mm --- -rVa A true to God. ;o your 6(cntlrt and to Jjour j)qfu. CHARLOTTE, 3XT. O., "rSBSLXJ-L" 21, I860, IST TTIViCBEI -IB. T HO PI AS J. HOLTON, Editor k Pbofbibtgb. TKI.MS: -..-.rili. Carolina Whig will beaiTordedtnaub. 'wra at TWO DOI.I.AI.H in idKiiciiTWO f,i A(- AND FIFTY CF.NTS if payment b. irUroi for iiwiilha;nd I'll It IHIU.AIIS I the cud of tlm year. Nopaper will be rilaciin. inn''1' 'i"1'1"" "oarage ' paid.eieept il the ..pliHinl -,,e EJilr. Ijyertiaement. inserted at One Dollar per aouare Hi li '' leaa, tine ailed type) for the 6ml inaer. ,;,nJ !ij cent foreacli continuance. Court ad ,rriiae..ienl. and Sheriff! galea charg ed US per cent higher ; and a deduction of 33) per cent, will lr made from the regular pricea, lor advertuwr. by (lie rr. Advertiacmcnt. inaerted monthly or .jjrurly. at II per aquara for each tint. Semi. J,,,,, I lily 75 ceo taper .quart for each lime. Persons when .ending in tneir ..Ivrruai menu din-i m.rll 'llnlflrliioer of Insertion. deair-:d or ,1,,-a will be inaerted Ohlil forbid and charged ao. e.r-"".-- i-'ualinaat.r. are authorised l ael as .gent. J.C.. WII-KINfON & CO.. DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, IJIIT B and fill D WAR No. J.Cirauite Range, the Mansion llouae, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. A'tmlion given to II. pairing Watcbrj V Jewelry. J.vl. ioiS. I3tf T. II. HI. KM & CO., t hoi. i ui: a it li ah. pi: a li its BSITIH FRENCH b AMERICAN DliY GOODS, t-.i:ri:T, li 'r, riioi, AND II VltDWAIM', T II Bare, II A It I.O I I I , . C. J A Sani.aa. J, T. l.rrrrrt Al.isaanra. t BMl K nul.arrihtr l-ae. ah inn in announcing 1 to hia In. ii.'.. anil llie patt'ic g'm r;iy, that h. haa Utm Ihia long eal.olialxd .nd well knn II. 1. 1, and 1 1.Hrrr po-ible .p-l n to rr..mio..l II. tin.liirM. traaellil.g and tlaililig p..rti..ia ol th foaiic, in lh moat altactoiy jujiiuir. f.rlieu'ar att.Bti.n ia paid lo hia and tarry ci.mfort ia provided in hia ItOU.MS. H i'J are abundanily aupp'ied and at trnrira) by ran ul o.llera; anit l.l all itrnartnarnla pr p'ot-ar fie l.ia a-'a..i..l aitinlion. A! rni.a rrguUrly In llie c. j-.! on I 'ic arrtvil ol the rare With ihrae rfl.rfla to plraaa.a lib. ral .hare ol t;t public p,( l Clifidenlly aa.lirilrd. ' WM KOW7.KK. StmUr IS. I8i3. 3tf "THE UNION," AKIII K'lnt'.l.T AllO K -l IIIHI. tHLAttl Pi-UA. irTO.N t. NKWt (IMI'.R, I'raprirfaw. Jja f fJlHF. undrra.gned having pureha 77 Kd the intrrcM of lna Hrfiii'i 'j'fljj (..Ml. it. Kn Kvana, III the .tx-a. ,1 II. .1.1, would call lite of Ilia I ui.... I.i ita eonvrmriire fur thiM Vlailing I'l.ila o. ,.ii., rilntr on buamraa or pleaaure. I a aitualion bring but a IVw at. pa from Ilia pr.ncipal ereiiuriol trade, nflVre induca-iornla li. tlnr an buamraa; wlnl to IIiom in aralca ol pVaaurr, Ilia ennauiilly paaaing and rrpjaaing rail. way ear. and lh"a in eloae prmimily, a plraaant ride for the nwra nominal aum of hall nr to all pl.r. aol inlerr.l in or about the 'I n. Poiyrielor s via aaaurance thai " Tit I ai a " ah.ll ba kept Willi aorh eharaeler aa will uierl pulilic approbation, and would reapacllully a-licit S.irlli Carolina pill.inga. Terilia f 40 r .tv. liHON H.NK.VCOMEK, At1 16. tr&J. 3-lr l'uaiToa. I 'hit lr 'IV M t c.ilil Ill-mi. f B1IIK auhaenbrr ia man"facruring and kerpa 1 on h.nd, H.iap for Teller, Scald Iliad or gnmt to waaii with lor any ollur akin diaeaee. Il Will alalna out nf any kniil ol I bulling. If any prrann de. airfa to l..a It to a. II (in. It can ha hid at a rc. deil pnre. The 8ip baa bare tried b rr.p.n. aihle prranna and i. e-id to be a certain cure. 'I'l.a K..ap can lie I. .d at lr. K. N. Ilulrhiaun A. Co.'e liiug Hlore and from lb aubaeriber. CIIAS. T. KBKRH ATD. SUy 31. I8.VJ. I"" IIKLTM IIKI.TS!! Hi-iis::: I i. .in Ilia- lla.-la.aa Ha ll ( owipail). At Mnfrturt' I'rirrn ( AMI I'KK ll 8 inch I2J eta. per fool. V :: ::::::::z:::;n : 4 3J 5 a. !7 " S 3i 7 .. 3H " 10 "Z.'.' ' 11 - Ti - U 4 ply " I SF.AMI.F.SS Hr.I.TS manufactured to order a', abort notice. COMVtCTISO HOSE of all a.tea. for water or alcana preaaurc, .idrieai Wired lata JV erlarars. j ALSO 1 I' M KIlu of all dt.cripl.on. at cent, a" pound. I J. U. F. P.O0NE. i W3I.P5S. latf Houses and Lots for Sale. ft Ml V. RohaeriiM-r offer, liir le the ffouae. nd 8 ..( ,. win. b he reaidca, Ibe Methodist parsonage. 7'h. ia con.lrlabl. and tlii.r. i. on the pei-miac. a", diryt ble ai d . Well of net-bent water. 7'h. ailuation a a good on. lor . family. A WO I Almlrirr flolllMl ami lol ironnng oppoane ti-e lata re.itlrnca of the Rev. 7". M. Fsrroar and .lao a.lj. nnii.g the, given the lat of January neat. . R. W. HECKWITH. aWeaaoar I, I Hit). a"- Piano and Music Store. fllllE Subscriber keep, continually, on hand M Fianna maun by St.inway II Co., Nnnn'r 4. Clark and other makera, of New York. Which he will aell ht the loweat rate, lor CASH, or pood pa. Rer. Alao, the latent Music on hunil. at No. IliO I nn atrcrt between the clichangr. liauk and tba American lintel, Colombia. 8. C. SAMUKL GARDINER. May 101 l58. if B. L. RKHRIHOV, HERMAN L. LIIDI.NO KI.IMCISOV & I.I 11)1 U.. iMroinmis Toiefgn nd I'croestic Dry Goods, WIIOI.F.SAI.F AND II FT AIL,, MAaKL erakTT, use isuoa raoM kino. II I II 1.1 VI o.v f. f, April 2ti, bj!. 7-1 r ll.-ttlil- .llltlll.-ll I'ilT lllnlll-. in it 4'iiit;iny. '4 MlllS COMTANY cmil.Mi. a totnke riake a. L ,'uiii't loa. by lire, on llnuara. iool., Pro. ouic, oVc. at Uaual riitl-a. 1 ' Otii.e at the I'rug Store of K. Nye Mulcln. ami V I o orrirERH. A C. STEELE. l'rtulrtt. C. OVERMAN, Yve I rrn-Ut.t. E.NYE IIU JCIILSON, tec'y. J- Trttu'r. t i it B ToHH. A.C. STEELE. J. L UltOW'N, M II T'aYLOK, 8 T. I'.ISTON, C 0 KRM AN. E. SI'AKU, WM. JOHNSTON. John L lKnUM, E. Scarr and S. T. W BIhTiiN, Kirtutivt Cuntntittet. Apt! UG, 7tf SiOOjMO iNo. 1 Fruit Trees I ok si i:. WESTCI KENDENHALL. 'rnjrttrloi$ o tht Ileal Ctrrti KuTteritt ti'i ilutilrnititur (jrttvUifn H. C, V (It 1.0 v ry rt xt I fully rail the attrntmn Y V ol te C:lil4-i a ol llir Niulhern State, to fhnr verv large iiM-k of native and aeehtualed Iruit inn, lr Ine Kali ami W inlrr 'I rne. 'I hia largi and hane...u.e ai.a,irliiirril h-.a ten pr..p g-t.U l.r .. 1 1 1. 1 Imi, mill work ed Ux.i the he.t .erilli'i.g ka. winch . a .Ure f u.trntrc ol liuuiuli.e.a .ml, tt prnmi. lo ot ch.ra. li ri.tira in g wl.n li .hould not 1 ovcrha.keil by perw.lia wilin. lo plant ol. ili.rua t h.r loarketiiig or i. iiiily u.e. The atock ron.i.iaof the follow mg ir.i a: I Mi I.1MJ Ai.ulc lr : IWi.tiht) Ivai h tree. ; In.. IHHI Pear Irr.a; l.ln it Aprieot.j Hi.tmo t l.eiry i I'i.titMl I'luin ; 6I.IMI Nrcl.rieje; I iHHI Alnioiiu; IIMHI yun ct; 41100 tirapa Vna. Ilr.ima a vrr tine a.railnnnl nf Currant. Straw hi rr.ea, llaalo rrir., .iet mra, t ic., all ol Inch will lie a.dil on Viry reaaonublc lerioa lor c all or .pprovcii pprr. All p .cknjca put up in euptrn.r a'ylr. and a c.n.pltt. .. nl to each patron, ai.n ... .r ranged that the invoice will I the rtgi-t. r ol l he .r. h.rd .Iter the .r a .re Iran. planted, if tl.i y ne a. one appear, on ll.e li.t. Mr. T. J. id art .. ag. nl for U.e lu'. m.l.l'.g ol the p..'l ol M I kh 1. Ourg anil lirlgtl. n-ring e.-untita wi'h tni. iIh.h Fiuit 1'ree. ami .ill uke pli..ur in torw.r.iiiig oruir. lor the Or. l!S 31 f. Dr. II. M. rritcliard IKI.IMN!. :-the mliriiaiionofMia. ny in. mi'. r apectlully aun .un. hia to reaumc the I'Hii iln el !Ua 0. i..-. II. in. t ei.nauii"'ai'i. ITTbe r.r pr..enbrd for without et.arre. Auftt1. If.'is. 93tt Tin: tt i.uiuo i:roit! ran'aKKii nv .R fompounditl rnlirfly from (.I MS, J a a i Tim wt-i n a.i i TiJ ' rii Mvrtliai t.n .l II. .b. O.. ...J all, ai .a .! a.t::l .l 1-. . ... ir nfa-. ..Ji ..I m.wi (alfcrt.l.. Il M...a'hi. In- , ' ltanj .M .a.rn a..a la II a. a.l l.."l.i Tha Uvrr I. "T iha .'im-ipal r-t'.ftra t lha o!"..'"Vn"?..".. aaa a iwpi a .In..-, .Uil -1 "t" r.TSe'i'rszr r 'Efr'r. ''f.Kaiaaiiai..-"-!.!. .1 1. lb. n.l u.) p.-ao noa ll-i ...h l.lirr (out- a plnlol. h. ..... "I kaalMi '".l'',," "'J I,'".',',,','.'!""; 'iVTTr.a. toaa tiuriirioa in. niiMMi. a y",1',Jll'l'J.''r'11'l.i'l' iTlllnnaalti ka vahnt la tHo.i, i.o,..i.a.. r. ita. .i mi m I in..- .nr. M...HI i. ...f . IVImi ir r.l.av. in. Mwarh ...I o.a n.a. i ri.K a... u.i..f dnwwktaMw.1 p.a..t. Kllthl- M tai al 'ril. I -tmi I ha bowala aa ( llyapcllata ,r , ,. a.a. , nik llra.Urlie. a , w ..far,!t-t.rt raw, "l.aoT,1 1 wtoVlaolle.'hlla l ..Ma ..... r.e. I.., 4 holer paonlmf ol ho.rlsi. ht ..wlr.l ... il.nrt. ...I rf tb. Mne.iMa. a.t I a .1. .SW' -.. k..-a ma fm.alhapa-ii' I In. iu oh. rhrra. in S. llaavel rani.l f1 JalMllca-tan.o.aa.llaal ...I ral... iS nil. fkM ... ra I hroote lllar- a" roay, ha airlllnt Iha r, ma.SI... .hia ira.a. a HI all Kevera . Hlty All .ah. .t- It rr alilin I heir aoaolmooa tas.fl.Mony li II. fneni. ,r Mil W.r In llie mouth wtlh Ih. Invl goiaK... ami a.ll.... bo. Il ...uc.l.c.. THE LIVE ft INVIOOnATOR I. a W IKSTIVI.- H.i-l. inwUKRV, a..d ia Sallr a,ama r.oa. al.... I.- .ri " l-M.... II r.i.a. a. II a; laaatr ...a IA. Jaw an. Mlrf.-m more Iha. Irnt.'ula1. l'7Jwf.-a' ,.,-.n r..,mn SnOaill all at Si h an .la. ..-..e . a lllaaa-U l.lver. aainroan a . mvttn. u Masa.r. ia Va. U hnlraalr S.col.l ...... a r..a si.-, y. . r w n.-.r. a s...a riew-i .sV"; ......... i.;"- ;; vCv;::: l.l"a.l. M h.-..a l-i . ,1:11. ll.I.WIia ,aoiill hf all l.'.sa'.'. .a.lra F. SCAR R A CO., Charotir, A' C. A LA1KJE SUPPLY OP Constable Warrants JUST PK1NTKD. pttej. f0 THE N. C. WHIO. Land of the Sunny Bouth. , T.and of ll. K....... S. I ..l ... I. 1 IJhveiaifi.d with in.. uutf.ii... vule.and plain, i Frnm tliy romantic inouiiUina to lhv bruad blue Km, Dwells the genuine apirit of Liberty. I..nd uf the fcunny South I history call tell Ol Hie heinio ilila ol the nnt who fill, Nobly Contending in thy aacr ed cauae, Against KngUriu' lyraiiiiicul luwa. Foremost in Frecdom'a eoered Tan. I onlriidiiiff liir the rights of itmn, Mecklenburg her fl .g unfurled To the gaze ol an admiring world. Son. of palrinta brave and true ! Yur couniry rv r lonke In you ; Srioiilii w a.ting war again eer conie To Ueva.lutii your hupp home. Frei-il..m'a f.'ir fl g agum unfurl. And from your aoil the nppre.aora hurl. Charlotte, N. C. Feb. II. Infill. Speak No IU. Nay, speak nn ill ! i kindly word Can never leave a lieiiin.i. Ami, oh ! to breathe each t .He we've hi la f r bene-itn a nob:e liiiinl. Full of a belter aerdV .own by ihooaing thua .li. kiintir pl.m; For if hut in tic- p.. ..(I la. known. rill. I let ua apeak Hit beat we cm. C, r f. the heart thnt fain would hide W.iul.i fun another'a lauil. rtT.iei ; How can il plea.e eVn human pride To prove humanity hut ha-e ? No! let ua a highi r mood, A li'.hlcr .i-nliineiil nl mun ; He earnct in ai arch nf gwiii. And aptak of all the It el we can. Then apenk rn iM ; bnl lenient be To n'hi ra' l'..iin.0 .a your usn ; K von 're the fi .t a h ull to a.e. Be not thr hr.t l make it known; F'.r life la hut a p..uig 'lay. No lip may leil how hrict' ita .p.m ; Then, oh ! I ne little tunc we al.y, I,. I 'a apak of all the beat we can. Pisccllaiitous. srr.rc n without woiids. I ll tell you a story of how I once saved my life, entirely through having learned .ka. and dumb, alfihahct. "There were too little boy., who used to cmnn and stay with Frank and ine, when we were br-t married, ana they could er bear nor speak "They were deaf and dumb ; they could not talk except with their fingers-.o-ouly ever so mucii qiicaer. "Frank ud I b artied this foreign alpha. bet on purpose, that we might undcr-tam what thee foor lads bad to say. I'hev .ere quick and clever; they could read and j write. y. and draw and sew. and do many other things which most boys aould make but a very bad band at. They could play at draughts, and back- gammen, .no ciM-s-, .nn ai io ai... pet-sr, as .,11 as any boys. They could .Imo-t ace what we said, though they could not bear, with such quick eager eye. did they ,,out robbers again, I supple, you billy ever, n.o'vcnent of our lips. Wecl(ll,,.- soot., however got to talk with our fingers ...Not r, Iank, returned I, . cheerfully ..our tongues; .nd no ,i. when the a4 I could ; 'l have only a lime ho-adaehe ; lads were no, with us. Frank and I used to but , .;., ,;,h ,, fi,.,, .0 tlll, he could converse in that manner, .hen we were alone for practice It happened upon one occasion that he had toco to London on important busitie be was to have gone by an afiernoon train, I but something delayed him, so that he , was not able to l.-ave before the night ex press I was not iu very good health, and j retired to my bedroom about to hours be j fore his departure ; he promised, however, , to come up and oish me good by before he started, which would be bet ecu twelve aud one o'clock in the morning. T he matter which called him away was connected with (the bank here, which had just been burned dou; and my huhand, it seems, though I did not know it at the time so great a secret bad he endeavored lo keep il had many thousand pouud- belonging to the con cern in his temporary possession, locked op in the irola sale iu our bedroom, where the plate was kept. He was l ank manager, and responsible for the whola of it. It was winter-time, and there was a fire in the room, so bright and comfortable that I was in no hurry lo leave it and get into bed, but sat up. lookinu into the fiery coals, and thinking ahout all sort, of thing", upon tho long journey Frank hud to take that night, and of how tlrearv the tl " If a little soot fell down the chimney, it as. I thought, a great black crow .t least, ! io nil me wiui a iiiiiup amir, .a.. ie wind blew at the casement, it was ebod, el-c trying to get in at the win , although it was two stories high ; 1 ou imagine, then, m, horror when I heard if the soineb do mav a tremendous snei le. within a quarter of an inch of me, just behind tho headboard of the bed, .nd between that and the wall, where there was a considerable space. I bad as usual, taken the precaution, before, i .... .1.. a.. .,11.. ... nf lnr.Lw.i- avrrv where in the room where 'it was quito impossible any person could le bid, but io tho little unt, be returned; a ,1 in P " J10" that errant. ' Stupid ! I never gave h,m copy " these " with the multitude of their ed will, the vew of connecting l ' ; ? g t work was d ,t,e upon this lonely I should leel in thai gre.t room al f , U Mu sur. with ,be North Carolina l.a.lroad , High , occasion, , ,,,oradled by myself, when he would be aw J S for , Vmi, ute to o-e. fit is f0 your dress- veyed from a neighboring bcg'it, and was Point, will shorten the time between tvoliim- gr ouu d. -. th. y - ,oriaM was. dreadful coward. t was . 1, , . ,f,er 'V-e with the rest there, I shall be au j afraid to enter. " because is given to man bia and Richmond three hours, and p.-r. . d'' 0 , JM b.. lrfne.rd eleven o clock w hen I got ,.o bed. but I , e. ' , tJ fc VU.t ad for ti, ,,., -cde necess.ty of the " connection con ,jvcrn,nent upoo dtd not feel the least tncltoed for alec even lftXL an and show me he resolved not to have it in this world." w Inch has been so long re.uscd by an u ,. , u,. e, ea , a h theojlknew Ir.nk would be to F" oil rt to fingers, U, ,o th.s day. what c. led it, " the wic policy of the Leg.shture of V h( c r. I, l- f - J , bearil ah me good by preset, ly ; and beside j j -h t fc . J q( Car,,ln, , n COmplefoU of hi. c jr.. o ... Je. there seemed to be all soils ot noises ahout ' J t J ' , - , o - j.-roln n,. the Columbia and August . connection i witti pn me i i,in. .k. vcnii, which inv fooli.h ears always quickly enough, and was .nside ti e dress- ,alllb, " the head of yu r0m .' L 'M, ., .,!,. vour road a I sorptions of our country, ot our glorious .... .., - - ...A ;,h the door oeke.t in halt ma-ciia came t ic aallison, our muu in ...., ... -- U-C.l VO uear w.icue.i-r a a. aiuuo at ni.ii.- r- a1cov9 into hicbtbrJ.bed was pushed T f naid my husband, coolly. "Well, pleae PRESIDENT'S REPORT, never o much as tliijpht of lookitiL', al-1 to give up that life preserver which you To iht StvlhMm of thr CharUir "I b gl, that was calir,! hiding place for! have in your pocket before we have any; '' '"" KathonJ Company: anjbody. Ever aMiceU bad slept in that ! more conversation.' ; The and Hoard of Directors, room, in i-hort, 1 had Inn like the ostrich,! "And did your lady tell yon that too!'. leg lve to submit the 12th Annual Ke who puts his head inline; amid, and then cried the villain, in aocents of astonishment, port of the business and condition of the imagines hiim-clf in pel feci security. I had as he delivered up the weapon to-tlie man- Road for ibe fi-cal year, closing on the JUst piqued myself .upon pfnautiounry measures servant : "utid ct I stood by her yonder and . of December, 1 9. . that, after all, tnicbt j)it as aell have been omitted. The oulv thkift. as I believe which saved my reason Iron liepariiii ajtojitther, - . when I first heard (be) terrible found, was that my mind clung to ihe hope that it ' n.i ..I. . k. .r....ll J.. .1,. C . . p.f,.. cats toccther codd not hsve madelialf Fifty cats together codd not hive madelialf such a disturbance, ttts true, for it was the snei le of a man wlir l, ..ei z s iu spite of bitiisell, and aluio-t ii.OJhe house: but the idea siisiainrd mcver the Qr.t ehock. The mit tnlaiit the' rti(h had sneezed .t.d ain.Viion ..;.l-.l,. k.1 l..l. rolled on castors, 1 felt wa. standing benidc my pinow loosing at mo. it lie lisd only given one sneege, he might perhaps have believed ine, ns I lay quite still breathing as regularly a. I coulu, and pritnding to small a thing as the deaf and dumb aljiba bo asleep; but he reasoned, very justly, that bet V unless I was deaf or dead, I niu-t have been . , awakened by the second. "' You're awake, marni,' said he, in gruff voice, ' an.l its uo use shainiiii' ! If! iyou dont want a tap with this lifepreser- j o had once been Judge of the county anc jver.just loo!( alive.' j was known all around by the name ol Judge I " 1 opmed my eyes exceedingly wide at ,. He kept a store and saw mill rind was j this., end beheld a mat. with crape pver 1 ,Ua,.s purc t0 liave tlie best of the barg-: face, standing by the bed ; he a sort of , f I club wi'h tn kimta. it in hi. ri ,1.1 hind OH Ills Side, by which UlCanS lie gained SO cuiii wi.n tao knots upon it in Ins right bati'l, : : , ;atid it I. his left, he pointed to the irou safe.; ample competency, ano some did not best. Ms the money theter'said he. jtateto call hl.n the " btgeest rascal in the I "The plate is, said 1, in a trembling; world." He vra very conceited withal, and j voice j pray, take i Sir ; I r.m sure you , ued to oelioht in bragging on his business I are very welcome;' for he might have bad capacity when any one was near to listen, jcverything of value out of the house with , One rainy day, as qnte a number was sea- I " y l'rt. as long as he lift me my life. , ted round the stove in the store, he began " T he money tho gold the notes are as usual to tell of his treat, bargains and fi- they there!" cried be again, in a terrible nally wound up, '-Nobody ever cneated sott of whisper. '"Its all there,' replied I, although knew tothinif about it; 'all except filteen- ana supence in my purse, no iiiq uressing table yonder. T here's a silver mustard pot I " f""" i " 'j" . - - idlesticks in the study, only lhy are plated, bcsideH in the pantry and a eouple of can (for I would not deceive you, Sir, ou any ac- : acount "'Vou had better not.' observed the! 1 bur.'lar. erimiv. ' or it will be ail tin- worse for you1' He produced a key like that my i iiusuaini u-eu, ann approscnen me iron isafe: but as he did so. bis guilty ear .1.1 I J . lj-. i caught a foot-tep upon the staircase. ' ho s tint T cried be. '"My husbatid. Sir,' returned I; 'but, pray, don't hurt him ; pray.' " 'l he not gone to town, then V cried the ruffian, with an oath of disappointment. I .. U. 1. ,mh n inalra. o cl.o-k ' rpnlied I ; 'he is indeed." 'If ou tell Into, said the burglar, 10ar,eT . . ,f j.ou i,rt.e but one word of pres'. nce here, it wili be the death doom , , . .. , .j ,,.Ilfi ir,01,c ftiCOve. uiJ (,riin Uek ,be ht,, , -M r,a.e My hml.,nd cm-ere! ii'ime- in an instant. .i;.,.l. .f......rd ....I -v.... ho was d ,l . , I h.'.d il .,fl ihr--it re- . . . ., .. ,, ., ,.,,; t , ) . . vou do but wl.i-per it, wo- wi kii'you berc yoa lie. Wul ; . ' ,- .. ., . , i(, oU.muu . .j pf0ID'lM hot ,o oppn ,y lip. ahout the niitt er. " i rank lesneil over the pulow to kiss nie, mni oUl.rvcd how t.-rriH-d I looked. ...y0ll ,,,, been f.igl.tetiing voursdf pUjuly read it in the fire light :' tor l,oU s J-.,, W. hut ikere t a man Unvul the , " I-rank wa as bold as a non, an.l haa nerves like iron, although he so teder- hearted and kind He Only answered Where is your sal volst.l.-, dear,-t and went to the mantle pi.-ce la get it 1 thought be never could have understood me, he spoke with such oe!ae and unconcern, until I saw his fingers reply s. he took up the bottle. 'Alt rivfit mm t U iilfii-i! And then l was not afraid, or at lea-t not tnii-h for I knew I'll fir. I should Hot be left one instant in that room alone; and I felt tb it my Frank was a match for any two men in such a cause. Only ho bad no weapon. 'Ili-h'isa lijr jirrsti it, said .1.1. ..... r,,..,..ra '"Your fire is getting rather lo, Ceor- J ". eey,' observed h he tout UD lie poker, (Ah, he had a weapon then!) oner, . .in, ne i. a. a ic. pi. . inc..., ..i.i have tou a good blag to comfort you ..fore I Bo ' He poked ihe tire, and b ft the ker in. but witnont ever taking his eye inn off me and the bed head. 'I willjust ring Ihe bell, .ml see whether Thomas has got the portmanteau ready. Mary' continued to Ibe maid that answiT.-.l the licll, -aeua "'Come in, Thomas. said Frank ; 'come j l.,MCo i damask, our beautifulbrick of . ., i i.. i,...:,.,;,,,,1... ;.i. .... I flowers r us- n- ' ' '-o'"'" , ' . -l --- , ... .lowly outward, and the burglar. ...Inn his n..-k. .J wh ?'XZJlJe a-hes. emerged from Ms l.iuinv ptace. Frank knew hi... at once as b "'Or'sir have pit, oPo me!' cried be. l-rn Vn an uVirSoV H it bad not been for. snee J-I.honld have bad ten thous- tor sneex i and pounds in my pocket by his time ! 1 -'Oh, you cam. .fr sW, did jouV never heard her utter a sy llable.' '"I never snoke a word.' cried I. thronch . . the dres-mi.' room key. hole, for 1 dirt not wih the man to think that I bad broken my oath, nor to say truth, was I aoiious lo L. . A .A 1 .. . f LI.,, tn .c b case be should be ever at large again should be ever at lartre ten Iben its a judgment on me,' exclaim- . . J h - . . ed the miserable wretch ; 'and its no good for me to fi.irit ass-mst It " 'It's uot the least good,' replied Frank, deeuively: 'and w will co the police lT . So off the burclary went iu their custo- 1 dy, leaving me safe and sound after all.! And now, dot, t you think there may be; some use in leartiior; everythim;, even so Tho Judge's Saw Logs. In tho village of V , lived , me, nor they can t neither. Ij ' Judge,' said an old man of the eompa ; ny. '1 ve cheated jou more o you ever aid me. j ' How so V said the Judge. - I If you II promt-e you won t go to law about ! j --r j-- V, e----- it nor do noihio. III te.l, or else 1 wont you are too much of a law character for , rne. 'L't's hear ! let's bear '.' cried halfado- xen voices at once. 'We'll bear you out in it ;o on!' .T il - V- T..-f- I--.1 ....i an pionn-r, i-mu mc u uugr, .uu nc.i in the bargain, if you have.' Well, do you remember that wigon, you lobbed me out of?' 'I never robbed you out of any wagon.' exclaimed the Judge, 'I only got my own.' " Well I made up my mind to have it back, and 'Hut vou never did !" cried the Judge. j es 1 iiiu, atiu imeieei luu . 'How !' thundered the now enraged Judge. 'Well, you see, Judge, I sold yo.i one day a very nice pino log, and bargained with vo l for a lot more. Well, that lor I stole off vour pile, down by vonr mill the night h, Toro "d next day I oil it M you That '"i'"' 1 orew il uaes. nnme, nu so,.. .o J"" nrxt ''ay. an'' " ' 'te!'' 0,1 u"''' i'011 bought your own log of me tsei.ty-sevea '""'' . rA "J hats a I.e. cried the mad Judge, running to his books and examining his log accounts ; you never acid me wenty seven wv- . . .... ........ . . , , ,, ,, , & dr.,n,Mt back and forth the end wore off, ud s ,t wore I kept cutting the end off "'y '" tong-j .st rour- teen feet shorter then it was the farst time ?n h:"'-ht n a"d whfn " Pot ' ;ho"' 1 drew it home nnd worked .t up into shin- P ' the next week you bought be shin- , V , ' i0".,l'ck-,n m7 P"1'' book- intcim,,,,, u, ,, l ,,u,, ., , The cxclnnation of the Judge was drown i0 jraffpr f011ud tbe door without wailing : foJ; the proniiied treat. An,l ,0 SP a m.t,. ' UaT(? ,,) ,0 afk tie Jud;,e if be - (l(ni i " DAMASCUS. ILmaseua is the olde-t citv in the world, Tire and Sydon have crumbled on the .hoc l,lb.-e is a ruin : Palmyra is buried in the sands of the dt.-s. ri ; Nin. vali and j;,,b vl n have disappeared from the Tigris ad 'Euphrates ; Dai.ia-cns remains what it a, bclore the day s of Abr .h nn c-nfre 101 trade and travel an island of verdure . ......... .. aa,l.,aM..tu.l a ..I I H 1 " i t II ! martial and sacred associations extending in a ,r... - thrnuoli more than tlurtv centuries. it was I , " near Pamaseus that S iuC of 1 ars-n saw nr.. .us ...a.. - the " light from heaven above the bright- ' ,,es, of the the street which is called ' Straight, in which it was said " he prayeth," .till runs through the ei.y. The caravan comes and goes as it did a thousand year, ; .go ; there "are still the sheik, the ass. and the watcr-wiieel ; uie meicniiiis 01 me ..u- j ' . b . , j,. .-.nufannire was ost when Tiuiour ano car- .every u.i.roau n.-n. ..... . , iVr'i a ; and that' ry. and from Columbia to Kiel 'be.ut.lul art of inlaying woo! and steel , an interest iu having this import , j y.. en. , on of 01lly aeventy nines const j tl)d CJ' UDi,ed, called D.-.uas-! means of which th-i pa-setiger w. is still a city of fleers and bright .ate, the streams from Lebano... the ' nvcrs Damascus," "the nvcrs of gold, st.l Imu . ln tbe wilderness of fc rivers of mur. Sv- nan g. rdona " Csirnraaasj 7"l It , cauae of ennerntnlatinn that tbe reei-ipla ' are great, r than tli...efi.y .rev,o. yeur. They h k.-n f...riMr Iroill t IP till OWIIIff ei'llfCC. ; . tp.boro'. Tcnn , to the Ohio rif. , vreignta I0:i.rrii H4 13.4'i'J 94 , Ki'',r , .Minor aourcea ..' Q fl.TI !lj ,he Tk f-m-nai a of the .nme ncnorl have been, fur maintenance of 44 39 X) .Conducting iruna;Hirt.iiioi ' Motive power. . MrJ.n.enai-e of ear. linn 3i.B!i7 41 SH.r.firj 33 sne !tt Line ..on 1. 1. .im and daiinige 3,3 .i r-3 ' ' l3fi iir.l 52 M iking the aggregate of Wlll(., ,.,iurtPli .ove, not income $1 ;.7 .0I! 49 I This sum is cbareeable with S'JO (MlO.'he i interest due on the Company's bonds on the R connection renderini; this mountain eoun 1 1 at of July, 1S.'i9, and the lt of Jantinry, (ry acc"il.le to the entire sea coast of North ; ISOn, i-ii and one-half per centum of diii- Bt,() South C-irolina. with only a day's trav man ' detids on the capital stock made paynble at j t.. cijilc the etiteipre to your lavorable 0I,U of ,,Jd, m,;'urin? 0D lhe ,,t of .;",,.. ry i-fi-.i, and six hundred dollars applied to' the purchase of real estate leaving a v.rplus in the Treasury of about thirty thousand dollars. Bin uoimi . I From a comparison of the income of the cviou yoRr tlie stohol- n)ve n inprease ot $1 1,JU 'Jl fnm b11 ,01)rCPk . diminution on freights of ?fi g ,4 tJ aud gn increa5e on trav(. Gf g,,,, sj X,e )os8 has been on the jow'n frpj hl,tIie nUniber of bales of cot- trau, orted beiD.f 0jT .J.IKVJ. nenrly fi ((J) than tbc formpr v,.ari hile the ,in hM becn Drineipally on through travel. The expenditures, as stated above, em- - broce a)1 di,bur8f.ielJ,a both ordiuary as e) tu08e Qf an extr-ordinary character, such as improvement on roadway, super structure, purchase of new engine, buil ling ten new cirs, Ac , except 60(1 paid for lots ten new cirs, Ac , except c" oear tne depot at sKbarlotte. Should these payments for additional property and permanent improvements, a- niDutiting to about Eld.ItU", be fleuuetea , ,,' tlie account as staled, it would leave ,h enrrent evm use about l.'3 (Mil. This r give the proportion of charge to in- es were delivered .y IVytm, Crit f nearly 3"J to 51 the extraordina- tenden. i.ilmcr, Nc...n, Maynard oth- wou;j come of rv exnenses. as is zoner-illy the case, being char-.hle to a. serrate account, or to rur- Oilmer. Ihe, mtroducng -ir. plus fund. Kilmer, s:..H : The roadway and track have never been " I intend nov to call to the flr a get), in better conduion-the improvements h-v- tleman from N nh Carolina, the gnllai.t old in" more than kept pace with the war and North State, with wh.cli the whig for it aZ. Th ...olive cower has been inereas- mitrht as well be confessed that most of us ed bv the purchase of od looomoine, auu - mtw ... is generally-in good order. The car capaci-. cft-n to no a-.-oci,te.l ... the good old time, ty has been equal to the demand of its bu-i-, And it. bng upon that gentleman I mean ness; while entire exemption from eaa-iaii- 1 that we shall Here acuiupli-b to night what ties cannot be claimed, it is due to those in the members - I the Hou-e o! Uepresenta-c'.-ir o- of the track and train-, to state that live- haw b-ei, m vain trying to compliah n senger or freight car has been throwu from th.; track, and that out of 4 1 , i -v' pas- sengers transported on the road, no one has , ' i ,;, s.,,.h reaulta should excite our gratitude' to the Disposer fdr His gracious care and . r u, t.PB muc, extended, and the increased receipts are mainly atlnriutanie to tins source one.,nird of ,,e 100me of passengers r,wireil by the sale of thee tickets CIpe.licnt during the next "rchase 3lt) or 4 10 tons of new iU r;Uo a pas-en-er coach, to erect a ( I - 0lJ rS . , tJ h , be. conic necessary to purchase another loco - motive T1)e t,oli(,T 0f tie Hoard of Directors in non.l.iclin.r I li affairs of tllC CotlipitlV, ll .1 been conservative; for while the property and road have been gradually and constant lv improving, its bonded debt (the only del. t ii no owes) iil soon be reduced S t!.-"i This will have been paid out of its earnings for the two pi-t years after paying to tin stockholders a fur dividend, buu sun isaviii idend, oud still leaving W each year. And of the Treasury, and of the property can - , sound and healthy, ea-it,,r business we . over some balance for while the rre-ent state o the general condition of the property, can- not hut be regarded as sound and healthy, with an annual merea-in t uitics-, w. may look confidently to the future succ-s ,n.,y look conhdently to the .mure succ.- . .. . - interchang of the road. It occupies a comtn.i.iding iV' J ;,,, b, uCar.ied bv ,U position;, a ..00.... ;'' A,Illt,ir!l!i11 hsving'gono , . r . , , . . , country, abounding in weal ti ami u n u- country, aooumnug '" ligent and eiit. rprisingpopuliition. and leads torthe best markets of the South, which ngem am. y 1 i - - . .... ...... ,..;;.,. to the nesi msrhi.s ... u. . . , - ka: w must insure it a pernisnct.t Inc., t-u ."- . whiie its directtou is favorable to tm reception of a large t.irougti travel. Several roarts have am any . . . I between Richmond, , an a t-i.. m r , Aia , which potnt in the dtrectn, ogives .....o - " , , .!. i h.r,,. ...I, fares of. the North K .st a-.d S '-"V'f tide w Inch appe rs t a swell r s n i ro i.n n prop.,, lion to the number nf avenues op, hmoud, has important CJii'-oe tructcd, by 11 save four Whv then should a worll so It! snail, compared with the ability of the involved, be lon-er postponed '. A charter exists, and the country is regarded as tavora- ble for its construction. In this enterprise, jyour Board bM only awaited the action of other parties to cxrreie the siithority with which the (lockliolders hive already invest ed it. Since your lat tncefinp, the A:lantic, TVrmessee anil Ohio ItnilroaJ ('ompnny lias heen orjianized, ntid comnicDced it work of construction at Charlotte. Ahout the time of the completion of your roail, the fricnJs of this enterprise obtan.eil charters Irom the - orth Carolina and Tninos-e j -J"" ' ' ,,.,,, r.j frnnl W U fl Hie lira VI - eT thus connectiog the preat North-West . . i;n tiitli the Atlantic Dorts "yT..i r this road, its intersection forty firo utiles from Chariotte with the Western extension, running from Salibury ti A'hevtile, it is offerinp the varied products of a rich agri cultural country, and inviting aver it much travel from th' North, as will as from all portions of tbeSoutli, to resort to lh health. f"l waters, the cool and bracing climate, n.l tin. orand mountain scenery of We.tern k'or,h Carolina, (jive it high claims to pub- . c coiiMderatiim. The importance of such ,)ritie tilP ,,,. toBr ,he Wilmington, ' Charlotte and Rutherford Railrmd (otnpa- ! ny expects to have 1 or .ri' miles of its ' ,riirk extended from Chorion.- West, in the 'direction of Ruthertordton. 1 ... . . .. . , , j lte. i,,,,,, ot this r port wi.l not permit , ,nre evt, nded vie of these-several rail- " rod conneetim,. hut wih the considerations ,i,mitt,.d. von will r-vltlv seethe ttnpir- Uurf, of hVIn t0 vour ,,1, Rrl ,hat its pq ,i,nients 'hould" be equal to the pihlio a, ,;!. y Jur attention is invited to the satNfao- torv retorts o! the Et.eiucer and Treasurer, ' ci.i" m0re specific inlorniaiion as to the c01llti,)n of the road and that of the Trea- wv. ' Jl-.n.-rfullv iWitcd. U M JUMitMON, 'rcij'oVnr. SPEKCII OF HON. JOHN A. GILMER. We have already devoted considerable pace to the great National Union Dinner to Hnn. Ilailie Peyton, in Pmladelphia, on the 1 4:h ultimo. As B'n-ady stated, speech era. W e aul jmn beiotr the remarks ot r. . lor nve or s.x "cm- n..i . o sout n-rn . ipposmou i... .... - geth. r caunot no. i iman ... t wc shall ' make iilmer Protracted I cheers J I pmpj-e u,e he.iith lr 'jiluier, ' of Norm La, onus i The sei.tiuient i t i uiuittnus.y applaud- Pd. .1 a ro ind ot cheers gr. ctea ,,le .voriu . ... r ". -r, . r j that I tii.d iiiy-ell proenj here to nigh . I am a on ol the Muth. Liu. Iron, the lion- It is with n ) rv pi..-a,siire, (he said, e-t State of Norm Carolina, a conservative State, whose people love ti. I titoti. ilti all my southern prejudices and partialities, educated at the south, interested III that verv institution which ha given risa to so much aitati.-u iu thi- country, I t-il you t h at which vou no doubt already kno, that 1 am au old Henry Clay hi,' I Long an plause It is a pr omi-iiig sign lor tlie har mony o; the eiiintry, when we see that, not withstanding the troubles and the agitations through which wo h;ive pas-ed, tli-ru still , xi-ts"i;i oi-l Pennsylvania, an i iu h-r proud citv, a conservative Ceiling that, can yet ex tend' ti.. hand of fellowship to sou-hero men "'"- have beard the sentiments 0. " '' ,ed veteran ol K.n.tK-ky, at.d of the dlst. ' jtui.heJ gentleman f-otn 1 ' ' hen we return to W on-.e I ia. ,1 on account ol the simple dot .hat w have a..,., I,.r.. i i n ,-ht. and coi.nmi.gK-1 with, in . in to tlie le-tive tioaru. iu nught-r 1 Notwithstand ..,.,,, n! the Ail 111 I,.,, le.. ines and ail the seinimenia that you have heard her', that organ and its minions in our evmtry. will tell our people l,e with whom wc associate that . a n0!, slavchoUling State, and that wa th(.rebv ,,irrjeJ aboi i t ioni. t s. Ap- hatrt ..ireD, I I am happv to he here, it noes Union ; Willi pri IC, all,! l.ea.uw upvo ,v . tnit m- to te!i w.i, as a plain man from tho S.uth. what I 'have already sail elsewhere, there arc troublous limes upon us. There, is work fr you t do ihere is work for us of tbe South' to do. This seoi ional agitation upon tho question of slavery must oease, or I assure vou that this constitution and this I "ton, that we an so uiucu i.r, -n. r.. -- 1 1 must DC Uf ne. r.ery ...... -.ovv ... cur back for a tew years, trae,ig the cour-e ot event.-, wi,l soon come to me s-.m- v..- cbisioti. No doubt you, line niy-ell nave felt pain and regret to see the r.-lig.oas de nominations of the country highly respec table orgauitations. gradually separating into North and South. You have no dount witnessed with regret, for years past, dis. .languished pi itie-aos aud other, ot tfj

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