4 tv -tjirJ5 fc fimtrnjllfabing. Ana grie v. nol ihr II ly spirit of Hod.' There i ioiuefliinj very touching in this admonition, ' firieve rut the Lolj Spirit of t.ol.' I dne not mv, ' l'o not male liius iigry.' A mere delicate and toiMr-r terra js u-ed ' Grieve hiru not ' There nr sortie nun of so bard a character, that to make Dither anrrry doc cot give them pain ; mJ in Iced, there ire many of in who are I and hogpens, the wet straw nttd lettei from the lot, the refuse ashes from the ley-gum, the sweepings of your yard, Ao. &o. On tbis as convenience and opportunity will permit ' pour all jour strong soap suds, which will ' aid fermentation; and our word for it, jcu will hart a manure heap worth its weight in guano or anything else, as a fertiliser. i Trj it. From tht Xbrth Catot'itift I luhttr. THE PRESENT STATE OF AG HP' CULTVUK. Wise rocB, when sick, take tnedicino to scro-l; to be moved Sy the information 1 restore them to health. Thej rely upon that another is entry ! a ; but where tc.nperauco ana exercise 10 heep .u j. the beset so hard, that it is ml moved ood bodily condition. Tools ignore the wh.M. we huo-v that we havt caused others sanative art, induce iu excesses calculated grief I for Pr!rf in the sweet combination ' to impair their faculties an I debase the of sn?er u I.. Ii v cr.tr, but all the dimity of bumm nature. The former con i. is tafcee fioui it. Pile seetets anger, : stitute Ike good farmers of the country ; tho and turn the Hc'C of it, uot agsin-t the latter, the exhausters of the floil. Laud, person, but against the effcuce. We all ; csUoated by iuiprovidetit cultivation, re know bo we u-e the two term? in contra- ! quires manure to resuscitate, it. The wise listinc:i.io the one to t'uo other When I man applies it, the f)jl emigrates to a more commit stiv utTer.ee, some fiieaJ who bath fertile country and continues his system of lut little pjtii-cce, suddenly M-ips asunder impoverishment. Will any sine man look l is forbcsrar.ee and Hanry with me. The around him and deny the present ill health ..,.. rff I .-.- obs.-.rtc-d bv a Iov'.iil' father, of a jriculture ! Farmers of North Carolina, and be is prievci. Tture is anger iu bis you int adu.it that your land have din:in-; .3S,"' "Ts v i t c ' , , , ! I urr lute Lead, Miow lute Zinc, I hrume Ycl L )oir, but be is stiry aad sins not, for lie ished in fertility. ill you leave in em tor m -lfo,c i;ri.,n. I'aristirem, Burnt I'mbtr, is snM a'int rot sin; and yet there U the far we-t ? love O mutral't.- and nu'li'y tte aner to- t 'aen ! ward-ice. l;.tead of wi-hiog me ill as the and eultivat? tbi-m better, an 1 you ill te it A'BNI t.,it,W-H-Bt 3f mt -u, te looks upon mv siu amply rewarded f;r vor labor. We admit 1 Ei.gli-I. K'..i.l,..,g. Fun.iture, l opu, P.eturc, D. ' ' z i i j I m.;r, tirecun. k-tlf as briti.' tfa." ii!. He grieves t think I that there is an eviJ.U r.i provement iu the j B TSL TN that 1 am already iojued, from the fact ajrriculture cf the State. The many good Brow ind B;ack. l.jt I have sinned. I i-ay this is a heaven- j schools recently i jUbii-hed, the Kail Il iad', ; H ll-.Pwaif. :il 111 ire rricioas than all luc t Agriculture and MiChanit-al tiiirs ot the ; l.inw -i, l ncr, i rain, i...rci, Marnini-ry. lu DltUGS AXDJlEDlChm E.Nyellutcliison&Co,, i!tun$ citi:ic, i mliklottm:, .v. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in l OHUt.N AMI DOMmiC DnigSjMcdicincslChcniical?, A RE receiiiif frcah -4Z- ""d genuine i from the New York Mar E&TtgJ , i ki-l, wliich have lx-en urfcp'Ji--5 j cluM'ii ujMin aui h termnFj j j an iu be .sold luw fur emk p !J I We wmild r'-niH'c'tullv A S. T. WRISTON KEEPS enr.atantly od hand, wholesale and re. tail, a full and 'complete aaaorlinent of PLAIN AM) J A I' A i I' I TIN-WARi; which will be old LOW. CtOt'NTKR SCALES, Eiinmcltd Soce and ' Slew f..n, Giue Puts, Waffle Luna, c., for aale by S. T. WRISTON. ,faiOII.ET SETS, a auuerinr article, fur le j " S. T. WRISTON'S. C1ASII, Deed, F:c and Dr.aains UOyESfor au'a b S. T. WRISTON. l'KLITS A Vl.C.IrAIJIJ-N. Cd!: tl Tublic to our stiH'k atunliun of the A Great Battle to be Fought! i f E aulncrilura inform the citisana of Cb. M lulte and vicinity, that they have on hand and are conatantly rcco.nny, a aujirrb aaaortmeiil ot" Elejant FUI.NITURE, Heaven forbid! What;'"" Imbrr, I.Vd Lead, HUck lead. Litharge, h tt... V i.. l.imn II.,.. Turn iu, drain your lauds, manure j ii,uc)ti humc'. arliei cooki.xg siovjl:n. apcrior In tny tiling '' r,rr been ofirrid in this krcliun. Their atuck cunaiaU in part uf the following articlea: tsulaa. Tele Ti tea and Divans, Cane BnUuin Itnckmg C'haira, Mahngawy .1 nd Cant feat Parlor Chairs and liuah Boll. 1111 Chain, Mahcgnny and t ine He lium Keeking I hairs, Wardruhea and llureau", Marble and Wood Top Centre Tablre, Markla Wuh Stnnda and Sinka, Card and Wnrk Tablra, Mahogan and Walnut Extriiurn T.blia. Mahogany, Krench and Kliiabrlli BedaUana, What Nula and Parlur Draka, Lookinv Uluaara from 14 to t"0 a Psir. Srlf.Rocking Crndlra and Reclining fhaira. Tucker' Patent Sring Bulliiiii litdatcafia, Canouica with Lace Netting, and Moi-queto Ujra, luttuge Furniture by ll-i aet. Ir. nand W.kmI H it R .eka, . .00 Gill Moulding nf all ama for making Ola.a and STONE 4. Co.. Screw Top n h.etur. Kr.inea ri'iiinr; r rinia, v iceiablia, ec, me ALSO bit article now 111 en, ter nle oy 8. T. WT.TSTON ' Everv Und nf rnaleriala fT ' U I .mm 1 M..M -a. ant-n a.. ..... ; iiingia. Walnut, Mulee-nv, t(,Sf, And lt. ! t1' '''St. krrp alwa hand a aupply ol " T J s!b. RANSOM. tf.CS. JfSaAV WAIT FOR THE WAGGOI. 11 y a jm. a tircauac he buvca In 6 7C I LA It flu 1 1 . - M..iiiilnciiirera U ,, Tnrallv mnrd I l.. rk. Kn-'i., WYnl.l raprrlfulli in V r. (,,. 11,. i, (11. -i.."t.. , 1 .V.; Hi, una ul tnr nnl A. A. 1.31. TAIL (ill 1 nrrr tn t I r il l l itai 1. 1 I ( 1 I J t 'J 'I J 11 Nn. 1 , Oranitt ti , In re he I". a 1,1 1 1, 1 1 1 ii nane aeaorlmenla of 1 J'-l 'Mi, , , . ' W Mfliillic l uriul 'ue. J. M. SANDERS A. U. CWotte. JU 3i. 1p5!. nti VFtLL ASSORTMENT of COOKIXO and, ether S TOY US, will be conatamly on hand, and void aa luar aa they can be atfurutd in Una c r ' e . . ' l,rii..ilMir. krinu nt. Sia Eipi.hant. Pure Suerm olmment f tba enerchitits. There mav be tate. have acccnit lished much go id and :,.,,. s.i ii.v- r.,rf l.i.re. Rara.a. Fluid. the bitternc,s of myrrh, but there is all the an aketitd a sprit of iuiprovetneut. It is J IW-ntine, A .-I...I, Pure Krc.ch Brandy. Old ; "I WRISTON ' . . , i.V.juiirn W me, Purt and Murrv , Londun Purler, i 3, i3"' iweetu. s of fratikincease in this sweet term. the cflice cf agriculture, not to impoven-ti, j Kri 1( t-, ,rc v.-,i,.r, i nrie 'Mgneaia, ! i CkirlMt.Junt 14. 1M9. Utt : . t I...r..r. 1 , iA f.rii::2rt the soil, and make it kld ''a W ,t, r, f..nl..i, T. -aa. Baker'. I hue date, V WASHINGTON HOTEL :t(i-iic Quinine, iuin , tSnutf, ! L.Ae. leiJ. Utf ! Hotel for Sale, HJMII i -irtu, ..i 'i'lii? j lira kfiiSJtscsSaTEU" ale Hie ' L .MON HO. i l B.:ir you when 1 declare, thai I the necessaiiis cf life. This can only le -I'u.n.,. Sl, am ure that tie rro-t of you wojld grieve, '. doue by educatii j the people, especially j '" "iu, June 14 if von ihoj.-hl vou mere gricvilij any one ' the cultivators of tnatucr earth. Let the t'.n. Vo j. pet haps, would not care much farn-crs then, who have the prep iriJeratm , if yoa bal made any one inry nitlnut a iufljecec ia the coutnils of the 5t ite, keep) tue ; but to cr: :ve him. et.n thou.h it up their school", add to the uumb. r ; buiid j wire withmt a car-e and without intention. their Rail Roads wLerever riq-iired to car- j w-.uid l?t ith-less cu-e you di?trcs cf j ry their produce to market, tneourafe the i v . ...I .... . ' 1 . .... r.;i i;,U:f.;,. ii !il. ui.l iiiir.rove. t'tir i friif had aab-ided, ti'.. you bad made some crrps double quadruple and the oi i m ,f,, , eij'aoaton or ajoloy, ai.d had done your Nonh Stare be disenthralled from her form- j " '.'j.' be-t to a.isy the smart and lak; away the er aricu'.t ii a! steriiiiy. Africa. tare is ,,.rjTy ,IVW :.f u-s., -. ... .... ;,, .n.'.r ... t t n.,..f K. n r,ln .id nrevious to ""'" ('" a: jLce be in to ..' h:-:i!i'r. Ac 'cr be ;a successful eultltation of the soil. W e i ,ii i t ..ut h.m gets anger, but gru-f be,:, t-pity, and pity U do not propose to send tic old farmers to j urVia",V,U,u-.7.MfiJ.!"!lr Inger public life, s.xt alin tj Ice: aLi c love t;.o-e when we achoo'. to acri lire a knowltde of this be i,l iiur-fre ae'l low, ri"e re.aonahle Lave caise U critve. N;, i.i nt this a science, but we recomiueud tleui to educate T( r? '.ct ex;rts-: 'Grieve not the tin ir sons and daughters ai.d aubscrile to lioly if'trn V Vi euar , tte 1 m.-uie is to the ouly aL-ricuitral journal in the State.; be atidtrs'xid spea.iii' afier the uianter From the l'iacter, they can acquire much I tf tn. Ti.e H!y Spirit of God knowetb ustfal inforuiatiou, relative to tie improve- J o passioa of suffrin, but nevertheless, bis ment and cultivatiiu of t'niir farms: the j emotion is dcscrllt-d in human lanuace as breeding and raisii g stock of every kind tvisg that of grirf. And is it not, I say, a 1 be P.auter is iu exchiu-e with twenty J tender at,d touehin ; thinj, that the Holy SoutLern agricultural periodicals; and tbe Spirit Lroi.l direct bis avrtaot Paul to say valuable matter found in theaj is transferred j to u, ' Li riere not the IIjIv Spirit,' do net to its eciuu.L-, aid !".r one doi'mr, the faru-ers Land for Sale. CTK. aubarnUr, being drairuua tu nniove j A from the country, uH'rra fur aale the Plan, i tation on winch abe nuw rrsiuf, lying 4 imlta from Cliarlntle, on ihe W'ealern Flank K.id, enn I t-ining 50 rcrra. Te land la of g-d quality. AT MONROE. NORTH CAROLINA. ! or particulars, enquire oi me auo.erioer on u.c IIK aubacrilft-r bing ileairoua v ' ., ie CTt'fl'VWIV hanijinir Ilia biisin.aa, uf. ' ' ' ' . 1 i-ia aiiuutid in the thnv ax Tow n uf l'., C"iivi itiL-iit lo iiio buamtaa Mirtiuii ,'ttiU witbii) about 'me buiiiirtu yr.nia uf t:.e W . C. i I! Kailroan. It la -nnt.iifia si-vinlet-ii ruf-ni. well fur-' Kuruiliire being offered fur a-ile win l I- re-ui ire Iu tvrr J room, also, couve. 1 , M ihifa, Ac. A!au, Clue Han. ifnrmath-n apply Ktv. C A. Lcui- (iitANOitor I'ttuPKiaTottd ) Itlltl VI) SV. hi t I M liM, M. JOHts V. JOWLS, Proprietor. IIK I'nucraignid rvafitell uliy announce, lo llir Uavtlung (.ublic, llial ne nia iaa... ciiaige of Una ulil ami ujpular ratauiiaiiin.nl, ana l n.. w nrro.rrd lo .cei tlf4 Ira vclcra and ri- i, lauitlif a with buaru by li.c cay or muulli, on tin- tli'-al arrniuinoiuttlig III. 1 ABl t will alWJl beat ur iviaioiia Ihatbuin. i.nd lutrign arlunl. I 'l'l.r V llalllllli'"" llolfl l-rt r. la i.e.rir the dep. t, Ihe eoort bouse, aul , the bu-inrsa al'ttta than any r'bar in tli. city. , An OmaiLyf will slx.ja be at lliv uepol aim laiit.nir. 'n ll.r arrival ol tbr cara and itMiubu.l, lo i-..iy p.aaingira ! ll-r Hotel Irt. nl rbts. Hi (i..ppii g : I tin. Ilnli I, p..aengcra will have t I tn. be (uimahrd with lb tla e.u is ff i W E B . r oflr rr e in N. rl). .Caro I: l a, anmi g liii Ii w ill be found the celebraWu aw r.m ' m.z b a m m r liiui. aiirb a famous f.pulalion in the rinnllurii Country for ti t Ut t il ln , h, Hrrunla auprriur U any t u kir( S-livr .i in ur ll i an. I, ,, 'l- J ri,.oini-a I. aa inn, ai..i di.ra n.urr work i. a gm li tin f .11 at. an) wtl.tr !sli i in ,,, t V ' up nut' I. ram. anf olln r Slovr nf ll aanir site in H I mlf Mali a. anu il n bl4t (1 tin a (irn iinir", be will fnrfcilthc pricr of tbr Stuve, and quit atllmg an. f j,,, brl Irr oil.. " ALSO, ALL KLNDN or PJBXOH &j BOX STOVES hae, anu ei.i,n ul!y krrp on band, an ril.ai anu variti. stock of TIN AM) SIILLT IIML, un ana iBUiUiniUA I 1 1 AT HACKS, CHADIiaS, &c.,'&c., I i! ntitt lis-liiil In la ui i ii,,,., CIIAKLOTTE IIOTl,:Hr-H i- f..r p.yim-ni. r .r tuilhrr m trt sub..Ti; r, nr n.v friend. ic, I amu.i', o. l a. JAMES Uk'KKT i4,lr.'.. II j v sojaic mm. 9 t iiAiti.on . c. ,11 E Proorietorof llna IloUl la .till at Ina post rtady Iu lul- fil the dulira of mine host lo tnr travelling public and ntl.tra iio mav Call on hllli. and lie Hallcra lilli.a. ll llialaa ual rta' .V.rrS I m a I J lu u.tit rt illl T '1 .-iiiiihirlable ourtera can o. luunu wi.ii miu any here iu Una viciiulv. Uring ailu-l' Iv in tb rcnlre of L'uariottc, Buiuuti 1 find Una Ilnli:! a nioal convenient and m lucatiun. II. ha been engaged in Hie buaim.a : As tu qu-nf ckln in at tin. aland nearlv eielileen ve-ra, and in liial ..rrli.rm all enntrat 1 tilt auu.inura r"iliuiij miorm Ibr pub. .n.,1 llii me pnnartd lo eftel ta .,rk. lor linlilil.g t il l.. Ii-Wlia, lll.g-a, 1 ol. ear- j , gra ano largi- ll..u ia. I m y har erret,u wnraa Will III t'barliillr all. kaltigb.N.i ., which I. aft gurn oble rnlire a il a'. In I lo tl i rn.onai t Ibnac piac.a. otnn'nifa anil ability lo i. rt u n l". tlii y rt irr Iu II of IlK-lt s ) I b Ill, 11 II m i l .aft. r 4 tu I ui. v ts'tuil) . ,innii)dii.oa Stable, I would rrlurn n ylbnka lo n.y friroiia am: ru.u-n.. ra for Ibr vrry librral p,tr. nc ia imij Ki.ri. ... ' i miiifa..) m I' l! b av y,nkor uitnlii at tba together nil;, a drirrminaiu n Ir p! ac . to Ir y anil nu r i a ruoiiououi r o I i,, a juiiN. f. Jones. ! Hit IZbViiill jl5iCl MUZ I iiriLLL 'fKl.'ilV 1 Is .1 I I ! . I . auit iinu hfinii nn it arc p.irnrinam iumuu iu rail anu hjii, ;i:r uy- N. II. I .ill ir II j-u why I brad an) irlin n.i i i - W it soa li.r W o.,.,-,i ,, ,,u bair lhr l.u cuuaUiiliy Ir a .in g ii r u. I l! mui try ill. Mmn V ,tll oriltih nill ht- tail lit ully ami jnniij lly tilta i A... J1.TAYIM Cs.iiau, Junt 16, lei'.. in d i i r k s x ite bis lovinp- .ceer, do not vex biui, do of the Slate can have access to many sour- ; "y orcr rr i.uairi e , . i h. r. io:nrc uflrrrd y.u lot e.u.-e l.iu lo nawjrt : lit it a dove ; c s of valuat le iLlormatin. Cclj up your t'.r,t I; ia ti.e pn doiiar f.r the Planter, and if at the end of In -ra..i.tit ir yr-u with PR. EATON'S I N r AN. 'I II. K I t i:lIAl u-aire to alate its auprnor. loll iiariB or quae. Itaa do not cau.e hita to niourc, btcue voa bare treat ! liai hsr.h'y and ungrati fu iy 'f'"';"- lit I all 7'Uf4 seLt tan-, has been considered bubora- 1 1 y h pre Lie n.'i ii.d. pendent. Il was an art, taen ty fi.e cr thirty years ajo but liti.e uu IiL'lIIUTY MANLY. " Learn of tne, for I atu rxieek and loly in heart.'1 Observe toe argument here 51 es are unwillitj to norui t j J I. ?je it icio'.vus stlf-bau-biiL. TL:y thak they aer.bce ti.-.ir u.rLi by becuii.g beck and lowly ; t-it is, ty layiLg kjiie pride aiid ae.f .aJiC ebcy, in! by becomin.' sab-IL.fi-.e to lJ oi iu all '.Lits. :ach Jc-us aiircar-es w.th an a'gjttv i.l U ian-.i raLle. He, the tiiaa Chii-t J.-sus was iLe.k and l.iy L.J be laik SLy leiLboia . y, Le .s :L,e cl:v tr-at- man ti.at tv r :r oi ti.e eartl. Every s;utia! cf nob'est n.abhud is foat.d an .'::u. Even it.SdeU tare aekn'-wl .- l.-e 1 tbi, and a ! tailed tula ole perfect rpeclttittj J, ha'nani- ty Ta jij, O proud man, Je-us speaks the contempt of a.l iLte.ie".nt f, kbd aays, "Come unto me and bun. lie ProBtable ai-.-icttltufe i. the ft.ult par.iliou nf m reeuiar pbyil. II riual.fuJ, friiin much riprritm-e the year, you regret it return the Lumbers ' c,,ui, it rmirtiy inc from parrgune or upi. and we will refund the UiOLey k' c.naequeni y re.ic-ve. by re. ' iiiuviiig ine autTi nug ot yuur cliiid, instead ol dea. Of ail alienees krowu to u.an, that of aj- ! 'iniiri!: ita aenaibilit.ea. 'I hirdly It lapat up w.th , , . , , r. ! :a Tf. aa a c .up risoli of il Willi any other r. riCJ.lure is Bicst important. It lurnisues ail , rp , r c,p an.ia will .how : the vrry the aliment necessary for b inian susrecitce. ' r .! :r. :.i wi.ich u is ui.tilho ne-r.g dug from ie , , . , . . , , , r. r. a;. umr ti.e fjir- riion nf lr. h.ilou, manv of lis putsu.t from tue days cf Ad atu ti tue t ,,., lV ).., h ,..,. aUUrti.i It ia prttect. 'I mjurr la ill cl. :ht; int. a. rtrliiMli in. rrlie'.' in all to. fol. uf merit uur every Imi made aeveral addiliona to Ina fornui die fol.owiug gnl! I. : hoaae.and il h.a been greslly enl.rgrd a..n in, ,J.U.(.ar Fn a i.-r I.. a W i.rka.Clnr.N.C. provud, prraeimng in froul a Iwoatory VKH AN !A , B1 Joimaton. fira. ( ha r. ai S. C. U R " ' iOO lert in lenglii by i 6tt in width, hamiaouirly I )r j j ,.8y. fria Rat liaa Aaa. Raleigh, alibied bv lrei- on the aide-walk, affording a plea. , (J II. Young, Wa.rrly, laa ant pr.ii'iriiad. at .11 hours of the day. ' a. Sior v , I'rra. Ga. W orka, i.itllf K.I a. N.Y 'I li lluuae baa been Ihurouglily luriiiabcd thro'. y s.tur frupt. (i.i W ork.. W atcrin. n. N. V. out, and in rvty frl ol it creature eouib rla are i yv. 8 Srboenrr A. t o Pi-arl M-. Nrw York. aouiKl'int and tangible, eautcially in lai. lil.M.NU , Au(jrtaa lb fubrriler .1 Kaltgb. N I1. KlHI.M. where in. inner m.i," ia "rintweo" WA'IEKIIULSE k LOWES 0"'oi.nlld with thia Hotel are Sublra affording . le-B" 8:" room lor lUO huraaa, abunuantly furnished with ' . - .. grain and provenuer, attended by iaitl.iul and o-f bilging hurllera. j ' M W m2 'I he Proprietor fieia eonfidrnt lli.l.ltb hia !ong , . f., ii'v eiprneucc and many new advantagra added lohia jr iJiV 1 M " 1 I I a 1 1. deatre to please, he ia prcpart-u lo oner ina rrienoa ' and the ' real ol man kiln!," aa many conilori. and j as niueh good chrer aa will be found anywhere, prrti.pa . lililr more ao JT At anv rale Tar tne I i.aru.ur in. in. I. Ii. KEHH 3atll OelUtr 19. 1858. OK HIE MNETEtMH (LMUT. PROFESSOR WOOD'S iiairKttoraiivt'. Nol ice. j m ttf iili ni t.r 'Uf,r bh.g nib nr of Urlilr. ft lit buj ic l M ui tif taiiitt, m tl' w tli iu Ii r.. fc .il Hi- Turcvti tsgaiiiat inn -- ff t in f j A PKKVAKD IAV!I.iN i Jtfa. IS. 185). .1m ,i i,l.t i.llf.l In Uf. .1.1 I ... . 1 1.' J. uMliULii .M.-M1 II. .Iai.u ..I.P.-.II. in. l-rt. I t.r. I . .t I'l i l KlMili'll . I A 'allal I.KOI I :i . , i .0 . a In KM. I.n.. or t a Ir.mn. I II bal...'. y base IU ti.C I an.) air lirp... t,.i. .ir . , . i i. r i i v ts ittiviiI'.i: tleratoyJ and successfully practiced by n'y TKHI'H IMi ; auen ,,' UYt.N'l Kli Y, COU".j tlievii.g Kara lb. M la.1 uul.uali a blur b ia. I Mo ) 11. lo.irr.t : )r. W.a..l, .1 tin IWi.,,.e I ty. a f-. w. 1 he rcene is low wouderlu.iy than gtd. Sail- and cr.ps are reduced to th ir pr'tiiitite eieiiiciit. y the aid of ei.en.i-al Bcience ; atmosthiric inSu' tee b-.ve b-.eu tuett of true investigated vud developed, and the farwr ui.'ier-tands b j to realize the value of bis labor. '1 Li- is the aje cf iuipr o 1 :. jt, the a;- cf proGtabie calttvatioii ? the man who wo:ks as bis graLUi'athi r d.d, ia a drone iu iLe bi.e of nature de-erit" the b'ty if Lot arm' rs. .-kill- it'. '. " II ,1 and tr it. L . I-nir-. In ' 1. 1, g I .. boa gunii il l- Kort it'll I, nr ot iiisraaa, it ean U-: ri. il.;i..rnr. ; anil bring a p-.w . i all raae. of eon uiaiona or uiniMid y.iJ to lo.e no tiri.K Ii Il m.i. ... ii. I., i rc ui of Hit kin.'. II... t ! cm !.: It... ll.ri.la a. e-H. tb..e l 1 Ii. i r "i n Miami; ; h-r H i I KI SII AKIMVAIa OF COHCIiO.NAllIKS.; iioiM iV 1 1 1 n 1 1 :i: j CANDY TACK)KV. ;;vr;..Vi:::;x:k."'".':v.';.',!:'.' 1 Fri-sdi Coiilie'l.iiii rit s.Fruiis Sr., Ac Me jb A M.- .... PY i M.-:i:: i- are guar.nt.r I'linuuia, l.or uai. b of trull., a. ud. t) Ki ib.rrirr rrartloi I ol I bar.ollr anil l rail Ibr rlli l:.i im. Ill all c ..J, H i dirreli-n. nl l Ji ll br.lt.. . lii'isl b atHCliy tul , '25 Cel. la per b-.lllr. yourself. Py djinj ao, yoo :-hall Dot loe. fj! adaptation of means to ends. Land mu-t tut gain true manhood, for I atu meek and be cultivated by the n.o t r2.ei-n; i:i,pie- low'."' Cir-iy it is no carH of u.arib..od uients, si.d the en. p. produced ari.ertd at Ij swear, H drink, to give way to passion, a prcp.r tin.'.- and !ii iiiMr. It u. j-t be to i.ve a seiS-h life. At;y fool ean do tj thoroughly drain. . 1, at. I tbo fr.t.d key- ti. na with a great facility is y. j It is -:,ne cf the arch, luauuie, n.a-t he liberally u-j aio tf tr. snLsod to s.eli i:L pride. and proper. y applied. '' ne tu ide of tu tkt;. i r itan co beat you at that bu-ib'.s-. '. ben nd afplyinj n anurc is fr from belnc' yoa thus s-i! w in pride, you are Lit ui itt j toprrly done, even at this time, by the of a mm, b it more of a devil To sub- u.sj.ri'y cf j radical fan... rs of the coon- nil t 'i A, to be tueek and lo.ly, like Je- try ; to in a by of t'.em the analy-is cf soil, .us th'e are the elements of true man- and tb ; use of fertiliser adapted to tbetn bood If a uian put. bis will uudr tjod's i, an oeeuil science and laiunn.' without a w 11, the tver;a?!:L,: arcs are placed be- k b a lede '. f c or.cnti it.bg u-anur.-., would teaih and aroiiid bru, and he ia lified up, , a L-.pelcs a ta.-k an attrii.f. to bail face to face w.th the Surjf, and becu.ea the cc-j! cr ob-Care the iiht of tLd sun. a true man Rev L M. Scuddc-r. tui fartuers then tuust learn to view them- : leal icience aa a r.re.-.ary aojunet of sue- f'.VJTII SHOW N PV W I! K S I cea.fud farn.iiig Until thia is done, and it r- . ... can be done by eub"cribin; to io:ne a'n- Of t L. : f '.I :iiot uoiii.ijio imi mi "aa-3aia I.J jp..uia CAKOLINA T aourre. If irr lb tbr Ilr. nrrda no e from llir plraa : I!.T, .V.isa, Jan. 'Jtl, l-r. ina! br hano an.: is eiii.ti: r 'roOiaor U. J. Mood 4 . : ""in .Vis Ynra AS just rrcrned . Ire.n .apply ni trt.s. i (.(stikin: Having my alirnt.on caltrrj a fm I f r . l-i 'i iiV.s. oi -.11 kind. .i... r.iv.i., t u,r,i.. .......... 7... h . i . . I: c D tr c 1 1 r t r-r i r c: Frrifc na t-.ua am a nil. Iv ..I Nula. (i.lal :. I.-... ......... I. a.- I ... l I., n. . . a ... I I UVl t 1 i HUM Kit ! pnaii.,1, ol il upon my own i.air. ii. n bae b. . s .1 .u I l.lltil l.li'l ,1 lla.la I Iir Kaalol tue tuurt II mac. eomr su,U- g.-, pmbany ..nr iniru i.,i.- ; n.y 'OItA(l(r. 1 I'. I I J S. Ckuilallt. Oct. SiC. I8..9. 3Ju !in.arr. virrol a-.ii.e cl.ar.ct.r tb.r . . ' ' ui.,11 1 1,, ainrv I prorur. d a Ooliie ol your h .ir ir- VMIwlS'iil 1 1. l I II Ii: ' H I , at..ralivr,alm uard it. I a.a.n K.und H wa. prof. , I'l - MOHU.. llttV llfl.M 1 had wished. 1 Hard it aboul l.itf a I ... ve au.ee procuf.il anoti.rr Ix illf, ol ! " " " ' " " ., tf CK)K HtKE, HtltNUS. and frlh.w ciliarna, ' wl.ieh I hasr u.rd aomr I co now rrrt.ly lo IV hulls, an It . Iu A t I ai n... JLi will you boy tn nobis !s'J A'l LuK NUH'J II , world that llir gray or wbil. bair baa lota.lj, ma. If so, srnd lo ll.r .ubacribers, or "Ppiareu, 0..111 on my sn ana 1.1 er, anu h.j nor 1 ISA fib, '1 lif OUl Aoilli Mitlr, Vvtr nr. ' 1 7 t k. I li of estij ;;-.r .7 j i .Ti'.n in imjjI );s je aumiifly, uii auLatnl lo inc . ouniy isgt uriins.'iw, ma i..r.a (.US 'IM a,,, oi i,ulu..., a lju-gf ;t .Ittllllfilfl.t HilV. I II "1 pall-iuaq i a .loam on j.a j.uf uaii;l,j ;..j.ljsuia pa. ;, a..n id Al.d ynu will grt the Wlmlr Sutc, with In r Rivera, :; J,. ., . ni;i';J." "")( l;i riwniu It ililoaus, pl. I.iuo, Iron and Coal ...1. .. . . ui - .i,.i .j a a ..fii.J (Km i i .. !,...., ar.u all li.e I ,u. a. Towns and V.il .gta. htr wjuifi r.i',1 jo itjii jit a.u aii uu.ii liriaai nohic Muuntaina .m: and l.er rieint ai.d ilia ui,iaa u 'paifia.a ...J al.ii ui.a rlnwrra. ..iu, j ia, o .iiiiwi jsi.nr.a ,H 'farf.u 1 1 you want thia COI.IiIN I'lilZK. i.ow ia pun iimrrjwij jw a a.j' u i the liinr. M.ipaevm In I by rive. O-.rdtr vir. U Jill S II) i ni Piali Oi.nJIa S .1 llj.l'lal) ' of tilt ftatr iluUSr, lliflillC Asj I Illl, t bal Hill, ;..i li, .B put u.naiJI4 laoiu a-1,1 ony aiaif Malr alio ft-nuile t oli.gra, dl.e.( dec., one ot the .'lid a'll ui'idthil Jo n.mj ..lRJ.tl.tAUl laoui tlttaprml anu Ltst M- l rsi r pubh.brd. Ii .1 reaumr ..,1 at... gl, ly.fiv. y.ar wilt- at Ibr sumrrfTi.t. i d I b Ii. v N-lorr b.r tiai I ge of fi iy l Aer. AI.... 'Ibr a lu.bir II r.gn ValU ol i r I i has UatU II 1 due In ynu for yo ...uri.l II. .1 . but I it.rr 0, IV5H. ra hi. in II. In inny. J. I). PA LMKP. 4'it fifiuri ( AM lS i ii f. b r i g iiiiiiim II. .1 I y. I ail ai d air. 1 o , btri ol tli . ii.. ula. I i i i.l l.rrr . r to in-..rly ei 'I'M ri i.iHn . i.ia I ' "I P" HI lH S Ma 1 1 Ojll ;i7 ""I Ii if u . a. ; .. auo 'ja '7 PKAKC'l-; & UK6T, HilUboro", .V. C ACtVI'S W AN'I .! lor every e. unly in the ' lure t- I..WI... ,tii n j .... 11..- laal . ry , 1, l I . .UliUalalllaa i.l ' i 'Vj,.n ur a,nj iii puij at nol ptivjiff tuuj .uu i . jti.niJifj a sivu'v iiu.A ji 'pini W'i put uyiii' ft d'.or mui ju Aii;i.yi(-y mwMu iii.ij aiiu-ua ais no j f(,i.4 (Kmi'IH- a'l jil illl'.. t iiJUjojiI UI alll.l UU a.o 'a.l.y 4tft Ul nud jo 'W'l-lv ) " '"" "Il i uitilBitdiv,! fun jiv ll ''ii j i3nv tA juapun aaii.1 ui nauna ju ,. .., i St.!.-. Tern. i Jaif I a1 ibtr.l. Apply aa alw.vr. Mecklenburg J.oiids. l.ll pvr c:-ail. pi r usiiiiisis fVIK I10.ND8 are unuuubUuly the Ml U.boll ; and It I nlbrra li-rp. Iial insraluirnt Ihat can K liiaUr.anU are rraily ' neeu. d. My I -01 all utra-t i oOatrvab.r jroftasors letateu the ame-tij. .. jra)er and the Care!---i,. -.a of tb Tbry aectu to imagine t -a! tiie h'. liaa warfare i. a v vcation of tbe c' In the c-N-s-t only fh-y Jo the !i.:i. 'bat bath called th :u. '1 h-y f..n to s'ibilji; the evil proprn-ili t yvoar. i ! thu d ay c-j.tjral work pobii-linia.' the fortiiu'ii.', tnoi- 1 " sau-ls of aerea will be inadi ri iuti crorined ,...! to the tuamlvst detnu.iat oi liaase enaed . 'HMi;! Mill. IU tialj 'Jll. ai,til'.i ! - SIS UII,I.W IJI.Ol (il I, -a. ...J. -.Laj-.V. pus li.i n Ml I" 11 -Ji4 P" '"'"l i . :.i..o...id p. i ...fun iS l'A'IV N V . -In I'l 'i I nil So J. ll3aj i ay fir whith. savi; vol :i MA.NUi'.ii The braii.:.,! Observer sayt ; .y iu i a.e ILisus'-out the rest ar.cul'ural ludgaatwa lo see ' hey cherish priJe and pray i turowin away ail tne manure a al..l l j., A. p, il.pu. I a. paaiaa i iii.i i, I ! in. iq n im. uoia.aj I .("' in.. i ..,iu a.i i. ii-aoaii aq pai...in..j q i aa 'ooiirlii.ria i isj os Ua.xi 2utae. 'UuaiiOi) I r bun. ii'y. T..ty eagerly .u e f ti.r Mulii, aud U.a u.cnl o! I .- if t. ij j ii,. ... ir avt n'y a:!. . -:,ou. Tb. y in t tl.pi t ...li 1 as-1 ji.a kL-i p w.th etroi.j cries an I tears meilv, n I ci.i. Jiik., aui p.tiebl. 'Ibey d.s j.jiu tit-ir J ra, in and their artiu; together they i'l-e ibnif diiotioii tofjod and ti.r i irt the ap ; and stable, il tu Uiain ; I jt the ij', J pray f jr j aatin,! it. !'- iu sinful Vi'e pr.p bor turu-wif it oat iu a boap, a.r and rain to rt.i:i, i tiuiy it rou-ts : Sll y, ( ri.ap ) be ii.adt r t ti ne to tin t s.cr-.t of I-:, li-. r ay era J. iii ... There !..-. i olions and ; latk i- h j I tit 'Jo I, and k' aUainand. a lan f ,r taking cr.re of it, ' which if f.itbfu.ly fiiloisrd, wi i eiiimbee t ie farm of every faru. r iu the caunliy. j Paild a j"iid bed, p link up tb- en ! anu -i'iun soino f-iur or live Int. linn uy Oat t if 'a rt witi.it the enclosure some three I'-et jr tijoi ' , tak'-u off the si'l. s and ibis, n as ( 'o b.i.Le il .lope ionaiiiiy ffoui ail si lis, ifkirijf, when C flip' 1 1- i, like the half cf a arge hogshead buried. J.oa, iu this Loju, , ii.d. r tb. . i rd and aa it r in ti.ese j i ai.ked tire turoe t.. u.iLai li.ru to if Hank , .Soli by ('III Pilll K PUPO.NT, Pnifgist. 3.,, M .lo.n I,...r, N'..w V .a, And a in by aii respv.'i..b.t, li'uicisia tliroiigliont in. eounlry. Au. 1 ly S,05M) 31,1 HIM. Wanted, 1 o iaao 'uuiiantioji nreit raote 10 any rstaio ajo...... iHirau; ia..jjd ui I br county ei.noi rrpuuiaie. ju a.n ii uioii ' Tury bear srarn per cent inlerrat payable semi. ia.j.1 j'ii ii ..mi aw. i ' annually, nun Coupons lor llir same. 'J bey are of lite dt-lionmialioli ol $100, whieh Kill uiaae II. i in mure current and asriul lur uu. ii.r.iic pur,ata. '1 t.e eou.na will prove a convrriirut luediuin for paying eounly taxra. Tut cilia, us ol Ihe counly should possess tbrni, and lory are no ofltrr" lo Intiu. 1'ropoaala Irli at niber ll.nik in I harlotte or wuh Captain John W .Ucr wi.l r.cri.'e prompt alUulmn. ii. W. UUIUX. Fr. W. C. ij H. H H. t . Styi. as, lean. a"ju "JVoticc. f Ml t firm ot 111 MjLKhO.N 4. A llli I. Mi w.. Jl uie.olru on Ibr I'l "I J niu.ry, by mutual coi amt. JAB. F. HfcMi'i.KM.iN, will l.. rr..ltrr carry on the buamraa on his own account. All priaona im-tbUd mil plra.. emu. lor.ard and at llir at oner, aa lu. husinr. uiuat be cloard up mined. altiy. II UNPERSON Ai AIIREN8. January i.r nM-cltrl, ia al y.,ur rsr 'li. In-MUlita ol na. n.vself I .in lru!v. yours, A I . HA V Ml I.N If llaLTiuoat, Jan. 'J.I, leUr1, MOOll'M IIAIK M.olt)l(AlIVK. Prol'.a.or H i.J Lkar lr ; liav.ng bad llicuna. b.rlune In loav the iK-al onrliou ol n.v l.air. Iron. tbrrlT. rlaol I br Ir I lo s I. vi r . in Nr m Ui Ira., a ... '.'.. I li I.l Iril. 1 ... n.i.i.i.d b. u.aar t;,l ol ...or ui d it tu answrr .. the vtry thing " ' nv.i..u; now luica and glossy, and uu JA.MI.N Al. l.l) I V. f VM M OA M LL LUA .N T, I 17 III AJ.1U Ik a. i it 1 . tVS sod loiftaiu. run knn of rncrch.n tor g fvrr rrar t n.iinsa. Itri. ia t. h..,J.M, ...ts,. A 1 1 taste I m. ii lunii 1 1. II I. l.fhi.J, l .. .. a.l l. -r I' I. . I l.l.hr II.,.. .1 ,s. I 1 1 1. I Ilia.. .. I 1,. I - ti l l . I a . I b i il. ui 1 1 .U.....I ... '.4' 1 iu 1,. .lor, ..; Ao I I.-"-. I n. .. . r I I .1.. II h. ((rower Vri. Irt. 8 M. It I l.-t A ll Cl I libttiki l i.t liiaUtdliie C 1- lit Fit I. H I I.l. it. I . tm li t-i 1 1 a - i'l .iso... 'i i-" ' '' A. ... nr ..n ..r. i )'' ' ... n.i Aiula. I I i.i r 1 1. i- s.'i.i" i. .. t.1 i... I -k . -' ' ll-allg III 1. '.. 1 li.t pi .1 t . Alorm. au, i. M . M . -. t . I Al io . II I. all. A. At. Cl ft. F. I), rn.., Iln H.A.I. 'r.lrr I. I' la... a. .Mii.h.oi l.uilala, Mii.ic. . ii c ai ... l. ii . y t. ,S. M'l.U., kt.l ,u.i.i.iy. 'll.r i in pi li .i.l il in ' ' U 1 1, pa... b) II I. ... pa.) ' lalt aui pi. ll.iUII, li I I I"-1 11 au. b as arr is).. lo if.si.ir- to avt. air inawrso lol . will'.' fltr J.rs, I.l lM loiros Imi All art ...it. will.ili Hb t.i tli.ans, Uiaoiy plool is pliM.tio. ... lion MI.H It'l." priklad Ib.ri.a I.. Jol.l.sl. o, V " ' 1, hil.l.f B.I I'lilt. llol.t ii, . Li I .- si.J ..i.l bllii'.l.l'li al liosu... tu. ..Hi II"." " liriory fiut Vip," N C. (tl.) and ll.r " t in so. II. Alt kt. , k. I . I -Hi . 1 I. uia. I.l il l vo lilaLIM." I lua invaluable .wn. stftlarr mo I.r . I. run hi.ua.. It inula ol ail m baa a epu lis glua.ary and pirswibt the fi am ii ii a tn.n. natarr's boui.lii.ua .li.r. s, b.r all our ii.firii ilir. and it.ia. 1'br undi raignrd, lit v. J. K. Bragg, I. a linui.trr for tun. a It i. pi intrd on ritir w bur p.pt r, hand ngniar standing, anil p.alor ol lb Orlhodoi I T hound lour 1 1, ruilion, 30U pug.., an la nuM.i. at llr.M i b. .ii, Al .aa. Ilr is a .ri.iitnian "oit'U ftet far am doiiar . fat a, Fumpa, Car li.t ul all ll.r difi. . I. I.n Ac. I 1 , I " Fo.lr, I. afilielrd i.y obiigatiuna loyuu ii. gismg tr.-a.ure. UNLtY JtIISt.. N W lli'.. i.t,0 Flat trt. 16. IfiH. s.li: S. M.IiOWKIal criiuw ok ta n li a f: k, f.r wul:h tor ra.n mit: br li'i.i. M. B T AY Pol'.. ot great ifiltuti.ee aii.i umvtr.aliy lwl..v..l. WM liVKII. iliunkarld, Jan. I J. I die. Profr.sM.r H- or1 lit-ar hir j Having m.d. a tri. sl ol your lia.r It. .loralise, il givr. me picaaur. inlay, that He i flic l ha. buu eaeellcul in reuiov. tog iiiftaiitio.il n, ilan.iruf anu . cnsunl Und.-n. ey lo iltlni.g .itu .bull I have brin Iroutilrn Iruin my ei.ilniiia.d : .rid ha. mImi rt at irru my hair, w bu b In roil, I g gray, to IbJ original Co. b.r I b..i u.r.i im.. loir .Unit with anyibing lis. thu a ui. pira.ure i r profit. Youra, truly, J. K. lillACt;. I br li.an.r .l.ve i. put up in bolllr. of 3 ait. a, viii largr. itrtotun. ami an. all ; the an.all hol.ia a pint, and ratal, lor nr dollar acr boti:ej lb. a boinei Ih. laige Inula a furl, h.riy prr cut. morr in propt.rtion nno ritaila Jor 3 a bottle, O. J. HUOUaV t , l'roprietora,441 Broadway, Nrw York, and 114 M..rkrl (St., Ml. Louis, .Mo, and sold by ull good Druggiat.end Faiiey l;.Hda lieal. (ia and iu Charlotte by hi AUK V I IJ. wtas.a.V' Saddle h Harness IHaruitacturer. (jL'M, I'll A It 1 1 1 1 l; ,C, IrAllkiriH.nf Faddltf anl Il.rnr.an.a,,. .lib.! hortr.l nnlirr. Ii. I. n t. Oil IU l !r li.ri.a H.J"l.i..o"'.'",lc" W . V . Iloiuii., V.t. iLsiMi l It. II. ll.liia.rHOit-')' Will II. J0...1, .r.-sur.' II. W. Iluat.o. AUoin. I I.r. Wm. II. i.ht...W"1 InmllK I n.if.illf U ' " Kts, I I.. lira li, l.'uol .Urdirut limlU Jobnaol., M. l.. Itici.'ti II. Hay .not., M. 1 For lurti.'r ml.. rn.li. rru lo lor p.iinpi.i. I., aim may br m.!., il. I U al tlx or any of its A.-nieiia. I '.'iiiitiuiiii.'stioi.. abou p.id) I , W I I ,ns-l'."'-' ili. io li- ',K' H.H.PATTLli,',:;'' S,f l,ml.rr K. l.i'i. .li!ic Oil, Ma.ic Oil, l!(I -II rll I I V. II. Vt 1 1 1 I 11 I V IN Jl I U. I IlAVIN; '.!.( my rut rr intrrr.l in Ibr firm of I IIF.MlKKSO.N r AIIKF.NH to Mr. J.I. I1F.N. Dl.ltMJN I anil raprrt lo reumm lor sum tunr I yrl al ll.r aior. .-,u shall Ik b.ppy lo .it on ny Iriroda and ey. I.. intra, part.tulari on thoe . I.. i would lora ovt-r the lililr ehangt', our me rid lb. eouirrn. F. W. AlIKKaVtS. J.nuary bj. t-ts fcUPPPNAS for salu at this OttoeJ fsish Paid lor Hides, ny it. . fiuwi-.i.L, 3 Man. mi. ll.'O.t. t karimlli, April b. lUil- IMIFPAIMSG pron pllj tar. tl.. . Jn. l:i. Irt.'.n, 37 f -e--'"""r:T'T"T"G. " .Till. - fc.jutb of the lf int. it. m. c i:i: CrlLI.be oira.ru tor... ... (.11. Will. PNIMIM- "t all in tb. .i.n. run. f ,M H 1 1( I M- .' j ll.il.i ... r ninoaV ."l'Iff;Mt Y. I inra. pr..ira.i..nsllT shi l. I,,' r di... ..'" mat br found al ni.'r..iirner. Fori Mill U. pot, I Yr K, , j - - - " . . .i ibif M l. IHSb. 1 il PPANK PKKPi for lis- A