NOVEL BEADINu-ITS PERNICIOUS I A few Subbaths in aJdr?asitj roy people from t be text ' One tinner destroy eth much good " I uok oeeion to speak of on luclLod cf dei.lnyriig pood, that of pulii.Liiip and circulating portiirio'is b"oks. TLis led ma li notice lie cotifi-Mons of tho-e who hid fallen from pT-iuon ct vir- j . . v. .v. --..I:,, , ff and rtfj ectaui..t)-, t y the reaauij; ot , , . f,l . Novtla, On leaving the bousa of uo.l, a , 5, , i ,iil, rr.t'p!r,.n addressed me who said. 1 luaw .-.. ,r Jr.n.Ai heart trui!. of rnnr re- , , i . i i.. ..,sr,r marki on novel reading, for 1 have suttered v i m j . ; . ,h nri-ti- ' ll.auWoientlv sent me ibe iV.loaiu. fact, in bis bUtoTy which I fire you in his own language. " With a siaeire, acot;'isl spirit would I warn the yanj, of the destructive influence of navel reading I was religious ly educated and in eir'y life became a broiler of aa evangelical church with fi'r prospects of a hifpy and useful life. My raind was f;te frib cuiil taint, an 1 I turn el with horror from every eipres-ioo of lrCCDtiouMirfa and iLalJtiky and as to itronj dri.-.k, tb?npb I fortunately cutro ted a levc cf it wLtu ' u:t youni. yet at the Tire cf mh;rb I sprsk. I who'!y .btsined from its ue, from y-ria-.-ipIe. Kut ubhappi ly owir.; 13 tie f'eat reputation of Scott's Novels, and n.j tete firrea lioj 1 bought aid readii'fm; ani w-ll do I rimeober th:r perLicl.vts (Sccis op n my mind. " Tie wit, wblcb nmda ti c peculiar d vstion of tbe Sctii-ri t'orecarters appear tj iliicu'.ou, aUaard ad super-tin -U', jos t'.id the Terr comer slot:, of tnv filth, be eaave I was yoang aa i a y mind uodsscip list d a:id bal erer Inn tvi.t t reir-, etce sad. tlU,. Af:;f tfeotl. I rnd Mr rtatt, wlich U fir corer it. I Uiore u'iri: fiNed lit its iujnj if s.i'.y and i'.i'pbcoiy, and to much so, tia'. I cou'.d not hare been 5- Jited to read it. Ltd not a tiste for such reading, a ft-eiing that a trict experitnen tal lil'.gico, was Witud by the i-ncrant oaly been it-Jjced by tin pcrul of Ecitt't woik Af:-r rali: j Marry at: I w reparei tj rd 'J'LuiLan Pa D" or any tbicg e.te bowcfr l;cectioa, bit'phenious r dci:icil it n-i.Lt be ; but bad Paine'a wsrks leeo prcn.Ll.d to n.t I -'ore reai::g a;' cf tb-e noTtli, I Live sUruck f.oaatbcm wub horror. From rpto iLfidtl i:r tbe n.i:jd f tL. yjun;. rf!i.iou-!y tda cited, tsrii a from deadly f-)i-B, bat the tame (til jir; d:?o:sd ui ot'ute J in tbta lOttli, in pre- J t:l- T an 1 gr.Jaai y inilcuatrs it f h i ;'ke c i v : c j ir.edicii.e tj a cbi.d c.-r- d it. i;-r Mi eti'l e. cotaiii,. t jt what i- -efl to u.- ta.-te, aad b:ies ti.ere i ty'w.:j Ut u:r iu wilt be is aVout to ni.3. but tbe p i-iiti ii tbcre eeTcr:Ltir. ar d it .!' ur T:e. Is short u;j r i:ciu- prii,c 'pies ere fjestrsted, I yi.dcd to iuj liutoi t 4; ::,k, aid tt'.er'.y fu urd ti.jt.f " Tbe bad E rt of torel rtii's. ire li.aii..'eted iu rar ou wyt. Tbey lara :Le aind cf lie yjut; a.-ili.rt the or . r y J arsaiu cf '.Iff Tt b-roccf tbee i. r e.s. ly an ut t--.J. -.-;tit. a-ii r- !j: esarae, spji'y arrive to Liivrs fr tuut ; aod tL x.sds of tL? yo.s.- rsJeri trn wita di-gut from the Uiubotobous and l-eattn road lit wealth and uef o'uet! ; re eilrirj to le somttbitp er Lotbit-f to tie vi'.i at.d ;!.st jru'y s-'.r:. Ttis traetiee U oe.trcya ali ta-te f,r ufal reaMr.-.i aid tbe B.t useful book l.en.e iti-ii-IJ a-i at.d iboa.-b I w ttal-.ed v ba Liu of reai.Lg, it su to or iLtte years after I 4 tul reauitj. before I J (Va l tti'l et ttiJirj lo ire su! st at.tiai to u a gtLBiatj i.e!f.i;.r, at,i I tbibk it U not ti in j rit t say. t'uai a t .Ci u.t i tovel re a cer rill nevtr b. e.u.-. a tru'j- jjc faeLtlal raiab It is a-' i .-l..t Led cf rea Jraw tr.e I,, r baa t J hti I Xul-.d ti bar t'ji-i.t. tb-.:r t'ave, fr tleit. a.'tit. wl. v.tiattd last, at. 1 1 bei.e it, t.- e Lir a's of any ibteterate bvvel teaier aire iu eiiMbt dat-er 1 " This aio iu.f.alrs tLe Lt.,ta. at! ibdures tbe worst fuun of dl-eae, a-B-ong which is iusn!ty If a'y djaLi :!,,.. lit tbsm Vi-lt aty batpital iu ti. ess-try, atd tb;r d iubts ba i t tairi.b In a sbt J the f fart.ue i- t.t dat.,.eibu an J eibfui, ab'i sLOb.t!, f (.-s-ite, be ebueiiwd by etery ob. " Ibe x;.trier.ce of or,e ibfiiniuil ia tLi ibatter cai'u. tie fa:t of evils re,u liu from these 'erblt ioti. w.rts How little arc these evils aetb bd fv.t ! ll-.w ( pareLt. even ebriat'an f sr. it rl-j are fi.itt.fwl to freaerve the ibiu-is of tltir cbi.dr. tu Iron, these eorruf tln' itfiaiacta I How oft. n are aTele fa-uiid uj tj t.e etbtre t a 1 1 of tbo-e from whom se itoul ej,. l t.ttur tt r.-I Uuw often too, Ju cb, j re u fioiu tbeir ea gerneae to rvd su'b w-.rk and from wat.t ef eure in ti.eir pirtule, of ibeae y luting streatb". utittl loeir Uiiods are t;i l jled abd their characters ptruiacebt y in jjred. " CliAi.IlY. My 1 1 1'. ve j on, wi.. re is tbe spirit of CLri-l ! ', h, le i. . teat ia o! hia that t,w:e . I l. ia I i,.vi ra I ie one atoii. tr ly t .' u the t'uti-t.aos of li.e firet tiu.a art an..-lied l:.t pa'aus al'ml them here thia love i and atoutida, it wi.i lat.i.'h all lb.-e d bi-i bitti-rtc.s, and those frivo.ous tni iaa,i.; auii.ii are so fieijuebt aui'jt,,' ".sous. H si.i leaeb ruen Wise f and lo a!,,, r . one aboihrr wl.eie n is ne.dful ; but f ! tbaotbat, it will pass by n aiy ofieuces and lei.ttiir. ; it nult'Jtr u inut of ti,t twi .,. vrry mueb ewe. ten .oeie.y. tb.a ti ul v prootaul ; therefore ti.e rasiuii-1 eau. , b.Mo f-nod and l!ea,,l. that brethren I c e,i together in nuity ; it p rfutnt. al, lt,e I j uvivus w.utuieiit Uj t la.. b;ad. I THE AITLK WORM. The apple worm i produced from the egg of the codling moth. It deposits itt epgs in the calvi or eye of tbe young fruit, during Jane or July, and tlio grub is batched in a fv days, and eats its way into the fruit, i J leaving behind it a brown powder. Tbi . , i jeavmg bctunu it n urun mi- group attains it full growth in a few weeke Apples thus affected drop sotnetiuica when croup attains u iuii prowiu iu lew wh'm I they are not more than half grown, others J . , remain on the tree nut 1 they acquire a pre- n'"111"' r;reneM Few ef Mir readcia but bare noticed on trees of early apples, some wormy sptcimtu's ripe, while the sound ap ples were far from being fit to cat. Still others, and particularly winter ajplce seem to be less affected ly tbe worm, and bang oa the trcea. When the apples falls, the grub leaves it, eating bis way entirely through tbe apple, ud telntirg itself a place iu some crevice in tbe latk of tbe tree, tpins a thin, white crcoop, in wLieb to pcnd the wiLtcr, and ccmcs out tie following apriug, a ruoib, to cemmit apain iu depredations on the fruit and b!at again the hopes of tbe cultivator. We thitik tcsry cf tbtfe worms leave tbe I., i.r .. .1.. r .'i .1 . Ij.ra uti. iurj iiuvui..ij which bad taken po.esioD of late satieties. rotr.e think that a portion of them produce ! a seeotd gentraticn tbe same seasiu. e Lave seen no facts to warrant this belief. We have to potent remedy for this evil j r ' i lo bomb pkell that wi,l deatroy a thousand : at allow. e Lave a'.wajs bad to fifebt' , - , i r L ' tLrm hi g.y. In ear.y ffnng search for the j cocom-s in the rough bark, the roughest of j m.n-t, may te scraped ell in ttis way a great many may le ceairojtd. Alto pick up ail wormy apples as soon as they fall, and feed tbein to begs er destroy theui in seme other way. Cole says if old clothes are laid in the crotchets and around the trees many will crawl into tbein to from their cocoons, and may be readily destroy-j ' ' ed. W e never tried this. U e know, Low- ever, that if tbe Erst two plans are iladustri-j , ' ,, , , r , , . ! Otis.y louoweu, lue amuuni Ol wormy iruil. 111 be treatlv diaiiniabed. ' " . j FAIIEN1NG OF ANIMAL'. ; Ti.e j l.iioacpby of increase of fat in ani- mals i. that tbe digested food not needed to supply waste in the system, U laid up yi the form of fat around the muscles, ready to be: a'. -.ailed a;ain iuo tbe circulation if need-' ed. Wate is induced by exercise, or use of . -t . .- -i.i-v i L. ' iiie u.'-i.-cies, ana il-o cy ccbicu.iiuu id iuc lun?, of tbe digested food, to supply animal heat, llense, the same amount of food giv-1 eti in warm weather will, if digested, afford a greater aurplua of fat than when fed iu cold weather. I ! or or other ar.imals intended for fatten- itg .aculJ be abut up tLii lEOBlh. Many. aiv.cate c.i'aiLg tbe size cf tbe fattening pen so fiLa'.l that the animal will have but ja-t rrtu lo stand or ii. While confine-tu-t.t favors rest and a disposition to fatten, to- clc.e (jiwrtera are net healthful for tbe aLimal, which Deeds moderate exercise to prctuoic digestion. Tbe nuiiity cf tbe flush produced tcuct be som what impaired by at.y coLflaemeLt that iti'.erferes with tbe bealtb. lie aj p-t;te n.aj be kept up by ebanje of fa .d. ar t.' a frtcj iet.t supply cf green vege- tabs, sach as corn, cabbage leaves, pea Sl J tbe refuse of tbe garden. Cooked f00d d cests ttcre eaai'.j tbao raw, and is in a cobi'ttion to yield more nouri-buient, and . ; l-o Inter rn..-.Led ly most kiuda of stock. O anllLe-s it. tbe fattcnicg pens should not ! be , A, though pigs proverbially are filthy, ti..;, .-e net really to; they do not delight iu tLe itil'jviacf tLelr Own dror, as l . . ... . 'JUK c" " 6 - a i er V afpropnate oue partionof in? pen to C'tn Au occaslobai wbl ar.d scrubbing .,, . i'b soapsuds win conduce Uiuch to lljeir thrift ail abiaiais keep in eoiidition buore e.-. y ' ben tbe t. kept and t..oj. i 'J HL L'.K OP OL'AIL.S- ! , . ... . , u, .Norton, au intelligent, ot-serung far- j u-er bor. who n.a'aes bi. Loins iu tbe south- eru art of li.ibois, Las recbtiy been study-: 'n,0- tbe batit of tne quail, or, Incorrectly,' ' j artrid,', ati't gives the ioiioaibg test; lovt-jt tv the Cibciuuatt Artisan : ; " lie ob-erved a Str.all fijek coiiitBcbcing ' at bbe e.iie cf the field, takibi' about li i a u.'i'is, .cratc3mj and picking about every j I til I, till ll.ey came lo the other aide cf the! he, d ; ti,eu taking another Et rows bu ibetr i letvib. and continuing till be thought! ,ti.ey wre te.riau.jy pu.. teg up the corn j lie r-1. at one, ani men roeeeded lo ei annua e torn L'roubJ. Sjfi a,i tbe irrouu'l that :.ey L.'i been over, be found but one sl. k i -1 bur. ore .La ir f c jiii iliaturbeo ; tbsi was seratci.ed near y oi.t of the groutid, but tbe kernel was tin attached to the stalk. In the crop of J it.e. (j i ii. be I jut.d but one eat worm, twen- 1 1) one etr.p. d vine buys, or. huu'lrtd cbii.ll j ba, ti.t eti.l iitaincu llmir individuality, i a u-aes apparently cob8ielitj! of hundieds ( cbibtl bus, but bot enc kernel of coin. r.Kou.n:s ot the cotton g now., INU fcEUMONjj OF OL'U Col.N J JiV. i CottJU bi ay be said to be the jjreil staple ' product of the .South, I tit, .insular as it' '"J I'laL,er L,t ,ot Lberto avail- ed theu'elves of one half even of its value i Ibe r la i.t is cultivated fur li.o fibre aloue. M tf)(, Mi w tbroB of u,eJ , f"T 'Jil"ur- Whereas the seed, wh:cb , " " ',;bt t .als eveu more then three times ti e weight nf the hbru, cede but W be pro-1 perly prepared and pressed to jieli an oil worth from sixty cent to one dollar per gal lon, valuable alike for burning and lubric.a Uod, and aalad oil far aurpaasing ! the beet olive oil. Tbe aulject is one to which we Lave derotod eonaiderable attention, and we Lope to present, from time to time, auch facta and figures in relation to it as shall tend to awaken an interest in the matter on! every plantation at the South. It requirei bat the necessary machinery for bulling and preparing tbe seed and expressing and clari fying tbe oil, to more than double the an nual income from that eorp a auon aa its value is sufficiently well known to make a market for it. Several large establishments are now engaged o producing tho oil ; but the business may still b considered as in ill infancy Practical Machinist. I'll KSII ARRIVAL OF COXFECTJOXARIKS. IIOl'STO A- IHIMTER P B A- jut ree'ned a I IHKS, ot all kind .h .unnlv of CAS. ( itrnn, t urnnla, . i.aiaint, Fits, nd a rii It f Nina, fall at HOUSTON Jt HL'NTKK'S, I D ior Euatof the fourt Huust. f.flrwte.Ofl. 26. 16o8. 33lC A Great Battle to be Fought! w s E iibcribera inform ilia citnenaof t'har- J ,,ttr and mriuiiy, tliat tlev have cn hand '' "auntl, receiving, a superb ...ortmeni TTTTrnVrTTTTT) T UJliMll UlVlJj P-"' t any tl.ii.e. that h.a e..r keen oir.-reu in tliia aection. i iieir :ea cciniflii in part of luiiuaviiit; articles: Sofas. Trte 'JVtrs and Pivaas. fane Bl'ni Hocking l'liair,.Malin;iij and fans Srl prior ( ,r, ,nd Ruh Boitom (, Mhog,iny and fane Bottom R.rkmg chairs, MarMc and WoutTup Centre Tables, Marble Wash Stands and Sinks, Card and Work Tardea, Mahogany and Walnut Eitenaion Tables, AUhi'gany, French and Eliiabeth Bedsteads, W hat Nt and Parlor lrka. Looking (iiasites from H to 7U a Pair, Sfll-Roeking Cradles and Krclmmg f hairs, ! '1',,,-L-r'. Flei.l Snrinu. Bollulii fceilateada. Canopua iih Lace Netting, and Miqueto Bars, foliage Furniture by the set. Inn and Wood Hat Kaek, Glh Moulding of all sue. for mking Glass and Ficture hrtme..t , ALSO J'very k in t of niatcriala for sa!e generally uaed l v 1'abi'i.rt Makers, each aa Glue, Locks Knoba, llingea. Walnut, Mahogany, etc., 4c. And, thorgU not laaat, we keep always on hand a aupply ol Fist's Jletallic I'urial Cases. J. M. SANDEUS i CO. rijrlo'ie. Shy 3i, Ie59. 1 1 tf" , ,, , CaCTliiCC Ut lYlOrrOW M TUiiN'OUT f B HE Subs;, ibcrs renpectfully inform tbe peo. BL pie of the surrounding country, that they have reuueed the pr cca of their ato k, conaiat ing of lH (jOOods, KtadV'llade Cltlllill2, hoots, suor.s, and a great variety of other Goods, which will be ; sole regardless b. coat. I fOllN'TRy PRODUCE taken iu exchange. none uresaea worm fj uu a. v Miaw!s worth 4 bO at 3 t'U Mantillas worth .'. Wit a .'.II Ik.nnela worm tiO at 3 6U Hoop Skirts worth 8 50 at I 7.1 Pa.t col'd Prints worth 15 at lu lileaehtd anc unbtearhed Dorne.tieaat New Vofk Pncea, all Gwda kept iu ."lore, so d in propur t.or. lo ti.e aive prices. 1 1 A M M K R LAfilMH X DA I.I.S. I Jul) i, 16j9. 1" if 'I lr (I III .A or III Male, forrtrr. IT MlK IILRE, pniF.NDS, and fellow citizens, li will you buy tne noble STATLoK NOitl II ; lAKtil.INA? If so, a nd to the sunaenbera, or ' subacribe lo Ihe Counly Agent, for thia New, j l.ririrr :inil l.iiriiiliri'ii t TI:n. I And vou will get the whole Sute, w th lo r Rivera, l'. I..:. a I.a Ir,... ...,i . ...i Mmea, and all til. Cities.Tow n.'and V.llage.. her noi.le M .unuins and Spring... ud her FiJii. si.d fi,,..,.. l! mil want this GOLDI N PfilZR. i the lime. W .p seven feet by rive, it ri.'- of the Slate iluuae. In. sue Aavlum.t h.pel II. il. Male and Pen,.;e Colleges, ir'., A,e.. one of the chtapeet and Utt Map. ever puni.aned. I'KA.CEi BEST, ilillsboro", N. C. AG1..S lis i A ANTKD for .very eounly in li Stale. Terns iberal. Apply a. above, la! 16 6m Mit'kk'iikr JJojids, iiiiviiiiiii'iiin M.Vi; per rs'sil. pvr Huiinni. ' HLSK UOXDS art undoubtedly the aafe.t a invealnient that can be n. (,rt)erb;e to .uy Suie Honda. e,and are really 1 c-unty cannot repudiate '1 ney bear seeea per Cent int. rest payable semi annually, with Coupons for the same. They are of the denon tion of HlO, which wi,l inaae then, more current and ueelul lor do. ' inentic purposea. I 'I he coupona will prove a convenient medium for naviiif taaea. 'I 'heeitixei.a of the county should poaaea. them, no l" J a .e now lo them, frououla left ( harlotte or w ill, t aolain John ' jj (jUIOV ,. y j( ft n c0 Sept. lit), I jH. U'Jtt - - - INotice. lii- r nr. mm ui a fliiitros si. diaaolvt.i i. ihe I.t ot January, by mutual consent. JAS. r. 1 1 K Mlf.KM J.V, v. ,11 hereafter carry mi tne busmeaa on Ins own account. A il peiaona iiioet.led sill pl.aae come forward and a ttle at once, aa the buaineaa must be closed up ...ii.edialeiy. IIKNDEK.SON k AMIENS. Januerv Itj'J. I I li WINi; s .Id hi entire interest in the fir in :.t IIK.MjI.HmiN 4. AHhl .SS lo Mr. J. P. IIK.N. D Ll( WIN, I anil esoe. t o remain for c tune y. I at ti.e .lore and ahall be nappy to ail on my frienda and cualomere, particularly on thoae woo would fork over the little change, due me I and the concern. K. W. A II HENS. January I6'.9, 41 If Wanted J ffMilis OP TAN. BARK, for wuitb Hie ea.b will be paid. M. U. TAYLOIt. I2tf fa,ll.l-it!. ll'ASTKIU good Mi f the W k,g alvi.e. ciilUVV. Knaaire.i S. T. WRISTON KEEPS coKsUnily un hand, wholceole and re. tail, a full end complete assortment or 1M-UN ANI JAl'AXXHD TIX-WARK, which will b sold LOW. ClOUNTF.R 8fAt.r:S, F.ramelrd Sauce and j Stew Funs. Glue Puts, W.ffle lrona, &c. rr ,ale bJ S. T. WRISTON. T lOIf.ET SETS, a superior arlirle, for sale 8. T.WIUSTOX'S. ASH, Peed, Spies and Dresains; BOXES for sale by S. T. WRISTON. fkuits v i:taiim:s. CLASS JARS t i,iu.n it""' . ..i.ll cl.itniiiir rxcenl Uliuer rk fnr Preaervinc fru t. rir Ililcs, c., u ale by ". o T. WRISTON. COOKING STOVFaS. I la-J-TJ !l,.JT'ai-'iaj'l a FULL ASSORTMENT of COOK1SG and ihr S'l tlVLS. will be constantly on hand. - - --- - . - . ., and sold as low aa they e.n be anoruea in una market, ny by S. T. WRISTON. Charlotte. June 14.1959. Mil Land lor Sale, l.ilir ...l,.,.,!,.. ivtn. .airnna In rrimi.e g from the country, otter, fo, .ale the Plan- t-tion on which she now resides. Iving 4 m.le. from Charlotte, on the We.tern Plank Koad, eon. t .ining SO rcre.. Ti land is of good qual.iy For particulars, enquire of the subscriber on the r 1 premises. Maa. A. W. STEVENSON. jijiriJ 13, 1609. 5tf Atlntic EIUTUAL and FIRE Insurance Company, C at olisia t II), C, JncB ,ud ty A,t . H, XegMi.Ure . A.rtJk ' fatrWiwe. I 1I1IS Company being duly organised, is now prepared lb receive applications lor in.ur-: anee upon BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, Fiirssiliirs-. .VJH:. .tlttUlilas a, MIIPS AU 1 I1L1R CAIK.Ol-H and moat kin.ia ol property, at remunerative rales ''"' It is aimed, in tlx organisation of Una t on. pa. make a safe meoium for Inaenmity and '"roticlion to the s.aured in caae of l.-a. An honorable and uptight course of dealing, and a faithful fulfilin.ntof ila-contracta, ill atali limes eharatieriae the buame.a of li.e Conipi.ny. Aoolieaiians for Insurance may be made at the office uf ll.c C'uinpany. or lo !t authorised Agenl. DlKLlTUUS. John A. Parrot, Williams lng ' Levi T. Mglea. y, ; V. I!. (Jr. i.t, ; David S. Jones, I Geo. W. Hill, i Col. 1 ho. J. Rlake!ey D-vid W leil, A. B. ( I........ "an.U' l Ia ff. ra, J...I II. !).,., D. A llarcell Luke Biackiuan, OFPK fcRS John A. Parrnlt, Preaidenl Vice-Preei.ient Trea.urcr becrelr.ry I.n T Ogl V . S. Long, fc A- 'H""P"" I A B. ( hapi W.B. Gram. 1 W. S. I-ong. D.vid W. Hell, LXKCITIVE tO.M.MIlTtK. Xarek 15. 1859. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHA.NOI OF PROPB1ET0B8 ) lilt OA II til KELT LM ULK, X. C, JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. 'JMIIK I'ndersigntd ri .pectfully announces to the travelline public, that be ha. taken charge of this old son (n puiar establishment, and i. now prepared lo aceaj.nmodale travelers snd pri vale families with board by the day or month, on the moat aceoiniiiotjat.i.g I. rial. ilia TALLt will a.wiya be lUiuialnd with the b. at orovisions thathoiue mud foreign utaiktta e.n 1 afford. i Th ukhi lltoll llolrl has lare 1 room., is neLrcr the de pU, the Court. hou-, and tiie buaine.s streets than any other in the city, An OmntJ'BS will a way, be at the depot anil I a I . m, 11 a-. k .1 ihe j..,. ...i i. ' landing, oil .i.e arriwi ol Ihe car. ar.d .te.i..boa.t. .- e,...e. .....eneera to toe Hotel free of el.arire. H . in.. ,.,i. at Una Hotel. Daaaenirera will nave ample t.u.e to obt. I, .... . i. . .,. . ,,,1 eoto.nodion. Stable, snd an exctii.ut, lie i. luiiy prepared lo board bora., by tin dav.wu-aor n.onii. at the mo.lrM.on.ble late.. ' JiitlN. V JIINKS Mirch 1. !Hi9. illf ClIAWaOlTIa JIOI'JiL, .Mm um Jl SK Its til Altl.Ol'l K, . T VlIK Proprietor of tin. Hotel n still at hi. po.l ready lo lul. fit the duties of " mine host " lu the travelling publie and ot'.ecs who him, and be rJatt. rs lurnaeli that a. comfortable quarters ean be found with him sa any where in Una vicinity, lioing aituaun ner. ly in Ihe centre of Charlotte, .M,i, will Bud this Hotel a moat convenient and desirable ioealton. lie liaa been engageo in .t th.a aland nearly eighteen year., and in that tune he haa made eeveral additions lo bis former houae, and il ba. been greatly ei.larg.-d and mi. proved, pre.ent, r, ir in Iron t . I wo slor y L i( ANU A 11)0 feet in ler.gtu by 12 feel in width, hands aliased by tree, on the side-waik, affording a plea, aant promenade at all hours ef tha day. The House haa been thoroughly furnished thro'. i out, .nd in every p.rt of it erealure eomfort. .re abunde-t and tangible. especially in the HI. M.M. i IKKJM, where li.e "inner man" i. "renewed" day by day. C'oi.neeled wit!, thia Hotel are Htahle. affording room for 100 horses, abundantly funnelled Willi ; grain and provender, attended by laitmul and . ' b.ttfirig hMtlera. I Tbe Proprietor feel, confident that with lus'ong j eiperience .nd w..ny Slew advaniagea added to bis de.ire lo pl.aae, lie a mi on r nia irienna and me " realof mankind," many con. tori, and aa muel, good cheer as will be found anywhere, i hlile IT At any rate TSV Ihe flu rlolte Hotel. J. li. KERR ftclaber 19. IWitt. A.C. "WILLIAHSOH. tl'IOiiNLY and lounsellor sl Law, ha. la ken an, ju.ntly Willi J. A. los, Kaq upalmrs sual door tu thai outl Houae. where he will be eon.t.ntly present lo attend to all calls n profcaau nal buaineaw snade for bimaelf, or for , Mr. t'..a, wl.'.i h is .been I. Ja.a.i I. IH..J. II' f I hl.'ETEN AS fur sal. at this Office I MILITARY INSTITUTE Clinrlullc, n. V. HE Exercises of this In stilutt w eontiiiuiice on the Il U lu- next. FACULTY EI.ECT: MJ, D. H. HH.L, Superintendent. I.iriiT Cf. I.KE.foiiini.iiidaiit, f . P. ESTII.I., A. M , Principal of Primary leparlllielit. Course of Sttidiri : In the Priinary pi-partment, such as lo qualify . S nl I,,,, ,!,! ana fnllei'e. In the Scientific Department the We.t Point. Curriculum will be el-fily followed. It wil' b aim of the Profesnora to make hurvejjra, r.nfi nerra.f heniiala.and men fit for the practical Uuki .... nf lit. lo addition to the usual Exertittt at Military Seluaila, the montha of Auguat and September will be epetil in Campaigning through in iiiouii lama nf North Carolina. The Academic Year will commence, on the lat day of October, and will embrace twelve inoiittia. A fuilough of two months (Aug. and Kept.) will I be given to ( adeta at the enu ol ineir scoonu Particular attention will be given lo the moroi a nil rrifioul i(riiciii off saoU. EXPENSES: Tli" Institute will proviile Board, Fuel, Lights, I W",'r. Am... Eq uipni'nta and I n i . vf. one half ni rable in advnce i the hi-tancc in "T rfonins. o enmgr.. N i miiis-irn t rhirgea tn ll.oai who leave ' un the aroro ol health. TKUMSOF ADMliltN: No one will be admitted into the t'aiMtsT I's rtaTNiNT under Twelve years of gej nor into the Scuktific )riTsi.vT under Fnlen nor over f .- o. All annlleetnd with the Scientific DeVartment will be turutttU to board in the Institute; those in the Primary Department may do so if they choose. F. E rt A RK S: Th. I.,. i. lota Rui dines ure the largest, meat leleg.nt anil eoinoiinlious for theaccomoioyation ol the .-Southern Country; and the liuard of : Directors trul that under U nna;cment ol ttie amianl. 'Ul W , Siineriiilenaeul ami I omnia i : , ... . .. . . i ........ I are ..raO.ialea ol w e.i mi.. """" ' rinc m inr bcbit, . ........... M"i"i'iar'y ba'a'a' and conducted on Irne Military priiiriptis. I le Imaru w ill niriner any. o.. .,u. ESTILL is a Graduate of me Virginia L niveraity and aw esperienced I'laaaical leacher. They would further aUte thai it ia their intention to increaae the iiuuiiier f teachers in boll! Pejiart- m.M. as the of the public may require, I Th.s In.litute w.a granted a liberal l n.rter by j lb la g sl.ture of North l arolina. with Ihe po-r ol conferring Degrees utn th.e who complete H'e pre.enbed Course of btuuies. i 1 r in,.l,r,iiuni fi.r nini;taiiia sill hr reee aid i.r Aoulicatiuna for acni.rsion will hf until the lat of Pepte mber, and mod be directed to Dr. C. J. Fox, Prceidenl of the Board, t haf. lulte, .S. t . C.J. FX. -) JAS. P. IRWIN, w 11. LaF. ALEXANDER, 5 JAS. H. t'A RS( N, TH(S II I5KKM, j o S M ULAIR, ? DAVID l'ARKS. J I (l,ail,lu 0. Ifi. 9tf TAXHS. f 3 IU E Tj L..U for tbe year K it now in JL J "' ' " Tases will p ease come lorw.rd an.t tllle. , r 1 j. fJtJKK Sheriff. J .112.1659. ' ' ' bit I - - 1 1 M 0 T l" VI IU II V I U gqvlIK subscribers reapeclluliy inform Ibe pub. lie, thai Huy are prepared to ereel I. ..a vurka for liebl.rg I it.ea, fnain, Villages, Col. I.g.a and large lloieia. i ney na.e ereeiro .am it. Charintte and Kai. igl., N. I ., which have given entire .nlia'aetioB to Ihe eii.aas. of Int.. uiacea. lo qualibeatuina, prornplioaa and aroiilv lo f. ,r rn all r. i.'r.rt. entered irlo, ihry refer to lot. own g gei.tlei. ii. : H C..r.o, Pre. I'har.G.s Worka.rr-ar.N.f. ii J.lm.t. ii, Prra. I I r is l.K K. " Dr.T D Hogg. Pre. K.I.G.a A... K.leigb. ( ol. G II. Young. Waverlv. Miss. A. G. Storv, Pre.. Gas Work., I. ttle I.l l, . I . I T Story. Supt. fias Wo,!,., Watertown. N. Y. . VV. S. Scho.ner 4. l o.,22l Pearl St.. .New York, j A. uref. the achaenlera .1 f.alt ,gh, N, f. WATERHOlt-L 4 LOWES. Set, ii. 158. a:tf MOKE TO BE ADIM1KED THAN TDK HICIIKST DIADEM IVlrt Worn by Kings orKmptrors. What? Vvhy a Beautiful Head of Hdir. Ikeauae it is the ornament f.'sst aims. jnartdti for all our rare. Heater, although the ro.e may blwun ever so bnghtiy in the gUiwmg rh.ek, the eye be ever so pra ling, Ihe 1. 1 th be Ihoer of pearls, if tne hea.l la bereltol lis covering, or the hair be an.irleit and ah'ivelrd, Sa.aA .ajil d.y, nr worae sti, if sprinkled with gray, nature will loae more than hall her erarnm. Pro!. ' Hair Keah.rativr, if to or three time, a week, will re.tore and j'"' lly aecure to all aueh au ornament. Head toe , and juoge. J lie wriUr ot Ihe b'.l s the'l ', innimiii; Da. Woo: New York, April 19.18 8. . Veat Air. Permit me to eirrea. to you Ihe ob lie .io.ia . no-., - v. , , m.j ..... , .- , arrival in the (.lilted Statea it tu rapidly beeom. mg gray, but upon Ihe applieal.oe of yowr, " Hair Keatoravive " it awn recovered iu original hue. I en. ider your a. a very wonoerlul i invention, quiie nieacmua 1 i , dear sir, your. tru!y, n. I II AItihKLf, Dryeh 'r tw yliedydcL" Welah ,1m paper ' ftiee, 13 .Naaaau St., April 12. I'ses. O. J. tt OfiD : bar .Sir, Son.e month Of six week. ago I received a bottle of your Hair Re storative and gave it tnrny.wife who concluded to tiy it on bee hair, little thinking at the tune thai it would re.tore the gray hair lo iia original el. or, but to H. r a. well a. my eurpri.e, ati. r a lew week.' trial il has performed that wnnderlul ell'eel by turning all the gray h. irs to a dark brown, at the .M.te tune beavt. tying r.nd thickening il hair. I atrongly recommend she above tteatora. live lo all p'.laons in want of a well Ineir hair. I II AHLi.S t'A K 111. W. Ntw Yo.a. July '2j, )8.',7. Psor. O. J. Wood: With confulenee do I re. ; ' t ' I Psor. O. J. Wood: With confulenee do I re. con, mend yoer Hair Ite.loralive, a. being the uio.t eincac.uu. arune i ever .aw. omie uaiue jour - ... . - - almoat while have gradually grown dark; and , " rl eonnuem aa more . .puuoo. w... r. s,u'. io .our n..u..i eo.or. a. ...o .... ... 1 ' ved n.e of all dandiuffsnd unpleasant itching, so liOi.g per. who DereDire leeele J. U. KlI.ltY Paor. WOob About two year, ago my hair commenced IWItng off and turning gray l I was fa.t iM-eoimng bald, and had tried many Remedies lo no effect. 1 commenced using your Heatora. live in January laat. A lew applications taaten. ed my hair firmly. Il began l fill up, grow out, and turned back lo us lornier col n, ( black.) At thia lime il i. fuliy re.lorcd to Us original color, beailh. and appearance, and 1 cheerfull y reeoin. mend ua uae lo all. J. D. IIUKS. ( hicago, III., May I, 1867. I ne ncamraitve i. pui up in rx.uiea ol 3 .ilea. , . ,r(e, medium, and .mall ; the email hold. ) . B,t,aiiu retail, lor one dollar per bottle ; the in., i d,um U, , leaal, twenty per cent more in pro. portion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; iiie large noiu. . qurt, eu per cent, mere in proportion, .nd retells for $1. O. J. wOOlii C O., Proprietor., 414 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Ml ,hi U,i..Ma,i,g old by all good Droggielsend laney IJjods Ileal, era, and in t h.rlott. bf Hi AKK A CO. Cash Paid for Hides, WY fi M. IIOW'KI.I., it door, houtb ef the J i t karialte, April 6, lfSP. Jif 1.LAMC LEELS for aale at ibia ultee. V:J JL fJ(I(MBBaasaafaavarsMaataaWa I 5.B.RAN80M.O.W. AUI1NV. aw WAIT FOR . - II Y ia it JV. TV - rtsx ? rB ) Beeauat he buvea hia SIVVtS from tlx A.A.S.M.TiY LOR W-,t rraaertfullr sniioonee to ti e tjil abitai.t from tin ir Uln M. North, one ol t:.e in, at eatensive asi-ortnienls Ever offered in North t a.olins , among which wil) be found the celebrate B R to , WI'BCIia mMw'a'ltJlsj--, , r. . " SW, . T-. - J -- ' ' - f " " ' ru- h a famuBs repnta'ion in li.e rrata superior to any for kng I, i.pd dres more a ork in a girn This Stove he eonsumes le. put u pui up one : nv other Klove ot the aiiinv .,-, ,., lv the pnre ALSO, ALL ALSO, ALL FamLOR. & s., and eoii.i .nt!y keep ol, hand, an eili II. ha., and ti: a xi) sui:i:t iko.v, ;.. v Kr.vm:, -tT uto. ist:sfn:.nut HAT HACKS, rilADLKS, &c., &c, Al eif tli M il wil b lei. la I :r n siet It. lnil ti. n p. r l hstw ka. --r ! it uf I. r. d lis lhl irlnll j. I would return my thanks lo my friends and eu. timers for the very 1.1 eral f t ,. bratowed upon ns. and Ihey may real aaanred, I a I 1 .l.a.l endeavor, by iSoee alteilne t bL',,, together with a del. rnun.tmn In pleaae. lo try and nieril a ennUneanee of Ihe a. nr. his mm b "wkz mn & will mmir adies and licntlrnirn arc pnrlirularl) invitfd lo rail and fiaminc liisS:,-, AM SIS S Or JOB WOBK ASSXKi'SI lOXvIlEH.viltr. X. B. I will tell you why I head my advertisement " W aiv rci Tar afco.s," ; .. i. ,K we have three waggons eonai'anlly travelin g ibrougl. Ihe country with Moves. 9ST ,111 ortii i K trill br tttilltlully ttml prumi tly ullnn ttlio A. A. o. mum. CkmrlHte, June I B, 1 857. 3,1 Notice. I L oera- e. are l.erel v cautioned agairtl bun tirf mih um nr f.f. r ta.rk, or in inv wim irrxpn II. In w in turh fift i .1 rg ..g ii i nat ever, one . eff o.i.e- A DKKVAliD DAVIDSON !.,!. 9 3m -"S- jit CANDY I'ACTOKV. Fresh Conrecliuntrit' Ac. Ae. mil- T sub.eribar reaaectftii! r tnh.ri... tiie e fens ol I hartolte snd aurrounoing e.,uni that h. baa on hand anon cietei.tly r.Ceiv frain .New York. Prwtfan irr oriot? Priii.O VUilillvtlUiltji llOj A A liilU) FAX V CIKK IIKII S.CK.'AKS TOKAt CO, S.M I F. TOYS. Tlllwi:l I avail llM'll, riiti; ui'iiiuw, iiiiRiii in:ti, Y . lo ii d a, 1 illuat YYligniia, halt., VYsit k-li siet, A It I id tig. ol" every variety. J. D. I-ALVKU. J. !.'.. 4-tf Ala... he' intends lo imfi 0 fa e I ore I A Ml I S all kinds, frre ir"i coloring uri.ikn I New York Steam Rt fined f aney. I all and a. JA.tii'.s m. i:in r.v. COMMISSION ME III' II AS T, 147 C II AM II I il ill I I, . Y . t' YS and forwar.ia every ki..d..f mi ren n M 9 dixe for ua pet tent t awmitemn. Ke'eral' .III Morei.ea., .N. V . .....fill. j. W O.fcorne, I . P. M n.ler.t ail, A. M. I.i.rmap, l..a and Itev. t . . Ifei,,., Iln. W. A. .raln., a.ul . lhera. I'raler in Piaoi a. .M. !... .. .... (lij.n. Ilarpa, t.Mllaia. Ma. Inn... 11... halea. I'unipa, t.arOen l.ngme., Ac. A punted l.l ol ail Ihe diBer. nl u.aaera, km. s and pnre. sen! res. Publiaher of an elegant "ir i.r y Aul Uap ." .N . I. (I I ,) and the " ( use. I" Inrsiius; o, IsidaN l.einr. to HsatTM." ,- ,i. mvulu.hle Juni'y ai.oulu he u. . v.ry ,,,. t f ,, a,,,, ,., . , pi,.oa ri,..ry and prearribe the remerli.. Iro.n nature'. oouuieous aiorea, i,.r an our u.r.r.i.iiiea and rub. I fn,.. . M,,nledon fine while paper, band. aomely bniiii.i lourth edition, 301) pa gei, n.U mauled free far ane datlar. N. w Ko.ewood Pianoa, IliD. tea. IS, lH. S.M, HOW ELL, Saddle k araeti tlanufacturer, TIIR EI DOOR SOUTH Ot TBI MAM'IO.I IIOLili I. II A II I.UTI JIH.C. I rAllkiridaofPaddlesand Harness msde sl the sborteal notiee. J rRI PAIKINU promptly eserut.o. Voa. 19. I Mitt. 37lf saomsiGSwU. as. Itlt. II. n. 4 OH It 'V gf 1 1.1. be pleased la receive i If in the departments of M Ml INK and Xl'KUr.K Y. Inleaa prof,.,,, mall v t. may be found at In. residence. Port Mill Uepnt I or. isie.riei n. . Fra. IS. I8.1t. ,f THE UMl sells Stove, ,(,. Mannlactiirurs. ! I HAM '!! at i.ily,i)el I, ,, o. 1, (Granite I!i,w, whire he bus now on tjl.ibitien, ju.t rreeivte trig n triune asFortnienls of 1 " S..utl.. rn ( onnlry for II t laat eightr, Move m w in mi It a n j U ,,, , Cu e. II an tny oll'rf Hi ve n, a i, , nr in 111 I nilit Ma l r . a no il II , of lb. Stove,. id quit. ell,. ,,., KINDS OF STORES nie and varied at.vek of 5.-IU).M()VAL. - j F. i' nfeelmnere sod f mf SUttV eV Mlil.T ... I f l.i d t:f tke rratrn I l.r ar iccrtvtrs durfi iri-fti a.ii.n(ion l thnr urk of O.NFIK I 10HKII . I I Till.V ;itoi I.KII . t All i I g their abik Biay be loo. 'I lo' r ;,y kept M a .tore of II. ia l.r.'i A i - ' u.f nt ol l ke Tnuiu-inga. M nlow H , i i- ! "I h. y in lh el P. 'Kilt, and are pleuaied I 1 lo tun .M. I r .1 I jj i SOuLv A .Ni.-Lbl UJ ParlUS W .till a I MUtJl. j N.,..i.,.f it, i-sa. I We base a!-, .pene.l ' L.orointon, whe.e Mr t e buaineaa. and l pv . puuhe patronage in II MOODY A M- .Vee. It. I:.H. SAl'KS, A 1 1 1. ill 1 1 .mill llnililer. ILL forniah lie. . ns. Pl.r .. .a I' " 'I obl.e Ruililir i, Cr i i. , i : , j j id Vi!!... P.rtieuUr .11. el n ,il irg riowrmg M M..I ... M.i 3.1 aiory ef Alesin.ier'a hunt: e; I l.tna lUii. VetaUr 'it, IW-.H 3?ti llllll II-I Alt III IY Diutual Llf I.uuraiire Ccmpul . It i I.I H !' ' rajs,l I on pu ii " JL ... . ..... tirifaaiu m It. p. Hi.iCic. gral.led 1 w i.en the premium ..I lie l.-B'i lb. ret. m m may be given I. : ureiniui... I" .tu I ll'ln ,.lt ti . .1 b ,e gu.r.nty. lb. rromBl in. oner in .1 ' IH I I...I .mi by li.ia cu.par. J . I. '! ' 1 ! rate, el pi. uum, pr. a. l.l glealllitu" I au. I. aa are aiapea.d to inaiire. ..a are .B.U1..I lor a UK" ' '" ' tve v-.a. lot two Iheu va-as. A.'l I IS l-.d ' 1,0 " lattory prooi is preaastt.c. UlliU l"ls . i..,:.. v J..1....1..S.. Wn H J""- 1 1 I .. ii. W 1) ( i j. I-. of llo.t i, qu. ,l t c, I t - P. IL.tlie, I ball.. Il I' ll. It. II if. II Mi K.. , k l-owle, l.-ub'i UllllLKS. Ilr. rh.rle. L.J..H. Pnaiai W. W. Hoiden. Vie." 1 It. II. U.ltle,! crelary. II. Joi ,.,'liea.uret II. W. Hu.le.1. Allorney. lr. Wm. II. Mehee. Mediesi r. eelire I ammittee U- Pu'1"1 K.e. I n.rie. II. rtool. ... , . . '... r.t.ea s" w. II ..I'dld. nssrs er .. i J. ...n. M. !., Willi ,'h' 1 111. h'd B. Haywood, M. 1'.. ( Joi inforiMt" ,ht i nd lo the pan, phlel.. Slid b ima ol p' I may be ..bu.n.d .1 Ihe t'fl.ce ol or ane of it Ageiitiea. ,.... Communication, should be "" r,frl l ' ' f'' paid) to R. II. BATTLE. -'- Stpttmhtr 8, I Mil 7 . ---' ... v .His" itih PKINTIM. oh PI I e ." raiHMiilion.iy ' t ae""" he ! ''" - . - J WITNESS TICKETS, forth. ' Superior Court, for ) . - '-: ' ' J 1

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