IS poM the Lynchhnig Virginian. THE NEXT PRESIDENCY. We put'ltMh. tolow, a iu!Cc5t article thin dubj'.'Ot from the New York Herald, ihe Herald, it fill be observed, anticipate, l,,t there i too much reason to fear, .iricily if'O'ionai coniem in inou attonteat uliicu tlie oouiu umni lucvuauiy tie over 1 jjfipied. One way of eaenpe only pre- DJ) jtgelf and tb I the tuodo wl.ioli we uv oursehea advootcd, and which the Herald, r i tit i cbraoleritio sapacity, ful i endorses. TLat is a union of the conger dire elmenU of ill partie, North tod 1 , n,l lh. minion, nf til. Southern NalN, . . ... .... lion id uonpre, ana an etiuro odii.- ration of oil the old party linoi of division i in niar.i'e"' 1,1,1 10 "raigut, nana-to-i.MtfiL'ht between North end South, the ,er . , t .... Jeal. national onto hrin.r tl.P... nnt , htcn we nave oearu uaea agaiiix. . ,e U,-llif-rauy, . " ... s,.,, .i ,i, ir:.. 19 "? i ' :. l j... i" iLunidni ' .jrfi, uulea it be doue by Uilieia U" .v f coui, we can exp.-et no co opera- .. nr.mifA. we can eini-o ' I nA pl.ta.ia trnni tliom in th im them in the " a and tho attsmnt will be fu'ilu. It Ttut't be aeen whether the il 1, i i -t. I .1 ...-.ra.-w a i t li a oonieai io aoicu iuct . i, be inevitably defeated, io preference to j pun which offer the only avenue of en- i W from the horror ot rJnui.iou. It re- ; im.iu to be Men. m oiuer woraj, wutiuer i . .il... ... .1. f . .......... .i,J- Will . u. - ...... j1(.r..:iiii.ition with the certainty of deftitt, i iTluT tbau rally to the aupport of the eou- 1. .rvntive uniuo of the beat men of all par , Pi ia the North, the Soulb, the Kat, and i:,f We,t. Th Ute election in .orttiern atate bare , i,l, il the 1 ielion lliat the IVuiocracy, in ; ' ' . .. ., i.i .. i. ii j:, r. n un mo r.iaea iu puuiicaiia, , nl he utterly proatrated. 1 hi la a cer- . ,H,'y-axed fact a coucIiimod entirely r, i-!ib!e Wo hairee, then. whetLer j i ,, f aill n r.M.l lu mo mwu euucavur w r,i:pilat the election of a Ulaek I'.epub- rreileni. il luey are lue painoi l. j rUim ! be, they will arcept (be aafe e.j moJe of eeape, offered by the T.,tioml Couerative Opposition, upoutlie j of the Southern Vhir Oppoitiou in i ;:..-ra. Tba Southern Wliij;i can orean j a c .incrvative Oppo-iiion in the Norih 4 Nile, wbirh, with the aid of the North l iii 'cratic vote, will be able to carry I ,, i,l f 'Si? Nortberu Stjte , and prevent V r'.'CM!) of a lilack U.-pblican Hut it y in pi-ibe for the Southern iJfmwracif I We ahall tee, tbeD, whether their j ,;ri .ii-ni will lead the Southern IA-iuocra-f I j adopt tba only fei.ible mode of ee t from a terrible defeat, or whether, ( io the ob-tioacy of party pride, they will ,-b li. il!on upou cerlaiu diaaler aud j Hitri tbee preliminary and explanatory I 'it.., we aubmit the article I run (be J -n l. It wa written before the result I ti.e elections wa knoL. Tbe tiiumpb I the ltUek Republicans uinl- its aru- -it only ao uucb tbe alroner : etT Jj our JUile clction, N'T'h U'l j a'h. f...r tliv pritarbl jert fr- fonclndoi!. ! -Ha, we are upon ,h. ibre...,.!.. of j I ' I'fMlei.ti.l campaiju How flaiw tbe k i i of tbe Ltitle? laookit.j over tin- in f jo'ive aehed.ile r.f iheae t-bctioiis of the i-ei ver, we find the all powerful Ntlb- in .ec'ioj of the Union in the alu.o.t un - ii i. occupation of the anti-lavery repab in parly, and tbe tudi.nul,(t S iutiii rn I o-i i. in ibe almost ab-oiaie pswa.ion of i.ra .laser ileinoerae v. ltetwceo liieae f I . . ' . . ' . . 11 ovi ahajfiowt'ie; . ( llonsl prres lu eju . n.iive el meols of Ihe None atid &tu .-e -trolled in iu. nd ih,s tbe eon-! t 1 in P,M, mausra of lb io aeetion. 1 - fi..,.ey orP-e-l to each other i. kcl l-erjut hou.ea of York and La-ldiJ .S-j fii. ndof the Union uo leli-ver in ! rrineitde of popular gs.ernu.eiil no ad - ! K ite of peace and harmony no man iu- I Jr, r led m tbe prosperity of tbo State, eouti- j c.iy or toau in wbi.'h he nny have e V v i-i e l bis home can contemplate tl.U a.-1.! state of thin,- with indifforcuce. i I r it tber an individual within the boon- j iri.s of tbe United Stat.-s, however st clu- ! I Lis place of habitation, or hoaever ob- I tire I,,, position, w hoc iuiu.ediate inter-1 V, f r g.iod or evil, may n t be affected , 'be interest of this iii.p. ii'liiij seclton! f : J;.''c For (jooi or evil we are tntefi:,,; t u the most ii.ou.emfus political e ntlict h ti.e hi-tary of the Union ; nor can we im -iit how tbta conflict, hunted t the auti us and reckless poiiticiatis, deiuc auT-a I final, es of the Notlb and Sjutli. II -u- I .ay and hi patii itio colaborer in 1 H5() i us a satisfactory treaty of peace on this fiid ij i,.sii,JU 0f slavery ; but Mr. Ifiug , Mr Fierce, and oiher mouMiiir Dolil 4 es.'rr for the spoil aud plunder of sf.' Presidency, were njt outetit with this 1 iiy. S,i, to win the awret voice of the f itb, these de-perate political juglt-r re- ? I lb whole ailaiiuii with their repeal ; to at Hie .vliasouri Compromise, aud lb wise ti of the South were foolish enough to eu t' ii, to the fatal bargain. Alu",t in an I t. I, tbe late powerful democratic party f tb North wa destroyed, aud from il I-in aud tbe ruins of the old wbij; party present grim ud fr.rir.iilabltt nu r. publican party ha risen. V ,-... .,,li . sm .l.irrt excitement " -y-."si f" J . , tbe South has carried lhe poltliciau ami people of that aeclion far away from the nf iiatir.nul har.i.nnv : and thus, w bile I f .w rycr j.a.leriot tne, N..rib,au.l tbepra , v ,J 3 . k K (i Cro.ell 1 t'k-e J (j i 9 I HEool) KonD." If v .re suH. runr ,. fmry chivalry cf the South. Cau rot in' . , j, l . j, '.,., t ft j SALE AT THE Wnfc, or your $1 f is t.,nk,n and .. i-.tlan but the revolutionary experiment . ' ,,'',T ' ' ' ,' I I (I I I fa a -a t(M la' 'I'll ll' t,b"1- f ." 'V' f '- and a Southern coufedetacy. " l r' p":. I7?M. I ' J J LOWKIE i "" "''l"'' ,OU t:", ""' "" i 1 J , 1 pkj;,-', 1). t r alT, 1 pk'.i, . 1 1 ale, 20 1 J . J . i,i uic. reinei.v, l.y c.Miin.euemg w.ll. Un in),"t. i:yiur Ike re-ponsibiiity for ibis threat, nin r.k'ea, C . C. Henderson I 'k -e G.F. Sbep-I "u"mbrT 2S ith9- 37-2in Ltr-t i ..r diseased iii any in,., in r whale v. ttional or,ru'uatlon of rarliea may be e-' ri.Tj ' ,X.., ' ' ' ' ,' er. we or lira tturr will be e.ew .i n,v,c..rate, rd l..:i,,l.,.,l ' ..I A .. ; ' 1 " I r.An M nl',,1,1 0:i.,.,.l'.,.,ln.l I ". tt n tely and hec.,f ,tt,..,,,e ., .u.u . ..,ul,,4, ,..v, u- ,rtir it., iii iiii o 1 1 ;t ii i rii. : r .'itivo .1,,,., are spirited awy to Canada j .lock of the .l..e g'H.da i cmpl. t.-. and in I... I ...oitnon kH.pU. '7-! ;:7.", e .a-t of Africa are introduced into tbo i ( ( elc,.lp0 'iiberw Slates, with the eame eontempt of rr,. , r,r,,.-T - destitution aud the lawa. I hus we ee j it when our Northern anti slavery agita are protestinc that there shall be 're slive Stales uo more alave Tertita s" and that the war between free labor "1 slave labor rah axil coutiuuo till the one ' tbe other ia put dowu, we fin1' tbu pro "fry agitator of tbe South crving loud ' la?e code for all tbe Territotie, f ot irl of Ihe Afriean slave trade, and fori '"r ffiiinlly impraotioablo project lor tbe f t'en-ion of slavery. I'i Ihe miiUt of this ooufusion of loii(;ue, M John Hrowu" vcotures, at Haiper e irv. u ton. tl. nrseiinsl inauguration of I 16 " irrepressible conflict " of Seward'a Ro- I'Mer l.,.if..n . an.l ailultitb OOUntrT Iusiariled by the audacity of tbe old Kan- abolition out throat, the South is given f tin art t wariiiiiir wlncb cannot be riisre- rr,1"l. The inevitable result mint be euch lisping of tbe presidential question by Monthnrs. A-...,. that il will 1ISSD ! Jry all audi Northern triinmer a ilr. I "Klaa, and all auch trimminir inveutiona! I nn... 'I'I.. V. .. .Hi... I -,'-., uv BiJtere.irui V. iui,wiiii.ih",ii.., of the Southern democracy t Charleston must be prepared to reject all tuch half way men and half way expedients, and con sent to Hand by the South in I860, or there will be an independent Southern democrat- to pany in ine neio. jnato we may now mil ... ui.viu.iu ui iiiiviiiiiu'uiii Convention will be to decidedly pro-alavery Id InlnrrHhh L LAfilla in lhrpnnt. II..H. ..H.a .Mi el.very par.,, and that tbu. thcae ,0 eectiooal partica Mill Le fairly pitted againxt an!i ntl.rr. Willi nn nine- n.rito. in nninIi ,1,. 1 i ,i ' ii- i ' . t , llth ?Wmh dt''e'tlfi . .r 5'jr ui...i.aLy. uut them in Still tl.n Unn fne .,! r.,tu ' . ; , r- - - - r-"j - . . , ,, " . , , , . balaneo of power. J he materials for tbl party io the North and in the South are a-! bundaut, and only rt-ouire a found. nracti- . : f... u -.- . - . , i r- . ..u new ionarefa will torui tne net nucleus lor tbia nalionnl orcauilation. aud wc boDe the? , ilwir mrri.l at W.h !.'.". , , ' " " '" naa io-. 'UllJr Poil"J ' plan of a fu.-ion of tbrie 'J,h;'.rl' oppoititn ua-mbrri w ill. the black ! r-pubhoana. ' - Tbansikii Of Stkvkmi to the ITkITKD j ATf,s iIVuT 'j e traii.,fer of Steveua to the United !tate Court, which will meet in S I II I.tnn dne nnt meet I he an. . proval of Ohio of tl.n fiecoil journal of ' the Noith. They do Lot like the idea of , wine of tl. ir magnate bring called aa wit- ' Oeai-ei before a tribunal in ir;iiii. They affi-ct to appi-jheuil periiounl peril to those I liidividua a. Idev nee i.dividuala. 'I'hav need iv tl,.muli nn couceru on that bead. The card of Mr. i . , i ... i . . " Seuuott, one of I.rown cnunae!, hbowa that l evun in the justly exited community where Hrow o'a Crimea were committed, bU lawyer from ti. fr btatea were treated with for- bearanee and kiuiinefs. I be people Of Ktaunton and that neisbhorhood are emi- . ui iiil v qiiiet and Uw abiding and the wit- , . " v.. ,cU(,io .no nave uecu rjjiouru to Aboiiliou macliiualioua, .tct, JJit Califoiima U. S. Sevatur Got. Wei 1. r h.n nrn'iiiitcd J ml'e II V. tlai.n. former ly of Ket.luckv, I,'. S. S.oator. to fill the vacancy caused by tbe death of Mr. liro.le rick, 'i'be new Stiiutnr was to leave for -binloii, by the rtcamerof the 5th iuht A young lady of KJirrfield, S C, recently attended a family roirie aa " Tbe Evening Newa." One who lit there describe her j dr. (made ei.lirely of bewrpapers,) as be- i iuz d.rid. diy and very beautiful. Il ii aiJ 10 have preat Died l.y candle -light a r',lati3e to the richeal brocade, to rkiilul and taatcful mi tbe of its co'umns. CilAfLAlSS. IS TM K AMERICAN NaW.' TU're t) Lk Ii ai lo (he Au.ert-1 cau arm) athl Mvmn't the or'im jatiuo of crunn-ul, 'J.Vi ctmpUirif vii ; E pi-ccpii n., I .'"; IV,bv.e,,..ns, 51 j M.-h-i o li,., 3 . ; Hipt1,t.s, '-' I totrejatlooallaU, I ' ; ati.j'.ic-, ; an I other dcn-ltiiuations, 5. At tiie rr.M i.i tune the bun.b. r is ;l - . Kpi.copali,.,., '.); l'rt-bjteriai.s.Oi Mcth - odi-tSj 5 ; aud Conr. giii ba'irts, 4. I Tll Mob'NT EKMi:i KMATE A CW , I ork paper ) John A W aabinuton, ..I. 1.. l I' I... I ' " ' " f t: -' -pui lion i the "b.ther l.ra r stock. can t .ay , 1 lf U,l"-i bo "v" P"? "1U 0,'e hundred , I I -evenly bre tliousanu dollars, are awin ot of their money. He can't pive a ar title until a'.i hi: old liabilities are em- c,,lled. He owes five hundred thousand dol lars il is saul. I'it'H IfuVtHtr. (ar" Lev. John L Kdwarda has been e- lecled I'mfes-or of'.uic in the Uuiver- ' ity of Notlb I'arohua. ll is thought be j will not accept. . PER CHARLOTTE AMI 8. C. RAIL ROAD. FROM TIIE 'Ur Hi HIE '.'-1 II N'lVlMbtll. J F.t VV 1 am 1'. paeki;ek, L Liue- baiter Co, ill J Ilaiper i Son, It pkees, J H A N. Vont, a7 pkes. C W. X (J. J. Ilaiiiiiii r-koid, 3;1 pkge. .1. Siamy, -'' pks-, A. L. II allies, 1 pkge, Copenin;. H. !;:. I 5: CO. From date, will off. r their entire stock of Dry Goods, Hats, f hoes, Carpets, Fancy Goods, tc. I greatly reduced prices, at lliey are determined red their stork much LOW ER than ir of the S,.rii, True.-. 77.V v AO III MM U. CALL A.l LXiIL I-HICKS. TO Tiiii LnDii'SSi Wa will i.ll..r Edlicy tlre.a Silks al N. York C.t. " - ' Silk Robes ' " " " d.Ea.ll- " " " ! st.d solid rt." " s. .. .. Ra llks and all wool TUids I New Yurk Cost. W. will . itfer Hosiery, (.loves, II milkl , Jucko. nM w Na.i.a.s.k. and Tarlelon Muslins. El.l- i...',i, ... I. men. A c . al New Y"k prices; Our j jlj TJILH I U IL T.l ili 1 W ill fio.l our SI.k k of i b.ths, ( a. aimers. Vest lues lull, aim al ,iiecs ...a. ...m... ... r.. We are deleri ed lo reouce our slock. Call and ece us. jf Notice . UY v.rlue f Decree of the Court of Equity lor Macklenh.irg county, 1 will aell al Ihe public square, in the n of ( i.urlnlte, on the .111 of December next, at public auclion, lo the highest bidder, 12 valuable Slaves, . eredit of six iiM.till.a. with interest front tbe day of sale, Ihe purchaser rvirv, exe- securities. The ob. a division belwieu the luting oonii wun two gi J'' 1 J Orr, and John A. ioLiig ,aaji.n 0 Jamea A On. A. 0. WILLIAMSON, C. M. 1 ,,. V.s. 'J I Ihj'J. IW . ,.' -"1 i ) i iii i i v n:i!iiiA 14 LallililJl iiuuiiujuki i nut s.tLs:. Speciul Noticei. OXYCiG.ltTtD hitters. A Query. Why will ynu suffer 7 Dyspepsia ia a unci but comprehensive term Jor ll nprchen.ive term Jar the numerous li aff. el tho stiinscli, liver, and in, Will fc ,. .l ,,.,. Until Dr. Green u.acovcreo i no ux j g, n a n o itinera, nieuicsi ac I. B,:e "" " I'"1' exhausted itself in fruit. .....p........ ... mit ,111s uifiuvr, The Dvspenle 'XolZZl'. lom.tZ,'' I Thia ui.iniieanH r,,., li, sn,,..,n H .III:,......! cure the na tl..- rii.n nats. Had it thin nnwrr urh t'timcn ua followa would b gi'en in ita tort VAU AItl l-: TIMM.(Y IN KAVOH Ol 1 ltt.OX(l:M A'l 1-U lll'IYKItN. W'hiifotoh, l. C, June 10. lining inixle ux i.f the Oxyentaltd ISillrri, ore- : p,.r.-d by Ur. U.orer B. (I,,,',, W..,.l..,r. Vt.i and from a now ledge ubtuim-ri of their rTiR..ry in th. :,;r we cheerfully recoiinm-iid then. t'. the public, believing they will lully ..islam the i.i Die firn;,rii-l..r. we l...j.e II. tit c,.n,....n,h, ti,.n ,f ti.- i,.o;.ri.t..r. We I una (aiu'bia n ii y uiiiv lv Lcrcmble tu lln afll..-t..l A.MU. 8. I'llKf.PS, I ,, B t. , ... W I I.I.I AM LIMAVI.i1 " jrwm ... JAMLS F. M.MMON. S. &....r .om H ,.,,. J. T. MOIii:ilKAl). V. S. Srnutor.and fmmtrly f '' ; I.. II. AKN(JI.I).ymmrry VvvmoT of Itliotlr h'.ond. W.M. WOOKItldlM.K tut, f.ore. i..,i .V,c..i; Ita aucceaa in .re e;.n-a of iYM"l-1 ."I A. ASTHMA, AM) f ;i:,N r If A I. ItlUI.llY OK 'J lit Y.'T1.M, h c.i it iiinui.e ihe n..,hi wi.n. lertul d.act.verita in immriil uiki h:n rit. en il a reputation t..r b.y...,d )- n in. dy anuwu tbeav, all t I.i ir niinua form w""f u"'c" """d H-'TIS,... the "V'rea'ied by 8. W. KOW I.t it ( O . Poarow, and for axle by L. Nye, liuii lnaoii ic i o., Charli.ttc, N. t 35 J'eaiao thi nauaa i. juat uaued away, uiouaanaa 01 euu-rera ifoin vvm-iiu ry ann r' a-., liuic been r. II. .-d . the uae ol lJM t.l 'J'Kli'S iHT'IKKS.a i.ieu.eine wind, ia evidently! d.atineu to ina.i.i.i. a pern. an. nt place in il.c pub-1 ,u ' !J" eaiiu.aiM.n. ifitioua u.arrl ob;. ia one ot lhoae.4 in winch hi.tU. a Ihe akill of the pliiaicmn. b-wela never a..i,ia to reach all ihe d.gc.uve or. 1 g"n, and give the... ninulimnou-ly a of vig. 'r. to ml u,. in.tivca ..f tlua di-e. Tina pr. b. conquer lite n. oal atuhboin It ia onlv fair , u, aay. tiwt during ii.hl el.,.. .1 Una '. me.iieine in a achieved uiure than any other I ever pr. a. 1.1. d to ihe pul.lir, and . lining the lull, which Ihul I, rrihl. acouige,llie lever and ague,ia ao pi.valent, tlie liiTrim will gain frcab fume. hnlil l,y nil drugiala and .leukra g.-lier.thy ourt by K.Nye llulel II tV t o., ( ballotle. N.I . It i:i.l I F IN IE JIIM T II ERYiil.'S i v i. 31 o x 1 c- v a r 1: it s . 7'ht most rrttuin end sprnjy temnly rrrr diacccered Jot mil UiMtu$$ of tht f krgt and Lufg$,Cuupit$ old, Atthma, i 'on Munition, ltionchitttt Jnjtufnza, HHit tmrB, Ihjjtcult lUratii. fif, .Stut 'Jfiiuat, c, tyr.. li EE W AY KKSpUf tlir nioft itintanUnrnua mtu t rt't ci n iiel, tiiid li rrording Ui Jtrtciuiu, never t mill Uatuiij cure, 'i'linupniiija n pcrat vcrcd Willi I I Uj tried a rapm , , ve Inc.. rctor.a I to pr;-L't ! t it witu tuvp in d idiur iiietiia in ' ? jiu. Tu ttii vldttfvm an 1 ail C4mt)luli(im Ltiey nit. i l u h J J jr a blcMi(f mid a cure -none n-rd iit-ptur, j nu iiifelttrr iiow lnii Ilia .line "ite tit ay liave cntni, i of liuwt-ver aivtre it iiiv t,e. uturiiieu tlie or t tunc i or huwt ver etv. r atruclure of the vtul orpjntt i nut lipt-ic..y de- i iced - gic an ! 'X w!. and Pt.,,c S,.,,... H,e W'a. j f, ,. are peculiarly vaiubie; 11.. y in one day 1 remove the 1110M at-vcre mi:4.,.,i, .i luraeneaa; and : H" ir regular uae lor a tew naya all Uu.ea, 111. u" P"" d tli iiOiiii y ot I lie voice, great. tic, con. p.. a ..nil eliarnesa, lor , w men purpoae lliey arc rrguia d by many ' prolesah.nal voeahs.p. JOB MOatS. Sole Proprietor. K.iehcaler, N. Y. I Price 25 cei.ta r box. Eor sale by all fespecla. Ole d.ugg.aU and '. r. SUAUli, Uhtulour, U. of Sandl'.uHa luvig ETSe the advertisement of V( snoiher column. Hair Dye " National Fertilizer." El1 INE dust dissolved, .,rce r.ue I is i, . K:ng Crjbs. A m...e.s of Ml. !., Potash, So,;a, f Lime and Am. II Marl A.c, .Is., pi.ospn.u- liis, are .argelv detei. tin Manure. ev.t.rstive e.ustic stunu ant, but rich pr.niioirr ol growth of Ihe present crop, d a coi.atat.i renovator of the soil. Ear (ale al ( ill pa r Ton. hv OA IKS & WILLIAMS, Aptnts. AucisjUr 22, IcO. i3a SALEM ALMANACS, " (OR I860; t BHE highest prices in cash will he paid for 1. OLD SILVER or OLD MLVER COIN, at In J. welry Store of J. G. WILKINSON & CO., No. 5. (jrnnite Runpc. t. jiartorre, .vac 'I'HE subserilsjr takes pleasure in announcing A tu In I, it-.i. ia, and the pub'.c gem-rally, that he baa lake.. Hue long established and well know 1. Hotel, and ha maitcerciy possible preparation lo accommodate the business, travelling and suiting manner. ' Particular attention is paid to hia TABLE, and tfety com furl ia provided in hia KOOaIS. Ilia STABLES ar abundantly supplied and at tended by rarclul ostlers; and to all departments the proprietor gives Ins icrsonsl att. niton. A co.i.ti.rtahie OMN I BUS run regularly to the depot un the arrival of the car W illi these cliorl la please, a liberal share of the public patronage is confidently solicited. WM. ROWZEK. iWmfcer 15, I67i9.' 3Icck.cnbi.rg Hotel. Next lo lite I'ott OJIce. t?.T.I faallE sulaieriber in I. this the public J JL that basing purchased the building known aa Mecklenburg Hotel, bo haa relurmahed it and ia now prepared to accoiuinodat. Iranaient and regular Boarder. He ha good Stable and efficient Osllera. Horses w ill be kt pt by the luonlh or day, or fur nished with a single Iced, on moderate terms- JOHN DO RAN. 4W. 7, 1859 . 35if ItOItT. 11. COU'-tJI, Aji ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, H Wilmington, N. C. U' OlTice, South Corner Market and Waier Sla. np staira. -h taear II, 1659. 31tf MiiAiiom! Married, hy the Re. 1). A. Feiiick Jr on the 18th .ill., 1) I.I KMl K E.q., lo Mil LIZZIE A. I Ot EUAN, nil ol Cabarrus N. '. Al.n by ll,.- .. inc. on the 3 1 . Mr. M (v. JOHN. ! STON...I Cbariue.lo Mi . A. II. I OST.ol Meek. Icnbu.g, i. ' In ChIi In Cali'wrll rnunty, N. the 2nth Oct., 1 of chronic ilinrrl m. MARTHA CAROLINE, in i fu"1 VauKblrr of S. P. I d June K. Duln, ngi-4 13 umnllia and S8 daya, Ready-Made 'Clothing ..4JI '1..J .a) -4 W ' ''., U Ai r now i or'itiiitf lltrir lii.tuf HATS AND CAPS.TKL'NKS, VALIKS, aii I IJi.t- ii lid (iibii ( It lli ( i::ti. All erar'ea of fnnta. All Hilt, of I loth I onla, All (in.ti.a of Cluth C.i.t-, All cra.lta of I lulu (tl. ()i;(:t('l V ll'v All rradep of .l .in aim fji cy ei Hieere Suil, All grudi-a il !...n i.u.i t'.ii.ey .-..ii. -rit .iMa. All traiiea t ( piLii, Knd luncy .-run. rt Sihi. Al: gra..:B of (jlnin auu i?Ht:y L'yrti.i-ri- buita, ( 'nMt:n i' lL;ir,- All jrnu.a nl bin. k and luni-v cuk?... le Pan la. All uriicea of ultra ard Ii lie v caimre P.. i-i, AM giu.u-a ol bi..i k hi.. f.tcy . ...aiim.-r. 1 All gruueaol black un.1 Ui.ty pj..t, V lN. Black and y V. In Diack and V.-iv. I.U.C Maialaa.eS.U V.atp lilack I.U laney Velvet ..nil .M.ilalnan S.Ik V. .la liluek una lui.ey Velvet ni.c .MuUiiirac iU YL ('W, I Z K I J, AC. fravula, c.llura, t.lov II.,. 1. ry, Ac. lloi-i. ry, &c. ( rav..ta, collar. (h.V 'nival, cullura. (.love !.' ry, &.c. rr.'iVctw, culUrv. Oiovcii. Hoftitrj, Ac. ;iii4l La r gint ai.d L-itt-ufitit btork l I Tit atid caps, hIKt ttUl chr-l'trbl fliit K vt HeiLH u hU Cups, Ltr KID ItllO Ctlt-ilfltRl fctol'K Ot II.1U 41 lid Cups, Liaftkl atlti C I.i; apt ft fcluC k of Hut Ullli Calpli, 1 IM Vlil hu. Trunk, Valiscn, carpet b-tn und i inliretiu, 1'ruriks. V.ilifet , cirpct b.n aix. Linbrt , 'J funks, V..ik , ciir;t I h. Unu I n.bft iiim, '1 1 unks, Valibts, curptt bg mu L inbrulU. Our I'rit mu and cuBtuintra knew well the advun-tagi-B we pste 111 gtltn g uj' the Irvtflf, 4 In it $ 1 hi atnl Frttlirht IStock ot iothiiif, Vc. iii Wttitirii Curulina. Ur We warrant the quality ami inaku g of all Ci.H,.:a thut gu Ir. in their St, re. ,'.11 kr.,r.. I,.,.,, .1.. wlre .! ei:.niio nnr "' Ck' FULLING S, SST.INGS A CO. CcloUr I, ItVJ. 31 tl Land iir S:ile, erib.-r ha. I'. .ol '1 .., Is o T HE subs, t harlotl .. I I li. ad. 3 le s Ir a i s a. r. -, li..,; r lul l, k Tra'-t, 4 miles Ir. in AUo, one tiatt, :i fin a. n kl.l Cont r i us Ihe Oik Of .v., nine i.p i X' rlu nl 1 eeaparv out iiouses, Wc'l . ing I US acre.. The ..U. , will I' the in. m.1 liber. te u,s. Appy to JAS. P. liENDKRSOX. Or I. 35, 1"5F - 3.tif . Rionson, having been an f. a bv enn. suiiiellon, aa lo be cousuiertsi he. recovery by the iimai eii.ineitl of t fi .si.'i,. and also by I, in, sell a m of twenty yeara prueiice aa a ! ee.ved tne l.iea of ANALYZI.Mi ..ini all hope nl he medical pro. Mii.r pojsienn ,.l, t. con. TIIE l!l.O;H). pplymg the subject of pay t v f tne more iniiiii ni .le eoni.eelion, anil ctfixt ol the slate ol i the l too.1 iik,ii iie beallli and svst-in. The result 1 has been Ihe production ot tills. fl.Ollll lODD," ' Irom the use of vliii.ii, Dr. Br..n u was restored to health. Within m months ..Iter its in. '. tioiluetion. over two thonsai, rolisumpti ves we re ' eft". .-dually cureil by It. If yoi have ,. v coinplaiti ts I of i. consumptive tendency. Cta-jrA. Ca.d, .ud-erAe, . J I'uhniation of l' re-it, Lou nf Apprtilr, or fain inr,e .Vide, no tune in nrncvrti if i'otlle oi ti.e - PytH here liu. I Ihe must iliieu lit ; ltd gialelul reef A benefit 11 iU'ivi 1 in- ru ticeii a IP r t ,k,Hi' o"1' "' Iwlllt In .li'e 01 f'tm.We n;.;y,l .( '.' ', the sutl'. rer, aimr iry,g ol ,er rnoeilus in vain, may rest assure,!. Unit certain cure will rrsull Irom tne use .,1 Ira er Hurt I, lint The ' III.OOD FOOD" is i tl'ecin.i in all eases nf E ntptimo. Sill Rktum Snnfulmt and oilier like com. plaints, 'oe ami rmcijte.l cliliirtn and odnltg sro iiu.neiliatel v bi n, tin. il by its use. Il gives strength to the body, anil color ami beauty I.i lite skin. I'hyirtan$ of ait tchtmt are using it with Wonderful SUCCeSs. Pot lull directions, a e circulars. Price t)l per bottle apioq J.d s'lnsn ep '!, -pa.WOj ; J ilot is q iaii.ii ' a pun.un pa. ili.j.w , noliaajip sqi 'sasi o u sraio... u n oq i . lsoiii. jsi spu.niu . ii 'iit asai .uie. , M1 j.ij 'KuisiuaAps Jiait si as.i aixa ap.q w ..w wn-aSt-frTfl vi.;;,roT I -, .J , ,-Ir"-d saqia us.i a.llil ou sn o noA nualuu.u.i..j a, i .1,11 . tl Join jo aiiou io sasea n u. 01p. ui-.u3. a. ,m -.1 Suiaq pita !auaptuoi 3.ud qiia " PJ1I -aj ?q ll S3 Ji 'svaslp io auiAJl pi l"lt !""" H 'd,IOll.JI,.4 JlaJma.sni pa ll Uip0,-)jnj pj. lib .uii si ,i s..,K .l 3 u. H3dJ iuj illcd Duia.ii..j pit n suinJ Jtuiuay.' o !'V ':.riO. 'AMMJA'SSAU 'I30'' ! OSIH.WHX ONHI.VaXXV 8INIVHKIK1 TIV 1IO.I iio.iejsdaa.i laqioj A"jiA jaAnjusiu jatqa sii si iHin 'sas.D DiiiAsoi! py aqi II uijaip pusiutia uiiiuaa aal pus'iuij i -iiilsjiiaii.iuiljnfuuo.iii:jpuas.i.iiivq 1! dii jad at i inano, spusq uaso sii a. .u.iqi jo Xuniu 'u..js -jij io umiaa-ip -HI apun sisajnj ail iiiojj Hop iuiaq p.Uip ai ll ian( iuojj sioci ink . : Mot( ,i siuindiuoJ 8tU"(iii ij aOij js jailo lut u,)i ii jo uosijafluioa w aa ujsj ij qiidnmdiii "pjii., miiqiauas si itiiiuap ap 0 pi-oisui "ppqa in.. ,iu .i.i...-.tip .'i' ." ( j q .iAiaj iiu.Hiliasu. -a pui: yuis, ins jo lie ido jo auo.tjjed uioji a .j i a ajiuu l l Ap...a -uiain j.ij aq.j3saj.l ol "1 Jl ' d U'o3 JIUU' (m Ul auaua.ixa ton.u iuojj paiin. lib ;p..w el oqAt Mie.a IsAqd JL;n..aa Jo uoii'ijidJ.'.l f ,1 si I 1J'. no p.uajii. jo..., sr. vjsenb jo esjnu xwi;i -jouadns si. aieis o ansa NvjMs.xcuva'ini " AJUa jaan i, w IVKKIO.) H IIX n.ia iiuiiuasajil u c.t a . m.iinou s. mAxiMT Ti 1st. I ouiu uj V.11U1U 11 i un v..., ,.,fk And ...Id b, J? "twovt . the country. Airr. 15 ly I i r ! . . t tc i. iJ 1 '.. v I , ! s. ' ,i. , . , . ' , J-j I . rsoiis Irmu a iiot.ilii i who r ,nn..l in '',r"jl'1. 1 e, i, v- l-i. -it Ir. vi-. ! Cha.-'.-tt... c:ill li..Vc III. ir .. .-, .. !'; "j" ' ,1K ,, ,r , w. ,.,,( , extra el i...wn. sine I...I0 Mine , ,.,,,-..,.,,... ,,. , ,, ..,.. c-i ...,. aavss sc.... j , -J,,,,,,,,,, w ro ,, re 1';. st ...e ....!. c.i.U.l. l.y l () u ,r .,,,, ; all a.... II..- piace j. ,,-.,. N. - ,i .:. a i.oiln ol luwn. . : ...... ,, ., ' " w.,:.E l!,ll ne.- ,- J,- t4t w., I, r. 4. c-iiiUiii. .. ' I i i Dr. Bionson, having been an farre.-u -. I If xhVMI1MUfrifsjl'A'ritl f SlOKcward. ff 1l ANA WAY from the subscriber, about the AW of October I ii I, mi indcnteil appientice i Ym.ivJ.v t ' " l r c ! JutlNuN- ,'i''"ut le " ,,f U" ml faht huif, worn loiiir. A rewaid of ten il.ill.ira will In- riven for hia appreiienaiou and delivery lo me ill Saliabury. C. N. PRICE. Ace. 15, 18.9. rJH Lai:d fur Sale, y HE anbarriber intendino; to renmve Wrat, ..f. " lira for a;.le the Plantation on w hich b livca renin ini.ig 4!JO acre, lying on tin (Jnn Pnw.lrr ( r.ek 10 milea cut of f.enoir, and eieht mil. a north of llule'a Ih-nnt, on the Weatern Huil K.ib.1. On the (.renin ia a fi.w Mill in good re. on ir and wnl.-r nower aiimrient lo noerute an v nm. cluuery. Peraot.a dea.rnua of .urct.taing can cjII and exaiimio tbe prcmuea. MALON IlEIJX iVoe. Ij, lr.r.!l. WANTED, &3 T W E N T Y'V I V K ( YtiuKG imn f 1 , Are wanted to Peddle JKW. J'-wi,A- I'LUV ti, rough the country. A large aaaortn.ei.t of ujirri"r COLD HLVKII "5 aptcr.i c.i. 1.3, rni: ji:ui;, PLATI'IJ V.RU AND 1 r .. all of which will be acid LOW fur CASH. Jj WA T;TI GLASSES will be put 111 al 25 cents tacit. Call at the Jewelry E. tahlishm. nt of R.W. LKCKwmr, Near Ken'. Hotel. Octalrr i. 1?.",9. Sutf J. S. PHILLIPS .ni.itt T.m.on, B 9 A V I N G located in ' y' ii Charlotte, respectful. ! 'y solicits a share ol public Z''yJ I plele .assortment of Clothp, t'aaai.neres and Vealinga always on hand, w hich vs. 1 1 i be uiau'e tu or der ul the snoriest notice, lift, r the latest f..sluon Shop three tim.ra South of the Mansion House. SUtf .s4- S'ltrmbtr i, ltol. T. J. -OItlK.MXr;, M IK. EON I) EN 'I IM', Cratlvate of tht Baltimore Vrhltil Collrg '(Jl'ED reppeclfully snneurice tit. tl y ill he y re ke it wo-l; argi , i.isel, ri.-d half price, ir r. .. if d.sir.d. lluil.lll.g, lately OCCU- roit I I.UKIDA J)IIiK( T. I CiOH II tltl.ITO, i. C. j TbrniiEh lo Pilmkii in 2 lluiiri. nnd in Iru time I liy I) lo Jti lioun lli.m nn) ot hi r lUo'.r. THE U. S. MAIL CAROMNA. tiiomas sunns, commander, I tu avim; jest been pet in splendid ' ft OUDEU M iChinery tlionniti,U uverliauled and l.i-.iistieu with new n.,ilers,wil' leavct hsrles. '...n everv Toes. lay 11 t'leriinoii, bt three o'cloric, for l-'rr nil mi inn, Jmtlttmtilh. I VWo.'t. I iiaia,dUU the usual Lam rings on tne St John's River. She connects regularly with the Rail Road nl ; Eernaiicina und with Siagea l the above-named places f,.r St. Augustuiie. Tainpt, and the princi. . towns in the interior of Fiorina; also going anal r.turn.iiff with ti.e N w York Steoni Ships and the .Wrr.a and W.s'e.n Hail lUad Trains on 7'urs,.'.its nno bituiuuij$- All .We.r.l.ini'ice n,i,. rr;. lo this Agrneij will he lorwaroeil ft ee of cAitijs. , For Ercieni or rstsaie. .li.olv to II. L'CHISOLM, Acrt, Soul lien. W liarf. O toheri. I f'.fl. t37 A I I !. rAU ill-: !-! I1F. MAC1C PLOW, (Patented hy J P. , irns.of Missiasiniii,) pixs-ases Ihe a.tvan. e of combining Eol K PLOWS IN ONE. It I be iai.t IVE tunes anil shaipem .1 I W ELYE ,es without the aid of a Hi... ssiiutli. It can usee the whole season without any additional "'cii'a'rlotte foundry. I July 19, IM'J. IU-tf lUFMUVAL .-s - E inform our yr-,E rAJ ?1 f f r, ,l. tit it we C, V iv.iu".t ,iKA,,)VKD '"JfeSS ,inif r''.dsUiinol Spring. siWafflasn Mcasftud, crner ot Cullcge and Trytm Sircets. which will be sold low for CASH at wholesale or retail, L. 1-EASTER. E. A. M.'LEOD. CAarlnTle. ACu,t 311 ISiil. Uoild's Exllibiliiia Tlilfl Heddl " v. ui u o mtvr .-, AWdlded tO t. lUiaVkai., FOR IS TW O PIANOS. L' )N DON OCTOBER 15lh, 1651. MEYER, respi-cttully informs hie friends the public generally lhat ne n gui,tjy ; I'lANtW. equal to those tor w hich he reieiv the J'mr Mi da in .Won, in le.'il. II. has ne-' .MEl'M.S i. ho l.i.l.iul.. Y,.r sou H cd I.', un.1 K packing the isi h le. u ye .rs r k.T trom me Ernnk anus in !! ...ton N. w ilt rn p'.-tiij-l! y allf nd ,11 Ihe a, e i tio.l slr.-et, lc!"W Eiglilli, HI t31 1,1 pie A' t taken July 1U T.V. I IM.I.U. 11111- ii:i.imii t liii.M.rl. I ..I r V ClOOON VJYS, HE A PS, and CON FECTION ERS AR. I'll l,i:, China lolls lima lioiis, men .apt., i,.,.,i Figures. Jewel and Card Ke. buttles. Inks Willi I Articles, eVo. I.atesl styles ol ..i. e., .eeeivcd snd sold at the very low., d , ces W. TILLER, "Notutb Fourth Street. Vh.ladelnh... "'y l'J rrr.-- ' "..v. W W Ihul ne is now pcrma. -."-i ' Ine ;.l,..i in Cii ,r!olle, where hen . . , i 'l -iil I,, r. e. ire the ol tl.of W llo Uli 1 ''r ,,,,,,. I.,,,,,.., is,,,,,.,. Fruit Trees. riJ'lIE aubscribcr baa for aalo at hia jL reaidenee, aix and a half milre oulli of t'lurlotte, on McMicluel'e (reck, 5,000 FRUIT TREES, II grafted and c.naiatini; of thirty or more v irie. -a of the chnierat kinnt. The above 1'reea are and 3 vt.i'i old. und irnin live to . iiht fet t I high. Alan aix vanetiea of Pear Tr. ea of the ! i-hoicrct coiii.ii.tinir of Enirliah, I' und and i i.tbeia. with a Tew Knglifh Plun. 1 reca, all gru f. ted from my own tearing tre.-a. My uric? a for I Apple Tree, are trom ll In i per hundred i lo ; cluha purehaaing I.00U, I will give IliO ; to cluba I uiirtlmring 500, 1 will give oil. I 1 will deliver from 100 to 1.00(1 Treea at the t Deuola in t 'hurlotte, aceording to order. Tu Ihoae may live nt a di.-dmce, I would y, their I. . l way to acl.ct rruil I reea, ia to let me know whi.t tune they wial. Ihrin to come in ripe, anil I hull certainly then. I will commence tu. kmc up the Treea on the L'lpt i.f November. Ear. I" planting ia much the beat for a good growth, r'iret come, fiial choice. I ; All l.-llera niidreaaed to Shnmn Poat OTiee, M.-ek lenbiirg county. North Carolina, or T. J. II. lit .11 Cllarlollr, Will be uttelliled to. JAMES KERIi. A'orrmArr 20, I6..9. 37lf II. . liJX'KWITlI IUB CONSTAMI.r I K? w Li b JJ "V t-t !!. 11 LD WAKE, if., Kw.'t.i-H a no iNi;rtcTiaa. AS stolen from a church in Union county, known Ml. Mjnah, on the tjlllh inst , hv a woman ii. iim H Anmi f un y, a (..rec aorrel HVHSH, with a atar in hia fac e, two u, lute epota on hia buck caused hy the aa.i.le, 10 years old next, wii, r 1 1 the iroiil feet with odd shoes, one having etfht mu litres ai d tiie other nx. I vill give lu ib r.,r the recovery of the hori-o. Kefirs can bed. reeled h. Morgan' Mdtr. I'nion emintv, N.f. JOHN lilKMINGIIAM. Ort. 25, IK',!!. 33tf-lp louses and Lois fur Sale. tmnir. Suh.enn.r oflVrs fer mle the ..ufe and in. r on". ,huh l, JL let Ol Melhon.Kt par..l,aae. 1 a,..: Ili, r. i n II,. or. mu ..use is ci. intertable a kilel, en, dairy. -tn- ble ui,U a Weil ot, nl Water. 7'he allu.ili ia a good one lor a taiiuly. Al.t!0 Another ..use au.t lot fio. iirg opi I..I.J ol Ihe Hcv. 7. .M. Farrow site the vl.d alpu a. 'joining the Paraonage. Possession given tin- 1st of January rrt. It. W. BKCKUlTil A'orfmrr I. l-.r.'J. 34. II TIIE UNION." AIM II MItLI I Alio YE 'I IIIItD, PHLADEIPHIA. I'PTON S. NEW (J.MER, I'ropiitlor. t JMllE undersigned having piir.-lu JL aed the interest of partner. Evan Evans, in ..s lonner ; the .-.hove Hotel, would call the attention of the puoue lu its convenience tur those visiling Plula. i deiplna, either on nuainesa cr pleasure. t Es situation being hut a lew steps from the principal avenues ol traoe, otV ra ii.tiiieeiiii.nta Ii. th'.s,. on hi sii.. ... ; w I, lie lo those in search ol . p'.i-nie, lie , :is"n.tiy passing and repassing I ra,i w..y Cars ui,.i ii.osc in close proxiimly, tiHora ! a pl.-asant ri.ic for tne mere nominal sum of huif i a dime to al. pac es ol 1 1, (crest in or about the city, i The l'ro;,n. t..r g , t s assurance thut Ti.e I'ni on ' shall he kept w ith such character 0-. wili meet , ptiliue approbation, and weuld respectluiiy solicit North Carolina ia tioli.ige. 'I crillS W SO per .In V. L r-TUN'S. NEWCOMER, A'ieHt IK, fj;i. W-y l aorsiLToa. i AVIII'AT WAYIB). I J ti II E planlli.g coiiimuilltv w 111 take notice that i ' Lv tl.tir Whe.,t ( rop will he purchas.rtul the ' Charlotte Sleaui I'iouring Mill, at market prices. Tnose h.,vii,g Wh. at for sale may find it lo their B,hui,t..J,c tucall at the Mill el. sing a sale. ! JOHN WII.KKS cV CO. j JuiyS, 1659. 2ntf ! J.G. WILKINSON cV CO.. DEALERS IN VATCIIES, JEWELRY, I t&jisiLVCB Mild PL.ITED WABE.tHii. ND No. 5, (Jr.iiiite R.inge, oppmiitt' tlie .Mammon linunt-, , CHARLOTTE, N. C. i AH ntutn gifcii tu KtUdtni.g Watches & Jewelry. I3tf aolice. d ngiinut h un. b'lij with net J. A. li'ig with puna or dop y wihe trChpuieitig un)H my t-uch c.ip' ill be rigiol j: en one 00 nt.i-m:ii.f. IRA PARKS. I3tf II, C. MALCOLM, f PRACTICAL MAI! DIE (T'TTER, respectful ly informs the public, that he has opened a JIARIJLK YAK I) opposite the Mail.lou H. i- -ber. .tw-- Infill allorder, w -. tU Cesoalciv ,nd .u k,,., ,.. Ill-1 syr.-s Marble Line, of IMPUHl. I' Vork in te5r a.hd.icaU MlKELE. Having made nrraiigeinenls by which he can procure the iroTED Italian Marble, at its. ..a prices, he can I'ul all oro. rs fir Monuments, c, at reaaon..hle rntea. He would be happy to In vc all desirous of deal, ing in his line. In call and see specimens of Mar ble, bear prices snd judge for . Hating had 25 vesr's experience in the bust, ness, he will give'lus personal att.nlion to put- ling up Monument. &' .v.Wi,ar, M.iy 3, IS5S. Sif lo Faimcrs and Country 31 rrthanl J. Y. BRVCE A. CO.. RE now offering to the public the laigest and tH-t assoUioent ol i alOCl.U 1 1- ever A broughl to liu. inalkel, coraisliiig ot i ul FEE, Sl'l.AK. MOLASSES, SALT, 4c. 1 nr. at' st kind or BAt-iUlNi.. UOl'Eand TWINE. ALSO, I VlO0 pounds g.Hi counlrv cured Ficon, Itl.HOO I ennessec ciuea. Lard, old tow for CASH cr Coun- il.liUo) " il of w Inch will bt i lay Protiuce, I cine and See, we don I ciiirc mi i..o,..B - 11!U1 July so ly , , - . .1TVL Ss5 TICKKTS. for the County aud .1 ...... .. -- . - Superior '.own, tor - KXJ.CUT,ljN3 for tb'J S. Court for .ale. ; or Tit k hkst I (Mi and .ximii.e hia elaewl.ere. 'MM. forceil iij,. Hist eler June 7. If. ".'J. AEW 11 Me VAIIII The larkfla. CORRECTED BY OATES & WILLIAMS. j CHARLOTTE, NOVEMBER 2H, I859. BACON, llama Ib 13 (o) 14 -s'oea ib 11 j j " Hog ruunu, Ib ..lj (nj ig Shoulder .lb lo (Vt, (10 Bugging, Uunny ya 15 (, H i -lb 5 Ui) H Ber lb 15 (,h no : beeswax b ;, (,y 2,j 'leans bushel U0 (.. 00 1 Branny, Apple, gal.- -'.5 (n, 69 ' " lecn, g. t ,50 l-tton ib 01 (,., 10 Cotlce, Rio Ib Iii (, 14 " Jv Ib y.O (,, 00 Candles, Adamantine Ib ..Si 8 33 " Sperm., Ib 45 Oi, 50 " Tallow Ib i5 (.e, 00 Corn, new bushel "0 f.4 75 j " old bushel 80 85 ('hiekens each 10 15 ;Cioti.,Copperu yarn i (..; 15 I " l.iiinsey, yur.t 25 do 30 ' Eggs doze M (1 15 Hour bbl t:i ll ! " baps U6l f.; 20 1 Ku.ithera li. Jll Uj )S iLard, Ib 13 (, II 1 .Mutton Ib 5 (h) I Mackerel bbl.Nul ',6 ( 00 I Kills l.tiMI (.,, 325 I Molasses, N.O (J, 00 W.I gol 31 Qj 40 I Mea bushel 80 () M Mullcts( Wilmington) ...bbl $9 f.r'i Cd Nulla. Norther. Ib 5 (I 00 " Sodtneri Ib 5 f-i, 6 Oat bushel 40 f... 50 Pork !b 7 m, 7J Peas bushel 711 't 75 I ?olalous, Inaii, bushel 50 (, 75 ' Sweet,. bushol 35 (... 40 Rice hiiahcl 4 f... 5 Sugar, loal Ib 14 (."t. 16 I " Brown Ib 9 ((, 11 lAloae.Wjre, gal H .u 9 S..U, aack J (- f0 Tea, Ib ('i 00 Wheat, white bushel T (- Hi ren . . ...bu.hil tl (.J. 105 W hiski j , Northern gal 45 (. 55 N. Caroline,., gu1 5i f.r; 60 W.i..l,;bep(ie..rgi, washed 87 (.ii 28 ' " Ul.wasi.e.' 22 ll 23 Van. Lai. I ltd (.1, (0 REMARKS. T l" .N' 'l i t late a.ivic. a have bud a de pr, .-aiiig , ri'rct on our cotton market, added to tbe incr.rse.l rate of freight Irmu Chnrlesioii, Ihe a. nii,.uln in are bnrelv mamlaiiied. I Uli. in or in 1 nil at ij nut u t.uri s . V HEAT. Our weekly rru.,rt shows an ad. Vance, will ...I. . at I I'.'J 'and one lot Extra white lirutigat 1 1 I. li.Al ON N:ne oil', rii.g. LO I. I'M 111 A MARKET. L'MBia, iSoveinrher wb, lenj. i Ul'l l'.X. Uur oittun market Ima been quite uiitMiUtt. uurtng the pa i-t week, mid pntea erj ciitiiit ,ib.e. 'I li. galea uinounl lu 1.170, baits, . unu at our clone we quute ixUL'inta 0 iUc' IIAI ON.hogrounri, ... I IIII.N PE As OA "I El.olR .... 9 ty ...llll Ml . bU fa- ... 75 ( ..2b7 (j.. ISj 120 60 325 ( 1' .E.ST( 'N MARKET. lAHLKeroN, N,,v. 25, 1859. ( OTION The r. : Us lor the week reached 22.G67 ban., the s. n the sumo tune wa lb.LCU aui.s, ul pric.srai,. ,ig from ej lolljc. H I li most r.-speek.ully snnnuieeto the Citiziiia of Charlolle and surrounJing he still t ,,.iliuiiea the above busi nesa in Charlotte. Were he ia preoared lo fur msli DdORS, liEINDS ANDSAS, to the pub. lie on the most reasoiial-'t leruis, and on the short est notice. .ivuig a g'cat manv claims for work done, scaiiiT. ti all over the country, he is deter mined to change his meliiod of doing business as. Iteirufter tetU reunite X 2 .-m. saraji Bl a) fur al! work dot e in ins Machine Mi, p, before re , !r5R. J9 6nt K0..4L IIAV.AM LOTTERY. The next ordinary limwin? of the Royal Hi ni Lottery cmidiirtcd by tbe Sonniih (f riiinen t tiTider tJie mipervtmon of the Cnptmn ticneral o Cuba, will tnke pUr nt Hat n ol) SATl'K HAY, Dfcrmbcr 17, 1S59 SS6Q.OOO. SOU iTo .sTmlTo Tiatw mci-sn..r-, t ATI I A Is rnizi; SI 0O,O00! I prixeoi iiss.odv I io a,sa 1 " AO, (tod bit " 0O I ilO.OOO I 133 " 4( 1 ' 'atO.OOO I 20 Apr'xim'a ,)UO 1 lO.OWO j 4 Ap.iroxuiiations lo the tluu.bbO $600 esch; 4 4,m to 5H,l'i'l) ; of MHO to IJO.uUL ; 4 ot lltib to 2i).UU; 4 of tUU t ll),UUU. Whole Tickets 2U; Halvesl(l; y.iarlers$5 I'm. s eashed at sight at 5 per cent, discount on all solvent Uaiiks taken al par. A drawing; will Be lorwarued ass.,oo as trie r suit bee, noes knun. !-, adureased to LON LODR1 OL'KZ. (car of City Poat. CUariestoti, i. C) un. tll 7lu uf D.ccu.Jcr wilt be atl.iiueo so. Persons oi Jt ring 1 ickets will puase wrue incit , gi.e thuir post utbec, county anj aUU . Win. A Ower.s, it hum: y a t la iv, 1 11 Hi LOT I E, . t -, J ILL pr ictiee in me Court of Meckn nbut an j the surrounui.ig couiilii . iJ Dtfiee nearly uppolte ll.e Post litiice. j.ib. I:.. M'' A LARGE SUUl'LV OK Constable AVarrants JUSTI'KINTKU. Jr. 7, . V