u.iviisT SrottfiNfJ Waqeb ok Ricottnf, jlr. Ten Broeck appeara to b putting ,tteri tbroagn o ruau jwt now in ., i,ni jonaon paper. oriDj intelligence hit b hai nd bet of 5100,000, $50,. ' 1 , ,id, with Sir Joseph IUwley, that i , horse Umfixr aero at untrrer for tbe n.vb of 1880. Mr. Ten Broeck purolin.ed j'nierei "en Jrl'n f"' 3r00, and flerwiicl fold him for $7500, having woo !-()U0 with b'm 'D nktcb tne meantime, ji', j, half brother to the celebrated iuUrt. teltr, but beyond bin uudeniable bigb breed- , nJ proiUlling appearauc., Sucre i. uoiu ' l:... a lnlif tba hiirh oniulon enter- ,d OI III " " ' , l '. r - ... u-.. c:. h,, proven piui.m. - j,wph llewlej ia the most eipeneneed an II tbe uioat sueoeait'ul turfite in England, i ,.t year be carried off the Derby with minium, and tbia year with Muji,i. la f lCt the " cherry jacket " ia oftener eceo in frout in the more important racea than any 0,l,er j and if Mr. Ten Broeck outgonerala t!e lucky bironet, be will bare accomplish j , frlt ubieh DO otbar eportmuin in Eng. jioil hu erer been able to accomplish. Tbe ,'uoruioui extent of tbe wager, together with ,h, chiracier of the borea engaged, will rrlj(,.r tbe race tbe moat iutereHtiog tbat hn taken place on the Engliah turf aince y -.linear had toauoeutub to tba Dutchman, .ml ibe reult wall be looked for with equal iDiiety on both aidea of tbe Atlantie. UTitoi'RiATl, vRr. We bate a bar. lerhtre who aniwera moat politely to the ,o!ub: name of " I'rofeaaor." He ia not a mhite niio, but bia aatire and wit ie alwaya ind ahen indulged paaaca off with urh grc" a even to preeent tboie at whom ii ainied from being offended. Yeater i',f a vouog fop called at bia abop, and j.'nly dcmiudod lobeabaved The younx UirJIcw urag'vrer wee eery inciting j be . ..- nronared for him and tbe barber iooa---r r . . ... .., ,brouh th. -'?' "" -1 1 ,ni r .. f.; ; .h. to. f th.,1. rc, 7h.Tr.. .r; r::z::nrz Tbf boy J imped up eiolainiltig, my j,tj ,t ,,e Hall, 00 Saturday, the 15(b of uae of DR. J. HOSTETTEU'S STOMACH BIT. fiar fellow. JOU lhave adtatrably what do I j October. l5S, ITERS lor Ihu.e liiwaae which jre particularly e TOO V " Nothing at all," aaid tba Pro- The Inlendaut andCmmiaainrra of andTown, prevalent during the auuimer and fall. They have f . .r " llow't that !" aaid tbe fop. " I hereby notify the inliabitanli of .aid T"Wn, that ! a.crrtamed thai there are no rrinediee in the phar '' . , , ' j , , , I en election will be opened and held at the Town ' m.cnpit which compare with line wonderful eoin- im i!iy J,1" 0,D 1 eiD f" ,0.H ei"' 11.11. on MONDAY, the 7TH DAY OK NOVEM. ! pound for derangement ol the ay.tem. Thou.and. i d to iharpeo wy raior on . replied our j UK!!, I , to eo.n.l.r the pn,K..ition whellii r it of funnliea reaiding along the low ground, nf the 5 ,1,,, I'rlertburg lnteUlg'n:r I ahall and may be lawful for the Intendant of the I Weateni and Southern nvere, are now couvinci d j Town of ( harh'tte, by end with the conaent nf a , that they have lound a niedieine peculiarly adap. " " "" " J majurity ef the ('inimia.ioiiere to eubarribe 960- led fur their ailment., while in oilier portion a nf S-R'iAW MoLABSKH. Tbia article, made ; OOO, or I'iUO h. re. to Ihe Atlantic, Tenn..ee the country, during lue .uiiimer nn.nli, the lie im the Cbilirte augar eana baa evidently cu; oo of tbe bird io.titutioni of tbiaj juLtrv. From what we ean learn, a large iiLtiir will I wade. Tbe demand for; The demand forj a Ml abiaky, nolaeiea and vinegar br- . , ,0 great that the price bee advanced jji 00 eetiU to $1,25 and enough to aup- j : 5 the demand. Kunatch ( I i ) lirj'ub- J CUNSIGNKES IliaitURLOTTB AND I. C. BAIL ROAD, muM 1 THI It'TIl TO THE 17th ocioiica. P Koiemin AH packagea, W. II. Micbal M f kpa, S M. Witbera A. Co. hi pkgea, D. 'Milber C'J pkgea, G. Barrier 1UU pkgea, I' !Urper & Son 6 pkgea, J. Uarnaour k Co f ;i:t, K. II. Abernathy 3 pkgaa, Goodaoa w W. 10 pkgea, Fronebarger & V. 3 pkgea, I r Mie.p.rd 4'J pk, J. F . . 1'e- .31 14 pkgea, Templeton SJ Pty ' J. nkuia 41 pkea, Kev. II. MMood I W. VV. At.ry I pkge, R. A.Erton2'J (m, J. II. Gordao 7 pkgea. ievenue Law, 1858-'59. HIE BOARD OK VALIDATION fovllt. (tin I .-I, fcad 1! mM.aiblf to eiee.le the Act of the t;.,...iro ai'tll tlw following Se t llnllt .f .aid "cat l.w -is complied with : ( I Th uw.tr of II . I.nd, or (if Im be a 1 ,: ! m) In. .geol eh.il furiM.ii Ihe di.tnet I' . Flh a In li.elodlr.o Und f,tria uIMk. i - ti.. f parat. tr.cU. and .lao th. ..v.ral 1 ja .... bo.ii.. r tr.it. .f land owned bv 1 the diatrirt, tngethrr with Ihe name, of Ihe f r ci'iriri, or .Ih.r noted pUcre on, r waar. a iioimh (hey may ho ailualed an. the neat k if eira ia urn aep.rat. tract or cootiea.ua ....fl.nd. J 5 l oon I., 1. ahall he ii.trd aep.rat.ly. end hi ' numbered according to th. plot of th. I. th onrili body or tract of land, and a .i .A ai.all be eepar.tely .ad m.tinrtly e -h1 return. d 'r ' If.ny prraoo .hall refiiM lo furni.h th. I j 1 re.1 abut, or tolak. the oath pre.rribrd ;l ' ' ci'f ee.tmg .action, h. .h.ll bit deemed ( :? ni , mi.uem.anor, and the juatic.e mi Ihe ' if Mid board ahall bind him ov.r I. appear ii, ririt tefm f h. 5uenor Curt at lit. f -n:, to k 'met Ih. charge ; and oa conviction I :m lot, , he .hall be hntd at the diaerction.f i VI hea th. owner of th. ,: nd. or (if he 'ident of th. Stale) l.ia agent, be nut a 1 Hi. dt.lrict where tiie I ailualed ' il In with affidavit of th. Mm. im. toe abo. reuuire.l aath, .utribcd and '' '" r for. and certified by a ju.lie. af Ihe r. nnr h" tr.n. milled lo th. dialncl boord of 'lion, and if r.eeiv.d be for. Ih. board .hall ta v.lue th. land contained in the !i.t,.oca i l received a. though tendered .ad aw.r. ih' iwn.r ar agent in per. on. ' 5. When Ih. board of v.ln.lion, are not wilh. hat awnra lasaabov. required, or neror .gent relu.e. lo .n.wer to Ih. cr. ' nf ihe .t.t.ni.nt a. lo tho number of ""Lined in ny tr.ct f land, they may '' ' ei.uiiiy or other .nrveyor, and have th. oreeyed. And Ih. .urvt yor may recover 11 t of hi. fee. and .11 el (enac. mil of th. ' "I th. I.nd, before a iiiatiec of Ihe pc.ee, br I f attachment. i rdard of Valuation earne.tly rrq-i-itall " lo band in Ihe I i.t. of their T.iabl. K..I '- ihi. Ili.triet. f fHIKKIt will b. found at the effico ' MILLER, frirmrrly th. In.u'.nce OlU. .. ' ij Iron. 1 to 2. A. M , .nd tram itui uniil ih. I.'.d in. I , dum g which tune he " . .11 Itettirn.. A A KENNEDY, i Boaae IM" MltlMi.V, V or w F. PHU'EK. S VaioaTion. ' If . 32 2w $!.() IinWAHI). B ANA WAY from th. aubaenber, a Ii. V mm. ouui iiievimol January la. t, my fjk n-gro Boy Rl I'll better known a. liuph r A.ian,., vary lik.ly, atMut 82 ya.re old. I". 1 1. in, mry alipht impeilimenl in hit lerh, a .wmI .lied fiiot and a lilll. in. I -a a, in round .hnnldered, II. wa. rai.ed on 'I'at reck, in Oaaton county, near Brigg'r w"'ka, hy Ih. widow Adama. When taat ' lie wa. in Cleveland county, near Wm. - M Hi. W,k, r.etory, where he wa. pi.. I '"nwll ff .. a fre. boy. I will give $IM) lor , '.-..r. hen. ion and delivery lo me, or lo weur. in Dallaa jail that I can gel him, ny lime l""1 "d th. .l of M itch, IttfiO. And I i t " l.iO mar. for proof end conviction of any ' for harboring him. Any mlbrmalion . " t ,4 d boy. ran be directed lo me at D.I. "K"t eounly, N.C. I DAVID A. JENKINS. , " ' "m an ilr.irou.i.f having the buy appr. J.. I ' '" f'J tha above reward if he t. ilMeJJ. . W I t I" Rullltrf""t"n Enquirer will inaert the "" ek aau-lurw.rd account ta Uallaa. IKMIT. II. (Vit, Af AL COMMISSION MERCHANT, I . WiLHiiwroa, N. C. s"Ulli C.mer Mark.i and Water St.. " " il. ia:,9 I 1 '-NK DKK.IiSf, 'or aalei at tliia nffiea. NO. 5, rllll Pulrlie ere ihade to wonder a feT dat JL ago at aeeing the fineat .lock of I ever offered it (his mnrke(, coneisting iff WATCHES, FOB CHAINS. VEST CHAINS, LADIES' CHATELAIJfS, BREA8T PlNS, FINGER R1N09, OOL0 PEN9, BRACELETS, ARMLETS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, WALKING CANES. GENT'S TINS, BUTTONS AND STUDS, CLOCKS. POUT MONAIKS, STERRESCCPIC VIEWS, and all article usually kept In a Fishinnable Jew' elry Store. Having just returned from the North we feel iuslifiud in eaymq that we hate the finest etnek of Jewelry ever offered in this uiarket, lor Beauly aud Cheapness. Cull and aee. Na charge lor looking. f'ock from II 00 to 00.00 Watche. from 4 50 to 200.00 La die a complete eel, frnin i.' t) tu 150.00 Gent Walking Caeca, from... 25 to 10.00 WATCH WORK done is the heat style, by an expert. , .need Wnrkman. Watch Cryetale put in for 20 eenta each. We are determined to work end eell lower than the lowest. CTOId Gold and flilvrr bought at Caah !Vce.. J. O. WILKINSON & CJ., Mo. ft, vMruniic! Iloir. Notice!!! SS0O.OOO2! wr w .v.i;.,. i. iu. 1 r . ,nd uhl" lo " eirM-niied in the con. 1'hoar votinr ia Ihe affirmative of the prnwifl tion, ahall write on the ballot the word "FuR," ho velmg in the negative or again.! eld " ,"f 'I'.V.T"! " ub. ;aInV'." J. R KKRK, InUndnnt. OrloW 17. 18 9. 134 Ready-Made Clothing FULUNS,"siM.IN(iS&('0. rr nnw rr rit ing llirir nlork HATS AND CATS, TRUNKS. VALISES, . fnrpol ll(awiil I nibn l!a. j ( loth ( t.tl. I All grade, of (loth Coat a, I All grad. of I loth t mU, j All grade, of Cloth Co. I., 1 All grade, of Cloth CU. Cntaimrrr nil. All grade, of pl.iia and faney e...im.re auil, All gr.d.-. of plain iud i'cy e.aaimer. Suit., j At' gradee of plain and fancy ce.aimere FjuiU, ('nwwiina'i-r Tail In. All grade, of black and fancy ca.aimere Pant., A" "d of baca and fancy e mimic re fante, AH grade, of black and fancy eaaaimere P.nU, Ailgraueaol alack and tancy (uiiucit ftnli, Vrtals. Black and faacy Velvet and M.lil.a.e Silk Vu liUrk and fancy Vel.et.nd MaiaU.ae Silk Veal. Hlaek and fancy Velvet and MatalaoeSilk Ve.ta Black and fancy Velvet and M-itala.ae SiU Ve.ta 4.lovra. Ilokicri , Ar. Cravat., collar, tjlon.. Huaiery, Ac. Cravat. , eollare, t I . v r , Hixiery, Ac. Cravat., col I m a. (ilov-.. Hoairry, Ac. Cravat., ct:l:a, Glove., H..irry, Ac. lain lid Large.! and cheapeat .teck of Hat. and cip., Largeat .nd che.pe.l .lock of ll.u and cape. Largest and rheape.t .lock of tint and cap., Irgr.t and che.pe.l alack of II.U and cap, 1 ittvEina Trunk., Valiaea, carpel bag. and I nibrell.a. Trunk., t'alia.-., carpel bag and I'mbrella., Trunk., .liaca, carpel bag and Cmbrella., Trunk. Valme. carpel bag. and Umbrella. Our friend, and cu.lomer. know well the advan tage wr poa.e.. in getting up Ihe arutrttt, 4 heaprst mtd I nil test Stock af Clothing, cVc, in We. tern Carolina. IT W warrant the quality and making of all (.nod that go troro their Store. Call before buying elaewhere mil examine our lock. FUU.ING3, SPRINGS A CO. Orfonrr II, lei'J. 3111 llll'I.IM.KV. fHS. SARAH ADAMS, of Avl. t. reenam.ro , re.peciiuiiy W' fWintornui Ih. I.ailie. ol I tiariott. I "fand .unounding country, lhal .lie ie now oiciiing . vei-y larg. a.wirlineiit of Ilniincl) Ilibboir.J Ac. All OKDLKS thankfully received and pr.mplly attended lo, tirtentkara', Oct. 7, l".9. I33e Valuable Ja,and tX: 31 ills FOIl JSALE. f1 II E .uh.eriber will I ll .1 fohUe A i.e. j) lion, on Tuesday, the 22d day ol November next, the pi. nlatiun on which he now livea, lying on Hee.ly Creek, about 2 mile, from Rocky Kiver I hureh, nd Ih. ..m. dwtanr from llirn IVpot, in C. b.rru. county, eoot.iiiiug I60 acre., joining lb. Land, of Elekiel John. Ion ud other On Ih. preim.r r good bmlning. of. II de.criptiun i .1 ao, .u excellent 4 ot-ii r-riil iirinl Til, ia good repair, and ia a good .action for eneour. agemenl. Alao, another tract, containing I0 acre of Land, about on. mil from Ihe abo., mootly woodland, and aa well-limbered . any in Ih. county. All of Hi above Land ia eti the be. I quality and suitable for Ih. cultivation ef Cotton, Corn and Wheat. Persona desirous ol purchasing valuable Land in this aectiuii, would do wll to call and ex. mine th. premiaea, ae my only object in .clling ia tore, mov. n.arer to my childrei.. ALHO At tbe .am. tun. and plaoe, 1 will mII a larg. quantity of Own anil Houghntis, ad many other article, loo auinerou. to mention. Term, made known na the day of .ale. A. IV. HARRIS. C.Un.r toonty, Oct. II. IS.'9. 136 SURl'EXAS for aale at tbia OTtce rp X w. jToTST . Special Nolicei. AmnrVg the many rcaf-watier. wilic. nature haa (applied to relieve the affliction of humanity there t no more furor ite one for a cerlni'n claaa of die ease than Hie" medioinul gum "fifth Wild Cher, ry Tree; but however taluab'.e it ia, Ka tower to heel, to oothe, to relieve, ar.d to ctfre, l' enhano. tion with other Ingredient, in themeelvei nf equal worth. Thi happy mingling eiiate in that "Combination and a form indeed'' OT medicine known aa Dr. Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Whoee value it! curing Coughs, Cctdi, ffronthitit, Whoofiing Cough, Croup, Atthma, I'ulMonaiy Affct titH Qild ineipitnt Coruumition it inrtumt1 It. HO.MK TKKTI.W1NV. BbtrtM, April IS, 1852. 1 No. 48, t'n ion St. M. Sr.-fi 'V. (uwlk Dear SiriYut invalu. able medicine, I can truly aay, haa literally anatch. ed me from the grave. Laat July I waa attacked by a auilrien Cold, which reaultcd in a verv arvtre Cough, with vident Paine in the Si.le and Cheati I been 1110 to rniicd redueeil. Hint mv ffienda frank. ly told me thiit ( mual rite. At (liihf r"in, I heard of Wuldr'f llallnm of Wild Chtrry, and iminedi. ati ly ent fur a bottle. 7'he eflVct produced wn indeed wonderful. My phyoician, one of tiie moat rrepettable in Boaton, Who had prefiuualy (..Id me that a cure wai hopeleaa, eame in, and 2 informed him what I had taken. He riamined the Balaam, and ailviaed trie to Continue the enre (rf ft, ainte which lime I have continued to improve daily ;' and the tm phyaician who had given me up, told ma, a fcvT dayt imee, that I mirlit yet livr many yeare. Raapectfully. MARVl'OWE. We can cheerfully testify ta the truth of the a. bove kUtement, Mra. Kowe having b. rri ah inti mate of our family. WM. DENNETT, MARTHA DENNRTT. None genuine unkia aigmd I. Bl'TTH, (m fSe wrupfirr. Prepared by S. W. FOWLE CO., Borro, and for eale by L. Nye. Hulchiaon At, I o.. Charloltri N. C. t3i IMiyaiciHiia are generally loth to apeak a word in praiai of what are exiled patent medi. einea ' Ind'.ed, it ie an article in the Code of ine. oicnl ethica, that a phyaicie.11 who aenctiona the uae 01 audi rentrdica caunot be conatriercd a mem. ber of the Mmlioiuil Aaaociatinn. But there are ex- crplioiia tu the mual atringenl ruiea, and many of 1.1.. ;..i r v. 1 ' . ...n.. ' mand lor the arliele Ie equally Urge. Kold by all druirai.t. and ilualira ri nerallv and by E.Nye HuUhnmn Sl Co., Ch.ilotte. N. C. It Cl.lf.F I.J TKM M IM 'I' V.. 1 BRYAM'S i I i: L M O I C XV A F K It S . ! The mntt certain eaaf tperdy remrdy ever dittovered j I yor oil IHteaoet of the 1 heel and Lpo. 1 ought, I i otdt, Atthma, Contumjrtton, iitonehittt, Injtuenta, llTtrnrtt, Difficult llreolk. j ing. Sire Throat, ifc, SfC ' HESE WAEEUSgivetlienioatinitantinenua and iierfecl relief, and alien peraevered with i according to directione, never fail to effect a rapid ! j and Leling cure. Thousand, ta.ve been re.tored j 1 to perfect health who 114 e tri.id oilier meana 111 I vain. 7 o all cUaae. ani ajl cuuatitutiona they ai equally a blea.ingand a cure none need de.fiair matter how long th. dixaee may have enaled, however aevere it may be, pioviden the organic ; or I ttructure f the vital orrani ia not hopeleaaly de. cay.d. Every one arllicted ehould give them an t-n.-l tn.i. loVocai.iaTt fer. are pecuii. i.t. and Pt'.Lic Sraaaaaa, tbeM W.. rly va luabie ; they w.ll in one day remove the nio.ta.verc occaalnn.l horaencn ! and their regular aee lor a few day. will. at ell time., in. ere... the power and neiibiiily of the voiee, great. !y improving lU tone, compeae and ele.rnea., fur which purpoM they are regularly u.ed by many pmfce.ional vocali.la. JOB MOSE!. Sole Proprietor, Roche.ter.N. Y. Price 3A cent. Der box. For aale bv all reaoecU. ble druggiata and 8CARK, Charlotte, N. C. tTSee Ihe advrrtiacment of Saiidford'a Invigo. rator, in another column. IT" See the advertn another column. rmenl of W'oou'a Hair Dye, ' NEIW GOODS. T. II. Itrein & Co. Are Kcccivinff lln ir Supply of 2 Mb 'W- -Wi w ykmmf W Hi SrjrmUr 27. 1851. 132 WA.NTED. frVya T 11' V T V, p" I " p K-i-. . Urn V ill MILN Ara wanted to Peddle JEW. EI.RY through th. country. A larg. a.aortment of auperior (.OLD AND SILVER mi;ctaci,i:, nii; jr, t:i.KV, i VTI-al) WAKH j AND .11 of which w ill be old AO If for C.LS7. Ji" WA ITH CLASSES will be put in at 85 Ccnla each. Call at the Jewelry E.labli.hment of R. W. BECK WITH, Near Kerr'e Hotel. Oetofrrr 4. 18j. 3'ltf FOIt FI.()KIIA Dinr.cr. Flion 1 11 tltl.lTl, N. . Through lo rilatha in V noart, nnd in Iru time hj li la !li hour, tb m aay olbrr Route. THE U. 8. MAIL A IM) I IN t. THOMAS SURTIS, COMMANDER, UAVINO JCST BEEN PUT IN SPLENDID ORDER, Machinery thoroughly overhauled and furnished with new boiler., will leave Chnrle. ton every Tuesday .flernoon, at three o'clock, for r'ernmniiina. Jmcktonrille, I'irolata, I'ilatkm, and th. uaual lndinga on iho St John' River. Sh conn.ola regularly with tha Kail Road at Fernnndina and with Blags at th above-named place for St. Augualimr, Tampa, and the pnnei lowna in Ilia interior of Fiorina j al.o going and returning with the New York Steam Ship .ad the Northern out WrMersj Kail Hood Train on 7'sra.Uv' and Setuiiayt. All Metehandixt consigned t. this Agency will h forwarded free of charge. - For Freight or Paa.ngr. apply lo II. L. CHISOLM.rei. Southern Wharf. Ocf.'cr t.l8.W- 137 I I FISHER & BURROUGHS ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR" STOCK OF r.ii i. itxn wi.xtkk and to mret tli large increaae of their trade have In id in a much LA 11G EH STOCK than uauul. It will be completed in all article! of DRESS GOODS, KMHKOIDKRIKS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, c.,i:riri.s, R tG AND OIL CLOTHS, IJUOGA.NS. S 1 1 K L F 1 1 A It D V A H E, VICES, utox and sti:i:i,, STItAW CLTTI.IJS, 1 1 I' f J 1 I f " ' 5 lil-'liki Hi I h ) IMI.M'K AM Oil.. A examination of the above Slock ia rcaixct fully aolictted. Liilttte, September 27, Ifcj9. t.18 J. S. PHILLIPS, .lir.ttt it.l.VT Talll.Olt, ly aolicit. 1 of public patronage. j A eomplele aa.ortnient of Clotha, 1 i. inffi and Ve.tinge .Iw.y. on hand, j which will b- made to or. I der at the aiiorle.t notice, j after the lt, it f.i.hion Shop three noora South j of tbe Mauaion llnuee. 2ilf IBoU. T. J. CCItPi:Mf.', SI KG EON DENTIST. Graduate of the Baltimore Dental College, "a, "Tj TOl.'LD respectfully innounce that n. ia now periuaenntly located in Charlotte, a li re he will be plea.ed to receive the call, of tiiom; hu may re quire hia Protraeinnal Service.. LPeraona from a diatancc Who rinn4 make it convenient to vi.it Charlotte, can have their work aone " ,,,ir 'eatdenca, without any titra chargi by .Odreaail g hull at Ih ie place. iLT Minuter a ho arc I'aalora chirped half price. Bj 1ndie waited on at tiieir midenre if dc.ired. (Li Ollic No. 5, Spring.' Building, lately occu pied hy U T. Waring, E.q. Septemher 27. 1B5S. 141 STATE OF .NORTII-CAUOLINA, CABARKU8 COUNTY. Snperior Court of Late, Spring Trrm, 1?59. Mary A. Allen ra Petition for Pivorre. R. M. Allen. IT .ppearing to the eatiafaction of the Court, that the defen-Unt in tin. can t nut an in- "oiU"'of thust.tc, it m Ordered, tii.i pub. licalmn be made a x ateke, in the N. rlh Carolina Whig, a new.paprr nublihed in the town of Char. lolte, notifying linn to com. forward to the next Supejior Court of Law, to be held fur .aid coiinly. I st th. court-house in l-oncord, on plead, nawer or demur, ar th pi at tl court-houac in Concord, on Ihe 12th Mon. uat, l?da, and petition will be heard and granted ex part, aeainat In Witnes., J. O. Wallace, clerk of our said Supe. rior Court of Law, it otfice in Concord, the Ulh day of SipteinU-r. A. D. 195!) J. O. WALLACE, Clerk. Printer's fee 16. l3t STATK OF NOIITH-CAWOLINA, rALDWKLI. COUNTY. In Equity, Fall Ttrm, ls5H. Bill tiled in Vacation. Th.ma B Dula and wile Aoi.m.u C, Pike Flem. ing and wife Av.line, Cl.n.aa, U i.li.ui tiill and wile E. D. Oill. E. W. Jones and toe heirs ofLnu. a Hardin, lo wit i Win. J , Laura, Elbert, Walton and John Harbin and S. P. Duia. against Rul'us E. Jones, Fxenulor of Thoma Jones, dee'd , John E. Jour, L. L. Jones, liru T. June, and W. L. Jone., defendant. IT appearing lo Ih. satisfaction of the Court, that the delendanta, Rufus F. Jours, Juhi' E. Jones, I.. L. Jones reside beyond iIhi limit of tin Slate, il ie Ordered, That publication be made in a pub. lie (iaielte, printed in tin ltile lor six week for non-resident defendant., to appear at the neat term nf Ihi. Court, to bo held at th. Court-House in I. noir, on the tlh Munday after the 4th Munnay in September next, then and there t. plead, answer or demur to tin. bill, nr judgment pro coniraao will be taken again! them. Witness, William M. Puetl, clerk snd master nf said Court, at office in Lenoir, the titb Monday after the 4lh Monday in March A D. Irjj!. WM. M. l l'ETT.o. m.b. Printer's fee 16. l3t , Magic Oil, Magic Oil IJRKFll Sl'PPI.Y. just received .nd fr ...le, 1 by E. NYk' It III IIISO.N A CO. Aaa2, 18J2. I September 2 IMMENSE SACRIFiCSSIi.DRUGS AND MEDiami MY GOODS! WILMIXO IOV UK A Vf II. j Second Store below Mess.T.H.Brem & Co KAILNWEiK k BBO'S. ' R ESI'ECTFLTI.Y inform itit-ir miriirnrt coi- ihg rounlry, that they arc idling off the balance of their .tuck of Fancy and Staple Dry Good, avrr.aioK neatly .irtttle VIMTIil.VG, KOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Tej CAPS, For Oent', f uulh and B 'y'a weur. 'I' I II II l,s and a full supply of Rnnnrta. Fhila Sl Hut., Bonnet Kihlwina Sl French Flower., ull nf which will he .old at reduced price, together wilh a large and beautiful aaaurtmtht of Lace I'ointa, Bereft' and I. men Duttcra, all of the luteal atyle. j Tbe above-named G-mda trinei be clored out by the firat of October, to make room fjr our FA Ij I a STOCK. ! Tiie beat and larFeit aaanrtinent of I.adita' and Mmn tialter., Iloola and Shoe., Trunk., taliaee, t'arpet Bag., iS.itcheia, and Donnet linxea. Atlenlioii 1. called to the large .lock of lV;l). Tl.-Hlt' 4 lolliiiifir, ft being made up in the moat aubatanlial manner, and i. 1 qual to Hint sold hy any !h. r houac in the I111011, mid ia . choice unu faahi.nable .lock. '-itl' I'lirnUliiiii; otls of every atyle and v.irii ty. Thia ia poeitively a clo.ing anlcaa every article mnil he nld by the tirat nf tlrtobtr. Merclianta end nlhera are reque.ted to call and examine bo. for making purchrfic.. a. they will find it In their intereat to do .o. They can buv from !25 to 50 per cent cheaper th.in at any other Houac. We alwaya keep .in hand the beat and che.tiper't a.aortmerrt of fiiuti ;;; v, ll.irdu ;ir', l;r ;n r, Ac. In .ddijidn to Ihe above we expect lo open a ve. ry large effrurlinLnl of 3jii.i.i.w:itY coons. DAVID KAI1MVKTLKR. DANIKL KAHN WK1LKK. JACUB KAHNWK1LKK. A-JSvlt 30, le5S. t5lf STG V A N l UK A l 'I'll IS ! GOOD NEWS ATCIIAJU,OTTE,i(C,Jl HAS junt opefied a Inrje and eVtcnsive NEW STOCK of HOOT. sailor, UitoO ts and Leather, French and Americnn Calf. Skin., and all kuida of Shoe-Maker'e Findiiige, ALSO, A bciutiful Stock of the latest and moil fm'nion. able tvlea of gTl .K jn rtT fBi tpzr A'l Style, and Grade, from OAK FORD'S BEST, rm n In the Common Wool. My UHrior Stock of Ladle' and Gentlemen' fine c xtra SEW EI) HOOTS, SHOES AND rwafV CONGRESS GAITERS, tt-aaiuP' are not to be a-jrpaaaed by uny. 7'hey were pur. chn.ed front the .-'..mlctur. ra and the very be.t lioot and Shoe maker, -n the I'niit-d St.. tea. Parmer., .Merch.ii'U and the public gcnernlly are particularly invited to call and examine my I Stock and Jiiage for theinselvea, a I am deter mined lo .ell ; IX)W AM STRICTLY FOR ('AMI. I IJ" Be ure you call at the right huu.c ju.t op posite tiic.Man.ion Houe, at yto. I. Gniiiile ltw, one dnor below Euaa Av Cohen'a Clothing Store. WM. TKKLUAK. Aug 16, lo.-.9. 132 To Farmprs and Country Merchants, j. v. unit i: a co., A TI V. now otrerinu tn the public the laigc.t and l be.t o.sortnient of HOC Til 1 1 ever brought to tine market, con.i.ting ut' j COFFEE, SlGAli, MOLASSES, SALT, 4-c. Tiir. rT kind or BAGGING, HOPE and TV l.NE. ) at.no, I 5 OOO pound, goon country cured Bacon, 1O.00O ' Teiine!-. Side.. igOOll " " " Lard, all of which will be aold low for CASH or Coun. I try Produce, Come ind See, we don't clnrje for looking at them. July 2G. ly - 1 1 A T V I : M I o , r A IS H I : Il ! M.E MAO 1 1' PLOW, (Patented hy J ja yarria,nt' Mi. sia. i ppi.) oo.ae.se. the nilVa late nf conihmina KOl K PLOWS IN ON E. can be laid ElVE lime, and sharpened TWELVE times without th. aid of a Olaeksiiiith. It c.n be used the whole season without any additional expense. For sale at the CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY. July 19, 1859. liEMOYAl l9-t( 7E iufiirm our friend that wc ' have REMOED to the old stand ol .(riiig St Melmi, corner of College and Trvnn Street., and are now receiving a Splendid Slock of FAMILY GROCERES, which will be sold low for CASH at wholesale or retail. L. FE ASTER. E. A. Mi LKUJX Ctarhu.. Augutt 3l IP.V, 2.i .Ta The World's Exhibition Prii9 nedil Awaided to C. MEYER, FOR HIS TWO IMANOS.LoNDONOtTOBER 15th, 1M1. Ct MEYEK, repecltully informs Ins friend. , and Ihe public grncraliy that he ha con stanlly on ham: Tl ANOS.i qual to those tor winch heriteived the J'ri:r Medal in Lundon, in It'll. Hi- has rec.ived during the last lit teen years more MEDALS than any other maker from Ihe Frank lin Institute, slso, Kirsl premiums in Boston New York and Baltimore. All orders promptly attend, ed to, and great care taken in the selection and packing Ihe same. Wareroom. No. 722 Arch. street, below Eighth, sooth sine, Phtladciphia Jaly 19 19 t3l w. tii-I.i:u. i'hii-aih:! rni i, Iiiiporlrr f l' t( VOOI) riOYS. HEADS. and CONFECTIONERS AR. . JL T1CI.ES, China Iulis, Rich Vaaes. Toilet UulUes, Ink. Willi Figures, Jewel and Csrd Re-1 ceivere, Elsgete Article.. Ac. Latest style of good, constantly received and .ld at the very low. est caah price.. W. TILLER, j Nn.21 onth F inrth Street, Philadelphia. Jul 19 19-7 it E.Nye Hutchison & Co,, IIMVIVS toil feH, 4 tf.it:t.oTTi:. .v. Wholesale and Retail Dealers fn FORKKIN ANf DOMESTIC ARE receiving frcah Jm. and genuine All . IM from the New Yrk Mrf ket, whicli Inve l:en our chimed lipon audi terint'if vtn he.nM low (,t tuth pi J We would reapec'fullyK call the attention of thoV f'uhlic to ouf .lock of " x a - . Pare hilu Lend. Snow hite inc.Chfnmvj Yel. low, f hrnme Greeft, Pari. (Jrien, Kuriit L'uiber, Ritw Cmber, lied Lend, Dtack Lend, l.itharre, Spuniah Drown, Vciiitiau !ii d, Lamp Ml.ick, frn'r B'ne.k, Whitintr. Engli.lt Finishing, Furniture, Copal, i'irtnrc, 7S. mar, Grceiun. Brown and Black. H m M ET .Sa) r . Linr.eed, Tinner'.. Tmiii, Lnrd, Maehiriery, Lu. briei.ting, Keroi.ene, Sea Elephant, Pure S(ierni, K.tur, Sweet, Olive, (Vid Livrr, llurning Fluid, Torpentine, Alcohol, Pur. French Hrand. (JId Madeira Wine, Port and Slu rry. London Porter, Fre.h Congren Water, Citrate M ijjntaiu. Ice So. d Water, t inton lea., JUker'a ( homl.ile, rnf eign Ptrl'uinery, Suiphale Q Tohaeno, Segura, Ac, Ac. Charlotte, Jun: )4. Ir?5fJ. , Opium, Snoff, 14'f "THE UNION,51 akcii si nrrr aiiovf. thiup. PHILADELPHIA, tTTON S. NEWCOMER, l'roprielttr. hm FJHB onderaigncd Having puri-ha red the interest Mil foe K.eao Evan.. i Ihe nhoVe ILLuLl Hotel, wonld call the ittrntion of Ine public to it eonTenicnre rT u-o.c viriiing . "na-; delphi. either on btuim-.a or plta.ftre. ( I li situation being hut a few t. pe from tiie principal nveiiue.nl trade, on. rs ifidnenn nt. to those on buint.) while to thoes in search ofj a dime to all pl.ee -f intere.t in or about the city. The Proprietor give. ...ur..ncc that The l n,. tm " shall be kept with eoch elmri'Ctcr s Will mrc' public ajiprfihation, and vroolri rfhprctlly solicit North Carolina pa(roh: ge. Terms Sl 5 per on v. UPT0S8. NKWCOMEII, Angtitt 1 6, IririS. 23-ly I ior.ir.Toa. i WHEAT WANTED. ' 34 HE planting community will take notice that 1 a their Wheat Crop will be purciiu.ed al the Charlotte Stem Flouring Will, at market prices. Those having Wheat for tale may find it to their advantage to call at the Mill Ih lore clo.mr; a .ale. JUI1?I 1LK.KS hi t;u. July 2, 1S59. UPtf J. G. V1I.KI.M iV CO., DtALERS IN WATJHES, JEWELRY, S&SILVER nnd PLATED TTARE. AMD No. S.firar ite Range, opposite the MaiiMun House, CHARLOTTE, N. C. A"'ntinn pivpn to p. unity V.ttcluii A Jrwtlrv. June 7. Ib'.Il. i 3 1 r' IVotice. re liercb cnut:ontd iipainst linn. A I I. per or tackir, or in uuy wmc tropUfMing ufwin my lancis.iM the law m u:l) cac will be rigmly furcfd Bg.iiitit ttry LilT-'iifiiiiiT. 1UA l'ABKS. 13lf June 7, 1 6,19. II. l MALCOLM, JfcR.V TICAI. MARBLE CITTEK, respectful ly i n lor mi. the pubic, that he has opened a P. 31 A Klilil'. YARD n- ! opposite the Mansion. Hotel, where he i prepared It ' I" fill allorders with dc.palcli l..r MOM MINTS, HEAD STONE.V. TABLE TOPS, and nil kind, of Work in the Marble Line, of either IMPORT. ED ITALIAN or AMERICAN MARBLE, Hiving niade arrangement by which he can procure theiwroRTin liah.n .Marhlc, at ridurcd pric- s, he can till all orders fr .M iiiuiik ins, Ac, at reasonable rates. He would be happy to h ive nil desirous of deal ing in Ins line, to call snd see specimen of Mar. ble, hear prices and judrje for themselves. Having had 25 year', eipenrnee in the bu.u nc, he will give in. personal attention lo put. ling up Monuments, Ac. SaUthury, May 3. Ifo'l. Stf Hotel for Sale AT MONROE, NORTH -CAROLINA. tHK suhscriber being de.iron of eliaiiging his bitsiii.. of- er for sale the I MON ilO. m&22SSBmo TEL." Tin. House i. .itualed in the Ihnr.ng Tow:i of Monr.w. N C.i conenieut lo the bunness porticn ol the Town. and within about one humircd y ni of the track of the W. C. Sl R. R llroad. It I nearly new, contains seseiii.-en room., in.hed, (ihe Furniture being offered lor the ILiu.t). fire pUce loevi r) room, a!. iilrnt out bou.e. Stable. Ac. Also, I II lor. !n ll. in. dred Aires ot Land ailoiiiing. H: age onqiiilifies'lniii t -r longer public life, be will therefore sell low, giving any reasonable time for payment. For luither inform ilo u apply to H e subscriber, or my tneii.l. Rev. E. A. l.ein. niond, Caniiien. o. Ca. JAMES llK'KKT. ,W. 24.1c j. Hj To Planters, C iOTTON GINS, of the b. st quality, with 10 in. li aw. delivered sl any R nlroad Lii. dum in the Stale st J per saw. Fur particular J.M.KLLIOT. W lllhoo,, S. C. April 19, l.'9. Li I'reminm. awarded i November IS5S. fitt ihe MHl I'liir. J. M. E. ANTED . good Milch COW. the Whig offiee. Fn quire nt The MarUffe;. CORRICTKD BT 0ATB8 & WIJXiAirlg. CHARLOTTE, OCTOBER 17, 159. RACON, iUma, lb 13 f3 14 - sie lb..,,.. I j jo 1 " Hog round, lb H (n " Shoaldera, . itb.... ..19 (J) 00 ! BagsinE,fJunny yd IS (at J8 lleef. lb 5 tV. 8 Huftcr, , lb ......fa (V, 59 ; liee.wax lb fr, 30 1 liians,. huahel,, 00 fl. 00 llraiidy, Apple,.,...., ,.1 55 f M i " Peacn gul jso i Cotton, lb J fa; 9 iCr-tfee, Rio -....:..Ab... .laj (,r 14 j " Java...... lb 30 (.rt IM) J Candte., Aif.inuritine lb .88 (f? 33 I " P'" lb........,45 f. so j " Tallow ..lb li r, no 1 Con fluehel 81) tn HS fSiekcn. each... IS fV'. rfi t'lnth.Copperu. yard Vi (r. In I " I.irnlcy, yard 25 (1 3rJ ErrgK, .- dozen , 12 flj, 15 Flour hhl $4.) f,i. 47S " bK' m KtM'lier. lb 311 (a. 3., L.rd . lb 121 (... 13 Maton,.-....' lb...... i (01 6 Mackerel,.. .......bbl.Po I.,.I6 (a, 00 Rut. erwo '-.. Jin I UoVaaawa, N.U gal....,.,,....fiO (a, 69 I W.l gel.., 31 40 ycn , ba.hel 75 (, 10 MuIlet.(Wilmingt''Jri) ...liM , $9 64 tit N'.ul,NoTie?n,... ,....lh... .,5 (: 00 " Southern, lb S (m- Out huahel,.,.. ..4(1 fM 68 Pork lb.. ,,..... 7 k 1 Pcaa, hn.hi-l.. ...... Ill ri ?.i ?o!ntoea, lrili,,.( ...bu.hol fin in. 75 " Swce.. ...-,.. Mislie!,,.,....) (i 50 Rice , l)Ure.l ..4 Ht ngar.lai; lb 14 (a. Ifi " Brown lb 9 (..;, Il e.line. Ware gnl S 9 Skit sock fc. 0 Tea , -...-..row ....? (a 00 Wheut. white ....Iiu.hel, tl 00 ' " red b-j.lu 1 90 (.1 (10 WhiSy , or:herii.....gal.... 45 fV 55 " J?. ('arolili..'..ga,. f" 60 ' Wool,(be.( tienrgi.) w.ahed, . 27 (' 29 " " " irnw.ahed 22 I". 23 Yarn. ., hale 100 ". HO II EMAPKH. CCTTON. The lat fmeifi new. haa ralhef cau.cd decline in Col ton. mo.tly in the low gram-.. We would q dole extreme. 9 tu fl jc . BACON in diinund at niiotalion. 1 ( 'iKN alo in fh-iiiuiiu nuotatione. ! COLFMRM MARKET. ! Coj t'MBu, October I S, j Cfrrf'I.V alluring the early prt of tl e week, (ulthi ugh th. Inri ijn ni wr. wa. unfivorab'e.) uur arkel el,i in .KiT.incing tendency ) but lo irifi fell ofT. and nnr ruot..!iona I.t decline from our lout week'. 1 w.ird the el...' now slionr a all" n .o.-t. T.ie n!.i of toe week amufinted to I.I.Hr b4U 1 xtrrme. Sj lo J"J.;. liAi ON.hogruund 12 ,7,, 1?J H.N, .. 1-J0 (.,. Bl PEAS 00 (., 110 OA I s HO (1 l"i H-'lli 2j (... 4 t . KM :. !;? MARKET. 'miu.Ti., Oct. 15, If59. ri, TON. The receipt, since our laat reach 143 b..li-., ami the .ale,, in the s.mc Urn hav. been cnrinuu to 9UUU bal., at price ranging from . to 1 1 cent, t ber 14 -.V.les of Cotton to.day 2,. ih.-lii.g Ih.. The saica of the week I l !'; ""u " "" U,t befu -i y'- b"l'- same lini. TJ t 'lil l.D r,.o.t n . W Cm' n rf Ci cotintrv, 'h.il he pti'l I .ully ttfiivuif tn the t'e h i furrounJing mnen t(r nbotc bum. nena in Charlotte. Were he i prepnren to fur ni.h DOOUS. RLIM-S AND SAS7. to the pub. lie on the iiio.l rea.oua l !t tcrin., anu on the short, est notice. Wiving a great inanv mnll claim for work done, ca!!rred nil over the country, he i deter, mined tn chihre hia method nf doing bueines. and hereafter trill require as IV .! DB il-.oic in hia Machine ' RO.-AL HAVANA LOTTERY. The next ordinary drawing ofthe Rnyal Haia n L ittery conducted by the Spanish Government, under the iinervision of Ihe Captain General of Cuba, will take place at Havnna on WEIKSDAY, October ID, 1850. S360,000. SORTEO NIMEliO CHS ORDINARIO, triTAi. puiz i: prireoi rKID.Oflil I .ill 5U.OOO till I OO.OOO! 1 .000 50 -low mi.oiMi I 43 I I it;. ooo IW.OOIt 153 Apr'xim'tB.tiUO 4 A p. .linn lo the ai tC.'-Cf hllescl.j 4 of 4Uu to s)jn,lnn: 4 of 4"U to '-h',i'Ul 4 ol $0U to lb, wiioi. T.. inn); 4 oi f-rnu ta ain.him. (ctf-'0; Halve. lll; W us r Ur. 5 od al .ight at 5 per cent iicuil i soi. ht B ink. last li at par. will he forwarded a s.hiii . III. r. I'lHillCl. Bills oil a I nit t.ec.111 Common I. I E.. r-.T til the l"M Persons i ed to DON ItODRl y Post, t li -acr a ill be Tickets wi ve their p." Ictoq, 4. c.) m.. ll.noeil .a. please write theri orhce, county a.J Win. A Owens, A T T U 11 A : Y A T L A W, H it 1. o r it:, " I LL practice in the Court, of Meekln id tiie eurrounuirig eountie.. Office iiearlv ..uiiu.ite the I usl I 'lice. Jan.. 9 b. l-.".h. t11 WITNESS TICKETS, for the County aaj Superior Courts Lt sale hcrx. for all wrrfe. nioval. i Vi . T. ItV, 19 fim i