From the Amrrie M aarnger. i T1IK WKlTINti 'N THE WALL. ) )i:r 1 !frd ."""avionr has said, " The eLil- i dim of rorlJ aie in their peneration , aisrr than the clildrn: of liiht;" at.d tbisj declaration of the preat Teacher is eiem- p'!fi d iu every dsj's c 1 sen aiion. The; children cf licht srrnetiti learn lessens of wisdom fini the aval which the childrtn of this wrrld discover iu the pursuit of the inr.ninion of urn ighti en-no. j Sapsricus mm fr' ticrit'v expend large I'intt of w.rrr.ei in ? vrrtiiig their bushiest-; and often inre nuity in loxed O devise uieaus which have the attraction of novel.' v. ('tie of the ricent and mo-t attractive modes of adverti-in,: i o stun p thi ir names and hu-sine-a in larpe Irttr r eti luiMii;j;. bridge, rods, fir.ccs. etc., iu cvrrj avenue leadiiij; iuto the prrat rilirs. Kvcu far cut in the rural district? the prcpl.- Lave constantly Vefjre their eyes si eirrv titro the names of thee " worldly wie men." I (iood wen, ever read) to learn, have been taught les-sms of instruction by the teal of who hate the truth, ar.d fioui the de vices of traffic have learned re n.cdi-s of ustfultit ? It i hiliivci that tract nid c-thtr kindred institution', which have been so largt llesd in icatterin.: the leaves of the tree of life by 'he p rinted page, were fir-t mcstid by ti e practice of certain r.-ft ch j hi!Mopbcr. who, in their iuSJel pri,.cipl.. K..le u,c of pcpul,r U ftf wMUt iu , tnTt ,r,c:spr,tUi.ouslyd,st,iUted. 1 be ..r.ll, , . of of man vta- n.iilc to praise l.od. .td so ' ' . . , . . ,-. . .,, , . .. salvation. Let no (hri-ti.m plead his waut, I Liis-tian men with heart turning wi'u . .. ... lo I. Christ ai,d o Lave .vailed then.., ' dc 6 t0 l'" fel!o '"ent- se'ves cf large stan ps to I rin,- Ufore tkI-'" fu"est ,tou?a,:d "V t0 Um eve of tie carets passer-by the sol, mn , " to do good, " and there u no oh- i -. .- . r i- i- itae'e to him 'hat will.." Hirytbatsow in warnings and gracious in nation ff CoJ s , ' J . ' n- , , i , .. j i ' tpnr kh.i'.l re an in iov. wora. lo CO ll.ts. it.ey I ive causeu io i e e characters on the sHc- of' printed in iar; t u ;! d ic fc and cd tacai.t walis. aloi. n.any cf the J lie roads am! streets, short aL! j j stnted scLtetces and n.cttos, such as "Seek tie Lord while he may he foui.d." ' Yej mu-t le loru aain.'' " Prepare to meet thy God." jSon.e years ago, wbtaa fstal epiJen.icj jr. vaiicd in mary parts of cur laiid, a tl:njbtf s youth, " the or.'y son of a moth- j it, id s! e a wic'ow." na li-ti. ssly saun-j teririjr ai-ing cue cf the street in tl.e out-j il:;r!s of I'bilaiie'plia. lookir.p for some j th'np to abjjse hin.elf when his eye fellj wr-on lt.esnlrmn wort1.-of S'c: irture. 1 itten 1 11 f 1 1 - 1 .. .1 ri en the wa.! of a I c.i.aino hy ' the finge rs of so urlnowD hnod,' I'keiaRI to MEKT Tliv Gi-D." Au,o -1 : 13. lie a startled by thetn as by a clap of thui.der from a cUar fky, and they went to hi cociscictice like a barbed arrow. Id an in-tatit his light hearttdcess was goce, anJ mit and darkDess enveloped Li ru in tl ick mutky eloais. Sadness oppressed his heart ; he was a -'-ity eir.uer before God, and he kL'W that he was urj-er sentence of death, aud as a criminal i:h the halter about bis Deck on his way to execution. So he trem- j b'ei at the thought of dying. In vain did j he endeavor to shake cS these gloomy fi-el-! If for a ses'en be stccctdtd in the' efj't to dispel them from his mind, they j would aon return with redoubled power. dr-utr -tances and events t.tver before r.o ticed by him, now bad a tendency to iu crta-c tie gloom of his stir its. The closed r d-or kn which told hirn of the ravtf-s tf ii..a:L, f 2 to hi p'li tj ccn- sciif ; the sal e hesr-e and tie n as jrtd tread of tie fui.irai tra'.D, bearin; oiiard tie dead, filled his .ul with fe-affu! sp pre-let-ioi-a : aid the t.lir. bell, pealinj forth rii ; ;rLful y . was indted the "km 11 of death' ta bit:;, sl ! every v ,'t ration runj; upon his aiiikcied eoi.--ci.Lce ti.e soicnin warninj ' I'rrpar-: to n.'tt tr y God "' Ir, n idLi'H datstieaa and in t,cii ilay Li ithiije- h sou! wa ill at eae. Amid the bustle of b a -i", or in the quitt of bis hntiihle hon e it waa all the same the thoupht of death was continually before his mind, "and af i- it.-, tl. ;.,',, ..JI,. V... I. . wat not prepare J for either. I Although loBj atcutoir;cd to att'nd tl.. h ;'. of iio 1. ai;d eor r.i eted with a .S j't hatb . ca j' 1, V.- wai r xeeidlt.g'y dar ti.e ay of l;f; tlr'j.jr-h a crociScd ira atjd he was too troud t n.ake kiio 1 lour ; r, hi-; feel'.: g, or to -k ii.atrurli- t. frtm ti,o-e who could hare taught kin whathen.u-t to to 1 e a ved . Ihu- 11 r !.;!, p-'-rd as-sy wiLtut any li'.l shit y in 'l, r;t, hi darker.fd u.iii'l, n-riN t ,u ii.t j rov (j'.d. he went t jive iu a pi i.t i llae iu the country.: where he wn I i. r -j ri in'.rs direHv iin.'er tLtu add stiaw, and add d.rt as the e ul atii ii cf ioua p".'e, and needed tu . I'.-t. cl thetn fnni the frost, piv jeriiMtteJ t er.j the r-oiiul m.i;on ' irg a Leave cotii.' tvt'iia winter set. in. of tie viHsL-e ra"l'.r. At tin thi v-juth was wajwaid and h;!., ji t he j genera!' out go-.rl heed to the it.iiij.-i I wh'. h he hi- jr-1. and in t'.e co irs- 1 f lime. , c j-Ii.g a s-.a ju of ri.'.-eihiL' fr'.ui the L-.rd. 1 I - wihr"'Jht utii..rdeep ernviction for u, a-il nii!i I j tr j out in the angui h r.f j i... r-ul, " L.jtd, rave, or I teri.b The I .j of the cor.tnte s'l.nrr was heard and a,rrrd, tii.,1 rcn he jreis-ed a L'ju.h!e k"f e in Jesu', ti e resurn tt'.on ind the life. an; f an- ev u, lcc t! at tl.iougb sovereigri ,-rac. o -a. ,,e;a-ea lori.en -joi. d toneit tjoi." Aleut s z mo'.il.s aft-r, l.e was admitted j ilito the fe-.ija.i ipr.f iLe el.uith, w.'.h sete fi! Olh. r V'.-u: who Ji,,f. f-C'l e -lis faith. lo the relation of h. i hce Li fjrethe church, i,, .-lUub - I' ll, li 1 hi awiLii.ii g and center-. r-, ui o'er ths readilg tf "the I mi I t ii.p en I U. V a';," result lo llml ' (,!. '1 h i was s-i aiu that it net d. d i I'm 1. 1 to nnfo'd ! u-sshii g, w hi!e c ' i i traced the'e words upon the tablets of memory s with th point of diamond, snd the VIolj Spirit made them sharper than two edged sword, until he was. enabled to say, But I time in anguish lav. Jesus of N snrcth pastes: lhal way, Ami fell Lis pi'v move ; The iinnrr, by his justice slain, N..w I t hie irrce is horn sgsin, Ai d sings rciiecmii g love." Our hrsvmh Father teaches to sow our eed in the roorniiip. and in the evening withhe-'d rot err bur.d ; st-d wt are coun-m.V..-A m " tow lesidc ill water. " In this ' naira-ive wc have rn illaftrstion of tne rocr-that msjledore by the ue, in faith, Fwf ' ,. . t cf ti e hmiibleM tcstrnn et.talny in prrach- inp the pospil to peti.-l iop siutiers. '"e pood that ha 1 een or may be accomplish- ed bv means of this wayide preachinp, . , ,. . r ,,e etB estimate ; the tcvel.fon. of he rreat day slone can make it known. e lelieve that many will in that day rise tip tr.d call il-rm lleh.rd. who in their desire to do pocd " write the xm'Mi, and male it plain on ,.Me. and .b. w-jf-r-j ii.u man, tlouph a fcol, l:eid not err there-: iu." Lrt os thn dilipet tly set k by every , uiean to be "made all things to all men, i that we may by all means ae ome," 1 j Cor 9:22; ai.d in the l.epe of arresting! the attention ard henefittirs the ou!s of our ftllow-nier, who live in ti e habitual ne.-lect of tie snretuary and the means of prare, let us " write, prii.t, cut, carve, and ii.dent, on every thir movable and immo vable," the f avii g truths of God's word A lid thefc lcfcis by the wayside may be U it, ilirir.e bles-ini. " as TJatU fas- ' - r Kt,rJ ron ,l" ,iV cs mu-t meet GoJ. io wiii meet i.iiu in f. i. ii.n j r.. . j- v.... ces, in Lis rmictive oi.i:jiiiuw. u will n;ctt him in the dyii g hour, and on the throne of judgment. Are you prepared to meet him! Can you meet him in peace? The preparati.-n which we need to meet God must he sought after and obtained iD thi life, ard t.ow i the accepted time, to day i 'he day of salvatirn Ye must be torn again, ind be found in Christ, nit having your own right eousness which is of God by faith." This is the wedding garmei.t. This is the prep araiion needed. " I'allPsRE To Mill THY Gi.D " let the Judge at the creat day shall le in c uu . t j pronounce agamsi mee, 1 iml iuuu wiij;hed ib the lalacce, aLd art found Dmies. ranting. Agricultural. DiGGlVG AND STOKING l'OTATOES. " G K., States Hill, N. Y., '-it.quires (Co Gen , ."-ept 15, 5U,) about the best time to dij- pota'.ues to ketp from rotting. Allow u 10 etf. r cur views en the uij-ct also j 00 stot'.Lg, e&Uic'ea iioui our on eijc- rieiice. j We used to think, before the rot became I so prevalent ao ong potatoes, that they were L. .. I .1 r..,,.A Ir, l. ll,r .1 1 II CI IU -- lc.-t unt frort nvere enough to freeze the ground can.e upon them. Have we any good reason to ehaiga this cjii.ion even t.ow ! Karly dippinj; has been advocated as a Uieaiis of savir.i; pttr.tois to rot, tut cur triaU of the practice; only chang eii u.e pUce cf rottir g from the hill taw her evtrtLe dug pot toes were placed, giving in the trouble of diiig when other work neeJid diig, fickii. up ai.d sortiigover two or three-, to saie, in the end, no n.ore potjtoe-i tLau we ihiuld have done had they r n.aineu as giewt. ui.'il late in tL fa I, ti.d the 11 had !iui-h(d its ravage. If tally d;fgiig wouid hate ai,y effett n the rot, would pulling the tops hive Hen, 1 exp. r'n.eLts stein to i-how the rase, and ae thirk it adtia- b-jt thi- alio- to u.l cr n.ow the topa as toou an th.-y tegin to die f;ou. the diet a.-c. 'J he p toil !) be It ll in tie tuui d ; thosewhich are iLl'f'.d win rot, and those which are not. nil! reu.iiln SvUL'i as fuliy an though j l.'.c'i in store. A cool, dry, froet proof cellar furniihea ti.e htrt place for storing potatoes, and the hist substitute we have employed is a tit large eLin.h to contain fjrty to aix'y b.: . .1. dui' in urv sandy soli, i'ut :o the lo- tatoea when dry, cover the jit wiih boards ri A ch.ii iiev made ol ioaide, wiin an aner e ; turc two ii.rhca r'.j:ire, running up fr jui the I nit, will air it to tsrrj off ai.j- ha air it .a; h. ') 1 l'tt:i lot ped w ilh w;-n of etraw in the I lest weather 1 j-otatoes in Leaps cn the aurfaee f the ground, if jrojer j mcsuiIols as to and picl ctioti from li.oi.ture! ahd fi'.st aie I urtose, htt li u ed, ansarrs a very oooi " to aeji iu winter, and if idling con. uaen es it bus t 1 I) laii'e ei'i-nt tilore , j . U4,.ccr ol eirts.-iv niois -I !.....;. ,.,i .... ii, i , j, a, .-r, al, eais on tii, and witb great ear iu roobn I li. 'I l.e L'.iidvt! tlmii b'Js (!.n panv, snys an achaiie, have r.ceniiy made a report on le lertiiiij- ot horses, wl.itli disclosis sou.e u.l. i.j-tiL. faels Jtseu,s that ihe con. pa- lj u-e bo Ieea thau fi.tiOO hoisee ; 3,1'iili oil this number have fur their fjod bruised oats ( at.d cut hay and straw and ths oiber 3, HOD I ,; w holt oats and baj. l'L al'uw ac-. corded to the Erst wet bruised oat', 16 lbav, out hy, 7-1-2 lbs., cut atraw 2 1-8 lbs. The allowance accorded to ths uceind uo bruised oa's, 19 lbs., uncut hay, 12 lbs. The bruised oats, cut hay and cut straw, a mounted to i!0 lbs., and the utibniised oats Ac., to 32 lbs. The horse which had bruis cd oats, cut bay snd straw, consumed 26 lbs. per day, aid it appears tbst it e"jld do u.e asme . a- ... --- - -- rood cctidition as tne hor.e which received J..-, .v. j. II. r n - lc" r" 'y- "' - -- - Ipb. per uay on ice ieer.inp oi rc uui.c ic eeivirg lrui.-d oats, etit bay snd cut straw. lie aclvaMaj."? ot lruien oats ana cut straw over unrrui"t oats aim uncui nay is estimated it five cents per day for the 'rotnpsn s C.tlt 0 horses. It is by no means ' , . ,. . nietit Las supplied. To 1 1 e farmer who ex- pends u lr-o sum in suppoii of borso pow- ( . r, there are two point this e xperiment clear-, ly establishes, which in practice must be- . .J , 8n)0unt o( (j (v.g , jllyi secondly, no , losa of hore power arising from that liv- irp. DJJS AND MEDICINES. E.Nye Hutchison & Co., t ii.iki.otti:. .V Wholesale and Kotall Tealers In f Oitl K.N AMI DO.MEM1C Drugs, Medicines ! Chemicals. A HE rercivinir fresh a. and K- nuine -r.ll, Hie New Yi.rltMnr L.l U-I... I. I,, . n nnr chased upon . m -h ltriii!rj j We r.-..c:ull;g i . J C..11 the alteiitii.u ot Hil-. Pure Wliitt Lead. Sn.w Winir Z:ne, Chrome Ycl- Inw, t'ltrmiie Urini, Pans lirrtii. Hurt. t Umber, IJaw l iiilu r, Ji . .1 Ix jii, lli.iek I-uit. LillMrt-e, S. nii. ttronn. Vcn.tiiiu lad, I... inp lll.ick, ilr.m IJlock. W lul.i r. ' j a--m NIB alCw j Erc'i-i' Kinihinc, Kurn.liire,, Picture, D. liruwn and iiljck. Linseed, Tanner'a, Tr;iin, Lar.i, .M .chiiierv, I.n t,ri,, s.. k:. ,,,.. .... Pure ' I Hslor. fweet, flute, t od l.ivrr. Burning Hind,; TurjM niii.e, A eoi.ol. Pure French Brandy. Hid M .drira Wine, Port and Sherry, London Porter, tr- h Congress Water, ( ilratr M .gin-j.a, Kr So. .la VVutir, Canton Teas, Bakrr'a Choc iUli-, For. eign Pi-rlumery, Suiotialt Quinine, Huiuiii SuurT, li.b.cco. S. gars. A. .. Ac. I ka.lottt, June :, lei'J. Hlf Hotel fur Sale, AT MtJNKOE, XDRTII CAliHl.INA. Mr. subaciibt-r tM-ing Urairoiia bit. IN ION HO. Tliia ll..ue i siiuali i iu ll.e tl.nv-ng T .Monr.v, N ( convt-iiieni to the busiut-as fsnrtion 01 tne Tuw n, anu within ati.iut one hun.lred y. r.ia of the track of tlie W. C. A K. It is ue.irly new, eoiit.iina a.viulien r.H.oif. well iur. maiiid, (ilit- Furuittire beitig offt-red f,r a.le w in the H"U' ) a tire-pl.e. lo every room, aii-o, niei.t out lioux , M-ihirs, Ac. Also, One Hun ire.i A. ri-s ul Land uinoiuiiig. Hi ge oiuaunra linu . .r longer public 11 le, ,.e mil iherelore aa-1 1 low, gmng any reason-tula lino- fur p--yineiit. F'or furtner information apply lo the suoseriuer. or my Iriend, Kev. E. A. Ihiii mono, Camiicii, Ni. t'a. JAMES BICKKT. .Vo24,l?j9. Hi I'll I Ml A ItKIV A I. OF co.n:cTioNAi!ii:s.: 1101 sto iv in;vn:i: HAS just reenved a fresh supply of CAN I'lh S, ot all kui.ia.aiau Citron, I urranta, H.i. 111s, F'.ja, and a vanity ul Null, fallal Ilol STUS i I1L"STKK, j I D..or F.t ol the Court Mouse. ChirlutU. Oct. i6. lSiS 33if 'I he 4MI A01 Hi Male, I'nrni'i'. LOOK IIF-Itf:, Fl: I I.N US, and Ml.. cituen., willy.-u buy the 110LI. TA KoF NOK'i II I AI.OI.l.NA ? ll so, .111,1 lo the auli.cnb. rs, or lubiriii t to ihc County Agent, lor tliia New, l.aiKC 'iil -'If Kin lit nil .'lap. And y-u will gtt the whole Si., le, with her Rivera, ! K ..liroaua, (i.,,u, I oppei. 'o. Iron aim (...i H;:, and -li the Citiea.Towna anu ViiLgea. iioiot- .Mounlains anu j.rllgs, anC iter F icius ai d t hl.nera. I: y. u want this t.OI.lif.N PKIZK. t.ow ia Hit- t.ii.c .M.ip seven lii t by live, borutr views nl I lie St., te ll.-uae. Insane As v I urn, I b. oel II ill. Male ano F iii.iie ( i.ll. ges, 4 e , A c, one of the rhfajt -.mi .. .M'p. ev. r pulihel.rd. rn.tliir. & lif.Sl , llili.-l oro , . U. Aijr.. is v. A i I t.u lor ..:iy Stale. T. rms ibcrul. Apply aa a July 1 July in lb. 13 6 n Mctkleiiburff J'onds, M.V; r it hi. per 11 11 11 it in. 'BMIK.SK liOND.S are j tl,e safest JL invt stment tliai c m t.e ii aoe.and are really to any fsljle Itomls. mty cannot repuiiwtc. The c '1 nev hear secew wr cent n ii rest naval,! semi. p-r cent 11I1 rest payable i.ini. -nnujiiy, Willi Coupon, t Toe) are ol toe . iiominaiioii ..1 I00, bicb will make ibem more current an.l useful lor do mestic purposes. The coupons vi I prove a convenient medium for P'.yiiig county Uxes. '1 i.t c.t.zens ol ll.i county should possess them. . .1 , , .. '1 . ' ' . , .1 t uln 1 U-ni. in l li.irlotle or Willi antam Julm W.iker will r.c pr..ii,,, II. W.tjLl'IN. I'r. H. C. if H. H H. C. 'i'Jtl .. . . jKaNotice. Mil: Hrm ol ItlNIiKli.SDN & AHKI'VS was' ived on ti e l.l ot bv lnuhi.l i jAs. F. IKMLl!Mi., b tea lie rry on toe iiua.nes. on Ins own secouot. All nous inneiiuu wm pi.a-e cone lor ward sml : tile at once, as tne buaine.s must be ciosid up ' ,- itrfialeiy. I IIK'I.I-:I'(iN: A- Ilin-VJ 1 J .niary IH:,'j. ' " HAVINf. sold m, et.l,,. it,-,est in the firm ofi II s lil- iri in. i. nit t mi Mr. J P. IIKN. F:;.-uN, I siili t aueet on nn vet at ll.e ato- h .ln.ll i.e l,,o.. i.. ... '"J fnenna ami eu.l.nier., i.-.rlu u ..rl v en lu.-.e who woulo lors ov. r the htlle ehnre. due me and ll.e eooeern. IT,'!. AI1KKN.S. tl if Wanted 1 !,ooo: Ulfim of TAN h A f I K . for hull le,e eeb w ! I ' he p,,r,. M. B. TAYI.'tK. I'jh .fiy3l,I ' AN'I Fit . good Mi!el. t IIVV. Knninre.l V I,, i haznsz, f. c m Public ' S. T. WRISTON KEEPS c.-r.Untly ","1(. wholesnte and re. tail, a full and "complete assortment of PLAIN AM) JAIMNlSr.n TIN-WAItli, which will be sold LOW -lOl'NTER SCALES, Ensmelid Saure and ?icw Puna, Glut !'" nkttli- 1 ous, &o., b S. T. W1USTON. luprnor nrlicle, for ault S. T.WRISTOX'S. riioii.ET sets. X at c lASH, Pied, d Dressing llliXKS for S. T. WHISTON. Fit V ITS & VI CJI.T A III. I S. s-"-J'"fwv.' .v . - . o n- T .s! , .Eo STONE & Co. Screw Top CLASS JARS V fur nwmirr rruils, veenoties, cc, best utUlIo buw in u, lur tali by F. T. WriTSTON- rooKix. ,stovi-:n. 4 Fl'f.L ASSORTMENT of COOK1XO and vL ether S'l'DVKS, will be constantly on hand, and sold as luwr a Ihey can be afiurued in this market, by S. T. WKISTON. dkarlulU.Jynr 14.IC.i9. Hit Land for Sale. 1 JIE uhieriher, being desirous to remove i.e country, onTers for rale the Plan. Hon on which she imw resides, Iv ii-r mil. s ,-k. .1, .., . ..n il,, W'r.trrn Plank Koad. ei.n. I -inii.g 511 rere. The Und la ot good onaliiy For p..rtieulars, enquire ol the euu.criber on Hie preiiuies. MB8. A. W. STKVENSON. April 12, IS.'.!. 5tf Atlntlc KUTUAL and FIRE Insurance Company, C'r!iuH f il), V C, facorptrattd by Art mf tkt lgiutut of AortA CVu-'iiw. T IIIIS Company being duly organised, is prt j.Rri u to receive ajip.icauons for 11 ancr upon EUILDINGS, HERCHANLISE, riiraiilitrt', TIil!, Mil 11 ti list-1 is 1 I MIITS A.NUllll'JK C AI(t..l and moat kn.caol reniuio rat ol premium. It is aitoed, in the organisation of this Cot r. n V . tl le inriuuin ior Inoi n nny honorable and upiigl.t course 01 i.en ling, anil a faithful fulfil msni of lis contracts, will at ail limea cliaraelerii.- the lusinrss of tlie t oinp..ny. Aiicliei.tii.iia for Imurui ce may b. inane at the ofti'-.e ul tin Cuuipany, vt lo its Agents. fJlKKt luRtf. John A. P.rrot, William S l."-i l.Oglrat'V ll.vid W I el, A. B. Cl.apin, S.II.Uel 1 Hers, Jil II. li..vis, L. A Margetl, F. Mail. It. W'. It. t.r.iit, . II .vid S. Junta, t.eo. W. Dill, Col. Tims. J. UlakeJey I.ukc Blacaman, CFFICKRS. John A. Parrolt, Levi T. Oglesby, W.8 Long, E. A. I'honipaon, A B. Cliapin. President, Vice-President, Trca.uri-r, AUorney. Sk-crclary. W . II. Oraiit. J W. !. I-.i.g. U.Vld W. Hell. N FM. ITIVE COM MITl LL. bin-IIAS M'lrck I a. leD. WASHINGTON HOTEL, ((.UANGiOF I'KOPBltTOKH ) I5HOAII hi It KIT M H liKH N, , JOHN F. JOWLS, Proprietor. ffJtHFi L'ncersigiird respiclfuliy announe-a f.o M. the travelling j. unite, lli-t he has la en charge of Ibis old tu.i p-.pular el .bli-l.nir 1,1, and ia now prepared to aeroii.uionale traveit raand pn vale lnuiiliea with by ll.e day or monlh, on the ni'-at aceoiiitiioii.t.iig li I Ilia. ins TAlil F. will tx furmsl.'d with the best proi isiotia Ihatliume . nii lorcign luarkttscan arTrd. Tne YVlSlli nylon llnll'l has large rooiiia. is oei-rcr .. oepot, Uie eourt-nouse, ami tne tiusincsa street. II. .n any olner in the city. An Cluneal w. ii 1 i,sys le at the oepol and I mump, oil the an. v. I ol ll.e cars and atcaniboal. 10 eoni-y p 'saengi rs to tne Hotel free ot charge. I ly aloppi'2 t Ion Hotel, pjssengers will have ' ampie time lo obi Ilavmir also a l.ri'e and commori.ous M.b rid sn i. Her, he is ttourd horiea by ti.e rlay, week or monin at I lilsl reavinable rUs. JOHN. F. JOSKS. .Hare I. 1859. 61 U CHARLOTTE HOTEL, BY JalaTt .ltkBOIK UK ay lllAHMlll F, , C. f 1IIK Prorvrietoruf Una II.-'. I is J still at Ina post ready lo lul. til the duties of "mine host " lo tlie travelling public ami others who ru, and he Batters hii.-.aell Hiatal may 1 e.jmfruble nuarlers cun be lound with In 111 as : , '., ... . j m rpfe o( t;J,.rlle, bu.mess Men will j find Ibis Hotel a moat convenient and dcsirahle I lotion. He has been engaged 111 the business al ibis ilund nearly eiglileen years, snd in thai J tune he has made several additions to hia loriner bouse, snd it bsa been greatly enlarged and ini proved, presenting in front a I wo .lor y V AN I) A ;OIJ leet in length by I'J feet in v idtb, han.iaomely shai'ed by trees on the side-walk, affording a plea sant pn aieD.ti.: at all hoars of the dsy. The Moose has heen thoroughly turmshed thro'. out, and in every psrt of it 1 re-lure romloi-ia are abundant and tangible, especially in the Kl." l.e H'OM, where the "inner nisn " ia "renewed " d.iy hy iljy. ,.nen.V w,H, ll,l. Motel are Ptablea aflordina room (or U)0 horses, abundantly liiiin.he.i with I grain and prove nder, attended by failhlul and o. ';'"'"" I he Proprietor feels eohCrlent tbst with 'lis long eipr rieriee and many new ad vsn luges and ed lo his e. sir to plej.t, In it prepan d lo on", r hie fri. not ami the " rest of minkin.l," aa many tmnli in and as much good cheer as will be found anywhere, perhaps a little more so. ir At my rale TSV the Charlotte Hotel. i. )i KKI'.ll Or'aier 19. b:,H. 3'lf I T'KHiMV and I tuns. II. rat il km aw ' fliee, jointly with J. A. F.-a, Fsq upst.ura ru at ii.K,r to ti.rt ou.l llou.e. where be will be pres. nl lo attend to .11 calls 'n professii n-. I hu-iness made lor himself, or (or Mr. Fox. aim, he is absem. J,.v,y I, l8jJ. 4-111" A Great Battle to be Fought! a T HE subucrihrra infurin the citilnua of Char hate und vieinily, thut they hva on hand ml sre cnniUully receiving, it auperb aasortnient of Eiegunt FUJINITURE i niiperinr to nny lliii'p llt ever been offered in tliia (Trliim. Their sl. ck coiisit in art oi ilit lullowii p :tit!r: 8il'.i, Tule l eles an.l Divans, Cime But'iini lioeiiing Cliuirs, Mnlmgaiiy ..nil Can Seat Piirlor rli iirs unil l(uli Pnil.iin Chairs, MnliKgnny and Csne Ft.itl.iui linekinp t hairs, Wurilrnbes and Hureuu, Marble ami W.....I Tup Centre Table., Murblc Waah Standi and Sinks, Card and Work Tnl-, Mahogany nd Walnut Fitenirn T-ibtea.'gjn v, French and F.lixabeth Reilali-ads, What Nols and Parlor Dr.ka, Looking (;Use fn.m to tU a, Sell'-K.ieking Cradles and Eeelinttif Chairs, Tucker'n paleiil Spring Hull. .111 Beilstrads, Canopies with Lace Netting.', nd Mosquelo Itira Cottage Furniture by the srl. Ir. 11 and Wood IMI H 'Gilt Mouldii.p of all anes fur ii..,kin(. C:ii..a and . iclure Frames. le fenerallv used Fisk's Mtlallic Hurial Cases. J. M. SANDERS & CO. C Aitiiuri,, May 3i, iti'j. litf Great Snciilice at Morrow's TUKNOUT. T HE Suhs.-rih.-ra r.-i ilfull inform the peo. pic of II, e rurrouiitimg c. unlr. that lliey hais reuueed the uricea of then lx k, runsial- ing of lry (toocils, I! cad j Made Clothing. and a rreat variety of other Goods, which will he o. v..-.. COl NTUY 1'RUITCE taltl D ill exchange. Kobe woitu 5 00 at 60 M.nwl. worth 4 1.0 at 'i 10 Mani llas wotlh S III) at 2 -'.0 Konoeis worth I'll at 3 60 Huop Skirls worih U 5U al I K-at clM Pn. Is wi.ith IJ t ID Hleaehtd sue. unnli a.-ln-.l l)..ii,eiies t New York prices, aru all e.-:t kr-i in Siotr, sold in prop, r lion I" t e al.. -r.e. II AMMKHSLAG A MK.SDAI.L3. July:,, le59. I'll (i as 0 1 k s, T I vllF. subs, ribers re-pe. Iiul y infurin the pub. r, thai they are pr. pirt.1 in ereel (.-a I W rks tor In I. lug I 11.. ., I n., illag. s, I ..I ratea h ft ami Urge Holt Is. 1 ley have ereeieti works in Charlotte und Kalngii.N.t ., which luve g.ven 'entire aatisl'aetion tu the eii.stns of li.o.e piaces. As lo qu.ilifici! n., pn inii'i.. cr.d atniiiv lo pei form all coiilraeii inl. reil 11, to, thty refer lo llir InDowirg renlit l. el. : J ,.. H. I'-rao.i, I'r.s CI. '.lo. W. rk. .( bar. N.C. Wm J. ' nsM .I r. . ( h-r A .- I It K. Ir '1 1 II hi. I'm P .i Ija. A.s. igh, " ( ol. ; II Y'ui.g. ' 1. Ms A. t.. Mo. V. I r. O:.. W I.illl. falls, N. Y. F. T Story Mlj.l ti.ia Works. Walerl.-WP. N. Y. W . S. Scnoeio r A ( IVarl St . N. York. A.idress ll . -ul.-i r.l ... .1 I.' o..rK N. V A 1 Kl:i;(lK A l.HWKS. S'pt. 14. Is-.IH. 47if GIIKAT "v()M)KU 01- IliE METtHM II IFMIP.T. PROFESSOR WOOD'S iiiiir Jit'.loraliw'. Sv pulol. fi Mil .s. ( Mo ) I. mor r. ltr. W t,l ll.i Ib low, t ily, (n p. . IT-. I. -erliHra 1 ol Irulii, pufl.ry lr. lit from ll 1 IU-M. ,Mt. J.n. 2'!, I-.'S. riof.or O.J. Mom i, Co.: j (.rsTI SMIs: II vii g my alt. nlion cal'eH s f. w 'months suite lo the hh-y b.oifui.1 ilfit. ol iy. ur hair restorative, I was momed In make a;.. pie H1..11 ot it ill-.- my own h..r. ttlnih hail U. .come quite gray , protn lily one third while ; my j whiskers were rf cUr-Ci r. Some tbret mini I hi si lit e I k ' nr d a Imlle of your h . ir re. J st ralive, an. used it. I soon lound it was pruv log lli.l I bid Wl.hed. I usid It sb. s week. I bsve a. nee procured another bottle, ol which I have cud son e 1 Can n..w to I' e ! w.rid th.t the gray or a Lite 1. air has toully ins. I appeared, both on my I end snd face, and my . has resumed its r.'.lural c.-irir, and 1 b h ve more ; so'l and gioiay ih-n it has h.en belore lor tweu. i ty-five years, 1 1 in now in' y ) ears old i n.y g'o wile at the age ul fu'ly-twu, I. is used it Willi ll.e same eHeil. I The above I due lo ynu f.-r y. ur i v;Jii ,hle discovery. I am as.ured II. al a bo. v.-r will i-ighlly use, i-s (er dirtcto.ns, will n.l l-sve n.e.i.ioii lo contr..tlicl my sUI inenls. I sm a 1 1. t ien of Ibis eity and a resioenl lu re I. r ll.e l.i.t fitleen years, aiid sm kt-own lo nc.,rly ef.-ry one here and a. joining towns. Any ui. you niay make ot the above, with my nan.e attached, is al your srrvite, as I wish to preserve llir besijtict nl na. ture in others as well aa myself. I sm truly, yours, A . I.KAY MllMl PaLTIMOSr, Jan. Ui, lo.if, WK)DS IIAIK liFSTOI.'AllVK. W.H..! Hear fir: II. Vm had tin - mia. fori una to loi portion oi my luir, !rmn lie en. et. ot me jenow lever, in ."N. w Urlesna in l"5l. I wis induced to make a trial ol irour iration.and loar.d it to -eced. My ba.r is now newer aa u.e very nneg giossj, sort no oros crin exi.iess n.y obligations to t..u in t to the i (tin led lueh a In MM F Y JOHNSON. J. h . nrs-' g, u s minister The null' ri.gnerl, ft in r gnUr st ittdiiig, ami p.isior t huieb al llr.-. Hi. l.l. M ,.s II .1 tl." Orth. gentlsman ot great inlliJ ,.l u, b. V..M UYFR. Pi.okfit'd, Jmi. li. UjH. Professor W'.',.! l'tsr fir : made a tri. al of y. ar tin. r Ite.iorativr, it gives n, a pleasure in s:.y. liul its cfleet ii,a hei n eaeellenl in reinov tog infl.mmaii n, dandrulT and a constant tsnrten. ey to ill bu g with v. In. h I have tet n trnubled Irom my childhood : and h.a al.o rest ired niy bair, whir h waa becomiug gr.,y, tr. its ci. b r. I bate used m, other arti, Irwith anything like the a .n.e pleasure or profit. Yours, irnly, J. K. PRAtii;. 1 he liesiorativa i put up in b , tiles of 3 sues, vii: large, n edium and rniell; the so, ..II Indus a ptnl, snd retsrs for one dollar per botl'e; the n ee, ,n, i In, les at le..l ttr. my -r n nl. in pioporina linn the sm. II, rrl.ins for two i.'.i Urs a bolt'e ; the large Iritis a quart, forty per rent more in pr. p,-r,.,i, snd ri talis lor t3 a bnit'e. O.J W(ltll) ft) , Proprietors, 441 Brnsdwsy, ;vew IMS, us .ti.rist r)t.,si. i.iiis, Mo sold by all good l)r ug( and Fancy (.nude Ileal. e-s sill hi I In, , I, lie I, J M Alilt &. I (), Oh Paid for Hides, Y S. M. HOW Kl.l., 3 ,!,, hotith of ih. M M Mansioa II use. tturloili, April 6, lrr. ALSO I Fverv tSn'e'm-''-rs 1 lit I .i'.i... 1 VI.. k. ., surii uj .i . ll.iiu . l M-'l "f.-iiv. A e , Ac. i Ami I '"l. l'ioi-i;li 11. t '"'. we alw-aj j I1..11U a supply of fc'L'tl'ES'AS fur sale st this Uflic WAIT FOR m.i.'r Because he bnves his 7WI K" from 1.1.S.M.TAU0R W.-u1.' r'speelTi 1'v erirunre la the irhshitM if ol Vf I I ( '11 fr..n. II. 1 .1 till M. 'i.i , 1. ti. ), Granite lii.w, w litre l.e hi s m w mi Norili, .mi ol II. r nmrt lali nsive ssortnienta of O i i ! among whieli will ..(( r 1 11 N. rlh-Carol jsv a it 1 ihtth has g ei .ueh a famune rrpuli t in th S. ull.. iil niil.tiy for tl eK.i, f ,,,, ( rt.i-anU iui. nor to ar 7 to. L 'i.j flue r. ii u ll i 11 .. , ,,, , ff .,. !, nut does more work'in a giv. i. tune. that, at y titlier fU . l i s 1,, or nv other Siovr of the n e sue in the I nilei S1..I1 . hi., 11 n Uo) , TliisSti.e I consumes I put up one li work in a g. the belter 01 , he will forfeit the .ru ALSO, ALL FAHIiOR & Heh 1, an., .-..i.aii.i.ily keep on hand, an exit nive and v irud t.rk of TIN AM) S1IHKT I II OX ;;. v m in. is, ,it nto.y a 1 1 n .1 iy If AT HACKS. fllAI)lsKS.&c.,&e., I Ml ill, Mil ! ...It. U ll I ter been s.H ti I ll am l.ll v a. I would rrlurn ny llmrikt Statoweit upfin th.-y n torslht r w ill, a lit lerinintiior , toy friend, rest a. sun H2 IZtoYiiS'iZ "it'L llili i ill Hi. Uil :'::' adii ri ami lipiillt'iin ii hip purlirularij it.ittil lo rail . nd i Aiiii;iiii LNSiort N. II. I ill 1. 11 Ju w i.y I h. .i n v a.neiii I " W a.v r..a vi Wm,. ,-.i w. hate three w agg.-iia e-nalanl iy Ira. lili. t I. ton.-1 Ihrt.-nilr; will Kl.tes Br .III 4,1 tit 1 1. itill hr faith fully miiI wt lly nlttt tut to r.r..t, Jvm, IC. Pb',. 5 Notice. VI . m r i art Ix-rrhv ratitmnri-. if tt Kun lit g lid f urn i.f ti f i r ..lPfr it h r' I 1.7 : 1. si en A HKKVAI.D IA IDS(N. 9 I.n .Wa, ID. CANDY JvACTOliV. ! Fi'('si('i.iil('cii(iiicrits,!'niiis,i sr.,tt, ber respectfully -.tiforme Ihe barlottr and su r roil n! it, g ectinirv. lbs! he hi. en band and is constantly rceeivmg from New York, Confecticneries, Fruits, fa.m v (.idiri:i:ii s.i ii.aks TOllACt'O. SM I F. 'IOVS. Huwii-iil liiwli iiiiii ii. rim: miiw, iMiititv iinti, i lul l ti d a, Illt'U tli.(ni, Ina t rw, U oik.ialii sill., A Itllll 4 ngt a ol every 1,,,-ny. J. L. I'ALMKU. Aavetsiisr 9, le,',. 4-Jtf Also, he intends lo msnofe'i r. CsMdlS ol all ktnris, fr. e tr-.m p. -s. ni u e..l..ring i.ti.iae the New Y'ork Kir ni Id bi.r.i I rn y . t all ai.d sec. JA.Mirs m. i v. COMMIb.sWS Uy.liillAS T, I I? II AM HI Kb M I, I I I, .N. Y . I YS suit foiwsrr.s every ku.l ereh lor a1, y-er real ( ew.wfisina. lieters to Oos Willi sun .Mor. I .ad. N. W . Wood fin, J. W . O. borne, ( . P. ,M, n.i nh.,11, A.M. (.orman. Fx,-. ml li. v. ( . f, lit, ins, II. n W . A. l.isl.aii,, o il olhrrs. I'eaUr in Pianos, M. I... . . i s, liisns, II,..,.. l.,e ...,, l.l,n,. !,,. hs, Pump., I.,.r.ien, Ac. A pi m tin ,.t of all tne .lul, r. i.t ... linos snd nr.ns ; ,( ,. put,lisher of an lul .. ..inr. ,i (.,. " v ,.i -.1 , graph ul ' ( iirsn. -,lt, UM . , M)UX (t.,i,a to He Tina hi vslua umi, adrtlrr sh uli: le very "f.hou.e. ll irn, t..,l sll ill. I s a I ..I........ .. .1 ,l ,.. . ' Unt.o'u. .,;..,,, uu ,a, (,., . am, n. r,. ,,... i, . .. e . i .. . . i . . ind lour 1 1, edition, .'ihO p..s, ami i or snr dollar. malltj f Near li,,.- I ft. ls..-,H. P, t'h Iv s. m, mm km., . Saddle II Harness Manufacturer, THUti DtiHltS M'lJTII Tllf MANf Wh II Oils' E II A It t 4 'I 'I . . . irAiiiiP,: . thnrtesl nniK-i fiBrlillinrllrrenns.l tthf 1' U FPA IttlM. prtn plh eat et.ied Ji. I !(. HS(t ' 37 if SMnsmvii cm-. lilt. It. . li IC I'M.I, he pli hiti! to r.e, ,ti rrefesamt a 'falls WW in the di na-mt nl. ef n'MH IM. am' I lifiKRY. litlr', prolrioioM, liv rnsv be found st his raaidenee. Fori Mill Hepot, York, rl It. . I1''. Ia I Kill. .f f "-'fr 0 1) II J S.H.RANS0M.O.C6. '5flA i i 1 4K1SIY. H2 THE ft .Will (I I. .i. st,r,w, rl tk .M unilaeiiirns. ,' ;. H.ll.r I., , l itllll I , JL.I tl 1 1 1 , , , W E S ht found the Cf lrl.rnu.-a roi tin Move, and oiiit.ill i , - hi. KINDsS OF BOX STOVES .!. It ltd Iti lull v ll M . ll III I Ilia intuit . eii.l. lir t a fot I lie very lit rth ' ri .t 1 ihall rnn. . !., .1 e n.rrii coi.liiiu'iie- i f lln mi, ' Hi n 11 hut A.A.X. JI.TAYI.Oi:. rAKIC3IV.L.-2.i I. F Cefeel-. run ait I n s oi Viml'l A Msl.ll i. i ... .1-10 opposite- It . Prts' l.r r : I s o ni in reeiiung i.i-.ei inn, N. m r. ...j .1, lions to II,. , si. ek ul o i' ix i n tii: 1 1 s I UllL i.i. ot i i: 1 1 . Ar. ,, . i g thru sl.K k mil l e I. nee ,,. , - , ., It l. l I" S slors ..I II.,. In u A. ...! i t,l oi I .le I r.o nit r.. ii U .,, . , .! o b.l.d. i.-.y I ... k I.I.',. no .it I . r 1 1. . H I, I I h. Mut.J.V A M-l;. Vsnmler If. If.", I.. s I" M , liT a li.-i . 1 1 . .. ;t t i v a piieoe Ar I SAIKS, X I lull I iiitil i:iuli!i r. II I. lorr.i.h l'esit i s I . . . I . It I Public,.. I'r... I. ! . S a 3.i .re v.r 1 I-, frl( l 'b. Id. 8 ' lilil ll-t It li I I KutKetl life Insurancs C'nnr ot int. H M.I U.l: v ' T . .. lor M ul tit ipatii g i u.l li n l,i -l.l. i. p-,1 ll.i in .le may uriii.n it-r ft I .a.: t: iireii iosii, bt .hi g ii.tcri .1 - I h ;r ,u.r. ny. I he pr I. pi li s. in l-. 1 b.e., I J II. I. Ci W pal y.l'gel. r.l.. ol p.. in i on , pit s nl (M.i sm li as are o lo insu-e. nucieii I- r I.,e An lo Hi. Ih li.s I) ' I ill, ll. i'h iresetil. IHI.H 'l(i,S. Win II J"" il ' I'harlrs F J s , Holuiti. W . Ir I .ke. J. M.ho ,ne Insl.e. I I I P. Ii.llle, I l -ri." llo.l. .,. tur l.l II M. l'i , k Ir a le, Ptel.V II. t-IH. til Fir I )r. I h .rl.i I . J..I W . W H. h ei . tin I'r.s.'" I; II Ih.iile.s, ri. i. i y . vt l,!i.,l,. II J. 1 resiut. I H. W llu-i. ... A I...". ) lit M li- II. Mi h.. . ....-' I. in nil. f t sa.mwtrt - J h.. I. ..lie. li Idol. Mrrfirul lna.d r ('la'" J. M s. n, M. Ih, W.i" n III. h'd II. HatW.-ol , M. I'-. or lortier mforn -a.. i r " i r.d lo ' J ' pall pi l.e I'tf-re. o lls Aeneli s., n. should le 1) lo. eelesnO 11. II. ItATTI-K. "'''''.'"' ' '. W r ,- J.f'yT.'. ' t"' ;rit riT-jTiJiC-. 5 on PRIM IN- "I si' I"1"1 y . r raiH-wiiioiis.y .'""" ' P -I.O. Wl h.f v i tn"k KsT'i' ick k t , f"f !l'0rf,, fsup. rior Court, f"f ' b" '

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