KKiJKKKS 0 V HI.ISS IN I! K AYES'. Every true cliilJ of l.od will reach hea ven, d d w,-il there forever; but tbc Scrip tuna cleaily leach that, although uono will ptireLa-e liiiv.-u works au will be re ward.-J actviiliiij! I t ii f i r wstk. "'Hie in in- we k.'i f cur-eivc i" lore with God,' f-.nl Ir. A. A'.ciaii.icT, " the more meet fhal. w bf for tli heavenly inheritance, where perfect love rciiis in every heart. Nt onlj no. but the richer reward will be p-ci.cd ; for, ootithtanJin3 tho imper- 1 f.rtion of our gert ics, Gael i pleased to tfae fourtreQ conftituents to le found lu the make our L"vl works her.! the measure of lsfctfS of tfae ,,.1,1,.,.,. f are furnished from the roward lie will bestow hereafter. All; foij ,Q csl,bage by the assistance of Li people are eiiually ju-tified, but all will .s orgBn;smf ,nj tBtir SFmila'.ion is de rot be equally glorfitd. ' In my Father . pen(jent Qpon ,h.e organism and murrouod bouae arc many maiasions, and tome are eircunisUBees . ,ue cabbage, however, doubtles- much uearer to the celestial throne ' as s nieciaBl,m) rcCeives all these con-tit-thin others. Some faints will occupy iu U0Dts -10 sclution ; not onl; what it rcq iir?, liciTen a hig'.er aud muu houorblo throne faut ctn Te prent ; solution, and thao otheri. All will be happy as they are j... lU gro,wh, ;t i. couiibuaily parting capable of being : but the capacity of those wUh ",hg uur,q,lirea constituent, of the w ho loved God most constantly aud fvrveot- 4;ltJ.f iur pt;m.,r;04i as ,XCreu.tntitious mat ly, be creator ,Uu that of those who . .q beC01UC!l p,vu!um U ,n loved him less." What a. encouragemeut e urUrM lt,;ui) 1UJ i. olfeied by tUU doctrine to the culuva..ou -. Tt rscepl;0B of an ardct piety, and to the performance caLba,,Cj aro futti .:,h in aa aJ. ot a t aDunaance oi gcnei wor... . mucn as ye Know jour ,uu, . valo in the L.il." This can be tru.y said I ol no otaer kina oi laLor. i utro ui treasure laid up for fjture U-ae so aifo as that which it laid up i; haeten ; aud do la ' on o certainly yield treasures as those ; . rforumd in the service of God. Dr. Hice. IKW TO BE LIKE ENOCH. Io you seek Enoch's introduction to the . liiing Gol Go to him, as Enoch wett. tLe 0f the jar; if this be poured t-vlu iug that he is acce-stble lleb ii. 1(jarcmL,i another callage that is growiug, it' --a-ud -k to g( t into the same just ud j.;., . if poartf.i ,bout a beet, carrot I re a ixtig knowledge of jim that Enoch got. of piUS!1:pi jt jrove pabulum to the! II. : ...-.. A t.s in., n, in n,i.' r rif rli s.ns. . j . ....... : . . I iiisiiuiiti; ..w.v , , , r ' growing crop, ana materia. ly mcrejse lls than bs was to Enoch. Uciieve. LV.liuve gr0wrt,b. that he is not afar off, but nL'h. Believe jt ;4 ljjU3 tjiat the 'xsicuientitiius mat thst he is not ho-tile, but propitious. Ba-' t3r 0f oue cr0p becomes pabulum to anith '.tv that he is all that Jeaoi sa,J that J tr anj therefore " a succession of crops ia he i all tu:.t Jesu was au-1 believing this, j ttiQ trae ret 0f the soil." This principle walk with Lim. AJx'.t L'.ia into your Ljrne, u,aj iQ carried still further, as in the raw li.il lie usv lies. .t. Alm'.t him into your ( n crops fir manure. Clover. Iinppv moments, that L. ma)' enhance 'hem ; 1 tuc,liBiit.i;! peaJ) aaJ other aealogoas cr tp-, t;-l it-to )oar to Je of atgui-b. that bis are 0fteQ ri;5L. ) f;r the purpose of b-.ic' pres. nre D:y traL- i.Y.z: a-J traa-forta p0Wca uukr. In sub sc. le i Uuls tit.-.-f:.-n. Let Li- recsiivcted preset, re be the Cr,spS throw don their rcts and n ceivel brigltn- s of every land-eape tho le.-t of ve ico-,1B;0 substances they require from I evtty pleasure the m-.r.-y of every ut. ie-r- ub---oil, and they not only deposit their J taking -the refj.'e from every dang-.-r the excrementitious matter in !-e surface-s oil r-'.re in every sorrow the a.-yium cf your in t-ue ..i but by their decay such l:i-l n J'fe, '.'j l lie coLslitit Sallath of p-,r.i;,Lj a3 QaTe be:n elevated from t'uel yoir soil. L-wltj all rsTcrcuce nob-soil to surface-soil are there tiepo.-ited l: rra;tiss, witli eo ial reliance on his aL j iu a proresed form. Tlus the pita-b,i p-ol:ies- 1. td to make the Eye that nev-.r ;rtD up vy the fe'.d-p ar p'krtieies of the! .i.berv the- ein.pai.ion of your nibt and -T.in ; and the Ear that cover wearies. n.ake it the c.uSiant of your weakue-, ' f. a. ; fjr kJia,i.:iwa at J capalL- of it.crea.4- l year ioliuL , cc-tacy, asd woe. Learo to . it, tt gr,ati, 0( fuie crops. TLe aaiue bar. not cce life for God, snd anothr for be said of siii-x, iime, soda aud all, tie "i'.i : t-it let your '...' bo d.viLely dc- ! ol;t;T eonstituents of plaat-lifa. i T)tl, at.d il'iflue'j iirkene-1 Ut every j While the d.-po-it ol i-xcrsasonritio-Ji tr.at- i f .t-V p U a walk w.th G -.! '. H-im- lcr u tjj6 suh.Swu given such f roximatt. ' ''Jt- . part cf wLk-h are a-'irogated f: the at-: 1 mo-ptire, sa by their eiecay in the sub sil M'..MlT.I i IN'ij iiN. j aJ Is to waier their re-ielett and iricre -a-e J Knowing thi-. that otr o'.J man is cruclS- pji,sr 4j a .v.y,; Ci . JTe iccrgsn . 1 w.lh hia. that the -ndy of sin tti.'bt be c mllur j ,.ifa to be elevated to the d.-:roy"d, that h-nc-forth we should cot Mewirj 6!i.us fjf fctaing future cr p. t.rvu in Kom. 6: ti. " Five perion-,"1, tt f, ,i i,,,,.r ,,,.., the Unci- after Mr. Brojkf. " were stadvin what were t e-t iua;ii 13 m r;ifv jin : ono t-ai'l to Isitli : s.-cjsJ to me-litate ti.i ti.irJ t mc'ltate on tbe 'e- of beavc-a; tbe four'.h ti- m---'li:a 03 ti.t :-jr:i.'.Lts of bell; tbe Sftb to tu'.-iitate I LatJ.tat'; ca tie Yr-A and uiT-.-riri2 of Je-ua C.r-t ; &u 1 rer:a::,'j tbo la.-t it tba c'o .ica lu-.tive of ail. If ever we would eu-t tf! oar d- st-arir.g tbobt', we n. a-t el..',; ar. 1 mii-e ilucU uper., atid arp'.j tb.a pre c'.oui bljoi 13 oar own aos'.s ; j sba.l aor r.w mi mourning fi-.-e atraj.'' LOss AND GAIN. I r. I'-.jae.n, ia lis djlcj Lours, tail be cou.il Lave aaved binne.l' Oiueh trouble iu lif... if Le bad o:.'v bcii' V-d tbat the Savior'" ert-sctjcc iu etioub to Cii Lim with j oy , if all word!j caiforU were taken away. II found it a j in Bitrlue-i-, t ut coul 1 Dot quite le'.itve in L.-altb. A poor, tltr.p'e toan, witL LOtie of J av'OL-- ituaiu .tion or fancy, onc faid in a eltuilar ff-irit. itb bis djirg words: ' I bave lo.t aa my property ; I bavt ia-t a'.i u.y relatives; u.y la-teou is dead. ; I bave l'l-.t oi y b'latiti.; ai.l in 7 ey.n.'M ; I am ai: i. ,ti. o. l atd p-.-or ; bat it uiakei no d.ff- rnc-.- fi'i- i n-.vi r ;-roj old ; Cbri-t vor j- poor ; t.'jrist ii'iver di., a tad Cbrist LLlt wi.l falea'a,)) Hie I EAR N'iT SLouM 1 Le -kc-d, t,-.t i- tb erar.il n.i-dy a.-a;tt nr. due J' ar of every po it '.e Lo find I aii-w.r it. OLe wori f'. tt.'L'aOi'.D tie with od. " He," eayt t.i.e oovl lr. '.. o, f; , ' wL-i would Le ttlo in f ii tailor t. jtb iu pr:y r " Ply tbe i.;-rty t ,. ll-. od A CLri-t. fry n.-.-Lll Eye I tbj i lr;l of 't'A '1 o wbicb I add, wait at tb r ! .'-(''.' Ill I i.'j etiilt.tr of aovil ; ?it.k ilitO ! i '.'ti.' i fart tte ui.cr'-ate-J Mve-ty If a If :. mi .', n. you wi': ar botbibg from ! w'.t' -'a! WLnt mala ti..- martyr fe-aile-f) i 'IL. ir aouie w.-r.- w,ib t'Lri-t J..--U- I.fU-d J up ti t i cat). of Lu love? upou t.n oi. at. i i y fti.ii.-d at ti tb; Lie wbicb u-iiti could HEW ia g! iry ; it i a e!mg Wt ijjbt of i ' i ir -irbt of fi ; .r a, ore tl nrirnTf nr:T KOTATAON OF CROPS. Tbe necessity for a rotatiou of crop may be tbus und. rslo.-id. We have in nature sii'y-four primary ?uVtr.r.ce, all of which go to nuke up the ashes of plaut-, or other wise are found within their orgaui-tun. Still, but fourteen of these siity-four pri mary iubtaDCoa can be found in any cue p,at) iQj Qot M q he ,amc r,ant Tbo3i .,Df,eij proximate condition, capable of furnishiu? palulum to other plants. This uuJ;r,l0(J, ?urpoi a cabbage pulled suddeuly from tbe soil, and the attached dirt be washed from it by a stream of water ; then plunge tbe stalk of the cabbabe into a glass jar, containing chemically pure water, and the excromcn- torv rroeess will sro on. The waier willi become milkr. then flocculent, then I (hij joccu;eut matter will be deposited in suh SCiii is prOcTrs-ed UL'l lirpO-lteJ IS the! urfae as a ralulum fi' the fufire crop-,! btit. f al -a'.'.e'J, ixij Le furf.ee, plowe-i U a greater U -pt ia w.ib proprietj; I jr iu deed tLe juia-soi'., le sucb ii pij.t aui Ij tU tfj4et 0f 0,Surt-, C5i.-e.'eLt open tiae atuio-pberc, ia ret-lerJ e.j'ii', iu .j u.i tv t tLe lurface soil ataJ tbas lie surfaoe p'. u luaj gra lua'.'.y be deepened, pre i.r.tiuJ a greater area far lbs travel of ti'.r, aol eiu-e (i'.'Lt'j au.'U.cut.il prCt t j it- ok'j- r Every firm ottsini anotber ben'aib it, wLi'-L thou, i be developed at,-! ret-Jc-' auxi.iarj to a plaat ijfowtb. lie tbat cul tivate ti,'.- surface to a d-ptb of i-q ibcbta abi ia CaL-J-Ilte- J tL-.-reW.tb, ItljOWJ f.Ot Of .j,, fcUsiit,.' wticb I'roiduce Lnfi.rL.st tl Lim. aud of wb'.e-n mau'aiu 1 sLoa'.J tta.;i. b.i in" larni'r. i.-.- p r;gr i jU ef t". a,v XX or.-. A Hi: AS 'JKME.NTS Or TREE 1 AKIoS IN UK It bit frfiietitiy occurred ti mi tLai i, -uU ml-ltii w-,u:a it ,ve.J lf ie 1(J(;J prt-euttd ta ti,... u..lJ- cf (.ttUAUt. fcca g-.tt-uit. It is in th.i way : If a fartjatr w.-Les to p'.aut au .retard, ai. l wi-bea tbe tre-.- to atatid any '.-rtain di-i-l fai.ee apait, ay tb.rty feet, tbe uiual prac-' li je ii l i pi at,t tLe tr.e-i iu itt tbirty f.-et apart, ar.'l tte tre-t eparatJ in tie row, by the satue i.ttv.r-, ati J f ri:.it r-iurt N .w, if tb: above di-uuce frsa tt-.e to tree i-. 'J..-...-el, ai tbo tieta art piwiat J ai a- ooe a'.-n: wi.l accoibtuodate faity la. Le tt. rty . et ap.it iu tbe raw-, aui a ':-. .tiota O'.er ' .it) ; o feet di-t'ataiiy ; but f lot rows aro w;t.ty-..x I tt apart, audi bo tret" piaMed ti,. ny f.-et aj rt iu tu':! ai;d tLe trees of ont row plab'.ed cp- the epaot of to- la it i.n, ti e- ae-r-i! jiiiiia od ate b.'iy-.-ix trtei tbiity f..f ia every Oire li jti '1 Le au.'. pi.i.eip'.e ! L - j' - ij ood far cab d o'.L" r piat.ts, ; iLl (it olbtr desir.d ili-laiaCe l) K EE I' AI'1'I.K- i aii cm f j y piel t J iu Lard j ke. p tl.r o'li.'L oor ' o L.fc tried, and w-d-ai-.t, tb' y v., wl:,!, r 'J Li . it fr .i::-.i;.ty It, pa-.lii., tart. Le I Jt I. l,...t I. .t.'l of li.e- uppie I'.u. n : ar..-!, f.r et';h r.tl.'-r Wt- Lave i,r.d j ' j . o ir, i,:,t o-'l. r, wl.i l tb'j- J a'.-kt J,j fe r !i.'j-e in li.e ' i.ar were- roti. fi. or . L. r- -1 av to be it". ! -o '-' .-' Jof.rn-j I10TRKPS VEflETARLK GARDENS. Tho Fooner the first hotbed is ready for. the cucumber aud ecg plant seed, tbe better Ho careful there ie no rank eteam in tbc frame ; if there is any danger, leave about half it'ch of air on or ut the back at night ; kocp the plants, if in pots, within six inch es of tho j;lass, aud spriukled or syringed in Hue rather, morning and evening, after sun tisit and btfore sun set. Tbe water, if pos sible, should be 5 degrees bilie: ttin the temperature of the frame. The temperature of tbe Cucumber frame should raDge from 70 to 'J degrees never lower if it can be a voided than 70. A few Tomatoes for early fruiting may be grown in pots in the coolest part of the frame, which will be the end of the frame and down at tbe front. Cold frames may be got in readiness for the sonim? of ?mall seeds, such as cabbage, earl v eelerv. beets, lettuce. Ac. Our friends will recollect liquid maoore is a powerful With sincere regret, we chronicle a eerioos Miruulant, judiciously employed. We trust ' accident, occurring to the np freight train( they will make good use of it. Cucumber on tbe Western Jc Atlantic Railroad, at Vi plant, or anything else growing in the frame i B;n Station, ton miles from this eity, be requiring a shift, will need the temperature two en scten ar l eiijht o'clock this morning. of the soil iu which they are to be placed, to be the same as that in which they are grow ing. To do this, put the mould iu the frame and Ut it remaiu twenty-four hours before uicg. Admit the air to the hotbed gradu ally gradually, aud take off tho same way. S. T, WRISTOX gT" nrXS madaiitly un hnd, w liolesule and re Mm. '-'I. " lull and comlrU' asxirtnuiit of I'l.Al.N A.l JAIA.MliI which wi'.l W iulJ WW. CtOl NTKR St'AI.F.S. Ensmelrd Siiure and y Mi-w 4ii, t.lue Put, Wutile liuin. Sic, fur tale by S. T. WRISTON. rjiOH.ET SETS, a luiwrior article, for ante A. at S. T. WRISTO.V3. l A.ir. Deed, Spiee and Ureaaing BOXES for V "-'e hj S. T. WRTSTON. A. SThNK A --. I i T-p v.I.ASS JARS Lies, i.c , the ; c bv . S. T. WRIsTON o(iKE.(i srcvi.s. 4 H I I. y- 'HTM K.NT of (OOKlMi and . iV ttn. i MOVKS. w II be c.insli. l y ..n hand, oiu ..a nt iney cn be urT...-eiJ in ll.ia S. T. WKISTON. Hi lei mr N AT M iNRuE, NuRTH CAROLINA. rc 'Hi; .ui.ri.iT ,, S. of ri.a..g,l.g 11 - - -v - a f -r-.-.v I r l.." I. d ng T..wn of heaa p..rlmn .n.ir.d y.r.le .iroad. Itia I.", wtil fur. .N I'., ci.i.v i.n nl to the bu .l I n a!,.,ut one I oik ot the V. f. -V K. K ii.- r uriiiloie o- ing olf. re. .; a lire.p, ,ee .,. very r..i I l. .u.-i .-I .l.i. , Ac. Ai I- li One lie II. -i-qei.i.f, i.,r longer f, ,-.'., e ,t i ... c. I, re aall low, giving any rea eon o.c I. i.h .,r p.) loml. I.t iu.-tl.er inform. i.oii epp:y 1, r.oer. or u.y fru-n.l, IU v. Y.. A. I .em. " JAMES IiK'KKT. Ia, ar4.l-.-al. I. . slaNotice. T irrn HI MKIiM)N A AMIENS w, -i v . ; , ti ! l-i .,t J i.u .rj, nv rnutu., jAr- V. HK.MiKI.Mi.N, w.il b.r.ait. II..- bi. !, ,n .'il a i.au a c ... ,i i.e.-, !.e t.a-ifu.a tiiiivt be i A,l c,!. .i..t HENlVEHsON k AIIHEN.S. ; January - .'.l. i ' HtVIVfi , V mr e,.( re inler... i the firm of . IIK.Mil.hM iN A Allhl.VS to Mr. J V. II K.N. i LKhMiN, I el, II eiKel .o -.riouri lor aome time j, t al In. - iiort ai.u aball be happy to a. ton n.y ir.i i.ila and eu.. i,,. ra, p , r t, e u . i r I y ri llioei wi.uwuu.u :-.rk over tl.e litli. ci, inge, elue lu bin, tt.e eofn i ru. F. W. AUI'.KN.-i. J.nj.ry I- .J. 44 If 'I lie WM Am Hi .;tf, I"i rw-: W O..K llHtK.HilK.Nil.,,,.! feli-.w .,...,! Mj ... t,,e o,.ole I A l l.nf M.KTII 1 t AI.UM.NA T I, ...... i, ,i l lu .i,wr,l,i.. ai ci.a. r.ne lo n.e-t oonty Ag.nl. lor Una .New, l.iiiui' ami .'i .'iiti lit t-iit U;ip. Ai. J iou !, g. t ti,. w -I...I.- Sl.-,te, ,tl. b. r liivere, ..a,l anel n.-r I- ,i .M .mil.. allU .-f-r. y.u i.t tl.,a (.in. Li::. ritizK. r..,w V. I lei t l.l five ,.,r,j, , v , I. nt ,le IJ ,u.e. In, am Aav.i.m.l I, . pa , r in ..' ol.- r . fcc , A . , one o! i... I .i...- i..a M .(.- .. r i.uoi..i,. .1. I'E n i: a uia.sr, ii,ii.-Loro', n. c AI.I..N I .-, U A a 'I 1.1 lor v, t..t. . 'I . ri..a ,u r.l. Aj.. .bel'V.. i.iy in me ' . a. a- I Vim, A Ovens, A TTfU.S ; l A T LA ', I 11 tl I 'l l i c, v . .. vV1!,1 a o-i. a. V... e ,11 toe I ..lift. ... Metk.. l.ba-1 .le li.e JVal llrt ca. Vantcd, rl C'( ' K.-v nt 7 A.N HARK, f a w....i. i.e .-. ,r p... .M. li. I AVIaOK. ..' -ii. i -:. iw.i .Mii.siL- Oil, .Mn.Ic Oil. HI Ml .-I III IIJ-OS A I O. COUNTIX(M10USE ALMANAC. I) r-l .5- 4. 11 : 7 IM2 13 U i-!'..-iji i? .13 ii r; i iris Iir. I' lll 11 I IS I?. I I !au.9.i 1;HI' I 1 l 4 5 i a gii ii ii n i IV16 ! !- I" (H 1 jll U16 1 ..I il Tl si IP ii iv in i; ii z u ....... .. .., I .V fi 7 s r: n ii is I Ti n u t ii':.- .1 iis,:( i 4 . I t hi n iu.Hii: i.t i 17 is i- i. : In :r i ! Serious At c IDC.tT Loss OF Lira. J The freight euiue, ' Oeout-e," while at this Station, exploried, instantly killing Thomas (t.f. nJ T...... l!K;..l.,rt e..v.v, vouue.e.., u 1 Wood-passer, and wounding James Su.li van, Fireman, and W'm. Floyd, Engineer, so severely that their rocovery is despair ed of. The bodies of Messrs. Croft aud Uhiuehart were brought to the Western el Atlautio Depot, where, at tbe time of writ ing of this paragraph, they were laid out. 'The cause of the explosion has not been as- ccrtained. The Engiue is almost an entire wreck. Atlanta .Ca.) American. CIIAIILOTIE HOTEL, BY e0 IS HeV -2 a t II Altl.K I I . C. riIIK Proprietor of thia Hotel la a yt . B .t.ll Bl k ti.it ri-aila In lu tT,HUii .T. ... l .... .1.. lesg JtftAirf travelling public and othere who may call on him, and lie flail, re hin.arll thai aa Kir.auie- Hu .rier e.. .... .. nv where in line vicinily. Being ailualrd ly in the centre of Charlotte, Bumn.ee Men will i I find Una II'. n l a moat (onvrni.-nt and oeeirable liK-jlu.n. lie haa be.n engaged id the buainoai I at line aland nearly eighteen yeera, and in that ; tune- lie baa imie'e t-ve-r..l adil.liona to lua form, r liou. ami il h ia been greatly enlarged and mi. : pr.iveii, pn ae unrig in irnil a two atory VKK AN OA I IWJ k-ct in iengtli by I i feat in w lillli. hanileolllrly ' nlucVii b v Ireea on ihe aide-walk, aflnrn-ng a nice. '. ,ant prom. n-ce at aii iii.era of the eny. Tne lluuai liai b e n tnnroug h I y luniiabrd Ihro'. i out, anil in i very p-rt ol it ere ilure comli rla are ' ! abundant and tangible. e.peciully in tne I'l.vi.vi. KDHM. winrc ti.e "iu..er uian" ii "ienewta" !d..y by Jay. J lei.netl.-c Willi thia Hotel are Stb,e. nrlrf,rg I room lor Hill horaee. abundantly lurm. lied wiln gram and pr.iveadtr, atleuded by laitniul ana o- ; bi.glg n..m, r. 1 He- J ropnvx.r l.eiaennnn.ni inai wi.n .... ;fl:r.i-ni-i a ma ny n.W a.ivaniagea a.:iien . 1 "" l" ". ' ,, , and m real oi watimi, " " V . ; pi rim-a a l liii- more ao i W At any rale tit llit I'lurlolle I T- 1 - j J. R. KERR In p caeoiing ynu with M! . K ATf I.N s I r A N ' Tll.h l 'lllllAl.. we ,:t..r.- I-. auie ,l .ui-er...r. j ny over ev.rvno-.lru..i tn .1 nurae or .joaek haa; I b r. lu ore ..lii-red y,u. y ,r.l It ia tne pr- pir.l.on of a recul.ir phyi- in, tm, ia well qua,.n.,:, irom M.leh taper.. n.-e u il.l'.l.t. e compiiinta . lo pre.,.r,lve b.r lli.lt.. St. oneiy It Ia eiuir.iy i'rn from parinric or opt. le-ol '.ny kinf, ar,d c i...-rj nl.y relievn byre. o.ving tne eutTeriug ..: v.air ci.inl, inalead ol dea. . ii, ng it . u.ibiM.i a. I nnll v Il i put up with gn . aa a eolliM.r.-i n ol il iii n.y mo, r ar- .tanlile en,'. will alio : the very . ..la fro .Inch H ia ,., ..I l ir itug Iro tin h run under Ibe direct,. t, e n by In. own har..;.. iy hirmleaa and fsnnnt . I, nt, and ia certain em n of l)r. K..too, many of r'ourln'j -It ia perfect. jure Ihc moat delicate in. .-and reliel in aii lot fob g Ciaca, which la ill 'luef lutril over every luef merit over every oib'-r prep .Mtion. v, I . full All. I ll.'lr LAI.i . A I ir..M'i.-v.. 4c ; al-i. for aofuning tm. guioa and relieving .am. regulating Ine boaela it n m qua .Id. Kerloidm Ibe ll-ad it la.aiire relief. KM 1(1 II I', tne moat I.t, I and l-yiri' ol diecaaaa, it can be re. in, I i,n with Mrleet coi.l,.'.ente ; and beng a p w. er: u, aoti.apaarniHlie in ail caaea of con v ulau.ria or i'.t-, we earnially recommend you to o.e no lime in procuring it. Laallv It ei.ale aoioiich more in.u ..u.er pri'pariitn.na of the kind, that we can- tlloaC w Imae w h'.lt eioa.nat ia their an ver I ning ; I"' I'" e.u.e rea.u.,, Il c.mme, ilaelf a. the ...o.l rel.a trie to all ni.ill.era. in all caa.a. llie dinclmne , wr.p..td around e.cb o-.tiie. mual be alueliy fob I ""t;- r-, ice, iij ..i- ,.r boll,.. I 1 otioq ja.1 ;f 3ti -ejeinajia an 'inoiirnj-p ;nj mj aa iDnna fnj j..i ii,.w qv.w J'i'ir. ii ;"t- V J" fmji.y, niia i ,l "I ina eq pe jop.j p'la-ap. aijl o, ,iS,:.ia ii-3 ) -a.n ajt li t. lli ,n .'i I iio anion aja lnpl f"i UiJppx, 3 pimjtM pm ata, eiound -OI03 ji..iiopo $n;nj,jS mmvu iiK-'enotWrn '.I " ie ut i.ni.. .yaai ,.(oo. IMI ;il"7 "fl M jo .M.0 iii., ijl.a.ii II- ' '"" ' " i'Mlo fuiaa-i i.y. -jij iun. an. we.aa, l".ll I"" l"",l -I -l'"'l " vjel J.,a pa:.-.laV I V J."!J 0-liJ pu Ui..iiija, l P"lJ una juaip d i.i( vtil,ilin(l jo .a. . oivj , .am !olil -Ml u -ti'.., ,w injoiie..!) pue af.ii oiui ii alunq pill 'a.l Jt.Jiaill ..1 a.lia JO lllw filf'4 OH) JO a. 'H -A-.ieqw l.u nam aua ill pa.al. J' ' t.nl.oj al l.Ji- jni , ,.Ioj,, v., I i anrauai.i.n..:. ' iVMun at iii'ej.iri ui a, hi in puy ( i aak noA 'p.jn.a; enr.3 Jti .f Jo p.-nai ail aiHi.y mi l i 'm.'I) up jiud uayoa.( ai iLtt tnuk Jo 'n;i7r eniw.a.v m.uj ami . jn a,n no j ..'III K i.I (t K i'IU - a il 11''I l unmud ui lUlii on ..an 'a;,iv a., ul vu,J jo aia.Jj in ..ee u"ll 'HI j" nni''M ;'" ;;. vJ"" at'-",'l"" a.... ..io.iioJ , , lJ I. H JI '' M -ir.XanJ..j,-, , , ,. Ul4, ,,, , fl, ,., h.,, w, tejfllt lu ,, . , p.ifu.it o.wi jsa'i ,., jnpoji lllg mflaniniiati.m, iiaiidrulf and a con. taut t. i.den 1 via uiill.s iile..( ..Jlni r ,() ,! w,i, icli I have hem Irouliled 8JJ, ,.,,,! "! "" 4 'W ..jojaaj ae in .UOJIJ -J1 na,i( J- ..e, o.oa, ,.'1H)A IOO'I "1 J" Unl.. lipoid 'M U..a en l""'i a'l.L ' 'I'- "ue mtr:i .il noon p. 0., a.,. ,u all , a a.U JO ,3.JJ . put uoiia..oooa a, ,1,, Ml, ... r ,.-.,.i. a.ioi ia ,,.Aid jo paf)na oni .ImXplda pn UOO-l'l HM.I. r.N'IZVIVVV . ; i ..il l.a.v.a, i! aaOllJVjd aje-.A Alll.at) jo .(qd. etial.,i a j .aiuiq iq oa pua 'u..ia.j I -Oad Jv-aip.'U oii fu lujuiuu la.ui jq Aq Al.tAOaSi j j.. ieloq j puoX mj pal .(.larioj aq n 'i.'ii i.l.o oa uoa A, i pa.npaj oe u .nq Juiae.) iin.ii.i a( Hold by CHI Iirn A- MT'ONT. Irosrffi.t.j a a ii, u ' '''''' '.r ,1 And i..ld by all re.eutul.ie li.ll'g'a throligboul j lry. A..e. li-ly ' j fl'.I'r.NA-, for sale at tbit filTioe j A Great Buttle to lie Fought ! ffJIUE iulxoriliers inliirm th citisona of t'hnr B lotto and viciiuly, tlmt tliey tmve on hand iinil nre cnnntMiit'.y receiving, a sup-rb nnmirtnient of Klrgant FUIiKITURE, upirior tn n n y lliinc tlmt Ims twr hern nflVrcn" in this arcliun. Tin ir nUck cennl.li in art nf the fulluwing artieles: Sil'a, Tc-te Tetra anl nivnit" rune BiiUdin Koekiiig l'hair,Mlnigjr and Cant S.-ut Purlor I'liaira and Kunh liollnni I nairn, Mahogany mill Cane Hntto.n locking Chuira, Wardrohea and ilureaua, Marble and Wood Tni Centre Tahlea, Marhie Waah Stnuda and Sinka, Card and Work Tahlea, Mahogany and Walnut Exli nairn Tnhlre, Mahogany," French and Kliauhrlh Bi-dalenna, What Nols and Parlor D.-aka, Inking liinama from 14 to 7U a Pair, t-eU' Roeking t'raillra and Kicliinng Chuira, Tuekera Tatent Spring-UoUoni liedatrada. Caiium a with I.aco Netting, aod Moauelo Bara, Cottage f urniture by ihc aet. lrenand Wood Mat Itmka, Gilt Moulding of all aura lor making Glaaa and J iclure Krams. AISO Evrry kind nf materials fur mile rnrmllv ncd V. ( ahinn M.li ueh a ;lnr. I..rka Kim.I... j (im.'e. W aint. M.. "r , At., Ac. Anil la-t. I IM -- "T ..i. ! .a u , u pl.l Ol Fisk's Metallic Hurial Cases, J. M. SANDEHS & CO. Charlutie, .Vuy 3i, 1c 5!. lltl WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CUANOI Of I'BOPBIITOUU ) DIM) ADM III IT EW IIKK., M.C'h JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. fH'IIK Vnderiignrd rtapertl'ully announr.a to JL 'he travelling public, thai he haa taken charge of tlua old and popular retabliahinent, and a now prepared to arcoinnioOatr travel. rnd pri. vatc familira with bnard by the day or month, on the moat aerooiniodattrg lrsaia Ilia TABLE will alw..)t he furmahfd with the be al pmnaiona that ho;.;ii and foreign inarkeU can - annru. The WNahillallOM llotrl haa large bll.(1.., rttt, ,tn , 0,, ,n the eit. ( (,altu Le at the .lip.it and . laneiiitr. on the arrival ol the eare and alfamnoiil. to runvry paaarngrra In the Holrl free of charge. Bv alopping al ihie llnlrl, paaaengera will have ample time to obtaiu meale. Ilavinir aUo a l.irro and mmniodioue Stable, and an trt-llrnt Ham r. h board bora, a by I he di.v, 1 fully pr. pared to or rnonlii at the iiinat reaft..natjie r.l. a. JOHN. V. JON Erf .Ware-1. Isjil. iltf (i as V o r k ?. f avIIF. aub.enb ra re.n tfu! ,y inform Ihe pub. jc ,kj, M.y ,,, , r. narrd to rrrrt I.m V ,.. :.'.r ImM r g C,l,r., T. n., V,i,g.-a. C.,1 u ,rt ,ir.c Hi, ... ,., , ,r er.cl.d work, ,,, i ,,ritl( and Ka!e(h,N '., whirh h.veg v.r en,lft M,.-,rt.fl il r rii.j. na .,f lh..M pl.era Aa to qolihciinna, prompin. aa and eniliiv li cntr-rl, ei.lrrrd ml lh. v re'er lo the Inili wing f.nllen r. : j,,. Hi arson, Fr.i llar.f.aa W,.ra. .( her. N W ,. J.inr.i.n, I't. a. I har. A r- ( . H R Joiiraloii t'r. a. I har. A . K K . ""IB I.I. r ra. na are herehv rantmne.1 aavinal lun I'r T I' II LU. I'na.hal.t.aa Aaa. Kaleleh. " lol. I. II Y ung. Wav.-rlj, Miea. A. . l.i'V. free, liaa Worka, l.iltie r.lia, . 1 K. T. M..r Supl t.aa H or a a. Vt) a terl. n. V. V. W. S. -ho. ner aV l'.,l Pearl fvl., .New Y'irk ' I A. .line, li e Mll.se,, I,.,. ,t !,!r.rh, N. c. j W'ATEUIlorSE A j ,rt. 14 le:,8. WTif GRKAT "wo.M)KIt nl MMTLtMIl IF.M1 - 7) T) ATT C C A H TL'AATA'C I 1 JIU1 inJelua a a uuu vj j J ,, j.. I , ,f.i I it : null lu.ioiuiin. j S . r a the M. Iu a, ( M ) 1 1 moc rat : Rlowr, we ' i,,,,,,,, a ,,,,,, u, i,,, vs,a,, i Una city, Imoi a , ,,, ,r, 4inii ,,., .a , n ,i.g. t ol lb' ,.,,., r n.,n. ( hia hair tonic. Hui h evidence u u, , ,,.,.,, ,,, ,,,. , ., . r-lnble ,,rt. , , , rl, f,r, t, , e ua r.i. I. . ol tenth. nor u M. J . aa puff ry U. c prt aa ; IUih. Ma O J II a a. . Ml ,.,; H.vii.g n.y . I. a an.ie ti the b gl.lj , jf, I n I. Vi" i-;6. ntion called fit .final .If. H. ot i uie.l to make nr. wmcti had bc inird white ; n y Jtj ,,,ut hjlI reali.ra t. te, I Waa , pi., alii.n ol it upon inynwn (ult (.1Jir .,rl,.,j ,,. ...e I pr.,e, alive, .,n., u.eil ll What I had Wi.l k. I Inn a.m. ell I iuvc u.d l' Id thai the gray . . vred, both on m; t.ollll ,.f your In I i, a. il il ab- ut tw.ee a ..cored another bollle, ol I can now ci rtitv to l'ie bile hair In. totally dla. ail and lace, and u.y hair haa ,1 ill lurnl col nl I la-iieve in. re- ,nd gh. iy than ll baa b n b. lore fur lam. 1 aio rmw a ity ycar old ; n,ygo.n ge of hiiy-lwo, i.aa uaed it wiin ibe ,., ,i C ,,.,,.,,,. The above r.ol cc I l. em '111 Vali.aloc Hi. cover). I am aaei will rigbily Uae, ca par .iir.eti, oecaaiuii to contradict my atalll to you for your n H it wnoevcr a, will not bale ,-rila. I am a ci. IK ii ot tl. iv eily a filt.en ycara, ami . here ami a..j...D.r.g I Ol tl.e aOOV.'. W lltl lent beru lor Ihc I n lo nearly every Any u.e y,.u ma) mi ill. my name attached, le a t your I al. to prearve I tie livautiea ot tie- ' tore in ol youre, aa well aa mvaell. 1 am trul y. A I . HAY MOM. l.ai.Tm.... aai..K.i. iB.,e. WIKIU'S IHIII lil'll(. l IV la. ,r, e..,r W.i.i Iiear .-iir : Having had the mia. j fort oe to loan the h. at p,rlion of my hair, from tl. la ol the yellow I i .New Orieana in - I-.-.I. I 1 to ...ike a In.l ol your pre. lll.d il lo nawer aa the v. ry tiling need w.,r . l tj, M, i,,,r i. n. a -n ipreaa u,y ol I'l, . I. u audi a I Ll... k and glnaay, ai.q no galiona to you .1 j ! The ....'I. raign. i!, It. in rijttnar ataiiiltt., . I l.uien at lirookfu-ul, ol gi.al u.!'. unite iii.ii , I 'rf. .a. r W.....I-In HM.KY JUllNSON. J. K. Ilragg, ia a louiiatcr paainr ..I ti... Ortl.o.joi a. He ia a g.-nlb man v. r-.l'y I- !..v. ,l. V M liYKH. kli. l.l, J in. Ivi. eija. ir : Having n.aoe a tri- al ii( f ,Ur Rrfti , iy ,..-jd . ,nd (.., .,, , atr H lH(. j, coining I,, lla on my , ; ,vc u,ef) ,ul.t.r url.c ul,vtiiK , ,. If,.,.urt ,,, ,;,, j Vouta, truly, J. K. lillAOt;. t,.. ,. ,.u, , l,11.....r 1 vu: large, m.o, o, i.n. I am. II; the am. .11 l.l,:. J 4 p. nl, nd r.t.i a for one dollar .er l.llit ; tl,a II.. .li.iin l.o.ila at leaat twclily M r c. prnfioriinrt than the annill, r In i Iw for two tin Kara a bollle; ll.c large l.oda a quart, forty pair cent ...re ir, pr..irti.iii ami ri l.,iu tor f .1 a h..t!it. O. J Ull'lll.V I II , l'r.,pro-tora,4tlDr..i.!way iew York, and 114 .Market M.,St, l.o.ua. Mo. an. . Id l yall gia,d llruirgita..l..l f n.i j (,.,,,, l, al a and in I l.arioll. I,y Ml Al. K J. I O. I M1 111(1 WY JIlUCS, BAY M. M. IIOWKI.I.,3 d.H.ra Houlli ..f the C y .., II, I hurluiu, April b, 1 WITNESS TICKETS, for th fV.ot.t- .rj .Superior Court, for nalc bf-re. j WAIT FOR "it'iiy ia it m. . m . 'H llecauae lie buyia lua HIV X'USi Irolli i Y 11 il. il. 11. ill. U'i.iiM r,.... ir..ll w ..,..nnr. In tin. Ii.hnliilaiila .. . , . ... Id Manil, t !Vo. I, (.rami: Kow, )l the iiiont rxli -tiaive aaortDitnla Nurth, tine ol I ffi S QJ ver offered in North. Carolina, among which will D tZ ear B W m.r ' eav. 3 which haa ji urh a famona reputation in Tin. Sl.,. I, .1. I in. I ...Lmr id dura more work la a given lime, than any other S.,t n. ,n u.r ' 'ii" '' ' other Stove of Ihe aanie eite in Ihe I'nilei- Nl lei, and if il ,he will furfeilthe pn.e nf th Stove, and a, bit erlling and go , "u,"'. '" ' ronauioea l.-aa lurl, un.l oiiei more wora .a. a given tiior, man any o.oer r-lovr n..a i put up one beanie any i wnra in a gitm lime, Ihe belter one. ALSO, ALIa. P.&.KJLOR & BOX STOVES, He liaa, and ronuot!y keep on hand, an extrneite and varied aloe k ef TIX AND SIIEKT IIIOX, ;;:.? v Kirmr.s, r.g.sT fo. itins ri is HAT HACKS, CRADLES, &c, &c, MX at hirh utll lr aoll, XX liolfaiilit ami Ka-tMil rhrapar ihnn h;u rvt r hern ollrri el iu I Tlclii.lf . t would return my lhanke to my frienda aud eualnmrra for Ihe very liberal p iron , th, , h-j neeu.weo upon oa, alio iney may real aaaun , together with a dele rnunalion In pltaae, to try mi wsm n "mt win & mp.ih mm l.adicji and licntlcnicn are parlirularlj imitrd lo rail ant! txzm'me hi- inrfc AISSIKl Ox JOB WOBZ mif-l'Tv 20 V-llzlirma. V It. I will till vouwbylhead m y advartiaeme nl V a iv (oa 1 hi W .,", j ia Un jS wr have three w a efon a ronatan lly traveling 'l.ri.uel. the country awth Skin wV onlt ru trill be Otilliftitlif ami prvuipily tiUftultti to.j i are herebv fanlioned i I i la t T g .lh g nn a nr rloga. or fi. hing w I th laiale.or in any aw ireapaa.ing iimn . lance, aa tne law in aurft ca.ea will I rigidly en. lorced rfTene-i A lUIKVAUD DAVIDSON. ... 10 CANDY TACT0I!V. Froh Conlectionerics, Fruits, A , Ac. 'C'lirar.b.c.-i'-er reapectruMy mo tba at l. i,i oi barii.lte rrrHin.i.r.g caiti .iialantiy race that be haa nn hand and from Nr York, Confectioneries, Fruits, h'. M Y d'lMK Midi S,( .'(. AI!S TOII At CO. S 1 IF. TO VS. .Yliiwical liiwlrmitriilw, I nti: iioiiks no mil iitii.i:w, ln li-(l a, lll t n( nn a, lull fa, H oi k-M!llll, V Itiid (ngra of every variety. J. D. TAI-MEIi. ,Vr.m.er , l:,f. 4-'lf Alan, he mlendato n ar.ufecture ( A M'M.f nl all kir.ila, free irom p.,iaon na coloring unlike Ihe .New t orn ."-leani R. fined I an.ly. all and ace. .IA. 1II-1S .Ma II I). 11 V. COMMIxtlOS MK11C11AS T, I 17 I II A. Mill ItH Ml ItlH, . . 61 VS and forwar.la every kind of merchai, due for 2J fr real I amm.aitoai. Keftra to nd Moren.ad, N.W. Voitin, J H . . u.L.in.e l I'. M,..,ie..l..ll A M l 1 ,,j :,,. I'. K. lie. ma, ll.ll. V . A. I.raham, and i,,. .,, , pln.. M. buieoiin. Organa. ) Harp., ;uilara. Mnr, Mir, Martsmea, Iron ' M " ''"'"P. Oaroen Ki.ginea, Ac. A printed ' "' " "" ""ni-r. nt u.ak. ra. kin.la anil price li.l ol all ine clirler. nl u.aki ra. k ac.y.ee. . o uu an. r 01 a il e i. g a nl H nog r a pli ol ' '' J -"" -"p, - ) nd tl.e "I near,.' "'a.. ta , oa, isi.un ni let to lilal.TH 1 '" 1 " ' al ua "" "tlriaer aliouli; he in i very ll ire. l-lo ry and prescribe I lie reme.ii. a itfnre'e n..unt-oua alor. a, lor . II our infirm, Ilea an.! li.l. fort ii a. ll ia printed on fine w Inle p-..er, hand aon.iiy i -.ui.n worn, i.lili.in, .11. u p..gea, and n il.cl Jrrt fm ene dollar. .. w It.,., wood l'i i,...,$l.,fl. fab. 16, x.r,8. j j S. M HOWELL, afaTV.-i1 ' "- - era V 9addle it Harneis Minufacturer, THRKK tiOf.HHSOL'TH HF Til I M A NHIOM HIiLHIt ii a it i aii t r: ITAIIkindanf f-addli aand Harnaaaniadi althr hiirteai notice. HI ....PA I It I.N.; promptlvt.eeutcd. J'im. I'l I , j.lf UU. It. M. Oil 11 WAIM. be plea led fo recti VI Prnfceemna ll'.illl ? in Ihe ni nartmenla ..f Itl f :im I M -ml "i in.Kity. i i,i naliv ali.ei.l. he I oil' Mill I). (Mil, y",!X" h'' '.. i-j.'k's ' ' j ne ioii I, u ai j,,, re, 1 XI S.B. RANSOM.tt.Cfi. "X m I I aCHNY. waf THE Willi UOL - .m. the Mannlaeiurera T I V f (I I) 1 il I Li 11 11 nl i II AIM I'l 1 V. and ...;n.i.. il... L. , ... nn rmn...i wiirrc lie liat now on til.ibilion, juit rrccivi-d f, of i m ' W ES S be found the celebrated M vm. Btae-B the Houthern Country for the lael an. I, S i ... Il ......... .. KIM)S OF tun i i aoaii rnnraaor, oy cioae allrr l,n (. ai d rurni a continuanre of thcaanir. A. A. aN. 3J. JAVLOIi. in - ti HV. ( on feel. oner aed Family .r.(er j .- , t J. l lllldlH i M.-MT l..it.i.r.i,, y th-.tanjp, in, r,.. .-n( I. . ilnect Horn w Y'-ra I .1,1, . on. to their a lock of OM-lit ITO il'.K IKS. I' A V. 1 1. V UI.OI lull., Ai tno.ng their an. k may I h.unil e .try li eg l!j k pt in a atore ol lh, i r d A k .... ... nei.l ot t ake 'Irin.mu ea, W il.ow H,ir ra va on band. The hate in Ihe.r employ KI.K.and arc p.. pared to Inn I'arlna Wllh t ak.a ol all a-. r-l M MU' UY K .M.MiKT November IS, nibt. ,1. I.n .eninton, wl . apsr j a hrencb of era Mr. Mac, ,.i Ihr liiiroa, n.il hi jeea to ..i ore a.i.r. ,.' ' publ.r p.lrnnage in lhal earlnii. MfMifV A. MMiKT . If. IK'rl 3... i V, S.U'llS. A ri Ii. !r 1 1 at tul f.iiiMrr. Il'IIX furni.h flea.gna.r!..,. .n. ). a .r, f l.ir J'nblie rlo,l.,ir,a. frivat. K'...e , and Villaa. farticular ali.ntioa ,i ! v b.inn.rj I-murine Mm.. ( ..fn M ... Ac In to 3,1 at. ry of A . lanoer'a Luiieirr, i-rl:--! ...er ( h na 11,11 irtfr '.'t.. Ire'.rJ j.'iu Vill i II-4 tIMU M Rutual Life Insurdiice Cnrapay Ot Hi t.. K.iLlUUII , I fnilllS li... ,,.i, ir..ur.a ll,. Iiv.a ii..: JL ela l.ir one year, a term of ye.ra, or I. I 111. MulUal I I i.e. ( I. , Ilia ... pr. fila of Ine lor the Who. jmli.ira gi wi cn tin prim. nr.. tlnrel .r B ..ur.ta. t ' 1 note may le giV.n i'i.i fine-half the . n . in I ' I '" premium, ncarmg u.li rtil al pet f nl. tJ 1,1 i;uar.iily The pron.pl iinnii. r lu which all !.' I.'r h.en pai.i by lh ia company, logclncr w.ib ii" ' ralea ol j.l e m , ll li. , pr. a. l.l tr.l - lu au. Ii aa are uiemrfl lo inaurr fc.avcf are inauri-.i lot alirmol Ir. u. .. lite y.ara, lot twolhll.la U.e ir aaiue. All Ina.ca are paid w lllnn V ilva all. t a-l.-facloijf prool la pr.ecnlefl . IM II Kl t KS. I h.rlea K. J..I. n. - H- Hold, n, Vt. I I . ke. J. I.. Vvilliama, j ( u, rt Qui Ii line ln I.c. I' .. f. a'"'. r. I l.arl.. II. ll.-.'. ' ,, M, Krr k ,. leal., Itich'd II. Hall e. ii. Hum Iir. f'h.rl. a H. J..hna..n. Prtaidcnt. W. W. Ilol.l.t,, Vi.e I rraloetil. It. II. llatlle.Sertelaty. i!i, ao. a II. Joiu a. I rcoaur. r. II. W. llu.i..l,A'l"tn.y. I'r. W in. II. .M. K.e. Medici I'a.m.m' ia.raliee I ummitlre Q. Iluei.. c, W H- h... II. lie. II. Knot. , .Wrrfici Hm.u f rnH" ,; Johnaon, M. II., Wiilo.i. II. M.K... " 1 Id. I. .I il. Ilajwo.-d, ,M. !., Kor furli.er information, Ihe public ' '' !' ' red lo Ihc pmi..nii le,.U'd (..una ol pr. " --.l. " ' ' may be ohiaiotd at Ihe t'tiite ot '' ' I"1'" or any of .fa Agencica. t'ommunicalioiii ehnold he adilrcaii .1. d"" paid) lo. It. II. UATTLK, .Sf"""i' FOB PEIIfTING. OH fklMIMI ..fall aitida will he ii;,, I ? ar.11 i,eoill..l.ai. r-ttroiea ll lb ""h ' jl a tee ne r. i (Irt.ra - -C ' J- . J V ,' .aa, HJ.ANK IEKI)S for al- at thia office