unlan'll ralring. JVevnt j Mir b Jim a airrifirf, holy, ar- fr JHH b(f II hi a" (.I'll. AVIi.it ! it"' ser.'5-e tote cff.Ted ? It is the holy tiling ficrifice of our horlic. ( tur l..vli. . must -f f n cntiM tn (I.-d .ml (bci iiu-t I p presented holy snrriticei' nr liviru ac :fi - s. Hut, eh! lew can we do ll.in ? llow run we pr sent our unholy ho llies it holy ferifie ? Arc they not un clean K thry oot eoutaiu deep dark foun tain, of sin art? nnclcann. si '. Have tlcv ti t within the m evil hearts from which flow rcritiouai'y the stream, of lut, nd pride, i tiJ (telfi-bnrMs envy in J diccit, aud bitreil, (lid all iniquity ? And, if tl.i- in the cao, if these bodies which were created to be temples of f.orl, v i ...., ,j :, ,)., r ,1. utid hnHtr;nn of deii!., and bare become deeply f t.tint and dye.) with all manner of piiilt and de jTsdati.ii, oh, how cm we pre- cnt them a b.iiy acr!5res to God? Flow cjn we dare to Jay any such sacri fice. up.in His altar! And if we dared to do it, low eoul l f!e arecpt them T Let me a-k roil to turn aside for a moment, and fee how the prir-st" of old ae d to act when they brought sacrifices to God'a altar to offer (V, m or, ll.rimr kilUfl nd flared the aid. , ., , . , , . , i, ... tivated, hut cubracrd nithin the bouiiJa- iii.il, they cut it open, and took out ail tbat ' .... , , . .. . . ries of b' domain. The fact is new beinp n i.nHiin and corrupt within and then , , . . . , , . , , spread abroad, that a large farm uoe Lot ti unj! washtd it wilu pure water, tbey laid . ' e , , i i j j niake a man enter rich, coiiteLttd or bip it on the wood upon the alttr and conumed i, .wh fir- h.fore tho 1 .J Hr..,hreo Jr.'M Ut PD tU 'tr" ,he re'CrHe f l .as, onr preat ll'gh I'riest, would treat Ud thus. He would firet wh us externally from the dark guilt of ail our pst trans-, p-e-.io!,s, in His own most precious fc and then, hviLg ua open, would c it away and remove all thnt is corrupt witi.in us 'l I say.tbut is corrupt withiu us takiLp a- w aJthe very heart ai.d entrails of iudwellinp ... . ,. , purifyiop us it bin ty ... kin, and j -urging au tie wa.-hin of re veneration, and the renew- i; of the Holy f ibost. tLt lhu, beiug clean- . p- d without at: ! within, we may be laid, as 1. U- saer'Sees upon the altar, aud consum ed before the Lord. Before I leave this j tt cf u.y s i ject, I would humbly a.-k jou, Have you teen il.a cleansed by the b!ood of '."brist, at.d bj the Spirit of God T and if , are jou presei:tiu your bodies ns boiy sacrifices to tijd ! and if not, will you do it fr;m LibC forth? UL. iny brethren ! the very Crt tliti yea should ail seek is this MLctiSi.tioij of whiub I fprak. Are you o.ade holy ! b '. are on s tcu5 d by the lhxd aDd Spirit of God? What is tbc use of ail your religion if you bave not this! -Tb te is to sa!T3tion itbout this. I solemn- ! y ak, Are you justified by Christ's blood, aiid sai-cliii. d ly God a tfpirit ! I mean,: are yonr fin. forgiven, aud your hearts ; cuar.r'e ? If to, we can proceed together witii tue tut; Lii'. if ucit. we Dju1 stop at oc, Mid part L- re. You cannot adrir.ee, a bt p in tLi way of Loiiuess until you are, pardor.ed tid renewed Ub, come to Je bus! Ia litre on Uim ! Reuien.be r, it is ihrou.'h t i.er wicket gate of faith that you n. j-t go to the cress. What a gop-.l I L ire to f reach to you '. ( L, bow free to the very p. jort-t atid vileatl I preach to you the gosp. 1, cr the glad tidings, of the grace, or of the goodness, atid Iotp, and n.frey of God I The pate I point you to, and bid you take; is th gate of grace! The cms o! grice '. Ob, come empty ; aud buy without iiiouey, and without price tae wine and mi. of the kingdom of God! o ecy, come .iu ar.c .rii irer bounty glorify : tl.'.lt T'u- Ul . '. and true r u: u:,. Bvere c- iei that b'n.t ut Wit ,..ut n.rfiey. Come t" J s ji C!.r.t .oJ buy." And if any of you have come, and have leeu parloaed and renewed Jo not Ivl uy tb'ng I have said about the d eeity that thla saeriEce should be a holy one, hmd.r Tou from freely pre'entinc' your-rlvts to tuc Lord. Va uot mistake my meatit.g. 1 have uot .aid that you may nototT-.r your- ttlti'a to 'jol uules. you are without spot anl biauieUsi ; but this rather, that, bar- , toe beeu pardoned ar4 renewed tl.oub not jet perfected iu hctiiiess, y ou should be reekotiiri" youreless "to be d?ad iudeed unto aio, but alive unto God through Jesua Chiist our Lord," present your bodies a bo- iy satr'.Cce unio God, which is your rea- aotahle service. Lit LesiJes bting boly, lh-j sacrlfico ma-t be entire It uusl be the sacriSce of 'your bodies " I believe that, by the ex- ur bodi--,' I'au1 ju-t mean, Vi'heu the lau.lt a. brou-ht pre. you to the altar, the body of that Utnh wa Irotiht and all that ii contain--I So, wl.iu y m briti your to ii' s to G od , you iiiBr- your souip and sjlrlts too. Your ho i. - are iiko precious la-kela e .u'.aininr; .till mot predion, jewe'.. Go'l de-ire, that vou brm;r those ca-k-ts ' fear'ui'.y and on !e;la".y i.. ide," tin. Irii.t and j red out j r is they eoiitalb into the trees- try tt li.t temple, and ly tnetu at lii- fe. t i "i came luen, aud bring yoaraeivea to tiod ! .11,-, like tie pOuf Widow that C,li-t Clin ii ,dsd, and c-t your tao ifcilca into tn t i-u-y ' your body and your aoul ! and l. : i. a., toa L.ve a. tlj a all j on ate. 1. i:.R' all j our p-j-K.iotia brij,; ail your tal ent., anl i. r.iiede, earl wealth, and j ln tth. and I a!tb, and liu.e .nd life alt, , a., you La i , ani ej-1 in ail. ( b, 1 do he- J aeeeb you. k"ep I in ii jil.iii' What! can ; you have bttoii.e Chii-t.ans. ,:hout learn- ingthalyeaie not louroanT (an ye have lip'jitie follow, rs of Jeu oi'hout learnih;' mat ye are GoJ on I. i, . u ye are im-i j our own, but ate I'j'. i itb a price, and ' are tied a own ' gor' 'i it In your todies I ... iu your apiril whi. ii a-i i i4 a " 1 If yu want xan !! .f 'hat which I an, ! fc re' uroD 09 rt ,'-f t : y r a rt d I fust one cbart.r of it. read tlo eleventh of j Hebrew, and you 'fill find tlium in abun- them and their pertinacious ettects, Dy tre ' dance. Or, look at a poor .inner, a man cf following method :' If a thick rope bo in of like prions with yoarsctf, or,e who had! tormiied among the branches of fruit been p. rfcutor and i.juriou-, and mho ecu ! tree in llooiu, tbo end of which . d.rectcd 1 .idered biuii-elf the cLief cf ii,B.-r.-look at j downwards ao as to terminate in pail of that man devoting binoelf after Li. conver-' r ohould a .lipl.t frost take yl.oe du rion, body, una! and fpi.il. health, strer.h, ' ring the ibt, it will not iu the .m.llot de ,in,e, life, and all to i;0d.W, o pr. e . IT, et the tree, v. hi!o the 8u face of the yrltl;t water in the pail which receive, the rope 1 ill be covered with a cuke of leu of more jrifultur;il. THE TKUE SYSTEM OF FARMING. Trying; to do too much, is a cimmou r rar into which the tanner otten tail.-". preat enperncss in ftrivmij to be rich, i doubtless thecau.'eof his error. He in an. bi lious and ererpclic, and funis his plans on a 1 1.. .-,.f... nurl,,.i uill.mit t. . ' ,' r ., i the cost. lie Loys a lari;e farm ami wants to be ca'ilid a " larpe faruicr," ithout ' ," ' r . ' , fr ,, ,. ments that constitute a real farmer, tie tan- cies the preatness of that profession, as is too often the common estimate, to be in propor tion to the number of acre", not to say cul- tbese, unlets well tilled. then bis labor is rewarded by ample crops and fair succes ' ,. , Penetits 01 Dm proiession wiiuoui au;f uu,j a thorough svteni rf culture. His success conimerjsur.se to his wi-ht s, always depend' upon the manner in wh;ch he prepares his crounds, plants h;s seed, and rears his stock i f r . , . , , i y.-ither of tbese der.artmett; which may bet , . , . ... r . . will take care of tLemelrcs. The soil ni3y be rich but it needs culture His seed may ! a!wa, s on soil well prepared atid of a suiia lie qiaiity fjr the production of tl.ccrcpi desired. His stock niut be constantly enr ed for it derires its thrift from the soil, and 'ends aaiu to that soil the sustenance it requires ; but this is not done in a loose or bap-baiard way. The farmer. Care is required, and aM bis better judgment must be eietcised in keeping up this sy-tem of re ciprocal benefits tbat may be realized by every inteliii nt aud induslrious farmer. Thorough eultivation and .yt.teniatic at-! tention lo all parts of his business is indis-! peosable to a good degree of success. The. very comer stone to tbi'i whole system of farming, is to do what you do thoroughly ; nature will not be cLeattd, aid never gives full returns to the Lalf-way work that is practiced by vxstly too many cailin them selves firm. r. If the laud bat been worn, tie tx'.eLt cf tbat eibaus'.ion and the food rcq liro l. tiiu't be Crt con-idered. ben a-etrti.'.:.tij, ti.e full measure of tLfse re quir. tiiei.ts m'i-t V given, to bring out full returns. If the fanner bis but a fOiil! atock, and cotiseq ii ntiy butasUtau amount of manure to replenish bis land, it if ob vious that but a hi. nil firm can be su; li d with it J and p-ood jadmeUt at once dic tates that to cultivate properly a large firm, r'iCeial ni!izr mu.-t be u.-ed if good crops ire oltained. And so with the ia bor , two men cannot suitably till one hun dred acres cf land, when the labor of two men, and jt-rbsr" four, might be jroGuliy employed on seventy five acres. This is the creat error iu farminz. 1 o u,,,, mie 10 (iy what four cau hardly do, and thus thoa-ands of acres are ruo over, h iif tilled, and producing half crops. 1 he Ian 1 i run over till worn out, su-taitiit.ef year after year, the unnatural tax, till iis energies are t tiiin-ly exhausted, and it fa.is to yield even a fe tie crop, because ; - . .- ia worn out. Much of the o;; iu C, and other .outherti State-, ia tyre of thi. Thousands of acres are Ijir. it.'l:- ly u-e- 1. s- an 1 exhausted, atil wi.l ever rema.ii till the firt elements of its powtr are re- turned to it This process is fa-t g''ir' on in many of the U'rt'tm .-t'it-t. 'In; .oil i. treated like an inexhaustri.le u.it.e; the tillers crying, give. j.ive, (.-lie ! till, in a f.-t. years, it wi.l have lotbi:j; to fi.e. 'lie b,a t of the V.'.-st i-, lar.-e farms ai d C !d of gr.in ; rio, aoat and reap, i- t; e b--i- ne-s of we-ttru f.r-ner., lr-ii: rut ti.c v-ry life of the mil, sending aay iu tLe heavy exports that are con-tantly L.-o:nz on- waid, without r turning to the soli the iood it require, to make it prod j-uve. ' Tne liht tbat i l-einz pread a'.road en this autij-irt, is beiunim; lo correct tLia practice to some txteit, tut IS tno-t i;,stan- Cta very .i tie ia returned toth- so., I, k.: p it alive, till, a.t-r aevira cr.; ; in, it m ..if..--ti -ih-. u tm. iie bin. i.m.-- iar.'.f i ' z l.au .-Minna! .orj, and of ti... :-tj!,J t r tro will eu.tivate no to ore lai.'l tr the ii j well. l'if;y acres cf lan. (yr I. ..a !.tour;l,t I'J a li.b atate cf cu.livrjti ,!.. j I iter triaii one hi.nir. A r m t,-...r iu v,ay tnat wan) do J'JJ it'jn lart.itr. KilCIT HIKES, find the loliowine iu the L'.n-i'in Ear intr a Magriiine, hut it i- not ne t j u-. Vie know ol tho expeiini'tit Lav n; heen' r I- rl . Hi t l.l- Country, w ith orne t vr.-nl j H; a. . u ru trie-, unr which ti.e :o;.e ... c.-t afi the ml of the rof..; i.ltc.-'i in a I uek-t t water. Ail the Ii ail was aa ved, w imt- a.i i'i tr.e m i h! orboor) wan lo-t : Mr J iii uce Ni n, io a 1. Iter ti a cot' iu- j f.orary, et.t'-a that the Liu'M.ui of f -il! u tet, u:t are cfw-u to f.t.lly cut eff Ly j early fptiog fro!, may te protected from ', cr k's thiclne?? ; tJOUb water placed in ' ai, other pail by the ide of it, at tho fame ; time, by way of espiriiuent, may cot, from ; the slibtnt ss of tlio frot, Iibtc nj ice at all on it. Tho principle iu particular, as Mr. j Neil jni-tly remark, is deserving of much consideration, as there U a possibility of its beiUjT very beneficially applied iu a great variety of obvious ways. In prenervmg ap- p;e, rturinp iorg auu severe wiuiera, voe aunn auihoritv states, that it is only neccs- sary to throw a linen cloth over tbetn be- - , fore the apprl. of frost, (woollen cloths tould n"l answer.) when they will be found entirely preserved, how severe soever the ' " "'" "--' rea.iu to believe that even potatoes niipbt be protected from frot (AFTER being fsk- ' .... eil; by some fuch similar expedient, mis o, like the above principle, to which it appears so analopous, merit, high considera tion ; and for the same important reason, its capability of conducing to the uuiversal benefit of luaLkind, and the numerous ani mals under our protection. KIDNEY WOKMS IN SWINE ! In answer to an inquiry, the editor of the Maine Farmer replies that it is not very : uncommon for swine to be troubled with 1 loss of power in tbc muscle, of the back ' and kins to.-up(.ort the hind quarters of the animal. This i sometimes occasioned by i ..i ..... ii.j( :.. .i. " . . r . . ' . . 3 ' . brings on a weakness of the loins, fome- . c . . lime. 11 is ctjcu i'y a uistase ui me sjiu- ,.,, .! :,,.n t. !, lar.ril mm. , .' , . Cies oi me f.itjs la MOjpcu aua ren-iers me I,, rl.n tin urn) ns. the hinj , . . , ... quarters. At the South, where tne kidney worm iu swine prevail, much mere than , , . . , . . . here, they give in the swine, wooil ashes, salt and red pepper, with a iew, we sup- , , . . , j po-c, of their acting on the klelueya aid .!e-tro in the worm. In the other case, , , ... tonic, sucb as a little copperas Iu the swi.l, atd exrorn il If piijatiens, such as cold wa- , I , r ii i e i i tcr co.sl.ed on to the loins, folioweii by brisk frictions. Liniment, of a .-tiii.ulaliu- kind , ,. , , ,, , . , freely applied aud rubbed ID, ciorer tea and rteu clover fed freely are olteu use ful as a corrective to the die-tive organs. S, T. WI1IST0N Kn:i' . r. -! -int'r . n h.-nl. wiiuittj'e and it. a ,'u.l .in.r'ciilii. le aaa.irliliriil of I ri.A..s a.m jap .m:d : tix-m'aiji-; ! whii I. wnl oe mid LO W. C.OI.-V! y.H AI.KS. Knarrelerl P.iu'e and . Stew Funa, t.iue Pots, Wntfle Irons, 4c, for tale by S. T. WT.HTON. rejv'If.KT srrfg 4 touenor ar'.icie, for .tie 3. T. WIUSTON'S. ASH, .ed.Suire and Drcaaing IKI.XKS for S. T. WHISTON. nasi 's & vi'(;iiAn!ai:s. STONK 6l Co.. Serew Top (.I.ASft JARS . tor or. .rrving Fruit-, V.-. table., 4te., toe arl.'.lt- n.ive in use, fo' tfe by S. T. WRIdTON. i 'OOIilM. S'iOVlX . r ... MA NT of (dOKlMi aiic I r.,1,.1 ...liy on h n nd, C4ii l.e .tl .r.r. o in tint H. T. '.VRI.-TIaV. s'i'!TMf A I .f. Wli 'X.j Notice. 1 Ult 6r.o ..( III MillliMi.V J. AHIJI..NS wa. J.r- V U. !k.li i li-ri.:lir ...uiit. Ail I I.i l.Ur. nr.. 111111.1 be Cioaed Up .TEi;.S-N i AllllK.Ns. Alinl.N s to .Mr. i. AI1KKNS. 44-tf i.ry (U.I o: (1. M.ili-, l . tui r. )h Hi. I.r. M I I.M 'St. and fel,., .-.iiw.n, . . . t.ie ... I... .- I A'l lOl- NOK'I II ..IC1.I. ' ll r .. 1 - t... -i. ..-r-, or ... I. r.l lo in.. I ooiity Agenl. lor th . New, I. ;u lit- ;iiii 'iti.tfii -il Usii. ti : tou !. " I tee n..ie -t- l, w ill. tier It. v. rt, W.I.I U.i ,M ,i. ut. t- II M , I ut.t-:. row e. li-rfdsr twt inn. I I. Hrl II. o., una o! II -o. ll. 1 1 , . !'r..Vl:t KK UK VI'. IMi.l oro', N 0 M.t I v A l i ll f .r ivry eoiinly in in tale. T ru.a i..n A p - t. .I..,ii . J-t 14 II 6... .; i '--a COUNTING-HOUSE A LM ANAC. 1-3 in 5 .' 1.1 1 1 1. ..5;. ji I l phi u!i::!u Air, III-1 1 si to II I I7IH Uli) u,!iiu!itii,i; i l.ai.3l.,M.-'l.iS r:s.,l.ii Irthl Il2ll3tl ' t.1 I 19 SI 21 t! 31,4,.S.,J 1 l.l 11 a n I .7 41 1 11 If : 1-19 In H I5i ; l.l II 12 i I 17 n:ta ?. : m r, ji 3i : ijin'uiid'i; a.21:2-.'liUl a . a.w,. I Sl SI Ti 1,1.' 1.1 II 13 'iv y'li'ij luiriia si jA1.AN1!st Afk.uks The embasay to bo I i'u,icd State, will consist ot two Lorn inn sioners. two Censors, who will bave to re P" on the conduct of the Com.nis.ioDers, iIltm imiimiiiiii an governors, eisht pen- ..":.-,, ,0(1 Iour s-rvarts. Increasing conhJeuce is consm ercd as ixistinp between foreigner aud the Japanese liovcrutneut. Among the ncent impor'ations at San Francisco from Japan are sonn of the sta ple articles of that country, such as sacks of sweet potato equalling those of North Carolina j a latge quantity of rapeseed oil, which fiiud. a pood market for supplying better burning fluid for the light bouse, on the Pacific than any other uied ; sam ples of leaf tobacco, txceedinply delicate and resembling the Havana leaf, and fruits' isinglass, chestnuts, Ac , &.e. CHAULOTTK HOTEL, t II AUI.OTTK, X. I . , rgVIF. Proprietor of this Hotel ia a r-r JL atill at nia poai rtaoj eo iui. X-'7 fil tliadutiea of " mine boat " tut ha fiA.&j' trelling public and othera bo may coll on Mm, and he lialtrra Inn. sell that ia cunifori-ible uartera can be tound with him a any where in Una vicinity. Being ailualrd near- in tha eentre of Charlotte, Huaineta .Men will loenllon. lie baa bean engafeo IB tlio buine I , at tbia aland nearly aighlrrw yrara.aoa m that , ,e baa made eeral adoili..a to lua former hooae. and ll hat been eleatiy eolarifd proved, prraentiiig in front a two alory VtK AMJA ' ;u0 ,et.t , , ..t,, by ia feet in widih.h.noaouM iy ' ahadeu by tr.ea on toe .me.walk, aifoniing a plea. .tut prriiiieo.ue at all hnura ol the d.iy. ., iic llou. hat o.-en thoroughly furmahtd Ihro'. j wut, and in t very part of it rrwalur. eoinlnrla are , abundant and tangible, etpeeially in the PIMM, K,M)M. where In. inner man" ia "renewed" day by day. ! Connecter; with thit Hotel are Stable, affording foom or (1JU nor,. abundantly lurmthm wiin train and provender, aliemled by faithful and o- bilging hoatiert. .Jh, irim.i,ir f(eeDfidrBtthatwitb bi.inwg eiper.enee and many n. w anv.ntage. a.idec ito hi. de.ira lo pleate, he it prepared to offer hia Ini inn ,nj h. .. nl " mankinrt." at many eoinforl. and uch good rheer t will be tound anywhere. perhaps a Utile nKire to J" At any rale Tav tin Charlotte ll. tel. J. B KERK 3-Mf Oeti!r 19. IB.Ie. In a-ctei.l.ng v'J 1 ILi. t-Oli DIAL, w ity over etery n tr , lolt. EATO.Vjs INI-AN. sire to .late lla tuperior. tnal i.u.-te or rjuict bat in retotore ottered y.u. Kirtt It ia tho pr. rnrai.on of reeuior phy-i. com, woo ia well qu.Miid, Irom li.ueli elperirnre III infantile complaint, lo pre.erihe ..r liiem. Se. romilt It la enur-iy t'n e from pretonc or opi ate of any kind, and'eontrrittently relieve, by re. moving Ihe awlTeriug of v.ur child, inattad ol ce. demng 1 1, ten.ibillt.rt. i h.rdlj ll i.palupwilh gr. at cure. a. a como i.uin ol n with i.y other r. t.ele for infantile eompitinta will .how : Ihe very r !t from winch it t ni.iilled being u.ig from to. I. r. tit under Ihe d.rn-iion of Ir. fn.o, many of tiiern by hit own lnii.rt. fourthly ll it perfect. If harmiea. and e.nnot injure Ihe mo. I lietie.U in f i'il. anj it a eerUin cure and relict in ail Inc foi. lowmg catea, alm ii it it. chief mtril over every oilier preparation, vil : K)K AM. CO.M.I.AI.NTS ATTKNMNt; TKKTII I Nti ; aueh ,t L'VfK.NTKUV, CI.H: &e ; al.o, for aofti -ing In . guma and relieving p un. Kor regolttog the bowei. it i un nnallen. K'-rtoiu in Ihe Head it it i. tore relief. luitlUHf, Ihe nioi r.T.l ana irr-nv Ol Ol.e... i ' v hed on with perleet cenftoenee ; and being a powr. erful anti .pismisiic in ill et.... of eonvniaion. or file, we earne.tlr reeonirnend vou to loae no time orocurma it. I.a-ilv It en.ta to n.nch more -thaa other prepar.iti.-na of tne kind, Ihnl we eun. not afford toeh long aeTrtiternentt a. can Ihnrr vtr.i.t" h..ie i ipi n-e a it.-ir a.lvi riiting ; f'-r Ihe t. me reaton, ll eonm.ei.d. it-eif a. liie rm .1 rein hie to all mr.lh'r- In all ca.et, Ihe direetmna wrspiitd an.uo.l eirh bottle, mutt be ttiictly fo. lowed, rrice. So cent, per bottie. onoq njuj '.Jiiltiji.j av. '.uonaaiip nj ioj 1 'aa illjlia iniapuoai I ill? at )i Huitn J iooit ; J luniiAy, -uit ! a II if, AlU.aO, put Jooi put 'iol all OJ mJuaai. I...iil i Kn hi ii panuauni) a;iiiv-'u'u't tnuf ;.n aa-TPi-' P'I'',JU" Pur 'l "",l -n.oa aail Jail" P': IKnO-l'.V 'VJf US '".'- J jo la-. a I.I 111 Hl,...u,a .1 ..(JIKl.4 lH't" 'i.i. ';ii"7 '"V " ""' i" mU 't' ,Jiu,J ii""-1 l, iil ajnj uiu-J 'i 'paint.. l.a inn una ui an:. jin. u 4Mo .t III SJI J.'iia -JJJ jna tt (aatau -yoa pum tuiBidui ajaoia,. Jo aiiJH' u Jlf( auo i.lio .ui Hi I J.li t lwju.u.(lla .a : rj .1 ly juau V ji.iJ li(iai. pot lu-wuja l.oui ail poij Jai utj ju.iii d ail 'altdarftri, jo a ii J.. hi itoui .1(1 (J Ili-IIDI njil".l Hl lC..l iilli l llljq pin '.ii ji.a.aoi Ol ajna .m 1 1 i a I'luy ti J aua 'Ja -t nn(i J .ii irili in' Ul paataaip Jo Kid ...i ai jaae jnoi jf uluip aa mm J liaualuoioa A. 'apauiai 2 iiii.ji,n u i.',l ul puy i.w noi ;.ax.;a; ai.a j(f jnof Jo pa-tajda, J ;"'.' -"iO jl 'nt'lJi.) tip pum "iiu 7 i da.;, jnoi jo liajvifj iouay u.ojj Xuu ijni aia noi j i((i.4 (l(i(r-)H-I'll ;o aiio.i . Suunin.jd Ul amii on 'an.v ayal oirx jo 'tmlily fit i to-j 'tJU'H o boiiiIi, aij r"'ll I'l".) V"".i' J"-'l u-'l ai'!uil.-.ii a ' i a.imi:uioj im aii noX j 'i iq pajlu X,i lir.Jia ...Una put. i.lI o( . ..i..npo,i .,.ijd r. : -Ul HI J.., a.llolll Via Ulll, pjjoit .i .i m l..UOJ -j( 'i(..n, j.. aan ai(i m : ..'IiO.-I (Kid'lil ""H I" "oiir.npojd 'U " '"I , 1,11-u J'J, Ul oai. put mtaii a.:j nin poor i jo aia uii jo la .jj.J pua 'ooij .auuoa aiipui aj.mi 3.(1 ol i ,l..oiai id joiD.ifrint :.t iii'.ld p rifKr-ltl Mil l. :SIZA1VSV 1 " -'il ! ,., . . a k iCiuaaii o i.l jei.iJI.ij j.llil. iq rw. pn. uoia.i o;d nti. in rii.-l Jo luainuia laoul ai) ij:iAoja .i mini) i. puoi M pnj.ipl.noj ol . '11011111110 uon d pampaj J tr. uear) Juiatq 'u..uoi j( u v Mii-i.i-ll t. l.l 1'fiVT I. J v " ' ' " . ' , ' ' No. :il. Jlaldr-n It.te, Ni w V. And aold by all re.pecubi. Uru;gitl. throughout me country. iNua. li ly W TINEMiS TICKETS, for the foutity aud ; S uperior Court, for .ale here. I EXECLTIONd fof the S. Court for .ale. A Great Battle to be Fought! 'JJ'IIK auhneriher inform the eitiaen. of Char. . Iiiltn and viomily, that tlmf hv on hand ami are eoiiatantly receiving, asuperh nrtinent ul ICltx'iint -. . FUIINITURE, - J auprrinr t" any thina; that hua ever been offered in lliia reelion. 'l'l.iir lca cutiaists in prt ! Ihe tuliuwiiig articlea : Seiliis, Trto Tetea anil f)ivan, l'ne Bollmn Kucking ( liairn, Mnheguuy and Tane Seat Parlor Cliuira ami Hush Huttmii I haira. Mahogany and ('ana Butioni kueking I'baira, Wurilrotwa and llureaua, Marble and Wood Top Centra Tablei, Marbla Waah Stnnda and Sinks, Card and Work Tahlea, Mahogany and Walnut Kitennon Tablra, Mihiranv, 'French and F.litabrth Hedateada, What Nota and Parlor IVaka. Looking Glaaara from 14 to 170 a Pair, Relf'.Rocking Cradle, and Reclining ( iiaira. Tucker'a l atrnl Spring Holloni Dnlaieada, Canopiea with Lace Netting, and Motqueto Bira, Cottsge Furniture by the aet. Inn and Wood list Racka, Gilt Moulding of all aura for making Glaaa and I-icture Frame.. AMr Ever ''"" ft materials for "!e renerallr nd l Caomrt M .Uars, aiieli ;iur. Iicka Knoha, Hine. WiiSiint, M il'O.'snv, Ac, 1c. And l-'sl. tiioocli not lr...t, we keep alway on lianil a aunpl of Fisik's Metallic liurial Cases. J. M. SANDEUS k CO. Crlotl. .Va 3i. ICi'J. Htf WASHINGTON HOTEL (CHA.M1B Of rROl'BItTORS ) iiitoAU vi nrtr i- hmis, n. c, JOHN F'. JOKES, Proprietor. ffMHK I'nderngned re.petllully ar.nooneea to JL the iratellilig public, that be ha takan ! ehiirge of ibra iilu an.l popular ealaB'isnnieoi, anu ia now ire.ared to aecon.inoilate travelcraand pri. ata laimlir. with boaru by the day or nionlh, on , the moat aeromo.oditing It rill. j tin TA Bl-K iil atlwava be futniahrd with tha ! brat proviau-na that home and lorei;n markeia tin I .fiord. ! Tha aliiMBfM Illfl ha large I ia iietler the o pi t, llic court hoiite, d j the butmata alreeta thio any olher 111 the City. .. ri.nl,iii will alwata l at the oroot an ' m.ing, on the arrital ol the ear. and .leaniboat, I lo culilrl iaatrllirca lo IOC 1 1 oil' I irec 01 lly al..pli g at Una II. .ul, paaacogcrt will hate nipie lili.e tuuMuli u-ealt. .'. , ...a i...... B..1.U Having ai. - . t'uilv I'rep.r.d to' , i,t iht iij week or nieiulii at the " juhn. F.Jones. iMnrrA i, isj9. iur . ll US 0 r k Si i.tllF aubacrioert retpeetl'ullv inform li.t JL lie, Ihal liny are prepared lo treel l. .a Work, for hghliitg t itiet. lownt, Vili.ge.. Col- I. g.-a and lr;e Hotel.. They hate arreted worka in I'h.rlotte nn Raleigh, N. C-, whirh hive given j entire aalii.et i n lo Ihe cu.sewt of tho placet. A. to qualilieaiiont, prompintM and abiliiy lo perform ail entrai n enlertd into, Ibey mer to the following genitalia a : Jia ll Carton, Pr.a I l..-r.(ia'.ork..( haf N.C. , Wwi Jr.he :.. I re., t har aV UCH . " " j lir.T.D ll.er. r"rea. Itil.tJ.a A a. K.l.igb. i Col. ti II. Young, Waterly, Miaa. ! .C. Story, . T. fior. V ti. St hoe frit (.at Workt,l..tll. ral.a,.. . .-iu,.! (. W.irka.VV.IrrloWn. N. V. j r in r a. ( o.,.il I earl ri., ,nt imi. Ihe tllh-enUr. st Rthogh. .V. C. j WATEKIlULfcE A; LOW E.S. A.ire Stfl. 14. l a7if I GKKAT UO.NDKU OF THE MNETLtMU lEMUT. PROFESSOR WOOD'S iiairUttor;itie. Pi yt thr sit. I7oia, lM" ) Itenioerat : Iklow, we (.uhli.h a hiier to ir. W.a.d, ef thit eily, from a g nllem ii. in .M une, whieb pa at glowing' y ol the .uperior llieritt of Inl hair t'.nie. Soi'h etidine. n.ut'. hate ua i Am t. when tomieg from a rel.ab:. ...urre. If ctrl.ficale. tre guar.nl. e. of truth, Ihe lr. nteCa no enconiiumt. nor uatMia putfiry from Ihe preaa .' 1 li.TH. MaiM., Jin. 2'i, l5C. ! 'rofrtaar O J. H W 4; I .. ; (usti rais : Hating i"T atlent.on tailed a f. w inonlha .inte lo Ihe highly bemneial rl. I I. ol your hair ntoraine, I wat muuero i pliiaiion of il upon ir.y own hair, wli bad tX-- eoM gray, probably one nurd while; niy ,l..-k. . hrakera nioiill.a tii.ee I proeored a botlle of your htir re .Mralive, ano uhiI it. I toon found ll wtt prov i' g whal I had wished. I uaed ll about twice a v.e. k. 1 h-e amee procured anolher b..llle, ol which I have und hum- I can now eertili lo l'ia world that the gray or white hair baa totally dit appeared, both on my i.e.laml lace, and my hair hit ri suiord itt n.iural c.lor, aod I h.liite more to't and gio.ty than il ha. b-tii t-lore K-r len. ly hvey.ar.. I am now .my ) car. o.ii ; my g. wile at Ihe age of tnly-lwo, haa uaed ll Willi the a.ll t eHeeU . .... i j... i... . r. . Th. iiu..b:e uiacoverv. I am a.tur.dll. at whiatver III. , i.mr HI...II..I. will not bate ca.,0., lo'eontr.u.cl my .t.,1. .. n... I am a c- ol th ty ami a renoeiil hero h.r Ihe la.l year., ami am known lo ne.rly evuy one i ......,n,i, l...i... Ant vou mat u.lkl .b.,,e..,in u.y name aliached. r. .1 your a. I ...Ii t.i pre-r.e the bi.ul.e.ol na. i' oilier, .a well aa li.y.elf. I am Iruly, A t . KAVVtiM) lure i yourt, FlaLTiwoat Jin. S3 le.'S ViODb'S II A lit kl rs'luli A'l l K. i a-or W,.o.i Idar hir : ll-ving had Inr r. to ioae Hie latl portion ol my hair. forle th i la ol t'.e eiii.w li vt r, in e Uliealia I 1-il. I W... I...1 uee.1 lo make a lri .1 of your pr paratio.i.Hiii' ii.uoii it lo an.wr in the Very tin r. Iie.i.. 0. My ha. f l. now toiek an.l gloa.y, and I wi rirtcmeipina u.y obligation, lo you n. g.ni to loe .Hm lid audi . Ire..uie. HM.I.V Johnson. Th. under.. gned.Ki v. J. k. bragg.it a mim.t ninr tt.indilie, mi p-alor ol lot llrtliiMli It al bruoktie.d. M .... He i. a g' I. lino, at ll. ll uel.ee and uutvir-al.y If. I. .t.-il. w M I) , Kit. ol gr Ilrookfield, Jan. 111. II.'.. Pr..fr.'.r Wood In ar Hi, : ll.ting mane a ti al of your Hair heainraiivr, it givea ma pleatura in any. Ihal itt . HVct haa ren eicellent in rem.. tog inf1ainui.il .n, 'laiidrurl and a cunalanl tennen. cy lo it. long With which 1 hava been troubled Irom my ehiuin.ioo : and haa alto restored any hair, whieh waa becoimug gray, lo lla original eu. - bar. I liata uaed no oilier arliele with ' k like tha a .me pleasure or proiil. Your., Iruly, J. K. Ill' A'. I I'K. 11. ......,.,.. .a mil on in I...1 1 1. . i.f 3 .1 via: large.ii.enium and tniiill; lha arn.ill l.oli.a I a pint, and rriai.a for one dollar per bottle; Ihe I nie.lii.in hold, al leail twenty r cent, noara t.i I proporiio.i limn the tmri.l, n laiia for two tlmlara i a bottle ; ihe large ho oa a quart, forly per cent, more in prop- rli- ii anl retail- fur II a bottle. O. J W.rlllli I ., Proprietor., U Broadway,' New Vork, and 114 Market M..SI. liuia.Mo, and : aold by ail g.id Urugg nl.liil lillir.y (ioodlLleal. cr. .nd in t bailout' b hi A Kit alU. Cash raid lor Hides, f&V rl M. I)V KLI., 3 duora Koutli i.f tin M it M.n.iou llou I ho, lollt. April b, I'.'.e filf fcULPENAS fur a!u at thi. Oloe I wait FoitjiiE mmi IfHY ia it u. Ja.'.a'',; -., ,,, 6lu,(, th . If Beeauaa ha buyaa hii7lt i.A fiooi the MjniiUclurera. ' US. 11. TAYLOR" Wonld reapeelfullv arroonc. to the inbabilahla from Un Norlb, ... uf Hie uiort i iti naitr .ortnitnli of in North-Carolina, among which will which hat faine.. tueh a famous repots tun io the Poutltrn Coon try for the U.t iij I ti . t. ,.,,,,( f ThiaSlove hi arranta aupt rmr lo any t (M.king Mmr now in mi .li i tiu -la it it trrti in, ,," couaunira I- a Curl, an I doea mora work in a given time, tl an any olhi r 81. t. nt, u,t j,( put up one iietme any other Hlovr of tha aanic aire In the I'nitn Ha let, .ml at at ,l, , Ulli , ,. n l( work in a civen lime.l.a will forfeit the price of the bUive, and quit atliu.g abd go his drat;, u tha better out. ALSO, AM- KLNDS OF P&RLOR & BOX STOVES. He baa, ami ronalantty keep oa hand, an aitauaite and vaned atoek of tin AM) sisi:i;t iron, 1 1 AT HACKS, CIIADM-IS; &c, &c, Allot lnrli will br aolit. a ht.liaial.i niial Itt-lnil tbenpir Ihimliut rrrr been nllrrt j . 1 I would retor n-y t.anka to my frirndt and beatowed Bpi.n ua, und tl.ey nity rr.l a.aored. together w itn a delerimnation lo p.raaa. to try aod ! his mvm n "win win & siri.ii. ; adirs and Ufiitlt'inen are parlirularl) iiniled lo fallant! I'Aaminr Li Siuffc : AUZIHjjS 02 IWittMnntf. ' I! I will l. ll yo why I U.d my adfirli.rn.rnt " W ait roa tb W aoo. a," ,i ,, t,,.u UT onU r trill be faithfully CAarJrir,.a. 16. 1857. CANDY FACT01.Y. Fresh f onlh-li'iiifrlcs, Fruits, f 'II Ciub.ri iber retpret fully forma Iht eitt- il ti nt ol ( b.rloll. and turrounumg eouairy thai he haa on hand .Ii from .New Vork, (.fii. ti jf Confectioneries, Fruits, ! FA.M V f.-lMH JIUII- StL-lf.-AllN. TOIIAt U, S.MT T, H)VS ! II it ir :i I liiwlruiitriit". rnti: ii:ta, imiinv iioitai t.. ' y i l'i dt , At lllutA it itgtm., dial i., M i U-uiil, V lliatl mk' of atery varitly. J. L. J'AL-MER. iWrmW i. Ir:h. 4HU Ali.bc int. mi. lo ni.nufarture t AM U.' f ill kiniit, free irom p-.it. n..m coiorirg ui.ukt. IU New York Menu U, fined I ai.uy. ( a. I and .'. JA31KS 3i. fim:v. common ws mi:i;ciu.s r, I 17 ( II Mil I It ft HI Hill, . . . PF.t VS .nd lora.r.l. every ku.d f merehan . ti.l.iak. .m; rm, j. y rma... Jl one lor ill r" " 1 ; ,., . (;.,,, , ind It M.,r. l. tad, h. W . W . I'. .M.Iii.rMiail, A. M. ( I . V. Iheni., Il .n. W. A. l.r.iim. !nlher.. I'rmln im 1'itiio., ,. Imiont, I rrg " "r. ."-i-.. . ... i fall!, I' llllipt, ja I .it U l.l.glliCa, e. A pr III U ! -f all U.e d.ff. r, al ... ,.. kin... .... p.- '' UOIianer oi an eiegan. i....ap.i ' Hirkmrj Piut f.p, " .l . (gl.j and the - l into. aa. I iiiaii ua j oa. launa i.vioa vo ll.ai.TH." ' " invaluable .... .ajnear .honlu he in .ry hou.r. ll treat... I all ..: haa a copioo. glo'-.ry .nd pre.inhe th. ren.e Iron, nature a bono tenet ilore., i..r all oor in fir it'll lea and niia- ilorluiua. 1 1 ia printed on Ii ne w n in- paper, Mane ilinlv bound fourth edilion, Jlrll pogra, and la ailti frtt for ana dollar. N. W Koai wood 'l.l.O,,i:il. hrh. I. IH.'irt. ly Hotel fur Sale, AT MO.NROK, NortTII AIIDI.IN A. -a- ' ' Hf- tuhn no. r being utairon. aeJLI of . hanging III. bnaiot.a, of- tSaS'M I.r. . aala tha I NION lll. Tina 11 u.e ia mluatid in Ihe Ihrivi-i,' Town of Monroe, N t'., e.-ii vet. lent Iii Ihe buaine.. portion ol I l.e Town. and within about one hii.iurnl y. r.l. ol Iheli.ikol ll.aW. it It. Hnlroad. Ilia rly new, ei.nUina .evi utri n room., w.il iur kinl, (ihe furniture, being offered tor .lie wlii (1 ,jlt. the llou.r ) a nre.pl ice lo erry llielil out bou.e., M.biea, 4.a. dnd Ai r. tol Land ailjuiin.ig. II t aga ili.iu-ilifi. . him ! r loi.gi r public life, b will llirr.f.,.. -.11 l.,w ...in. an. ....,.. 1. 1. tima for p.ynienl. Kor lu.tliir niloruiation apply tubterioer, or my liiend, K.v. ... A. Iaiu. iiiond, linidtu, bu. I a. JAMES BICKET. .Vu S4.IP.VJ. tl j lilt. It. I'l. C .ililt r II. 1. he plea.efl to reeeitt Prof. .......a (all. ?l in the Heparin, rnlK ol 41 l.lill INK ami l Ul.l.ltY. In l.l .llMlit. I may he found .1 ht.reai, I or I Mill Ii.p.,1 Vork llitinel H. . h-h. J. iM.h. Wanted ) 1,0HK Oltlrrs oK TAN-l'Altk. r,r Which li e cash will I- pa I. M. B. TAYLOR, litf Jf31,18itt I I AltllNY. a of ( 11AM (I'll J i .i .i. it .i k. i.. . be found the eelrbralvd tl I at lltia Iriiillf , cu. I' antra for the vary literal fttri rup p . , . .., thai I .hall rndvator, by rlo., all. nl nui tii.r, oy cior alii Ittlliuanre of thf aan.l n rn a mill jiitwiij tiflnn'ril lo i.A.iN.JI.LWI.Ol!. 3tl C3-Ki:-IOVAI..:x .1 UK onfrel.rnrrr an.l K.nuiy t.roceri Ml . J. i.MMIV4 .N'l.-I'r.l I,.. l..n. in... i , ; th- 1 1. nd opp. ..I Iht IV it.ri. ol l.on !.. .-. Ibey .r. r.-ivtng di-rei irom N.w i.-r. .i-p ado 1 1 mil a to lb. it ttoek of h't-A l Ur F.HIIIS. I tuiiai i;i:oi i i:ji, a,-, Ann.ig ihur atoek may b found trrjr .i j l u tliy kepi in a atmr of ll..-. km.: A t .... ... i Oi III ot i ake l tllomiliga, W illuw VV an , a r , , way. oil hand. 'Ih.y hate 10 IIkiI rn.pl, y an nu ,.i,! I K If:,. n't irr (.irjarnl I.. Ii.r....! ,i,, . I'.rtirl wat( .kit ol til kl. da at .1. .1 r - MO'V M.-Lr.l Nov mUr ! t. Iri. AA.In l....eo.nl ill of t Mr publie palioli. Aaa. Ii. I. . in ti l rl., ... nti'V k Msi:rr 3a' w s An lili I Mini llnilili r, . W H I- luroi.h le.igk.,l'l..i.. and I'-.. ; Vff lol I'ubilr huiioinia, rrival. ll. ..,. ami Villa.. I'. rlii u:.r aln nl:.. n . . buili.ll.g Houru.g ,M,;,.. orn M,. ., . l ii in 3.1 .lor v of A.'fndrr'a lloiliiirr, rr.-i.'- " oi. r h.oa f t. Ii. l It I ll-t, III) 1. 1 A nuthfil Lite Insurance Con.i'i y n f'U I.. H M.l.ll.11 . I rrjilll lonp i.y JL ait lor one jr. .-I, u.. Aiutu.l I rit.. Ihe Ii i lerm ol yean t, loa ...ufril a ol ll a I on ll. e wk'..c l I tie ipalu g iii lot pron 'pom n. giantiu lot pr iiiiu.ii ll. i d I prt .! ..1 , 0. I nn h.r ,.( ihlc all 10. Itt a "''T!1' I . - p...i ..... ... rau-a.e pi. ii.mhi., pr, ., m kr.ai flit J.al tor lai. Il.in.t U.i .r ta.ui. A.I lo... t are ..il w illun HU u- a. f... lorj prool it prrunlit.. PI 11 1.1 IKli.H. Cl.trlt . I:. J.,ln..i..n, V n. M 1 1 II. ,lo. n, . 1) look.. J. Vk.n. -. Ilu.i.i:. Uui ..lin l.uiUi, I r. I' ll Mi h.r, K. I'. I -It.., I bar!., h. I" io;., hi.hv ii.u.ii.. - uniiihs. I r . I h.r let I.. Jul. n.on. Prraiotni. Vi . . II. ,li..n, Vne 'r. .otl.l. li. II. Il.ti!e,si..relry. Willi. n. II. Jonet, Trra.urer. II. vv . HuM.u, Ailorn. y . Pr. V. in. 11. Mih.e, M.d.r.i Ki-i htrtMttrr I .asanllre. U. Lu.l.'i,v K. e.l II It., .1- MrJttat .Mid of (ontuirol.""-1 Jril.ii.on. ,M. I., VVtll...... H. M'K Id. 1,'u ll ll.iy wwiii, M. 1'.. II w iK.rn, al-o. eo.i.e. t'n furl..r ifria.alit.i. H P1'1"" Alao, One Hun. red to U paw.phl. i.,ai.d h rrt ol pf I lli at h. til.lail.ad .t Iba tllheeol lha nr any r.fila Agi I lai.n. Unit a In, .hould ba aeilrti paid) u R.I..HATTLK, A""u" htplimhrr , III. y-r&&' 'X:' , I i JOB PEHuIIjG. 1 If OK PKINTIM all kind, will - i .1. 1 V irt elo.oi.ioo.iy iltrt'tr rol.oa Whirl m... I ULANK PKKD3 for tale at i