At 1 Mi) p. m , tbe signal for action was 'I np, and the Oposauai aod I'ioTcr punbld '!t up to the first barrier. v rijetiiy, about '' p oi , gun of the fort 'i'i firs, and the action became general. 6r of the Chinese, both io weight and " -ion, waa such as waa never before ex leiiced at their hands, n shout two ho'ira the fire r,f the Chinese :m to a'.scken, and waa soon afterwards a "t ilr need, although every shot of theirs I. while the llriti-h guns did eouipara ' ; !itt!e damage to the mud walls. At about S p. m , the signal wa made ' "is troop to land, aud there were than i'ubla of speedy vicitory. Just as ' l- t In. I Innr-hail l!. ahnre tl.o forts I I a nerfcet hurrioane of shell, giniall. til rockets which moved down Ihe thev landed. The ships threw in a ' a covering fire they poai-ibly I The en my a fire continued so heavy 1 '! in 'i.l on lauding being up to tbe '. and sone-liine to tbe waist, that out 'n thousand men who landed, barely ' hundred reached tbe first of the threw nd deep ditches, liich, after oma , h .ii Ire.I yanH of wailing throogli tha j I rrsaei ta.l lli.mulsaa -ere .ti.., gis'" ...,- , 1 ein( mi! retrtat prouauiy more nven ' li't 1 1, o ia ailvancinir, aa the Chinee, "'sns of blua litfbt, discovered thei ' 1 nf tlm men, ami shot them down lord Many boat had also been 't-'d hj shots, and thsra were not enough " 'ff the survivor. ' nelj..f universal tlironphout the ' that Europe ana rustitied lha bat '' ' well as this Thinesn. Men ith (jray 'c-i.,.y Propp, hair and Kus-dun fca 'w'r rlistinctlr visiblii. Tha whoU '" f '"ificatiotj were esidentljof Euro- '"itiiti;.. "tal immler of killf.1 and wounded ""'of the Ilritish wa 401. The hid fur killed and ten wounded. Marin. hrin.,l. iT,- ... Will. f,ha M nn,,;.'.;aa.,l .r,r. .,,,1 "r, killed and . "-7 .0 n, Id i I ' Amsrie.n towed up acveral boat! 1 - ABifriP.ns low.. I ... ......I Knat. ' i ant rter the action took out to I ""P'etive sMp, , nqniber of men. Th'o:oginI Seminary of tbe Illi g ""ersity ir, n N.rweo',,,,, CT. '" nd one Dane, all preparing for the ! ! Tu ' er i. " "tlmsl-.J .1 . , . . ' 1,1 i 10(1,000 worth of tohae.o i. T. I ""'J. Virginia. H,,(1 mat sue late ireshrt e A TUttlksnare Twenty-one feet Long. The following anake atory waa told to us by a gentleman in whom we bare eve ry confidence i lie was called upon, the Utter part of last week, to twit 5t. Louis, and on bis re. turn home Mopped at a little Marion known a Knrtisev, about twenty luilea west of Ter re Ihiute, on the Terre Haute and Alton railroad. Tbe second day after bis arrival in the village, a limn who bad been bunting brought in the news that be had discovered a huge snake, but, on discharging his gun at it, bin snnkeship retreated to hi abode, within a cliff of rocks. This Matcment confirmed what had been previously Muted by an obi settler, that while gunning near tli id identical spot, thirty yearn ago, ho also surprised an enormous anake, which, at hi approach, had slunk away in the mine man ner, regarded a a fabulous narration, as the reptile bad never been seen but once, and then by only one peron. Tbe second time, however, bad it tfl'.ct, and tbe truth of the matter the villager resolved to set tle. A detachment of young meu accor dingly veiled tbe locality, and, by dividing their fore into squads, they commenced the work of watching tho hole out of which the snake, if snake there was, had, in ca-e he wihed to enjoy the beauties of the outer world, to etnergo For three days and three nle-lits did tbev keep their weary vigils, aud, di-her- le,"u. ttiey eoncluuu that unless tie should " "V "''" -; the fourth, to abandon tbe search, and cred- It themselvet with btiiy hoaxed individual. Hut ere the allotted lima had waned lliev y were grat.Bed by the appearance of the foul tbitig they were ill search of. Sl.mly it crept from ita hiding place, and, a if aware that danger was near, thru-l out its tongue in a deGant niantier, aud, iu a language pe- eiilinr to sniikes, I i-fed a warning that he was .Monarch of all he surveyed ; but a ball, p;d from the rifle of an unerring tnark mao, proved the superiority of the human over the brute creation, and, without a tr lUe t,ru,e creation, irt, without a mo men la notice, the iuoiitcr as called upon to give up the ;hot. " Theeicited detachment drew him forth, and judge of their surprise at finding him twenty oue feet long. The old fanner's sto ry waa verified, and the snaltM, now 1J and in captivity, wa, without doubt, the same one he bad seen thirty year ajo. ' f"ul'd to be a rattli-Miske, and in c x- fret,.. I...,ll. f,r.. I,., a, I lr u. I..M.. , , , , , 1 ot fet and six inehea, aud the diameter . i . :...i l. l.-.i i drd and eleven rattle. "The auake waa conv.y-d to town, and na amen neen visueu amen been visiteii t T trememlons crowds, ar.xiou to satii-fy tin in-elves of what at firat seemed to be an absurdity." Xurfhrrn htuan. A Snake ."-'r 'Rr Mr. Samuel Ilaskins living at Mt. Crawford, iu this county, ("ays the Kuckinehain lieter.) shot an eoor- nioua Ui!l snnke a fortniiht at'O, ahout a er brother of Mr. Hawkins, ins king a kind I L II . .... ... trj lengin. I lies singular reptiles ate scarce ii, ihi conntrv. thia beini lha fir-t one we WANTK I). 'nTl-NTV'FIVI' YuiiriG r.iLH Ar wanted tu I'r.ldit JF.W. FI.I1Y ti roujh the eiiHitry. A 1 1 gt aaa -rliiif ut of suprrior GOLD AND LM i'i.t ru i.i.'i, rii: ji:ui: PL i i r.i) w i nr. AND all cf whi.-h will he ..d .!' for CASH. J r WAT.'H i(.ASlS w,l be put in st U5 cents taeh. fall st t!ee Jewelry F.-tah,,slim.-nt of r w. iiK'Kwrrif, N...r Kerr'a Hotel. Ortahtr A. f.'O. antf roi: ri.oHinv diufct. Thru' t I'lliilkii III 'i'i In M Hours. TIIK U. S. MAIL i A UO I.l . V, THOMAS SI RIM.S,, A VINt. Jlsf riFKN ITT IN SI'I.FNDII) OKI IKK. Michinery Ihorouelil v u.eil.aul. .1 lurnislleu with new Is. llers. w ill leave S.util. ern lull 01. 7 sau(.t hie ber 4ih,alaiee t'eterk.l Al . for t'ft nan.iiuti. Jnrknanrilir. Cwolalu. 'l- tvtk. and Ihe usual I.aniiiues un tiiu St John's Kier. j ''s eonneeta with the Hail Road to Fernandillt , and with Ihe Magea 11 Hie above for the pr e(W, um. Ine interior ot; also 1(0111- ! a 11,1 ireliiriiiiijf Willi Hi. ..w l or a Meant M.ipa sad the AuitArr mud Wtml'in Hull Houd Trams on 7'ars.fdv and Smtutdnvt. j Ail Mrrchiinttitf consigned In this Agrnry will he lorwar.le.l titrof thaigt. For Freight or, aiinlr to II. I.. CilIStil.M, .lc'ir, ! .South. 111 tt iiarf. . .'.r 4, IfC.D. t:7 STA'l'K OF NOin il-CAIi'OLI.N'A, CAI.DWrt.l, roUNTV. Il Ivjatt), full Term, I f.'i'.l. Hill hied 111 Vacatl.i Tlinmas R Puis snJ wile Ailiands C , Pike Fleir ,ne ami wite Avaliue, Clarissa, W illiam toll an wile K. I. Oili, II. W.J,, or. so. I Ihe heirs.. I l. u ra ll.irilin, to wit : Win. J., I.aiira, F.lherl, Walt,, and John ll.irhm and S. P. DuU. f uinsl RufuaF. Jones, Kve.iitorol Thorns. J.mcs, dee'd.. J"1'" K.J ". I. Joue., Iiy.l '!'. Junes and W. Junes, ueicnuania. y .. ..... ,:.f..;...r. i,.r. 1... II apsr..on " "v" the defendant, Hulus F. Join ., John K. Jones, l I.. Jones resiite bey.nd the limila of line State,, Il is OtdrrtH, That pnhlieation he made in a pun. lie tiaa.lle, printed in thia Slate l.r si weeks for j n.ili.reariler.t delrtldants, to appear st the 11. Il term of this t ourt, t be held st the t sjuit Houk in I, .ir,. the lith Mon.lsy . ti.r the 4tli Monusy i.i "' '. ,hrn ,nd, ,h,ir,i demur t tin. bill, or judgment lo fll'H.l ll.-.rf pro eonie.s. will f he taken afninst Ihem. Vitneaa, William M. Turn, clerk ind m.aler of said Court, .1 office in fenmr, the tit I. Mono iy after the 4ih Monde v in March A. I. IBj'J. WM. M. ri'-TT.c. m. e. I Printer', fte "if,. f3t A TuountiT for Young Men. Nto wreck ia o ahockinp to behold aa that of a disso lute young man. On the person of the de bauchee or inebriate, infamy in written. linn nature hri I..I...1. .woe him (o (..oifa ,er diet at hi ei.n.plo ! How ehe loos- ens all bi joints, vend tremors along his ronscle, and bend forward hi frame I I he i wretch whose life long pleasure it baa bec.i to debaso himself and to debauch others, whose heart has been steeped in sin so that it is black all over, ia an o fie nee to the heart ot the unblemished. COXSIGNKKS PKR t'HARl.OTTK AND 8. C. RAH, ROAD, FUOM Til at 'J7TII HEIT. TO TUB iiU OCT, W. 15. Halliburton H packages, J. Har per Si H l'Jpkgcs, A.C. Hamilton 15 pkges, I J. K. Uordau 15 pkge, J. F. & W. Pegram ' 1!J pkge, tSetzer & K. 1 pkge, (Vaige & II. 11 pkucs, 8. M. Withers .V (Jo. 5 pkge, V. W. Avery 2 pkge, (Jordan it W. 4 pkges, J Fraier I'i pkges, V. H. Michal H pkgra, J. ( Harper pkge, Sprrial Nolirrv Tin: ixv;i:.ati iirnrKs. Nture, in her great lalirntnry, tins stored mmt reineiiy uoupied tu evurv ilifeHM; whiehunesh is, heir In," Hut it rxpnrea tlie inventigutioii and n netruli i't mc ilnluwilier t disnnvi r and spply remcuy. !Mich research and inveMtiiiimn ...oeeeced , rmir a remedy fur Itiui umd i lion, tl l)sl vv'll'"" its lesser and numerous evil ; il it ma y ... ... 1 1.., . ' .. 11 unl 1 " "I'l' Ii,,,,,,.!..!!,!,..... Ml I I . ,:ifl. l.,H,.rlt,.ce , , Mroct.ce. N-w mi. ! i'er Ihe influence U there Imui. the juit ib tu lhf rare lacrjiiion, failure to cure. j 'i,Bd f'lowmg, lnch tlie suhseriher re. 1""-t" us to puhlnh fnr Ihe brnefii i.f the af. , flirted l An Obdurate and Invrlrralt (at of DYSPEPSIA ! (Ikld ux hie outtvuru iimtiis. Tiie ti.llnKiiiK Irom ii (! iiilenun well lini.nn in th lejjii.n in wiiirli he l.v. nught to o 1 1 ) y ill thnre uf lit lie f.,ilh : , WirsTow,N. V., July i H jr3. j S. W. Fowl ,V I n., It'itnn, Airs; Nine ! ull.llki .l I.f Ih ,1 i lit uii V''". which .j ntlVctnl uii, iretftn . n, f u! ni m md p reu t mediately atler etiny, a econi m n led with 1 rr I file u.lia in the, o!Un neriie-imhjr nailMra, vomiting, aenlity, and he .Klaehe, tiei lher Willi general uelnlity and ufl ring, all. igclh. r render iii life a tiurlhen. AMfr havn.v tried everv known rrniedy with. "lit eH"- el. i.l d. ul a II ii, I tu m.i'e u etliet. i.l V ncillh a ut the xy . winch were 1 il ayaleni. """ "'" " t ihule tmttie I w.ia r y cured ; Pit- ilueiriL' all like sutler- eis aa niyae' tu mike ue n ilua reuinrkabie renicay. T II ( A I.I'W KI.I,. I'r-pirrd l y W. 1 (1WI.F. 4(1), I'mrn, and ti.r aale by K. Nye, lluti luauli . I ., t li-.ll. 'lie, N-f. til Ftrona afll.eiid with the F-. aluiu.d IkiI arre eillier lime, tri.ubi ind Aue I" i.r.ire Il( llo.-l h i 1 Kit '8 t KI.KUKA I FD IIITTF.RS, w luae beneficieiiti fl'eeia upn ihe l.u. man ayaleni hua hen cleaily pu.vtd fi thnae who bren atnclen down iu a abort ap-ice of time by thia drea.ilu; cuia-, w hoae cl.eesa are wan and '"'acre, , I". "I'd e lliglila are sleepless aim ret tea r ilim ami aunken. Willi tlealll atanng thi-inin the taei-, this eullifK)llul lliuat prnse a hi. salrjf ; Si.alrhlli; tlieill aa II Were uoi.i toe my nmgiii oi the j;rae ""w its true vjiue until they l.av. None cm .led It. i.lh. ha III' Hillrra hate '.1 11,1 liftVrrr to pristine hi ill ii eat. iii and S. lib. 'i'heir I "Of"M' not intrmlu i. Id hr all r th. Ill to all l-n Hie. Iruejfials in Ihe w or Jk 1 o , ( hailotle. N. i.l hv F.. til j TIIK 0 It K A T F.XHLISII I' KM E Dr. j Silt J MhS I.AliM .! 1 I.I.I Ittt I I I) I I 1 i I.l. I'l I.l. ! I'e. tiom a ureserivtion nf Sit J. ir. M. U., I'htsieiun Kalfaor ,ry to Ti ell kr bill iiy iu lions, I:. on any .1 a H!i rlul reuteey, to the eoiialilulleii. T .viiirrii ft -uh ir'y snilid. It V perto.l Willi refill. .r lv. nuss r kM.WN tu ran. i Tim 'lu ran or rturn- NEW GOODS. T. II. KrtMiit& Co. A i f IN i t i lli ii' itii til rss' E-Ca TlVk' t3. T. .1. i Utri..M.N.', M KCI.ON IIFN I INT, (Imduatf of Me llnltimiirf Vtntnl Cvilrge, 1 rOl fit respectfully snimiince mat he is now permai tin ti y j led 111 I harlolie, hers hu Will he ' pl.-aaed to receive the eaila ot loose who may re ' .nre Ilia I'lotesaioual Services. J f Persona from a distance who rannt make it 1 convenient to visit Charlotte, eau have Iheir wo! k ! 'k,: c. ' I e. done at their residence, without any ezlr. by addressing hi ill at ll.n J i .M 1 maters who are a etortjed hat f price Il f I, .'.Ilea waited oil ut their resitirnee if drslred. il I Oliice No 5, Sprilies' llillhlinif, Ul. U occu pied by H. P. Warinii, F.q. ,Ne.i.W'fr 27. IS.Vl. t41 Wiliiiiiiiiloii, 4 l.illt1 iV Itiillii-r-IkiiI It all KimI. TU F ASl FK'S OFFItK. ( " ." """.''.'..''.".""T.'.... .'. . '.. ' I 1 11 r, A . I A I. Al r. r. 1 1 rst. or llir.MiilK.i a ... .. ...... o . .. . 1 J. noi.i'r.n.ini mr u uunE ion, ua r lone nt ( ih.-tl,.nl Kailroad Company, will he held 111 the luWn f t harlotu, on Friday the Mill day of Oc. t iber neit. I p, g UDWAN, Secretary. , "' ' " .Snnrt CTTI OTI I fl K f iMnfirf' Jr a.,as vmm. a.vv.vvl Ml A V all parsons rnlering up.n my I.nds S with (.una, lloraei and I'.H'. or either of them, Fei Hiiiiliuf or any other lliinlnif, will be prosecuted with the full riforef Ihe law in such eaae mine an provitieu. .,,,, M, N. R TAYLOR. I i J spoil. i I ft I I a after the h-t. . I f.s ion i:Kn.,w. ! N H $1 sn.l 6 postage stumps enclosed In any , , .7 f ' ij j f hop tlin . .Mors South i bst ass ' auin..rir.l aiieiit, will insure a hotile. eoiitaiiiiog . iPT-TS ol Ihe Mansion Mouse. brought 10 Ibis maiket 00 r ..opus i.y reiiirn mail, juil M 1 1.- r.f, lij. erfnmi,rr -ji, isa., ...u COFFFF in ster, .. 1 ., i.en. r .l nt lor the L. M .tea : ,1,1 t ..n.iii. ., niMlntMi rl?.Z,;Z 7 ('0 ' " ! if iL IUV.iL I it r s... .. r ,.;... i iS1u .frieMsTH,,';'. ( ...,.r, t ,,,,.. idFilal rrartl 3 r s. r the a- vcrtisement of W oou'a II.ur Pye, ' in anolher Coluuill. ( I I HYMENEAL. iMirrird, nn Thursday, the 5th jnatnnt. t the resilience nf tlie bride' fulher, ,v d,t. R,., m Over.troet, Mr. A. 8. MASON ti,'M,. M At.'lsl K, ! daughter of Col. S. I., r.l' Williamson I cniu.ty, Texas. ! FISHER & BUIMOUGIIS ARE Now RF.CF.IVING TI1KIR STOCK OF nnd to met the brge increote of Ilieir frmic have In if) in a inoch LAKf.KIt STOCK It will be completed In all articles of DKKSS GOODS, KMI!ieOI1EEM!S. HOUSE rUIJMHIMJ (Mm. CrtKrirrs HUGS AM) OIL CLOTHS,; j VL S3 .1H Jws I Tw wXi. wCA l yXi si. ts J j iiko;as, j i SHKLF II AKDWAIU., ! i.v:iis6siiiicw2s; VICES, ikon am) Kri:i;i., stkau ( I :tti i.s, I'AlM AM) OIL. All cs .mination nf the above t fu'ly solicited. speel. J. S. PHILLIPS, .Trff 11.1.YT T.t is. on. JilciMii ifa'w'M ra H II: '! i? -v e U WM: .U : r U! r -, S- ont a,,t nelow t.ii .s Al 1 ..h.-i.s i loihing More. frn ly solicit a.. ,.r. ot pu.ii.c UM TRKI.I 1 AU. ;f4 - tri '3 wb'.cn'V.i.'IViaMeor."0 I'"'nirr and Coiiinry .Mere h;iiit T' r v. mm to ? 'yU.. 1 Ihcnldalaridnl Sur I ne s atl ST j-m .L'trtas Alela.ei, corner of College and 'I'r vli Streets. and are now receiving a Splendid Sioek of FAMILY GROCERES i which will be sold low for CASH nl : .ileal L. FKA.'TKR. K. A. M. KKOD. o'tr, Aug'i't 3d 1 P.'.n. Hats, Hats, Hats Hats! MF. to the Clothing Fmpori and buy yo 11 I rp li.l 1 or CAP. 1r( lurk of the above goojp : m.UM.i .4u;s( 3d, Ipali. SPKINGS A CO. 85 1 f For tl.OTOF BA.NKoK ( IMIil.OTTF. S'I'OCK Inquire al this "Mice. .V'l. 12, IS.MI, 27tf Carolina Female Ccllcge yv. rntHF. F.j.-r.-ises i.f this Ii..i,l'u'i,.n f( Jl will be re-umeil in the 'J.l WiJ. "ver?sril7iii silav in Octnher, un.r the control of: AMjfa Ihe subscriber, nasisle.i hy a c,,iiiM ti nl Jc Faculty, he I... .l,t- inane an arrai.qc nieni with Ihe Truale.s u liien wiii enable him In -furnish 'fiiiiinii and Board on terms ealialaclury to Pain ns. The loll.. wing are the rales, v,r: floard ami Tuition in ( ollegiate Classes, per sessions ot SO weeks bfi 0(1 : Music oii Piono, 'i'i (HI Oil Pailililig l.i (III Other Panning U HU finbruiiiery, 5 Oil ! No chare lor Latin and Creek Languages. I 'I he locality is healthful, aim every facility ia j offered, by winch a sound Kdue.ilion may be sc. , quired. j T. R. WAI.-MT, rrri,!tnt. Sept. 13, 16:9. 129 ! Maijic Oil, Magic Oil. rRFSIl i pri.v just ed snd for sale. A hv K. N K 111 Tt H1SO.N A. CO. Junt '.'8, 18.-9. WITNKS8 TICKETS, for the County aod $aperior Court, fr ale here. I I IMMEHSE SfCRiFiCSSirjI)liUGS MD MEDICINES. NEW ROODS! iv i ox uii . ir, Secor)dtorebeIov.'Mcss.T.H.Erim&Co. K.ULNTOU r fspfxtfi r i.Vn.i I! k vur ' mi t heir n 'inn roua .Hit urmuud. li If eiiiiiilry, thnl they I. to selluif oC ttieir stuck ol' 0 ; Fancy and Staple Dry (iootls, i:t rrfiff r, niie w r,ii k ifij.v j. vv. Doors, mioks mats, -r-. For (lentu', Ymilh uml D y's wer. 'i' r II II and a full supply of 7JM.... UtV.-K't.SV fN ,-r Knlllll Ii Fh.w. r Flute & il.its, liom nil nt which v. nl Ik .l.n A French 1 reltir-J nrice, l..crt!ltl with 4 I r I. iee 1'oiiitn, Ii. rr Ule.l ly It. i nl ol r, nil ul tin Theahosc itnnn-d n..iMia li.ustl.e elese.! out hy the first ill Uclobtt, to ui.'.ke riioui tor our FAB, I, STOCK. Toe neat and l-iieist Imei, t ol l.i.i:iea' (ind .MiS.ea tJuilera, i.liil Si not a, 'i rutiks, V.!ir, t'lrinl ll'tjs, .itel.ris, and lioiiti't ll-- . Atlento n is c-illea io li e i..ret !. k of I:;iI.U:mI- I inlhiitj;, it being mine np in the on. si auloh.miui iii.inn.r, uuu ia equal lu ln..t n,u by ,.uy i.lm r house in the C n, ..liU la a choice uml fulurinab e al,,eK. al ll' I lllltiallilr J l.'lMltlSt uf every style .mil variety. This is positively a closing aa every article nitil he soul hy the Iir.i ol October. M." reli.iiits and others are ri quested to e.ill auu cx.iiiiiie b. lor MMMiifc ).urei ,s., ns liiey w ill fmu it to toeir inlereal Io lo so. '1 hey nuv Irom Ui lu OU per eei l ehe..,Kr lh.m i.l any ollu i 'lloin-e We always keep on h .lin the best und cheapest asaorlini nt of as tot ';;, In id'! 1 1 tun lo titiuVf we expect to oun a tp. ry urge auM.riin. i.l ii .mili.i.n i.: f.OODS. DAVID K Ali.N WKILKIt. DANIEL KAliNtt E I LEU. JAcoh KAU.WvEILK". -Iifust 30, iejj. -..-.if stop am) ki:ai) this: (;ooi7Ti;ws AT C1IAHL0TTK, ('.!! AMI. TKF.J ) Kit r as .,u.t, s i.irpe am! exteiiivt NEW 1 a s-rt I'Ot K of r-v itorv and l..-..tlier, French and Allieneaii f ill Uir.. and all aurns ol Sl.oe. M. krr 'e Fn.uings. ALSO, A he.utifnl Stock of tin- latest and most f.isliion. al.le slyl. a uf A'i St .-less cow n lo in. .M v siiii.-i Gr . f'l 1 OAKFOIiirs I1FST, '.'ItlltlOII W r Stock nf (....lies' an fine i sira SEW I.l 1 FOOTS, M(o!:s A N n 1 t;.rn:i; l;-w are riot lo he surp iss. d by an v. Tin v e'cpiir. ery neat ''rally rh.. el'i B..01 mi tarn. . II, 1 I'm, iiiut tin- 1 to ei.ii .-ii Me are p.-irl i.-ule t Stri a, an. I j u mined hi sell i;e tor 111 deli- I.OA AN I) S'flt It TI.V rtlR(A -II. J J" He mre you call at the right houi pos.te toe M insion House, at . I, tiiritiiiK- Itn u, one d.,or below l.!i..s & Cohen's Ch.ihin. v. list 1 c 1: .v to.. Il'-r'n? to the ntihlie the hue..' rlm.-l.l nl ;.) I. UII ! I tJAll, MoI.'SSF.S, SAI.T, i.c. Tilt Bt ST KIMI or BA(.GIN; Kol'Kaiin IWlNi:. 1 5.00O pi u.i.i IO.IMIU " ilttt " Flacon, of which will be 1 .Id I... for CASH or Cnun. trv Pro 1 olne and See, 1 them. don't Inrt-e for ! July Uii. ly t.ffj- nv. MACK' Il.OW, (P.tenCd hv J P. (P.tcnCd hy rns.ol M..s ill.hll.lliff Fol U I 1 OWS I.N ONI- It .1 11 VF. 1111,1s iiii.lsh-irpeiien TNV i.l.VF. Iioul the aid nf a Ph.iM.milh. Il eali th. IIIM.llt anv :iin. F01 niAKL)TTK FUUMMIY. Jny 13, I .".:. i y if Tha World's Exhibition Vtizi Kc-dal : Awaided to U. nii,YEa, FOPv IS TWO PIANOS. fONOON or rt)I!Fll l.iih, l-.'.l. MF.YF.T!. resp.ctiuilv inl'.rma Ins friends m "' the puh o- Ee.ier.iliv that he I sianllv on h.,n.: II AN0S.1 1111.1I to those for which heriieiveii the I'tiif Mnlul in Loi jon, in lt".".. Hi- Ins r.eiiv.-il lue li l.-t 11 viar. imre M FDAI.S than i, 111! llistllllle, a s. Y.TK .'I'd II. .till. ed lo, and ere. I p.ics 114 the s.,'ti i.llle Hie I'l., Ilk ui H -t" N. W Arch street, l.r Juis ' I't 111 w, i in lit. run. !i:j fin t, Iiiiimii ti l-l l' t( VliOODS, ; OVs. PFAl'S.aiui ONFK( I lONI.Ils AR . I II I. C-, t inns l .! s, l( .-h V...S, To. et Bottles, Iiiks Willi Figures, .level ali.l Card lie. eeivera, Fl..gire Articles, Ac. Latest styir ' goo. is .litly reeeivtu an. I sohl at tle I, TV low. tat cash pr.ees. W. Til l l li. No. H Fourth Streti, flnl ..len.hi.i. July 19 in-r.'T VA7'I.I, Y the Charlotte PARC Ft, rOMPAXV, coot t;i(s. Ann. &0.000 Feel ef Oi.a, and Poplar PI, AN K, I tines, 9 inches wide., July ','i, l.i!l, M-tf Wanted, as" TINN'FKS at the cheater Tin if Shop, tioo.l si(fi will be g iv. en anu steady emph i.; icii tsy tOKSTMLJLi n MW E, Nye Hutchison & Co., I i.uvi.vs rsti:i:. t ts.siii.orrr., .v. c, V;holosale and Fielall Dealers In j h:ui:h. AMI iiomi:mic i Drills, Medicines iCheniieals,1 A IK rcceivini; fresh ! r: - ; rt W: frim the New V..rk M-"- s-t. rli.iHi'd iifitin such leriiti fl'f V- wi.iiid r'-wjiec'tilMvSi. rv I'll I.! wi.iiiH r- ;ie:c tut. ySU i tlie nttenticn of !!i'e- Pun- W'.ite Lev I'., I lirr.nie Ci liiw ( ii hir, R n. B nek, Whiliiiir, il'.Sn.iw White Z:lie.nir.. i, r..ris (ireen, Burnt I'niln Lend, l!lek I.iid, nitinn Kid, f.iiiiip RIhck, I)r TV' C K XX' m Pnm IDS . Knirii.l, Ki g, I'urnilure, Cnpnl, Picture, Is. ir,(; .TX a ftB in f.ineed. Tanner's. Tram,, Machinery, Lll hnel:i f. Kerosene, S. a l.rihi.1, Pure Sner-n, Castor, !weet, (lure, I'.i.l Curniej Fiuiil,; Tun.. Tiline, .l. i,l. Pure Frel i-ll Old M .de-ra tt me, i'..rt and Sii.rrv. Indon forter, Fr.-sli C..ntr,-ss iler, ( ilri.te ,l pnesiii, lee So. , ria Wster. C .ntoi, T. is. It i k.-r's ( hoc date, Fn ei-n Pcrfu ploile (Quinine, 0.iu .. A c. I".i!t. I j(T Chnimtr. Jim THE UNION, ) AIM II MItFIT AIIOi i: 'Ills II I. rHILALELPIIIA. ITT' IN S. NK( OMi:ii. I'trprirt-rr. '. ajb fHf" un,lers,.ned n.vii,,; ,, iirc ln jj!ff3 nrlmr. F.v..n l,v.,n, m ihe ah., Jv'l-iiii Hotel, would e.iil I lie,.n nf II public to Us convenience tiiose v-iei tn.g Finn ci-iiihio, 1 ill., r n t names or n leucine. v.x--' 1 Ma iei lla tuns hut s lew sli ps f-. in the1 principal an urn . ol tr.ule, . (IV r iiinuei menls to ; Mobii e, Sept. n.h. r .'h: Tlie sales cf c tlon to. thnae on business; while Io in search of d.: v iu I ; ! I... , ; Inr m-rs. t elosmg; stear.y, pM..s.irr, e i-..:..iai.l.y f'-.i'K M r.-p.i--siii; ,u, .,. . ,i..j. it H-J t.t li j e. 1 1. sales of ma "-'I w- .v cr- an. 1 ih.i.e 111 1!. .e proxiuiiiv, atl .i.i wok ai- i...i,s. an., ihe receipt for tha plcai.i.t noe l..r the mere neniiniil sum ut half s.,uk pen. u t. IT.Stis i..i... ae. lust M.'JIU balea. a .rill e 1.1 an pi.iei s of iniert -t in or about ihe c ity. Ti.e I'to :.ii. i..r gives assurance that" The I 'nt- j Nt w Ok i.c S. pt, u,i.. r 3'i The sle- of cot. on" shall hi kept with such rlu.ri.eier a will unit ! f-tt t.i.o..y ..vli o h i...l. s. I he ..,. s for the wee public approhiitiori, anil wouhl respectfully solid. 4J,l'h0 l.'.iti., .,110 Lie r, eeip's me 4li,ll,J bale', a. ..rtl. (are!, 1 a p . 1 1 on :. t e . Terms I 5( riav. I I'TO.N j!. NEV. CI i.MI.n, Auzuil 1 It. I y.'i'.i. i'.'i-ly I'sofN'KTn WHEAT WAMFIi. pluntii't- c.'ii.muiiily v.iil kf not ici- flirt ir W 1,1 at Cri.UHil: b.i purclusi 0 at Ihe , Ch ,-h.iti Ste .in rlonrii.,! Mill, at imirki t prices, ' liam.a; W lift f-r ale m.-y fmu il tu ihur l.uii.l lage to can ;,l tiie Mii! before e osilir; a Sale. JOHN WILKKS Si. CO. juiv'2.if-:v. . stitf VII.IvI.(). ( ()., I DEAT.EJ.S IM WAT IKES', JEWELRY, Cii.Sll.VEK nml P L I T E D WIRE. tuJ j AND No. 5,;ralilte K..n.-e,.u.pos t. llir Mansion House, ClIAlILUTI i:. N. AM. ntini e.vf 11 !.. Ctp.iirir.g A- Ti-n-, !-v. June 7, ' I3u " -Notice. A I I. pi rsons ,-,re lie lii.B with gun. , iiilioned ieii or IWiung IHA I' AUKS. Utf Jwre 7. I?:,!). RBLEYAKD. , C. MALCOLM, tjRAi TH AI. MAIiHI.I'.t I TTFR, Iv 111 '. t.i.k loe pul.ile, tu t he urn onpositc the Mansion ll..t-. l, v. In re he 11 .11. ill MONI M K.N I II K A I STONl-N, lAlil.K TOPS. 1.1,11 all kiin-i ol Work in the M.rhj, fine, 01 either IMrollf. Fl) I P.M. IAN or AMFliK AN .MA Kill. K, ll ivine mi..:.' arruiijeiiients by I1 ttrocu'e Iheivr.'RTro lt,iii.,u M..ih(., one s, he can h i aii ordi rs f r M 1 able If' iild he I to h i of deal, i-f M .r- . line, to cil ,.. prices and joe. Having ha.' a., yi .r'i, he will give ins I' i ii- Monni.'.tita. .Ve .'-ria',erv, ,Vov ln!1 attention to pl.t. Htf llolel ir Sale, AT MONIIOF.. Nol! I'll CAI'UI.IN A. r m II F. siiiisc ih. r beinj; uesir.n i el ' I,,. -gll.g I... l.i-n-S..,. 'o'ii f. rs i r ai:, no -I Nl. iN In -rWf TFf ." Th House i" situated in the t'rivm Town . M ,i,r,t. N C, c nv. -niei.l to lue business por.i. Te ' the i . , contains -Furniture A. K. I.' , It 1. r long- r a. i.i JAMKS lIIt'KKT. .v-iV .1 nl. Ac, . .... (II KZ. til Ihe I 1 P.-rs. v, with 10 names lroa.1 t'-f-particulars ) Tlanlers SOTTON (ilNS, of C e hist at per saw. I J. I. F.LLTUT Arl I'. S-'S-IL r rretnni".a November IS.'.M. al the Male I'nii. J. m r. ' AN I F.ll a goo.! the Whig offn , I 1W. tnquire al man lirritii jiiaijuiiaiiriiiaaw jaii'MiAjMMa1 auawal The iTlnrkffia. COHRKCTED Br OATK8 & WILLIAMS. ;iiai;i.ottk, m toukr sb, m. BACON , Hams, "-- 13 (5 14 ih U U, i-2 Ib H (a, 1-2 Ii IU !, Ui) ve 11 Uj lPj I a h It) 15 f,e 20 io '-' (o 30 ....bushel t!0 ; OU .ffsl i5 Ui, fit) 21 1 (o 150 lb 8 (,. 10 Ih HJ (o 14 lb 20 (, lit) s Ih '.S (m 33 lb 45 ( so Ih J5 fV 00 ....hushel 75 (o, n each 15 Oi I ij . ...vard 12J (., 15 vard 25 (o. 311 W fi. 15 bbl li Co, 475 b-k'S -M (: Sf) !h 3U In, 3j ib IJJ - 13 ih 3 h ...bbl.Nul I6 f. (tl ....Kills .'ltiU (n. 3.'0 gal I-U ( 00 ".il 3H (... 40 ... bushel 75 (, I tl )...hhl 9 (o C.i It 5 (.., 00 ,ib 5 (, 6 ....bushel 411 fin 00 II 7 oi 7J ....hlinhei 70 (- 75 . ...bueliel lid ('. 75 buhel HO (, 00 ....bushel 4 ti-, $i lh 14 t... )K 'h 9 Il t a ....iTaeU H fo (0 Ib (o. no ....bushel l (' on ....l.lll.el !) I", no 2,.l 45 io. 55 ...' .Vi o 10 -.isiied -i' I i -'H une.a.hei. 11 3:1 ... h-il. I'll) l i I'D I? Ii y , t - tinny , !!utter. Ht-aiin,. (ntti.ll. f.,!le Uii. " Java, t'ltniilen, AiJkihh I ' ' Openn. Tslli.w J (,ri I 'ItlfkellH I.;,l'iiipi:rj, ! " l.lli'l.ev... I- Kg:; ' Hour ! l ei' it. r f.iinl, Mui'.in i Mackerel. Wo! , N.O , VV. I.. MuUle( Willi Nails. Norlhe' Ok1 fork it oe, Ir ! liies,... KF.M AliKi. 1 TToN. Since out last rep-irl, cot. u !..,. e.'n.nie need c..nil"e; in l:e:iy Ire. iy tho nl .it in. .no ..i, ihe ;i..rt ..I F.ciors tn-iNirt sell, r- l" oi.taiii hher r..l.- tiiaii en n he mail. tallied r i..i;iiii- I'U'j.'.-eH. H".- w.'iihl now qu-'te ex. treioes !' lUh.N ii ..ri'imiry 'o e..f,d 11111I11I1113 B to H, -I I nl 75 tl) tU Cellls. COI. .M It I A M It K FT. ia, O t .b. r 1, I I I I 'I I ).N" Tl ' sales 32f, l.. I.s. al .xlrem.s Pi ly 4e. u- - . 1 i.c ..1. I ...I v.i liAi ( N, I, unround, ' 1 'l.'N I'l: as OATS Fl.oL 1: Cl' KI.FST11 I (' cols, helll a iu..lal -u s. j -j n Ill) (1. !15 3 MAIIKI'T. t.., .Sept. 30, 1S59. . a. nee our I .st reach in tin- s .u.e tune have ..I prices ringing from rj to I :. ills. 1.11,1; period 1.1 ist .o.i resni-et.nltv snnoii. ee to the '.-ns of Charlotte "anil surroun.ling I he si ll eontiunea tiie above busi. I 'te. 'ere lie la prepared to lur . I'MNliS AM) SASM, to the pub. 1 -t reisonuCe terois, ano on th - s'uirt- conntrv. til. ness 11', Ch.. iiif.Ii llOOU lie on the III T-eit II .1 nil ,. lCe hi '! ::.'aiina for work i.. country, he ia neler-i-tliori of donij; buine tPttl rtiftitre .l.ii-e in Ins Machine Shoo, l.cfor .iS, 3') ion U)M UW.WA I.OTTEilY. The nett ordinary drawin? of the Ruth! Has na conducted he tl'eSpanish'.overnineiit, nrs-'cr the s:irerviso.n of liia Captain ii neral of Cuba, will t.nlic place at Havana on WKDNKSHAV, October 10, m ssss,ooo. SORfFO NCMFHO ilRPIN'ARIO, 1 11 tas. ii:izi: s?ioi),ooo! prileol H0.0. I h pri7.iaof Si'i.000 .',.l' I 1. 1,000 :(,i.l)tltl 1 7t " '0 1 (;.ot 1 11 t't l.,0.M '-"I ..i.riin'..00 Ai.'.r.j'm..t..l s t tl.. $ It'll,' 1 (. JimO each) 1 t.. r'",' -tin : 4 of 4Hll I . tiU.lMM, 4 ii to .l..i i ; -1 ol f fill t !H,iilll. I loo, Tieh.'t-- ; ll,,;i-.lo; Quarters IS rues e-isheil at slg'it lit 3 per C. II t. d iscoo-i t. i Is .01 all s.-'velil il.iuiiS tak.-n at p.,r. or iw.og '! "e lorwarded a. s . m as t!ie re :t t. inctioii. aiioreased to PON P'M'RI a-e of I 'ity p.. it. Chariest li, S. t'.) un. il of O. la'her Will he altet.ut I li) lorde-iiig Ticket, will p'ease writ Ih'il in n il give lliuir poai otliee, oounty anal Wm. A Owens ii titi.or i i". i. - 'II I or.-liee n thel ourtaor siecs.osni un.l'iif i I Office irl v opi" 111. il. ' r. 7. I-

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