woodmen. Th.e were light and dry, and UUI frm an excellent rfi. Why not. (Im-b, ke four of tlice, tie them to cross pieces by wvthes end inch oid things si we ouM find around the ilienty, end pole the structure uowu to 'hat oivini tt'on which s aw log ouj;lit to be alie to reach? is jcu thiug favorable to our condition with the was the cour. we adopted. We dragged utmost caution. Our bitter disappointment the logadown and La Mountain lied them had taught us that lesson, together, as he ws a belter sailor than my- j We paddled the raft with the end of our e f. We got under way, anJ aa we pushed ' polea direotly aeross the lake, near, per off a rro set up a di-msl cawing an in- haps, three fourth of a mile, aud made auspicious sign, and "-.unions of the great for tha eanoo. It proved to be a large one lrul in More f,.r us. We pV.l. d down stream i evidently an Indian's. Up the Lank I shout ten miles, and csme abrurtly upon an pre-scd, learinj l.s .uountaiu ai me eanoe immense p'u.e trie which had fallen toc.it off a retreat by the Indian in esse cress the stream, completely bioekiug ths , he was timid aud wi-bed to avoid us. I .i,ii! of the raft. .No other alternative came at onee upon the shanties of a lam was I. i, but to uutte the pieces, and at-, bering wood, and from the chimney of the temnt to ruh them uuder the log. farthest building a broad volume of smoke fi ; ... . !. d.vna, : id the tmft toveth- . . .,,,1 her d,-wn stream. To iJav uf t.t etch a ruu-fm, all we could fnJ kroin to fe1 that we were hungry, Rut there was no complaining our talk wa if iaWhnr:ful fjtnre ind the civiiixation we Vfi ed y. t to reach. Down the creek we went into a lake some two miles Ion? and ble hearted .Scotchman, named Angus Cam iuto which we of our-e soppo-ed the eron. I immediately told my atory ; that stream pad. bavin its outlet at the low- 1 we came in will, a balloon, were lost, aud eread. We foll.wcd down the Northern bad bee:, four days Without food ; askiug lai.k ke. rife always in shallow spots, so j '.! nur r. '.. eould touch bottem. until we . ' . , , i i i arrived at the Letiom.t ue i h -ure w. fs.und no cus ct. ai.d turned back in q'lest ,' ,ijrL?i. if t On reacbii r the bead of tbe iske, ' J... . A!. . r ,h. I- ...en d abrupt,) tj tiit riLt, which was the rta- on of our losing it. j A l"iFri L NiniiT At iirl.t we sot stop, tut kilt tl.e raft (jomg dos t: r, u -h tbeshadis t awful forests, whose iVnn sti lueas set im d to hold tbe unre va!ed rryMery of our darkening future. About 1 1 o c 'ck it betan to rain aiain. Ws t"ff eQ ll.e " Vfsel and crawled in under . ' tag " a'K rs cn the bank, w t,i re our extri me wcrints enabled us to fH. pi rt.sr b:f an hour's sleep. HiaiOj; f r it D es;r to pole at night in the rain (I-wti an nt known stream, than to iia on tLe ground and freeie ) we pressed en fir a c ',ple of hours. uiti! 3 o'clock, sitn p jre exViautin induced us to ti p a;.,u This time we foun 1 a tp3t where the riurt l at a 'ekd a little of cciiiin i;-n to "tie watrr On t'ue rcu I we threw c jr little I and.e of trjw. add sat down w -h our f.t drawn opuaderus.se that e)r bot b i lies prr -ented ai little surface as r --l ;s 'it t'le rai'i to beat upon. But e r-'u;d Lt stand such in uneon.f"rtab!e - tioo !.-.r.g, as tb day light of tbe Sabbath tr.k; upa us, we wire pol.inj down the triu a drill ing rain. At t o clock w nmc ti s p;c? wher' ths stream dnon d ru i .' s or a t "'i v bed . down a fteep . c-tit between l.Lb ri k- on either bank T i"t c jr ri'; d ) in i pi ace we rtH-d t. -. '. -.. W- ti- d ti( and examined the re. Here, .i j'd, we ( jnd uemtsraktbie (V i- rce 'f ' u'i. b r'nr t; a t,y had erj. t'et t'y can f e 1 at ti,i p)i,:t. to he handy by it the a te.r;t th-'T were obliged to make to 'rt tin.b r diwn the csnoo The rapids w-rc sboyt a third of a mile long, and in s i tie rapi -! "f B ik Kirer there is notb 4) i, 1 :, ! r,u,i:;'ic as these. W Je- eate'ed tbe Mn a:.l thoagbt it tet to m --i' lack -s ro. After traveling abou a x ".t w ' -r. i h ba"k so tang'ed and rard. at d our-.lra so mueh exhausted, at . .r?nwtion vi in.rj-ibie ; o we eon e ' jj- . ? gi taik. sni if we eui 1 g-t the i'i iin a f r-t at a tirce, we would go i'ii w tn b-r; if o -t, we wouiJ h ji i a gaud s p see i p-s ibl to crawl into, sod preps- ff Cfi'h M n it "'l ffufixi W went hick, and sf" r ( su.it.:a the :reni atteotlve'y, con c'uded t"i "v to gt lbs raft down. The &.'.J tot fli.t more than a rod at a t trt te':"e l Ley woui 1 .tick on otn tone wt -h it it w wstr left above the surface, r.d ibfn you niust pry it ovy in seme way sil ; a- it s'cidj to tbe next obs'riii-ti on We were tib.i -ed to vet ints'be stream, of- tn tip tbe midiie, and there I mtti! t ft had.or;, eon p!ete!y asicg dp our c :i r i4, birh now frsutioaliy pointed in tsy cir'ct is its ad died bead tbonsbt de s r.r'e 1 he water bad ui'ued tbe case at, in w ru;:id. After loaz hoari of -ijch ;' ;r we j I ti.e ra't diwu. La M ajiti tied it t'-.-ttl-r. I'sS4ing on, id about an bjr we catae to a large lske ten miles long at4 i o i b'' 1. Around it we m it of e-sre ja- ut.iii we s'.ouM find the outUt. we tjrt;fd up to tbe right and pr4td c-n wito a uuch te.c'.'jt.ota a could be ex pee'' d To day we fj'ibd rie clam, wbieh 1 icj-it-:d La Nj jr.ta:!! sbou'd est, a he a weaker tbaa nijs-':f, and bJ cat little or t, j'.l.l- on tbe day w-t,t up A ound we et-t into a,, tbe ir. it Ltation cf tbe shore. kfytui always in s'aaiio water. At last we nojj.rl at a p ace ws thought lea.t ex- j'.fi to tbt wi'il. We U:d dowo upon tbe !., co d groot.t. tia:r,g titled up tLe end of r-jr raft. 3 that tbe wind uiijfat not drift a a j in tue tiigl t. We were eo'd w h-u we ;,d O'iwu, atid bottl of us tremb.ed by tbe boor, uit-n uff ting from a severe at t.i of the aoe. The wind Lai. r'tn jjst ' D .i't, s-.d the dismal surging of ttie hi upu tbe sfcere formed, tbou.-bt, a fi't.a lui 4i.:j ij alutuVr so disturbed a-id d '.nil ours. Uy ibis tiii.e our ci jiue wi ii'ir j lorn off My pantai jms wre Ml up I t'j i-( I. aui tLe waistbands uea-iy torn ff My boots bj'b leak ed, and oar Uiibty wresiiing in l be est, -:. u. 1 torn toe ...u Uutu our ank.ts ai. i bab i La Mo.laiL S bat a 4.4 gone t'ue Lil u.f cut; I." Lai t .losr, away Lu -u!ru drawers and t-.rk'b,'s tbe fi.-t day of our tnn.f :u. as ibey dragged bun (n, ty IM- wtiebt '. f wu r they aOsorbtd Ws a iept but uti.r It reaiiy seruied as ti.jj;!, ouiitig thai Lv'iit. we p- -a tbro tua borrars uf a dci-u atatas. At day iu-bl we rot up ly dgt.-, br.M, no out tii'r itil thi n on tbe o'Ler, so sl.ff aud wait that we rou. bard.y ttan i. I ill iliv i t It I ad ouw ben four dull lista Of; w ire a uieal Ail as bal ait ii. to mi ant u.e was a frog a piece, fur eimi, and a Urn wi! j berries, b?-e acid tr --pe h liJ bitter late bad probably ami- j. u, ,i bar iii t .sn fc"xd. Our treuin an h' ;.Mi,-ii!,L. t fil ery fat, and our DTMvUi l lr !! ,'!:! V about to MU'il-TJI) ail Hin-r.l.-,.rj bailee We turned ti.e raft aiouni aul poled her bacx towards tbe p-see i.ris we bai eutvrtd this last ie. W La I ' 'ie al.sut a mi'e when we bsrl 1 b louni of a run. q-ttrkly fallowed Ly s servi.d ji p rt . i n, I averso sret 1 1 a, as luni. ', , La., ve 1 aa ion 1 a we rouid a go d many times, but could t N' repoue We k-'pt our poin i; .io, ar;J ba-i eo'ie about Laif a n,i!, w,';,ei, J c, ed J.s M)u, .tain's atten'i , Ij a I. at I tiiojlu w a sn.ok f Curling op au, ,t g ii,e tree (', ! aide of a bill. .My own rje a.jj'il bid L. . ti to fa'l me to an 1 1' it that I could I jI U, pnid upon it w net, a 1 g, steady gai w (,r, eary Il .i I it as s.ooke, uu-i lki li iLubi just V . 1 it, on tlie bank, was btrlt canoe. In a few momenta tb blue smoke rollod gently, but unmistakably above the tree tops, and we felt tht we were saved. Such a revuUoo of feel- in s almost too much for u. We eould hsrdly bolievc our senses, and credited any- was ri-.inir. I hallooed not- was heard iiiMde, aud a uoble lookitg Indian came to the door. " I'me: von Franctit!" vas my easer inquiry, as I grasped hi out- stretched band. "Yes", Mr, and Knglish too lie drew me into the Cuhin, snd I there. was the bead of the party, a no wnere we were. Imagine my surprise wben 'e one huudred and fifty mile. : ,i j . ; he said we were j v .i t n,, ,.. ,i A... ... . JunZ ' "Z habited foret, whose ouly hunt was the a.-.i Arctic circle. ! - Won. tl,l, ,oim the asrotaut. were taken i to Ottowa, tanada, wbeuce they made tlicir y home in s.fty. m i n. i lortI) Carolina Solbig. charlotte: Tuesday, October IS. IS-59. I:. R. Wakefield, ,f Unoir, haw con ii In set, mil is our authorized agent. Hi .cult i.r.icra for the U'hn,, biinKiur asser ' ii',, and nc- ipt for thes.iiie. Any perauri, r:binr who p-iy lu him w.tiun three monilii reeiv- ti e Wh.o for two Uu'l.ra. I.rH iv-ie aeieri e.uiiinunictiofis an liand, we conr'utieu to eive ;.lare W litem in refereuce to anyiiiii'J e nnjlit write. Nrit week we wiil try to m.ke up fur any deficiency this week. ' 'oirmumcated I Send yno from the Stanuiitr Com r,a.l .f toe 4V,..hern Pumof ,eal Society, lb. t iteuia tor publics! Dr. C. L Hunter (jrefented a lrfe Quince, j aery per:'e t ftsc men i,l" tli.it fruit, a ze 13 Micbt-a . ,c nt 1'J i.i ro a ( 'urlis apple -I remark able il,t;i, aaiD ..I r-MMl tr.it, but deficient in flavor. p, rti ii. ivrr r e. wevt I when liken fra ti.e iree 17 i-incfi, in receipt nf it 15 aeueri. Mra. M 'rns torwuelit to, if we may be al'owed tne fii-ut.x,a nieirieenl Crah .which we s!,a)l c.il uir rjrrl.rnrt. li;e Jelly Kmr, a beautifol r,,finU w nie appie, aliMWine marvelous resulta of cunt ..nun on I it cr. Srie, 9j inehea, weif hi, ) G, i.ui.c.a 4.i La4iiea wlin nuke Jelly, aod lovers, jl couu ii.enta a.i"uiu have tins frnit, n well aa tiiw j a-.ui 'U, 1. -rian ctit, of wbicn w bvi: seen M-. K wm Ai-inid-r p-ea'nled a fine ap pi-, m rarll--nt d -vur, wai-iliin-r I2nuncta unit' lar.iuiinr Hi iiicln-; aupo.ao by linn luin.uf lii New Ark Pipl-in sanely. - J. H Stewart prt.awaied a beautiful aym. metncl lar(. apnle, ot txctilcnt Bavor. S.n lij ;.ea. w- i;nt 14 bunces ; ine tieal urge apple wc I e ae-w t',u aeaaon. and or llt Bus IDf-Itam re il.a .rih v'arclnet Quen. i r,t. J.i... Ie brniirlit in a ilara red irrerular I e-i .!e, a. led P. etlee, aile, 9 . 1 inehea ; ! jrlit, e to 10 i,uncf.,4tt and ! keep ualii a w.f.i a t,..l.t al tr.e heart which m.y he n.ricent Ij lt,e aeaah or tQ the Iwcltty wkiera . Mr .tven H',ia.,a nre.er Ud ia mo M'tuuLiu rxi4usoi' N known in . tbe aum- if;iiji prupa. t,i..r ,,, We.t.n, N-trt'i r'arnin (we .uPi n fne": ,r'!r.lTr'!n.lT,:olu. Bar. C 'lewelune ' jur.tiea atel of grJt dneraily uf aile r.mte.1 ty Mr. J,.ea K. rr. e,rl,,nv 18 , a.ze 1,'t. utc:.-a and I!. a ! .rge.l apple we n tin. ae.a'.n -ne hy J. J Biaekwixjd, re f ui, 1 7 iiunti . j aie 13 n-cl,a. I an iw .-a trn -.ppie hitui with etri(e of rad. tate reel ived an apple cultivated by Mr. A While, -if Irerteli ( o., oi" jreeai and yr. it, p.-',--. 'led with red; aim 13 inchea ; i.t, t : ,ir. Jam-. Kerr preaented t'le f.-llowine applea: r.a .s ui.rr'.'.v .a ce-rmud ate, re; Ihe V.nUrvere, . r- i .p.,ir ' y- I isjii tint ith iMti, aire, 10 .ei.e.. . -li't. f.J eui.e. Ti,e I loater Pair, iu . ui, . nt a, ii x. J ftiuo"th rreeti apple fl -ek, u .111 re-:C lie 1 wiill r- i'. wjd rl'V-rf Ble, 3 if.ei,., arriglil 0 cunee. T-.e .. ;a if fj'.i eeaef.Wd. hut free frm t .e i.e-rt b tf'l f-ufid in olner aiieeiniena. and a :ian'l...,i, green api.ie niullled wilh jrey, n.i name ut -uii' .r m wiriter piee, a.r. , I' i ii,eh. a, we-ri'l 7 1 ttuneea ; a jkk wntter trot, a!., im, i frev.l apple ca!,ed hy i.lin Polls which Ir K. Mr.f ia aeeptrtf until M .y. lt'i!a-.n preaaoted . fine wiiii elir-r pac,, re.-iiioi.rie tr,e h. ath, fruwi seed tr.oeht by him liuiti VS .rreu ( at. V e r-.COintlielld till peacn 1. r ire-rv r. j e.,,i,n.erc riucns l-l l IIHh Acpleuiher aizr. 1 'i to I ! ipeitea, weig ht, y U, 9 , .,,., f.e rt.v .r. M'. N.iim.ic. AieXai.dvr -i I .iele'l a niilir pe.eh. Mr. J im-s II. VVli.te ii.'ut.s a beaut. ful Dirk. In'wem I'rar :ta e-.at would rival re.: ii, I l...lf ol a ,..',. r. claw l Ihe Vie.. I MiMkfi.-iu r.nim.bly U.HK Fe.r : M . I) Ii i, u-d eiiium ai ut (J. l.n peaeb ii ripe on lh 10 u I. ii Ine Ule.i n only uf the Blaka. d .uSiuirity Ui. I it h 1 1 tided l, (Jl.io and i-.nl I in aa one of ,,,.,. Ma A U . W. K. Wmta, ii,e sj Pullips uf Caldwell ea.wnty.' h railed f lemii y ; ! IJ i.i IJ ouna .jo the1 A'lolpl.ui, i.keu ppl s'S4 I7 iBcii i. weij-,,1 J a mct. ar f 4.. .ar, a 4Jine vanot Pi Vff. tif 1,3 t.a'.r.s a-. 14 met., weirhi .hen poled 3 V .-.n.iraijviiiiij uciiuuucw tu j,.-,..:. ,j F.y. WUy is"-' ..on...; ,n-.ur r..i;,i .1 u xlt oi.e... .lao the '"y mwnicti in. oppoeitios or lue atate , 'seorgia is one ol tue moat notirisuing oiaies , oiaw irijjavo t s ivu.ir, u lUJl fouad dead in the river aui s IHr, ground. I the government was dowo upou " h, ,u ,.- ..op... : V .n...r t pstm.ir ohi.t are engaged, and they express the hope thst 1 lo, rapidly risiug in manufactures as well port a large fire occurred in lb city, when j -j-liey cro,ie4 the Mississippi t that poiut ' dodge, and prevented ny repctili"" of the '.'"ZVt Z",'.',' .V'Tr? ' OB1ln"'l "ld occur to break dowo the ' as iu agriculture." ' her comtn.uder. desiring to as.i-t in subdu- tnl workeJ lhkl( do.u t)( lnlj;i elperlri0,. wui, 71 ou V.,i r'.d ,'" d worthies barrier which bss , ing it, d,-patchnd to the aid of the city a 00 w.dnesday they reached Cspe Oirar- , ...,i...f..-K,c ..Wi.i,,.8-,r been .recud b, a few dem.gogue. in th , A y MuBMKKfi Van Rutin Hop- P"'"00.0' 0 g'"' creT w'lh 'h , deau. crowing the river at that pon.l in! Fried Water Ch.cKE-A travcl-r .ppe.., il, .,.. -eiC, H ..1U South, between lb. Democrat. ,nd Whig, kn, f p ER , Iuurjer.d a bM of h' hhoril, .fier the 001Jt)e ttdm, Th, cilll (H tu,d 0,t , - 0M of lb, ,,oUl, in M.do" - . .a. P,. red wfib .,J nUZ.. 'H- ,, .. .. , . . , . . A ! who . ntered hi. ,'oom a't night with at, axe ' J ( Kvsry tree and bush in thut vicinity .war- Cluck- , on th. dinner bill of fare. I .e,c, ,, ..i.ter ,,ee-..r0e. E,e, th. lUIUUn ,el.,.i to be an indepen- j ,uil s f . ' Pre-ident of the l.y.l Chamber of Com- meJ witb un(1, ui lt w(ict tll . , i,noff wh.t this meant, be sent f '-' --H.il. H'lJ?urIn07'h""-d and iu f.e ,m'7 ' " r ?r,,"U;U; " Wf'" ; disappeared ; and b.v. not be., heard of , . disb of water tehickens. They c.m., ITZ:. ,.tn ;"0"J'-"Pofe..e.t,be.pec.a.!blu keul ' - ' W al O.noa.fortb. xK .jj Tlleir tmlln mM h J,, h iM ffiry iucb l.k. aad a fronts also the Ma.f rove Pear-a native of S.tith Carolina orifinaunf; at Moajrove'. Mi a of rrv.lul..n.ry ,m..ry-.ne.. or ..... Mill and its surmwne'rnf are portrayed by Kn', nrdv in lliirse Silo. Kuninaon. The frkiid of the Southern P. S. will bear in mind the annual meeting of this Society on the SStn of Oclsber. W. A. WILLIAMS, Sft'y So. I'o. St. PUBLIC MEETING. Charlotte, N. 0., Oot 15, 1S59. At an adjourned meeting of the citiaecs of Charlotte, for the purpose of securing a subscription to tha Atlantic, Tennessee & I Ohio Railroad t On motion of Wm. R. My ers, Ksq , David Parks, hsq., waa called to the Chair, and John E. Brown, waa appoin ted Secretary. The object of the meeting was then ex tilmined hv (ten. John A. Yourm to be for j the purpose of bearing the report of tbe Committee for taking subscription to said Road. The Committee was then called for, and Dr. Jones, on the cart of the Com- uiittee, made tbe following RIPORT : Wc tbe undersigned Commissioners ap pointed to open book for subscription in the Town of Charlotte, X. C, to the Atlantic, Teun. & Ohio Rail Road, beg leave to re- rr ' "ey have opened ..id book, for subscriptions to tbe capital stock in said suoscription to toe capita rod' "J Uet PreMnUD the same and u- . r . " i!I tn''"- influence in favor of said road, . , , , ,0 h"e t0 ."7 number of our most wealthy and influential citizens bsve refused to aid as with any subscription hstevcr ; consequently our Book, show bnt the nicsgra amouut of $lS,Oiu Dollars. In view of this state of affairs, we respect fully recommend our Town Council to call meeting of their board forthwith, for tbe purpose of railing a convention of the citi xcds of Charlotte to vote a Town subscrip tion to tbe above mentioned enterprise. Believing as we do, that the building of a Railroad direct from tbia Town to State. ville, is of great moment to tbe future pro perity and influence of Charlotte ; that it will add to the value of real estate here, and by building np a larger city, offering facilities for trade and travel not now pos sessed, it will be the mesns of benefitting 1 not only the holders of real estate, but of mechnnics and trade of every kind, aud as all wilt be alike benefitted by the com pie I lion of said road, we think it jnst and pro- j per that all sbsll be taxed in proportion j to tbe amount of their taxable effects for i the purpose of securing tbe promised beoe- , tits to our city. We therefore suggest that tbe Town sub scription be made sixty thouasnd dollars, I payable aud bearing interest semi-annually. We feel confident that tbe present wealth, to say notbiug of the iucrease of our popu- I la'ion, will enable us to pay the intereat on said debt without materially increasing our ; present taxes. j Jas. M Hcti iiisom, ") j JAg..I Carbon, j ammiuhnt, I 1 iKis. II. Brim, j I, G. JOVES. J Wm Johnston, Esq, made few perti- ment remsrks explaining tbe act of tbe Le- ! gislatore ennabling tbe town of Charlotte to tee on,.., t ll.J.-J tl.... I nit... ,Le AlUn,iC) TtDneMee & Ohio Kailroad. He was followed by Geo. Young, who dur ing bis remarks, introduced tbe following interesting statement in regard to tbe in crease of Ksvenue of tba town of Charlotte since at tbe earn rate of taxation : rraTWMKirr. 1.2, at-ar-aaed Tairs.. - I.i4, " .. 1-56. ' - .. Is.".-, lPi'J, l.54l 00 3.UH 09 ' 5.Si!l 00 5.730 00 - 7.U3I (10 7.!8tj 00 7.364 00 f. 1 00 00 r rows aDaisifTTio-. 6T0 00 carasera ;u.ird I nlereat Kire Di-partinent Clerk and Inleodant. Marshall Lelaur oo Streets 800 00 9"0 00 a.".o oo 4Ki 00 700 00 500 00 ..ISO IX) ,IO0 00 il iiaii (mi' Intrre.t nn Frmale ToiLge, 300 Intereat on ",0,000 i.'lO 3!,,u 01: .M IM UO aljUnce After an interesting diaenssioo by Gen. Youne, Wm. Johnston. E-q . J. V. Osborne. j M Hutchison, Wm. R. Myer, and others, ,b "owiog resolution wm offered and dopted, as an amendment to the Com- it lee's Kepovt. I:ri'r'tl, Tbatthe Intendsnt and Comniia sion. r of the town of Charlotte be reques ted to submit to tbe voters af sail town, at th-j earliest practicable dsy, tbe question, wLefher they sbsll suberibo for tbe cor poration of the town of Charlotte, the sum of ,vixty Thousand Dollars, to the cspila! stock of the Altantic, Tennessee & Obio I'.ail road , to be expended in building that portion of sai 1 Ilosd which will connect tbe town of , Charlotte and tatsville. 1 be Report as amended, was then unani mously adepted, DAVID PARKS, Chairman. John E. Brow.n, hec'y. For the m. c. whio. Tho L'-llem of tbe 3rd inst. has the following morceau : 'The L'.MTr or the South." "Wc have, on several occcasions, endeavored to itnpresa qpoo our readers both Democrats aud Wbigs, the great importance of unitiug under one banner for tbe defence of tbeir rights aud tbe protection of their property under the Constitution again! the progres sive assaults of Black Kenubiioan Aboli- tioniu. bul il ae.m tb.t tbe Opposition part, .re bent apon earrving out a Rule or ' Rum Policy, which mu-t ev.nlualiy work i iniurv to the Sooth "The Conservative Oid Line Wbigs of tbe douth eould, w are persuaded, do much towards bringing about a Union if they would assume the rpotisibiiity and act We bave io faot heard several Whig cili sen. of Mecklenburg County denounce the ly devoted to tbe South; wjjose peeuliar in 'i1"'"'" it imagines to bat in imminent dan. rvr. uarw. lUfH. ia mis jaarya . witn a i '. ' ' these professions, gravely calling upon the wh.ie J;'poition ef the South, eonsi.tiriff of : . ""-"", wua a ii ii i Adiuiniatraiiow Democrats (numbwriog two thirds of the people) (0 disband and do i whlt J F1J into the ranks of the Regular Dsmoora0- , To , ' n tresoherous and i?cthas heretofore denounced aaespcot- ally dangerous to the South. For bear in miud tha whole Detaocracy North, and tnanv at the South fiueludiujr W. W. Iloldon L- i.j .k.V.l. t hm T maiaif.ciiire.l a heautifu banner lor too i- I' , .f JiiHtioa Xerrf 100K Diaoe near Mass tbe ery man whose die. of Bertie, N. C, which is to be present- j Krancisco, on the morning of the 1 3th insicious prinoiple tha ed to the Whigs of Uamucn. i ne oanner is jroueriolt full at tne nri ore, nvio0' r its high Priest in X. 0 ) are committed to scroll work, aud surmounted by a crimson f( nj, the election on ti.e i ill ultimo, fveuntnrs tha support of Mr.-Douglas. Or will the silk bordering. At tbe top are the words Cw in and Bro.leriik burled Hi fisnce atone Bulletin have us wheel Into Hue and pledge " Camden County " in gobl lettering, aud ;s0ther, while expressing their readme-. to ourselves to blind faced and unqualified below the motto, Krer Faithful to Whig settle tbeir private griefs in a private way, support of the nominee of the party in pow- Principles." Tbe reverse aide of the ban- ! or xa the Manner usual among gentlemen er, whose corruption, abuses and extrava- ner is of b'uo ailk, with this in-criptiou in 1 duel was look-d for nftor the eh oiion, gauces the Bulletin ilstlf has so often de- gold letteriug " For the Union and the tw tba report that they were to fight, nounoed t Constitution, against Foreigu 1'oes or Domes- j therefor, excited uo great astouishiuent, With suoh aditoriali, let the Bulletin tic Traitors." Below are the words : " To .bough the result was anticipated iih iu cease to call itself iodipendenl j and let it the Whigs of Camdeo from tbe Ladies ofteu(e interest. But instead of duel bs blush for shame as tbe peculiar fiieud of Bertie." Tbe trimming of the banner is a twren Broderick and Owin, it turned out tbe South. If really independent, let it gold colered slik bullion frinjie, four inches j toat tbe affair was to be botween Brodorick likewise call upon the Democracy to dis- wide, with tassels and a hindsotii silk dra-j tDd Chief Justice Terry, of tbe Supreme band. Let it .trive to build up a new party pery work. Tbe staff i of ash, crowned J Court. I the Herald, about two months and start a new man (ssy Gov. Mammon i with a gilt spread eaj;le. This banner is aijC(i the difficulty that ocourred between with bis Barnwell Propra nine if a Demo- gift of the ladies of Bertie to the Whigs of, JJroderick and a lawyer named Perley, in erat must be taken ) But we fear that be- fore the Bulletin can eoaimand the confi- ed on the occasion of the (rrent mass meet dsDoe of ths country fur this independent iug of Whigs which takes plaoe in N. Caro scheme, it. editor, would bave to take an liua this mouth, oa'.b, that Ibey would not bolt, and after; all, support tbe ija.rlcstoo nominee even soouiu ii ne ,ur. I'oug.sis. The truth is, after reading the Jnl!tti,t 4 month, and 14 days, I bave oomu to tbe conclusion that it baa ao political principles, and therefore, rightl.v enoogb belong to the Democratic Party , It has no fonduess for the miarule and. tf fanny of .the party in power; but it dreads tbe name of Demo cracy. Come out and put on tbe badge. As Tor wbat it says about "sevgral iVhigcitixensof Mecklenburg," tb.t U the .Id story, wrung into eur ears, a. every Presidential e ection approacbei, in order to rtehten timid people into ths support of As for wbftt it says about "sevural Whi old I frighten timid people into lb support Locofocoimn. Since August List, ws have do fears of tbe Wbigi of Mecklenburg. In entering a protest against tie assumed neutrality or feigned independence of the Bulletin, I do not wish to disparage its merits as a vehicle of news, and as a me dium of general, and, especially, commer cial intelligence. But naqucstionably, its politics are silly and sickening enough. A WHIG. October 4, 1350. Bkitihh Demand Rilatiti to the San JUAN SI2cat. Wasamnrnv. O.t. t2 Thn Until, h irovernment hasdemanueaan c planation of Oen Uarney a occupanou of San n Juan Island. A rep.y baa been prepar- A , r j .17. 'J f'oeiln ,1 A Tr LVtf thfs eh.rl t,r i i. .'hl tling d,ffJr'7 ' opinion of a distil, 'uisbed statesman that it r r i- l .4 a, : -.- now remains for England to luitiate any remedy which sbe conaid.ra right and jus- 6 1 nuaoie. lm po riant from Hriito. New ORLtA.ts, Oct 10. Steamer Star of lb. West has arrived from V er Crux, with datta to 2.tb Sent., and citt of Mexico dates to 23rd. A conspiracy bad been for- med among ths officers of M'tramon'f army having for its object the overthrow of Mira tnou and the teeognition of the Liberal par ty. It was divulged tbe day before tbe in tend ed uprising. Twenty fiv of the lead- officers were to be executed en tbe '.Tub mg o of September, but it is supposed be others will ataa. be pnaiiabwa. At Vara l.'ras aotivw preparations were making to besieg Jalapa, Cordova and tbe capital. A bard fight bad taken place between Coronado's T.pco ex- rt.uti tn. est should be placed oa tbe the ground. The principals, with iheir see pedition and Gen. Woll, with 600 of the j Ler, .n:j one hand arnlird to its brat on Is, in a few minutes look their appointed l'i.....l. n.e(. fi.n f.-..n .a,,l ll,a, n. . . ,,r .1- :. ' I a . . U : . a a 1. . ( t- y-.-j. ....... ... cers had been box. Mr. Olw.v was to leave Vera Cm! for Kn-land on th. 3rd of 1 i i - .i appear sure, auu m suui a i,.uc, w y October. 1 be lirilish ship Calyp.o has,, continues to stroke the atiiinal.be wilF smuggled awsy 300,000 from some small J recvttt , rp electrical ahock that may port oo ihe 1 acifio. Mr. Conner our Con- sul at Msxstlao, came pasen?er in tbe Star of the West. He reports having se cured advantageous concessions to our com merce there. WbAT the War CT.-Tbe two months einT'a!Q ' Italy can scarcely be said to bave been a cbc.p aaasement for any of tbe parties concerned. The " Allgemcne ' Zeitunir " fiirures up tb. east to the iinine- I diate partie. of tba war, and also to the neulral power, wna were requirea to make preparations for eoDtu.rncci. in tbe fol lowing table ; Austria, about XJ'I.HUO.fiOO; France, JE.'H.OOO 000 ; Piedmont, CJ,0yt,. 000 j other Italian Slates. -00,000 j Kus sia, 1 ,200,000 : P3nglaid, Jt-so.OilO ; G.r- many, . , ... . a ,. lull, ,M..e. wu.s ..,. .fg.eg... V. g AJ'IO.UUU.UUU. Tub DEFEAT or TOE r.isX OirtfC AP-, pmHRI ATIOS. - In bis Augusta speech, in of dry Mountsm .Malaga, tjver tbe loio speakiug of tba Foet fiff.ee Appropriation tain was built en porpo a little boat, bill. Senator Toombs, of (Jeorcii. said ! wherein was a I ov who belonged lo the J tttyyl wuh ti fate in my haniltand ttam- ptd it umler vty feet. And yet the Democracy bave tried to pul the crashed bill under tbe heals of tbe Op- j poaitioo, and endeavored to throw tbe whole responsibility upon tbem. We hope tbey soow wnere tue responsibility property oo longs DOW. SKLrsEALino WBArms rjll Newspa- ' vxtu. Mr. Augustus Watson, of Washing- ten, suggests to envelope manufacturers the prcparatiuo of self sealing wrappers for j newspaptrs. He rtoominends three sues' J iothtt 6 h3 10 iuehr ' - ; I moiK-s to suit various snea dcwih tn-rs. i r,. ,.,,.l.!.i4 .... ...A ,t... .1... .k..t.i k. r....r-.v.,, .v , .... -- -w-. folded into convenient form for use, gum- I "r" ",.: ikV o'her envelone. Thev f' J" V. . . A .1 tli ...1.7 ' to ?. rKa(i r of " " r ' "devote fiieii m tbe country; tbal be to be ready for maiung. would be cut to piecet before he would I "A FLOUEIsmtfJ SoCTHEft.1 State. Georgia is probably tbe lightest taxed titste limbs Union. Its .State tax ia only two ! of a mill on the dollar. A man ownis "00 of property pays only 80 60 taxes I A man, who deu't believe '.h world is growing belter, .ays the tira. may come wben the lion and tha iamh ahall liw down togetner, out ii ii aoe tu. ituiD win oe in- side of tbe lion. I A BANNER FOR THE WuiO 0 CaMPM . N. 0. Mr. K. A. Gibbs, of Raltimore, has turce Ivcl wiu ana tour long, iw a square of rich heavy vbtte sun, emueiiiau- rich heavy white silk, embclliftb- coat of arms of North Carolina, ed with the painted by Jeffries; surro.ind.td by a gtlt Camden county, IN. L , and will be display- ; iB0I)I0ALlTT.We have heretofore ex- wastefulness ef ,h mail , ,-, , , ,'vriaml route to I ulilor- ro4ed the extreme contracts on tl.a over nia, where every letter he reufu curri.,1 I,., ,-,41 tm times it. wei.'ot iu void. Tuu ov,r,;ind r0U,L ,,, department S935.0U0 a yesr. But it seems that these arc not ths'only California speculations. From an official report ot uorstio rung, isi A ..i.iai.t V M. General, w. learn th.t the , . . ;i fr ib, 8 3 lb! P J K - EacU ,e,t(,rR hlv, v '., . . , , .,. ir ,l. ' .lu..:. I f ib. com near r s, smi-'i - . , . i ml. iWIioie iruiu couiu oc ca i e - i e I would be found that th. TCalifotni. mail, cost , 0 J. -ft" i over, be ws. ready for one fourth or one fifth of all tb.t the dep.r. t -J f,'! ; r i ,. ..M,i.i!. 1. it On I-ridat morning, the !th ultimo, Brod- men! pays for wail transportation. Is it , . r , ,. , i i,;i erick was wane, I on by Mr. Ca bono Ben- not time that this wasU were stopped T .Mail ; . ' ' .. . , a- . ,i ,.t ! ham as tbe friend of Terry, who delivered facilities are cut off io this and otber States i -i .l. ,.,1 f,,,ia cha enjc to mortal combat. It waa at to provide means to pay three ana lour v e . , ' , n i.,,,.,r. Mat once accepf d and it is understood the con- dollars a riece for California letters, not t i .., "i, ,;.f. hn,,..t i.nr,I ditions agreed on were, that no person ex- 1 one route, which might sstisty honest people, a r lk,B b.lf . doaen Fay. ULr.ver. KmI'LOYMKNT IT CAMKU ITS T(U I MTt'B Staim Skrvici A Utter hss rec utly I heeu received by tbe Secretary of W ar from 1 Stipt. Ifc-ale, dated Fort Tejon California, :.. . u:..t. ,;.-. .e,n,L-. in the stron-et . f t - J.......I larmi ot the f real aa van. ace iu "tii.tu . . ,mt!nt of eimi!l, in tbe pub- .. . . We,, Ut thavt be i; m ika Wt lie states that be rf '" "d eXm"U " r.? proved h,yond all que.tion ; -, e ,i . ,,. both i !,ne great superiority ol tue camei, ooia ...!... Lr ...A .e.,1 . mount of burden " "''1 "1 " V drf,deil 10 From wbat be bad real, lie areaaeu me j:t....i. -1. :.K l m nreaent them- viiunianj w.iu - r - selvss in breeding them ; but bis experience bad satisfied bim that tbey were as eaily bred as cows and calves, lie pret.rs in.w, , tor all sucn purposes, ma. no u- t6. them on, to three times tbe same number of horses and mules ELaTTKlflTT si CatI The extraordi n.rv eleetriel character of the cat is wel Vnnmn On a cold briirht dav. if a cat be lrolcJi tbe hairs of the fur bristle up, snd .l.-.,,..! marks issue therefrom. aecoMpa- Liud with a .Iigfct er.ckirg It appear. too that the .h.m.l may t . ,o aurcb.rged with electricity, th.t it will e,v. a severe ihnri i.i the iioner. in oruer in aiuiani g ,ne oUj.p empioveo lO SirOHIl US ,v...u a ...h-. ..... tk.ie . . '1. ; '.t . .. ...... .x r,.;, .D0I. the wri.is The cat seems to suffer as much as tU experimenter, for ou ,;,; frik tbe shock, she sr,nni'S to l.e ground in terror, and seldom will permit a repetition of tbe same process. A Urn T!.a.nv Pirur 11 On Oetober'J.'ith. , w, of ' h . ,t tl). Ri Lt tlonQrmhU Kdward Ru.selfe bou-e. belJ ,(f w ,'spuiQ General and Coo,. j... r - i.;. i ,.. ,,je Mitprr,np,n It wi made in a fmn- tain ia the tf.rt.et, it. the middle of four wa.a.. an eoiereu overu.au ...n .e.,...,, . , Qn fce lf f fti(J(, sirn ; ,0ie haoe.t son St. Ori.pin. and bsve orange trees, and in every wa x was a tabl. Mnds werf MeMrt 0,lboi B.n. , tour ,neur. tt0 (or . . 0f ..out am th. .bole length of it covered w,th eold , h(m ai -n)mt( Mr ,,ro,,erieV-, ttr lj0(J or ,bM., . ,llfe, trt J.el.er f,r or- eol.ations.ie. In the fodttain were the fol- , M...r. ;, r M,KlU,.B .,',!,.,....,. A .. .1... allow lbs res- lowinj invr. (I leriis, via: iwir uojr-nra'i' i brandy, el)!bt ho iicaiis of water, twenty juice, thirteen hundred weijht of 6ne laiabon ' i sujsr, live pounds rralrsd rulroeg hundred toasted bieutt, and lastly, a pipe flei t, who rowed round the fountain and fill- ed the eups of tbe company; aud in all probability more than six thousand men drank from it. 5r4rB CuITTEnpkv -We are plad i; see our own good opinion of this di.tinguish- ed Wbi,; stale.man eor.6rmed even by one 01 u" ""t'ngu.snea po.mcai opp -intwi.- - Senator Toombs of Geor i, Mated to hive laid recently, that .. rUfft nQ m,ln in (h, rri,ntry more ,,.,., ,;, ,- Wl.il. I.. iM, I ... , , ... I of his ditinaished Dontical ODOOt.cnts. Toomb.) differed from Mr. Cittenden. 'ke,e i . i ; .. " . Tf,i,f to stand by lhe rulit ut the outft n Sr,,llfe 0, ,A, ,,,, fio A"D S Mr' ,90n!b " Mr Cr.t-' l""ien to b,0M wrong bis con-ciunce or do aught tbe intcre-l of bis country. third I American eourt-ey is awakening the Cen- ; akuj n,,U ,hl.ir ,.,pe,r.lic, on ,b, Merri. j been patched together lo avoid the limber SS10, erou. applause of tbe world. Recent advi- j m,0) cov,rin? ,h, tfeB, lud wtfr, ,lk, , duty, wbioh wm tba. tEoeedingly heavy -x.i ces from Genoa state that while the Luited pBj. Thou.ands of :hem were afterwards She fulfilled br misMon iu .very ws. t A man named Ntison bas been convie- - ... ted and sentenced lo five years in the peni-' tentlar in Pendleton nountv. Va nn il..l..r cnarge or naving mrtiiabcil passe. " to ; slaves to run away. CiDU of (he Brodrrkk tsd Tcrrj Dud. The duel between Senator Uroderick aud San ult been pie till i half-past 0 o'clock on the morning of 'the j Oth. wben be died. J idgn Terry escaped ullhurt. luring the political campaign olos- , ,1, JudK-e I erry s name figured, was de tailed in full, and the subsequent corres pondence between Broderick, Perley and Kewen was also given in full. Broderick on that occasion, at the breakfast table of tbe International Hotel, in San Francisco, j Terry (who delivered a speech at the Drmeritic "-st Convention attacking ... ., . . liroilerict J (lid not r rc t l ill ill wen, auu mil if b bad receUed bis deaerl, tbe Vigilance Committee, when tbey held him (Terry) nrisoner. would have bunf him. He aLo said that when in that trouble Terry receiv ed bis active nid, and his (Terry's) conduct w" " . r"'uro ,or ,u" . ' i bitu b'n be wauled ineujs. I eriey ! Btoderiek, and, as is known, be : declined to fi ,l,t on the ground that Per. I ley was at. ;f .or Soon after, Brodet.ck ' auuounced from the stump that he would ! uuou stump , , not accept t challen before tbe election, "P me pr.t.cipais. seeouu, auu surgeon were to know of the time or place of lbs 1 . ,bp c;,r , f,ct wbieh soon bream. widely koown an 1 caused the greatest ex- J . , . citeinenl. Etpectatiiii was on tip toe, an 1 the sole topic of conversation was concern ., r. i. ing tho contemplated n ht. a correspondence was opeaed " e . i th the view! of sett'.iu the difficult. The report is thtt u .. . -:- " .nel.uju.g. explained of on the spur of th. moment J fju b, h of dtU ,ufh l t i- t l . . ,, .,., EOt InB fee id"s of bis bsarl It l , , . , . i . 'P0'" " e.pi.o.t.un -. in , tl)r,(Wr, iuj t Dectinir was agreed on. . . . i ...1..1. .i . . to lane J'laca at uve o aioca on toe morning , of lVth ,he ,t,pon, to be six- ' U(t,r.. At the appointed time that .norn- , f ,h( pr;8(, wtTt on th. g,,ji j0 pr,. MnM of tbout lw , , , '. ' , o hundred tpectstors and T, r . i.i jeers. The spot selected, , iiv,. use, beyond the Mission, several polie effi near the Lake House, beyon and in Francige', County, did not turn out satisfactory to the seconds, either is cone quence of the nature of tbe ground or the presence of the poiice officers, who express ' ed tbeir determination to prevent the duel ; taking place Two ether places were ex- ...ne, .M. a, tenjtn. in. pan, ere. eu tb. l.ee into ao .Mateo County, and little after seven o clock that morning, fix : e., ..u ma -u', w-i c,,i,.i,cr i . ,. K ims mum.ua v.ne- v- a lice and threw onWra intefered. One of ' ,(,.;, antaliir -.nt nn In R,.la.riV and ...v.. . .... -r presented a warrant for bis arrest, while another approached Terry. Tbey denlid the authority of the oftieer. to arre't, as ' Ihey were out of lbs limits of San rraneiace ; but il seems that the warrant was endorsed I y a a Mateo tosi'i'trale Aft-r con. ids table tune aperit in diliberation, they sur rendered themelves snd were lihersted on parole Ms.ra. Kroderick an l Terry then agreed to appear before the I'olice Court, at two o'clock on Monday afternoon, the I 1th ultimo, tbe dsy bafore ibe duel Th ruit of that proceeding is a matter of lit- ( lis eonq icoce now, a it did not prevent the hostile meeting. , ( u T,ffT r,ifBrJ hi , . , , , prob.bly either Kx Sheriff Cotton, of Yrika. , ' ', ,, , .' I ( orresTinnilrnre AriC lurk Ilertllil. YaUA IM CALirtiRMA A clerevman from Iowa now vi'iting California Rive a i description of several wonderful waterfall. ' in he valley of lobamite, far surpassing in height the Kails of Niagara. At the lower end of th valley is the cascade called the ( Rridai Veil, the wntvr pouring over th, rocky wall a distsnea of nine hundred feel Two or three miles beyond are the Yo ba : mite Falls, where th. water fails in tbret 1 idunt-ee a distance of twenty -eight hundred , rOOU tlirOU!U lUO lUllirs. Iiu lirumru nei, iiio uri irau oenij urarii i.'jvr leci,' nrai time, iney win icri - . . .... 7 . . . .'..'. . lhe Mft .0l ft iI)d ,,, ,,',, fuc,. I i ookint, rrom ,h, )O0I11 flf ,oe gor(f, tl ! the immense height from which tbe wterj defends, tbe trem, which is o7 feet in ! breadth at Ihe o . se.ms to he onlv a loot' and a b.lf in breadth. Further up th. . i...., .,,,.,1., r-n t.t i.n. r.... j. : -i , ., ., ,; .. 1 turiiier I anomer or o" teet. Ha t a mile btyoud is still another thundering Cataract ;. ' "rl " "'lone, wild ... eompoa.d of largo l-g. " height shut b, m.unti.ns thousand, of, c, d t, PotUnf io ,b. roul.ct i nigu. j t i. . .. it? i at..... i ll.u iv il all I KKllll I III rtllOIll ten i days ago a tremendous drove of grey siiir- ; ruls, numbering hundred ot thousands, sua- ....i.i ,.. iv... ...i and fluid destroyed. O.d French settler , .. . a Ki'-iKii'ilinuirni au'i ...,.v.a w, ' r ,, , jjrxnci a very severe winter. . n was no-i tic - d in 1 14 and that immeiiae d rove ' prsdict a very severe winter. it was no- :. I. ...u...i i. .i. ance, followed by intenaaly oold wvathur. - t fsuil JZrp.) TUB KANSAS QUESTION REV'VKD The telegraph ie reports of the election reoently held in Kansas on the adoption the constitution framed at Wyandotte tiounce that that instrument has been r T Red by a majority of t.n inhabitants 0f ,1,'" Territory. We may therefore eipoat ' the admission of Kansas into the Union dor that constitution will be aked "i" bands of Congress on the opening of th t body at its approaching aeion. It will be remembered that, by i,s tr of the " Knjilish Conference bill," pro.''" for the contingent admission of Kansas. the Union under the constitution framed"1" Locompton, it was ordained that in people of that Territory should refll9 accept tbe rraugement then proffered bv (Congress, tbey should not proceed to t(, formation of a new constitution and Sta," government preparatory to their sdu,Li0! into the Union until after it should bar been ascertained by a census, taken and the euspioes of the Federal OovernmeoT that the territory contained a nnm.l,..:. ' equal to or greater thau tha exiting rati, of Federal representation iu the II0u,b Uepresentattves. The propriety of this rule is admitt k. all at general proposition, but its spplic.. tion to tbe osse of Kansas alono, wbco it was expressly repudiated in tbe adn.i.sion of Oregon at the last ses.ion, does not ad mit of such easy explanation or julificiioB on the part of the Democracy. It remains to be seen whether they U iirnort lbs " compromises " of the KoKli,, bill, as framed by themselves less t)lu t99 years ago, or whether they will in.;,t u.on a rigid adhereuoe to the terms of thB 4r. rangement then concerted to serve as i graceful retreat from the Leoonipton eon troveray. The qieation uudoubtedly pre. sents dilemma which loaves but lutla ehoioe between its two borus, aud add another illustration to tbe acouiuulated teachings by which Li-lory inculcates tba advantages of liener departing from it,, straight line of political justice to f,.i;uW th, tortuous path of a shifting and tetiipjrarj policy. Suttionul Inttlligrticer, AnitHNO Ftpis-iTiTioiii A wild b., that is a bumble bee, entering a room, iivri ,r j.-.i. .1 .1 . ". m ,u' ?ro""'. of !l:'b,ni,'h.beJ f V"k. n0: U i . . . c .r" " ners are all in tha coaches, there wi b, 1 . , . . . ., trea into your ear.l.n there will t -J.-.k """" ,u.. lura. " Jper.uiioa ""- iiig-ar i.e. tuai is waa tu sua knewn to bim by th. breaking of thrr. cows into ui own garden, when an o! J bo j.j servant grieved thai there would be th'ts deaths in the family within six motithi.iti there were. Tb. third was that of a no in law, igie whose garden alto a cow lr.,a aotae weeks before b. di.d. Nob'jdj c die on bed in wbioh there are sny pi,'on and game feathers. This is a wide apmd belief, easily confirmed to th. igooratit j proots nt. the tallow in,:, wnicn were - , , , . duced by 5ustsx Isberer aeaint s crp. . ,. , . . , , "e : Look M poor Muster is 00 . , , . . . ' , bard be were a djing poor soul, hs foe 1 Rot die obly way, till r-ighbor l'auitk fjaol out bow it wer. ' Muter 8, h, ' ye be lyinj on game featbera, v.x, surely ; aui so be wer. So we took a ojt o bed and iai I n nn te flir,and ,t "' '; toon dnJ lh.ii. 1 be last ir.io a ran , , ,,., Utmmtm ..f. be.ng a-p. 1 w - mM . rk f,ncl. j be could est, said : " Ah ! po ir fei i w, : he so far gone? A pigeon is gnra! t ', in 0t the last thing ibti want I bar" sup. . , , , ... ,,,..., . ,nDJ one for the like pu p- a p'2roo is seen atttiog on a Ires, or ant a bou, or from being wil l growa iio, that ia a ain of death. If any bird fl.' into a room and out aain ly an open am dow, thai is sig-o of death amour the q mate of tha biuse. ln-itni .Kit Int Year liuunii." WintxhSii. es --. I U,r l! l!f,:i gives tb fu,,)wm scumble ad tier : " I.ias Ihe poarled oak that wui,to d tbe s! . j-rns and lbulerbuits of entunea, mil, bno-' l begins lo die at the extremities. Kfp tbe feet dry and warm, and we mav snap oar finger in joyous Irimnp at diaea-e sod 1,. .1 p., . . . nr .1,,, w wi'.. itu ,t,Hklo.. but kp , t,, w3Ur..-if; g . - ,i i i .1 . ...... 'h en the ankles, aecii. inning ibein to dpend I euffiritnt ti ran- vory slight aeei ln,t i . I .i.tl. tn an ' habiina boot wearer. iW'id.s. a -li earn- I preases Its, and benee admits of viiorous circalstion of blood. I!ut boots wben yon rid or travel (live dir-c li.ma a!o to have no eork or lu lu rul-ber about the abo.-, but to plaoe between t" layers of t,Sa sole, from out to out, a pie" of stout hemp or low linen, which ha b-m dipped in tneiled pitch. This is absolute!' impervious n water does nH absorb a part.elc, while we knov that eork does, n4 sftcr awhile becomes ' o;r;y ' snd ds'np for weeks. When you put ih-m on for the .bi-.' and yoj may stand on damp pise" for boar( mith impuuity." T. vrI(..- p...., or 1Mr. (if.xar .. 7 , , ... , .., ,.t l.h. ZT. XL nearest in site to tb. - r , (treat urW arrived iu Knglsnd fmu A- n.,ie. .ki il.ln. ve.r. aL-o. rh. was ! called the B-utit of Uenretr, was 0 10 ff't never steer never would ero,. tbe Alt"- .:- . w... -t . ....I ti.tntv upon bf io I im uin, auia iiiini. j arrival was broken up. Indeed, she nothing mjre tbaa imporieu u"i . , n.. i i.;,...! r fr,,,,i wurinir to. He trie 1 them found tbi m exen rscoin.o led theiu lo tbe rsi o. ' , rscoin.o leu meiu to iuw i - - j tv ladies and all. All who tri.d them i" !..'. i.e.ii.. ..l . naarlv " of them beeani. frog eater almost itli""1 . kuo ui!i

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