DEPARTMENT REPORTS. Tn (Jnebai. Post OrFici. Postmti t,,r.General Holt dwell largely upon fioin- :, euibrrtn'iiit atnibutalle to the 'iilure of the muni appropriation!. The iount of ascertained lial.ilitici ro,t met but 'ue to m'gleot. S4,20,0l0, !,ile lia. 1,11, in to tlie amount of 811,458,(1(10 have . , lin'iulttcd. The gros revenue of the ear were $7,908,494. Theae, added to a f'.ianee "J t0 unemployed appropriation, constitute a loti! of f ..,168,390 available, resource, against expenditure amounting )0 g J fib, I'M for tho fiscal year coding lane 30, 1 "'" or l',e Jcr trminatiiig on the hui day, ltflO, ho estimate the mm required to bo 81 4,H7 1 ,.r47 j there bav in been already expended under upecial acts, 8-f)7.,W" fr different branches of I'acitio Mail aervice. The resource for the canic period are estimated at 810,810,. (Kill leaving, th a reserve of uncollected potUge, deficiency of $5,80,334. The ,,1,, udituren for tho year ondiug Jun 18(il , 1,1 estimated at 81 .'.COr,,l 35 ul. The re venue at Sl,07l,7 1 1 On, leaving an esti ted de6oieey of 85,9-?-t,4 J 4 04, ptedica-.-J upou the non atloptiuu of certain .,letl reform". If then are adopted the in -tor General tbitik that the deficit ()r (il wo'jld not eieeed 81 ,342,473 00. The total annual transportation of mail on the 3''tb of June last, w 8.1,30H,40'J mile, cjtinsr 8'.,40H.7.'7. The decrse in the ,n 'th of route fruui I bHt wan 061 mile; li.e'muten by rail, (2(1,010 mile,) steam- ist and coach ha'inji been largely inereaa (I and those by minor facilities curtailed n'the tit- titof Id. "37 mile. The uuniber , f l'dt ttflicca U "1.530, an increaae of 502 I r tiie year. Tbo Po tin aster-Geucr al is (.rrt'imtit aith project of reform; the din cutageinent of newspaper exchanges, by ,iiiilruiiig immunity Irom postage; aboli i; ii cf frtnliiiir ; the aw ard of bid to parties r'-uiractinjt to I urnii-h the utmost celerity, independently of the tnoilo of carriage ; the al sndoiiwul of the Tcbuantcpec i.-th-.. u as a mail route. Ihe vsriou route for carrying the Paei Lt mails at the Logiuuiug of the year cost ?J I ,'H7. aud the receipts acre but P.i't't." 17 The Ti huanti j ec aud over ;.ni routes eot enormously and piy little (in.- line co.t fl'JO.44" and paid f0l. , ,,,it .'.tKHt.iid i letter reached the lVad J.di.r Office during the year. The amount . ! n. : y futid in ded Utters during the var was St-.,. 1 11. of bich 811,143 71 r -torcd to it owner. There were I 02.20 1 ,0".M stamp and 30,. .sil,3i( stamped envelope iued to po-t-mi.ters duriiijj the year. I Le lVtuiaster General is opposed to at.y increa-c in the rte of postage, as uimecu nrv and decidedly opposed to the popular j IgTiicnt. IvTXHU'K IM'ARTMsT The General '.and ( iffice preachi (his general synop-is f us t usine-i : I'uring tho five qisrier. ruling Sept 30, 1,'iii, l-,(iM.l3 acres of tt,. publie latiils Here disposed of; 4,070, .'. Ml acre of the public laud Here iia "ed of; 4,07o,.VO acres were sold for r.-h, yielding f -',107,4-0; 3,li7,tlO acres relocated villi boutty land warrants; 1.12,"40 were approved to the several Sin'ei entitle.! to till in under lli. itip gnnts cf March 2. Is 10, and Sept 2", l-'iO- and 0,3i.203 acre certified to States, a falling to thrm under tho grants dr rai'road niirrms.. -; bureau sll. that the averagt aiii,ual ttpeti'tuure n h lian account is S-l,0.'i,'J7n, anii that t:,e funded capital of the. antiuitiei to be pri to th. IuJian i 821,172,123. Th. ro are :t.Vl.00ti of the Aboriiuc lie l.;ts of the Federal I'liiun. The Commis si lU'-r of i'rtision has 1 1.5"i pen-ioner on I. is ti'.l, ciliing fir il .03 1,01. 1 in money TSe nrce'.'iry expns-s ahieh illbe incur r 1 f-.r the ceo-u, "i!i re j'tire the appro- r;tion of at lea.t JI.OO'i ('. N a v I'm-aki ikt Too Hi'port entcri largely into the acliievrinerns ol the l'ara E'nv ."'J'tsndroti, an 1 into the cew ami ex t.i.ilei arrangemeut fr suppresfing the African Slave-trade. Aseoreoftmw steam eseU hue been added to the navy since :. eeeion of the present Administration; n ijii.ei.niiori ahicii kascalled for a for-r- iiiling ciiUrgi mem of the ofheers, pur s' r, ri'l creas A contract executed with ti e Cliiriijui linprovetneiii Company by the l' patluietit, is ri-prc si lile-l to be of great ts.ue It conci ties large areas of Und nn eillier ide of the Isthmus, right of transit, 'i I the oeciip ition of the necessary hrbnrs, at I the oatu-rship ot aii coal found on the t'ompany'r territories. For this, g;fliO,O0ii re I f be f -aiil, huuU! Congres rtify the lriri The t xpeuditure of the Ik-part-nient fir the list fiscal year oere ?U (i.'0,--n, the appropri.tioii 8 1 4.500,35 1. The -tnu at d eiM-ndilures for the tear eliding June ere g I 3, .'.On, 370 ; th-' ap- I -iMpriatinn, 81 0,4ti t 7o:t. For the yenr n.iiing June 30, 1"01, the cslimatc are ii 1 .2 4 J. 45. War 1)'ARTUKT While the anthorii el strength of the Army i 11,105, the r.'iiiiber inJu'y la-t was only 17,40i; sn'l II. niiO of that number ere alone available f ir aervice in the fi-ld. Small a it is, the f i'f has been rcrj Ored to man about 1 3o I rmarieiit garrions, pi-ts an I camps, scat t- ret over au area f three millions of -pure miles, nd const quently it h been niipoilic to give smple security to ciiir -ni our frmitiers In relation to the Indian -i -pred iiiiom on our S uiihcrn aii'l Mexican l-irJi-r, the Secret iry hope to make uch alteration in the ili-posii ion of the trmips I . xt seasi'n as will prevent any repetition. II r r Mii'in n is that j rovi.-ioti he m ide for r tuiii' ili-ahli"! and inSrm officer, lie -p'liis favnrabiy of the conditiou of the iii i: iry academics, of the experiments in I rcich. 1 lading guns, and ol the use of camels fir s.rvice m the interior The h lie cost of the Army is put down at 81 ii'is, 70.-) 7j, ahich he think niy be con n -It rably reduceil. The rnndition of affairs in I'tah is aueh that thera is "eareely any ri e,jty f,,r troops there, and they will I r soon be wilhdravtl. t'.irTi.s liusiMia ii M.iiiii.c Tha Ma Ins Advertiser, of Sunday inorning, ay : I'or threa or four wecki past the arrival, of ctton havt l.een la r-e, and our wharves ml warehouse are now fairly orowded "Ii it, the stiek AH alonn Krout street the bah'i may he "en piled one upin the other, in order t.i ii.n'kc room fur further arrivals, and the drays hive been kept diligently at work to prevent the stock at tho I a nd i n us from aeeutnulat The sU'amers an ivinir in ll.e fore part .1 il.s week were considerably put to it for "li-uf room, and otn two or three were It.n-u by lore.: of necessity lo seek a land. lae at the extreme Southern end of th city, all tie wharves above being filled "ready. T, ,t .ek now iu port does not fi'i short of r.'TjIM'ij bijv. I Whio Pomct Vindicated. The Nw IIorriblb SurrBRisos op a Family. (Orleans Uulletiu, an able, consistent, and I The Potuville Miner' Journal, gives a (lis ; influential Wbig journal, contaio a timely 1 trcosing account of the sufferings of a fami- anil ailmirshU .rtlnlo nn.Ur tl,. .t,. t ...... J W...... :.. J..I,... it, ;il ..... !.. . . . ,.- : tton. It aptly remark that it is nitercMitig ; vj perccivo DOW, si tlie nrm indication o: the approach of danger, the people of the , t ,., , 1 1 1 1 South see on the instant the absolute ne-: eesity that xisl for returning to tho big ; policy of home industry and self-dependence as tho only real and reliable ground of snfo- ! . Tbo U'l,;. i....,u...4 .1.:. nnooit Tl.; l. ..I..C .V. I denunciation bas been besp?d upon the ' heads of the adrocatea of this great conscr- . vative system, after tno.-t of it great chief- tains have gone down to the grave, and the party declared broken up, after experiment- ing and following tho political Will-o -the wisp hither auo thither till the country is al- banners of home industry and sell proteo- , position wore Mrs. iranu, five emull chil- i 1 ' " ' , , , a , shielded lu-r l.-tun the ! j' the great tlesirtiver, -- A ItiM.l .1 .i .. no , i , , . , i , i t hsve used it iii our luinily, in uulin.onrv iitl.-c. . . . . , ,, , . . . - , i tton. Jhcy oonstntitly warned their couti- dren, sn elder daughter ami her husband. ,,, ( u h, u l ,,,, ,.,,,,., u )(l vu w""1'1 '"' clustering srt.ntitl her Hiwrn,l ao f try men against the danger of any othpr ' After th drier lid been absent some time, ! Iu..ble, and l.v ree.....;r,..le.l it m van' ' !J''',,"" hurbnd ",M' n4 f,i' .'()K j course. The,ne,.t ar.d protection j the family left the wagon, for tho purpose, o" cn.,.1 i. o. ihi- nui-r. ot,,, ,l,.y i'n,7roei7li't''lrt ittZ.ZX't :.AVKt-I.MU.KT(N l!)".nAtf? of homeiiidustry-what was it but the sum if possible, of reaching their home; hut. tho I M W- " hS Nl " M ' Hit. "Ju,t the e.nh .I..II. right."- J,u7' th',.,'uch H-' N,irihe..ri. rn I! tVlt-.'.-h ! and substance of the Whig pliilforin erly rair, falling fast and fretting as rapidly as it i, Ti"g co., 'a., Aug. IH.-.rt. Her bn. 1" lite s but the include .,C t-.irly iiiimho ",','J,,.j','X!iiril'liiii's g..ii:g N'.nli tolhiri'' , and late, upon which all true Whig plat.- j fell, impeded their progress. I ,,..,0 oTxt'Od'"!''.'",' ""m7u""'to"hri .I'u'r'wor" o's' J!!d ll'iol tie ' '". ""-' "-n,.retirP st Ferm. (.!. ited themselves, and urged upon their ful- All, finaliy, becaitie exhausted except the ! ,...1, ..rru't ....-eess I must ehe. riullv reeuimnend' I " " " " ""' r-.L'.!.",'.! '. with Kul Uo-.n t" J .ckiiliilie, l.ske (hi iv. und il :.; v ...A .- -f...- 1 ..- '..I 1 :r . . :..i....i ' .1... I h '... ...... .1. ..1 1' ..i.. ........ ' mmtmrf. (;,.;ne.v,t.. , ,v m.."'s t.. Ivy.. Mican. I most upon the verge of revolution and an- babe pressed lightly to her bosom, while , , .... i i- r .1 1 arcny, it is distinctly seen ami ackuoaleriged her clotliing was rrozen to the grouti'l by all classes in the South that this very W hig One of the ohildren, a little girl, while at- Dolicv. so 111 ne I. reviled and ennilionned is ti-niiitiiif. evitlentlv to cronl 11 ri the hill i the true one for the South to pursue, and the only one that, in the emergency which . ' . ' , r 7 its upon us, 1 worth a Mrsw ! 1 he great Whig ('campion are at length viudicated, j their policy justified. Their opponents now ! clamor for the very measures which they i bate n atcutometl so velieuit litiy to He- ! uounce natever will now pro.tuee Home ires, home indn-try, self dcpeti- j maiiufscture dt tiee and home independence is hailed a 1 the very desitlt-rat. im that is mo-t of all ' things required ! The sober, second thought ithViTo I 11 I . I .1 I f"r,J "'"J-"1"" h"""? ,",'n ''''l"""1.. ,ll''y sec at once that they must of necessity re- , turn to this great system of industrial do- fence, or reti.ain forever dependent upon I other, when many of thn-e other have I ahow u a di-posinon to assume towards them i - : 1 1. ........1.. -ri 1 1 .1... (South now perceive that they mut cut ' loo-e from the teachings of tho-e po'.iii- 1 cishs who are forever abu-ing manufactu- ; ring and manufacturer, and assume that' character tht tn-iltes, or remain a hereto- ; ,fore the hewer, of wood and drawn of ire the hewer, of wood and drawer of ater lo their threwder aud more enterpri- ng neighbors. 1 atng j . ...... I KriisAi. or hie Nw Yukk Lkihsi.a l ti a ('itAvtiip.K run a r.MD Mkktimi! ; The New Vork I'.jprtsa and N.-w York I Journal of ( 'ummfr state that by a part v ' ! vote, the lit publicans in the lower branch lof the New Vork Slate Legislature refu-ed to permit the Assembly Cl.smlier to be used 1 by the people of Albany f r a Union meet- j jttig, ana as 11 to neap insuit upou 11 jury, a j resolution was passed offering them tin- out side hall, over which the has no pccinl coiitro! 'lie .1 111 1 mil nf C.jninirire n v that, " So cu-'oinary has it b. 11 to grant the of the A-M-mlly Chniiibi-r ! for public Uieetings, tlmt t.-mperanc-' eon- ventnns, agricultural, Mutiu-n lli .hl Contentious, and Aboli'ion ting !, ..,.. . .... ., ,0 bave hitherto been held there, aii'l 1 r ( h. e. .... , , , i-i .- ' ver, r red Douglas and other rabid tlisutii- ' oni-t have spoken within its walK liut a ' lluion meeting mul not La bld ibsrs 1 Ie-t, so the It. puhlicau members of A.-t m bly declare bv their vote. Ve do not regret this. Since th-y re ho-tile to these move - : meuts in bihilf of justice and fralertiity be- tween the North aud the Siulh, l.t luaiiif' st it in their f (ficil ac' ioo " Nevertheless, ihe meeting at AH.anv ! -a. attended by a large and ciilUsia.t.'c ,U'1U',)C; i A Hakm St rr. atep m insowt 1 -i nii 1 The London New of IVceujt.iT 17lh has ' tb fallowing item : ' A t... Hats inn ennsiderabU """" 111 m iiiiiiuuious.11, i'y mi msrksble uisnnt r in which a respectable youno; mm, named William Mee, a'.otit twenty one year, of i;c, nu t with his death. Th deceaed, win was a baker, wa, it appears, accustomed to rise early for the purpose of prepsratory messurcs lur a latch .,( ,r,,.l i. .1 .' r .t . : r 1 ... . 11 ' - I he ro-o sppir. ntly s will as u-ual, and coin me need pn paring the ij,.iik'ii for b ski 11. barit.i; so far proceeded ailh his work as to mil in all the tt,ui-ite in-rcdu-uls. On ,'4 '". I"","n"1)' "" '"'"' "" , . ,111 1 1 11.4.1c cela.lll 1.1 h.s jp1.c4ra.1c., anil w.ll nr.I. r tin other gntng into thd bskiiiL.' lioue they , j n( t . ii,r a. , micas, it ii.i mike ,u l found thtir companion in the dough trough, ' u. cr.-.: ti,. r. up ... a. ahsil he u . i,; ju-i. suffocated and .juite dead It is j;i lierslly ., A. t . V 1, .1 ni.ra, c . rs master 0 supposed thtt deceased, who bad been sub- ! "''"" ",v'';' in ' l"1"""' . " , - , . .lay a'i.r tli. 4 ' h .M on .I. v 111 A tie 11st, A D. I jeet to apoplectic fits on one or two I",i'' ,,, ,C C4i. I ...hp. ml. n.e occa-ions, was iu.ilarly . ix"d on the moru- I ' WILLIAM S( IN f M K. iutr in fU.'stion, and fed bead fur.-mosl into ; Print. r' I ce its Jan. 17, IpC.iI. a Uiillure of yeast, flour an I water. As Anti InitiK A yotinjlier man, now iu W a-hin;t 011, from Iowa, is in- ' i;t;Fd 111 writitio; an amt Helper lio-ik on slaver, i the Hrtti-h Wet Intli.. lie pro- , liiises to show that the - flirt- of I'.ii"ll-h -. - i.i : 1 1 11 .n Abolitionist ruined those island. 1 1 it willj give extracts Irom their writing, and speech- I ei to show how near they haruiouiitt with the sentiment now uttered by (iarrisoti, I Pbiiiiti. aud others of their .school. Vm. J, Kerr, .1 TTOIISH ) A T A J . ii titl.oi i i;, v . .. m m r Ill.pract irCoiirlsul M-ekl. nb.i f t 'ttofi an. I ('..harrus s. 11 1. 1,,.- in the llrswly liilii.lin op;.,. -n'm Hotel. J,m. V4. Is'.d. 4ltf - Willi; !MKKTI.(i!! VAI KKT IN i. ol the W nit;, "t Cab.rru. . ty w ill ts- I. el. I at the I oil rt. Hot. . in cord. .... Saluru.v, It..- 4ib ul Kel.rtiary nrit npp,sed lo lH'...o.:ralie Icn.l. Jisa.nv 30, Ifl'.ll. .' sr. iiivil. d to a AIANV WIIKiS. All M-ron iMVinf; ehnms a. gainst the Alecs Ar.. cultural S.W-..I v, w.ll prcsi-nl n to the I',, SMirer. I' J Low. rie, h. lore Sal.ird.v, the '.'Hth n.slant, to ruabli bun tu make bis reH.rt to th" Soci. lv, st Ihc meet, tne on that d..v, iu orecr Ih.l ...cans may he pro. soldi to py the-ill. Tint 'I re. surer not kept an i.e.-ouill of Ihuse cls....s which were nr. derc.l bv the t h... tin ti oflhu Kircul i ve Cumin 1 1 tri: to Is" paid, they must also b prcs. ul. d to hllll aa directed sIm,v.'. JXO A. YOI'.N(., f.iirNi'ta V.rrrutwe CcrrtmiHrr. SI. IMilh for Urtit. a 7 ( ll "'A K l(tlSKWttil I'l XNtl. w.rra... Ir. I g all ti nor I .Ih- I k-ln. inter- r.l only eharBc.l and a Cur price. On b. half t the owner, iii. ...ri ' Ir. KIAII T. HAUHIS. ( onc.r.l. V. C. ; Jenuary M. I.-t I. fJ .,1ILU ,,,,, , vuun.jr, , .., during the extretnc cold weather of Satur-1 (lay lui-t. A young man, WliO It seem had been Kent from St. Clair to llazlelon, with . r .1 e .1 a team, for the purpo-e of reu.ovtug the family to the tormer place, found it neces - sary to unhitch his horses and leave the wagou ou a inountHiu to go home ami have 1.:- 1...... .1 .1 ..A tu. .!...!.. f :l I.e. :.. .1 l. reuiaiiiing child, a hoy, and proceeded borne. as rapidly as possible. Uli reaching home, h informed bis fiiends of the occurrence, j and they started in search of the utifor- lunate sufferers. When discovered, Mrs. 1 r rants aud the children were tnsen.-ible. 1 he moMier w lying on her back, with her had slipped, her clothing was stripped from1 her person, and she was found expo-ed audi r 1 1 '.1 111 , frozen to the ground. 1 he children were 1 taken to a place of shelter; but Mrs. Fratitz was not removed until a wagon had been pro- J cured. The first inquiry from her lips w hen restored to eousciou-ness, was ior uer ciiu- 1 i ren. 1 ne t,oy nrst waen i.o.i.e, .as u,,u. It is thought that Mrs. r r.t.11 wl recover. ; '1 he babe is we "",c " """"-'. ' doubt of the recovery of the childreti , )UAWnmi -t.ricnlloral Sorirly ' "'. .M. ii.h.l.i( the .M.eklet.burg Agrieuilii S...,v sr.- requested t . ...eel al th Court II o M1 , ,Jrn,., ., S-itur.isv th, -J-iii insl.ii.l (!' c s.) il 1 1 h,t k. liu-im s .,(" iiiipo. 1 m. e ' "J ,Nu..n it A Ii DAVIUSON, l'rr t y 17, Ii-t,n. I The Corner DRUG Store 1 . . I X Y V. Ill' M'lIISOX tV TO. k 'Ol' n .-.-i!ully esll the attention flh T ... larg. a,.e. '"'; "''"'.''''''''.''..r!!!,? . iwm'-rV V'.ne'v , y! ? public I., tu. ir l..,c. m.c ...t.l. te Meek 1. I..', I'lire M..ln,l Wi T. ... Kie'.l sii.1 li .r.h l J,nuu., 17. i.-s, I anion r4:r il Dissiilution, f n l f; coi.i,rio.-rhip ol Dtenn.i. A; Wilson v. X .......I . d 00 in, '.'. .1.. y ol .1 ,. u.ry, l-C'l Hi' '' ''"' "P- Tb'-se 1 l" '"' ' "' ",u" " 1 '" (' ( j'y j y I'll AS. WILSON. January 17. ICH. l-t-i Private I.t'M'tlenee fi-rSale. I ,, . ! NOT ilipo.,d.,f priil. l , I w.i: g tT?' ., .1 1 or pl , Scs.e. II. tl.u To I. Ca "' ' ""' ''r '" I "" r ni-at 1 .uri g i. f wly twu n ry I..1.1. o 'l.-tr.ollr ..I. , ' w tin oulhnuses. Ac. I he hl.oVf prop, rtv is situ .. 1,1. .. ' ..1. ' , , SUJ near Ilie I II... I, ' nil. !! , "" an. ,n,.r, p otion cf lite 'I .. 11. 'I't-tms lih. rai ' Kor p .110 u ars up,. .y iu 1 8. W . IA I.". ' '"'fe. Jan 17, lew. tJ '-'w j i-TATI. Ol'- .N !.' II It' Al 1. 1 ". . Ml. K l-hMil'lui HilsTV. '( 7'i'i" 'I'u Sjin nj Trim, A. Il . 1-li-l : I n, 11,11 01 l ompi.. l K.cbard M . A.lis.,n, I'i-mhi. H, .,, , Sm.T'y , ... II ,k ..f - h .r j loll.-, of the,'y..l Me.-alcr.t.urg.J .1.1. A ...01 1 ,, llie tounly ..I Ii, -.1.11. ami kow-.l il irr.....l ll, 1 Mai. .,1 S...1111 f..l,i,a. I) f. ...i mi.. : In im. case, il apM-r.i.g t.. lb. a f.rt-..n ., ! I' M '. '( li.e tei'.n.liH. K..lM-rt II. rn- "l ,hl' ' ' lllf f" "(' I'1 ""'"" 1 ant of Ihe Slate of t o li.i 111; of tin- sal. I 1 .n 1... .N rib Cam sh. .i 111 li..: t.. 11 ol Noli. I'a r.-li t... , this .lot IC, l.fl Ibii, i. ,1 for .. ks Inn VV n., a n s..,p. r pnhi., 1 '' '''""e " si .ic. n . J( -'." ,, J' ' ",",',' ',. , ,1 u.u n 1, , ,,, i 11,,. i- h.-l.i ho 11. .- 1..111.11 ..1 .VI Court House in I i,..r!.,tie...n I .011. ilv lo ihc act ,, e a'pr,.V,.le.i, I- '.'::;.r,;;,1cc:::r,:!:. ii . 1 i r .- t. r tne -111. M .hii .y in K.-hru .rv , A . D. I cti", .i.J l. m . mil t o re, ,.,".i his ccporal oslo. lo ,il,-, r ,,,v .., lru y ,, ,e , Ull. p,4.,.,r', J t . . , . on,, 1 ,.,-, . ,1, pr .; nl ihc puiiiciti ,n I tin. . tne " Cm i will pt -c . d as if process E. R. STOKES' ouk riii(Iiii2: Eslnblislinu'iii, TV() 1)1(r H bn vr (r;in(h ;,lllk, j NlW Hmhl- , ,,. . ..... ,, 111: iii rmr ul . i. Mmlry I inn il, ' t I.I .1I H I I, . . The above i:t ..hlislon. nt i now iu lull ..per;, I t'"". b..unr I HI. A N h rAl'Ki; ami IIIN'lH.iiS' Al A . I I I! I AI.S. I at all limes tu fill ail i.ler. iii hit Inn, end .l Ihe s.t.o- t s li.ot a j share ol 'pa tr.u. .f . Mi s-rs..nn. ..It. nlu.n w ill he j if.len to all oruers With which I may be latorc.l. I II .villi; h id l-oor prael.e .1 experience III the man ' tlCiiclitreof HI ANK III i IKS. and in toe Hindu, g ot 'new' nd old I'KINIT.H Wtib'KS, I r my. .if that I ssn, ill all cases, rite entire satislaclroh. , III. A NK IIOI Ik'S. j It.nk I1-.'S..( lets.' I!..., ka. Cr llislricl Hilices, I So . rill's', OiU, nan ', ami (' , T in l.uu,. , it)'. II. ...ks, all UI'I.KH si.i IUH Nl) t y p...; j I.-,.,. ,n the verv b--I ...... m-r,..t , n.r paper, sou faced and Indexed when required. I I I'll I.N I I. II WtMlkts. Al.l'ic'llooks, I', r'.t.upltlels, M ,C-,x,ae. sn.l Ih.iks evei y .1. senptlnll. Il.illliu nr repsiretl, every sanely ol st v le. . I II r All orders will Is; eicctiie.! Willi d.sp.i d ss low as esn be done elsewhere Y.. It. S I'OKKS. Janu.1,,, IT, I sfil). 4:llC Ciarciiionl lVm lie School, .. . a6 Ti .1 t la rs-. Intnl. 4 ...lie. ir Iron. ( hsrh.lte snd 1 Iron. eMifsr Creek Cblirell. tin tllx third .Mou, lav nuns rr.a stssn.s or nvr months : Hcsdinir, Wrilinp, Arilliln. lie, (i.-opriphv. (.rut ulnar lli.lnrv, ri.ilosopbv, and Aslrono.ny .... , .'.II cla. eiirh of these addlli Should .1 hecuinc I: will he provided. c..:,ry. a Music Teacher shinj, lis-bt., and fuel. II ard. ineliniinff wa.hinr, lis-bt.. and fuel. will be furnished at Cl.r. tnout, and by f the i.cii'libnrlu...,!, at 7 (Ml p' r moiith. Mis. W tlx ii h.s I. on; be. n ei-(f..L'eil 11 thebusi ne. of teiiebu.f . and is otetisiv. lv and lavolira lev known as an rll.cK-ht lnsltuelr. ss. De.emi-er 13, IfiK, Hi 5ptciol Nolitfi. In. W ISTAK'S IIAI.SAM OK WIM ( II Kit XV. T, uPqed sueees I sttentleil the anuliestmn f tbi. Medicine rt. ' tiw)it.riii,Anil. Tils unrqunlled suee.-t-s li.i, attt-nileil till j mo, iirnnrinui Apreiion, ummnii ; in mum huh i '""I!'- heipifi otum,twn. h, in.iuce,) n..,i,y ' plivsieiaiis tit' high t- e t" ctnpU.y it ill liieir drclir , ,ffmlmm BrtvlM. ,' , flle Mun 1 ,i,,r n,,.,, ,,. .lt.,n,re: j Is I It's U' II. I ItY j KM OO ill NIU l II V I'llVMt IAs. I s ...... c 1. -a S W w C .Virsl.l ,,....1 eh, .rinlls Asibms, Ac, H. I MAI! ! IN, .I I), t-arr VisrriT, N Y., July 17, IH:B. .'"''Ymi.T" Vein "y'rito,, r.ilr Vw'il' t.'.'r v"' ll.,n (, r,..,r, , lu ( UlK ,t kind ' ' CoukI, Mniicnes, snd ike gn-it tlvusurc in com miing it to the uliliet W II. l:iiH..M.I). i.a iwnvii i. , ..juyi.,i ' '- tinting si. In u'.rs (..r 111 yenrs 1 p.,,! u.i.i liavmg u.fd the atne .nys.-lf uli grent ( ,, r.., I clu erlu'Iy ncointn. u.i it to all who art ' sufl'.-rine with Asilimu ot CiuihiiIioii. . A. A. UlllllS. rre,,e,l by s V. roW' . 4 ( o., ll..sroN,..d lor s,li hy K. .Nil , Hull bison At Co., ( l.arlt.tte, (. ' ' tii ,;,.,. n,,. w, ,c j u,,. , njoj-mcnt t.l p,.,'u , t hca t)l ,-feflU,.ntv huve nt tn 10 have re. r, urs.- t tonics s ircveniiv.s hi , - ; . - - . ... . . .e .... ... ( "t IU ',m;V,! OMTK l' l'i:i('-I III l '. 'IKKS a iiic.litilir Il1.1l be l.t kel. r.g u uu . Iv will... tit l.ivilll' V It . 1. 1 V lo the MM, I At tin- , ' e ,on.p itliciiiarly.lhe Kl o.igt-st 11 is tint proof, ,igiint the ria, 111 c.rlsii. s. . In. lis ol tin 'country. Iii all case, ul' i.-t. r and .g.i. , the Hit I 1 is more potent Ih-iu any!! of quinine . I w hil.l the most d:il, i" mus eases nl' hill'. us Ct v. ; u ld t' its properties 1 It-.l the l..' will never use t the aiilil. Ills Which the I I.e. to , ... . to Mll.O.l.-. 'I'., li.o.l- Wh he expr-riutellt. We Cor-llally reCi iiplieall.ill to the llirrviis. l 'I'Iiom- whohav. mother, f..r sn 0 llnTrRS pro .end an tot tiny trli ken I y o! II. t: tngfslive organs. ..lil by all r ug ! -1 d ileal" r" g, lit rilliv ;' hy l:..N)e liuUihiw.1. A l'o.. ( hsrlollc. N. L'. THK OHKAT KM'.LISH IIKMEDY. MH JAIICS ( l.l(kl.S . 'f:M.I!U Ti;i r 1 ,'"':'",,' i,n "'r.'1'"1' "' Sir J-l"'e. M. I ,""-"' '" 1:1.1 nit 1 i d 1 i;i ti.i: i'ii.i j 1 ' illhsl ...ili.o. but remedy lor l-'ein.le liillieiiln.-s and ruin any c.ii-e shut.t.r; sml al. .iii-li .t p..w. r. tut uy, th. y eonl.1111 not.lllig itlul to the eonstitiili.i... Ti .M:n 1 ii l I.iKti Mi. 1.1 a short tunc 1- ,.,-culi.irlv 1.1,1. .1. Il will. ng on the 11., 0,1' ly p'-rio.l with re I II.Sl I'll.l S Hill. M.K BK.S K IIHKTIIK I.IHKI lloSS OS III.: gUI't For luh p.. i.g.-nl. N I! - I ll'-Ui. , k" 1 .lage p.iinp, ,of th. elllr I,. jDli .Mnl, Ka oral Aj. nl lor toe I. S...I ster, .N. ., (i 1 I l.arh.lte l.v St'AllR ic lb 1 ee the 1 i : To. lor, nnl of . iiidf-.rd'a In Notice. I', the under, gnci l...t- ...... ci .1- d with .1. II tins d.. Mr. JulIN M 'IATK, (i.i.- ..I M. opinion. N i' ,) (l.r the ..r.. . ..I carry .ng 011 I ,e Mercantile Easiness he ',',. .1 Chi .,n to Hi us ih. cu-,t.,i r 1 it to u. .101 s.. I for Ii.,- N, I n ne, N. (' Ht I.. a,- th. it iv In. 1 :.l pair..'., .ee . 11 il'C ami V . r v III..-- ac'.nt.n. l llruwn, llruwn .V possible, is. It. 1 ,. Ho ir curl I' te A Co T,. (. A ,, Stilt must be c . moncv , lint- it ml N I, - tine c.l at as car V ,. en to meet I',, ir nr. LiiuVi N ,v. ST ITT .', I'd. new firm. rnf. ct.e.l have lltol. r the a paitn. C.r ll t'" llrotrii, Tate A' ., nt ronduetmc M.-r-alltiic Hp. s 11. the Town nl Char lie. We will k slautlv mi hand, a et.inpirt.. sssortut. 1.1 of fa'm y in s r v 1: inn GOODS, TOUKTIIK win. I IIAIIDH Aia:. HATS- hoots, Mutt s, lot In a '' "" 5 l,,rl, . ,,ir,r It, th. ,,,,.,,- on the uc,:..tir- terms, ( u- .1 CALL, at the old si .m; ul Ilr.tvv n .V Slitt. JOHN L Hl'oWN, JOHN W. TAT K, w. l suit. CliaiUtf. Jin. 3. IHfiil. Ml LOOK (HT!! 'tin: His L me he. I W. I Air. J i.e. IV lit n.i. on h. .. hy r in iu; ,,' t,,e Slot k ol t , st' Ill.l. !!.! to llllU of 11. o.lersot. .V Ahr- II, thai I . X ii .11 Charlolle ;,.r a 1. weeks t.. tils, ami Ii, p. nor will tali - old si I as s.,.,11 as pussilne, as 1 lo stav si months lo make ll. esc nt sllor. F. W. AIM1KNS tJif ry ', I -CI. v.a niiAi.i: m:.i viiv. Thonusville. Davidson county. N. C. y v ' l II I Sel.,.o! is on the Norm t'arolt. .'MtV M li.ll K.....I, b, iween Charlolle an.l Ih.. I. 1L-... .oe i-prnitf .-. ss o, lebd woi; . iiitne Hie I'llh 'I J-'M- J uarv. IC'.r.l, vs .. Inn.' sn.l lil-l . per essu.ll ot 'JI si.k-ttflill extra. i:.ij.'l.sll lies Irom I" Wl'V Al'isie on the I'uiiio, I M.-I.hI,.,,, ,,r l.uil.r, The I Ku..g. ; branch. .. each. No el.ari;.' to Alans. 1. 1, .lies ..r instruments. II. if I mid .iin.iiii. ntal. 'I ne nrnllk and grnni viler nf .11 , ii in ll S.,r. Tl,,, .,1 sure i ..,,1 it 'I"1" Slale of Its grade loi C-. r tl. I ' 1llfor.lli.tlol. a.hir ,1 V. THOM AS. I'.ffiilrnt Ittiaiti Tranters. January 3, I Ste'. HI, JOIIiN S, WILKY, AYA A SEC ARS, " " ,sn nsstrais Tobsccft, PnuiT, ri ttches. Priper, tc. 5 A 'A 0 a. llLKHShinUI ril'LS. !tf . fiiiiiiiiilU on hiind. J,j.,.y3 ,l?hll. Pietl. tin the 13th inst., r,f rmtimplifm, Mrs M. CAI.OWKI.l.. wife of. Mr. Daniel S. (iil.Utll, til ( u I1.1 1 ui. 1 til v, mi I ds hi' hler n f Mr. A M i rlii I ill ( nli.nui. , tislli'lilt Wils.m. of Meek It ni.urir eiiuniv 111 the nninnl 11ns IjiIj, i)i nerenseti iinsiiano nd three .ir. n i 1, 1 r yer., tu ci.inimiiii. tv nd tlie rliurcii ot wlnt h she w is a nieinli. r, &n ,, , , lrtll,tlMe ,. Ti.e! ! table tii,(,1-ii.ii 1 I'm nee which remitter! ; I'er, nrtt-r tiroirscted sum-ring, in the grnv., sntt . while v. r 11, the nm.n ol u lul In., is lull ul lutsry siidnre. 1 ' etni.illic.ii.'.. til Bll wnmmnj Q JIK.tJ d VjllV Llldil Jj V dl . sf or h, I or beCire the rn i.:ille nf J.munrv ' wil....-.i. Ktoml! b S .in'.. T W.i.ton pt'kite the Slale I!, ok nil lU U.itt HARDWARE STORE ISartUviivv, itHrri. Onus, Carrhga materials, tl in fact, ev. rylhihg niade I,.n ant! Steel. The piirchss.s will be m by one of long 11. ri.-nce it. the business, ui.d we iott inl to dety tition. rOfHll ANK A SAMI'I.'. (hmlltt,. Per. ill, I :,'.!. 4 1 if A V I Mi lo-t s Certificate. i,BUe till-' vll t II t-S .., .,... L ,., d lo tee, Cr ' ".,,u" i .r.l."- Vt'.Vl ft',d7l mTehv t ive .,..1.. ,,', , ,., ,ak.-a..l,c.i..m f..r !..,,,,. -ate c.-rt . accruing . a Vi ... h.rl. JulIN II MOSS. 3, l,-i;n. 4 !-tl A Clha 1 aunty, Jil ici:t. ii. on .4 "v. i KNT.n AL I D.M.MIS.-I.IN M KKt IIANT. I 11 m,m;t..s. N. I'. (illi. e, Soiilli I't.iner .Mark, t anu Water Sk. , Orro'er l I . I8 .f. 31 tf Tri'tisiii i'i 's ' f f i -. I ( hmlottt ij H. C. K. H. Co., Ihc 1 1, le in. Sim -ajji -' MTrsm j 11 II K Hoard of Director, h, veiled nivi. t J IJIiN I' .1 I.AKS per shai l.t X I Th-. M Ka.l.rn Vr, I (iki;k and a m m.v ddi.- 01 Ihe fust ot J Miliary in .North I iiroima un'.l paid bv Ihe 'till. l.v 's AkiiiI. l Chnllotle, N. C. I hose 11. I heslir l. strict will he paid t.v lue Affent at ( hesler. II. f a,tli.... at the II I. K III VV 11,1, . - Th ... Co on, at the II, 1. k of tl" Stale of S.01II. Car. I. in. All. nil. rs will be paid alibis ..If. To. I'oinpaii v is prepar. d It, pay its II .nii which hetouie due on ll.e ti. s. t ol Jnr.ui.rv h tl. C. IJULKMl.Hr. Treasurer II e Ol. J 1. I 'a.. I I t . I I'stl Ml liMIIU .;ill'S A CTI.Ni. Uit.Nriiecrcf. nl th. Curt ... Kutiity for Alickl. 1-t.lirir .-..Itlilv. I ,ll se alpuh. lie aii.-tion to the Inchest hi.i.icr, at the Court II. .u- iii CI,.,ri..ile,oii the 4th Monday in Jainn- rv, A. I . li.H, the ful lowing toads ot I.. nil lo wot : A tract l.C land situated nil Ihc, r. ol I'.t.k siij -.iiuner Ihe I. , mis ti" Isii.ic II. mlersotl, I ranklin llarn. it. Addison Krasi.-r. .Hid uthers, conlniniiij; about tfl'st acres, bcil.K Ihe land con. win; by need lo Ih. late J allies II. I Irr, bv Jach Ti'.niitpson 1). If. Henderson. T.-riiis, foil cash and tne balance twelve lllf.lltlis credit on bonil, v, 1 1 ti two securities, each oC v Inon must he b'o.i.l iur the purchase money. Al Ihe same tune and place, I w-ili ills,, sell lo tin- hi,'1 est t.l.,;. r, for re oiv nmlit V, ! Iraet of lat-il, with a i S., Ali. I on ti. known as the William AlcCorsie tract, on the waters..' I..lle Sui;..r Crc I., a.lj .in 111; lie- lands of W. S N,,r in. 1.1, Ii tun. I ., John ll.rroti, the Tag. cut's ialins. ami alliers. A. 0 WILLIAMSON, c M. e. Ch.nlvltt, I'mmltr 13. I t-.oil . 1-1.5 DEl'E.MHEIi k?US;j!J! nrl. r th. ir entire stoc k of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Carpets, Fancy Goods, he, at rreatlv reduced pners, ns tn.-v arc .ictettnii to reduce their st,. much LOW I'M' tl l.C Tr lviuti"VMnvii- tA,L AX" ,:Xi"",: IU 1 1 1 tb LnUtLbiM W e w oi oil, r tancv Hre.s S;!k ' Ms. K..1K-S Lain " I X York Cost. . Hlol col d, Lull" " I'.-plliis anil I', pill. els" ' K.,w .-ilks .it. Iwonl I'Uu nl New Yuis Cost. We will offer II.. net, Swiss. .V.ina... br.uu. iv. Linen, A rv. (. oves, II tiirtkl , J .cko. ; a i..i Tiri-iot. .Muslins. Km. ! i.t New Y"ik prices i Hur I liiiii uu.niLLr.iLn W ill Cm,; our Sl a k ul Cmlhs. C. sum res, It ,1 tail to please our rloi-k. Call .1 tu I .New Sti'iini Snw Mill. ffJlllK Subscribers havmif ful tbi.-r St. nii.S.w j Jt Mill. I" e;..o..l;..n, are now nr. pared l for. i ip i. ail kin. I itlu-r al the tin loot. Si he ,..r iu I'harlullc Those wishing vc their Old, rs Willi J. la in; l n o. or ilh I'. S .iir. ... t I. mutt. . SAI KS .V LONG. 3, i.:.p. ,'i:'tf Ch,,lU,ttr, Pr llor'. hist Circular Saws. W ., r n. n t. ti.) Inn I I, , t lo 4 S I, . t I ll ills ill, ter I. o ... ,e, I . I .11 l 1. 1 ,1 be ta part .s) I r. s.r us. I i-Wotrr. lUr. 3. l-.MI. 3Htl 3h-cklc!il)iirj; Hotel. Xrzt to the l'it V.r the public lWX" VZZ I ,i and is now i r. ininil to aceuinino. -.If transient Ln" ,' ul" r ll'. er. Me I ...I Stable, s.1,1 .liicicnt (1.1. -rs. ! !,',', j he X, pi l.y me lll-..,.n or .isy.or iut- .bed with a ,V..r T. !.': .JOHN 1MIKAX. 3,'.tf SHORTEST ROUTE to FLORIDA.! TIIKOt .!! IX lirri.FN IIOI Itsj TIIEU. S. MAIL 1 t.y. I lei. 1 11, Tinil.i, O.I.I other rnirol Klori.ln. AUo. nl tt:ar k. ys with strain. ,-rs to II. v.. K.-v W.-.I. St. M..i., A..i-.l I,. I', sn.l NVw Urie.t.s. I' i.niFi'' lor St. Aiirii'tuie and P"'"'" t'l St J .hti's Itiv-r.will tsse slean.trs ii J ick- n-till.-. 'I i,.- "('AUDI. IN " acd -;i ill I" N " are ("irrt men, toll branch pilots ot this port, mill tine .late r.H.n., I . v.-ry c.oi.iii't will he foiiii.l on then, usually r.tiiiir.-u by the trailing public. Piisstigo So. Krnghl taken i west nt.-s. 1-or etig.igeiiie.ils 1.1. 11 other particular app'y to II. L. ClllSIKiLM, Aa-Lt, Chir!"st.-, s. C. fw. yn. iK'.n. -i-:ht .,,!,- fM,,f ' I . X Kl'LI.INCS. M'lilMiS k TO. rv im 1 1 it iitu llii'ir wlorL'ol' 7i7 1 VI .'V I'll '-r, 71 .' r-n I'.v'I I I KMMIIM. .0!. II ATS AND OAl'S, Tr.l'NKS, VALISKS, ii ii l Itiitisiiml I mint -us. I lulii ( :sl. All grne. ul" I . Ih I n . Is. Al, ur ..... ... . 1, II. I el., All ,.i. . s ..:' ( I. tl. (' t-, All grams i,l I lot". !'..... C':iilit l'f tt!B. All trac.iM.f plain In lie y r.isMltnrr S'.lK, Ali gr.ties "I plain .11 : o i" t .;,-, mn iHs. All grade- of pi.iin iiini Int. f t e , -son. re Suit., Al of plain 11...I lalicy c-issmu-re Suit., ( ';tili!i'l'C l';iiil. All grades nl black ami fancy c.s.irn. re Pauls, Ali gra.i.-s of bines and I'.ney eassiim-re l', K 1 1 ( of hi it-k arirt Cancy rassiinere I'nits, All i;i,i,h ul blnck ii a. : t.,ney cussni.t re I', Yt ... Pi.ick in,,: fanet V. Ivel ami M 1 tal..sse Siik Vests Iii.ekl.lttl f.tnev Velvet nl. . I M .llahis-e Sli k V. ft. Ill.iek anil fane' VeHcta.,,1 M a tit htsM- S, I k Vests l:,.,tk .,n,i lam y Vdtet ..r.d .ts Vests 4sllllt'. lll'MI'l") , Al'. fravats,, Ch.v. f, M".-h ry, Ac. I r ivals, collars, I, loves, II,, .-11 rv, Alc. fr..v ,ts, ...'!-.... tilov... Il..s.ery, . ,ts, ii..e, Hosiery, sVe. llitl and I i? Ji. I.-irg. t and elo necst -l, ck 01 llsti ami r-.y.i, !.-.'ll..l..l..l ea,.s, Largest an.' Che I of Il..tu-..d dps. I.ari,. st am; ehe-ip.-st sl.-t k lit il .t. an ic w 1:1 tyi. Tr tl nl; s, V..1 1 , Trunks, V.1I1 'I't mil.., V t. Tiuuks, Vain ear,., t bags n.i i n.h-.iiit. crp.lh .gs : I ,:,,, -e-"-r c.irp.-l and I Unr Ir ; curt er l,i II. gellil e up ."v i 4tt , ht apt st ami Stoes ol CiotlMI.e, Ac, ill Wi sti r II i, Wc. arran. the,,. "his that (.'.. irom then C;,l; b.fjlc hliving els .,.l ily and I TI, LINGS, Sl'lilNGS ,V TO Ot-tiihrr 11, lc.".:i. Jilt J. S. PHILLIPS, . 7 ; is 11. 1. rr ''. 1 1 1.0 :, (? 1IAVI.V (i located Tr Iv solicits a share ol pu;,l,c i:li-f paln-naec. C I eon. i. te ns-oitnu nt r-"f1 ll i c.tllli;s ..Iu ays n h and, 'ij if' '5 wbiei, wtii he l...;e lo or- fT'l 'tT-C "' "l ""' """"', n-t'cc. IH 1 alter Ihe latest t. SI, ion ' f J Shu. inree .lours Suiiiu of "the Mansion Ih .use. iCD-if. SiitC . W. ISKCKWITIl I'LiTLO WAIIi:. ir, sT SNill 1st. AM.AVtrHKAN MAM'F.VC d ix inline h.s tick ht Crc pinch N:)usrs and Lots 1'ur Sale. r t I. I on utl'.r Ii.'ft carsonaa-e. Ti.e . 'is.- is ci. oil tn. Te is i n the pren Is. s a s,I. h. o. .1 ! blc aeil a Weil oft jceii.lil water. 7'l.v . , l,,r a 1..11111V. ALSO use lot 11... .lo.-,' op,." ee ol the II. V T. Al - K..rm I late .Ijoinini; Ihe I'.. ape. rossi ssiul. u ive 111 1st ..I .Tiii.iii.rv nut. K. W. HKCKWITH. WHEAT WANTED. .,IIK plaiiln.t; cinlliiiuill w,,l inn t H . their W henl Crnpwiilhc purclns,,; at t Cluiriulle Sle.iii Houruif Ali,l,t hav.lii: Wheat iur sal.- Ili.iy linn it tu lie udvalilatc tu c.l 1 1 l the M. l before clo..ntr a .a JlIIN WILKKS ii. Notice. re he ci. iitit.i tresp.ti I -cain.r !, htnt: with aV ; w I 111 rll -, nr l II i, the law I lore. ii "i;. Iii A I'AKKS. June 7. Is.VI. To Fiinnrrs and I'oinitry Mi icliaul: J. V. Itltl c .v .. A I,' K U ,W ufl. r.llL' to Iht' public Ih. I Oj... -t at-. , bst iincnl nf lililK lltlf nclil I I, Co t Ul-H K, sl tiAK. MOT. AS pACCINli I.OI'K .n KS, S l T. A. I W INK. , cur. ,1 Ii.,-,,,., lei 0 peumis (.". c ut. lO.OUli " " in n. sse. .-.ii.-. ail nf which will be sold low fur CASH or Cnun- , wo ,-, ,klI1J t July'l.. ly Sl'lU'KNAS for saie at this OrVe The .Tlnrlsrfo. rnrtRlW'TfD BY OATRS ft WILLIAMS. rir ti:r.irrrK. .1 am-u v ji, irei. rtvos, iiaws in "ii (" (in Sine ih Hi (., 2i ling round, I' Hl f" HO lt..iil.;er lb HI Ft Bggm;.iui.ny yc !- (-.- IS II,. 1 ih .'. ( n ! ih IS (- fin lb.-sw.ix ih ('- V ll.nns, '.. ,h. :, nil (... 1.1 ilriimiv, Api.le .-! i.-i f. CHi " ' I'.a. l. Zal l t.i. lad 1 '..tton h i'1 10 t'o.r.-e, l!i Ih 14 (, b.l J.ivu Ih 'in I" !" fan dies, An ant ih 'JH t'i X.i Sperm., Ih I.i I- SO Tal!..v- Ih -lo ( lih t'-.rn. few buslo-i eil ' .. t 0 , ht, ,,,. . in ... 1.". (ioth,i:..''cn,s .V' 1 " Lindscv var.' ' .) y -love ...IS (.1 I'T r'ho.r' - hhl th K -i " i ' ii' " S Hole., (ir.-... ,"1 '' , " Div '" ; L-' ril '. i: H Mutloi lb - ' f" b ' M ,.fcl.rt.; 1.0 1 No I lh I- .1.1 " .. Kit;- :!( ' -'t'-'5 i Molasses. NO I'll I' '' I .. W I .-.I I' 4l! ' M.hI h.i-io : f, ... (HI , M ullel" ( tV liming toll ) - I'M ;t (' t.'.l Na,l.N.-rli,.r;, ' ' I'll " S..,il.r. " !ot. " " ' P..r-s. " ' "4 ! (', , '.11 I..-I I i ' f.S I :'o',,'.,-H. Irish I. ;.! .! S I (.. 75 I ' S, el I I ll Hue -I I- I'". Ih H Mi ; 1, Ih il . II I ,.(,., AV a re g-'! " '' ,s..n k n C IK ,),,, ; CI I w ;,.'1V av.V, " ". ' ', ., MS .. r.n :...(,. I l 1. IM bisket..N..ll..r.. im! " I N.C-r- , .. ... . .' " v...,i,"..-tii . .- -r. -'i w -jj 1 . -J.t V rn - Il'l O W' ct. ' j ., I ' 'i 4;; ( H.I Mill A .': !. K IT. I, .1 .l.uatj 'Ji, l-C.I. I lie ..ll amount lo l-.Mr. ni.s 7 a 11 J c. 114 ') l- j (. II i UN,! . . iliN, . n.As 1 1 vr. ... 1 -l.ul !(,. . I Ih l I j ms MU (il, ! t ''l t- ( I'AM.I.S'I'tiN MAKKKJ J 111. -jn, :i-cn. ios .1 lietll .11.1 fur I'Jl IN'. ; lo re ... C"""" at in- prn ; I : "' ' lll-l I II c 1 ' at I I a j A,G1 i . ' "' " b ' ' 8 ' si t was firm 1, 11, .,1 1,-IIG Vmt. J . ,s b... V , 1,1 In I.I To.- e .tlnii market -V I chanted , 01a .mob il at lili.:. hotel. IL s STAIII.KS are ;,ia,,l!y supplied i, ml at. lei..:." hy .-.r.-u' o-i.'-i ..m; j.. ..ti .;, partminl liir -r,,in ir,-:i,s .as ,. .in. ni.i,.i. A con.ihri.h,. I I.l Nl III S runs r.Biih.r.y lo the l'-t .... the,1 ol t... c - -- W nli lb... elV.ri. t.. pl-..c. lib. ral share of nil im.o.11 p.lioii.i.e is con lo cut .y .u.iene.i. M M KOWZKK. irrn.. I.I, 1, .'. H'.il "THE UNION," A III Ii Si Kill Ullil I. 'I Iii II II, PHLADELHilA. rrin.N s M.ninii;i;, Vu,i.irr. l"ri ...rt...r. Kv..i. r.v.i.s. hall , ily. ,:.,,r. i, ti t,, at.,, ..:., r,.-p,. tiu.iy sol: .- M AO ;.. r I 1'TON S NKMH-iOIKi;, I :rK .",'. .:(-! v I'lsnnnn. An- KO.AL II VA.. I.OTTKIIV. The next .rdl.M'T draw. p.- ufthe Royal Hi.vs lis l.oll. rtr e ,n.niet,-.. t.v ti.e S.. .n,sl lot. i urn. nt. ui. cr l;..- ...pervisioti uf tne I ..plain ti. :s ral ul' ('..., w.l! lake ..l ice at II .v.. .-.a SATLllKW". i'tlrii;ii) 11. lsii), SGCO.OOO. s. u:ii:ii Ni mkko ;:ti .i::!iiN.r.u, r i ri i a 1. i'i:i.s: MOif,ox) :: I pr ii ..' !(. " I '" " l.tMMI 1 ' AO. . j 1.1 " ..) I ItH.OtKI I Ij-I " I 'JO. mill I Afr'.lm'. ,wUt 1 ' 10 ,t0 j 4 .,,r,.si , 11,-ns to thct'l 4, ,10,., I, 4,,; i I.e. i.. : I of T 1,10 to f t,... io jf 40li t" s.'Jil.i'n.' i 4 ol till la Will,." o. M,..UT.ek.tsf."; tl:t'vsl 1J1.1u1.ii l'i 1 1. -s i-sslted al aterbl ill Sp.rc ul ,1.. count II. lis .0. all solvelll Uallks ta,, tl al ..,r. A ,iraw,u(; will he Cut ward..: as -11 as to re sult hi.-onn , know n. C,. ,,,,,, nic, l,i t I'-'N l:o!KI. I.I IV. f . are ol t r ia ,ht ,U, , y IVrs., .t , 'C 4a 1 1 j IS 5" v. D .n urn ; att i.' ril'll I! -.-'.r I - I -' ' 'I'll'".- .11 am,. 11 ic: n if & 1.. lo. I'.- i the ,..ib'.r fenerally. (hat lo I. ,s I,,,-,: t,.,s e , .1 .,,:,s.,, ,i ..,,,; well known I lb. l ,1 I, .s . v rv p, .-,':.- .r, pantion lo 1.1 Coliill,.ll..le Ihe i, 11.110 tr....;.I.B anil VI..I1111; port., ... o! ll.e U..I...C, III I'o most I '.. r 1 1 1-.1 1. r alt, nt, ,111 is p mi to Ins TABT aEy