LIFE-PREACHINO. A plain spoken old gentleman ilid the other day ' I don't think 10 badly of jour Society as I used to do; and I'll tell you how that has happened. There are a good many people of your way of thinking in our neighbourhood ; and they are the right sort of folks too. So I'm giving up !iiy old pre judices.' Now this old gentleman's way of judging, is tbo com moo mode. People io general, cart very little for abstract principles ; but when the see the cood fruits of a pood $gricitIfuraL SPUING OR FALL. There is much diversity of opinion as te whether Spring or Fall ia the better season for transplanting fruit trees. The readers of tlio Telegraph are well acquainted with our views on the subject. Rut we desire to add the Ticws of others, especially those who have bad long experience in the busi. neas. One of theso arrears to be Mr. D- iaitn tney are impresseu wim me i.iea ihm of Vis.!bwonph, Maine, who com- there is something in religion, and iu that ,;,. wilh lh, jI&ine VtrwcTi ,nd we form of it bih produces a holy, useful, I h t rcntrking tbl(t happy life. We d not say that this is a , .. my Qu .. e gubjcct reasonable way of looking at the subject, J Ag the ;niuirj U frequently u,ade, ' which' but it i. a very natural, and almost uuiver- i( .,i(J bet iMMn ,0 triDsf,i,nt fruit ,ree,(j sal, popular method. If you doubt it, recall Ui1 ,nwtr tliat ,ocording to my ciperi to mind some per.oua of ordinary talents, a a . but saintly life, and note the influence fcr h- Spriri!r. althcigb, upon dry soils, that life for year, .fur it ha. ended. Or, ; u w p ( h UJ. remarks some unosteota.iou. but energct.o . j q J p, jo aud benevolent Christ!,,, woman, ho dis- j frfjnew,y bctfer thnB ,heQ re. regarding the calls of the fashionable world mof (, .b ,,) s M or the pore sclfiSh pursuits that might oecu- . . , eonJilioll in ... p., lhln j ' arbors with slatted roofs, that those grapes which grow overhead, banging bolow the leaves through the slats of an arbor would prove most profitable, not enly from the quantity being greater, but that the quality ia always superior and less liable to disease." We confess to be greatly surprised at a statement like this, and respectfully request the Professor to inform us the csuce of his conviction. Our experience iu cultivating grapes in this way, for the last twelve years, , notwithstanding every attention has been; V,... ;.. nt1 I Via rxiril of the I'rO- jaT1 feasor's, and we think we can safely add, J that iu nineteen cases out of twenty if not ninety nino in every hundred it is the experience or oirers in i cnnsyivaum,. ; CJuautity can be obtained without difficulty, I but tho quality is so extremely inferior a. to be generally only fit for tie pig sty. S. T. WRISTON KEEPS constantly on hand, wholcsule and re tail, a full and complete assortment of 1J,AIN AND JAIANM:D I1 I V W A T) V lliV H iUlX, which will be sold LOW. (OI.'NTER SCALES, Enameled Rniic and y Slew Pan., Glue Puis, Wattle lions, A.C., fur sule by S. T. WRISTON. flOlI.ET f'ETS. a superior article, for sale " 8. T. WRISTON'S. AFM, Peed, Spir and Dressing BOXES for 8. T. WRISTON. rittrr.s v vi: uyrAHLi:.s. A Great Battle to be Fought! TO PRESERVE APPLES. Pare and core, and cut them in halves and quarters ; take as uiauy pounds of the A FTONE i Co.'a Screw Top CI.AS JARS best brown Sugar, put a teacup of Water to , , fr rre.irving Fnnls, Vrci tahks, etc., the each round: when It is dissol ted. set U g... beat arliu uuw ip u.e, for sale by py bcr time, spend ber life in the ooustsnt discharge of duties to her family, to the poor, the sick, and the ignorant. She ex erts an influence more powerful than U possessed by many of twice ber mental en dowment. The most irresistable of all calls to holiness is the example of a holy l.fe. All cmnot preach from the pulpit j but there is a kind of preaching that is permit ted to all men, and of limes this kiud is the roost effectual. Offices of kindness to the bodies and souls of thoe around us; words early Spring, ard by the actiou of frosts be comes more cloicly attached to tho roots, to that the change is less percrpti'ulo than when planted in the Spring, especially should the weather prove dry. When done in the Fall it is preferable soon after the lcavea fall. For more than twenty years past I hate transplanted trees in the Fall, and do not recollect of luring aud but once, and j theu in consrqii-nce of the ground biin I frozen at the time. I A few years since I planted a row of ap- I p'e trees, nnd the following Spring another by tht-ir side. Ruth lived equally ver the fire, and when it is boiling hot, put in the fruit, and let it boil gently until it is clear, and the syrup thick ; take the fruit wilh a tkiuiuier on to fiat dishes, spread it n cool, then put it in pots or jars, and pour the jelly Lemons, boiled tender in water, and sliced thin, may be boiltd with the apples. INDIAN MEAL PL'FFS. Into oii quart of boiling ruilk, stir eight tallespnontful of meal, and four spoonsful of sugar; loil five ininuteM, stirring coo Mantly; when cool, add aix well beaten eggs; bake in buttered cups half an hour. Try them iih a little maple molassess, sod see if they are not good. .1.. --..I, r :......, ui rui-uuijj,. iiiuu. i "' I i. . It.., I. :.., 1 ..,,...1!. ...II i.m jr. - nnids and mkdicim:s. ligion, in our faiuilie and our closets, as the greatest growth. 1 tlic .Spring decidedly preferable for pi ars, plume cr cherries, and the niott of ahruhbery, unless protected by evergreens or some thing simi-; lar ; but it is a good method to take them .n.l T..,,n, ll, ,.f .,1 ... inrr .n.l 1 ine proof to the world around us, that we V r 6 ' . r, , , ,, . . ! heel theui in In be ready to plant aa soon have been with Jesus. All CLnntiaos are . . . , , , , , , aa the frost is out 10 the rprinj, toe boles , ., . . , ,. j bating been dug io the r ail, aud the earth ( aou woe 10 mem u iuey u. g.eet me can. l. ;..,! y, ,h. .MlnB t .1,. fr.v... 17 well as in the sanctury ; in a word, earnc-t, active, self denying love to our fellow beings, spring from our love to God, this will form a most impressive si rmon, a most convinc- 8. T. WRISTOX. COOKING S'lOVI'S. f B1IIE subscrihers inform the citizens of Char 1 lotto and vicinity, that they have on hand snd ant constantly receiving, a superb assortment of Elegant FUI.MTURE, auperior to anv thing that has ever been offered in this section. Thrir slock conaists in part of the following arliclesi Rufiia, 'I'l l" Ti lra anil Divans, Cane Bol'mii llocking ( hnim, Muhogmiy and Cam Siut Psrlor ( hmrs anil It u nil Hollimi Chnirs, Muhogsny nml ( sue Hutioni Idii king I hairs, WdrilrolM-s nnd Huri-aus, Marlile nnd Wood Ton t inlre T.-olrs, Murhle h .Stands and Hmks, Curd and W.,rk Tt.len, Mahogany and Walnut I'sli-nniin Th. Muhogsny, Erenrh and Eliauhelh Hnialraos, What Nola and I'urlor IVuka, Lnnkmr UUssrs from ti to t70 a Pair, Pelf. Rock ieg CrmMi s and l(i lining f hnira. Tucker's I'alrnt Spring lliiltimi III ilatrad, Canopiea with Lace Netting, and Miquelu liars, Cuttuge Flimitiur by the set. Ir n and Wood Hut Rarka, Gilt Moulding f all sisi s lor making Glata and picture Frames. ALSO Evry lin l i-f malerisU for slc prnrn!lv u-rd I.) t-ai.mrl Miiln , aurh aa Cinr. I. eka Km. bs. ' Would Vtalnul. Muhoi.nv. Ac , A r. l ir ,affl- ''& f4i -VJ?':v.;jA I S.B. RANSOM. O.ES. WAIT FOR THE WAISGOI. II Y is it m. uTk m JTk ra".Xk. ""Ha' B KB because he liuycs bin A'70 VhS from the Munlilonurtra. i.jUJI.Ti1L0 spictful'y 0b ;, ''.'. i'c V srsJI m " A t ill. ASJ.OKTMF.NTof COOKlSfl and , rlhfi ti'lOVr M, will b eonataolly on hand, ml a..U as low aa Ihrv can b aduro. d in this S. T. WRISTON. i.lkel, by Ckatlullr.Jun M. Ii9. And laat, thoiith lo t least, we keep slwsya ' hand a supply of Fbk'if aMetiillic Hurial I'ascs. J. M. SANDERS k CO. Clwrlotu, May 3i, leS'J. 1 1 if WASHINGTON HOTEL i.unie to tie inl I itm I. 1 1 ( II I I ( 'IT f , 1 1 I, Granite Ili.Tf, 1 1 re he bis lis mi till ill I Hi .(1 1 1 North, on of tb um-i rxu-nsivr aaanrlmi nla of ver oflrrec in NVrih-Csro lira .among which ill be found the celebrated s .m' m.a.r '': n n .n net. a-n - m - sv m Mil CHAUlaOlTE HOTEL, a. JJC s ( IIAIIM'I II-, Is. f llHK I'ropristi r ol tins Koti ! i JL slill al his :o.l I acly lo I ill. E.Nye Hutchison & Co., i it w iv, i ll.lltl.OTI I; .1". '., Wholesale and;l Pealers in MHI I AMI lllllllMlr I)nigs,Midici!ics!('lii'iiiir.ils, Rr. n-enving fresh tunc h lua made antral trillions to lua former nd grnuina f houw, and it lua lo f eHy anlsrgrd snd im. (( llASUf (r FK0I-HIETIIH8.) IJIIOAI) SI ItKI T M M iim, . f., JOHN V. JJii.ES, Frtpfiolor. I'niitraignrd r llully ar.nnuneta to M the;n e plililir, thai I. a lua taken rh.ugK ol Una olu ami popular ialalili.l.iiiri.1, an., ia now iirf-nariil to arroiMnionatr lravt'li.ra and pri vate N mi lira villi boaru by Ibe uay or monlli, on He H the im at acroninioilating Is rMI. I Ilia TAIil K iil always be fuiDishid with the I tx-sl prni laiona that home and fore gn markets can j alTor.1. I 'I n iialiisiiilsiSI ( I I -1 has large i which hsa (.'ainei. audi a famous reputation in the Southern Country for tbf Inn ( Tins Stove br warn bU superior to any t m kinp Stole m v. in ia am U i consumes li aa i ur I, and dors more murk in a give n tin e. ti n i any other Si. t ir put up one boamr any othe r of the ann.e aile in Ibe I niter Si i. li . nur j) ; work in aipiven lime, he will forfeit the price of the Stove, and quit ai llirr ail the better one. )gl-t,. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF PARLOR & BOX STOVES a, am. n .i "; keep on hand, a" ritenaiva and varied stock of TIX AX1) SIIKLT IHOX, tti:.iss tit: i im. i s, .1st ina.y 1:1 .sv;. us HAT HACKS, CIiADIJX &c, c,. !!' I I III! I, ;i narr th uep4, Hie court. Iiouae, aud III ths dudes of iin boat " to I Ik the tiu'iiieaa a tree la than any other in the city. travelling pubis and others who I An Omaiout will always Imj at Ine depot and av call on Inni, and lis ll luinacli that as , lanuing, on the arrival ol the eara and airamooat, infi.rlable quart. rs can bs found Willi him aa , to convey paasrngera lo ins Hotel free of c Large. wlirrc iii inia virnutv. fit inif ailu.i'd r.ear- i.'v st"ipii'C st Ibis llulrl. paaaenri ra will have 1 I r in ilic centre oft harlot f , liuaim as Men will , ami le tune to obtain meals. I il... II. ,1.1 a mo.t emis nirnl and ui airable I ll.vina alao a larve and C'mmodioua Slah'e. location. He haa brn crfigrd in (lie buainrsa and an li.llrr, he ia fully pu pared Iu neaiowed upon us, una tliey n.aurnl, tlmt 1 shall em al Una aland nriili riiliwa yeaia, and in that board born s by the day, week or monlli at li s together w ith a cii termination lo pleair. to try anu merit a cont i, at riasoliabia ralro. J--J t sai ,, r, j T . it JOHN, r . JONKS. .Varr I. IfiD. illf 1 ol Uliisliutl b-aoltl. l liol. a:i!.-:i it.t Itifml i ver !' li olli-r (I in I lii Vii'inili, I would return niy thanks to my friends snd custonura for the verv librn. ' i pro'rd, pre nlir( iii fro. S Iwo story YKkAMJA THE REPOSE OP THK SARlJATH. , , ,,r' 1 . , , ' .r-,-A. r v V lm l'V Q ' aha.'.d by treea mi Ihea. i walk, a plea. , , . . h.u the laud is IOC Wit for KI1 tran-plan- t-.-i: from the New rk Msr L-'njJ ... r.iaU. al all h.a of lbs d.v Poo .I'l o It is not merelv a subject to the sore .j G, ? j $ a-.. ..-. h... Wen ,.uf jt " t",, llTU fubed throV ll US 0 I K Si 1 als and bereavements of iit'e that lbs boue I v-J i c"-'rd "(" ul ' x"l j oulf ,nJ , ,.,,. p,ri , Ia rc.iurr con-f.-ris ara fBIIIF. sub. nhers re.rtful,y inform the pub. , o i t .. r X .. 1aA ! I '"' "V It I ahu...l.,il and tangible JieiHy m ibe IH.MNj li l lie, thai II.. y arc prrpand to er.ct l.aa Of God has attraction for UleO. but also as AXIoMS afJIMri'LTUni' L i""".. 7 !" I'Ul J M. .her. iU. man" ,. "rcar-ed 1 Work, tor,r,gYi.,e.! 'l.'.n.. V.ll.g... to.. subject to the ordioarj ere. and perpteii- AXIOMS IN A'jltlLl. L 1 L Ki.. I -- e.ll in. .itmiio. tn. lege, sn.i large Hotels. 1 bey have er.cied work. 1 , , , T. . ii .. '"t- All permsnent improvement of lands 1 u"''c our ,oc " I ( unnirire' wilh iha lb lei arc Stb!es arTording i in CharlMIe anfl f.' jIi irh. .N. ('., huh ha ve given , ties of week dav pursuits. Tbeso would as V m w.-j. ' ' .,, imi I, ab.nd.n.: :r idrni.hed ..t .,. ..t..r.n... to the ..... of ih. pfaera. I must loua ao iirua aa iu ua.ia. i . . ... ... , , i . I urr W'lita .ead. Snow n li'te Z.iic.l hrnin Yrl. grim snd pr.vende ,aiieiiuu or lanoiui ana o. At in quaiineauona, pmn.i in. aim atnuv lo iiu. l.m.'is naiurany uesiuuio ui ian - ,. (),,,.,, .,,,n l.ria n. Hum! to.lxr. burin lnwllera. peilurm ill eoniraeta i ni r. d into, Ihrvrrkr to similate a soul, and eooHne iu notions to a bopeless worl Jiincss, like lambs iu fetters, but for tbe recurring libirtj of the Subbath nnbendin; the mind and restoring elaaticitv to the faculties, assurio conscience, and renewing tbe great inq'iirj, " What is a man proEted, if by the aucccesses of the week be gaiu tbe wbole world aud lose bis own soul?'' Fiuding no rest from passing engagements, no peace from incessant cares frotu Morj'lav moroing till the care worn aud wearv spirit lotitf for e .i o ll .l .l i t creases tbe productive powers of every the rr-pose cf the Sabbath the closing of, r counting bouse, offioc, shop and Losoin, a riin-t the demands of bu.inesa and tne cor roding care . tbe traveler in the sultrv. dr.iue.l, b.for. jou attempt to till them. fin. .maii irra n errpa suou a be oarvrs- .,.. U ',,1. I..J ... s.'l,.i '.'nd. Lauds naturallj destitute of calea- Wi ( ),.,, ,ria t rious matter, mu.t be artificially supUtd. J''w "" r "'y ' 3rd. No lar.ds can be preserved in a high Ues, w h an g. state of fertility, unless clover aod the grass- j a are cultivated in the course of rotation ' lib. Icrp ploughing greatly improves j ' B ' tbe productive powers cf ettry variety of Brown and !;.-k soil, not saturated with water. J a I .'jth Suh soil r.lowinir ia en.inent!v condu- l.maecd, T- nner'i .1 hrome Vel. liurnt I 'iiitx r. 1. Iliai-k Litharge, n Kid, Ianip lliack, Ir..p g, Furmlure.t . pal, Ficturc, la. nd pr.-vende -atteoded by lailWul and o. 'A. to quahfieal.ona, btirinr hitlera. neiformail eonira I lie i'roprialof i conCdrnl that with bia '.,rg the follow mg rroll. nil. : raperirncr. snd anfV new iv.atagea ae.led to bia J ,,. . ( aIa..ii. I r. a.Chai tea.rr, lo plraae. Is ia prrparvd to ofl. r bis . J. l l .tin. I'rea. t I., and ti e - reat ol snnkin.!." .a m.ov e...olorl. and ir. T Ib g.Trta I:, I aa modi ro.,d .Jer as wrl le found anywhere, , t; y..ui.g. Waiei ml mfiWll "WKL MILS l mm u-u a dies iiiid (iciitlrnicii sue piirtiruluily iniud lo rail ;:i.i ia:i: iiic All ZIHi.S i'2 JO?, Trv'OSSK lilWlto 20 V: HI. I X- II I williell vnu whv I head 11. v ad v. r tin in n I i n rca in. U ...o we have three w aggona r..iil., i, tlj travelin g i h n ugl. the eoui try w it) Si. it a. W .III orth r trill br faithfully Hint jm.mj.lli ttlln t'ut to & A.Lli. 31. U f urolr, Jtnr IB, IS;. ; bri. I .jsaeaj r. . True. Lard. Machinery. I u- aturday night, increau pruuucuuu. ; t .t..r. hwerl, Olive, i Hurning Ho.d, uin. l'eep plowing is esienuai to, anu in- i-. - . " ...n.. . .u V r ah I ongreaa Wntar. t iinle M rnea.a, Ice So. ' .:s aUr. I anion leaa, llakrr'a t l..ulale, Jor. ! "tb. Ail wet lands shouH be thoroughly ' ji,ro, H,gara'. Ac, Ac. riety of soil. perl.. i a a hide r re ao ir Al any r r tv H ' Or' 19. 1 5 tli rh.tle II. .lei 1. R KKKR 3 Jt f desert looks for the shadow of a great rock ; or the pursued bare for khe water brook. How sweet hebdomadal rest ? How delight ful to look upon countenances beaming with Cbristain sympathy, appearing before tbe Lord ! M !-.. r ia the hallowed morn In me When the hells awake the diy. And by their aacred nnn.lrelay. Call ine from earthly cares away IJ:'t whi n th w.jrl.l, will iron hand. If i. bound ine in it. ait d.tya chain, Tina bnrat them like the strong man's hand. And lei ray spirit iooaa again." lfoute l Cut I. ted at K a-l one week before the grain is j rine. I ! lnb Clover and all grasses intended fori hay should be mowed abil in biootu. j i UHh. lo nndeitake tr, manure, improve 'or cultivate lands not thorougUy drained,! , is throwing away lime, labor and money. j.M llth Sliallow ploaiog iuipoveriabcs the "Jf I soil and const rpitbtly decreases its produc . n.- !:;; l -'tli. A periodical sr plication of ashes Hotel fur Sale, AT MONKOK. in II CAIIOI I.NA. f SIK auharriSer being deairnu. 1 has be. n ibe"ol Una Ill.txHl IH)I,,-mh-ri'-J, "' ' ' " h' bo-ii -a., ol J from tbe uae of h. I If. Ilronaon was r.alorrd f f'lli.r, hrs It aai, in, "I.Mtl.V lilt. 1 lo per f. el health Villon an moniba aft. r its in. aWiikS4 TU,." I i.idrti..n. over lh..n..nd eon.umpliv a we,. Ir tt nn. i. bavirc. n o Tar reduced by con. ; o.l.lo.i.. Ui be e.-'l. red be foil. I all hoiw of ' rerovar j by Ibe no.. I n.rnl of lh medical pro- I , fefaion.aiid al.o by fciaelf a regular phtsician j .of twenty prac.' aa a .. re.,,,1. con. I . ..' i- a I I 1 7 1 I ! 1 II L' II jh ill an. applying lb. sufc' t of hv.oh g y lo lb. more in, men, .le eopnei U. d . Heel of ll.e alale of lh. Mood lb. r1"! and ayalem. The rreu.'l .a, W orka.fhar.X.r. AS t .lt K. " ; Aaa. Kalcigh, " , Miaa j A. li. fjlorv. I'r.a. I.aa VSmka, l.lllle Fal... N. V. f T lif -u'. t...s M ork .. v ateriow n. N. Y. . W. K. Schoei.rr A, t o . 221 I carl New York. Addrra. Ibe MjUer il-en al ilaleigb. N. I'. j WATKHIlUl'SrK i ltOWKS. Srfl 14. iP'.h. 37if GKIC AT WOiNDEH OK THE MUTLtMU IFTUY. PROFESSOR WOOD'S iiairiet(iralie, Says I'.e St l.ou.a, (M- ) lh jjQj-aNolicr. A I.I. ptrs. ns are lenl y caul i t g wilt. gun. ..r .lor-. .1 ( cirl hun in f. ' r nl.inr w III o ae ir.p'.aMi g uo.n nn il,- i t i: ra Will he rienll lack laooa, sa the law in forced againal everv one aai ofl A. KRKVAKD DAVIDSON .Wv in, is;,u. 9 3m , llY. ot .VI ml Y V THE COMPANY OF HEAVEN "'"'J inorganic sub.t.i.cea. It is pleasant amid the jar. and discords' "h- Clo.t-r is greatly benefited I, the ... , i i -,i application of plaster, one lu-licl of which f this lower world to meet anJ miugie Willi tr ... ., . i , in . .i to the acre, wi.l increase its product from the great aud good and noble spin's thai ' are to be found among us, and to refresh St Louis. (M-. ) lh mo. r.t : It, low, w (.ub.iali a I. It. r to lir. .a.,., el Ihia cit j , ll. n. a gi nlh-m. 1. 1 ii M . ine, w t i. h .fe r. k s e ti.w n.g I y i.i the eu-.-.ior m nla . lua hair tor.ic. Su. hrtio.nee u u.t have Ha, lo ii toiini g If ni a r. liable aouree. l! c.rl.ficalia are guarant. ra ol triilh, U llr. meua no totomiuma, l or uai lea. pull, ry Iroio lli preaa . nut. d m the Town of e fleet ua II v eure.f it. It you hive an v com plain I. P .tm. l i, J . n. BO. I "SC. .N i ., c.nv. nieol to the buaineaa portion I ot' a em,. iiiupln n.lenc v.f.egV .',. IhmJittt, 1'iafriiot O. J. H ood if f . : within anout one hundred ', '..ieliea it11'''. 1 App-ltl'. r yafia (.fMiliir. : il .,. u.y on called a f. w ' !'ck of the W. I". Av R. Kailroail. ll I. ' la Me .Vide, loaV ' pr.rf-unng a hollle ol the Ibonlli. sioic to lb.- highly b. n. fieml t fl. eta ol i nrvt. I'inlaiiia ai veiil.en rooma. well lur I ' HI IX ill ft if " If you aie anlTering from y-ur hair r. alora live, I wna lliuueed to ap. I, ('ii Ku-nitur. lacing offered for sale w In ! Aorom )e.. nr your il- n tialra nj an pli ation ol il up. n my own hair, whirh hail h. uae) j (ire-pi re lo ev. ry r.a.iu, alx., c.nve. i,J. if yoaTf-i"" ''pre.aed or your Or. come quile gray, probably one third w h i. ; my out hou.ea, .stab.e., Ac. Ala.,, On. Hun ' r KrUff " nnd iu th.a an unlailmg wln.ker. wtreul aame ihar.citr S.n e ll.c ia eat.riii.llv n ,,, i . , f,. or. .1 A. re. ol i.anii oini,B. .remedy, hy ,,.oe,ie,ng wnn lew mtoy,. ii your inoiiiiia aince i proeureo a oolite c yourn.irr j . j ,. - ... f diaoualifie. him par longer public life, .irer ia tn f diaeart in any injo tier w lialev. H-ralile, anu uaed it. I ata.n loutld It III prnv tllltV of aoil Ihev surtlv It nub ail th be id ll.erelor. a. II lu. rivin anv re.eonahlc I r. .a. ar It1 "" will be aure In invigorate, and log what I I. u wi-lnd. I u.ol it about t ro runner niloroi-lion ai.oiv i brin it ii"' .fp w Tf ' -rr- . -si '.er V'' 'ic, t't X '.s I I I le in. I ii . i l, ihey are reieiviiij. I'lnet h. sduitioli. to their atock of co.n:( i Ki.vr.i.Mi s, I A filial .i;o: v Among then stock no, !..- t . i .- . i . - ally lake '1 riu. i in tl.i JAMES IJICKET. iij vely and healll lul anion In the w..k. I have since procured anolinr teotll moatinv.flr"""oi i -yaie.i, me paneni can which inave uaeo the wearv world-worn mind by associations with tbe pure and holy hearted after rhe 1 lib Prepare the land y-m plant it lrih. Wheat, rye, oats, or any other busv eare. and ttettv trials of this work d.v. r,in' hou1,1 n0,tr folloW e,ch 0tber s"b..ue'u. .be I oun'iy Age,,,, lo, tb.. .V world are over, to sit quietly, down by tbe ' ' ' I o, V Irirnd. Kev. Y. A. I here fiiiiijr '""S' snicieni ana giaieiui rei benefit latosv. aipenrnced aiur taking r rwtaia I riJili end Hear r trying other riuicdie. in aaured. that a certain cure will Jill' Otll ,llll lal', I'lll t'tCr. reaii'l'in "'e '" "f 'SCO m- Mtee taiire.. The III li ' r1 " 'I' la r ll.-eltial in a'l eae. ol ,p1xLsti rVAerim. Srrufulat and other like coin. u . J I'al s.'d emerwred rldresi tfnd mdulli tB-nehl if"" a .,,. aJ.i,lT.r. r. i ,. J "' su ink K, Ull KM iw. end fell, w ciiirena. A wni j..u but ll.e n. .1.1. M A I Ki r" NOIi l II r" tAIIUI ll' .o. .end lo the aul acr.hera. or I f I can in w certilv to IS. f A ""rid that Ibe gray or white hair has totally die. .'vane appeared, both on my bead and lace, and my hair h.s resumed tie tn'tural color, and I believe more a.. 'I and gloa.y than it haa torn before for twen ty five years. I m now sitly ) cart old ; m) gooo w.le at (he uge of (illy. two, !.. a uaed ll wild the aame rm ct. fireside, or smony- the two or three who, be an intervening boo crop. X. C. I lantrr. have met together, and conversed of that', ' , , . i i i . , - . 1 in bis mind's eye or ho will miss the road horn to which each dosing day is bringing' 3 as nearer, and toward which our nitcd."" '-"" u F"""" hearts anil hnnea are tending. baD' ry And if the communion of aaints on esrth is so sweet, if the society of tbe good and lovely is to be ds.ired, what ruuit it be to mingle io tin graod asserublse above? Heaven bis been gathering to itself through countless ages whatever is congenial to it.. d y mill .V:itfiiifi -rut Jl;i. II f.lll.ewlo.le Stale, with her Kiver. i, ..!., C.,,,,1, (upper. Lead, Iron and foal a, and all Ihc (Hire, Tow na an.l her e Mountaina anu r-frne ., and ber I .eld. and Mi noi H, 1 1 you wsm tin. I.ol I IN riilZE. i.oi the (mm. M.paev.n lit (by rive. It.rder v I Hie Slate 11,, u.e, lu.ane Aavliim, ( hauel 11,11.1 Male and t I rhfaptal ON SHORT AM) LONU MANCKE. Id a IreetiaA on A nrinullure h a Pr.n. ,. , ., e V . e ii i- Ai.r... is ll A.v i.,r every courtly Heal 1-aruicr, we Cod the follotstug ou this Rtir. Term, ilteml. Apely above. subject : " The discordance in practice, as well as nature and enriching itself with tho spoils in opinion, prevailing on this question, in- of earth. Whatever we look upon as holy , duci d some scientific men to institute a sa and excellent, elevated and worthy to be J ries of experiments, having fur its object a loved in the character of man, is found full and regular solution of it. Wilh this and I gee, & e., aV e., on ot lh '" ' al end teal Map. .v. r puiili.lud. "'"I I'K.VKt K A Uhs f, llillaboro', N. 0. f" July 1 18 C gathered and still gathering in that magni tude which no man can number in the city of tbe living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem. Once safe within those portals, how pure tin ir intercourse. Nothing but holiness, and l.appiuea and lovo bind together the family in heaven. It is in this companionship, we lrpe to spend our eternal years. What manner of persons ought we then to be iu all holy conversation and godliness. rilOSPEHITY AND ADVERSITY. As full earl load and lay eoru ; so does too much fortune bend snd break the mind. It deserves to be considered, too, as another disadvantage, that affliction moves pity, ami reconciles our very enemies; but proa perily provokes envy, and lo au our very fiiendn. Again, advrr-iiy is a desolate and abandoned state ; the gi nerality of the peo pie are like those anu.rils that live only upon plenty snd rapine; and ss rat aud mice forsake a tottering house, so do tbosr i t falling msa. Chwrm view, parcels of dung, long and short, were taken from the sume stables, ou tho same day, and applied to crops of tho asm kind, growing ou tbo tame fields. The results were pei fectly conformable to theory aud similar in all experiment. Those parts of tb Geld to which the short dung was ap plied, gave the best crop the hist year, but those upon which the long dung bad been laid, gave the best crops the aecuod and third years ; a fact which authorisea the con clusion, that if w wish lo obtain one great crop, the rotted dung is bent : but when we look to more permanent improvement, the long dung i to be preferred." Notice. rSMIIK firm ol llf .MiKKSO.N A Alllll JL dieeolvrd on ll.e lei ol January, by a11'1' consent. JAS I'. II h.j HiMt.N, will U'"' carry on the bna.m ai. on hie own aceoiif. All pcraoii. mile 1)1 nl will plea 1.0 come ..r e. tlic at once, aa the buaineaa mu.t bc' d up mioediaU- aiiuary '''HENDERSON A AIJ-"3. llAVINfJ ...M my entire ml. real " hrm ol IIK.Mir ItSD.N A AllhK.VH lo Ms r. I.KItMiN, I ahli eio.rl to reniiili',,'n l,"r yet a the .lore ami shall he ha1" sit nn my friende and cuati.mer., pi.rli.jl'T ,in tboae who would lore ..a. r lh. 1 1 1 lie e, du. me and lb. concern. K. wlIRKNS. January le)',3. I ere j'" 'dlalcly benefill. d by It. uae. It gtvea (,fili In the body, and color ami beauty lo the ak 'Ayateien. af uii ese.'s are uantg it with w rl'tll racea-aa. 'i full direcllona, eee eirculara. Trie. II per f f llr- I'd ein.18 '0.11 1,1 piwoj 4 if 1 1 3i ji . e a,i.u '.i.H) i3b. punoja pa.dvj w .lljajip ai e U a Of iaa M..u.i! .. Jt'C'l spiiaiuliioa 11 ii4..aj eiun. j lIill.U'Jlps Jiai,, ea.a:ia eoq w iesoli UJ a) tl .llia.l Jaap. Suo i)jna pi. ym ..u " as vil 'puis, ail .,0 auolaj.da..l j.o,o uatj i .tun oa a, ...3 ji s'naa-t ), guunaoid ui (Milt) OU 0vri tl noX puallllllojai ilaa.ijea Jo BlloianAtioq Jo .aaeo fe UI aipoiueed. ne niJj isiai . Juiaq pu. ! ioi,ap, 3a,jad liliol 110 p, -sj eq uea 11 .a.aa,p jo Suiij pu. ea lamu ai '.I J,,.1 'jsiiana aain paajj a,,, ui p0 y lf ,..i.nb..un a. l .aoq l ioli.n.1aJ Jo J uia'u XuiAi.)ai pi,. eiunJ 01,1 JoiuaiD. j.ij o.a I'aio ' ': l l(. 'AH't.l N "vSAH Man. !;iM .;4X riHI.1J.XV HXKI V IJKll.) TIV V.KJ CANDY CTOKY. fresh ronffetiunt rics, Fruits, A c, A c. 1 1 ' HKaiibacnher re.jiecitul'y inform, the eiti. n in 1,1 ( harlntle and aunouniniig rouiHry, that he haa on hand and ia eonaluiiti v rccfiv.nir Iron, New York, Ccnfecticncries, Fruits, i F..( V (.IKK 1'IHI StddAIIS TO II.K CO. S.M 1 I TOYS, Tl nsi,:i I liikliui. Kills,, r im: nKh, iioitisv iifi(si. Vliiia l , 1 1 l.i it VVIieisalia, 4 hairs, M sm I. -win ml.. A Itinl t jig. a of eveiy sanely. j J. I. I'ALMKH. Aorewirr 9. le.'i. 4'4i '' Also, he tntrmla to manuf..cto,e ( AM II S ol all kin.ia, fr.e Irom poiai nous coloring unlike the New Vork Sicmii K. i.neu ( anity. I all and aic. I K I I:, ! I artit Non mUr lfi, Ir.'.S. VV have .Ian ' .1 s 1 : 11.1 it. Kii.colini.n. where Mr. .,i, j .,. . li, e hiiaineaa. and hoja a to n t c .. : public ,11 thai ..1 i 1 . A..r. in. Irie. aSAU.S. A 1 ( hill 1 1 ;ii;ii I'mii'i t. w JAJIKS 31. I D.M.V, COMM1SSJOS MLIHCIIAS T, IO 1 ll A.i;iti lit. si iu 1 ,,. . t I 1 S and lorwarila .veri ki at II I. fnrniah IV., tt .l 1 . 1 lor I'nhlic liui'i.,, ... I i,. 1. and Villi... I'.i -1 1 1 i. i .. r 1., i v , bniliiing Klouring Al.ilr.l oro X -. A iu 3d etory 01 Al.a.n... r'a l,u: . it. over I nn,., II , Ii. Orlo.ei "li, it 1 i - i.i : 1 labtual Liifc iLsaraiiLt Oh h ii I. ii I I: 1 rfj'iii.s im .. 11 iih.ii. ii, i,v.- wli, i.,r 1 it , 1,1 i. 01. Ihc iMutu..l I ,11.1 pi. , u.e ..i.m liilputil g in II, t pr l,li ol 11,1 u it. gn.i.Wu lor Ibe m ,i i,iu lie pr. ii.iuii. liitr.ur 4. tt . oolt may he given lor out. ball 1: ,n mi 11 11., bcu 1 11, g ii.Uii.l . t t, 1 . '1 he 11, unlit r in vl u 1, lis 11 puiu t'j 11 1. coll. 1 al,l ,1. . t r do .11. I ru It a ol pit 11. u, 1 , pres. m in J le lor Wa f ci rml ( cn.eaaatoa. lieu ra lo , aut b ns are ni.pi aiu to iin-un. ( wsiu ami Murtloati, N. V . S la.otin, J. S . ' Mavia an iiiatirco for ultm (I. borne, ( . I'. .Mm.:. 11 ha 1 1, A. M. (.tirli.un, Ksqs. five )u,ll, tot Iwottiuti. ll 1 1 l. snd Hev.t.K. lHru.r, Hot, H . A. Graham, and Ail lo.ata ., reo,it, willimi'U 1.. others. Vtalrr ta l'ii,,.. Ml I.k , t,., Uitrii, lector proul ia prt m lilt o. narps, launura. .ou-ir, Mn, ,llai Ionia, Iron li h 111 'I t'f mpa. (.ruen Kngn,.., Ac. Apr.nt.d, (. I.arlea K. Jol.nau u. W. . I' amos and pru ta IK.lui 11. . 1) ( J. I. mi iitnoeriipii ot 11 ofci.i 1'he above notice I diem doe to you for your valuable diacovery. I am aaeured that who. ver will rightly u.e, a. par dir. rti.ine, will not have ocea.iuii lu coniraditrt my atul. menia. I em a c. fit-h of tin. cily and . rcauleut here ler Ibe laal fuleen yeare, anil am known lo nearly every one here and si joining lowna. Any u- vnu may make ol the aboii', Willi u.y iinior attached, 1. al your servM.,aa I w tah to prca. rve Ihc ln-.i uliea ol nu. lure in oth.r. aa sell a. mvaell. I am truly, oura. A' I . It AY M()N U Hai.TiHoaa, J ,0. UJ. IK.P, woods 11 a 1 1 iaiDKAri k. rroh ..or ii i-c' FVarhtr: Ihcmi.. , Sal.a, I'nuipa, (.roen K, foritine to ,,.e the la. I p.,rl,on ol my hair, from hl ol ull H e alifl'cr. nl 10. Ibe efl.cla ol the v cllo w It vt r. in Nc w (i leans in iral in. t'ulili.lier ol an Ma i.iuu. eu t.i itiuae a iron 01 vour ore. rilraer V iVMI us. IV. I . Isl.l a I. tl ll.e "fl man. it o I.- . e t i..iri. i... o.jinini sa rKiiin.n : oa. im.ui i.lii.v to Its.nH " I...... 1....1 ... 11 1, .. i., . . K .,.a no j ma iiivaiuauir rurai. y alu uld be ill virv iprraa my ohligaiiona lo you in giving ; bouae. It treat, of all uiataata, ha. a coiuoua eloaaarv and :ir. at nhe the r. .... ,10 . iron. '. .. . , MM r a JOHNSON. boum.ou. Hore r .11 our infirmities nnd mi.. 1 be undtr.igned, Lev. J. k. Hrugg.i.a mmtaler ! fi rtiiiic. ll i. pnnlrilon fine white paper, hand, in rtgnlar standing, and paalor ol the Orlhodoi ...mcly Imund lourib eniiit.n, anil pag.a, and ia I -. - " e....ini rneiiru yrer or one aoiiar 01 irrav iniiuencc ana univeraanv u. ..veil. l.'..- tih. 16, Vjuti I 1 ( i . needed. M y hair word, ea to the afflicted audi a Ire- 1,000 Mev31.lM.'8 Wanted ('(111 DM (if AN. HARK, foi which Ibe,' will be paid. jr. TAYLOR. Utf OU AI'KS. We see recommended, in tbe Working! Farmer, tbe cultivation of tho I.abella grape on arbor. Jut listen to what I'rof, Mapes, j Juiu HH, I8a9. the editcr, says :- " We are now eonvmeed, that were il not for the eipense of racing j P.XBCUTIONS fc" S- Court fbr saie. .Made Oil, eftgicOil. fRKfill M ITI.Y. (Received snd for ..le, by K. N Vat' ' HIW'lN A. CO. J ...... 1 1. 'uoinurilajd jaino tjjAX jao Ian. 3 i ., liaioaa '.aa.3 2I111-01 VV.M. LlVI'.R. oj ut . 111 jeijaj puv sjnj ui.iijaa .1 pua "(uej Iliookfield, Jan. la1. 111 nir.iijp until a. .unfui 101,11 aj puv a..iiiuaii i I Trnfraaor Wood Iear f,r : Having made a Iri. .i..j.h1 .1 i'h,)jiio4 -apuai ujau iii iM meMi al of your ll.ur Itratorativc, it ivta me plcaaur ,o a usin 'iioja-aj -jt ju unii.i.uip ai(1 sjeajoj ,0 aay, that il. efleci ha. bun ev. ellt nt in remov. am iiioji Xnp an,..., pauaip ., i ian, iuoji .ih,j tog inll.immiili..n, dandiufT and a conalant teiidcw. j..a a., : oia ia euisdi,r.Mi Ji,ii. ,111 j..i ap,, cy to itching with which I have been troubled j. jto ana qita t jo noeijvdtiioa ea -ajea .ijj trniii my childhood 1 aud ha. alo re.t.ired my Ml 1 as dn ind.i 1 j 4pJii.L "s;iiiiqisu.n an hair, which vva. Ucomiag gray, to it. original co. ap u pnn,,ui 'piiiij jm.Z jo Jniiaun. sin Siiisotu 1 lor. I have uard 110 oilier aitielew uli anyllnng j Aq .aAaijj j(ii.iiib..auo3 pue 'puis iu. o pj. ' like the .nine pleaaure or profit. Ho jo Duouad iii.u! X..jnua , i jfipuoa Voura, truly, J. K. IlliAl.tJ. nS ..,., joj M,j:,...jd o, ., ,,.,, .,, T,,e R, ..,.,,. ig (1U, op ln UlXiW, of 3 ,J"'"J."1" 'I-""" ",,,JI 'P9'l" M ' ! ' I . , ).,,,. med.un. and an .11 . lh II b.,..i. J tsj.d ud .in i i.j, 4 I , lnli ,nd retail, lor nne dollsr iter bottle: lh no pj,..i ojoi.i, ..ja,, In.e.i.un, hold, at P.i ,K, ,.,.(. ,.,. pioporiton limn the .mull, retail, for two dollar 'teitid jvjnilaj jo , sstl Vfienb jn ewjnil J.ll mililaou 4jaa jao A jouadna s)i lti. 1.1 tuiaap ta VI!lo.) an I KVAKl H.NO.LV.I 11(1 i! " j1uioaaj,d ui ' ' Sold by CIUIKCII A DUl'ONT, DrnPgists r. jh, Maiticn l.sne. rtiewr York, And .old bv .11 re.neclcb!. Ilrueeisla tlirob.houl lh country, jNo. I j ly SUBPENAS fbr sale at this OSew a e ; the leige ho d. a quart, forty per cent, more in proportion and retail, lor 3 a bottle. (. J WOOD A ( (I , 'ropr,elor.,44t Hro.nlw.y, New York, and IU Market St.. St. Koui., Mo, and .old by all good Iruggiat. and I-am y ( Deal era .nd in ( hurlolte by Si AlIK A I O. 1'ianos, IU'iO. S. M. HOW ELI Cash Paid !br Iiidt, KY S. M. IIOWKI..,3 door. South of h MilllSlt.H III. Uae. ( Wr. A pit I 6. 1H5 Stf WITNKS3 TICKETS, for th County snd 8prior (Joart, for sale here. 't.4- Saddle tt Harness Manufacturer, THREE POOBa BOOTH nr TH I MAMMON HOVBCi ( II IC 1 1 1 1; i.e. ITAI I kindsof. daddies. nd Ha me. .made at the horte.t nolire. II 1 HI PAIRING prnmplly ejeeuted. Jnn. I y. I p.SH, 371 f J20I2SSI0FA3iCA3I. IU. II. .71. 4 41 It fj. fll.I, h pleated tn receive I'mfc 1101. I fall I! in th Oenarlnieiil. of Mr Ml INK anu llitiKKY. I'nlr.a prolt aaiona ll v ahaenl, he mav be found at hi. ra.idencc, Fort Mill I'epol. York Di.iocl 8. . m.l. IMS. 1 if Ir. Chnrlca K. Johni.T. Pre W . W. Ilt.l.icn, V1.1 'r.a..-ii R. II. Uatllc.St. -ui. 1 1 . William. II. Join,, lr.anir.r II. W . Iluft.... Alton . 1. I r. Wm. II. M. It... M. . o, I zrcutir. ommitee IV I u'; Kec, ( hurl.'. H. li. ...I. MrJtcul lioatd of ( ursioJti' Johns. i. ,M. I)., V,,i, 1,1 11. ' Kich'd II. Haywood. M. I'.. Kor further inl'orii n, li c y red to the pan. l..i,,it may he ohlained 1, 1 the or any o, it. Agt nut a. Communications should I'f a " f paid) lu. K. II. 15ATTLK. M" H, ISA 7. .V I' t,t li FOB PR I. VI IM. of.!, aii-.'swiilbe"'' a.r , y a ve. it'ee a l r..,n. h.r .e. BLANK PKFPSfor sale at this