Practical Abolitionism A camber i of prominent Abolitionist from tlie ee-l who ' ere in att.tntniice upon Ihr rsvanu'eiiciii ad-olitioni-t Convention, no in sesercn in (hi city. are stopping At the Kichtnoud l!oae. A:noue-i ! ' r ,lf Ue0' f Cbeec er, of New York. Yesterday, it dinner, a i W-e-rovered at tin Uiile, fitti n g tf the h !l f Brother Clieever, while t hi right est a couple of lio.-too ladie. Some la in at another part of the tahlo culled the attention of Mr. Tabor, coo of the proprie tor, to the fart, aud expressed the very com P'OU feeling aniong persona n.,t practical ab- oliiioni'ts, tual it was not agreeable to sit at j Mr. labor tt once directed on of tlie black waiter to Live tlie black removed, ami it was done ac- , cordinly. '1 be Abolitionists, among whim j the negro ws sitii'g manifested great ayra- j ptby for the black, and demanded feelingly ' if the rules of tl.e houe banished biin from the of his friend and companions i at the public took'. Upon being informed ; that each Kin the cane, too? were constrain- ed to On leaving t lie dinner ta : ble, a Bjs'oti Ab.'.li'ioni.t found the iie-ro liin'pi-rin.' in the bill, at. I. to sootho the. rieep sorrow of bin heart, pu! his arm around , tbe black f.mdiv crc.-iu. him. '1'bia di i put-tint- mai.ieirre was performed i the ( presence of a consider.! le nuinhtr of gen tlem .0, !id exei'ed unv'tnn; but rcp.ct for Hie iu.livi d'jv.1 who ih'ii so ight 10 ad-. Teniae hi" p, litlc .i mrm-ut. How the rgro rum to be at tlie ta' le could uot be i ascertained. CheeVr-r occupied tlie Lend of Hit table, the ne.-ro l.i ie'l, and tlie ladies j kit 0.--,i. ttme. X'Jl'i. i raiLAPti.rrtiA S vuMrnr A co-rc pordtut of tbe Lancaster 3. C) I.'ir rites fiom Pbiladt-tj ma : "I caniot telat eirrnm-tmici' which occurred here- o.i the morniiii after y arrival. I saw ueg'o mm in froDt of, tbe hotel, apparently in deeri itn s. I a; proscl.eJ bim aud a-ki d l,i he wibtd ; and be nid be dr-ir. i io - the birU r of tie hotel, t pet one di'Ur frun b'rn to car ry biin to Sifauoib. t.iiorun; tint it w inipoxMble for toiiVF b-rr. tie c mi id 5 -t no einp'.ovuieri. tvi mu-t starve if ii- xuid lie ulittd tbat bi' 11.4-irr bad .-! h in :'re. for frrain !er icf rendT-d ro ; ti at he could not -r frn-Jj:n in 'ii r jria. aijd lbt a by be k- here; iul l.'iat be prrlrrr d to liv- it. ! crj a li i tbe . cT of bi death, to '11 j!.'a in frevdj:i. ; ai.d tliat Up cbly i.-bed . one dol ar now, o that be could lake the' boit far Sitabiiib. and ijL-t l.i old ui-tcr ta take blm back. Turre e'B' d to If no tjn.patby for llU poor r-lcb in (lie " Q ia- 1 ker City.-' lie free to starv? ; bal had it been fj-tive 'at e-eaped from tii . Bikatcr, melt o-jld lit been round to protect biin, tti if hi- nrnter got on bi trail, and tueuipteii to r-'j biui in l'uv. it pbi, be ou.l bn leen unlbed. r'eam.fui (io rr.Tntit to uff-r "ucii d . Great peorle in Pui'iadtipbia. aa 1 c u-i ttLt very? e'.trre a 'rte net'ro Itctw' k is " D t property ,'' a:.d tun off a iarc from bia naier Leesu-e " be i proprty.", at,d aben they pit Htu o f.r out of the eh cf tl that he eaMiot gt pa eioa of Liai, Mars e L ia, t 't ?' IlrA.TlH T 1 '. ?. " -I'A. Kt.F.M'RP SiibiEs ' 'n Si nd ay i-t. a ero i of n t ltea ibxa one tbou-ano nros., n.-n.K!. d cn be ba-io. to lake l-av cf t' e ne-ro. a ,) rrir-.; t lb e!-te of t hr late Mr I'ran c'i E. Sbac'aleford. cf A-i.K.r.t rrm, who in accord a nee ; h 1 i.e i;i nf I he Ireeased. were about lo tiifit: l.j ay of ti, c.na1, t.T free 5tj'8 Tl.e i. '. D :ui'".r f.-ee waa fo'tv l" iir. mru aoiiieii a:.d cbtl ai-en, but only th.rty i.irr itft. ibe ba'anre jr feriitg to re'xaiu i-i erviiuie t. I id i ir .ti.a, ratb- r tban tr-jti their frer-l-ain eie btre. fcjti.e of tb-j-e he did !, er turtiwn OB liie boat by niai'" '-" in jcli tiyti were they to leaving. iuai yx trrd tLeir Ceurtiiir al oi of returning to ir;iui ti io)ii aa to opportunity offered Jlaty were tae well wishes tendered 'hede Jiariiai; Bfj-roea by ibe crowd a-M-tubied. AtiJ abea the boats stifled f.o;u 1 1 . I r wharves, the freed r.-'rro-s 'tfjc'g 19 " .r ry roe back to .d Virg;nny," wb ch wa jjiried iu iy c? and all, a:id in a bub indie -ilao pian lv thai if le't to tii'it own free tbj woj.d glilly pei.d lb--. r:aiU: 'er .f th:r days i'i s-rs;t j i-- in the ', Ijih; of ll.eir lirta Tiie tiejrve- fr ? sral )ear t a-i biva been under tii charge . t' Mr U. 11 Lew-. Y.t-fi---,?. who u . I -' 1 '' reB. jval wilt of '.be Slate VuMi I i Cull- Ta K In lii pol ce court, rern.t'j, at (.'.H'-iihiMi. a l-re nam. ed John Stewart wa rn.:.-ned on a charge cf rtealirw c' tl.ini. lie- :id be wa g-iii-Ir. out of I in fr:-i.!-. ar, 1,d bal taken ibia ore to pruni- bi o -.f wnii t'.e LeceMeriea of J;fe. He staled in c ur' tbat a abort lime he was ire- in l'.a'eib, N I", and was per-uid,d lopir cb bi freed tiiott'h f ali-e ai '. 1 rr njen' . L. .d O JI la l.iui. and remote lo ' 'bio ile did so, paying Z'J-lO 10 iia ma-ter, and here ia whit be lb-ma c f dbio : " Siur-e I came here I bare I ei-n kcket b'.ut an i J ty a'J clavsei of men Can't work fiom t,o one, and 10 b'ro Uioney lo get bread ,ili that i ool of ti.a ij le.tion I did a (real deal b- tt.-r bee iban I ever did here." U m a spirit nee d lo the j.'n? al hard labor 1rr n.inth, and pay ite cost of I roaec u'.ion Hi' ll'fi't. A J Lt .. eji--'!"i rh S-m-rvii'-' Tenn ) leiti'. tat. u i'a defence ,, Xt,, aea u-t ehr-a bf '.ut by ita l -ii-erai e Vretr ret, cf t So ,th. make an ad 111 '..ion t were not peep in-) to hear It a .y.: " Tbey say be ia a ti:0" '!jviu- fo to tbe Soutb tn a 11 5ear-i li be i, foe umir i Jjrm fri o' lhe X01 !h nf Wirr 1! nrt cut umi'i la tuf .-oti'h iui'i tli' li! i' I; Hrjii!!uu I ,- t'tf u'l'i-'f Xnlh'rn Lfno n,t y. U-ith n '"' l'l''-i. f'liii I e jifiir j.'iitiinri ut Ij'xiI'H '' '1 hia i J'J-t w bit we bav ali alonz cba,rjr el that tbe Nor'bern IVioocracy were as i.uoaiid aa D- j,''.a tl at be is a f.t rrpre- a utatite of ibt.r ptioeipiea and t'oat, bile thev are aa dai .-hoiji enrmiea to the South Ar) ti.a li r. H f-'i: '. cilia.'' tbey w ll b to iio.iiii.atu I-nv''ia at ''barle-ton t) fire the vie f iLeat " i ua eneuaiea." Huh .!'.!, r.rl'Clilll' SfaV t LAI Km It lsi'eel t'lal an'alitfB I Dow poirie oo 111 the A; riruiiural llureau, at Wa.lnn'ton. wtur a refj 't H H t exist e,f I UllMil No ondrr. S'raliiif i ibe order of the car a-"g r Sice boldera at U a.hitiono And h Jilh ' f ti-at fat O t 'I be I5a"k of Cape F' ar baa deeltrad Atv CBBill wlH.Cid .' Jv pr P",ne 1 i Horft Carolina Mhk. '- .- I CHARLOTTE: T 11 r s d a v, N 0 v e m b c r 1. 1S59. - - .- -.: " r ' ITU R,ld Fv. ,r I ha. con. Ij K. R Ksaj ,-r l emur. con. cniid to acl, and ia our nut lion d aemt. Ilr will rrrriu ..r.ii rs for ibe Wine, o! oik or aaver- ticinrnr, and rfcript for tlirmme. An? persnra .DWrihi... .h..n.. tnh.m ,on,h. w,M ,mr tl.e Wmo for Iwo dollar.. . . : ij- Wr Irani that a climje baa lakt-n place in the eh '.b!c liie Ki;tc (rain n tlie l liarlotte i. S C lijilro d. H.'iii.Vr it will lee Coiuin mi .t IJ o'clock P. M. ana rracli t'harlolta at I0.4.J I . M. Rail Road Meeting. Vfe are to stair lliat a rail road aire- j i.nj fv..r.b e l- tl.e Aliai.tie. Tinarai-rc aneOnin U ii Rush, will be beid l tlie all of tbe aona ol : T mparariea at .ue til, on Saturday the 5ih ol . i.ia r next. Aii ierson4 mlertsied aro re.; :m.IIuv l!iv:leu to be piraeiil. lien. J io. A. j . unj; ana atvarai vtl.rr traktraale ripntea to j o ..rraei.l. ' Mecklenburg Agricultural Fair. i 7 -e Ao.u.i Fair, .,. ll.e Mcckunbu., Ar.. I cu.'iur .V in tr counumci d on loe i"6;u and tro- . U on II, e '.'-111 Lit l)i in. n t uajr lln-re were uver 500 nrtirirsMi u ., r. iruiu the inaiiiltrt itiona rxtiibiUa by I m :. ,;e -inirjij, we uo.y cip,rt..eiiliy any in t ti - t .ir f a "yin d laci " Te J'clion of iln (i-ounca ia very .ne sii" by anclher ytr w U oe put in adniir.tde oruer, ao Hut it wu'i li.fbi'y c oi., .! wilu any ot:.vr Fair laruuad in li.e M .tt. 7'.'urdsy art med to be e ir a dtred li:e big U . j " of the Fi:i, for, .JI'igusIi mere was quite a iltinJ.ncr on Weumajay, on Tnur.Uar ai, tiiioj t,.e p j le U g in to pour inlu C'oall'.e from iiri ij j.,rtt r, 1 ; j on li t Fan Uroundnn that Uar waa 5.0UU ihe Ln;tes maaiii a micy portion of liie number, i T..e rtiWes in liie Lao l)par.ent.,-amc ! If iarje and Bianii'e.ta a dittnnma. rl ,;,'.,,. lal,rti. Y'mng by the lith of U- twn pail ta aid by their bandy-wrk and ! Iier.'w lieu a premium wui be awatued .or the t .eir pra. 10 m..a li.e r.i., oae of mien st to ad. T ie exii b tion of at'-rck waa i at aucil lioiea, , j very J.r;eaad we hrard it given aa tlie pmion of pera- na who I ain-narj the .Mute Fair, that Ji:ar ato a wa ,01 ii oluticn liere tnan in fiJi 't;o. TIIE ADDRLSS. Al I! u. I Gen. J1.0. A. Y-uig, ihe Chair nun of the Ex cutive Cimiinttee. lu'roouced lo i'it- t.-jw-l the II a. t M Barr.uger, who waa re ceive.: with tnree etoera. Aa we bave, by an ar rnr.eit,ei,i w:ihlheD,dy Boiirtin, I Id this Ad- "n ' I Ali- f Us ' j orsa bexre our rescers, tin y c 11 JUJg 11, ci lis iy a iktius..,. Uirown A'tale waa arg. ly repre.toKd and a j- Ii n-.nnber Waa from .V.rj'.h l ipina. And it.y e i.jve 111 my sinnl-ir F.ira. U . Friday, 1 he i.s: cay. ihe m sv ia very I arge attend;, 1, ee, t ici e ger UiaacertaiD who were the fi :'Kf i::t.,v ,iu -ia tost ob'a.ried the urem uma. Al 10 o'ii.K:a,Gen. Yowr.g, the l h urman af I prucerued lo ird tl.e h, wtln the itne of Ibe i-t. ... hTAl.l lo.NS. : Tie s S Ncely of York D.sctrici, S. C. for e.t t ,1,100, A'gyie, S years oio. 1st pruiiiiini, 1 v.r l a-tor. To .t lain liordon, I. pcastrr Ois. or J best . 3-t prt .-r Isotl- II'RSLS. 15 Robeson for neat isr.e.ii Mira. fir-t ver 1 asior To C E ana J --1 preniiuiii, s.iver cuo e ,ei. VI lr,,i.g. lor be.f i.arr.e.s ll'.. sea. .- l..!i. T J M Pott., .or 2o wai il r, ill preiniuin. pair nitron- .Vm M M llhews U- terst si , N ;. l-i premiu.i l o Ii U o mi l f-.r 0.1 t.,., , if-ie harne.s si.vr caKe .riiess Horse, W I t it. f.r n- .t aing'e h r.-o. .11111. -1 Ver Card l,4.iirt , lr i . na'iiess iiors. . ; 1, J II rr,a of Cab-rru.. , r,r-l p'e.n 'jm. a , si r h. 1 Ml L.i.c ..ter, lor 3.1 Ot rn'sa ll.r-e,. io Ur. w : J, ail. N t of Y..r' V .r 0.0. fi si or. ti e 3 1 I.-.I c. ;l. F.ily ur.dt.r one ye Meei, ,,., . :.,..,let IJ..-, K I e, .j e:tl Cl.t a V , 1 II v- .,j ortotlo:!., Thoa I Crier, for beat bi:ae t. 1, uneti 1 oio, tirt preuuuni, siiv- r Gobo-I To M-l.f.'l, in b-st n .r.e ct, ui.d-.r too hll r r.r. v : i I 0 J VI I !-.r b-at F. Mil bls.e -I 3 year. l- r 3 years, first A A Keooe,:., I ...It ") III. To Jab Rut. -I.- I. I Fi ,.,ii.r 3 roars, fi-.t preiuiuni, silver r.rj basset. 'I Ur. J M rtri'.g. toi Ut best Piliy u-oi,-r 3 yea's, 3,1 prv. on.U'ii, si aer cup. 'I o Jaa Sluna, ol G .sW, fur a r .... ore on u iii. a ver cuo. T I .0. A . e-jijr , for beal F.lly. unrfer 4 vears. hr-t O.I,. ra,. klM.e. . J M Polls, lor J 1...: F V.3I p'e.niuiii, si.ver (j.el. I. (,.. Wo I M.aiia al l.o.rrus.lur bt at ora l II .(-.-. h at sreimuoi. stiver case kiiifr. 'In VV Uai"! I ii,4--u.. tor 0.1 iij.l ilois., P ' I CUM ING U.'t-ES. I , D- J M ,,,r, lor best trotting Horses, lo l.e M ,r. l.oee - li ac. Dn "of Verio ml, UsL.t ..i.gic t,,.roeas horse, fir.l premium, silver e 1 . II (' II iw,e. of Cabsrriis f.,.tr.t native Irol t 1 nrel p;. iii u 11. .uver gubn I. 'I ,J inll K.'- 3j lastesl tivlln.g oorsv, 20 pre niiuilt , ail. ver 0... jtvsFIS ANi .MI LE.V. To J VI fo t-, ior h-al Jaca. prrmium. a-lvrr ooiier 1 i.o. In LU Dtviosoa, ;or 3-j le sl J.cs, I.J VI Y t'.s. for bsl J.nuet, firsl prrmium, 1. r r-.e ai.ue. To W I .it II, for h. st pa r first premium. cast a m'e '1. in. J .VI ,-ir 01., tor ato best ,ir of M.lles. i!.l p't in, ,10a. ,itf tr. or, I To J .a I. lor o .t Mule guar 3 v-.r.ol.l, l preonuiu, si, ver cuti. Y I 1,0 J ll.rr.s, ot ...n us. lor 3d best Mole. 3d prtuiiuui, a. .ver 7 C E Bell, for be. t MuVeoll .uver cup 7 i J S Iwss, tan 3j j t.t pr. iii.oni, i , ,. i pretn oi . U. J M S 1 nr be.t Muic call aneer an TiloKOt Gfl-BliEDI Al 'CLE. D , v.u.o... for beat Durham Bill. first EC II. :. lor ie. I Durhasa Bol!, one 1,. h-sl prrauusn, silver eup. A B (i.i.otu.a. tor e-,i lijrntm as rar. "o S, In! p:ta, tsra. I To J Surinjt Dtidnii, for beat Durham be i far, 3 r old, firt premium, ailver fi.b knife. I YuW R Holt "f D iidon, (Prea'tor N. 0. State Society,) fur tx-t Pevon Boll, first irrmiuin, ailver lord bokrt. To Eiwin R Harria of Caborru, for lid l sl I), Tn Dull, 3d premium, iIitcu. j T.iC IV lloyle.uf liuluoC"UHIy. f-ir beat D.-Ton i Liu i I under 3 fere, fir.t prrmium, ailfrr (tibial. T, 'f S York D.nt, for bet Ayiealure Bull, Ami immiuin, ailvrr cup. 7'tt J M Pultn, lor beat jri.ia bull, 3d premium, a l.M.k. r.i H C DiYiMin, fur bcl (rde bull, one year obi. let p rniium. a book. 7o lien VI 1' Miana of Tabirrua. for beal Dur. bam heifrr, firal piennum, nlrr cup. 7',) J M Davidaiia, for bet Pcvoii bcifer, imJer 1st piiiiouin, ailerr cap, 7"j (, : layf, u( UkoIoii, lor trl (rd heifer un irr nne yi-ar. fnt premium, a book. 7"DrJM Dvidaon, fur bt.t Ueoii co. HI j pri iiiiiiiii, niver fmli kni'e. ! To Ui-o J A Yom E, fr b.l (mile bull.uiider ' tlirro jrra, lat premium, silver cnp. j V'.i P U Ch.mbera. of Iredell, for bt grade bu!l, i unii.r ihrtii rs. 1 ,1 ur.jiii uin. ai I rer card bjsa.-l. I 7'. .M.j. R Yunnjr. f r .bjrrua. lor beat lt , f -MiJcli ti, and C.r bet ntla Milch cow , & B, ,d I pint p.r...-lt premium, , f ,vcr rM te b tt. 2',i I'ul (I V Altx.mdcr, to' i 3 i Brst lot Milch cow, 3d urcoiiuin, ailer eujar ' basket. NATIVE AXD UBAHE TATTI.E. T,l.) Gnrr. f..r best vu. h.ifi-r. ibrr. year. Ii.ln, li si r mi i ii in , ilerre.ird baaki-l I j., k H lntf. Sr, for besl yoke of Oaen, 6rat p.cniium, pair n.Hi-r canairsucaa. 110(13. To A A N M T.y'or, for br.t Boar, one year old. first praimuiii. silver fisil knife. 7'o A A N M Tylor, f.r bi.l Sow and pir, first orfiiiiuin. silver joblet. 7o 1) M L-e, for ijd beal a.,w and pif, io pieinium, aiiver cup. 7'.. M N Tl. !.- linr.t p..r knar. wriin( 430 Ilia, lei premium, pair aiivirr caiiulcslicaa. PKtP. To W I? ioll of iJavoiaon, for beslSoiilli doon Bock, riral pr. iiuuiii. aiUer (oloel ; !ao l..r Uat S inli. down lion Uiiib, prem uni, siier cup. Tt i ''in A Young, for b it pen ol S.,ulli.nown Sncep, lirai prtiniuiii. 'lvtr c rd biaket. FARM PIIOIUC7S. 7o I r" Dixon, f..r bii(. i yu ld -I l"h P" tnioea, 3IU bualiela per acre, first pieimu n, ai.ver 7o J 4T. Unia for l.irfesl yield of ern to tbe icrr, ri't premium, enter aujar b.skei. T- Ur J M. S:o, U lH "' , polaloea, -Wi Dusiitia m r ! .,!. r knite. To buwin R lhn of I'abarrua, for be-t siiif le bu-lKl o To B Alexmidrr, tor best bushel of bread iiorn, 1st prruuuiii, s.Iver cup. 7'o J i" Lui, for esl aloe corn, 1st prennuin, SlUer Clip. T, V U.rhambira of Irede'.l, lor beat tmahel ot Hv, lat premium, a book. 'To M L Wallace for brat b f flour. lat pre mium ail.ercup. 7'j Parka A. Wallia tor 3d beat baj fl .ur, 3.1 pruiiu.oi, aiiver n..pliu ring. To John Wilkes fur bt.t barrel of flour, aiiver cu. T John O Km? for kest ti.buceo, lt piennum. ilver g.ibiet. 2o A' M owe.l, tor iu besl Tob.c c. Vd preiiiiuin aiiver cup. w .. . ii , r... k..i n.,...u innrCane Si rup, lat premium, silver cop 7o J II Aln ' . oj u.,1 irui.3d premium, aiiver npk riDf . , ? . I lu d 7. a-'i'ie. VFGETABLL. To Mra J M Hutch. son lor beat half bu.liel of ,. ' ... ...Uer cuu. 'J o Mr M lirier for beal hall bushel of Para. nips, hral premium, stiver lea neu. lol'J lUrna lor best ..i of Beela. fir.', prrmi. I uin. aiiver tea bell. To Mra M liner lor 3d boat J iut ol B -els, '.id premium, napain rirj. I To I - VV lloyle, for beal eauoae heaiia, firal pre , mium pair silver buuer knivea. I To P B I'hauibrra. for beat lot of Turnips, firat premium, silver cup. FRl'lTS. To We.lbrooka A. MeiideLhall. for largiat van. etv of Apples, firal premiuin. silver gobiel. T C W i,.yie, lor 2a besl lot of Apples. 3o premium. silver eu,. Mr Jaua Long axni-ncu snuo line Pea. -a. MAI HINFRY aD FARMING IMPLEMENTS. To J M Potts, for besl road wagon, firal preun n, ailvi r sugar basket. To J 11 Tiioinyaon, of D.vidaon.for two horsai ,, and Carl couiomed, first prauiiuiu, anver '"(',' rjuriieil, of Saliahury, for Wheat Fan, first premium, silver cup. To r R. C'1-.pp. lor Straw Cutler, first premium. silver tup. To Bojneu 4t fou, lor Sliaw I ul. j Ur, i'.i orem.uni, si ver bu ter amfe. 'io B-.veen & Son, tor best lorn Slieiier, nrsi omnium, silver cup To J II Thomptun. for 3 hoise Plough, first pre m.uni, s.iver cup. I'o Boyueu sV Sou, for 3d best 3 l.or.e Plough, silver eup. To llovden 4- Son. lor 3 orae Plough, firat ana Uil lirell'iuill. ai!ver fobiet. 1 To J P McGiuiiie, 'ur besl I horae Ploujh, fi. at premium, .over eup To B'.yuto A S-n, lor V.u be.t I horse Plough, 3d preiiiiuin. T. B-.ytieii iL So, lor be.t I'u.t.vaUr, firat pre. mioo.. si ve: go.Vl. j ToJ-i-epn Marnea, for aupenor barveat credit, firsl p.eoiiuiii, silver g-ib'et. T 1 J A Fox, f-.r Eagle Plough, silver gobiel. To S L B ind, ol Greei woou, S. C, lor an uu liroved Tu ,er lor Suiim'a forge, first pre.1u.u111, ail- "to'j'a Fi, for Lithe Mchine. Sugar Mill, Hat R.ra, and lot of laat'Dgs, firat pren.iuin snvtf g-.hlel. To W K IJjwarrls.tif Green. borough, for Corn n uc.rr. n-at premium, i ver cuj. I o VV ni Tiu iy A. Son, lor work, 1st pr. uiiuiu, .liver cup. CARRIAGES. To John Il .rty, for beal Buggy . firsl prrmium. s.iver cup. Io Time E Brown, ol S.lisiiury. (r 3j besl boggy, 3o premium, silver cup. .Mr B own a, so eli.iotiru a bi.ln.soms s.elelon .-uiay. SADM.E-S and harness. To S M Sauuie nu ilaroeaa, premi um, ai.ver cup. liOOl'S.MIUtS AND LEATHER. To I! a in a, or A. Soagie, of Lincoln, lor best aa sniiieiit ol Leatner, firsl premium, pair silver c.n eh sties a T 1 It FSinionli.B.tor Bt-sl ..aorunent of Leatner. 3 I premium, silver goblet 'io Kamsoor Sl M.pi, lor oesl Sole Leather, fir.t (.r, 11,111111. silver goinet 'I o R F S'liionlon, of .sule.vilic, lor 3d besl sole Lealnsr, i Im cup. Tali F S, lor nest I'ppt r, s.i .r up. 'I'o H F Siinonion, lor u. sl ktp and call sain Leather, first premium, pur silver caoalestioaa. To Ranisoiir A. Se.g.e, lor beat baraae Leather, i I o J sh elly, of Thoinaaville, for liie best assort. 1 Dirnt ol lio- i. and Sow a. firal premium, pair aii ver caliOlrelllrse. I iMiVlEvrif; MANITACI LUES. I To J Vic I lou a l.l II Son, ot Concord, lor besl bale of I oil.. 1. V in,.i'vr card basket. To Gen W II, lor 3- Utsl bale yarn, 3d preuuuni, silver lo M J ..... t; 1 Willi Walhiee, for best hand wove ilver Ira bell. To Mis John 111., 'atl pr.isiiuiii, anver cup. :e, 1 r be.l pur noioe-iiiaoc 111, silver cup. .1 preiiiiuin, BealtV. lor best J To Vl-a EC, B, in. els, lira! ptrmi I 1 .VI,.. r..lorr Be nr., lor brat wool hose, firat l.remluln. a lser bntlrr To Mrs Franklin St. fiord, for lust Carpeting, firal piritiiuin. pair silver holler an.vea. lo Mi. a En. ma Ross, for straw Carpeting, firsl pri-miuni. s,iv-r it.p.ui ring. To Young A Wr.aloii. lor Foiled t'ee.imerea in,. Tw I. to h-.r.iys, tirst premium, silver cream LAlilES' I.EPARTMENT. To C W iloyle, f .r best dried Apples, first pre ! mium, . ii- 01 s. ver t.ut'tr niv.s. To Mra M ! i,rier,o.j be.l dried fiuil,a!d prciiiiom, sii ver n.p j km rn-ar. j Tu Mr Win C Mean., for best h.lf ho.hel f dried oeacnes. first premlom, silver bulter kmle. , To M's I A W nsun, lor 3 l beal dried peaehea. 2.1 j pr. in.u.n. a.lver napkin ring. 1 To Mra W in C Moana, lor neat grape Jelly, firat Mr. M larirr, lor Ap,.le and IJ.t nee Jell,. Iver cream ul 1 Ii ge Marimiaie, hrsi pre iiiiu. 11, s pile Mr C M.-.n., for be.t Crab App Pre. , mium, n.pam ring. t Ford, for beal I. ass Mean Pie. seiv-s. krst pre, mum, loo napkin r.ngs. T Mrs K im Borw. II. f..r leal P.ckiee Cal-b .ge, ae.t ftae'i Mii ( si c ( oen-nb r I H101, first prwvir.. ei vfr rS .Yti. To Mra A C Willmerin, for best aweet Pick, led Peachea, firat prebiuni, sileer builei knife. Tu Miaa Emily Neb, for beat lof ol Bread, aalt rising, preminm, naajiin ring. To Miaa Nannie Burwell, for beat loaf Bread, Imp yeast, napkin rin(. To Mra Dr Strong, or Wat five poumla Butter, first premium, napkinringa. T Mrs J II Cnrauu, lor 3d heat Bolter. 3d premium, eilver lea bell. Tu Mra Eowin llaris.of I'alwriua, lor euprriot Slriiwln-rry Wine, lint premium, nlvor tea bell. Tu Mr E t! I)aid'n. for fine Muaeadine and naliv Ur ise Wines, fret premium, silver lea be II. To Mrs E S Birref, of Gaaton, Ihr bl apeci. men of Needlework, tyhwk and coat,) first preu.i. mo, aiiver card basket To Mra I - FSlacy.tbr Embroidered Shawl, firat premium, butler kmle, Tu Mm M Weber, of Cleavelund, for an Olio, man cover, firat premium, napkin ring. To Miaa Thomas, of Thomaaaiile, for an Otto man cover, premium, ailvsr lea bell. To Mri M llen.lerssn, for fbild'a Dreaa, fiist preiiiiuin, napkin ring. To Miaa Sillio Brown, of Davie, for Embroider cd Vast, first premium, silver tea bell. To Mra Knot Krd, far beat Needlework, first premium, pair butter krivea. To Mra J W O.U.. me, lor Linen Embroidery, first premium, pail silvir butter knives. T-j Misa llainniereko.d, of Lincoln, for fiosa. Slilch on Canvass, first preiiiiuin. silver lea bell. 7o Mra M L Wruloa, for S.ifa Cushion, first premium, pair aiiver butiar knivea. 7b Mra Robert Siiaw, for Wax Fruit, firal pre niiniii, napkin ring. 2 i Mra S CJiienia. of Cabarru, for Hair Work, prenni'ii:, bolter ki.iie. 7o Mra J-a p Ir in, fer Chila'a Cap, firat prc iniiim, napkin 1'iig. 7o Miaa Pfeil, lor Lauy'a Hat, firat preinitini. aiiver butler knife. To Mra Rolwl Shaw, "or Embroidend I'tllir, 1st preiiiiuin, bultur kivJr. To Mrs Hy-stJy, irf fVeslivl Tidy, 1st premium, butler k"ilu. To MisaSue I. JohtaUn, of Lincoln, I'rochel j Shawl, lal premium, si v. r tea bell. 7'u Mrs T l I'aldWel, for pieced bed Uuilt. 1st preoiiiini, silver eup. 7o Mra B W Ali nailer, for double wove loun. Irrualie. 1st premium, sliver CTr.m pilelu-r. 7'o Mrs K S Young for bell box cunules, lat premium, 11-ipkiii ring. 7'. Prol IMI ias, Lr best Oil Painlings, ll pre nun. 11. silver eup. To Mrs I. II alker,ol Greens-b.-iough, lor 3d beal O.I Painting, 3d preuii 'in, ail. V.r bell. To Miaa Mary Stewart, for Painting Indian Summer Scene lal premium aiver buiur anue. POCLTItY. ; To J M Polls, fur beat game thicken, I si pre nmiin, napkin ring. 7'o liobl V Daviuann, for beal Wriely of Fowls, lal preuuuni, pair n.pkin rmga. JEWELRY'. 7o J G Wilkineou Sl Co. for a ail of Jewelry, home. made, premium, silver cup. 7'o R W lleckwilii, for an Anier.o.n manufac tured chronometer Waieh, m ida of tleckUnburg county gold, premium, a.!vtr cup. On each day ihc Big Spring Brass E.11J attend cd and enlivened Ilia occaa.oo by the charming alraina of their muaie. On Friday, before the dispersing of lb crowd, J .a. W. Osborne waa loudy c.U-.d for, who au :raaaad the crowd with one of ins hsppiral tfforl- Large Potatoes. Wa received lasl week, from Mr. nigh l'"-J. of L'nion coi.nty, two very fine potatoes, ol Hie Louisiana pecies. one weighu.g eell and loe other 6 pound, fur which lie will ptca-a accept ur Ihanaa. Tneae beat 'he poiaiire, eur Iriend of lua itullieru.r.ilon Eituu tr ia bnigjing ali. nl W a were ao much elated al the good luck lint had befallen us that we must need a aend them to the fair, anticipating ia) our imagination, what a rich treat we vrutild have in caiing tlani. liul. There being many a al p Belwren the cup and li.e bp, wa were diaappuiulea) 111 our pleasure; for aot aend iug to the fair ground aa early aa we should have done, (had we thouglit there waa say ul losing t.icni) soma person has taken ihi 111 i-tT, tin ok. ing, we-Buppoee, taal they had a belli r right to then- thai we had. If Ihey were taken in a una lake we hope the per sou wiil return tbt m to our ..ffna. We have a'an to Ih .nk Mr. J imri Dealon. af I.edell, for aweet poutoee weighing four pounda. The Affair t.t Harper's Ferry. We learn from our ennai sea thai many lef.eis have been found wlmli go lo show thai fie eft .ir al irper'a lerry waa deeply Lid achcinc by some of Ihe ebolili'tniale lo aid 111 murdering Ihe people of the South be csu.n j an insurrection of Ihe negroea. For'.unalelv for us. the lell inh nln.o uf these niyrruidona did nol succeed. But lhat was n ,1 fault. Toe.' did everything tlity e..uld by collecting money lo pay for i.'im lo b put in liieir hande with whici to n.or.i.r us. Wereg.ri tnat a I of ihem are not m our power, lint the juat desert of their aourdernu intenln na c.ulo lie meted out to them. In our nex'. we will give amo of lhe tellers. Snne of Hm m implies Us J. R. Giddings, but he dmit Ihe charge. I..ter report aaya, lhal S.wird, Sumner, tie end Dr.Miwe, of B sloo, were implicated in the matter. Trial of Brown, etc. The Iris) of Brown and l.ia aaaocialee waa com. menced iu the Jt flej.nn county l-ircnit Court, or. the 36th ull. The Grand Jury have found Irue bilia against tha prisoners, r.l, for eonspir ng with negroea, to create an insurrection ; atc.u.l, treaaon sga nal tlie e .n.nioi.wraih of Virginia ; and, tliird, murder. 7'.e nid.ciuieuts bring reati, the prisoners plead " Nol Gu.nty." Too Curl as.igned Inaiii couna-1 and incy w.U have a fair trial. The Capture of Cook. Cook, one ol In insurgent who ascated fioin .rper'e Fury, wa. srre.ted near tliam her.burg. Pa., 011 tire Ui u ml- II" cominiaaion a.giicd ly Brown, waa found uu hint. sr.. lueniyied and Waa Coimoill- d lo J . I to aw.ll the reijuislion of Gov. Wiaa. l.v- P.rKor I. .a or aVired him t be giveu up lu Gov. VV ise. Hon. LrM Boyd The Vickburg Suo of the ldib baa the following alluMou lo llou Lyuu Boyd : Hod. Lyuu lloyd, speaker of the House of lUprtaaulativee, waa tallied from tiia Hotel, on Saturday laat, to lb caia, on hia way to Cooper Well, be ia ve ry low and not expected to recover. New, Oct. 24. BU'ODY E.MJAUaHKNT WITH l.'iblA.NS fjaifestou daUa to the aiutu bav ticeu re ceived. 1 be Dallas Herald publishes a rumor that Maj. Vau Dora bad Allcked a body of lu diaua au Coucha river, had lost 4U uicu, aud killed luU luiiians. PuiLADtl.l'HlA, Oct. 22 Disaimimo a C'tiLtiatu avliLiTAar Cum PAiy 'Ihe arsoa reeeuily lurui.bed to a colored toluuleer eouipauy iu this euy, have bati taken away by tlie Adjutant General ol Pennaylvauia, iu coueequeace of tbe Har per Ferry aflair. Milamijolv AciTDInT. A melancholy accident occurred ia Moore eouuty a law daya ago. A boy about 13 years ef age, Ihe sou of John McDonald, while driving attached lo a lareabiDg machine, waa kicked in Ibe bead by one of ibeia and aied ji.eieatly Iniinul Mcciin: of Ihe Sctklfuburj Agrlculln rul Sorifijf f ir 199. Cmahi.ottb, N. U., Oct. 27. The iiiiiuul meeting of the Mecklenburg Agricultural Sooinlj coovetied iu tbe Court llou..e iu Charloito at 7 o'clock. A. B. lvidfon, tbe Preeidenl, present and presiding. Tb? iniuuten of tbe tbiee Uet meeting were read nd adopted. Col. B. W. Aleixiidir introduced ibo fol lowing resolution to wilt Resolvrtl, That ihe former Committee ap pointed lo prepare and report a Constitu tion end code of by-law for the goverG nietit of ihi-a Society be continued in office until they report n amended Coneiitution to a future tiiei'liiiL'. authoriting the ap pointnient of It u Vice President of llii So ciety, and embracing auoh oilier reform mul alteration as ihey may thiuk Ihu iutcr-t-ats of ihe Society demand. The Resolution waa adopted unaniuiou ly. The election of Officers of ibo Society for the ensuing jeer was entered upon, and A. B. Davidson, Erq , a uuxuiuiously re elected PreaiJeut. On moiiou, II. S Yoirir, R. J. McDowell And L. S. iViiiiams, were appointed a Committee lo elect aud t. port leu provi-ional Vice Prc.i dents to serre until the ConMitution shall be amended fe aa to anihorize an annual appointment of tb( nuinblr, who rrported, to the meeting the following gent'emen lo wit : (Jen. J. A Young, of Charlotte, K U. Harris, of Cabartu., 11. J. McDowell, of' Iredell, Dr. C. L Hunter, of Liucolu, Ja ' per Sioe, of lia.lon, Tho iVimhealer, of 1 Union. Dr. V. 11 Holt, of Davidaon. A. B. Spring, cf i'ork Di-triet, S C, W. P Ore ham, of ltowati, K S. Young, of Cabarrus, and Jatiir Miller, of Lanca-tur, S C. aud : iby were elected I y II c S A-ii ly . j On motion of (Jen. Young, A. C William- ' on wa re elected Secret-try. By rn Youd, ! l-evlwl. That the thanke of the Meek I lenhurg Agricultural Soeicly, are due and hereby tendered 10 P. J. Loarie, as a mem ber. aud aa tbe Treasurer of the Society, for hia efficient service, ai. ) ibat he be uDnniinny-ly re-elected Treasurer for lb ensuing year. The Hesolution was unanimously adopted By the aauie, Its Iwd, the thank cf thi Soeie ty are due and are, hereby tendered 19 H M (Intra, CI i. f Maball. and hi a.i-tau:, fir their m,Meiit service, a Marshall al the An.:'i-1 Fair of tlm ocieiy for tbe pre ent year By. U J, v'e')-e.. 'thai the Kxecuuve Coniinitter of ibe S'M-ieiy bo a iibori ed to offer suit able prrmiuiii fir Ihe best r..y 011 the UiO-l pracitcal meaiia, or pUn, of rcioring the rxbau-ted soil of the Wr.lerii secliou ol North Carolina. The Ke.olu'ion wa unanimously adopted By lien Young, Jirtohn, That a vote of thanka are ten dered 10 T. (J. V. Mjer for hi aetive teal ml unliricg aid 10 the Kxecuuve Commit ta in geitiu the Fair (irouuda in eondi lion for our present Fair, and that ho be elected an honorary member of ibe Society The Resolution wa uuauiraoualy Adopted By James VV. (.borne, .'fWi'", That a vote of thanka Are hereby tendered to the Hod D M liar rin :er, for hi able; and very instructive Addt'f.r, delivered before t lie Soeiely at tbe Fair Grounds to day, and that a Com miltee of three members be instructed to re ij le-t a copy of aa'd Address from ibe llou. geniUiuan, for the u-e of Ihe Society. The lieaolution wa unaiiim ouly adop ted, J4. W. I). borne, K ij , Dr C. J. Foi, and W. J. YAte, were appointed a com mittee to eonnii in C lie Ihe above r--olu lion to Mr Birriner, an I obtaiu copy of the ad d re- By A. C. Wil.ianion, l.ruv'i'il, Tnat a vote of thank i unaoi tnou-ly (eiidered to ieo Jno A. Young, Chairman of ibe Kiecutive Committee, for bia successful rffirts in conducting tbe necessary preparations to achieve for the bonor of the Society, all ihe glories of tbe present Exhibition, tbe tno-t brilliatit that ever tran-pirea iu North Carolina. The resolution wa unanimously adopted On motion of J W. O.borue, Kt , tbe practical views of Ihe President, A. B. Da vidron, were lucidly and instructively auh milted lo the Society, by Mr. Davidson. Oo motion of Mr. Osborne, ibe President of the Stale Agiicultural Society, Dr. Win. II Holt, edifj-d ibe meeting by a few ai-n ml, le and pi rtii, i nl remarks, ou the subject of Agriculture. The election of an Executive Committee v a deferred lo a future meeting of the- So eiely, to A-.t'iiihle al ihn call of the Chair in nn of the pn-.riit Kiecutive Couiiiiiiieo, which shall continue to eierci.e it (auc tion, until such meeting. The meeting then adjourned A B. DVVIDSON', I'rrti'lrnt. A. C. Willi Mdox, Arc'ry. Tiic Fkioate Shannon. Tbe following paragraph, of aomv iulere.t lo the Auieiicau reader u from tbe London Timea : : The Biiii-b li ,ny i- ju-t about lo lose one i of the old frigate which played A Con.p'C I I ou part during tin- American war the M.I Liwrence, firin-ily called the Shannon,' which, under ilm eniiiiniiiid of Capt. P Brooke, attacked and mails ihe capture of ih fniiotia t liit'-spnuke on lhu 11 of JunsJ 1713, hating arii.,,1 at ('halhani Tuesday,! iu low of tbe A mean and Adder, for Ihe purpose of hi in,; broken up The St Law-j reuc ha been .iniioiied at She-erne fur ome time, where -be b l.ei-n employed in harbor service, but the admi.alty bate bow order her to be taken to piece. A D.iunii 1 1 or Kvt Bkhuilino Sart. Ptvrs Al the Kne county (N.Y.)Fair, lait week, there was a young girl, sixteen year of age, who had with her a boa of snakes, comprising several rattlesnakes, cop per heads, California racer, and other., all of tbe most venomous character. These snakes she beodlrd io Ibe most fearless manner, winding ibe in about ber neck, waist and arms. All Ilia FoaTUal Spxvt -Lady Frank lin has apsut all her fortune io Arctic re sesrehss. She is in South of Frcbcc, in ill health From the Petersburg Press. TRIP TO MOUNT VERNON. , A few week since I made a fljiiig visit from the greit City of Maguilioeut DU lances" to ibe shade and suii.-hities of Mount Vernon. The sun shone fjrtb in II hi gorgerou prido, aud the fice of the country looked beautiful along that entire Ipuie, so traversed by the great aud good Washington. Approaohing tlie fpot so dear to tin Irue American heart, the sccuery i extremely grnrd etiti beautiful, and iu almost every direction as far as the eye can reach upou ihe bosom of the lovely Potomac, one U de lighted at the object around, render ed doubly attractive by the noble as sociation irom which the Sully name of our country a Father i inseparable. A I advanced towards ihe venerable, mansion no being temporarily rescued from decay I wa inspired with the truest leeling of pleasure aud gratification with the thought that ihe women of our country had, by their patriotic exer tions, ao nearly transferred thi richest of boons to totir owu sacred keeping; aud bow, since the properly itself wis almost paid for, our country-men wiibin not many years will have the satisfarlionof aeeing this noble spot, hallowed abot e all other upon our broad liomaiti, beautified and restored in all il vicinal fair proportions. Thi, from time to lime, as the ladies continue their griirrou apptai.a, realizing the other odd $ iillO.l'HU.or .ilhl,(ih yet w anted, will unquestionably be done, and a pilgruagc of our ehiiltaiu a Hon e will iu future years indeed be a bright aud glowing paou iu one's ou bi-.lory. 1 should judti it would Iske something of an amount lo ker-p up Mount ert.on Willi lhal dignity which would be becoming and proper, evi-u after it I. fully unproved and restored. Ibe wharf, lor in.iance, ahich the weight of my own person caued lo os cillate wheu walking upon il, " po-iuvely hocking," and would seem lo liteilad s'i c aiieiitlou at oiice, au l a good in!lai'httl s'oiC On should I.e placed where pa-aseiigtia Irom the boat arc co in imm nei.i danger of losing iheui-rlve. through the etetice, and even though tbey may have yid ibt'iryuir, 1 thiuk il aould la a moi tod ipe.nou whether tbey ever wotld be "joumt " Ntxt would be a regeneration of ib roada and walk, pamoularly the former, ill lib land route lo Alexandria, 'lhal road, commencing with ibe ancient entrance, leading Ihioub a lovely wood, aud former ly a carnage road, would seem lo ri'jiir iititnediale He v. lopiiient, aud woaid be very ea-epual; fur a aureiy as we now live, wbeu tbe home of Ihe uoble VV, tou ia really v!.itabie for do it i nut atrielly ao, although slew bundled come heie twice a week fioef.iWx will then tnrong tl, boib by laud and water, to pay homage to that shrine of I reed qui. econd obi) io your own Hail. lu view ot much ab-urd twaddle pro nounced against Mr. a.hiugloii, Irom wuolii Mis Cuniiiliham puioliase ibia property, wb', I ask, would lb ladies now aril Mount Yvtuou lor ? Tuii.k you that a mil.iou of the ba.l tirgin go.d Au.ira.i or Calilornia could produce would le purcua-e that " modest IllaUtlOU ' back again' Or a doieu such placs as Blenheim, anb ail its " pomp aud etr cuinsi.uce,' be taken io exchange ' No, not a bit of it Ktea though " Jobu Cburcbill dog keiiu.l " (seeortilug 10 Mr Kvelell a descilplloo of lh l.'aka ot Marlborough a estate) dnl eo-l a much as ibe pittance iveu by ihe Mount emou Aa .ocialion, thiuK you all additional coma poudiug graiiueur w--...jid measure a tube of in of Wa-hingtou a borne tieailing to ur pielFtadiiiely amid luosa tolly and beau lllol tires 1 Asaurvdlj lift- UI Mr. W.sliiugtou 1 would say. '' i'4'il, that I louL.I liiaj a very eourtroji and agreeatii gelilieluau. H baa puld'aa-td a prupnly in Fauquier county, Ya , io enitb point Le intends ivuioviog with Lis lu.i.y, wl ru be Lands Ctrl ll.e Hue uuir l,:s We.llold, a Coloird man, we eurouuirn d ai,ibe gaiueu gate, is a e.i.roier of en, .id ei aide in ter I i- quite a Valuable aoj inol lo Mt. Veiawu aud lis belonging. lis told me Ibsl be csioe to f Li at spot but a couple of yeat alter ibe General died, but wbeu ouiy eleven yeara ef ae, remembered seeing him lying tu bis eofbu. He spoke with some warmth of the time wbeu Mra Washington lited aud the di.lingutsbed personages who from lime lo lime had wailed there, the bauds of mu'io frnpiruliy oo the grounds, detailed fro' the b.vy yard to discourse I, ii ir aweet traiB-, iu ahorl, be dwell with luueb debgbt upon the heroic pa.l, and that gloried brigblneaa of tl.e abode of our great cbiellaiu bo, for ever passed away VS csilord laik 'ell, and wrote bia nam in my note book very le.inly and correctly Ibe views aiound aud about Ibe man aion are incomparably beautitul ; eitlnriu the rear, wbiih command the rp .oi .u lawn, and II hue avtiiu.ol choice liee-, some ol winch by Wa-liiligiou bnu-tll ; or the Iront, wletu I lie nobie i'o toinac pie.euls itself at your Ic-l lu many picturr-q le phae an l w induiga, at fording numerous uijeet for ttie arli.l penoil or (on I a pen I should j ide ihe inan-icn wasaoin 'l't or Ion leel above Ihe water's edge, and, mouuling atill higher to a cupola, one a pieaa ure i suil increased, not ouiy by the glo nous panorama presented to lbec)e, bal the feeling wbicli crowds ilelf upon you, that you ate standing iu ibe ry jiietnue ol our country's Hero, who, with spyglass in baud, from the same spot, sixty years ago, gaxed upou ibe-e self aauie acenea aud oh j.-Cia wbicb uow ao gladden llio beail of tbe visiter. My feara of tr. -passing too much upon your eolumus deter me from exlundiiig thi n-t) letter, otherwise 1 would give in de tnl, many objeris of interest aad value within thi mau-iou, winch my eye rested upon Mo-t reluctantly did 1 le. the pot, con-cioii that wrcax Mislead of lumrt wuotd hardly sufjice lo fully drink iu, at one, lb sweets uf ibis aacieil draught, and convey anything short ol a taint glnnp.e of its balivs lovcliuss aud Iti hallooed aa eociatiou : A thing of beauty ia a joy forever ;" and well aod truly wiil I reuiembar Ihe pleasure of my first visit to tbe boiue of VVashiugton. 1 a-o. rtained from Mr. Il. rbet that it was the intention of the ladte to restore Mt Ver Boa to the conditiou it wa in wbeu Wa-h-ingion lived there. Hi half brother, I,a7 renoe, selected the present site of the uiaio building, and eveu afier more than a cen tury a eear aud tear, (one hundred and fourteen year,) parts of it are remarkably firm aod aouml ; the addition of the baa q ietitig room ou the north, and the library ou ibe south, were made by Wa.biagtiu himself after the Revolutionary war. Thi year ia the centennial anoiversrsy of VTtsaiof lon't marriage (UiU) Oae kua. dred yeara ago he brouuht his l0r, , . Martha, lo bi Pototuao home I A world of pleasant though.., erof the mind iu reverting to tho-e tj)(il "' the noble epiiit who have asscmblrj'i1"1 during the pai-t their bopn, a, r( !r" and aorrovt j but at some 'future time l' givo you a more detailed letter upi)l J"'1 jeel wniub U gathering more a, , " tnrvst a the time approaches f,, , !"' lo tuko possession of the property Tlt, !'.' no ami usually disagrceuble' sti, 0t ' weather during the niourh of Ft.uri thi quarter, would seem to forbid eiiiility of a " grand flourith," in n '01" of an Inauguration, ou the Jo,) . "V month, IfCti, the anniversary of hi, day, but tbo 4ihof .Inly. t).v nstio,,', j",' day, I hnvei no doubt will be selected f.jr imputing ceremony. ' No words would seem too eulnoi,,;,, , press the lliaitk of every irue Aii,,,lc', heart for the great and uoble act ao getically oarried forward and accom-l'S by that patriotic daughter of South Cr0 lina, Mi Ann Pamela Cunning,,,,, in spile of much opposition, erjaing ' noble bean to falter, h i encourao, , ai.tera thtouhout the Union to prompt j ' lion iu behalf of thi enterprise. Siie " won a name which trill nevrr he forgotten" It pain me to look at that wretched n aliall, our nutiutfil monumri,t aen,,!,,, (J hide its diminished In ad. Twenty first,., ot feeble solicitation have called f0M( i about l(i 00 IJ and by the last gal,,,,;, proce.a of pot ofli.-o eoutrihution bus rets, ed. iu some ctses, generous return, foibid its failure this lime ! Bit mil ,(,,'," tiling more is demanded to warm up 0)r rlugu'ib, and impart lo it ib,t irue-pirit which the ladi-a h,,e .nll0 thi. M Vernon enterprise, and wl.iili, o,, i,f lln ir excellent management and r I, a-rett el. q-ienee, ha. resulted .aa.limr, at). I )...r.. r lo the Int.. I , p. ,, uji on it, with .neb mur-liaU in tin-ti ' d u , I . euch f icellflil g, Inp, (up h iut,;., q iired by the -oi-i 1. ion 1 11 te-l it ii, ,, 1; j 111 lint, bsncc wiil ea.liy iie rai-ed. .0 t, j.iv I lit 111 Cool tel. or fi loeli ib l'l-ii, I , year, long before our nttioiial , make another ten fett advance. rilELt M IN A It V KX A M IN TI..t. A tugi.:rate' court met al Chiir!rtoi Va.on ye-ierday, to extu.ine tl,e ( ir;, captured at lli.rpr-r Ferry, who a-r .t gaged iu Ihe iii.urrr ci ion Col Dvenport presided, and ChuV, L' Harding and Andre II , inter. K-.'. . peered for the ('oinniouwralih. Ibrpn,, i, er were biou. lii in amid pr ofoun I .1 f, all of tin 111 lorkiii,' haggard and rei . liroan seeaied more feeble an) of :li Ir.l ! Brown and Kdwiti Coppee aer inina-1-j loeiber Brown seem-d baggird, am, : 1 ryes swollen from the effeete of the is-.ii ou bia bead. c i unu j irr l S ,.fJ eeiiird lr-a iij irid than Uid liroat., : .1 lookeJ bagt-ard and ilepre.-cd t iu al-o a number of wound- 011 the hrid John Copa-land it a bright mu .m, 1' it twenty hie year of age. t.rernuaiti nrgrr. about ihi'lv )ears of ;e ffCsmpb II read ibe cotmniii m f ti.e pi j. oners on the charge of trei-on :i murder, when Mr. Harding, the S'ttrt At. torney a-L'd lhal tbe Couil u.i, 1,1 1.1 eoun-ei for tl.e pii-oner. if tbet Lad 1, 1 Ibe Court iiq tiled if ll.e pn-l, Ml coun-el. wbeu Bioau addie-.d tut ' ..- aa follow. : "I did not Bk for any qisrtrrtt ' : lime I wa Itkeli I did bol a-t I, 1 mye f spared. Tbe tioternor of n, . 1 of Virginia tendered me hi i- il I should bat a fair trial, ai, I m.iirr -ji eircuin-tai.eet wl.a'etrr sill lbs t r :i Bttrhil lo trial. If jou sei k 1111 L.oo-i. i can have It without ihc moe.ri uf it:., I hate bd no muul 1 h e 1 i" bl lo sdti-e with one t iiiioe tv ,' ab' ul Ibe feetltlig of In Irlloa pi-.n'., ml am utter y unable lo atei,,l m n 1 lo my 0u ileft nre My u 1) ' ' l trnr 111. My health la n.-uffi t.l 1 "t . Iii.pioi llib' There are niluain g n r. a sl iiieio, if a fair trial is 10 be enow.! a t -it 1 woul'i give in our favor. It t if we rr to be forced wad a mere for in cf a lr 'al i i cut ou. you might spare yoorst iiei tlit ble I stu ready for Iny fate. " I a-k a I e efused from lh mnci''J of atrial. 1 do not know bat ilue.i,n of this rxaniiuaiiob i. 1 do know i,t a IO bs ll.e bi-Ut Sl of i. to lb t'oinm ni"" 1 bate uow little 10 a-k oiber ibtn I be not publicly inu'lrd a m.arJlj I"' barisii insult ibo.e who l.l n'J band.." The Court then assigned II u ' J l'-1' 1 er and L.qii Hulls. K- , c "i,-n liie arctl-ed, Ilm foimernt Il -ui di r itJ and tbe laiur acc. pled tbu .p oiunntll. U.VAMUlll. V. 1 llAIIH.Mnt "' Ihe llallloril ( U'lin-t I- I " ,! ) " iliiniil al i uie ot Ibe VV oin ola 1 tit- r.i rovl 1 1 lie ..). oil I- tjnu- cuo it loads " Alniu-l every wotum claim- nne lor li.-r precoiua se f, an I on-. " " a 'ir0iu.4 tipres i.ui, "to t ie I ur." 1; make no u.C 1. uc '"' men are slandiug 'ip. the fair C l must have room. Sometime '' Ced wouiali ( never u-e lu '"y uch a coutieoiioii,) spread ain trap, over four s.stt. T')' one. 1 he eondui-tot. au.i.ble u.en J are, never iuteifer lo give eveiy riglila. They, probably. M niuoli betipeiked al home to "iasc I jt men du tu-iiee abroad I l.e,e i nothing that so ""'-f , l.i Lit lb utterly uiiaiuibl cbri'1' aomiiii, a lb. cold ha'lgbly "-"'''"' rilua and comlort of omer. A m . ... love with .girl, -bodb'.bclorel.' a Clare bitliscir. wtlue. ho. aba co.,luC a erdided car. It i K""'1 c' k , , ber aeltisl.De... She will a" kiud wile or mother. Wat' It i redoiuineiidcd to the '"' , fjrtu a ' Men s Ri.'hi Society. .conductor to give them M. Ul are i:y l spare T,.tMlKAV1LLCA.-T'; ing, it. Ihe McKenna nil a. "P" tttJ peal from the decree '6 mad up and ihe C.e docktl-'i ;., term. I'her. ... no . fJ-U Iro- ' 1 ' , to try Ihe ce tin term. An or ,ri aubniirted by iheappealUnf. """".f-d b, hi Honor Judge, lot b that Ibe Ordinary be re. " lb. original .H l" tb C.erk ef lh 1 to be attached to commission atiiitiaiiou of the subscribing l,u' " f. will,wtiiiflveruch oounn"!""' perly ud fir and issued by ! , t ,h. I hu. lb. great difficulty h..- ((Jl. progress of the cause in the UrJ ia removed.-.'''"' U'd '

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