THE niOVlDKXCK OF GOD. , M.nyare i.'linx to acknowledge ibat fiol ru'ra in the king-lons of men,' but tney .anl b- '..eve that b notice the .par- row and li- raven. They own that in . tr,, be come to the hrrpnfaiorf.K bat thfir faith cannot rr'p t!, conception of liU ohserwng a!! the little affair of mm. tin ir hidden thoughts, slight ot word and actiona. Can e beiiete that God It s res n called trifles entirely to the control of nun, and only ititetpose to di- . Tct tbe great event of the world ? These small, unnoticed things are often tbe moving csuee of those greater events. Is it not then I more reasonable to thii.k be notices all we ! think or do and say, seeing no one act is j dUcooiirctf d with another ? T it Dot more i iu acoordauee wilb tbe faithfulness and tin- partiality of our heavenly Father, to sup- j pose that be weighs with strictest jjetice our I deeds, aud cans for tie w"t trot only of! the bumu family, but aio of the whole an- ! itual creation? Not only is ' justice and j judgment the habitation of Lis throne,' but Li teuJ.r ujcicy is over all h.s works." I It is a lack of faith iu providence that lead men 13 desire to look iuto the future. Indeed, our confidence iu tbe care of God i a sure lest of Christian adrsncetiieDt. lie who has learned to tru-t perfectly i far iu tbe way of life. No quo who has learned this coutideiice can took with forboding in to tbe future. He feci that, as with the Hi mind i. at rest, for be doe Dot borrow . . -, . , i- t oun.e. Contrast ucu au one with Lim , . , , , . . . wuose m nd. is n.iea wub aouot and iui.-i;i- . , . , i i w6. - j , It appreh.nive ibat it w ''. come. for evil h.ra-s and unsettle bis mind. If we cialii ever ketp our divine Froii "! tor in mind, tnere wouid be do room for sin r. 1 A 1 tl 1 11 '. . 11. ' . eioaely with (joJ tnat he perfornj everj act . . i i tn., tV ,1 i 1 ,. r . , , . ! expanding conepp-jon of the Is.fiuite. W hat . . , . a s:et, but sOiturn thou -hi it is, of a lieing . . , it . I j f e er with us . liow should it raise our at . . , . . ..... i fections, ana purify our uesire. Jieiieving . at we do in UuU tow prone we are to live uhnat l,im A a uiai. ti.inkrK n i. I.a ' . , l , i i , W e thii.k of tne woiid. anu tue concern of I , , . . , ; Jito, ao l so are carnal y minded. If wj i.i . . . , fi-.i- ! . -lit t Odr bearl Uiore, u wouid be teller for our j , j j SILENT rnAVEK. one o. tue urst p.aer-uieeuuga iu Doted lor his profanity and infiJel seutituents, j fiuiug that the )ouu saiesoian was gaiaj tLere to the uet.Lg, dtteru.iued lo avcoiu- pany hiui. Turning 13 the other customers, I be aaiJ that he aUucd it to be disUnctiy un- ; d:rtood, that b weut luerely out of turi- Oaity, to report w bat be saw when Le return-1 ed home. For a whi'e tbe scene seeuit-d to j Biakc littie or oo iuipreasion upon hiui j but toarj the ciose of tbe services, il was pro j posed to engve for Sve minutes in silent prayer. For a time the great congregation was as still as the chauiher of death, and af- j terward the merchant was observed to be j weepiDg. " Let un go," said Lt to the Joutig i -o, be replied, " tbe service wnl , , , , , ,, ! oon be over.' When they left tee ball' , , , .. . , ., I, all,!. ... .1 V. ).,... l.t fl.. n.r . , , cbsol. ' 1 nercr before felt, said be, " as ! , , . , . , ' I oil to ds in that prayer n-'eetiog;. I do , ". nieLt of siieLt prsyer. t was, against my Wii, convinced that these people were wor abippin; God sincerely, and that their re ligion, was true I have bem a scoffer at rei gion, a member of an ii.oJel ciuh, bave bought and soid infidel books. Hot hence forth, by the he p of that God whom I bate bi'.herto trjecied aud defied, I am resolved to ke k that religion with all my heart." feulwrijtieut iufortuatiou has uteu received as to bis uuioa with the Church and also of the eouieraiot1 of a brother in conaequence of bis own " Miti(Miary IZejxrter for Fi:h mo-.lii, 1 309. A TfclFLl.NtJ FKKACHER. A ciergjmsn once preached a very aaa kfLii.g sermon. A young msn in tbe coo grcauon much impresaed aud tinuing that the clerg)inan wa to walk some dis tance home, joined biui, in the hope of bav iu some conveiaaliou as to bow tu be aaved Tbe c.trgvmau was wa.kii.g witu several others, and inalead of the conversation lur king ou rciyinoa mailer., il aaslihl and tie. iu Jeojiodt. Some year aft-rwards t .e clergjuiao was called to see a d)iny man iu an inn. As be entered the room the dying man started. " Sir,'' said be, " I have beard you preach." " J hank Ijod for that said the clergyman. " But, Sir," ton tiuued the msn, " I bare beard joa talk, ar. i yaur talking Las ruined my soul. Ves, ,Nr, do you remember lh day I beard you fmel,. Ibat e-rrtiou brought eouvictiou i i in j heart but I sought 4 conversation ml vou, and I walked borne w.tb yon bo pu g to b ar kouteltiing about tuy soul's peace; but you triU. d t"jifi I'ain.m ! Tea, Jon did ; and I weut Lome, believing that ;ou kiiew ail the solemn thing you tbJ iu the morning were lies. For years was aa infidel; but now now I aw dy ing I am one no longer. But I sin not s.vt d ! I will meet and k.eje t0y before lb bar of od And su the man died IltuHt CVcir. TRl'J"T IV O'.D. Lrt ws treasurw up "ur rfperienees of C - s faithful and leuJ.r cat durug lb whole course of our, lives, that the mJ j j.rU of commcal dJ two quarts of brain I come in to aid our faith tod hope in the la--ta0i hot mater turued oo, a much a would j .jre-t conflict ; let us careful!; consider tbe e!I woistrn the whole, aud all well mixed, '.'laniplo of other ho bappy death we Tbe morning luewl wa the name, being iui- mIiiwm nr nf a liioh a read or heir, to al- ( nvr ni. hi or car 1 iu the iiiornins. In ,BJ our ,uJ ,uoour,s, our b..,t : !.t!iU. wiv, no wero waited, the cow u prep,r, dui;, for tbie imports-iit aca'n, j ,,, a food supply of u.iik, aud increased r, p, ,lU3C(li .UJ , CuI1.cie..liou ' iu condition. It was hum trout!, W the tlll,io1 , ,.c Julie of our nation ; and ' ,u,Ure paid for that abundantly. On Long , f p.,y .. ,nJ ! wbcrt! tb e.t0lu for thc farul. distr(,,f illf! f,r,. The Lord will prou.le era ,0 sell bay, they keep thoir horse ff)f our pilH8g0 cver Mt Jor,l,n a hen the n,inly on cut stalks and grouud feed, aud time comes J yea, be will coue aud meet u, and by bis animating presence iuvigorate' our faiib and hope tiil we joiu tbe inuumer- l ie multitudes that iu the Canaan above, are inging the praUe of the great Deliver-! er. ho bnth both redeemed them from far wore than Kgjptian bondage, and brought them safe fo the promised land, through hi precious blood, and by bis all couiper-: ing arm Scott. j 21 f;riai IturaL WIXlEUlNtj COW?. A!uiol every family, epecially iu the couutry aud the MuaUer towns, keep one or more co as for the purpose of suppljiug liit in st ive with milk aud butter tutu artic.o of prime uecensry with every boui-e keep- Iu this paper we snail cot .'peak of th j"" ,uu fe ul rB I rather of cases like those aoove luicaled, i where there owners do not stuiiy that I .... . . 1 cioae tcououiy iu (ceuinj tLeir cows, ana iu , , , ..-J..-, j ruents. Hut everywhere, ILOmj who Ouid have u-iik iu winter, u.u.-t not forget that 'auceuieufc iu uuukivu" iuj.i ,3u-,ci v .. i.. fl... li .t .1, -ht J. r r , , cau te bad upou i:ry lOiiucr a;o:.e, unites n be firrt ra'.e both iu character auJ n-jaiity. 1 , Miich c: aiioulu toe etabitd, especia..y . ' . at uiuU and iu etoru,y weaiLtf. Uii ij " J , , too frequently beiriected, the uii.eii cj re 1 ' . ceiving no better care tuan lliose tol iu .. , uili, or me juung "ut vi tuc imi "" u Tbi i a miatakeD policy, if uiiik i dcaired. ,j And, from good cow, well fed and cared . e furi 't ' njoie va.uaDo than at any other season, . It iil PT, for one cow or for , . scores, to keen theua sheltered aud CJU-loll- abis a.l their aants a liiy supplied a ! cir';uuistaLCtS sill ailow A proper aud convenient supply of water - f , . V mnjlio uiiicb cows, especially, should be compelled , y to wander iff in the tieak, cold Storoi In some ui-iant pond or some iprmg bole for tue yard, II poositiie. v Ueu there Is flia- cuilv in j-eiimj; water, cauie are apt to urio b r too n.ucb at a time, ai niiicb cows decrease in Uil.'a fluUI Ueh Laiuful diatehtiou Cf r tbe ttOUlStb with ice CO.d W&ler. Many dairymen Cud it profitable to warm the w- J ' . . , ter gnen the coa aud other animals in the . winter. G jod bay way well foriu a part cf the winter food for cows, but they need ou.e- th I..' more iu order to a good supply of n. L Uiiia. Carrot and other root crop., a'o poo-Laius and appies, promote to r..r , . , , . , .. . mi. and the tciitb iLd thrill ut , , , , d atiiies. prouiotc the ho of the at.i- uiti. ri nere caunoi roe naa, me coar- sc-sl trsius, crcund aLd nixed with chopped e c " bay or atraw, or cointta a-, njav be fed to ' , cows, or they insy tt eu.p.oeu iu connec- lion with the articles r-t named. Au oc casional change of food is much relished by cowa aa wcii aa other stock, and protuotcs both health and sppetite. Oats aud barley, or oals and corn, or Luca,w heat, or r)e. form a good proveuuer or n.ea! for this purpose. I'orn meal feed alone has a tendency lo eiry tff the mtik it greatt-si value is lor fatten ing rather thau Ui.iS U.asni,: porpoars. fsive cowa what oud bay and cured corn fodder they will fuiiy ui.pose of, aud a peck or ao of short or provender prujitilj wrt and seasoni.d witu a little salt, and they will continue iu in. a aa long as though roots were git to 'Leu., at.d Mid n.1.1 of a richer character. He.ulariiy, both in feeding and miiking,' i aeeessary to the coinlort and thrift of the cow. Mai.), when their cows give but a sma.i nuablitj, mnk once a Jay in wirier. We cannot commend the pi seller, and would nut fo.iow it uuieas for the purpose of dry ing off our cows. It ia true tue; give a !e-s j ianlity al nignt than at morning, but uoi'k ed regular!;, the night mi. king may le looked upon as so uoucn eitra to w hat would Le obtained with Uitiliug out a day ' Country (Jo.l.'rmiin. j v.iMtiU.NG stoci:. ; ilow to winter stock oo a short supply of 'crage, seem - jost now an impoi taut ii iestioii. A gi-ntiemau had a pretty good pile of eoru.talks, well laved II. a stock cousis- tcd of cows, and his team oi horses, but be! had itttie atraw and less ha), lie's a great' iteilever iu the virtues of c.ia, aud -Link, he k lowabotv to teed theiu. '1 ne tral ' 1 -bin.' be Cid was to nuy a straw cutter aun . ge-t it borne. 1 hen be Catd soma luhs, by taanii; troud stout barrets in two. aua luaoa a good warm stable for h.s cattle. j a u siuiaa were ... oov, nuo 100.0 wi icsa atraw was tjt with them. J-.aeh cow was all sue could eat three time, a da;, aud the mesa nubt and loom. 1.1 was Lied jn tin. wise : I be ecw. ai noon hart . fc,d of dr. cut slaks aud straw, which they would , . . i rat p'tt.y ee.u .un.iai ... , At about 3 o does, three were gaibereil lu-, to the tub. and enough mora added lo make J I lis svrning lutaL T Ihia ass adit d two' .heir tesiuslook well. We cu winter lour time a much slock upon an acre of com staiks as upou the Lay from au acre, and tbeie is no profit iu groing bay for sleek upou laud that mill produce good corn. Liut the c-oru mut begiouud.aud the stalks cut, and cooked with iho tneal. It. in .Vie '. i . m.ui $3 Notice. It trlilic.ile, inautii lo me, fr i ..I M. ck in I i.e I li.irli.ilf li,,..;, I iipnl.y :.ll.,l li.r a Uuilieulrl i t.. a n..uiiuu puavu by ll.r aS HVK .oliARK I . .-xmili ( vruiii.a I;, i III. I I Kill 111 - npiHI Sl.iel.huUi I fuUnui JtUlN U MOSS. euan'y, Jun. 3, letu. 4'J-tlA E. E STOKES' l'u( k ilii'ifa' Establbliiiicnt, Twj Doors ubutr Bmcli in NiW Builu1 it.; iu nsrol W. B. Suulrjr it hnalljil, .t; til s. c. Tl.c L.l-b.,l.u'cr.l I. li..ln,e. anil till rrci i I... ULANK fAi'tli I ER1 AI.S. I u.i at ml lui! I I.UW ill lu.i iipar n a lull sunt. i V d ! .1 l,lM.'Kti' MA r. my In li 1 1 all nr. ill in V ill. i , eml i.l Ii ..ln-il Sr-cKx JS :,-, ::. li .t.l.- I. ... I. i.t. ..a. ln-.l tl ,n the m.n '-dure l H.A.NK :M H. sn.i in Hie B l'.; I I l.l VI ill. I. in r u. tire tallllaCLch. ULANK UlOhS. I'.atk.! .t tk.' i... a-, . r District Office. , l:Oin..r .ml l-oiniiii-a.iiiirr In fc.tu: a I IU i.Kll an. I I.' I M lo any O.H fie tery o. l m.i.ittr, ul aonur plH-r j ','' itrit. .ii I'n; tcij V'f """ " ' '"rtf. Pul.N l'i:D Won KH, m u,c B.M.k I'. ri. uid.ii. P .iiii.lilrts, Mi g .B-ai ,ry iit'svrijilii.ii, Ujund or rttiure.!, rxt-cute.1 with de Jjuyjf 17, leGO. 43if 1'ati: or .o!:tii-cai:olina. MW KLl' IlU tiij ll'IMV. Li Djuiu. 'iu Sj;,lX Term, A. I). 1 "(3 J The ml. ofloj..'-.'...! of R. card M. A., n, fi-innH, j ' ..f li lU 11 ii u.a.Joi, if t l.-r Aiiatin ..Ul till niv t.i 1... th. s il.. , m.,u of : oin (.....ii..., li, i. ,..:n.. en.-, il g l.t I lit- siil-.rlMn of :r, lii. I int: I'en e.ianl, lii.ia-rt H-rrif, I trie l.ii.v ot ri.i. nl' li.e fmli tfa u..l ! w an ii. ii. u.l. 1. 1 nt .-tuit: !' I i l lt . ,j . "! ;.; u. i.i ti lbt B'; ( h li.. N..n I III Hie I. ily It tl.c .... If.,.,1 11 r ....... I. I lt ..... .i.. ut ,, al Mll w,, , ,j, ju,tfii,lt; Court, lu '"" i"'": ' ' u": "onty t .M'-c .ei.tmru. at C. urt li.. us- m ( n.r... ite.i.M i. 11 ui .M..i,.i- ... u.: i,,t iu, m rurua.-y. A. Li. iooo,. n ! :"'n l"r't .' ''l Cuiu..r.l twin, I., ili-stl t.iily and tru y rc ...t-iili.n.. nl Ilia I'.Jli.liff s ; .,u,rt ..,.. un..l i.t li.c '.I li.ia """c''- -"' ('""rl w'" P'"" ", 9"'" h.d tirtn t.n.iy atritd .i him. Jid lie had ,:,,),. f,uli m h.., ami will .n.i- r n.e a. nl Bil' to h tke c .nft .td, n.i n.ikt sutli , . ,, , . Urrse tliereu.-n a. sh.ti bf dtrmrd ju-l. vVin.., A i'. S i.iii-rt..i;:.r .in. ii.a.t.-r of i. 4 in 11 n.itj ,n A igtux, A I) I'j'J, r4ln lt.ii t.l A .f rn- .ii ml. net-. A t. Wi!.LI.i,-iN.c m c. r.t r. 14 Jon 17, Ie6'l. ma m T. UKISTOaN .statii'y nn nand. wnou sale and re. in ii id couipitta aaaorluieint of riaAi.v ami jaia.n.m:i rr i 1 1 t ii p ni irl, ni l lie .old LO W. g t'l STKIt 8( Al.KS. Kimneitd H.-.uee a. L Sttai Pans, Itlut lola, W.Hle t ons, A., for s..e by S. T. WHl!Tt;X. -gaol I I at aOII.ET SETS, a sui.enor articli, for silt S. T. WKISTON'S. lASH. Deed, SF:te :id Llrrssir.f liUXi.i for S. T. WRISTO.V. VMM I TS tVI G I j'l'A ll IA .S. paj - S7 . T. ; - - ren T..p OI.A.S JARS , ts. tvel.ini s. Ac. ine : artiele bos In use, lor ;ne by S. T. WKIS'l ON. cooi:i; stovj:js. tH I I. ASMiUTMK.ST of HMKISU a llher HOVr.1, Will he i...l...liy ,. I,... Mil si, 1.1 ij aa lot) can he udurotU IB tl, oy . T. VhIaTi.. I mrliU.Jlir U. IfljU. Mil 1 III- tllll ,llli If, I'lllCtrr ! 7 ! uiik lll.l.l. nr 1 1 Mis, . i.u m ',1'" "' m.nnu u. u.t i uui.ii A -t.-i. lor tin. V w ' A ;ti.i, h.r this I.ntgf niifl .Tl;ii.lii.ii 4 nl Tl.-ip. Al j . fri ,.m,.,, ttt,., h, et tl.. sl, .Ir ! .If. w.ll. her kisrn h mi....... I .10. lupti. 1..., I me. .i,u ( ...I "W'wn li.a.i.. ,., "m"' C!liyf.H'.lZ,TZl ! il 1 .u U.uac, Ii,..i.r Ay .01.., t n.pat lliil.l V ..e and p'tm .'e ( uliey.a, kc , kc , una ul lb. . (M,i .nu mi .M. ter .s km I'l'. Ar.'.K A 'hi l II li-boro',.. C. B1A,t'L ' .' A N'l Ml l.,r v..y r.,ui.ij. ,. th. Btsta I . r...i .Ural. Apj'.y .a aoova. Jmtm li 14 Ij. I f I I I COUNTING-HOUSE ALMANAC; (iSijjjiiikSj ii t y 1 ' n 11 js 15 ll'UllS i! s ; 9i:i;ii , 'A "i si'. s, ri i ir I I i I'liii-j'i.i.ii i.'. : I i:f t? i ei n "i OeL P 'i! r"i'"v" li,, ,- f itilll2,li ii ii niiiiltr:" i J' In -jilivai si H'n11 14 j PiiW iiihil- Isl ri Si n uii.vis it a ; ir,i.iii . .. U JJ,Jw.a...-j 1-. 3ii'i5 a-l ii"ii'l"T J it r,i i-j , In ianj;iivi 17 ... n I i". 1 1 : l f it u.15 l S5 St 27 n a I It OUT. II. (OW.4.V yTi rNKIiAL tOMMISMON MKHl IIAXT. C Jf V n.tii.wron, N. I'. W Olfiee, Soulh Corner Market anu SValer Su. pl.ira OcloLtr II, I6i0. 31 tf . , fBMIKfiri.. u(ll:SlLliX &. AIIKL.NSws.; Sl ciai-uited ..I. me ll -I Jai u-r). u ...uluJl o.. .... .. l J AS. V I1KN I1L1;M.).N. wil li. rr.ili r c.irrv on li.e ausmeaa iii ma uvmi ici.ii. .viona uiiietud will plt-aMi ei t-tlle at nliee, mb tue bualllVsa llib.t be eo.Ld tp tuii.udiulely- IltlNDEUSON i AHHKNS. Jauurjr lcJJ. HAVING id my entire ii.Uir.t in thr iirni ul hr..Ut.U.-U.N dt Allhk fvJi to Mr. J.P. IlkOi ULhMiN, 1 siiu ilai I u rruiaia lor auui tune yd al Int-nine any shah he nappy lo ail oo my irieuua and cualouitra, uuriieuiriy ou Uiosa wliu would I. .rk over In I.U.r elialijt, uua UK and las coueeru. F. W. AUKK1S8. January 1S:.3. "if d I A li L01TE 110TKL, .) BIZ. B4.: BC. t HAULuri K, . . C. ll.Ull rr.y MtiF. Troitrielnr uTlin JL alill al hia uoal rtady to lul- S f,i lliauuliiaol'-l : lioal" uubiic and otl.el who i.iu.scil In. I a nil Wl'.ii linn as siiu.i'u iitar- a.nis Men ill oisy e.Ji en Inn., anu Ue tl.llrii couilorubie iju iricr e he fui any whale lu l.'ia V.tu.ily. lie. ly iu tna et-nlre ol t'liariolle, B hnu Ih. a ll.itel a nio.1 e.inttl.itul and ...!.". l ioc.lina. he h. itii ii jto in Ins business al tills stand uc.iiy el iill tu ye.r.,sno III lnl lime ne iia maue scvttal lo lua f..riiicr hnuMi. ud il li . s ine.. justly enlrj,-tii -un iiu priifcii, jjrt aiiilii t in irni.t a two story Villi AN" IA 10U it. 1 in Itugln by IVI k 1 1 in w idili, I y h.ic br trei-a i n tl.e .uir walk, arTiiru.n a (ilea. s.i. I uritint u.u al an hnur. ol tue n.y. Tnc ilouar ii. Ut-eii ini.rouKliiy lurmsiied'. out, mil iu evtry p.rt ol' it ere..urc et.ii.n.rlii re bunti.-lil ami I .ni; ii... . eaotei.liy in ilia ll I N INC KtXJ.M. aiitrt tl.e "inner uiau " la "rencwee" u.y uy u.iy. I Ol.l.rclti: Willi tills H. Ul arc BUbles atTnrdll.f r.x.iu nir I'll! n. rat-s. abuiio.iiily lurinsheu wan prsio and proncnder, alienUed by laill.iol mil biiK.i.ff lii'Silers. 'li.i- Pr..(trit-ti.r f. tli hi ll.. I with his rl(x-r.-lice .1.0 many Ht auval.t a n.ilt l If Ilia ui sire In u'ltiK, lie is nrirt d In off. r lua 'ri. . a and i..e - rtsl ot iii.nkinrt," ss in.ey enii.tmis u d as much r't'.l cheer a will be lounu any n- re, ' U- Al -n 1 ralr r ( j. u KKiiit Otioltr 19. let.'iS. 3Jif In ..rttitis. yt.u with UK. EATON INK AN. Tll.fc CHltlIAl., ntsim ni slate Ha suiri..r. its t.vrr evt-rv isnsiruiii Ibat nuraa or quuek has nn. in. ore nw'i-red y. u rirr' Ii is tl.e i r i. trslion of a r-euUr physi. t un, w ... is II ).l.:.nee, Ir.nii n ut ii espt-r in ...t .ot..e eititipl.ii.ts. lu prraerina Ittr tntiii. . T opt- milt Il I. niir.iy un trout par -. e nl any knit', ma n.e sull. .iimu.ii nny reliesra by it- I ..ur tlilnl. inalt.o vl oca- '1 hiroh 1 is pa I au Willi 1 t at rare, aa a Cn.iip . r laa.n ul It Willi any finer sr. 1 t I r t'-.r llil'aiillle t will sliua : Inc lery r... ts from winMi ll i. i.i. tilled oeinir dug troin Ilia ! (..rests uimsr ln dm rtuin of Lr. Kati.n, nuoy ol II. .in ei I... own halnls. PllUrtlllV It IB ut-rltrt. ly harniltsa and ranimt injure tin riinst osliraie in- , l.iit. and is a eeria.n turrand relic l i.i ail tnc fnl- . cases, wt.ieii ia its chief merit over every oilier nrarparsimn. 't fliU A I.I. t O M f I. A I I la A I I r.rltiti. d Ti-KMIIM-; sue.. ., A.: ; .i-n, t..r s-.H-i ll pfc.M KKY. I tl,l fun. Kr rftruUiinf Die it u 9" t"1 Y.K oil in hri il ... M.rcrrnrt. Kr 1 K( P, lur nifl tatl Hid trftnr ol tut , it vwn lc r. .rti i.u prtr'; mid bun p-w- ul . lltl pe f f;ifte of tmi.DHiMJp or ynu lu it no lime lit rM , in .fcuririff it. L-rii ) ln- oilr irr(Mrih .11 u ' in. I fl.rd urh lui'i: ; ll I ine kilitl rtiseHienla as .if aflvrrlisili sr rliN 1 ' . e rs.attu, 11 eon.uitnds itself aa Inc miai r:.ia- I hi.- to all nn. Un" In all c a sr., u.e dun tun. f a r.u.-eij arnunn esen U. tile, most hastiiclly ful 1 lowed. Price. Ui t-aiila (itr uoil.a. I omoti jl ll aoiJJ .is;nJj.o eas 'suniuajni i.j 1 ai ji 2iiisq ajt ttetiJI J ) saauisky, us a . 1 01 ius joi, pus 'anno, aui 01 u,iltuaj)s s.s.J If ItBll .11 iq paliuauaq i j.l slpamUII Sla H fi pur asarirl,a paousoia pum sis, aloied -11....1 aai iaiiiu (i:a tnjnjojj),- loa.,i ;t,-'saoidaa ; i" -' i." "' l"'f fc" ..UidiJ (JtriVIM j anu uia.jaa ji'ni ..uns l-n aeui una j ui s.ii;iniu.ti Jili Kmiil J-i.ia 'ij 'tiuv aiu 'Sssvaa "I'f'l "'1' " J" " "it 1"'M P" i ssia.diawj ;(. Jo i'K u 'jitoi ii''. I J Hl pa.ail.ii..U t .si a I ai lljjusu Ha)SiJ ius juaurjja )ai.ili alj ni.lj alall USUI In .as ej .1,1.1.1-. sin (.lull uuj Jiiallt I 3I) U I l...- lil.,tSa.l4 puu iSlf nilll l Jtlli., ai.tii i ai.l o .ai Salia-f eft alt aaa 'ia aa.i'Mat sua l pawiiaaip io onlioi el aaaey I Jl.oA' J ' aaj laa atuiauauiiuoa in '.Isaiuai I J iii.j..ri us a...l ui nuy ia lu.i pitl')l ss I j(f juoi in r,.,,. .JS fni'.v ll'i.i Ji ';'" ftp aa a.yiuy fl iU49 JUua in alliary IU..1J uu..j)na -is n-ii J .. Hi.tiJ (loil'ia atil m iiti - aiiijnai.ii ai ami on a... "aiiv 'Vai taa) j 'fiMy J nvj 'V'H 'VI ) oi(;irfi, tvjm pv-H 'pi.) f'irlo. I'.tau-i; n-rt ai.lilllisi..a s j SUisil a Sua Jti i una! -i ".( iajna isnriija aj.iat S.a.,illlllisuoa pusaumil oat) j.n Ul ajl J iS ainiinui SIS Ulllll.w lileirl( is.ijjad n j oijiila.J a., un.otiJH 'K iJlii Ji.lin al. nu ll ! ..'(II KM nOlflll ""II 1" UnllinpiUd .l uaari bsaj a.. liiaisi. ta llsai aill Ntatn H 0t an I in Ji -'11 in 1J.U1 oils -ii.nj iJMima al M-.ui n. I 1 sl.l (.1 l ...f.ns ai( Jiiiiiid .Ue 1(X''IH Ml IX WMZA'IVK V 1" wi an I l-ai'- n..j a. a a. aonaiid sisai i, i.i.Ji ,jiu.ii Su i.. pus uois.aj 111 .tOl Jtl IU.IUIUIJ lantii ji( in ijianaaj I pooi'ai paja-pl.ll'.a all I'l mil il lllllf aitpji iitj na ua.n lilia.u, 'u.i.uoipj -jq M l lillil H A lt'HNT, Iruggi.t No. :i. M.itirn I-me. N. w Ynea, Aad snld by all respeeubia llruff Ms tl.r'.i.gli.iut tlsa et.ui.try. A tar I Ijr VM lLt! TI 'KKTti, for tbe County aud tjuperioi Court, for sale bar. A Great Eittlc'tobc Fought ! i H 111 K ulwenlitrs inloriu the cilifeiia of t'har S Intte unit viciiiily, that Ihee imv on li.iml ami re eonaUntlr teeeivmg, a sUMrn aaaurlment ul t.taJi.t FUIINITURE. D.rriir In any ll'iiif h tw bet-" nffered in tin t rli. in. 'll.eir .lick euasiaw m )Mrl ul' Hie luilinsiiu ailiclta : So!ii. IVle Teli a and Pieaim, t'lin Bitl'nn Kt.ckiiia t la.r., MaiKaH)p anil t n Mtal Purinr t Imira ami Kush Htui'un ( hairs, .Mjhojnnr ami t'tiia B"l kiekiiir t hairs, Wrfrtir.itMia anU burraut., Marble ami VVihhI Tum Centre Tables, Marntn ..h Manila and tiniks, t'ard iintt Wi.rk 'l .tili-.. Mil.. 'tuny ul.d Walnut Kxl. n.irn 1'alilra, Mahuganv, Kn-iich and Khsnbeih BtcaUava, Willi I Nit-and Pallt.r lfka. Ul-ssea Ir-.n. 4 t.. will a svll KfiekinK Cmillr and Hteliiinif Chair, Tucker's I'airnl Siirni liuilmii Btisieada, ! Cauuiiiea wiiii -ee Aetliiitf, ml Mi.Mjuelu li.ra, l i'UaK r'uritilurf l.y the set. Irniahd ihhI ll il Kaek.. 'Gilt Moulding of ill ie" Iwr Hiaking Ola. a and i ricture rrtmea. Fe' V in ' ,,v 1 """" ' Kfnerail u , kicks in..,. i. M..i o. ...,.Ae east, wi: And ual, LiohkIi nt't kit ' hand s up. y ui Fisk' Mdallic turial Casts. j. m samjkus a co. tit,ltu. SI 3i, It5. 1U WASHIHCTOK HOTEL, (lUANGKuf Pl.tifHlaroHs ) LUOAU si 1(1.1-1 N I.W M UN, t J. lit. JOIIfJ F. JOKES, Prcprbutor. i Llii tr-'kl td rtspeelluliy annouutta tu ' IravtluiiK .untir, th.l hsa tasan cliaitr ol lin mil aim o(.ul..r talabii.i.meni, anu i I. li.. V plrnaMO Inset !...... U Ir . rlt I s s lid (tfl. l-oin.e. wiin b.-i by u.e o.y or munlh, ou tut li, .l acri.ii.H I Mia. His TABl L wnl .iw.ya ue lutinslirtl with II. a i l .i pr-.tiatona .uu u.aiaciaeau . attnril. Tna UsIllll,lM 1 1 a I haa l.ig r.iouis, ta ne.ier Ilia orja.l, Ine cuurl l.oust , aud ! Ins liutimx alitcls li.-u any olher iu li.a cit .. ; An Oumiaa win .) ot at lue ue.l inJ j laliuiliK, ou lot .rrilal ol llir eaia and, , lo r.mny u.aatllKVIS I" Ine ItoU-l lrr ol l-ltalg. j liy au.kiUK al llna llnUl, Will lla j ampiV llt..f to wol.ill Uiciia. ( ami a aud M.bie, i.o .ntit.l..mOi.ti.l' it (t,..rni lo l...:ara l.y I t , net k or an-nlii at I junx. F. jom:s. f ,!!.' sui'.t ni. it rt.. llul ) inlnrui il. pub. U. lie. in-' t'" ' ir.i.aiit. to erect w.s W ..rkt mi liiil.l.i ( I ii.i. Ti si t, Vil'-J. s. t ..I Itg. s snu 1.1.1 II. .n:. 'I in y haw erreli a works in i i.. r. -iiit t .. I.-K (i .N I ., h.rh l..r .vtn col.rr Ml si.tlua Is il't tn.isl.l tl.... t-i.ct a. As lo qu-i.fir. Inns, .nn .in. na ainuiv lo nrrl..ln a.l slilrltu llilo, tiityirltl lo li e r.d.i I.I l I t'k.r.l.s. Works. t'lisi N.C ..( I..r Ss.t.s . " " I U.I Its. Am. - j Wl. J.n. I. .In Iir I U II- rt Vr I'm. (. (I Y. unj VV ... r.i , Miss. (. .. Works, l.illlr Falls. N. V. : I' silftry rui.l l.-s M orks. W airri'.nn. . I. M.s.Sui.riklii.,1 IV.rlM.,,. Yora. A.ort-s. .. . h.,..,!..!-. WAitiaiuitfc i. Low;cj. Sfi. 14. IfoB. iiu TIIK ONLV AKTK'LK L'MilV.VLIill) IV il A 1. Iv I"I'i MUM tat Iw&iwstsl IIOPIE AT.'D LLhOFibAi LLL'AND. Tut rt... ii why, is u.. I by N.luit'. . nn prore.s il rtsl., its it. e i.siur.l .im pcri...i.n.iiy aiu-r H. ha.r bct. mta tii; suiioIk. II. n.lur.l rtun.a and liiua a . jr. on t..u l.t .oa, rn...t s ; ii Ualulrt fl'. II. hu .ltd heal Irmii tue c.ilt, qu. ti. .no I U l..e m iitrx.Ua l.t au.ieht I, ali i In .ii tars o' Ine st it a it s, .no turts y oc rtutd un n ni turs ket p It Hum t ill ; I rAy and ksaali;ai, ai.O ll u mite l.o.s a wvas. I s , i a j j 1. 1 1. rraoti, rtad - li.r vubtatltes i ar U tjt. g issiy. Stal by tna y .oi., .a.." 'I nttcr fail or Uc..m .in. n.llijwii.g and jOtg j .Niw Yosa. J.i. ,U, .'iH. I II.SI1.S. I) J. V UOl 4. I V estoih mm ; ' ll .i.i.g near.i a ("id oe. I ....ol I'.ul. ....r Vtmai's ; Hair llasl ar.iivi, snu ins I. .ir n. ii . unite gr.y. 1 mane up my i..ii..rto ..y asi... n.t . Willi'.! I. Ml -.. .IN -HI With err-.t ll.dl.J safMsDi. Ilsll asy-tlt-Ht tali llt-llllt-r Uf Ustl'lt risClllOH'w-wl, ll u m iirt Idiic mgn I Cl4uicbctU Uatisf )uur rUcit. to Ii mi il lof in ymtti. Ttic f'iu.t ." U" n it vry limuth.rj lint I am Vtrf V f iaU 1 4111, Hi, an. III j Malic Ui joy. Wtril ' 4S tiiv eiiC4-ur(t m ur mm I Miit tiut uii lit nl I .y t- t. tc With- y nol iny reasons h.r selling il a.n.t , are un Mlllli( tn giic ynur a trial till ihey ii.Vk lur ihtr prool, and tl.e Lsral proof hring uACU'tr ue. iinlistral.oli, I wnle you Una teller, wlnen ynu may snow lo aay sueli. auo slat. a(r, ci u.t m in n.e ..r piiM.t, ai.O .. iu in .nn out ol Int -N. V. W re llailini; lit t.i ry day .My h.iir ia now its natural e.ilor and mueli iiu pri.ttd iu apa)-ar.i.t isaiy w.y, htiti( glossier sou l.i.caer anu inucU uima htu'li y Itiva.l.g. .m jours ir. i tiu.l y . IIKMlY JI..VKINH. lor Loliiiiibia siiu I .iro.i si... Ur.auklyn. l.itisosioa, A... Iik. 14, I'rof. vt oop lit.r B,, i Vo'ii 11. il kt.ti.i.lis has CoUe InUt ll y.s m llila paltol t.a- country. .My ha. been sngiiliy oiinii.iaii.iig lor at vi ral y t ai., es usrd t suppos iroiu a s.ignt bom w In n I vtts ou.le u n.l.ut. I liate been u.iuir yuur Ht" have In. is s.ui anu I In... I : lloaU ol hair ImiW a row lllg, a llul has. . t"K I "" : ano ynur II otlnr ran.tuita known, to no itteci. I. II. a It lilt' II ... a I Vaiu.l'ie reliit uy b.)W latalit, li auviav ail Wliaie slliiolcd lliat Way lu Uaa ur remedy, . ou e.i. publish Inia if yea think prnprr. Youia, Ave , t H. MlLUl.t.lU.. Pllll. tOtl SHU, ISt pi. S. IB..8. Pruf Woou Limr r r : , .,Ur II. ir Kc.lnr.tive ia pinii.: nt ll la in In ..I tn n.r. I'l.a ir .i.l .na also tbe o..ea part t.i n.y l.e..d almoat ln.1 iia nimsti in I.. ri mu. I bsru nut la.o ..i p. Ill tin II It. 1.1 ll l.ip ill lliy lie. II . Well St, i.livt,aii now Ilia P' an..; eropol youiit lia.i,.mi tnr Imnt laaiao rreeivniK ,i. Ucli. in. i.ate prep.r .in.l.a itn. I Hunk limn n.y nw b p. r. ..n. i no n.n.t. o. i mu, 1 t.n intiuco lu.ny nui. ti. t.. try .1. Ksi-, r.s,.. t a ly. l l( 1 lili.MAi,M 0. n. S.i4. Vinti .urel. Tl.r Id slmali.e s put up III It.lllt s Ul J .in., via i lass k . n.t. i mu 1.1,11 .man ; ll,e n,,i. j . p...., .1... t .i . . ..e .....a, p, nt... e, int. n.e. iiiiin al tati.iy icr ernl.iii.ic io il. re,..,. I.,r two ,,,.,. . IMiti me i ,,,e I,.. .1. a ..riy ,.,-r emit. mt.rr in pr,.p.,it ami n i.ii. mr jd a tsiilio. (I. J HISDidl, I'mpit n.r., 444 ll ,Ju .New Vnr. ...... . M ..r. ti bi..M .u,.,..,,.,.u i Lit. I. in l l I. .lie uy h. Alill t U. fell Paid fur Hides, It mors Sou I ii nl ll.a iif M.BIBIOU llt.ttae. I sal Hi. It , A?ru b, lr.'.S fcl'hi-p.NAM fur sal at this time LaaliCL'TIC'.NS for lb S. Court for tal. : i ) 0 ' ' 'J S.H. RANSOM. UC. ; "Al WAIT F Oil T t Becaua ha buvca hi S'JU IXA Iroui A.A.I.KTAYLOR VVi.uhi lr.., Im :...rn,, i i .-rtinll) ir Ci. Mi r, i.c ui li.r in .1,1.1. It. Il e I iu i it . h. . I . ( ii w, a I SEffi lit no iw Noiih.t aiolii.a,aniiii, which will iiticn -lw H'l'erji whii.h has Tin. bii.v. rsiiit.. inch a famous raitulanon i ht warrania soot rmr In lay Conking i ss,i,.i ofx-a moie ami in givin I buI ! one oean.r any Hicar nl ihr san.r ma oellar ona. ALSO, ALL Fj&ROR & BOX STOVES. II haa, am. ...uni y keep un hand, an aalti.sor anti vsrird atoek of Tax AM) sin:ir ixiox, ur.TTi.i.s, 4. 1st uto.y m.tisrin HAT HACKS, CHADLEaS &c, &c, Alius M tHrit Skill Uf at.ltl. Itult anil- llild Ittliill itliii lliiauhm llrr Im--s sl ! l its I Is la Vlrllill), I wnulu rsturi. n.y fkanks lo my friends is eusit a rts nr Inc very liU-is; p. in n,, , tl, htslnaan hhmi us, sua they Wisy retl sssairu, lh t I shall tsutm.i, bj , !..., .ii.i.i,, i,, tn,-rllirr Willi a drlrrniinatiun It- ples.e. to t'l ai d u.rril a r..ntin u.nt uf I l.t ..i,,,. m iimxi vt "wiii mn i iiiiiLL 'mi: adirs aud (ii-ii(!i-Kirn mi jiiiiiifhiiiri) iniltd lo rail mi riiin.uir ii.-t'iiri iiHISH OS JGS "ft CUE -'m 1 il 10 Xvilii lltti.lii, N. II. I willtrll ti taliy I In-ail a.l nitrliia.t l.l " W lit iss tsl W .oo. t," , ,, u r4 , wt have Ihrta eotiautiit.y traveiiii. ihrt na'- 'ni eoiii'iry w il I. Stlotta. tw .ill vi tl i trill br ftiilLlvliy ml )n h.j Hi til h mini i ( larlaJU. I. Jtl i CANDY jACl 01! V. 1 Froh I'onrtctiuiii ric, Fruits, ' y IILau b.rriWr r.apsati'ui'y i M asna ni I IntrMitta. ana) aarri ilmy enumry, . In.. I he n. ..ii h. ., N'tw V..rk, st.nt.lill raoaitillg i Ccnfccticneries. Friils '"'. AM Y I.IUit Ill.ll S,l U.AU.n 'lOUAt ((I. SfM I F. 'UVS. llllwlt'.'tl lllWll lltllt'llla, 1 iki: nviiiaft, utiliitv ittita.i.v Ib' i, , t lllatst t. Mssa, ( lilt is , t tu It-win nl, A llli sl I itys a ol cvt-iy arn ly. . J. V. I'AI.MKK. A sc. attar , IfiS. aJSK Alan, he K.U-lida to s.ilislsrlttt AM'IIS "I all kinds, Ires New Vork Hi ni as,is,,n,.u. f-,.ii.rn y uni i Id fined I tuny. ( .11 ai JA.1IK.S il. MDMA'. 117 ( II AMIlt.liH A l It I l . . t I Y nad lo M ois mr 04 I YS nad lorw.rda asrrv ki. Ui.f n.erth.n per cent I ess ui.Hrn. k it is l Moltl.l.U. N. VI . , J. W , Ostmine, ( . P. M. nutr.h.ll. A. M . t.i.ui ui., I .0 and lies. ( . P. Ueea.s, tii.a. VV . A t.rsh.u., ai-o .,1 lie is. 'salar ia I1.1...., M, 11 eons, lli.i... tltrpa, (luiiars. .Miimc. Can. Matn.iita, Iron Aalrs, Puuipa, (tar-ern t.l. ( .i.e., A r. A prinlMl list ut ail ti.e riiHrrt nl inaktia, k a ami pruts ar Jitt. Punlishsr of au rlegsnl ot f lluk.rj Al Omm," ft.f, ill,; and tna t o. ass I nrsit ia, oa, labia t.nina vo Hasi.iM ." This invalashie anal. ssrciarr shnule M fn estry house. It trealaol all aiasases. has a enuiius aliissat y .1,0 uri aentie the rsnii i'n s Irowi (laturt'a bnuiitroua limn, (rr nil onr tahrii.ilirs ana) an Inrliini s. ll is puttied mi tins !!! paper, halt ly bound Inurth ruiln.ii, Jlib pata, ans mati,J , j ,n 4ollmt Ni- Id Pianos, Had. tth. 1 6, I . Hotel lur Sale AT Mn.NROF.. JtOK'l 11 I AhOl.l.NA. fa. f II K being dtairona rrjj, K t.l th.,,Kll,J I. is I.U. II eSS. nl' IllC hi. t.,r aala in. "IM11.N 1U. sassrsiwW -i 11." Tina Ih.ut. 11 aituaii-d in l.s thrivine Town i.f . MiinriH-. K C, e..nn nienl lo the bu.inras mIidii ui 1 own,, ml with HI .IhiiiI ...r 1. 1. li.i rt ti y. Ins i, the liaek nl li.t W. I'.a 11. Il .iirisari. It nearly lira, tt.l.Ullis .ittnltti. rt w.ll lul- ' in. I.. ,1, (i t uruitur IningntlVidl l,.r ...le ln in, ..u.e) a .rr lurvi ry r.' alsn. ennv. I ni ut ,,,u.. ., Mabira. Ave. Also, Uua Hun. uie.IAt ...j..,,,.i,r. ' ; iii,u.line. linn n.r h.ngrr pohl.e lilw, I I., ,, ibr,.,, K iw .,,, ., a.iin.l,te ,,,. (r u.,jinri.l. Inr nil..rn..ti.,n apply , () iihi rubserilirr. nr wiy IlirnU, U.i, la. A. Lai ' nmnii, I .umen, ho. I a. JAMES UICKr.T. N V4,kifi. ui Vil fiVE K t TIMS, u T I'aVli wstvav. saws'.atai uaavasiaoi lilt. It. .'. S l It I LI. It plesaeti to rrerisr Prnlrsaitn.a t oils in in iirnariiiii M P I'll I N P. anu M KftKltY. I'nleas orturseit.r.sliy . h-ri,;. he n.ay be Inundsl hi. rean.roee, Purl Mill Ue put. Vt.rk llismrl . . AVk ia. inr.f, )ii Wanted, 1.000 roRrMi uf Tan rtkk. '..s whreb thn aril' k. (IS I . j M. li. TAVLOK. lilt K.,11,1 THE WAUKOJ. Hie Mjnnlaeiuii ia. 1 1 1 I' A I 1 1 VI t He v WIS be lom.e lin oalaoctteu a mm. a m j u tii.bil iri. i in.lry Ini ll.r Ual aihit-, t , Mi n M a in Un II is sir. i It u, ,. at,.. , . lin.f II n ai.) olht r bti v una j ... ait in 11 1 I min Su Us. and il ii nut ,. B l( ' an Ik it, KLNDN OF M:''...'.rt ,i.( , ..,., ..I JtlMili i' A Is 111 I i... I. llir stai i.piaatiir In, I'rt ikcy tra revising enut iiom ti .on .. II.. lOM'iit i io.m: i.'ij:. I mi. .i;ii t.itii.. a. Autoi.f iHa sinrk n.t i w it. and et.nn n , , , my ki). mi a si..r. ol li.i. nn it ..... .... ... ' w. I... I l..; I..M IB lUair n f... mm me'...! ti. srrujrS lo Inti.itli I ar In a III. I a.i s ol . ll kit. .1 ,l, it i . , . , Nuiib.uar It. Iria ' M r hat i.e.. (,p ' I..i i uu,n,L.. a, heir I Il. bbSil etB. Slitl . k . I . Mr , I" (a IN III ' poni.t pallOli.C Aoe. lb. injn. H.L-Y A M.1 i. r. kSAins, A I lull I ii no limit. 1 1 , Tfi B ill. Ii.ri.i.1. I' os snu lei., f I n r 1'i.blif lailon.ts, I I....... .nn kill... p. tin .il.r .in i.i.i i. a.Mtti Plourili( M.IL.t Mil!., Sir I ia 4ti.toiy ni Aitataosr's iioitois , K..1.1 ' . .. r t Inn. II. Ii. Utlnlrrr Vb, ln., jju I !! I lllll I VI LhtUdl lilt IuSUIdUlD COlslj liy Urt II t. Hi l.t. il. ll S I fm ' Ilia ( su.(.n 1 JL. sis li.r one yal ... u.t duto.i 1 1.1.1 lit t,..lil g in ll.r .1. Saiu. 01 ye. ia, , In. iiiint I" ot ll.r l 1,011 ,anHi Klslitto Itil ll.a I.o. 1 I r ti. nlian the prtw.intw II. sr. n sn.i-ai i. If t unit 11, -y La 41. ta lot ona-nsil tin .an-usi " pit ii.ii.n., iiarii.g intcitat .1 a .1 ttt.1- a.i K u.l .111) 'I ha pl.'Upl Darner iu at 1. 1 r I. ill St.. p. 10 by tins Cl.b.psl.y , 14 r 1 1 s r si .11. I'1' isles ol an mi uii. v .11 at pi greal mfl uetn.t i 1 am 1. s are u.spnstu to m. u.t. M.vts si. u.suito mr 1 Ins Ii. n. ' h ve yi .is, li.r tw s U.t ii t..i.. All Insst . .1. pa hi Ill.ll. UU OS I s slur - I. t lor j plooi is pitstultt. IMhl.l ' I h.ilis I . J. I . sl. I., W i. ll J.nrs, Vt.. . Ilnleni,. W . ll J. It. U .lli.u.s, ll I.U. bllltl lu.Ue, I P. I.stl..1 II. Mtht.. k. I . Ii.iiit. t n. nt. Ii. stool, (' K it, l.itn'i. II. I).,u.t. ol-lltfci. lr. I ham a k-. J .I.U.. ii. . t ., V,l. I'l. till. I(. H. Il..lllr,. Hilary. H ilii. n. a II. Ji.m ., 'I rva.urer. 11. kk . Iluslerl. A '01 III I . In. U ssi. II. lok... .Wrmi .1 Pi. Aarmliit I oassauir.. i. liu.i-it, Vv . ! Kie. I l,.. li knol. .Wrdiral ilewid ( ansalislisa - J.l.itiM.1,, M. I, U ilnii. ll. .'Iihv., ' llii.l.'tl II. Ilaywusst, M. I'., Pnr inlnrw atinti, the piik',r " " mi In Hit p..n ..i la, .nu Imms ol prma" ' ' insy It nl.l..ll to at Ilia t)fl.ti' ol or any al il. i.H.liluiil.atli.liS sknbld he annrrsseu IP" j paid) to H. H.liAllLK,s'"'"!' " a'sk't-raaa-.aa. a.. .-aa-'aas. v--s t'K I Hl I IM. ( all kinds ill he " ' ,i N.n"' ...r ii,,i,n. I 1 . ... b.( rid.. ULANK Ii Kf. I'l for s.i. at thia o"

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