From the 1.1 COLVCIUfiNvJKs'-MUSKS A NT' " ' aimsr. A GOOD TASTOR. The true emblems of good minister are, . alicnherrl it the head of Lis family. The .liohcrd bin an equal record for all the ! neriei should ppeal lo tliem la way not to retu0., t, tn, Uoatio asylum. She became I m . ; l . l I TL:- CI.).. I. ....... .. ' c .L. ......... lln ..... K. . I flock, for the lambs fiT the sheep ; he 'seeks tbe wandering ; ho applies remedies of the country. Their empty bam. and gra- 00tfow, peparator, t0 her! .,.,:. .V.n..M .ne.! l,ni In a wa not la I .. , J' ... ' i ' OL. I I While Mases wsswatchiug tbe flocks of to the diseased ; he gathers the lambs in Jethro, his father in law, the Lord appear- ! bis arras ; he collects the tu into tbe fold at cd to biin in a burning bu-h, and announc-1 niphl, and counts them as they enter, o ed to bmi thai ! would be the deliverer that none ma j be left without ; and be leads of bis people, by Lis band : When Christ them forth iu the morning into tbe green was torn, the announced to the chep. ! pastures and he."rde the still water. His herds watching tbeir flecks on tbe hills 'care aud watchfulness dneenda to all tbe of Judca, " Uuto you is born this day, in flock. And so the father of a tannly exer tbe Citv of David, a Saviour, which is Christ ' ci'es .pecial care orer every me be misunderstood 1 Their fields so barren , insane from viewing tbe Aurora Borealis a, looking, all overrun wiln sore, auouiu re. 'anon time, ago, wuiuu prove them for such dereliction of a duty D,01,e" "OMiwa tna rK"u"'s . iii. , . the world, tbry owe to their children and tbeir coun- ; try, as well as to themselves ! Hut farmers , tbe Lord.'' Moses' life was sought in his it, and seeks, with equal care and diligence, I "'ry -"-"0 infancy ,-ChrUf. life was sought iu bis in- the best good of them .11. He exercises a Hal it seems impost..,., a.mon o cnange X, Stew fancy a'-o. Moses, after be bad fled from general care over all, and a special care of j cou"e 01 F"J""-'-' tb. face f bis enemies for a season, return-, each. 5o that a good minister should ere j their interests that course may be-and th. G T ti a.ia to Li, people ; Chri.t returned ! for bis people as a shepherd cares for bis ! Country, together with our ag-. C ' 1 - ... ! ! la 1 ..AnABll Mill . i ) I a aaJ to bis people after the death ofbeep as a father cures fur bis family j " a,"""""! """ Mo;P. refuted 1 as God promises to car tor Israel when he . reiterate mo un rrjmnu mjuuiiiuu . i or is well sgainst tbe sinking process of culti- A young lady aged about sixteen, of , IXOISTIS (MKOI.I VI vation so universally practised in many parts consider.ble lntelligence sod prepossessing jyjTT TT ARY INSTITUTE t. mi rim iv. yy4 f ! II K E f "' ! " mtlliuie w J n, inr"e kii Hie ll u !. f mat. A(TI.TV KI.Kl T: Mm. H..U. Illl.l., Sii rint. i.denf. I.IKI.T (' t". I.KK, CiMlilnmiiliinl, V. P. fcSTllX, A. M , Prmciiial f 1'rimi.ry It')ariiii ii. Course of l ltitHes : In Ihr Priumrv I), purlinrnl, rucli tu qualify a Sluiliul li-mli r "V 1'tilirjje. In lh eienlitic U-iliriit the Weft I'omt Curriiuliim will bo el.i.ely IpMowiiI. li will he aim of the ProfofOrii to maki- Smvi-vms, Kin'i. iieera.ChciiiiaU.anil man fit l""T Hie pnelM'nl bum nrrt l' lif. In mldilion tn lite uhiihI Extrriift t Military Selimiln, Ilia tiiaiilh ul' Augiiat rl . j.l. iuUr w ill lie tit in t'.iliiiiuiiing llirougli llie muuii. tin nf Ni rlli Cornlin. 'li A,u,l,mc Star will einninencr, tin tlie 1st Hu ol' Oi.l.itiep. nl will tmhraee Iwelte niuiilh". A fur lough of two moiili.a (Auif. vnU ti pi.) will 1 he fivi-n In t'mleta at Ihntnil "I t!u ir cc. nu yer. Hiirhculiir lnti"i will t- (fivn lo me nwi waste also in the application of manure putting it on the ground whieh needs drain ing, when half tbe value of tbo manure ex pended in draining would produce almost infinitely better reults. Again, they will uibcr ofi'v'J'n 00 10 b'W already rich, while S, T. WHISTON KEKI'S rni.Kt I'll h'nl. wlinlra ile t f. tail, n full (ml complete ituf.ortiiient of l'li.VI.N am juam:i) TIN-WAIJK, which will he .old .Oil'. g Klt'NTK.R Sl'AI.KS. KuarnrleJ S.nire nl.d j Stew Pan.. Uluc Pols. Waffle I on, ic.. Herod, bia cruel persecutor. o be died the son of l'h.raohs daughter, .ays, " I will f-ed my flock ; 1 will cause jjaera save your manure, and thereby vIrtollv refused to be madeUhem to lie down. I will scrk that which, an earthly king also. Mosca chose twelve1 lost, and bring ajjain that which was, DIU'IXO AFPLK3. tn?n to spy out the laud of Canaan ; Christ . driven away, and will bind up that which tflj I'rcn.rvig Apples will now chnse twelve apostles. Moses choe seven- was broken, and will strengthen that which ; ;n orjeri an(j ,e hdTie those who have ty disciples. Moses established his religion ; was sick." Aud if the Great Saepberd cou-1 turp 0r tB;a fruit which canoot be mar by twiricles ; Chrift e-tiblithed his reli-1 descends to such duties, ou what grouud j Jn.jgj A'lvantage, to dry as many as pos gioa by niiraclea also. Moses overcame tbe can under shepherds excuse theniaelves j There will be a demand for tbem, rnajimD. ; Christ overcame the devil and, from it. Dr. .Murray. ail his etLissaries. Mces parted tbe waters. cf the Red Sea. an 1 went over on dr Cl APir, Drvd.Spi t'e bjr gTonod ; Christ walked upon the surface cf tie waters, and at Lis command the wiuJ and rolling waves were obedient. j Mores turned tbe bitter waters of Mirah into sweet ; Christ at tbe marriage of Cana ef Galilee, turned tbe water iuto wkie. liases cured the leprosy ; Chrit cured " ' "" " ssveral lepers. Moses fed the pp'o in the WHAT CONSriirTKS A GOOD FAU- Agricultural. ; not only in cities and villages, and in new i sections of the country where bearing trees are not yet secured, but also in many locali ties where tbe crop has failed. Kemtuiler that it pays to prepare and dry the Jruit CAREi'l'Ll.Y. Clean, well-pared, well cored, and carefully dried apples sell fnr double the price of those poorly prepared. Two shillings worth of time aud care in prepar ing a bushel, will not uofrequently add a dollar or more, to its marketable value. Apples may be quickly dried by shaving wi'demo ; Christ fed tbe multitude in tbe j MEK I wildernes asso. Moses face shone when If the Di-pcer of buoaan srents should them wholly into thin parings, on any com be came dawn from the Mount ; Cbri.-ts pernijt t!,i3 world to stand a thousaud years mon parer, and spreading tbcra npuu plates j,ersoa shsne above the brightness of tbe ioneT.t tQe t,ime waiil sorely conic wben ev. or earthenware dishes to dry. "Apple sun on tbe Mount of tranr-flgurMion. A rj mjn ,to i;j,t tlia earth wil fee cotllpeH- leather," as it is sonrttimes called, is a con- c.oudy pillar fo.lowed Moses ; a bright . , i j flfmer 3tS!aveto t'talk. venient article. It is made by preparing ! and avid luwu il S. T. WKISTON. uperior article, for sale S. T. WRISTON'S. and Dressing liCXKS for ' aHJ rxiiuajs imtti ucnum ol s. i. wti.-s:u. , , ......... ,. n..,.rA r...i i.i.i.i.. .,, . ... - 1 S.H. RANSOM. O.ES. Tlia lui-tilutr Inlliniir ciceot under cluiliea, mr IW 11. It .'I, me lull' parable in lv.noc j ! llie b.l .neein mi nmnll.a. tslra chuiptt. j Nu run.s-ioB i. 'eti .rjti. lo who leave uiileaa on tlie arnre ! ht alili. TEHMS OF ADVISSIOS: Jfo one will be a.luultrd into the PaiMiav Pi riiram umler Twelve yeara of are; nor inlo ' llie f'eilSTiric llrnaTMKJiT under Killrn nor over j yeara of ngr. All eonneelrd Willi the I Scientific Iieiarimeiitwill be ifjniid lo board in I tlie Irmlitiite; in llie Primary Ikpirtmcnt A STONE & Co.-. Screw Top ta.ASS JAUS " " " ch'H'"' i for prearrviiir Fruita, Vegilablea, 1c, the R E IU A R K E ! beat article now in uae, lor rale by S. T. WIUSTON WAIT FOR THE Willi II 01. MY i It. ,1 ,VA m. a k.- ! r B uae he Inly bia A IV 'r.'i' from tb .A. "aja,- .BI M'i niilnci nrera. el!. S,, V,.uld f-.,m th ..,ril... i. yji.mii) ii rapeclfulty anni.uiicr to ll't inhaloiarta rl t HA I.I ( 'J 1 in rl i ii.ilt , ,f ir Old M.u, Iu No. I , Granite R w , In re Ik luia ni w on eil.iLilii.n, jun rrrcmn nt ol me moat rati naive asaortnienla of '.4 ai & KJ ftdd Ever oft'errd in North. Carolina, among wliicli will be found the celcbraUu 'ws..' ' -r zm ts vaimt-'i-n;,. (ooKix; stovi:s. ijiiif.i aqSRis Fl l.t. ASSORTMENT of COOKI.Sn and cllier STOVES, will be conManlly on lund. y can b ff'.rd.d in Ikia cloud overshadowed Cbrut. Mcses g"jTbiais a strong expression, but as true as the fruit as if for saaca, and tbeu, after; S. T. WRISTON. CAaiU-'e.Junt U. 18.'.3. Mil Land lor Sale. ti.e law ; Lhnst gave tbe gopel. it ;4 itr0Dg Old fogyism may continue to cooking, spreading it thinly on earthen dish fasiei forty days before giving the law ; den0UI)cetBC)e Bo tator to iuipr0re the cs, and drying it in tbe hot sun, or in ovecs ik'ud forty days before giving the ! a.r;cu!,ur8 0f tBe sautb ; but the time will kept at so low a temperature as to avid all 1 !" .u."it ui.ui.t.iit..., come when their posterity will see their stu- danger or scorching. 1 he tbin dried sheets . rg v j k aulncnbcr, being dcairoua to r-nue Christ was emphatically meek and bwly ,d f d b f d L ,huj prepareJ ;n keep , long tinie j0 , i ir.n tbe country, offer, for .ale the Plan. . .. V t r t r r ' r o 1 tation on which .he now re.nira, Iving 4 nine, in heart. Closes was a propnet ; LUru-i . inee,tor, butchered. The day dry room, and be ready for us? whenever from Charlotte, on ih We.iern Plank Koad, con- wasMdrepbet that ebou.d come. .oes . .;re.4v ,ome w:,t. En-land. France, thev are wanted by simplj soak:c.j them, Germany and Ireland, where agriculturists j j Tlie Inalilule Cuiiin. arc tlie lareet, moat r.lfHV.wO.rii.lher. Country i ad il.e Hoard of .hi. 1. ... .uh a f,m.... reputation ir. th. Southern Country for ,l,e I.., , Uirettor. Irual thai under ll.e ni.nagemint ol me j i -"- --p j ,,. ,i ,i. o. "" ' ' Surnitenuenl and (tor of "o...umr. le.. I,., I.and doc. more work ... . given tin.r ll ... any oil. , f.ov. no. ,r ,P. , , .r.' of We.t Poi.U and of long epe. I put up one beam, any other Stove of .be .... .w I be I m ee ,f ,,. '., ,,Army ,A ru the ... .n.lrne. ...rk .n a g.veo l.w... b. w.ll forfeit the price ol the Move, ...d Su.l and r . lion, ll.c In.lituie will be e.Ubli.heJ on uue uie oeiier one. Military baaia n il on true Military I onnciulea. Tbe board will further .iv. that .Mr. ES'I II.I. . a Graduate of llie Virgioi.i I'niver.ily j and an experu nced Claaeieal leacher. Tly would further elate Ibal il i. tbeir intention to! I inercaee the nu.nuer of Iracbera in both Pert. j nienla aa Ui palronagn ol the public my require, i Una Inalilule granted liberal t i.arl.-r by I the I eialature of North Carolina, with lb. power 1 ' ol conferring Degree, upon Ibuae who complete ! the preaenbed I'ourae ofStudiee. il' Application, for .iimiamn will be receivrd unlil ;he lalnf September, and mul bedir.cled to Dr. C. J. FuX, Prraiueiil uf liie Biard, i hnr. lolle, N C. J. 1 'X. ) jaj. r. IRWIN, c 11. LaK. ALKXANIiKR, j 5 promised anofher prnphet ; Cbrit proruis ano:ber Cortforter. Maes prayed aud in tercadtd for bis pecple ; Christ prayed for bis enemies, and ever lives to intercede for bis people. Moses instituted the passover ; Christ, who is oar passover, commands laming 50 rcrea. The land is of g"d quality For DarticuUra. enquire uf the .ubaenber oil the For bciue use, we have lately preserved preuuaea. are ccmpclled from true necesity to study our apples in air tight bottles and cans. j n, ,8 3 5,f I their profession, and improve their systems The frsih apples are pared, cored, cooked, ' ' of furiLing economy, to an extent limited and seasoned ready for the table, then put jjjjtjrj HDTUAL and FIRE Insurance JAS. II. CARSON, THUS. II. liKEM, S. M. RLAIR. DAVID PARKS, (U.latt,, .v. 10. ie:,9. 9.f years, lley would eitber starve to death, or vantage of being always ready for ue six or twelva months after putting up. Ameri- f BlHIS Company be JL. can Agricultui ist. A CURK FOR TIIK TIP. Tbia is a troublesome disease aruoDg ponl- only by tbeir power to do so. If they were hot iuto tbe bottles, and oorked and sealed. to cursue tbe course that planters of the , This we find better, bv far. aod even cbean ns to keep it in remembrance of bim.-J Soutb are D0W BUuiD?:n ie.s thln twenty 1 er, than th. dried fruits; aud it has the ad latins ar.oictea Aaron iugn i ri.ct oi tbe .nor. ,-r.:,-Br,.a w., .DdlRUu "7 ; be forced to leave ' their own, their native the Holy Oto-t, as our atoning Hih Prieel. I jmn jo-es lifted up the serpent in the wilder-l ,, , . . ... , ' ' ! Rut lbs question arises, what is 1 a good -; Cbr:.-t say4, even so Pii-I the Son I , ., -., , .. , . . ' ; farmer: There is Diucb diversity of cpinien of Mas it lifted op, that whosoever believ- , . . c . ., , r' ! on this qeestiou. Souietiuies the men who et b in bitn ?boaM not rerish but have eter-1 ., . , , . , , , ' run over tLe most land per hand, and drag a! Kfe. Moses Erst set cp tbe vail of the; , . ,. f j out of tbe sou tbe most money, rejardless Tabrncie, "birh cctsceaUd tbe tiiost Holy ! ... , , , . ' of tbe wtar and tear o: land, and team and rce; Chriat at bia death rent in twain!, ., . .u v . r ! force, are ea.Ied good farmers, yea, tbe best tbe vail ef the Teittle, frcm the top to the I , v , . . . i r j r .' r ; farmer a. But that is net true! I admit it bott-rn, thereby shawinc that tbe Mosaic- '.tj iii i . . j ' , not. I a do id would fca enuiva ent tn ad. - - - i milting that tbe doctor who made)tbe most money, regardless of the lives be destroyed, wus the best doctor. The one would be about as true as the other both are ut terly fale. A " good farmer," according to tbe best Company, (arelina (it), c, Inrotforaltd by an Art of the LrguUlui) Carottna). T.lXIaS. rjlIlF. TjI Liata for Ihe year InLi are now in JL n.y haoda for ilopeelion. Tl oae liable to p.. Taxes will pltaae forward and Ktlle. K. C GRIKR, Sheriff. April V2. mo. tu . Sorlk ' G as V o r k s, ALSO, A LI- KINDS OV FiyRLOR & BOX lie liaa, and enneianlly keep on hand, aa eal. nie ar.d varltd .lock of TIN AND SHKKT IISON. ui.ttli s, cist .. ; HAT .CKS,CIWI)IXS,&c.,&e., .! a! Mhlrh ull beanlil, M liolra!e nit.l Itrtiill t Imii p r limn h( r r brcss l(rr l in llil w Irl sail y . 1 would return u.ytnanke to my frienda ane en.lon.rr. for tbe rry Me ral pairemr tl m e. bea towed apon ua. and they wiay real a.aur.u, thai I eha.ll eniletvi.f, by ele all. i,. together with d. n lo pleaae. to Iry ad merit a ronUaoanee of the aarr.e. H22 UWi'OJS "WML SM 4 milh WAVi." Ladies and Gt nllt nie n arr pailirularlv in.iti d lo rail end pxan itir il ht .N. n I will Irll too why I bead my adtertiaeiiM M u Wrt raa vna W ,.., ,i ,, we hae three w aggon eonatanlly traveling rbrvagl. tbe euui.ti; with Sli'i. UT .III at ilt i n trill br fuilliluUy ami prcwttlh eilttmhdlo A.A.N. JI.TAYI.0i:. i'pensaticn was abalished, and that He b!uie!f was now to enter into tbe Holiest of a'!, aad forever t down on tbe right band f the Ijty cn High. r.; THK SICK NEIGHBOR, card I'axter once said, " I ?ldom fear tV. t rr'l ,.r . A. .A ki ! " J " ' s ' " u crcienee atka me: 'What hast thou I dise far tbe saving of tb it soul before it I luft the body ! There is one more gone in- j ttercity : what di!-it thou do to prepare! biin for it? and al'.t testimony must be f:re to tie .Ind; orietrninz tbce!"' In tl. niD! spirit Sainnock says ; " It may J be tbe list 'jpp'irlunitii rnayeil ever Ki ff of a,;v uit'?i'i ti i ii:k neighbor's j "-' !!;s sick bed may t Li d ai J th' 3 t wi L too lit? to eT.n-e! o: v:te Lim. Dihtase, both bo iily an J spiritu al, mast be parsed away before death, or i -rer. He that it ''. by at death, must Ve fiiby stiH, even to ail eternity: all t'i.i j t' an in bell will tot wah out ibe lea-t spt iu tbe soul ; ail tbe fire of bell will not I j 'j'je eat the least drojs. Therefore, Christ ! tt- i tbe crp?rtr.ity of dropping good eoun- j e tbe heart of tbe thief on tbe eroa aioamg ti.atif be bad emitted it a very f w hours longer tbe stj! of the poor thief bad bttB i'j-t fjr evtr. Iladft tboj a fiK-nl f t j a. and never to ret irn a ga'n, w.isir,,: at a port (it a wind, and then to be gte. ar.d bal-t buiinesa w.lh Lim of k jret c iieerr.rueLt to bim as bis life thou could. t t" I. m of a quicksatid wbicb be must Lewa-e tf. or be k! be cist away : wou'l-t tbca L i b cjuick and spedy to acquaint Liiu with it, k-st be abo'ild be u' .'ersail btfur tii'.u d. bim T Wouid it not cut tbee tie heart if be should s iacarry through thy r.eglii.ce 1 !. sp aiicatitn is tay. Il soul of every neigh bor is, or oujbt to be, dearer to tbee tLau tut body of thy neare-t fiiend or relatijii T'Lin thy w'.cktd neighbor is aitk, L;s soul n launcbtng, for aught thou krioet, iuto f t ocean of eternity, wberce be shall oev ei, tever (turn more, lie wait, only fur a win1?, a word from God, abd be is gone 'J Le aiek bed ia the paatage or pathway t, t'l.e gra. ' uou ba- work to do with biin t" at i. more or'.'u to bicu tuan hi. life, that is uf at -Tit vj'u a Lis immortal son! and tteruil aition. Sjw tlju mayent ac'Kaii.t, b.ia be ou tbe sjore. wi'l. bis and the way of bi (Je,iv e. v ; but he iauri',,i' 'l 'i.t main, South, is tbe -xan who improves his land, and tbe sppearanee cf his place, improves his stock and tabes care of his force. And I think this definition of the t.nn is correct No man, however intelligent on othersub jHC'.", no matter bow much money be may be ma'aiL. for the time should be consid ered a "good farmer," in tbe strictest sense of that term, who grossly neglects the iiu-,-..,...,. . r.i . ,.-t r-.r.a b-bed : i K mits nit lelds lo wash into yawning guilies, and turns tbem out for bis children to re claim tt the eo:t of much labor asd ex pense, or leave their old homes, or starve, it to any extent, whatever, a good farmer. I Nu man wbj denounces agricultural im-1 provemeut, and agricultural journals, totes I corn in one end cf bis tack, and a rock in, tbn otbrr end to balance it because bis' " daddy " done it, can possibly be a "good farmer.'' g duly organised, i. now prepared lo receive appiictiona lur ...aur. ance upon BUILDINGS, EERCHANLISE, Funiilitrr, .'IaHiilueloi li , MIII AM) IIIIIK t n(.(ltS id moat kinaa of property, at rernuii'ralive rile. T HE .ubaenber. rupe' tfully inform the pub. lie, that lin y are pr. pirrd In erect t.aa : Uurka for lit h ting I it;ea, luwni, V ill:.g. a, I ol. 1 I. via ano lariic liolria. They bate erected worla -Notice. Sd I jhoIj (.rer.-i i fharintte jnd K.leigb, N ii tire aatiaUction to Iim W Ilieb have given ia of tboae pUcea. I.I. are lierebv eaaiioned ear"ei fcun. il lit', t'onfeeii. ter at AH l li a ,11'lir. I ' kle. or Lode. a. Il. la (A. lo qualification., pron.p.neaa and ability to forced .gainal eirr a or Ooga, .-r with net y iw Irrapaaaing tn my aoeb eaaaa will b f.girtly en. try, in which tbe membranes of tbe throat of prennu.ii. and eyes take diseased aetion. A writer' H i. aimed, in the erg.n.a.l... of th,. 0,,p. ' , ., . . ,. nv,to make a tlc n.tuiuni tor Ii.oenmity and 10 the Cotton Planter, wbi.e giving direc-; '"riection to ibe unu in case ol Ia.. An tions for the conttruotion and management' 'nor.blf ...d op. .fi t enor of dealing and a j fa.lhlul lulhlmanlol .le contract.. ill at all lime, of a " Ilevery," ssys : If the poultry bt- I cbaraclenze tbe bua.nea. of the t'omp-ny. Applications tor luaurance may on inaae ai inc orTi-e of Hie t'oniuny. or to lU aullioriatd Agmta. MltKl TORS. William S t.or. com- diseased with tbe pip, make a pretty strong solution of lunar eaustic and with a! suitable mop (swap) apply it all over their - John A. Parrot, mouths and down their throats as far as pot-! 'T"T;.0f'r"hr W . U. Grant. sible : one sppliestioi, wben first discovered, iavid s. J .nea, will make a final cure nine times oat of ten. perform all contracta tnltird into, iney rarer to llie following genilrn.ea : ,Vv 10, I .!. Ji. H. t arson, I rea.t har.i.aa rti,( .t . Wm. John. Ion, I'rea.t 'bar. A. . t :. II K. Dr.'l I H n.Pi'i It.l :. Aaa. Haieigb. " l ot. ; II. Y.-ong. W a.trly. M a. A. n.orv, Free. laa Worka, l.illie (f'alia. N. Y. y. T. Mory Cm W orka. Halerlow n. N. V. , V. 8. richo. nrr t t"o.,42I I'earl it.. New York. Addreaa ibe mlwenbrr" t I.'ab igb. N. C. WA'l Klillf 1K X MlttE?. ! Srpl. U. I ".-.8. 2Tif (Jeo. W. Ui.l, Thoa. J. Bin When tbe disease bas run long, you will l.Uae bucknun, have to ajply it two or three times, which! will very rarely fail if thoroughly done each t. Oglcaby, time. It is said that a little blue mass (blue ' w- s- '-""I. , . i K. A. Tboinpnon, pui; ana strong ground cayeune pepper, g C'h.ipio, well mixed with dongb, is a thorough reme dy on tbe tii st appearance of this disease. Tbe caustic solution should be very eire fully handled, as it makes a very indelible stain on everything it touches, and is best only to make it as it is wanted Maine Farmer. rley (iKFK T.R. W. B. Grant, W. 8. Ing, Dvid W. Bell. March 15. 1 tii J. Uovid W 11, A. B. Cl.apm, i Samuel I4 riera, I Joel II. i.v... I U. A Hargelt. t. Maliett. Preaidenl, l Viee-Preaiuenl, j 'I'rea mrer. i Attorney . , Secretary. 1 HHKVA1!I DAVIPSO.N. 9 3.ii l: X K IT I V E tO.M M I TT K E. ni-l.r.8 NORTH CAROLINA LANDS. Tbe Waebiugton Diapatoh endorses tbe re marks of the Standard, that the price of lands in North Carolina Lave d. nbled tbem- WASHINGTON HOTEL, (tH A.s.J S Ot I BOKKUTOHH ) UK( hi Itl.LT t.M Ii I lt, N. f ., JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. ! f J'lIK I'odcr-.gned rtapectfully ar.n.ianee. lo -jl tin travelling ouhl.e. Ibal ht baa take.. WASTEFUL FARMERS. of management of their manure. .Should olc hare his granary robbed every week or so of 1 ' or " dollars' worth of grain, be would uiske a great fust ab'jul it, and prob acy c2-r a liberal reward for the detection of tLe thief , yet ibis same man will allow ire of tin. u d .n.l popular eatabli.bHient, and ia now peepared to accommodate travel, ra and pri. vale farstlic. will) board by tbe day or month, on tbe moat .eeo.uMooaling la-rma. selves lines 1 1 IS, and tbibks it might have ' TAltLK w. I aiway. be furm.lied with tbe , , ,, .. , , , . , , bal urovi.ioua n. t l.ou.t .i.d foreign market, can truibfuiiy said, (juadrap'.ed ia value since ,jt,d. that time. I The VhillslM Heili-I bat large i roouia, ia lie;. i" Ine depr.t, the court. Iionac, and In Beaufort county, some lands have ris- j the bu.tneaa tn.-t. than any oiher in the city. -,,n . , - , j i . An OntniAot will alwayo be at tbe ikpot and en -.00 per cent, since 1 a, and w. doubt u the 0'(h, ,nd ,lelbo,ti not that tbe swamp lands, now in progress ' to er,vry paaac.ger. to the llotl free of charge. of being drained, and cleared, will do tub BJ :-HPT lh" "" P""""- h"e c . aniule time Xn ootam meal., ly better thau tba iu ten years. We ven- Having a) a lrjre ad eninmodioiia Siable, , .i.i- .- .i . . i and an Oauer, he ia fully prepared lo IVrb.r.. in r.o.hin. ar. farmer, n.r.r. f . " ' V i hor.e. by the. a.,, week or monll, at ,l r lands in iaufort and Craven counties, i nejat reaonauw raita. when cleared and drained, as tbey can be easily, and put under cultivation, cannot be boaght far per tcre. Iu vindication of this prediction, we understand that within a few days, a company of gentlemen have vitited that section aud inveeted thirty thou. bis masure to lis spread over bis cattle yard, , , ,, ... , . , , , r J ' sand doiiars in these lands. And we bear expo-ed to tbe bleaching rains A spring, , -,.B...m,n t - ,!. . . ,i i dollars wilhio a year pst, by the purchase and tale of lands in Beaufort ooanty. A'. C. J'lunter. JOHN. F. JONES. M-irrk I. in;!). wbicb fn lai.tly carry a. ore than tbe above amount to tb. eietu- nla of crop contained ia bis manure forever beyond bit reach and be allows this war-it to oc.-ur year after year, aa if it an lo sort of aotistquence to hiui. If tlia practice wat true only of ,tbe owners of prairie soil, tbe caas wouid be dif- CliARLOni: HOTEL,!: .St . mm Cll AWI.OI I I , . '. MORE TO BE Al'MIKEU THAN THE KK'HEST DIADEM ivr.K Worn by Kings or KmpiTors. What? Why a Beautiful Head of H.iir. Beeauae it ia llie rrnamerii f-'ad himtrlf prer-iihd for all our race. Ittatcr, although ti.e r-e may I. lot. in ever to brightly in the giown.7 linea, the eye I eer ao (ai a imj, llie I. .to be of ,ri, 1: n.e bead ia urciloi ita (..n.-fi f, or Ibe bair be tharlrd and l.ri'- ,.'.. ui.J r.f wnrai a all . if aprmaleo w ill. era , n lure wil.loae n.'ire than li-ll b. r elinrma. I'rol. Han It. .loratm.-, if uaed two or three lm. a week, w ill r.-.tore ami perinanentiy at-evre to all a b an ernjai.ot. It. art II. e folli'Wi.ig, anl jU' tt. The writer ol ihe firat a lae celrbnttH i'weial, 1 kail urg : I..Wooo: New York. April 19. 18 X. Dtur Air, Permit me to eipreae l you I'-t ob ligntinria I ani uri.lrr for the trtirc r.--tor(on ut n.y hair to ita original rotor ; about the titoe of Riy atrital Hi the linted Italia it waa raoalf beron.. log gray, but U).on the apphc. i.oa of yor, " II iir Itralorative " It .oon recovered I la original hue. I conai.ier your aa a ry woueeriul itivt itlHin. quite rtf.cacioua aa wr!l aa 'jgrreahle. 1 an, clear .'ir, yotira truly, . 'I II A I.UKkU. " Urycli a'r (iwyl.. dyoel." Weleli .Sewapaper oftice, 13 Naia.u .1., April 12. I'a.-r. I). 1. Vu, :l)rut Arr, S.ti.e nr ait week, .go S received a bottle of your tl.ur He. a tor. live a nu gave it lo m , wne who cone iuti.-d lo liy it on I r nmr, lillie Imuking at ll e I'lin- H al it would rrrtore the gmy l.air lo 11. original col. j or. but lo her aa w 11 aa my, ali.-r a few Wt r k a' trial it line perlbrriird r I ul II. it by torning all tlie gray haire to a dark brown, -. t the eatoe beaotilyn.g lind thiraei.t.ig llie l.air. 1 tUm.f'.f r. coo. mend the above Kc.tora live to ail piraotiain want of aneil a chanpe of. U.eir buir. I IIAKI.KS AKIjkW. Vo.a, July 2j. lb.'.7. Paor. O. J. Wwini With eoiifiil. n.e do I re. omn.end your Hair Iteatorative.aa b.:ing the moal ' llltl,e tl.r.a.uoiia artieie I ever ...''e MMiig your Hair Itrelorahve rnv bair and w biak. ra which were alii.oat while have gradoiiliy grown dark; ami I feel e.,nfi.:.nt a f. w more application, will re .lore Ihrtn to their naturnl rolor. It alo haa re. Iirv-d nie of all danerarfaiid iiriplea.anl it. htng,ao common aiiiong p:ro.ia woo freely 1. ti. Kll.flY Pe. W.hio AU.ot two yea.-e ago my hair rommehred fulling i.rl and turning gray : I waa fa.t hcro.iiihg, and bad Inrd many Kerne.liea lo 110 cnVcl. I co.iintenced u.ll.g your Heaiora- in January laal. A lew application! laalrn- CANIVJa01!V. Fresh Conleciioiicrk's, Fmits, dditioB l thrir UKk ol t iim'hi 'i io.nim. I A"lll.l I.IMM I ltd .V Ar Among tbeu aiock ui.y b b in (om;I !y kept in t a!o. e Ibl. In,) A ... mM Ol fake 'I l loloii (-. M i.-t-a W I wave ba&d. jl.ey bv in ll .ir r pi . Kt.ll.anit arepxpirril to f. r. . I -a . I'allir. witbtakea .fat! k ,i .:. .. I t " MOODY k n.' tt IK. I .'!. Wikm alaaopenad I... 1 olni..n. hire Mr. J.l.i.j n Ihe buaineaa, and bnoea to avra e I ! public patronage in tbat Krii'.n. MUOL V .V M' Aa. If.. ICuS. 3 Ihe eiti. conn 'ry. na.antlj reee vmg r1 .fHaer'ler reapeetful'y inf m vena ol t harlot. r arid aorrnonding country lh-l he baa on hand an fiom .New York. Confectioneries, Fruits, FAM V (WMK HUH S,( KiAltS TOIt UC O. SM I 1 TOYS. 7lni :il limli iinit iil, ; run; ivonu. iioitnv nnti, rlo'it tli e, lllolf Unn, lull r a, t ui k-liinl, A liliU 4 n.i ' of t'rtj niy. . J. I). PA EM Ell. Swml.rr 9. IK'. 42tf AI.o, h int.n.latn ma n 1. fe tnre A Mil f .. ol all kmda, free Irom jmia,ii"Ua robru g unlike tl.l New York fleam 11. fined t'ai.dy. t all and eee. JAMES 31. IID.N MY, COMMISSIUS Ml.HCUAST, II? f Mill I 1,.. tA and forwarda evrrv k.r.d of n.rehn. rr.l. ( .niaaioa. Kebra lo rel.r.o. N. H . Vi laid fin, J. Vl . lenball, A. M. (..11n1.11, I 1 ne, Hon. W. A. (.rahum, ai d 1' Melo,Vi,a. (I.e..,., 1 t .tit liiln I JMitl ni!!r. li t. furniak Ie-ge fi.n. ...- I1 .,1-m.h I- n due for ;n l.ova.Svta.H and Mo I (.borne, C. I'. .M n. and lice. f. V. Iee r oil. era. lralrr tn ll.ipa, fiuilara, heving Mj.lnnpf, Iron (. a, I', liar.ii n fig. or., Ac. A lit of .1) the difl.-r. ht 11.. k. ia, kino, and pr.r.a irtit fire. I'ubliaher of an 1 1 i -i.l liibogr-pb of ' Ihrkory Aa( f.'np." N. C. ( !,) unil li e I Mo. aat I'nvaif iaa ; oa, Nona I.i inr to llaai.vM." I lna ...valuable Jnmny til, iter vl.oiil.! l e in every It,f all r!ir', baa a gloppury arid pr t. r:be Ibe r m ei a from nature. bo.ii.frou. ator... tor .Hour 1 1 ftronttea and lota, fortueea. 1 1 .. pi in lr.1 ..n v. I, Me p. oer, band. VIIK Proprietor of Una Hotel 1. till el lna poal r aiiy to ful. fit tlie dutiee of "nunc boat" In tin: travelling public and olliera who may call on hllli, and he H.tlt.l hilnatll that aa comfortable tjuartc.ra cur. be found w.lh bun aa any where in tin. vicinity. Being a.liiat'd near. ly in Ihe ee.itre of t'harlotle, liuainea. Men will ! ed my hair firmly. It began lo Cil up, grow out, I hud Ihia Hotel a moal nl and draira We ' and turned back lo He former color. (bUce.) At loc.ilion. He baa been engaged ia the buauiea. ! tlua time it i. fully re.tored lo it. original color, at thia aland nearly eighteen yeara, and in that I beallh, and appearance, and I tbeerfully nr. mi. tune he baa ni .de aereral additions lo lna former ' niend Ma uae to all. J. I). 11 1. U.S. ua, and il bat been greatly ei.larg. . I and in... t hic.go. III., May 1,167. in front a two atory V hli Ar UA ., .. . . ' vit : iarge, me.i.iini, and .no. II ; the email hoiua k . n pi ii I, a ud ri la. I. for on dollar N-r hoi tie ; tf part. And tbn plan of cbanjir. teed u a I . ' .. . ,.,,.'11... ,i.i'1ivim'iWUi'I ll. large ) -t, 4U per cel. niore of tbit kt'ioz to often through our airriealu- good one, and thould be retueu.bered by , k'xiVI. wbrre Ihe "inner man " ia "renewed "! '".'.'''ui'''! !'!.''''' V' .. j e c ei 1 a' . . . 1 I). J.wOtllrca I f...l robrieU.ra. 441 llroadwa v. V riv dnv. 1 . . .. ' ' CIIANGI.N'j SEKI. j A writer in tb New llnglund I'urmer ' fertot, bul it it t be aeen in ( aita tf tu ssys tbe yields of bis potato crop it iucreaa- j cojhtry wbere macur is inont needed, yea, 4 from itfty to out hundred per Cent, bv' iOOfe here ita preservation aud economy iu ita procuring teed potatoes which grew on an; .... e.ftb. i.,.o,la. .. to ti,. a.,. .. ti re! V d ; tfe re ..t o! 1 fi fl e, n ne t we n. . .li.. ! T II h.a Lean thorny a h I v r..roi.l.ri ihro 1 diulll beloa al leaal, twenty per ' ' ' ' 1 . . . . ' , : I oori.on Ihtn the tmall. retaila et in in. Bill by 1 feet in width, haiida .:rd by ire. a on the .ide.walk, affordirig a plea. nt promenade at all li.iura ol tlie day. c t-s of the farm'. Farmer. Lave been told annxly bound lourll. i.iiliuti, 3l'U pagi. and 1. mailed free (er ene didlmr. New Koa. wood 1.i,o.,lil), t'k. 16. 1MJ8. ly S. M. HOW lll.L, - e-,vi o-vV Saddle & Harness Hanufacturer, por na ifTn or ini MANHirN iitifFg, 11 slum 'i 1. .-. blie l I'.ll.rul.r at bu.b.ii.g Fioanng Mille. . iu 3d .tiity of Al. taniler'. ..ver 11.11. Ortthrr lib, !.. Mini u- Aiti n A tlotnal Life Inmrance Comp"! liffl I . H A I.I. K. II- N ' f,l.'IH ni""'" lie bva JL ale for . ne )tr, a turn J""- "' ' 00 ll.e Mulu.l I ri.c.pie, ti e ...utn: 1-' -l.cip.lil g m llepr. tue of the . '. ponrie. grant., (or Ibe b.-r j when tbe p. ii.iuni I'ur'lir .n'ti note io.y hegiv.n f. r oi.e 11,. -n- ,t u.o, be..r.i g int- rial it 6 ' gu-r..nty , , ., The prompt man m ah "1 , paid- by Una col. J.tH" ' rat. a of pi. n.iun., ((' au.b . are i:i.o..u to in.ufr. . t M.til .le n.auri'i lot a I. ill. fi ,e y.-ara, tor two. 11 AH loaaea are paid lac tor j prool ia prta'i'1" IHI.H H' t l .rl.a K. John. i-n. w" lloid.n. W. ll I .. ie. . Ho.', d, 4url.' l-liatu II. Jlik, K. f. Hn.. ' Kale, KkI.'u II. I"" dlHHRS. ir. fbrl. K. Johnaon, I'r'" U . W. Iloiil.... V-. I'le....'" K. II. Iti.lile,.- cretary. Williuma II. J' '' "'' " II. W. llualid. A'loMl. v. Ilr. Mm. II. Mi h.e.M"""" ; lit entire Ctrnmillre-U. """ K.e, ( harlea II. II 1 'Ju '! IV t I. i...:. ' 1 i ' .ti.b' Jol,n..-n, M. !.. V .ll.m Kich'd 11. Haywood, M. I'-, j K,.r li.ither information, 'I may :m ol.luini.i at or any ol He Agenen" t 'rirtirnuniv.tiont pa'u) to. , , .rI v ,rii: nil.. tbould be ' II. II. IIATTI.B, Srfle H, l- i f c. t i-a i ,'oud a ra.n. 0 1 i k il bit soul . it: ll.e I 'lilli.i int ri u I broi ,' I '1" in., eoou.b af loit f li ree id be mallow. ''.'.toll.'.. - Ml laiiiiea; or uei- rai pn e, lual ot.e would think it heed no all practical cultivator. Corn, pumpkins,! longer be federated. Why ia thin! Has beai.t, and gardes teed., do better by fre-' tbe subject becou.e to theio sjth abaikney 'Jteat cliri;ir tbe reed; and even if tbe) ed one that il.ey no loiter g ve attimion to el.anoa, i only made in one's own vicinity, it. or do i.ot tiny tuo-iiy kelutijf to tlia cia' ai,d among v -i-labvr of a few tu;le distant, who lake 10 paper devoted to the iulcrer-ta "ill b a (.""' kei-cljt 10 the crop. of trieir ca'nii.-' ' '1 i.e voice of tbe a"ricul- 1 I i. fo d l a 1 1 n f a century or inor tbis ei-lc of lyioar. lie that woil 1 thrive, Mitat either bold or di nnerted with thia l.'otel rni Int 100 horaea, gr in, and proeenoer, d by f.ulhiul and o. til .Jin. bo.tlere. 'I h. Proprietor f'el. cor H at will, bi.'ong 'iTv-r enee and many ri"w advuniage. added to hi .b .i'e to pka.e, he ia prepared to ofl. r bia r. nda ami tin; ' reji of miihk .'!," many cnu.for.a end aa oiU'h r'ant cheer a. will be found anywhere, m ri M.a a i .1 lit- more en I j At 41.) rale Tr tbe b .rl.nie Hotel, J. Ii. KKIiH. (i-;, r 11, !.',. 3Jlf re f"tnt lea art' rdir I 'y"'w Vork.and 1 14 Market hi. ,M. l-nia. Mo, ,.ly fM.hed w'.i'I; a"id by ail Drug,;,...,,..! Fane, U Tnsli raid tor Hides Deal. l'AIIkindaoffiaddleeand llarneaa n.ade ailbe horleat ntihee. eiili d, 3:tf 1 r ItF.rAIIlINt; prorrpllj 1 Jon. I9.IM.'.8 saV M. IKiWCM, 1 M .Man.lou Houie. I katlmtr, April b, t ."". . .ulii n ll, 'iff I ULAXK IKK1)S for aale at thia offifi.. I nit. it. .'i. on it veProf. aei.,....'r-..tte 01 irnii irvr. anc .ri!t;KI!Y. I'lilee. prof, . ...... lie a b '.. I, be mar be found at hi. rnaidi net . Fort Mill Hep,, I, Y-rk lliafi.1 H. . f a. I J. IH.'.b. 1 1 1 "VJ fll.t. be pleaaed to re. . Ww in Ihe .iep.rln.eiita II kn"" v f (ih PRINTING.' i an'.'.a'y . .1 ai Wl.. tllo'-a 11 I'KNAS f-r sab tt a.i ' il hi