so. of the 'e Lavo received, in to extra y wt Vernon Kecord, from the fair and,0' ,ntleiiien, tbo " letter writers." t' . . . .i . ... " . .. . . ti.. f,.iu.; ...I tinicu."-, , -o -- , tractt : TO TIIK 1-UBI.1C. A btateuieut baa appeared in many of the t-uhlie priut, to the i-flect that Mr. John A. i :....... I. ..1 fuilnd. and the Moiu.t V.r. I Association had lost the money paid over j to him in connequenoe of mortgage and i (D4Upon tbeentatu! I bava delayed tho I jiulradietion ot tneau rumors until 1 could deed are rcoorded, tut also a full ex- of nil the irranta and titles of the ljjut Vernon. Kxtata,'1 from qui the firt nut. The ix tbounand dollar referred i, in the Utter was long aiuce paid by Mr. ViVliiuiiou. lieiitleiiieo of the prea throughout the emntry, who have given circalaiiou to the . : ijuwr of Mr. auiugtoun lunoiveney, will iie cive publioation to the flity the statement, aa ooutaiued iu the letter I ,' : ANN I'AMKU CUNNINGHAM, Krgeul Mount N'ernou L. A. U. i il, re ftillotra ao extract of all deeds and J ,:dwents proving tbat JolIM A. Wa.siiino- . i fully aud perfectly empowered and . 'tuWu4 to convey a sunieieul and India. I ,jU.:e title for the Mount Vernon j i rom the trpoit of the He gent, dated Do- i v :..Ur '.'lb, we take the following: Von tt already aware that ?19,IH0 w a ' . , i uu the i.b vf April, ItiVtleti tbe ! ,;rcl for Mount Vernou waa aigned by , ... contracting rlia. The nrl bond of .;,ntl,d(ie on the 1st January, was .".id on t l.e 'Jd of December, I -.. U !,,. t.t o! Ihe -.'d b nd of eil.liO'i Oti, dut , ; I February, I.V', w'.s anticipated cu 1 February, !-.. Tha 3d bond 0f ; ll tide! m, due V.'d February, waa . . ii.- .ied' ou tbe aad March, 1-i.jit,' lea- , ... i? be cancelled only the 4th boud of Tho Mount Vernon Purchase, . fl ltUUeUI. aa lUUTCBIIlll! Blia gatlfUO- . .. n- nnrtl-u iu ine DL'trU ,., ,, ...... . . .. . I w muev ui urn inmicint iuk piuva n up I" " . , . .. , . . ,. i Of a grateful ticotile. Offurinis w bich shall " Mloual 1 package, J. 1,. Ilttrper A i on an immri.hahlo found-lion. In .ictr..yi lor, .t.teuieut iu rcfut.t.op of certain d... ! -m (o word, u d o n w W 1 h r . m i I C' a Abcrn,thy 11 pkges, J. I uiscnse, a,.,. ..due.,,, l,l.h I... ... ,M,ki. , rumors tbat have beeu d issenii. 1 ;. " . .. .. i 1 amsour A. tlo. 2 nkee .1 V l'Liier 1 I rw ".nuwin. v. o.i.i,u.ii.ib ii Hitters COUIb--B v " U1CU IJOMIthhCI Jlie r ... ... I e a Sol-elf viz l)lum. r 1. ...i l,v those fanciful but misobief tLakino- of our Wasbiiiffton. Hint this un..t i-.,r,,.i.ii ' tinier A. o pkges, V . W . Avery 1 nkge. ,.,. a,,,,,,, .,-,.. ..,..., j....,., ' i r .-ceive, from proper iuiborityT-uch 'laeu : Mount ernoo to be in our bet-piug, aballrK YM ul Wiairr Stik f Ludiea Un-. ou'ld for thu future make it imputst ' "'"O he axKurauce that, like the " Wise ! ""J.. li- 1. IJ .iiiiei.. &.C., i., . ' for the public to repeat similar Virgin. " ( old, we have not entered upn j Jw uV'T'Tff. .'frs8' ,.,. I therefore lay before you not only pur career iu il, gunrdiaii-bip, without bav- Molll,'n 5U . pt, y.rJ, at ! nVl M : ...... nf il.n Clerk of the ('uuntv ! "S our" laiuns tilled." to nhtd that lii-ht on We ull. r ll,: I. I:,,i,r.. ,.nl, 4 1.", ,.,i ail'. .,i :.i.i,t,i Jti, due .'d F.bruary, 16J (; l'tl rg) man, .ou t aliat violent iu Lis . Hiio L.s Leen already advaner.i, ! anli slavery vitw-, andktiown Ur and wide ' i .ii. abalaneeof '. of $,."" 11 Abolition pieacber. lJeing singl. ....Obil. with mu re., on the bond from ' lJou"" bachelor, we do not know .a Ami. ls.-fs Tbu.. ?I!.K.)3 3:1 ba. ' ,,e """ tUJ deej ly in, j r-s. d ; i; paid towards the liquidation of t!.e ; ; l ul S.'.ul.lilhi, a-unied by tha Aocie- i. ri The iutcreat on tbe three bonds, a jtin.- to f'l.'iUl IU, making the whole :.. ut.t j aid over tu Mr. Washington, iuclu , principal and interest, ?I'J'.,U31 51. Mr. tieo. V. Higg. our 'l'reaurir, to the Association is deeply indebted for ..- teal and devotion with which be has :.ercI his voluutarv swfvtcea, reports iu- bis of g.MMm iu I.- t reasury notes ; :! (;' iu hlale of Virginia bonis; IU mi of aiock of ' K 11 aud lianking 1 li t any of Georgia ; 4 shales of slock of ; ..;o r' lUnk of irgitna, and es.h in L.i, 1. U.'D.TU ; ainoutiting to S 1 'J,-'t'-':J " U, :, nhicb uaust be aJJtd in ins on d. po.-ii, . iing itit' te-t, ill various Jstatea, to tbe ii. . ant of !.! 17 IV, beside .ome H(Ki ra ; ,u i as collected, but not paid iu Thus . ,ili ile atsuunt eo.'ieeicd ovt r and above :,..tuns, uece..rt.y incurred for r , . .. now foing ou at Mount .-rt.ou, aud ... ii." managemenl of so va t an enterprise, .. I'.' ,'..' i!". The V-socialion is ttidebl . . i j tie until it.g i ic i lions of tin m.ble K v - n fur aiore than one fourib, ?til,t UI 77 : : : .ar;e sum as f illosi : t..O ( : 4 J 4 I, CO IH r no a V It ... , I, .I'M T.i. li. blast. no i f ,ui this slalnurot, you derive the eu . . og a-aurance, not only of having 1 i the entire put chase n.eney, with Us - tin-l, but of possessing, over atid above ,.) remain, ng liabi.ities, about f JU,tl,J,l to Id v fuud which wt.l be mcesaary u t ali (L1 rnsponsibilitica ae bate auiu i 1 r our country, sis: to place Mount o'ii ju I eyoiid ali contingencies, public as ttiitiulr liy rai-ing the means to : l the purchase, we have redeemed thu 'ieiigi Mount Vtrtiuu is cow no Ion r ei i.'oifo him uif f cuntl''t r s lli tt tj jiinu'r possession. It remains lor u t c m-i ler wh.t is included in : r to prevent contingencies Incident t ) 1 1, , .1.. ur annual tii.iiiilel.aot'e. cuiislaut rc 'soty, and eou.iant repair. i i udeiice. requires that we should couipi'- :.l Lfirehaud a h at this ludcbtediioA will : aUy be. l'ractieal lutu wbulu I have i.-...i,-d on this subject estimate that it . i..uire from -il'il to SlU,tJ('U annual t, cover tho eipensea which must be iu- d if Mauut Vcrtmn is to be k il iu re - '. and provided with a foice suflioient to :, ct and preserve tbo bouse and grounds - cutily and good ordi r worthy their fu national pn-ilion. Of this sum, the au ... r.w-i i 1 tioui vi-iiors nmy fiom i il to IrJIMMI aill,,.ui.-ll those of the past ar ouly aiuounted to ?12-."s o",f but the re , ti ier cannot be safely reli- d on eicepl a, a principal invested so as to yield tbe i'-it .litelest The safety of iiivestuieit, a "cniTa! rule, i itl inver-e ratio to Iu - ir:tere-l. If we e.timatu at sii per -' it would rcijuiie a piincipal of from " ih to $1 U,li(),l. As we have f Jl, ('CO ---e-sion, we are already in a position in.-, t ttie of our obligations to restore ' ant Vernon ' what it wm io its palmy V. r I, aava ysl to aeiiuire the tui'.t'i"' ' ' i f jr annual maintenance. 'I he tries- " fir you now I.) deride is shall we take ; ".-ioti of Mt. ernr.n ithout funds, in ; Co' ri-k of iirrra- liar indebtedness, lo , l-llig llu knot not bow, but, with a e. from the tuliire donations tit '"g getierons and t.alriotio hearts a hieh touched ly annual pileoos sppi 1 pn ,ir r,..r... .,.,1 in .., us I'd , ur .... 1 .sru. .,,.,.,(. or Ilk., imseitinh ior "iota, tint wearied tior discouraged by , ' I', rd fought bailies ,f the p.-t. but ill 1 -' h Ihlorio-a victor, .L-.e... and ; 'f"l-nt nf our ability lo wiu new Iriuuiph. I.ility to wiu new triumph ''Consecrate ourselves to ibo wotk wilh ' 'erinitistiou never to r.ause until we reach 1 t'oal we set nut for, vij : the jinn lm' ' itnirrttn uf Mt Ycrnnn frnm tht '' "P'lint of a grain ul tpse oft i ' l.ah shall wine out the ret.roaeb which , ' "lained the escutcheon of reoublirs for ' 'on a pat 0ffrin?a which are a tribute) Mieh a premium to private and pub- ri'oiy as to nnpttios gcucratious to j come with tit poutr of virtue, and point the ambitious to the character and example! pie , Wa.biugtou, if they would win laurels the Jeart m the midst of internal oimciwiona, baa Vet. through tbe mtruu.c,ii. lality ot bis appreciative and grateful oouu " f"""1 ..j.uiinu, uccii sum ii give t pruui ol her i progress in wisdom and virtue which shall be recorded for .1! titue, for aa Lord Hrou. ' bam U truly rtuiarUd; " ti.til time shall be uo more will a tntc( tbu progress which our race bug made iu niacin nud virtue. l. ' derived from the uenrmlidii paid l ltc im-1 """ mimn u usnuiiuii. f u l'" " renew our labors, with the! ""iiuuuu mm me uour mnieu proc-uiiin ; our P,n bich nmuiea that every oumard M,'P u fely uud tbat our, "'C ' widow', eiui.-e." will never Uimi- ; ..... .. nish by coiiiumjilioii. No I'EllhO.NAI, Al'I'I.ICATlON I.NTK.MiBD. The imrjers relate how trulv we are not able to av that a member nf lr. Cheever's ' h..rh .I.J. i ....);.. .i. oeraiiip, wa a aiawiioiuer, nut unwilling, aa may be aoi noncd, to heer her reliiouii aritociatioiis, die continued to alleiid upnu the miiii-tratiuuB ol her l'antor iiotnuliMuhd ing l.i- violent detiunviatiuiin of the claaa to . hiehi-lie belonged. At leneth, however. the uiipparing c tmures cact upou slavehol- "ere mote than tbo could Well bear, '"! ,Lu " 'uuk 10 U'.'d did- " i Ut be dld -uo jllu,L(jB Ur MbMj iu i.ult on the tin or alateholdiug."' Id other worda, it waj oily wrong for others "ld "lives, while it was q nte right f.,r a " n,1':r " uu coutrj;. I ; 1 hie rtaUnietit reminds us of another, 1 ,! J f ' .. I itlrd llml . lady wbj bad niatried a 1 '"ou'hi-ru g., a lare Mavebuld. r, ! "as ! ft a widow, snd the owi.. r ot a e..n. . .deiaU i...n.ber of a! a v. was w. el- l''.v. "IJ" l" u,:r "'i'l. '' dligei.l and aec. in- f"-t,, d' o one ol trr lie.juent visits to j ,ihv North, he made (he of a ( a idow, aud u,a,ie In r an olfer of bi hand iu ! mariiao ithout at first giving a Hat re . lual, aim parried bis advances, aud, among other thing-, suggealt d tbat her elate pro i petty u.i.'bt be an ol j. cti..u to oue so stioli I iy f.. .,J,i, he was known to be, to the j in-tituti..n. t'ur 1. v reud suitor, however, . a as not thus to be baulked, and very near-, ' ly in tl.t s(.int of l'r. Chicvrr in the care, of l.i- siaw h.iiiin g e ho i el. ii. ember, a.-sured 1 her most I latid'y, that, while he as uppo-.- : ed to slatery.bc had not ihe sllgl.le-l oh- ' ji-ctiou to overlooking it iu aueh a ea.e, and that he would Lot make a ional a..i evti ui of bis principles; but would be u.o.-t happy to place hi. heart and band at L-. r d.-,......I. I 'I l.e read. r may (Link the lady eru, 1 tj dec ilie so ti luptllig a proposlllou, b'Jl wi. u e la it be aid ol her, she w as slul unmarried, he ii url of a goodly number ol riav. s, and j at fair and chariuiu as w lieu !te o iurtcou-- ly declined the baud t-f 11. V L'r. of New Voik. Like i'r. Ch.ev.r with his slavchoiiiiiig thurcb iniu.b.r, ti, e.eiic.ti a,nt..r was alow tnaaitig a ajj , calluu of bis (, pin ions wli.-n there was a ia-iy iu the cae. -V. Y. J jn"t lt,J t'oimni .r M... OI..I.1V.W Suvmunm. Htronr. Tint' IRI'gKS hlllHV ls kMIDATIMi (iMM.T- K The CI.-1, land 1'iaii, dealt ranii-iuncc IU that .Mr J S. I'.tcli. Y S Mai.hal of N tl.ern t', baa rteiited a bun.iie of Ih. i.l docuuicnls Ir .in Ihe Chairman of the llar- er's Feiry I nv. ettgalii.g I'ommitti 1 , coin mat.'hiig him to rul.tuut .1 i-lnia, H liid- diuga, K al h I'luuib atid John Uroan, Jr , to sj . ar belorc the (u.tnillee and testify uu- de-r oath all they U-) know of the orgaiiiza- 1 tiuti of" 1 be ot.s ol Libel ty,' or any o:U- ' rr orgamsatiou connected with John Uiowu s ' " wotk InKaii-as." I.' these Wltuc.-ses re-fu-e to obey the stiuiuions, th, y are to bo ai re.-l.d under an ants which accompai,id tliu tu'.u rinJ Ihe I'latndealer aUo Isin '. the iona of Liberty at West Andover, (Mi,.., bate decided Ue.lheialt , t.irefu- obey ti.e summons, and to resist if attempts 1 nle to colore,' it. ihe same uuliuu eu takcu al (Jberliu HaI'II-M i. U,.'s At Chicago, lat we. k, a rather aniu-iug scene took place during the bapti-m nf a young lady by the ! pastor of tho Tabernacle. ' hu L inou say s ; , " The minister reejuested her to assume thu dre.s peculiar to such ao occa-ion, but she d-.-c lined to take oft her hooped akiit. Thu minis!, r told her of the iucjutenience that must result Iroiu her ob.-linacy, but she When she came to de-eend into the balli the in!!. ted skill Ijn. li.d the -.liter and rose up around her like a haii.mii. Her bead was lost to the cotigt egnlmii , she was swallowed up iu ihe swuiliii' .-kill ; the minister tried to foice lor down lot; ton ' bath, but she was kupt above ihe surface' : by the Uoaliug trupei'lies ol thu ciinoliiit-, and wa. buoyed up so successfully that ill was not until all, r much il llicultv ami many forcible attempts to submerge; tbe lady that the minister succeeded ill bapti- j sing the fair one. Finally it waa tlfii'tcd, I to tl.e re. i.-l ol Ihc iiiini.-ter and the serious ly inclined audience, who could not keep (rout laughing in their pocket kerchiefs." TIIK lKittl rtKsM!tl. is Vt.KKI0 I aru uoui a source, tuav ueei- " l (: - , lately enlarged their business, hut the irre- astlilu conflict which hroke out al liar- i ' a l crry, l crry, lias so tlimiuisticu the tlcUiautl lb. ir machines from lh.i .South, that h - y have found it necessary to discharge , " hundred of their bands. In making , -hi. reduot.oi, they were careful to .elect mest abolitioni.ts they could Una ibo proved to be all, or nearly all, from Musnachusetts. tStivit; Fttno. There have been found 111 Fuglaml, iu rocks which were deposited loin: before tho creation of mau, a Irog's boiies of such siio as to indicate clearly that the animal, when alive, must have weighed from a-ijtit huudrcd lo tiftccu bun died pounds. CONSIGNEES PitU CUARLOTTK AND 8. C. RAIL ROAD, FROM : TUB 2ZD TO THE 31iT JANUARY. A '.:.. m WOI1U r.-pi i l( i II y annnuhi tu tin " """ m'" ouhibimiu "r i hariuite auu vh-ui. l'"u,'cs i ieii Dancing Bel, 'ZfX Itt'.Vfa taught. Private 1 i...... will Ul,cc,i private I.ea.mia givm at private r.sid.ur.a "lr,d- A subscription list tin he -n al ihc M ll'iux', wlM-rr tlie ttrmt will be itiaiW SelliiisUlT at Cost! W I U. . H.i I).- I..HH Ki " UIjII.iiiI jru w.i.lWll " ' .' v rnnnu NEW coons. t ived in tin :ii.t f.wiliiys, lurire hi!- Inekof SIIOKS ritlNIS, HOHl. many oilier Ot.ireliie O.kiUi., aua.t. K1K I .S and it Iu the em ''"!"' t c"": A we will show you a St.t r fimea titan you have aoei f""1 L"M"" "l " UHOWN. TATB & CO., ViHititt Kerr'i Haiti. January 31. 18C0. 147 l'livati! Hoard. IMIMO.VS lle the M in J. tJ. Wilki N. C. U7 v i J, . I, v si j"'"1""1 31 ' ,t,w- MA VI. MS burnt l.c ...e e . al J.n, It t .,uri, .S..: .t..ineil littera ofaiini oil lliee.l.ileol Sain ry Term, I Mi l, ol t. .i ' " "" t:"eli to. i .l ite t.. t .i.i.e torw . i..lri; , ... li e on. i y n ii(rah,,n di el J. II . rn. . aK .ilil s.i.1 o ill il -i iiy aulli. e will l pit.u i I li. L ii. kkimmi.i;i-;k. a v, lie bun .' A-muel J. llu ,3. V, t1 suy 27. I -Oil. Y .Nlr, kundt, a I an.l Accunla arc I d I i.n. e iu. re l,. till .e at ll, r til- (i.i' ,ow i'i ni y cirri , .iicc,... fl..r.) Bull. tn. , tail uin Infill. of Una Notice : i. t,I :i M irch. I., v J wlo. ., ii. t ivail inrinwitn ol lo tetlte tern s At'omry- 11. M. I'lUTCHARD. Jiauaiy 31, sC0, 147 fr Kemoval. I lfi ('UtttojIHT re ft-Ppi-plMli! tiMi J hsive n i..t.o ttif Tm S.h In ituK. Uiick I.Uih.iL'. Jl " r leu. Ihc c. tier, uft 1 ryuu ttrett, Hticfv lit; will tv pttJHtU ct tlttlll. is. T. wui.sruN. Jariuffr31. IN(i'. 4."tf A llcutbn ! Mtckli iilwi" lrasoiis. m-Ol! are her. by pH.-ar al your . ) U lo o' 4 h February, M I'. SAT. I, l.Y, li. hy ulUt apl. J. K. Hart, A. J. UUU, (I S. To Mock it'aist is i .Norili-laroliua. IL el,....i t! v. iJfJi. M ., re lll.Al K HAW K "o.e .up, ... -,-k, I... it K DAVIihSu: 4 ,tf gfrtn. ,Hmlo,ueu'r.unu,a ' Jk. and K . IIOUsK. will stand in H 1 fl " ' .lu.-m trie 1AVI1I. v. 1... WILLIAM SLAL'i:. Jauimy 31. I -f.0. lis The Corner DRUG Store 1 II klll.oi l l , V c i: V.nj; Diug. V I III l IIISON vV: C O. iliiy eail the altelit.i.n ol tin Ig-aiif ..lopel. SUofe II, i, iii,g Tra.!.-. c.n.i.t ,.g ., u,,t..;s. I . lu.n. ry, 1.I.C) to,.-, Burning f.uoi. Ale, in. and Btsioiie,, C.nlol ii S.e., Ac, 4c. 4:hf Ot I D re. pul.i.c to t up. nrd for , M- u,ei. , I I.I ' t', .Mv jjrj Dissolmioi!. of 4 Vi!s..ii wa. !.l CSV ot January. I Mill :u..Uu,,. Tu. at' ll.uelt.o C. OVKHM AN. C11AS. WILSON. U5 Private IJokloiit e for Sale, n NOT dlapo.ed of prim a . , ,i ( m, I lie T- l lilt: I . apply lo For parlitula W. HAV 43 2w t'JHlliltti, Ju IT, or MK kl.KMUTui i i.L'M t " I 'l""! The Bill o 7o.Sy.ei,,' Term, A. l. illipla.ol ul U'Ctlard ,M. A, lis, (i.l. I'l . ,nl,H , I J . 1,1. It Da , I. .lie, of in. S iinut I l a v ,r, ll B'HH of Char, tlyol .Meek,, nbuig.John Allison. of the eouiily ot lied, II,-nnl Iiob. il llains.ol tot Malt ul Suulll Carolina, Del. Iitlanls. In Una case, tne Master, il.. appearing lo Ihe sails hie I ion (if Ihe Dehtolant, h' .iieri Ilarri, ,e ot III.- tiling of tlie plaiulill". w an inhabitant of tlie State nl - Norm Car. On. u,n, i publislu-j tor six w.eks in tne iN.arth l aru hua W hig, a u. w .pap. r published in the iwu ,.( luiioti. in a.1.1 ftaie, in eunioniuiy to .ne acini -." .' v , pear at the next leriii of llns Honorable Court, lu ,,, ,ci,i ,r cuuiy of M.-cRh nbnrg, ,t tht Court Mouse , Charhi.e u tne l,h N;'"'1'? ' J; LZ', )iiv nd ,ruy Uf ii; u( he i.lull,tlff.. Kill; otherwiae, on of the puhl miller, the .aid Court will proceed had been personally served oil him luade default in hia spiiearaucc, and if pri.ees. ind he had , II order the lila ke such aid Hill lo be taken a. colli. ..ed, nil, I make such decree thereupon B . .lull be deemed JUst. Willie... A. C. Williaiiiscn, clerk ami masler of sill Court. St nlf,, e. In t 'harlotte, the I I th Mon day aller Ihs 4th Monday in August, A. D. Iso'.l, and III the 84lll vrarof American In.leiiendelltf . A.C. WILLIAMS ON , c t e. Printer's f d. t4S Jars. 17, DMif. Special Notices, rim oxyui:kati;i iuth:ks. are yru,t 'tuU uud tiitinal Urltuitti. In ii. any .iclionaol our eoui.lry'lliia rt iih rn litui j is eaten.ively um ii hy uliyaii..i.a in llu'ir ur.ic. . tin.-, and ilaeinis n. Iiuve rcsti.ri'ii mariv l.i lie.illh w ho wet. aj.)iurciilly Uyonu Hie it. .en ui the hual. nlf int. ("ut'j'jii.vij u:e Ii .-. tr.buU,n I'r. in w. ll niiea n (,.: Al -nt.i u. 'I i. pa Co., A lie--!ii, i-.h. I h.tve u.i.1 ti.e I -x vj;eiii.teil ll.ll.ia in u. ir.n:. ' lie will, iliei.iu l .ioei. in fl- ..inly uliu ije.ier .1 I.MiKtr.ill A., .ml t.nli.lenliy t. eoloiiii no it ill ti. l.ulal iJeUillly, uuu uivei... a .l I he . iL..'M,v or K".. F M. W Mi l Iv M. I). Aubuiin, N. V , .l, fi lUfi. Grtttiemra : h.ivc ik-.ii in liic ti-a ju.Hinei.a the tilli ili yeurr.,nlHI tu v-r M...I a Ineill. enie whleli Ujh kivun auell jt ailislaet ae .l iyui.n.i i.a tut l).. i.l. .1 Uiltei. ami I III till. uiseaM. I .. y ric.l . il ,t. I ii t. hi ' i.r.i:. I'eai.iMiT.iN, V: , Nuv. ia, ibjI I ('mill nuit : I um i.i. hmU I., . i ,t. , ihi 1 i,n iil.u lijijgtiMiiU litli'itt s lnii,t. ii.,ii and Hill If. Illlll r ll t Untlif only (rt of until, I Uart Uu uuutrtt tui It j dnirr III II lit a ciut Joi JJyUJitpsxa oi Ornrlul L)r I tniy, .uu iicoieiiienu it witu u.ueh i.,iukii. c. Yuui., 4c.. I ja.vii:.- is, m. n. ! 1'icu.rril l.y S W . Kill we 4. .... IJ..I Mil! kuh j l.y fc. Nv llutci.isoi. 4 '"u., I i..rlelte, N. C. Dr. II .l. it. r' ll.iier. have received the wram. eal uiicoiiiiuriiis (mm the prei." unil people thloun. out the t'l.ion. Aa a valu..uiu tunc lor I lie cure it llj'-l'i pvni, Kiatuleiiee, I . n Linl tin eral nervous e.nniot he iipproueheo. fcvery u..y new eaM a vl ll. great i H. el ro enioii. mi.. inrouj; ii ..ur joliiliIh. '1'nere n. nolu- i f i if iuo.1 l . ui, to tliut w li.c n a I. fl.eti il i ieri ..Die ec. ll.:. It u t. ui a tiiiiuiUt red .torn. llllire ho.l, c..8ae. of our Cuino .-.....ry t.. ...nvinte In '.:tN, I. to , a ...hi hy drUf,'ili and ere. f.r s-le l.y i. ..nolle, N. C. and lilt y. All that w tptie.,1 ..I lis lit ier. gene, ally, l e linl. i. & i in ilny 1 ted. j ery. l l. i n i . i i n ;,iim 1 1.. ri i,.iu. ic v a l i.iis. . V. . ttfmt r tt Iu Jul ml Dura, I .U. .i lujlu,.,: A. at. I., .,.!. fH ...... t:,u,i .jon.t r nuul.cC. IH II.. I.loatl!,! ..nil w I, en K-l. 1M-.J-K U Altl and ." rl. el nil. ruing lo ilireeln.i -t.luti. . II. , Hy a loe--llig anil a ill, r how long the . I.. i - cxi-lctJ, ovioetl tlie organic lot hop. I. mo y lie aulu ;ie l.i. in an 1 utruclurt- l i icayrtt. K.e. e Vila! ..lean one alll.cled i i in.iiHrli .1 In.iL J ti OC .H.IitTS jl.r. ..rcpteo.ia, ' rt move tlie iiiusl ; Hi. irregular us. , C-reaa.' Ilie powel ly improving it. a purpoat prol. ..n.ltai loe i JOB MOSI.S, . mi y wui, t jiI litui , hi. i tatji 1 1 v ut (tie Voicf, ;rfal. Proprietor, Ko.-liesler, N. ' . pr oi. for sale by .It reaped a ml F. SCAHH, CharluL-c, .Y. C. lU.r Djt ulhcr Coiuillll. wiik; .)ii:i:tl(;!! MMLTI.N . ,.! toe Wi-, ,. i ,i,.rrj- ty will I,.- lo .o at the l oiirt l in .M '..N 111 .S. .;; r. it. t; i , i C.M.I.AI. ( O.M.Ml.IoN l I. lit IIANT, " otii,,.,,,, lT yul""nu71, uM.,-s Vclul.,1 11. IP..!'. 3 1 li tiik cM.Y Aur; li: l.MMVALLi I) l. ;.viKi: i I I 11 l IMK!M IICKC ATID LLRLFilA:.' DCriAKD. i wny. at by Nat ll nipt pet l, ay be ell ; rttakt 11 s J II use.! by t. gray ; utr, read Hit ni Niw- Yoak. MKsSKS. o. J. M mil a. to - Il .v.l.g heartl a goon ..t.i sboul 1 II , r li, si ,r itive, ..u,l my hair be uile gray, t pr. jUUIt. a persons. Jour article, .. irv that I tou! a. well li'i may tie s jl.'ice w.tli. re unw illnig ,-v have lur . w lo eh v..u up l leal it lor in; Tl.e r. llll il' ..Ml V.T, glaul, .,. very Ol III JUS iii:m, ji-N'kin- olllllllil.l an., I.1IM.-I, i lHi..r Sn I . b. 14, Ie.,.-. Pro: I, , o. Mv h., i d all oth. , ! the in. .! puhli.h . ,is il' yoll tlnnk prnner. . MIDDI.FI ON. I'm kl I'lilA, Sept. 'J. IS.iS. Your II ,ir K. slorat,ve to n e. 'l l... Ir. i.t and !,,.,,! almost losl it. cu. r.,1 tV uuu Dear ,l ruling itaeif btiu He tlte lues part ul u, Vtrill- Was III fact .ALU 1 have Laid nut lU ( hall, pint bollna of your K. rl, native, anu now the lop i.l my load Is Well al, I. '..I with a promising cio;i of young hair, ami the front in also receiving lis l, lie lit. 1 have tried otlo-r preparations wi'h out any benefit wlulei.r. 1 tlnnk from myowi personal recuiuiiieiidation, I can induce ui.ny oiii era t,i try it. i ours, respectfully, t). li.THOM AS.M I'. No. 4 4, Vine .treel. ip hi hoill.. of 3 ail... ., ll ; Ihe small lioh.s Hollar per bottle; Hie per cent, uiwre in The Ite.toralive i. put l vu : lurgn, meoiuui ami si a pint, and r. tan. lor uue medium hohis .1 1. In emporium toe so,.. II, Je li t. a hollej the huge lot t-s at).!,,!!, lorly per more in urnpni lion am: retails lor 3 a holtie O.J WtHlDA CO.. Prnprtora, 444 Hr.ta.i New York, and 114 M..ri I Si . St. Louis. Mo .old by all gn.,.1 D.iigei.laan.1 lan. y t;,.o,l ci. aud ta Ch. nulla k Si AKK A. CU. ... ,. ' ., d 1 Vm, J, Kerr, A T T 0 11 .V E Y A T L A II', j ii tici.o i' i r, . i .. ! ' 7 I I.I. pracllee III the Court. of MeekUiiliar(, VW llm.iu unil C..Uirru. onmititB. ( Ll' Oilice tu lue llrawly llaiiuin opiiustte K. rr1. II. .tel. J,i. S4. li-fiO. 44tf j ' Ittnt. j A IHTAVK b'OSKWOOlt PIANO. wrran- i J li.i t... o.l II u.r in. .Mil. ll ln.UL'hl, inter- I et only cnarji'd and a price. On ochalf of, the o iitr, u.iuir- o- I'll KIAII I'. HARRIS. N. C. Junu i. y - I, 1 M.O. t.t, E. II, STOKES' Dook Rinding EstabliV-hmi'iit, Tn llmir. libuvr i!r;m.!i U ,uk in i w CuilJ in; in n:ir uf . I!. Slunii j s( l.inu Hull, , COM tllil I, v. . , Tin libovc hli I new ill (ull nlK ra- lion, halll.!, ..lilt rll.l M'C. ivillg a lull supply of in.- l-e-t lll.AMv I'Al'CIt .,, KI.NDKK.".' MA j '1 IJI: I A LfS. 1 ll III at ull I III,.-. ;,.,, y t , U . .. I, la in icy inn, run .it the a lime ... licit a j share nf p.,troi..ii;i.. M y p. r-.-l.i. 1 alk-i.tioli will he , giv. ii In ull orilers wiln which I iniiy hi- lav..nd. M uint h nl li.uir pun-lie .1 e,,t nenet- in toe man. j ul ..I Ili.ANK IIINiKS il in toe Binaii.E of iu w ami old I'KI.NTKU W ( tit KS, ..tu r niy.i if , thai 1, ill all can , pitu entire satiblutl.uli. HI.ANK Hooks, I Hunk iliMiks.l.'Irrka' llool,.. I,,r li. Irii.t Offices, Slur. Ha', Or irv'a and Coiioio-sioner III taiui. ly'a Bookt, all 111 I.KII .no J.)l M) ( u I.y p., tern, in the very hi t in .liner, of .up. nor pipe iiiiu aeu alio iioiiieu wl.eli reijiureu. IMIIM LI) WoltKs, .Music.' Books, IVrmiiicIa, Pamphlet,., M ui Book, nl eve.y ilcsenplicn, hound or i i v. ry tim ly ol style. 11 All or.lers will bi: en rol.. I despatch, and i .11 be K. li. S1'"KKS. j:ttf Juntiaiy 17, I flit). CLiri'Uioiit Female School. TUSKS. K. J. WILSON, will on, i, ry I- 'K...-I- S of flVE Mo il.iit-, Wrilin. Ariil.i I'l'V. CI .. $j 00 y. rhi.oaophy, and A.liuiiouiy on I i of tl.ese a,,,:iln.i,.il. " lioultl ll I. ii. prov . iiee.-pa.irv, a Music Tt n.h.ig, l,o tit rellioi.l, ano hj 00 ptr u.ool.i' litmubir 13, Is.iLI. DECE.MUEH 1st, 1S59! I n, in tint dale, will offer tiieir entire of Diy Goods, Hats, Ehoea, Carpets, Fancy Goods, tc, at r really reduced prices, us I hey lire iletet mined lo r. .nice ll.t-ir stock mueli I.OW Lit lliaii u.u .l. I ie ll,.- omnioc 0f th,-Soring Trace. THIS IS AO ll CM UU. CALL ASO i:.iMI.L' nut We . d r Viny D,.-.s S, i t N York ( o-l. , I.a I .dill ul ,1. 1 Poplins and I'i pliut'ts" ' ' liaw Silks ami all wool Plain. at New York Coal. Hosiery, t. ovt ,, llanokl , J.rko. nsook, ami T.irlnion Musiina. Km. i.4c,al Niw Yoik price-; Our uu- g,H,.ls Ik coup, etc. uud In (act .-itaiicy in sa ving, t li.. t t..r style, nu ti.-g , ou; uiinr Stuck t.n. mill uilnil:: W ill lino ,,ur st.,ek o ILLN s that . .iiin .t tail to pi toreuueeour alucK. LOOK OUT!! ol Mr.J nnei I .....I by rein.. lolollll all 11 i P. I! lieersnn tnv . ..I ,,l tl.e Sim k ot .sC llnltOteU to til, 11 , Aortl,.-, that In. f.rul of ..1 pou nit- at (lie oiu stand i alinot .it)'..rd tu slay all i Ilk,., en Is. menillia lu make tiieae F. W. AUHKNS. ; 4-'lf i I.LV ANNA n:iAi,i: m:ii.ahy, Ihomasville. Davidson county, IV. C, I H MIIS Seli.K.I is on the NorlliCaroli. J M ria li.,,1 l(, .,,,!, I le, I, t in, l ull,- 1 Italiigll, ilie .nug .-.skloil ot J I Mill will commence on the lUtli of Jan. .y. Boar, I, washing and luel fenl.s baton of 21 we,k iirlils extra. Knglisii n from 5 lots 1 5. Music on the Fun,,, on or l.uitar, vagi). The Languages and filial blanches, t5 inch. No charge lor t.luh.. or Musicl Inslrunii nts II..I to I l auv .ine', t it rt in. ilno. r ut ne close ef .sioii. Our course is tiiorough, laiih sou ii.niieulal. The hrulih aim g'sai water of isviile i not surpass, ,i in tut Mate. Tins lie, isl aeitool III Ilie Stale el Us grade for' .M.I... Oiu. M.p- inlu alio J. W. THOMAS, 'ilWtr.l IIimiJ Tnmti t-lli Juiniuiy 3, leti'l. John s, w i l i: v , j late HAVANA SEGARS, AMI 1,1 A I.S.K IM Tcb.ircs, .'liuff. riiich-.:.. r 'per fcc, T.I mi ll I'lI'lN, u., ruuMiuillj uu liuiiil. .l.-t.ll. 42lf New 111 K Sulo Mill, 111 Steam Saw L-nhers having got t '1 . r St. pr. p ed 1,1 till is of bumtier t the shorn- nolo-. mil, i in t liarli'lu Tlioa. lln ir Oidt r. Willi J. ng , II., liiove I i . r w,il, P. S.nirs nu h irloii, SAL' US A LONG. I?. ,9. 3y li CWiuife, Vie. 3, If. .9. lain I ' t'it't'til.'ti :in rr ;l.'. Moe. best Circular Saws, ( W arrant, a.) Iron Moe. best I 2j n.iioi f will be la lie II III dinmeler lor sale, I.L.MH1.U part pay uieiit l.r iiu-ui. I i: SAl ho. CUrluttc, V.e. 3. Hj!). 3;Uf 3Iceklei.bur Motel. Xnt to the t'uil Ojiicc V FB1IIK subscriber informs the public that having puiehaaed the building known a. M. ck lel.btirg Motel, he has refurnished il .nu i. now prepared tu accoiuin, alale transient and regular H,a,r,lera. Me has good Stable, and rtlieienl Osllers Morse's ill be k. pt by the month or day r fur. ,l lushed with a single letd, un m oirralr terms- JOHN DOUAN Aa. 7,1W. 3jII' More Like a City than Ever, '(. ON the n w il: i.p n. i.t ll e i Wrmlnn, opposite the Stale Hank, an encluaive HAilBWARE STORE, iti Ucai i, t iiilertf, 6tu, Canlige Elaterials, ml in ("net, i-v. ry tliii.. made of Iron and Steel. Tlu- piireloisi s will l.e ina.le l.y one of long il critiire ,i, ihc busitiess, ai.d we intend to defy uuipi lilion, (OCIIHANE cV SAMF-LK. ( harUllf. Ihc. 20. leoH. 4 1 it" $3-.Notice. B AVI NtS I...I a Certificic. to n II FI VK SIlAliKSo, Stock iu the t harloiie 4 .South l niolli.a Hall lioad. I hereby give notice , tin! Iw'll make application lor a Duplicate Cerll. ficile, iiccriiini to a rt solution passed by the! Sloekh. JOHN li. MlhSS. 3. I Mill. 4J-II A C.W..I 'iri'y. Jut ' i -; r i Ollii's'. I C,.i.ul A; H. C. K. II. Co., . 14, I8"9. "' ' STTrrJ rtfcr CiiS5SO li sdT-I AW 1 II II Y. H ii til nl Pin cloia lisve di el. in (In lot I . I a di.m i of Til U Hi:. A N 1 A M A I.K DOl.. j hare, pnyahle on tl.e flistul J:muary Sli.cklioide a lo North t i.roiinn and n.. S. ('.. will I,.- l.y the r..ii.p.i- : al h irmtie. N. V. T ill ( Ii. sor i !l . l.y llir .H'Hil .t Chester ' ,oti. ..I ill. i. ,n H n i,b..i.. i..rl,t..n. at llo- ti.. ii k ol ll,.- Stile of ....... Ail oiima willne puiij l Una I.AKS per i.eal Th. K.,.l. rn Y 1 l.v's Aril. I. MM, I Y Ti n. I I'm-r p; become due i if pr. ,.:,r, d to pay il. .i -mis w Inch n.- tir-t 1. 1 J .r.U'.ry lo xl. C. Hot h.Mi.lir, Tre.u..r I Do Ill Hot t.H I. IIITIKN lltll It. TIIK U. S. MAIL CARdlilX j i (.OltlXIN, SKAVIK HAIif.KSlON DAILY (SI NDAYS A excepted.) at 6.3U P.M., tor KcriialiCina, Ha, cniieci i g llnougli tin- Northiarteru Kail Koad, Willi the gnat srahoard lint s going North to Port land, alio going South, cunnerltng Hi Kt-rnaliuilia , with R...I lioau t.. Jacksonville, Lake Cite, and, t;.i,ii. snlle, and by sl .g.a lo ( edar Keya. Mien, i opy, Ocaht, Tampa, other p.. nils in Ilie llitt. j nor ol Plornia. Also, al Cedar Kt-va with steam, j era to Havana. Key Wet, Si Mali., Apalael.ieo. la, I'ensacnU and New Orleans. J Paaseiigers lor Si. Augu.tme and points i n toe SI John's River, will take .learners at Jackson, viile. Tl.e "CAIiOl.INA " and liOK M N " are firsl eliiss stiamers, coinmainit-d by expt-nenci'd sen ' nun, foil hraiich piluia ot tins port, w ill, line stale j room accoiiiiunii., tin,!, anil iv.-ry e.iol.irl wil. he 1 found on in, in usu..!ly r. qmicd t.y the (ravelling! public. Fas.sage 56. j Freieltl I, km al loweat rates I lor engagements and oilier particulars apply tu II. L. CllIsiloLM, Ag-Ht, I tltartiloii, S. C. Dtc.Sl.lrSl. 41-3ni J. S. PHILLIPS, . ? I. It II. 1. 1 "I" T.i 1 1. 0 . Tim A VI Nl. located III fi ifliarlotle, re-R-clliil. ly .ohcil. a share ot public patronage. A c '' assortment of Clnlhs, I'assiinerc. and Vesting always on hand, wtneli Mill be made to or 1 Irmlitr : der ut the .hottest notice, after ihe l it. si fasmun Simp three Uoora South i of the Mansion Mouse. 2'.i if . W. JJKCKWITJI 11 AS CONSTANTLY OS II AM HATED W IKE. if, riir arr )m.limi amu amkkican mMrunRi. (.'jti mni xjitiJi.t: Iu sluCh Ulorc purcitsisihg ut w hero. Misuses and Lets lor Sale. f BMIt: Subs JL i. i uii M, III,,, list par and tliore Is .. hie anu a Hi: rioer elf.-rs ale the Mill nljo aee. 7'he infortahie airy ,Sl. a. la. Hon i..r I..II A !..-(, J. Use and i. t fronting opposite lie, ,. the litv. T. M. 1 aire .1.0 a He Pa.-...f..e.'. m gittu li.e 1st .1 Jaotiarv n, xt. K. W. LKCKU1TI1. ,s.L. WHEAT WAM'KI). joIIF plnniiog eoiniiiuiiiiy will las. notice Unit JL their Wheal I lop win be purchus.dat Wie Charlotte Steam Flouring Miii, at market prices. Those having W hint fr sale may find il lo tutir OV.Iltae, Jul', at the .Mill I. .re closing a sale. JOHN Vi ILK hlS CU. I (vl). Notice. L l.l.-c" tk ting Willi ge tackle, or in .i cautioned against hu or fishing W illi i trespassing US.II II ises w ill I r.gid.'y c , ofl-fliuil.g. IK A I'AIiKS. 3lf the law I forttU against t Junr 7. IS.M. lo Farmers and Country Mrrthants J.l.UllHIlAtO., a Ii L in w oll't-riug to ihe puhiie th. latgi .l tnd i-m be.l iiaaorlm. lit nl a lt. I. II I l.S eve: brought lo ibis mark.-l, eon.isting ol i i. Vl i LL, sLliAU. Md.As.-FS, SALT, Ac. Ttia eisT aiso or I BAlitilNG, HUPrJ and TWIN K- j ALSO, 1 5.000 pounds g. miry curtd Bacon, ill. net Sides. io.oo i 000 'it Lard, of Inch will be sold low for CASH ur Cuun-1 try Protlu Liurge foi Ju!v ti looking at i IhT The UarLrU. t ORRRCTED BY 0ATI8 & WILLIAMS. CMAKLOITK. JA.NL'AUY 30, lfii. RACUN.Iiain Sides Mng round, Shoulders, . IIukb I II (f , ti ll II l 5 Heel, i butler Ilii fW a, 1 Ue.n. I Urai.dy, Apple ' Cotl.n i . rtou, UlO, ; Java j Caudle., AdamaiitliK ' ft, no " H U, 121 IU hy UU lb I'" (.., HO ye 16 Oi", 0(1 -ll' " (j 0 lb i-'l (; 15 il" iJ S28 ajsiiei jm (,tj no gal. CO I.,, 00 "1 l tu, liO b 7J (.,, u Il M (, 15 lb 17 (u, UU Ih S.i (.ij 3(1 lb 4ll l.ij 1.0 II in (.,. a.; bushel ei (. 'JO eael li'J l,i. Ull I- ('' l(,l jar. -ii (... 3 uoell 12 ,ij 1 bid G l.i Ci bag 'li d'j 3 lb 3u (... 3r, lb 6 (., t'l lb U (.., lot ,b IS ('', l2i lb S (. 6,l. No I all) li, jj hills (o 4uo gal (.'" 75 gal 4U (.,, fO ... Iiushel it, 90 i)...bbi (i co lb 5 (o, 00 II 5 (-, 6 bushel bi , 1)0 lb 7 M, 74 bushel 70 (i. 75 bushel 125 (.',. On ....bushel .'.0 Oi, 45 4 (.., 5 lb 14 f-i 16 lb 10 (;j 12 "l sack IMO f-i, HO lb (!, I'O t.ualicl I IM I'l. I25 ...bujlul I IU (.o 115 ... 45 o, 55 ,...tfn' 55 0- 63 weaned 27 ((. 2H IllnvaallJil H 23 .... h.,k t oo (, 10 Sl'erui Tallow , e e.usella, t Clolh,Copiera, ' I Liiiosey, .. 1 FU I Hour lhy,.. I..IT.I, Million,... .Mutikerul,. Molasses, N.U , W.I.. Meal Mullet. ( W i tin i i.a; loii ) Nail., rvorllieru,.. " Southern,.. Outs I'ork i'olutoea, Irish,. " Sweet, l(ic ligar,Irfia Brow i ,loi.e.Ware S.. II W Ilea I, while lakey , Norllieru,. N.C.rolii,. ,.l,(l.ealtie..rK,a) i;i:m Alius. I Ol TON Our,t was hiirk dor. i tl.e la. I uetk, ailh lu.i.ul ll,t week about :i)i i.,1,.. ..I lu,l pr,ee. I OliN A., , It, uu was Ir.ely taken at eo a Ull.' ll.ol li liour ia in f.uu nt no ui al $3 per ,a, a ol llU IL.. OATS Wanted at CU e. ol.l Ni Itl A M Ali Iv I.T, l, January 2n, ll-tiO. -ilui iu..iatl liaa betli ijuile active ie weea.iin.l price, r.lnaill firm. uunl tu'J.leJ balea. l.llrtiot. 7 a II A. ON.hoerouu. ( oli.N PKAS OATS TI.OIK . 1 1 .III) i luo HJ l 15 110 ... 3 (o. 3i I'l' A KLI.STi ,N M A li h ET. iuai.asro.. Jan. 27, 1 1 CU. t OTIO.V There was i Col loo, am I In I prie salts leaclt.d 2.35U h.lts, 4 y (a,r deniaiid for were utitaiucd. The US c. Sava.ah, J .11. 27 The cotton market is un. h ngtil, lliongh II. r article l. s ow of .ale, only MV balea having eli.,n-eo liana.. J.111 211 S.,l.s to da of I, UUU bale.. Tlie Hi, Nrw I The collou in.rkvt MSI01MIIDTEL IN K Si &mi ESta'B i-crih. r lakes nliaiurc 111 1 1 H'lIK .nl. nnnuiiuinir mi tin uiiblir i'LiitT.ill v, thut Iu h..K l.i ken tint- H'l.j: t(.iulitlit.tJ and wdl khuwn I ilott 1, nnd iiiniir wry fMit-ihlf prcjuir ititn tu ' iicci.iiiiiM.n.ite llu liiif-incr'h, tr i vcllii.jf vimting I purlK'iih ut tlit; Lub.,e, in liic iiionl utiucloi jf , iii.inin r. : I'tflicuiar atuntioii 15 paid tu lni TASLjEI, u 11 li vwtty tuiulurl ia pruviucii in hi IKK)MS. - Mia STAULCS are uhulidaiilly .upplietl and at . It-nded by eiiretui ostlt-ia; anu tu all departnieots Ihe proprietor gives his i-r.nal alleuliun. A comtortahte I iIM III S run. regularly to tha depot .111 Ilie arrival ul the cara With thcac rinrls to pleaar, a liberal share of the public patronage is cun li.ienlly solicited. WM. UUWZKK. 15, 14 9. 3bil "THE UNION," till 11 SI It Pl.t AIUM E 11 II It I), PHILADELPHIA. I P l uN S. NKWt O.MtU, I'ruprietor. jp f illel uii.ier.igiied iiavn.g pureha pi' , JL sed Ilie in'.eresl of hi. furmer liiiiwsu partner. F.VAM tvan, in the above aOHaMilaA Hotel, wc.lltl call the alb ntlotl uf tha puunt lu its convenience tor tiioM.- visiting Plina. delfihis, etllier on business or pliasure. lta situation being but a tew step, from the c.p.,1 av e on hi sure, III it trail.-, lifters lliducemtllts to ; wink- to thu.e in search of iiiintiy p.'ing .ml repassing h. .sc in el. .. proxniol) , allord I'te mere tiomnutl sum of half ol i.itertsl in or aCul lliecty. i. .s -oiii , io..t 7.S I ii- oiiti wuuiu rtspttilully auiieil Term. W pt r sir. I I'TuN si. NKWCUMKH, AiiiSutl 1 6, ItjU. 2aTly Paui aiLrua. uuui, HAVaiNA i.ottkkv. Tne u a I...U. ;xt ordinary drawing , y cuiiducted by tiirS,. e supervision uf the I li take pl-o e at ll .Val, the Koyal Ha,... m al. '..itcriiinen', iiitalll lieueral ut HATII.H.VY, Fibruarv 11, lsuO. $360,000. SOU THO NT.WKUU dil ' HIDIN AltlO, i tri' n:ii; 9100,000 :: I pr.i. ot VjlOO.OOu) 1 M " 1,000 I AO VdO I bt' " .' I il.l.OOO I IJ3 " 404 I - 'J0.O00 JU Apr'i, ,., SvOO I 10.000 4 Api.r..ximtioii. to the t IOU,tllM IhllO each, 4 ol S40U to S.O'.oilO; 4 uf 4UU lo 3ll,llot. '. 4 of iimi to vo,"oo, 4 ol iuii u lii.oou. Wln,lTiekel.a!U; llalve.flO; tjuartertto Prist . cashed at sight . I 5 per cent, discuaul Uiil. uu .11 aoleltt BaliSa lakeu .1 par. A drawing will be forwarded a. -on .a tne r ault becomuB known. Coion, juicatioii. a .1.1 r eased tu DON liOHlil- inriu li,,u llleenl.. tH'tZ, (care of City Pu.l, O.arle.tmi. j. C.) uu. i cr.ou. orueriiig nr..,. ".r."v .......... i piaiu and gne their po.t ulbee, cuujily I

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