T RROW.NS SPKKCII OS RECEIVING H13 SKXTEXCK. On the doomed rain being brought in the court bcme oa Wednesday ibe He. k. after abort Jelav, ked bi" 'f be btd anvthiciif loaay why 'b sentence of dealb should not be pronounced upon Liiu. lit slood up, and aid: I itc, 111 1 t it pte se tbe Court, a few wotd. t- ssy Iii the fift plscel d. tu eve il t ni'whal I lave all !oh admitted. cf a Hffin on my pari l" - intended certainly to hae ninde a clear! thin- of that matter, aa I did last winter rhen I went into Missouri and thrre took ; alevea without tbe mapping of a gun on j t.bcr aids. Mivcd them through tbe coun- j Uv ,, finally left them in t'snaJ. I " ! designed to have done ibe same thine 1 on .larger .cle. Tint was all I ii.tended.j I never did intend murder, or treason, or , tbe Jestrttftioo of properly, or to incite! tlavcs to r.bK.ion, 01 lorouc mvjr i -sea - charlotte: V"- " - - - T u ' s il a t, N v ui b f r 15. IS 59. ir it. . ha. vVakilirld. leu l -l" , an a "lir authorised n ut. lie .rdrr. lor li e W iiio bUnse or avcr- I i ....I,, .l.ti.tmn aid that is. . nti-n. and rer. lot lir the inc. Any iwrmma i. .. -rj,.. tbr i ....... , ;Ucb . r; ... j ;u;:c -vr m!1;:.:.:!;:. num"" ally. Mad I interfered in tit manner lieb I admit, and which 1 admit had l-etn , Surerior Court. proved (fori a.lmire ti e trutbfu.oes. and j Tlir fiam.,i, c'w tw tin. Cunt? wa in ae candor of the preater poition of tie wit ties- ) u m ,nr j1jr ,.,tH, prr.id- we. ebo t.-st.:i a in mi, casei nw Tl,,f j r':,.v,i cine up. 11 trrfered in behalf of the rifb and pow .,f.;i, ii.t. -!!i.. ut the o failed crett or in M-ba.i oi a i. y . s , ,un., vr, , n,i, M,.Uu f.t er or moiber, VroUier or nter, ue or j in. Ti httra trn-0 at the Siriue Tvrm. Iund gaMy ot e mn'il'l l a itee nero in ' ml nct-U 1" I'"";' Trial of th Traitors. The triala of Cnppie, Grean, a nefro, and Cope land were concluded on Ilia 8th, and were found guilt; of murder and inciting ulavi-a to inaurree hun, ami aeiUenccd to be hung nu the I6tli uf coiiibvr. On Ilia 7lh Sle in, one m' the priannara, waa liruuyht into Cimrl ami before a jury wa empan elled, llie eaue waa bronehl to a elone by a i. pilch fn ni t.ot. War, rreied by Mr. Ilunlrr, iifigrtling lli.il Sl ! bv Imndid over to the I'liitid Slatea nuthoritiun lor In. I. After readinn llie riii-p-lrli, Mr. Hurler infnin-nl lliet'uuit that hr hhd in hia poart-aainii a targe nuinhrr of inipor lint Irlli-rx and dnriinirnti irnplid tii in the trea ,nab!e dnifii" of the prixmera large number nf proiniiirnt citicena of Ihe Northern and Wea. li-rn Sioien, alutti wnuid b. made public nn the trial nf Sl.tci.a l-ei're li-e l ulled Slnlea Court Tlie priei-mr fjatly arci-pttd the prop.ni I -on, and waa remanded to pui" n. The Grand Jury hnving found a true bill againtt ('i.(onk on l he Tlh inl.uil, nn the 8th lie waa bronchi out lor trial. AlUr a jury empanel, led, Mr. Hunter ri-a.i in open t uurt a full confea- ion, written by ( oik himelf giviiiK the drtaili ot' the conspiracy. We hoe nol aevn ha cuiife. i. ii, but ili publmh it when e j;el il if not loo i-.i.g. Since Ihe alx-re ki writtni. we learn thatCn" RAILROAD MEKTLNO. . ... W. II. SEWARD. IIoPiiitLt,. Nov. ft, 1659. . Sine the dtvt of Aaron Burr, there U A meeting waa etd iiopewcii icm-0 rul)l0 nian Bo.e poni.c.i .o,iue. ... - , - opu,d un re- i..v. i..a ,uch uuieo nnu uanmciug -u,..., .. . , II. Seward. bardlj lu P'"" " 1 i , 1 110 n.lire" l ioie. j GOVERNMENT EXTRAVAOANCB. The Parkcrabarg Oaet'.t h to trticlt , Democratic profliac tUatpreaenia laria perance Hall, on November ntb, with re- have had auch card to the buildin of a Railroad from uj,. M thoi-e of Cb kno All Win. arlotte to BtatetrllU', V 01 toe aoiu The exploaiou at Hnrprr a rerry na uw.u - - r '.:. .Jr wn under the Cherter ud name of the k hijih tbe plot and inaclunatioiia ore uaiene r..o- . ... ... .,i,;t antio. Teuueaaec A Olio Ruil Road. ; 0 Corrupl and cralty life. JJiutiing bin iMMing federal .ff.r. u, I . . , - o Ou motion of Mt. J- R- Al. laudcr. Sir. cnrtrr wlth a crunade acainat .Masonry, he 1 oj wu, in .I,,BIi. , f: .Inhn II l.tin.r ! fl I'd tO t tlO 1. 1) SIT. I, . . r i. lit. n ill I or II rVel V POtlUl ar IlOtlt' T I II a t vo-,uu. --- ........ .0,. 'w Kroro the New York Journal of Commerce InrM-tniil ttlilliii. About ai yenra ago, we published the firHt deOiipiioii of Uiit-iliine invented K Mr Jaiiu-a G llmiliii kou, Fie l0 v ' 1 .1 ...... .i- :,. . . . ,' tfeia.y. w m v. i.aeu. j IllOUel k l.i.L llehdriek-ou bad made fifr bittling for forty yearn, w.a brouLt P tieut into omce. ami we iouiiii innt n . n ,.i,n..l .... Imi.iil.a f K ...j .- r . "Miicur tnA oul.l lint alnn linlraa It taa. , u ...1 1, . I... ..i ii.,,,. I.a ...... t a t, l.ia .,... aiacli of turra the cull liM ran p ,.. .-. iue iuu it. oreriru niii""' 1 ' " j - rouiu ue ion-. - - . ... cv. Jr.. were reouited to aot a i Sncretanea. hiob baa belt ed him on On Oiotion cf Cie. Young, Mr. Urowu waa go, until he mounted called udou to iuirJartiiliia vie we cnnccrning Qf tlln aUvery, ahich, at tbe uses, advantage.'. Ac, of building raid tle uniuted it to land hi in lioad. In atnlltioii, nas itirown n m u. .c of re.urrection can never reach bim." hm.i fipmuiiuii , . . f ...v.eu, , . . tbe nueting for aou time, i" "ry bappy What cbaracterisiio prudeticu. be touud il " , .u,.,!,,..-,., 0f pointed at all of tbe projeoia to ol.t.i,. - . i H'..ri.n .1 .ittrniaiii in tj - - . .. ...i , , . . M,' Tt T VTell. Laiiur rencatedlv I. in., the ...aid. to the powder maumine: both llou-ca of (,'ougreaa amounted y hi. will number, it amounted to SlOO.OuO ... . . ,wl1 . 1. u ...w uowcr w ecu winning,, alMI Ml.., .. . . to.ards.be Cher- in 1S4H to " - ' ,, . ,ullcieot for.e to e.rr.7 '',a' .hevioiouanag '"T c ii Sm-rito.,l r, c.oek-.oik without w i""; llie very niomeui i.ooi ....' c , u ,,n iiiwl i r. pleuihbihK. In alorl. e a.. " at tbe heiubt of eervioe Horn . ' , ." mC- oud .... BO ul,,i t, ... "'' the ie.r7, ind to Sj-JH,lilni,t-ili in i-o". aim m. , ""--:-,,," " . ' "" out. a,. t v ... -..itJ .Jdr..e,l I..:.,' ...,..., ,e.eh him." naval eipenditure Iroin co.umi.iu-u io o,er - - - - .o..p,, 0u, " . . .. . . i . . i i :. ci unit nun. perpetual motive poaer wbioli l,, f4;i j 1 1 j ....... j ...A. ...... ..,.eii...l :..r...i .r i...;.... .....t...- .ill. .!. nlo- 6U2. and in 1837 lor aunatainimiiy .uo ..u.. """"'.fm caiii-u upou. arone nnu . , u..., ....... k , . .......j 0150 ()uO. The in- Ior .u.ei.iiuu many t-cie-ni , G.; and pertinent remark. jriou tiding of eon.piele nece, be il,. .ha uraeiibabiiit I of build- l..m that mi .1 ISion a t a K mc 1 1 n r in, and abaolule neee,i.y for the' road. ,.Vrr, Col. Foil, baa c,r.ured Wm. 8.40 060 to 8l..'ff " "f'"' ' The Ou motion, the ub.icription Rooka were n. Seward, and i-y.iit.gui .'i. d the loot he 1 leMQem an-i c, ,.7 c-3 apent brought forward and opened for pre.ent aol- tbauceof bi ever iciicLiug the Ti idiilicy bait r.-eo from e-.iu, I to P. - ' . . be bM . e. I ... . , 1 l, annrnnriaHODa fur tun 1 leaiueiil in. need lo c-'Il- one rub. tii.ii ul i. i...u I.Ur, and a .W riiiiiy. The t'. uil c .i.lM.u. .: in a... ion until S-turci-. y ftcrniin when II j. uineo. A I". W iiliann-ii. Kq , waa .pr--inii-.i CI. rk :.i.d M i. tor in K.quit; by Jui pe H.-.ti., in the ph c. 01 Dr. V R. 1'ui.h-p. rt-.M.n. of ll-.e bru f e . lo:u aim Soul i cclnoietod llt I ber but li e in ty aide on the eri.aa Ihe m l Ti'UrMiay. e K.rlu-.:lj of n..l!Cir Ihe briiige ha nvir. Il i bui.t aiii-r liif p.-n . r tl c i. at.mha r.i.r on l!.t I'h.r- Carolina UiilK.Mil. It i not quite j retapud by Ihr rtce.lion of iuin. ii waa (lour iMititl'.UalM wun Tib, and the ran were riveted I.. At N. i- u.y ia-i teur Lai i. e aupp-se we rxptctid I" be ..bit to h.re i c. to I- i.oir. M.I h uihi t a i tu n, the i nly iin.i. who cio .. children, or any cf tial eli. and -Terd j " i',' 'iL-'''' "'1 .1 .r.;r.", DXVil f ti.fi?0.,. n. t i-r..-.e,,l e, i. p,..ne fv'iai Tu'cluN would bar deitred it an ml h.m ,f ...urr.or. H h. ., rail, d the art worthy of reward rather tl.au puni.b-1 i-- t e I branded on Tl " Tbl court acVnoa'.edfed too, as I snp j r.e, tbe ta'.'.d tv cf tie law of tod. 1 ce a o -.k ird here l cl. 1 ttpoe to be the ..b. or at leat tie N, w Totann tit. That leaehea tt that a'.l tb:rra " banever I wciu'id n.t u should do to mt I ' ouid r.o -- even ao to tb.-m." It tccle ae, furtutr, to. Trip to Lenoir again, r. .tver them tbtt are in Vol.. a l-otid- ! I!.,mf ... k..n , .i-t '"1 I'""" td wilt thtn. I etdravort-d 10 act up 10 D n.e ih in-i-i I, . u ihe .Nortntrn train. We li.e io'tructious. I y I am Jtt too j arrived , Sil.i-urj in p.. fn. ai.d after will jour g to ur3er?tand that God is any re-j j.-,, .b.iut h uf a l.our, we took ihe train on ape.tirof pr-ois. I believe that to have vrl. r.-i Siunim.o ii r ihe river, to which point iiit:f-rtd a I lave d:ue, in l-eha'.f of l.i j roa0 Cl ,, t,,,. t then tk the "i.ije rie-pct-ed r ov.r, wn no wr:rg but right. tur N.-wion. anu arrive.! about I Vl..ca. .a,il ii i-(ii. nied Bfcc---ry that I -hou d fciifnt n-y life fi r the fjriherance of the en ; of j-.hce. an-i n.ii j;'e my 1 -o1 fur'h er wilb tie IodI cf n.v childr.-c ; aid i b f.be H ad of li e in. iion in tl.i couu f . whofe r .L'.- are d.-ietrarded r.y wics n, co l -i ! ur.:ut etac'.m.nta, l tulruit rj :et ie d n I ' Let n-e ny ere word furtb. r, I feel en lne V vat. t i i'h tie trri.li eot I lave T.e 'vid c:i ly t;i. Cct,i.ierirjg all tbe r'n- ni.lii i',', ii !. l- ' D more gr serous itaiiltijeciid.Vutl f- I ro ror.e!our.i ,.:. I l v.- ,taie.l Irom tbe 6r.t what i.tioLa. and what w. not. I di -igu a ;n-t the li'i of UJ , n..-.'-i. e i. -I ; . h-0 u t-r-ct. tor atl di.por-ii...u toeoii.ii.lt reason ' f i'1 .... ,i. .' . i. ,.,! ft, ., .I, t,,. ! l.it.e e.r.uu.-t-i.ce tu.l M r,tr,' i...ur-eet:0!l I bfTer H.couricd r, we Co .... b-...e .1. e.t.l. n. are Very arc ai.t auaa lo ; k. lot a'waya dUoeragrd , ai...tii.g. W b.ppir.u to filia coiuai.y at" iCt a f t!.a; kitd Jx-l'm say ai-o, in . r,t n .-: u.al pi -er. i aaid he inleuoeu : r -at J to tie .tattn B' made- by ou e of h-j t'. bom, b..ut 14 a'cloek. ,'- J . ii., 1 fear that il lias in t.,u: u-.l ml unui l,i vih.il am bt b u Mated tv a.-me of ;r.ai tlat I bare : t,. aiirnd In winci, e uid not aeltle until ab..ut il iuced ihtiu 10 j jin Lue Jiut lie contrary lno t, ma we would fo will, hun, re we w.re e true ; I do ool r tbis to ii j ure them , , us t t, t tin i.r ii. wirm i" n.e. bit as re:re".l'! their wa'.ei.'. There! jc ...r,,u lhai i,t wouiu juai . aoon travel i 2iie of IbeflaJLiti tud iu oJi . bu. ,,e Kulitt ,r ,',,,, ' - 1 ' eipet... A Min-ber Ot tbcia I berer.aw; To, ..evl t..e we .,, h. be wa. dr.n. r.th. arc ntver ta a worn ot cfi.verfji.cn aun t. i the ciy they came to me. ui that waa it .o pu'(o.e I lave atatcd. .Vow I Late d . ut " Vt : ',t IJioau waa ap-akirg perfect q lit t j.ret i ed. H l,l be Lad Em-I- d, tbe Court rK.t bed t pronounca utience. muv t i r math. Affr ti. u.uaa i,n.iLary remarks, ir, bicb. lb.- jiie thai no reaooal!e Ao t eiuii -a;.-.l a to tie pTi.cr.er'a fjiit. tie Carl a .ui-uc d hi u " to r-e t.unj in put- he ou r r 1 1 a a , tbe -i flay of J.'ecerj.t.er - . . ' , wil never lif jwa reoeitej tie lecteoce wirt, cm I u poaure, aii'l tb only dniontra:ioo w. of eiaf. ping of batiO. by a man in tbe crod. who u oot a rea den cf Jeff- rfon county Tlit iliJecoruu. war prou-ptly uppr,,d, id much rerel was eipreaaed ty c.t;n.u tt iu o-.ei.rr. Lee c... t.. A Vi..,,. i I ifa m id for. .I,.-. W-1. ;..(. dihat"lho eliL'ini'r .as cmcuiai enii vi'- '"":. ... j;.. I., r... .u.. ...J . il J."-, V.. ' .. entertained T" ' L i .. ,. .!,!, I.I, own net. rd He .ill Svnate roa. from $100,(10!) to 3I7,I0- . - - - t. ,,.. .iu i. u i"iiv " . . .. .. - r ......n. a,f the llouati Iroui .ty ...huuidh tue Inovetoi.,,. IIIO llll'iuou.a. ' V LTjJ ..!.. . ... .v ....Jt, .o-euiouj tlUi;,. liivemcr as an oit man l . bia whole lifo in pursuit of the olj.ct u i.u. VO...UC... no uau uepnnie srriiition. : ni the L.11I eu olatca. 1 -l--i . n.i.nh .ri.ii.,nni.il In r..( . .l... r . .... , t .1. x- 1 ill. .,A .... an rv. iiimrovemriiia 01 iue 'ri "n M .. On molten, il was ' 'Ihefcew loin 1 ' wi.r ro nu iu .1 ew a-,-.. --, -- r .g.,, , very patient und.-r it, and the only r,n!, ,. 7.V -W That &.t Clurlotte paper and ; yerk Evnm.g J ost make t desperate . ffort ground, ic , were $. J,l bo. r or 18 he, 1 ' . Broi'.r'H I 1. 1 i 1,. ..i- ...r.,.H 1 ..u... r.:..Ji. . , .1 . r,r a. be rcnucg- ' ... l.....b , h.. r.t nf th. ir i.Ioi'iert l.ncili'r. auiouiino eJ, -'"," ' J . ..i:.... : :n. ....-. 7 I " a 1 u,..vi . .1 ic j 1. ,1 1 ,.wo. , . , , ..... .,., fn, ,,1S. riirden.crounds. Ac. 1 Ii .""'Ii .iT"""'.r, ... cm k (u,. ,., .I.ve. t inai.rr. cl-. 11, and .coteuccd lo be bum 1 ted to publish the rroceeuiltoa. j,i n , a mn.i n u. a,., ui.-uiumui u v - ' .;,;,. fr il,, 1 be Dolicawhluh we punted attrai.,.,1 .1 t.,rt u-orc kl.-i.u ai.n n in.ii in. ...: -1 ' iBortJ4 or atteutiou of tbe euriou., and for tl, B, . the audacity to declare that Forbe. does not Cong'e-. they amount to 83,ir5,8!i, or ! Prol nanaiwora. u w ,,;,, j ,( sertlbi.t he eoniiuunicalud lirown'a plana $1,8. J.Ul 1 p. r annum, being more than j be prer-enl at various firs ami eil,il,i,iulll to8iwstd,but that be only cominunicated leu tbou.aant lo enco meinoer 01 iouynaa. uew ,.iu..o,.n ..u n-rever h w.t hi. qi.arrcla with ihe abolition and lie j Now it ..ll-he recoilccled that in 1P40, ; b' machine form.d one of tb. ehief ,rte: di-tte-.e. of hi. family. Forbes, however, tbe period e Imve aeleoteu 10 couiraning , ,"'", "rue,i up 11. , Lim.elf. tell, a verv dilTerent story. The tbe einei.se. of tbe Government with tbe 1'im, and determmed lo put b m do,. l. tu r ol Furies wiitteu to Howe, MsyO, eitravagai.ee of tbe presrol lh-mocralic i ' ,ie p'oieasora were all aaiu.t hitu, sn n .yhebdau int. rview with Snt. AdminUtmtioi., the people rose in tbe inaj. , Jbey had pronounoed the whole thing , U on t'nc Itiib of December nem. Il ! Brown will bo re. piled to tl at t" uppnat-d lh.il J Another Anonymous Letter. The k.Miawha Valley Slur .uiea tn-l the fu( low III) l. lt. r waa til kc II out ..f liie F.m.1 Ofiic. at that p!..(.e, by the l l..r nf Iho Court. Il ,i ll reeled lo l!i " Cl. i k of the Court, Charlealown, Kanawha, Co., Vi,n and wia evident)' inleiidea lor ihe " I lerk of the Court at Ch..lletown Jef. ler.on Co..V'a.tf ll was poatmarked N. w York 1 ity.Oct. S3d, liS'J." It was ...lit lo tiov. W i.t. Here it is : fuiinr THtl'otlT. ) idiourncd -"""'V (n. Stc'itt. On motion, the u?,'i'n 1r R AlexamiIk, ) 1uubt Lacv, Ji4 V lRAirLutMEETlN(J. . CUABLOTTC, N. C, Nov. 6, loO. At a meeting of tbe Citixt'Dss of Mecklen burg County held this day at tbe Coin I House, on motion of Win Johnson, Kiq , l)r. L. (i. Joora waa called to tbe Chair, and il. L. Aleiander, requested to act a. Secretary. The meeting beingorganiied the Chairman stated tbe objects of the meeting, whereupon, Reports, from different tedious of the Couuty as regard tbe subscriptions to the tor Scwurd. ai.d - .tre-ly aserts : " est) of lb. ir m.-ngth and hurled tbe cor- .'.., J """"'" lo pro., i , ,..,.. .....it., ... mi-di.l Van liuren dynasty from , ,r",n ' ,ulr aa.eruon. Aceordin .1. tl. Uarn,. lie ilpre.l ifgret't thai I., power. It... swept from cxir-tence bjr Hdrick.on wa eiad at K,yp,"r, Nff W Urn tol,i,aui said thiU he, in hit vo- indign.nl and outraged people. Rut wb.i i J'r.ey for preelic.njt " j 'g' ty," un.h r In. ution, ouvhl not toluivr bren tnurme,i of should tic per pie think when they aeelhatj ir .uppre.-inr v,es , i,mori:j the cifcumtbuicri." 1 be w boie matter " Pemoci afo A Uu mil ration of I he present , y- "e.erat tui.!1-r.i n;. u ihe eipeinea in iuc uoiir. .-a,- -- opir., meot from oiuu tvrniyjour rru.oi 0 , eaueq, wou le.uosq po-itiveiy t,,,, .. 1 barieatowu, Vu ) Atlantic, TeiiDes.-et ii Ohio Railroad, were 1 eir : 1 0.1 nua neiier r.mtnn your .uinoriur. eaneu lor. , , , , , , , - . . . . 1 ,0 be eareIUl .b-ul .bai you (..o) w.ih 0.w.i. Mr. Moutei'h frou, Hopewell, reported , ld lctB "fl fo,'b l 1,re'? ,b V''" . dy " Z"'o:,'"-U.;ZZ: ,uLCr,bed,,tU,j'ich has also been publi.bed, and which Mtur, in H I hi ,nilh:, of ! Ptr ."'tt.J. .ld d 1) . town and Village, 1 .1 .M.....n ! P,Dl- l)ix..i,'. m e 111 rl .iura! VSeare u. t. -rnned ' At Davidson Lo, lege, V m. Johnson, tvq , lo put down sluierv at all od.ia. Korcthlv if it '. rr-nort. d that ?1 1 .(Hill. (iO had been sub.cnb- m.,.1, -waeeably if il en. B.h,ve me w h. 11 I n( , out,, oume S 1 -',000,00 had frn i,,,e o. u. at the .North .yrnpalhii. w.ll, .11. nmr. vr. ; s"brib,' d' , . . . .. 01 Harper', rerry. 'I lv R- Drake, hq , hi Hot of tbe l-tdell i;., u , h.a r.-r. u.d oih,r I. ii, ra h. .lr. ' ILiprttt, tLeu entertained the meeting aith wsk nothing more nor less than tbe varioua dMnri pet simuiii If they were. cjntrvinrd , , " . . . , "i" plans of exciting insurrection in tbe South- to hurl tie u Imrcn dynasty trom power . 'y"K - n .r,e MJf0 fJ,(- lie adds, thai he lett Mr Sew lor apena-hj; iw. i ry-iour iu. ,,,.. je.., - r - 1 u, in aid with tbe cou.ictiou that he would see what else should they, or t hat el-e con mey " "r-""- .in 11, , ibe huinesa " put through, both as regard ! do in 100 w,ih tbe Democratic poeers, j brought, aud II, cylinder splint. rH i-( n,v ehildrena situation, as utll J the vol snendin ONt lnPltlD MiLLUOS per to ; fragments. Al-ia . for the philo.e.!,,,, ton ivecitlutiomot the kMi'u'Mi. ' num. but bani-h liiem from the places of 1 ' waa no euneea.e ,1 sprm,, , .,. l1.of....u,uai,oi, VV.bopebew,llp.,,.t arpropnate ana D.D,y ,ntre.ng rtw.it. - j lo Forbes' family , honor and tru-l they have .0 much abused -- ' f "'f f "J ' .1.. : i.n.,..o . .1....... k... 1.. .1.. i. .... ... ! in lavor of iheenterpriseadvocatingilaimuie 1 . . .J . . . .. 3 , .- . .u. 1. k.. far Poor Hendr ekson. th r.,.,1;.... ., - !,-, .j .,.,..,1 1 cm trout es alone, why should .v.srd have . x- .ttifr u.t 1 i-nn ijn y..y , , - - - i . r....,M ... . r 11., !.. ni. i. rf...... ... dtate ecn'menceroett, and stated that c-l,- , , .. , - .. j. k. Ti... eo no more. ith tremh in . ,.,.,1. t.. . - r-. -r. r:i:ro.b:At:, a...,..., L,n,re..h: o..eom,ca..na. r.jir.. auei. a .....e r. -uau. , our eouoirj, nu, , , 1 , , C -10 (Mil IU) , V Ut' ' "A l r a " t " t CuttOt tjl U.ultU'H l'f ; I Hey W OUI4 oec now nicy "l; . , ' we hope tl,. eaecuu, of tl.e.e ,d,u,ual. .,11 , Io!'f mn0':f " .V u' Jl'tu,! humaHUu.M.- I it- When they g.t in .gam t-enty-f.-ur lhr.ugl.ott, .0 , ,.l the eye eoulj M h.ve the .Act u. ,.ur?e .h. cuotr- of ih.t irou ' . ' ' V i-.rlVV,, ' The attempts of ihe Trihuut and W, million, i.ni t drop iu tb. bucket for them lU r- ' "a, br..,bl t, o,r . b.e er.io, Juv.Ll. who.re.lw.ysau, Ml.t U corporation of the c.ty of Charlotte J l e..rd lbr, ,COrn such pet.y tliev,,,. .,,,! ne.ri, two y go, . h,. .. , rmg up.tmebetw.en ihe Nur.h .,,d ihe ...,. -J,J '.0" ','A''.. PV plieity with this enormous crime, ate futile Van Buren Adunctraticn wa pi.i.i.m.d for " once more, and av to our r,.,J, r. " lh.y .... ulo b eie.uuu lorl,.,c.,u-.i,y-. g.d. C'" 'J , ' - .'..' ,',,.el S'li) (ili r ' . to the It.t degret. He may bun- . Not le.s tlao oeiyUiW ai, prr an ; ' Ibe tacts w 1, .,e bow ree. led ! ... !-"-", "le "tacr.pl.OD. .ou... teach J-aO.OOO or , rge, a!, (iiddi ,, ha. d one. ' ,.u.n will s.-i-f, tb.m now. Tbe, are go- ; ventor was tr.i.ng ,0 .eeure . p,,,M fir u to mall- more. , ' . . . .. e , ., , , .1: Ti... ll.i. di.ru, r hul lb. work w.i.i . .. c . ti e. 1 j V .(.,. l' f, but no one wou d Leliev eiiher or I tic 111 on tng 10 msae nay - cue me ,un a,,,..,. i.j - - j- - - - - i Brown 8 Tate Sealed. , Rufu. R. t.rger, Erq , It , g ea.led for . 'ibey belonL'to a scho,.i which open- think they had as well It bung for sUa.ing ! 1 be Patent Office required a aorkn;- , I. i. ..-led , I,,, orl.ndo -f&. Y.i, addressed the meett.-j- cu lb. portan, J ' ,uJ , 1 , ,. . ;iul. oht MJ b koo: el ,0 le.t the p.inci.de. and t , wrote ,o Go.. know i. Bf uld be a ubjec that cla.m.d ,u at eni.cn and urged fj b n e of .boli.ionf tod -! veri.h tb.t indign.nl people intend ' to .V..b.g,oo. Tb. o.e,.t tfce bx.t ,,,, .,...c,.w,o,..i.,u '-iv ' u , vv t 1 . why nolUir.c ! Uid Jirown. r.soal ai be 1 makinc them aw.ng in 1 -,J lor the p.lf. r- , were i.aeu ou. inewnrei. si.uea .n - ,. a. eerUiin .. the co, f of lhtid of De-rniorr. , Mes.ts S in. K. Myers, Win Jol.nstco . ' ' S : . V ., - , :w 1 . . '....I. r . I., ..t.l- t tb.nr ol life' and dunm; ten nor,,, n .1 Bu. sr.,. if W,M,..d.n. d,.,...,,.... , tnd e-muel IfcrrybiU d1rttcd tb. . eoneeroiog .itdding the. b.v, been Carrying on fo, it. p. : the model remaiu.d , ,b. P.,t, . 1-, repne.e b.ni, .he !... of the S...I. forb.d , ..ret., g n favo tf J'F''-- ; koo.!e(, J Q, Ll. b. decLd to au ! eight year. ! t0-pd t, breath. I be ,!.er.t...n. a. irjih.r. .ram.l ihe Sun are I On motion of aj. Johnston, Lmi , the ful- . ,,, K . , a .. .. .1. had n-rfrued two war mac hi,.,. a.J 1 .1.1 ;-. thri-Ufl. l.iin.lr for lion... Willi. .ut let. . w a w..rd of hi. ii.t..,l,uii. Vt'e 1 .1 once at an unic-uu,oi!st,i g en.u. fr-iid 01 nol b. tl.g p.lu he .nouio bale nau.: ll.e pr.ee ana ,1 m, if we did not r,v it lo h.u., ue iiy.L h.vc ...u.c txiusc tor .cltli. aa .. S e h.ie heard of oi.e-l.orse town., but Nt wtn r U. b.li. ir ..ir iu.-. ... auch a bi.ee .a., any we have ever been t ; and aillo-ugii ,1 iii l.ave t'ie bene ril of 4 brand, ul the VVe..er& rroad runot. ( lo ,1, in our opimon 11 l.e, In, n.i e..m. lo be piiniai.c.i w.lh .If. In. Uul .'.rih,s 11. eii .ecu, lo have more in.pud uc. lhan j mur.ier ... Kacs.a, e. on . f ulli to incite the! i.ve. lo t.ar and murder u and, bona ride, make, j th, itleuipi, he 1. e.ugl.t, tntd an.i c.i.oemned ; .110 au.i.e iii ii., N.irliiern lieno r II. rik be ought j to be liberated. In our opinion, if any o.ni, etrr. de.civ,!; death it 1. th: nun. A aK-cu ol pr. p. I eriy i. gu.r.riietd tu uaLy ll.e Cm..titut.on of aur country, and for.onlh, be.ruK be ai.J i.un.b-ri of fa ry eaiiiforiabie livr. ' 1 -.i? . ; 1. ...... 'iter iiouil 11 nave necunoa 10 answer, 1 neuiQciici w. i.mu.u. ' """ . " . ., If hi. r.-nlr enuld have , ruinated l.ia aho crvins- the eliravaL'.nc of Mr Fulinore'a j.'tutfU i tiat t general meeting of the ... , .. r 4.4..,..; ;A f .n,Hi.. S lit iitiiio.10 them, nro-ecuiirnr his effirt. ra'ufic.Tennlsae'A t,0Ir' "vir t ani isiuaings : a year, wtteo it na J Uu- expeu-a or a c-'ity b.. .,., .0.,d,. ,, ,rj, , ,., ed iu Charlotte ou Friday the Ifrtb of Nov. t" " b'it this hornl'e plot long ag i, j w.r of ao ex'ravaianl Democrats AJiniii- p-er to clock wotk, fjr whub it 1. for tbe purpose cf detetmini.ig upon tbe ,tl0"tb no one ertecta th,.in to eaufeas it. i-.rauon 10 p.y off. which Democracy ha 1 l'r!y we. I aJafl.,1 Ag. erej I up . t a. future action of the Company. On moiioo of (jeu. J A Young, il was ' liftoi'ved. That a Committee of four be ! appointed to negrviiite for tu Kiij.jtieer to ' surrey inn lioute lor the onstructtr n of the tilth. bujHiUh. entailed upon it. lijt Dow siuce Ihe I. n.o ;i;iwnr .sMini. TLeNe Y'oik Herald recently sent a re- Atlai.lie.Te.nna.Kaee A. (ihir. ta.lrna.l ....I t.Orti-r In ati.it Ik. r..lil.ni-a nf l.r,!, S,..ii. 'u.'rndi'.',",',! m rTu'rZ' T.li nVhi. Te"! 1 v inSlrUC'tJ w , Hi. arrival tbet. created uie alarm, the . . . I '.O UH,Kc,iW. a I J , . i- . , , . . ' who ao'i aaugnier 01 me tnoiiuoutal tbo 1 lll0un (b be was an officer with a irqii.i.ioo I pou year. '1 hey nfr it. Ka Oa;.TU (. T.it I MT4.Ii SlATfc.-. At tl taca of tit Srt census uuder tbe Feieral t."cr,iti;o'i -o, in lT9i, tie pcpula t'.oa of lie United Sits tiacunted to i.liCi'JT. Al iiiterta'.s of Uu years tie irs.ui has been taken regularly, and lie result at eaeb period is as folio ws : Ccii.ua of lTir'J, 3 IJ3,i7 1!Ui. : M i.'i'-.'.j 1-1", 7i.MJ.-H I--''. 9.C.-131 1--5 I, -OC.i a, lrl i, lT.nfjy 1-.V, 23,1 'j 1.1 7 B The census wnl a-aiu be taken in l-O", ati ts.i, ah'. a po'u .tioo aithin tLe lim its of tbe I r ted .-at.- of ru-are man tl,0,j'ij. Li h. UV.I.. ! l'l. IU. 1J. hi. L. A ''IE' Vi.hlt.K MtKI'KKKO BY Ulb Chi'ItE Al-niiuu Aeeo'iet from Ilavaia state it,at nn the '.h, iri.t, twenty , tite A-iaiie'j., fre. eoloij,l.." ran away from . p! , a i '. u c.'.it d l.a M arat.:! i ne.r JJalars '! Ly wire a rlieiid-d jnd taken lack lie same day. i-M on the sue CotdlLg r-lae ihey u.u'dne i l.e oii'-r of the elt, I a Au.-al.o Yslera, vitb their ( adea anJ'tlier ; ie.jlt.jr.l iri-tru'i.ei,t. J .1 I, Clii.sn .u wi.i rau-e aenous trolie u-l cf tl'.se la.ys it, i !l3. 'i be editor of th Warrenton (Va ) Fug bss in Lis poaseaioD a pi.ia p'.iJ ring one; Lull'! red ai d llirty tibial ;.ir o,,i '. ll ha. i..r.rd cb il, iu old styi., ti.e-e words : J. .V.ori.ii M.rcb ye' 7ih, 1 TV 1 " It w a. p'oujjLed up ty one.cf the n rr.i'i on s r- e 11 wn. u . ib the county of King teorge : I oe nn ia of pure gold, wud i supposed I s- n,e lo Late been tne property of to la in r ol (nn WMsLineton, as tie iinl.a.., Sc Lin. vt, nr tu same 1 he oanerhas' I i.i .A-ul ai.d r.f.i'.d lb autu of two laLOlia d.. aia ,'.( ,1. loid by the a.ai.Unt ei ,ncrr tnat cou.p , n t i.id 1 rTrrcd iu bur tne plaee r, .1 l ll.e fliaiu ro.u. If' we are nol 1.11a laaen ti-e e.l z-na will h.fe cause U regr. I l,ol selEir.g, for we b.ve nodou!'t that person, w.,1 coiioei-.ct iiuiiUing .1 tiic junct,ou,ai,d lain gwd by. N.wia.n. I N at .-bu imiig a pr-e.e e.n.tr-janee, w, nltn the st.ge to il..o'a .lore, ..u;.ing o nuel witr. bet I- r ua ; ,,ol we Qiel w..i, an. llier dlaapp.int. u.c 1 ', ,i !,;). It l,c goi.e lu larnoir in lli. 111 ir. r. r g. A :i.r gt..l .g halt a foi UrtJ.er It. llie 1 l-ge we ci.ncluc.u lo w.:a to a h.u- ab..ul haifa niue off, wi.ert we obtair.ea 11 e a. rvi, e. ol a u. in lo .... w ua llrw.y.ai.d w hue goil.g along we for. lon.uriy rai.te ,0 a Jaiu.e wi.cre llie owner liaU a iK.r anu tu.i,'y. .no we I,, red hm. tu lake u. n. a fr.end'a, aooul a x miiea eff, w litre we r. uiaiuee al! n.giit. ? it u.oru.og n. low. u. u. Leuoir m very g-ioU liute, , T-.e Sprri..r ind Pr- bale Cour'.e w.r- in a, a. ion. Ju..ti: U.i.y rolea to,, c r u l. Un W e.li.caOay a arctaiiii.g ra.e w a. laken bp, whicl. atlr,.cl.d a re tl i. I ol .IU i.tioG. W c heard .o.nt oi Itie v. ,cei,re. ,nd fr"H. slilt we hearo ot Ihe other pari of .1, tfie cooeuel of this cooip i,y w.aaeiu.pro. per, ti,.l we wouio not be aurpr..c: 1!' Ju..gr li.ijy : .h'.nid ae'.d all of iltrsii to j5. 1 1. fashion of S'.r tin f.j 1. beeoiTHng . bge.orr, and. .top h..u d lx .'.t lu il by the l-w W, he.rd of no otir in p- it- r.t f e it wr..l, w, re ir tb, ti; ag.. V t r.ii.air.efl 111 lanoir until V ecJi.e.o.y after., O'aofi, when we h ll lor l.oi... tnr. traleled ab.ut 12 u.. . in a ir.s.te n n.ey.ie,, Oi. Tl ura iay, ,o, ,t we r..j.ed ,-ur joij'i.ey h'.n . ward, r-ur Iriei.fl J II A'-ernatry lak-rj; na i .r.,a N. w. : ton. bul n.e. I 1 t the ft ge i 0.0 Dot rc.cil tual piat-e. hut writ I 0,1 t, the rn.r. ( I ... .l.al., ri. r. al I Hi a po.nl ,a a fi..e lo... I ir.f atre.ni, hot .a 1., ahalh.w liir any practie.al purm se, at la. at, a-, f.r 11 h.a nol 0-en turned 10 an. At" lit r? th, e r we re tune t. lake n-e uaail Ir.iu r-l, II. g a,,M. bj.,.Caa IU I it llag eiona. Ira 1 n. Ve .t.u ).e t,rn, in'oriDalion of thai 1 If. II, VII Ihe VVcatam K.trr.an,,, with Ih, n.atl on the .N l ldil hoij r..,r Ho ll..t per.Milia Uraetng Cbarh'tte 111 tltc can re.ci, Mug.i.loa that rugti.. nd I. ia aceoniu'icea be made rx-nnoVa nf ru it w,!l p,ih.' open .he eyes of the abolition crew at the North, and they will learn . le.aon that w.ll be of ac.-viee in all tune lo come. Tney hate no j-iip.iny !'r u.and why aiioulu w bite a. j .jn.pal y f..r l!..m. eiO.000 offered for Giddings. 1 he (.. lowing advcrtia. n.cnt appiareU , n.cl.o.oiio HiV: .igene.. I Tbe Chair then named lie following gen tlemen a constituting tbe Commiilee under the above Resolution, via : Messrs. Geo. J. A. Young, Win. F. I'nif-r, Win. John ston and Wn. R. Myers. On motion the mr-etine then adjourned. L. G. JUNKS, Chmrman. II. L. ALSXA.nDik, trey. ih. t.u.boo fi WA8iiivjroM, Nov. 3, ho'j Important Postal Ahramiimknts The i'ostma.ter Gcuerai baa concluded an arrangement with tbe Canadiao Fo.t OSice Dt-parlmeot, by abicb tbe mail tre to be transported for tbe sea postage weekly be tween Detroit and Liverpool, via 1'orlland in winter, tod tbe river Cl. Lawreuce in sum mer. The service is to commence by tbe I n, law of li.iu and li.e Cnaiiiution i of trip the Drst steamer outward from Fort- try boil, c. noenm hun to fleam. I land on the 20tb in-t. y r.aaon. 1 wiihl.nlu n.y nn.r 1 Jt iu. ended .0 have tne mail., or auch I n J-.shua R. (.di:inia but U.C openly n.e, .red him.elr a Traitor in . lecture .1 Fhi.a.iclpiiia. .. in. 2in.,r OeioWr, and Ih.rc b.,r g nn proce.a .Ir-.nge lo say, by which he can be b.-ougut lo ju.licc . 1 proM lu he ..l.e of one huiiureu lo ra.ae 1 11,1. U'l fur hi. a.le oelltery in li.ri.iooo.:, or $.1,00(1 for the production of in. head, t nol rej- ,rd this prnpoailton, ,xiraor.li nary aa it may at fi at aeeui. either un ua. or uo-rcilul of n.a cr 1 - F,,,- a from th entering into conversation ai;h reporter introduced the subject of Harper a Ferry The reporter gives toe following ac count of the dialogue : " I can t speak about it at all," replied Mr S , " 1 am goin to le iudicled. It any tniau 111 the I ii, on ii taken, ll will be me. ll would not h.- proper I j say a word about it. I outjlil nol to s,y one ord. I am adu-id not to approach Ibe Jul j-ct al a itig to be indicted, sir ; indicted i. oi i.!a lo me about it." ho. ever, before llila tiuii.l resc'i j crane p.rty Have gotten ho,J of t nc: uigne-i art cou.u noi mate 1 n i.-art t ; Sam's l ure stiins, they think nothing of ' '",; perpetual ( and last Salur.iai s itrr, I running op the ltd to glUU.O.iO.UJii per an- ' latbed b.a U', in lb oi 1 i, .u.e.-e.a nom Al lie same rate of iooreaae iu th, Freehold. He bad been so mort, p.. ' Gove rnmeet eipen.ua. low long would itji'd ly tLc i-.er.dulo i, 1 ut bLi.f ' lake tl Demoorscy to bankrupt tb Treaa-1 dad a aecret place I. :iea-b ine S wr -A urv ? Tlrt are never ali.Ded with lb bop bete 1... I't l 0 mirlimr. s.tr i bill baa footed the previous p wiud. It w lu l,e form of s v suit e: mo uo tb fit-urea hfieen or 'ed by t trap-door which wnioc.i, inith, the t"nty n,i..iou. more each .ucre.dm year Ibe longer th penp.e trul lli, wiibtbe control of I 'is put, lie money 1!. hi, r .bey mske tiieir s. .iii.ls tod th i IL- uior so repiaoej .a to a r ,,J .w-f t. 1 Alter bis last tiiuet. eoinrntic i, I' m.i kno. 11 tins .1 eret lo hut fan.i r, t-i 'I ii., d the spot carcf. li, and lour. i tne e:t 1 l.e op; bolder Ibey eel at Ibe gr.b g;ine. , tents riul.J a. described They are on. evei. ..Ii.f . d sub wtiw.ulin d.:b, th shop wa h all tie puh.it men. y .'.al cuiuea into the ; the floor lake, up, th trap do r ; .rud f. Ir.a.ury from the .air. ol ibe publie lands, ' and both moo., a stolen, t 11 f-.'.i revenue dutiea, Ac , bul they musl run the ' 'bvl tb fsu.ily in their vi-il had nil lii3 tin. .in... -ft i ilht fn, f..,i it, Alia n. :!... thai a.iue nrr.ution a Ih. intctor. ir 1 am go 0 dollar. a ye.r, over and .hove it. iuoom j some prying eyes bad discovered th "ti t I a luist ( )l)e j,. K-tr tc, jjii tftrr tuolifT g, ,t 0f trD Fortunately tb. drating sr preertri, ' miihona ihn, of f w,t 1 .u ! i, a a...I no ' a nd I her. is a lit ll. machine, on. of ll. ' 1 dropped the autjecl as a ui.ltt-rof cours. : ruu't be psaed by a Dcmoerano Cougres. lie-l u,ade, now running in iirjok ;. It is evident that the family of Mr. Smith , to .upply their prodigality. Tb. ere.ring wher 11 b. kept its eea-l,s tt.k ig ft are much a, aimed and .0 a constant alat. of of t publio debt equal lo that of th lint- nearly an yrara. Mr. Hei.dnckwn i' aquation J lor alien I approache l (be bouse, i-h Govrrmenl would not .aii.fy th. money I t f.mtly of four sons and four ds-jgi::"'. t . tran-er .0 tbeiu, au apprebemtuu - a cravings of Democratic rfT.ci.la, and we : all of tbciu, a. believe, gut u to icirM ' oread pmn.ul to sea wa. eviuent lu th aux- should have nothing ,1a. in ... fro.n Had le dud ten tears aa. ho eu.; hn ir'lV'u 'fi1 T ''"'A" "'''i' E'"- ' a may be thereby de.patobed, for'and Irom 1 iou e""'-''''cs of b.s w.lo and daughter, cont uiianre .f Demoeratie rule but at oner e.ily wouid il u.. been sa.d that ' ' eu.iy.l a' .'ure". .1 T iu!uou ui" a ! lb Western, Northwestern, and probably ! ou ";e '" l lb mouiLnl of on. publie del t from w hich the eoou.ry, like I b been wwlrd iu ' th. b ipcl.s t ff,rt ;as..,,h!e pr..,p-.ci of geiimg ihe .aid laiou.ngi ' some of the Soutkwestern States, Sent in ! c''- i 'be liri'ish Gon rnnient, never could be ex- 1 oblaiu perpetual motion. " fi reaso to c 'y . so. Nov. I, l-'iO ' I' tin. noes no. 1,1 cr.ly we do n.. km dul.ara I. en. ugh to person. So ll.e oi l closed bags, between Chicago and Detroit! f subsiqueoily conversed with a near re . tnested Ii will take a grand revolution like 00 the one aide, and Liverpool and London uu"' " clo admei of Me. Sumb, aud thst of 194') lo save the Kepullio. Tb ! .ke (.,.id.g. runaw.y or get ' th(j 0,hf.r ,nd for tl);. purpoie ,h, br(, expres.id lu b w what will. Ten tii..o.,nd ;,(, Pr.. (iiTm f)Hr,.rr,.,..,,t .l.lemenl lUal. a d.sira, to ol.t.iu ...1.,. n,,..in ,I..B.,.,. .1 ....1 .1.. .......1. t. llr,u fnai t rso ..i art I r ID n bile doiiii iujjry to uone, willed that il shall taku niac. iul"HJ M'ls In moral unii up n duelling. i"e t" pi the cupidity of any ..,.1 . rn.tiiute lihin.in .nil fl.ir..;. 1 Uiubl, on the other band, remove rrroDeou. I liiUmond Whin. e.t'o l'r. and 'I tihulie li.fonns u. lo" Uil.tioi.i.ih.d beiur lookout. ' ,h,n, ornea for the l.'r-.iied .St.r,a ..... It,,,. tmprciun. and lay f.ei before the Labile. I . ! law became a dead Inter in Miuois.l) in I : 1. ..!"-. I. 1 ,.. .1 - n.:.: . .. . Sir l. a,,l "Mr Sn.nh ,1.... 1 ! ..... .... ......... f fi-.t .uJ ou.t diitla'C .au ii,u-,. .nc iiue v, .uo nr i.n. t.ors u . .v , . .ue.m. . ----- .... , l.a .......ii.n.n . ...l ... make audi a .laiement Lim.eif. a,.d IipVIMnT Of Tft Tne eelelrated f,,,,,.!,. , tki State. In ih tear I' T?,r.r: TVn.w.loo T.... yellow wamp h, . I.i, I oiled State' be achedule tbe time between Portland ! ",ce1 b restrained from doing .0. Rm ''' tbalh.u. performed an amount of ,,b(,.0 ,Su.,.rt .,,.1 Wtl.um Is ineii fw and go,,. to( an.. . . .ii . ,,., ,,ew Wllh 1 aud Chicago ia lo i. forty eight hours, and '' b hou ,1, b vuld do il iu hi. owu men- i bua.ucs., .tery minute, abicb fi led common i ,,,b flB, , Si Clair Cout.i... and In.ted tei.ie. ,,H which h, .... ,.t (i "ben the service commeucea iher w.ll be utr ",J "trlke ll" lu,") '4.ar iu the lace j i i-npfover o f time wub ulUr tslui.i.limenl fo nir,n,j wouud.d on the fir-i b.r -n ,..ier to .e. b' II, ..,, . ever l u ".broken l.n. Of raiiroad Ihe whole ; iel "li0 might b injured. He is, however, ,ie -,o1 ' outliiie. of fannta made bis esespe iulo Was--- metc.pt .-,k ,, , i'or a " ' ! "; Thie will U a very direct line be- ! tro"lJ' adtiied not t do ao iu the present I"1'1'6 bu.os, the policy and intrigue, of; ,b,r, ,a rtru.incd to year. Hi" ."r' l.vi.forde.d t'., beat II .r,-r'. F. ,r'e "iLT',' ' '" Fr ' u1 Europe. , poiiiiou of .(fairs, and baa a.recd to ah.de '. '"""g't "". but b ey wa. on every p.rt ' ,bouU eaa di-corcred, leva- s'fe-"- m.-e. thai he'kn.,.. m.rea b.ui .1 ., il '! by lb judgment of hi. cou.-e. Whan be ' 1 Rr,t,,b dom:oiou ; and searcly t brought back, indicted, tned, t'M" b. i.di. -..d n, tell at e t I ' ' t ' MuN IB t a L, Nov . 7. 1 dues toil lb btoiy, it will be found that ma- r t" " could move wubout hi. kuowledeof the niurd.-r, and executed. Governor U " 1 "" tl""tl ' V'"'' r" W I Tr-RRIB' -1 DlSASTlitt. Folu liliMiUb ' ny now only partially su-pecled are ,uore man and bi obj.rct. A friend one day call-I besieged day and weeks by the tsii""1 ' , lal I" CLH'Obkla to lit laObT Ihe laiver- .uipiicaled tbau he himself ... Jiut at Dre- 1 " ",nl 1 r.wiier ol Midland, and , Ui.emles of the eode. eiamoring ' " louu.j nnu uowu on 1,1s nau'ls and knees 1 ,,,'. .Jnn Hut he closed . " pool Iv.ily Pijst, of tbe aJTih October, pub- jSeut be w.ll .ay no word lo any person" 1 l.sbes intelligeuc received al a late hour 1 mad some inquiries about C.pt. lirown, ! P,J,'"s. mtrblet with Li lilt! boy, and ci0,t pr-tii ioaa and cu'resty, and w " fr tso 'be previous night, that the splendid veasel , and tound that he waa here last spring for ; """"plaining bitterly that the rogue would j lfucn dangled al a rope s end, in '' ,..." Ryal .'bttt..r," bad been totally lost in several weeks, t guest of Gerrit Kiuilh ' .ot '' i fayl adding, " that b. mast i 0f ibou.tnd cf s.'ett.-f. r inend 3 Rjd Ray, near Uangor. Upward, of : house, and thai while here t number of llie I ',re b'n eotrupted by tbe example of the ! iu , ftthi ,,)0r, e..on. J " " "'I ' h.d S.I . bury in ra.ulh, bul has. We wall, for Hat Mm. Child and Gov. Wine. A taai r .-no. ei , h.a !;. y l.a.n p .re b twtet. Mrs I.. Mar, a ( .but, of W.yi.no. Mia, ' ' and Ouv. VI', ae, 111 which li.e .'orunr reju at, per A Im tlAM l'mx. H l.lt Tte d.sco 10 "" "' Cb.rle.i..wB and wait on .ry that plaster i f pai. was a non lon.Juc- t-"Ct' '". "t "' hi. .,und. .B.i tor of brat w a. m.Uc ty a man lo a h.ie ? issinit! I. lum." sn ii..i ImiKif , Bcett. W thank our tntnd K. Met le'.land fn Ibela. Ve CO r.ul meaauic liieu, iity fell an I. r behind one raiaed by our M-j. K It. hog I., of Len..,r, who-,, ur.rf i inchea 11, eur uii.lerii.ee ai.d weivhed lU Ilia. bai. a ball rmlliou iu gold on board. ; ben the disaster took place is unknown Vi . learn that the Comir.issionera appoint-t The llgraph had ceased to work, and a ed to investigate the affairs of tbe Aliantie destructive gale prevailed along the eoast. Koa.l, held a meeting in tbis City on Ihe I be same paper cxpresset tbe hope that the i-'ib of la-t month, and organized by a p-1 loss of life had beeu exaggerated. ointiug J'.ufus Barringer, E-q , Chaiiruau.i and Col. l'ear.aii, ol Dupiin aa Secrelury. ! Cihik on Do.riiLAS. Tbe Riubmood police Tbe Commissioners adjourned ta meet iu : SiB''T' bo conveyed tbe in.urgeut Cook to four hundred tieraous Were on board .ml most nroniinent le.ilin, r,r...i.i,n.... .,....,1 lelich him, hiui. Ihe iriend wisbpd to mention a' b st and lasl duel ever l iugni only ten are said to have been saved. She i bim, aud ware fur days.iu cuusulialiuo wilb "'P'cious looking atrsnger, who for .ou,. ii,,im, llir jt .ff.-ciu.lly eru-hed out uineii.il i. sen up lodgiua in London ; re.pecl fuf ,b bloody code in tht I " as be t rtiv. or merelv a nrivaia ...,.i! Whv an. t,,, aU..i-.. Tk i n'" ' "rut to bis drawer, and took out . . Bit' Waih.ugion Couatiturion, the orBnal p.p.r, up one which he bai selected, a-ked. " a I s ' ..l' ,,,, 0f'.,1. v,, York l'tJ'"' states that proofs ar. iu existeuoe irresia-j 'bat the man !'' " Yes, tbe very per.on " writing from Norwich, ft , ss- tible iu th' mind of every tuau who has the I" ' b,Te b'1 lnJ' 'Jf nP00 ni,n trn" tbe ,. . ,... ,i.. ,ij of i'"" i ; .l. . , I time be stepped on ahore." All this was1 , . . . l,l..ht M'"'1 ,.p.v.v .Fp..o..o. au. uuuesty to au- .,,,- . ; . . .. ...,.;..!hO" "l .tint ia n.-'. - f ., making piaster images, frequently washed I i- hands io t tiu fan, the lotion of wnieb sum became encrusted . n after, aler I'. Was put on tbt fire to leal water, it was fucd Ibst tb. water rouid r-1 le h.-aN-d 'J bit wa' put to t praciral use ii the u.sk i.g cf tnu safe., vie chau-la-rt ol wbieb uey to .aa p. nuiswioii of n art t.,. d wub plast.-r. w i n i . m C a e ..f u;e. t-, pn.ui,.,, .a i. ia in li.e I, rtuui :be conltb- ,'ivtii la jib. burnt. a ..iii..ii.at, yel ai.e r.greta lo. .i,p tak. r, hy tn, o.d tela ran, a .l.e Call. BruWM. (.OV. VI 1M , in a ; e.y appropriate Utn-r ..ea iter p. riu.sa.o.,, a. uer n'.jtet waa the otCua ol hum intj . ... ae, a. a aeiiacr a.ao for I. apt. brown, which C.-r. Win ' saya Ih, will acn lo In, I i-i,,n,.nweallh'a Allot url lo li.nd it to boa ul tne J u ,.eia- j .-4 t Neaberuoo Wednesday the 7th of D, cem P1-10" l Cb.rle.tawn. hav. re.uroud t j truta, wbicb convict Senator Hew.trd, uef auff.ring' . moment lo pt. without ' ' '''. .1,1 ehor.-tsr ' ber next, when and where they will proceed R':buiond. The Examiner says Mr. G.ddings, Mr. Smith, and numbers of pressing il into .er.ice. -,JM'- ' Bl " n,pl.i ,j W tbedi.eb.rg. of their dutice Al.mdu.t. ' ok made t eleto bret.tof it to the oil - j other chiefs of th Ria:k Republican Party 1 - I f 1 7 l b".!, b le'commuuity i -J ' Z H,..,.?d':"S. 'doi ng "Tn K snsas"" U " 5" A N-.C-A writ. Northern ! rfll.cL. I JJ NOT Omimi The " Great Ka.lero " i. ..id be w. more deceived by Ered l,.,utfa, . of ,re"" 10'u"e-" " JJ.'P'r' t0C"UI" ' '"t i Yrk thi morning, or. hi w.y not coming .. Americ. tbis year; that .set .ban by any other man, for be (DouKl..l i Scb proofs as these would doubtless a.. " V " , e,0,, iir'nh.m too, hoping to sr. him alive, am . tied. l.,ilbe.d,..pp.,iIJ,m,1,llotn.peo bad a-.ur.d bin. that ho knew the .en.i lisfy jury. Why the,,.,. Bot , D,r L, '?, ''" 1 d' It can , him the .outi.els of a Chr.t..n , pi. of Portland, a bo for month, a nd month, men., of th. .lave, of tb. South, nl that sou. named tm. fed for th. n,,m.. f i.i ! .V mealiest hold iu li-xas. After o. who ,s now 27 yearsof .g. past h... been making preparation ou tb.'b. would beat Harper'. F.rr, with L.en which the, ar, thus openly charged by lb. i t Z . ,. i t Th '"IK r 1 --how,, to j frr.TO home for I be a- ' h,r.,M' most exteu.,,. .e.l., public and private, to and money. Cook tl.o said thai Brown bad Adininistt.iior 1 It i. . 'roa. outrag. !0 1 "" MMt "7," . 'l b., been accouae her. Rut it Can , le helped. The a.sured him that Gerr.t Smith would b. make auch charge, a. ,l,e.e if uulrue and 1 !idi 7f " P" ' 'Z T"' bl,.eh'ldb?n',l h" b". of . .udtkoch.rveofaeietni.n.tionouth.p.rt thcr. too with aid, and that h hiu.aelf . ; only gotl.o up lo affect eiect.on. E-,,Mv ' , a .i ' '7 rt"n" of ". ' b ,0r ' . ' ,n rl of the Drecor. will prub.b'y .iw. ri. to . ! pec.ed . compsn, from Getty.b.rg and ou. j an ou.r.ge i. it, if the charge. .r, u .', j "Z ' TZ. ai ' ""r ,,00.',0 t1"" i'"1""' l" J' u", ern suspie.on Ih.t .Ii i, no, .i gbl -,.h tl. ve..e , from Ch.mher.Urg. Cook' -as quit .u- 'good faith and truly, to f.Lit h. p.rt.e. XS 'V T ' ' t,0,,"r L" T ,T nd l" P b.r.eif,-tljou,hof.b,ttbedoe.noem d,n.,, at Icing t.re.ied b, . m-phe. of f, ,..., at Ur,..nd peptr. (J" J j V.' ! JytT .rother in (""0' "d Pltfi. to le, a- ytl, any avidtui.e. Geirii ,1a.itL ' liki. crimt '- rv f 10 kl'P ou tb. eold a.nd, I found it : tnd enter of aixt-eu, al home, w 1 bad nu glan io it" ' him."

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