imhsnrnhinir. C"V UllVil MOAliKK IIFAlKS. Tho wear; Ubcurcr, iutetirg the how until the sun joes down, rejoices at each sound of tie I e ll ltit wires Litii t Lat be ean con return to his hone Tlie little eiii'.d liurrjini: fioui t.laj tr frcm fclool to the kindly weil-known reef is glad bcn ibe w-ll-kaon tsf is in eijjl.l, ar.d be 1- j mon tbere. 1 he homf-sick stranger enters jovfu j the tenser w We svutt wing shsil J J . . . .l l ,i ia waft bim over the water? to the land be i . arts. 1 ven so tlie I LriMian pilgrim gans . ... i through the mists that enshroud bis path- ' , , , . I ..e fnr th r.t c mrc of the ever. astir,.- , tha'P bi!N which are.-crow-.ed with tbe city of bis ; j - c - God. Heart sick and desponding, fainting and weak, there is no surer word of Lope , that can cheer L,s drooping fai.h d a-, rouse Sis sieiping loai msu mo iutij " " nearer hearen." If we are toilers in the .itioyard at all, every glowing sunset is iue ichcn ui f fc . 0 . ,. . isy less is to joarney over. Lrcry new 3 J, , - ,i momms is anotbtr milcorc, n.cntly tel- , . 1 r ling us that we are approactiiig tbe end of the road. Krery hour of labour U an ear nest of neer-f liJing rej-t. The path we travel may be taDglcd and wi'.d ; it may lead up rough and ragged mountain idcs, and into dangerous ravines: storms may break over our beads, and tha blinding bail and dripping rain render it almost hopeless; jet 'n iiD.-hit.e and in gloom we are ever going onward. At the end of the way is the "house beautiful," wber-' the Master has gone to prepare a place for us. Ve know not what lies before us ere we . reach our home. Jo may re ijing in : - r , , . . u-v,n I .... , cart bavine no oad in as jet. ben I the way, waiting to clasp us in their fra-! C1" navwg u j ' r- , I have taucht tbeni to stand up to the tongue grant arms. Fairer hopes may spring upDaewufc r 1 T , . , . . as thev ouuht, atd back an empty cart, I flowers where we treaV. laipy heart ; " luel uut"' ,. . , ... I mxt either rut small load in tbe cart, or may be around us, atd the crLt.e miniaU'cs, nxt t,lurl ru . . , r .1 , , - , , n 1 take them to where tbe land rise a little of the fireside make earth an hden. Or.1" lucm ,v" darkness may be cn tbe wing, and the creeping shadows already looking over the shoulder of 'jl bine, jtt in tbe same sweet tpirit of siAnjic.-ioo and gratitude let us take whatever our Father aends. If 1 rirf await, O ! let me murnnir nrf. !1 u9et) tliriirti furnace-rirc'S U-nf IJ a hot. Arid ahali the avrvaiit eoru tue MdaiL-r'a lot ?" One nicnient in glory will more than re eoB.pense for all the toils and griefs of tbe way thitLer. Lt us cheer each other by tbe way with tbe songs of Zion, and whis per in the ear of every tinting one, " Near er heaven !'' - My T!i are f wi:Vy by. Ami I a r;m airii.(tfr, Wualci n. I iltt -11a tlirm aa htj if, TkuM ii'iufa vl care and nangpr. For O ! we mt-nA n Jordan atand, Ojr are aaaiii ovrr. Am.' jutl bri'ure tie al.imiig ahore, e ijy aimoal cacover.t A SCRAP. Iancio;! Wbat do I tliitik of it? really tiiiiik ju.--t this, that when professora of religion, that their religion is all ' in their feet, and tot worth much. I'd qaaijtjtj of verj rich manure which is made rather there wa a little in tbeir knees; I lbe fiUetiDg uCg. To do this tffectn and tbej could kneel down during prayer tli0J kt,oxxi te put in peua with floors at cburch ; aui miv le tbej would kueel : ove tbe ground to such height that every in their cloaets sometimes. I'd rather it t'nD u-ight drop through, when it can be was in their Latids ; then thej could shake , mlli ,1th urth or litter for its proper 1l1s with a poor tody, e,u:d -ive sonic-1 jtr7ation. We with to call the eopecial thing to the needy, and more for the f-pre ad jtn-ijtion of our readers to the enormous and support of the Go.-psl. Ab, I'd rath- r : wlste perpetrated everj year botb in the it was ail iu their hearts, and then ;S would car;ie,a inanner in which this msoure is send a healthy pulsation thr.u-Lout the prt.serTerJ) td in the method of feeding (y-t'.m, z:A ti.en really dat)c!n- would eem A;i f00d thould be ground at leat and a very filly thing for sensible Chri.-.tian 60il-lit.j if uot boiled. ' be more imperfectly people to pend their time and health at. ! r00j prepared, tbe mor valuable it Oppose drit-kicg 1 Vt, I do; for wben g Dliaure, ar.d therefore it ie tbe more wti-kej gets into the stomach, I really i,porUui that it be carefully saved, thick grace gets out of the heart. Some- bow or other, I've got the idea that grace; MUTTON dou't love the fmell of whi-ky, at.d elves it; ... , , . ... , , . demean to repeat a tboupand limep, or a ber.h. Tus I do know, that w Lis- , .,, , kv don't help a man iu religion. I have : , " . , ,. . . , . h t much use for the religion of tbe dram- , , , , , dnijter, lit l.e corn b.ades at noon, d'l-1 , . .. a droQL-ht in summer, lou see, I ve . . . , , , teen lota sorts of proft-a.-ors : I know some r such now and really I don t know where to ' , , place em. Da you" ISioUcui KtcurUer. ' 4 JIOW EVERYONE MAVITaEACH. All cannot preach from the pulpit; but there i a kibd of preaching that is permit- ted to all men, and oftentimes this Lied is! ...... .sr.. ...... 1 i,ir,... ,t ii.j. .t.l ' , " " ; . . ' el encourjr-merjt to the weak, instruction , . e , , , , ,. , to tbe ignorant, of brotherly-kindae'-i to ,, , e . J . , all : bparty devotion to the service of rt.i - ' , . - , . ' ' ' , acuve, atii ui uy.rig love u our lenow-oe- a-, f 'as-ti,,, f.oia, ... tJ j od, tt,i, ! will form a moft ia.prea.-ive sern.on, aiObt i coBtineiciF r.tnet to i',.. .n,!,t ! O .t . I,. a. t ;,t. J... n.: 1 route via Charleston or Savany.ib, and oe tiiina are calk d on in this way to preach i easionaily, during a bi-b nUge of water, by the go..pel ; aud woe to item if tLey Beg-j Wiy of tte rland riv.r. We under- lect the call. I A NEW Cl'EAl L'llE. A Scotch irl w as eoLvt.-tcd utiJer tie peaching cf Wbitcfield. When ai-keJ if ktr Ltart ai cLaLcd, her trat ati l be:vu- t. ,, , ,, ., 6 .Stah ir IlniieiLr to Ijiatii Mr. Ceo. tifal imvir ..- Bou.etLib(f I know i, , W Jouei , wtliie,i ,)t,clitlo,,(r, 0f I;MiDi cbabtfeJ; it uiay l tbe worlJ, it Biay be J couiity cf llastiuji, Canada West, tbroagb hurt; line is a ttl chaise some- M3 ',tvJ ,v '-'nrobiclc, give the particulars of Lire, 1 u, eure ; for evcrythibz i. iliiTer-1 '''e d,a"' tf i,iow o t-'"'" ... ., ; I oVseeut, ajed t.xty-two years, who starved i.t lion, it oLce was.' A vcrv im i , ,, ' . ' . . . . .. J ' herself frciu the rnjtrlitious belief that ametaary oo that passage (2 Cor 5 : (Jd required fcer , so ia order to be '), " 1 Irtr f i e if auy tnati be ia C L r i . t , ! saved, hbe eij ired on 'J ue-djy, tbe 27lh Le is a new cieaturt ; ,',.) iLios are f.ass.j"f f"' t ruber, Laving been thirty daya with- 1 mi !,t,,',i a'l i;:. i out food, and tLirty two days wuiiout evac- ej aaay, mu.j a.i il i are bteouu- . ; . , , ujtiou of t i. - J be tictana occujy ,w i.early a r-iluii.o of tha Chronicle, relatiur I r,riiioirisli v t the r.hvstrsl and mental er-.o. ,,, , dltioQ cf the woman ''urini; tba period of i l..i-sstd are tb tu.-r ,u biart. for tbeviM, , . h.e ... '-'!' (-od .gricnltoraL TRAINING CXKN. A nerd en trsiuirg cxen. I bare found that far the lest tin e to train steers is when tlr j are calves, j ibe first winter. Oxen .1 .l .!,, . I,.r srp nuite VOUEB " ,re ' ; ' j;,r. .,, . , t . ,. that this adds iLUfh to their value. iMcers that ,u"' run uiti ihy are tl,re or four jears oiu r,lu u Thev are dpnuero'is ann.als to encounter, i Bey fc . are always rubntog away itu toe can or . . . . . , .v r' n,urD i0re P'i i.i.j , rlt there is a cnaiice iur iwu " . . . , . I ZZlJ 'u" aid not recommend working steers hard,. lhrir" rMlh, mcrrlj training tbeni. I have obeeivcd thnt vcrv little attention is paid by our far uiers to train tbeir Mecrs to tack, but as -n.Mar.h'e they biccme able to draw a conatUerab.e .:f.,n lead forward, tbey sre often unmercifully ' ' , beaten on tbe head and face because they u" " 1. 1 DOl uc .! v. c load as they can torward, forgetting that much pain bas been ukeu to tecb them to draw forward, but none to teach them to push backward. To remedy tbe occasion of this thumping, as soon as I have taught my steers to be bandy, as it is called, and to draw forward, I place them in a cart where the land is a little descending, in this situation they will soon learn to back it. Then T clace thcui on level land, an-1 I exercise them. Then I teach them to back . .... ). A that in a little risinz, tbe fas' ;r. which answers tlie same pupo, iuu. a few days they may te taught to back well, and know bow to do it, which, by a little use afterwards, they never forget. This may appear of little consequence to some, but when it is remembered bow fre quently we want to back a lead, when we are at work with our cattle, and how con venient it is to have our cattle batk well, why should we not teach them for the time when we want thttu thus to lay out their strength ! Teoides, it often saves blows and vexations, wbicb is considerable when one is in a burry. I never consider a pair of cxen well broke until tbey will baek well with case any reasonable load, and I would give a very considerable sum more for a yoke thus trDed. Cor. r.Y. E. Farmer. FEKL'ING HOG 3. The proper way to feed bogs to ensure tbe nice.-t bacon, is to feed in a small lot with a comfortable sleeping place of econo i,owever, to have sueb an arraogemeut fQr fedirjir as will save from waste tbe large , , , , on cur couLtrymen, tbal a pound of lean, ... . j , . ; tender, juicy mutton can be produced for , baif the co-t of tbe same quantity of ft . ,, . , j pork, especially in tbe summer season, and , , . , thoe who eat it become more mu-cuiar, . , , .,, .,...,., and can do more work with greater ea-e to i.e. , tben.selves than tbosa who eat fat pork. ye jLOwn Bctbing more delicious than Ll.j ,ii1B, ,f ,1.. South Down breeds of sheep. Venison itself is not supe rior. Amtrtcan Agriculturalist. j Rail Rod CtuMUMcinoit Bgiwgt.' BALTlM'iBK A.ND N ASH VILLI. On the 1st . . .,, , , ... .. ' inttant, tbe Louisville and Naubville Kail , , , . , . , . , . . road was ereoed fcr travel and freight te 1 . . ftsct roi-I lo ... c"'':, abli ' ln,Por direct railroad coon"---"' "1V""ltgivcs tiu.ore ai.u tke capital ol letine.see, and s ff.i da y aeees lo an exten-ive and ealtty section cf the eout.try. Heretofore Food" chirped from liahiu.oie to N,hvill, 'lW gentraiiy to la sent by a ciicuitous -'-a tnat ourn.j; tnv lat itw Uays the ship- u.enta from thin city fjr I erjneee, over the liaitimore and Ohio railroad, and tbenee to Louisville, to be sut tbe new railroad route to Nashville, have been rj'iits heavy. Jjitl f i more .'iu h. u.aiks upon the ca. j ImportaST Dmcovibt. A diseoyery of great importance baa just been made by tho I State Geologist in Texas, who bas been making a geological survey ot apoTt'.oo of the tale. inese aurveja iibto uciciupe.. lb existknee of vast deposits' of good iron ore, wbick will exercise an important influ ence on the fortunes of tbia part of toe State. Ibis iron region enibracea consider able portions of San Augustine, Sabine, Cherokee, Nacogdoches, Shelby, Husk, l'a nola and Smith. Tertiary ooal er lignite, leda of limestone, pipe clay, fire-rock, and Ljdraulie lin.estc.ue have aUo been found. Till POPCLATION Of Cuisa. An official census taken in China twice during tbe pre sent century, at an interval of forty years, gives the following results: lb first, ta ken in 1S12, by order of the Kuiperor Kia King, gave tbe number of inhabitants at a7ti.a7y.597 : and tbe second, in 185:2, uu- Her the reign and by order of the present J . Itl. lT nothing to lead to tbe eurpoeition that tbey are r.oi the Chinese population bas, in for ty years, increased l0,0'-!0,7tJ3. D1IUGS ANDJIEDICLNES. E.Nye Hutchison & Co., innivii roKtcx, t IlilKLOTTB', .V. wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOR K!; AM) DOMESTIC Drugs, Medicines iClieiiiicals, ARE receiving frcnh and genuine from the New York Mur krt, winch have been pu upon audi a to be aold low fi We would rrsjirc' call the attention of tli Public to our of B m. rat ' Ma. Pure White Lead.Soow Viit- Zinc.Cl.mme Vel. rw, t'hrmne O'rrrn, Paris lrren, Burnt I'liiber, Raw Cmbcr, I.'rd Lead, Black Lead. I.ithar;, SpuDiah Brown, Vrnitian Red, Lamp Biack, Drop Black, Wham;. TaV".'a Ka. aV SNa? jlCM Eng'iah Ktiiihui, Furniture, Copal, Picture, Da. mar, Grecian. ,a .m. Brown and Black. fi S H W Aa a..- r. Linaecd, Tanner'a, Train, Lard, Machinery, Lu bricating, keroaene, S-a Kiephant, Pure Strni, Caalor, Sweet, Olive, t'od Livrr, Burrniig Fluid, Turpentine, A'col.ol, Pure French Brandy, Old M.diira Wine, Port and Sherry, London Portir, Fn ari Coiigrcaa Water, I itralc Mi;neia, Ice So da Water, Canton Teas, liuker'a t hncnlate. For e.ti Pirtuintry, Sulphate Quinine, Opium, SuurT, Tobacco, S, para, &c, ?tn. Chmlotlr, Junt !4, l85tf. Hlf Hotel lor Sale, AT MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA. ''HE subscriber being dei BjL ot roant'ip h IMO.N IIO. Monroe. N C, convenient to the business portion ol tne within shout one hundred yards of the track ol tlie W. C. A. R. Railroad. It is nearly new, containa seventeen rooms, well fur. mshi'ri, (Hie r urniturc bting ottered lor sale to the llouar) a fire-place to every room, alo, conva. nient out liouea, SUblea, Slc. Also, One Hun-' ured Acrca ot Land adjoining. li:s i;e oitqualities him lor longer public lit, he mil therefore sell law, giving any reasonable lime lor uaymei.t. Fur lurthir uif.inn.Uion apply to ll.e nuijacnuer. or my irtend, Kcv. t,. A. l-in niond, Camden, So. (va. JAMES BICKKT. May 24.1 o0. ti 3 FliKSII AKKIVAL OF COXFKCTJOXAUIES. noi st(). riV iii;.ti:u HAS jnst received a froh supply of CAN". lJIKS, ol ail kinds. a.o Citron, Currants, Kaisins, Figs, ana a varielv of Nufs. Call at HOUSTON i IIUNTKK'S, 1 D ior Fast of the C ourt House. Oct. v6. Iejf. 33tf 'I he MI A oi 1 1 Malr, Torrx-r. f OOK HERE, FRIEMJS. and T AT K. O F N oicrH Md will you buy tbe nohie S' i AKOI.INA ' ll so, send Iu ll.e subscribers, o eubatribe to the County Agent, lor this New, l.aixe and .Ha;;rifit cut .vl;i. Ai.d y mill get the whole Sute, with her Rivers. 1 K'llro ioid, lupprr, lad. Iron and Coal M.:s, sou ail Hie C-iliea.Tcwna and Villagea. hrr noole Mountains and Spritiga.and her fields and Flowe.s. ll y .u wnr.t this (JOLLEN PRIZE, i.ow is the time. Map seven feet by five, bordfr views of ll e Slate House, Insane Asylum, I hapel Hill, Male and Collrg.a, &e, Ac, one ol the thtapfti .nd rsf M .ps est-r puShahi-d. I'EAKCE k BEST, Uillrboro', N. C. AOL.N'l W A.NT'EU for every county in the tste. Terms ibervl. Apply as s bose. July li I i 6.ii Mecklenburg IJonds. mt rt'iil. pr a 1.1111111. rfllUKSK liUSlni arc uiitioulUdly lite nafcit JL luvfcpln.tiit that cull tt iitadend ftrerea,j rsff Hrrabie to nj iSlalc hondi1, 'I lie county cannot repuiute. 1'uty bear 99tn per cent (Mere at pijablc temu inuMJIJ, Willi 1 ouiia lor lh snnie. '1 he? are of itm oen'imn. ti'n of 1 100, which ill bsake thin more current -nd uaeful for do 'l ... . 1. ...... ... .1.- .-.t u wuo.j ...uuiu poaaeaa ii.em, nd they sre now ofle-red lo tbem. Proposal, kit b un ( harlolte or will. C a plain John alkcr will receive atui.ln. il. V. orioN. i"r. H . f. it K. K. It ti rilllElirn. of III NIjKH.-O.N A. AIIKL.N.S wis JL dissolved on the 1.1 ot bs inuln.l ni. jnn. r. ni-.. lir.KMI( i! hrreatlen curry on tlie business on his own sccount. All persona indebted will piesse come torward and a. ule at nii'.e, aa Ibe bu.ineas must be closed up HENDERSON & AHREN3. January IHVINf: S'.M mv interest in tli- firm 0 II K.N LlKltsON A AllhK.NS to Mr. J. P. Hfc.N I'bllsiW, 1 ai.ll eapect o remain for l,,,,i je. .1 me sore srio snii be tii.ppr I., ad on my friends and custornera, pi.rlicui.rly on Ihow w l.o would f. r ov.;r the lillie chsnge, due me a nd I i.e concern. F. W. AIIKEN3. January Will. 4l tf Wanted, B fftl'&fl ' y''f' US or TAN-BARK, for Winch Ibe cash will be 11,11!. M. li. TAVLOK. ,Vy 31, efez3 ternitPwV- I fulhl. Thu iluie ip ntuatcd in the t S. T.WRISTON KEEPS cor.atantly on hand, wholesuU and re tail, a full and complete aaaortinent of 1'l.AIN AM J.VIM.NMJO TLX-WAUE, which will be aold WW. CtOl'NTER STALES, Enameled Sauce and . Slew Puna, Ulue Pola, Waflle liona, &.C., for aule by S. T. WKISTON. FfJlOILET SETS, a superior article, lor aale " S. T.WRISTON'S. "lASH, Deed, Spica and Dreaainf BOXES for hl S. T. WRT5TON. ritL'iTN .v vi (ji taiim:js. -llll'l l A FTONE A- Co.'a Screw Top CLASS JARS H f'nr rrr'frrirg Fiuita, V velabli a, & e., the . biat artiuia now in u;i, lor aale by S. T. WHISTON. COOKINCi STOVKS. VFI LL ASSORTMENT of CGOKI.XG and ether STOVES, will be constantly on hand, and sold as low as they csn be afl'orded in this market, by S. T. WR1ST0N. I'karUU.JuntU.lQM. MO Land lor Sale. FHMIE auhsenber, being desirous to remove M. tation on whieh aha now reaides, lying 4 miles from Charlotte, on the Western Plank Koad, enn t uning 50 reres. The land is of good quality For particulars, enquire ol the bsenber on the premises. Mrs. A. W. STEVENSON April 12, 1859. Stf Atlntic 1UUTDAL and FIRE Insurance Company, rnreliim 4 it), V neoipoiatrd by ia Art of the Lrgxtlmtatt AN C'aroiiur. T MIIS rnipiy bring duly orjanim., i now prtpart-a to receie appucatioitt Icr iniur nee upon BUILDINGS, MERCHAKLISE, Fiirliilurr, .till!, Tlaiiiili lrl s. Mm! ami Hunt t tuuits and moat kiuda of Drover t remunerative rales of premium It is aimed, in the organnation of thia ("on. pa. ny, to make a safe niniium for Indemnify and 1 1 protection to the ss.urtd in case of An 'honorable snd uptight cejrse of dealing, and a fiithful fulhlmento! its rontracta, w Hi alaii limes charaeienie ll.e uuan. s oi in. i onipoi . i Applications for Insoranct may be made at the ofd-x of the Company, or lo its aull.oriaed Agents, ) IHKlTfJUS. , John A. Parrot, W illiam S Long, j,, -j- ij,.,lTl Iaf id W 1 ell, w. II. (iraiit, A. B. Cl.apin, I Uavid S. Jones, S.imu. I L tiers, '(;,, W. U, . J.wl H. Uavis, ( . 'J'hos . J. Illaleley 1). A !!argelt, ,u,e Uckinan E. Mallttl. OFFICERS. President, Vice President, Treeeurrr, Attorney, tkcrelary. IXEtlTlVE COMMIT TLE. 6 n i-l li.S I John A. Psrrott, ! Uvi T. Oglesby, W. 8. Long, E. A. Thompson, I A. B. Chspm I W. B. Oraut, rant, i, i. hrll. S - S. 1-ong avid W WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANi Of fBOI'BUTOBs.) II RO AI S'l K t I T .N I W N, .. - JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. iffJVHK Lndersjntd rcncllully announcta lo I .. lh travelling public, thai he baa lake., i charge of line old iuc popular eetaUiahu.eM, snd t .- ...snared i.. arcoo.nioda le Iraveltrsand pri- '-' '"''" w,,h b' " ' UlO IIIOSI si:coioiiivo...oS . Ilia TABLE will always few furnish. d with the best provisions that home an1 lureigo inarkels can afford. The Vli5t"S llolrl ha large depot, the courl houae, anu ' , 1 . .i,.,.i the business atre Is than any other in the city. An OmniBus will slwsys be st the depot snd Ianmnr. on the arrival ol Ibe ears and steamboat. lo convey passer era lo the II 'tei ! of thsrge ample tinte to omdii oicala. Il4in; Uo lrgK cmmodioua Stable, and an eicclU ntOniitr, he ia fully prepared to b-.-nl horai a by the dy, meek or monin at the tnuat reaaondbic rta. JOHN. F. JONES. 3rr I. !8o3. Sltf CHAiiLOTTE CHAUMJTTU t f V.IIE Proprietor of thia Hold is 1 still al bia post ready lo lul fi! tb.ldias.ea 0 f M Im.. ' ' k- V -. n..l.i.r and oll.ttS WHO niav C4ii oa -uufiCra can ov luona K1W1 In 1 1111 as --- j. . ...... ny mher in Una vicinity, cruif aituafd near. 1 is in tha centre of Cbarlotte, Husmess Men will ,, ,,. ,., . mlm. .... .nd d, tmfitfk ! Iw.i.. II. I.. h. ....... n,. u.,....1:. ..' '. .'. . " ..... as inissisna near:y eiguieen yesr., sna in tnai nine ne lias mad several additions In Ins former proved, presenting ia a two story VKK AS IM ;00 feel in lengtli by 11 test in width, hsndsou.ely shaded by trees on tha side-walk, .Hording a plea sant promenade; at all hoars ot ths dsy. The House has been thoroughly furnished thro', out. snd in every part of it creature coinlort. sre buu.lsntand tangible. especially in the DIMM. ' mnr' " inner man 1 --renewed - day by day. (.'onnsclec' with this Hotel are Btitbles affording room lor 100 horses, abundantly lurnished with grain snd provender, attended by failhlul and o. blign.g hostlers. The Proprietor fids confident that with hie long riper i nee snd riianv new sdvsntsges sdded to bis desire to please, he ia prepared lo ofl. r his friends snd the " restol msnkind," ss msny comforts snd aa much food cneer as will be found anvwhere. perhn.s a little more so. AI any rale Tsv the t barlolte Hotel. t. li. KKKK Ouster 19. IH18. 3UH A.C. YVILLIJiHSOH, tTTOIINKY sad fowna. Ilor si Is,.ta ken an . fT.e.'. jointly es tilt J. A. Pox, Kq upstairs n.xt liiitit Ui thei'ourt House, wh-re he will be eon. t.mily present to sttend to all calls on pre.fesKional bii.'lie .a rua.le for i.linaelf, or lor Mr. poi. wl.en he is absent. Jmumty 4, IbT). 4.tif A Great Battle to be Fought I f a 'HE auliseribrra in for in thu citiiena of Char fl li.ltu and vicinity, thul they have nn haiw and are constantly nciivuij;, a superb aaaortiuen ol Eli ganl FURNITURE, uinrior to any thing that ha ever been otiVred in this section. Their kt ck consists ill part ot lliu fol lowing articles : 8ofas, Tela Tetea and Oivsna, fane Bottom Rocking C hs.ra, M .hogauy and Cant Sri.t Parlor t'haira and liuah Bottom Chair, Mahogauy and Cane Bollom hocking t hairs. Wardrobes and Bureaus, Marble and Wood Top Centre Tables, Marble Waah Standa and Sinks, Card and Work Tables, M.i hog any and Walnut Extcnairn Tihlra, Mahogany, Frenrh and Elisabeth Hcilatcaiie, W hat Noli and Parlor IKaks, Looking from 14 to 97(1 a Pair, Si ir Rocking Cradles and Reclining Chairs, Tucker's Puteiit Spring Bollom licdateada, Canopita willi Lare Netting, and Mosqueta Birs, t i.tli'to Furniture by the set In II and Wood II t Kueka, Gilt Moulding of all sues lor mnkin Glass and II 'dure Frames. ALSO Every stint of nialrri !s for aale jcnrrallv used bv abinet V'',, sxrli p.l (ilu, I.' Cks K Hubs, llinL" a. W ..Ini.i, M .i Of t v, &.C., Ac. ! And !. t'lo'-eh not 'east, we keep alwaj a . n a.-lvol Fis-k's Metallic Uurial Cases. J. M. SANDERS & CO. Caariotie. Afuy 3i, lfc!. Htf r. . t, ... . mif, m . ll 11111 S.lCriiil'C U IVlOrrOn VJIV.IH inv-aiuvv v 'I'L'HN'OUT. rrllESuba.-ritHr. respretfully inform the nee. JL pie of the country, that Ihey reu uced the nnee. of ths, .lock. Con.,.,- I)n Gooods, l!ca(Ms(e ("lot h ir. 2. M:oO'IS. MiOI.S, nd a great variety of other Ooods, which will b ohl regardli as to cost. COUNTRY I'RUlL'CE taken in egchange. Kobe Dresses worth j 00 st ti 50 Miawls worth 4 00 at 2 00 Mai.tillaa worlh . 00 at 50 lloni.ela worth 00 si 3 Hi Hoop Skirls worth 3 iO at 1 tli Fast col'd worth 15 at 10 ano unbleached Domestics at Ntw York Pricra, and all Oooos ki pi in Mole, sold in prop-r-I. on lo I' above price. IIAM.MKKsSLAtj i MKNDALLS. July 6, o'J. Iltf T 111 F. suriacr.hers reei tl'ul'y inform the pub. e, lhal lly sre prp.-reo to erect ts for lighting Ti wni, V.llagis. Col. Works h ges snd I e Hotels. T h.y have ereeiru woras nd R sleigh, .N . C., whir h have g' ten in tire ssl.sfsction lo the eit.fens of tl.o.e places. As to iialificstior.s, prompiness snd sbilify lo perform sll contracts tnlirrd into, they refer to the following gin'len.i" : Jia. It. Carson, P- Chsr.Gsa Works. J'hsr.K .C. Wm Jol.i.!.:on.l -ra. Ch.r ei .- C B H " " Dr. T.D Il. gg. I rea Ral Oa. A.a. Col. G II. Y. nrg V,.,,rlv. M as. A. i. Story, Gas Works, l.ll.le Falls. N. Y. F. T. Story Sopt. (in Works. Wat. rtown. S. Y. W. 8. Schoe.ier 4 'o.,aat t ear! New York. Address fhe . r. t I.M.rh. N I-. WAlKl!ll'lJ; A lUWfcS. .s4. 14. ' GHKAT U()M)i:il Of THE MUTLhHlI (IvTUV. PROFESSOR WOOD'S iiiiirlU't(ralive. I Pajs ihc rl. Ixjuis, (M.. ) IVmncral : Mow, we j (.ubiisli a l. tur lu lr. W 00.1, 1 this ei'y, Ironi a smtienun in Maine, whit h peaka.wn.(.y ul the ! nnnls ol Ins hair tome. Sum evid.nee n.a.'. hs.e its . rl- !, ben ( omu.f from s reliable ;s"une. If cerlific.tes are (uarsnU es ol trull., ll.e llr. nee. a no encoii.iuina, nor ue.h as purl, ry ' fr.Tin II I iness ; r.Tii, V.i?., J.n. 20, fJ6. ' l'thm O. J d ,".- j (,rn:.ii : II -t " J sli.nrn ealird 9 f. ' tnntiiha s in. l lb. I-' ar t. J Ui-t final fl. ta 01 your r-ab lal ., I a'rrt to liufce IB. ,li. aiion ol il u.n toy own iiair. si.itii hd be. mine rjui.e g r 1.) . .n.b. one tmru li.l. ; my 1 wmskera wi'e t sau.e ci ..r cur ll.r iiionihs since I .roennd a b.tile of your re. I storativr, sno us.d it. I soon found it wss pros. I nf what I ha Wlrtied. I ured it about twice a iw.rk. I lie s nee pr.nred another bollle, ol : Inch I ha.e used aome. I en now certify Ui fit ; wild that the fray or white hair has loijliy die. ' app. are.l, bolh on my heao and lare, and toy hair has resumed .t nt'ifal color, ard I b. Iirv.- more ge,...'h.,,t? .fiyr. 'I ;,,, .i.fvjcr. old; .., il the ufc ul i.l'y -lo, 1.11 11 s.1111 u.e The rntire I j valuable Uiacolcry. I !r to you for y ar .ur a that v louver j will ri(blly u.a p. r oir. rl.oi.s, not i-ave tuiv .1.1. 11. 'Ms. I sin a ci. linen of this city and s resilient hire l r the last I fitieen j'.srs, and am known li marly ev.ry one j here and a. .joining towns. Any ue you n.y links ol the abot.'. ..itli 11 y nunie alUtbed, is st yoor servi.-e, sa I wist, to pre.irve the beauties ot na. I lure in oll.eia as well as myself. 1 sm truly. sours, a." 1 iiio.iii, BsLTiMuaa, Jan. W.l. ISof. WOOD'S HAIR KKSTORAT1VE. Professor WiK.J-Unr Sir : Having had the mis. fortune to l.iae the beat portion of ny hair, from the eflVrta i l Ihs vellow lever, in New Oilesns in pur.'tifH.', snif ITiuiiJ" Vt snswer ss ll.e very thing ' needed. My ba.r is aow thick snd glossy, sou t.o ! srords c n ei mess mv oblirs.ions Lo sou in n,i. , w uia .jincu-Q Ucn 1 irrmurs. UNIFY JOHNSON Tll. A . . VL ... "J ' ! ' . i l.ui. h il llroe.k field, Mi. II jut greet inrluence snd umversahy Ir. I WM. IiYF.R. Ilioolfie'd, Jan. 12. IBiH. Trofi ss. r W.a.d lie ar fir : Having msde a t'i. si of your II . ir lleaioraiive, H rin s rue pleasure 10 ai.y. that Ha efl". ci h.s he. n eiceller.t in remov. log ii,o.ilniii..l.. n, d. urn ofl ami a Constant tenden cy to Hilling with lu. b I have he. n troubled i In oiy 1 liiluhood : and h..a sl-o r slir..l n, hair, which w..s uecoiiuag gray, to its original co le, r. I hare u.e.l no olber arliele with .nylbing liku the sirue plessure or profit. Your., truly, J. K. IlliAW. The llestorutive is put up in bottles of 3 sine, via: Inrifc, medium snd small; the emu II holda a pint, snd ntaiis for one dollar per bollle : the medium holds at le.i.t twenty her eenl. more in proportion llisn Id on than the small, reiaila for two dinlsra i the large hods a quart, forty per cent. proportion and retails for 1 e iH.itle. a bottle more in O. J WWJlli f(l , Proprietors, 44i Broadway, IWw York, and 1 1 i M.rsel K1..S1 U,.,Mo.snd on, j .1, g.Mo irupiriaieanil raney l.oods IJeal. ers and in I harlnlle by K Alt It 4. I (). Cash raid lor Hides Y 8. M. HOW KM., 3 Mnn.ioi. Ilou.e. ( harlollt, Apiil K.JHrtH. ftoulh of the Stf t'Uljl'ENAS Ijt sale at this Office, I c 1 I nil-- .vm WAIT FOR 1 II Y is it yJk ' ''.".aV 'aTftSla , W I Itecsuse he huyes his S'lt) YI:S from the .Mannlatiurirs. A- A.S.M.TAYLOH Would respertfullv ami. lince to ti e ii.l al iln If ol t 11A I J t 'l 'II (I 6 vieiiot) ,i,,, fron thfir O'.' M. nr. lo No. I . (Jraiiile lii , I e- l.e has lie is on ,n, ,, fi North, .mi ol li e aiosl naive assortment ol O Qi ver oflrrrd ir Nr.rth.C'arolina, among which will whieh hat gnim aueS a famous reputntion in ftove he wsriaals aoperior In any ookirc H. w n. in uae It i. .in 1 1, ,,, - consumes less ml, and does more work in a given lime. Dsn st.y Mhrr Pl.v, , , '" putuponch any other Ktnve of the same aile in the I nit. . SI. I. . ., ,,;,,;'' work in a given lime, i will forfeit the price ol the Stove, snd nuil s. Hi, aui t h ,,1,.' ' the better one. "" AISO, AIjI- KINDS OF ' pQJ BOX STOEg ! He hss, and cmiii keep on hand, an eit. naive aim ra st.M k of tiiv AM) siii:i:t iho.n, HAT HACKS, CIIAULKS, &c., &c,, 41 sf livvil be ...I.I, Wlilen! nsiiI Iti lnil p i lh ,,, ever brv 11 nllrra 4 ill this firliilla. I would return a.y thanks tony friend, and customers for tie very UUti ', .Mf. ,. ,,,, hestnwed upon us, and they n.y rest sasured. that I shall endeavor, l.y eh-.e .11, ,1 .., ,, ti together Willi a il Irrnunaiion tr please, to try aid nn tit eoolin a .Mr .f Ih. .D... Wi U'OTO 11 "Wit .it- i IiriiiL WJiVi? allies mid iifiillt incn arr purtirularl iiniled lo rail end t .itbl!il i if) N. 11 I will tell ynuwhy I hes.i any adiett... .i"Wit Voavnv U aoa. ., u we hate three waggons constantly lr.el!n g ilumgl. I he i. ill. St, W . tirih r trill be failliully timl pt ftni lly iilluu'itUo & A.A.X.3I.LIYI.0I:. rs.rafe, J Ifi. IJ7. 3'! (jr :-Notice. .. p ra"i are hereby caiitvred ajf rt an iii'f vitti 1 01. r '." fthtftt tH net or tjrk'e. or in an? ia lr-pan u(b nit Unda, the lit in aueh cr will be ngMily en. forced vft in t rert " a t tfrtttftt f A HHKVAHl DAVIPSOS JW.s 10, lfi. , a r7x 7 TT ' CANDY LUT0I!V. Fresh f'oiil'eeliiinerifs, Fruits, Ae , At. TBI suh.eriber rsapeeiful'y i,f.,rn.s the Si tens ol I harlnlle that tie ha a no hand a Ironi New York. nd eurr..or.iiir.f eonr il is cuttsisntiy reen Confectioneries, Fruits, FAX V .l(( KKH S.C K.AKS 'I Oil AC ( II. '-M I F. 'IOYS Itiioiiiil I tw.lrti iisrii l, ruti: niiiik, iminti noiii:w, V lf iM d. s, tvitloVA Uiignri., I111 Irs, nt A Itlnl t f every vsnrly. J. I. I'Al.MEH. A.remer 9. Iif. 41K A'.o, he intends In nianufwr lure AM 1 1 S ol all kiioie, free ir. 11. peosoni u. eol. r . l ( unlike the New York Mie.m R. t sndy. 1 sil and se. .JAM i:s .M. nn.w.v. VUMM I .VsN J I A Ml At LUA .N T, It? ( II A Mill I! 1 111 IT, 1. I YS snd forwards every lur.d i.f n.erch.n. due lor 21 rr renl ( mv.iw.isim. to vs.tswsiu sn.l Monl .ad, J. W . W w hi., J . " . I). borne, I . I'. .V.iol. I.I vi . i ... snd Kev. ('. y. I.rin., lion. W . A. ( others, 'eater m t'lai.oe, M.lo.eni.s, llirar.., Harps, (euilars. .Mu.k. t-ewiie; M.imio... Iron al a. fuaiba, J.ign., A e. A printed list nl sll Hie diflrri nl mak. rs, kmns ami pruts sear free. Publisher a... , : ., a. . - 1 1 .1 .nei in i tea to ast I Ml. I. i.a : oa. Isniae l.nnr To lll 1H." Thia iiiialuat.le Jami.y ulntrr alH.ulu I t in . very house. It of sit disesso, hss a copious glnsssry end prrscribt ibe rrnu dn s Imm nature's boui.leoua stores, lor all our infirmities snd mis fortunes. It is printed nn line while super, hand somrlv bound foo.ib H,i,,.e. 1l,l. o..... .. 111 W 1IO..W.H.U I I.IIO., f 1JII. AeS. IB, Ih.'iS. lj S. JI. HOW ELL, ki -a-sj ms.V Saddle Si Harnesj Manufacturer, THRU DfiflRH KOL'TII Of THU WANHILMHtfUIi I'll 1 II I 111 1 I' s" I v. II Alll ll I I 1, .1,1,, ITAIIkindsof fsd.lle sand Harness msde at the ' shortest notice. R PPA I RIM; promptly riemteH Jan. ia.1858, 37tf IHt. II. M. 4t ( rll.I.he pleased lo receive Prol. si"t.a I falls WW in the densrlii,. ntr of MIIIK INK ami HITMiKBV. t'nless prof, asi' nally abi.t. he rnny ne found st his resioenre. Fori Mill H. o,.l. York l..trirl H, . 13. I Milt. I tf TIlE WilMOI. W E E be found IhwcelehraUa thr Roiilln rn Country for the last nth... ra-in;jniv.u-K I HV. ("rnfreli, lirrs se ' ' ') l..'.-i JL ot .MIK'I'YA. M'hl.'l 1... -...;, Ih-sUfd lir. iImi rl i ,.oh , Ihey sea reeelit. .M Irotii N- rl A to tbe.r aloes of . Flit 'I lOMll.'lf v I A '.1 1.1 t.I.Ol I 1(11 V Ar Am. r.f ikt.f sl.k 111. v tr I. uml xml if . silv k.,.i ... . ,t. . f'tl ,. 1,. 1 t til 01 I .ks I riiHU.., ,.. u , ,,. a- ..nd. '( ii. y I. ... in ll.e ir en 1 . v n - hl l. sre p.rpai.d 1.. Inn I . I'arli.s Wllhl ak.s ol all k ... l " MU''I V ti M-!:.l N..v.n.Ur It. If-f. Ae ha.s I....o,ul,... "I" ah... : a till to publ.e p. fu r. A., in. fl jii.nliY A :i" w s.u i.s, 11l1it11 I 1 il limlilrr, II I. furnish I' lor I'ublie lluil... Use. f. al . I 1 I.I llfl.r.l.f f- - 2,1 al.oy ol AI. liM .1' .1 I., ft. Hell. OrleZ-er -Jh. I . S M.HISI-t l mulnl Life Inniirance Con r; at' l ie l.. it l.l .(-n 1 1 r II IS n p.ny 1 1. for e.n. )e,i Mutual I110C rr.ntefl lot 11 ( lb. ,.. j be t: it- n premium, bsar 11 f g uar.Diy. T ha pron pi u .i he 1 1. a.u b) Ibis e rat. l pu niiun., p.i.y.bk- svji b aa are ispox 1 111."" nsureu tm """ . , a.ais. lor IS.O II.101 .re p. lallot) ptool ia pieMlif". Dili I.I It I hsrles I.. Johii.t-n. ' J lloUes.. VS. I ". J 'J V' ... ..... I o.l.e. I ' II. M.k... K. I . I .ine, I li. I. Kale, IliiVu II. l-' Oil II It.'. Ir. t h.ries K. J..hii..i.. P","r"' V. . W . Ilolo. n. Vim l'ie.i...i.t K . II. llallle.S.etel-iy. A ,lli. me II.'lfe.surrr II. W. Iluslr.1. AHoM'M- iJr.Wu.. ILMrkie M..'"1 tiemtitt I owess.Uee.-Q- t--". Kee, I Halle, ll. Knot. . M.m-tr-,1 I.ai4 -I f .ss'i' " Johl.M.11. M. 1'., W-iloii. ll- ,"h' l.'if h'd il. Hoy a.- .:. M. !. lor (urthnr'f. 'I" I"'1'"' red In Ibl psn.pbli Is. an lusy be ol.UH .d si Ibl Hflii e ol 1 or hi ul Hs A(i 111 11 Comniunirations should be si'i-rei ' f"")lu- n.H.iiATTi.K,:; Sepsa..r , IH..7. ' " NV. r P"V.. i . ! ;0B FHIHTH't. ftlH PKIM IM ff I - ' . . M.ANK IKE1S M sale i

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