CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, December 13. CgvATC Mr. Clay made a speech in re 1 to Republican Senator on Harper' Kerr? roliition. He was conflleritof the lotion of Republican President, and that the in-eees'sry re""'1 would be a dissolution f the Union. Tlie South waa forewarned, and batild be fora-arnied for the hour of trial. ' Mr. fli concurred iu all that Mr. Clav had raid. He hoped that the) Republicans fould not vtpm course of policy which (ould only end disastrously to the Uliioo. Iialeand W'iUon replied, reiterating here lofore ripressed. views. !ous Mr. Sickle", of New York, da jr,.ro'l a speech, showinR tbat the Sooth did not riolaied the compacts and compro of the Constitution, and maintaining lliit the patriotism of the North should be ,rCHied in defence of all her right. Mr. Adrian, of New Jersey, declared lUt N Jerfey would uot support the t'hifl'"'0" uomiriee unlets tha interprets lion of the platform f in accordance wilb ty views of Judgo louglaa on the slavery Mr. McRae made a humorous speech, honing that ttie Southern or position should unite on liocock, thus putting tlit responsi bly on the Anti Lvcouiptouiteaof the elec tion of V1"''"- .... There being oo question, the House ad journed. ' December 1 3. cisatc Mr. Iverson, of Georgia, made , personal explanation, to the effect that in (,,1 , remark tba other day on the unsound ,.,, ofthe Democratic party at the North on lli' slavery question, ha had not intend r i to charge Ihem with complicity in the John lr0u effair, but merely tbat tho pofition cf J jdfe Douglass, regarding the territorial nslits of the Southern people, waa not round, and that a large portion of the Dem ocratic party at the North agree with Judge llju'la-s. Mr Hig'er, of Pennsylvania, defended the Ji'irilurn Democracy from the charge of a Uninj! towards Abolilionisio. Mr Johnson, of Tctincace, niade a speech i:iint the Ui.ek Ucpublieana and in de '"e of the Di.ion. lie denounced John B'.iwn a a thief and a murderer, and eriti t .t,', ena'nr Seward's Rochester speech feat severity. Il.n.-e or Krpite-ESTATivsV! Mr. ytu-t-i. of Maryland, made a firm and temperate f.-uthem speech. M. '-r llaskin, of Now York, and Hick ,,1, of I'rnna; Iv.nia both Dlark KrpuLli cii.i made remarks in justification of their r-fjil to act with the Democracy in bring .!, shout an organijliou of the House. At, ,il,t r ballot for speaker was called ' r, l,tcb was opposed by Mr Clark, of M;nuri, who did not wih another tri.I until his resol ition bad been acted on. He i.Led l sinoke the gentlemen., out, and -ike tin m declare their sentiments by their i:im on it. December 14. .si-atb Mr. Wade, of Ohio, saw nolh 5 ; improper in Helper's book. Ho eulo I. i-i ' Old John Brown " as a hero. A discussion re-peetinp Helper's book n en.ued, in which Messrs. lirran, of .., ippi. Mallory, of Florida and fling n. cf North Carolius, participated. M-sr Naioo, of Virginia, and Itigler, ' I'. nnylvania, spoka temperately in re i to W ade's speech. Me Mason's resolution of ioq'iiry into the e o-jibreak at Harper's Ferry was uuaui ja-lv adopts I. Hot st ur KrntMNTATivEi Mr. Mo i. of Mississir pi, mads an eloquent speech $ , difnic of ttie .outli. Mr. aaamtig I mi, of Uhio, eiposed the atroeiii. s of llel j r and l.i ssociates, and referred in sp y ,nite terms to their infamous circular, ' .mnif riding a war on the S uth. I Mr. Ashinore, cf South Carolina, said 1 it the principles recommended by that t tuiar were now being carried oat in his t .inet, where an infamous man hid been S 'fs'eJ, and in bis possession were found I t 's of Helper's book, s Mr. fob h, of Alabama, eiel aimed, " Hang I m ', Hang him !'' Mr. Ashmore said that was what they i do, and in earnest laoguage, which kit rrcei'td with applause, alluded to Hel j r ss a renegade and thief, who did not '' return to the State that gate Liiu ( A ballot was bad for Speaker with tLe it- result as on Friday, atid tba House K !,"urned. f Ihe Senate have unsnttJiouslj kconnrtnca ! !in Heart, of .Siiuth Caroliua, as Superin- 'i'Mitof I'uhlio l'riuting, and A tins a J. li-fcer as Ihsirict Attorney of the State f Sew York, in placs of Tbco. Sedjesrick I Pi ssed. I Heceniber 15. .'rNATI -Tba fdlosring cotnuiittee was I p iuted, under Mr. Mason's resolution, I n. v-tiate the Harper's Ferry affair: M. Maon, Virginia, Jcfforsoo Davis, ) '.-iiipi, Jacob Collamer, Vermont, lira I ii N. Fitcb, Indiaoa, Jaaaes It. Doolittlc, )' ' eon-ill. K- sr. I. t). Carley was elected Chaplain. ! Seuat. then adjourned until Monday. II . unit or ItttpHesgiTATivm Mr. Val- l .'hsm, of hio, tnsdu a speech which n r. ilein iih borne truths for the Aboli- -i-h, lie declared himself in favor of fugitive slsve law, and would give to I ' South all her tights of properly in the intones, and whatever else tbs Coustil-j- ! n secured to her. Mr. Crawford, of Cisorgia, mado an on- i.lit upon the Abolition fanaticism of the f nil, and concluded by asying that be k ks the seniiiiietits o( the l)eui'icracy of I Sute. They would never submit to the ii; ir mimi of . HLck Itepublicaii 1'resi I at For hi m -elf, b wss for iudependence I and firever. I Two I a'lols were bad for a Speaker, both e i'ling in 1 1 0 votes for Sherman, H.j fur I'ock, and H for (iilmer, the remaiuder the votes, being scstteriiig. Ntoesaary choice II I, j Peoetnber lfl. 1 1 th Home to day, Mr. lionhatn replied f l! Freesoil speakers, and said that a hen T ' it ws found ipedicnt, as declared, I u.e force S)-ainst the South, tbe Unien J ' be dissolved. Aud said without beat- that if Seward, or an one entertain-7-' hi, setiiiiuents, was olected l'rcsidcut, J in fjvor of a dissolution of the l.'uion. I To ballots were hsd for Speaker. Af J' tho first, (iilmer wilhdrosT, and notniiia f' Hjteler. On the Second ballot, Sher Ureeei,rJ ni( ,Ui ler S5, Uocock m. lUii.T . it.. n. n. TL.... A HAlMa.- OO llOH. I HWlll.. I'sin twenty nine years ago last Monday, T 'k hii .Cnt in i l,n House wf Represeiila J"" as . member from the aatna district There is not a j 01 tho uouse Willi Dim wno w.a I ' hen ha firet took his set. In less j "1 a (jeniTation there baa been an entire jJ(!, iih a single exception. 1 Message or the Govksnor or Ken tucky. Gorernor Magoffin, of Kentucky, in his annual Mossscre' to the Kentuck jLegislaturo, (we lesru through the Petera jbtirg Kxpress,) takes stronu pro-slavery ground, lie dnclares) that Kentucky will stand by the Union asking nothing she could not concede. She will keep herprea etit ttntui upon the slavers o'lention. Sh (will kiicp the faifo and stand by its settle- ' mem, uie laws, tue constitution, and the courts. She will stand by the repeal of tho Missouri restriction j she will stand by the fugitive slave law aud the Drtd Scott decision. Rhe will always denounce the doctrines of tho Republican party, and the invasion at Harper a Ferry, and ever be found in defence of the rights of tho South. As a means of precaution he recommends a tsx on peddlers, a law to prevent free color ed persons from coming into Kentucky from other States, and an appropriation to enable that sort of population to emigrate, not agBin to return ; a re organization of tbe militia is urgently recommended. Treasobt Estimates. The financial estimate of Secretary Cobb shows that there ill be needed, for tbe year ending June mi, ibui, s impropriations amounting to 810. fld.j Rn tit .1.:. .1.. Bli ) so it .1- .i'-ii uemirmen : rtilur u.liitf ur. niMafs luiaam .8,Ny 50. Of gUMli tbe principal fnr , hIlg ,,, , c, , ,rull repe.e() ob.f. items are: For the Military Academy, tun that I regard it as one uf tue !..t kind of $IS3,8:j2 ; for fortifications, ordoauce, Ac , Cough Medicines, and tke great pleasure iu re Sl.U79.ft78: for tl.n Nl commending It to th: afllicted. iSll.'.M-I.H-l.-i 63; and to supply d.Oeiencies jin the IWoflice revenues, $a,IW.4 04. 1 1 be estimated balances from appropriations I for the year eliding June 30, 1 400, part of which arc reonired for tha navment of the lisbilitie of the present bscal year, but , j which will not be drawn from the Treasu-1 jry until after June 20, 18(10, and the Lai-i J ance applied to the service of the ensuing i Ifi-cal year, amount to IVl.'UVi.iTri 75. j Ihts, with a total of 3,0m'2 4 of the ! appropriations made by former acts of I Congress) of a sptcifio and deCnite charao- 1 ;, . .1 . . . i , . ter. increase, the prsnd tot-.l of th, cat.- mates to 800,7 H,-,!i 70. 'I he annual and I pernisnent apnropristions for the service of ithe yesr eridin June 30, llil, eiclu.-tive r ,i. . ,. . r. te.. .0. the pl,l,e debt, amount 1 iol.VbO.hoX !70. .V. J'. Timet. 1 , j 1 ' SlIERMAN AND HELPER. Mr Sherman, ithe Republican candidate for Speaker of !il,n IT Iln.i... t.t lt..r.e...ei.i,.iiea e. l,..e..le.l... .1... I., ai ,.-.! .h llelr,, loen. ! S' j - l jmeiit. Out tefiset, uri'irr tug advice of hit frxrndtl to t'iy trhethrr or titt he now ap- provet of the Jurlrliift ittenrh'i All that can be elicited is. that he "'iliscriheJ his name rccotnmetjiliu it to general circula tion without haviirg read it If he subscri jbed to tbe document without reading it, it Ma no great recommendation of hii intelli gence, or evidence that he is at all scrupu lous in regard to what sort or doctrines he subscribes to. So carile.-s a man, to ssy the least, ought never to sit in tbe speak er's Chair. It is unreasonable to ask members to vote for hia elevation to the f-pealcrtiip until it is kuown from bis lips whether be is ! a friend of treason and insurrection or oth-: eri-e. Ilis name was Maceii 10 the Ipemliug Crisis Circular by hi. own band : a be freely admits, aud until lie Hiavowa the atrocious ol jei-ta ot lost put'lieation, i he must Le sut t oseJ to favor them iV. '. j Ijpreti. ori'O.SITION .VKKTINO IN' CRAVEN, j A portion f t Is 9 Oppi ition party of . Craven held a Dieelinit at the Court Mouse last evening-. The tn.-. titig waa largely t- , , , i T u r n i tcoiied ami was amlr.ssed t-y Kufun Harrin- , J ger, J. H Hsiightoit aud C. ( lark. A series of Kesolutions Here pased and dele (gales appoiute.l to attend a Cotiveuiioo at Italiih to rjeminate a candidate lor tjow. 'ernor. Jnn. II. Nelaon. K-q , presided and I Alex. Justice, Eq , acted as Secretary. I Tbe proceedings could not be got iu this ! morning's issue on account of their leogtb. j .ruUrn I'rogrett. ! KlXfOTRi WITH A KUNAWAV ?UVI -I Mr. James Wallace, residing near Kel'y's : Cove, in tbe county of liia leti, bad a violent j rencontre ith a runaway tlave, some two j or three weeks since, which resulted in the ! death of the latter. Mr. Wallace's statement is, tbst, while passing through a thick cane 1 brake on the side of tbe came ! suddenly upon a negro unknown to him, tin tho act of t)iog a hog belonjjinif to Mr. ; James Allen, in whose employ he (Wsllace) then was. Ho ordered the negro to let go j ll,e hog, when tbe latter immediately i I rose and. seising a stick, struck bitn (Wal- ISlsnr'bir ibe nD;;ko; then closed in on Wallace nl Put Lis; 1 . . si i l..; - ' .clothe, in scscrsl places, bis knife being too j dull to inflict a serious wound. Mr. Wal- : I. ca IrtcJ to snoot mm, uui me negro srn.-u the mutzle of the pun, ami held it off so that, if disehsrged, it would not strike him. j I Wall see fired oiie barrel and mi??ed. Ho! jthen got bis knife from bis pocket, opened it with his teeth, and struck the negro a sever, blow in his side, which caused him to loose bis hold, but still holding on to the muzile of the gun. W.llsco pulled the gun IlSCI UDlll II got ID B range wiiii mo uegiu a body, snd fired, putting the whole contents into bim. The negro fell anil rolled over into the river, Ilis body has not yet been recovered. Signs of the struggle were, seen .fterw.rds by sever.l persons, such as the trsmplmi; down of the cuues, snd foot prints of different sites, and blood from the place of the rencontre to the river. This goes to corroborate Mr WalUce's statement. '7 mtngton llilald. Smokb Calloon. I'rof. Wilson and a besutilul youn,; l.dy insde an ascension lately, from tho l'sir (jrounJs, '1 u.ioumhia, Ala , in a balloon filled with smoke. They came down ssfely, a ituarter of a mile from tbe poiut of departure. Hy and by, the ladiea will asoeud by simply liiliug their crinoline with smoko. aud tbat is all they lack of being angels. CONSIONKKS rsa CIIAILOTT ANK 8. C. HAll. ROAD, FROM Till I2rtl TO Till l'.rTII PH IMUBIt. J. lUm-our & Co. 3 pscksges, K. II. Ab ernathy -J0 pkges, II 0. Ilsiinlion 5 pki;es, (ioodsou Si W. 1 pkge. W. H. llallyburtOD 2. pkgos, J. 10 pkgos, L. M. Sum mit 0 pkges, G. F. Iaidson I pkge, J. F. I'bifi r 3 pkgos, W. II. Aluander X pkgos. Common School Notice. VI B H"'d f PuM-rinlendenta of t'oinntnn I for Meckiniihurg eoiioty. will meet .1.. 1 ..nelv I olllt icrk'som 10 C'narlotle nn S.liirdiy.'lhe Utlh A full meeting i. arnrst; sidieit-d v. there will be matters ot interest before the I'mro J. P. U, L.nairmnn, DaeemhfT 6, li9. Ul Another Caroo or Railroad Iron. Brig B. T. Martin arrived yesterday from Uristol, Kng., loaded with Iron for tho Wil mington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. H 'tV. Jin aid. Special Noliffn. DR. WISTAIt'S H VIS All OF WILD en i:u it v. The unequalled suecesa limt tins attended the application of this Medicine in Ctugkt.Vnldi, Ailh ma. Bronchial Affrrtion, Vmrairt of the Throat and Lungt. Incipient Contumption, bus induced many phyiisians of high sUinJihg In employ it in their practice, many of whnni advise us of the fact un der their own signature: WISTAR'S It .il.NA.ll )!' 1VII.I (IIKItRY JlKl Ul)li;Mii:i) IIY PltVMCIANS. Auburn Sept. 6. 1858. 8. W. Fowls 4. Co A'irr' I must cheerfully add my testimony m L.viir i( the liilaain. We have used it in uur I'llinlr, in pulmonary urTrc. tions, V uiiflia and Colds, ami esteem it a most va luable remedy, and have rec'mimeniied it in v.-iri oua cninpluinta of this nature with inv.n iahly hap. py results. W. B. I-YNl ll, M. I. A! sNsriri.D, Tioga e.o Ha., Aug. I8j8. Gentlemen: Having used in my prucliee the last f'.'iir yeura, Wistiir'a li ilsnm of W ild Cherry, with great success, I most cheerfully reeumniend it to those aOlic-ted with nUltmite Coin. In, Cidda, Asilnn,4.c, II. U MARTIN, M I). Cars Vincsnt, N. V.July 17. I8S8. I W. H. EBB. M. D. Ctn,. TjZA tr. pt ana having used the same n.ys. If with great '", 1 cheerfully recommend u to all who are suffering with A.llnna or Consumption A. A. GIISB3. Prepared hy S. W. FOWLE t CO., Hoston, and for sale by E. Nye, Mulchisun At Co., Clnirlotte, N. C. U4 ,.,, ,,,. wllo ,ra in t, ,njymet l pertect hesllh frequently have need iu have r. course Iu tmuci as preventives of disease. We re ne,cr 100 "e11 """ored against the assaulu of ' the ills lliat ia heir In." Soeh an invi. ,, , fi 0.TET'I EICS HIT- - KKS a meilieine that cinnolbc taken regular. 'y without giving vitality to the system At thin season, particularly, the aH-onge.t man is not proof , against the malaria, in Certain sections of tho cunU l a ee. of,rVer and .gue, the Bit. j tkbs is more potent than any amount of quinine, wluiat the nmst dangerous ea.i a of bilnua fever yield to its wonderful properlie. who have I tried the medi. me will never use,er. for any of the ailments which ihe IIoh-icttm llirrrsa prcJ- ! fe"ses to subdue. To tiiu.f who have not made j e pe'men., v.e c,o,.y .ec ..enu an eariy 'application to tne lii-rrsas. whenever they are atrir-km by diseases of tue digestive organs. ! Kolo by all druggists and dealers generally snd ' E. Nj'e Hutchison 4. Co.. t harlotte. N. C. It ELI IF fc li: .tllMTC brya17's V V L M O ' I C W A T K It S . The most certain and tperity rrmtdy ever ditcovered fur ail Humeri oj the ( k'el und Lunge, t 'og!.$. Cattle, Aethma. ConeumpttttH. iiioariiia, Jnjiuema,il"areeneee, thjjuutt Hreaih. ing, Sure Thioat, fyc., tyc. f MlHESE W Ar EliS gire the most instantaneous M and fierftcl relief, and when iersevered wuh .,-r..r,l. In .r.elin i,.i I... I 1.. elf. rl l.m.l ,nu Ij.lujj cure. Tlioussima twv. been restored to orrieci health who have tmd uii.rr means iu iin-:""''. " -'" " ...... ...ij 'HV'lT,' T.0'!' need ile.pair, I matter how long tin asc may hsve existed, I , lt)Wr, v. re it w .y he, piovuiea the urgamc structure of tne vital organs is not hopeli saiy or. e.yed. Every one sffl.cted ahould give them an impartial trial. To Vocalists and Ptsi.ic Stkarvbs, these Wa. ft r are fieculiarly vaIu ble ; lh y w.ll in one dsy remove the ruoslsevere occasional lioracntea; and their reeular use lor a lew will.. I all limes.lll. cre.s- tbe power and flexibility o' the voice, great. ly improving its tune, comp is .nJ elesrnesa, for .' P"P" '7 regularly used by many professional vocalists, ,()B MOsr. sd, Pronrietor. Korhestev. N. Y. Trice 25 cents per box. Eor sale by all repecta. F. SCARIl, Charlotte, A". C. 17" Pee the sdvsrttaemenl of Sandfoid's lnvigo. rator, to another column. IT See the advertisement of Wood's Hair Dye, in another column. WoreLikea CitythanEver. fN or or f-ire the in nit. e ol Jmunrr nril, we , ,., 1P M,n ,u(rd bs.m'l.T. v,iston,op,,nte the State Bmk an esclusive HARDWARE STORE COHFRISINO Ittirtltntrr, 17, Guns, Carrligo H-iterUls, snd in fact, everything made of Iron arid Sieel. Tiie purehaaea will be made by one nf long ex. tbe busn 1. d we intend to dely COCIIRANK .1 SAMPLK. Charlotte, Dec. SO, IMS, 4ltf SHORTEST ROUTE to FMM.IDA. TiiKorcn in 1 iFi i:r. not us. THE U. S. MAIL s.-a,---'?" C A II O Is I A. ssn C.'OItDON', LE A VF. CI 1 A Ii LESTi N DAILY (SUNDAYS eaeepted.) at 6 3t I". M., tor K. ro-.iolins, Ela., connecting through tbe N.irlhearlern Rail Road, with the great aeahosrd lines going North to Port, land, and going South, conneentig st Eernandina wuh Kail Road to Jacksonville, Lske Cilv. and liaineaville, and by stages to Cedar keys, Mican. opy, Ocsla, Tampa, aud other pmta in the into, riorot Florida. Also, st Cedar Key. with .team, rrs to Havana, Key West, St. M irks, ApaUchico la, I'ftnaacoln. and New Orleans. Passengers for St. Augiistino and pointa on the St. Julio's River, will lake steamers at Jackaon. ville. Tl.e "CAROLINA " snd (JOR DON " sre first elaaa steamers, coiiunanded by eiperienced sea men, full branch pilots ol Una port, with fine slate room accommodations, and everv comfort will be found on them usually required by Urn travelling public. Passage W. Freight taken at lowest rstes Fur engagements and mbcr pirliculars spply to II. L. CIIISIIOLM, Agent, Charletton, S. C. Dec. SO, 1859. l-3 ssV' Married, in Concord, on the 13th inst., Iy the Rev. A.ti. Ste. v, Mr. C. W . BRAllSIIAW to Miss LOU A. II AII'OM, daughter of ihe Rev. W. L. Il.ltom. Married, in York dislrict.S. C.on the 3dtli ut., bv the H-v. Wnde Mill, the Rev. CHARLES E. BE' IITLER, fi.rrnerly of Siarinhurg and Into nf York district, 8. ('., (eldest a.m of l iiriatopher Beehtler, Esq., of Siiut:iiiburg, S. C, so wnlely known for his workmanship in fid and wntnhea; also, the aariitt fniimier of the Itt-euiler ruin,") to Mis JENNIE L., second dsui;lilirof Jjnies Wylie, Eq., o' York district, S. ', Married, in Wi'kcs n li'e Jith instant, hy I). W. Pirks. Esn., Mr. ABEL W EL BORN to Miss MARY, daughter of Ihe late Abel Cass, all of Wilkes county. 'rr'jiiir'r' Hflci ) Charlotte If S. C. It. It. Co.. Dec 14, 8W. ( PfJi-lt fc'Si'l JiiME lluird of Direelora have declared a DIVI 1 DENIJ of TIIKEE-ANU A HALF lLL. LAKS per share, pnyatile on the Aral of J iniiury not. The Stockholde s in North t arolina and Eastern York, S. ('.. will be paid by Ihe Cnmpa. ny's Agent, at Charlotte, N. C. Those in Chester District will he paid by the Agent si Chester. Those in Fairfield, ut the Bank in Wmmboru', Those in Charleston, at the of tlie State of South Carolina. All others will be paid at this ilfiee. ' 'J'lie Company is prepared to pay iis 3"nd which become due on the first of January neit. C. BUL'KNIGHT, Treasurer December 2(1. 41-3t Equity LandIes. VCTI.NO unil.r decrees of thel Vturt nf Equity fr Mecklei.hurg eouuty, I will sell at ouh. he auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House in ( harlotte, nn the 4th Monday in Janua. ry, A D. IPiiO, the following loaeta of lunS to wit: ! A Inicl of land situated on the waters nf Sugar Creek dj. lining the lands o' laaae lienor ruin, Frank n Barneit, Addison Fra.ier, and others, j con la ii ng about 'il'i acres, being Ihe land con veyed by deed to the late Jmes II. Orr, by Jacob , Thompson and I). R. Henderaon. Terms, 150 e..isli anil the balance twelve months credit on , bond, with two .ccurlliea, each of whom must be for the purchase money. At the si ne time and place, I w..l also sell to ! the highest bidder, for ready money, another t act nf lund, wuh , good Siw Mill on it, known aa the ; William Met -irk le tract, on the waters of Little : Sugar Creek, adjoining the lande of W. S. Nor ! merit, Daniel l Pnntn, John Herron, the Tag. 1 girl's lands, and athers. I A.O. WILLIAMSON', c m. e. (hjriolle, liitem Ut 1.1, Ie59. 145 IES i or: s.i i i 1 S Eieentor of !W Alnsnder, Sen. Dee'd. iaV I v-'ill sell at n.Auten rcsnlenee in Meek, lenhorg eoanty, 9 iw from Charlotte, on the (jreatllo.ii leading fr i Charlutu to Salisbury, on the "rlii Deeemoer, il59. 3 Likely Mgro Men. Terms made known 01 -h, y nf Pale. WM. T. ALiXANDKR. Lx't. Aee. 29, 11-59. 311141 AL At the same time and pi ce, I will hire for the year 18GI. several of my ov Negroes.consiatmg iid field hamla, I WM. T. ALEXANDER. I So. 59. 16.59. 3'JHl DKCEMBEU 14,1859! ( Froi this date, will off. r their entire stork of Diy Goods, Hits, Shoes, Carpets, Fancy Goods, &c at gresllf reiluecil pr-;s, eg li.ey :e determined to reiluee tlieir -toe fcin h LOW L; ,n u.u,,, h LOW I betore tl.e nfMOlng lx ao .(Bi a. nrmr 77.V ALL A XL J-XAHISB: ' " UU nirii LftUir ! We will . tiVr Kan 'Iks at York Cot. .. - .. .. ..I.:. I. in" " and Pi pi. iets" aim all s ikiI I la ids erv York i ist. We will offer Hosiery, II iocs! , J ! net , Swiss. N.ima.Ni'k, and Vlelon Mil- ins. Km. id. ry, I.inen, 4c , at Xl York pnees ;' Our ck of tlie shove goods nVinic tc. and in fact ! broide l stock i plete. and in fact I I wo have uo iiesitmicy tu si tlial for style. ; price, qualitv and elf gance,l .' re Stock can. not be excelled. 1 1 1 1 Ii- UILft i LiIlMMN W ill cur Stock ul'v'iotlm meres, Vest inc lull, und t pncen that cai t laii ti please. We are ticte rinincd to reauct tock. tall and cc ua. New Steam Sawjlill, T w 1 1 K Subscribers having got t A steam Saw Mill, in opertion, sr host pired to fur nish sll kinds of Lumber si the sV ,1 notice ' either at the mill, or in t'harlotte 'l, iahing Lumber can leave their Orders wit at ' t)sk Grove L'ntont'o. or with P. Snurs 1 ,n rlotfe ! SAUKSiVxG. Charlotte, Dee. 3, 8S9. If 1 Cirtitlar Vina for 1 1 oes, bel Cirenlsr Saws, (Wnrnml 5J leut to 4J fet in diameter lor anh will be taken Iu nart payment for 1I1 P.SAl Charlotte. Pec. 3, H.19. 3ttl li Y virtue of a Decree of the Court of F.qui M P for Mecklenburg e.iuoty, 1 wiM sell public square, ill Iho town of Charlotte, 31st of December next, at public aucln.11, to tii highest i.idner, 12 valuable Slaves, on t credit of six nmnUift, with interest fro day of mtr, tbe purcli-iprr in every imlunrr, xe. cutinc btiml wait two i:o i curit.i. The ib jfct of l..e mlfl tm tn nukr a Civiniuii brtwrrn llie owner, Autiittua J. rr, nnd Jolm A. gutrditn of Jitrne A Orr. A. 0. WILLIAMSON", cm. . Charlotte, xov an, ir-jy. tt- SALEM ALMANACS, I860; TOR SALE AT Till I1AKI.O h i: HOOK aTOi:i r. j. lowiuk. iVoeemoer S3, 1859. 37-9m 3Ieckicnburg Hotel. Aext to the Post Office, fc7r rHIE subscriber informs the public I 3 JB. that having purchased the building known as Mecklenburg Hotel, he has refurnished it and la now prepared to aceimiinooaie transient snd regular Itoaroera. He hat good Stibles and efficient Ostlers. Horses ill be ki pt by thi month or dsy, or fur. Dished with .single teed, on moderate terns- JOHN 10IIAN'. A'ew. 7,1859. 35tf EXECUTIONS for the t?. Court for sale. V from! b2R' il2 LIKELY SEilRO U It S.I Me II. SELLING OFF! TIME subscriber is selling offhis present Stock of Goods at COST. Me has a good supply yet on hand, and all who desire BARGAINS will please call, as I intend closing my business in this place. J. P. IIEXDER30X. fleeemler 13, 1S59' 40tf Clarcmont Female School. UWRS. E. J. WILSON, will opin .L5S-'BJ,.uh',?l " ( lT',","ni- t?a?i ,r'"" -h"1'l "H'1 II from Sugar Spjw t reek Ctiureli. on the third Monday Zr in j jnuary IW6U. tssms rr srssioN or rive months : Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geographv, and tirnmmar 5 00 Hialory, I'hilosophy, and Astronomy an ) . each of theac aduitional. Should it become necessary, a Music Teacher will be provided. R.nril, including washing, lights, and fuel, will be furnislied at ("laremoiit, and by families in the neighborhood, at 17 00 per mouth. Mrs. Wilson has long been engaged in thebusi. nessof teaching, and la extensively and favours bly known a. nn eflicient Instructress. December 13, IMS, t-lS Negro Hiring. rglHE XEfiKOE belonging to ti e minor heirs of J unt a M. Alexander, dee'd.. will lie hired for the term o'' twelve months, on Wednesday the SHlh nf December, at the reaiuence of M. L. Alexander. B W. ALEXANDER, Agent, December 13, 1859. '42 ' Ready-Made Clothing FULUNCS, SPULNIiSai CO. Are now re rrit iug llicir locl.'ol I I Is A tlllC .OOI, HATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS. VALISES, ( ari l BuiiHiiI I inbrs lias. I Itllll C'tletlH. AM grades of Cloth Coats, All gradea of ( loth ( oats. All graciea of Cloth Coats, All grades of Cloth Coats. (';itiim rr l' h. All grades of plain and fane esssimera Suits, All grades of plain aud iancy eueeimere Suits. All grailes ol plain ard fnncy cai-snnere Suits, AT grades of plain nnd liiney cassimere Suits, C.i'ssiimit' I'aitfsi. All grades of black and fancy eaaimere Tsnts, All graoes of black and fincy cassimere Eants, All giadi a ol bi.iek aia) fuocy cassimere I'ants, All ol black and fancy cassimere I'ants, Vol si. Black and fnncy Velvet and Matalassc Silk Vests DUck and fancy Velvet and Muialaase Silk Vests Ulack and h.ney Velvetand .Matalassc Silk Vests Riack and fancy Velvet and M.ilalasse Silk Ve.ts IJloii'h IIi-ia.i- As (loses.. l!oifi'V, Xc. f'rsvats, collars. Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. travats, collars, tiloves, Hosiery, &.C. Cravats, collars, Oioves, Hosiery, &e. Cravats, collars, tiioves, Husiery, &c. Il;tfs4 mi,! Op. Largestand cheapest atoek of Hats and caps. Largest and cheapest stock of Hats ami caps, Largeal and eiieapeat stock ol Halt and caps, Largest and cheapeal stock of Hats and caps, i a avi;i i.o. Trunks, Valisea, carpetbags and I'mbrellas, Trunks, Valisea, carpet bags and Cmbreliae, Trunks, Valises, carpet bags and I'mbrellas, Trunks, Valisea, carpet baga und L'nibreilaa. Our friends and customers know well the sdvan. tugea we poasess in getting up the Acatirst, t lien pest ami 1'iutticst Stock of Clothirg, &c., in Western Carolina. 1" We warrant Ihe quality and making of all i:.... n.i ... r. s;....'. L, t , , ' , v an Deiore euyiog eisew uere ana examine our stock. FUI.LINGS, SriUNGS k CO. October II, I foil. 31 tf WAMED. TWEaNTY-FIYE 1 uunu r.TiLri sSi s' 'i--. Are wanted to Peddle JEW. Vns rV- ELRY through the conntry. A large assortment of superior GOLD AM) SILVER IiSi spi:ct.ici-i:s, riE, PLATKD WAItB AND ainfmm mmmtyuz: sll of which will be sold LOW for CASH. IT WATCH GLASSES w.ll be put in at 25 centa each. fall st the Jewelry Entsbiishment of R. V. BECKWITII, IN car Ktrr Ifntcl. Octobtr 4. 18:?. 3utf J, S. PHILLIPS, mint ii.i.xt Teiiroi:, HAVING located in (-harlotte, respectful, ly solicits a share of public patronage. A complete assortment of Cloths, Cassimere. snd Ve!ings always on hand. wiucn will be made to der at the shortet notice. afler the latest fashion Shop three Ooors South 1 of the Mansion llouae 29tf r. j. cohpkmm;. m Kt.i ni: 1 im, uate of the Baltimore Dental College, 7"Ot'LD respectfully announce s that be is now permaennliv - located in Cnnrlotte, w here he will be the calls uf those who may re Lifessional Services. 1 distance who cannot make it conveniens ,,, .,,t,,. h. im-ir work l "'V.i.lenee. without anv extra charire. by address h Ucr Pastors charged half price. ed on at their residence if deatred. Springs Building, lately occu. g, t.sq. 1. 141 .HMO VAL. E inform our riends that we K.MOVKU ti .indof Springi j & Mrl-eod, corn. ollege and Iryon Mreeta, Splendid Stock of ROCERES, r CASH st wholesale or L. FEASTER. j K. A. McLEOD. 35 3,a Asiiitr A t I li 1 , VXe0bes Vrwider W7. IP ftitrnvrii qnirr In4 l'Prrl u.Hinisa i-L :'""li ILXtiinee av September -Vy ,1 1 nd lire now rrcfiV, 1 I FArlLLin which will be sold lT retail. I rk-.!n AMe 30 1 ii!iTnnYv4& iiHTn I jiiLi Willi Miami ill, i IS SB5a-BJrM.'r. I f fllllE subscriber tnkes plcarure in announcing A. to hia frii nda, and the public generntly, that ),e bsa taken tin. Icog established and well known Hotel, and baa iiiddo every possible preparation portion, of Hie puhl aceomri'Mi le the IniNiness. travelling and vi.itinp in the most satisLetoi maimer. Particu'ar attention is paid to hii TAFT iE, md every comfort is provided in his K0031S. i His STABLES are abundantly supplied and at- ! tended by carelul otlers; and to ail departments i the pr .prirtor gives Ins persona! attention. I A couiforl..blc OMNMil'S runs regularly to the J depi.t on the arrival of the cars wnn tnese e!lrts to please, a share the public pntrunnge la confidently anlieited. U'M I!()VZKK Kovemher 15, 189. 3litf noit r. ii. row a, Vn 4 F.NERALj COMMISSION MERCHANT, M Wii.minoton, N. C'. JJ' Office, South Coiner Market and Water Sta. up stairs Or tuber II. 1859. 31 tf 11 W. BECKWIT11 HAS COMSTAKTl.V ON HAM) I'LiTHD WAKE, if, OP THE lEVT ISOLIPM A ML AUKRICAN K ANUFAClTRlC. Cnll and rxsminc Ina tock before purchniing Ileuses and Lots fur Sale. f 1 K Sutntcnocr ufiVrs fur rale the oue and JL l on whii h Ii rcni!'i, u.ijin.n the Mt'tltotiijl piirnnapi. 7'he nunc is comfortable at.d tlmre t-n ttie prcmi & kitchen, (iairy.t blt and a Well of exi-cllenl water. 7'he aituntmn is a good one for a' futniiy. ALSO Another use ami lut fronting oppnaite the late rcidti!ne m" llie Id v. T. M. Farrow and alau attjtiitiinp (lie I'a'inrr. i'uiniiirtioit givt- the Ut nf Jannnrv next. u. w. i;i:i:kvitei. Xaritnber I, IJiS. 34 lf "THE UNION," ARC II STREET AMOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. ITTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. FBJIIE undersigned having purcha. B sed the intereat of his tormer lfJjP5fl partner. Evan Evans, in the uuve Hotel, would call the attention ol tlie public to .ts convenience lor those visiting Phila. delplna, cither on business or pleasure. La situation being hut a fear steps from the principal aveltues ot' trade, offers inducemcnta to principal aveltues ot' trad those on business; while to those in search of! pleasure, the constantly pacing and repassing I rail. way cara and those in close proximity, afford a pleasant ride fur the mire nominal sum of half i a dune to all places of interest in or about the city. -The Pronnelor givca asourance that " The t'ni. on " shall be kept with such character as will public approbation, and would respectlully aolicit ISortil I arolina pattonage. Terma fcl 50 per oav. L'HTON'S. NEWCOMER, Aug'iet 1 6, Ihj'.K ii3-ly I'aoraiETua. WHEAT WANTED. JlHE planin g community will Hike notice that si their Wheat Crop will be purchased st the Charlotte Steam Flouring Mill, at market pricea. Those having heal for sale may find it to thur advantage tu call at the Mill before ch eing a aale. JOHN WILKKS & CO. Ju!)Q, ?i,0. SUtf Notice. A 1.1. personsare hereby cautioned againslhun m. tn.g witb guns or dogs, or fishing with net or tackle, cr in any wise trespassing upon my the law in such cases will be rigmly en forced sgainsl every one so offending. IRA PARKS. June 7, 1859. 13if II. C. MALCOLM PRACTICAL MAR RLE CUTTER, respectful lj informs thj public, that lie lias opened . 31 A K III. I : VAIil) opponitc the M inxiun llnh'I, where he in prenired In fill . .Mom with derpn tch. (or MONl'.M KNTS, IlKAi) STNV. I ABI.K TUPS, and all kinds of Work in the M irhfr Line, of either IMTOKT Kl ITALIAN or AMKIilCAN MAKHLK. Having niaM- arr;incenienlP bt which he csn procure the impmrtfo It tlnn M;irhle, ut redured pnct-n, he chii fill nit orders f r Monunienlt. JtC, at reusnnuMc ruten. He wtiuM be hppy to hsve all (.animus of deal, ing in his line, to cail snd nee ftpccimt-nn of Mr bie, hear pnees and jtl)ge for themselves. Having .md 25 yetr'a experienre in ihe busi ness, he will givv his personal attention to put. ting up Monuments, &c. alt$fury. May 3, J-ji. Htf To Farmers ard Country Merchant s j. v. iuivrnAco., j I HE now offering to the public the laigest and l Kst aasi.nmeiit ol ji !((.' IIULS ever bron c 1 ' I lo tliia market, consisting of COr FEE, M CAR. Mt'l.ASSES, SALT, 4c. thk srsr kino or BAGGING, KOI'Kand TWINE. j ALSO, 1.1 OOO pcunds giM.n country cured Bacon, 1 IU.OOO " " Tennessee Sides, 20il " " " Lard, el of w inch wiil be .old low for CASH or ("oun. ' jy I'ruiiuee, ' i onie and See, we don't chuge for locking at hem. July 26. I y The Wotld's Exhibition Prize Cledal Awarded to C. nEYER, FOR IS TWO PIANOS. LONDON Ot' TOBER 15th. 1S51. C MEYER, respecllully informs his friends a snd the public generally tht he haa con- stanllv on lor which hereieived the i'me Mtdal in London, in IBol. e lias received during tlie iast fuieeu years more MEDALS than any other maker irnin tlie Frank Institute, also. First premiums in Bosti'ii New- York and Baltimore. All orders promptly attend. ed to, and great care taken in the at-lection and packing tlie same. Warerm.nis, .No. 72 Arclt-etreet, Dclow r.ignm, south side, rittUdelphia. July VJ I J ut y. i ii.i.iit. imi ihdi:i.i' in a lniorl r of I'.nt V GOODS rrilYS, BEADS, and COt 1.(1 HOt KS AK. JL 'l lCLEs, Cbma Dolls, Rich Vases, Toilet Il. ttle.. Inks with Futures. Jewel and l ard Kc. ceivers, Etjgere Articles, Ac. Latest styles of gooos constiuilly received and sold at the very low. est caelt prices. VV. 1 ILLKR, No. lli jvuth Fourth Strett. Fhiladelphia. AEW II AilBLE YAISD. The Market.. CORRECTED BY OATE9 & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE, HECEMER 19, 18J9. IUCON, Ham Sides " Hog round. ' Bhoulders, Bagging, (iunny, ... Ueef, lb '..'..'.lb'.'.'.'.'.." lb ve 'lb lb lb ....bushel, ., !- Kl 13 U ...111 (g 13 1 It 00 It) ta 00 IS (a) 16 5 (m 8 15 Ui, 18 ii (ai 88 00 fi4 00 55 f 60 ..I (a) 150 8 (n 9f ....-124 H 1 ao m oo 28 f 33 45 or) 50 ....25 fa) 00 85 (a 87 J 10 () 15 12J ( 15 25 (5) 30 15 (a) IS 5j fa 5 2J f,4 V 30 (,., 35 13 fa It 5 fa 6 ....$16 fa 00 ,...:I00 fa 325 fill fa 00 31 fa 40 , 85 fa 90 9 (w, CJ ... 5 fa 00 ... 5 fa 6 40 (.c, 50 ' 71 70 fa 75 5'J fa 75 35 (i 40 4 4 14 fa 16 9 6 II 8 '-a 9 ....19 fa f'O -5 fa 00 IJ fa 1115 (1 fa 105 .....45 fa 55 ....55 Pi) 60 ....27 fa 28 ....22 fa 23 ... 1U0 fa 00 to; Butter, . Ileeswax r 1 lleans,... Brandy, Apple, . " I'each,... Cotl'ee, Rio ' Java,.... Candles, Adauia Sperm. Tallow, lb lb lb lb lb ..bushel,.,. ....each.... ...yard.... ....yard.... ...dozen .. bbl ....bags.... lb lb lb .bbl. No 1. ...Kills.... K"l (."I t orn, new Chickens Cloth.Copprrna, I " Lindsay, .. ! Eggs, ot f iour Feathers,. Lard, Mutton,... M ;-e.ktrel, Molasses, N.O . W.I... Mea , bushel... Mullets ( Wilmington) ...bbl... .Naila, .Nortbern lb Southern lb Oata buahel.. Pork lb I'ess, bushel.. ''otatoea, Irish, bushel.. " Sweet, bushel.., Hice bushel... Sugar, i-naf, lb " Hrown lb. ... htone-Ware, gal S-lt, ... sack Te lb Wheat, while, bushel... red bushtl... Whiskey, Norther gal N. Carolina,' Wuol,(bet(Jeorgia) washed unwaaueo.. ! Vrn bale REMARKS. COTTON. Rule, nf cotton has not been so large owing to the decline hi onees. Sellers were free, ly met by buyers. Sji.-a uf the vreek about 225 baiea. COKN. The market was well supplied and all offered waa freely taken at 85 cents. KLOL It. Tricee easier at small sales. WHEAT In good ue nand at full prices for milling. COI.CMItlA MAKKET. Columbu, licceuirber 17, I8.")9. COTTON For the piat week, the mirket ha oeen quite siili. Willi an ai.vmcing tendency in priecs, winch waa kept uu to the elo-e. The sulca j amounted to2,i73 IJA( ON h (OkV ' : pl-aL' bi.lus xlremes 8j ( IU40 1Ui ground, ill ty I 10 fa .... 75 fa " fa ..."Pi (a; 12 M5 eu 325 PEAS,. OATS, ... t'LULK, . CHARLESTON MAKKET. HA R LKSTOM, Uec. IC, 1S59. COTTON. The transactions t...oav readied ,u" "'uuu ua";,i al 10 fa " nw- New Yosk, December IS The cotton market a auvaneeu c, anu miouln.g uplands are quo J at I lie bales to day of V.,uuu bilea. "WS'Ol'LD mot respect, nl'y annouLee to the V w Citizens of Charlotte snd surrounding country, that he atill contiunes the above bust, ness in Charlotte-. Wer he la prepared to fjr jmsh DOORS, HLINDS AND SASi, to the pub. lie on the moat redaonable terms, and on the short est notice. aving . great manv small c!'.ims"for work done, scattered all over the country, ha la deter mined to chinec his method of doing business j sd hereafter will require .SBsjS mUm, a iii. Machine Sn..p, before re' 39 Gin fr ,1 work done omval. Dec. T. I85S. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. The next ordinary dmwine of ihe Rojal Ha .a nn Fsittery conducted b v the Spjinish "overnment under the supervision of the Captain General o Cuba, w ill take place at Havana on THURSDAY, January 5, 1S60. 360,000. SORTEO NIMF.UO 6J9 ORDINARIO, v. vi va i. risizi: ioo,ooo; 1 prixeof 100.000 I 50 1,000 1 .", OOO j fill ftOO 1 3.000 I 133 " 400 1 " 40.000 2d Apr 'aim's aS.SjOO 1 " 10, OOO I 4 Approiimatinns lo the 1 100,000 1600 escli j 4 of tlinl to .5'I,IUHI: 4 of t400 to 30,U0l : 4 ut fliiO to J0.ui)U ; 4 of 41)0 ta I1U.UUU. Whoiu Tickets f'.'O; Halves 10; Quarters j Trite s cashed at sight st 5 per cent, discount Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. A nrawing w ill be forwarded ss soon as the suit becumea known. Communications addressed to DON ROPR I (.H'F.Z. (care of 1'ity Host, Charleston, A. 0.) un. til the 5Ui of January, will be attended ut. Feraons ordering Ticket, will please write then namea plain and give their poal otfice, county anj stile. Wm. A Owens, A T T O 11 SE Y A T L A tu u:i.orri:, y. c. mWT'ILI. practice in tlie Courts of Meckleobui fl and tiis aurrounding countiea. irOffiee n-aily the r-at DfT.e.. Jun. 26, le:. u J J