PjgggjgjigpavssssssaBBBWBavjasfssssBSoaBaWM&i MAX Jlt'ST KEEP THE SABBATH. DO YOU COMMUNE OFTEN ! I With tbo pear, tbe requirements are phos A distingJiihcd minister some years go pluta nd potash, and these tne be freel Jrn!ared. after extensive and close observa-, used. tion. tint he hid teldom known a Christian to enjoy much comfort ia religion while he Will 1'iit died of apoplexy at the early , JjTeJf or die a peaoeful and happy death, . , . . . t,- J. of iii i.r. ..II i.-i-.i .....j.... njrf el tony Hrin 11 u . wn0 nlu nao.'jaiiv uriti-ieu incnuu apon tlie Lord's Supper ! . v.. J. nation Iiung in a lir;e measure oo ma he f'.-it compelled to give an utifeuitt t tig attci.tioti to affairs of slate. Suudaj brought uo r-'-t to birrt, end sor-a the un willing brain pave siens Oi" exhaustion Hat bin pteeree in ptrliamcnt was conceit ed to be indi.pensable for explanation and defence of tie public policy. Under such circumstance, it was his custom to eat heartily of surstantial food, most highly sea nee.!, just belurc going to bis place, in or der t J afford the body that strength, and to excite the mind to that aciivity deemed ne c?ary tJ th: momentous occasion. But uuder this high tension, bo;h brain and bo dy ptrirhed prematurely Drink ye all of it : said the Saviour, lies sin" and extending the cup of hi blood. All is plural and refers to the company, and not the contents of the rnp. And they all drauk of it: writes another evangelist. Communion is not privilege, merely; it is a duty. Do this. Ala, what vaiu cxeues are framed for neglecting the sacramental board f Do our iiiinUur spread this board as of-. The letter of L. Berkmane, published some yeare ago in the Working Farmer, settles the question permanently. He had imported a number of trees from Europe, which, after a long voyage, gava indications of being injured. Those to which were ap plied nitrogenized phosphates were recover ed and grew .finely, while those with which it was omitted did not succeed. This style of planting nay seem troublesome to those who have adopted the more oareless method ; but they should remember that it secures continued success; and we attribute our success in pears for we have never failed with any one kiud, or any one tree chiefly suoh at will furnish tannin aoid A water- iug with bark liquor, very dilute, benefit thetn materially ucar the time of fruiting. t&F" A great many farmers trim up a lit tle pet of a tree until is ia nothing but a broom handle, and then complain that it does not do well. ten as thev should, for the edification of ,0 ,D" "r"fc" nlaBD" ,n ""CB n" ' their flocks ! Remember, the sacrament Put tben out in P1,ce- KTen curr,Dt or ; are a part of the gospel. U is well known gooseberry bufh, or raspberry, or a black- that it. apostolic days the Lords Supper berry will pay well in its continued suoeess, i was t.eoueutlv administered ; some suppose to" ub treatment as we live eag.ealed S. T.-WMSTON KEEPS constantly on hand, whaleanle nd re. lull, a full and complete assortment nf nA I X A M ) J A I' A x x i : I tix-waiii; which will be sold LOW. ClOL'NTER SCALES, Enameled Siuce and Stew Pans, (Jlue PoU, WslHe Iione, 4.C., fur sale by 8. T. WRISTON. lOII.ET SETS, a euperrer article, for sale S. T. WltlSTON'S. T XOKTIB CAKOLtA MILITARY INSTITUTE '.' CllUI'loltf, ft, C. TBI HE Eaerci.eaof thia In nimiew 'w'S J1- commence on the ll O rlubf I'ACTLTY ELECT r Ma.. D. II. Hil l., Superintendent. Luiit. C. 0. I. EE. Ciiiiiniaiidniit, C. P. ESTII.E, A. M-, Principal of Primary Department. Course t Hi u dies s i In the Primary Pi-parlmrnt, such a to qualify a Student liiri.tir an? College. In the Scientific Department the Weal Point Curriculum will be closely followed, ll will t aim of I lie Pmfeeaore M make Surveyor., Engl, neere.t 'hernials, and men fit grille piuclical bufi. nnra of life. In addition to ll usual Extttitt$ at Mil'tory strlmols, the monllia of Augu.l and September will bo spent in Campaigning lliruugn tne iiioun. tain, of North Carolina. The .tiadeniie Vmr will commence, on the let day of October, untl will tnibraea lwela inoutha. A rurlouvli ot two niontlia (Aul'. and Sept.) will be iven lo Cade la ul lle end ul their aeoond ye.ir iirlioular attention will D eiTn u 11 ' I jr "if m I 1 S.H. RANSOM. Jk "ot Ion J ', cie of the most active busi-; . olhrs, that it was at the least every fr be pear. r.e men of Eclaud found his affairs so ex- g,bbath. If so, how vastly are we behiud In our neighborhood the grapes does not Lnded, that be drlihcrately determined to; t,e livii,9 model, both as regards frequeo- succeed well; but we have a vineyard in ilt-Tote his Sabbaths to bis accounts. He ey na heartfelt interest! If once a year wbieh every viue bad prepared for it such bad a mind of wide grap UU views were uli..fit., u.s j, it not a bad omen T Or, if a hole as we have suggested for the pears, f o ec-mpreher.MTe, so fir seeing that wealth ' ,hus negligent, is it any wonder that we are and these boles were filled with surface-soil, came upon Lira like a flood. 1I purchased t0 wifc j drknss, and eryout : ' Our The denuded portions between the vines, a eouutry rt at the ec?t of thousaads of Jraantj,, cur loaoncsa. on which the sub-soil was placed, at first do".ars, deterinic-ing tlat b would now, bad a sorry appearance with the red kellis have rt-r and uiet. But it was too late TUK KOMAN" SENTINEL. tu top, but the effect of sen and air has re- As bo :. rped oa Lis threshold, after a sur when pon)p?ii WM destroyed, there were duced this red kellia to a soil now equal in ry i f Li late purchase, be became P j Tt.rT ainj burkd ia the ruins of it who every respect to the original surface-soil of oj lectio. Althcuh life "s not "'"J'3. wr'e ftCrwftrds found iu very different sit- wLich it was denuded. The grapevines ke ot.!y lires the wrctk of a msa. j aatiOIll. There were some fouud who were hare succeeded well. Any special manur- jflASH, Deed, Spice and Dreninj BOXES for ! ,J r,l,giu, jjt. nciien of Cili l.. t,eb' c T WPIOTnV I .EXPENSES: fruits & xr.ii i;takm:s. moral ilJ-?rsi,';:''l WAIT FOR THE- WAGGOI. T. B-IIV ia it -m.. aV m.'a 'U.'' a sella Sto II Urcauae he buyea hi i'7t V.'-V from ihe Maniitaeiurcra. A.A.I.1I.TAYL0H tiimrsT under Twelve reara ot ; nor into Ilia fciaaTiric l)raTiKT uiultr Filien nnr over Tweiily.neyeraol'(. Ail connected with the iSeirnlihc lleeartmeiit will be ttquiitd lo board in ' tl.e In.uiule; th.c in the Ptmmry Urpartu.tnl STONE 4. Co.'. Screw Top GLASS JARS ' "? do if thry tI..K,.e. for preaervme Kroita, Vegetables, ate., uie R E HI A R K S : Tha Institute will provide Hoard, Euel. Light. Wawhlr-f, Arma, Equipwenla ami I'm forma, and all clnthinjr eierpl undef clotheafor f:)OV PKIl AH St: TI, one half payable in advance he h.-hmeein ail months. rxtf cAare-ea. No r. m .ioii ..f clrcea to thne n hn lrne nn!e TAVttM reapeetAjlIe annuunre to the inhabitants nil Vf l I ( 1 1 r. rd irii ily.tl l , , on Hie ae.irc ol lu ailh. ! Ir..m II.. it Oik. M.-nr, to ?.o. I , Ornate Kt , lute l:e Ima mm on ealuhitioi., jut rteium ll, Tt'uuci P JtitfrteftlV' ' North, one of tl.e mit titenaive asaortnieiits of No one will be adniitttd mlo the PaiMT It rxi a 11. beat article now in oae, for tale by S. T. WRISTON. COOKING STOVKS. IS. E W E S3 Everofl'errC in .Vorth Carolina, amonf which will be found the eelebrateo saa a xx' -mm' 'a': m m ss ' nt It u.ed to Le siid tint a brick k I'. a iwuai ', tha streets as if they had been attsmp ing cn be added to this syateui of surfaee- le ler t I orc'-.t over Slbath ; it is kimwn 1 ting to make their escape. There were some soil surrounding tbera, and from the supe- to be a fii'acv. There can be no must :' fouud in deep vaults ; as if they had goue rior properties of the soil within it to retain aainst a divine command. Even now, it 1 thiihcr for security. There were some H volatile matters, we need not fear its if a reciercl epinton, that iron bla.t f jrna-j found iu lofty chambers. But where did disseminalien beyond the roots. A. soil ces britg rain if not kept iu contiuf.il' they find the Roman Sentinel! They found once thoroogbly disturbed requires but a c jera-ku. Eighteen years ago an Eiu'.i-h- him standing at the city gate, with his hind continued disturbance at its immediate sur. :,ati dtt,-rn.ind ta h.-? tbe iai-ba:h b-jlj- J aJtill gra'ping the weapon, where be had face, to le always in high tilth; and the At to te re.uit, b.i boots ti:Sid, that he been placed by his captain ; and there while -sil when shaken loosely into these holes, is t.i?e n,:re irn in ,ii dys than he did in . she heavens threatened him, there, while in this cood'uion ; cousjqaenlly it is not the ,ftri; that b" tusJc more iron in a sven tLe cirth thook beneath hirrr, there, while flair of a day, nor does it require repeat- t ia rr, ; onion U ti e bs.d cd the jthe lava stream roiled, be had stood at bis itig eaeh year, hot whsn properly perform- rnti.l. r and s.ie of bis furnaces, than any i post, and there, after a thouaand years bad it performed ia- degree for all time. etabiiiLment in Erglaad. passed away, was bo fouud. So let Chris- All this cannot be done in a soil requiring la crcwa New York, tut mind of a'tians learn to aland to thrir duty, willing under-draining, for you will merely make -o r-ad La'f a million a rear. wcutU ataud to th. ir post at which their Cap- a succession of cesspools, a succession of re- o :t in the c eht of in iat-s inJ so ear y tiiu nas p,aeu mem, ana tney win nua r wl frolu charh.tie, on the We.iern Plank Koad, cn. . , :m 1 soil. But in well-drained aoiln. or those not .,;,. An irm Tn lani ) of rood auahtv ct. t two vesra a :rca me mi iu.iji.h- ...n.lri , '.,.',,., ,k, ...L,,!., n reouinniT under dramm? of which there ' ' ' VEIM. AS-KlimiENT of COOK ISO and oiher STOVES, will be contantly on hsnd, and add i low aa they can ba afforded in this market, by S. T. WRISTON. Chmrlotte.Jmnt 14. Mil j The Inilitule Euililinea are the lirgct, moat i(del. in th. Southern Centre ; and I he Bo.rd of whi.h h..,,;r,: aueh a famous repnl-Lon in the S-nthrrn Country fo, thela.t ,ijMe.e ,,, I Ihreetors trust that u.?er l..pi'at of the , Thia tov U ,.rrnl. snpen-r to any neV.re M.. n.. ,n nae.1i , ., ,,, ., ,, .. . ,i...k ..r ..k- eun.umra lr iu . mi di.ra more work in a cutn tin r.lt n nv other ,. , '.. ."erl'dlatr.'of We.t Pouit and of long eapen. ! put op one be.i. e any other Stove of the a.n.e aire In the I nit.o M.l. .. an,i it , Bw, " enec in Hie Army, ami iu tha bu.ine.s ol inHrue. wora in a gie.i i,nie,"C win iwtii m r" - Vu,, 1B h ef1 tion. the lnlitute will be r.Ulil.ah.u on a true the hetlrr .ne . ( Military bi ar.d r..nc!url,-.l on true Military 4 W A T.l K I IN I)S )V nririeinlra. The board will further ay. Ihsl Mr. - --- ESTII.I. is a Graduate of the Virginia I'niveraity j and n eapanenced t'lansical le.icl.er. They . would further alute that it ia their intention to inrreme the numuer of teachers in both De-nrl- , haa.aud ei,,i ,ry keep on hand, an eitenaiae and ried stuck of n.enta na Hie p.U..n.1ge ol the public m.y require, j r . v , - . - , - . . , . . . . Thia In.liluta w.a granted a liberal Ci.arter by T I IN ANI) S I I V I'j I IICl) tle Liiaiaiur oi .Minn ro.in, iih kk.w pv-. lot conferring IVgrera upon thuee who complete ' the prescribed I oune of Studira. I i tr Application for aiinuaau.n will be reeei?-d ' uniil the 1st nf S. i.1. n.Ur, and iut be oireeled , to lr. C. J. Eoa, I'riaideut of the B.rd, lu.r. lotte, N. C Land for Sale. flillE auhaeriber, bemp deiiroua to remote JL from the eunntry, offer for le the Plan. whieh aha now reaidea, lying 4 miles :erpri- I'lSCiJVKRV OF TRUTH. are but fw a tree, vin ', or plant, so placed, can never suffer from drouth, while exert- preunsea. Mrs. A. W. STEVENSON. April 12, 1859. 5tf rate -i .in p it 'ipoti it Ly a ri i , everv cte of L ' c L s--cceeJ-. I. .1 -,. . f. vr tn .-'fir I FMa when narrated, will strike mitt or , , ' , .i. v . -.u sive quantities of water are never present tl-m off, sa:d an ob-ervaut master of an ; nearly a.l in the same way ; but not so with 1 r Atlntic MUTUAL and FIRE Insurance ., .. , ' , . ... . . to derange the configuration of that part of w Ouio canal boat, allud. i2 to the wearing ; truth. This is a very important sense each f .... , ., Company, .. .. thm vaoecanla Arainiin whifh alwava fAila I ' Owt iuSjeue -s oa the boatmen, wbj won-, one must duoover for him'elf. Two men . . ' Carwllsasi CM), !, C C. J. F"X. I JAS. IV IRWIN, -II. LaF. ALEXANDER, 5 JAS. II. CARSON, THUS. H. IiKEM, S. M. 1JLAIR, LAVll PARK 3, Mk,ki 10, le59. 9if Two men as -c'.! on other days - i read the inspired Word. One learns facts i WBen " qu ht.4 h, .. ,lel . . L.sl.t. . M j V IW tlCIIOIfB lli'l rreuieu VI luc eie- uv.uio mvic. urj III imp; uu IX taxi-:n. rajVlE Tai I.iata for the year 18.18 are now in M my haioa It r inapeetn.n. 1 hoae liable to pay Taiea mill pleaar come forward and tettie. E. V. GRIER, Sheriff. 112. ie:.9. 6tf nn.iA iiv.Tvi.i s, i:st inv.y iujsTiwsy HAT KAt'KS,CKAI)lsE.S&c.,&c, Al ol arliirti wil be mid, halnalfl mmI Itrlull ln-upt r Ibnu bai rv-r l r olfrr l in I Ills iriiatl) . I would return my thanka to my frienHa and eeiomera for the very liberal paiion.,, , bestowed upon ua, and they may rei aaiured, that I hall endrafor, by tlo.e an. r i t, kJ,11( I together with a d termination t. plean. , to try and nn ril a eontinnanee ot me ,, i m'wsm is " mi mi!! k miiL wjT:ir j ,. .i . i. .i. . .. i . . tt . i i . ; nines ana iiciiiii racii are iinrucuiuri) its mi u iu ran i tu lyni m i?dc N. P. ! mill t. II yoa why I head my adrrt..tn.. il W .it ea tsi W aoas.'-.i , we hae three wafgnna eon.iantly tratellmj; ihrt-ngt. tie erui try ith hli.111. fir .J itriht trill he fa Hit fully ami pi tiuii.lly iiUinitiil to jh A.A.S. J1.TAYI.0K. water. Why is it that plants grow better in pots CilSilM. being duly organiird, i (i as o r k ?. IIE aobacribera retoeelfully inform the pub- nothing more. t. .-.n t',. V.Vatm rivers, whica never significant. To L;u it is a historv like that I ' t h " r ravHIS Company being duly organurd, ia now tw' , . . c , T, c , , ,. , in green houses, if the Dots be of Sufficient prepared to raceno appiie.Uone for inaur. lie, that they are prepared lo erect .s. 1st t-T on Mjnday, seven years u the arer- ! of claastc Greece. The other Ends troth sle- . 6 ' r ... ' .mn VVorka for lurtitmr Cit e.. Towns. Viliaf,a. Col. ! The ot.ssrvane threfire, cf va:mi, sanctifying, soul savin; truth. , ' ....... .1 , ,, EUILDIMGS.nERCHAr.EISE, ,v.. v .... 4... ...i. t truth v) "", u' --"'o . ... .v. .;i .v.. :t .t,...,.i.t- . .......,,!,.rrf,i.fr,rll;1. r,.r. I Tl... insnired hnok from whieh alon. ,, ... r u j cf rest i Jem-jotrab!y a physio' oi-; can learn the true philosophy informs us , : ce.'sitr. a law cf car nature. , tLat Wisdom ia too bifb for a fool. And j 1 Le sl''jLty rested one srvtnth of tie ( the Divine teacher when upon earth said to t cf crritbn reyiirisg man to obsere, Lie disciples : jive not th.it which is holy e , .a. ret"e. The tiej'.ect of this injjnc- uuto the dogs ; neither cast ye your pearls t -l t't'jztr cr later, csose meLtal.mjr- before stiue, lot they trample them under a. a- i phjical lieal'u. Rest ia an itvaria- ' their feet aD I turn agiia anl rend you l cf ati-tal life. Tbs buy heirt ' And tlm we see lint the truth dimly seen If -. ever'Vou ii,fey to aje yet for a in the vi-ib'e world i not for the thought i..t t f:t cf the tit-je it is in a state cf less, the rndoient and the foolish ; but is re ; i.. J served to bless the earnest, the thinking, liheainccre. mrated by its division before being placed, ,.. Mi HI UK ( AKI.OU there; by being thoroughly drained of re-1 inj m.t ,,,!, Gi property , at remunerative ratea dundant water, and by being supplied with 'of p.-enimm. , ,. , , It ia aimed, in the organisation sf this Compa. that quantity which create, the neeeisary I mmU ; Mf oilum fot ,ndrmn)t, Jb4 degree ef homidiay ? Is not every hole dug! f'roleclion to the aured in caae ! Loaa. An in the way we hive suggested and filled fuin!u,.n;ol-.t. coniru,wi!l .tall time. : A. O. Sio.y. K.. with surface-soil, precisely analagOUS in eon- cbaractenu the bus.neaa of the Company. ...... , j ... i Aoiilicaliona for li.auraiice may be made at tha dltiontothe earthem pot fined With loose 0m.... of the Conip-ey.or to it.authoriaed Agent.. soil 1 The same truths are equally appli- MUKCTuliS. lege, ana Ure H.u ia. They ha.e erected works 1 Charlotte una Kslngli, r. I ., wlni-n line gisen entire ilif-eti n to the eii.sen. of I lice piaci. As lo qoliricalinna, prowipinea. and ability lo , fufc.j ,g , , . r,rVrnitipr f rUte, Jvn, 16, I HI. 3Qr-Notice, 1 I I. r '!) ; hrtrSy eauiltfirt' f hnn. :m iHjf iih f urti cr -r (Salurp tilt nr( r rklc. r in mnj mm lrrppinj vjwn n f lh iw in 0h rri1l Net fgi'i' n. j s IIT. t'onfrrt.. n re rn; I .n.i.j l.n;;j .. i ul !!. V A. NIMtl.'l I... I,. r.,.,..! Ii - et-l.t1 i i M.aile the f resMtf-N ' i ' i cable to all trees. greens, and the aoe you';: njn ! cited h'.'it bv! A SWEARER AL' 'NE WITH GOD SYe Lea'J one f to .: tre cjTc i uf t:.'- gjisi' a'tie o:.e ti; . fiom their wore to de site a f:w nic::,eL:s i-.'jiTc!y to swear ;'JZ. f Le practice ij-ked to tberu so fooi iL kL j tH.tii, a veil ai wicked, that they svauie; it cr a'terwsrds. The foiicw iij aL'ci le i.iatra'es haw a litt'.e thought f..tts icy '.i-ai to a ref'.rm cf th: vice; A terrier u a lagc tiwn iu Yorkshire, Lear j a ot.e day in tLe yard swearing craasfi.. y at Lia borfci. 1 he carrier wis a ir.ar. it3 fi ared God, his aLLatb? SliiriculhiraL TI'E PLANTING-, ie.ioii' are jootinually aked in relation to the beat mode of planting pear and other kiud of trees. We would amwer in relation to ail trees, th u the hole made in the ground Even foreat trees, ever-. John A. Psrrot, , ,. , ., Ivi T. Ogleaby, whole line of oeetaooas w u ;riit trees, will pay well for the pains taking we Daid 8. Jones, . j ' Geo. W. Dill, have suggested. Co, Tho.. J. Blakele The same reasons that catwe deeply-plow- j Lake Black man, ed and well sub-soiled lands to produce bet- J jo(m A pirrott ' ter crops of cereals, will caiae trees pro-' Ii T. Ogleaby, perly plauted to procuce larger amounts of 'A.'ThoVso. fruit. It is but a full length portrait of that A. It. Chapm, which a spear of grass, with deep plowing, j f "r"t' f represents in nstnrature. J. Working Farmer, MAN SR IN 5 FRUIT TREK5 an SMALL FRUITS. Do not apply stimulatit'g manures, like guat,o, to fruit trees during spring or sum If at any time, choose the fall or ear- Datid W. Hell. S Mrck 16. IBiS. William S tnng, tlld W ke.l, A. B. Chapm, S.niu I Lelfcra, Joel II. 1ti., I). A. liargett, t. Mallelt. President. Vice-Prc.ident, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. EXKCl'TIV E COM M ITTKE. I conlraela rate red into, thry rrfrr to I Ilia follow mg fenlirnier. : Ji. H.Car.on. Prra.Ch.r.rJsa Wnrks.Ch.r..V.r. Wm Jiihnaion, Prea. Char A SC. U.K. " " Or. T. D Hogg. Pre. Kal. liaa Aaa. Raleigh, " Col. U. II. Youne. Waerl V. Mia.. H orai, I ll ' r sl.t, . I . f. T. Story upt Work., ttitrrii sn. Y . W. S. Schocmr A t .,22l I'rar! M., N -w York. Address the euWnkere t Balngh, N i'. WATKRIH)lK A lidWKS. Sept. 14. l-.Se). A. RRKVARD DAVIDSON. ,W, 10. na. 9 3-n WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CMAKUt Or PBOPBtllOBS ) BROAD ftTRKl.T .t.WUKR, 51. C, JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. fWTMK L'naerr:;.ni'd rcepectfully announce, to M. U receive tberu. should boar no relation to . iner a- a teactr 13 a atLa'.n sctioi, ana ea- ;vJ? cf the tree at the time of putting it It inter, when caan. may be applied by ' chane of Una oh', anu popuUr eatabli.hment W protLOle the fpiritua! god '-f , o,at h the anticated tiw after a few vear. those he desire it. and before the vourw I now prepared to accornutodate travelers and pri vita raiwiliea witti board y the aay ot growtn uoj;a ralr.er be t:.e guide lor the ' spongioiei sran in tne spring tne guano will i tt, mnat aeeommorlating irrma. Ilia TABLE-will rlwava ee furnished it ItiJV creatures. He was shocked t- fc.-t.r tie tcrihie oitht that resounded through the yard. He weLt op to the ycur.g a !:7 wa;a't setting eff with Li c-irt f-r Maii'.he-u aid kind!y expottjiate L-.j the cswr.iiity of Lis t'.u, tul t .. u ad UJ . " Rut if iL-.u iit swear, it op I.. I thii get ti-rvjga the t.rrj.:k on S ahue Lote iiui'j jd atrl vl J- HMilltll, on opt,itig into whieb it is to be placed. (Jur is disseminated through the soil and will pr.t.--.,ce with the smallest pear tree, is to dig not iti,ure tie yonng roots, as it surely will the hoiei four feet deep. and four feet in j ia early spring and summer. Fruit trees diaiuefer, placing (he surface ssil takeu from do not require either barn-yard maaures or the h j'e ou the left side, and tbe lub-i'jii on guano, but a full supply of inorganic food. the r.vht. When the b ile is perfected, Old mortar is an excellent fertilizer for ap- with an oriinarv fourteen inch auer, such pies with occasional slight doses of wood i . e is u-tl ia putlia? out tciesratih nasts. ' a-h s in summer, and phosphates in earlv st'.f ess Lear ' He thn p it " The ear- j Lor t nt fj,jr Ur dMp in the hollom of 8priD3. The Lime and Jalt Mix4tKef when err I'rsy.r" it-M his Land, an 1 left him. . ,,,, tcJe TLj, euUn ,b. goit r,4dily, ; properly made, so as to contain no free salt, L.e v.r f-.low cracked Lis whip and it;i will pass down freely to that distance, ' may occasionally be given with profit. . L.t j , jr v ; L j t Le t i. u-jX jTtt then turn rt backward, leaving the diaitite-1 Kach of the aliove may be appHed in turar uxr L. la'.i'ai j. Z'jtuz 1;:ij9 after -rated rji! in toe haie. and thus iniurin a' hut not at tha same time : if trn.dreaal MORK TO BE ADMIUKD THAN TIIK RICHEST DIADEM IVKR Worn by Kings or Emperors. What? Why a Beautiful Header Hair. Ilrrause it ia the ornament Ci Inmltl fierxdtd for all our rsee. Ii. adrr. alihoofli the r.e may bloom ever .o bl alitlf in ihe jk.iin( cli.ek.tlie eycbetvcrao.paralinjr.tti teeth be lhir?ot pear I a, it' tlie head ia bereft ot ua coverire. or the hair be anarled and atiriseled, AaiaA aaJ atry. or worae aiili. i if aprinkled ith yray, nature wi.l loaa more than hall her charme. I r.it. W o.j'a Hair Kratoratira, if uaed to or ll.re limea a week, will retori and , pernianenlly secure lo all aurh an ornament. Ita.J tl.e loliowi.it, and ju'ee. I he writer ol the brat 1 1. tit rtlrbrntet J'laant, ThMurgi j lla.WooD: New York, April 19. 1 r 8. Vrar Air, Pt rnitt nic to riprese to you t.e ob ligations 1 am uniier lor Ihe entire re ttora'.h.n ol ' ivy Hair lo it. onifin.il rotor ; about the time of my I a rrivul in the t inted Statea it waa rapidly btcmii. ! I"kf fry, but uon tiie a pplicatioa of your, " 11 ir 1 Itcatorative " it inun reentered its origmal hue. r your tteatnriitive aa a virv woneerlul i.- I .-. !. t US VtlT .-J to r hiuj so ai ,1 l-ra ah'jut h.Ui l.tb he had tettr "ateti h lute : ai.u c fttn seeraed aa if Le Lad au.tllit. to say wlich Le could not get cut. At i't 'h,l! inater vn a much : ruci :th Li. nsLbtr, ttat he a-ked I.iru i.' Le wu..tcJ aaythiu,' " Ah ! uatr," psriiii -Iraiiiing of the space above. Fill the they will find their way into the soil by hole er.tir.-iy up wi:h aurface soil, first throw- dews and rains, and as they are volatile, no in the soil on the left side of the hole, next loss eari occur from such practice. I'eaoh peeling off the surface soil, from that tree plum, apricot aod nectarine, are benefitted by to the n'xt, and Giiing the opening with it. decomposed swamp-muck, woods earth, ri- The sub-soil removed from the hole may ver mud, etc , with slight rjusntities of phos. n-pl.-etLls surface soil, and by the com- I'!"1" .. . , n t phates in spring, and wood ashes or dilalo Lsncd iJTectof auu and sir, ,t will be opera- polb wsUr ; iun,mer( Mon ,be fruit ted upon so as to i.tm some good soil at more than half ie ; this will insure the svni future time. While this ia beinc done proper eolor and keep the trees it full i. -a.i "dj iua remember what vou tail ti t:.t ti-nt swearir.?. ar.d the tra'-t yu ' uuder the p'jratiijn of Nature's laws, the Bor- Cherries alone will benefit by spearing r ... ,;,.!. ....b I rl.,.,e,l,nr,e.inrnfnr,.,...,...ia,, ""'"i "o... in eani , , , ... i , . . lit r TerJ U"U" oaro yara iinuor. J be lime . t... r sni I got tLr-.ogn the turn- . described, is surrounded by a tnaaa of pa- ,nj lt u,ixture ,hottW Der be U(d with I t, at. I reached S Ujvort; and there ( hulum capable of aunaiuiag it for many cherries, email doses of lime and potash 1 nii.t luat taou.a 1 waa ai'jne, yet ijud 1 ytars. Lis free coudition causes this cis-! g've them their chief inorganic require w.ti, :t.f ; as i 1 tren hied to think how j tern to be capable of receiving readily the ! na?ul'' 0r,Pe want phoapbates and pot- , , , , ,. I, , . , i i a"0! ecF' at tne time ot aumtner rest. ,1 Lad known ail , ferti,.x,..g gaice from the atuaospherc, and : wbeQ both fruit and lateral, for a ee.s. ti ' .'..ea il ii-y !.'-. long. My affor Js an ea-y entrance to the dewe. The tq grow ; then water freely with liquid ma- ;.! c:ii.-ti ii v r -r:,r!i,! aiice ; I waa a-j rots of a tree so planted will perm' ate tL ', nures or guano water for four days, and : i,J that lie ,u.,l an,;, me d.ad : and I ' whol mass of the surface soil to the depth ,Jllon Wltis P0'"" wt,!r d'1"t i hn w ith the beat provisions thatkonie and foreign nraikcl.can ' ,D,nion. quite Bicacmua as well i?nal,le nord. aiu.cear sir.youra tru'y, f. I II At.bi.KC. I ne iv hii ingion ' rooms, ra neurar Wra depot. Ilia eoert-houae, and the ba.inoaa atreeta than any oilier in the city. An Omniaaa wui aiway. be at the depot and lunding, on the arrieal ol tne ears and ateamboat, lo convey passengers U tin Hotel fe nf aliarae. by aUtppina; at ima lioul, paaaengera will hate ample time lo nbUiu meats. Having alao a larje. and coiiiinodii.ua Stable, ...I mti aaeellent Oal.er. M m faliv orenurid to board horsea by the day, week or monlii at the j roort rcaaonaon rataa. JOHN. F.JON E3. iWarfi 1. 1809. &llf " lr)rb a'r U w tin dydct." Welsh Newspaper ofiVe. 13 Naaa.u at., April 11 J-ae-s. (. J. Vodb : lit.tr Air, Some monih or an -. j'i I reeeiMd a Mle nl' your Hair lie. .tor. live and g.ive it tomv,ite wliiiroi.eluiled to y it on her hair, little IH'Ohing at Ihe time lit ,i il would rratore the (r.iy hir to ua on? n.il e.,. or, but In her aa wt ii aa tt.j murrif, alii r few wieaa' Iril it haa pertnrntet, thai wonderlu! rll'i el hy turi.iiig arV the f ry tiair. to a ilnra brown, at aiime limo neautilymg mid tliicsenina the CAXDYJVGTORY. Freh ('Dnli'i-limifiit s, Fruils, ire , Ac. '11 .ulj"er ber rfapectfuHy inl'orin. the ctli. I inn t harlotte and aur rouri.i.r r country, that he hae mt hand and ia ennaianli' receifinf !r.,m New Y.,rk. ; Confectioneries, Fruits, ! FAX V f.'4)ri-:itl- SaC'IfJAUS TOKACt'O. S.M IT', TOYS. tliini-nl Itialrttinriilw, rini: uitu, noititv Holt!:, elof'lfli a, t lllw "r'ngwHa, liutra, (V.l k-Mnrt., A ICIiil g . of eery sariity. J. I). PAT.MKR. Settmltr 9, 1V.".8. 2lf Alao, he intrnda to inannfartore CANMr S ol all kinds, free trum i a-. is fob rinr nike the New York Sleum hrfinrd fonity. Call and see. Ih .re itcmr.j flutcl Irm, .-. t . uv adoiiiona to their ainalt of lOM'IKTIOMinih, r tTIII.V (alMH I .IMI.V r. Atnonf their Stock may be feui.4 eirfl'.. rf i ally kf -l in a an ra l tl..' I. li d A . m-il ol Cate 'I rumiiirra. V u.r Vti,-r.A:.. 1 X s.li I -in i y l.aa a Ii eir tn i.y an m I , and are prifwrad Iu fn n ' it aa it L ( i.il cf all k.i . . at !- i : K I1 A M'UT. mlt ). Ic. 8. 1.1 Weh. ihli li.Q opesjed a i whea Mr. M....y hoameaa, and hope, lo urii'r a public patronage in that a.eti'.o. MOM'Y A M AW 16. IK.l. hit. aU'laS Art l.itct I . If itilefe-r. 1 II I. furnish jra.f a I If Ivr I'ubl.e Bu,.....f., li-.-l' I" auu V.ll.s. f.H.raii.r atnrl n. : ' buih'ipg Flooring Xilla.refn V !., is 3d story nf Ai.ssnnr's HoniiH, : "1 over ( bins llll. Utteb.r SC. ia'8 3X( tllK I KOI n t Mutual Life Inurnce Compnl ol Hi I. A' tl t i' ii J ' .IA M l.S !. IID.MIY, COMMItWM ML I! Llhi S T, 117 4 il t l HI M si I HUt, . 1 . t'YS and f.r,ir!a ev. r? kll dof m'rCh ranius i .n 1.1. n JL a,...,, ...... ear. a on tl.e .VI utual I naeipii tieipatil.g in , ti e ol I' flit ) Ati l" fui t-.r y p CIIA11L0TTI' HOTEL,!;. .at mm n ciiAitiion I. 9 fa. t . I fit the duties of mine boat " to Die travaUmc public and olliera who J! k (Jod that I Lav. !...,,,..!, .,..lil f. Cat .Li!, th. tar.roo. ir. P" u"-r re-t, arf insure i ' " r. all E P,..,., ,.f ll,.. II,, l, I .. I JL .till at hia poat ready lo lul- i """" """ persons who p. r.p.re 'reel. Ps". Wood Alio. t two years ago my hair eonimeneed i. Hit, ar i.fT ai.il liiri,.s rr. . . I ... nay call on him, and lie flalUjra bimaeli that aa i ft becoming; bald, and had tneu man. Itemed, ra com for table quarters ea be found with him aa , to l0 effect. 1 eoiiuneiiced uamg your ltat.,ra. .ny where in int. tretmly. Being aituatrd near. t,v, ln J.nuary laat. A lew appliealiona laaten. ly i. th. centra f Charlotte, Jluaiueaa M.u will ,j ,, hair firmly. It Ugaii I., nil up, grow out, find I In. Hotel a moa,t convenient and nceiratii. j ,nd ,,, buck lo ua lormer eolni. (i.i.ek.i ai at thia aland newr'y .ighleen years, and in that ,e.,th, and aiioearance, and I chcertully rer.im nine no naa niaoe. . .-....i. ... .... .uriner niend Ha uae lo all. J. U. b.uae.and it ba. bean graatly aiilarged and im. I ( nirneo. III., May I. I OS 7. r..i a la... .1.., . 11 Ii a Mia i 200 feat in lanrtn by 13 feat m widlii.liaudauiiiely 'I he Realorstiv. ia pnt wp in bottlea of 2 aiscs. .haded by tree, on lb. .ide-walk, affording a plea. , ' ! l"Kr "" fliuni.and ein.ll , ll.e .mall holda eant promenada at .11 hoor. of tha dBy. , ?'". retail, lor una dollar per Uttln ; tha mm. Tliellon.eh.aaa.i.lnofghly farjii.bcd thro'. """" Pr cent more in pro. out, and in avery part .1 it er.atur. ei.mlorl. .ra a'""" '' """H. "". h.r two dollar, par abundant and tangible, eap-eially in the DIMMi ( bolti , Ihe larre holda a qu rt. 40 per eant. mora K!lVI wher. ll.. "iiai.tr man" i. "r.iic.J " : " proportion, and relmU lor .. tr. 4- rt laiijj i i.t d,e f'r '.'J ttr ernt I misnniis, Iteiera t' f.. .. Swam ami Morel i ml, . H , Worn hi., J . i-h..rne,C. P. .'Hi mien I -all, A. M.tionnan, Knja and llev. t . V. pern ., II. n. W. A. Or. I. as., ai t .there. Vtalrt in t'lanxa, Mrhweoii., )rfaa llataa. I.uiurf. Mu-ir. iilf MailnM, Iri.a hair. I alror.a'f r. eoaiinend the aho.e fteatura. .""'is. I uu.a, Larden t.ig n e., e. a prinieti , (,,, live to all peraoi.a in want of aueh a change of 1 1"' of all ll.e d.fli re I man r., kme. and prif.s uu, their hair. t II A If I.KS I A R H t W. j irM fret. Publieher nf an elegant lit.i.gra h of ., Xrw Yoaa, Jily 2.'i, I.,7. ."i'rr -v"' t'P." N-C. (tl.) and I. a "fno. ,, M, III I miiTi.i j , Mum i" in m iii.ua. roale, Thia intiilu .l ie jnmtly idn.rr al i.i.l.J le is eiery hi.uae. II Ire.ila i l all diae..e. I... a a t, i.u. gloaaary ar.il prroeri'.e Ihe rrnit"!' . In. iii Aatiire'. bnuiitroaa afi.rea, lr all aar infira itH-a aad n.ta. I'ortiiiii.. It i. punted on fine ! He paper, band, .nniciy bound tonrth edilion, 300 p-', and ia mailed frf for nt dallar. New lloaewooi) I'isiios, fliiO. re. 16. 1 Bill. ly nfii lor ll.e wn..e hen lb presnlilln Ihrreiol arm loutelliay fcagiVin lur one-nan urenilk.ii, Uealllig HiU'1 at at je gu.n.ui. I urnappl manner in .Sr'n Urn f aiu by thia r .n (a J . I' " rah a ol pn i.iiuiii. rt a. nl ani h aa aie :pi.a. to m.ni ars, li.r la. . I. .ill. .u 'JU a. Qnei.i Jl J" ilerii-e do f re. ! i being tha imit . Paor f). J. Wooft: With cm innienu your Hair lleatorative itaeioua article I everaarr. hiiiee oiug your Hair Hi atorative n-y hair and wtnkr. whir Ii were ' alrnnat white have rraiinaHy grown dark, and I feel confident that a lew mote apliealiona will re- i lore them to their natue.il rolor. ll alao ha. ra. 1 red ma of all o.ndrof and unpleasant itrhinr I al ' r tLu aa.vativu 01 my j.-0-jr '1 t. a!er, as n. i -s 0 : It 1 t j Ln ft r th- y .mi ' n.ut, a fi.-u'r tK'.n j ai.J it is gratify Ir.r t i ii,g t'..t .i auhaeq.jerit a'l'uct fsve f ..frf l.ar il. ffa.-e l to te a Sl.eo f :1. " A . j"l j vttt i- uu st'disvai, I. ' -'j.jJ is it Sue bloom with carte rinet.ii.ir j ol druutti, e o u I J past aovro ml? the opeu- , Ju the time of lipening the Isshella may he : iu' iiia'ia ly the au;er to secure raoiatars . ' thus gained. Black berries, raspberries, aod ! .'rovMcd ia the boring of tbss kola water 1 '"Jee-J all lite bfanabUs, are rank feeders, !.l,ri,l riae, it is a elaar indication that nn- "d "V" bT' f1.1 i, ... , . tiure ; thes. sre among plants wbst boas are , dr dra,u.2 ia positive! neeewar before ,II)00), tliimt,,t the canoot be surfeiterf. ! je-"-. caa occur, iu the growing of pears Strawberries require pho-pbate, potaab, so- i at lj-t ; iuis.il. this i true of all trees. ir orgaoio BiSaures, and parliculsrl day by day. Coiiiif-lei! with tbi. Hotel are flni.lea afT.irilii.g room lor IHO horaes, ahondiilly Inrinalied wil. A week I I'41" un,i provender, atteinled by laitiilkl and a. Wigine ll'irltera. The Proprietor feela eunCih at thu I with hi.'nng eapenrnea and many .ew advanlagei aiiueil to hie deair. to pleaae, ha ia prepared to utt. r Iua friend, and the re.t of mankind," aa many eon. furl, ar.d aa much good e.liocr . will be found anywhere, perhape little mora so. IT At any rale T.v tha fliarlolle Htel. J. B. KKRU. Otiui.tr 13, 1i8. 3-M I'loprn tors, 4 11 rjriinilwa v. ivew i or a, ana lis iLilkrl M..M i.uie, M't. and aoiu by all giMd DruggiBiaand -iicy (i.i.Hta Deal, era, and in I harli.tle bj K AUH it, ( (. Cash Paid for Hides Y S. M. HOWKI.f., 3 doora M 9 Man.lou lli.uae. t l.atltllr, April 6, 1H.',. Bouth of 5lf I liLANK VKV.VH tot sale at this offic S. .M. HOWELL, Saddle K arness Nmnlacturer, THRU DOORS aotlTR I T 7 11 1 MANSION ItliUHIi ( imiii i n; y.f. lit paid ,. ,..,.eu. I t K M I" Jol.n.i. n. I) t.oke, J. "' ., It...-", r. r . - ri.ii I hart" b. lluh'd II. It-- (HHH.Ii. I. .. I h.r'.. K. Jhn...n.Pr.a-'M W. , lloblel-. Vise I'rea.il.nl. It. II. ll..lli..l'ienlJ. W.lii-i,.. I.J..i.a..lre.aurcr. II. V . H.aKd, A't'.mi l, . Vt... II.Mtfc'e.aietliea. Kte, t harl. B. Koot. (in" Jol,...n. M. t.. ''"" "' Hith'd II. Iliynooil, M. 1'.. ( , V.,r lutther informalmn, lha f '' rii I., ll.e iun.iihlela. and lorn tt b , ! pr-l- af H' a ridlfnrnevaniatieatthe tTAllkind.nf Madillr ihorteat itotire. I 1 IIH'AIKIX. pron ptl; tn ret. '. Jim. Ifl. IhftH. 371 f r&fjnmwii cask, IMl. II. v. oil It MM. he pleaaeH to receive Prof.! au.r,. T4lta tl.e departments i.f M KM( IN K and SM.'iiF.nV. 1'iilr.. pn.l. .... nail v fhaent. he n..y he found at hia r.si''eree, Knrt Mill Hi put. York Dialnet H. . fea-l-i. IH&fi. I tf i may b obtained al tha i'li.' or any ul ila Agi n , nr., vi I Comiiiunicaliona elmuid le i""'"- R. II. BAULK, ti,fttmr1 8, z.?t -.VJiel' ... iS - V- . 1 . - - ; ' s-' ;0E rB.HT:'ii I (IB PRINTIM. of kt'rn', ai d evnemlHineiy """" na VI h.. i m.e. Srr.I'KNAS fr aale st lb"