hi ii Ifiw ri i ii "ianii urn I, riMiaitnnjiuiiia Married, it Ih. home of Mr.' Chamber, near F.pp' Spring, In Cleveland county, on ll.e 1 1th iheliml, by Ho. W. C. Faltrreon, Mr. J. J. M 1 KAl "I enmity, N. C .nd Mia I IKS JEII U. PATTERSON, of Spartanburg 8 C. Aln, at I (to iirii) lime mil niece, by tliti ainr Mr. BOBEHT II. POUTER, uf Lmeeetcr Dieiriot, (I. C, and M' i-AlllA C. r A TTEIlSOi', let of Georgia. Lillet, til, I . I,.l.ll onlihle. on the Mih in. I M; rl 11' III A M., JaojUtff of Dr. Gt. W. aud Margaret E. Stintoii. ("arrant Thahlki Mclfowai.t, of Qu.ker Mead ewe. Burke, t o., N. Departed Una lite oil lln Jih of October, in Ilia 74ih year of hi age, iilci , illnou of ien dayof ei vcre eufl'.rmg, wind he bur willi patience nd fortitude that charac p-rii. d lb Chrietian. r wai Hit aim of General Charlte and Graei MoU'iwrll, of Rceoluli.uiiry fame ; and although H e nut Hut lot of tha dec. ear d la rvinc l..a trail, of character, like Ilia ant-carry, on Ilia lent ad field, or defending Ihe righle ul Ina Country in Sl'ite ir national council, tet Ina palm, I, am aim v. lor were ever pruinpincnl leaturee nf hie t.h.rac cr, Noble, honorable and jiial in all Ina deulihr a W . rnJ and affectionate in Ina diapoeitmn ; atiib mi i.nrti.wing bcnevnl.in. of heart, iliat a.arvai iredy I" "' H" needy and relieve tl,. d.ainea. d Eirlunatc indeed w.ia I he man, who e. cured Hit Inn.daliip ami allachmaiil af ( apt. McDowell; iinullimf '' eouid do for a friend wee ever eitneidered 1 much ; hit dieinlereetednree wat r,rr indeed. " died ho had lived, a nubia ci pie nf integrity, benevolence and efT.ctiiin, ana lung will h memory be chrrielied, hot only by h'n aril clcd tain. I, but by liioae who beta beei lr ri-r.piente f Ina kuidi.e.e ami cuarily. Ilia teal I"f promotion nf chr.ati.nilj, waa B,t. alrd by Ilia building of a neat and comfort, ai.le llue of wuralup, In winch Ilia poor of Ina ncgliboib.aad could alwey go. .Millu.i II Chapel Kill lung aland aaa monument to hie inoiaiory. lie I'ina, and hie family, naaibenug eon.e ol nf the ino.l Iwnoreble names end poailioita iu Ilia Mite, ar. left to ujuurn Ina Ives, and 10 emulate hie n .mpl". T,.e aiuuria of griff in eednee. tall, A i.uaband, f.thr, frienda earthly dront. i lifr'e fair erenr, Bo lintri to darll, ..,a loacly trnanlel tiie tomb. A I kiararlhly j"e and anrruwe o'ar, K'CU ciianii. hope or fiar, r arra Hie lif lit vn yandrr at. ore Vt truat, without a aij;li or ter. A KRIF.ND. Keep Cool nt the Sign of the 1 lITlrri ii. w. liiX'Kwmi ! V 1 AA In inform lin tftrnd nJ the pal, i M 9 lie gt ncril , lit-t he it ha prepared to til I V A Tt I IK S . J K V I ' 1 . 1 1 V, iV c , j il I' i fulluwii g reduerd prieea, vn : ( Hunting ralnt Lever WATCHES. j fri.l '.() I)U to 1 1 il) CO ' l..iiir. I. . Id Huetn g W ATt'llE'. 1 from 3i 00 100 00 ' Si.or Huuliog Iver WAll HfX. frou. 14 00 to 40 00 lpina V A l t IIK-S. j fr .m 10 00 to 14 00 ! R.rawiln'a Gill Hurtling l-epm. WATCHES I only 7 Oil I ljNIer H ATCIIEri only 3 00 I.tiiea I nn. F'a'l .Seta, flout li 110 to I5 01 l.til ia Caio.o rirla. 'roni !l AO to 4 00, ' Co'al Seta, from 3 till to 35 00' " l.ava Ma. f..ru il AO lo ill 00 Jet t-la. fr.H.I 3 00 Ua UjOO A ad roa.r olber., Plai. and Fy, I flu;i I .'id la iO 00 (i.ln ana eiilver ffawctaclea, with GUea or I'rhble,' I. .. .I (.rat and r.l I lull. a, t.uld heja, Seal., h ..i. . H itiea.lxaela.l ham II.Mtaa and Charma, el cry daacriplion, and an enulcee v.riety of ric:v .UTici.i:s, 1-4 nuiuer'-ua lo nient an. ' ..mm n n eii Set.. To Mela. I at..ra. Duller ( ..!. at, l'i tfiier., I .he II. ..!.. iup t upa, lloll. r hilfa. Table K...Vra .lid Kir k. .Voimoio, lil.ll I.tt ,a. h.ll Mlamia, A e . ic , A.l. f..ry .rtic.e a.iraulid aa rrpr aeiitru. K. W. HKCKWITH, 1 jNair Aarr'e lliAtl. '. IT WATt II GLASM filled for IU eenle, at h-.i., j A a .ru 1 1 toe public. Bay yur W. tel.ee, J'" if mil Puled VV. re fioin tin.. th.e umter. a'n"1 llie buameaa. Then yoe) maf depend on liiey aay re k lite what vo. are getting. it W. liKCKWlTII. I .Vr.r Airi'e Haiti, ( llai.otlt, .V. C. J " Wanted, 2.'. Vonng M-n to Pedul. Jewelry. j Sri ounlry Merehanta will do aretl hy e.lnng at rue, ae I wilt ell cheaper than the f heajo at. I K. W. DECK WITH. '( ij.lajfl. 'w ! Lund for Sale. 'Pill; lHicritMjr ha. F..ur Tract of t.m.l nor I i ii.rli.tle, ln on Ihe I oari..le .ad Taylure. I' I' -iik -mi.I.3 iinle.t lluin Charhille, contain, ''f arrea, nniatly IiiIiIm red and of gwixl qua. 1 I I A. an.. o.,l her tract, km.wn aa ll.e t.,.1.1 M il f'l, t luilea frioll tnan, r'intainilig IJti acree. ', one tract, ei'jniinng in. atave, conlaiiiing '19 aerea. Well. limbered ; and aleo tha place ! ..ia aa the Oak r v. S milee imrtn of town, ' t .Mulling an rioelient Dwelling Houae, all n. "..iv out hi.ua.-a. Well of water, 4c . cunlain. 't lJi aerea. The aboae I. ti.ua l.l be eojj oa liu- imait liberal te n.a. A(M.y to JA.S. P. IlKNDKIaSON. " I. Vi, IK'ifi. 33if r'f-aNoticc. ioJi,)it Srimtningrr, oj r tUt State of South ('aioitna anrl lhulington Dutrut, inU othri t, h'lii m,. I iJrl iMft i of' t ' utopher h'imnthirr, lirc.'tl. 'BVtkE NO I'll E, lhat I have filed a aelllemenl ' at a. hi eatala, in the Counlv Court Clerk 'e ''i'i t, ..n 1 1. Until iii.UiiI, and that your &arre " y hanu. ready lo be eeli'ril on UimtmJ, ' "' I alier tu 'o(, I will not account lor in tercet. L B. KKlMMINGKR.aVr. 0 Chiixtnphf-r Kiimmingerl itrc'il. Ce . A l , ri a-j. Ib.VJ. 13 'Farmers and Country Merchant's V. IIKK 11 A I t., r fl'ering la Ihe put. he the hi.ee 4,!.b be.l aaaorlment nf i II llCllll 1 l.t ever uro"l.l lo Ih.e market, cinaieliug of ' "iHlE, M'l.AR. MOl.ASaES, SALT, Ac. the arT iimi or l!A;;iNti, HOPE and TW INE. . a tan, I It 000 pound rrwid eounlry cured Itacon, 10 (tot) Tennaaee. S dea. aiOOUi - .. J'1 "f hieh will be eold low for CASH or Coun "J ' "hi uee, ' "n ee l Kce, wa don't cb.rge for looking at July an. ly It Oil I'. . 4 U Vai, f f NEItAI. COMMISSION MERCHANT, " Wll.aliajUTOa, N. C. ; J' South f'.ruer .Market end Weler Su. " al.ll. j 11. IB.VJ. 31 tf ! A LARGE SUPrLr OF Constal)l; Warrants S JUST 1'KINTEU. IlfU WATCH fl III Lil AT-JVO. 5, f OlIII.' H..I.M. . S t... . uuo arn iniifie 10 wuJUDtl " ago at aceiiir Hie fineat atik of ever oflnrvd in Una mi rkel, Sj ,,f WAT( IIE8, FOB CIIA I.AUIE8 rilATEI! FINUEK RINGS. GOI.IVF. s liKAbJJSi' SILVER AND FI-ATED WAliE, "A AIK IK(ifTX'r S, tiKNT'S FIN8, .... X.. 1 . ' TOUT M ON A IKS, STERKF.St OPIC VIEWS- and all a r lie lea uaually kept in a F.eliiumblc Jew- i Iry Slura. Having jual relumed from the North we feel justified in aaing thai we hnvo Ih fioeat -tuck ol J.v.lry aver offered in Una un.rKi.1. lor lleauly auU Chcapneai. tell and am. Noeh-rije for hiokirg. Clotke from l 00 lo tJO 00 Walehea, Iroi 4 .10 to SIliO 110 I.ailira complete a. t, lion ti.l U to lid. 110 Gent. Yi alkmg t'anea. In. in... Uilo IU.U0 Cr2 WATCH WORK dune in t tt ,'rl a'y1. hy an expert. eii orknian. W.lch Cryelal put in for fSi. ial'i'". Wc are detenniiied lo wnrk and acll lower llian the loweal, ITOId Gold and 8ilvir t.uKlil atCaah I'riiea. J. 0. WILKINSON A CO, yto. ft. CiiUltllr ItotV, Notice!!! $60,000!! ' N obf iln In ll-l rlpreai il ina; ol the Ciliti in o the To.n of ( harh.lle. i"'""".u hi hi Orioler. Il-'J, The lnlenriant and CumniiaHoner cf aaiu Town, ben by in. lily :he lohabitaiila ol eald T"', lhat an eltriion will le oeneij and held at theTi.wn II..H. on MONDAY. Hie I'll DAY OK NoVI.M. DM!. IK ill, In coAtider Ihe prux..itinn hello r it aiiah and may be la-t'iil fur the lntenuinl ol ine 'loan of ( h-ilulle, tij aim 'ih the cunaenl nf a majority of I lie t omniiaNioncra to auoarribe l-Ua. OIK', or -iOO ah. re. I Atlantic, leniiiaaee and Ohio K ll I.'ciI. to be HIM lined in tl trut lion ol the reo In; een ( hariutte and 'talea ! e. Tiirae Vuting nt the affirmative of the pr"ni I'on, ah. II write on the balhit the word "Foii," Ulnae Vtiling in the negative or agaiiiatsatd aub. aeription on the purl of the corporation of eaid I'l.wn, ahall write on hi Ticket, the aoru, ' A U A IN. ST." J. H KKItlt, Ittmltit. OcUi.t i", IH 9. I3 Readv-Made Clothing ! i'i:iJaiN(;Tn;iN(aSi:io. i t- imii i t t l it iii g llirir wliit'l. of I I i.-MHlllXi; 4.(0a, HATS AND CAl'Sr'KUXKS, VAL1SKS, t'Mrt'l lt:igniid I inbriotii. I lolh O.iU. All gra.iea of ( loth Ceata, ail gfadee of I loth i oate. All gr -!ea nf Chilli Cot., All grille of I inlii Cola. ( 'aiiiin uil. All graora of plain and fancy eaaalmare Suite, All gra.iea i.f plain aud lancy eaaaimere Stllla, A'l gract of pfalti and l.iic V ra.aiin.-re Suite, Ai' gratlea of plain and lancy ca.e.u.tre Suite, ( ':iiim-rr I'iinlia. All gradieofblackand f.ney r.l-in.. ia I All grauraof blaca and f.nry ca..li.ile I' Allgredieol black and fancy eaaaimere P All graota ol kiack ami laiiey caaeuiu re I' I alt. Illaek .nd f.-n. V V. Ivel an. M.t.ila.ar S nt., , Ve Illack and fancy Velvet and Malalae-e Silk V. ala Hlack ..nd t.nev V-..rt.l,,l M ituaai S.U Ve.t, Itiaca and fancy Velvet and ,M la !a .. iU Ve.le ellt'. Ill'ki('l), At'. Craval., collar , Glov.a, II rr. Ae. I ratal., collate, f.U.tea, llo.ti ry, e. (rat. ia. caoiare. G o.e.. Ho. ..), Ac. ( ra'.at.'. cu l.n, Giotra, lloaury, Ac. 1 1 :t I aa ; n ( ;i . Large.! and eheapeal .lock of Hal and cape, l.algeat and rhe.o-a( al.Kli if H.le an.l e-.f-a, l.rge.t an. I rheapret elao k of II. 1. and Cape, l.argi at and ei.t.p .t aUo.k of IKU and owpa, i iivi:i i x.. I Trunk, Valieea, Carpel lug. .nd I'mbietla., v . Trunke, Valiece, c.r(a t l; aim Iri.lirell ... Trunke. Viltaea, Carp. I b (a ami I mbiellaa, Trunka, Valla. , enrpel b g and I'mhretlaa. (ur frienda and eueloinere know well the advan. lagee we poaaeaa to getting up Ihe .If titt sl, 1 Itffipfht ami I'm Hit si Stork of t In thine,, itc. , in Wratern Carolina. il' W e warrant the quality aim iii.king of all Goode that go Iroui their Slnie. Cell before buying eleewl.ero and examine our elork. I ITI.UXGS, Sl'IUNGS k CO. Oclr 1 1, le:n. 3 III M 1 1.1.1 M ICV. RS.SARAII ADAMS, of, Jrreii.hi.ro', reap, ctlully , Lad e oT I hariutte . ndmg country, lll.il npriiing a Vt ry large i nf I Vkl """"'," "' T-r liHMlaJ Itikbnita; .V'. ! All OhlfMtS thankfu ly re.eited and prompily j attended lo. (.rerr.af.ere', Orf. 7, 1."9. i )."!, j Vnluahlc Land cv 31 ills FOR SALE. art"v rani E I ell, iiih.crihcr will t Puhue aiic. fTii'ii Cr"-V on Tueaday, Ihe lijd r-I I 1 I-' 't.i-w'Tiftaai pl.otaiioii vo which he now live., lying on Kceuy Creek, eboul !l oniea from Rocky River Church, nd Ihe eaiue dialania from H irria Depot, in l a. harrile ronnlv, coiitaimng U.tO acree, joining the L, i..le of Ex kicl John. l. hi end ulhtra , Un. Ilio premiaea are good builulliga ut' all docritlioD , al ao, an excellent orn tint! tii-ist tliilt . in good repair, and in a good eeclioii for ct.aanr. agrmeiil. Alao. another llaet, eooU.li.ing lOM aerie ol Land, eoout one mil. irom toe au.".e, inoatly wiarMlland, and a wcll-tiiubcrrt aa any in Ih counlv. All of the above Laud i ul ll.e beat quality and amiable for tha cullivaliou tf Cullo. i orn and W haat. I'rreona ileairoiie of purchaaing valuabl" Land in Una aei linn, would On -il to rail aril ei.mine Ihe pr.i.neee, ee my only ohjrcl iu eelling te tore, move nearer lo my clnl.tr. ft. ALSO At the aame tuna and place, I will a, II a large quantity uf Com ami hoitghnrti, and iii tny other arttclee loo uunieroue to mention. Tel me made known on the day of ealo. A. W. HARRIS. t'atariu cuaafy, Ocl. II, ISJj'J. t3ti f '-aaaa , ... f EXECUTIONS for tlm i?. Court for nlo. Special Sol ire. Ainnftv the many rraoratiT'' which nutiire haa eupplied to relic the affliction nf huniHiiity thcra a no more futonte one fur a ct-ruin clnaa of die eaara limn the licilicin.il gum " of toe lid Char, ry True hul however valuable it i. ita powor to Inn I, in acoilie, to relieve, and to rurr, ia inhnne. Cfi Unliilil hy acitntilic and jmliciuua eonihina. tion wah ut'ier ii greiiienia, in llirmeelvf a ufrqiml W orth. Thie happy iningiiua; mala in that '' ('oinbinuliun ami a futtn imlied " Of mcdicinr known aa - Ir. V.islai'g Balsam cf Wild Cherry, Y hoae viilue in curit.f; faofAe, Cultlt, BiantHtig, Hn hitai tvg t ovgh, ( tovp, iiniAme. I'vlmonaiy Affre , jf7ien and incipirui Consultation ii intiitm-r It. . j:osiETi'ii.MOiy. Poton, April 18, ISJ2, t 3, J Ho. in, I nlun St. J Ma FittiiiV. Fi.wl Vrar Sir: Your invalu. , "'"'. en truly aay, hue literally analth. , cu me iiuiii uir griiTo. i..iai juiy 1 mat uiucaei j Dj a ,un(. iniu, winch reaulteu in a very . vi.re ounli, with viul.i.t P.ii,. in the Knle an.) ( he.l. 1 1 bceame ao much reiiocrd, thul my I'rnuda frank, 'J. "". ' Al H'ienai, I hourd ' I'ult.m of Wild Chmy, and immedi. uulT ,tl,t ,"' """ e. The edict produced waa H'dted wonderlul. My pliyaician, one of Hie moat riapei l.ible in Konlon, v. ho had prtvioualy luld me mat a cure waa luiielraa. came in, ana I in'urriied linn vtlmi I had la ken. He jammed the linlaam, and ai.'viaed mc to continue Hie uae of il, aince which lime 1 have continued to improve daily; and the eaine pliyaienui ho had f ir.n me up, told ni, a lt oay. eince, that I luiirht vet live many year.. Ileapeetiully, MARY ROW E. We cun cheerfully leatify lo tha truth of the a. bote et.iU ll.ellt. Mia. knMa haainir been an itili. male of ouf laimly. WM DKNNETT. AI A If 'I'll A DENNETT. None genuine unlcta eigiuil 1. 1,1 IIS, on the, wrjper. riep.rrd by 8. W. lOWLE rV CO., PoaTo, and for aale by E. Nye, lliitchiaoii i. i o., ( hnrlutle, I'll) ait-ill It are generally loth to epeuk word in prairr of what are rahed patent niedi. tinea " IrnJ. iu, it 1. an article in the code ol inc. tnul etluea, that a pliyaician hIio .jncliona the uae of aurh remidita caunol be cun.idered a no-nt. ber o the butionol Aeaocialmn. Uut there are ex-! Ceptluna Iu llie mnat atrim.'ent ruiea. und ni.iiv .ifl oiacipiea ol t.cuhipiu. have actually bi upelleil, b tin J. Ill of lacla. to rerun. uienil Ihe 'I KKS Inr tho.e iliaeaat. alnch are particularly' prevalent uuring the aumini r and fall. They have i aact r l.i i ue J lhat there are no reintdn a in the phar. mac up a which compare with tine wonurrful cum. ' paiund for uerangi'iuenl of the ayatern. Thooaund i f lamiiiea reaioing along the low groi.nda nf the V eatern and fouthern rivera, are now continced ( that liny have found a medicine peculiarly adap. 1 led lor t lie I r ailmenta. while in i.lh. r r.i.rli.ni. ul' the couilliT. durine the .uinn.rr monti... the de. ' maiifi lor llie article !a equallv large. 1 einla by all ilruggiata and iteahra generally and ; by E.Nye llulchiton & Co., Charlotte. N.C. i i ltd II r IN ! l.y MIM TE. BF.YAIM'S ! I V h M O X 1 C W A V i: K S . T?ie majf rriloia aad $prtjy remrity rtr diaeorered . Jul ail Ihltafi nf tkt ( hulunU Lunpt. i engt, Lotdt, Aitlimn, Ctinsuviption, lireaeiilia, j Inurnta, f'.iovil. Dtjjirult Urralh- I tng. Suit 7iriwl, iC., IjC. HESE W AKKNSgive the moat inntantuneou and eri"ert relief, and when peieevcreu wilti aernrding lo d rectiuiia, never fail to effect a rapid : and laelmg cure. Thuuaanu hate been nalnrtd to ptrleel hra III vi ho have Ul d either II, fall, lu Vain. luall claaee all 1 ail collet. luliulia lin y at., iqjaiiy a bleaamgand a cure nune need ueapair, no matter how long the uiac.ee limy have txiateu, r liuwrver eevrre it may be, proviueu the organic alruclure of Ine vit.il organa ia nul hopelt-aaiy ue. caved. Ererv one afilicled ihould eive tneni an impartial tnul. j I o t ocAi.i.Ti and 1 uai.ic rr.Aar.a, Iheae a. fere are peculiar.'r valuable ; they w.ll in one day ; remove the nniet et vrre occa.iuiial l.oraeueea ; and Hit ir reguh-r uee for a few da ta will, at all time, in. i ere.ee the power and flexibility ul the Voice, grral. ly improving ita tone, compare and clearoeaa, lor I allien purimee tht v are regularly uaed ly iiiny jprol.-..i..nal vm..i.la. I JOIl .MIISF--I. Sole Proprietor, ll..-lieater. N. Y. ' Price 2b cenle p. r U i. Fur a.. it by ail rc.pccla. bie urtiggiale end F. SCAUR, Chmlotre, X. C. frSee tin rator, in anu Jvertiaeinent of Sa r column. ndford' Invigo. ty See Ihe ariverliaenitnl of Wood'i another column. Hair Dye NEW GOODS. T. II. Ilrcln &('o. Arc i:i'civiir llirir fciippl l ZaaT. Hiat "H. Sa" i Ml a 4 fMaaJ S VmtV W W , W'.OTED. 5?. tTventy-fiye iuunurau.il faAXf J Ar. wnnud to Peudie JEW. Jmm.r0f! ELI! Y through Ihe connlry. A I orlinrtit of mpcrior COi.h AM) S1LVK11 Hl'IXT (( l i s, .1 S:il.l.lt 1 , , I'le iTI.I) W VII!' I 1 AMI ' . . Jf jAM f J V J yjU?hClUf$V.l'r ' ' .--- ? ' 11 Av .11 of winch will beaold .OH'for C.4A7. .i 1 r WAT:-!! GLASSES will be put ia at 35 cent tach. Call at Ihe Jewelry Eatabliahtnenl of B. W. BECKWITII, Near Kerr'e Holil. Oro,rt 4. I8.i9. 3uif I'OK I laOltin V 1)1 it wr. I'IKI'I 4 II litl.aT4, . C. Thmusli lo Piliilka in is Hours, and iu Irs. time i by li lo 111 Loun lhau my olbrr Boulc. THE U. S. MAIL v i:oi,i . . THOMAS SURTIS, C0MMANPKR, II AVING Jl'SI' BEEN PI T IN SPLENIUI) ORI1EII, Machinery thoroughly overhauled and liirii.ah. il with new boiler., will leave Cbarlra. ton evrrv Tureday aOernmm, al thtee m'cluck, for fVrnaaiditto, Jnckaonrtlle, Vtrolutm. i'llutka, aud the uaual Lauding on the St John'e Riv. r. She connect regularly with the Kail Road at Femandiun and with Stapee al the alnive. named place fur St. Auguatinie. Tampa, and the prinri. town in the interior of Florida ; alao going und relurninf with Ihe New York Sieai Ship aad the Aoiiarr. end IV'ra'eiai iVuil 'aa..' frame iu TurfrUi and .Soluie'.yr. All Meiektmlitt eonaigned lo Una Agency will be for werded free mf charge. For Freight or Paeeaee. plv lo II. L. CI1ISOLM, Aget, Soiith.ru Wharf. Ihtaler l.lfj'J. 137 I FISHER & BURROUGHS ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR STOCK OK .i.i '19 M'l.YTr.n and to mret tin large increete of .Ihtir trade date laid in a much i.Ai:f;i:u stoc k than uaual. It will be completed ?n (II articlra of DItESS GOODS, KM 151M)IJ)liIii KS HOUSE FUI.NISIRXG GOODS, CMi:ri:TK. RUGS AND OIL CLOTHS, O T f r,r "tTjr a'n 'J dj, l U & i) fc 1 1 1' I a F 11 A U 1 ) V A RE, VICES, IKOX AM) ST F. I.I a, STKAW CL'TTElfSi, coux .siii:lli:us, I'll MM A.M OIL. An examination of Ihe atfve Stock ia rajH-e.t fully euhnted. larlaiii, Srpttmhtr -2", lfci?. 138 J. S, PHILLIPS, .w it t ii.i.vt r.m.oi:, f) fl3 I A V I N d located in ly aolic-le palronaee. f hre of public A cum, of Clotl.a, ih (e anNortiiu nl nakiiiierra mm Ve.linga aiuuya on hand, whtcti uill ue made to or der at t'.e a.iortcat notice, after the lat- at faahlon Shop tl.r.-e uoora South of Ihe Maiiaioii llouic. ey if M lt(.;oN DtYl 1ST, Grutluat of tht Ualttmerw Ihniui Cylltge, ULla-U fittprcUiiily annuunce llmt he ii now urruinrnntl V that he I. . ia.aki-' lucjtt'if in Churtuiif, plt'asrd lo receive ibe cailn of ti litre tic Will be c w ho may re quire hm r roff ioiiiil tSt-rvtcci, O' I' riunt from a distance wlu cu in t inak it on venit iil to vioit Cliarlnile, cm ii.ivc llirir work di-tir at tin ir tvm Jt-nc:e, without -iny txtra cliar, by adtirtsirK him at thie tlHt. 1 j'.Miiimtt-n who a re 1'aator cli-rgrd half price. & j '-Kiico wk.if.rUon ol their miiciice if uemred. li'(Kinc N. 5, aSprn.ffa Duiliiirg, lately occu-pit-d hy U P. U uring F.-q. Srpirmbtr 27, 1 t5l. t4l I STATKDF .NOUTII-CAKOI.INA, CAUARRL'8 COL'.M V. I Snprrior Court of Law Spring 7'erm, i 139. I Mary A. Allen r Petition for Iiv.rrc. R. M. Ailen. IT appearing to lc aati.firtion of the Court, that the defendant in llna caae ta nut an in- habitant ol tin State, ( aw Oiiri.d, That pub. lication be mad. aix weeka, lu the N'-r!ti t'arohna Wing, a newapaper nubliehard ill the t.. n uf Char- lotte, iiniitying Inni lo eome forward to the next Siiiiriim loon of l..w to ha if Id for ...il eonntv. let llie courthoiiae ill Concoro, on the Uih Mon. day -It. r the 4tl. Monday in Auzu.t, lei:i, and plead, auewtr or uemur, or the petition will be hfard ,d granttd ex parte a.;n.i..i him. itneaa, j. it. v allace, ciera ol our a.ui upe. nor Court of Law, at elh. c io l uncord, the !Hh day of Siplcinber, A. I. If !'. J. O. WALLACE, Clerk. Prtuter'a fee 6. l3tj STATK OF NOin'H-UAUOLINA, CALDWtl.L. COUNTY. lit 1'ijuify, lull Term, I'sbO. Bill filed III Vacation. Tiuiniae B Dula and wite Anand.il' , Pike riein. nd wile Av.il.oe. tiler,.... Will.-,., Gill ...0 wit. E. 1). Gill, E. W. Joura and the heir, of l,u. ra Hardin, lo wil and John Harbin and S. P. I'ul agitmtt Rufu. F. Juiiea, Executor of Tl June., de Julio E.Jonea, L. I.. Jour , Loyd T. Jonce ami W. L. Jonea. drlrmlatila T uplieuriug In the .a tiff .(Hob uf the Court, thai ' M. the Ueleudanla, Rulua F. Jonea, John E Jonea, L. L. Jotiee reeide beyond ttie tiimla of line Stale,. ( ia Oi dered. 'Phut publication he made in a puh. j lie Gaaelte, printed in Una State for an wreka lor ' nun. rr.idei.t defend aula, to appear at the uexl term of Una I ourt. lu be held at the Court llnu.e in I.e. noir, on Ih. bill Monday alter the 4th Monday in Scpleniber nexl, then and there to plead, anawer or uemur to tine bill, or ju. gincnl pro coi.liaao will j be taken agauiat litem. I Wilneaa, Willi. in M. Puett, clerk and tiia.ter j f eaid Court, at oll'ice in Lenoir, Ihe fclh Munuay ' after the 4lli Motidav in March A. 1. :.). WM. M. Pl'ETT.O. at. K. j Prtuter'a fee tli. l3 1 i Alagic Oil, Alagic Oil. I Ml F.SH SI PPL Y. j ttast received and for .ale. by t. NVK lll' lt lllSON A I O. i I I I if 91 Revenue Law, 1853-'59, fflHE BOARbOF tALL'ATTOX for the Char. JH. '"He District aninnriltd b I lie laal Counlv r"U''. " f unpuaaible lo ci-trtie rl.t- Act ol the I. FialHiuro nnlil ti e tflnwinr Scrli i of V Revenue Law are complied with i f.o. 4. The owner of the loud, or (if he be a non reaidi n'.) lue agr nt (hi.ll furntah the dialrtct board with a It.l, incluiln g land enlriea. letting forth the ei piiriile ti n t, and alao the n veral coiitiguoua bociiea or tract, of land owned by him in the dialrict, together wilh the nuniia nf the wirier courae., or oilier tinted place, on, or near, eat lo which llu-y may be ituuled and the iiuiii. ka r of aerea in each aeparnte tract or contiguous boiliee nf land. A'l.c. 5 Town Inl ilmll be liated jep -rat, y end each lut he numbered according to the pint ol' the loan. Each aejiofiite body or true! of land, ana each town lot ah.ill be aep'r it ly ai d dialmrtly Valued and returned Sr.c. 7. If any perron ahnll rcfuae to furniali II. e lit riqmred above, or Intake the outli pruecribed in the preceeri'mg aect'oii. he ehall li guilty of a niierlcmeanor, and the j't.ticen of the pc.ee of an id bmird ahall bind him over to apoe.r at Ihe next term of the Superior Court ol the county to answer the charge j ..ml on conviction or tu'inneaiun, he ahall be hntd at the dtacrclion ol the court. S'cr-. 8. W hin the ovrncr of the hind, or (if lu be e nun.reaideut of thcNlute) hia agent, he not a reaiilenluf tlw diatnet ahere Hie laud ia iluuted, the rtqmreil liet, with iirlidavita of the a. me liu Hrt aa the abuvu required oath, aut'ae.ribed ai.il aworo In before and ctrlified by a jualiee of tin peace, may be Ir nauiiltcrt w Ihe diairict bomil of valuation, and if receivrd before the bu.nl ahall be ready lo v .lue llie land c-nilniiicd in the liat.auch lieTt (hall Im received aa llniugh tendered and anorn la by the "i.i.!' agent in per.on. ' Ate S. When the board of Ination, are not furuiahed with a Itat awnrn to a. above required, or the owntr or ..put rclu-ca to aiitair to the c;r- recineaa ni ine a.atciiirtil aa to tin. nuinuer ol acre, cruiinincd in any tract ..f land, Ihry mny procure a county or niher purveyor, and have tl aume purveyed. And the purveyor may ricovtr Ihe aumuiit of Ina Iff" and all t ipenara nut nf the owner of the land, before s jnnlir-e of the peace, by warrant of aliHrhincut. The Il'ard of aliiilion eirneatly nqu-ntal! peraun to hand in the hats of their Taxable K al Ealale in llna Iiiplnct. W. F. I'll 1 1' ER will found at the i.fflcc of Dr. .Mil. 1, tit, formerly Ihe Ineur.nce Office, every day from to H. A. M.,and from 3 In 5 P.M., until the S'mi in. I , uurn g v. Inch time he will receive all Uetui A. A h KNNEflY. HY, I 1) o a a n A', or (, V Ll' A I I Oft. J.NO M'RIM. W. F. PHIFEIi Oct. 18, li!i. 3-J n -n r l m r,i ii n dh ant, inr imai, NEW GOODS! ; H Ia3IXf.TO HirAXt'II, SecondStoreb-ilowness.T.H.EremkCc. Kill WEILti: k IillO'S. II ESI'ErTFL'I I.Y iofo'rn their nutnerou.ciia. tniuera ol CHARLOTTE and the auirouud. unlry, that tlxy arc eelin.g off the balance i in? I of their atock of ! Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, liruOy i: title i IIUIII A tV, j r5j 1 HOO'IS, SHOES, H.MS, rT3f ;r&5 caps, ' For Genie', Youth and B iy'a wear. 1' I II II L" and a full supply of I Bnimctn, rititit Jl lUta, Duniirt Uibhuna Ac Freoch Flowtr, all of which itl be olu ul rtUuctd price, together with a Urge and bcJUti'ul .ortnu-n t of L.ice rimitp, Bt rce aud Lmh u Dui-lcri, ail of the (. trl Mylt. ! Thrahnve natn.j Oood mud he clwer, out by llie firat of Uctuber. lo nuke rot.m f.tr . ar FALL STOCK. The beet and largeat aatnrtli.ent of I.ailo-a' and Mibtt-a (.altera, ri.ila.nd Si. oft. Trunk., Yaliraa, Carpet llaga, Satrheia, und li mnrt Buxea. Attention i called to the large al.uk uf i:i.t.i-ti;iii- lotiiinr, ! it beirijr iniH-e up in iv n)ot kubtttHtitiHl tun tint r, and m n nil to tin-1 colu by inv u t im r houxe in the U nion. u.u ia t choice and jtniontb!e atock. of every at vie and faruly Tim in p"mtiTi. ! t a clotting salt, aa very article niU"t be lid by the firl uf ih-t.-bi-r. Mrrviidiita and other ure r qurstt-d tu rail and f luinine be.. tr milking purciiabt', aa llicy will find it tn their inteievt lo no to. 1'hry can uuy from tu 6U per cent che.ipt-r than at any other Hon. Yc alwMa keep on h-iiid the btt and cheapest nfkortuicnt uf a not i i:n IS.-inlu iue, Crilar ';irr, Ac. In addition to the" aheve we ci(cl to open a it. ry large uaourtuitiil l M ILL IX Kit" Y C.OODS. DAVID KAHNWK1LKR. UANIEL KA1INWKILKK. JACUli KAUN WK1LKK. Augvtl 30, ItaU. i'atf at i i:.vi io.v rAUTii:i:: ajnHE MAOIC PLOW, (Patented by J. P. va. arria, of Miaeiaaipi,) poseeaeea Ihe auvan. tage of combining KOl'K PLOWS I.N ONE. It can be laid FIVE time and harprned TWELVE tiiiica without t ne aid of a Uhickamith. It can be uaed llie whole aeuaoti without any ddlliniial rxpenae. For aalp at the CHAl'.LOTTE F0UNPRV. July 19, IbViH. 19-lf 83--11EM0VAL F. inform our .fcV3S. friend, th.t r J X.5"Jf7l R E.MOVEU tolMSjl aland nl Sprnsa a Tlna iraaaeaai A. .Mrlarod, corner of Cnllerre anu I'rynnStr aud are now receiving a Splendid Slock of FAMILY GROCEPiES which will be told low fur CASH at whoie.u I retail. L. FEASTEK. K. A. M. LK.UP. ChaiUle, August 3U lr?.9, The WoiU's Exhibition Prize TleJal I AWdl LfcU 10 L- lut. . rl)K iis TWO r I ANOS. I, ON DON 1)1' 1'OllER I afi MEYER, rrapecttiilly informalne frienda ! ly, un.l the public penera han.i I'lANOS, equal lot niee for which ll.e i'rixe MtJ..l lil Ijii.don, in ls-l. .-ited during llie Ian liltei u )e..ra mure . MEDALS thananv other maaer from mc 1-r .nt lin InaliUll"', alao, r net preiluuiua 111 lloal. li N.w YorK and Ualllinore. All ordere p'oiiipliy attend, ed l, an.l great care taken in the avlet tn.n and packing tiie Mine. W irrmiim, No. 121 Arch atrcct, below Eigiitii, eollih enie, PhilaUi Iplna. Jul 1'J 19 131 W. I I I I IK. I llll l IIPIIH . lmttrl-r l P IH Y (i(Ol) R'OYS. HEAl'S.end CON FE I ION Eli! AR. I BL 'I K'LEs, China Dull., Rich Vaara, Toilet Holtlca. Ink. Willi F.B.ir.-. J. vel an.l Card Re. I celtera, Elagere Amelia, Ao. Iwleal alyle of - ! go.Kia eonelantly received and ui.l at the v.-ry lr.v. I eat eaah priee. W. TILLER, j No. i4 .-ioutii Fourth Str.o, Philadelphia. I Jala 19 I9-I-J7 Sl'IU'ENAS for 1 t il)U Office ! ! a i ii iet 'aa. the nid I DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ! " E.r-jyeliutchisoii StCOr, i iv (oni;it, t Mi.lt: lotti:, .V, 4, Vhclesale and Retail Dealers in K5RESV; AD I)0.tirviTf Drugs, Medicines I Chen'iieals, 1 RG receiving fresh , I Ex?. frntn the New Yi.rk Mir ket, which have been pu Cliaaed upon audi lentil a. lo be aohl low for Cuth We would renpi-c' full y m-.Pi .SiJ-S il C il the nlti tition ul tin d I Public In our atock PureWl Lead. Snow White Zinr. Chrome Yd. low, I'hrmne Green, Piria linen. Burnt I'niher, Haw l inber. Red Lead, Black Lead, I.ithnrge, Spaniah lliown, Venilnin Kid, Lamp Illack, Droo B nek, W h iling. Engli.h FiuUhliig, Furniture, Copal, Picture, Da. mnr, f Jreria ii. Brown and Black. Vua -. Lin-eed, T i nnr-r'a, Train , I, aril, Maehiner, Ln. brieuting, Keroainc, S'- Elephant, Purr Siierm, CmUor. Sweet, Onve, fori Liver, Burning Fluid, Turpentine, A'cohol, Pu'e French Dr.indv, Old M .d. ira Wine. Port and Sherry. Lnmlon P .rl. r, Freeh Congrta Water, ( ilr.ile M loneain, lee So. i h vt..p r.ninn Tm. Ii t hoe il ite, For. r, dpi inn Snuff, ' cign Perfumery, Sulplm'te y Tobacco. Si par. Ae.. Ac. CharloUt, June !4, IOO. i -it r f .At- : ''aW "THE UNION," a it 1 1 s i rtEi.T ah)vi: Timii). IHlLADELPEIA. I'PTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. rntllF. underatgnrd having pnrrh. aed the inl.Tta'. e-f hil ti.riner partner. Ev-.n l-.vana, in the almve Hotel, would call Hie attention of the public lo ita ronv.-nie u.-e fur thoae viaiting Pliiia. ueinhia, eilht r on huMnei. cr pUaauie. ailu-itton being hul a tew atep. from the principal aveliura nl trmle, oft'. ra inilucelnttita l.i th.e on hu.ltnaa; V. Illle to thnae in aearell of plta.-.lire, ll.e enni-lalitly paiug and ripa-ail'g mil. way c .r ami thn.e in rloae preiin.ily. all'oril a pleaaulit ride I'm the in. ic in lulnal anni of half a nunc to a i piacc of inter cat in nr a bout the city. Ti e Pi.,;,n. tor givi-a nitotir :e tiiat " 77.e I n,. oil " ehall tie kepi fc ill! audi chuiacter ua will mi et public a pproh linn, and would n-afiectlully aohcit Norlii C.irolin. o-.tioni'te. Tt rma 1 .10 tur da v. UPTON'S. NEWCOMER, Avffitst 1C, y3 ly J'roritiKTnii. WIIKAT WAXTI-I). l. II E planting community ill lake iiolire l tea. 4 .JL their Wheal Crop it'll be purchased at the Charlotte Steam Flouring .Mnl, at in., rk. t pricea. T i.aV.l.r' heat I. r aale ln.iv fin. I it In t il. I r adiulituge tu cull nt thu Mill h.-fore cloaing a a..k . JOHN WILKKS ,t CO. I Jofy 2, Sutf I J. YV I LK I X M ) X & ( )., sealers in 0l VATCHES, JJVELR. ' ti:lSl LIE K illlll P L 1 T E 8 V i R C . rJ .' Attn No. 5, (Intnle Ii inj;e, opposite tlie Matision IliuL't CIIAKLOTTH, N. C. A'trntion given w If. p..mh0' W..tc!u-i A. J,-, I3tf clrv. aNotice. A' I I p'Tunni a re here hj m ulioned a g"t inct h un. tiogwitiigunaoruocair tilt iij; witii i.et or tackle, or in i.ny wae treparint7 upon my lanrid.ua the law in audi cane- will le rij,n;ly en. forced hgntiial nrrv one o c HViitiu.e. USA J'ARKS. i,viiEUiii. II. C. MALCOLM, F RArTU'Al. MAK Pl.fcl ( I'I 'I'KR, rrp ly intiTina the pub ic, that he h;ta oti-ned a 31 A II h 1. 1 : v. It 1) onpnaitc tiie Mansion lintel, V.I11 re i,e ia prenar.ii i ti. till ii II order i ti. .leao .ich h.r MO.M'.M I'M S, HEAD STON L.V, TABLE TOPS, and ml kim'a of Work in the M.irhl, Line.nf either IMPORT. El ITALIAN or AMERICAN MAKM.K. Haviiie mad! arraniM-ntenta bv whtcli he c.n procure the ltrtTro Italian Ma'rH.-, at reuueed pric-.a, he can fill ali urd. ra I r M-;uuineiila, Ac. at reuanuahle ra tea. He would be happy lo haveal! .leairon n.'.ieil iug in hie line, t.i ca.l nd aee aiH.-iiii.-n. ot M .r ble, hear prir.a and jil.ige for Ibeniaeive. Having Inni 3.1 year'e experience iu the bunt, neea, he will give lua peraonal alUlitiun lo put. ting un Monument., Ar. AoinnWy, )UV 3. IS.'.ll. Slf Hotel for Sale, AT MONROE, N( RTH -CAROLINA. a 'S,I,K 'ul.aerlbir being ..e-iroua iiitT of changing l. hi,.,.,.... of. Fjffjf fere for aale the " I'M ION HO. ti-5iaSKtfit I P 1. " Tine ll., uae ia ..lunted in the thriving Town of Monroe, N C., cnvenieiit lo the hi t-ae portion ol l! e Toon, and within about "he I nf Ihe track of llie W. C. A H. R nearly new, c.itl.'.na aivenlein ria ni.hed, (llie Furniture being oll'-rei: the lf.ua. ) fire. nl ,rr bin ry roon Hin t out hou-. a, M. lnea, Ac. Al, dreri Aerea ol l.ao.l a.lj ll.a.fe 1 he will Ihe I lime lor p. 1 to lue aub .l,lie. I.I for I.. .e.-r pu!' alif rc, :!l li.W, CM Fur tu tin my Ir.. t lid. Call, 01 II, o. Cl JAMES HKKKT. ,WV '.'t.lS.i!!. li i To Planlcrs. ClOTTON GN. of the h el quality, with 10 J III. h aaw.. iel.veri-,1 al .my Ka,:ioad Lao. ding in the State at fa1 p.r aaw. For Mrllt'llUra adureaa. . . j. M.KLinn. the all I 1 1 . J. M E. Novell AN I'E1 a go-1 Mi the W hig off ce. It MJ ati ' '' The it! .tr 1. ct. CORRKCrED Bt OATty A WILLIAMH. CHARLOTTE, OC'loIIER S4, If.',9. UACON . Ham " didca ' Hop roum: Plmtilucra, B"lfl '"?' '"ilnny, ... lb..... . !b lb. , lb y lb !h ... .lb , ...buaiiel, .,, trl Kl lb r:lb ........lb .13 llj (,u 14 12 j Vi .11 ...10 ....17 ... i : Hen... Cutter, . j Beeawax Ileum. ' Draiiny , Apple ! " reach ' Cotton ,.00 ..S5 fn ..! C t, IVJ f-r ..yo (o, ..'48 ( 'I-'."" j " Java I'mnllea. Aiiiimantliie lb " Spern IR 45 (-i, 50 Tallow ;...b 25 Oi. 00 fori hual.ei su ( fc.'i t'liw:i.ena eacl 10 ( IS ('loth.C'opperas,... yarn 12$ ni lo " Ltnriaey yard (. 31 j Fir?" tfoten .........16 (,,. in tionr, bb! 5 In. 00 " b.g Ji (,i Si Featliera lb 3(1 C Lard, lb 2't I-I Mutton Ih j (. b .Micker-i hM.Nul 6 : 00 " Kill 3U0 f-r; 3-.'.i Moiaaar.. N O gul (10 (.'. 00 W I gn! 31 (., 40 Mea bui.lu-1. .75 (rr. hO Mullrte( Wilmington) ...hhl t!l fn- Cd Nnila, Northern ...Ih 5 0, 00 ! " Southern lb 5 ( 6 ,Oni huahcl 40 Oi, 60 ! P-ri. lb J fTo 7 Pu buahel 7'l fo 75 r-nlatm,., Imi.Ii huahcl St (. 75 " Seet himhel 4) ( 50 Rice btihel 14 fV f5 Sugar, Loaf, !b 14 ( 1$ " l!r..v.n !h 9 fr. ll ntnne.Ware ?r, 8 . 9 S-.ll s'urk I j (,. 10 Tea ;t, :$ (.f. 00 Wh'ei.t, white huahel l 00 re.: b-.:.h,,l PO hi 0 Whiaket , Northeri su! 45 ;.r. 55 ' " N'.f iir,,liii.:,...ii.' C5 h 6'l Wo,. I, (heat t.'corgiii) wnxhed 27 fu tiH nirvtaahen-. ...'ii ". 3 Varn. hah 100 ( CO REMARKS. ("TMl.V. Ihe laat foicign new ha rather I canard .hi anv ,i , WOllhl cuolc I XL II WON in 0. I '!!N nlo in Oq c nla. in all grnaea.. e !l lo 10c at quotation, mi i.t n'l.itatinna " f .VMM A MARKET. 'oiumbu, October 22, 109. ( I ' I I ( N. At the b ginning of ll.e week, our man, el returned l.iat WLt-a'a quotatiuoa; lowarua the intcille, .rn . a nut;, men luli'y Jc ; al Ihe rloae, prui a aire it. ,',.v.t. of buyeta, tuuuuh v.c aliW tool i, iic oUr foimer qin.t .liolia. 'l lie ealea nf Ihe .t aim.uutiii .i l,4U4ba. a cxtrrinea fi j to 11. I". A' i)S, li.-grounrl, M'l.W, PKA U.l'i.- 1 Lot l( I'-'i ....lu ( I'M 30 tl I' Mil.l sTn.N MARKET. '11 A R I mT"N, Oct. 21, Ifil). J I Tu.N 'I in- r. t-. ipt. aince our laal reach Lli baiL-a, and l e .aha, in Ihe aaine lime hove ci'iitiii.-.i In -2!hl b.iL,at pricca ranging fium .11 ecu la. III oat r. apcei.ully nn'.u..ce to the of Charlotte and aurr. mil. ling Ulltry. tn.,1 lie n 1 1 1 1 contiui.ie llieahoto buai. aa in Chorion.'. Wire I"-- i prepared to fur ah 1KIOKS, HI.INDS ANU SASf, to the pub. : on the in.i.t rc ...mat c tern. a, and on Die abort. iV.vn.g gre.t mv email claim for work , r Ihe country, he ia deUir method of doing bueinea don nimrd to .-h.'iii;'-anil aei rafter trill 3 . Jaj5 e in hi M m or It do :. l-.-.i liine Su. n b-fore re- niiiAh HAVANA I.OTTKCY. The n.t! ..r I'marv ,1 awing of the Rival He ta na .-it ti-ry conducted by the Sjianiah Gnvernnient, under the anne'viaion of the Captain Ge'ieral of Cuna , n ill 1 1 kc place at Hat a n Wl'DM'SDAY, Ncv.mbiT 9, 1359. $360,000. SORTEO Nl M ER0 USO ORDINARIO, t riT.ii. rnizi: ?ic,co! I prueol IOO.AO 1 iO " l,0(l I At) OWO fail " .'. I " : ti.OOO I I '2U.O00 1.13 ' !) Ju Apr'xiiii'a.U) 1 I , 4 A i . $ CO,' ( f-!.: 0 acl ; 4 ol 4 f - t, , , : 4 of 4(,0 I.. 3t'.WIl ; 4 ul H'U ta 1 0,1. 1 1"" I .1 y-rn. WiioUTieketaf.'O; lla,tea!U; guaiter $S " I'i ilea c...-hed at a,gl,l Jt d per cent, discount '" ""' 11,11. on ail .HO.telit tianaa lak. n at par. ib win a., rawing will be lorwarued as a, en aa the re C'lun' " ' t .i,,ui,i,-alioi,a an.lr..aed lo 11N EOIRI 1C i.l I.., (.are of City Poet, Cherle.lon, jt. C.) n. e' Hi Ine I'm ut .Nove u. Ih r w ll 1 be allenued to. ap:.'y 1'i-raoi,. or .1. ring Ti, kct. will plei.e write tin n . I. iu name, pram a.,0 gi . e the ir po. I orlice.cui.nty euj t.itr. Vm. A Owens, A T i'C .'-V LY -1 T - 4 II IKLO I I f . V w l' .I. u, .etier iu the t'uurla uf Mac f and the .urroundtng eountiea. "itirtiee ....rl,oi'i.o..U ...elWOrt, Ju: -in. I - ' 1 OH PKIN I IM" ,,".W r. g..-e ,ht 4