Fr-H'. th Am-ncsi Mcaer-pcr. A , " ' ' ' . ,. , . . ' . , ... . , J , Vi.., i m hiu. l,.;iou nh li:.n .sWays. herev- , er he d -p tii.t, there art altar i ereo- , ted (or ii oil i and oppir. unities for f eonvcrsaticm with a fellow traveller to eternity are faithfully and happily im proved. A friend has ju-t cv.npleted an elegant Inuaa. milh it aiirrft.lnninea. lie takes our . . . , i I.,,., awered the ruoihar ' hearty, earnest prayer. Christian cemltman over it, and the latter , " ' , . . ,. , ., i I do pray," he said, but my prayer do admires it. lie can eireeiate its conve- r j i j ... ., ,', .(...'n-t coup; they sccru to have no to Iiiences, hut hi tlnn'hls po up to trial B t J louse not tiiade with hsods eternal in the llleu'- leaven. " and be turn, the .iud'.od of hi. : " pr.s rou-l be felt, answered la, f,U...J Unrii. .d solenmlv to this thought, moth". "-ue PrJ h'rti!v un- Thus day after day, while Hearing the eter nal world, is be ou the waich to lead men to Jesus. About four years since, this pentiemao asd his wife were travriiin in a private tarriage ia the reh-i.m tf tue hite niouo tains. The day had i.e-m pleasant, but to wards eight the cloud seemed to be gather ing, as if for a storm. They pushed ou far ther than usual on that account, and slop, yei for the nielli at a public hoje. Our frttod'a watchful eye soou discover ed that the lady;ss a a Chri-tiau ; ted iBore, be Lad deep svii.pithy with her. for abe had jut buried a child. When the hour for retiring dmw ;:..'ni be ia an eay rainnrr aliased to tiie propriety of sei linj; God's llesaiug by prayer ; and the lady went to call her burbacd. He ciuie in very unwillingly. He was njt in a pleas ant tnood fjr any ibicj. least of all reli pioo. He Lad that alurtioon cut down a , e ij f i ,l- ,,,.,r -f .'sets tbe .""pint ey prayer, by reading ot ator"a vexed i ricaever, he h la a portion of Scripture wai rtid. It an a por.ioUj ireatlitg tie Christian's D.ial cotfiience io; Cod as a FatLtr. A; te r'.t of tie rea-i, our fiictJ called the attention of Lii. boat to tie duty and of tha re eoga:iltg God aa a Father. " Ves," he said, ' I 1 be very un i grateful if I did act ca'.! Ooi my Father ;; Le is the Father of every bo-Jy." ' Tbat is true in ose stie. " rep.ied cur friend; " L ut God rcj j;rn o to love bio, and tru-t and lift Lp cur prater to Lia, aa kioi asd rsc:33i and read j t be?t3 of us what we Deed. Would y u nae tj meuiuu any particular rr q i-. sts for f rater this eveu iuj T" "Xo," be said, rather grudly, ' I ho.'d tLii. k , if yoa knew haw to pray, you wmld kcow what to rry for. 1 Saaie furihtr rexarki were ma.le a'oo.t car carryiog our rq ie-ta to Gu4, wbeu li e Din answetad abruptly, " I have got a rqiet. I have fits toni of hiy uui, aud if there comes a lonj stoiui it is rlu ed. I watt you lo prsy t-ir o:ie guud ua shit.y day ot!y one." " Well," replied our OL.-i -ti an friebd, " I mast ask yoa a rjiesiivB or to. lo you believe aiDcertly that G jd raira ia heaven, asd that prayer u-Jvei tLa Lat.d that I 1 the wsrld!" TLe tu.u b.-itaud. - 1: we do D.'l believe this haw Can a pray V t.ii tie gtbtlemaa. ' Ve," ref'i'd ti U'.d brd, " I do Itlleve it tut tl u. rain.1' Prayer was then offered for spiritual blttloj;s, and the req i't was not ouitted, tlat if oui.-Utit will Lis wi.l. OjI would give bis aervi-t Of poet jtity t j sscure hn Lay, aad that Le u.;cLi a low a-i f;ui a- J r; ioe that there is a God who rules ia Ltaven. The family were raiLxr.tcJ to di 1lc care, an! all r?t red to rest. fe of our " rrxri i. Socttlrce io tL t-ig'-t t CLristias fticd was aalt, aui heard i; ralaisg very Lard ; a v. i -..i to her Lji baad, " I exf'ect it wi raiu to iu r .:,' ' I leave that wuh GyJ," L: ai.serc'J ; i Lave committed ti,e ease to 11. oi lie a, i cr Jer all iu wisdom." Aui Le laruwt oer, atd again airpt aweetly. In the tborbiog, as he irfi hia room aiil wcLt out of doors, he m t the lan-ilor j j.i-t at the sua wai riiLi eirar aui guriou, ai.i every cloud Lad uisafpcarid " What 03 you thick tow?'' he -.i bi ui "I d&L t kuow what to aay. I aw heat " "It is aiwaya safe to trust in 'j'j-.,' ;1 fritod, " aod we ouht al a ts tj fc-:. oar oar ll to ,y .t." dsf-eudetce 05 h m, ay l oar oi Liia." " I ts,'' hr sai i, " I eai.t. Ua as C :a-l . -t '. T Jlla- i f ,r tc n,e may wa wa bofe for evrr 7 They parted Each wttit &u Lis way to the j ad n.i,i. Chrie'.ian, whit a ,or is at tnj di-p tal- Wilt thou :(rb I it ? ' I lie Liu CJttii'.h," sail Jctj, our aljratie JUdec Bier, L;!e ou Lie ua.a-iws., - !.& ut tnai caa aoik." a r. s. S'JMKTIllN'i HINliKRS MM. " Mother," sai j 'aeo'e H is," I da ws-.t to he a CLll-liaL, hut I Can't ; tuere l- a-jq.e-thin h ede ri nie. The U.hl say. V,- can L )t da the'. that ye wjj.J ; an i how tab I he a Chn.liau? ' " lake the ii hie, u.y son, sod read el aci.y what (Jod tays : io toe .pir it jt the fi..h !u-ieih agalunl the Spirit, aud the Spir.t ajaiu.l the fi.slj ; aud these are contrary the oo to ti.e oihr, so that J eabuot d tue lh;Lj;a tual ye Wiuid. Gal. C : 1C, IT. 'last (Jud ord just a. I thev ataud, abJ whatdwes he say lo us "Oh, tuotLer, a ij a true (.iiure gives of us, 'said the hvy ri,i; ll, t,j IB anus us ta ' walk to the -v; irit,' aud i.. te'.a va we 1 csoiiot do the i Liog t.. u would,' Lecauae the t : h ai. 1 iu, i . ' cotiUarjr the ODC to tue oitii r ' '1 bey p !" he ' in ; n w.. .e iii j smb d,a, rLt ways or are oe , tho of religion J we watt 19 fallow ti.ej I.vtw, la cur prac.iv c i :j other way d forget God, get tboughtleaa and careless, and do thing we supposed wt never should do. Mother, it is so," fiJ (he boy, tears filling his eyes; " and what can I do!'' " J' lie apostle Paul limelf tells o my sod, in the words you have read," said the mother j ' he doe not leave us in the dark ' Mere is the remedy walk in the spirit 3 . ... r. . tk-.t ia Ah nnt anoml ennraa. r in lain wish- , '.. r t r A your heart. Feel that God is near you and seek to do his will. If you really wish to be Christ's you tnut do what he requires." " Dut bow shall I do it, mother!'' asked her son. " Seek his Spirit by prayer," an- loss he baa a ene of whit he needs, for prayer lives in the heart, not in the mouth. You mut read therefore, often, read God's word." " But I am not as interested in my H.blo ; as I OUCht to be, mother," interrupted ' tieor;e ' Xo interest cao come without reading it," answered his mother ; it way and will coma with it, for our interest iu a subject' dependa very much upon our knowledje of As lon as the life and dsatb of Chri-t, aud all that be has done for us and taught us, are strange to u, bow can wo be intcr eted in tbcm? I'jt read tbeiu, think on thrm, dwell on the excellence that bulongs to I'hrist your Saviour, Friend, and Brother on his love, self denial, purity ; read about them often, read carefully, read because y-u have the greatest interest at "tike, aod you will find the Scriptures ' a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.' If you Chr'" 1,,J .k,-T Mli,in b like , n:m you in w a. a iu me cpirn mi h will give yoa j oy aud peace in beiieviug. If y?j do mither, yoj certaiuly are not seeking him ; and if we seek him not, we shall t,ever fird him." " (b. mother, I see how it is ; I don't hold en Pray for me mother, that I may , , . . . . i f ersevere, sud not look hack" and -tve op. All the promUes, I ktow, are to him tha endures to the end." fqricultunil. Finn ilit Xttt- York Evening Foil THE HMST AND CIIEAPKST METHOD OF MANURING A FARM. Mr Mecl.i. the great EngH-b aroeteur of firm ti;, biting expended large sw.ii. iu Lih farmiD, without regard to the pi.mcdiai p)itg profits, now gives the ten: it of his large experience to show the cheapest method of tiiktuting a farm to a certa'0 ri,5t. li.i il.itci.'ius sr. that every farmer makd two l.uT-d'ed poucdi of meat to every arable acre of IiId farm yeany. Instca I of buying t ji:.u tor nunure, he ai;oca'.es buying and Ut-iint rpe cake, the equivalent for oir very unrTenous oil cake, feeding it io very arua.l rations to fatu-n store ahten and ct. tie ; he also saya that " fatting ho-s entails a loss of a; ?at ten per cent , but alili ilia) liiurh cheaper toan guaoo, provided al- ; tuat toe most is male of the uunjru kt.i UjI OLe ounce wasted. ' ,, , .. . . , , . . Lu as meat of all kinds brtn3s a much ; hiiLcr price iu England than here, the above j t M i v r i it .t ' Cirec.ioLs sho'i J o.ily b fol.owtd by the , , , ,u,cr c11 to a ctrta;n rxtent, ai.i ; acoriiln to circutu-taueca J jhn Johnston, u of S-ii-ca cmrity, has nil ex-jtu plihed Mr. , M--ct.i'i theory, as far as it cau here he uia ! r r(.Siar.'. nn his ttioraii'hlf undririne4 : iu ; tie huts store arieep aLJ lean klne t ; his farm, feeJir, all his hay au l . , . .iu, twiner wtta m.rty lou of; eal yearly. If be does not liiiku ! fat' II UU eoar-e !, J u i hj:idied pounds of meat t) the i 1..- o'.taai is w alked up iu stall man 1 lb- clover piiUbed iu compensate lack of auiiual loaijuro 11'; ploughs ai'Ir, a ure. ai for ui.der a elover crop of f jru ail one of haTiey from the pljuhcJ lueauow, and thea a erep of a in at, with which it is ab'aiu seed ed to c uvr. Iu huyiri lean -Ltrp aud eat l .-, aueu ehoap iu the Fall, Mr. Jounstou evidetit'y steals a u.aich upou the faruiera who grew the carca.-e, as ll co'ti so Oiueh j '"j"'10 f'"V less to put OU fat SL.-J exiia fiesu iLau to 1 fr ;i.y ui:-'r-. build up iiitrogtLoua loue, ati muscle aud ' " tllll,:"s 'nan u,. at. I ,t e.iht, ;.,r., I W.iker .i.l r 1.1 Li IV A 1 IMi li(I'.i. A valual l di-covcry ia the, Cultivatiou of hops has just he tie communicated to the l-in.c'i Academy. L.k Uaost agricultural nnproveuieuts, it has teen the resull of oh strtaiioi.a made hi a iahorini; ceasaiit I', e in ii.ak.Lg ihe plant ruu iu a hr i- t .otai oirc.-t.oo, iust -ad of cliuihiBaT up tha t f ;le. '1 Lis is H.atia)d hy Haeaus of a low , ire, i, a w ait of the Brrnpieat coa-truciiou The a ) ai.tjg. a of this mod of eu.ture art liaineroua. In tii.: U'.t p. ac, it euahles the grower to lusestyale tne pianl wui.e grow- , iu aud c.ene it from the nuuaer''.u ju. aecls which injure it to so va t au extent : ' thru it is protected from the S'lii, which al- ways destroys the 0 per ho ts ; it Obviates ' tha great iU uelioa of i, yt iu atonoy a, wh. ti the ind lays lo Lu.e hop ground from the h.:i,;hl of ti.e? Lole : aod ' uio-t of ail, it enable the alhcriug of the coots to take Ueaj without uprootiu the p act, U side j-enultling the seieetiouof the nr.ot ooes it fir,., aod preseulit j lha jrt l.a whivl a:i c from tie ueoeaajte. of testing down tb. bol plant to get at ' the ripest blosioma. SrURKY AS A RKXOVATIXG TLANT FOR EXHAUSTED UNDY SOILS. . This annual leguminous $,lant is rxten aively grown oo the light sands of Russia, both for green fodder and hay, while in England it is grown as a manuring plant, to be ploughed in on soila too poor to produce red clover. There are no soil but beach sand, where the caotus refuses to take root that spurry will not grow, and yet it has ' never been cultivated in tho United States. Van Voght says that spurry will grow, largo enough to turn under for a manureal j crop in eight weeks, and that for paUurage j it is hotter than r.d or white c'ovcr, as cows . give better and more milk when fed on it. It is the elover of light sandy soils, and never fails if sown iu the Spring Y. I' ' Kerning font. .MUGS AM) MEDICINES, P. NVC HlltChiSOIl & CO., j , iitwi.vs coii.t: it, Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia roill'.l(; A1 lK).lll'l IC J)j'0'v; (.'(ilCillCS CilCIlliCllI KE rereivmit fre and gi nuuse i s, i , i :. ! JOiwCj1 s.yiTiyt. froin n xc.w Y.rk M ir S ket, which hive been pur y ! chased upon audi lerins j Ivi I as to br sold low f..r eaia Pf t- I e would ri'spec'l'ull) O i 4i J ral! the altnitioii of th'c S Public to our stuck D A .-ajs; 'H'SOtij, j Fore White f.ejd.Snow White Zmn, Chrome Yil. I low, ( hromc tireen. Fans Green, Burnt L'mbt r, Kjw I'liioer, Ked Lead, BUck Uil, l.ilhar;r, : pnish Brown, Venitian Kcd, Lamp Bwck, Urtp ' W hitmg. W.'m. ax ? Kn.'i.h F.i.i.hirg ni tr, (irecian. .3 .V Brown and Black. Furniture, t opal, Ficturt. La. n sasi Vr, Li.iecii, Tenner's, Train, Lard, Machinery, Lu. Druiiline. Kcrosine, Sea Flepii.iit, Pure Snerin, Castor, Swetl, O.ive, Cod Lirr, Burning Fluid, i urpeniioe, A,ronni, rure r rencn nranos. iu M,u,lr, Win(.t p.)r, ,nil siltrrT, L".i,. F,rt, r, Fr. s i Congress Water, t itr.-.te Mngoraia, Ice S-i. ax n at, r, l antun I ess, B i ker a Chocolate, Nr. tign Pi-riumery, Sii'phatc Qoii.iue, Ofium Snuff, 'i oujcco. Srgars, Ac, Ac. C taiJoltr, Juut 14, Mtf Hotel for Sale AT MONROE. NOUTII -CAROLINA. s I! K subscriber bcin sVV-'l'lJ ol'chal liangin; his bnsioiiss. of. ale tne "l.MU.1 JIO. nf -,n Tbis House is situated in the thn in? To M"iiriM-. N t ., ci.nvfr.ienl to the bu.ine.s piri.oi nt li,. 'r'..n ann within nlwinl nnf hun.lreo rjrri of ,i ,r,ck of toe W. c. &. II Railroad, 'it . (nearly new. eoi.t s sevenletn rooms, well fur ! mailed, (ihe rurniture being offe'ed tor s ue w I tne House) a i to tsery room, alo. conve til nouses, sianies, Also, une nun are. I Ac ' II:, - Land aiijoinin?- qualities tn in for longer public life ; I e a ia toerelurs sell low, jiving any re isonaoil tune lor payment, fur luilhcr intormatmn ap( . to tne subftcrmrr. or my fr.end, Rev. F. A. Li ; llloud, Cauidtill, So. fa. j JAMES DICKKT. ! .tu 2-t tij 1 KISII AltKI V.AIa OF CONFJ-CTIONAKIKS. iioi'stc. v iirvrJ.Et nAri just received a fresh supply of CAN. LIKS, ol ail kinds, aisu Citron, Currants, Fil's. and s vjrie t v of N ins. i.l .1 HUL;?T(i.N A HL'M'HH IS, I D'ior Fislol tne Court H 'use. CiiuileiU. Oct. i;6. 18. 3.U' I lu- Old Aiuth M.ile, l.ucttr. T Jt)K IIKRF, fRIFMDS. and fell.. w cii, x-m, Jj ,u ,u 6u, i..e n.,bie STA1 LuF MJli I II caKOI.I.n a T 1 so, semi to n,e sunsenbers, or suo.cnoe to me Coumy Agent, for tnis Ntw, . ... .. . I.. UK .'ilitl Tl;i"iiilivtn Tlnp. a jr.u will get the wm.le State:, with hrr It Lead. I j. , I llies.l'owns sou Vllh' u Springs, and her lit Mou&'.aina i y-'o want this (.(JLDF.N PlilZi:. low ia , n,e Sute House, lo.ane Asylum. Ch.uei Hill, Male .-..,d s-riwaie Lvllegea. A.e.. te., one of the rlttahffl and irmi M.ips evr pulolNtied. FKAlit'E A HK8T, UilUhoro', N. 0. AC.I..N 1 W AY! FD lor . very county in the .ite. I' llKfi. Apply aa aoovc. Jj ) ii IH 6.ii Mt'ckleiilurg Jluiids. H:ti;i pT -rlil. per till ll ll III. IillK-F llOMD.S are undoubtedly ti.s aai invesliiierit Ihatcsn l biaoe,i.u art rea re I. rati. e to any State ll'inns. Tne County cannot renumaie. lereat payu ,lt se uanv, Willi CobK.ns lor lite ssinc. y, Willi t.obK.n. lor ll.e same, are of ti.e denomination of tint), . ae inem more current and useful Tne elo. .1 prove s convenient lave.. ii- eounly should pi sse i tl.. lliem. Frop. nolle or wilh t -pi attention. II. W. GUION. I r. Vi. t . If H. R It. Ca. .Sept. 2C, lea laNotice. 1 '11 V. fir of lit M'FIIHJN Jt AlIIfF.VS waa d .. ihe Ui ,,f J,.uarv, l.v mutual . JA.. F. HF.MiFKMi.N'. wi.I herealteri carry ti e bos nes. ..n his own seeounl. Ai ii""'ai'o'oc y i. yl ti. Ciictj up MKNDEIibiJX i AIIRE.VS. Jau.aary ll!a. lUVINf; ,.U mv entire interest in the firm of llr.Mir k4iN Al AIIKKiNrt t.. Mr. I K IIP V. Uku.mjN. I .m, eautct o ,,,.,, i, t,1I1B ' si toe sioie ai.u .hali or happy i.. aii ,,n uid fork over tne l.tlle chai.ire, cue me ul "'- '"' J U4,. h;j F. W. AIJUEN.S. tt tf Wanted, 1,000: f. ll.le 1 AN I t.l . c W I ll.e IV ,. , )iut )F tan bakk. f r: l.ich tl-e ei.b W'C be palo. j M. li. T AY LoU. ! i in j mm! Mi.tii ( t'VV. Fn.ire al I S.T.WMSTON wr EKPS on hnd, wholesale and re. i tail, a full ami 'complete aesorlinent of 1IA1N AM J A1A.M:I TIN-.VAKK, which will he sold LOW. CtOl'NTF.R SCAFES, Ensmelcd Satire and Stew Puna, Glue Tola, Willie l'ons, it., for aula by S. T. WRISTOX. T lOII.ET SETS, a superior article, for sale S. T. WRISTOX'S. ASH, Peed, Spies and liressing BUAts mr V i'e by S. T. WRTSTOX. FJ UI TS t VI 'XJ IVVA lil.I 'S. A PTONE St Co.'s Screw Top GLASS JARS a iS r"r prfrrvii( Frnitu, Vrrelatilra, Ae., the best article now in u'', for pale by S. T. WRISTON. TOOKIXG STOVl'sfS. A FILL ASSORTMENT of COOK1XG and' 4 ether S TOVES, will be coiistsntlv on hand, , and sold as low aa they can bo afforded in thia market, by i S. T. WRISTOX. ChorlM:Jut 14. 1859. Utl Land lor Sale, flIIK subscriber, being desirous to remove .1 from the country, ofl'crs for sale the Flan. l.ition on which she now ties I'nini t l.arliillr. on lha Wrslarn 1'iank K d, con. M rerr.. Tne land ia of sooi ausiitv For particulars, enquire ot tho auoaenber on the premises Mas. A. V. STEVEXSOX. A i 12, !8i9. Stf Atlntic KUTDAL and FIRE Insurance Company, CaroliiiH tl), H. '., incorpotaltJ ly tn Act s tht avju,ur oj ionn t sraiiaa. T 1! IS Company being duly orjinned, is now pared to receive applications for in.ur. 1 cc upun BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, t'lirnlliirr, .Vlilla, Vi liiilarlnt i Sllll' AMI I II I 1 it l AllOOFN snd most kiiuiaol property t reuiuseritive ratee of prcunuiii. It is aimed, in Ihe orgsniintion of this Cnmpa. ny, to make a sale inioium lor iiki ninny aim 'rott-ction to the assured tn case oi Imjss. An honorable and uptight course of de ling, nd a f.iilhful l'ulfiiiiiit of its contract, wiiJ stall timca clnlaelerile the business ol (lie I ompany. Appiiei.tions for Insurance ni iy be nude at the ofli-e ol the Compiny, or to its authorised Agents. Dili Ft lORS. John A. Pirrol, Levi T. Ugh.i.y, U . 11. liralll. William P I-ing, D-vul v I r it. A. B U..vid S. Jones, 7 Oeo. W . Dill, ' Col. Thos. J. Blakeley ' Luke Uiackiuan, ! OKFK1.K3. J.,hn A. Farrott, - Ivi T. Ugltsby, ' W. S. I.n, L. A. Thompson, I Leffers, J.l II. Da.I. I). A Kargett. L. Mallttt. rresident, V.eel'reidelit, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. 1). U. (-.r .i.t. 1 S. Long. JKXUL'TIVE COMMIITLK D-nu W. 11. :l. 1 Mutk j. Ioo9. Clu-lla.S WASHINGTON HOTEL ((.HANOI Of PHOfKllIOKb ) I!ll Al) VI It I.l I M.M, . ., JOHN F. JD:;ES, Proprietor. 'tin-; I'noc rsigm d nspeclful.y atnouncea to j Die IraseJimg (.uol.c, that I.e. has take . rge of tins uid sad oepuiar establl.hlneot, and ow prepared lo sccoo.m.idaU travelersand pri- Hit fa wilh li..rro hy Ihe flay or nioiith, on li.e most accommodating Is rilia. I win. ker were ul asm chsrrtef eVime three His TAKLK wi.I alway be furnished with the ,,,, er i prored s rwilile of your h ir re best provia.oiis liiath.-iiie aud lureign markets can l,t,,rui,e, n. used it. 1 san luund ll was pros. srT'rd. 1 nig what I hsd wished. I used it slx.ut twice a Tne iVilahill.lon llssts-l hss Urge.rtk I ,e ,,r procured another battle, ol looms, ia nei.rer the ueyot, ine. court. house, aud ; willr, I , ,on,e ;, certifv lo I'.e ti.e U'laloeas atreets llin sny olhtr III the Clly. ,Jtl(J ,,, le gl,f r mi,ltt , ,, u,!.!!, olt. Au Ommb$ will a, ways oe at Ihe depot and , app,ared, lx,l.h on y head and face, anil my hair landing, ou tne srriml ol llie cars snd steamboat, ; hj, rt.,nnd its natural color, and I believe more lo convey passengers to ll.e Hotel tree of charge, i ,,, xI,,v than it has been before for twen. Hy stopping al 11... Il,,tcl, passengers will have ,,, ,tars. r now silly years old i n.y f.ooa amp.e time to obtain n.cj... j ,,ie s u- f,rt..1()i , u,cd lt w.Hi the Having a..- a l-rgc si..l commodious Stable. 1 llir board hones hy tin. o j, wees or iiioblu at the' most reasonable raU s. j JUH.V F. JONES. ..f ire I. lPi!. illl j CHARLOTTE HOTEL, a Hs asv. Bonne, II Ait l.Ol I 1 .N. I . a fllllL Proprietor of this Hot. I ia ' f'i)rSft the duties of "mine host" to the i teagjatfcjtf, ....lling public a the,, who , : may can on linn, and h Hall, rs himsell tnat aa 'I comfortable quarters can be louod with hun i. i, any w nere in Una vicinity . Jt il.g situal. I iy in tne centre of I lisriolle, liu.iness .VI I lino Ihis S moat COO vel, I. nl al.U ui a.rabie l..: ,t-..ri. IU hss been engaged in toe busuoss at tliia alanu nearly ell btecu yeara, snd ill that .J several additions to lua loriiie : house-, and il has laxsit greatly enlarged and mi. i I proved, prrncnt u.g hi front a two .lory VFU ANli. I : .1.0 leet in lei.gtli by la! feet in width, handsomely i slisced by Ire. s on the side-waia, aUordmg a plea. , proioenaoe si all hours ol ti.e da, b llouae has been tnorouglily lurnisusd tiiro". out, and i esery part ul il cre.iu.e e.,n KOUM, woers lbs inner man " is "renewed" day by d.y. Comiee l. d Willi this Hotel sre 8ta bles . fTording room lor lulj horses, abundantly form.!. id Willi rrani and provender, sllemjed by laithlui and a. tn.ging horllers. I ne Fropnelor fi els con Client thai with his !ong i h rience and iimiiy new advantages snderf li. de-.ire Oi plea.e, he is prepared lo off. r his fro and llie rr'.t of msnktnd," ss msriy comforts snd as much good enrer ss will be found anywhere, perhaoa a lutle more au. ir Al any rale vat the Charlotte l.,le 1. V. KEJUl Ocltiitr 19, iiti. Jailf A.C. "WILLIAMSON, A 1 IIIIIM.V and ( oui... II. r at Law, I. .la t ken a . ffiee, j. intly Wilh J. A. Fos. F.q upatairs lien rt...,r to ths Court House, where h w.ll be e'.n.laiitly pn sent to attend tasll eslls I li pe..f. b-o-u .1 buaineae niafle ol hiuiaeif, or lor 1 M- F t wi.,1. I.e i. aby ul. J.a,.U.l I. ,S..J. t'i"' i A Great Battle to be Fought! ffltlE subaeribers inform the cilisena of Char JL lotto and vicinity, that they hive on bant and are conelanlly receiving, a auporb assortmsni of Elegant FUI1NITURE, uperior lo any thing that Ins ever been offered in this section. Their stock consuls in pari oi the fnl lowing articles 1 Sofas. Trto Tetes and Divans, Oane Bol'oni Kocking Chairs, Mahogany and Cam Seal Farlnr Chairs and Kuan llollom C Hairs, Mahogany nnd ( an TJ..ttoin Kocking Chairs, Wardrobi'a and Bureaus, Marble anil Wood Top Centra Tables, Marble Waah 8tanda and binks, Card and Work Tablea, M.ilioiranv and Walnut Exlensirn Tables. Muhi'gany, French and Kliaabcth Brilsleaiis, What Nols and Parlor JJesks. Looking Giassrs from M lo $711 a Pair, StlfKockiiig Cmdlta and Kit lining Chairs, Tucktr's Falent Spring Bottom lieilateads, Csnopirs w ith Lace Netting, nd Mnsqurtu Bars, Cottage Furniture by the set. Inn and W ood list Racks, I Gilt Moulding of all aiaes for making Glass and r iciurs r rsnirt.j ALSO Fverv V in-t of materials for snle generally used bv C.ioiiH't M.iKr'S, anrh as Glue, L"cks Knobs, Hiiiji s. W.,lr,t, Mal.ocany. 4c, Ac. Am; List, thot.gii lo.l lr-sl, we krrp always on haliU a supply OI Fik's Metallic I-urial Cases. J. M. SANDERS i CO. Cl..,lettr. .Vay3i, lto9. Iltf Great Sacrifice at Morrow's TIUNOUT, fJMlIF Subs.-ribirs reH-etfully inform the p-o. M. pie of the aurruumiing cnunlry, that they hate reduced the prices of their slock, consist, ing of iry (! oooj s, IIcatly-M ;itle ( lolhin, HOOTS, HOI.S ' " " "ld Idle I cost. COUXTRV I'RCJUUCE taken in exchange Kobe Presses w..ilh to UU at i 60 Miswle worth 4 CO at 3 IX) Mantillas worth S 0U at 9 .'O Bonnets worth S CO st 3 A") Hoop Skirls worth 9 AO at 125 Fast cnl'd Printa worth 15 at 10 Bleached and unblearhcd Domestics st New York 1 Prices, and all Goods kept in Store, sold in propor tion lo ti shove prices. I HAMMER5LAG A MEXDALLS. JuiyS, Itii. I'll" (1 as V o r k s T II IF. .ib ibers respectfully inform the pub. c, that tiny ars prepared lo ereel w.ia Works tor hunting C ities, Usui, illagrs, I ol. leges snd large ll. lels. 'I n. y have erected works in i hanotte. anc hltig h, N. II., mcli have given entire satislaction to the m iens ol llmse piaci-s. As lo oris, proiiiiiim ss snd abi'ily lo perlorm all contrscts inler.d into, lliey rtltr lo ihe loilow .i g f eoilen en : J.s. H. Ca r.oi.. Pres. Ch. r. tins Works. Clur.N.C. Wm. Johnston. Fres. Char. AS C.H.R. " Hr.T. D ll"g. Pn-s.Rjl. Gas Ass. Reifch. Col. ti II. J- Uhf. Ws.erlv, Miss. A ti. Slorr. I'.rs. tias Worl.s. Little F.ll.. N". Y. K.T.Sti.r'v Suul. Osa Works. Walertown, N. V. w. S. Scnoener A Co.,,a'2l Fesrl M . New York Address ihe suiWrihers at Raleigh, N. C. V. lhllllOlK k I'.OWES. Se-t. 14. la.'.o. 27lf GUI: AT WOXDKU 0? THE MUTEtNTU ( FATl'BT. I PROFESSOR "WOOD'S liairlicoralive, the St. laiuis. (M'i tuh.ish s letter to Dr. W ) Democrat : Below, we , VV,hI, f tint eil,, fr.,u a hie h sfaas glowing v "I Ihe hair Ionic. Such evid'nrs ntleni iiiii.vU i sutH-roT no rits f Ins niu' l.aee itsert et, when coming l,-"in a reliable iaonrre. l c.rtificites are gu iranO es of trutn, jthe Ur. needs no encomiums, nor useless ourlorv I !'r.m ti.e nresi : I Pstii. Mnn Jm. 2n, lfC6. I P,ofn$ar O. J JV.J if Co : UrsTUSti : II .vii t oiv stl. 'n called a lew BO,i., ,.. , n,r ,.,-m, tienthna! , rT 1 1 of . T,,ur 1Jr ..r4,,e, I was moored to nias. ap. ph, ,,, , Ul-,n ,. , winch had he. p(. nll,Ie ,r, .,,, ;,. limd while ; inv The notice I deern dne to you for your liable ui.tovery. I am assured that whoever It riglitiy uae, as per directions, will nut hsvc ntradiel my atalrnienls. 1 ani a ci. III. of this cily snd a resident here ..r Ihe last filieen tears, and am known to nearly tvtivows jJE j'.iiiiiig towne. Ariy use you .-nay make witn my name attached, ia al your rviee, as 1 wisli lo preserve His pesulies ol na. ture in as well as myself. I sin Iruly, jours, A I . KA 1 MtM llaLViwosa, Jan. leuis, I WtMiUS II A I It KFsiTOIJATIVF. 1 Frof-saor Dear fir : Having the mis. ("'-""" ....... ! rlf" l' 01 tl,e " ''," rle.ris in . ir-oi. 1 wss n.oueea to mass a ui'i o. your pr. p.rwiion.aoi! found il to answer sa tne very t g neeued. My hsir is now In.ek aad glosay, ai.d no ........ 1- j ... j..... 1 to ll.e slMicltd such i he und.r.igned.Kcv. J. h. is . rauni.t.r ( lIUr.-t. ..KH... .....w...K, ..... , .. -. .... lirooklieid, Mass. He s geatltuian of great and uruvcraal-y bel .H. VY Mt. Bionkfield, Jan. I J. Ib.'.-J. Professor VVtaxl-.Desr Kir : Having made a Iri. I of your Hair ItesUirativ. il gives nie pleasure i. ei.y, tbat us effect has been eacellent in remov- I toe inflan.iuali .n, daudrulT and a constant tsrmen. 'j'jcy tu ilching with which 1 have been troubled hair, w h.el, wss beronusg grsy, to Us original co. I..r. I liavs u.rd no other a.liele Willi anything like the nie pleasure or profit. Yours, truly, J. K. Illi At. f. The Keaiomtive is put up in bottles of 3 aises, viz: large, medium snd small j tho .m ill holds a pint, and retails lor one dollar per bottle; the nuiiiiiiii lio ns at lea.t twenty per cent, mare in ..,(,., riion limn the sni .ll. relaila for loo dollars s Imilie ; the large hods n quart, f..rl(" per cent, more in prnportmn snd rctaiis for 3 a bottie. (. J W OOI A. CO., Proprietors, 4 14 Droadwsy, I New York, and 1 14 Market Hi .St. I,..ina, M I soid by all giaad llruglst and Kanry floods Heal. J sis snd in t harlntle by HCAllIt V t O. Cash raid for Hides, K. M. HOW FLL, 3 doors Houlb. of ths J Mansiou House l ,uriil(, alrll 6, IPif 5lf SUUI'ENAS for sale at this UQice k ' ir -m I $.H.RANSOM.UC45. Jl WAIT m MIY i. it m. j. m - W Because h huyea liia HIV VIM (rum 1.1.I.M.TAVL0II Would respectfnlly snnounrr lo ll e inl'sl itai Is et IM 1. 1 CI 1 F ri ! virii ilt .11 l ir.iii iiuir i o,i m. i,,,, io ro. J, lira one lii.w, m Kortli, ons ot ii.s niu.t i-alrnsive assortments of S3 K 0 ver orTrrrd in Norlh.Carolina, among w liicii w whi h hss gain This S'.ots ha ronsuuirs less : put up one be. i work in s girn he better oar, I such a famous reputation in the Southern Country for tl . lost t ijl u, ,, Cll , ( inrrsDla superior to sny Ci-nk.rf Hutr r in usc.ll is am 1 1, i, iimtll ' ur I. snd does more work in s g iven tin.e , 1 1 -an any othi r i . in L, 'j,' ' le any oilier 8tove of the same sue in Ihe t'niti i. Males, urin if , j,, i tune, lis will forfeilthe price of Ihi Move, and quilselhng and go kit ot','n'' ALSO, ALL FlilI,OR & BOX STOVES. He has, and cnaunt!v ksep on hand, an catcnaive aad varied stock of Tia am sSiii:i:t ikox. if A LP Ail A'H'Jj UjX'ai-JL'AMWUA WA'J;3, iii:rm:st ,it irrrM, HAT HACKS, in.l)LlS, &c., &c., 41 of talilrtit il br sold, t lil sn!.-auil Its 'nil li ii r llmi, rvir ! stlls-rrsl t aa this Y ic t ss 1 1 1 . I would return my tbsnks to my friends and customers for the very liberal p. tf, rr, ii , bestowed orx.n us, snd they ins y rest aaor I. ibal I shall endeavor, by ? loe .in m,, tl f together witn a d ternnsiu lo ple.t, to iry ai d soenl a eoi.tiouaiier nf the sai .e . a die an J liriillriiicn arc particularly in.itril to rail nntl tiainiiir ut AIIEISIi? 02 103 W0i! HlVtll'i) liiV.llh Yitiiiii. N. It. I w ll! trll y ou I J I head II. V s i. e r t . n , 1. 1 a n n.a till W Its. ,", I we have ll ree c";y Irsveilu g iln tjl. I lie coui.lry ill. Motes. V . t)i Ut trill br fatlUlully otnl tillt t.Sul lo ..,. a'.JI.TAYI.OI;. I'karlettt, Junt IS, I 857. 3u I A ' am l.i. hereby caul i! sgaintl iiun. lung with l I till Of Uekle. or lands, ss ll.e I forced b(.itt rvrv onr twi rff mlinr A. lillKVAIil DAVIDSON. Ja 10. If j 9 3m CANDY FACT0I1V. Fresh ('oiileclionerics, Fruits, Ac, Ac. '1 siibacriher rsspeelfui'y an thai he from Ne ol ( lisriolle snd surri.ui.iiii.g cumrv, he hap on hand snd is constantly : New Yors. j Confectioneries, Fruits. F.IM'V IIIMI S,( K.'AIIS 'I OIJAt U), S.M I r. Til vs. tliwi-;i llialrilllil I uti: niiiik, itoitiii ii'iKwi., V lrli ries, UllliiH Wiignita, t lilt 1 1 a, Uttl k.wliilisl., il Illi nS s of ever) variety. J. I). I'ALMKH. Arilr , lfi8. Also, he intends to wsnufsriure CANLIFS ol all kind, fr e Irom ra.iar none ri.loring tinliae Ihe New York N, lined I a y. I all and se.. JA3II1S M. llll.M.V. cvMMitxHLS mi:i;ciia. r, I IT ( IIAMRI li fcl Ul 11, .. . Bll VS and forwards every kindof ni.rch. MB due ..r VI f.r rel K.iers ii, J. w. Osborne, I . I', j snd Kev. C. F I others. esl.e all. A. M. t.orM.aa. t..(s. W . A. Oral'. I.,, ani.' Ml I.Hleans, Organs, ring ,Mae l.inis. Iron II.. li Harps, f.uitars,, hii afes, rumps, t.arden r.l'l A . , ,j i. u,fl(rr,t ,!,,,,, auras and pruts ! ml f,. Fubllaher of ail . legsi.t lilhogrsph of .. ,,., M, .. N C lil i a.,.i .. -M,.,tllKi Ho, ,,i',r. TO llajLVM." , hl., (uw,,y a-r.ser si.ouic . in ev.ry hue. ii treaia ol all diseases. Ins e. oi'.i. glossary snd press ri be the renn n it s froiti natuie' I.......I...,,. .i... i... .ii..... (u;tnll,. ,, l,;,,rd ft sonil'IV bound lourlli e.lili..ti :4(lll nua , mmil.d (,,, , ... j,u. bllb N.'W Flal.oa.tljl. . 16, I 17 7 Saddle II Hirneis Dlanufictarer, . TUHtl VOfiH BOl'TII Of Til I MAMMON liouatt ll tKI.II I 'IFI.l. IT Allkiiidsnffiaddleisnd Harness msdr stthi shortest nolice. 1 ri FPAIKINt; promptly eieeuler. . I!. I 58. 3-tf It. .Tl. (lltlS 111 t. he pleased to rrrem I' rofes.ions U'a lis W in the .ier.snn.enl. of M FMCl.N K and ML'Kf;KBY. fnles s professionallv ahaenl. I..1 m.vh. found. t Fori Mill ! p.., irt i.iii.iei , ,... i-j i .. i.. THE W A lifi 01. m - . - m. , the Maiiiifaeturers. " rhftpl rc it lias new on exoiun..i, r, W O ,4,t Ins tk, ill be found llie celehralea KINDS OF rsiir:3io al. f I I'.T. tVnferi-. nere si.i F- u i l..'."ii i-i i .,I.V,INllUM-r..l .. !.,. , Hi' si. I d . pK sl .a ll.e I re sr.) Ii 1. 1. 1 I ' n . . s ,.i K ey are rrre,. hi ,el Ir. a. .N.a F.'. .. (I sduiiions to Iheir slick i f UIM'IK l lOMlini s, I AUII.V I.HIII I o. At. Ain'.f.g llwif suxk loay he l. ui.d lll! I'l ails tip! m a store .1 ll. . t ,i..i. A j i,.. 1,1 ,1 Cake ' gs, H tiu.w tt .:.... . Ii .n hand. 'ilieylisva in Iheir sirphyan 'n .'ill hi I.', and are p-epaiid :.. : ..t.i. I i n i.l aim t iin ol ail k.i i . " J1UOM 4 M.Mfi: Nur.n. er (. Iif- Wehsv. also opened s l.raii-h ..( r u- ' l .i.eo ol, n, when- lr. M.- f n' o--ui tl Slid h. i e to . t u'e . i rr -' 1 . public in ll'-t ' 'i'-" i MODl'V k M.-I'KT. AW. 16. Ifi. . I t Ii i I e I .t tul lluitili r. 11 1. lurn.ah ! ,i's. I'., i is. I .s i for Fuhl.e Itniluugs, I'm -f f Villas. r.,rl.eul.r .li. ... i- flouring .Mills. .. in M-..s, Ar. "r iu 3dsioryl Aliin.i.i''i Fui,'s' v. r bins 11.11. Orlsocr 'af.. I fl ;3u Mill l ll-t . Il A T-utUdl Life lusurdLC- Cerauy ofMi I. h I. hit- n ' T HIS I ii pny if.. I. l.f one lar, a ..I. II. . M utaal l.l.cpii , li i ' l.lipalilg in ll.e pr. Ill ot ' ' oolieies srnteu lor Ihe w ho.e jwluii llie pr. in. on. Ii ireii r sun io, It i...j b given lor bin l.aii in j piiiiiiuin, oa-nig ii Irr-.t .1 C f 1 1 -r i.ij 1 'I he pr-ii pl wianiier in I " b men paid l.y this c.u pa ny , ! ten , I. . i ; H.IUH., pr. a. i.i tri-i SQi i. as sre clispoe.u lu iliauis. fi.e V. lot tw ll.' A.I a laet'.rv prool i are paid ilbm u present.!.. Illi. t l 'll.'l harles I. n. W n. II J Hold. n. W . D ih ke. J. VVi. Ilusixi, M. nln e lii, t o , I' r u. L e, K. F. It.uir. t n.r.-. i tuw.. Ii 11. li-II.e. otHtFl.f Fr. I,s t.. Joi n.' n. Frean V,. W . II... ..en, Vie. I risim-' I; II. Ilallle.r-.liel.lj. i, II. J. .mi.. Ire. surir. II. W liu.lic. AUoniej. tir. W ii.. II. .Mi Kit . .Mi. " 1 ijiWire ( wtiimlter U- I'usl-' Kll.l H. lil.ol .t.'.rfirW !a.d er t-aasaf" J..l,i..,n l ll U, Hi. in I'. J.ihi 1.1,1.'., ll. II ,Joo. , M. I'.. For Ini tl.i r mloiu.ali. n, the I' red lo ll.e (.all phi. I m..y he . .1 ..I ll.i or ai y of Ha Afel.cii s. Conimuiiit alions should be s paid) lo. K 1I.UATTLE Siplrml.; 8. If .. ,rr'i"i' as 1 1 iiia ill hs' OH "KIM IMi " OH Fl me k. ' a oeoiiitnisiy r .Los ".I,., ..H.-s j T,,MiFTS forth 'iun'-' ' , ,tii..S'.' Ira 1 u Curt for sale b1"